Finding Lauren

Raven's POV:

I walked away quickly, shaking my head. There goes another Austin- straight for the pubs. Great, he'll be drunk when I get back here. I sighed. Well... I admit that the best places to hunt are bars though.... I guess I can't blame him. I pulled out my phone then and started searching around for businesses and real estate in this place. I smirked as I came across a witch informant. Hopefully this is for real. Maybe she'll be able to tell me something. Information for what though? I memorized the address and the building as I looked at the picture then teleported to it, going inside. "Hello?" I called out.

"Hello~ I'm right over here darling." I heard a girl call from the side of the store, sitting down on an old couch. She was shinning a glass ball in her hands. The store consisted of a lot of feathers, dream catchers, and other cool hippy- Egyptian- gypsy- Indian things. "Come right on over. I've been expecting you." I looked her over and frowned, walking over hesitantly.

"Can you prove your an actual witch first?" I asked, tilting my head. She nodded and snapped her fingers. The lights started to flicker in the room then. I glanced the lights over and then giggled, nodding. "Uh huh..." I sat down in the seat in front of her then. "So... I was wondering... What do you want in return for information? Money?"

"No." She shook her head. "I don't want your American dollar." She told me. "I want you to pour some of your blood into this." She pulled out an old glass and shoved it into my hands. I frowned.

"Why do you want my blood?" I asked curiously.

"Pay up." She told me. I tilted my head then.

"Tell me if you know anything about Lauren Musgrove first... and then I want to know why you want specifically blood." She pushed her hair back and then put it up into a messy bun, letting some hair feathers hang down.

"I don't give out information like that unless you pay me what I ask. Now are you going to buy something or waste my time?" She asked and sat the glass ball on the coffee table in front of her. I frowned.

"I'll buy information," I told her and then pulled out a knife from my boot then looked at her. "How much are you wanting?"

"Full glass." She told me and then hummed to herself as she relaxed on the couch. I nodded and then slit my wrist, wincing a little before I started to fill up the glass. This better be worth it and not come back to bite me in the butt. It's not usually a good idea to give your blood away if you're a pureblood like me.

"Okay~ So you want information about that little girl named Lauren right?! What would you like to know?" She asked. "I'm up to date on everyone." I filled up the glass and put the knife up then.

"I want to know where she is staying... and if she had anything to do with what happened to Paris and Richard Grimm about a decade or more back," I told her.

"Oh~ Well then... I can only give you one." She told me. "Then you have to pay me again." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"There are other witches."

"I'm the only witch you need." She told me and smirked. "Lauren is staying in Russia... This town." She ran her fingers through her hair then and got it out of the bun. She stood up then and started for the dream catchers. I watched her as I tapped my finger on the side of the glass, debating on whether or not to buy the other set of information. Blood is precious.... I can't believe she won't tell me why she wants it. Maybe she needs it for some weird reason. "She likes to hunt around the old theater." She told me then, looking towards me. "You can find her there tonight. She hunts with Ellie usually. Watch out, the males watch them. Lauren doesn't realize it though. She has really good company." She picked out a dream catcher and brought it to me then, giving it to me. "There you go." I frowned, looking at the dream catcher.

"What's this for?" I asked her, glancing back up at her.

"It helps catch all the bad dreams." She told me. "You earned it."

"Bad... dreams?" I frowned.

"Place it above your bed when you sleep." She gave me a sweet smile then.

"Mommy~" I heard a little girl call and run up to her from the back of the store. "Can I go outside? I want to see Maria." She tugged on her the witch's hand.

"Sure pumpkin." She smiled towards her and then pushed her towards the door. "Come back in before it gets too late though." I looked towards her and smiled then. She has a kid... How sweet. I set the blood down on the table then.

"Is that all?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She told me and looked my way. She grabbed the glass and then brought it over to a counter and sat it down then went back to me. "Want to buy anything else?"

"Are you asking for my blood again?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No..." She smirked and pointed towards her eye. "Give me your eye." She giggled and shook her head. I laughed a bit and stood up.

"Nah, I think I have all I need.... I can always ask her when I see her. I'll go watch that place. Thank you very much," I told her and then started for the door.

"Bye Raven~" She giggled as she watched me leave. I glanced at her over my shoulder and frowned. I never told her my name.... I should beware. I walked out then and glanced up and down the street before I walked away, deciding to explore the town to find the theater.

When I finally found it, I took a picture of it and a picture of the address. I smirked and then looked around. Now I should be able to get here whenever I need even if I forget what it looks like. I walked over to a bench by a tree and sat down on it, deciding to text one of my favorite newborns to wait. Nikolai messaged me after fifteen minutes.

Nikolai: Hey~ Any luck?

Me: Yeah. Met this witch who asked for my blood for info.

Nikolai: Oh... interesting! So have you seen Lauren yet then?

Me: Currently stalking her hunting grounds.

Nikolai: Okay. Let me know of anything. I'll come over if you want?

Me: Depends. What are you up to?

Nikolai: Sipping on tea.

I frowned. Is he not getting drunk? He went towards that pub place... in RUSSIA OF ALL PLACES. I sighed.

Me: If you want. I'm just sitting here.

Nikolai: Yeah.... the bartender is looking at me like I'm from outer space... Address?

I texted him the picture of the theater and the address then laid down on the bench.

Me: I got a dreamcatcher out of this too.

Nikolai: Be there soon.

Me: Ok

I started to play a game on my phone then, humming to myself softly as I relaxed on the bench, laying out on it happily as I got comfortable. Nikolai walked up to me after a few minutes and sat down by me then pulled out his phone and started to play on it. I glanced up at him and then went back to my phone. "Here." I put the dreamcatcher in his lap then. He looked at it then and smiled.

"Wow... this is pretty cool." He mumbled and then went back to his phone.

"You can keep it if you like. It's supposed to keep bad dreams away. Plus it came from a witch... so it probably works."

"I bet it does work." He told me then handed it back to me. "I think you should have it though." He told me and smiled. "To keep you nightmare free." I laughed.

"Nikolai... I am a nightmare. I think the nightmares are afraid enough to stay away." He laughed and nodded.

"Yeah but Hachi gets nightmares and so does Paris." He told me. I looked at the dreamcatcher then nodded.

"Ok... I guess I can keep it. I'll put it over my bed like she suggested."

"Plus she gave it specifically to you." He told me. I nodded again.

"Yeah... she said I earned it or something like that. She knew my name and I didn't even tell her...." I laughed nervously. I hope she doesn't use my blood for something bad.... I'd hate to be responsible. I glanced back towards the theater then, wondering if she was coming yet or not. I spotted her talking to this girl that looked seventeen years old and they were laughing as they were eyeing down the area, obviously on a hunt. I tensed up and started to sit up, putting my phone up. "Nikolai... that's her," I whispered, pointing out Lauren to him. He looked towards her and tensed up.

"Wow... Her hair is long." He muttered. I noticed her hair was still knee lengthened like I last seen her. I smiled a little.

"Yeah... she likes it that way," I told him. "Should we watch her first or should we just go up to her?"

"Go up to her." He suggested. "Come on, let's go." He got to his feet. "Better now then later." I nodded, standing up as I smiled sweetly. I giggled and then teleported over to her quickly, pulling her into a hug.

"Lauren~!" I giggled and held her out at arms length. "It's been forever!" Her eyes widened as she seen me and her jaw dropped slightly, speechless.

"Who's this, mom?" The other girl asked curiously. Lauren tensed up against me then. I looked towards the girl and frowned.

"Ellie? Is that you? You're all grown up~!" I giggled and let go of Lauren, pulling Ellie into a hug. Ellie yelped and tried to get out of my arms.

"Uh- Yeah, I'm Ellie." She told me.

"Ellie, come here." Lauren said firmly. She pulled her into her arms protectively. I pouted then and looked at Lauren then.

"What's the matter?" I asked and tilted my head. Lauren looked me over and then put Ellie behind her.

"What do you mean, what's the matter?" She asked.

"I'm not going to hurt her... She's fine. Look, I've calmed down a lot from before," I told her and then smiled a little.

"Yeah..." Lauren gave me a small smile. "Nice meeting you again Raven." She started to walk away with Ellie then. I frowned then and crossed my arms. She just totally ditched me.... I shook my head a little. That's not cool....

"See ya~!" I called out, faking a smile before I watched her some more and then pulled out my phone, walking off a little ways before I teleported onto a nearby rooftop. I sat down on it and watched her closely. She walked Ellie into a nearby bakery and didn't come out for over an hour. She walked out eventually with Ellie and a basket of bread and smiled, talking to Ellie about something. She looked around then put on some sunglasses. I perked up with interest and giggled a little. "She's so grown up," I mumbled. "A mommy...." She started to walk down the street with Ellie, heading away from her hunting grounds. I kept my eyes on her and teleported from the rooftops, watching her as I made sure not to lose her. I came this far... I'll get answers even if it means I stalk her. She eventually came to this nice house on the corner of the street and went inside with Ellie. I smiled and sat down, watching to make sure that she wasn't trying something incase she had thought she was being watched. She didn't come back out like I thought. Nikolai appeared by me then and smirked.

"So, are we going in?" He asked me curiously. I looked up at him and frowned. How'd he know I was up here.

"I dunno... She acted funny when she saw me...." I pouted and then looked back at the house. "Like I was going to hurt Ellie.... She was being protective like I was dangerous."

"You're not dangerous though." He told me. Then laughed. I looked up at him then and smiled.

"Well... if you knew me before... when she knew me... you'd probably be scared to be on the roof with me. I once threw a girl off the roof. She made me mad," I told him and giggled as I remembered Brooklyn. "I wouldn't hurt my friends and family though."

"Uh-huh." He nodded and smirked. "Go knock on her door." He suggested. I looked towards the door.

"In a minute... she's probably got guns." I giggled at the idea. "That'd be fun though.... I wonder if Benjamin is here."

"Most likely." He whispered. I nodded and stood up then.

"I'll ask her if she wants to hunt. She used to agree to that," I mumbled. "Wanna come or watch?"

"Watch." He told me. "I'll stay in the shadows." I laughed then.

"You do look like Paris... She'd freak out." I held out a hand to him then. "I'll get you in an alley or something." He grabbed my hand then. I teleported us down to a nearby alley and then leaned in, kissing his cheek. "Wish me luck~!" I smiled and let go of his hand, moving away. "If I get shot or something, I'm probably fine." I started to walk for the entrance to the alley then.

"Be careful." He told me. I glanced back at him.

"I'll be fine," I told him and then walked out, glancing towards the house she had went in. I sighed and teleported over to the front door, ringing the doorbell. I pulled out my phone then and started looking for good hunting places on my phone. The door opened then and Ellie stood behind it.

"Hey, mom!" She yelled and then looked me over. "Your purple headed friend is here." She called and then went to shut the door.

"Can you tell her that I need to talk to her?" I asked before she could shut the door and gave her a smile.

"She wants to talk to you!" Ellie yelled and then walked off, leaving the door open. Lauren walked down a set of stairs then and up to me.

"What's up?" She asked and held the door knob. She looked me over then. "Raven, I left the manor to be alone..." She told me and then frowned. "I want to be alone."

"Come hunting with me," I suggested to her. "It's important." She wants to be alone? She looked me over and then sighed.

"Sure..." She walked out then and closed the door. "What do you want that is so important?" I smiled at her.

"To catch up... and a few questions for my sanity," I told her, walking back down to the side walk. "I thought you would prefer to not be near Ellie. You seemed protective of her, so I don't want to make you feel like you need to be on alert. I'm not here for trouble."

"Well... Okay.. We can go for your sanity." She brushed past me and started to walk down the street. I shook my head and smiled a little.

"Uh huh... So... I found my mate," I told her.

"I thought your mate was Austin." She told me.

"He... left me... and when I finally was pulled back together, I realized he wasn't my real mate. I somehow mistook him," I told her softly. "He's dead now.... He wasn't looking too good when I finally saw him again."

"Oh?" She asked softly and gave me a small smile before motioned for me to follow. "How bad was he?" She asked curiously. I smiled and followed her.

"He became a drunk without me and had stopped taking care of himself. He looked like he was afraid of everything and ended up looking like a bum and was practically mated to alcohol," I told her. "It was very sad...."

"Oh, that sucks." Lauren laughed softly and put on her sunglasses.

"Anyways... I finally found my true mate. His name is Nikolai," I told her and smiled a little.

"Sounds Russian." She told me and gave me a funny smirk.

"He's weird. Help," I told her and laughed. "He took to ignoring me for a while and has recently decided I'm interesting."

"Well at least he's not going to turn out to be a jerk." She told me. "He sounds nice and respectful... ish." She crossed her arms and looked me over. "Still staying at the Grimm manor?" I nodded.

"Yes, I'm still there. I wasn't for a bit though. I spent some time with some doctors. I got really bad after Austin left and then I witnessed Paris and Richard's stones being taken from them," I told her and bit my bottom lip.

"Uh-huh..." She nodded and then stuffed her hands into her pockets.

"So how have you been?" I asked, changing the topic as I gave her a sweet smile. "I've been worried about you. You left suddenly."

"I've been raising Ellie, Oliver, and Aiden." She told me and gave a smile. I laughed then.

"That's good. You look like you are doing a good job with her. I can't believe she got so big!" Lauren nodded and hummed to herself.

"Yeah, she's been hell to raise." She admitted. I nodded.

"I'd bet. Are you living with Benjamin still... or is he doing his own thing?" I asked curiously.

"He was in the day room." She told me. "Watching a movie." I giggled.

"Ok.... Have you gotten better about eating?" I asked softly, looking her over. "Or are you still finding it hard to get the amount of blood you need?"

"Um..." She blushed and then looked away from me. "Maybe." She giggled. "I mostly let Ellie have all the blood." I smiled then. She's a good mom.

"As long as you're getting enough," I purred and then looked around. "This is a really pretty place," I mumbled. "This is good for you. I'm glad you're fine. Did you know Val had children?"

"Nu-uh. I didn't know that... I thought she couldn't have children with Alex because he's not a pureblood. He's a newborn." She told me.

"He made a deal with Hachi because she wanted children, so he's a pureblood now," I told her and giggled. "He's been giving her children to make her happy."

"How many does she have?" Lauren asked and laughed.

"Two little girls," I said and laughed. "They're adorable. Paris forgave her for the whole thing after seeing them."

"For the whole...." Lauren trailed off. I tilted my head at her.

"For the whole being in on taking his stone and Richard's stone.... We're still at war with the Ainsworths however. They recently raided us again. They took Louis from us. Dante's dead by the way. He was killed, and Riley is dead as well...."

"What else don't I know?" She asked curiously.

"Rose had a kid.... Um... Hachi is trying to grow up or something.... Quinton and Dannie are mates now.... Dannie is sick.... August is now blind.... There's this rogue werewolf stalking Maine.... Quinton is now alpha.... Aiyana is mated to Quinton's beta from what I've heard.... Paris and Richard had quadruplets.... Richard was taken.... Paris is in despair.... Isabelle is supposedly Queen for a bit.... Three of Louis's pets died on him.... Stuff like that," I told her and shrugged. "I'm a bit worried for Paris and Richard... along with Louis."

"Well it sounds like a lot has happened Raven." She mumbled. "It's always been that way there though." She told me.

"Is that why you left?" I asked quietly, looking at her then.

"No." She told me. "I left to get away from my crazy ass maker." She laughed then. I giggled.

"Yeah, she's terrible... Guess what?" I tried to hold in a laugh then as something dawned on me.

"What?" She asked curiously.

"Rose had a child with Victor, the prince of Russia," I told her.

"They're not mates though..." She trailed off in confusion.

"They didn't wait for their true mates." I giggled then. "They had a boy."

"Uh-huh?" She smiled. "I bet Victor's happy... He's my maker... well... one of them. All three of my makers are crazy as hell... That bastard stabbed me and killed my child when he turned me." She grumbled. I winced then.

"Yeaaaaaah.... I'm mated to their kid," I said quickly. "That's who Nikolai is."

"Oh.... my.... god.... You're related to my maker and the Grimm family..." Her jaw dropped.

"Uh huh.... I'm so screwed," I mumbled.

"Just a little." She told me and smirked. "Are we going to talk about catching up the whole time though?"

"Depends...." I smiled at her sweetly and bounced a little in my step. "So... I saw this really cool pub earlier. Wanna hunt there?"

"No, I don't want a drunk Russian... they scare me."

"More than me?" I joked then giggled.

"You haven't seen them yet. You think Victor is bad!" I frowned then.

"I dunno.... He seems tamed by Rose. It's weird.... Plus he's usually always drunk. He's got vodka and rum in his jacket all the time," I mumbled. "Soo.... Guess no to the pub. We can always go to a club or something."

"Let's go around the alley. We need to be careful though." She told me. "There's hunters here in Russia and most of the humans- or close to humans have poisoned blood." She told me. "It's tough in Russia... and cold."

"Then why are you here? You'd have it better in like... England or something," I suggested. I paused as I remembered that Nikolai was supposedly in the alleys.

"Well... I like it here. Russia is huge." She told me. I nodded and giggled.

"Alright... It's pretty though." I glanced towards the alleys in curiosity, wondering if he was still in them or not. "Guess we can check out the alleys."

"Yeah... it is." She blushed and pulled me into an alley. "You're not going to give out my hiding spot though... are you?" I looked at her and smiled.

"I don't see why I would," I told her and then giggled. "So do they taste good here? The ones that aren't poisoned that is?"

"So much better then Americans." She told me. "They always taste like cabbage, basil, parsley root, pickles, apples, onions, celery, dill, garlic, pepper, bay leaf, smetana, sauerkraut, and almost every type of meat but not much of fish... Oh and they don't eat much mushrooms up here. I found that odd when I wanted to gets some mushrooms to fry up one day for Ellie. Russians are weird." She shook her head and laughed. "I enjoy it here. The weather is pretty nice plus it gets me out of my home country and shows me something new. I spent a lot of years in America. I think I deserve to see the world. Taste new mankind. Hawaii was really fun~ It's nothing like Russia though." My mouth watered at the idea of a newer taste and giggled.

"This is great," I murmured happily and bounced up to her side, linking arms with her. "I can't wait! Just- If a guy shows up and he has white hair... we're running, kay?" I giggled as I remembered how Nikolai didn't like the last time I had brought food home, and he wasn't even interested in me then. "I'm glad that you are having fun here in Russia~!"

"Yeah~ It's just fine." She blushed and pulled me along, smelling the air. "I hope we get someone to eat tonight though... there is always the vampire bar."

"That's not as fun.... I wanna try to hunt first," I told her and smiled. I let her lead me as I looked around, humming to myself. She nodded and brushed all her hair to one side. She pulled me down another alley, where we stumbled across two peasants. Both girls. I giggled as I looked at them and then leaned my head against Lauren. "See, it worked out," I purred lowly to her. Lauren smelled the air and shrugged.

"Not so much... One is carrying a disease." She grumbled. I looked them over.

"We can move on or share the one that isn't sick," I suggested to her. "I'll kill the diseased one so that way she doesn't tell anyone about you after today."

"I don't know..." Lauren mumbled. "You can have the girl without the disease." She suggested. "I'll kill the filthy one." I frowned.

"I don't want you to get hurt... or to starve or something.... I ate earlier. It's fine. You have her," I purred.

"Nah, I ate yesterday." Lauren purred towards me. "I'll just have a bottle of blood later." I sighed.

"Are you sure?"

"You're the one that wanted to go hunting." She smirked. I glanced the girls over and then smiled.

"Tell you what... after this... I'll take you to go get something in France if you like. There aren't any scary Russians there."

"Nah." Lauren shook her head. "I don't want to go to France." She started for the girls then. I followed her and smiled happily, humming to myself as I smelled their scents from this distance. I looked towards the healthy one and giggled slightly. Lauren used her speed to pin the sick one up against a nearby building and purred in her face. I teleported in front of the healthy one and sharpened my fangs quickly, grabbing her as I brought her close and bit into her neck before she could react. She let out a horrid scream and tried to pull away from the bite. Lauren snapped the sick one's neck quickly and tossed her to the ground, then leaned up against the wall, watching me. I growled and kept a tight grip on her, moving her over to the wall and used my weight to keep her from running as I pulled back and licked my lips. I giggled and then leaned into the other side of her neck. I bit down harshly and took out a chunk as I purred. The girl shrieked out in pain and looked towards Lauren with pleading eyes. Lauren smirked and adjusted her sunglasses. I licked her neck teasingly and then closed my eyes as I bit back into her again. The girl struggled against me, still trying to get away.

"How's it taste?" Lauren asked and laughed. I pulled back after a second and looked at her with a smile.

"Want a bite?" I asked, adjusting myself so she could see the girl's neck better. "I don't mind."

"No thanks." She shook her head then. "Drink up." I nodded and went back to the girl, kissing her cheek before I went back to her neck.

"It'll be over soon," I purred to her and then went back to feeding. She groaned and stomped down on my foot. I yelped and pulled my fangs out of her, looking at her. I narrowed my eyes then and growled at her. I grabbed her hands and then pinned them at her side as I bit into her again, tearing out another chunk to cause her pain as pay back. She whimpered and backed up against the wall as much as she could. I smirked at her then as I spat it out onto the ground. I looked her over. "I know.... I'll turn you into one of my newborns," I purred and then bit into her quickly. She yelped and tried to get past me then to run. I let her go then to make it more interesting and giggled. "Where are ya going?" I called after her and then started after her, licking my lips. She took off running then down the alley, screaming. Lauren giggled as she moved off of the wall, starting after her with a walk. I laughed and looked at her then. "Race ya~!" I challenged and giggled happily. "One, two~ We're coming for you!"

"We don't even have to run." Lauren told me and laughed. "It's cold out and she's got some heavy wounds on her neck."

"We should play with her though," I said and giggled. "I haven't been able to play with my food in awhile. Bottled blood has become my main food source.... It sucks."

"Yeah, every since Louis took over." Lauren snorted. "Humans are becoming rare. Humans without a disease." She started for the girl then. The girl stumbled away from us, already starting to slow down. I tilted my head then, looking the girl over.

"You're right... I hate to admit it. We should let her live. You hold her down and I'll give her my blood, kay?" I looked towards Lauren then.

"Let her live?" Lauren asked. "You were the one wanting to turn her just a couple of minutes ago." She laughed then.

"Well... there are more vampires than humans. I will have her healed up, and then we can decide what to do with her.... Unless you don't want her to stay human..."

"It's your target." Lauren told me and shrugged. "Do what you wish with her. Besides... Louis is doing something with that human thing in Wales right? We'll have humans again further down the road." I nodded and then smirked.

"Newborn it is~!" I teleported in front of the girl and grabbed her arm, pulling her to me. I bit down into her neck again and finished her off before she could get a scream out. I watched as she dropped down to the ground and then went to bite down in my wrist. I looked my blood over as it dripped down my skin and then looked at the girl, kneeling down beside her. Lauren walked over and knelt down by her, watching us. She smirked and then looked towards the girl.

"You're seriously going to do it?" Lauren asked.

"Well... She could live with my newborns I have. They'd accept her... hopefully...." I looked the girl over as I debated on it. I looked towards my blood and then at the girl, wondering if she'd hate me after I bring her back. I did tear her up pretty bad... She might be difficult. I sighed before I picked her up gently and brought her to me, pressing my wrist against her lips. After a minute her eyes opened and she bit down into my wrist, starting to drink my blood willingly. I laughed at it and smoothed her hair as I watched her. "Maybe there won't be a problem after all," I mumbled to myself as I watched her wounds healing. She pulled back after a few minutes and pushed my wrist away from her. I smirked and then brought my wrist to me, licking it clean. "Welcome back," I purred to her and then sat her up. She shoved my hands away.

"Otvali." I frowned at her then.

"I don't... speak Russian," I mumbled. "Can you speak English? What about German?"

"YA ne govoryu po-angliyski." She told me and then went to stand up, looking around and then at Lauren. She exposed her fangs then. "Produkty pitaniya." I tilted my head then tsked.

"Put your fangs away," I ordered her. "She's a friend." She looked towards me in confusion.

"YA ne ponimayu." She held up a hand towards me. I frowned.

"NIKOLAI!" I shouted, starting to freak out. I can't control my newborn!

"What's the matter? Can't understand your newborn?" Lauren asked and screamed as Nikolai appeared by me. "OH MY GOD PARIS!" She took off running then. I frowned.

"Lauren! This is Nikolai! Why're you running?" I stood up and then teleported in front of her. She ran into me and then fell back onto her butt.

"Mogu li ya yest' yego?" My newborn pointed towards Nikolai and sniffed him. He moved away from her quickly.

"No, you cannot bite me." He told her firmly. I looked at him then in excitement.

"Can you understand her?" I asked quickly.

"Yeah~ I'm Russian. she's speaking my language. You know I learned Russian after I got my castle." He told me. I giggled and teleported over to him then, leaving Lauren.

"Can you help me then? I just made her... but I don't understand a word of it," I told him and then gave him a sweet smile. I looked towards the girl then. "I don't think she's too happy with me either. I'm not sure.... She looked like she wanted to bite Lauren."

"She's probably hungry." Nikolai told me. "That's what hungry newborns are like." Lauren giggled slightly. I frowned and looked towards the girl.

"Yeah... but she pushed my wrist away after a moment... Maybe if I offer more?" I gave her a smile as I looked her over, wondering about it.

"Pochemu ty tak smotrish' na menya?" The girl asked.

"Kak vas zovut?" Lauren spoke to her then and gave a sweet smile.

"Typical, you speak my language too." Nikolai grumbled. I pouted and crossed my arms. This so isn't fair. They all speak it but me. I glanced towards Lauren and got an idea, brightening up.

"Lauren! You should take care of her! Until she learns English that is," I said sweetly, bouncing over to her. "Pleaaaase? I won't be able to help her like this. Plus, you already live here."

"What? No... I- I already have enough room as it is in my house." She told me and looked the girl over.

"Kak vas zovut?" The girl shot back towards Lauren. Lauren exposed her fangs then.

"Lauren." She told the girl. "Show some respect." I sighed and went over to the wall, sliding down it as I sat down and watched the girl and Lauren.

"This is great.... I should've thought this over more.... New rule: don't turn people in other countries," I mumbled to myself as I brought my knees to my chest.

"Lauren." The girl repeated. She then looked towards me. "Kak yeye zovut?"

"Raven." Nikolai told her. "YA Nikolai." He told her. She nodded as she looked us over.

"You're a vampire now, sugar." Lauren purred. I giggled a little and exposed my fangs playfully towards the girl. I gave her a sweet smile and waved a little. She waved a bit towards me then looked towards her dead friend with a sad look but then shrugged it off.

"Mogu li ya poluchit' butylku s krov'yu?" The newborn looked towards Lauren, looking her over then started for her. Lauren yelped and took off, running for me.

"Raven! Feed your newborn!" Lauren told me. Nikolai started to laugh then, making my newborn go for him instead. He gasped and took off running as well. I sighed and stood up, walking towards her. I held out my wrist and gave her an encouraging smile. She tackled me towards the ground then and bit down into my wrist before I could think straight. I yelped and looked at her.

"You didn't have to do that," I mumbled and then let her have my wrist without a fight. I rubbed her head, smoothing her hair back then kissed the top of her head. Lauren crossed her arms as she watched us.

"You should keep her, Raven." Lauren told me. "You're related to a prince of Russia... you'll need to know this language as well as French." She told me and smirked. I widened my eyes.

"What? Why? I learned German, isn't that enough?" I sighed, laying my head back on the ground. "Looks like I'm doing language lessons again.... I need to be able to talk to my newborn."

"I'd help... but I think I have a better idea." Nikolai told me and smirked. "Movies with nothing but Russian audio... We'll watch movies you know." He suggested. I looked towards him then.

"I... guess I will learn it," I mumbled and then looked at my newborn. I adjusted my wrist a little and pulled on it gently to see if she was ready to let go yet. She growled towards me and then glared me down. She started to clench down harder then.

"Ha." Lauren giggled. I yelped and bit my bottom lip gently.

"Hey... loosen up a little," I told her and then relaxed under her to help her realize I wasn't going anywhere. She loosened us then and closed her eyes, moaning slowly.

"Dostatochno. Ona moya pomoshchnitsa." Nikolai growled towards the newborn. She pulled back and hissed towards Nikolai, but moved away from me. I frowned and looked at her then at Nikolai.

"What's the matter?" I asked, sitting up then looked towards my wrist and winced at the bite mark on it from her.

"Nothing." Nikolai said innocently.

"He told her that was enough." Lauren told me. I looked towards her and smiled.

"Ok," I said and then stood up. I held out my hand to my newborn then to help her up. "Come on, we should get you off the streets. I think you could use a bath."

"Oh~ Bye you three." Lauren gave us a smile and started down the road then, towards her house. The newborn watched her curiously. Nikolai smirked and walked up to me, grabbing a leaf from my hair and let it fall to the ground. I looked at it and wrinkled up my nose.

"I need a bath too...." I heard Lauren get tackled then.

"Laurie!~ I was worried." I heard Ellie mumbling to her mom.

"You really do." Nikolai told me, smirking. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Why're you smirking at me like that?"

"You just look funny." He told me and shrugged. "So, are we going to my castle tonight, the hotel nearby, or home to Grimm manor?" He asked me curiously. "You did find Lauren after all." I looked towards Lauren and smiled.

"Yeah... I did. You pick Nikolai." I shrugged and pulled my newborn close to me, kissing her cheek.

"No, this is your pick Raven." He told me and shook his head. I sighed and thought it over. Do I really want to teleport all the way to Maine or ride the airplane back just yet. I shivered at the thought of how exhausted I'd be if I teleported us and the ride back today would be terrible. We just got here.... I kinda want to explore. I smiled at him then.

"I think I want to see a little bit more of Russia first. Either the hotel or the castle I guess."

"Cool. Let's go to my castle then." He told me. "I'll get the car." He pulled out his phone and walked away a few feet. I watched him then looked towards the girl and smiled.

"Come on sweetie," I purred and started to lead her out of the alley, glancing back at Nikolai. Nikolai followed after us slowly. He put up his phone after a minute and looked towards me.

"So if we are staying here, you should make more plans to hang out with Lauren." He suggested. I perked up at that and looked at her. He's right!

"Lauren! We should hang out tomorrow! What do you think? We could go shopping! We'll take Ellie with us this time!"

"Uh-" Lauren stared at me blankly.

"Shopping!? Will you buy me whatever I want?" Ellie asked me curiously. "I love shopping." I giggled.

"I'll buy some of it," I told her and gave her a smile. "I'm glad that turned out. I will be back at around one tomorrow, ok?" I looked towards Lauren then.

"YEAH! We'll be ready!" Ellie told me and started to pull Lauren out of the ally. I could hear her grumbling about not wanting to try on clothes. I watched them then looked at my newborn.

"I'll get you something too," I told her, knowing she wouldn't understand anyways. She never answered if she could speak German.... Probably not. She looked me over and then touched her fangs that were still extended. I glanced at them and exposed mine to show her. I motioned to my wrist then. "Food," I told her, trying to teach her a little. She looked towards my wrist then shook her head. Nikolai looked towards us as a car pulled up and a guy got out, opening the doors for us. I looked towards her and then moved her over to the car and helped her into the back seat. I got in by her and buckled up. She looked around it in awe and then looked around at the seat belts. Nikolai got in with us and then the driver got in and drove us off to our destination. I looked towards Nikolai with a smile then. "Hey, maybe I could teach you German in exchange for Russian."

"Nah, I don't need to learn German." He told me. I pouted.

"But why not? It's not like I absolutely need to learn Russian.... I'm just doing it for her and because I don't like not knowing what's happening."

"Kuda my idem?" The girl asked.

"K moyemu zamku ryadom. Kak tebya zovut, ty nikogda ne govoril nam." Nikolai responded. She shrugged it off and sunk in her seat. He frowned then. "Fine then. Don't tell us." I frowned a bit and looked at her.

"Are we talking about her name? I could give her a new one.... Wanna be Selena?" I asked her. I pointed at her then. "Selena. That's your new name." She looked at me in wonder.

"Chto ona govorit?" She asked.

"Ona skazala, chto vashe novoye imya - Selena, potomu chto vam trudno rukovodit' tem, chtoby dat' nam svoye nastoyashcheye imya." He told her. She sent him a dirty glare then. I sighed and then started humming Mary Had a Little Lamb to myself as I sunk down in the car. I swear... they're fighting already. I closed my eyes then laid my head back on the seat.

"Vasile." She told him. He laughed then and looked towards me. She glared him down even more. I opened my eyes and looked towards them.

"Shhhhh.... You'll make me lose it," I told them and gave them a smirk, joking with them a bit.

"We're naming her Selena." He told me firmly. "Selena Ivanov." He laughed then. I frowned a little at him.

"Ivanov?" Why his name?

"Uh-huh. You heard me." He smirked and sunk in his seat then pulled out a fidget spinner and started to play with it.

"Sylvia," I told him. "Selena Sylvia."

"Ivanov." He told me.

"Sylvia because she's my newborn."

"F-fine." He sighed out.

Richard's POV:

I ran up to the manor before the car even came to a full stop and burst through the front door. "PARIS!" I called out in a panic and ran for the stairs quickly, going for our room to check there first. Isabelle appeared in front of me and smiled, grabbing my arm. We were suddenly in a closed off room with no doors and no windows. "He's in here Richard. Welcome back...." I looked at her then saw Paris in a coffin on the other side of the room. I ran over to it quickly, my stone pulsing painfully in my chest. Paris seemed to be a corpse of despairs decaying away where he laid. I widened my eyes and fell to my knees as I saw him. I quickly hugged him, not caring whether or not he got on me. I looked towards my wrist and bit into it, pressing it against his lips in a panic.

"Please come back to me," I begged. "I love you. I swear I do. I never want to leave you. Paris, baby, come back. You can yell at me all you want after you do. I won't ever leave again. Please!" His body started to heal up after a few seconds from my blood but he remained the same, still. I whimpered and kissed his lips quickly. "Please, I love you. I love you so very much. I need you." I kissed him again as my stone pulsed harder in my chest. "Please, Paris you're the only one I want." I could feel his stone sleeping in his chest, not paying me any attention. I whimpered and tapped on his chest. "Paris, don't do this to me." I pulled him out of the coffin quickly and into my lap. I hugged him tightly. "I'll die without you. I love you so much that it hurts to be away from you. Our children need us too. I'd do anything to fix this, please...." He sunk against me, practically dead the way he fell. I whimpered and then looked towards his neck before I bit into him and pressed against him, giving him all the venom I could. I felt his stone pulse then against his chest hard, affecting me as it woke up. He let out a moan and gripped my pants.

"Richard..." He mumbled sleepily. I smiled happily and laughed in relief.

"Baby, you're awake," I purred and moved back from his neck, kissing him passionately as my stone pulsed in pure joy. He melted against me and let out a small moan, kissing me back softly. He grabbed my shirt then and started to pull it off of me. I pulled back from the kiss and gave him a loving smile. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean a word of it. I love you Paris... with all of my being and soul. I would never leave you for real, I promise." He grabbed my hair then and make me expose my neck then bit down into me, marking me once again. He let out a moan as he drunk my blood. I purred to him and then laid him down on the floor, getting on top of him. I tilted my head for him as I kissed his cheek, wrapping my arms around him. "I love you." He growled softly towards me and bit down harder. I yelped and then flipped us so he was on top, groaning a little as I kissed his cheek again. He pulled away from my neck and looked me over, glaring now.

"You left me." He husked out. I widened my eyes and shook my head.

"I didn't leave you on purpose. Paris, my father is back, and he got to me and forced me to say those things. I would never say anything like that. I love you. I always have!" He grabbed a handful of my pants then and yanked on it.

"You better love me!" He growled. "You hurt me! AGAIN!" He let my pants go then got to his feet. "Jerk." I sat up and whimpered.

"Paris, please," I begged, looking up at him. He glared me down and then gave me a loving look.

"Yeah?" He asked softly and then scratched his shoulder. I looked to it then.

"Don't do that. You'll hurt yourself." I stood up and grabbed his hand before I rubbed my face against it. I purred to him and then leaned in and kissed his lips softly. "I'm so sorry.... I will be better prepared next time... I killed my brother for you. I'm going to kill my father next. Oh, and I brought you a present," I purred to him and then pulled out Elizabeth's stone. I placed it in his hand and smiled sweetly. "This is the pureblood that brought back my father and my brother. She was behind some of this and teamed up with Dracula. I thought you'd like to crush a stone." He crushed it almost as quickly as it landed in his hand and he let it go. He looked me in the eyes then scratched his shoulder in irritation. I looked at him and then sighed. "I'm sorry," I mumbled and then backed up to give him space. "I shouldn't have been easy to take like that. I hurt you again. I'm a bad mate...." I looked down at the ground and rubbed the inside of my wrist as it healed from where I bit it. He could've been better off with a different mate. He tackled me then and gave me a kiss.

"You're my mate though." He told me and rubbed his head against my chest. "I don't ever want to be away from you again." He purred and then whinned. "Rub my shoulders for me?" He asked softly. I nodded and smiled as I started to massage his shoulders for him. I kissed the top of his head.

"If this ever happens again... you have my permission to smack me," I mumbled. He smacked me then across the face hard, leaving a burning sensation afterwards. He gave me a kiss on the lips then. I pulled back as I whimpered in pain and touched my cheek. "Owe!" I pouted at him as I started to rub it to try to help the left over pain. He purred towards me and then sighed out as his stone pulsed to be closer to mine. I smiled then and leaned in, kissing his lips softly before I moved back an inch and let my breath linger on his lips. "I love you," I whispered to him as I looked him in the eyes then gave him another kiss and moved my head back. I rubbed his shoulders again and purred to him.

"I love you~" Paris purred and then melted against me, rubbing his head against my chest. I laughed happily and then picked him up bridal style. I looked towards Isabelle who was watching us with a small smile.

"Can you get us back to the manor?" I asked her. She nodded and bounced over, teleporting us back into the manor in the living room. I gave her a smile as she disappeared then. I looked down at Paris in my arms. "Want a nap?" I asked him softly, giving a loving smile. He shook his head but let out a small yawn. I laughed. "Then what do you want to do? I'm up for anything. I just want to make you happy."

"Let's go to Canada." He mumbled softly. I tilted my head.

"Canada?" I smiled as I remembered what it meant to me. I kissed the top of his head then. "We can go on vacation to Canada if you'd like. Let's go pack our bags."

"One whole week." He told me and purred. "I don't want any interruptions either. You can pack my clothes if you'd like." I laughed and nodded.

"Ok, I will." I took him to our room and sat him down on the bed. "Take your phone out and put it on the bed. They won't be able to call us if we leave our phones here." I leaned in and kissed his cheek then bent down to get some bags out from under the bed. I grabbed his and mine and then set them on the bed. He pulled out his phone and tossed it then watched me with a smirk.

"We'll take the car... road trip!" I laughed.

"You want me to drive, or do you want to?" I asked as I started for the closet. I went in and started to go through his clothes, getting him some of my favorite shirts that I liked on him.

"Uh-huh, you drive." He purred.

"Ok sweetie!" I called out to him and laughed a little. I got him some pants then and went out, putting them into his bag. I looked him over before I leaned in and gave him a kiss then went back into the closet to get some clothes for me. When I had finished packing our bags with everything we'd need, I looked over at him as I zipped them up. I smirked and then moved over to him, bringing him to the edge of the bed to make him be close to me. I leaned in as I got in between his legs and leaned in, kissing his lips as I stood by the bed. "The old house that we stayed in before in Canada... or a new one?" I asked softly, looking him in the eyes before I moved to his neck and started to kiss it, trailing them slowly.

"I had the old house remodeled actually." He told me, letting out a purr. "Want to go to it?" He pulled me over him then and exposed his neck. I smirked a little and looked towards his neck. I leaned in and kissed it softly before I began to give him a love bite. He let out a moan and arched his back. "Save it for the trip, my love." He purred. "I'm sorry I'm so seductive though. Poor mate can't keep his hands off of me." I growled possessively in his ear then.

"You're seductive? Then I must be the king of seduction," I purred to him and smirked as I sat up on him. I gave him a look and a playful growl as I got off him and stood up. "After all... I remember plenty of times when you practically attacked me." I started for the bathroom then, swaying my hips. He appeared in front of me and attacked me then, placing me on the ground before I could react and started to kiss me deeply. I gasped and then kissed him back, pressing my tongue into his mouth. He purred then got off of me and went towards the bed, swaying his hips. I rolled onto my stomach as I watched him walk then smirked. A whole week in Canada huh? This should be fun. It'll be just us... and no interruptions. He laid down on the bed then and let out a purr as he curled up to my pillow. I smirked at him as I sat up. "So how many times does this make for our vacations?" He looked towards me and winked. I laughed. "Paris~ I'm going to get you," I mumbled and then stood up. I walked over to our bags then pulled out my phone from my pocket. I looked at him and showed him it then sat it down on the bed. "No phone." He sat his down again and then got to his feet. He grabbed my arm and then teleported us outside, by our car.

"Secret road trip." He purred. I laughed and put the bags into the trunk of the car.

"So romantic," I purred back. "I love the idea.... I wish we could go for a year... but we have kids. I don't want to leave them for too long." He got in the car then and curled up in the passengers seat.

"We need a week alone though." He mumbled. I got in the driver's seat and looked at him.

"I want to be alone with you.... I think we deserve it.... I just wish we could be alone for longer," I whispered and started the car up. I drove it out of the manor then hit the gas, speeding up quickly as I raced down the road. He placed with the radio then, turning it onto a heavy medal station. I laughed and glanced at him. "Hey cutie, how are you feeling? Free?" He purred as he looked towards me.

"If you ever try to leave me again.... Even if someone compels you... We're both going off the face of this planet to go live on the moon where no one but us will be there." Paris told me firmly. I blushed a little at him and then looked him over.

"I won't leave again.... I promise," I mumbled. "I love you too much... and it killed me to watch as I was forced to." He whimpered and sunk down further in his seat. I bit my bottom lip then glanced back at the road before I leaned over and kissed the top of his head. I went back to the road and then grabbed his wrist, pulling it to me as I bit down into it and remarked him as mine. He let out a moan and crawled into my lap, purring towards me. I laughed as I let go of his wrist and leaned in towards his lips, kissing him passionately. I took a hand off the steering wheel and gripped his thigh, moving him closer to me. He straddled my lap then and started to kissed me deeply, grabbing my pants. I moaned and pressed his back against the steering wheel as I leaned in to him. I tilted my head to deepen the kiss and licked his bottom lip. He pulled back from the kiss then and leaned his head down on my shoulder. I widened my eyes as I felt the car start to go off the road and quickly corrected it, snapping my eyes to the road and shifted under Paris. I looked back to him and kissed his cheek as I moved my hand from his leg to his back. I held him close as I purred comfortingly in his ear, rubbing his back. He started to fall asleep against me then, moaning softly as he smelled my scent. I laughed as I relaxed, deciding to give him his rest as I let him stay in my lap. I looked up towards the road and started to get serious about the driving job.

~Time Skip~

I looked towards the gas tank gauge and then sighed. We need to get gas soon.... I started to look around for one and then left the road that would take us to where we were going to go towards a town to get it. I pulled up into a gas station and then kissed Paris's head as I turned the car off by the pump. "Come on sweetie. I need up," I purred to him and then moved him over into the passenger seat. I got out of the car then with my wallet and started the task of getting the gas. He crawled into the back seat to get more comfortable and curled up to himself. He then stretched out and looked around, then towards me. I looked down at him and smirked as the pump clicked, telling me the tank was full. I put it back and then got my card back. I started for the gas station then, planning on getting him a snack or something. I glanced the stuff over inside the store and got him a bag of his favorite chips, candy and then a soda. I took it over to the register and paid for it before I went back out to the car and got in the driver's seat. I tossed him his stuff and then turned the car back on, starting to get us out of the gas station's lot. "I got you snacks," I purred to him. "Compliments of the road trip." He looked them over and then nodded. He crawled back into the passenger seat and got back in my lap. I laughed and gave his cheek a kiss. "Ok sweetie... You can go back to sleep if you wish." I rubbed his back as I leaned him against me, looking towards the road. He started to fall back asleep then as he rested his head on my shoulder. I smiled and kissed the top of his head, purring to him to help him sleep.

When we arrived at the house, I pulled up in the drive and parked. I opened the door and moved him into my arms, picking him up bridal style as I got out of the car. I laughed and walked us up to the door and got the key out from under the mat before I opened the door and carried him inside. I set him down on the couch in the living room then looked him over before I went back out and got our bags. I brought them in and shut the door before I started for the bedroom to put them up. I heard him shuffling around already, trying to get off the couch. He lit the fire then and sat down in front of it on our tiger skin rug. I went into the bedroom and put the bags on the bed then walked back out to him. I laid down on the couch and smiled softly as I closed my eyes, enjoying the change of scenery as I relaxed. No problems here.... No responsibilities.... He stripped then out of his clothes, leaving his boxers on and curled up on the rug. I looked towards him and smirked. "Who said you could get like that on our rug?" I teased. He stretched out then and glanced towards my longingly.

"No one..." He mumbled. I laughed.

"Ok cutie," I purred and then looked towards the fire. "It's our rug anyways." He nodded and scratched his shoulder as he looked towards the fire. I frowned and looked back to him, getting off the couch and then sat down on the rug beside him. I grabbed his hands and made him stop, giving them both a kiss before I moved to his shoulders and started to rub them. "Don't scratch yourself like that," I reminded softly, looking at him. I smiled and then kissed his forehead. "You'll get hurt. I don't want my mate injured." He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry sweetie." He mumbled. "I've been doing this all my existence though." He smiled innocently. I nodded and then laid down with him, pulling him close. I nuzzled my face onto his chest then and kissed him there.

"I love you," I mumbled and smiled a little. I looked towards his neck then and purred, kissing it softly. I bit down hard then and moved on top of him. He moaned and let me on top of him, running his fingers through my hair. He started to purr then and tried to flip us. I widened my eyes as he got me and looked up at him then let out a playful growl as I bit down harder. "Mine," I purred. He melted on top of me then and moaned. He started to grind up against me then, letting out small lustful moans. I blushed and then moved away from his neck as I tried to keep in a moan but failed. I looked towards his lips longingly and kissed him quickly, wrapping my arms around him. He stopped grinding up against me then and laid down by me, wrapping his arms around me. I whined a little and looked at him but didn't say anything. I curled up to him and buried my face into his side as I closed my eyes. He kissed my cheek again and laughed softly. "You're no fun," I mumbled quietly, almost inaudible. "You stripped and everything...." He looked down at his almost naked body.

"What? You want me?" He asked curiously. "I was just getting comfortable." I blushed and hid my face.

"I... I always want you- How about I run into town to get us a blood supply?" I asked quickly, sitting up.

"No." He growled. "Stay here." He purred and eyed me down like a hunter. "I don't want you going anywhere." I bit my bottom lip and looked down at him.

"But... what about food?" I asked him and brought my knees to my chest, petting the rug absentmindedly. He doesn't want me going anywhere?

"We'll go hunt tomorrow, together." He purred and then motioned for me to come back. I smiled and then nodded, laying back down beside him.


"Just us..... for a whole week." He purred. "What should we do?" He got on top of me then and purred. I blushed and looked up at him, squirming for a second.

"W-we could take long naps," I mumbled, glancing towards the fire place. He leaned down and kissed me deeply, taking the night way off from a long nap.