Muffin Potions

Richard's POV:

I glanced back at Paris and smiled as I brought him into the kitchen. I let his hand go and went over to the refrigerator, getting out two bottles of blood and opened one, starting to drink it. Paris started to make his morning coffee. It looked like the kitchen had been disturbed this morning. There was something cooking on the stove. It had a note that told people not to go near it. Paris finished starting the coffee then looked around the kitchen He picked up a plate of muffins on the counter and picked one up then put the plate down. He began to eat the muffin then as he looked through the chief's monthly breakfast lunch and dinner plans. He placed it aside then finished off the muffin.

"Wow... that muffin was not good at all... it tasted like... like.... I'm not sure honestly but it wasn't blueberry or raspberry or chocolate chip... It was boring." He mumbled towards me. He reached out for a bottle of blood from me. I slid one to him and frowned.

"Don't eat random muffins," I told him.

"Yeah... It was probably meant to be thrown away." He mumbled then grabbed the bottle of blood and started to drink it. He fell over suddenly, passing out. I widened my eyes and dropped my bottle of blood as I went for him.

"PARIS!" I grabbed him and pulled him into my arms quickly, opening his eyes to check them as I panicked. He flickered them suddenly and looked around curiously. I glanced at him and tilted my head. "Paris, are you alright?" I asked and rubbed between his shoulder blades. He melted in my arms then and started to purr like a cat. I smirked. "Paris," I purred and kissed his cheek. I grabbed him and put him on the counter then leaned in for a kiss, expecting him to meet me halfway. He looked me over and then backed up a bit, hitting his head on the cabinet behind him. I frowned and tilted my head. "What's the matter sweetie? You don't want my kisses?" I asked. He looked me over innocently and then gave a smile. I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen then.

"Yeah, I think I should mark him too." Hachi was telling someone as he walked into the kitchen. Harry was in his butterfly form on Hachi's shoulder. He looked towards us and smiled. "Oh hey guys!" He walked over and placed a note by the muffins, saying don't eat them. He hummed softly to himself. "Ran out of paper." He mumbled. I widened my eyes.

"Hachi.... What do those muffins do? I asked quickly.

"Not sure but they don't do what they're meant to do." Hachi told me. "I smelled them and they smelled a bit off so I'm making an add on flavor for them. It's for Dannie. I'm fixing him." Hachi said sweetly. "I think I need to start over though honestly." He looked towards us. "I think I switched the spells up when making them. I think I might be making something that has to do with the brain.... which is way off- wait.... Oh no.... He didn't eat one did he?" He pointed towards Paris. Paris giggled. I shivered.

"Fix him," I said quickly. "You did it. You fix him." Hachi walked over to Paris and examined him then sighed.

"Yep... I mixed the spells." Harry transformed back human and grabbed the pot off the stove and dumped it down the sink. "We have to start over." He told Harry. Harry nodded and grabbed the muffins then dumped them in the trash. "Don't worry Paris." Hachi told him and pulled out his spell book. "It wears off in a day." He waved it off. "Enjoy it while it lasts Richard. Paris lost his memories." I tilted my head then looked towards Paris.

"Lost his memories for a whole day?" I pouted and then picked him off the counter. "Well... guess this means that I get to be in charge for the rest of the day." I kissed the top of his head and then carried him out of the room and into the music room. I set him down on the piano and sat down on the bench, starting to play my favorite song that Paris loved. Paris looked the piano over then pressed one of the keys and gasped as it made a sound. I smirked and looked up at him, exposing my fangs. "Mine... both of you," I purred. He pressed another key then. I stopped playing to watch him. He took the time to press all the keys and listened to them all play out before he looked towards me and then grabbed my hands, placing them on the keys. I smiled softly and began to play my song again for him. He moved my hands away after a second and began to play what I played. I laughed. "You learn quick..." I kissed the top of his head. "Richard," I said and pointed to myself. I grabbed his hand then and put it against my chest. "Richard," I repeated with a smile. He smiled as he looked me over then pointed to himself. I smiled and pointed to him. "Paris," I purred his name. He pointed towards the piano then. "Piano," I said as I watched him and hit a key. He hit one of the keys then. I pulled my hand back and watched him. He smirked and started to play what he learned again. I closed my eyes and listened till he ran out of notes then opened my eyes and tilted his face up to mine, stealing a kiss. He leaned against me then, scooting closer. He let out a moan then grabbed my leg. I smirked and glanced at his hands. "Paris," I purred his name and then grabbed him, pulling him in front of me and into my lap. I pushed him up against the piano then, making the keys bang as I leaned into him and got between his legs. I kissed him passionately, pressing against him. He let a moan slip and started to kiss me back, letting a gasp slip out. I slipped my tongue into his mouth then and quickly dominated, sucking on his tongue. He groaned and went to pull back, tensing up against me. I didn't let him as I purred and then released his tongue and went to his neck, giving him a love bite. He gasped and squirmed under me.

"Richard~" He mumbled. I smirked and pulled back a little to look at him. He blushed and then stroked one of the keys. I went back to his neck and started on another one. "Richard!" He squirmed under me and moaned slightly. I purred and then travelled my hands down his sides, slipping them under his shirt as I moved them to his back and rubbed it comfortingly. He arched his back and then started for my shirt, rubbing it and then looked me over. I smirked and grabbed his legs, forcing them around my waist. He looked down then and then up at me and blushed. I leaned in and kissed him passionately as I moved us off the piano and over to a couch, laying him on it as I stayed on top of him. I started a trail of kisses to his neck as I started to slip his shirt over his head. He let me slide off his shirt the pointed towards the piano.

"Piano. Richard. Paris." He pointed towards it, looking for it longingly. I frowned.

"In a minute," I told him and then kissed down his body. He let out a moan and then looked me over.

"Minute?" He asked and then pointed towards the piano. I gave a nod.

"Piano," I purred and then kissed his lips as I decided to see how he'd react. I slipped my hands behind him and ran a hand down to his butt. I squeezed it and tilted my head as I adjusted myself over him. He gasped and jumped, moving his body up against me and looked downwards. I smirked. Bye bye piano for the next hour. I kissed his neck and started to give him a hickie before I ran a hand to his leg and gripped his thigh. He let out a gasp and then looked around at my hands and grabbed at them.

"Richard, Piano." He suggested. He looked towards it. I sighed and pulled back.

"Piano," I mumbled disappointedly and sat back on the couch, looking him over. I looked away and pouted. "Go on." He looked me over and crawled into my lap then, looking me over. He leaned in towards my lips then kissed me. I looked at him and laughed, picking him up as I took him over to the piano and sat him down on the bench then sat down beside him. He looked it over and smiled grabbing my hands and then kissed my cheek. I looked towards him and smiled, giving him another kiss before I took a hand back and hit a key to see if it would capture his attention after how hard he worked to get over here. He looked over at it and then kissed my neck. I frowned. "You don't want to play on the piano?" I asked and kissed the top of his head. He looked towards the piano and stroked a key then kissed my cheek. I laughed and then moved an arm around his waist, bringing him closer. "Piano," I said simply and grabbed one of his hands, placing it on the piano. He ran his fingers across the keys then kissed my cheek. I looked towards him then smirked. I'll teach him to ask for a kiss then. I leaned in and kissed his lips. "Kiss," I said sweetly and pointed to my lips then at his. I leaned in and gave him another before I pulled back to see if he'd try using the word.

"Kiss." He whispered and looked me over. I leaned in and gave him a small kiss and smirked, watching him. He smiled. "Kiss." I laughed and then leaned in again and gave him a passionate kiss, dragging it out before I pulled back an inch to look at him. "Kiss." He smiled innocently. I laughed again.

"Say please," I told him. He tilted his head and then pouted.

"Kiss..." He mumbled. I sighed. I don't want him to stop using words to ask for things.... I better go ahead. I leaned in and gave him a kiss. He smiled against my lips and then pulled away. He looked like he was waiting for his second one I owed. I leaned in and kissed his neck then to see if he'd accept that as a kiss. He giggled and shook his head. He leaned in and stole a kiss from me then. I blushed and looked at him then leaned in and kissed him, wrapping my other arm around him as I turned to face him better. He crawled into my lap then pushed me back, making us fall back into the floor. He laughed and purred towards me. I winced at the pain of falling then looked at him lovingly and leaned up, kissing him. I pulled back and looked up at him. He kissed me then and got off of me and walked around the room curiously. I watched him as I sat up in the room and laughed a little. I stood up and got on the piano bench again, starting to play my song. He walked up to me and then looked over my fingers. "Kiss." He told me. I looked towards him and kept playing as I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I smirked and looked back at the piano. He looked me over then sat down on the bench with me. "Kiss." He told me. I glanced over and then leaned in and kissed his neck, smirking a little as I avoided kissing his lips to tease him. He frowned and then looked towards my lips. He grabbed my hands and then got into my lap. "Richard." I smiled at him then and watched him.

"Paris," I purred his name as I glanced towards his lips then up at his eyes. He leaned in towards my lips then.

"Kiss." I smiled and gave a nod, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the lips. He kissed me back and then looked towards the couch. He pointed towards it.

"Couch," I told him and pointed to it.

"Couch. Paris. Richard. Kiss." He smiled towards me. I sighed and picked him up, carrying him over to the couch. I sat him down on it then sat down beside him, leaning in and giving him a kiss. He kissed me back then looked towards the piano. He looked back towards me and smirked. Oh no.... I pulled away from him and plugged my ears with my fingers.

"No."  His jaw dropped then. He grabbed my arms and then kissed me. I smiled and then kissed him back, taking my fingers out of my ears as I wrapped my arms around him. He leaned in deeper to the kiss then and pressed his tongue into my mouth. I purred to him and then started to suck on it to reward him. He gasped and gripped my shirt then. I smirked and pulled back, exposing my fangs. "Fangs," I told him and pointed to them. He touched my fangs and pricked one of his fingers on it. He looked towards it and widened his eyes. I smiled and showed him his finger and pointed out the blood. "Blood," I told him and then showed him my wrist and bit into it, showing him that I had it in me too. I pulled it up to his lips then. He leaned away to look at the blood and then look at my fangs. I sighed and licked my own blood to show him what to do with it. He smiled.

"Kiss." He smiled softly. I smirked and leaned into my wrist, getting my blood on my lips then put my fangs up. I leaned over and gave him a kiss, getting my blood on his lips. He pulled back quickly and touched his lips, looking at the blood on his fingers.

"Blood," I purred to him.

"Blood?" He looked towards me then rubbed his finger onto my cheek, getting the blood on me. "Richard." I frowned then and licked my lips clean.

"Fine then... my blood," I mumbled and cleaned my wrist up then looked away from him.

"My blood." He purred. I glanced at him then and frowned, wondering if he wanted something or if he was mimicking me to learn. He touched his teeth then, feeling for his fangs. I smiled and showed him mine again, then showed him my wrist.


"My blood." He smiled and kissed my cheek. I bit into my wrist then and showed him my blood. He looked it over then leaned down towards his wrist and went to bite it. I stopped him with wide eyes, seeing he didn't sharpen his fangs. I shook my head and put my fangs up.

"No more," I told him and licked my wrist clean again, watching it heal. "Kiss." He looked me over then kissed me. I smiled and leaned into him, deepening the kiss. He let a moan slip and then he pulled back and showed me his wrist.

"Blood?" He asked. I glanced to it and looked away.


"No?" He tilted his head. I shook my head.

"No." He frowned and started to nod. I sighed and grabbed his wrist then, deciding to show him what to do with blood. I leaned in and sharpened my fangs, biting into him gently. He yelped and tried to pull back.

"NO!" He told me. I started to remark him then, smirking. He gasped and started to melt against me, nodding then. I pulled back and looked at him.

"Mark," I told him, smirking. He tilted his head curiously. I leaned back in and bit down gently, remarking him again then pulled back. "Mark," I said, trying to teach him the word.

"Mark?" He looked me over then leaned in towards my neck, going to bite me. I put a finger against his lips.

"Fangs." I pointed to mine then at him. He ran his tongue across his teeth then.

"Fangs?" He pointed to himself. I gave a nod and then pricked my finger on a fang and held it out to him. I smirked and touched his tongue with my bleeding finger. His instincts would probably take over and make him sharpen his fangs. His fangs sharpened then and he gasped as he felt them. He looked me over then leaned in towards my neck. I smiled and tilted my head a little to show him my neck.

"Bite," I said, watching him. He tapped my neck then.

"Bite?" He asked. I smiled and pointed to my neck.

"Neck... Fang..." I pointed to his fangs then and then pointed to the wound on his wrist. "Bite." He looked at me like I was strange then, and laughed. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Nevermind that.... Kiss," I said, deciding not to teach him this after all. He shook his head.

"Mark." He told me and went for my neck. I gasped and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Kiss!" I said quickly.

"Mark." He told me and grabbed my shirt. I shook my head.

"Kiss," I told him and went for his hands. He frowned and then kissed me obediently. I smiled and then moved back from the kiss and sighed. Well... he really wanted to. I exposed my neck to him then and watched him with a sweet smile. "Mark," I whispered to him. He leaned in towards my neck then bit down into me, trying to do it gently. I purred to him and wondered if he'd figure it out or not. He might just end up biting me.... He moaned softly as he began to drink my blood. His body practically melted against mine. I laughed. "Bite," I told him. He pulled back and looked towards me, licking his lips. I smiled and then laid my head back on the couch. "Paris," I purred his name and laid down on the couch, making him lay down on top of me. I watched him then began to play with his hair.

"Richard." He mumbled and looked me over then kissed my lips softly. I smiled and then kissed him back before I rubbed his head, trying to think of words to teach him. He looked me over and then looked around the room. He pointed towards the window then. "Richard." I glanced at it and frowned. Is he talking about the window or the outside? I sat up with him then and took him over to it. I tapped the glass.

"Window," I told him then opened it and pointed out. "Outside." He looked past the window then stuck his hand out the window.

"Outside." He whispered. I laughed and kissed his cheek. I pulled his hand back in and then shut the window. He opened the window then and went to crawl out it. "Out-side." I widened my eyes and grabbed him, dragging him back as I shut the window. I started for the door, taking him with me. I tapped the door then.

"Door," I told him then opened it, taking him out of the room and towards the front door. I tapped it. "Front door," I purred and then opened the door, showing him the yard. "Outside," I told him and pointed out. He walked out the door then and looked around in awe. He ran out towards the yard then, leaving me. I widened my eyes and ran after him, shutting the door. "Paris!" He turned to look at me then stopped running. He gave me a smile then. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. "Hand," I told him and gave it a squeeze before I leaned in and kissed his cheek. I smiled and started to lead him towards the gardens. He followed me and looked around with excitement. I took him deep into the garden and smiled as I showed him some flowers and told him what they were. I stopped by his favorite white roses and pointed to them. "Roses," I said and leaned down, picking one and then took the thorns off one by one before I placed it in his hand. He looked it over then smelled the rose and let out a moan. He held it over to my nose then and smiled towards me.

"Kiss." I frowned and gave the rose a smell before I pulled back and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Kiss?" Like... he wants a kiss or is he mistaking kiss for smell? He blushed and looked towards the other flowers then placed the flower behind his ear. I laughed and pulled him down on a bench. "Paris," I whispered and then wrapped an arm around his shoulders and brought him close. I smirked and leaned in a little for a kiss. "Kiss." He leaned in and kissed me then, purring against my lip. He crawled into my lap then and looked me over longingly. I smiled and leaned in to his neck, kissing it gently before I started to trail them up to his lips. He pulled back and kissed my cheek. I laughed and tilted my head. "No kiss?" I asked and then ran my hands down to his sides. "Paris?" He looked towards my hands then started to copy me, running his hands down my sides. I smirked. I bet he's trying to learn how to do this stuff.... I leaned in and started to give him another hickie on his neck before I pulled him closer to me. He moaned and got closer to me, grabbing at my pants. I laughed then, stopping him. I pointed to my pants then. "Pants," I told him and then let his hands go. How does he know to take them off me anyways? He looked towards my pants then pointed towards his.

"Pants?" He asked and looked up at me. I nodded.

"Those are pants." I touched them and smirked. I started to play with the button then and unbuttoned it to show him how it worked then started to zip them down slowly. He watched me curiously. He pointed towards his boxers then.


"No.... Boxers," I told him and then sighed, picking him up. "Inside first." He looked up at me.

"Outside..." He looked around him then pointed towards the house. "Inside?" I nodded.

"Yes," I purred. "Inside."


"You'll see." I started to walk him to the house and then got us into the manor. I took him up to our room and walked him over to the bed, sitting him upright on it. I smiled. "Boxers," I told him as I pushed his pants down and then grabbed his boxers. He watched me and laid back against the bed. I pulled them down and dropped both into the floor before I crawled into the bed beside him and smiled, kissing his cheek. "No boxers," I told him. He looked down and then towards me and kissed my cheek.

"No boxers." He whispered against my lips. I smiled and kissed him then. He went to get on me then as he looked me over then pointed towards the bed. I glanced at it then pointed at it.

"Bed," I purred and then looked up at him with a smile. I took my shirt off and set it aside. He looked me over and then looked towards himself. He looked at my pants then and started to try to undo the button. I watched him closely and tilted my head with a small smirk. It probably won't take him too long to figure it out. Paris is smart. He managed to undo the button then started to unzip my pants then looked towards me. I grabbed his hands then. "Kiss." He leaned down and kissed me then passionately. I purred to him and then went to flip us, getting on top of him. I wrapped his legs around my waist and smirked."Mine," I purred and started to trail kisses down his neck.

"Mine?" Paris asked me curiously. I glanced up at him and then smirked, giving him a hickie on his collarbone. He let a moan slip and started to arch his back. I purred to him as I gently pushed him back down and looked him over. I looked down towards my pants then and started to push them down for Paris, leaving me in my boxers. I glanced back up at him and travelled my hands down to his leg, gripping it tightly.

"Kiss" I purred to him. He leaned up and kissed me then looked down.

"Boxers." He whispered and pointed towards my boxers. I looked at him and smirked before I slowly started to grind my hips into him.

"Hmm?" I asked and looked down into his eyes. His eyes widened as he moaned softly. He grabbed my shoulders then and leaned up for a kiss. I smirked and gave him a teasing kiss, licking his bottom lip slightly. He pulled back and then looked me over, started to grind up against my body. I blushed a little and then went to his neck, growling slightly as I pressed him down into the bed and then sharpened my fangs, biting into him. I began to mark him then as I tightened my grip on his leg. He moaned out in surprise and melted under me, purring slightly. "Paris," I mumbled as I pulled my fangs out of his neck and paused, looking at him in pure love. I smiled and kissed his cheek before I let go of his leg, deciding that maybe I was taking too much advantage out of him. I moved off him and rested my head against my pillow as I looked towards him. "I love you," I mumbled under my breath and started to play with his hair before I closed my eyes. I smiled softly, thinking about how he used to be when he was younger- the way he was innocent and followed those terrible rules. Hell, how I hated those rules. I'm so glad they're gone. We don't need them. He looked me over.

"Rules?" He asked softly. I opened my eyes and looked at him with a small frown.

"Are you reading my thoughts?" I asked softly. He tilted his head then. I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Don't worry about it," I told him. He'd remember tomorrow.

"Kiss." He pulled me closer to him then. I laughed and leaned in, giving him a kiss. He kissed me back passionately and got on top of me then started to grind his body against me. I widened my eyes as he did and moaned loudly, curling up to him as I hid my face in his neck. I blushed and let him between my legs, wrapping them around him for him. I could feel him aroused downstairs as he pressed up against me and looked towards me longingly. "Mine." He purred. I widened my eyes and moved my face out of the crook of his neck to look up at him. He looked down at me and exposed his fangs. Oh no.... I created a Paris. He smiled towards me and looked towards my neck then leaned in and bit down into me. He started to drink my blood then. I groaned in his ear and then kissed his cheek.

"You're not going to let me go, are you?" I mumbled and then gave him another kiss. He looked towards me then started to kiss me passionately. He tried to pin me down then against the bed, He smirked as he pinned me. I bit my bottom lip and looked up at him. Maybe he won't figure out the boxers.... Though, there isn't much to it. I laughed and leaned up, giving him a kiss. "Paris," I purred to him and then looked down at him then up at his eyes. He looked towards me then started to push down my boxers. I blushed and pressed up into him, purring a little as I watched him. Hopefully he doesn't hold this over my head tomorrow and tease me for this.... He looked me over and then smirked towards me.

"Richard." I looked at him.

"Paris.... Kiss?" I purred and leaned in for one. He leaned down and kissed me then. I slipped my tongue into his mouth quickly, giving him a passionate kiss as I started to pull his tongue into my mouth and sucked on it. I ran my hands down his back slowly as I grinded up against him, arousing him further. He moaned and then kicked my boxers down the rest of the way. I purred and let him have what he wanted....

Quinton's POV:

I sat up in the bed and yawned with a small smile then stopped. Oh no... I have to run today with my disrespectful beta. I sighed and looked at Dannie. "Dannie, come on... You're going to ride on my back, ok?" I whispered and nudged him. Dannie groaned and looked towards me.

"Oh.... yeah.... that's today." He mumbled and then sighed. "Doesn't your father have to come to... He is part of the pack... It's going to look suspicious if he doesn't and then the pack's going to be asking stuff." He mumbled and started to move out of bed then froze up as he looked towards me. "Did the moon goddess visit you?" He whispered softly. I stopped. Oh... Yeah right! I smiled and looked at him.

"Yes, she did. She told me that I'm going to be a great alpha and that I will bring the pack to greatness," I told him and crawled out of bed. Dannie grabbed his bottle of pills and went towards the bathroom with an empty glass.

"Give me a minute."He mumbled to me and yawned. I nodded and glanced around the room, looking for Dannie's jacket. I spotted it and walked over, grabbing it.

"You'll want this with how fast I'll be running," I suggested and held it up. "Do you want to take it?" He came back with a glass of water and started to take his medicine. He nodded towards me as he seen his jacket.

"Mhmm." He told me. I smiled and wrapped it around my waist, tying it.

"Ok... We will also want to make sure you're wearing some really good jeans," I mumbled and started for his closet. "We don't want you to get torn up."

"Can I just wear some sweat pants?" He asked me and started to follow me. I glanced at him.

"Jeans," I said and held out a pair of his to him. I smiled. "You don't want to get cut by a briar." He frowned.

"Sweat pants." He told me. I sighed.

"Ok... just because you're my Luna and I don't like to tell you no." I grabbed a pair of his sweat pants and held them out to him. He slid them over his boxers and then walked over to his shoes and slipped into his vans. I watched him and smiled. "I'm going to go get the pack together, ok?" I started for the door then.

"I'll meet you in the livingroom." He told me and started for the door. I nodded and left the room, going to where the pack slept and woke them up, sending them down to the living room. I stopped outside Rick's door and knocked softly.

"Rick! It's time for the run!" I called. I heard him groan slightly.

"Ok... I'll be down soon," he told me. "Got your beta yet?"

"N-no..." I admitted and blushed a little. "I haven't."

"Want me to get him?"

"No, I'll do it." I sniffed the air and started for his room then and knocked on it when I found it. "Sam!" I heard him shifting around in bed. "Are you going to come today?" I asked softly, wondering if it would be willing or not. Probably not. I'll have to go in there and drag him out. I heard him hit the floor then.

"Nooo...." Sam mumbled. "I'm sick." He faked a cough then. I narrowed my eyes. Maybe the moon goddess didn't visit him.

"Stay home then," I said and started to walk off. I'm so getting a different beta if he doesn't start to behave after the next two weeks. I heard him groan then and mumbled something about he'll be down in five. I rolled my eyes. We're going without him. I walked down to the living room where they were and gave them all a big smile. "Hi guys! I hope you all had a restful night!" I started and then looked towards Dannie. I waved him over to me then. He walked over and wrapped his arms around me, giving my cheek a kiss. I glanced the pack over as they watched me with a few smiles here and there. "So... My father won't be coming this morning... probably not Sam either," I said softly as I glanced them over. Rick looked a little upset, but he didn't say anything. He probably was thinking that Sam was the worst beta ever... I could see it on his face. "Let's get going!" I smiled then and started for the door, the others following as they started to joke with each other and laugh. Dannie kissed my cheek and then nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

"It's okay sweetie, I'm always here." He told me and then rubbed his ear. I smiled at him and kissed the top of his head.

"I know.... I love you sweetie," I told him and led us outside. I stepped away from him then and started to take my shirt off, stripping quickly in front of Dannie before I shifted. I looked up at him and wagged my tail as the others shifted as they stumbled out into the yard, a few of them chasing each other playfully. I glanced my pack over and then laid down so Dannie could get on me. Dannie got on me then and rubbed behind my ears.

"You know... I should talk to our little beta when we get back. If you can't discipline him then maybe I can." Dannie told me and kissed the top of my head. I looked up at him and wagged my tail.

"If you feel up to seeing him when you get back, then I guess you can go visit him. I don't want you to get worse." I licked his hand and then stood up as Rick walked towards me in his wolf form. He wagged his tail.

"Alpha Quinton, are you ready?" He asked and perked his ears up. I let out a howl then in response, making him laugh. Dannie leaned down on me then and gripped at my fur.

"Well... I'm hoping I will feel well enough to pay him a visit... or I will make Rick do it for me." Dannie suggested. I nodded and started to walk then as the rest of the pack followed behind me.

"I'll gladly talk to him- not coming on the first run like tradition," Rick growled. "I'm sure the rest of the pack is upset about it as well."

"You should talk to him.... no you should go get him." Dannie purred. Rick looked up at Dannie then.

"I'd gladly drag that worthless no good-"

"Rick," I growled, warning him. "It's not a good idea to talk about a pack mate that way. The moon goddess might get upset." He got quiet and nodded, giving me a look of respect.

"Of course, Alpha Quinton," he told me and lowered his ears slightly and his head. I wagged my tail.

"It's fine Rick. Maybe missing out on this run will make him feel guilty- especially when the pack starts to make him work for his position after this. He'll have to work to earn their respect because he didn't run with us like he is supposed to be doing. It'll be a form of punishment," I said and perked my ears up a bit. "He'll learn to come when I tell him."

"Hahaha." Dannie laughed softly. "Sure...." He rubbed my head. "I hope your right Quinton." I looked up at him and sighed.

"If it doesn't turn out... there's always option B." I glanced over at Rick. Rick looked at me and tensed up.

"Try to avoid it Alpha Quinton... It's not a good idea to make a rogue...."

"I know... I just know that if it doesn't work out... and I have to... Rick, you'll step in as my beta like you were for my father. You're a good wolf and a good beta, and I am still holding out hope for Sam, but if it doesn't work... I'll pick you in a heartbeat."

"He should have been your first choice." Dannie mumbled. "You know how humans can be..." He sighed and rubbed my head. "Let's go." I nodded and looked towards Rick.

"Hey, wanna race?" I asked and wagged my tail. He laughed.

"Bet I'll make it further than you." I laughed and took off running at full speed. Dannie gasped and held onto me.

"Whoa~" He gasped. I laughed.

"Hold on tight, my love," I told him and laughed some more as I jumped over a branch near the start of the woods. He laughed softly.

"Okay." He mumbled and rubbed behind my ears. "I love you."

"I love you too sweetie~! I hope you are enjoying yourself. Not many get to ride on the back of an alpha," I teased. He laughed then.

"I can't believe I am on you while you are running with your pack." He mumbled happily and hugged me. I tilted my head then and heard Rick laugh.

"Alpha Quinton... a full moon is soon," he told me as he stayed beside me. "I think you need to tell the Luna about the risks so you can make a decision about what to do. I don't know if you are wanting to be with your Luna for your first full moon as alpha or if you want to avoid it."

"Huh?" Dannie asked Rick. "What's he mean Quinton." I lowered my ears shyly as I immediately caught on.

"D-Dannie... um... There's a full moon soon," I started, deciding it would be best to explain. You better not run away. 

"And..." Dannie pushed on. "What else?" He asked curiously. "You know I'm not that accustomed to werewolf ways. Do you like have to go with your pack on a hot run/ hunt thing?"

"Ummm.... I'm going to be taken over by my inner wolf," I said quickly, rushing it out.

"Oh cool! What's your inner wolf like?" He asked me. I glanced up at him then looked ahead.

"Dannie... you're my mate and my pack's Luna... and inner wolves usually strongly believe in either running with their mates and pack... or... mating," I mumbled, laying my ears back slightly as I lowered my head, not wanting to see his face.

"So... He'll want to mark me again?" Dannie asked and laughed softly. "Oh come on... He'll probably go hunting."

"He's for option B," I muttered to him. "He wants to complete the mating process... He's pretty much told me."

"Oh... wait... does that mean sex is involved?" Dannie asked me.

"My father said so.... My inner wolf wants to mate on the full moon.... They're usually forceful and possessive," I admitted. "Depends on the wolf though. I'm not sure what will happen. He might be respectful enough to go hunting for deer if you tell him no..."

"Well I'm not worried. He's not going to want to force me... I'm a sick innocent little mate.." Dannie told me and rubbed his face against my fur. I growled playfully at him and wagged my tail.

"You're right... If he does try, remind him of the moon goddess and tell him that the moon goddess will be upset if he doesn't respect the pack's Luna," I told him.

"So... does he come for the whole day?" Dannie asked me.

"Just when the sun sets and until it rises... You might be getting a dirty sweaty wolf in the bed near sunrise when he's worn out from running if you make him go hunting- please make him go hunting," I whined. He nodded.

"Okay... So he will come back to me by the end of his hunt and you won't wake up in the woods naked... good." He rubbed my head then. Rick laughed.

"Alpha Quinton... if he goes hunting with the pack, we will all wake up in the woods naked," he told us.

"Oh..." Dannie mumbled and sighed. "Okay then." I tensed up and looked at Rick.

"There's a slight chance he'll stay near the manor with the pack and come home to Dannie... right?" Depends on how the night goes... I laid my ears back then. "Dannie... What do you want to do? I don't know if you actually... want to... or not," I mumbled, my heart speeding up. What if he wants to?! What if he doesn't?!

"Uh,,, Well..." Dannie trailed off and stopped talking then. I lowered my head then in embarrassment.

"I-if you don't want to... that's fine Dannie.... I don't know about... mating either. I mean...."

"Well... Would it be wrong if we did do it?" Dannie asked me curiously. Rick laughed and fell back then, giving us space. I widened my eyes. NO MAN! RICK WHY?! GET BACK HERE! I whined and glanced back at him then tensed up. Oh no... I'm left with Dannie...

"I-I... guess... not.... Why? you want to?" I asked shyly, shrinking down.

"Well... Would it be wrong?" Dannie asked me. "I mean... we are mates..." I thought it over then and sighed in defeat.

"No... it wouldn't be wrong," I mumbled.

"Then there you go." He told me. "That's all I'll say on that." I whined then. Why do I feel like I'm going to wake up with Dannie under me? I don't want to do it if I'm not going to remember my first time! Then tell him that, you idiot, or else I'll do it for you. I whimpered then and glanced up towards Dannie.

"Dannie.... if we are going to... I want to remember my first," I whispered, slowing down a bit as I watched him.

"Well... want to do it tonight?" Dannie asked me. "Otherwise you won't remember." He teased. Oh my goodness.... he's going to let my inner wolf have him. Hehaha! See, your mate isn't a whimp like you. I growled. Shut up! I'm not a whimp!

"Um... I...." I trailed off and watched him then looked around the woods then back up at him. "If you're fine with it," I mumbled under my breath almost to where he wouldn't hear me.

"So can we do it tonight?" He asked curiously.

"Do... you want to?" I asked and tried to stop freaking out in my head.

"Of course! You're my mate." He told me. "We're both old enough." He gave a smile then. I relaxed a little as I saw him smile.

"Ok.... We will tonight," I said and looked ahead.

"Really?!" He asked me and giggled.

"Sure!" I said and brightened up a little when he giggled. "We could even go to our bed when we get done with this today if you really are looking forward to it," I suggested.

"No I think we need to make it romantic. I'll get a maid to get us scented candles and flowers.... and what else is romantic? Would you like it if I got us handcuffs and other niffy toys?" He asked me. I glanced up at him in shock at the word handcuffs then looked ahead.

"Who...umm... You want me to be dominate tonight, right? Or are you wanting to?"

"You can be if you want." He purred in my ear. "Just don't pull one of my ears." He rubbed his ear then. I laid my ears back then.

"Ummmm...." I started to get nervous then. What exactly am I supposed to do anyways?! Agh! I put myself in the worst position possible! Calm down. I'll help you figure it out. It's not hard.... If you're so worried about it, tell Dannie to be dominate, but I'll laugh at you. Dannie started to hum to himself, probably thinking about tonight's events. I'm so screwed.... I didn't think Dannie was into this part of being a mate.... I shrunk down a little.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"N-nothing.... I just... don't really know how to do these things," I mumbled under my breath, hardly able to admit it to him.

"Well I'm a virgin too." Dannie told me. "Maybe we should watch sex movies together first." He suggested. NOPE! NOPE, NOPE, NOPE, NOPE, N-O-P-E, NO- Stop whining. LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU RUINED SOMETHING PERFECT! What? You being a wuss? I'M NOT A WUSS! Then stop freaking out. I said I'd help you. If you need advice besides me, you can always go talk to your dads. They do it all the time. I DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT! They are a werewolf alpha and a vampire king. What do you think they do? But I didn't need you pointing it out! Calm down Quinton. It's a natural part of life to mate with your mate. You'll be fine. I promise you. You will love it, and I will help you.

"Umm.... I think I can manage figuring it out," I told him as I tried to calm down.

"You know what... we should watch fifty shades of gray together. Appartently that is a good sex movie." Dannie told me. "So let's watch it... I mean... well... Uh... well we might be two males but we can make it work." I thought it over and then glanced up at him.

"Tell you what, we will watch one sex movie, and then we will attempt it," I told him and wagged my tail nervously. "Get what you want in the room, and I will prepare myself so I don't back out at the last minute."

"Okay~" He laughed and kissed my head. "I'm glad you want to."

"I'll even have a little party beforehand with some guys," I told him and wagged my tail.

"WHAT!? No your not celebrating and letting everyone know your gonna have sex with me Mr. Not on my watch... I'll take you right now." He teased me. I laughed at him.

"Dannie, you can't mess with me while I'm a wolf. I highly doubt you would want to."

"True..." Dannie kissed my head. "Don't go bragging about it, okay?"

"I won't.... I won't even tell them. I'll keep it quiet and make them hang out with me."

"Okay~ But we still are going to watch that movie... right?" He asked softly.

"Mhmm... Right after dinner," I told him. "You'll get the room prepared and all ready for us while I'm with them, so it'll be a surprise to me... and then after dinner, we'll go to our room and watch the movie that you pick for us and then try it out," I promised.

"Okay... hey take your beta with you." Dannie suggested. "It's great bonding experience." He rubbed my head. I nodded and laughed as we ran for a bit.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Family~

"Hey Donnie! Want to hang out today?" I asked as I knocked on his door. "I want to have a party with you, Nikolai, and the rest. What do you think?" Donnie opened the door and smiled towards me.

"Sorry cutie but I'm busy today with Nikolai." He stepped aside to show me Nikolai laying on his bed and on his laptop. "We have some future king things to go over." He told me. "Go hang out with someone else." I widened my eyes and then growled, latching onto his arm.

"NO!" He raised an eyebrow.

"No?" He asked softly.

"Please?" I asked quickly, looking up at him as I blushed.

"We're busy. Go hang out with your pack mates." He told me and rubbed my head. "Okay?" He kissed the top of my head then.

"But Donnie!" I whined and looked up at him. "Can't you put it aside for now? Pleaaaaaaase?" I don't want to be left alone today! Not when I have tonight to worry about! I whimpered.

"Go hang out with Hachi~ Or Louis- your dad." He started to shove me out the door. I growled at him sharply when he shoved me and narrowed my eyes.

"What? I have things to do."

"Let him in." Nikolai sighed out. I brightened up then and smiled, brushing past Donnie into his room and bounced over to the bed, laying down in it by Nikolai. Donnie looked out the hall then closed the door swiftly and locked it. He turned towards us and walked back over. Nikolai smiled towards me. "Hey."

"Hi," I said and smiled at him then looked towards Donnie. "Thank you," I mumbled. Donnie sighed and then laid down by Nikolai, taking the laptop from him. I glanced towards Nikolai and smiled softly as I curled up to him. "Sorry for growling," I mumbled towards Donnie.

"Your okay." Donnie told me. Nikolai rubbed my head and laughed.

"What's the matter? Your not with your mate." He told me. I blushed and looked down at the bed sheets, remembering that he told me not to tell.

"He's busy," I mumbled.

"Busy doing what?" Donnie asked curiously.

"Ummm.... Stuff," I said and bit my bottom lip. "He needs some time to himself to do it."

"What could that be?" Nikolai asked and laughed. I looked at him then and smiled.

"Just stuff," I said innocently and wrapped my arms around his arm as I snuggled up to him and closed my eyes.

"Humph." Nikolai rubbed my head then and smirked. "Surre." He muttered. I blushed but I kept my eyes shut.

"Oh look... the full moon is in two days." Donnie told us. "You're first full moon as an alpha, Quinton." Donnie smirked my way. I looked at him and felt my face heat up. I bit my bottom lip. "Good luck. Remember your inner wolf will want to mate with Dannie. If you touch my little brother in that sort of way I will drain you." He threatened me. "And I can do it with my fangs. I'm immune to wolf." I widened my eyes and shrunk into Nikolai then.

"Oh no.... I'm gone!" I started to get up then. Nikolai let me up and laughed. Donnie laughed as well as he watched me. I blushed and then ran for the door. They're so not on my list anymore to hang out with when I need to be with someone. I ran out into the hall and slammed the door behind me and ran off from them then started to panic. He said he'd kill me... and I'm supposed to do it tonight.... Oh no... he'll find out too. He's a mind reader! I'm going to die! What am I supposed to tell Dannie?! He got so happy that I was willing! I whimpered as I came to a stop in the hall. I found Sam walking down another hall that branched off. He was headed towards the main stairs. I frowned as I got distracted by him. "Sam! What're you doing?" I called out, looking his way. He yelped and turned around to look towards me.

"Uh...." He took off running then down the hall. I growled and shoved my hands into my pockets. Great. I'm so not even going to chase him. He's not worth it. I started to walk off then, muttering under my breath. Why the heck did I pick him anyways?! He's a terrible beta! He doesn't even try to like this life! If it wasn't such a terrible thing to do to replace him, I'd have replaced him today. Great... maybe I should go talk to my dad. He'll tell me something. I sighed and started for their room and went straight in and over to the bed.

"Dad," I said and got in the bed, getting next to August. I noticed my other dad wasn't in here.

"Yeah?" My father August asked softly.. "Whatcha want kiddo?" He rubbed my head. "How was the run?"

"My lousy beta didn't come," I mumbled.

"That's too bad. The moon goddess won't be happy." He sighed out. I whimpered then.

"Dad, I don't know what to do. He says he hates me and he refuses to even try the pack life, and then he tried to fake being sick this morning so I left him at home. He doesn't even want my help learning how to walk, and we had to force him to turn yesterday with the herbs for the kids. The pack is going to get angry if he keeps this up."

"Uh-huh." My dad nodded as he seemed deep in thought.

"Dad, I spotted him in the hall a few minutes ago, and when I went to talk to him, he ran," I muttered. "It's not working. Anything I've tried just fails. I even took him to the river yesterday on the run."

"Take him to the waterfall today." He suggested. "Just you two." I sighed.

"I don't think that's going to work.... Maybe I need to take him back to his friends and leave him. He might fare better with them, and the witch can help him. He might not become like the rogues if he's with the witch where she can watch him."

"No." He told me firmly. "You can't abandon your beta to a witch. You should bond with him- now go bond with him and when you see me again I want to hear good news." He told me. "Take it easy with him. Humans get scared of big changes. He's probably scared... Heck, offer him a chance to see his friends if he behaves." My dad suggested.

"Dad... I don't think I can bond with him. I've done tried multiple times," I groaned and flopped down on the bed. "He keeps threatening to run away, and he told me that he would kill me yesterday."

"Stop winning. You're the alpha here." He told me. "Go bond with him and don't tell me you can't. I bonded with Rick after throwing it on him within five seconds." He told me. "So. Go. Bond. With. Him. It's going to be rough but if you keep trying then you can make him like you." I growled softly.

"Dad, that's not fair. You turned Rick AND his friends. Plus, he practically fell in love with you when he became beta."

"Go turn some of his friends then." He laughed out. "Come on now."

"But he said he'd kill me! Besides! I'm supposed to be staying here most of the day because I-" I cut myself off and blushed. "Dad, Donnie is going to kill me. Forget Sam for now. My cousin is going to murder me."

"Donnie loves you and won't kill you. Unless he's suicidal." August told me. "Now.... Can you go bond with you beta now? Friction between the beta and alpha makes the pack weak. You need to be training with him to take down those rogues." I sighed.

"Dad, the full moon is soon, and I kinda told Dannie I'd sleep with him tonight," I said firmly. "Donnie is going to kill me."

"You sleep with Dannie all the- oh that kind of sleeping. Well.... Donnie won't kill you. He's probably joking with you to make you not want to do it with his twin. I know the full moon is soon... I can feel it coming. How about you hang around the house then and bond with your beta. Don't worry about Donnie." I sighed.

"Do you really think that I can actually get that guy to like me? He's really starting to get on my nerves, and I'm the one that picked him."

"Yes." My father smiled. "You're incredibly kind and friendly. You can make anyone your friend." He told me.

"Yeaaaah.... but I've tried so many times," I mumbled. "What am I supposed to do? Hold him down and brainwash him to be my friend? He's not going to want to talk to me. He's not going to ever want to talk to me. I could be the nicest guy in the whole wide world, and he'd probably smother me with a pillow in my sleep. Jeez dad... I can be alpha all day, but he's not respecting me at all. He's not even trying! Gwah!" I tossed the pillow aside then. "Dad, what's the point in having a beta if your beta doesn't do the beta job?!"

"You'll never know unless you try." My dad told me. "So, go try." He rubbed my head then. I looked at him then and sighed.

"Fine.... If he's not being nice in a month, I'm dropping him off at that witch's place," I muttered and started to get out of bed. "The pack doesn't need this from him."

"I have a good feeling that when you approach him today you two will be fine." My dad told me.

"Do I have to? I mean... I got a beta. It's not like I'm going to go insane anymore."

"Yes. You have to." August told me. "I'm ordering it."

"Fine," I growled and started for the door. "You're not going to hear good things the next time I see you though."

"Good bye Quinton." He sighed out.

"Love you dad," I said sweetly as I left the room and shut the door. I sighed as soon as it was shut. Am I really going to? Don't disobey your dad. He was the previous alpha, and he didn't have to give it to you when he did. Beta, now. I whined and started for where I had seen him then followed his scent. I found him in the dinning room eating a sandwich with chips and a jar of pickles. He also had a beer open by his food. He looked towards me when I walked in then shoved a bite into his mouth. I glanced at him and then sighed before I turned around to leave. No! Get over there! I whined then and glanced over my shoulder at him. He's mean! You're alpha and you're whining like a two year old. I bit my bottom lip and then turned around slowly before I walked over and sat down across from him, watching him. I looked away then towards a window. He grabbed a pickle from the jar and started to eat it then. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye and then sighed, putting my head down on the table. Well... this is spending time with him. I can tell dad I watched him eat a pickle, and he didn't get up and dump his food on me. That's good. He took a sip of his beer then and watched me. I didn't look at him as I stared out the window. Talk. To. Your. Beta. No, if we talk, he's talking first. All I technically have to do is sit here with him. He took a bite out of his sandwich again. Talk to him. No, I'm not talking first. I yawned and started to hum to myself. He glared me down then. I glanced at him then as I picked my head up enough to look his way then gave him an innocent smile before I put my head back down and looked out the window.

"What do you want?" He asked, breaking the silence. I glanced at him again.

"My dad told me to bond with you," I said bluntly. "I'm going to tell him I watched you eat a pickle." He ate another pickle then. I gave him a smile then looked back out the window.

"You owe me a phone." He told me sharply.

"Talk to my dad Louis," I mumbled. "He'll get you another if you want one."

"You're the one that broke my phone." He told me and then looked away from me.

"Yeah, I did," I muttered.

"Get me a new one." He told me and bit into his sandwich.

"Start being a better beta," I growled softly.

"Why?" He asked me. He leaned back in his seat then.

"Because the pack deserves a better beta, and after today, they probably want to eat you alive," I muttered. "Even if you don't like me, you have to attempt to be a good beta for them."

"I don't know what to do." He chuckled then. "It's not really my problem anyways. You can take care of everything." He ate another pickle then. I glared at him then.

"Sam, if something happens to me, you become leader of the pack, so YOU NEED TO SHOW UP TO THE FREAKING MEETINGS AND GO ON THE RUNS!" I yelled at him and then sat up and crossed my arms.

"No.... No I don't." He started to laugh then. I glared at him then and stood up.

"Fine, go home," I told him. "If you really don't want to even try for the cute little pups and the older members of the pack and even for the moon goddess who has plans for you to one day find the love of your life and have a good life with a pack that loves you like family, then fine, take your drunk butt home to that witch."

"I'm not leaving." He told me and then ate a chip. "Not any time soon." He took a sip of his beer then. "You're going to get what you asked for."

"No, you're going to get in the car, and I'm going to drive you home, and then you're going to get out and I'm going to come back here and make Rick beta."

"No." He told me and then ate another pickle. "I'm not." I growled at him then.

"Car. Now." He laughed towards me and then started to finish up his sandwhich. "I'm not playing. I'm sick and tired of you disrespecting me, and it's one thing when you do it to me, but when you do it to the pack, I have to say something. Get your butt in the car." He took another sip of his beer then.

"No. I'm not going. "He told me firmly.

"Why not?! You were so hell bent on it earlier!" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Because I have to stay here." He told me. "The moon god- whatever told me."

"Yeah, well...." I trailed off then. The moon goddess told him to? I groaned and sat back down. "Darn it," I put my head back on the table. "The moon goddess told you to," I growled. "Why in the world did she tell you to?"

"Because you need me." He told me simply and rolled his eyes. "Plus she said something about striking me down if I tried to leave." I groaned then.

"Whyyyyyy?" I looked up at the ceiling then. "This isn't funny!" I said towards the moon goddess, wondering if she'd hear me. "I don't need him!"

"I know right." He ate another pickle then. "Awee.... it was my last pickle...." He mumbled. I looked at him then and stood up. I looked him over.

"I need to go talk to my dad," I muttered. Maybe he could pray to the moon goddess or something for me. I started to walk off then.

"Baby." I heard him snort out and start drinking the pickle juice. I looked back at him then with wide eyes and then growled at him.

"I'm not a baby! I'm your alpha! You will learn to respect the pack- especially if the moon goddess is forcing you to stay here! No, you know what! If you don't want to, don't come on the runs, or the hunts, or the full moons! I can handle the pack myself," I growled as I looked him over.

"I expect you too." He purred and then started to drink the rest of his beer right after the pickle juice.

"Enjoy your beer," I muttered and walked out. I started for the front doors then, pissed.