Sam, The Beta

Sam's POV:

I sat there sulking as he walked out the door. Go after your alpha you diresectful ass. I finished the beer then and stood up. I swear if you don't go after him... I was meant for someone better then you. You're so mean to him Sam. Please go after him. Please.... Please... please.... can I take over.... I wonder if I can since you are drunk. I groaned and grabbed my head. "Please shut up." I muttered and started for the door then. Sam.... he's going to never talk to us. It'll be lonely. Very lonely.... Very very lonely here. Very- I sighed and started to smell Quinton out. YAS! I WIN! I TOTALLY WIN! I groaned and found Quinton just about to step off of the front porch. "Quinton." I said quickly. He glanced back at me and then sighed, stepping off the porch.

"What? I'll get you a phone," he muttered and started to take his shirt off.

"How do you get your inner voice thing to shut up?" I asked quickly. Hey... it's inner wolf for your information and my name is Fury. Remember, I told you this earlier. Quinton looked at me and tilted his head then smiled a little, trying to hide it.

"What was that?" He said and stopped what he was doing.

"How do you get your inner wolf to shut up?" I asked him, rolling my eyes.

"Aww, you asked me for help," he mumbled and then gave me a smile. "The thing is... You don't. He's your advice and your helper. You should befriend him if you can. It takes a lot to make them be quiet if you don't agree with them, but it's just better to be one with your inner wolf. See, they're going to be there all your life until you die. You don't want to be fighting, or else they will send you off a cliff in your head. Trust me, they can make you hate yourself or they can make you go insane by never being quiet. Though honestly, I think they have it rough. They get stuck into werewolves and they're there for life. They don't get to do what they want except for on full moons, and then they only get it for a night. They get to see what happens around them, but all they can do is say things. It must drive them insane sometimes," he whispered the last part and looked down at the ground sadly. "The point is, don't take your inner wolf for granted Sam. They're from the moon goddess as a gift to us. She sends them to us when we become werewolves, and they're there to guide us instead of stay with her and run free...." I groaned and went to go back inside then, waving him off. That wasn't any help at all. Ha! At least you had a somewhat normal conversation with him.... and what's this thing about you trying to get rid of me.

"You don't shut up." I whispered. That's not very funny... "It's true."

"Sam... come run with me," Quinton called to me after a minute. I froze up then. Let's go! You have to listen to me and I say we should go. Let's go. Come on. If you don't go I will make you go insane. You owe him. Yep. You do. Let's go. Come on. Sam. I looked towards Quinton then.

"I don't like being a dog." I told him, frowning. Plus I'm drunk.. He gave me a sweet smile then.

"Sam, we don't have to turn to go check out the woods. We can go like this."

"Naked?" I asked him, motioning to his topless body. He looked down at himself.

"I have a stripping problem," he joked. "What can I say? If you want me to, I will put the shirt back on- only if you promise to walk with me." Let's go. I like the woods. How about this.... You go with him and I will shut up. I started towards Quinton then and brushed past him as I went towards the woods.

"I'm walking." I told him. He started to follow me and put his shirt back on.

"Hey Sam, want to see a waterfall?" He asked me as he got beside me. He laughed a little and glanced up at me. "I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier. You just frustrate me with not asking for help and blowing me off when I'm here for you, and then you treat the pack like they're nothing to you when they would gladly accept you and become your friends while they look up to you."

"How far is the waterfall?" I asked softly.

"Not too far by wolf... maybe a good two hours by human," he said thoughtfully, looking around at the woods as we walked in.

"Uh-huh." I nodded as I put my hands into my pockets. "I guess we'll go see it then." He laughed and looked up at me.

"Thanks Sam.... See, this is what being beta is. It's pretty much just hanging out with me and the pack. You don't have very much to do besides watch over them with me and share things with me that the others don't necessarily see. I know you're upset because I made you a werewolf- and then dumped beta on you... but you're not the only one in the pack that had being made into a werewolf dropped on them. You could always talk to me or you could talk to the original pack members. They were here before the others, and they were made by my father. They saw everyone else get put into the pack and watched as pups were born. They know everything about this pack, and they know your so called pain," he told me and then stretched a little. "They wouldn't mind helping you. Rick is the oldest werewolf of them. He was the very first, and the rest were his friends that were turned with him, but he was bit first."

"I don't need help." I told him and shrugged. "I don't plan to do much other then be here." He told me. "So don't expect much." He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes and sighed.

"Can you at least talk to them? I just want to know if the problem is me or if it's the fact that you think you're alone in this or if it's just the big plain fact that you hate everything."

"I hate everything." I told him and smirked, holding in a laugh. It was funny after all to blow it up in his face. He groaned and then looked off, pouting as he refused to look at me.

"You're a buzz kill... and you don't know how to have fun," he muttered. "I should've picked Olive or Natalie- No, it should've been Natalie. She's more adjusted for this life already. She would've made a great beta and would've brought joy to the pack and happiness. Everyone would've loved her. She was so happy and fun looking when I met her.... She would've been the best choice. The pack would have partied with her, and they would have all grown close to her easily. Plus, she might've decided to be my friend," he mumbled. "I wish I picked her.... I should've just given you up. I really should've thought it through instead of getting caught up in the moment about how great you were and how nice and trusting you were to me. Natalie would've been the better pick." He started to walk ahead a little then, keeping his shoulder's straight as he looked straight ahead. "Don't worry about the pack Sam. We don't need you. Rick will continue to do the beta job in your place even though he doesn't have the mark. I know he will be pleased to hear the news that he has his job back. He's been there all my life, and he'll continue to be there for the rest of it. You may stay in your room, and you may come out to eat and drink when you want. Just a word of warning Sam, don't stray too far from the pack and don't disobey the moon goddess. You might end up a rogue and become a criminal easily. I'll have to kill you if you do, and I don't want to have to kill you, but if you go rogue like the one that took my father's eye sight, I'll have to kill you for the safety of my pack and for all the other packs. It's an alpha's job to make sure that rogues do not harm others, and that job is accomplished with the death of the rogue. There is no negotiating with them, and they are far from the moon goddess. They are the scum of our race- packless and cruel." He glanced back at me. "You are on a dangerous edge Sam... so I would be careful." He gave me a sad look and then looked ahead.

"Well." I huffed out. I stopped walking then as I watched him. Bastard.. he's got me speechless... It's all his fault too this happened to me. He lied to me and I actually trusted him. Now he wonders why I don't want much to do with him. He's nothing but a liar. I growled softly. He's not a liar. He lied to me though, telling me he wasn't going to do anything to me and then he turned me into his stupid little beta. I could be on a morning hunt right now, still sobering up from one hell of a party. I could be killing a buck right now but instead I'm walking behind a traitor in the woods. "Traitor." I grumbled. He stopped then and turned to look at me.

"What?" He asked and tilted his head, frowning a bit.

"This is all your fault." I told him and then kept walking, brushing past him. "You lied to me and made me this." I told him. "And I don't forgive you for it either."

"Sam.... I just wanted you to have fun with me.... I liked you. You were really fun... and you liked to hunt like me.... I thought you would enjoy this life," he mumbled and looked at me. "Sam... I'm sorry. I was wrong," he whispered. "I shouldn't have done this to you, you're right about that." I pouted then.

"You should've picked from within your pack." I muttered. "I'm everything I don't want to be now... and there's an annoying voice in my head." He grabbed me then and made me look at him.

"Sam... I hate to tell you this... but you have a limited number of options. You can choose to live in the manor and stay mostly in your room... or you can hang out with the pack and be my beta and have fun and accept this life... or you can choose to leave and defy the moon goddess. If you choose option three, get on your knees," he whispered, looking down at the ground sadly. "I really don't want option three... but I know you're not happy. If you choose option three, you'll be rid of me and of the voice in your head...."

"But option three sounds wrong." I muttered. "It wouldn't be right to me." I backed away from him then. He looked up at me hopefully then.

"Can you try to be happy then? I-if you aren't... then I should take care of it now," he whispered, looking like he was going to cry a little. "I really don't want to.... but I can't let it happen."

"No." I told him and started to walk away. "I'm staying. I'll just find my own things to do."

"I'm serious Sam! If you go rogue! I don't want to murder you in front of the pack, but I'll be forced to."

"I'm not going to go rogue unless you piss me off." I told him, rolling my eyes. "I'll just ignore you." I heard him go silent behind me then and heard him start to walk back towards the manor then. I turned around then. "Hey! Come on, I thought we was going to that waterfall?" I pouted. Why'd I even walk out here if he was going to ditch me. He glanced back at me.

"It's not like you want to be around me anyways. I'm just the traitor and liar that turned you into a monster, aren't I? You probably should stay away from me," he mumbled and then looked away. "The waterfall is in the direction your walking. You should find it easily. You'll like it." I crossed my arms then.

"Get back here." I told him, letting out a small growl. "I'm not going by myself." He glanced at me again and then sighed, trudging back over to me as he looked at the ground. He started to walk past me then without another word. "If I tell you I like you will you stop pouting?" I asked him, following after him. "I'll stick around for you, okay. I don't want anything to do with the pack though." He shrugged, kicking a small rock ahead of us. "And I'm not turning back into a mut." I told him, shivering at the idea. Hey! That's mean. I'm not a mut. I'm a wolf. I hope he bites you.

"We're not mutts. I don't care what you do. Just don't go rogue or else I'll eat you."

"I'll eat you first." I told him. Would that even taste good? He looked up at me sharply and growled a little.

"Don't even try, Mr. I Can't Walk."

"I don't want to walk. I don't even want to be in that form. It hurt transforming." I grumbled. He shook his head.

"Whatever," he mumbled and looked away.

"Don't whatever me." I muttered. "You know it's weird."

"It's not weird! MY WHOLE LIFE IS BEING A WOLF! Want to diss it?" He glared me down then. I glared him back and then stopped walking.

"Ugh." I looked away from him then. He narrowed his eyes at me and then smirked a bit. He transformed without stripping this time, ripping his clothes into shreds within seconds and looked up at me, laying his ears back. He growled slightly and showed me his teeth, getting in my face. I widened my eyes and took off running from him then. I heard him snarl as he chased after me, knocking me to the ground then stood over me. He growled as he bared his teeth at me and looked me over as he kept a paw on my chest. I groaned and looked up at him. trying not to show fear in my eyes. He tilted his head as he laid his ears back and then glanced at my throat thoughtfully. I watched him, seeing if he'd do it or not. He'd back away.... right? I'm not here. He snarled after a second and then lunged for my throat. I yelped and then dodged him, moving under his body to do so then took off running from him. He growled at me and grabbed my shirt with his teeth, yanking me back to him and throwing me to the ground. He was on me in seconds, and I felt him nip my ear. He was suddenly wagging his tail and he sat down on top of me, looking down at me.

"You thought I was going to kill you, didn't you?" He asked and laughed a little. "Sam, I'm not going to kill you. I just want you to stop dissing my life, ok? Being a wolf is not a terrible thing. My whole life I've been a wolf, and you've only been a wolf for a few days."

"Well during those few days in sucked." I grumbled. "I've only shifted twice and it was totally not worth the shift."

"It's because you don't loosen up and try to enjoy it. If you keep looking at it in a negative light, you're never going to notice the fun of it. You'd like it if you learned to walk because then you'd be able to run, and then you'd be able to hunt.... and eventually... you'd hunt and run with the pack at your side which is the best thing ever. It's better than getting drunk," he told me and then licked my cheek. I rubbed off his saliva then.

"Ugh." I grumbled, looking away from him. "Don't lick me. I told you I hate dogs."

"Why do you hate dogs? Let's start there," he said and then laid down completely on me. He looked me in the eyes, completely serious. I struggled to get out from under him.

"I can't breath!" I told him, kicking around.

"Yeah, you probably can't... but I'm a little upset with you, so I'm not moving just yet." He wagged his tail and laughed. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Get off me." I told him. "I'm not in the mood to play."

"I'm not playing. I'm trying to help you. So come on, what do you say?" He perked his ears up and smiled a bit. "Let me at least try."

"Help me with what? Liking you?" I asked. "Or my new life?"

"Well... I'd like it if you tried to be my friend... but that's something for you to work on if you even want it.... I can really only help you with your new life," he said and laid his ears back as he looked at me.

"Can I just not?" I asked softly and squirmed under him.

"Look, it's a long time till you'll die of old age," he told me and sighed. "You might as well try one if not both of those two things. Otherwise, what's the point in living? You might as well just ask me to kill you now." I groaned then.

"But..." I trailed off. "Fine." I sighed out. "I'll try." I told him. He got off me quickly then, wagging his tail excitedly.

"Really?" He asked happily. I shrugged. Anything to get him off me. I stood up then and started back for the manor. He let out a sharp growl. "I want to see the waterfall!" He nudged me onto his back then. I got off him quickly and shook my head.

"We'll walk." I told him and started for the waterfall. "I'll walk on my own feet."

"Not many people get to say they rode an alpha," he called to me and wagged his tail. "I'll be slow about it."

"I already have, once was good enough for me." I told him. He laughed and then got me on his back again before I could react. He started to run with me then, going fast enough to make it to where it would be dangerous to fall off. "PUT ME DOWN!" I groaned. "This isn't funny!" I hissed. "I wanted to walk on my own, Quinton!" It wasn't but a few ten minutes until I heard the roar of a waterfall. He stopped and laid down so I could get off, wagging his tail. I got off him and stomped off towards the waterfall. "I can't believe you made me do that." I grumbled. He laughed and walked beside me.

"Just because I want you to enjoy the waterfall more than the walk," he told me and then walked ahead. We were soon standing in front of a huge waterfall that cascaded over smooth rocks and made the water foam white as it hit the bottom then rushed off into a river. He wagged his tail and started for the waterfall, getting on it. He laughed as he ran a little in it, playing as he snapped his jaws at the water. I sat down by the edge of the water and watched him, deciding to stay away from it. He was laughing and then yelped when his foot slipped and sent him into the river, going under. I watched him and smirked. Wuss. He resurfaced a few feet away and swam out of the river, getting on the bank. He shook his fur out, getting me wet before he wagged his tail and ran back to the waterfall. He got back on it and started to play around again, dipping his head into the rushing water and then let out an excited bark as he started to climb to the top of it. "I'M KING OF THE WATERFALL!" He shouted when he got to the top and tilted his head back, howling triumphantly. I took off my shirt then and whipped off the water that got on me then laid back, placing it under my head. "Hey Sam! You should really get in," he called out to me, wagging his tail as he looked my way. "Come on buddy! I promise it's fun."

"No thanks." I called to him and closed my eyes. I heard him coming my way then and he was soon laying down beside me, curling his warm furry body around me. He yawned slightly and then rested his head by mine. I looked towards him and tried not to get touched by him so I could stay dry. His breathing started to slow down for a few minutes and then he was asleep by me, his back paw twitching slightly as he began to dream. His ear flicked a little and then he made a small whine before he got silent. I looked him over and then rolled my eyes. I started to get up then, taking it slow so I wouldn't wake him but I fell over him when I felt one of my bones snap. I widened my eyes in panic... Oh no.... No.... No...Please don't make me transform again... I shrieked as another snapped. "Quinton!" I cried out, grabbing his fur. His eyes snapped open, and he looked to me, whining as he saw what was happening. He sat up and looked at me then glanced me over worriedly.

"Sam?" He nudged me to him then, putting his head on my shoulder as he sort of cradled me to his chest by doing that. "It'll be ok. Don't fight it, or it'll be worse," he whispered. "You'll be ok," he mumbled into my ear to sooth me. I whimpered.

"I don't want to go through this again." I told him, letting out a whimper. "You didn't tell me this would happen." I buried my face against him then.

"I don't have that happen to me because I shift often," he whispered to me. "That happens to the ones that don't shift willingly and often."

"This isn't fair." I mumbled and felt another bone snap. He whimpered as he heard it.

"I'm so sorry.... I'm going to give you some wolfs bane to carry around when we get back, I promise. Just in case this happens to you again," he said softly. "It'll make it almost painless." He looked like he wanted to lick my face, but he held back from it and just pressed me against him tighter. I relaxed against him and felt a few more bones snap. I let out a small yelp. He held me close. "It'll be alright," he promised and then nudged me gently onto the ground and laid down beside me, keeping his body by mine to comfort me as his warmth helped a little.

~Time Skip brought to you by cuteness~

I opened my eyes as I finished shifting and curled up in my new form. Haahahahahaaaa It's not funny... I growled softly and curled up tighter to myself. I felt Quinton shift closer to me and he laid his head on me, wagging his tail slightly as he yawned. "Hmm... want to let the shift go to waste? Or do you want me to teach you to walk? After all... you'll end up shifting again whether you like it or not... and you might end up in a bad place when you shift." He looked towards my ears then like he wanted to nip at them, but he didn't. I laid my ears back and looked away from him.

"I guess." I grumbled. "I could learn how to walk in this form." He got up then with an excited look.

"Ok, stand first," he said and wagged his tail.

"Do I have to?" I asked him softly.

"To walk? Yes." He looked me over. I stood up slowly then and felt my legs shake a bit from lifting my weight up. He stopped wagging his tail as he looked towards my legs. "Do you got it?" He asked and lowered his ears slightly. I growled his way.

"Wanna get bit?" I asked him. He shook his head and laughed a little.

"No," he said and wagged his tail again. "Alright, watch," he told me and put his front paw out and then shifted his weight to it as he started to walk slowly in front of me, showing me the way to do it. I watched him and then took a step forward. He watched me then and sat down. "Good," he encouraged and wagged his tail a little. "That's actually not a bad step. You're getting this."

"I still hate you." I told him and then shifted my weight for my next step.

"Awww, and I still think that one day you will come up to me and tell me that you love me," he teased and tilted his head as he looked at me.

"Maybe." I teased back. "When you grow another tail." I wagged mine then and growled towards it.

"Hey now, don't start chasing it," he joked, messing with me since how I had told him earlier that all dogs chased tails. I growled towards him then and sat down. He stopped wagging his tail then. "Hey, what's the matter? I thought you were going to practice walking?"

"Not anymore." I told him and laid down. He pouted a little.

"Please? Why not? I'm just trying to help you...."

"Because I don't want to anymore." I told him and curled up. "Nope." He wagged his tail then.

"Awww, you know what this means! I get to carry you again!" He laughed and started to get up, walking over to me. "You're so cute when you decide you don't want to try to walk. You're small enough to be a pup, and you're not that heavy."

"I'm going to eat you." I told him and got to my paws. "Don't you dare try to carry me again. I won't go easy on you this time." He wagged his tail then.

"Hey, guess what?"

"W-what?" I looked him over.

"You're standing up," he told me and sat back down.

"So?" I sat back down then.

"I'm proud," he told me and wagged his tail some more.

"Well I'm proud you're a jerk." I told him. "No... not really." I laid back my ears. He sighed then and stopped wagging his tail.

"And my pride just sunk," he mumbled and laid down, curling up to himself as he laid his ears back and brought his tail around him. He pouted and didn't look at me.

"Good." I wagged my tail. "We're getting some where." I smirked and tried to walk then while he was pouting. He didn't watch me this time and closed his eyes. I stumbled over to him and then got on top of him. He yelped and looked up at me.

"W-what are you doing?" He asked quickly. I bit one of his ears then and tugged on it. "Ow!" He whimpered and started to paw at me, trying to push me off without hurting himself. I laughed and avoided his paws as I let out a playful growl. He let out a small whine and looked up at me. "You don't even like me," he said and then growled a little as he wagged his tail then nipped at my ear, pulling me down onto the ground by him. I yelped and laid down by him, wagging my tail as I watched him. He laughed a bit and then gave me a playful look as he leaned in and nipped at my nose then growled a little. He laughed and then put a paw on my side, pushing me onto my back and started sniffing my tummy, tickling me. I squirmed around and tried to get away from him.

"Okay~ Stop." I told him. He paused and looked up at me then sat down beside me. He let out a soft whine then and laid back down, putting his paw over his muzzle as he watched me. I watched him then turned over to give him the cold shoulder and watched the waterfall. He growled a little then got up, jumping over me as he ran to the water and wagged his tail. I watched him then closed my eyes to take a nap.

Quinton's POV:

I glanced over towards the sleeping Sam then laughed as I started to get out of the water. It's starting to get late.... I glanced the sky over as the sun was setting then looked back at Sam. Would he get mad if I carried him? I walked over and nudged him with my paw. "Come ooooon, it's time to go home. It's getting late, and if you don't want a night run, then you should get up. I'll carry you if you want." He pawed at my face then.

"Nuh-uh." He told me and licked my face. I laughed then and licked his face back.

"Did you like the waterfall?" I asked softly and sat down in front of him. 

"It's okay." He told me and started to scratch behind his ear. I watched him then wagged my tail.

"Well... it's starting to get late," I told him softly. "Come on, we need to go home. We can do another cool thing tomorrow if you'd like. There is this really cool rock formation that way," I said and looked in the direction of some rocks a few miles away. "The pack likes it I think...." 

"Okay, I guess we'll go." He muttered and started to get to his feet. I laughed.

"After the rocks tomorrow, let's go to town. I want you to have fun... so we'll go to a club or something. I'll give you a phone so you can contact your friends to hang out with them if you'd like," I suggested.

"Good, because you owe me a phone." He growled out and wagged his tail. He started towards the house, stumbling a bit. I followed by him and laughed.

"I will get you a new one as soon as we get home," I promised.

"GOOD! You better. Phones are expensive for humans." He told me. I nodded.

"Mhmm, sorry I smashed it," I told him and looked him over. I nuzzled up against him then and wagged my tail before I moved away. "I won't smash this one."

"I'll smash your phone if you do!" He told me and nipped at my feet. I yelped and almost tripped. I glanced over at him.

"Don't smash my phone," I whined and then nipped at his ear. "I need it."

"I need mine too." He told me and put some distance between us. I nodded.

"Ok," I told him and started sniffing the air before I walked ahead a little. "So do you like tomorrow's plan?"

"It's not like I have something better to do besides sleep in bed." He told me and sighed.

"Good! We can hang out with Olive and Natalie and Lucy and all those other people," I started to list them and wagged my tail as I watched him.

"Who said you can come?" He asked and laid his ears back slightly. I stopped then and laid my ears back and put my head down a little.

"I thought... Well.... Fine," I mumbled and started to walk again, not looking at him.

"I was messing with you." He teased and got a head of me, swinging his tail in front of my face. I growled and nipped at it.

"Gwrar," I said playfully and then tackled him to the ground, laughing as I nuzzled my face into his fur. He growled towards me and tried to get out from under me. I let him and then wagged my tail and nipped his ear then got up. He got to his paws and glared me down with a hunter's look. I gulped as I looked at him. "S-Sam?" I shrunk back. He started to walk away from me then.  I chased after him then, laughing as I watched him. "You know you can't hate me," I teased and nudged him. "I'm too cute."

"You're not cute, you're an oversized dog." He told me and kept looking forward.

"I'm cute, and you don't want to admit it because then you'd have to admit that deep down you like me."

"I don't like dogs." He told me and looked me over.

"Yeah, but I'm not just a dog," I said and laughed a little, giving him a sweet look.

"You're still ugly." He told me. "Even if you we're a girl. You'd make an ugly girl." He teased me and wagged his tail. I stopped wagging my tail then.

"I'm not ugly.... I'm cute, and that doesn't matter anyways. You just like to make me think that you don't like me, but I remember in the car that you were perfectly fine with me and you even knew I was a werewolf," I teased.

"Hey~ That was before you crossed my barrier and turned me into a monster like yourself." He told me.

"Ok, one, we're not monsters. Two, you know that I am like the guy that you were ok with in the car. Besides, would you rather have me go insane and end up eating your friends? It's really hard to kill a rogue alpha, and I would've gone insane if I didn't turn you. So... you saved your friends, and you get to hang out with me which is really fun! I'm a nice guy, and even the vampires in the house who think I'm below them all love me," I told him and watched him.

"You're a monster." He told me. "Just like Frankenstein's monster." He sneezed then and fell a few steps behind me.

"Bless you," I said politely then looked him over. "Hey, why do you think I'm a monster anyways? You keep calling me that."

"Because you change into a wolf and that's what's considered unnatural... oh and you are a monster because of it." He told me. "Just like I'm a monster now. Yay." I frowned a little and then continued walking ahead of him.

"I've already told you that we're not monsters. We were a plan of some wizard or something- that's what the vampires believe anyways.... The moon goddess loves us all and favors us, and we are guardians kind of if you want to look at it that way. I mean... we protect humans too and we protect each other and we keep the rogues off the streets. We are just misunderstood by the humans is all.... You just haven't figured it out yet because you're young and you were human and you're still adjusting," I told him, not glancing back at him.

"I still think there is a very big difference between us and humans. We're monsters." He told me. "So let's stop talking about this. We have different views and that's it." I looked at him then.

"I have one question though... It's something I've never really gotten. Why do humans go around and kill each other for no reason?" I asked and tilted my head. "I always wondered that. If you don't have a reason... then why do you kill and maim each other? Then you call us the monsters...."

"Does it matter?" He asked. "I don't care anymore... I'm a monster now."

"Can you stop," I asked him and narrowed my eyes. "Look at the bright side of things and stop being so pessimistic about this! You're not a monster, and one day you're going to meet someone that you will really love, and he or she will be really upset if you keep calling yourself a monster." I walked him back to the house then, tuning him out and transformed back as I started up the porch steps. I glanced back at him and gave a smile. "Come here Sam," I called and held out a hand. My sister appeared beside me then.

"Hey Quinton! I'm going out to this party tonight and I was wondering," she held up a leather jacket, a pair of pants, and a tank top and then showed me a red dress, "which one is better! So which one looks better, punk or this awesome red dress," she asked and gave me a smile, waving the outfits in my face. I stepped back with wide eyes and looked her over.

"Who said you can go to a party?!"

"Raven," she said simply. "She wants a girl's night." Sam walked past us and scratched at the door. Aiyana glanced towards him and stopped, dropping the outfits as her eyes widened. "Who's that?!" I frowned and picked up the outfits.

"That's Sam. He's my beta, but he says he hates me," I told her. She didn't look at me and just stared at Sam. "Aiyana~ You're freaking me out," I said and waved a hand in her face. She glanced at me and then back at Sam.

"S-so.... Red or punk," she asked me softly, watching Sam.

"Ummmm.... Aiyana, you're my twin. I'm forbidding it. I don't want some guy putting his hands all over you- especially if you're going out in town dressed like this!" I waved her outfit choices around. "You will scream 'bite me'." Sam growled in agreement.

"Yeah, those outfits are inappropriate." Sam told me. I glanced towards him and smiled.

"Thanks Sam! See! He agrees with me! You're not leaving the house!" She looked at me and narrowed her eyes.

"I'm going! You're not stopping me either Quinton. You're not my dad. You don't tell me what I can and can't do," she told me and crossed her arms.

"I am your twin! I don't want you getting hurt or someone trying to take you into their bed! You're my precious sister!" I dropped the clothes on Sam and then hugged her. She squirmed and giggled.

"Ewwww! Don't touch me! Put some clothes on! I don't need to see that!" Sam growled and got out from under the clothes then licked my leg.

"Come on naked alpha~ Open the door." Aiyana looked down at him and tilted her head.

"I don't understand a word he's saying.... but he just looks so cute like that! I've never seen a wolf that pretty! Wait... it is a guy, right?" She looked him over. I laughed.

"Yeah, that's a guy. I told you that his name was Sam, didn't I?"

"There can be girls named Sam!" She blushed and then bent down and picked him up. "He's like a little puppy! Can I keep him?" She looked over at me innocently.

"He's a grown adult. I don't think you want him," I muttered and picked up her clothes. Sam tackled her then and gave her a growl before breathing into her face.

"I'm not some cute chew toy, girl." Sam told her. She looked up at him with wide eyes.

"H-hey.... QUINTON! GET HIM OFF!" She looked up at me in alarm. I laughed.

"Sam, come on. You're scaring my sister. Oh, she's not a wolf by the way if that's what you were thinking. I don't know if you can smell that yet and tell the difference. She's a vampire, and your bites could kill her, so off."

"Mine." Sam said firmly towards her. I widened my eyes.

"Sam, off," I said quickly. "That's my twin," I told him. Aiyana blushed and looked up at him. I shook my head. Nuh-uh. Too bad. Your beta is your sister's mate! Ha! That sucks for you~! I bit my bottom lip. This isn't cool!

"Stay here with me." Sam told her and let out a possessive growl. There was something about his voice that didn't sound like Sam anymore. I widened my eyes then.

"Aiyana, get away from him," I warned. I started for her then. She looked up at me then at Sam and started to crawl my way.

"Quinton, what's going on?" She asked quickly.

"You're going to go to your room and stay in there until I tell you it's safe," I mumbled to her. Sam let out a growl and laid his ears back, his eyes watched her every move like a hawk. She stopped and looked at him, tensing up.

"Is he going to bite me?" She asked me and looked a little scared. I picked up her red dress and tossed it towards Sam to distract him before I snatched her up into my arms.

"Hopefully not," I told her and started for the door. Sam let out a growl and I could hear him trying to get out of the dress. He started for us then, letting out a howl. She shrunk into my arms and watched him as I tried to get the door open without dropping her.

"B-but... he's my mate.... He wouldn't bite me, right?" She asked, looking up at me.

"Aiyana.... I never told you this... but werewolves pretty much scratch you up and eat a bite out of you to mark you. You don't want that, do you?" She widened her eyes. I was tackled almost as soon as I made it to the door and I could smell Dannie all over me as he kissed me, smooshing Aiyana between us.

"I missed you!" Dannie purred towards me. He pulled us inside and shut the door on Sam, making him hit the door. Aiyana squirmed.

"Dannie! Move! I want free!" She pushed up on Dannie, but I laughed and leaned in towards Dannie, kissing him.

"I missed you too! It was hard to stay away!" I smiled at him lovingly and then pressed him down on the ground, squishing Aiyana between us as I went for another kiss. Aiyana growled and sharpened her fangs.

"Quinton! Go hug up on him elsewhere!" I stopped and looked at her with a frown.

"Are you going to your room?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"Nuh-uh, I'm going out with Raven!" She shoved me away then and stood up, dusting herself off. Her eyes widened then. "MY DRESS!"

Aiyana's POV:

I ran for the door then, dodging Quinton's attempts to grab my feet. I opened the door without thinking then widened my eyes as I spotted Sam there. I teleported by my dress and picked it up quickly. Sam tackled me before I got the chance to realize he was coming for me. He sniffed my hair then once he got me and laid down on top of me. I winced and looked at him. "QUINTON!"

"You're the one who went out there!" Quinton shouted. I widened my eyes.

"Please?!" I begged and then looked at Sam, slowly trying to nudge him off me. He started to change back into a human then and once he finished he leaned in towards my lips and kissed me. I widened my eyes and looked at him. Oh my- "QUINTON!"

"Can't hear you!" He shouted. "You're the one who thought you could get the dress back!" I looked Sam over then. I just got kissed... by a complete stranger. He started to run his fingers through my hair as he pulled me closer and got between my legs. I exposed my fangs at him.

"What're you doing?" I asked quickly, feeling my heart speed up. He kissed me again and pulled me closer to him.

"Mine." He purred in my ear seductively. I blushed and shook my head.

"Let me up," I said quickly, squirming. He grabbed my hands then and pinned them tightly above my head.

"No."  I widened my eyes then and looked towards his neck as I started to get scared. I leaned in quickly and bit into him, hoping he'd stop. He bit into my neck then as payback and growled. I yelped and pulled back quickly.

"Sam, please," I whispered and arched my back to try to push him off me. He leaned down towards me, pressing my back down on the porch. "Let me up," I mumbled and looked away from him as I tried to get him out from between my legs, using them to push up on him. He growled towards me then got up and picked me up, going inside with me. I widened my eyes and squirmed. "Put me down!" I teleported out of his arms then a few feet away from him. I ran back towards the porch for my other outfit. He growled towards me and blocked the front door. I narrowed my eyes. "Sam, I need my outfit," I told him. "I'm trying to get ready to go."

"You're not going though." Sam told me and crossed his arms. "You're staying here. You found your mate. Now bond with me." I frowned.

"But... the girls," I muttered, thinking back on how Raven had pretty much told me I was going with her, Peyton, Rose, Isabelle, and some of her newborns. "They want me to hang out with them...."

"I don't care." Sam told me and opened his arms wide for me. "Come here." I looked his arms over then.

"Why?" I asked and crossed my arms, keeping in a smirk.

"Because I said so." He told me and smirked. I looked him over and then teleported behind him, picking up my jacket off the ground. I giggled.

"Got it!" I started for my pants and tank top then. He turned around to watch me.

"Don't go~ I want you to stay here." He told me and watched me. "Stop being a bad mate. I could just mark you right now." I widened my eyes then as I remembered what Quinton said about the marks.

"Nuh-uh! Don't mark me!" I looked towards him and exposed my fangs. "I don't want to be food! I'm the predator here!"

"I'm a hunter." He growled. "Come on~" He motioned for me to go to him. I looked him over then. If I leave... I will have to deal with him being mad.... He's my mate too... so it's not like I can just hide forever. I sighed and walked over, looking at the ground as I stopped a few inches in front of him.

"Fine.... just don't bite me," I mumbled. He grabbed me and pulled me into the house.

"Awesome~ Let's go to my room so I can get some clothes on then we can do what you want." He told me and rubbed my head. I sighed.

"Party," I mumbled and looked up at him pleadingly. "Pleaaaaaaase?"

"Sure. Sam has some friends." He smirked then. I frowned.

"Why are you talking in third person weirdo?"

"I'm his wolf." He shrugged. "Sam's a bummer. I'm all fun." He wrapped his arms around my waist then. I looked up at him then and blushed. Raven appeared beside us then and giggled.

"Hey Aiyana! Are you going to get ready?" She poked my cheek and then looked Sam over. "Who's this?" I looked at her then and smiled.

"This is Sam... my mate," I told her. She widened her eyes then looked at me with a pout.

"That's no fun.... You've got a mate now? That sucks... You're not coming, are you?" I shook my head.

"He says he'll bite me," I whispered. She pouted then and looked Sam over.

"Darn.... Hey Aiyana, if any of the guys ask where all the girls have gone, don't give us up, kay?" She smiled sweetly at me. Sam picked me up bridal style then and started to carry me towards the stairs. I sighed and waved bye to Raven. "ARE YOU SURE IT'S SAFE?" She called out to me. I giggled.

"I can always teleport," I told her then looked at Sam. I teleported us to the bedroom hall and glanced around. He pulled me into a bedroom then and motioned for me to sit.

"Stay okay? I seriously want  to hang out with you and if you leave... I'll get angry... or sad.... and cry. You don't want me to cry, do you?" He asked and disappeared into his closet. I bit my bottom lip and sat down on the couch in his room. I glanced around and then looked towards the closet. I looked away quickly. Why'd I have to get a mate tonight?! I was going to party with the girls! Agh! After all the sneaking around we've done to plan this tonight! I pouted and looked towards the door then felt bad about it. My mate will be sad if I leave... and that's not the way to treat a mate, right? He walked out then with some jeans on and was slipping on a plate t-shirt. He sat down on the couch then by me and smiked. "Good, you stayed." He leaned in towards my lips then and kissed me. I froze up and then kissed him back before I pulled away, blushing. He pulled me into his lap then. "So what should we do before Sam comes back and shoves you away?" He asked and looked me over. I bit my bottom lip and glanced towards his neck.

"I-I'm... a little hungry," I mumbled and then looked at his eyes. "Do you mind?" He exposed his neck then and pulled me closer.

"Go right ahead." I smiled happily and then wrapped my arms around him, leaning in and biting him. I moaned a little at his taste and leaned in closer, licking his neck. I bit in again and purred as I marked him. He growled and let a moan slip. "No fair... I wanted to mark you first." He told me. I giggled and pulled back, licking my lips clean.

"Too bad," I teased. He growled slightly and started to rub my thighs. I blushed and started to move off him nervously. He watched me and smirked.

"How about we go watch a movie downstairs." I smiled and gave a nod.

"I'd like that," I purred and stood up, holding my hand out to him. He took it and then got to his feet.

"Teleport the way." He ordered. I nodded and teleported us into the living room and then giggled. I glanced him over.

"Hey, instead of a movie... I want a dance because you wouldn't let me go with the girls. You owe me," I told him and smiled.

"Sure. I know a few dances." He purred and smirked. "Put some music on." I went over to the stereo system and started to put on some music. I giggled as I put on one of today's popular bands then looked over at him. I walked back over to him and gave him a sweet smile. He grabbed my hip and pulled me closer then smirked. He started to lead me to a slow dance and smirked, leaning in for a kiss. I blushed a little and gave him a small one before I rested my head on his shoulder.