The Game Is In A New Hand

Richard's POV:

I slowly got out of bed and then smiled as I looked towards Paris and kissed the top of his head as I grabbed my boxers and slipped them on. I grabbed my pants and put them on before I looked Paris over and smirked. I should go get some piano practice in. I left the room then, humming to myself lightly as I walked towards the piano room. This should be good. He isn't awake to distract me. I laughed and then frowned as I felt the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. The manor felt off.... I glanced around and shoved my hands into my pockets. Weird. I walked into the music room then and tilted my head when I saw the window was open and the wind had picked up a little, making the curtains billow with it. The lights were off, so the only lighting in the room was the light coming in from the windows. I frowned. My music room shouldn't be left like this. Irresponsible maids. I growled softly and walked over to the window, shutting it and locking it. I glanced around and noticed growing shadows on the walls. Weird... Maybe Laurence is in here. I laughed a little and walked back over to the door, turning the lights on. I looked around and then walked over to my piano, sitting down on the bench. I started to play, ignoring the feeling I was getting. After all... it was probably nothing. Nobody was in a panic, and the alarm hasn't gone off. I smiled softly as the piano resonated within the walls with a full tone, pleasing me. "Richardo," I heard someone purr from behind me after a few seconds. I stopped, banging my hands down on the piano as I spun around to look. There wasn't anyone there, and I widened my eyes as I slowly stood up.

"Who's in here?" I hissed. Arms wrapped around me then.

"Did you really think that you could get away with what you did?" I heard my father's voice growl into my ear. I tensed up and slowly glanced over my shoulder to see him watching me. My brother stood a little ways off, looking me over as he crossed his arms.

"F-father?" I went to push him away quickly. "There's no way! We killed you!"

"No, you ate me... and then my stone was lost with the multiple times that you had your own stone taken. If you want someone gone forever, crush their stone," he hissed. I backed away from him then, narrowing my eyes.


"Richardo Dracula," he said, a sound of authority entering his voice. My body froze up on me then and I stared at him wide eyed. "You've fallen from the path... and now you must make amends. I'll forgive you after you prove your worth to me. Crush Paris Grimm's heart," he ordered, a small smirk forming on his face. I felt my will drain away as his words took me over. My brother looked at me then and smiled.

"We'll be together like a family afterwards, ok? I will forgive you for what you've done after this is all over. It's time to stop playing with these low lives," he purred.

Paris's POV:

I stirred as I felt something off.. I sat up quickly and found Richard gone. Something felt really... wrong to me. My stone knew something I didn't. I opened my mind out to the manor and started to listen in to other's minds. I smiled as I found Louis with August in his office along with Nikolai and Jasper. Dannie and Quinton were dreaming together in their room still... I could hear a maid thinking about Hachi taking over the kitchen and how she was wanting to make something to eat. I could hear Sam thinking about- Aiyana... That's new.... I laughed softly. Donnie's thoughts was running off about Chance... making me feel bad for him. I rubbed my head then crawled out. I didn't find Laurence... he must be gone to see Ashton... and Richard... He might be busy shopping. I started for the door then and froze. I should proababy get something to wear. I walked over to my closet and put on something comfortable and then scratched my shoulders. When I turned around to go back out, Richard was standing there watching me.

"Hey!" I gave him a smile and stopped scratching my shoulder. "What's the matter baby?" I asked innocently like I wasn't doing something bad. I walked over towards him then and went to wrap my arms around him. He grabbed my hands and shoved them away lightly before I could touch him. I frowned and looked him over. "Richard?" I tilted my head.

"Don't do that and call me baby," he growled at me. I frowned.

"I'm sorry." I went to give him a hug. "I won't." He dodged it and then pinned me up against the wall, exposing his fangs. He narrowed his eyes.

"Paris," he growled and looked towards my chest where my stone was. "I'm tired of this. It was better in Africa." I froze up and felt my stone pulse.

"W-what?" I asked softly. "Richard...." I mumbled and felt the air getting harder to breath.

"You heard me. I'm sick of this. I'm leaving," he told me and let me go, crossing his arms.

"Your not leaving me." I shook my head and grabbed his wrists. "Richard! We're mates." I frowned. "You love me. What could you be sick of? Do.... do you want power again? I could get the throne easily~" I looked him in the eyes as I tried to process what was wrong with him. We just had amazing sex.... And now he's acting like this?! Centuries full of love... and kids... and making sure we could love eachother and have kids safely... and rasie them.... and.... He's acting like this?! "Richard..."

"I'm sick of you," he snapped at me.

"No you're not." I growled and exposed my fangs. "What's wrong with you?" I sniffed him then for hints. He growled at me then and backed up.

"Nothing is wrong with me. I'm finally seeing the light Paris," he told me. "We were wrong to start the revolution. Look what it's led to." He narrowed his eyes. "I don't care what you do. I'm leaving. I'm sick and tired of this. I suggest you let me."

"You're not leaving! We started the revolution together and it was for the right thing and you know it." I snapped towards him, feeling my stone start to squeeze itself. It was getting harder to process what was going on. "Richard... Don't go." I mumbled. He gave me a look and then walked out of the closet then, going back to our room.

"Just watch me," he called over his shoulder.

"No!" I rushed after him then and grabbed his arm, pulling him back. "Why're you acting like this? You love me." I told him and started to cry, pulling him closer to me. "Richard." I mumbled and exposed my fangs. "I won't let you go." He looked down at me and then shoved me away.

"No, I don't love you," he told me.

"Richardo, how long does it take to break his heart?" I heard someone snap from the doorway of our room. I looked towards the doorway and felt the room spinning as my stone was starting crack a bit. I panicked and reached for Richard.

"Richard." I mumbled and felt my stone pulse. Dracula was standing in the doorway with Richard's brother, watching me with amusement. Richard looked over at his father blankly.

"Not long," he responded. Dracula smirked then.

"Richardo... my boy... come here," he purred. Richard looked at me, and I could've sworn I saw a flash of love before he walked over to his father. Dracula grabbed him then and smirked as I smelled my mark leave Richard as soon as he touched him. I looked at Dracula in utter confusion... How the hell... I glanced towards Richard and felt my stone smothering itself with dismay.

"Richard... don't go." I told him quickly. How could he go with who we hated for so many years? Dracula hissed slightly, looking at Richard.

"Richardo, it's time to go," he said with authority. Richard stiffened and looked towards me as his eyes glazed over a bit. He fought it and shot me a look of love again.

"Paris, Canada," he growled as Dracula started to pull him out of the room. Canada? I watched him leaving me and then felt extremely tired as my stone couldn't handle what was happening. I fell over and curled up, crying out in pain as it started to crack again. I heard an alarm going off downstairs then but things stared to fade around me. Just before I could black out, Richard's brother looked down at me.

"Pitiful... I don't see what my brother saw in you.... Hmm, it hurts doesn't it? Losing him? He's our play toy now," he purred. "This is what you both get." I growled towards him then in hatred. How could he come back? Richard murdered him so many years ago... and Dracula... I was sure we put his stone in the ocean... or did we eat his stone.... I can't remember anymore. We ate so many stones during the revolution and destroyed even more. I felt my stone start to sleep then, making my whole body shut down and the world started to disappear around me.

Louis's POV:

I stiffened as the alarm went off and got up quickly, teleporting downstairs just as Richard started coming down the stairs. "Oh! There you are Richard! You must be checking... out the... alarm," I frowned as I saw the way he looked, like he just lost his whole world. He looked at me blankly then. "Richard, what are you doing?"

"Leaving," he told me. I saw someone coming down beside him then and another male hurried to catch up. I widened my eyes as I recognized them as his father and his brother.

"Richard, what are you doing with them?" I asked quickly.

"He's coming home with his true family," Dracula purred. "Now move out of the way." I narrowed my eyes.

"You're not leaving my brother!" I growled towards Richard. He blinked a bit as the light shined in his eyes again at the mention of Paris, but Dracula growled at me.

"Oh, he is. Your brother is currently a mess on the floor," he told me. I narrowed my eyes.

"How could you do this to him again?! Richard, you get your ass over here now!" He looked at me and tilted his head. "Richard, I mean it!"

"He's not listening to you any longer," his brother purred. Richard glanced at him and then at his father with a small frown. I stopped as I recognized the look in his eyes. He's being compelled. I snapped my attention to his father then and narrowed my eyes.

"Get away from him," I ordered. He only laughed.

"No," he said simply. His brother was in front of me in seconds and threw me aside as they walked out of the manor then and disappeared as soon as they hit the porch. I widened my eyes. Paris. I teleported into his room then, going over to him quickly.

"Paris, get up. Paris please," I begged. "It's not Richard. He didn't do this willingly. Come on, we need to stop them," I told him. "Richard loves you to death. He's being compelled." Paris laid in the floor looking at the wall blankly, the way Rose described it to me before when he was left by Richard... but worse. I widened my eyes and knelt down beside him. I touched his cheek then, giving him a big dosage of memories of us and some of him and Richard- the moments where their love showed the most and was undoubtable. I showed him his kids and bit my bottom lip. He closed his eyes then and his body's life started to fade. I widened my eyes and then started to hit him with memories of anger and revenge- of the revolution and of getting back at those that hurt us. I gave him memories that had him raging for months at a time. I felt his body start to get colder as if he was rejecting all the memories I was giving him. His body started to dust away under me as his stone was rejecting and pulling it's roots out of the body. I growled. "Stop it Paris. You'd really leave me behind?" I growled at him and then hit him with how upset I was that he was doing this again. I gave him my worry and all my love. "Get up. You can't leave me. I'm your twin."

I heard the alarms stop then and a gun was pressed up against the back of my head. "Wow... look at this." I heard someone tsking behind me. "I didn't expect to find both of you in one room... this is a lucky catch." I heard Dylan purring behind me. "I should pull the trigger on both of you but I kind of want my bother back first. So I'll take one and shoot the other. Your the other." He pulled the trigger then but shot me in the back, paralyzing me as it hit my spine. "Grab Paris." He ordered someone. I widened my eyes and looked towards Dylan.

"Don't touch him!" I begged, looking towards Paris helplessly. I still had my hand on him.... I started to hit him with what was happening to us to try to wake him. "ISABELLE!" I screamed out for help. I seen a girl picking Paris up then and wrinkling up her nose.

"Can we like... just take the stone? His body feels nasty right now. What's wrong with him?" The girl asked Dylan.

"I don't care. Just don't kill him, yet." Dylan told her. "Tommy and Jacob... take the rest of the men into the house for a raid." Dylan said into the ear piece he had on. I snarled up at him.

"DYLAN YOU MONSTER!" I growled at him. "How could you?!" I stopped then. "Take me," I begged. "Please, don't take my twin. Take me instead. I'm in a better state. He can't help you. I'll bring your brother back, just call off the men and put my brother in his bed. Please, I'll do anything to save him." Dylan looked like he was considering my offer then.

"As the king of all vampires... You better be offering more onto the table." Dylan told me and smirked. "I could easily kill both of you."

"Dante and Riley," I promised. "I can get both."

"Did he say Dante?" I heard Charlie asking through the ear piece. "Tell him to cough up my mate."

"What?! You seriously want him back?" Dylan groaned through the ear piece. "He was a bad mate and you know it. He only was thinking about Raven when you was disappearing to do- whatever you done."

"Yeah~ He's my mate." Charlie told him. I looked Dylan in the eyes.

"Dante with no memory if you prefer," I offered. "Please... I just want my twin safe... and my family safe. Call it off and put him in the bed.... I'll go willingly and do what you ask."

"Tommy... Jacob. Call off the hunt." Dylan told them and then looked at the girl "Handcuff Louis." She nodded and walked over to me, pulling out a pair. She dropped Paris easily on the bed and then started to handcuff me.

"He's going to come back as a demon though." She complained. "I don't want to have to deal with that..." I laughed then and looked at Dylan.

"I promise I'm a real wimp when it comes to being a demon. I'll be an easy kill," I told him. "It's better than having Paris as a demon." She rolled her eyes at me and then finished handcuffing me.

"These handcuffs reduce your powers and can only be taken off with Dylan's thumb print. So... You're screwed now." She patted my cheek and looked at Dylan.

"Fetch me Paris's stone." Dylan told her.

"Awesome~ I always wanted to touch a pureblood's stone." I widened my eyes.

"NO! WE HAD A DEAL!" I shrieked out. "DON'T YOU DARE! ISABELLE!" I screamed out quickly. Isabelle appeared by the bed and widened her eyes. "GET PARIS OUT OF HERE!" She grabbed Paris and was gone in seconds. Dylan frowned then and looked down at me.

"Go ahead and raid the place." He told the boys and then looked towards the girl. "Get him in the vehicle. I'm going down stairs for some fun." He started for the door then. "Bye you two. Be good cats." I exposed my fangs at him then looked towards the girl. I struggled to try to move but found it hard to even twitch my toes. They'll be fine.... They won't be able to take out the family. They're strong. Isabelle will warn them and evacuate them if needed.... Oh dang it. I should've told her who was getting the throne when she was here! Someone needs to rule while I'm in captivity. I frowned and then smirked as I remembered my failsafe. That's right.... I signed a law a long time ago that would put Isabelle on the throne if something happened to me and there wasn't another heir named.

"She's queen," I mumbled under my breath and started to laugh a little. "Queen Isabelle... It has a nice ring." The girl looked down at me and then pulled out her gun and grabbed my shirt, making me go towards the window with her.

"Shut it." She told me. "I'm tired of your mumbles." She pushed me out the window and then took a rope down. When I become demon... the first one dying is this one. I smirked as I decided on it.

Charlie's POV:

I kicked back in the drivers seat playing on my phone. Jacob and Tommy had taken the men inside the manor already and I was assigned the vehicle watch.... I don't know why I got the lame job but when Savannah and Louis get here I'm going in for my fun. I watched as she started to come up to the vehicle with Louis. I got out of the car then and teleported into the manor. I pulled out my favorite twin pistols and laughed as I shot down one of the freakish army girls that was kept downstairs. "Oh hell yes." I muttered and teleported into Louis's study to check it out. I found Nikolai leading August over to the desk and shoving him under it with... Josh?! Josh! I smiled happily.

"JOSH! I KNEW IT! Our fates want us together sweetie. I'm taking you home now." I watched as Nikolai spun around on his heels and glared me down.

"Charlie Ainsworth." Nikolai growled. I felt a panic rise up as I remembered him torturing me. He was there when they killed Riley... I heard a gunshot go off and found him behind me and one of my pistols was missing. I felt my chest start to sting then, I was glad it was just a regular bullet. I heard a small yelp then, and I heard Josh start to cry.

"Louis," he mumbled from under the desk. "Auggie!"

"Shhh." August told Josh, trying to comfort him.

"I'm going to have your head." Nikolai purred to me. I spun around and grabbed my gun from him, throwing it across the room then shot him in the stomach with my other gun. His eyes widened as he was hit with one of my extra spicy bullets. This one was electrocuting him. I watched as he dropped to the ground and started to shake.

"Idiot." I watched him, fascinated with the fact he looked like Paris. I laughed and grabbed my wound then flicked some of my blood at him. "Have some." I told him. "That's all you'll get out of me." I kicked his side and then turned around, going for Josh. I was suddenly flung up against the wall in a rushed force and the chairs in front of the desk started for me. I widened my eyes and teleported at the last second. "Oh my freaking~" I looked towards Nikolai as I stood over the desk. "Interesting." I purred. I jumped off the desk and shot him again in the chest and another in his leg. That's three. I laughed as I knelt down and shot August in the shoulder. I pulled Josh away from him and then kissed his temple. Josh's eyes widened, and he started to cry, trying to get away.

"Auggie!" He reached for August then, looking like a frightened child. I purred in his ear then to comfort him.

"Josh." I whispered to him lovingly. I teleported us out of the manor and towards the cars. I shoved him into the trunk of mine and laughed. He's going to be a handful. Josh looked around the trunk then curiously and then up at me. He sat up before I could shut it on him and tilted his head, looking around as he tried to process what happened. He gave up and then pointed to himself.

"Jasper," he said cutely and then gave me a sweet, innocent smile and pointed at me expectantly.

"Charlie." I told him. I pointed to him then. "Josh." I gave him a kiss on the lips then. He froze up and pulled back, looking at me with wide eyes as he touched his lips. He looked me over.

"Carly?" He tilted his head and pointed at me again.

"Ch-a-r-lie." I told him and pointed to myself then pointed at him. "Josh." He giggled.

"Charlie!" He said cutely as he got it right and then giggled again. He kissed me on the cheek then like it was normal then giggled again, pointing at himself. "Jasper."

"No." I told him and pointed at him. "Josh." He paused, watching me in confusion then giggled.

"Jasper- Jas," he said, shortening his name with a cute smile.

"Josh." I told him and rubbed his head then kissed him once more. He pulled back and then frowned, pointing at my lips. "Lips." I told him and leaned in to kiss him. "Kiss." He looked my lips over before he hesitantly gave me a small kiss, trying it out. He moved back and looked at me. He whined then.

"Louis," he mumbled and I saw his fangs had sharpened.

"Are you hungry?" I asked and then bit my bottom lip, breaking the skin so it would bleed out. I waited for him to notice the smell and come get his food. He looked towards my lips after a moment and frowned in confusion. I leaned in and gave him a kiss, getting my blood on his lips. He pulled back and licked his lips. His eyes lit up in recognition then.

"Louis," he mumbled and looked around for him with a hungry look. He pouted when he didn't see him then looked towards my lips and tilted his head before he leaned in, licking them hungrily. He giggled and pulled back then looked towards my wrist like he was putting some pieces together in his head. He grabbed it and then bit into it deeply like he hadn't been taught to loosen up yet. I gasped out in pain. I'm so going to have to teaching him to loosen up. I rubbed his head then started to massage his jaw in hopes he would loosen his jaw.

"Good boy Josh, eat up." I told him and kissed the top of his head. He purred slightly and moaned at the taste before he loosened up at my touch, making it better for me. He leaned his head into my hand but kept feeding. I smiled and then pulled him out of the trunk and closed it. I brought him over to the passengers seat and sat down in it, pulling him onto my lap. He stopped and looked around before he yawned cutely. He looked down at his lion onesie and smiled before he curled up in my lap, resting his head against my shoulder.

"Night." I laughed and rubbed his head.

"Good night silly." I purred towards him and turned on the radio on low, listening to the radio as I waited for the raid to be over. He whined and looked towards the radio then up at me before he started to climb out of my lap but stopped when he saw the door was shut. He looked at it in confusion as he started trying to figure it out. "No." I told him firmly and grabbed his hands. "You're staying with me." He looked at his hands then at me with an innocent smile. I smiled back towards him and leaned in, kissing him. He gasped and then gave me a kiss back, leaning in towards me. I leaned in towards him and deepened the kiss, forcing my tongue into his mouth. He whimpered first before he loosened up and let me, tensing up a little. I took his tongue into my mouth and started to suck on it, rubbing his thighs. He moaned then and melted into me. I pulled back from the kiss and purred in his ear. "Mine." I told him. "You're my little Josh." He kissed my cheek then and giggled.

"Charlie," he mumbled and then moved back a little, looking me in the eyes. "Kiss?" He looked towards my lips then longingly. I nodded and kissed him once again, giving him what he wants. He purred to me and then moved back, looking towards the door curiously. I locked it then and smirked towards him.

"Josh." I told him, trying to get his attention. "Give me a kiss." He looked at me and frowned a little.

"Jasper," he mumbled and pointed to himself.

"Josh." I pointed to his chest then. "You're name is Josh." I leaned in and kissed him then. He giggled and kissed me back, pressing into me. He pulled back and went to kiss my cheek but messed up and kissed my neck, missing. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. "Josh~" I purred to him. He tilted his head as he saw my reaction and did it again to test it. I pulled him closer to me and smirked. "We're going home." I purred. He looked at me and tilted his head, not understanding what I meant.

"Home?" He repeated the word and frowned, looking towards the manor and pointed at it, giving me a curious look.

"Nope. A new home." I told him. "Close by." I told him, referring to the Ainsworth manor. We decided to move back in. "You'll like it. Josh Ainsworth." I whispered to him and smirked. He pouted at me.

"Jasper," he muttered.

"Josh." I told him, pointing to his chest. "Your name is Josh."

"Auggie...." He looked towards the manor then longingly. I exposed my fangs then and leaned in towards his neck. I brushed my fangs against his neck then to mess with him. He tensed up as a shiver went through him and looked at me. "Charlie?" I kissed his cheek then.

"It's okay." I told him and then bit down into his neck, marking him as mine. He moaned and gripped my shirt, holding on to me tightly.

"Ch-Charlie!" He looked at me in surprise. I pulled back and licked my lips.

"Josh." I purred to him and smirked. He looked towards my fangs in wonder then. I kissed him then and started to move us into the backseat slowly. He didn't seem to notice as he kissed me back, making a small noise as he leaned in to my lips. I put him on his back in the seat then and got on top of him, kissing him deeper. He leaned up towards me and moved his tongue into my mouth hesitantly. I let him and pressed up against him hard.

"We're coming home Charlie." I heard Dylan say into my earpiece. "How's it look out there."

"Fine." I told him as I pulled away from the kiss. Josh looked towards me and then gave me an innocent smile before he started to try to get out from under me. I pinned him down then and smirked as I heard the hunters coming towards the car. "Good boy." I told Josh and let him up, sitting up myself. I scooped him up into my lap and kissed his cheek. He looked at me and then towards the manor curiously. I rubbed his head then and wrapped my other arm around him. He looked at me again and then at the hunters in interest as they got closer. He looked towards the door then, studying it. I locked it as well and laughed. "Mine." I told him.

"Auggie," he mumbled, looking at the manor. He started to panic then. "LOUIS!" I covered his mouth then and shook my head.

"No, Josh." He squirmed and screamed through my hand, muffled. I frowned towards him. "Guess I will have to put you in the trunk anyways." I grumbled. He gave up and smelled my hand, trying to calm down as he closed his eyes, squeezing them shut. I pulled my hand away from his mouth and gave him a kiss. He purred and kissed me back, curling up to me. I smirked and rubbed his back to comfort him. "Good boy." He smiled softly and relaxed, watching me. He giggled then and kissed my cheek.

"Charlie," he mumbled and then rested his head on my shoulder. I heard the door open then as Dylan got in as well as Savannah.

"Hey~ Who is the cut- JOSH!?" Savannah giggled as she looked him over. "He's so cute in that onesie!" I nodded in agreement. Josh looked towards her then in curiosity then giggled. He pointed to himself then.

"Jasper," he told her then pointed at her, tilting his head as he gave her a cute smile.

"Sa-va-nna." She told him. She pointed towards Dylan then. "Dyl-an." I rubbed Josh's head. He giggled and leaned over, kissing Savannah's cheek and then managed to lean towards the front seats and gave Dylan a kiss on the cheek. Dylan smiled through the mirror.

"We got Louis." Savannah told me. "Put him in the trunk of Jacob's car." Josh perked up at the mention of Louis then, looking at Savannah in interest.

"Louis?" He smiled cutely then.

"Yeah, I seen you taking him over here... I thought we was getting Paris." I mumbled.

"Turns out~ Someone got in here before us. Took Richard and Paris is lying down somewhere in a coma. I think he didn't take it to well when Richard left." Dylan told me. "The security footage is amazing." Josh frowned then as we were leaving the manor and looked at it, keeping his eyes on it as the car was driving off. He whined and looked at me uneasily then looked back at the manor.

"Cry baby." I whispered to him. "I told you we're going home." I rubbed his back to sooth him.

"Well we couldn't find Paris. That little brat Isabelle took him off somewhere.... Louis will just have to do. You'll get your mate back though! As well as your twin." Savannah reminded me. Josh looked the car over once we were out of the gates and glanced the doors over curiously before he looked back at me. He slipped out of my lap to get between me and Savannah then curled up in the seat. She rapped an arm around him then and kissed his cheek. "I can't believe he's this cute... I was thinking he'd be more bity without his memories. He knows nothing at all." Josh looked at her and smiled as he giggled. He leaned over and kissed her cheek before he curled up to her side, nuzzling up against her. I watched him and then sunk down in my seat.

"Charlie. We can't let these vampires get away with what they did to Riley. I didn't let those vampires get away with what they done to our parents and these won't get away with Riley's death. I promise you, we'll get revenge and then some." Dylan told me, looking at me through the mirror.  

"Death," Josh murmured, frowning a little as he looked towards me. I kissed the top of his head then.

"Don't worry about it." I told him.

"Charlie," he called out and giggled, holding out his arms to me with a sweet smile. I pulled him over to me then and kissed his cheek. He giggled again and then kissed my neck. I purred towards him and smirked.

Isabelle's POV:

I glanced around the manor's living room where piles of dead were being put in here. I bit the inside of my lip. "Make sure to put the wounded in the ball room," I ordered what was left of the servants. They looked towards me and nodded. I walked out of the room and then stopped as something hit me. Louis had signed a law stating the heir to his throne the very week he became king. He never named another. I widened my eyes as I looked around the manor. Oh... my... goodness... I'm Queen? I shook my head. What the heck am I going to do?! I guess I should start with the problems then.... I teleported into Louis's study and looked around but stopped when I saw Nikolai and August on the floor. Raven was currently digging bullets out of them with one of her knives. "You guys got shot?!" I asked. Nikolai groaned.

"Good thing we're mates or I would still be in a ton of pain." Nikolai mumbled, looking at Raven. She glanced at him and gave him a smile as she removed the last one out of him. She glanced him over and looked towards me.

"Can you get August?" She asked. I nodded and quickly went over to him.

"August, I'm going to take the bullet out of your shoulder," I informed him before I touched his shoulder gently. I grabbed one of Raven's knives from off the floor and started to dig it out of him, popping it out quickly before he could register the pain. Raven bit into her wrist and then held it above Nikolai's lips, looking hesitant. Nikolai smiled towards her and bit down into her wrist, starting to drink from her. August groaned as he felt the bullet come out.

"Do me a favor and stitch it up." August told me. "Then get me some alcohol for the pain."

"Uh huh," I said and then teleported out of the room, getting some needle and thread out of my room and then into the kitchen to find some alcohol that didn't get shot up. I teleported back and then set to work, giving him the bottle after I opened it. Raven gave Nikolai a smile as he started to heal.

"You got lucky," she told him. He pulled away once he started healing and pushed her wrist away. He sat up slowly.

"Nah, it was nothing." Nikolai told her.

"That's your first time getting shot." August told him and took a swig of his drink. I finished stitching him and looked towards Raven then frowned.

"Raven, sweetie, come here," I called. She looked over and then crawled over. I grabbed her. "You got shot too you weirdo." I looked her leg over and then grabbed her knife, getting it out of her. She pouted.

"It's not like it hurts like the ones that electrocute though.... Besides, I only got shot once. He got shot like... three times." I smiled and then stood up, looking towards Nikolai and then at the other two.

"Well, I'm glad you guys are alive.... We need to talk," I said, directing it towards Nikolai. Nikolai looked me over.

"What's wrong?" August asked quickly. He probably just realized Louis hadn't came to his aid yet. I looked towards him and bit my bottom lip, worried for him. He was taken....

"King Louis... was taken by Dylan. I managed to save Paris. He's hidden in a safe place," I informed them. "Because Louis is no longer to rule the throne... I'm in charge."

"Ha? You're in charge? Your a girl." Nikolai told me and laughed, starting to stand up. I snapped my eyes towards him then.

"I am technically Queen now Nikolai. He named me his heir within his first week of ruling. I was the back up to keep the power within our reach because I'm his most trusted newborn. He never finished naming you as the one that would receive the throne," I told him.

"Well.... your not even a pureblood, Isabelle. What the heck was Louis thinking? Newborns can't have power. That breaks the chain of our society." Nikolai complained and started for the door. I growled at him.

"He was thinking that someone would kill him for the throne, so that's why I was named. I know every single one of his plans and Nikolai, you were going to be his successor, but he never signed it because he was waiting to give Donnie his chance. Nikolai- you're my successor," I told him and then walked behind the desk, opening a drawer as I pulled the document out that Louis had made to make Nikolai king. I grabbed the pen then. "You'll become king after everything is solved- when Richard and my maker are back and when Paris is healthy. If something is to happen to me, you'll become king then instead of later," I informed him. "He wanted you to be king, but we're lucky he at least named an official successor so that way I can carry out his wishes while he is gone."

"Freaking hunters." August grumbled. Nikolai leaned up against the wall by the door. "I can't believe this... What's wrong with Paris!?" I looked towards August.

"He's in a coma state. Richard was taken from what I'm gathering," I informed him. "That's why... Nikolai, I need you to head a team. I want you in charge of getting Richard back," I told him and then signed my name on the line to make Nikolai my successor. I put the date and then picked up the document, showing Nikolai. Nikolai nodded towards me.

"Alright. I'll go get my Uncle Richard back and kick his ass for leaving and letting himself get kidnapped. You better go get my other Uncle Louis and kick his ass for me for getting kidnapped." Nikolai told me and then pulled out his phone, walking out the door to get the job done.

"NIKOLAI! I want a list of the members on your team by tonight!" I called after him then looked at Raven. "Raven, you're in charge of overseeing the wounded division. I want as many vampires as we can save back to health. You're going to be partnered with Rose. Tell Isaac that I wish to see him." She nodded and stood up, giving me a smile.

"Of course Isabelle." She disappeared then. I softened my gaze as I looked at August.

"August... Would you like to babysit the children?" I asked him, walking over to him. "I'm sure they'd love to watch TV and sit with you," I suggested.

"Get Quinton and Dannie in here. I want to make sure they're fine. I want to know what's happening with the packs and yeah, I'll handle the quadruplets." He told me, starting to stand up. I picked him up and teleported him into his room, setting him in the bed.

"I'll go get all six of them. Call me if you need something," I told him and ruffled his hair. "I'll be able to hear it."

Richard's POV:

"Richardo, that is getting old. How about something new?" I heard my father ask from where he was sitting on the sofa in the room. I glanced over from the piano and narrowed my eyes at him. He just called the song I play for Paris old. That's our song! I didn't say anything as I switched the tune. He smiled and looked back to his book. I looked back at the keys blankly as I gritted my teeth. I need to get to Paris!

"You must be Richardo~!" I heard a girl purr from behind me as arms wrapped around my shoulders. She giggled and kissed my cheek. "You and I are going to be the best of friends. I know your story. My name is Elizabeth Irene Francis. We met when we were younger. I hope you're happy that I had you rescued~! It must have been dull to be living such a monotone life- constantly biting and being bit and misleading love." I stopped playing, stiffening up as I looked towards this Elizabeth girl. I stood up and went to shove her away, but my body was frozen then. My father tsked.

"Be nice, Richardo. She's the one that brought us back. You should be thanking her. After all, you need to learn your manners. I won't have a hooligan for a son." I growled his way then. My brother walked into the room then with his arm around a girl's shoulder. He smiled at me innocently.

"Richardo, how are you settling in? I see you met Elizabeth," he said politely and then led the girl into the room, shutting the door. I narrowed my eyes.

"Get out," I told them all.

"Don't be rude." The girl under my brother's arm said and smiled. "We're all here to help you child." I growled at her and exposed my fangs.

"I'm not a child," I told her. My father appeared in front of me and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Richardo, what did I teach you about the fangs?" He ripped them out before I could react, making me scream out in pain. Elizabeth frowned and moved him aside.

"Don't hurt him. He's very valuable to me," she told him and shook her head, holding out her hand for the fangs. My father gave her a smile then, giving them to her. I widened my eyes, going to snatch them out from her hands, but she giggled and slipped them behind her back. "Ah-ah-ah, you don't need them now that they are gone... Besides, fangs are such nasty little things."

"Elizabeth, don't touch those nasty things." The girl by my brother said, wrinkling up her nose. "How disgusting. Wash your hands too." Elizabeth looked at her and laughed.

"Oh it's quite alright. I know to wash my hands... I just don't approve of my collection being ruined." I frowned.

"Collection?" I growled at her. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU BRING MY FATHER BACK?!" My father smacked me across the face then, sending me into the floor. I winced and touched my stinging cheek as a red mark began to form on it.

"Don't talk to Elizabeth that way," he ordered me.

"How inappropriate you are." The girl tsked by my brother. "You need to be punished harder then that. You aught to have your mouth washed out." I snapped my attention to her then sat up, looking at them all. I wonder if I could make it to the window.... I glanced towards it then stood up. I'm outnumbered... and they could easily get me.... I will have to play this the best way I can. Don't worry Paris. I'll be back soon. I gave them a smile then.

"I apologize maladies... You're right. That is no way to talk to a lady," I said, using what I had been taught when I was younger- how I used to hide my secrets. I bowed a little towards them, being the prim and proper prince that my parents used to yell at me to be.

"Much better." The girl muttered she moved away from my brother then and walked over to me, looking me over. "You're covered in blood... Vlad sweetie... how about the two of you go clean up." She suggested. I smirked a little then. Oh... between my brother and I... there isn't a contest. I'll definitely get away... then I'll come back and kill them all. I looked towards my brother and started for the door.

"Yes, let's go wash up Vlad. It's not proper to be filthy in polite company," I said, looking the girls over as I gave one of my trademark smirks from the past that had girls falling heads over heels.

"You should go too, Dracula." The girl suggested. "You're hands are bloody." She took a seat on the sofa then and crossed her legs. I glanced her over then looked towards my father. Great. I watched as he walked towards us then, and I was about to leave when Elizabeth sat down on my piano bench. I narrowed my eyes and turned to her.

"Lady Elizabeth, would you mind sitting beside your friend? I don't like it very much when someone sits down at my piano." She giggled and tilted her head.

"Why not?"

"Only my mate gets to sit at my-" My father smacked the back of my head then.

"Don't speak about that trash," he growled at me. "You left him."

"I did not! You forced me!" I turned on him then and snarled, grabbing him. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"I wouldn't start this Richardo," he warned. "You don't want this to be a fight." I went for his stone then, but he grabbed my hand before I could touch his chest and snapped it to the left, breaking my wrist. I widened my eyes and kept in a scream as the pain hit me.

"Boys~ Not before dinner." The girl purred on the couch. I looked towards her then as he kept a grip on my hand.

"Who the hell told you that you could tell me what to do?" I growled at her. "I am Richard Grimm."

"Yeah... but I'm Angela Dracula." She told me and got to her feet, coming towards me. Her eyes lingered towards my wrist and I felt it healing up then started to rot away, dripping down onto the floor like ice cream. "I'm a Dracula... Like you." She winked towards me and then my wrist was back to normal. I looked her over and narrowed my eyes.

"You're not a Dracula," I growled. "I would know. We never had a sister... and I've never heard of y- Vlad!" I looked towards him and glared him down. "You were all buddy buddy with her when you both came in! What the hell?!" He smiled and shrugged.

"I'm married now," he said.

"Baby... we we're married when your retarded brother took your stone... remember?" Angela asked and pouted. She looked towards me then. "Nice meeting you in-law." Rule number one.... I sighed and looked my brother over then my father. Always crush your enemy's stone. I smirked then and disappeared from their sight, stepping away from my father before he could reach out and snatch me. Angela spun around on her heels and started for the couch again, sitting back down on it. "Well... he's a goner." Elizabeth narrowed her eyes.

"Dracula, get him back. Now," she hissed, standing up. "I will not tolerate failure." My father looked towards her and nodded, grabbing my brother.

"You were supposed to be making sure he DIDN'T do that," he hissed towards him. "Come on, we've got to hunt your idiot of a brother." He started to pull him out of the room then. As soon as the door was shut, I locked it and smirked, looking towards the ladies as I quietly walked over to Elizabeth. I'm going to kill this one first.

"Well I think I will go have a nice bath." Angela said and got to her feet, going for the door. "Don't get chocked to death, kay?" She giggled like she knew something and avoided hitting me as she passed me. Elizabeth looked at her funny.

"What're you talk-" I smirked as I got close to her and then reappeared, reaching into her chest. She gasped. "ANGELA!" She tried to push me away as I closed my hand around her stone. "HELP ME!"

"What?" Angela looked towards her. "What's wrong with you?" She asked innocently. "I thought you wanted death. After all you're messing with the Grimm family." I looked towards her and then smirked.

"Maybe I won't kill you," I told her with a pleased look then looked back at Elizabeth. She exposed her fangs at me then and shoved me onto the floor. She laughed then.

"I'll have to break you.... That's more fun than the alternative." She leaned in and stole a kiss. I widened my eyes and loosened my grip on her stone in shock. She laughed and pulled my hand out of her chest then. "Good boy.... Now lay your head back. I'm going to teach you a lesson for that little mistake." I growled at her.

"Get off me! You're not Paris! I'll serve your stone up on a platter to him and crush your stone over ice cream like sprinkles for him! He'll enjoy every bit of it!" I seen Angela sit down on the couch, watching this play out. She gripped my hair then, forcing my head back. I narrowed my eyes then and bit into her arm, not carrying that I didn't have fangs. She screeched and got off me quickly then kicked me in the side. I groaned and got up quickly, but as soon as I did, my body froze up. My father walked over then.

"Richardo," he hissed threateningly. "Sit and play. I don't want another instance like this again. Do you understand me?" My body walked me over to the piano then and sat me down on the bench. I glared my father down before I looked at the keys then smiled. Paris.... I started to play my song for it then used my stone to send him loving waves to try to help him. My father won't be able to tell what I'm doing. I sent the song to him the best I could through the waves as I closed my eyes while my stone pulsed to the beat of the song. I let all my love flow through it as I hoped he could feel it. I couldn't stand the thought of being away from him.... I felt like I was being torn apart when I was forced to watch as my body made me do those awful things. Angela stood up then and stretched.

"I'll go check on dinner." She suggested and walked out of the room. I glanced her way before I continued what I was doing, sneaking the pulses for Paris. I felt the pulses come back to me like Paris was rejecting them. I widened my eyes and stopped playing. Paris? I stood up then and gave my father a smile as I walked over, picking up his book off a table and then smacked him upside the head with it.

"I'm leaving," I hissed and threw it at him. "Bye." I started for the door then, not caring what he would do. Angela came back in with a skip to her feet.

"Dinner is done! Who wants to eat now?" Angela asked. My father growled as he got over his shock.

"Richardo, get back here," he hissed at me. I looked at him.

"No. I'm going home to my mate." I snapped at him and then looked at Angela. "You're in my way," I told her and narrowed my eyes. My brother came up behind her then with a smile.

"Dad! I'm all clea- Richardo, what're you doing?" He asked me in confusion. I walked up to him and ripped his stone out quickly, crushing it. Angela's jaw dropped as she watched his stone and body start to decay.

"Oh my god..." Angela moved out of the doorway then. I looked towards her.

"Smart," I told her and then walked out.

"RICHARDO!" My father screamed, starting after me. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?! HE WAS YOUR BROTHER!"

"You're not my family," I told him and whirled on him. "And I'm done with the compulsion. You're not keeping me here." He narrowed his eyes at me and looked about ready to order me to stay, but I smirked and got close to him, ripping out one of his teeth and tossing it to the floor. He cursed under his breath as he went to touch his lips and then snarled, going for my stone. I side stepped him and narrowed my eyes. "Don't come looking for me... or I will take your stone too, you pathetic excuse for a pureblood," I hissed. Angela started for the door then, leaving casually. I smirked and was about to leave when I felt someone grab me. Elizabeth narrowed her eyes at me.

"I'm not letting you leave so soon," she growled. I looked at her and stomped down on her foot then pressed her up against the wall. I snatched her stone out of her chest then and pocketed it before she could react then disappeared, walking towards the doors as my father was recovering. As soon as I was outside, I started for the road that lead to the nearest town.

~Time Skip brought to you by epic~

I walked into a hotel and over to the desk. "Get me a room," I told the lady behind the desk. Her eyes widened and she quickly grabbed a room key off the wall. I slid her some money and then took the room key, signing my name next to the spot before she could tell me. I went for the elevator then and went to the room that I was given, going in and looked around. I spotted a phone and went over to it quickly, picking it up and dialing the manor.

"Hello? Grimm manor." I heard what sounded like one of the maids answer the phone.

"Richard here, how is the manor?" I asked quickly, remembering that an alarm had been going off when I left. I started to get worried then.

"It looks like a disaster master Richard." The maid told me. "The hunters got us good. Most of the casualties were the servants and army... so that's good. All of the family is fine. Louis is missing though along with Paris and Jasper. I think.... Isabelle took Paris away for a bit. She's been in charge since Louis disappeared." The maid told me. "You need to get back here, sir." I bit my bottom lip. We were attacked? By hunters?!

"Yes, of course. Can you please inform the others that I will be home as soon as I can. I am arranging a way to get home now," I told her.

"Yes, sir. Would you like anything ready for you when you arrive?" She asked. I thought it over.

"I want to know where my mate is," I told her. "Also... maybe someone to drink from."

"Of course, sir. I'll get it ready for you right now." She told me. "When will we be expecting you?"

"Within the next 48 hours," I told her. "If nothing goes wrong that is."

"Yes, sir." She shuffled the phone then and got someone's attention, giving the person an order. "I'll have everything set up for you master Richard." She promised me. I nodded.

"Thank you very much. You've done a good job already," I told her and then smirked. "Goodbye," I told her and then set the phone down, hanging up. I sighed and then went over to the door, locking it quickly before I glanced around. Now to use my resources to get home to my mate....

Nikolai's POV:

"I'm taking Donnie and four others with me from downstairs." I told Isabelle. "I've managed to look into the last ten years of huge shoppers and buyers and whatnot and- Well I have some information about this girl named Elizabeth. I'm going to go snoop around." I started for the door, heading out of the study. I didn't have to tell her everything. She knows I'm going to get the job done. Plus she only asked for the names. It's not important about the other things. A maid was coming towards the study then, looking like she had something important on her mind. She glanced at me and dipped her head in respect.

"Master Nikolai," she greeted and then walked up to the door. I watched her in curiosity then followed her back into the room to see what she had to say. Isabelle looked up at her from where she was looking over a few computer screens of information.

"What is it?" She asked. The maid curtseyed.

"Milady Isabelle... we've received a phone call from Master Richard."

"Richard?" I asked and then looked at Isabelle, wondering if this means I still have to go get my uncle. I'll still have to kick the jackass that kidnapped him though.... If he's still alive. Isabelle sat up then, looking pleased.

"Richard? What did he say?"

"He asked how the manor was and then said he'd be home within the next 48 hours. He said he wants to know where Master Paris is as soon as he's home," the maid informed.

"Looks like you better get him out of the attic." I joked towards Isabelle.

"When he is home.... We don't know how he's called yet. It might not be true," she mumbled and then looked back at the computer screens with a small frown. "Nikolai, keep your group close for the next two days. If he's not home, I want you to go investigate the Elizabeth person.... Until then, stay here."

"Okay." I told her and then crossed my arms. "I hope he comes home." I muttered and thought about Raven. "What's the news on Raven, since I have time."

"Raven?" Isabelle frowned and looked up at me. "She's finishing up healing those who are injured. I put her on that duty," she told me. "She should be finished soon... I don't think that many were injured and... lived," she mumbled. "They were mostly good shots."

"Dylan was hunting." I muttered. "It makes since." I started for the door then to go check on Raven. I walked down towards the living room and looked around for her. She was feeding a vampire a bottle of blood as one of her newborns that I had found feeding on her while she was drunk was taking out the bullets from the one Raven was helping. I walked up to Raven then and pulled her away from the vampire and pulled her into a hug, taking her away from the vampire. "Raven." I began softly in her ear. "Thanks for earlier." I purred. She tensed up at first then looked up at me. She gave me a smile then.

"You're welcome. I couldn't just let you die, could I?" She giggled a little and then looked towards one of her newborns just as she finished on another vampire. "Feed this one," she told her. The girl nodded and took over what Raven had been doing. Raven looked back up at me then. "Was that all you wanted?" She asked, giving me a sweet smile. I shook my head slowly and then kissed her cheek before I pulled away, holding her arms.

"Tonight made me realize something. Mates are very special and I don't want to loose you. I love you." I told her then pulled away. "So I'm going to start watching you like a bird." She widened her eyes then and blushed.

"Wait... what?"

"I love you." I told her and smiled softly. "Okay~" I picked up one of the bottles of blood and walked over to the couch with it.

"Hey... that's for the wounded-"

"Raven, I think we have enough that he can have the bottle," one of her newborns told her. She glanced at the newborn and then smiled, giving a nod.

"Alright, if you think so.... How many more do we have to go?" The newborn gave her a smile.

"We're done actually. Rose is finishing up in the other rooms." Raven gave a nod then stole a bottle of blood, opening it and then walked over, sitting down a little ways away from me as she started to drink the bottle of blood. Her newborns left then with the vampires that were healed now. She grabbed the remote and then put on a movie, Coraline. She looked her dress over and sighed a little at the blood on it but deciding to ignore it as she looked back to the TV after pulling out her phone and texting someone. She took another sip of the blood then.

"So Richard called the manor and said he was on his way home. He'll be here sometime within the next 48 hours." I told her. She looked towards me and smiled happily.

"Really? I was worried about him!" She giggled then. "This is great!"

"Yeah." I told her. "We still have to worry about Paris though." I mumbled. She nodded, looking back at the bottle of blood.

"Yes.... You're right. Just because Richard comes back doesn't mean that Paris will be fine," she mumbled and then curled up, going to take a sip but stopped and set it down on the coffee table. I frowned.

"You okay?" I asked her, looking at the bottled blood. "I know... it's sad to think about what's going to happen." She shook her head.

"I just... I've been here for years before you existed," she mumbled. "I've seen Paris and Richard a lot longer, and I've seen Paris go to great lengths for Richard.... I just can't really think that it'd be over... and what happened with Lauren? Why'd she leave us?" She bit her bottom lip. "She loved us, and all of a sudden she left... and she's been branded as a traitor." I frowned.

"We should go find Lauren together." I suggested.

"I was actually... planning on leaving to find her," she admitted, looking over at me. "Just for a little bit."

"Come with me." I told her and smirked, getting up. "We'll take the plane and be back before anyone notices we're gone." I motioned for her to follow me. She looked me over and then gave a nod, standing up. I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door. "Call the family piolet and tell him we are leaving." I told her. "Also... start looking into some big cities in Europe and see what you can find out about any possible signs that she's there. I bet she went to Europe." I suggested. She nodded and pulled out her phone with her free hand, doing what I told her. I walked her out to my car and got into it, turning the key in the ignition. She got in the passenger seat and looked at me.

"He says that he'll be ready in an hour at the plane," she told me and then started to play on her phone, mumbling to herself a little as she searched around on it. I nodded and started to drive us to the airport. If Raven is as good as I am, she should be able to find Lauren... or ideas of where Lauren is. She sighed then. "If Louis was still here... we could have asked him to summon Lauren's mate. He's his maker after all."

"What!? You mean Louis could have summoned her mate and we could have solved this problem this whole time?" I asked her. What the heck, Louis!? You're king! Well... was. Raven glanced over at me.

"Yeah.... He could've. He loves his newborns though and favored Benjamin. I doubt he would have done something to him if Benjamin had known something. Benjamin should know where Lauren is though. If we find him, we can find her. He was friends with..." She trailed off and shook her head, looking back at her phone. "Anyways, we will be able to find her."

"Okay~ Just make sure to be able to find her and pin point a country by the time we reach the air port." I told her. She nodded.

"I will be able to. Trust me," she said and smiled as she kept looking at her phone. I nodded.

After a hour we arrived at the airport and I got out. I went around to the other side of the car and opened the door for her. "Here you go, my lady." I purred. She looked up at me and smiled, getting out.

"Thanks Nikolai," she mumbled then looked at her phone and frowned. "Russia," she told me. "There's been sightings of suspicious vampires in the more Western part of it. She may be there."

"Really? Wow... I wonder if my dad knows..." I mumbled. I shook my head. "We can stay in my castle then until we find her." I suggested. She glanced up at me and frowned.

"What?" She gave me a funny look before she went back to her phone, clicking on an article. "Oh man... it's all in Russian." She groaned. "Darn it... I should've learned that one." She started searching around again.

"What?" I asked and laughed. "Let's get on the plane." I locked up my car then escorted her over to the plane. She put her phone up after a minute and glanced around the airport then looked up at me.

"So are you doing this because I was wondering about her... or are you doing this for yourself?" She asked me.

"For you." I told her and shrugged. "Plus Isabelle thinks she can boss me around and tell me to stay at the manor... so I'm not going to obey her." I told Raven and smirked. "Plus I'll be with you." She blushed a little and looked away.

"Uh huh... you know she's just trying to help the situation. She probably doesn't want to be put in the position she's in," she mumbled.

"Maybe." I shrugged and pulled her onto the plane. "Tell the captain we're going to Russia~" I purred towards her and sat down on the couch. She looked at me and nodded, going to do that. She came back after a minute and then sat down on the other couch, laying down on it. I laid down on mine and closed my eyes, deciding to take a nap through the flight.

"We've landed," I heard Raven tell me as she poked my cheek. I opened my eyes and looked up at her.

"Did you get the name of the town?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah," she told me and gave a smile. "Now come on."

"What town?" I asked curiously. "Moscow?" I smirked and got up, going to the door. I got off the plane then and walked towards the waiting car outside of it. She appeared beside it and smirked at me.

"Maybe." She looked at me and then got in the car. I got in with her.

"Okay." I nodded. "Where?" I asked her curiously.

"Saint Petersburg," she told me simply. I nodded. I think I heard of that before.

"Okay~ Not too far away." I mumbled.

~Time Skip brought to you by I said Good Day~

Raven got out of the car as it pulled up in Saint Petersburg in the center of the city. She glanced at me and gave me a smile. "I'll go do some research. Meet you back here?" She glanced around, memorizing the area. "Two hours?" I nodded as I watched her.

"Two hours. I'm going to go hunt." I told her and then got out of the car. I started for the nearby pub. "Two hours." I promised. She watched me, giving me a suspicious look.

"Uh huh... Two hours," she mumbled and started to walk off quickly.