Jas For Short


I blinked and widened my eyes as I saw green leaves on trees above me, shielding a pretty blue sky. I frowned then as I glanced around and then sat up slowly, seeing more trees and then the ground below me. It was covered with some sort of red looking liquid. I tilted my head. "What is this stuff?" I whispered softly and touched it. It was cold and wet. I wrinkled up my nose in disgust as the smell hit me. I slowly got to my feet and wiped my hands off on some sort of cloth hanging around my waist and extending down to my feet. I giggled and looked it over, seeing it was black. How strange.... I glanced towards another piece of fabric on the ground and saw it had some of that red stuff on it. I backed away quickly, not wanting to get that stuff on me.

"Hey Paris! There's a wrecked car over here! Come check it out with me! Maybe there is clues to where they disappeared!" I heard a voice shouting from my left. I widened my eyes and then looked towards it curiously. What's over there that's making that noise? I stumbled towards it uncertainly and shivered when my feet landed in that red stuff on the ground mixed in with the leaves. I jumped out of it quickly and yelped when something sharp cut into my foot.

"Why's there- hold on... I smell blood." A voice was near the other's voice within seconds. "You okay?" I heard a concerned voice ask me from my side. "What happened to you.... LOUIS!" I looked beside me then at the voice and saw this sort of being that had white hair looking at me. I frowned and glanced at myself, seeing that where the voice coming from was like me. I glanced back up at it and tilted my head, not sure what it wanted. Was it friendly? Or was it going to hurt me? I backed up a bit, unsure. It looked friendly... but I wasn't sure. Another one appeared beside it, looking exactly the same. I widened my eyes. Whoa... there's more than one of these things?

"Hey... Paris... that looks like the hunter that came in and shot up the manor," the new one said to the other, looking towards it. I frowned. Hunter? What's that? And what does 'shot up' mean?

"Yeah... he does..." The old one said to the new one. "Let's take him home with us."

"He looks scared," the new one said, looking me over. I tilted my head as I backed up a bit more, watching them closely. "Paris, did you do something to him?" I stepped into the red stuff again and shivered as my foot got wet. I jumped a bit and got out of it quickly, looking down at it again in disgust.

"No." The old one told the look a-like. "I found him like this."

"Why's he not talking? He doesn't seem to be understanding us too well...." I glanced back at them and frowned then looked back at the fabric on the ground, tilting my head as I grabbed a stick and poked it curiously. How'd that red stuff get on it? The old one picked it up then and walked towards me with it.

"Let's get this on you." It suggested, starting to lift it towards my head. I screamed and ran away from it, afraid. What is it doing?! Why's it touching it?! It's dangerous! "Louis." The old one groaned out. "Help me." The new one looked at the old one.

"Try putting the shirt down. I think he's afraid of it. I mean... he wasn't running off till you grabbed it. Actually... he didn't start to freak out until he stepped in the blood. I think it's the blood," the new one said and smiled towards me as I stopped a few feet away to look at them in curiosity. "It's alright. Come here," it purred towards me. The old one dropped the cloth then and walked over to his doppelganger and gave a smile.

"Come here." The old one gave a wave, motioning me over to it. I tilted my head, watching the way it was moving and frowned. Why is it doing that? Does it want something? I picked up a stick then and tossed it to it, thinking that it was wanting one like I had earlier. "Louis..." The new one looked towards the stick then at the old one.

"What? Want me to attempt catching him?"

"Go get him. We'll have Hachi take a look at him or something. Maybe he got shot in the head." The new one nodded then started to walk slowly to me, holding out it's arms. I tilted my head at it and then stepped towards it with a frown, wondering what it was doing. It smiled at me and held out a hand to me.

"That's it," it said and looked me over. I mimicked it and giggled as I stepped towards it again. It laughed and nodded. "See Paris, you just have to know how to handle these things." I got close to it, and I was about move out of it's reach when it grabbed my hand. I screamed and tried to pull away as it pulled me to it. "Shhhhhh, it's ok," it told me and then rubbed my head. I stopped screaming and looked towards it's hand in curiosity as I liked the feeling. I giggled and grabbed it's hand, rubbing my head against it.

"He must've got shot in the head." The first it concluded.

"Yes... I believe so... His blood is all over the ground," the second one said, glancing towards the first one.

"Must've been the Ainsworth's doing... I wonder why they done this to him." The other started to walk off towards a clearing. The second one that had me started to pull me after the first one.

"It probably wa-" It cut off and stopped, looking behind me. "Paris."

"What?" The other one stopped walking. "What's the matter?"

"He's got Charlie's gun," the second one whispered.

"So?" The first one shrugged. "Guess that means he shot him, huh?" The other went towards an instrument on the ground and picked it up. "Better keep this."

"Well... it also means that Charlie had this poor fellow and that he ditched him here after shooting him in the head. He erased his memories on purpose and ran for it. They're running off before we can get them. We at least know they came this way now," the second one said. "Though... he took the time to turn this poor guy into a vampire. I can smell Charlie all over him."

"What are you getting at?" The other one laughed out. "That Charlie might have feelings for this guy? His now newborn?"

"Just saying... it might be wise to keep him around. He could've killed him, but he didn't...."

"Yeah yeah...." The other one walked up to me then and placed a rod up to my neck, it began to make clicking sounds. "He's got a tracking device in him, idiot."

"We got Rose to take it out... and you were the one who suggested taking him home in the first place.... Besides, when have we turned our back on the helpless of our vampire race? We could use him too."

"I never said we was going to ditch him here." The other smirked then. "Of course he is coming home with us." He put up the medal rod then. "I like having the innocent around the manor... it makes it more... light." He laughed and started to walk towards the clearing. "Let's go." The second nodded and started to pull me after the first one.

"Hey, should I give him some memories then? After all, if we plan to keep him around, he'll need something to work with." I looked towards it and tilted my head.

"What's that red stuff?" I mumbled, glancing down at the ground. It looked at me in shock then.

"You do speak!"

"Yeah, sure.... Give him some basic memories." The other suggested. "History on our kind too." He waved it off. "You're taking care of him."

"Hey! You're the one that wanted to keep him first!" The second growled then looked at me. "You better not be trouble...."

"You need a new pet, you just lost three." The other told him. "Happy birthday."

"It's not my birthday! DON'T GIVE HIM TO ME! ALL OF MY PETS DIE!" I felt hands cup my ears then.

"Don't shout that around this little guy." I heard the first one behind me. "He's innocent and doesn't need to know his fate just yet."

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" The second one exposed some sharp looking white things in his mouth and let go of me, grabbing the other as it ran at it. The other laughed and took off running for the clearing.


"I MEAN IT PARIS! YOU KNOW HOW SERIOUS MY PETS ARE TO ME! YOU FREAKING LITTLE- GWAH! I'M GOING TO GET YOU! DON'T DOOM HIM!" The second one chased after it. I frowned. What does kill mean? Or dead for that matter? I walked after them curiously. The first one appeared by me and scooped me up in its arms.

"Come on cutie. Let's go home." He smirked towards me. "I'll give you to someone else who will actually want you.... like Victor. He needs a pet."

"HE'S MINE! PUT HIM DOWN!" The second one shouted, whirling around to come back.

"Posessive already? I thought you didn't want him Louis." The other purred. The second stopped and blushed a little.

"W-well... I just don't want him to get hurt.... After all, my pets always die... but I don't like the idea of you giving him to someone else. He's the first one I've ever seen that innocent before."

"I was innocent once." The first whispered, then sat me down on my feet. The second walked up and looked me over.

"Yeah.... we were all innocent once. I'll take care of him. I'll make sure he doesn't die. He won't end up like the others... and he'll be like Isabelle who doesn't die." I was pulled into it's arms then. "I'll name you... Jasper.... You'll be Jasper Grimm," it whispered to me.

"Now I won't want to kill him later." The other grumbled. "That names tooooooo cute." He looked at his look a like then gave me a smile.

"You're not killing him anyways! You can't just give him to me as a pet then plan to kill him! What if I got attached?!" The second shouted and squeezed me.

"He's responsible for Charlie's escape need I remind you." The other growled. "If he ever gets his memories back we will have to kill him." The second watched the first then sighed.

"Ok... but you can't kill him now. He doesn't remember... so he's not really the same person. It's not fair to punish him for it when he doesn't remember doing it. That's just cruel," the second mumbled. "Besides, he's innocent. He has no clue what is going on around him. I'd say Charlie punished him for us."

"Yeah, I'm not going to kill him." The other agreed. "I'm not that kind of a vampire."

"Thank you Paris," the second one whispered softly, looking at it's look alike. "You're right... I think Jasper will be able to help me move on from my girls.... After all, he's so cute that he might help me forget my pain enough for time to heal it enough to where I won't notice the scars.... I loved them so much...." It started to cry then and held me close. I frowned and felt bad for it, wondering why it was sad. I mimicked the way it was holding me and rested my head against it's shoulder, whimpering a bit as I looked towards it as I wondered if it would be alright.

"Remember you still have a mate." The other told it. "A mate that'll get jealous easily."

"I know that... but I didn't mean like that Paris... It's just... My pets are important to me.... Of course August will always be my number one priority, but my pets are still my pets, and I love them too... but it's more like the way one would love a child of theirs or one would love a cat or dog or something....."

"Yeah.... I have eight kids." The other thought. "Plus a few important friends and pets... Guess I can see it... Oh and then there is you." The second one growled.

"Oh and then there is you? Am I just an afterthought?!" It held me closer. "Fine..."

"You're not an after thought. You're like my mate... but your my twin." The other purred. "I love you." It loosened it's hold on me then and smiled.

"I love you too," it purred. "Let's get Jasper home and into a warm bed."

"He needs a shower and new clothes first." I could see the other wrinkle up his nose. "Then when we tuck him in we can read him a bedtime story.... more like you can share your thoughts with him." The second frowned.

"How about I just go ahead and give him basic memories. We don't want him running off in fear.... Or... would it be more fun to wait," it said and smirked towards me. "It'd be really cute."

"It'd be extememly fun to wait... Imagine giving him a bath."

"You wanna help?" The second purred to the first. "There's always room for both of us to bathe him."

"Of course I do!" The other laughed. I was suddenly in a well light enclosed space with some sort of stuff around me with shiny things sticking out of them and then what looked like a cave in underneath it. I widened my eyes.

"Where'd the trees go?" I looked around in wonder. I heard the second laugh as he sat me down on some sort of hard surface right on the edge of one of the larger cave ins.

"Paris, can you turn the water on?"

Paris's POV:

I teleported into the bathroom and looked towards Louis and Jasper. I could hear Louis thinking about the water being turned on. "Sure." I told him and went towards the tub. I pulled the shower curtain out of the tub then turned the water on warm. "There we go." I turned back to Jasper and Louis. Louis purred my way then looked Jasper over.

"Alright cutie, let's get this off you." He pulled Jasper close and then ran his hands down to his pants, unbuttoning them. Jasper looked down in confusion, watching him mess with his pants. He unzipped them and shoved them down, making Jasper shiver as the air hit him. I smirked and walked over to them then grabbed the pants and put them in the hamper. I laughed and looked back towards them, enjoying the show... I should have grabbed my camera. Louis smirked and grabbed the boxers, slowly sliding them down. Jasper frowned and looked down at Louis's hands then widened his eyes when he saw his downstairs. I smirked and walked up to Jasper, kissing him on the top of his head.

"That's what you use when you get sexually active with another person." I told him. Louis laughed.

"That's adorable that he doesn't even understand what that is.... He's so innocent." Louis handed the boxers to me and walked Jasper over to the tub. He plugged the drain up and put his hand in the water, testing to see how warm it was then adjusted it as the water started to fill up. He glanced Jasper over then and sat him down on the edge of the tub. "Stay." I placed the boxers in the hamper then walked over to them and gave a smile. I poured soap into the water then to make bubbles and kissed Jasper on the top of the head. Jasper looked up at me and frowned then looked towards Louis then at me. Louis laughed. "Poor thing...." Jasper gave my arm a kiss, mimicking what I had done. I smiled softly towards him.

"I love you already cutie." I purred towards Jasper. "You have no clue either what's happening to you at the moment... it's cute." Jasper tilted his head, not really understanding what I said.

"No clue...." he mimicked what I said and then looked towards Louis, giggling. I pointed a finger at myself.

"Paris." I told him. He glanced up at me and frowned. I pointed towards Louis. "Louis." He looked towards Louis then up at me.

"Paris," he mumbled and then glanced at Louis. "L-Louis?" I pointed towards him. "Jasper." He looked down at himself and then pointed at his chest.

"Jas," he shortened it.

"Ja-sp-er." I told him.

"Jaaaaa....sppppp....er," he tried it out and then looked up at me with a cute look. "Jas."

"I like it." I nodded. "Jas." I rubbed his head then pointed towards the tub he was sitting on, tapping it. "Tub." He glanced at it and frowned.

"Tub," he mumbled and then tilted his head, touching the water. He wrinkled up his nose then and yanked his hand back. "Wet...."

"Water." I told him then pointed towards the bubbles, scooping some up in my hand. "Bubbles."

"Bubbas!" He giggled and touched one, making it pop. "Bye bye," he said and then poked another. I looked towards the water, seeing it was about halfway full now.

"Louis." I looked towards him. "I think we can put him in now. Gently so he doesn't freak out." Louis glanced over from his phone and looked like a deer caught in the headlights. I smirked then had Jasper stick one of his feet into the water. "Let's get in sweetie." I suggested. He whimpered as his foot was put in and gripped my hand, pulling his foot back out as he went to stand up to get away from the water. Louis put his phone up and rubbed Jasper's head and smiled. "It'll be fine Jasper." I told him, sticking my hand down into the water. "See?" Jasper looked and then frowned, touching the water and then slowly put his hand in it. Louis smirked and gently put Jasper's foot back in it then slowly slipped him into the water, setting him down in it. Jasper looked at the bubbles with interest as he relaxed and then looked up at us. I grabbed him a wash cloth from a nearby rack and another for myself to show him as I went back to him. I gave him the cloth then used mine to dip down into the water and then started to rub it against my arm. "Like that." I told him. Jasper looked at his cloth then dropped it in the water, watching as it got wet. He poked it and then grabbed it, looking towards me. He smiled sweetly and looked towards Louis, getting him wet with the cloth. I laughed as I watched him then started to rub my wash cloth against his face to clean it for him. He yelped at first and then grabbed my hand and rubbed his face against it before he took the cloth and dropped it in the water. I smirked and looked towards Louis. "Come on Louis, have some fun." I purred. Louis laughed.

"But I'm watching you bond. It's a first for me to see you care for someone who isn't Richard or one of your kids." He knelt down beside the tub and took the cloth that Jasper still had in his hand then started to dip it in the water and began to rub his neck with it, humming softly. Jasper looked towards him with interest and leaned over, kissing the top of Louis's head like I had done to him before. I started to match Louis's humming then changed over to the tune Richard plays on the piano for me. I grabbed the cloth out of the water then started on his chest. Jasper sunk under the water then, looking us over and then slowly started to sink to his eyes in the water.

"You won't be able to breath like that." I warned him. He looked towards me then in confusion. Louis frowned and grabbed him, pulling him up enough to where his head was out of the water.

"You're not dying on me so soon," he told him and narrowed his eyes. "Especially not by drowning in a tub." I laughed and then dunked Jasper into the water to get his hair wet then pulled him back out. I grabbed a bottle of shampoo and gave it to Louis. Louis opened it up and then went to dump some on Jasper's head, but he flinched and screamed before it could get on his hair. He backed up against the wall of the tub and looked at the bottle in fear. I took the conditioning bottle and placed some in my hand to show Jasper it was okay. He looked towards my hand and then at Louis. Louis laughed and did the same, showing it to him and held his hand out. Jasper touched the shampoo in his hand then came back over to us, making my twin smile. He dumped some on Jasper's head and started to rub it in, making Jasper purr a little as he closed his eyes and leaned against his hand. "Cutie...."

"He's so cute." I mumbled and then smirked as I got an idea. I looked around then towards Louis. "We get to dress him too." I whispered. Louis looked up at me and then smiled.

"That'll be cute.... We get to pick his outfit out! Awww, I can't wait," Louis said and then leaned in and kissed Jasper's cheek. Jasper smiled at him and then kissed Louis's cheek back. Louis smirked and started to lean him back, using the water to rinse his hair out. He sat him back up and then frowned, looking up at me. "Hey Paris... what if he gets attacked by a member of the manor? He's so innocent that someone might try to eat him or do something to him....."

"Nah... He'll be fine. I'll talk to my men tonight. They're not allowed to- okay... you should probably have him sleep with you." I told him, thinking about my rule breakers. I smiled towards him. "Let's put him in a onesie." I suggested. Louis laughed and nodded.

"Mhmm.... I actually wasn't referring to your army, but they are a concern. I was thinking more along the lines of Hachi, Raven, Nikolai, and the others that would try something- you know... the ones that are important to us but don't mind biting the ones they find around the house."

"What about Donnie." I suggested. "Donnie can look after him. He was a great dad towards Dannie." Louis narrowed his eyes and pulled Jasper into a hug as he looked up at me.

"I'm taking care of him! I just don't want him to get eaten if I turn my back for a second... besides, what about Richard? He's now a demon, so he might try to eat my poor little Jasper when he sees him."

"You better hire a baby sitter." I smirked.

"You better get your mate back from being a demon," he growled. "I swear...."

"I will." I told him. "Later, he's been mad at me though over the idea of me taking his stone to cleanse it." I muttered. "He's been fighting the idea." Louis frowned.

"Paris... he's going to not like the idea no matter what. You need to take it before he decides that he doesn't ever want to go back. Don't wait on him wanting to go back. It won't happen."

"You....You're right." I sighed out. "I'll do it tonight." I suggested. "To please you." He smiled then.

"Thank you... He's actually been worrying me for a bit. We only have so many maids... and there was a pile found again this morning," he informed me.

"Well Hachi does get hungry." I told him and smirked. "I'll do something about it... limit them."

"Thanks... I don't want to find Jasper among dead maids," he mumbled and looked towards Jasper then brightened up. "I got an idea! You'll stick by me! Always! Until I have you trained to fight and protect yourself! Then you can hang out with Isabelle and stay with her!" He rubbed his head then and grabbed the conditioner bottle, putting some in his hair. I cleaned off the conditioner on my hand then and stood up. I walked over to the towels and got one then pulled out my phone. I texted a maid to bring in a onesie estimating the size. Louis hummed happily and continued to bathe Jasper, getting him clean and then rinsed him. He poked Jasper's nose, making him giggle.

"Louis," he said his name cutely and grabbed the sides of Louis's face then looked towards me. "Paris," he called for me then and held out a hand for me. I walked over to him with the towel then smiled as I knelt down in front of him. He touched the side of my face and then leaned over, kissing the top of my head. He pulled back and yawned, curling up in the water. Louis smirked and slipped his hands into the water, picking Jasper up out of it then set him down on the floor. I wrapped him up in the towel then and rubbed it against his arms. I kissed the top of his head then started to dry him off with the towel. Louis snapped a picture on his phone and laughed, texting someone.

"This is way too cute not to share," he mumbled. I sensed he was sending it to Richard, Nikolai, Donnie, and Hachi.

"Could you go get him a bottle of blood." I suggested. "He might be hungry." Louis glanced up and frowned then nodded. He disappeared and then came back with a bottle of blood. He opened it and then sat down beside Jasper.

"Jasper," he called his name to grab his attention and watched as Jasper glanced over. Louis smiled at him and took a sip from the bottle then held it out to him. Jasper hesitantly took it and copied him then widened his eyes and drank more of it. Louis smirked. "Hmm... I wonder if we can get him to show us his fangs." He reached over and took the bottle from him when it was almost empty. Jasper pouted and reached for it, whining. "Ah-ah-ah," he said and then spilled some onto his wrist. Jasper looked to it and then watched as Louis held out his wrist to him. I took a step towards Louis and exposed my fangs, showing them towards Jasper then went to bite Louis but stopped last second. I pulled back and then motioned for Jasper to do it. Jasper glanced at Louis's wrist hungrily and then took it, licking the blood off it and then went to move back, but Louis wrapped an arm around him and pressed his wrist against Jasper's mouth. "Paris, do me a favor and show him that I have blood in me." I nodded and smirked towards Jasper as I pulled out a knife.

"Like this?" I asked. "Or with my fangs?" Louis glanced at the knife then up at me with a pout.

"You don't want to bite me? Well... I guess I could just-" he exposed his fangs and pulled his wrist back from Jasper's mouth. "Bite myself~" I teleported in front of him and then snatched his hand from himself. I made sure Jasper could watch as I exposed my fangs and bit into Louis's flesh. I moaned at the flavor then pulled back, showing Jasper. Jasper's eyes travelled to my twin's wrist and he instinctively leaned forward. Louis held out his wrist to him and smiled. "Go ahead," he purred. Jasper hesitantly took it then pouted when it healed up because he took too long. I smirked and touched my fangs, pricking my finger from doing it. Jasper glanced at my fangs and then at Louis's wrist. He tilted his head and then frowned before he pulled the wrist to his mouth. He took a minute to figure out his fangs and then showed them before he bit down into Louis's wrist, moaning as he got a taste. He gripped Louis tightly, making him wince.

"Aweeeeeee! He learned how to expose his fangs." I purred. Louis nodded.

"They're really sharp," he said and looked up at me. "He's dug in deep too...." 

"We'll have to teach him how to ease up on the bite." I decided. "Jasper." I called to him. I touched my fangs. "Fangs." I told him. I hid my fangs then. "No fangs." He wasn't paying me attention as he was practically falling over with delight, taking Louis's wrist with him.

"You should've taught him this in the morning." I smirked towards Louis. "He'll never go to sleep now." I winked towards him and then heard the maid coming in with the onesie I wanted. She gave us a smile as she placed a box down on the counter and looked us over before going to leave. Louis glanced towards the box then at Jasper, reaching over to make him stop.

"That's enough cutie... You don't need to drink too much." He moved him back from his wrist, earning a whine. Jasper looked towards the hand holding him and went to bite into Louis, but Louis jerked his hands back. "No." He pointed a finger at him then pointed to me. "Fangs go bye bye," he told him. Jasper looked at me and tilted his head as he saw I didn't have my fangs out anymore. I smiled towards him.

"No more." I told him and went towards the box. I pulled out the onesie seeing it was black and white, sort of like a panda the way it looked. I pulled it out to see it was panda like and smirked. I seen it even had the booties so the feet was in the onesie too. I looked towards Louis and laughed. Louis looked at it and smiled.

"I love it!" He held out a hand for it. Jasper managed to put his fangs up and looked towards the panda onesie and then at Louis and I. He curled up on the floor and watched us closely. I shook my head and made him stand back up as I handed the onesie to Louis. Louis grabbed his hands and made him put them on his shoulder to balance Jasper then unzipped the onesie and reached down, making Jasper put his feet in the onesie. He started to slowly zip it up, getting up to his chest and smirked as he finished. "It suits him."

"He's definitely not allowed to wear anything else." I decided and smirked. "He's just too adorable." I blew him a kiss then. Jasper giggled and wrapped his arms around us, kissing our cheeks and then snuggled up to us, yawning. "Oh man... Now I want to sleep with the both of you." I mumbled.

"Do you think August will notice if I slip the two of you into bed with us?" Louis wondered aloud.

"Not at all." I smirked at the thought. "But I have to take Richard's stone tonight... so I'll go to my room." Louis looked at me and pouted.

"How about... you go take Richard's stone first... and then we'll all go to my room and pass out?"

"No..." I shook my head. "I'll take his stone in the morning." I decided. "Let's go." I smiled towards Jasper. Louis scooped him up then and walked towards the door. I followed them and laughed softly.

"This is going to be fun." I mumbled. "Sneaking into bed with my twin and his pet and his mate." Louis started to lead us to his room, humming happily, but he stopped when he spotted Hachi down the hall. He paled and looked at me then held Jasper closer to him. Hachi gave us a smile.

"Who- wait.... he looks slightly familiar.... hmmmmm.... Who is he?" Hachi asked as he walked up and giggled. "He's in a onesie! It makes me want one now." He bit his bottom lip then shushed himself. "I'm playing hide and seek with Isaac and Harry." He told us. Louis smiled at him.

"That must be fun.... This is Jasper. He's my new pet," he told Hachi. "Say hi Jasper," he said and looked down at Jasper. Jasper looked up at him in confusion.

"Louis," he said cutely and touched the side of Louis's face then pointed to himself. "Jas." I tapped Jasper on the shoulder to get his attention then pointed towards Hachi.

"Hachi." I told him. Jasper looked towards Hachi and smiled.

"Haaaaachi," he said, struggling a bit but got it. He giggled and then touched Hachi's head. "Hachi." He smiled sweetly and kissed the top of Hachi's head then rested his head against Louis. Hachi blushed and looked towards me.

"He's so cute! What is he- vampire? Did he loose his memories or something? That's very cute you took him in Louis. Well... bye." Hachi ran off and towards a curtain, hiding behind it. Louis frowned then as he looked to be thinking.

"Hey Hachi... when are you going to remark Isaac?" He asked, tilting his head. "You haven't done it yet...." Hachi moved away from the curtains and blushed as he looked back towards us.

"W-well... I'm a little busy at the moment with making that potion for Dannie to help him and handeling my childish mind and my cannable stomach and oh! I'm also trying to focus on growing up." He looked pleased with himself. "So.... never." Louis widened his eyes.

"Never? What if something happens like a girl comes and tries to wisk Isaac away?"

"Isaac loves me. Plus he doesn't want my markings. He'll cry like a baby." Hachi told us. Louis frowned.

"Didn't last time he practically beg to be remarked after you got him back from Hell? I'm sure he wants to be marked again.... He probably just hasn't said anything to you because you're busy."

"Yeah... maybe when I'm not busy." Hachi told us and then hid behind the curtains. 

"Mkay... I'd do it soon," Louis suggested and started to walk again. "After all, he's your lover, isn't he?" I laughed and followed Louis. I could hear Hachi debating it over to himsef. Louis glanced back at me. "Hey Paris, when was the last time we slept together?" He gave me an innocent smile.

"It was a very long time ago." I told him. "Tooooo long ago." He smiled and stopped outside his door and opened it. He went in and left the door open.

"Oh Auuuuugust! I brought home a new pet! Wanna smell him? His name is Jasper! He'll be sleeping with us until he's strong enough to protect himself- oh and Paris is sleeping with us tonight as well!" I heard Louis laugh. August was listening to the TV as it had a movie on. I followed him in and shut the door behind me.

"Hmmm? A pet?" August asked. "Oh hi Paris." He waved towards us. I smiled towards him.

"Hi August."

"What's wrong? You never sleep with us." August told me. "Who's the new pet- male or female?" Louis walked over to August and set Jasper down in August's lap.

"Male," Louis said and smiled, running his fingers through August's hair. "This is him. His name is Jasper- what I named him after we found him. He has no memories and is very cute and innocent~!" I crawled into bed then and got by them. August rubbed Jasper's head then started to touch his face.

"He feels cute." August told Louis. "No memories, huh? Okay..." He leaned in and smelled Jasper.

"Jasper." I called for his attention. Jasper looked towards me and smiled as he saw me.

"Paris," he said cutely and held out his hands for me. Louis looked at August.

"You don't mind, right? I promise that he won't get between us while I'm keeping him safe in my sight."

"Sure, I don't mind." August told me. I laughed and pointed towards August.

"August." I told Jasper. Jasper looked August over and then giggled, kissing his cheek.

"Auggie!" He said cutely and hugged him.

"Oh, by the way, he's in a panda onesie," Louis said with a smirk. "Just to let you know how cute he looks."

"We're definitely keeping him." August laughed and kissed the top of Jasper's head then placed him down by his side and started to lay down.

"I'm glad you like him," Louis purred. "Paris thought that you would get jealous over me having a cute male pet."

"I'm not jealous. We're mates." August told me. "I trust your not going to do anything with him unless you want me to eat your new pet." He purred. "Because I can do that." Jasper looked at him curiously.

"What does eat mean?" He asked and tilted his head. August smirked and leaned down towards Jasper then started to kiss his neck, playing around with him.

"I'm going to eat you." August teased and ran his teeth across the other's neck. I held back a laugh. Louis narrowed his eyes.

"DON'T SPOIL HIS INNOCENCE!" He hissed and got in the bed, grabbing August just as Jasper was getting ready to scream. August laughed and kissed Jasper's neck before pulling away.

"Come here Jasper." I purred, holding out my arms to him. Jasper looked at me, trembling a bit from what August did and then crawled over, laying down beside me as he got in my arms and buried his face into my chest. I kissed the top of his head then laid us down on the bed and pulled the covers over us. Louis crawled up between Jasper and August and laid down.

"So August... you know this means no fun time alone with me for about a year or two," he teased.

"Paris can babysit." August smirked as he kissed Louis passionately. Louis moaned slightly and kissed back, leaning up into the kiss. He ran his fingers through August's hair. I pulled Jasper closer and shielded his eyes. He yawned and curled up to me, falling asleep quickly in my arms while Louis kissed August. He pulled back after a few minutes and looked at August longingly.

"Not now," he whispered mostly to himself. August nodded and looked towards me with the look of respect and then closed his eyes.

"Okay." He nodded and started to fall asleep as he rested his head against Louis. I smiled softly and started to fall asleep as well.

I woke up to Jasper struggling against me. He let out a sharp whine and tried to get out of my arms and eventually took to trying to slide down to get out of my hold. I opened my eyes and let him go to see where he was going. He sat up and yawned cutely before he looked towards Louis with a smile and crawled up to him, gently taking his wrist in his hand and leaned in, exposing his fangs before he bit in deeply. Louis yelped and woke up with a start, about to scream until he saw Jasper. I laughed and crawled out of bed then.

"Well... better you then me." I muttered and went for the door. "Good morning." I told them and left the room. I started for my bedroom then and slipped into the room. I paused to see if I was about to die or not on impact. Richard was curled up with Keegan in our bed, sleeping peacefully with him. I sighed.... I can't grab his stone with Keegan watching.... that would be a very bad idea... I'll have to do it later on today... I slowly started back out the door then. Richard stirred and then looked my way. He got out of the bed and started for me with a smile.

"Paris~" He purred and then pushed me out of the room and out into the hall, shutting the door. He exposed his fangs and bit down into my neck. I yelped and froze up.

"R-Richard." I purred, hoping he wouldn't smell Jasper on me and freak out. He didn't seem to be noticing yet. He remarked me as he pushed me up against a wall. I let out a moan and then yelped as I hit the wall. I felt my knees buckle under me and I started to fall. Richard purred to me and wrapped an arm around me to keep me up. He pulled back and licked his lips then kissed me.

"Good morning," he said sweetly and then let me go.

"G-good morning." I whispered and blushed. "I've got... to go." I told him and went to walk about... Okay Paris gather yourse- I fell down as my knees buckled. Richard looked at me in concern.

"Was I too fast this morning?" He asked and held out a hand. "Sorry... I missed you last night."

"No... I missed you too but I was doing some things. Important things." I told him and smiled innocently. I grabbed his hand and then used it to stand up. He smiled and leaned in, giving me a soft kiss.

"Alright... I think I will play today," he mumbled and then kissed my hand before letting it go. "Did you have to do things now? Or are you free?"

"Actually I was going to the kitchen." I told him. "To see if Hachi is in there and to make myself a pot of coffee." Richard nodded and tilted his head.

"Ok.... I'll go practice then," he purred and started to walk off in the direction of the music room, humming his song.

"Come with me." I suggested. He stopped and glanced back at me then walked back.

"Ok... I guess it can wait," he said and smiled, taking my hand as he started to walk me towards the kitchen. I followed him and gave his hand a squeeze.