Unseeing Eyes

Quinton's POV:

"Dad! Hurry up!" I shouted and bounced with excitement as I started to take off my shirt. I'M GOING ON A RUN WITH MY DAD! I'M OLD ENOUGH! HAAAAA! My dad walked up with a guy following him.

"Quinton, this is Alpha Cage's father, Hunter. He's going to be running with us today." My dad told me. He gave a smile as he walked up then went to transform into a wolf, stipping out of his clothes rather quickly. Hunter, seemed to do the same. I followed them quickly, not wanting to be left behind and shifted into my wolf. I ran over to my dad and nipped at his ear before I took off towards the woods in excitement. I wagged my tail and perked my ears up to listen at any forest creatures. I was going to catch something today too! I knew it! I could feel it in my bones! Hunter and my father ran by me, keeping pace with me rather easily.

"Did you hear the news this morning?" Hunter asked. "I think it's something that would interest you and Cage." He told my father, nipping at his ear. "There's a wolf, in the city. He's been acting out lately. Making himself known and top dog. He's been given the nickname crimelord. He's been creating mishap wherever he goes. He's getting closer. He was spotted in NewYork." My father let out a slight growl.

"I'll get my boarder patrolled well then by this afternoon." My father promised.

"Can't we talk about something else? It's my first run with you guys and you're already talking about your jobs and stuff!" I growled towards them and laid my ears back. "Buzz kills."

"Oh okay~" Hunter let out a laugh. "It's nothing to worry about anyways." He promised me.

"RACE YOU~" My dad yelled and ran off in front of us. I widened my eyes and took off after him.

"YOU BETTER GET BACK HERE DAD!" I shouted after him and let out a howl. "NO FAIR! YOU'RE STRONGER THAN ME!" Hunter took off after August.

"I may be an old man but I can keep up!" Hunter told him, struggling to catch up with my dad.

"NO WAY OLDIE! YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME!" He joked. I laughed and then yelped when I tripped over a tree root and fell into a bush, tumbling into it with a crash. I whimpered and went to stand but yelped again when a sharp pain went through my paw. I looked towards it and saw a twig was stuck between my toes and started for it, letting out a growl. Hunter and my father came over to me then, laughing as they panted. "What's the matter son? You waited your whole life for this and you fell into a bush?" He teased.

"Awe, atleast he's bigger then you. You know your father was a runt at your age." Hunter told me.

"Hey! Don't tell all my secrets!" My dad growled. I let out a sharp growl as I couldn't pull it out and fell over onto my back, trying to get at it better as I snapped my jaws at the twig.

"Stupid little-" I cut myself off and then went to bite it. "GWAGH!" I growled again and fell over onto my side. I kicked my paws against the ground then, trying to knock it out. My father leaned in then and bit down onto it, yanking it from my paw and dropped it onto the ground.

"There you go, son." My father howled then, wagging his tail. "Let's get going." I got to my paws and wagged my tail as it started to feel better. I nuzzled against his chest then and then went to run again. My dad started to run by my side, Hunter scouted ahead. I let out a small howl and made sure not to trip over anything again, enjoying the run and the wind through my fur. I'm going to be alpha soon and have a pack running by me! It's going to be awesome! We ran for a good ways, starting to get to a meadow but Hunter froze up in front of us and my father tensed at my side. "Hide." My father told me strictly. I stopped and looked towards him, laying my ears back and shrunk down.

"Why? What's the matter dad?" I looked around and sniffed the air.

"There's a trespasser. Hunter and I will take care of it. You can stay and watch if you'd like but don't get noticed no matter what." My father whispered. Hunter was already starting towards the field. I looked at my father and then pressed my nose into his fur, getting a good smell of him.

"Don't get hurt," I whispered and started for the treeline, keeping low to the ground to obey him.

"I'm the River King August." My father told me and took off running past Hunter and into the field. I heard his body crash against something hard then and the sound of growls erupted through the forest, making birds and other criters leave. Hunter ran into the battle field to help my father. I widened my eyes and spun around, sinking down to the ground as I saw what was going on. I curled up at the base of a tree, peeking out from behind a bush nearby and watched my father closely, slightly worried.

There was one huge wolf that lingered over my father and Hunter. He must've been the biggest wolf I ever seen. He was a monster. His teeth lashed out towards Hunter, and his nails slashed into his side, shoving him away as he went for my father altogether. Hunter jumped the wolf though and had him shoved further into the meadow. My father let out a trifling howl to alert the pack. I heard a snap then, as I seen the wolf dragging Hunter by the neck, blood dripping out of the lifeless body's mouth. The wolf slung Hunter into my father then and I heard my father come out of the hit with a growl. My father jumped the wolf then, getting onto his back and stared to go for his neck. The wolf rolled over then with high unbelievable speed. I heard my father let a yelp out and after a few minutes I seen my father recover and get to his feet, attacking the wolf. They fought like dogs, slashing at each other for what felt like forever, gaining wounds. I heard my pack nearing our location and that's when the wolf striked. It tackled my father then and bit down into his throat, going for the kill. My father started to transform back then as wolves do right before they die, their wolf leaving them to suffer alone. Instead, the wolf threw my father into a stump, his head hit against it loud enough to worry me for his life and the wolf vanished into the shadows of the forest. I could hear my pack rushing after him then, howls calling to venge my father and Hunter. I widened my eyes as I looked towards my father. No.... I got to my feet and ran over to him quickly, nuzzling my muzzle into his side.

"Get up," I growled to him, not wanting to think he was dead for a moment. I nipped at his hair then, tugging at it. "Dad... say something!" My father seemed to be lifeless against me, he didn't move and blood gushed out of his wounds on his body. There were quite a few on him due from a quick shift and the ones he gained in his wolf's form. He showed no sign of life. I let out a howl then and nipped at his arm softly, trying to rouse him. "Dad, you're not allowed to die! You can't leave me here!"

"AUGUST!" I heard my other dad shout as he appeared beside us. He ran over and got to his knees, pulling him away from me. "What happened to you?!" He looked him over worriedly and then bit into his wrist, holding it out over August's lips. "Don't leave me. Please, don't leave me. I can't let you. You can't do this to me!" He started to cry then. I widened my eyes and watched. I-Is he really dead? He may be.... Quinton, I'm so sorry. I think he's gone.... You've got to be alpha now. You shouldn't let this linger in your mind. It'll drive you mad. No! He's can't be dead! He's too strong! He's my dad! I seen my father's fingers twitch then and he started to breath, letting out a pathetic gasp first. I could feel something rush past me then, a spiritual feeling like a wolf brushing by me. I stood up and wagged my tail as I realized he'd be fine. I nudged his side, trying to rouse him further as my father started to relax and fed him his blood to help him. "Shh, I've got you August. You'll be fine.... They'll get him for you." Louis looked down at him with pure love in his eyes, relief flooding them. "I thought I lost you." He kissed the top of August's head then. After a few minutes my father grabbed at my other father, brining his wrist to his lips and bit down into it with his k9 teeth. I could see the life flowing through him now. I sat down and wagged my tail. Man... my other father is special... He brought dad back. I growled then, remembering the big wolf from earlier and bristled my fur up. I'm going to kill him for this! I got to my feet and went to go, but Louis gave me a sharp look. "Quinton, don't you dare leave my sight. You're going to take your father home, and I'm going to go get the pack." He pulled his wrist away after August got enough and stood up, disappearing. I let out a growl. I'm stuck taking my father home?! That should be the Luna's job! I'm supposed to go get revenge! I looked down at my father and grabbed his arm lightly with my teeth, pulling him close and then knelt down, moving him on top of me and took off for the treeline again, going in the direction of home. I felt my father sniff me then.

"Quinton?" My father asked softly.

"Yes dad?" I felt worried then. Why's he sniffing me? Why's he questioning if this is me? He should know.... I'm his son....

"Quinton.... Where are we going?" My father asked softly, running his fingers through my hair. He sounded so tired.

"Home. Dad told me to take you home. He's going to retrieve the others before they can get to the one who did this." I glanced up at him curiously. Why's he petting me? That's so weird....

"Hunter..." My father trailed off. "He's dead. What will I tell Cage?" I let a growl out then.

"You'll tell him that his father died at the hands of a rogue," I told him. "We'll get him back. I swear it."

"When did it get dark?" My father asked softly. "How long was I unconscious?" I stopped then and laid my ears back as I looked at him.

"Dad... it's not dark out.... It's the middle of the day. You were only out for about ten minutes..., Other dad fed you his blood to make you wake up."

"No... it's dark." My father told me, slight panic rising in his voice. I widened my eyes. HE'S BLIND!

"Dad..." I heard my voice was shaky now, so I stopped talking as I looked at him. He didn't need to hear my worry! He'd freak out more! My father fell off me then as he stood up and shakily grabbed his head.

"No.... No don't tell me." My father began. I put my tail between my legs and looked away, feeling terrible. This wouldn't have happened to him if I had ran out to help. I should've... He'd be fine and Hunter would be alive. You would've died. No, I wouldn't have! I'm going to be alpha one day. You would've died. You're too young and inexperienced to be much in that kind of fight. Don't blame yourself. BUT IT'S MY FAULT. Your father should've waited on his pack instead of engaging the intruder. He was being a good alpha and protecting his territory! He didn't deserve this! I'm not saying he did.... Quinton... you're going to have to be alpha sooner than we expected. He can't be alpha if he can't see. I whimpered then and curled up on the ground. I don't want it if it means that dad can't see! My father fell to his knees after stumbling a few ways from me. "LOUIS!" My father howled for his lover, despair was written all over his face now. I let out a whimper at the sight and crawled over to him, keeping low to the ground. I curled up beside him and rested my head in his lap.

"He's rescuing the others," I told him gently. My poor father.... My poor father fell down onto the ground then and curled up into himself, shaking even more.

"I don't want to live in the dark forever." He mumbled and I could smell his tears dripping off his face. "Why...." I let out a howl and then moved closer to him.

"Dad... please... it's better than you being gone," I told him, trying to make him feel better as I felt like crying myself. Louis appeared then and knelt down beside August and I.

"What's the matter sweetie?" He asked and pulled August close to him. I stiffened as I saw the blood on him. Did he.... No. He didn't kill the other wolf. He scared it off. The pack is going home. Hear them? I listened for them and relaxed when I heard them running. August curled up to his mate and let out a wail of pain. He grabbed at Louis and started to tear at his clothes to get closer.

"Louis." My father whimpered weakly.

"August?" Louis started to panic then, seeing the look in August's unseeing eyes. "No..." He picked him up and stood up, looking him over. "You can't be.... After... all that? You're blind?" Louis started to cry then. "I'm so sorry! I thought you were ok! You were reacting well to my blood! How come it didn't fix this?!" I whimpered and buried my face into my paws, refusing to see this. I heard Louis disappear then, taking my dad home.