The Island

Quinton's POV:

I paced back and forth outside my parents' bedroom, trying to find out if my dad was alright. They were talking in quiet, hushed tones. I whimpered as I tried to get what happened out of my head. Someone needs to tell Cage.... It's not your place. You're young. You don't need to tell Cage. Rick will tell Cage for you. Go find your Luna. I nodded and took a deep breath, taking a step away from their room as I sniffed the air for Dannie. I found him in the living room, and when I walked in, I stopped at the door as I felt strange. Why am I finding my Luna? You're alpha now. You need to mark him. He's your Luna whether we like it or not. After this, you need to start searching for a beta. There's a chance you'll go insane and rogue without one. You're the new alpha because your father cannot do alpha duties anymore. The pack needs you. I whimpered. He can do it. He'll be fine. He's not fine. Dannie was the only one left in the living room sleeping in the make shift fort. He seemed at peace as his ears twitched a bit, he was probably dreaming of something.... probably running in the forest and hearing the birds... something sweet. I smiled and walked over to him, sitting down at the edge of it. I'll walk you through it if you need me to. I shook my head. "I know how.... I asked my dad before," I reminded my inner wolf and then looked Dannie over. Are you sure I need to do this? Better now than when he's awake to hurt you back. I shivered. It's not going to hurt that bad, is it? Well... yes, it's going to hurt him. You're biting him. That's mean though! We shouldn't do this now! Are you an alpha, or are you a pup? I growled. I'm an alpha! Then mark your Luna. I crawled into the fort then and curled up beside Dannie, smelling him before I kissed his cheek. Dannie smiled softly and curled up to me, letting out a sigh. Get him while he's vulnerable. I nodded and then pulled back, shifting after I stripped. I curled up to his side then and nuzzled against him, letting out a small growl as I licked his cheek. I looked him over and went for his shirt, biting it and started to tear at it with my claws. I took great care not to hurt him. Dannie started to stir a bit as he smelled the air.

"Quinton...." He mumbled, opening his eyes slowly. "You're back from hunting... don't do that to my shirt." He tried to stop my paws then. I looked towards him and licked his cheek, wagging my tail as I nipped at his ears.

"Dannie~ You're awake...." That's not a good thing. Don't encourage him.

"Mhmmm..." He seemed like he was drifting back to sleep though. I let out a small growl then and managed to tear his shirt off. I looked him over and then moved towards his chest. I looked towards his shoulder then and licked it. "Quinton... my shirt." He mumbled, shivering slightly and went to grab at a blanket and pull it over him. I growled and nipped at his hands to stop him. I bit down into his shoulder then, wanting to get this over. I tore out a chunk and started to eat it. He let out a scream as realization washed over him and he went to get away from me.

"Dannie! Get back here!" I tackled him to the ground and laid down on top of him as I finished swallowing it. I licked his shoulder and then looked down at his chest. I licked his cheek to comfort him and then started to scratch at his chest to complete it. Dannie started to cry then and shivered under me.

"Quit! Quinton!" Dannie begged. "Stop this!" He struggled under me. I looked his chest over and then licked it when I got in some good scratches on his chest.

"Shhhh," I whispered to him and then laid my ears back as I stayed on top of him. I laid my head down on his chest and curled up. "You're fine.... It's over."

"Why...." Dannie asked in confusion and started to cry, his ears laid back.

"Because you're my Luna," I told him and looked up at him. "I'm alpha now. I had to mark you.... I thought it would be better to get it over with."

"It hurts..." Dannie cried out, holding his wound on his shoulder. "What.... what's wrong with August.... He's.... he's not dead is he?" Dannie asked with worry. I nudged his hand out of the way and started to lick it to make it feel better.

"No... my dad is lucky to be alive.... We were attacked," I told him softly. "A rogue wolf killed Hunter and almost killed my dad. He's blind now and can't be alpha. It falls to me."

"He-he's blind?" Dannie mumbled and then sniffled. "You did this without my consent Quinton." I whined and looked towards him.

"But I had to.... You would've ran if we talked this out."

"I didn't get a chance to run." Dannie complained and started to cry. "It's unfair."

"It's unfair to me! I don't want to be alpha yet!" I licked his cheek then. "I'm still too young, and I'm already in charge of a large pack and I have to go make a beta!"

"What will you do if your father's eyes heal and he can see again!?" Dannie asked me. "Hachi might be able to save them, did you not think about that?" I whimpered.

"It's hard to think when you saw your father get bulldozed by a large wolf! My inner wolf keeps telling me that I'm alpha now! I can't help it! He told me to mark you while I could," I admitted and then sunk my head down, laying my ears back as I watched him. I forgot about Hachi.....

"You just done as he told you too without question!? You know inner wolves only think about a few things. Especially if they are alphas! Even I know this, just from being around a handful of them." Dannie tried to throw me off then. I let out a growl and refused to move.

"Quit it!" I growled at him and then showed him my teeth. "I'll get you." He whimpered and stopped moving under me.

"Quinton..." He mumbled. "I'm cold." I stopped growling at him and then nuzzled up against him, letting myself cover him.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to him. "I should've asked you first. At least it's out of the way." I licked his chest then and rested my head on it. "I'm sorry for snapping at you too...."

"I want my bear." He reached out towards the fort for his stuffed bear that he's had for years. "Please." I got up and walked over, picking his bear up and brought it over to him, dropping it on him and then curled up beside him.

"Do you hate me?" I asked quietly, worried that he was mad at me and didn't want anything to do with me anymore. He shook his head as he curled up to his stuffed bear and started to whimper.

"No...." He mumbled. "It just hurts." I licked it again to help him.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to him and then looked towards him. "I will ask you next time, I promise."

"There's no such thing as a next time though..." He told me and buried his face into the stuffed bear. I pressed my nose into his side then to comfort him.

"I meant the next time he tells me to do something to you." I nipped at his pants to pull him closer to me and curled into his side, snuggling up to him. "It'll feel better soon. My dad still loves my dad," I whispered. "I'm sure it'll be ok in a day or two."

"You better not listen to him. He's going to convince you to do other things.... like mate mates with me." He mumbled and started to shiver slightly.

"Hey... if you don't want me that way," I started to tease him and laughed. "I'll just hunt every night." He hugged his bear tightly.

"I just don't want him giving you all the ideas." He mumbled.

"Hmmm, I think I'd rather hunt," I told him and laughed again. "No more Quinton for you."

"What's that mean?" Dannie asked me and frowned. "Don't say stuff like that."

"Why not?" I watched him and tilted my head. He started to get up then, taking the bear with him as he stumbled towards the hall doors. I got up and followed him. "Don't leave me!" I whined and nuzzled his leg. "Dannie!"

"Well I'm hungry." Dannie complained. He looked into the hall and spotted a maid. "Miss!" He called her over. She walked over with a huge smile and looked us over.

"Young master Dannie.... and Quinton- is that you master?" She asked softly. "What is it you'd like?" Dannie held out the bear to her.

"See to it that he gets to my room safely. If he doesn't, I'll have Daddy kill you." Dannie told her. She nodded and took the bear with good care.

"I'll see to it young master." She told him and then looked at me. "I'll bring you clothes too." She suggested. Dannie pointed towards the kitchen.

"We'll be there." Dannie told her and then started for it, holding onto the wall for balance. I wagged my tail at the maid and then nuzzled Dannie, making him hold onto me as I helped him to the kitchen.

"Dannie, I love you," I told him sweetly.

"Whatever." Dannie said sharply. "I'm shirtless... I hate being shirtless!" He hissed towards me. "You don't get love."

"I'LL BRING YOU A SHIRT TOO!" The maid shouted. I whimpered and looked up at Dannie.

"Well... If.... you don't love me," I mumbled and pulled away, backing down the hall.

"Where are you going!?" Dannie panicked as he grabbed at the wall. He seemed panicked then.

"You just said you didn't love me!" I lowered myself to the ground then and laid my ears back as I put my tail between my legs. His eyes widened then.

"No I do love you." He told me quickly. "I'm sorry, I forgot how it'll affect you even if it is a small joke. Quinton!" He started for me then. I flinched and looked down at the ground, letting out a small whimper. He got to me quickly and fell to his knees in front of me. "I love you." He told me and curled my head up to his chest. "I love every inch of you. You're special to me. You're something I have- and can always have even though it is impossible that it is possible." Dannie kissed my head. "I love you, my sweet Quinton. My alpha... I'll let you be alpha a thousand times now." He rubbed his cheek against my head. "Please forgive me." He mumbled.

"Here you go." I heard the maid walking up and dropped the clothes right by us, then walked away. As soon as the clothes hit the floor a scream broke out from the doorway. I widened my eyes and perked up my ears. I recognized it as Paris's scream. I heard my dad and Isaac start screaming then.

"DAD!" I looked at Dannie in panic shifted back, grabbing my clothes and slipped the pants on quickly. "I love you too Dannie. Always have and always will," I told him before I took off running for my parents' room. I burst into it and walked over to the bed where Louis was crying out in pain and almost about to fall off, writhing. My father August seemed to panic.

"What's wrong?!" August asked, looking around with his blind eyes. "Louis! What is it? Who's there-" August sniffed the air then. "Quinton!" He reached out for me. "Help Louis!" I ran over to them and caught Louis to keep him from falling off.

"Dad! What's the matter?" I asked quickly. He looked up at me in panic and gripped my arm.

"Where's Hachi?! Find Hachi!" He told me, screaming out in pain again. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Isn't he here?"

"HE CAN'T BE!" I looked towards my other dad then.

"Dad... Could it be Hachi is in trouble? I heard Uncle Paris and Isaac screaming too," I whispered. If it's Hachi, there's not much I can do besides find him.

"It must be Hachi! Look at the stitching, if it's glowing a fierce color.... Hachi's in trouble." My father told me. I nodded and looked towards the stitches on him and widened my eyes as I saw his arms were bloody. The stitches were undoing themselves and glowing brightly.

"D-dad.... They're coming out," I told him and screamed when Louis grabbed me tightly, yanking me down to him.

"Go. Get. Hachi," he hissed at me.

"Sniff him out son!" August told me. "Look for anything, smell everything, find him." August reached out for Louis. "Come here love." I heard Paris's screams fading as he tried to suck it up downstairs. I froze up when I heard the door to the bedroom open.

"Louis! I don't know what's going on!" Isaac ran in and got in the bed with my parents. "OH MY GOSH, IT'S HAPPENING TO YOU TOO!" He yelped as another stitch came out. He put his hands on Louis and I saw my father relax suddenly. "There... It'll be better for you," he told him and then looked at August. "Keep him here." Isaac got up and drank something before running out of the room. "PARIS! I'M GOING TO HELP YOU!" I widened my eyes and ran after him.

"Isaac! Where's Hachi?!"

"I don't know! I have to solve this problem first or else we're useless and sitting ducks!" Isaac almost fell down the stairs and ran into Paris. "Paris, Paris, you need to let me help you." He grabbed his shoulders then and closed his eyes.

"Calm down." Paris said through grinded teeth. "I can handle this, come on. We need to find Hachi. His scent seems to lead out of the house." Paris pulled away from Isaac. "I've suffered far worse pain than this." Isaac whimpered.

"I want Hachi," he mumbled. I looked at them.

"Let me help!" I ran up to Paris then. "I can sniff him out!"

"Alright, sniff him out Quinton." Paris told me with trust. "Find our dear friend and let's bring him home." I nodded and started to strip, changing into my wolf and ran up to the door, scratching at it as I sniffed for Hachi's scent. I stopped when I caught Raven's with it. I looked up at Paris and whined, expecting him to open up the door for me. He's coming with. He opened the door then for me. "Raven~" Paris said as he caught the scent too. I ran out and sniffed the ground and air then looked up at Paris. I ran up to him again and then jumped up, putting my paws on his chest as I breathed into his face so he'd be able to hear me. I did the same to Isaac and then got back on the ground, sniffing it again.

"Do you think something happened to her as well?" I asked them, perking my ear up to see if I could hear them or not. I started to pace as I found a trail of their scents mingling together and let out a howl. They definitely went to the woods.

"She wouldn't hurt Hachi.... Most likely she's a victim too." Paris told us as he followed behind me. I looked back at him and then chased the scent into the woods and perked my ears up again.

"Uncle Paris, this is going in the direction of the disaster earlier with that rogue," I told him, shivering at the memory. Paris looked down at his stitches, watching them leave his body.

"Somethings not right.... this can't be a werewolf's doing." Paris told us. "It's not from the rogue." I growled then.

"They went to check it out, I bet," I muttered under my breath. Isaac whimpered then, looking at his stitches.

"My poor sweet Hachi," he whispered. "I'll never let you out of my sight after this."

"He'll not be allowed out of the house after this, that's for sure." Paris growled. "He's becoming a damsel in distress." He joked slightly. "We'll lock him up in a tower- the attic." He tried to lighten the mood for poor Isaac. "I sent Richard and Laurence out to find old friends So we can't use Laurence for help. We'll have to do this on our own." Isaac nodded and looked at Paris with tears in his eyes.

"Paris... will he be alright?" He sniffled then. "I miss him. I want him back."

"If he ends up dead I will get him out of hell just for you." Paris assured him. "Don't worry Isaac. Everything will be fine. We'll find Hachi in time though." Isaac nodded and rubbed at his eyes.

"Mhmm... he'll be fine," he told himself. I looked them over and then stopped as the scent ended. I caught an unfamiliar scent then and the scent of fear. I bristled my fur and let out a growl as I saw Raven's phone hidden among the leaves. The screen was cracked from a fall. I saw a knife glinting a few feet away with the stranger's blood on it.

"Paris," I growled and looked up at him. "It ends here. They were taken." Paris was already by the knife and picked it up, smelling the knife then licked at the blood on it. He pulled away quickly and dropped the knife with surprise. I went towards the phone and got Isaac's attention. He walked over and twitched his tail as he picked it up and started to unlock it. He laughed as he got it open.

"She's got a predictable password," he mumbled and then frowned. "That's an unusual picture.... Paris, the last thing she had up was her camera. She took a picture of some orange bird," he told him and held the phone up to Paris. Paris didn't even glance towards the picture.

"A phoenix." Paris told us. "The blood has unbelievable healing powers." Paris's wounds were already closing on him. I looked up at him and frowned.

"Ok... so a bird swooped in and picked up Hachi and Raven.... I have a hard time believing that." I sat down and watched them.

"It's not just some bird." Paris told me. "It's a phoenix. This one in particular has a taste for taking monsters and cleansing them then makes them his pets. He'll make them so innocent.... so useless.... so brainless that eventually they turn to nothing but bones.... and he'll eat them when he sees that they're not much use to him. Then he'll go hunt for replacements. He's the moster children should fear. Phenox tears have magical powers beyond imagination like how just one drop of their blood can heal armies. He's also.... immortal. He steals others powers and immortality. He hords them inside his feathers. He's quiet... interesting. The one around his is called Agostein. I kept tabs on him often in my youth."

"Agostein," Isaac spat the name out. "I heard about him at the academy before they kicked me out. We were studying mythological creatures." He tossed the phone to Paris. "I'm going to teach that bird a lesson when I get my hands on him."

"He lives on an island." Paris informed us. "I'm not sure why he was hanging around my home... He doesn't even live in Maine. He must've been interested with this area due to all the supernatural running around here." He picked the knife back up off the ground. "We'll be needing this."

"Why do we need that?" I asked and tilted my head. "It's just a knife. There's plenty more like them at home.... Hey... that's Raven's favorite," I mumbled as I recognized it. I saw her sharpening it once on the living room couch.

"This has it's blood on it." Paris explained. "We might be needing it." He shrugged and put it safely in his pocket. "Let's go raid his island."

"Do I get to come?" I asked and stood up, wagging my tail.

"Sure." Paris smirked. "You can prove your strength."

"Awesome!" I looked up at him in excitement. "My first thing as alpha!"

"As alpha?" Paris asked then frowned as he must've read something in my thoughts. "August..." He trailed. "I'll have to see him later." He then frowned. "Don't listen to the phoenix sing. It'll make you fall asleep and then we'll never escape." He told us firmly. Isaac nodded.

"I'll bring headphones and listen to music to block it out," he planned. "We leave in an hour." He disappeared then, leaving me with Paris. I looked up at him.

"Is the phoenix guy really this powerful?"

"Even more. He collects powers." Paris told me and started to walk back towards the manor. I followed after him and then looked towards where we came from.

"Are they going to be ok?"

"I don't know." Paris told me softly. "I only know rumors... and even then... they don't end well."

"I-if they die," I trailed off and looked up at him as it dawned on me the trouble they were in.

"It's not certain." Paris told me sharply. "I can't imagine what he's doing to them though." He rubbed where the stitches had been.

"Why'd he take them though? They're not monsters," I whispered and shivered. That's why there was so much fear. They were helpless against that bird.

"He must've smelled something he liked." Paris told me. "That's why he took them."

"But... they don't smell like something I'd want to kidnap.... They could kill with looks."

"It doesn't matter... he took them. We'll get them back." Paris told me firmly then pulled out his phone and made a phone call. "Richard sweetie, somethings wrong. A rogue attacked this morning and August got caught into a toasty battle. The worst thing is he's blind and Quinton is now Alpha. Raven and Hachi have come up missing. Something is wrong. Hachi's connection with us is being pulled away. He's in danger. I'm taking a few with me to raid an island. The phoenix took them." Paris told him and sighed. I heard Richard shouting something on the other side then, sounding like he was calling someone. I looked up at Uncle Paris and rubbed up against his leg. He doesn't think that me being alpha is a bad thing, right? I mean... what happened is terrible.... I really hope Hachi will be able to help dad when he recovers... but me being alpha isn't so bad.

Paris's POV:

"We'll be home, don't worry," Richard told me quickly. "We're coming home. We'll be there."

"Good, I'd like you two by my side when we enter the island." I told him. "I've never met a phoenix before.... I don't want to go blind into this. Laurence is coming. We need to hurry. I don't want to loose our friends."

"We won't.... Listen, see if you can get some more people to come with us. We don't want to be captured ourselves by that phoenix. The more numbers, the better."

"Your right. I'll wake up half of our army." I suggested. "I might even take Charlie with us. His hunting skills may be useful." I smirked. "Plus if he dies, oh well." I thought it through. "I might take Nikolai with us. He'd enjoy it. We can't take everyone though. We need to leave a good number at home too incase something bad happens. We still have sharks in the pond."

"Yes.... Best to put the manor on high alert sweetie.... I will be home just as soon as I finish what I'm doing. I think about a fourth of the army will be best though. We don't need too many. It'd be hard to move half. The three fourths will be able to be there for emergencies."

"Fine with me. We'll take as many as we can though." I went to hang up. "Hurry home." I told him then hung up. I looked towards Quinton and then grabbed him, teleporting us to the manor. "Go find Nikolai, tell him we're leaving out in an hour. Get headphone." I ordered, starting for the basement.

Nikolai's POV:

Quinton ran up to me in wolf form and transformed back as soon as he saw me. "Nikolai! Go get ready for a battle! Get a pair of headphones too!"

"Huh?" I asked him and pulled my eyes away from my phone to watch him. "Is it over that howling I heard earlier?" I asked curiously.

"No! It's over Raven and Hachi. They are in trouble," he told me and then looked me over. "They've been kidnapped by a phoenix who is going to do bad things to them. We're going to rescue them."

"Oh... that's unnatural..." I told him and started for my bedroom. "I'll go get my headphones then and be ready by the door." Raven..... managed to get kidnapped? Hachi as well? By a phoenix? That's an odd combination.

"We leave within the hour," he told me and ran off quickly to go get ready. I called my father's number then to tell him about the little incident.

"Nikolai~ You called me!" I heard him laugh. He sounded slightly tipsy.

"Did you sleep with my mom?" I asked curiously. "Or alone, and that's why you sound drunk?" I asked him.

"Ummmm.... We'll discuss that at another time.... That's awkward.... Anyways, what are you up to?"

"Raven and Hachi got kidnapped by a bird- Phoenix thing. Anyways... I am going to get them back within the hour." I told him.

"Wow... never thought I'd hear something like that.... Are you upset?" He asked me and I heard a bottle thud in a trashcan. "After all, you had been eyeing down Raven for a bit."

"Am I getting a sister?" I asked him and smirked.

"Maybe.... it depends on how your mother reacts this morning to what happened last night," he told me and laughed.

"Oh so something did happen?" I asked him. "I can't believe I am actually not trying to stop your plans. Seeding my mother...." I laughed as I entered my room. "I want a sibling though."

"You can have one if your mother allows it. She has the decision now," he told me. "You put that in such a weird way.... It makes me think I won't ever have any grandchildren from you."

"No way! I don't want kids." I smirked. "You'll never get one from me. I want to make sure you never do."

"Hey, that's not fair Nikolai. If I'm giving you a sister, I get a grandchild eventually," he hissed towards me. "Besides, you'll eventually find a mate and you'll end up with a child."

"No.... My sister will give you a grandchild." I told him then hung up on him. I walked over to my bedside table and picked up my headphones then stuffed them into my pocket. I walked back out of my room and towards the front door to wait for everyone there. After a bit, Quinton and Isaac walked up to me, walking together as they talked quietly.

"So... do you think it can be cured," Quinton asked him. Isaac frowned.

"Maybe. I'll have to look at it. I will try before we ask Hachi, ok? He's going to be tired."

"Ok." Quinton smiled and looked towards me. "Oh, you're already here. That didn't take you long."

"What has to be cured?" I asked them, eyeing them both down.

"My father lost his eyesight. That's what the howls were about earlier," Quinton said sadly and looked up at me.

"I'm sorry." I said quickly. "For his loss." I looked towards Isaac. "I'm sorry you're love is kidnapped." I told him and then leaned against the door. He nodded and gave me a smile.

"As long as we get him back," he whispered and then looked around. "Hmmm... I wonder about your father though. You told me it seemed he was dead, but after a bit of Louis's blood... he came back?" Quinton nodded and looked at him. "Strange that his vision didn't heal up then.... Oh, I know. We'll take that phoenix and slit his throat over August. Sound like a plan?" Isaac smirked.

"Ewe." I laughed softly. "Maybe you shouldn't do that. He'd die from finding out what you'd do to him." I opened up the door then and looked outside with wonder. "I wonder what that rogue is doing."

"We'll be leaving soon." I heard Paris say and I could hear footsteps following him. Isaac widened his eyes and looked towards Paris.

"I forgot my spellbook from Hachi!" He took off running. "I'll be back!" Quinton laughed and then looked at Paris.

"So Uncle Paris... we're storming the place instead of sneaking in?"

"Yes." Paris told me. "We're storming it."

"Should I see about taking some of the pack with us? Or should it just be me?" Quinton pointed a finger at himself.

"We have enough." Paris assured him. "Don't call on the pack for this. They need to protect this place. Rick is in control until you have your beta and Cage will be there to take charge with his beta." I smirked towards them.

"Let's go cook a bird." I told them, hearing Laurence talking with Richard as they approached the porch. I stepped outside to walk towards them. Richard smiled as he saw me.

"Hello Nikolai, I see that you're coming with." Isaac appeared beside Richard and let out a growl.

"Let's go get my Hachi back. Some bird is going to have to pay for what he's done to him." He started looked towards me then.

"I couldn't resist." I told Richard and brushed it off. "I like a good battle. Must be the Russian blood running through me."

"Hmm, Grimm blood will do that to you too. Don't drink too much of it," he laughed and gave a wink towards Paris. "That one has made me tear up streets for blood before. He's tricky."

"Let's not stand here and joke around." Paris told us. "Richard, I couldn't find Charlie downstairs, so he won't be coming on this adventure." He frowned then and watched Paris.

"You compelled him to stay down there and not come up," he mumbled. "He should be down there...." Isaac glared us all down.

"Are we going to be standing here like a bunch of girls giggling and gossiping, or are we getting our friends back?" He hissed at us.

"He might've been taking a shower." I told Paris and Richard. "Let's go." I growled and started for Paris. I grabbed his hand and then grabbed onto Isaac.

"Okay, grab onto me!" Paris giggled. Laurence raised an eyebrow and then grabbed onto Richard. Richard hugged Paris then and kissed his cheek.

"I see I'm still the dominate one around here," he purred to Paris. "Little miss giggle box."

"Shut up! I can't help that I still am trying to throw those traits away. I told you I don't like being a girl." Paris fumed. The others began to link up to us.

"Alright sweetie, whatever you say. Let's go tear off a bird's wings," he purred and then kissed his cheek. When everyone was attached to each other Paris teleported us onto a beach and pulled out a handheld gun from his pocket.

"Scout ahead." Paris ordered his army and they started to walk out in front of us, pulling out weapons. Quinton transformed into his wolf quickly and started to sniff the air, going ahead of us just a bit. Paris started after his men and I soon followed. I noticed Laurence had vanished. Richard let out a growl and pulled out a gun, starting after us.

"That phoenix is dead when we find him. I don't care if he is immortal," Richard hissed under his breath. Laurence appeared by Paris.

"The house is a few yards inwards, it's old. Inside though is even creepier. It looks like a place for the insane. Just what we like. I didn't find Hachi or Raven, they must be in a room that subtracts magic and power. In other words.... I can't detect the room. So we'll have to search for it." Isaac's tail twitched as he heard it and I heard him muttering a spell under his breath.

"What are you doing?" I asked Isaac. He looked over at me like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Um...nothing... Not much... A spell... I'm putting up spells on us... so he can't use his song on us.... Shhh," he said and held a finger to his lips. "I don't want to get in trouble when I start doing the big magic in a few minutes."

"What big magic?" I asked him curiously.

"Ummm... things like setting houses on fire and stuff like that," he told me innocently. I raised an eyebrow.... I never want to get on an wizard's bad side... ever... "I'm thinking about this spell that makes it's victim crushed under pressure and liquefied into goo and bones. What do you think?"

"I don't want to get on your bad side." I told him and shook my head. "Ever."

"Good," he said and gave me a sweet smile. "Then don't take my Hachi from me. That's the best way to die if you're looking for death."

"I'm not looking for death." I shook my head. "I like living." I admitted and then looked towards Paris and Richard.

"We're need to cut around back and go through the cellar door." Laurence told us. "We want to go down." Richard nodded and started to direct everyone to where Laurence had told us, leading the way. He held the cellar door open for us when we came across it, letting the army in first. Just when I was about to take a step in, I heard a mad laugh from behind us.

"Oh dear, I didn't invite you! What are you here for? I just ran out of tea, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't offer it to you!" I turned around then to see whoever kidnapped Raven and Hachi then laughed at his choice in colors.

"Oh my god! You're hideous." I laughed out and held a hand over my mouth. The man glared me down, looking at his orange and red clothes.

"This is a good color, thank you very much. I don't need your opinion!" He looked us over. "Hmm... you brought an army. How precious," he whispered and started to laugh again. "I want to play a game with you. I think it'll be fun. If I win... I want that one," he told us and pointed to Isaac. "You will all leave without your friend there and never return. If you win...." He trailed off and thought about it. "I'll let you all go free from my island of fun." He smirked.

"We're not here for games." Paris snapped. "We are here to kill you, sick him boys." Paris ordered. The army started for the guy in the bright colors. The man looked at them calmly and then was behind them in an instant, right in front of Paris.

"You want to kill me? Me? Do you know who I am? I think you would if you made it to my island," he purred and then grabbed Paris. "You stink of sin."

"Yes, I know I should. I've been to hell and back. I'm being literal. I've danced in the arms of the devil and made a contract with him. You bet I am full of sin." Paris purred towards the phoenix. "I'm bleeding with it, aren't I? We wouldn't be killing you if it wasn't for the fact you took something from us. I'm sure you know who I am too. You've been stalking my beautiful Maine." The phoenix laughed at him and then looked towards his hair.

"How adorable.... It's white. Your soul will be as white and pure as your hair when I'm through with you." He threw him down into the cellar then and laughed, going after him. I heard Paris grunt.

"Don't touch him." Laurence snapped. "If you lay one finger onto him!" Laurence started for the bird. I tensed up then went to chase after him. Who in the right mind would even do something like that to Paris? The bird laughed as he saw us coming and turned to face us.

"Oh? I'll do as I wish!" He held up a hand and we were frozen to the ground, stuck in place. He pulled out a knife and smirked, licking it. "I think... I will have fun with you two as well." Paris appeared behind the bird then and I could smell it start to bleed out as Paris stabbed him with the knife from before.

"You left this at the crime scene." Paris purred in his ear. "Have it back." The bird winced and looked back at Paris after pulling the knife out. He threw it towards me and it landed an inch away from my foot.

"You need to be punished," he muttered and stabbed Paris with the knife he was holding. Paris groaned and then grabbed the knife, tugging it out.

"You're the one sinning big today, bucko." Paris told him. "I'll make sure the devil meets you personally and eats you as a main course for his meal tonight." He told him. "I owe him so much, he'll love eating you for dinner." The phoenix narrowed his eyes and then pulled out a vial. He appeared by Laurence and smirked, opening up the bottle and swirled it around.

"Do you know what this is?" He asked us, looking each of us over and then laughed. "It's something special... It'll send you to the gods to confess for your sins. When you meet them, beg for forgiveness and roll over and play fetch for them," he growled towards Laurence and grabbed him by the hair, yanking his head back as he dripped the liquid into Laurence's eyes.

"Laurence!" I said quickly and grabbed the knife by my foot. I slung it towards him quickly and it hit the phoenix in the eye. "Hachi will be needing that." I growled. Laurence squirmed away from the phoenix then stumbled a few feet away from him before falling over into a sleep like state. "Laurence." I mumbled. The phoenix looked towards me and laughed as he yanked the knife out.

"Why don't you take a break boy?" He growled towards me then looked at Paris as he threw the bottle away. He started for him then. "You're next.... I think I will cut each of your toes off."

"No..." Paris purred. "I'll cut your toes off." He told him then started to go deep into the house. "Which way do I go to my dear friends?" The bird narrowed his eyes and snapped his fingers.

"Get him. I didn't invite him inside," he hissed. Paris was swarmed then with skellington looking creatures as they grabbed him and shoved him to his knees. Paris looked around him then up at the bird.

"You sure did push me in." Paris told him then yanked his arms free. He teleported behind the phoenix then shoved his hand into the man's back, grabbing his spine. "How many deaths does it take to kill you?" The bird shuddered then and arched his back.

"Let go... Your hand isn't supposed to be there.... Stop... You're being bad. I'll punish you big time for this," the phoenix hissed at him.

"I'll punish you first. Let me give you a hint... don't eat the food." Paris told him then I heard him break something and started to pull his arm out, the spine coming with his hand. "Wow, you'll be a great meal." Paris laughed and exposed his fangs. The phoenix crumpled to the ground then and degraded into ash. It didn't take long for a small bird to poke it's head out from in it and it shook the ash off it's small feathers. It looked up at Paris and tilted his head then went to sing. Paris stomped down in the bird then and I heard it squeak and die. Paris lifted his foot then looked at us, I could feel my feet free of the spell now.

"Who wants it?" He asked and then looked towards the skullish creatures. "Attack." He ordered his army. The bird came back then and quickly flew up into the air to escape the same kind of death as before. It flew off quickly, refusing to let Paris get his hands on it again. Paris rushed into the building then, breaking through the creatures. I took off after him, wanting to see how Raven was doing... and Hachi. The man appeared in front of us after a bit and glared us down, looking fully recovered.

"You're going to get it!" He was behind Paris again and stabbed him in the neck. I laughed as I was now behind the phoenix.

"Forgetting me?" I asked and then snapped his head. He crumbled into ash again just like before. I spread the ash then, stomping into it and kicking it around.

"Talk about killing your enemy to make sure they don't come back," Richard murmured as he caught up to us. He smirked and looked at me. "You're going to be amazing to watch." He sniffed the air then and watched as Quinton came up beside him in his wolf form. He seemed on edge and like he was able to smell something. He looked up at Paris and barked at him.

"Where's Isaac?" I asked.

"Raven's been here." Paris told us, sniffing the air. "Follow her trail." Paris ordered Quinton. I looked behind us after scattering the ashes and seen Laurence walking up. Quinton looked up at Paris and then started to sniff around before making a beeline for the end of the hall. He barked excitedly and wagged his tail, waiting on us. I started after him rather quickly.

"I've got the ashes." Laurence told us, starting to use his shadows to clean them up. "He'll never come back." Paris took off after me. Isaac appeared beside Quinton then and looked down at him as he twitched his tail.

"That way?" He asked and pointed down the new hall. Quinton looked up at him, and it didn't take long for Isaac to take off without us. "HACHI! I'M COMING SWEETIE!" I ran after them, catching up with my vampire speed. I looked around and noticed how the halls were only light up by candles. I looked over my shoulder at Paris. Richard was hot at Paris's heels, not losing an inch. Quinton barked at us to make us hurry up and took off down another hall and eventually led us to a hall with doors at the end of it. He froze up and shrunk back, whimpering like he sensed something was off. Isaac was almost to the doors when the phoenix reappeared and grabbed his tail, throwing him back towards us. I wrinkled up my nose at the sight of him and the smell of blood and lemons. I stopped running and looked the Phoenix over. I had him flung to one side of the hall, hitting up against the wall.

"Isaac, now." I shouted towards him. Isaac ran for the doors and kicked them open, looking inside before he hissed in anger. He whirled around to look at the phoenix.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" He screamed and ran after him, exposing his fangs and started screaming ancient words at the phoenix that I couldn't understand. I widened my eyes, wondering what could be behind the doors. Paris started for the doors slowly, curious himself. The phoenix was soon a puddle of goo and ash. Isaac got out a jar and scooped it all up, putting every last bit inside the jar and then put a lid on it. He shook the jar, mixing up the goo and ashes as he glared at the remains angrily. He disappeared inside the room then, sounding worried as he called Hachi's name. I rushed for the door then and went inside, eyeing down the scene. Raven looked close to dead. Her body was slowly becoming bones from the lack of blood and torture she gone through. There was wounds everywhere on her stomach and the smell of lemons was all over her. She needs blood, fast. I rushed to her side then and unstrapped her from the bed.

"Raven, we're here." I told her and then bit down into my wrist and forced her to drink my blood. I looked towards Hachi then to see how he was. Hachi had deep wounds on him along with his wounds from the stitches being removed. His scent caught me then.... He smelled human... mortal. He was asleep as well, hardly breathing.

"Hachi," Isaac whispered his name worriedly and opened up his spellbook, flipping through it. He stopped when he found a page and then looked around. "This room... It blocks magic. I can feel it. Keep the phoenix's ashes in here. He won't be able to rebirth himself if he's stuck in here and in a jar." Isaac tossed the jar to Paris and then unstrapped Hachi, picking him up and taking him out of the room as he started to whisper a spell under his breath. I saw Hachi healing as soon as they were out of the room from what Isaac was doing. I looked towards Raven then and picked her up, carrying her out of the vile room.

"Let's go home." I said quickly, begging Paris. Richard nodded and looked towards Paris.

"We have what we came for. Let's get the army together and go home. We need to get these two to safety." He walked towards the door and ran off to go get the army. Raven whimpered in my arms as she healed a little, starting to look a little better. I kissed the top of her head then while the others were distracted. Paris was already walking out of the room. I followed them out, closing the door behind me. Quinton was gone already, probably having followed Richard. Isaac put the book back into his pocket and held Hachi close, murmuring sweet words into his ear to comfort him.

"We'll be home soon Hachi.... You're safe," he whispered to him and kissed his lips gently.

"Wh-who are you?" Hachi mumbled, making me stop walking in shock. Isaac's eyes widened.

"I'm Isaac.... your mate," he told Hachi and frowned. "You don't remember me?"

"What's a mate?" Hachi asked softly. "I'm not familiar with that term... nor your name."

"What about Paris? Do you remember Paris?" Isaac looked panicked then and tilted Hachi so he could look at Paris.

"His hair is the color of snow, so pretty." Hachi laughed softly, reaching out towards it. Paris looked towards him then with wonder. Isaac shook his head and looked at Hachi sadly.

"We'll fix that when we get home.... I'm so sorry Hachi. I'll fix it for you." He kissed the top of Hachi's head then and held him close.

"No one has ever called me Hachi before... except for.... my twin." Hachi mumbled. "My name is Kasai." Isaac looked at him, pained at hearing those words.

"He really doesn't remember us.... Hachi... do you remember what happened to your family?" He asked, sounding hesitant about saying that.

"Where are they?" Hachi asked, glancing around then. "Where's my twin?" Isaac winced.

"Hachi... my sweet Hachi.... They're... dead," he whispered.

"You shouldn't had told him that." I mumbled, looking pained as Hachi's eyes seemed to shatter then.

"N-no..." Hachi mumbled. "No...."

"What I mean to say," Isaac said quickly, "is that they changed their names.... They ummmm... got into some trouble. They sent us to come get you. Your name got changed to Hachi instead of Kasai."

"Yes, your name is now Hachi Grimm." I purred and walked up. "Don't worry Hachi-"

"Let me go!" Hachi struggled to get free. Isaac smirked then and slipped his tail out again and showed Hachi it to catch his attention.

"Look, I've got a tail. I'll let you play with it if you come with us to go to your family."

"O-okay." Hachi said, looking dazed towards the tail and reached out for it. "I want it." Isaac laughed and let him hold it.

"Don't tug hard on it though... It's attached to me." I laughed seeing how Hachi seemed to be childish now. Hachi tugged on the tail anyways, and brought it towards his face, rubbing his cheek against it. Isaac gave him a loving look and began to walk again. "We'll get you a cookie too when we get there," he purred to Hachi. Hachi nodded and then sunk against Isaac's chest.

"So innocent." I mumbled. "It's cute." Raven licked my wrist then and grabbed it gently, stirring a little. I looked down at her and smirked. "Raven, welcome back." I told her.

"Can I have your tail?" Hachi asked. "Would you cut it off for me?"

"We'll discuss getting you a tail after you eat your cookie," Isaac told him quickly. Raven looked up at me and furrowed her eyebrows as her eyes met mine. She didn't seem to recognize me just yet.

"Don't worry, we'll restore your memory too if needed." I told her.

"I want Haru." Hachi whimpered. "Haru never leaves me." Isaac started to hum to him then.

"You'll be alright," he told him and kissed the top of his head. Raven frowned and then looked at my wrist.

"What's that red stuff?" She asked me.

"Blood." I told her. "You drink it." I explained. "It's your food source."

"No... I won't." Hachi cried out. Isaac murmured a spell that put him to sleep and kissed him softly before carrying him away. Raven looked up at me and then giggled.

"I've got this funny feeling about you," she told me.

"It's okay." I told her, trying to shush her. "You're just hungry. Drink my blood." She looked towards it and I saw her hesitate before she tried it again. She let out a small moan at the taste, but she didn't make a move to bite me herself.

"Mine," she mumbled. I smirked and watched her drinking my blood. I took her out of the building, finding Paris and Laurence gathering the troops. Richard was with Quinton, rubbing behind his ears as he talked to him. Raven looked at them and her eyes landed on Paris after a minute. She whimpered and shrunk into me, hiding her face into my chest.

"What's wrong?" I asked Raven, curious as to why she was afraid of him.

"He's scary," she whispered and clutched at the front of my shirt, squeezing her eyes shut. "Why's he telling those other people what to do? Who are they?"

"The white haired male is Paris Grimm." I informed her. "He's my uncle. He's from a royal family. He's powerful and that's his army. He's trying to get them to crowd around, he's congratulating them and he'll take us home soon to his manor. We live with him." I informed her.

"We? Nikolai, you won't let me get hurt, right?" She looked up at me then and frowned. "You're Nikolai...."

"N-no- I mean yes, I am Nikolai Grimm." I told her, rubbing her head. "I won't let them hurt you, but they don't want to hurt you anyways. They see you as family. We rescued you." She nodded and curled up to me.

"Ok... Thank you for saving me," she mumbled and looked up at me curiously. "I feel like I've seen you before...."

"You have!" I told her and nodded. "We'll restore your memory. You see... you forgot." I explained. She thought it over and nodded to me.

"Ok... I guess you're right. The man isn't going to touch me anymore, right?" She looked around in fear and whimpered at the thought of the phoenix. "H-he... cut me up and dropped me in a lemon bath for three hours." She started to cry then at the memory and buried her face into me. "Don't let him get me. Please," she begged.

"We took care of him." Paris told her, walking up. "It's time to go." Paris grabbed my shoulder and guided me to the group that was around holding onto eachother and aiming to touch Paris. Raven looked at them in awe as we got closer and then she played with the tips of her hair. She frowned and looked at it.

"Why's my hair purple?" She asked softly. "That's so weird.... It's pretty though." She giggled and looked up at me innocently and then tilted her head. "Your hair is white...."

"White hair is a carry on gene in my family and is very dominate." I explained. "Though there are few that end up with... black or that girl with brown hair." I told her. "It's mostly white." Within seconds we were teleported back to the manor and Paris pulled away, teleporting Isaac and I into the kitchen. Raven looked around and her eyes landed on the kitchen knives with interest.

"What are those?" She asked. Isaac set Hachi down on a counter and started to dig around in his pockets and around in the cabinets as he looked into his spell book.

"Those are knives," Isaac told her. She giggled.

"Why're they called knives?"

"They'll cut you. Don't play with them," Isaac warned, looking over at me. "It'll be your job to make sure she drinks all of this. It's going to taste bad. I'm mixing Hachi's into a cookie."

"Okay. She'll get it with blood. Raven you'll need to drink it for me okay?" I asked her as I looked down at her. "It's for your memories. After you drink it I will let you bite me anytime you want." She nodded and tilted her head as she looked up to me.

"What does bite mean?" I exposed my fangs and showed her as I bit down into my finger, showing her the whole show. I pulled back and then smiled softly. She looked at it and then nodded, leaning up towards my finger and licked it. She glanced up towards my fangs then.

"Do I have those?" She asked me and giggled as she reached out to touch one of my fangs.

"Yes, watch it, they're sharp." I told her. She looked at them with interest and touched it gently.

"They're pretty," she mumbled to me and tore her eyes away from them to look up at me.

"Thank you." I smiled and sat her down on her feet. "You can walk on your own now, right?" I asked her, guiding her towards a chair at the bar. She walked with uncertainty but got the hang of it quickly. She sat down in the chair and looked at me curiously.

"Do you have that funny feeling too?" She tilted her head and watched me.

"No." I lied to her quickly as I kissed the top of her head. "You're still sickly. Let me get you a bottle of blood." I suggested and went to the fridge, getting her one. I brought it to her, uncapping it then gave it to her. "Place it to your lips and drink." She took it and then went to drink it, but as soon as she got a taste, she spit it out and shook her head.

"No! I'm not drinking this! It's terrible! What the heck is this! Poison?!"

"Bottled blood. Maybe I should warm it for you." I suggested. She handed it to me and frowned.

"That doesn't taste near as good as that blood that was on your wrist," she mumbled. Isaac laughed and then put some stuff from a pot into two vials. He held one out to me then looked at Paris.

"Get a cookie down. I'm going to give him this on the cookie," he told Paris. Paris nodded and got down a cookie then placed it on a plate. He grabbed the bottle out of my hand and tossed it into the sink then pulled out a wine glass and left us. He came back after a minute with a glass of blood and then sat it down in front of Raven.

"Don't touch it, yet." Paris told her. She looked at it and pouted.

"Why not?" She asked innocently and looked at him like a child. She looked at it again and then looked hungry.

"Because we're putting the potion inside it." Paris explained. I looked towards Hachi, seeing him starting to wake up. Isaac quickly got a cookie and dumped the small amount that was in Hachi's vial onto the cookie. He walked over to Hachi then and kissed his cheek.

"Hachi, wake up. We're here... You want a cookie?" He asked, twitching his tail as he gave Hachi a sweet smile. Hachi started to roll off the counter as he woke up more.

"Cookie?" Hachi mumbled.

"Mhmm," Isaac gave Hachi the cookie. "Eat up." Hachi stopped himself from rolling off and looked towards the cookie then sat up on the counter, sitting the cookie into his lap as he looked it over.

"I should save it for Haru." Hachi thoughtfully suggested. Isaac produced another and handed it to him.

"That one is for Haru," he told him sweetly. "Now eat your cookie I gave you for you. You can give that one I just gave you to Haru." Hachi sat the cookie down and then picked up his cookie and went to eat it then stopped.

"Can I have some milk?" Hachi asked, looking towards Isaac. He nodded and got him a glass quickly then handed it to him.

"Here you are." Raven pouted and looked at the blood, her fang sharpening then. I noticed that she only had one. I frowned then and pulled Raven into a hug. Hachi started to eat his cookie now that he had his glass of milk with him and ate all of it without hesitation then washed it down with milk. Isaac watched him with interest and bit his bottom lip as his tail twitched again.

"Hachi?" Isaac cautiously took a step towards him. Hachi dropped the glass then and slammed his body back against the cabinet behind him and let out a yelp. He snapped like he had gotten every memory back, even the scary ones. His eyes wondered across the room then looked towards Isaac. "Hachi," Isaac reached out for him then, looking worried. "Come here..."

"I-Isaac?" Hachi asked and looked him over then shrunk away from his touch. Isaac stopped and widened his eyes.

"What's the matter?" He looked Hachi over and then moved his hands back down to his sides. "Hachi, sweetie...." Hachi's eyes shown of fear as he scratched his wrist, where a few stitches had been.

"My stitches." He whimpered. Isaac nodded and looked at him.

"Yes, they're gone," he told him gently and then he pulled out a needle and thread, holding it out to Hachi. "I won't stop you if you want them back. I'll just put up a spell on Paris and I to keep us from feeling it. I'll go put one on Louis too..."

"I don't even feel Hachi." Paris told Isaac. "Even when his stitches aren't in me I can feel something of him swirling in me... but I don't."

"Cause...." Hachi mumbled. "I don't have power." Isaac frowned.

"Well... how do we fix that? I know you want it back... I'll do what I can, just tell me what needs to be done," he told Hachi lovingly. Hachi grabbed his knees and pulled them to his chest, grabbing the needle and threat then placed his head on his knees.

"I don't know." Hachi whispered. "I don't have my spell book for help. I'll need to think it over. My memories are scattered." Isaac nodded and took a step towards him.

"Hachi, is it alright if I am close to you? Or... would you prefer me not to be around you at the moment," he whispered to him and bit his bottom lip. "You know I won't hurt you." Hachi stiffened slightly then and stopped breathing, completely frozen.

"Oh... no." Paris mumbled. "He's gone back to doing that." Isaac picked him up then and kissed his cheek.

"Hachi.... I'm sorry," he mumbled and then nuzzled against Hachi's cheek. Raven got up then and wandered off towards the door. I looked towards her then smirked, having a force throw her up against a wall.

"Not so fast Raven." I told her and tsked. I went towards the potion and picked it up then went towards the glass, dropping it in with the blood. "Come here." I waved her over with my hand and the force brought her to me and sat her back down in the chair. Paris walked over and forced her mouth open. I poured the drink down her throat and sat the glass down after finishing. Paris let her go along with the force. She gagged and bent over, falling into the floor.

"I hate it!" She hissed and tried to spit out what was remaining in her mouth but failed. She stopped then and sat up, looking down at the floor in wonder as her memories started to come back. I watched her and went for the door then, trying to leave. She appeared in front of me and then frowned. "Nikolai? Why'd you say all those things?" She asked me and looked up at me in awe. "Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?" I asked innocently.

"When you said I could bite you whenever I wanted?" She bit her bottom lip as she watched me.

"No." I told her and smirked. "No one bites me." She pouted.

"That's not fair," she mumbled. "You lied to me...."

"So?" I asked her and frowned. "It's not like it matters." I went for the other kitchen door. She appeared in front of me again and stopped me.

"No, it does matter. You asked why I find you interesting, and I figured it out. I can't believe it took that for me to figure it out... but I don't think you should know... especially if you are treating me like this," she told me and crossed her arms. I widened my eyes and then looked her in the eyes, trying to use my compulsions.

"Don't." I ordered.

"Don't what?" She giggled and looked at me.

"Tell me." I told her and nodded. "Ever."

"Don't ever tell you?" She tilted her head and looked dazed then busted out into a fit of laughter. "Hey Paris! Was I convincing that time? I bet I could do a really good impression of a mind slave if I tried really hard!"

"You wish." Paris laughed towards her. I tried to brush past her then. She stopped me then and looked up at me.

"What's the matter? You're acting strange." She looked serious then and frowned, worry in her eyes.

"I-Isaac?" I heard Hachi mumble as he came out of his state. "Why are you holding me?"

"Because I love you," Isaac whispered to him. I heard him kiss him then. Raven looked up at me and then she bit her bottom lip, tearing her eyes away from me.

"Leave," she mumbled and shifted to the side to let me go. I looked towards Hachi and Isaac before I glanced towards Raven.

"Whatever it is, I know." I told her and left the room. I saw Quinton curled up with Dannie as I stepped out of the kitchen. I smiled towards them, seeing Dannie asleep. I shook my head then walked out the living room so I wouldn't be a bother.

"Step one. Let's go someplace new~" I heard the demon speak up as he appeared beside me. "I want to prepare you for your future. Your fate is to kill Paris. Let's start preparing you." He grabbed my shoulders and stared to rub them. I heard a sharp breath behind me then.

"What are you doing here?" I heard Louis mutter behind me. "You're not killing Paris if that's what you think Nikolai. You and the demon can go elsewhere if you believe you can do that. I will not tolerate that in this house." I tensed up then turned to face him, pissed that the demon got me into this trouble.

"I wasn't planning on doing that." I told Louis, looking towards the demon. "Nor will I ever." I told him. He hissed and crossed his arms. "It's not something I'll do anymore." I exposed my fangs. "I'm here because my mom was here last night." Louis looked towards the demon.

"You better leave if you are trying to make Nikolai do your bidding. He's under our protection," he hissed, glaring down the family demon.

"Louis~ We all know I don't just easily leave." The demon hissed. "You better run along and stop fooling around near us."

"You're in my house, and you'll do as I tell you. You are the family demon, nothing more. You have no power, and you'll leave because we tell you to," Louis hissed back, tilting his chin up towards the demon. "Leave."

"You are decedents from me." The demon laughed out. "It's okay Nikolai, we'll talk later. Once Paris is gone you'll have two demons." I frowned towards him.

"Go." I ordered. He left with that order. Louis gave me a suspicious look then, watching me as he decided what to do. I looked Louis over. I then remembered something from earlier.

"Louis.... Paris mentioned earlier that he made a deal with the devil..." I trialed, wanting to see what he knew about it. He froze up at that and bit his bottom lip.

"Yes... you better ask Paris about that if you are wanting information about that.... Speaking of Paris, PARIS! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" Louis shouted. Paris appeared by us then and smiled when he spotted me by Louis as well.

"Oh, well lookie here... This is funny." Paris laughed as he looked us over. He looked towards his twin. "What do you want?" He asked.

"I have something important to tell you," he whispered and wrapped his arms around Paris and kissed his cheek. "Don't go reading my mind now. I want it to be a surprise."

"Well, what's the surprise?" Paris asked. He kissed the top of Louis's head. Louis let out a purr and kissed his neck.

"I'm..." He trailed off and then kissed his neck again, "making you...." He laughed and licked his neck then. "King." I widened my eyes slightly as I heard them. Paris tensed up in his twin's arms.

"I have to go back into power?" Paris asked. Louis frowned.

"You don't want it? I was going to give it to you so I could take care of August. I never see him much... and I realized that he's not going to be here forever. I don't want to spend his life not seeing him," Louis told him. "He needs me.... I was hoping you would be happy with it... but you're not, so nevermind. I'll stay king." He pulled back from Paris then and ran a hand through his hair.

"It's just that I'm comfortable in the position I'm in." Paris admitted.

"Can I take over?" I asked. Louis looked over.

"You were just talking to the family demon. Hell no. You're too young. Ask me in ten years and prove to me that you're not under the demon's thumb."

"I'm not under the demon's thumb!" I growled out. "He's under my thumb. Besides eventually I will come for the throne. It saves you trouble later." Paris laughed then as he looked towards me. Louis looked me over and then raised an eyebrow.

"Well... if you say so... I think that I will let you have a taste of power. You report to me, understand? You have to get my signature on everything you do, got it? You don't do anything unless I know about it. If you try to pull one over on me, I'll take your stone and stick it downstairs with the dirty newborns. I'll let this go on for a week. Then, you'll step down and we'll talk about it some more and see if you're cut out for being king."

"Seriously!?" I asked with excitement. "I'm going to be king!? For a week?" I asked. I seen Donnie appear then.

"WHAT!? NO! THAT'S NOT FAIR, I WAS EATING! I WANT TO BE KING, I'M ELDEST!" Donnie yelled and glared me down. "You think you're so special because you have the ability to summon the family demon!? You're nothing." He growled. "You're like five. Wait until you are centuries old you jerk!" He hissed. Louis sighed.

"Donnie... I will let you be king for a week too on the same conditions as Nikolai here. After he finishes his week, you'll start. You heard the rules, yes? The consequences?" Louis looked over at Donnie. Donnie frowned.

"Yeah, I heard them." Donnie mumbled.

"Just hand the throne over to me, brother." Paris sighed out. "I'll be fine with it." Louis smirked at Paris.

"You had your chance," Louis purred towards his brother. "I might let you if you ask nicely. You'll be on the same conditions."

"Then I don't want the throne." Paris sighed out. "I'll be fine without it." He started to pull back ."Having wealth makes you an easy target for assassination." Louis stopped him and let out a purr, licking Paris's neck.

"Hmm..." Louis bit down then. Paris let out a yelp. I looked towards Donnie and seen him teleport away. I looked towards my uncles... thinking about how easy it would be to take their stones. Louis pushed Paris against the wall then and laughed, licking his neck. "Nikolai, your internship starts tomorrow bright and early. I'll show you what's going on and let you handle it."

"Sure." I purred towards Louis the started to walk towards the end of the hall.

"Remember, I must know everything you are doing. You talk to me about any plans you have, and if it's good, I'll sign off on it," he called to me. I heard Paris yelp then as Louis bit down into him again. I looked over my shoulder at them and raised an eyebrow before continuing my walk down the hall... I should come up with some good ideas to impress Louis. I started for the library then to go sit around in it and think of some good plans.