The Quad’s Birthday

After 5 years, we come back to the Grimm manor celebrating a special birthday for Paris and Richard's children.

Richard's POV:

"Everything has to be absolutely perfect!" I shouted, watching as the servants were setting up the music room for the quadruplet's birthday party. I smirked as I watched a girl almost drop one of the vases. "I saw that!" She yelped and scurried off to avoid getting caught by me. I glanced around and then walked out, leaving them to it. I was going to play the piano for my darlings on their special day. It's their fifth birthday.... I went to the kitchen to check on Hachi to see how the cake was coming for them. "Hachi, how's the cake?" I crossed my arms when I saw Isaac distracting him with kisses. "Isaac, the cake needs to be done. GO DO SOMETHING ELSE!"

"Relax, it'll be done on time." Hachi purred to me. "It's in the oven as we speak." He looked towards me. Where's the birthday girl and boys?" He asked, very curious. Hachi had been curious about them every since they were born.

"Hey~ Sweetie." I felt arms wrap around me from behind. "How are things going? I hope you aren't pestering Hachi. He's trying to make the cake." I widened my eyes. Crap... I got caught by Paris. I looked back at him, trying for an innocent look.

"Things are going great," I whispered.

"Good." Paris purred. "Let's go wake them up. They've been asleep all morning together." Paris's eyes flashed towards Isaac and Hachi before landing on me. I shook my head.

"Let them sleep in.... Maybe they'll turn out like me and be able to sleep for long periods of time when they feel like it," I teased and then kissed his cheek, slipping out of his arms. "SOMEONE MAKE SURE WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF BLOOD!" I called out and heard a distant 'yes sir' from one of the servants.

"Let them sleep in on their big day?" Paris asked, raising an eyebrow. "They only turn five once, Richard." I sighed and looked at him, grabbing his hands.

"Ok, let's go get our children." I started to pull him towards the door. I laughed and dragged him towards the stairs to get up to their room. Paris hummed with excitement. When we neared the stairs I caught Nikolai sitting at the top of them, reading something on his phone. "Nikolai! You're here already!" I ran up to him, letting go of Paris's hand then leaned in towards his ear. "Want to do a big man's job and go supervise while I wake up the kids? I don't want anything screwed up."

"Hm... Sure." Nikolai gave a small smile before getting to his feet and walked down the stairs, he paused when he stepped past Paris then kept walking. "Good morning." He hummed.

"Morning." Paris gave a smile towards him. I ran off then, going to the children's room and busted in.

"GOOD MORNING MY LOVELIES~! Rise and shine! Today is your big day! It's your first time having a party on this scale!" I ran over to the bed and pulled the covers off the four of them and scooped them up into my arms, kissing each of their sleepy heads. Rory, the oldest of them let out a soft growl from being woken and went to bite into Sage, the second oldest. Paris walked into the room then, going towards the curtains and opened them.

"AH!" Keegan shouted and hid his face into my chest, he hated the sunlight and was the youngest. I frowned and went to separate Rory from Sage before he could get a bite out of his brother. Sage whimpered and reached for Rory.

"No! I want my brother!" He cried out. I laughed and set those two down then hugged Keegan and Shiloh to me. Keegan was the only one out of the four that had my black hair, the rest had Paris's white hair. He tended to favor me most of all. Keegan grabbed at my shirt.

"I woke up daddy... last night.... You wasn't there." Keegan mumbled. I let out a comforting purr and kissed his head as I set Shiloh down because she was squirming. She ran over to Paris and tackled him, wrapping her little arms around his leg.

"Grawr!" She growled playfully at him and exposed her tiny fangs. I laughed and then looked at Keegan.

"I'm going to let you in on a little secret. When you get scared at night, I'm right down the hall," I whispered. "Don't tell your siblings." I heard Rory bite into Sage's neck and held his brother down to feed off of him. Paris scooped up Shiloh and gave her a kiss on the head.

"Good morning my lovelies!" Paris purred, taking her towards the bed.

"I want to sleep with you." Keegan told me. "And mommy, and bubba, and bubba, and sissy." He pointed towards everyone. "I want us all together. That's my wish for today. I want to sleep together." I melted immediately and kissed his head.

"We'll all camp out in the living room and sleep together. We'll have a movie night~!" I purred to him.

"I want to join." I heard Donnie from the door. "Good morning~" He gave them all a smile then walked in, holding something behind his back. "I got you guys a gift that you can open right now. You'll have to share it but I think you will love it." Shiloh was behind him in seconds.

"What is it? Lemme see!" She went for it then. Sage looked at his brother and pushed him off, going towards Donnie. Rory ran over towards Donnie then.

"Donnie!" Rory yelled and giggled. "Bubby." He tackled Donnie first, making him fall over and a present landed right by his head. It was rapped up in a colorful wrapping paper.

"I want down." Keegan told me, reaching out for Donnie. I laughed and set him down.

"Go get him tiger," I whispered in his ear and nudged him towards his older brother then went for Paris. "Paris~! You ready to be amazed at my awesomeness today?" I wrapped an arm around him and smirked. I had something planned.... He was going to love it. I was going to wear some of my old prince outfits from a long time ago instead of my clothes from today. Paris nodded but looked towards Donnie. Donnie managed to get his youngest siblings to calm down  and sit around him. He let them have the present then to unwrap. They were very good at passing it around to unwrap equally since they loved sharing things like that. When it was unwrapped, Shiloh had it in her arms.

"It's a book." Donnie told them. "I figured that tonight, we can get everyone~ to gather around the fire and have mom or dad read it to us." Donnie told them. "It's a family thing. Plus you guys will cherish it forever because it is about how mom and dad met." Donnie informed them. Rory looked towards the book with interest.

"Wow! Can we mom, dad?" Rory asked and looked our way.

"YEAH!" Keegan looked towards us. "I want you to read it."

"I'll read it!" I ran over to them and sat down beside them, looking towards the book. "I'll read you guys anything you want read to you!" I kissed all five of their heads, ending with Donnie. Donnie gave me a smile.

"I told Dannie, Myra, and Peyton about this too. They thought this was a good bonding experience for us. Especially since Myra isn't ever around." Donnie told me.

"Myra~" Rory laughed evilly. I looked towards him.

"Be nice," I warned. "Or the evil shadow king will come and steal you away in your sleep from your siblings."

"Wha...." Rory licked his bloody lips.

"Prankster." Donnie grumbled. "Just last week Rory put a snake in my bed..." He mumbled. I widened my eyes.

"Rory! No more blood for the next hour for you!" I told him and stood up, picking Rory up in my arms then walked over to Paris, handing him over to him. "Watch this one. He takes after you."

"He does not take after me!" Paris hissed. "This one obviously takes after you." Paris put Rory back down on the ground. "There you go sweetie." Paris purred. "It's your day, have fun." Keegan walked up to me then and tugged on my pants leg. I looked down at him and smiled, leaning down to his level.

"What is it sweetie?" I asked him and rubbed his head. "You should be having fun." He wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me.

"I love you." Keegan purred to me. "Thank you for offering to read tonight." I laughed and hugged him.

"Aww, of course my little love," I mumbled in his ear and then looked him in the eyes. "I think you should go see if Shiloh wants to play tigers and bears with you." Keegan looked towards Shiloh and gave her a smile before running off to her. He tackled her into a hug.

"Sissy~ Let's play tigers and bears." Keegan told her.

"I WANNA PLAY!" Rory ran over towards Sage and tackled him. "RAWR, I'M A TIGER!" Sage growled towards him.

"THEN I'M A BEAR! GRAWR!" He tackled Rory to the floor and bit into his neck. Shiloh giggled and looked at Keegan.

"You're a tiger then," she told him. I stood up and looked towards Paris, about to say something about how cute they were when the door was opened. Isabelle stepped in.

"They finished setting up the music room," she informed me and smiled. I smirked and ran for the door.

"DADDY HAS SOME WARMING UP TO DO!" I shouted over my shoulder and ran for the stairs, laughing. I'm going to play the piano! For my children this time! Hahahahaha!

"I'll put this someplace safe~" I heard Donnie saying, taking the book to a shelf. Paris started after me then.

"Music room?" Paris asked curiously. I stopped at the top of the stairs and looked at him with a smirk.

"The prince of Transylvania is going to play the piano for his babies today. It'll be amazing!" I laughed and then ran down the stairs. "The party is being held in the music room!" I explained.

"The music room is too small. Have the piano brought to the ball room." Paris told me. "I invited a good number of people to this event." I looked back at him from the bottom of the stairs then sighed.

"Ok! Ball room it is!" I shouted. "BRING THE PIANO AND THE DECORATIONS TO THE BALL ROOM! WE'RE SETTING UP IN THERE INSTEAD!" I screamed towards them. I smirked when I heard a chorus of groans. Nikolai wondered up to us then and smirked.

"Duty is over." Nikolai told me then pulled out his phone. "Rose is somewhere around here. I think in her room. I mean... my mom is around here." I widened my eyes.

"ROSE!" I took off for her room then, excited. "ROSE, I GOT SOMETHING I WANT TO TELL YOU!" Rose was just getting to her door with a suit case when I reached her. She turned to face me and gave a smile.

"Oh... Hi Richard," she purred to me.

"Rose! Are you staying for a bit?" I asked her and then got close, hugging her. "I'd love it if you did! What about Nikolai? Is he staying?" I asked her and then smirked. If he's staying... he might run into Raven. She been hanging out in the library for the past couple of years reading Paris's journals. She's close to finishing. Then she's in her room or trying to find a human to drink from.

"Yeah, we're staying." Rose told me. "Oh uh... Val has two kids by the way. We've been talking lately. I invited her over. I hope you don't mind. I thought it would be nice to invite the kids over." She gave a nervous smile. "She'll be here soon." I took a deep breath and then gave a nod and a smile.

"Of course! She can come," I told her and kissed her head. I let her go and then stiffened when I heard a crash downstairs. "WHOEVER JUST DROPPED SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO GET IT!" I ran towards the stairs then. NOT THE PERFECT BIRTHDAY RUINED!

Raven's POV:

I shut the last journal of Paris's and smiled, stretching out on the couch in the library. I'M DONE! I didn't know some of that.... He was right about me needing to read them. I definitely learned a lot. I got up and walked towards the door then stopped when I heard Richard shouting. Oh... it's their birthday today, isn't it? I laughed and stepped out, sneaking down the hall towards my room. I wonder who all is coming.... I seen Nikolai walking down the hall towards me on his phone, humming to himself. I widened my eyes as I caught his scent and ducked into a nearby hall to hide. IT'S HIM! NO! I've avoided seeing him! Nikolai stopped at the end of the hall I had ducked into and looked up from his phone, towards me.

"Raven?" He gave a small smile. I stopped and looked back at him then. Oh no....

"H-hey Nikolai," I said and gave a nervous smile. He put up his phone then and started for me.

"What have you been doing?" He asked curiously. "I haven't seen you in five years. The last thing I remember is when we were torturing those guys together." I giggled then as I remembered that.

"Nothing much. I've been reading Paris's journals and camping out in my room," I told him as I calmed down. "What have you been doing?" I asked him.

"Dad gave me a castle and I've been hiding in it." He admitted. I laughed then.

"You've been hiding? Now that's interesting, Mr. I'm Going To Rule the World," I teased and walked up to him. I stopped then as I caught his scent and widened my eyes. It was a lot stronger now than before. I looked away from him as my fangs instinctively exposed and hid it from him. Nikolai smirked.

"I've been training actually with the demon and my father." He showed me his stomach then that had a nice build up- a six pack. I glanced towards him and then looked away quickly.

"That's nice," I told him and then laughed as I remembered my last training session. I had destroyed the gym.

"Yeah~" Nikolai laughed. "My dad said that girls would be more attracted to me if I had a nice build." He explained. I blushed then and crossed my arms as I turned away from him.

"Well, for some girls," I told him and then started to play with my hair as I tried to get my fangs to unsharpen. Why does he have to smell so tempting?!

"Oh? You mean I done all of this for nothing?" Nikolai frowned. "Hmmm... I'll go fine my dad then and put his head through a wall to get him back for convincing me to do all those sit ups." I bit my bottom lip and glanced at him over my shoulder.

"It will help you later though.... When you are trying to take over," I whispered and then looked away as I touched my fangs lightly. I accidentally cut my finger on one and yelped, but I quickly went to stop the bleeding. My finger was stolen from me in a heartbeat and Nikolai was licking the blood from it. He let out a husky moan and went to bite me. I widened my eyes and tried to get my hand back from him. "Nikolai!" I hissed. He let me go and smirked as he hid his fangs.

"What?" He asked me. "I've got control." He told me and walked past me then, hitting my shoulder. I let out a growl at him. That little- I tackled him to the floor then and showed him my fangs.

"What the heck! You bumped into me on purpose!"

"Uh- yeah." He looked me over and smirked. "Got a problem with it?"

"Yeah, I've got a huge problem with it. I've killed people for less," I hissed in his ear.

"So?" He asked and exposed his fangs. "We're family. You wouldn't bite little young me." I sat up on him then and looked him over as I caught his scent again and looked towards his neck.

"Are you sure about that?" I mumbled.

"Well... you wouldn't kill me." He said, positive about that.

"Hmm, on purpose I wouldn't," I purred to him and leaned in towards his neck instinctively. I went for his hands, not wanting him to stop me. He tried to get away from me then.

"No, don't bite me!" He hissed. I grabbed his hands and held him down as I bit into his wrist instead. As soon as I got a taste, a half starved feeling came over me and I found myself digging my fangs in deeper. I moaned at the flavor and closed my eyes, loosening my grip on his other hand as I moved both hands to holding the one I was biting. He shieked and suddenly I was flung towards the wall and pinned against it by an unknown force. "GHA! YOU BIT ME!" He hissed and looked towards his wrist and watched it heal up. I whimpered and tried to get free from the wall.

"Put me down!" I growled towards him, knowing he was the one doing it to me.

"Nu-uh." He shook his head. "Promise not to bite me?" He got to his feet then. I looked at him and thought it over.

"I promise not to bite you at the moment," I told him and smirked. I'm not promising about the future. He walked up towards me then and leaned in towards my neck, I could hear his fangs extending. He bit down into me then and wasn't too gentle about it. I screamed out and tried to get free. He pulled away after a few seconds and licked his lips then looked towards mine before letting me go. The force dropped me. I whimpered and then stood up, running off. He chased me down then.

"Raven!" He called towards me. I tripped then, almost to my room.

"Eeek!" I fell and then sat up, looking down at myself then towards the door to my room, scrambling to get to my feet. He scooped me up before I could reach it.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked curiously. I looked up at him and quickly looked off, my heart speeding up. He's got me.... I don't like it.

"Nothing," I said. He nodded and looked me over then sat me down on my feet.

"You've changed." He told me and then stepped away. I frowned.

"I have not! If you want to fight, then let's go outside!" I narrowed my eyes at him. He laughed and shook his head.

"Not on my cousins's birthday." He told me. I giggled and looked up at him.

"Now, don't bite me. My blood doesn't belong to you," I told him and smirked. "Your my prey, not the other way around."

"You don't bite me and I won't bite you." He said, smirking. "I don't like people biting me." I smirked.

"Like this?" I asked and snatched his wrist up to mess with him. I pretended like I was going to bite him then but didn't expose my fangs. He shieked and tired to get away from me.

"Don't bite me!" He said sharply then had me thrown back against the wall. I widened my eyes.

"Nikolai!" I struggled to get free then. I didn't even bite him this time! I glared him down. "You still act like a six year old," I muttered under my breath.

"I'm eleven." He told me and had me fall down then, letting me go from the force. I teleported behind him then and kicked his legs out from under him in anger. I smirked down at him.

"I think I like the view," I teased as I saw him sprawled out on the floor. "You look helpless." He rolled his eyes as he watched me.

"Whatever, girl." He stayed on the floor, pulling out his phone. I glanced at it and smirked. Break it. I giggled and snatched it from him, breaking it. He glared me down and then looked towards it in my hand and it started to reform. I growled at him and dropped it on his chest.

"That's no fun when you can just put it back together," I mumbled and then reached out a hand to help him up. He put his phone into his pocket then grabbed my hand and got to his feet.

"I can do things you can't~" He smirked. I giggled then.

"Yes, you can... but you'll never have my battle prowess," I purred to him and tapped my head. "I've trained with many war legends, and I will always have a special edge just because I'm me." I laughed again and looked up into his eyes. He rolled his eyes and walked off down the hall.

"Sure, Raven." He laughed then. I watched him go and rubbed my arm to keep myself from going after him, feeling that I should. I sighed and went to my room, deciding to get ready. I had an outfit planned for today after all, and I was going to need time to fix myself up.

Nikolai's POV:

I walked down towards the ball room to see if I could find Victor there, I figured he would be lurking somewhere around the others. If I didn't find him there then I would just text and ask for his loctation. I reached the ball room then walked in, looking around for my father. He was by Richard, looking over the decorations with him. He pointed out a small mistake to him, making Richard go into another episode about how everything had to be perfect. Victor spotted me and then smirked, walking over. I smiled towards him and gave a small bow, messing with him.

"Victor~" I purred towards him. He laughed and held out a hand to me.

"How did your exploring go?" He asked me and then stopped. He leaned in and sniffed me. "You've been near a girl. She's all over you."

"So?" I asked him and gave a laugh. I grabbed his hand and pulled him close to me. "I was getting a treat." I licked my lips then, remembering how she tasted. He laughed and looked at me approvingly.

"Good boy.... Which one was it?" He asked me and looked me over. "She seems to have made you happy."

"Raven." I told him, trying not to act happy then. "I'm not happy and if I appear to be it has nothing to do with her. It's my cousins's birthday after all." I reminded him. He nodded then.

"She smells good... but I'm surprised you actually bit her without being provoked. She doesn't smell so tempting to make someone randomly bite her." He laughed then.

"She smells good to me." I told him. "Tastes just as delicious." He frowned then.

"Nikolai... how long has she smelled that tempting to you?" He asked me.

"Uh...." I tried to think back to when I just met her. "For a long time." I told him. He gave me a suspicious look then.

"Is it just her scent that catches your attention?"

"What do you mean by that?" I asked curiously.

"You know... do you only talk to her because of her scent?" He pulled me close and smirked.

"I- I don't know." I shrugged. "That's a trick question."

"Hmm, you're right. It's always a trick question. Good answer," he told me and laughed. "Anyways, would you get upset if you saw her with another guy or feeding on someone or if she was flirting with someone else or maybe even dancing?"

"N-no." I told him, shaking my head. I mean.... there was that guy named Austin... but I was mad because he had treated her wrong. "No." I told him quickly. He nodded and then let me go.

"Ok, I'm satisfied then," he purred and looked towards Richard who just got the mistake fixed. Richard started for the piano then and sat down on the bench, playing a few notes with a small smirk. I watched him then pulled Victor towards the doors.

"Come on~" I told him quickly. "Let's hang out."

"The party is going to start soon though," he mumbled and then sighed. "Fine."

"Good." I smirked and took him to the livingroom. "We can watch a movie together~" I pulled him into the room and caught Dannie and Quinton making out on the couch. Quinton let out a growl and shoved Dannie down onto his back, getting on top of him. Victor froze and looked towards me.

"How about... we go find something else to do? Milkshake?" He teleported us to a nearby Dairy Queen. I smiled in excitement.

"I love milkshakes!" I told him, as if he didn't aready know that. I ran up to the counter to order something, looking through the choices. He followed me and pulled out his wallet.

"Get what you want," he told me and smiled at me. I looked through the menu.

"Hmmmm.... I want..... a.... a..... Chocolate cheesecake one. That looks delicious." I told him. He nodded and went to order.

~Time Skip to the Party~

Victor stood beside me as we watched people chatting with one another. "I think we should have stayed and gotten another milkshake," he murmured to me. Richard was playing a song in the background for everyone, a few couples waltzed to it. I looked towards Victor.

"Eh... It could be worse." I mumbled and seen my mom walking towards us. She was in a pretty light pink dress that really brought out her white hair that flowed around her. She smiled towards us and looked my father over, something in her eyes sparkled.

"Victor." She gave a smile. "Want to dance?" He looked at her then at me.

"Hmm... go be young," he whispered to me and then smirked towards my mother. He bowed and held out his hand. "I would be honored if you danced with me," he purred, his voice like silk. She blushed and took his hand then guided him towards the dance floor. I watched as they started to dance.... I bet she ends up pregnant tonight. He was giving her a loving look.... It was going to happen tonight if she allowed it.

"Grawr!" I was tackled by Shiloh then. She had managed to sneak up on me. "Whatcha up to Mr. Tall Guy!" I laughed and picked her up.

"Happy birthday, Shiloh." I told her and kissed her cheek. "Princess Shiloh." I purred to her then sat her back down on her feet. "Would you like a dance?" I asked her, holding out a hand. She looked towards it then at the others and giggled, taking my hand.

"Uh-huh! But don't make my bubbas jealous!" She started to pull me towards the dance floor then. I laughed as I followed her then once we got there I started us out by spinning her then began to dance with her.

"Oh, I am sure they won't be missing you for too long." I told her. "I'll give you back after this dance." She nodded and exposed her fangs.

"One of em is going to get bit!" She giggled. I smirked.

"Good, I would pick Rory. He needs a good bite." I told her and pointed a finger towards him. He glared me down with jealousy. She giggled as she looked towards him and then leaned in towards me to mess with Rory. I laughed and spun her then. "Where did you learn to dance? You are so good at it." I told her. She looked thoughtful.

"Ummmm.... I dunno," she told me and shrugged.

"Probably from Donnie." I looked around for him, seeing him messing with Peyton's hair. "He'd do something like that."

"I see daddy dancing with mommy sometimes," she told me and looked up at me innocently. "They always end up kissing though."

"They're very in love." I told her. "They have a good love history between each other." She giggled.

"They're cute together," she whispered and then stopped when Richard changed the tune to happy birthday. She giggled and clapped her hands excitedly, running towards her brothers as a cake was being brought in. I smiled and looked around, finding Paris talking to a few servants. He looked towards the cake then and walked over to Richard, running his hand across the top of the piano. I looked towards the cake then to watch the birthday girl and boys. Shiloh was pulling her brothers towards it excitedly, giggling. She grabbed Rory in particular and when they got up to the cake, she bit down into his neck. Rory let out a growl and tried to bite Shiloh back. Keegan exposed his fangs then.

"Hey!" Keegan growled towards them. "No, wait until after we have cake."

"But I'm cute," Shiloh told him and smiled innocently, licking her lips clean then licked up Rory's neck to make him shiver. Rory left Shiloh then and went towards Sage, hiding behind him. She pouted and went to go after them, but she caught Richard watching her. She stopped and smiled innocently towards him. He smirked at his children then looked at Paris before going back to watching the keys. Keegan went for the cake then, excited about it. A servant started to cut the cake for them and gave each of them a piece before going over to a table with it and started cutting it up for the guests. Keegan began to eat his cake, smirking towards the others. There was servants taking pictures of them and smiling softly. Rory started to feed Sage his cake, getting it all over his face. Richard changed it then to a darker sounding piece that made Paris light up in recognition. He smirked at Paris and watched him. Paris walked off then towards the side of the stage and suddenly all you could hear was scrapping of something heavy across the floor. Paris dragged out a piano and had it facing towards Richard then sat down at it and started to play the notes sharper with more interest. It sent a chill up my spine from how dark it sounded.

"PIANO BATTLE!" Rory gasped out, getting cake on Sage's nose. Richard looked up from the keys then at Paris and smirked, giving him a look as he banged down a chord to be creepy. Paris smirked back towards Richard and the two began a duet of battle. Where they competed for darker, meaningful notes. It was very... passionate in a way. After about twenty minutes of it, Richard suddenly stood up and started to reach across the piano top towards Paris, practically crawling across it. Paris smirked and crept across the piano he had been playing at. I heard Rose clear her throat then and walked up to them.

"Hey! Knock it off or take it upstairs, we have kids here!" Rose's eyes flickered to me. Richard didn't listen to her and grabbed Paris, pulling him over and kissed him then went for his neck, giving him a love bite. I smirked and had the two of them separated and placed back on their own piano bench, keeping them there. That should hold them there... I laughed evilly. Rose looked around then and glared me down. Richard whined and then looked at the keys with interest. He smirked and started to play again. Paris mumbled something and started to play the piano again as well. I sighed in relief. I watched as my mother snuck over to a woman I never met before, her hair was a bright firery red. I walked towards them with interest then, hearing them talking to eachother as if they were old friends. A little girl clung to the red haired woman as well as another one a year or two younger. I stopped a few feet from them and my mother turned towards me.

"Nikolai come over here. I want you to meet someone." My mother told me. I walked up to her side then. "This is my son Nikolai.... Nikolai this is Val and her daughters. The oldest is Astrid and the younger girl is Starla. They like to call her Star though. Hey~ Where's Alex?" My mom asked, skimming the croud.

"I'm not sure, but it's nice to meet you Nikolai. You are a handsome young man." Val gave me a kind smile. I gave her a nod.

"Pleasure is all mine, miss." I purred.

"Watch out. He bites," I heard from behind me and then a small giggle. I looked behind me curiously. Raven smirked up at me and then walked past me, going towards my mother. She gave her a hug then looked at Val. "Val! Nice to see you again!" She said and gave her a sweet smile. "Who are these little angels?" She asked and looked towards the two little girls.

"My daughters~" Val purred to Raven. "Astrid and Star." She pointed towards them. "They're Alex's kids too." Her jaw dropped then.


"Mhmm.... He's a pureblood now." Val whispered, pointed to a figure across the room. Looks like she spotted him. I looked his way curiously.

"Hachi did it, didn't he?" Raven asked and then looked Alex's way. "He certainly looks like being a pureblood is treating him well.... He's suited for it." She giggled. "I bet he's fun," she purred and then started to walk off towards some other people. I remembered something then... Charlie... He was warning us about a woman named Val... I looked towards my mother.

"Excuse me." I whispered and then looked towards Richard and Paris and had them freed then started out of the ballroom. I heard Richard let out a purr and the piano banged almost immediately like he had crawled up on it again. I looked behind me and had Paris's body escorted to me by forces and he ended up by my side. "Come with me." I whispered to him.. I knew Richard wouldn't be far behind. It didn't take him long to catch up.

"Alright little kid, stop stealing my moments," Richard growled towards me and wrapped an arm around Paris's waist.

"Val's here." I told them.

"Hmmm? Yes.... Rose said she was coming." Paris purred.

"Charlie said something about-"

"Yeah, I know. She was behind some of it," Richard said and smiled. "We forgave her when we saw she was with child. She is behaving, and she knows not to cross us again or it will be at the cost of her stone being crushed for good along with Alex's being dropped into the sea."

"We-well...." I trialed then. "What if we use her as bait. To find out where Brooklyn and the rest of the Ainsworths are along with several others.... Like that girl Lauren." I suggested. Richard nodded and looked thoughtfully at me.

"You have good ideas... and I am happy that you tried to inform us instead of letting it sit."

"Lauren? What about her?" Raven was by my elbow then.

"Huh?" I looked towards Raven curiously.

"They were friends." Paris reminded me.

"Is she in trouble?" She asked me and frowned.

"Lauren was suspicious in the last days I was around now that I recall those ten years ago and she disappeared." Paris told Richard. "I'd love to say hello to her." He nodded.

"Me too.... We'll need to get her mate and her child too."

"Suspicious? Lauren? She loves us," Raven whispered and looked at Paris and Richard. She hesitated then. "She did disappear though...." She frowned and looked down at the ground sadly. "I'd hate it if my first friend ended up being with the Ainsworths...." She started to play with the hem of her knee length black dress, mumbling something we couldn't catch.

"Well... we still should interrogate her." I told them. "As well as several others. We can't just let people that cross our family get away with it otherwise people- more people will try to overthrow us."

"Wow... you are growing up so fast." Paris purred towards me.

"He's got the family pride," Richard purred towards Paris. "He's going to be great when he's a little older." Raven started walking back to the ball room then, seeming a little upset. I watched her go and frowned slightly, wondering if she was okay. I looked towards the other two.

"It's not about family pride." I told them.

"Mhmm, keep telling yourself that. When you're older... you'll see that this is the best family to be in if you don't already," Richard told me and smirked. "Protecting each other is very important."

"Heh. The only person you can trust is yourself." I mumbled. "Not even the demon." I whispered lowly. "Watch your backs." I warned them and started back for the ball room.

"You know.... One day when he figures out who his mate is, he might stop saying that," Richard purred to Paris. "I wonder how long..." I turned to look at Richard, seeing Paris smiling towards me like he knew something. I shook my head then entered the ball room, looking around for Victor. He was next to my mom, kissing her hand to make her blush with a smirk on his face. I walked up to them then and grabbed Victor's hand and pulled his arm into a loving hug. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Nikolai! What's the matter? Did I miss something?" He looked me over and then hugged me back. "Did someone die? I would've loved to have seen it...." I looked up at his face and shook my head.

"No one died." I told him and then moved into his chest, hugging him.

"Hmm, then what happened. You're being clingy... You normally don't do this. Though, I do admit this is nice," he purred to me and started rubbing my head as he wrapped an arm around me. I smiled softly as I buried my face into his chest.

"I just wanted a hug." I told him.

"Ok, Nikolai," he whispered and hugged me back. I could feel him smiling towards my mom like he won something. I felt my mother glaring him down then, probably jealous. I took a deep breath, breathing in his scent. "Are you hungry again? They have a table set up with blood in glasses over there if you'd like some." I looked up at him and then looked towards the table then looked back at him and leaned in towards his neck, biting into him. He yelped and then grabbed a lock of my hair but didn't tug on it. "Nikolai! I think you hit puberty in your head already!" I pulled back and licked my lips clean of his blood.

"What's puberty?" I asked him. He smirked.

"It's when you go from that," he pointed to the quadruplets, "to that," he then pointed to my mother and all the other adults in the room. "It's what happens when you're a teenager."

"So?" I tilted my head. "I'm still going to feed from you."

"Hmm, but you're jumping topics. A hug and then a feeding session," he whispered and looked at me. "But, if you're hungry, I guess I don't mind as long as it's you. If it was someone else, there might be a dead body when we're through." He showed me his neck then. I leaned in towards it and bit back down into it, starting to drink his blood. This reminded me of the first time he forced me to drink his blood... jerk. I bit down hard into his neck then to get back at him for it. He groaned and went to stop me by tugging lightly on my hair. I loosened up on his neck then, still feeding from him.

"Nikolai." My mother whispered. "Maybe you're sick." She told me, feeling my forehead. "You never hug people."

"He's not sick. He's just been spending time with me. I've been teaching him things you wouldn't... like how best to torture someone... and where the best arteries are... and how to fight." Victor smirked towards her and then let me go. I pulled away from Victor then, licking my lips. I pulled away from the hug and looked towards my mother.

"Don't take it the wrong way, but he earned my hug." I told her.

"Mhmmm," Victor purred towards her then grabbed her hand, giving it a kiss. "My lady, would you like to go check out the garden with me?" He asked her and looked up at her from her hand.

"You two can be soo mean." My mom mumbled. "I guess I will go." She told him and wrapped her arms around his arm, pulling him towards the exit. I walked away from the scene then, looking around for someone to bug. Richard was back at the piano again, playing another waltz for everyone after those two left. A few couples started to dance again, and I caught a sight of Shiloh dancing with Keegan. I saw Raven out of the corner of my eyes, looking out a window as she sipped on a glass with some sort of red liquid in it. I wasn't sure if it was blood or wine. I started for Raven then and walked up to her.

"Raven~" I purred from behind her. "Would you like to dance?" I asked her curiously. She jumped a bit and then looked at me.

"Dance?" She took another sip of her drink then.

"Mhmm." I nodded and gave a slight bow, holding out my hand towards her's. "Come dance with me." She looked at me for a moment then smiled.

"Okay," she whispered and set her glass down. She took my hand then and started to pull me towards where the others were dancing. I followed after her and smirked.

"So you can dance." I teased. She giggled and glanced back at me.

"Of course I can dance..... I'm just a few centuries younger than everyone else here."

"Mhmmm?" I asked and then pulled her closer to me as we got on the dance floor. I placed a hand on her back then grabbed one of her hands. "I always thought of you as just a wall flower." She looked up at me and smirked.

"Because I never find someone I want to dance with. The rest aren't as interesting," she teased me and then looked at the others. "They wouldn't be able to handle me... and I scare them."

"So I interest you?" I asked curiously. She blushed and looked up at me.

"Just a little bit," she whispered quietly.

"In what way?" I asked, pulling her closer to me and leaned in towards her ear.

"Ummmm.... I don't know.... Why?"

"Oh.... I was just wanting to know." I purred and then spun her around. She giggled and looked towards me then gave me a sweet smile.

"When I figure out why you interest me, I'll let you know."

"So you will?" I asked then let her go as the piano playing's notes changed to a different song. "Better then being a wall flower, yes?" I asked her. She giggled and gave me a nod.

"Yes, it is I guess.... Though, I wouldn't dance with half the people in here," she whispered and then gave me a curtsy. "It was nice," she purred to me and gave me a sweet smile, starting to walk off. I watched her walk away before turning and going towards Quinton and Dannie. I watched as Dannie was snuggled up to Quinton in a small dance, by a wall. Quinton was whispering something in his ear but stopped when he saw me coming. He let out a growl towards me, his eyes turning a bright yellow. I smirked, deciding to keep my distance from them and looked around for someone else to talk to. Too bad my dear cousins are too caught up in each other to hang out with me... I wondered over towards Hachi and Isaac. I noticed Hachi was eyeing down a maid with a hungry look in his eyes.

"Hachi... are you starving?" Isaac murmured to him and glanced towards the maid then looked at Hachi. "I'll join you," he purred to encourage him, rubbing his back. "You shouldn't let yourself starve... and it's been awhile since you've had a full meal."

"I know." Hachi mumbled softly to Isaac then looked towards me as I approached them and gave me a hungry look. Isaac looked towards me and gave me a smile then started to walk towards the maid, getting up close to her then pinned her against the wall, leaning in towards her ear. He whispered something to her that made her shiver and look towards him with a dazed look. With a smirk, he leaned in towards her neck and kissed it, wrapping an arm around her waist and then started leading her towards the door. He gave Hachi a come hither look, making sure to keep it out of her line of sight. Hachi seemed to debate in his head, stuggling real hard about following Isaac. He gave in though and took off after Isaac and the maid. I sighed, looking around the room then, since they had left as well.... Didn't even offer me a bite. I felt a light tug on my pants then.

"Nikolai~! Come sit with us!" I heard Shiloh say cutely. She gave me a grin and started to pull me towards her brothers. Sage was smirking a little, leaning in to whisper something to Keegan. Keegan gave a small smile and looked over at Rory and winked towards him. I followed Shiloh obediently.

"Okay birthday girl." I purred towards her, trying to be nice. She forced me down into a seat in front of them and then crawled up into my lap.

"Tell us a story?" She giggled and wrapped her arms around me. I widened my eyes slightly.

"A story?" I asked them. "Uh-"

"Please, Nik!" Keegan begged, giving me a caring look. Rory let out a rawr, showing his fangs. Sage crawled up into my lap then beside Shiloh and pouted towards me.

"Story!" Shiloh said and looked me in the eyes. I felt a slight influence over me then and her eyes changed to a light purple. She wasn't strong enough to compel me though. I laughed towards her, impressed slightly that she got the gift.

"I don't know any stories." I said innocently, giving a small laugh.... "Okay... There once was a Prince named Nikolai. He was very powerful." I began.

"Did he look like you?" Sage asked and smiled happily.

"Ooh! I know how the story ends!" Shiloh said excitedly and grabbed me, looking towards her siblings. "You guys know, right?" Keegan gave a small frown and watched his sister. Rory grabbed me then and bit into me, making me panic from being bitten. 

"No, stop!" I hissed towards him.  

"You'll love it!" Shiloh purred to him and then tightened her grip on my arm, biting down into it with her little fangs. Sage bit down then into my neck, letting out a playful growl.

"Keegan, we all agreed to bite him." Rory hissed towards Keegan and glared him down. "Don't be a buzz kill." I seen Keegan widen his eyes and went to get off of me. I struggled under them, trying to get away.

"Stop~" I told them, feeling a shiver go up my spine. Shiloh bit down harder, whining.

"My fangs are too small to get at you better," she mumbled. "You'll just have to suffer until I get it." She tore into me then, and Sage looked towards her, narrowing his eyes and bit down harder into me. I yelped and shoved them out of my lap then had a force push them far away from me and ran out the room. "NIKOLAI!" I heard them scream after me, angry. I yelped and summoned the demon, having him take me someplace safe, to my castle in Russia. I fell down to my knees, taking in a deep breath to try to calm myself.

Shiloh's POV:

I pouted and looked towards my siblings then. "That jerk left us when we offered him our love," I whispered and went for Rory, starting to cry. "He's mean!"

"We would have had him." Rory growled, looking towards Keegan. "You traitor."

"AM NOT!" Keegan yelled back, crossing his arms. I let out a whimper and wrapped my arms around Rory, burying my face into his chest.

"I don't ever want to invite someone into our circle again," I told him. "They don't deserve us...."

"I think Nikolai was just over excited. He doesn't like anyone biting him." Keegan told me. "You guys were mean... You should have stopped." He pouted. "I don't want to hurt someone like Nikolai." I narrowed my eyes then and looked up at Rory. Keegan is going soft on us.... We've got to remind him of who we are.... I gave Sage and Rory a meaningful look then, wanting to get Keegan back for what happened. I wanted to do a group biting. Keegan started away from us then, wide eyed as he knew what that meant. Rory let out a growl and started for Keegan. Sage and I ran after him then, grabbing Keegan and pushing him up against a wall.

"Together, my sweet bubbas?" I asked them, looking at them. Sage smirked and gave a nod.

"We'll make him remember that we belong to each other," he purred towards me. Rory let out an evil laugh.

"Together." Rory purred. Keegan shrieked out in fear.

"Don't gang up on me, guys." Keegan begged. I giggled and looked at him, reaching out a hand and touched the side of his face.

"It'll only hurt for a moment," I told him sweetly. "You'll be fine." Keegan looked us over.

"Don't hurt me~ I love you guys." Keegan told us.

"We're only reminding you that.... We all only feed and love eachother." Rory told him. "Right, Keegan?"

"I-I know this..." Keegan mumbled.

"Shhhh," Sage purred to Keegan and started to lean in towards his shoulder. "Scream if you must, but don't push us away." I giggled and started to lean in towards Keegan's neck, wanting the best bite. Rory went for Keegan's wrist, biting down into it, getting first dibs. I gasped and bit down before Sage could.

"Guys! We said together!" Sage gave us an upset look then bit down into his shoulder, moaning at the taste of Keegan. Keegan squirmed then, trying to get free of us.

"Owwwwwwwwww." Keegan groaned. "You guys are mean." He mumbled, but melted instantly, I could taste Rory's venom then. I widened my eyes. I want some! I bit down harder, wanting a taste of the venom and gave Keegan some of my own. Keegan started to fall against the wall then, pulling us with him as his knees locked. I laughed and pushed us down to the floor, getting on top of Keegan and ran my hands down his sides teasingly as I made sure to keep my place on his neck. I didn't want Sage stealing it! Rory let out a groan, pulling away from Keegan's wrist then grabbed at his shirt, tugging on it slightly before biting down on the other side of Keegan's neck.

"You're crowding me!" Sage complained, looking towards Rory. "It's ok when Shiloh does it, but you're not as cute!"

"I'm not?" Rory asked, pulling away then tackled Sage and bit down into his neck, beginning to drink from him. Sage's eyes widened and he gasped.

"Rory~!" He laughed and wrapped his arms around Rory, kissing his cheek and then let out a moan. He pressed his head back against the floor, arching his back a bit. I laughed towards them and then looked at Keegan. Got you to myself! I remarked him again. He groaned and exposed his fangs under me.

"Sissy." Keegan purred. Rory looked towards Keegan then grabbed his wrist, biting into it. I whined and looked towards Rory.

"Stop taking my things!" I growled towards him and tackled him off Sage, biting into his neck.

"He's mine too~" Rory hissed. "I'm oldest. You are all mine." He told us.

"Nu-uh," I hummed out and then bit down as deep as I could, planning on marking him to make him be quiet about all of us being his. Keegan ran off from us then, leaving. Rory growled towards me, biting down into my shoulder then looked towards Keegan.

"Get him~" Rory yelled.

"DADDDY, MOMMMY!" Keegan yelled for help. I widened my eyes and looked towards Sage.

"Sage! I'm busy! Go get him!" Sage got to his feet and ran after Keegan.

"Keegan! Bubba! Come back!" He called, giving an innocent smile. "I'll protect you!"

"Liar!" Keegan yelled, running up to daddy on the piano and crawled into his lap for protection. Daddy purred to him and kissed  the top of his head as he continued playing. Sage stopped and gave a pout.

"Keegan! You can trust me! I'm your bubba! You love me! I love you! We all love each other like the family we are! Come here~ I won't bite you for now," Sage said and started walking towards the pianos slowly to get our brother back, glancing over at mommy suspiciously. I laughed and looked down at Rory.

"While they're gone... I've got you all to myself," I whispered in his ear and then nipped at it, going back towards his neck. "Mine~ All... mine," I purred to him softly then licked his neck. "Don't deny me." I bit down into his neck then, moaning as I got a good taste of him this time. I wrapped my arms around him then and pressed my face into him for more.

"Nu." Keegan hissed towards Sage. "I'm not falling for that, again." He buried his face into daddy. Rory bit down hard into my shoulder and marked me before I could mark him. I widened my eyes and pulled back from his neck as his venom coursed through me. I let out a moan and then buried my face into his chest, melting into him. I exposed my neck and rolled us over, putting him on top of me and let out an inviting purr. He purred back and bit down into me harder, letting out a growl as he drunk my blood.

"Rory~!" I giggled and ran my fingers through his hair. My beautiful bubba.... I closed my eyes and then pulled him closer. "I love you...." He pulled away from me and went to get up to go after the other two.

"Come on Shiloh." He called for me. I looked up at him longingly, but I got to my feet and looked towards the other two who were having problems. If one of us distracted mommy and daddy... we could steal him back. I smiled and ran towards them, going towards mommy and got in his lap.

"Mommy~!" I hugged him around the neck and kissed his cheek. Paris laughed softly and kissed the top of my head.

"Want to learn how to play?" Mommy asked. She guided my hand across a few keys, making a wonderful sound from them.

"Can I sleep closest to you tonight?" Keegan whispered to daddy. I looked up and over at Keegan, getting an idea. If he wouldn't come to us willingly... I'd make him.

"KEEGAN!" I shouted his name and waved my hands to get his attention. Keegan buried his face deeper into daddy. Rory gave a small growl, sneaking towards Keegan.

"It's alright, my little love," daddy purred to him and then kissed the top of his head as he kept playing.

"Keegaaaaan~" I whined and shifted on mommy to look at him better. This doesn't work if he doesn't look at my eyes! Keegan refused to look towards me though, knowing what I would do to him. He's so troublesome! I looked up towards mommy and pouted. "Mommy, why does Keegan not love us?"

"Keegan loves you sweetie." Mommy told me. "He's just different from you." She kissed the top of my head. Rory snatched Keegan then, pulling him into his arms and let out a terrifying growl before biting into his neck. I widened my eyes.

"Rory! Not right now! He'll run off again! Make him calm down first!" I started to get up, planning on using my powers on the both of them. When I made it over to them, I grabbed Keegan and forced him to look at me then gave him a smile. "Calm down and love us," I purred to him, using my powers. Keegan started to relax under my hands and pulled me into a loving hug. I smiled and kissed his cheek then grabbed Rory's face, forcing him to look at me. "Rory, you're not allowed to bite Keegan for the rest of the day," I ordered.

"Like hell I won't." Rory snapped and exposed his fangs. "Your little tricks don't work on me sissy." I pouted and then moved out of Keegan's arms to go to Rory's.

"But Rory~ That's no fair.... You can't be immune.... No one is allowed to be immune to me.... What am I going to do when I'm all grown up and I'm trying to get something I want?"

"It won't be from me." Rory teased. "Besides, you're going to be a bubba later~" He told me and patted the top of my head. "I'll make sure no one touches you. Except Sage, Keegan, and myself." I looked at him and frowned.

"What do you mean I'm gonna be a bubba?" I asked and looked down at myself. "I'm a sissy, not a bubba." He kissed my cheek then pulled away and went for Keegan. Keegan opened up his arms for him, embracing him. I giggled. "You better not bite him. I'm not good enough yet to keep that going forever.... He'll eventually go back to shunning us." I skipped over to mommy then and crawled back into her lap. The other three started to talk amongst themselves and looked towards me before spreading out and heading off towards Donnie.

~Time Skip~

I yawned and curled up into mommy's lap as the sun set outside the windows. The party had been long, lasting almost all day. Daddy had been eyeing mommy the whole time too, though I'm not sure why....  I looked up at mommy and grabbed his shirt, looking towards his neck as I started to feel a little hungry. "Mommy," I whined and looked up at him and tugged on his shirt to get his attention. He looked down at me then drug his wrist to his lips and bit down into it then held out his wrist to me.

"There you go sweetie." My mommy purred towards me. I gave him a smile and licked his wrist before starting to suck on it happily. I gripped it and dug my fangs in, giggling a little. Dinner~!  Mommy scooped me up into his arms and started to carry me somewhere, I could hear Rory saying something about building a fort in the living room. I glanced up towards mommy and then closed my eyes, not caring where I was as long as I was being fed.

"Myra~ Finally you arrive." I heard Donnie purring. "I was thinking you wouldn't show up."

"I had some affairs to take care of." I heard a girl barely say. She was quiet. I opened my eyes and glanced towards it curiously, wondering who this Myra person was. Is she food? I glanced up towards mommy again and then went back to his wrist, letting out a soft growl. Whoever it is will wait their turn. The girl I had eyed down looked like mommy and daddy... except she had long pretty brown hair and golden eyes. She didn't even have the traditional family hair color... even though she was alike with mommy and daddy. She dressed in a stylish leather outfit with weapons loaded up around her hips. Myra glanced towards Paris with hatred in her eyes. I caught her scent then and smelled that she was a half breed. I stopped feeding on mommy and looked at her again, narrowing my eyes. She's food if she looks at mommy like that.... I went to get down to go after her then. Myra's eyes slid towards daddy with the same look before looking back towards Donnie. Her eyes seemed to lighten up a bit. Mommy held onto me tightly.

"This is your sister, Myra... Be nice." Mommy told me in my ear.

"Where's Peyton?" Dannie asked as he walked up towards us. I calmed down then and went back to mommy's wrist, biting in again.

"Peyton? She should be... well... I think she's with Aiyana," daddy told him. "In the kitchen or something...."

"I'll go fetch her." Dannie suggested. "We're all supposed to be doing this." Dannie ran off then to do as he promised. Donnie watched him with slight interest.

"He has ears." Myra whispered to Donnie.

"Don't talk about Dannie," I hissed towards her. She doesn't get the right if she eyes down mommy and daddy like that. I licked mommy's wrist and then let out a small purr, happy for the change in taste. I love my bubbas... but they get a little boring in taste sometimes. I bit down hungrily into his neck then.

"Yes.... Well like you, Dannie isn't exactly... all the way Dracula and Grimm." Donnie told her. He pulled out the book from earlier. I saw daddy coming out of the corner of my eye, a small smirk on his face.

"Shiloh, learn to share," he purred to me and bit down into the other side of mommy's neck, wrapping an arm around us both. Paris let out a small purr then tried to hold in a moan.

"Okay, that's enough. Not in front of the children." Donnie snapped.

"I'm leaving if they don't stop." Myra grumbled. I looked towards her then.

"Ok," I said simply and went back to feeding on mommy. Daddy pulled back though, wiping his lips off.

"Later," he whispered in mommy's ear. "You... me... and we'll ditch our responsibilities."

"You're so tempting." Mommy mumbled to him then looked towards Myra. "You should try harder to get along with us, Myra.. like it or not we are your real family." Paris reminded her. "You grew up with a fake one. It was only for your safety." Mommy gave a small smile then pulled me away from him. "Okay, off." I widened my eyes and looked at him.

"No!" I struggled to get back to his neck, letting out a whine. "I'm not done!"

"Feed off of Rory." Mommy suggested and gave me a loving look before pushing me towards my brothers. I shook my head and went to bite down into his hand. Mine! Paris shrieked and ran towards Daddy, hiding behind him for protection.

"Mommy!" I ran after him and then grabbed his hand, giving him a cute pout to make him calm down. I rubbed up against him and then locked eyes with him. "You're mine, and you'll let me feed from you," I said lovingly and tried my compulsion for more blood.

"No." My mom said strictly. "You're eating unhealthily. Go eat a maid." She pointed towards one across the room, dusting.

"BACK!" Dannie announced, pulling Peyton into the room. I shook my head, ignoring Dannie at the moment.

"Mommmmmy~" I cried out and then tried again to use my compulsion. "Let me have more."

"No." Paris said strictly. "No more, don't ask again Shiloh or I will send you to bed alone." He pointed a finger towards me. I started to cry then, letting go of mommy's hand. Meanie! Why can't I have more?! "Because I don't want to give you anymore." Paris told me. "Now, that is all you need." He started to help the others make a fort. I walked off then, going over to the corner and sat down in it, making sure to take a couch pillow with me. FINE! I don't want to do anything with you anyways! I curled up in it and then laid my head down on the pillow, turning away from them. Jerks! I sniffled and rubbed at my eyes. I  felt someone snatch me up then and seen Donnie giving me a smile.

"Come on birthday girl! We're about to hear their story." Donnie told me and kissed the top of my head before  bringing me over to the others that started to settle near each other. Donnie gave the book to Daddy. I curled up into Donnie then, smiling softly as I calmed down. A story sounds great. I yawned and then nuzzled into his chest happily. Daddy looked the book over and then sat down, opening it.

"Hmmm.... How everything went down huh? This should be good," he teased us and then shook his head. "Needs some pictures though." He laughed and flipped past the first few pages. "Let's see... I think I should change some of this up to be more from my point of view on this. Want to hear how innocent your mommy was? Want to hear about how great I was? It's better than what this paper will tell you," he purred at us, catching my attention.

"Oh boy, go ahead and close the book dad, lets hear your input on this." Donnie laughed out.

"Oh noo.... I think I'll die." Dannie teased. "My ears won't be able to take it."

"HEY! I was not that innocent." Mommy said, blushing.

"You were too! You listened to everything your parents told you like a good little boy. You were scared of me because I was the dark, intriguing prince. I even think you might have been jealous in that ballroom when I went to play for my brother and when all the girls were fawning all over me.... I think I miss it," he teased, aiming to mess with mommy. He leaned back into his seat and gave him a look, running his hand down to his shirt and then laughed. "Hmm, that girl I was betrothed to was so... interesting."

"Whatever, we both know you couldn't stand who you was betrothed to and I couldn't even talk to the one I was betrothed to." Mommy snapped, sounding aggravated.

"Jealous?" Dannie teased.

"She tasted so good too," daddy murmured, touching his lips. "If I was innocent before, I wasn't afterwards," he joked and then sat up. "Anyways! She didn't mean much to me. She was like a pair of shackles, useless except for imprisonment." He laughed and opened the book again. "So... should we start at page one?"

"I was born." Paris began. "It's my diary after all. That's where it begins. Into a family of loneliness. Without a twin to play with~" Paris smirked. "It's depressing at the beginning, because I was depressed." Daddy tossed the book away then.

"Well, we don't need that in our lives. No one cares- No, I'm kidding. I care, but let's not depress the children." He smirked. "So little boys and girls.... Once upon a time, there was a gorgeous, young prince named Richard. He was very... interesting and different and had a biting problem. He was to be the next king of Transylvania, but his father and his mother thought he was a burden and dangerous. He liked to bite his brother's guests and tended to be found eating anyone who wandered into his music room. He loved the piano, you see.... He believed that it was important and that it was a passionate instrument and loved it from a young age. He was a master at the age of six. Well, one day, a little boy came over who was shy... didn't like to be away from his parents and never really got out. He believed in all the rules and was very innocent. Richard took an interest in the young boy and knew right away that they were to be together, but he kept that to himself. You see, the young boy was there for his younger brother's birthday ball that night. Richard knew better than to say anything because he'd lose his chance to be near the boy, so he stayed his dark, mysterious self. He caught the boy's interest, and the poor younger brother of Richard no longer had a chance to keep the boy's interest. When the young boy was being shown around the castle to go play a game, he heard something that made his stone  chase it down. He found his way to the music room...." Daddy paused then and smirked, looking towards mommy. Mommy seemed to be fuming slightly but also showed deep care in his eyes for daddy. Daddy laughed a bit. "Paris, the young boy, walked into the music room then to find the Prince Richard playing his favorite song on the piano and quickly loved the song himself, entranced by it. He did one thing that he shouldn't have done though. He walked over to Richard and captured the prince's attention again. Now, remember what I told you earlier about how Richard was a rule breaker and bit a lot of the ones who entered his music room. Paris was no exception even though Richard knew they were to be together in the future. Richard wanted to break Paris's ideas about what was right and wrong and wanted Paris to see his way of things and to be with Richard. He wanted to teach him the beauty of what their parents kept from them. He wanted Paris to be free like he was and managed to get close and bit him. Now, mind you, Paris was innocent and didn't know what it was like to be bitten. He didn't know what it was like to bite another. It was all foreign to him... and naturally, he was afraid. He was so confused though... because he wanted to be friends with this mysterious prince, but he thought that Richard wasn't a true friend because he broke the rules and bit him. It took a lot of convincing to get Paris to accept what happened, and it became their little secret. Then it came time for the party, so Richard got dressed and then went to play the piano. He had girls practically drooling at the idea of Richard playing for them. He was a heartbreaker, and he was known for it too. Paris- well, he got a little jealous at how Richard flirted with the others and loved Richard playing the piano. He wanted to learn it himself to impress Richard, and so he did at another time- that's another story. Let's not go into that just yet. My bad, daddy is getting off topic." Daddy laughed and then shook his head. "Anyways, so Richard played the piano for his brother at his ball. They all had a great time at the party and when it was close to being over, Richard committed another act of great consequence. He killed his betrothed in the garden for Paris- though Paris was afraid when he found out what had happened. He wanted to stay away from Richard, fearing for his life. In the end, Richard was able to calm him down and they became very close after some time.... They fell in love with one another and ended up changing the world so they could be together in the way they wanted. They wanted others to experience what they knew and to experience what the kings and queens of old weren't sharing. They killed their parents for each other and they set up a world where they could be together and not fear another prince or princess. No one would be king or queen again.... Well, Louis- Paris's twin- screwed that up centuries later by becoming king of the world... but Paris wanted to do that anyways. He just got beat to it...." Daddy stretched then and looked towards the book. "The finer details are in there.... Oh! I left out Laurence! He showed up too, the reason why he is a family friend.... He knew what was going to happen and told Richard and Paris that he'd help them later when they knew what had to be done to be together. He befriended them the day they met each other. It was very strange...."

"Mysterious indeed." Paris agreed. "He's always been that way. He does things for the good of our future though and sometimes I'm not sure why... but... He's always been loyal." Daddy nodded thoughtfully and then frowned.

"Why's Laurence not with us? I'm surprised he didn't appear randomly and sit down to listen." He laughed and then looked towards the maid. "You missed a spot! Right over here on this end table beside me!"

"Oh, no sir... I'm close to finishing up~ So sorry to be a bother." The maid waved her hands up innocently and gave a small smile. "Just ignore me."

"Hmmmm~ I love our story." Mommy purred to daddy. "It always has a good ending."

"Mhmm, we'll tell them the rest when they are older and have mates," daddy purred back then looked towards the maid. "Come here." The maid shrieked and left the room. Daddy narrowed his eyes and got to his feet. "Disobedient little..." He started for the door, sharpening his fangs.

"Richard." Paris hissed. "Family evening." He reminded. Richard stopped then and looked towards Paris then, biting his lower lip as he gave an innocent look.

"I wasn't doing anything," he mumbled and then walked over towards mommy, swaying his hips a little.

"Mhmm~" Mommy smiled softly then opened his arms for the other. "I love you~"

"I love you too," daddy purred and got into his lap, kissing his cheek and then his neck. I giggled and looked towards my bubbas, reaching for them as I got away from Donnie. I got up next to Rory and wrapped my arms around him.

"Rawr," I growled playfully in his ear and then went for his neck. "You'll never tell me no, right?" I whispered and then brought him closer. "You'll never be mean to me." Sage looked over with jealousy and shifted from where he was sitting, inching closer. Rory nodded.

"You can have some blood." Rory told me sweetly.

"Hmph." Keegan crossed his arms. "Don't leave me Sage." I giggled and looked up towards Keegan.

"You can join us if you'd like my sweet bubba~" I reached out for him. "We'll feed off each other together." Sage nodded at the idea and went for us with a look of hunger in his eyes. Keegan crept over towards us then with uncertainty on his face. I gave him a reassuring smile and then bit down into Rory. Sage grabbed his arm and bit down into it, letting out a small moan at the taste. Keegan bit down into Sage's neck and let out a slight moan. Sage purred towards Keegan to encourage him, knowing that Keegan would leave us quickly if he thought something was wrong about it. I smiled happily and then pushed Rory down onto his back to get a better taste as I crawled onto him. Rory bit down into Sage's arm to make things more interesting.

"I want a twin." Dannie purred. I giggled and then glanced up at Dannie as I started to remark Rory as my momentary favorite of my bubbas. I heard Keegan let out a moan as the venom got to him. Rory was struggling to hold in a moan though. I smiled and then started to do it again, wanting to get him to relax and show me he enjoyed it. Rory let out a slight purr, sinking under me slightly.

"Bed time~" Mommy announced. I whined and then tightened my grip on Rory, biting in deeper. Keegan pulled back though and ran off towards daddy with open arms.

"Daddy!" He was scooped up quickly and taken over to the fort by daddy.

"Awww! Let's go sleep in the fort together!" Daddy purred to him and then crawled into the fort with him. I glanced towards them and watched as Sage left Rory to go for the fort. I pouted. They're both leaving us? I bit down into Rory so he would know better than to go to bed just yet. I felt myself getting scooped up though.

"Come on~" I heard mommy purring into my ear. Donnie grabbed Rory then and we was toated towards the others. "You two can have eachother in the morning." I looked up at mommy and then nodded, relaxing as I lost interest in Rory. I curled up to mommy and smelled him, getting sleepy as the fullness of having just ate hit me.

"Mhmm," I hummed out and yawned. "Bed," I whispered and hugged him. Dannie curled up in the spot Donnie was about to lay down at and I heard them let out a purr towards eachother.

"I'm gonna get you." Donnie told him, falling down on top of him.

"Umph~~ you're heavy." Dannie complained. I heard the door to the room open then.

"Dannie! I'm going to go out with my dad tomorrow morning, bright and early! I won't see you tomorrow till late, kay? He's going to teach me some alpha things!" I heard Quinton shout towards Dannie. "I'm going to go to bed, so night!"

"Awe~ I love you~" Dannie purred towards Quinton. "Don't have too much fun without me." I seen Dannie lay his ears back slightly.

"I'm going to have loads of fun!" Quinton teased and smiled innocently. "Imma be the best alpha ever! Just you wait and see!"

"I believe in you~" Dannie told him and his ears perked up slightly. "Get some rest."

"Ok! Goodnight my sweet Luna!" Quinton disappeared then into the hallway, seeming to be buzzing with excitement.

"Oooo~ You're a luna." Donnie teased then laughed softly. "Get some sleep twinie." Donnie kissed Dannie's head. I giggled then. He's got a wolf checking in on him when he should be checking in on the wolf. I curled up to mommy then and nuzzled against him, starting to pass out.