Drunk Vampire Ladies

Quinton's POV:

"So~ Open your eyes." Dannie whispered in my ear and removed his hands from my eyes. We stood in in our bedroom where it was lit up with candels and had a romantic theme to it. He had a movie sat up on the tv waiting for us as well. He wrapped his arms around me then and purred. "Do you like it?" He asked. The room looked like he seriously spent time thinking it through. The bedsheets, curtains, rugs, and other things were changed out to match a sexual dark theme. We even had a new bed... one from the medieval time periods with curtains on it and tons of pillows. It was huge as well... It was inviting. I blushed and looked over at him.

"Dannie... how long have you planned this?" I whispered and then wrapped my arms around him and kissed his neck softly. "It's amazing...."

"Several weeks. Every since I found out we was mates.... I was like.... I know what I want to do one day. So I had all of this in storage to set up in our room when time was right." He admitted. "Thanks sweetie... we're not getting rid of the bed.... It's too cool." I nodded and kissed his cheek before I quickly went over to the bed and got in it, curling up to the bedsheets.

"Mine," I growled teasingly towards Dannie. He walked over to me and got into bed with me then grabbed the remote and smirked, handing it to me. He leaned over to our bedside table and went through a drawer then pulled out some snacks and two sodas. He put them by us and then smirked as he curled up to me. I kissed the top of his head. "I love you," I mumbled to him and then hit play on the movie. I set the remote down and then looked towards the TV to watch. He rolled over to face me and kissed me deeply. I widened my eyes and looked at him then closed my eyes. I leaned into him and kissed him back, wrapping my arms around him. He smiled and then pulled back looked me over.

"Baby, you should go put some shorts on." He suggested. "I don't want someone to come in and see you vulnerable on our bed with me while we are watching this movie in this kind of romantic room." He whispered. I looked myself over and then gave a nod, crawling out of bed and went over to the closet. I grabbed some cargo shorts and slipped them on, buttoning them up and zipping it. I walked back out and jumped up onto the bed, laying down at the foot of the bed as I looked towards the TV with a smile. He was watching the tv when I came out and smiled towards me. "Hey~" I looked towards him and smirked.

"Hi," I purred and then looked away from him to look at the TV. He growled softly and got closer to me then and wrapped his arms around me. I glanced at him. "Dannie," I mumbled and then kissed his cheek. "I want to watch this...." I smiled and gave him another kiss on the cheek before I looked towards the TV. He nodded and then rubbed his head against my chest. I laughed a little and gave him another kiss on his head before I looked towards the TV. I widened my eyes as the actors started to do things and then I looked towards Dannie. I bit my bottom lip. Dannie watched the TV then and raised his head up a bit in interest. I shrunk back a little as I watched it. Oh my gosh... I'm supposed to do that?! It's not that bad. It's fun. I promise. You'll enjoy it. What the heck?! Calm down. It's not terrible. Children wouldn't be born if it wasn't fun and pleasurable. I bit my bottom lip harder and glanced towards Dannie then felt my eyes getting pulled back to the TV almost involuntarily. His ears twitched slightly as he watched what they were doing then looked towards me. I blushed and pretended I didn't notice, refusing to look at him. He looked back at the TV then and bit his bottom lip. I wonder if he'll change his mind after this.... I glanced him over as I thought about it and then looked back towards the TV in case he looked at me again. He stretched out a bit then grabbed a box of chocolates and started to eat one. I watched him and then looked the TV over and curled up to myself. He rubbed his chest then and got up, going off towards the bathroom and left me. I frowned and sat up. "Dannie? Are you ok?" I paused the movie and looked towards the bathroom door. I could hear him coughing on the other side. I got up then and walked over to the door, knocking on it softly. "Dannie..." I bit my bottom lip as I started to get worried. I opened the door and went in, walking over to him. "Hey... if you're not ok, we can do this another night," I mumbled to him and looked him over worriedly. "I don't want you to get hurt." He leaned over the sink with some water running and coughed up blood into it then fell down to his knees. I widened my eyes and leaned down to him quickly, pulling him into a hug as I rubbed his back comfortingly. "I'll go get Hachi," I whispered to him and kissed his cheek before I got up in a panic and ran for the door. I went out of our room then and down the hall towards Hachi's room then knocked on it. "Hachi! Dannie is coughing up blood again!" I begged silently that he'd come help him again. Harry opened the door and gave a small smile.

"He's in the kitchen Quinton." Harry told me and shrugged. "You'll have to go get him there." I whined and then started for the kitchen quickly. When I got down there, I listened in first to make sure it was ok and then went in.

"Hachi, Dannie needs you," I said quickly. Hachi looked towards me from by a pot on the stove.

"What's wrong?" Hachi asked and stirred the pot. "I'm cooking."

"He's coughing up blood again," I told him and bit my bottom lip. Hachi nodded and looked towards his pot.

"Well I'm cooking as fast as I can." He told me. "You're just going to have to calm down." He pointed a finger at me then. I pouted and sighed.

"Fine," I mumbled and sat down on the floor, watching him closely.

"You can go back to him. I'll come up when I'm done." He told me. "Plus I'm positive Dannie doesn't want to be alone right now." I smiled then as a thought occurred to me.

"Where's Isaac?" I asked quickly. "He could come."

"I don't know." Hachi shrugged. "I've been in here all day." I tsked then got up.

"Can Harry help me then?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm trying to cook up that spell for you right now. Relax. Besides Harry is sleeping upstairs." Hachi told me and then sniffed the pot of liquid.

"I already woke him up though looking for you," I mumbled then walked towards the door. "Please hurry," I told him and walked out, going back to my room and then turned the TV off. I walked towards the bathroom and went in again for Dannie. Dannie was curled up in the floor under the sink and looked half asleep. I walked over quickly and pulled him close to me. "Dannie, come on... The floor isn't healthy for you," I whispered and then picked him up, taking him out into the room and set him in the bed. I covered him up with the blanket then and kissed the top of his head. "Get some rest. Hachi will be here soon." Dannie pulled me into bed with him then and curled up to me. His skin was ice cold when I touched him. I widened my eyes then and pulled him close then stopped. My wolf form would warm him up easily. I moved back and slipped my shorts off then transformed, curling my wolf form around him as I moved him close to my belly and tried to cover him up with my warmth and the blanket. He snuggled up to my warmth and smiled softly, his ears twitched a bit. I licked his cheek comfortingly and rested my head by his, watching him worriedly. "I'm sorry that your night didn't work out," I mumbled to him. He started to curl my fur around his fingers and coughed slightly.

"I feel so cold..." He mumbled. I whined and then nuzzled up to him.

"You'll be warm soon," I promised. He nodded and then passed out on me. I could feel his breathing and heartbeat start to slow. I watched him and got as close to him as I could without crushing him. I hope he will be fine... Hachi should be here soon. This sucks for you. You probably won't remember your first time. Ha! I'll be in charge your first time and you won't even remember it! That's not cool! You saw what they were doing on the TV! It's weird! I whined and looked at Dannie. Dannie curled up tighter to himself. His ears twitched as they brushed up against my fur. I licked his face then and wagged my tail a little then nipped at his ear softly before I rested my head on his chest. He rubbed my head then slowly.

"I love you." He mumbled.

"I love you too," I told him. "Get some rest, ok?" I looked towards him worriedly. He nodded and rubbed his ear then to help himself fall asleep. I watched him then sighed, glancing around the room. He set this all up and he doesn't even get to use it. I waited until I felt him heat back up then moved away, transforming back. I went around the room and started to blow out the candles, making sure to be quiet as I walked so I wouldn't wake him. He curled up to the pillows when I left him and started to mumble to himself. I glanced over as I neared the last candle, the one on the nightstand and frowned. "Dannie?" I whispered softly, wondering if he was awake or not.

"Hmm?" He asked softly, giving a small smile. I looked him over and frowned.

"Are you awake?" I asked softly, moving towards the bed and away from the candle as I looked down at him to check. His eyes was still shut and he seemed to be asleep as he didn't answer me back. I nodded and blew out the last candle then turned on the lamp as I started to collect the blown out candles and set them down on top of my dresser. I glanced around the room then found the case for the movie and got it out of the player and put it up. I looked the case over and wrinkled up my nose before I walked over to my dresser and slipped it under it, hiding it. I grabbed all the candles then and took them to the closet, hiding them in the top of it. I walked back out and glanced around and sighed. I cleaned up what I could mostly... I walked over to the bed and then picked up all his snacks and took them back to his nightstand and put them back. He stretched out as I came near the bed then rolled over onto his stomach. I frowned and watched him. I heard the door open then and Hachi walked in. He paused quickly as he looked around the room.

"So that's why a bunch of bulters were missing today.." He muttered. I blushed and looked at Hachi then at Dannie.

"Nothing happened," I mumbled quickly. He walked over and then sat down on the bed with Dannie and then used his magic to make the bed curtains close up around them and I heard him giggle. I frowned. "Hachi... what're you doing?"

"Playing with the new bed." Hachi told me and giggled then had the curtains open back up. He pulled out a bottle of liquid then and tossed it to me. "Okay. Slip that into his next drink." Hachi told me. I nodded and then blushed, reaching for my shorts and put them on quickly.

"Uh huh," I said and then walked over to the couch, sitting on it. I brought my knees close to me then and watched Hachi. "Is it going to help him?"

"Should." Hachi told me and then got to his feet and rubbed Dannie's ear before going towards the door. "Now if it doesn't let me know and we'll cook him up something else." I nodded.

"Thank you Hachi," I mumbled. "Sorry for pressuring you earlier.... I'm just worried about him."

"I know... everyone is worried." Hachi told me. "I'm worried." He mumbled and then gave a small smile. "Goodnight." He told me and left the room.

"Goodnight," I mumbled after him and then looked towards Dannie. I gave a soft smile and looked the liquid over before I stood up and walked over to the bed. I got in it and got under the covers beside him, pulling him close to me. I kissed his cheek then closed my eyes, going to sleep.

Nikolai's POV:

I walked down to Donnie's room, wondering if he was inside or not and knocked on it when I reached the door. I listened inside and groaned when I heard silence. "Darn it Donnie.... I need your opinion..." I muttered and smelled the air so I could track him down. I started to follow his scent around the house, finding it going towards the kitchen and getting some alcohol and then leading outside towards the cemetary. I paused as I got outside and smelled it going that way. I crossed my arms then, wondering what was up with him going towards the cemetary.

"Hey kiddo," I heard Victor beside me then. I looked towards him and smiled.

"Hey~" I crossed my arms then.

"What are you doing outside this late?" He frowned and looked me over. "Have you seen your mom? I haven't seen her all day."

"Nope." I told him and looked in the direction Donnie went. "I don't keep track of my mom. Though some of the girls have disappeared."

"More like all," he muttered. "The only girl still here is Aiyana and she's with that new beta now."

"Oh? She's with Quinton's beta Sam?" I asked and smirked. I bet they're mates.

"Yeah, she marked him and everything," Victor told me and tensed up suddenly. "We're being watched," he whispered and glanced towards the trees. I looked around then and in the direction my dad was looking.

"I swear if it's hunters or werewolf rogues... I'll kill them." I muttered. "Well... I don't care..." I started for Donnie then. "Bye dad." I heard a giggle from the woods then.

"Shut it," someone hissed.

"No! Rawr!" I heard Isabelle giggling then. A chorus of giggles sounded.

"Yeah, buzz kill! I'm queen of the trees!" I heard Raven shout. "We'll be silent when I say!" I heard a tree branch snap then and a scream. They all started laughing then.

"Hah! You fell on your face! Drunk!"

"I'm not drunk!" Raven said and I heard her groan. "That was high... Hey, did you see me? I flew for a few seconds there!"

"Hah, living up to your namesake Raven?" I heard Isabelle again.

"Yes!" Raven started giggling again, and the scent of her blood reached me. "Oh... Hey Isabelle... I'm bleeding. Is that bad?"

"No," Isabelle said and started to giggle. "Is that bad girls?"

"No!" I heard about five other girls say.

"You'll heal up." I heard my mom tell Raven and giggle. "Come on, get back up here." I stopped walking and looked towards my dad.

 "Found mom." I told him and then started for the girls. Raven is so going to get it.

"Give me a moment! I'm coming," I heard her call to my mom and then her giggling again. "One step.... Twoooo step," she said and then I heard her fall again. She giggled. "Izzy! I want help!" I heard Isabelle giggle and then some shuffling around. "Hah! Back in the tree! See that girls! Queen of trees!" I looked towards my dad then. Victor sighed and started for the trees with me.

"They got drunk," he mumbled and looked a little upset. "And they didn't invite me...."

"Uh-oh." I heard my mom mutter. "Time to go~!" I heard some shuffing going deeper into the woods. I started walk by my dad's side then. He narrowed his eyes and held out a hand towards me.

"Nikolai, come here." I walked over to him and then grabbed his hand. He teleported us into the woods then where the sounds were coming from. I was hit in the back of the head with an acorn almost immediately.

"Awww, is the sky falling?" I heard one of the girls giggling towards me. I groaned and rubbed my head.

"RETREAT!" Rose yelled towards the girls and giggled. I heard the girls trying their best to retreat up in the trees. Victor looked towards them.

"Rose, come here sweetie," he purred and looked up in the tree she was in as I just caught a glimpse of my mom.

"Hahahaa....why?" My mom asked him as she stayed on her branch. I looked around for Raven then.

"Because I want to take you inside so we can go enjoy this together," he purred and took out one of his favorite brands of Vodka from his jacket. I finally spotted Raven then on the edge of a branch a little ways away. She giggled as she balanced herself, standing up on it. A few girls were watching her and giggling as money changed hands, betting on if she would fall. I shook my head as I watched her. My mom giggled then.

"Ohhh... Vodka." I heard my mom start her way down the tree then. Victor smirked and opened it up, taking a sip of it.

"You won't get any if you don't come inside with me," he purred. She nodded and jumped out of the tree then walked up to him and snatched the bottle from him then pushed him onto the ground and giggled. She ran off then with the bottle. He growled and chased after her. "THAT'S MY FAVORITE! GET BACK HERE!"

"Never~" My mom sung out and giggled as she went up a tree. Victor teleported into the tree and grabbed her then disappeared with her. I laughed and then teleported out of the woods before the girls got me. I looked around as I got out and started my way back for Donnie. I found him in the graveyard sulking by Chance's grave. I frowned as I watched him drinking some alcohol and curled up to his grave. I shook my head as I watched him. I heard a small shriek from the woods then.

"HAH! PAY UP!" I heard a girl shout and they all started to giggle.

"You're not supposed to bet on your maker falling! Besides, the queen of the trees is going to get you~!" I heard Raven giggling and a few screams from the others. I widened my eyes and then teleported into my bedroom. Raven's drunk... I think I will just stay here for a little while.

After about forty minutes, I heard them giggling as they stumbled down the hall. "Wait, wait, wait," I heard Raven say and then she burst out into a fit of giggles. "I've got an idea~!"

"What my goddess?" I heard a girl purr towards Raven.

"Lets... hunt... the... butlers~!" Raven giggled then. The other girls gasped and then squeals of delight came from them.

"I love that idea!"

"You're the best maker ever!"

"My goddess, you're so amazing~!" I heard a thud outside my door and Raven giggled.

"You're crowding me!" She giggled at them. She stopped suddenly and gasped. "Don't lick my blood off my knee!"

"Why not?" One of the girls asked.

"Because! You'll get addicted!" Raven complained. I heard her yelp then. "Hey! Stop that!" She growled at them, and the smell of blood became stronger. I heard a moan slip from one of the girls then. I crept over to my door and locked it then and started to slide back towards my bed and laid down in it. The girls giggled and I heard Raven scream. "GET OFF ME!" She shrieked at them and I heard a thud. One of the girls groaned and then I heard Raven yelp as they attacked her. I watched the door, wondering if I should go help her or not... Should I? I heard a knife clatter to the ground then.

"Why do you carry knives?" One of the girls asked and then giggled.

"Let me go!" Raven screamed and I heard her struggling.

"No way! You taste really good."

"Throw all her knives out the window!"

"NO! NOT THAT ONE!" I heard her growl at them as more struggles reached my ears. I heard her trip and the girls giggled at her. I heard them toss her knives out a window then and then go back to her. I went for the door then and threw it open then walked out to go help her.

"Hey! Don't disrespect your maker and I don't care what your excuse is even if you are drunk!" I snapped towards the girls. The five of them looked up at me wide eyed then as I came out. Raven glanced up at me and then looked towards her newborns, sitting up. Two of the girls giggled then as they watched me. I had my powers throw all five of them up against the wall. "Come on Raven, get in my room." I told her. She got to her feet and glanced her newborns over then went into my room. I followed her and locked my door as soon as I got inside and I heard my power drop the girls. Raven went towards the couch and sat down on it, curling up as she rested her head and closed her eyes. I walked over to my bed and then laid down, watching Raven. She glanced my way and gave me a small smile before she laid down all the way and closed her eyes.

"You didn't have to," she mumbled towards me. "Thanks Nikolai...."

"Yeah, sure." I smirked slightly. "Get some sleep and sober up."

"Ok," she said cutely and yawned. She snuggled up to herself then and sighed. I closed my eyes then and started to fall asleep.

The next morning, I heard her start to sit up, groaning. "My head..." She mumbled and then stood up. I heard her fall within seconds. I opened my eyes and started to move out of my bed then.

"Hey, good morning." I purred towards her. She looked towards me and widened her eyes as she saw me. She backed up against the couch quickly.

"What am I doing in here?" She asked quickly, starting to panic.

"Well we didn't do anything if that's what you're asking." I laughed and started for my door. "Can you leave now? I want something to eat." She got up and stumbled towards the door.

"Uh huh...." She quickly left my room and started down the hall, holding onto the wall for support as she found it hard to balance herself. I walked out and followed her down the hall to make sure she won't get taken advantage of by someone like one of the boys in the basement. She glanced back at me and narrowed her eyes. "Stop following me. You don't even like being around me unless you have a reason. Go do your other things. What happened to your breakfast?"

"It can wait." I told her and smirked. "Are you sober yet or what?" She stopped and looked at me.

"I don't know. My head hurts," she told me and then frowned, glancing her dress over. She pulled her skirt up an inch to reveal an empty holster. "Where are my knives?" She widened her eyes and looked towards me in panic. "Did you touch my knives?"

"Your five newborns took them and threw them out the hall window last night and tried to drain you... but I saved you from them." I told her and ran my fingers through my hair then. She blushed then.

"They... wouldn't do that," she mumbled. "They love me."

"Well they did." I told her and shook my head. "So~ How about we go get you something for your head." I suggested. She gave a nod then.

"Ok," she mumbled and started in the direction of the kitchen, using the wall again. I followed her then snuck up by her and wrapped my arm around her waist and helped her towards the kitchen, moving her off the wall. She leaned against me then. "Can you heat me up a bottle of blood when we get in there?" She asked softly.

"Sure." I smirked down towards her and when we got in the kitchen I had her sit down at the counter. I got her a bottle out of the fridge and heated it up for her then went grabbed myself a bottle of vodka from the cabinet and made myself a glass of ice then poured myself some. She glanced the glass over and took her bottle of blood, sipping on it. I took a sip of my vodka and then looked down in it, wondering how my parents are doing this morning and what happened to them last night. She stole the bottle of vodka off the counter then and traded it out for the blood. I watched her and frowned. "Hey. Don't go drinking this early, ya drunk." I teased. She watched me then and took a big swig of it.

"You're drinking," she mumbled and then set it down, picking up the bottle of blood and finished it off before she went back to the vodka. "Besides, I've been drunk alone before. I lived most of my life alone. I know what I'm doing." I looked towards my drink and laughed... I am drinking too... aren't I? I took another sip.

"Sure, drink up." I told her. She gave me a smirk and then took another sip of the vodka.

"You know... I'm surprised your still here," she told me and tilted her head. "That's the strange part."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked and took a swig. She shrugged.

"For a mate, you're really relaxed. You don't really seem to care, and I know that you're supposed to be my mate... but it kinda doesn't feel that way because you stay away from me." I walked up to the counter and leaned over it, watching her.

"Okay... we're mates. I know it. I'm not going to rush us or anything though." I shrugged and took a sip of the vodka. "Do you want to rush it?" She glanced at me and tilted her head.

"I dunno.... I've never had a mate before.... Just weird exs... HEY! All my exs are dead!" She giggled as she realized it. I shook my head as I watched her.

"I don't want to end up dead. So I'm going to take this slow... so in the end... I'll still be living." I smirked towards her and winked. "Plus I'm not too worried."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She frowned and took another sip of her drink.

"Well you're not mad at me for not talking about this to you." I told her. "So I figure you like this space between us."

"Well because if I did try anything, you'd just use your powers," she mumbled. "Besides, I'm respectful of your distance. I learned that after the first few times I tried biting you. There's not really a point to it if you're not going to enjoy it."

"Sorry~ But I really feel creeped out when someone bites me... it makes my skin crawl. It's not just you... I mean... you make it slightly enjoyable... but~" I shivered at the thought. "I don't want to get bit." She giggled a little.

"Most are that way," she told me. "Especially before you were born. Purebloods didn't like to be bitten at all.... Well, they still don't." She took another sip of the Vodka and looked at me. "It's fine. I'm not going to bite you unless you ask."

"Thanks." I drunk the rest of my vodka then placed the glass in the sink. I walked over to her then and smiled, rubbing my hand against her cheek. "Come watch a movie with me then." I purred. She looked up at me then nodded, setting the bottle down and got up. She almost fell but steadied herself.

"Ok, but you pick it out," she told me and giggled. I nodded and escorted her to the livingroom then sat down with her on the couch. I turned the TV on and picked out Beauty and the Beast on Netflix then got comfy. She curled up on her side of the couch and smiled a little. "I've read this one before," she mumbled to herself. I curled up on my side and held a pillow as I watched the movie with her. She laughed towards the middle of the movie and looked towards me. "Hey Nikolai... Think about it. Hachi as the beast and Isaac as the beauty." I laughed as I thought about it and nodded.

"You know... we can compare most this family to a fairy tale character, like beauty and the beast... or Cinderella... or hmmm.... Peter Pan." I told her. She nodded and giggled.

"Richard and Paris would be sleeping beauty. Did you know that Richard slept for ten years straight?"

"Yeah~ I know... Louis told me a lot of things." I explained. I shushed her then so we could watch the movie. She nodded and looked back towards the TV. She laid her head down on the arm of the chair and stayed silent till the end of the movie. When it went off I passed her the remote and smiled. "Pick something out." She looked thoughtful for a few minutes and then started to set it up and put on The Shining. I smiled and lowered myself on the couch, loving this movie. She giggled.

"This is a great one. Have you seen it before? I love it," she purred as it was just starting with the whole beginning of the scary music.

"Yeah, I love this movie. It's really good. I love how he ends up in the picture at the end of the movie." I told her and laughed. She giggled.

"Uh huh," she hummed out and stood up. "Want a blanket?" She asked me, walking over to where they were stored.

"Yeah!" I smiled as I watched her walking over. She got out two blankets and then came back with them, sitting down. She smirked at me and handed me one then curled up in the one she kept. I pulled mine over me and snuggled up to it, noticing it smelled like my mom recently used it. I smiled softly and curled up to it even more. She glanced over but didn't question me as she looked back towards the TV with a small smile on her face. I watched the movie and smiled softly, watching as the little boy see's the twins for the first time. Raven tilted her head and then smirked as she rested her head against the arm of the chair, mumbling something about how this was one of her favorites. I leaned my head back against the couch then. She glanced over and then smiled, moving closer and rested her head against my shoulder, but she made sure to keep a little distance between us for me. I watched her and tensed up slightly but started to relax when she kept some distance. She smiled a little and sat through the movie like that before she moved away at the end credits. She looked towards me and then sat the remote down on the coffee table then looked towards the TV. I smiled towards her and got off the couch then, taking the blanket with me. I started for the music room to see if there was anyone in there. Richard was just starting to sit down at the piano when I walked in. He glanced at me and smirked.

"Nikolai," he purred my name and sat down. "You ventured into the music room today.... Interesting," he mumbled and placed his hands on the keys and started to play a dark song- I recognized it as the one he frequently played for Paris, the one Paris got excited over. I smiled and walked over to a chair near the piano then sat down so I could listen to him play.

"Yeah, I did. I thought it would be nice to hear someone play something... or cut on the radio if no one else was in here." I told him. He tsked.

"The radio is no fun.... Tell you what, if I'm not busy and you're in the mood for music, you may come ask me to play for you. I won't mind," he purred towards me. I smiled and nodded.

"Okay, sounds fun." I purred towards him. "So Raven got drunk last night and came home... and sort of ended up in my room last night on the couch... then we had a cool conversation over vodka and watched some movies... then she got closer to me during a movie.... should I have... wrapped an arm around her or something?" I asked softly. Why am I talking to him again?

"Well, did you like Raven being close to you?" He asked me and raised an eyebrow. "If you did, you should've encouraged it. She might change her mind in the future over whether or not to be close to you."

"Oh...." I blushed. "I guess I better start getting use to her being closer to me though huh... she is my mate." He tilted his head and looked the keys over.

"Not necessarily though," he mumbled. "While it is true that your mate is picked out for you by fate and will pretty much complete you and offer you happiness over anything you've ever known... it's not a law that you have to love your mate. Donnie- poor sweet Donnie- he ended up killing Chance because he got old and wanted another mate," he told me. "Don't kill Raven though. I like the girl. She's useful, and she's fun."

"He went out to Chance's grave last night... drinking... I don't want to kill Raven and end up like Donnie... he looked sad...sadly drunk." I told Richard. Paris teleported into the room then and sat down in Richard's lap. Richard looked at him and smiled.

"Hey cutie," he teased and kissed his cheek. He glanced over at me then and smirked. "Nikolai, he's going through the price to pay for killing his mate right now. It's a really big thing.... And Nikolai, I suggest you get used to Raven. She's a nice girl, and I've known her when she used to kill you if you looked at her funny. She's really calmed down, and she's trying. I think it was because of how she was away from society for so long... but she's doing better. You're going to have to live with her all your life because she's not going anywhere. After all, mates are sacred. I don't know what I'd do without Paris," he purred and looked at Paris. "It's just better to love your mate- especially when you get lucky with them being the same species as you."

"Yeah... Raven and I are the same species..." I mumbled... I got lucky there. I watched as Paris rested his head against Richard's shoulder. They've been together the longest in this family... I wonder how they managed though... I mean yes.... they had a rough past but they survived it and still love each other. They're probably the biggest role models ever for true love and mates. I smiled softly as I watched them then froze up. Oh man... You didn't hear that.... right Paris? Donnie? I heard Paris start to laugh softly. Richard frowned.

"What's funny?" He asked Paris then looked towards me like he just got an idea. "Nikolai! I've got a suggestion. Do you want to have a good relationship or not?"

"I think I'm handling it just fine." I told him. So what.... I was taking this really slow and not letting her bite me.

"He was admiring us." Paris whispered to Richard. Richard smirked then.

"I'd give him a show, but I can't stand the thought of him seeing you like that," he purred and leaned in, kissing Paris's neck. "Take her on a date! Look, you kind of screwed up by not encouraging her to be close, so if you don't want to lose your mates interest, surprise her with a date."

"Maybe after I become king." I decided. Paris bit down into Richard then and began to drink his blood. Richard moaned and stopped playing, wrapping his arms around Paris.

"Paris~" He purred and tilted his head back, allowing Paris to bite in deeper. Paris groaned and kicked the bench over, letting out a growl then pulled back.

"By the way.... yesterday... you are in big trouble." Paris told him, purring. Richard widened his eyes.

"I stopped yesterday! You're the one who kept going!"

"It's not my fault I like what I see even if I am innocent." Paris purred. I raised an eyebrow towards them.

"But Paris... you shouldn't not want to be with me," Richard mumbled, looking up at him. "What happened to we're the oldest couple and we're not afraid to jump in bed together?"

"Right~" Paris purred. "Let's go right now." Paris started to run his fingers down to the other's pants. I bit my bottom lip and held back a laugh. Richard shivered and looked up at Paris longingly.

"Mhmm," he hummed and leaned up, kissing Paris quickly. Paris teleported away with Richard then. I sighed and got to my feet then walked out of the music room. I walked off to Louis's study then and walked in. He glanced up at me from where he was holding up a flashcard with an apple on it in front of a cute looking male in a lion onesie. August was sitting on the couch with a pair of headphones. The male pouted at the card then looked at Louis.

"Louis," he whined. Louis shook his head.

"Jasper," he said and then pointed to the card. "Apple." The male fell into the floor then, groaning.

"Louis!" He looked up at Louis then. Louis sighed and set the card down with a small smile.

"Come here Jasper," he purred. Jasper brightened up and got up, going around the desk and sitting down in Louis's lap. He purred to Louis and snuggled up to him, nuzzling his face into Louis's shoulder happily. I shut the door behind me and walked up to the desk.

"Who's the cutie in the onesie?" I asked and sat down. Louis looked up and smiled.

"This is Jasper. He's my new pet, and he has no memories. Be gentle and don't frighten him. We found him at a crash site, and he is possibly the hunter that shot up the manor to take Charlie." Jasper gave me an innocent look and smiled. He got up and came around the desk, giving me a kiss on the cheek. Louis laughed. "Jasper," he called, grabbing his attention. Jasper looked towards him as Louis pointed towards me. "Nikolai." Jasper looked at me and giggled.

"Ni!" He shortened my name big time.

"Nik." I told him slowly. "You can call me Nik." I rubbed his head then kissed his cheek back. He's so cute~ I think I might actually find this one.... to be totally worthy of my attention. I pulled him into my lap then.

"Nik," he mumbled, trying it out. He giggled then. Louis looked from Jasper to me.

"You can hold him as long as you stay within my sight with him and you don't hurt him. I recently lost three of my girls, and I don't intend to lose my remaining pets." I rubbed Jasper's head then and grabbed his lion tail and laughed.

"He's a grown boy in an onesie! He's so cute." I purred and smirked towards Jasper. "You're lucky you're cute otherwise I wouldn't let you in my lap." Jasper tilted his head, not understanding me. He giggled and looked towards Louis.

"Louis!" He held out his hands for him. Louis smiled and looked towards his computer screen.

"Oh man.... You're probably hungry," he mumbled. "It's been awhile since I last fed you." He stood up and walked around the desk then sat down in front of me. He held out his wrist to Jasper and watched as his eyes lit up in delight. He took Louis's wrist and bit into it deeply, making him yelp. "I still haven't been able to teach him to lighten up on the biting. He doesn't understand that blood exists in others either, and he hasn't figured out he can bite me in other places rather than just my wrist," he explained to me. I nodded.

"Do you plan on telling him?" I asked curiously.

"Maybe one day... when he stops being so innocent... or I get tired of being bitten." He laughed and looked at me. "Why? Want me to teach him on you?"

"NO!" I shook my head quickly. "I don't want to get bit." I told him. "No thanks." I felt a shiver crawling up my spine at the idea.

"That's what I thought," Louis purred and then watched as Jasper pulled back willingly. He licked his lips and giggled. Louis ruffled his hair then and looked towards his fangs. "Those are developing nicely.... I'm glad they aren't coming in wrong for him. He's a newborn. You can smell it all over him. He's Charlie's newborn, and we believe he was shot in the head, so I'm monitoring how he's developing."

"Oh~ Yeah getting shot in the head probably messed up more then just his memory." I agreed as I smelled Jasper and smiled as I smelt Charlie on him. Oh man... I can't wait to get my hands on him and strangle him. I laughed softly. "I hope you're fangs come in good." I purred to Jasper. "Little cutie." Jasper giggled and looked at me.

"Nik," he mumbled and snuggled up to me with a yawn. "Night," he mumbled. Louis gave him a proud look.

"He actually said it this time!" He laughed and looked towards me. "I've been trying to expand his vocabulary. That one he understands as naptime."

"That's cute." I smiled and looked down at Jasper.

"Uh huh... If you don't want to end up with a sleeping Jas on you, I suggest you go put him down beside August. He'll fall asleep, and he'll cry if you wake him up." I frowned and looked down at Jasper. I can handle a sleeping boy on me for a few hours... I rubbed his head then.

"I think he'll stay here with me in my lap." I purred. Louis gave a nod.

"If you think you can not wake him... it takes a bit to make him stop crying." Louis kissed the top of Jasper's head as Jasper started to close his eyes tiredly and yawned again. He snuggled up to me and hid his face into my chest, smelling me before he started to sleep.  I smiled and watched him sleeping.

"I've got the big baby." I told him and closed my eyes to take my own nap.