A Bird of Fire

Raven's POV:

I widened my eyes as I heard the howls and looked up at Hachi from the glass of blood I was drinking. Something is going on.... "Hachi, let's go check that out. They might need our help," I said quickly, setting the blood down. "It sounds bad."

"They haven't howled like that in a very long time." Hachi mumbled then started for the door to leave the manor. "Let's go." I nodded and pulled out my knife from my boots, following him.

"I hope it's interesting.... I miss a good fight," I told him and laughed at the idea of a battle. Everything has been so dull lately! Hachi laughed softly.

"I need a good meal." Hachi admitted. "I hope it's something I can eat." He rushed with me towards the woods, not seeming to care he was barefoot. I giggled and ran with him.

"You really do like eating people, don't you?" I laughed. I guess vampires are no different. We just take the blood though. "Let's make a deal. You get the meat and organs... I get the blood!"

"Deal~" Hachi giggled as he looked towards me. "I'm glad you're better. You were scary before I made you that medicine that helped you." He told me sweetly. I smiled at him, remembering that I hadn't really thanked him yet.

"Thank you for that," I told him and gave him a sweet smile. "I don't know if I would've gotten better without your help. I was getting worse by the second." I giggled and then looked ahead. "We're going to get a good meal today. I can feel it."

"It's fine Raven, no need to thank me." Hachi told me, holding out a hand to stop me from carrying on. He gave a smile and then skipped towards the forest, humming to himself. I nodded and followed after him, looking around as we got inside.

"So... what do you think it is?" I asked him as I played with my knife, smirking. I bet it's another wolf.... So much fun!

"I just hope the meat is juicy." Hachi mumbled, he started to drool at the idea.

"I hope the blood is sweet. I hate it when it's bitter," I whispered and then looked ahead as I started to get more excited. It'll be so different from the normal blood if it's a werewolf! I giggled and started to skip a little.

"Wait.... isn't werewolf blood poison to a vampire?" Hachi reminded me. "Unless it is your mate?" He tilted his head. "So you might not want a bite if it is a werewolf." I stopped then in my steps.

"Then it better not be a werewolf!" I started to walk again, slightly unsure now. He's right though.... I shouldn't drink if it's a werewolf. Hachi grabbed my hand and pulled me further into the forest. I giggled then and walked with him. I glanced around the forest then as I listened to the howls and barks, wondering what we were going to find as I enjoyed the view. I frowned as something caught my eye in the trees. It was a red- orangish looking bird, a decent size. I stopped to look at it. I've never seen anything like it! It's pretty! But what is it? I stopped Hachi and had him look at it, pointing it out to him. "Hachi, what's that? It's pretty...." Hachi eyed it down and then tilted his head.

"Not sure..." Hachi admitted. "I'm not familiar with birds." He went to keep walking then. I frowned.

"Well... let's take a picture of it so we can show Paris when we get back," I suggested and pulled out my phone, pulling up the camera on it and went to take a picture of the bird. "Give me a moment Hachi." Hachi stopped walking then and seemed to realize something.

"Oh- Raven don't! I-" The bird fluttered his wings then and started to sing a tune I was unfamiliar with, making me feel tired. "Raven..... it's...." I heard Hachi drop to his knees. "Phoenix." I widened my eyes and dropped my phone on accident just as I got a snapshot of it. I wrapped my arms around myself and blinked as drowsiness flooded throughout me. I found it hard to concentrate on Hachi as I sunk to the ground, curling up in the leaves. I wanted to pass out right there, but I kept my eyes open, knowing something was off. I can't sleep.... I seen the bird transform into a male with red hair and yellow eyes. He gave a smile as he dropped onto the ground. His outfit consisted of orange and red. He gave a smile as he started for us, pulling out a pocket watch and checked it.

"Oh dearie... We'll be late." He complained and looked towards me. "See I plan to cleanse you of your sin and send you to peaceful rest." He explained. I widened my eyes as I snapped out of it and sat up.

"Hachi, wake up!" I started for him then, not wanting to leave him behind. I'd teleport us home! There's no way I'm letting us get touched by whatever that thing is! It's creepy! It was behind me then and held a cloth out, wrapping it around my neck then started to choke me.

"Sleep now, you'll have plenty of time to scream later." He assured me and licked my cheek then. "Tasty sins."

"PARIS! I'M BEING ATTACKED!" I shouted, hoping he'd somehow show up. What if I'm too far for him to hear our thoughts?! I started to panic and went to grab his hands as I found it hard to breath. "Stop it!" I got out and went for my knife, stabbing him in his hand. He hissed out in pain and then pulled on the cloth, making it harder for me to breath.

"No no.... don't struggle." He whispered to me. "I don't want you to struggle just yet." He leaned in towards my ear and began to sing the song again. I reached out to stop him, starting to hum to myself to block him out. I grabbed his hand and dragged it down to me, exposing my fangs. Whatever he is, he has a heartbeat! I can kill him! He sighed and then yanked my hand away and grabbed my head. "Fine, we'll make this hard." I felt him yank my head sharply and I fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, I heard the rattles of wheels against tile, but the world was black to me. I widened my eyes and felt like something was tied over them. What the world?! I went to grab it, but I couldn't move my hands. I started to struggle then. "Get this off my face!" I screamed and didn't like it one bit. Where am I? What's going on?! I started to try to kick and yank my hands free of the bonds holding me down to the wheelchair I was strapped to. I couldn't even sit forward! I shrieked and started trying to rub my head against the chair to loosen whatever was over my eyes. I heard someone humming then behind me as it wheeled me to wherever I was going.

"Oh, you're awake. Your friend is still unconscious. I'm surprised. Though he does have a young form.... It makes since it will take longer for him." I heard a man talking to me. "I think I will play with your friend first, I want to have an audience when I rip off those pretty little stiches of his."

"You better let me go or you'll have your guts outside your body in the next five minutes! I'm going to kill you! Whoever you are! I swear! You're going to be killed! Slowly! I'm going to get my hands on you! No one does this to me! You hear me! No one!" I shrieked at him and then managed to get the cloth off by catching the edge of the chair on it. I looked towards him then, wanting to see my victim. It was the phoenix from before. He was walking beside me though with a bag in his hands. He had on an orange lab coat. Hachi was being wheeled behind me and a skinny skellington like figure was pulling him along. I noticed we were going down a long dark hallway with dark blood splattered walls. The hall was light dimly but candle sticks.

"How does it feel? Your neck? I snapped it. I hope it's all healed. I want everything to be perfect. Oh, put that back on." The birdman leaned in and slipped the cloth back over my eyes. I struggled to get it off again.

"You bastard! Get this off! You're going to get it!" I struggled some more. "YOU STUPID LITTLE BIRD!"

"I still haven't decided on what to do with you? Any suggestions? I thought about pulling your fangs out, your spine, cooking up your brain and making you eat it. These are all good but I haven't decided on the main course." He touched my shoulder then, running his fingers towards my neck. "What did you do to your victims?" I screamed, recoiling at his touch.

"Get your filthy fingers off me! I'm a pureblood! You don't get to touch me!" I exposed my fangs and went for his hand to make him stop. He laughed and grabbed one of my fangs, pulling on it a bit.

"Pureblood? Does that mean you have a stone? I might do something with that then. Yes... that should be interesting. To see what I can put you through..." He ran his fingers towards my chest then. "I'll start with posion. I will insert it directly into your heart. Then it will pump into your rooted core... and you'll grow ill.... I might even enslave you if you are lucky and live through it." I widened my eyes and tried to get away from his touch.

"Did I say pureblood? I meant newborn," I said quickly. "I'm... Dante's newborn," I told him, not wanting to put Paris in trouble. Dante could get in trouble.

"I don't know a Dante and that doesn't interest me. You do dearie because you are under my custody. I'll take.... good care of you." He told me and then laughed evilly.

"I-Isaac...." I heard Hachi mumbling.

"Ops, no you can't wake up yet. Here, you better take this. Drink up." I heard the bird moving towards Hachi's wheel chair.

"Leave him alone! I'll make you into a pillow if you touch him!" I screamed at him, hissing his way as I sharpened my fangs more. "You're going to get it! You're so screwed when I get out of this!"

"You won't get out of this." He laughed towards me and I heard Hachi gulping something down. "Isn't that right boy?"

"HACHI! DON'T DRINK THAT!" I panicked then. Hachi.... He's drinking it.... Why?! He shouldn't drink that, and he knows that!

"Hachi is a good labrat. Aren't you boy?" I heard the bird doing something then and Hachi let out a soft moan. "Good sinful boy. You'll do well when I pull out your spirit." He laughed evilly. "I'll break you like a twig."

"Bastard..." I growled and then stopped struggling. Maybe if I become boring... he'll lose interest. I grew silent and relaxed my body, going limp in the chair. I'll just keep this up, and he'll stop. I only keep messing with my victims because they interest me. I heard Hachi's breathing slow and the footsteps of the bird coming towards me. He walked past me and I could two doors opening.

"I'll play with you for a bit though, since you are tempting to me." He told me, laughing. I felt the wheel chair bump as it went over the doorway. I heard the male fliddling around in the room. Play with me? I got a little worried and stayed silent, playing dead or asleep- however he'd take it. I felt myself get shocked, enabling me to move and I was unstrapped and placed on an old bed, then stapped down to it. The blindfold was removed and I watched as they done the same to Hachi on a nearby bed. I widened my eyes then shut them quickly, not wanting to be interesting at all. If I'm quiet... he'll leave. I stayed limp and didn't struggle against the bonds holding me. I heard his footsteps across the floor as he walked around out beds, examining our bodies. "Clear him of his clothes... except for his boxers. I want her clothes on though, I won't let her be declothed by anyone but myself." I almost tensed up at his words, but I stayed silent, not showing any reaction. I heard the others going for Hachi then, the sound of clothing ripping. "His stitches are gorgeous!" I heard the bird shout, bouncing over to Hachi in excitement. "I can't wait to rip each little one out!" I felt him gasp softly. "Oh but I can't rip them off just yet.... He's a powerful being. I'll have to rip his powers, magic, and immortality from him first. Oh how fetching that will be... Oh yes it will...." I heard him laugh then.

"Sir, would you like us to burn this?" I heard one of his servants ask him. "His clothes won't be needed anymore, yes?"

"No more clothes.... We'll provide him some... We'll dress him in orange.... Oh yes.... He'll look so good in orange and red... I'll cover him in red." I heard him let out an insane laugh and then sniff something. "We'll need to make him some medication to reduce his powers and relief him of his sins. No.... I won't kill either of them.... They'll be my worth pets.... They'll be pure when I am through." I started to move slowly then, moving my hands towards the straps on my wrists to start tearing at them quietly. No way in hell was I going to let that guy touch me at all after what he's done. I'm not a pet! I make others my pets! I heard his footsteps wondering off across the room. A hand grabbed my wrists then and separated them then tied them further apart from each other. I opened my eyes then, glaring up at whoever was touching me as I struggled to get my hands free from them. It let me go after tieing me down and laughed.

"I-Isaac...." I heard Hachi mumble. "Isaac...." I exposed my fangs up at the person then, trying to get them. Stupid little whatever ruined my plans! Gagh! I was fuming as I struggled again.

"Let me up!" I shouted at it. "I changed my mind! You're going first!"

"Quiet now." The bird warned. "We don't need him waking again." He chuckled. I glared his way but got quiet, not wanting to attract his attention. I started to work at the straps holding my hands down and closed my eyes again, relaxing the rest of my body besides my hands.

"Master, something for the lady." I heard the monsterous being say, walking towards the bird.

"Ah yes.... give her this." The bird gave it something in a needle. "All it takes is a prick." I opened my eyes wide and then shrieked, starting to work faster. I managed to get my hands free then sat up and went for my feet, falling out of the bed. I got my feet free quickly, tearing the bonds off and then tried to teleport out of this mess. I widened my eyes when I couldn't feel my powers and then got to my feet. Crap! I made a break for it, going for a knife nearby and then for the door after I got my hands on it. "Now-now now... where are you going? Why are you leaving? So soon dearie? You are full of sin." I heard him walking towards me then along with all his minions. I didn't stop for a second, seeing I was close to the door. I grabbed the handle then and opened the door quickly, stumbling out into the hall. I slammed the door shut and ran down the hall, trying to get as far away as I could, making a few turns down unfamiliar halls to throw them off if they kept after me. After a bit, I came to a room that resembled a living room. I looked around it as I slowed down and frowned. Are we in some sick twisted house or something? Where's the door out of here? I will get out and go get help.... I don't think I can get Hachi out of here on my own... not without help. I winced at the idea of leaving him and clutched the knife, walking towards a door that lead out of the room. I started to calm down when I didn't hear them nearby and started to explore for the way out, looking up and down halls and exploring rooms I came across. I eventually collected a piece of paper, a pen, a pair of scissors, a book, a spoon, a fork, a spork, a box of matches, a can of arousal spray, and a hoodie. I slipped the hoodie on to hide my hair, guessing that I could use it to blend in incase he came across me. He'd think I was one of his possibly... hopefully.... I looked down at myself and saw it was really big on me, but it covered my unique hair up and hid my face well enough. I slipped my items into my pockets and kept out the pen and paper, starting to write a help me note on it and went to a window in a room, finding tape and taped it to the window. Maybe someone outside would see it and get Hachi help. I glanced the window over then and smirked. Hey, outside.... I could totally use this window. I went to unlock it and frowned when I saw it didn't open. WHAT THE HECK?! I narrowed my eyes and grabbed the book, throwing it at the window and shattering it. HA! I heard footstep rushing towards me then.

"Oh no you don't, get back here." I heard his ruff and sketch voice calling me to him. I widened my eyes and went to crawl out the window, not caring if the sharp edges cut me. I felt hands grab me then and pull me back inside, throwing the hood back as his minions kept a tight grip on me, looking at their master. I struggled then and went for my pockets, getting the knife out and stabbed one of them in the side, throwing us up against the wall. I growled sharply in it's ear and went to tear at it's eyes. "Don't fight." I heard him order me. "You'll make it hard." I could hear him taking his time towards me. "I want you to watch me rip up your friend." I stopped then and looked towards him, glaring him down. I exposed my fangs and ran at him, stabbing him in the chest with the knife and went for the pen, planning on stabbing him with it too. He pulled out the knife and then laughed, watching his chest bleed out. He looked towards me, fiddling with the knife in his hand. "Take her back to the lab." He ordered. I let out a growl then and went for the match and the can, turning on his people and then made a flamethrower out of it, setting them on fire. I used it up till the can was gone and then threw the can at them and flicked the match towards the floor. I grabbed the fork and whirled towards him again, stabbing him in the shoulder with it. I ran for the window then as he laughed at me. I was suddenly tripped and I felt myself being pulled across the floor, his hands were around my feet tightly.

"I hope you saved the rest of your strength for your punishments. You sinful girl." He laughed softly. "You're too interesting." I started to kick at him then, hissing at him.

"LET ME GO!" I shrieked and went for his hands, grabbing at them. I started trying to pull them off my ankles. I'm never taking a picture of another bird again! I don't care what it is! This is ridiculus! He pulled out a needle then and stuck me with it in my neck, inserting something into me. I widened my eyes as I got an insane asylum flashback and shivered, curling up. "Please," I begged and looked up at him. "Please let me go... I didn't do anything to you... anything that deserves this to both me and Hachi. Let us go... He's innocent too...."

"No... You both hold a darkness deep within you." He told me. "I can smell it. You both are full of sin. I will wash you clean and show you the path to the light."

"I don't want it!" I started to struggle again and dug my nails into the floor, refusing to go. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" He laughed and picked me up.

"Stubborn, aren't you?" He smirked and started to carry me then, ignoring when I started to claw at him.

"Let. Me. Go!" He shook his head and looked me over.

"You're getting those cut," he told me simply. "We can't have you having nails if you're going to use them like that." I screamed and went to bite into his throat then. I HATE HIM! He grabbed one of my fangs and yanked it out, my blood gushed out all over him as he tossed the fang away. "Would you like the other one out?" I whimpered and curled up in his arms, holding my hands to my mouth as pain shot through me.

"Jerk! I hate you! I hope you die! I'm going to kill you myself!" I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt my body numbing slightly.

"You'll end up loving me in the end.... You'll be obiedent to me and clean." He assured me. I shook my head quickly and opened my eyes.

"No, I'll hate you for this... forever. I'll hate you," I mumbled as I looked up at him. Kill him.

"Then I will lay you to rest." I frowned.

"Like... dead?" I barely got the word out. I whimpered then. "I don't want to die!"

"You'll pick." He told me and laughed evilly as he carried me back into the room. Hachi was awake pulling on the straps. He looked beyond freaked out.

"You can't make me pick! That's terrible! My death or a fate like that!" I shivered at the thought. Death or torture for my entire eternity?!

"Raven!" Hachi yelled towards me. "What- Him!" Hachi seemed to panic at the sight of him. "I read about you. Agostein.... the.... the Phoenix." He mumbled weakly. "Raven.... Get away from him." I widened my eyes then. I struggled to get away and yelped when he dropped me in the floor. He smirked at me and watched as I ran over to Hachi.

"Hachi! You're awake!" I hugged him quickly and then went for his straps. Hachi struggled to break the straps himself, and panicked slightly.

"M-my magic! It's gone." He cried out in fear.

"Hahahahaaaaa step away from him." The bird ordered. I looked towards him and shook my head.

"He's my friend! You're not touching him!" I shouted and then pulled out the spork, pointing it at him. "I'll stab you again!" He frowned towards me and grabbed my wrist then knocked the spork out of my hand. He pulled me towards my bed and made me lay down. I sat up quickly and got out of it, kicking the bed at him and then ran for Hachi again, grabbing a tray and threw it at that Agostein guy. I giggled as it hit him in the head. Ha! Take that! He held his head and then glared me down, frowning.

"You're being difficult." He hissed. "Get back in your bed." He ordered as he dodged the tray. I giggled as I looked at him. He's not that scary. I giggled again and then laid down beside Hachi.

"Nope! You're not putting me back on that bed... and you're not strapping me down Mr. Ago-away!" He laughed towards me and then pulled out his pocket watch, checking the time.

"You'll be limp soon anyways. Five more seconds." I looked at Hachi and kissed his cheek.

"Hey Hachi, he's planning to pull your stitches out.... If I really do go limp, can I trust you to get away for yourself?" I started to undo one of his hands then. Ago walked over then and shoved me off the bed and then stomped down on my stomach.

"Look little girl, I'm not going to play nice all day." He snapped. "You're really starting to piss me off. Play dead." He ordered and leaned down towards me. "I don't need a trouble maker fooling around with my plans." He hissed. I looked up at him and then curled up into a ball.

"Leave me alone," I mumbled and placed a hand over my chest. He smirked and then grabbed a lock full of my hair.

"I'll just kill you." He decided. "I don't want you anymore. You don't interest me." I widened my eyes and then went to get away from him.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I screamed and then grabbed his hands and looked up at him in fear. I knew that even if I did get a few feet away, it wouldn't matter. He'd stop me before I would get out of the door. I looked at his hands then up at him. He said he wanted a pet earlier.... Maybe if I try... being pet-like? I leaned in towards his hands and rubbed my face against one and let out a small purr. Pets love attention from their masters, right? Maybe if I seem like I want to be on his good side? He glared me down and then I started to feel my body tensing up and becoming limp. I whimpered and fell forward, letting go of his hands. I looked up at him and pouted towards him, trying to move my fingers as I couldn't feel them. He picked me up then started to strap me down on the bed.

"I can't stand ones that make this hard on me... I'll have to keep you sedated through your whole treatment. For now... I'll start on the young boy." I looked up at him and then rested on the bed, deciding not to do anything. Hachi would live... besides, I can't move. I need to get on that guy's good side somehow.... Maybe if he thinks the fight is gone? I looked up at him and gave a small smile before looking towards Hachi with a little bit of worry. He's going to be in a lot of pain.... Hachi seemed to squirm around in his bed, looking unhappy about his position.

"Isaac... Harry." Hachi mumbled, trying to summon them. His magic wasn't working though. I looked back up at Agostein then and gave him a pleading look.

"Please.... don't hurt my friend. He's so little. Don't take his stitches. He needs them. Those make him feel better," I told him and gave him a cute look. "I'll behave."

"Don't." Ago grumbled. "I want nothing from your opinion. He will be better off without them." He started to sharpen a knife then. I winced. Poor Hachi...

"But.... I won't run anymore. Just leave his stitches, please," I begged. "I will let you have all the weapons I still have.... I won't fight you. I'll do what you want." One of his servants made Hachi drink something then, and smirked as he stepped away. Hachi seemed to be dazed slightly. "I'll love you and be your slave without any problems," I told him quickly, trying to find something to make him stop. "I'll let you do what you want.... How about you let him go free, and you can keep me? I'll be obedient, I swear."

"I rather have him. He's the obedient one." He purred towards me. He started for Hachi then, getting on the other side so I'd be able to watch him slice and dice Hachi. I started to cry then.

"Please... what about his kids?" I begged.

"He doesn't have any." The male assured me then started to cut into Hachi's arm, getting the threat out of him, making Hachi scream out in pain for once. He trembled against the knife's touch.

"How do you know that?! Let him go! Please! I'll do anything!" I tried to move my body again. "Please! Don't do that! He'll be hurt, and his pets will get hurt! STOP!" Hachi's eyes squeezed tight as he tried to hold back his screams.

"No boy, scream. Let it all out... You sinful boy." He purred towards Hachi.

"AGOSTEIN! PLEASE!" I started to cry again and tried to tense up my body. "Please! I'll do anything!" Hachi's eyes filled with tears.

"Confess your sins Hachi." Agostein purred in his ear as he sat the knife down and went to pull out the stitches with his hands. I squeezed my eyes shut and wished that I could curl up into myself and fade out of this. Hachi.... Poor Hachi, he doesn't deserve this. I heard Hachi scream then, unable to hold it back. I blocked it out and started to imagine I was out of here, in the old world before Paris and after Dante, when I was free to do as I pleased- the only thing stopping me was the hunters, and I killed them too.... I started to relive moments like when I met Uriah and those two idiot hunters....

~Time Skip~

I was yanked out of what I was cooking up in my head to block everything out by his insane laugh then. "No more pretty stitches for you!" He laughed again and I heard the scissors drop on the floor. "How does it feel, little sinful boy? How does it feel to have those out? Does it feel better? Do you feel like you can let your sins go? Hmmm?" I heard Hachi whimpering softly.

"No..." Hachi mumbled. "You'll go to hell." He whispered softly. "Paris will come save us."

"No one is coming to save you.... You belong to me now," he purred to Hachi. I shivered at his tone and went to bury my face into the pillow then, able to move again. "You... will... always... be mine," he said slowly. I could hear a knife scraping against metal as he said it. I heard Hachi's fear in his breathing.

"No..." Hachi refused to let it get through his head. "They'll come...."

"I can't wait for the months to pass. You'll see they've forgotten all about you," he whispered to him. I heard the knife edging closer on the metal to where Hachi would be.

"They wouldn't." Hachi shook his head. "They've grown close to me."

"There's no such thing as friends.... Only those in power who wield it over others." I heard him laugh wickedly then. I opened my eyes and looked over, widening my eyes when I saw him cut into Hachi's side then. "You'll forget about them soon too!" Hachi let out a scream. His blood stained the white sheets even deeper, giving them a fine shade of red.

"S-stop.... Please...." Hachi begged. "Stop...." He started to cry once again.

"We'll bleed those nasty sins out of you!" I hid my face into the pillow then as I saw him go to cut him open. Hachi let out a scream and I heard him yank on his bonds.

"I'll obey you..." Hachi started. "Please don't hurt me!" He cried out. I heard the bird laugh then.

"You're fun," he purred. "Hmm.... I think I will let you get some rest. You earned it." I heard the knife drop then. "GET IN HERE AND CLEAN THIS UP!" Hachi's breath stopped slightly and he get out a gasp, trying to curl up into himself. I heard the door open and a few of his minions assembling something. I glanced up and saw that they were preparing to sew him shut to keep him alive. I whimpered and backed into my bed the most I could. A few ran off to go get clean sheets to change the bed with as others went to go get bandages. Ago started for my bed then and gave a smirk.

"Your turn." He purred evilly. I heard Hachi's breath falter until he passed out. Agostein ran his fingers across my stomach then and made an x over it. "Let's play here first." He purred to me and then started for his equipment to use on me. I shook my head quickly, trying to curl up as I clutched the bottom of the hoodie I had on over my other clothes. There was no way I was going to let him touch me! I started to pull on the straps holding me down then, panicking. He came over with a knife and cut the hoodie off of me then started to slide up my shirt to expose my stomach. He cut an x over my stomach then and laughed. "Beg for mercy girl." I gritted my teeth and held in a scream. I've gone through worse. I've definitely been through worse.... I started to cry then and looked up at him then away from him, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing my face. He laughed and then leaned in towards my head and sniffed me. He walked away then with the knife. He came back with a bowl of something. "I hope you like lemons." He told me and sat it down by me and then dipped the knife into the bowl of liquid. He brought it towards my skin. I looked at him in alarm then and struggled.

"No, don't do that," I said quickly. I started to panic at the idea of him cutting into me again. He cut into my skin then, cutting deep and I felt the sensational burn on the lemon. I screamed and arched my back, trying to get up. "What do you want from us?!" I shrieked at him and tried to break the bonds.

"To clease you of your sin!" He told me and then looked towards his servants. "Ready a bath full of cold lemon juice." He ordered and started to cut deeper into me. I screamed again and exposed my fang that I still had.

"Please... I'll do anything... just stop!" I looked up at him and pulled weakily at the straps holding me down. I tried to keep in another scream but failed. It was pure agony. He laughed and then picked up a handful and dashed it onto my skin. He then made another cut.

"So much fun!" He said with excitement. "I just love a good game." I looked up at him and bit my bottom lip hard, making myself bleed to keep from screaming.

"I-I.... I've got a better... game," I whispered, trying to get his attention away from what he was doing.

"I like this one." He told me and smirked. He shushed me then. "Quiet, the little one is trying to sleep." He told me and looked towards Hachi's body. He seemed so frail now. I looked up at him and started to cry.

"Please.... I didn't do anything," I pleaded, begging with him. "I'll be a perfect little pet. I promise I will if you just stop."

"You're almost there, good girl." He told me and then continued to cut me. "But we can't just let you serve me until you are cleansed." He laughed wickedly. I screamed and tried to free my feet, kicking them.

"Stop! Please! I'm cleansed! I didn't do anything wrong!" I squeezed my eyes shut. "I didn't do anything wrong!"

"You still smell of sin!" He told me as he sniffed me. "Just a little further. One bath and you will be reborn, child."

"Please, I don't want the bath," I whimpered out, knowing what he meant. He meant that bath he ordered to be made for me. "I don't want it! It hurts! I'll die! I don't want this! Please! Paris!" I struggled some more and tried to get away.

"The bath is ready." I heard a servant tell him. He smirked towards me then pulled out a needle from inside his lab coat and stuck me with it, inserting another liquid into me.

"To make sure you stay." He told me and then unstrapped me, throwing the knife away and then went to get the wheel chair, "Take her to it and don't let her out for three hours straight." He told them. They nodded and started to take me away, down the hall and towards a bathroom. I could smell lemon in it. I screamed.

"AGOSTEIN! DON'T DO THIS! HELP!" I shouted, fearing the bath more than I feared what he would do to me in that room. "PLEASE!" They placed weights on me then and dropped me down in a deep tub then slid a board over the tub. The lemon began to sting as it got into my wound and blood stream. It was worse then drinking from a werewolf. I shrieked and started to bang on the top. I stopped then and looked at the lemon juice as I did my best to stop screaming. I looked it over and took a deep breath, deciding to try to knock myself out or maybe even... I shivered at the thought and looked around for ideas as I ignored the pain. I screamed in frustration when I didn't see anything to help me and then started to kick at the top of the tub, trying to knock the board free. I slipped and fell into the lemon juice more, gasping as it got into my airways. I got my head up out of it quickly, coughing it up. "AGOSTEIN!" I threw myself against the board the best I could, trying to lift it, but I couldn't. I started to cry then and kept it up till I got weak and finally gave up, just sitting there as I stared at the liquid around me blankly. I couldn't even feel the pain anymore.... It was non-existant to me at this point. I ran my fingers over the top of it as I started to count each second I had been in here.

After what felt like forever, I eventually reached three hours. They should be coming any time now.... I heard the board slipping off and I was pulled out of the lemon juice and into the floor. He sniffed me then as he got a hold of me. "There is still this bad scent lingering on you." He told me. "We'll have to still cleanse you." I whimpered then and grabbed him.

"No more, please.... No more," I whispered and looked up at him with a broken look. I knew he'd tell me no. What he would do next, I didn't know. I didn't understand what he meant by bad scent. Was there something wrong with me? Was I a bad person?! What was it that made him do this to me?! He grabbed my shoulder then and started to pull me towards the room with Hachi.

"Let's go play some more." He suggested.

"No!" I started to cry and weakly tried to get away, already exhausted from my fight in the tub.

"Don't struggle! That's what adds on to your sins." He told me. "You better accept your punishments." I looked at him and sniffled.

"Don't do this. Doesn't this make you sinful?" I tried to keep on my feet but ended up falling.

"No, I'm only helping save your soul." He told me and then rubbed my shoulder that he held onto. "I'll make you forget them all now.... You won't remember anything and that will purify your soul! It worked for the boy." He told me and then threw me into the room. I stumbled into it and then looked back at him before I made a break for Hachi. I got in the bed beside him and curled up to him, burying my face into his chest. HE'S NOT MAKING ME FORGET! Like Hell he will! Hachi had new wounds across his body like he had been cut or something. He was hardly breathing and his scent has changed. He smelled more human that I remember. I whimpered. Hachi, I'm so sorry.... I hugged him tighter, making sure not to injure him and closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry Hachi," I whispered to him. "This shouldn't happen to you."

"Oh yes, this is all your fault girl." The bird laughed out towards me. "Because of you, you're both going to suffer under my thumb." He locked the door and started for me. "Come now, we'll need to continue curing you." I shook my head and tried to teleport us again but failed. I looked up at Hachi in panic.

"Hachi, wake up," I hissed towards him. "Hachi, we need to work together."

"No need in trying to wake him! He's far gone." The bird announced proudly. "He's confessing his sins to the gods and asking for forgiveness. He'll come back soon... Practically a new soul." He spun around then and laughed. "You'll follow soon." I shrunk down into the bed with fear and curled up closer to Hachi, feeling safer beside him.

"What... happens to us after we're cleansed?" Maybe I can get him to reveal his plans?

"You'll help me." He told me, pointing towards his servants. "You'll look like them eventually." I shivered.

"You want us to become them?"

"yes~ and no one can save you." He laughed out and smirked. I curled up in the crook of Hachi's arm and then watched him.

"Agostein...." I felt a burning sensation in my throat then, making me whimper. "Agostein... I'm going to starve. You'll kill me like this.... Vampires need blood, and I can't survive without it. It's worse when I get injured. Please, you'll kill me," I begged, touching my throat.

"Oh good.... You feel hungry." He seemed happy about that. "That means you are closer to our goal." I whimpered.

"Please, I'm serious.... This isn't a game. I'm going to die," I told him. "It hurts...."

"You'll be fine." He told me and laughed, coming towards me. "Come here child. Let's prepare you for your sleep." I shrunk into Hachi further and exposed my fangs.

"I don't sleep without food," I told him quickly, not wanting him to touch me. He grabbed a lock full of my hair and pulled me off the bed.

"You'll have food when you are cleansed." He assured me. I whimpered and buried my face into the bird's chest.

"Please... I don't want this.... I'll be quiet if you give me food and let me sleep without being cleansed," I whispered quietly. He laid me down on the bed and then strapped me down to it.

"Sleep." He told me and pressed his fingers against my lip. "Let my tears guide you to the gods and beg for forgiveness." He started to cry then and a tear fell down into my eye. I jerked back and went to bite his finger. He pulled his hand away quickly and then grabbed a cloth, placing it over my mouth and tied it behind my head. "Sleep now." I whimpered and tried to get away from him, struggling a bit. The world faded to black then, sending me to some sort of nightmarish realm.