Issac’s Past

Presenting Isaac's past right before Hachi entered his life:

Isaac's POV:

I walked down the street with my earbuds in, listening to my album of Bring Me the Horizon on my phone. I glanced around as I pulled out a card from my deck of trick cards, flipping it over as I looked at the Ace of Hearts. I smirked. Today was the day that I was going to go hang out with my friends and introduce them to Evelyn- my sweet, darling girlfriend who understood me completely and loved me even though I couldn't eat like a normal person. I crossed the street over to the bar where my friends were and went in, going over to our corner. I smiled and pulled out my earbuds. "Hey guys, what's up?" I asked as I sat down next to Carson. Zane gave me a small smile and slid my a shot glass.

"Here ya go! Saved you one from our first round." Zane told me and laughed. Julio held up a bottle of beer and then took a swig from it.

"It's about time you got here." Julio purred. "We was about to start on the next round of shots." I laughed and grabbed the shot, downing it.

"I have someone I want you all to meet- it's a girl. I want you all to be nice. Her name is Evelyn, and she'll be here soon," I told them and looked towards the next shot of rounds.

"Oh noo..." Zane shook his head then. "The girls you pick are always...." He shivered then.

"I'll just go use the bathroom for the next six hours." Julio joked. I laughed at them.

"She's different. I promise. She even accepts my disadvantages," I told them and grabbed a shot. "You'll like her. She's fun."

"She better be," Carson mumbled. Zane leaned over and sniffed me then.

"Ew... when was your last bath?" Zane asked me.

"Last year." Julio laughed out. I pouted and looked at them.

"Oh yeah, you losers still go to school," I pointed out.

"I'm in college.... Next year." Zane told me and blushed. "Don't call me a looser..." He ordered another shot of alcohol then for us. "Besides... At least I go to school." He smirked towards me. I sighed.

"That's not my fault they kicked me out.... Jeez," I muttered and then looked towards Julio. "You better go use the restroom now if you have to go. I'm not letting you leave at all until you're all best friends." He shook his head.

"I'll stick around here for a bit." Julio told me. "I want to watch Zane reject her first." He told me. Zane shrugged and turned towards me.

"I'm going to go gambling later... wanna come?" Zane gave me a pout. "I really could use you." I smirked.

"Of course I'll come. Want to rob some poor suckers blind?" I laughed and flashed my ace card towards him, watching as it lit up and sparked to life. It was gone in seconds, the red and black ashes slowly coming back down. I made sure to protect our drinks by using my magic to keep them out of it.

"You bet." Zane purred. I smiled and was about to say something when the door opened, and Evelyn walked in. She glanced around nervously before she saw me and smiled brightly, bouncing over.

"Isaac~" She giggled and looked at my friends. "These must be them!" She sat down beside me and kissed my cheek. I gave her a smile and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"So this is the new girlfriend?" Zane asked and eyed her over. "How long will you stick around? Did you know Isaac is an interesting half breed that got kicked out of school?" I looked towards Zane.

"Hey, don't label me like a reject- or else I will become king of the rejects with you all as my subjects," I told him and smirked. Evelyn looked towards Zane and smiled.

"I know," she said simply. I kissed her head then, pointing my friends over.

"This is Zane- the mouthy one, Julio- his side kick, and Carson- the pessimistic one," I introduced her.

"Ha, your my side kick." Zane looked towards Julio. Julio downed his beer then and ordered another one.

"Sure thing mouthy one." Julio bit back. Evelyn laughed a little.

"Yeah... they're a little mouthy, but they're fun sounding," she whispered to me. I smirked and looked towards Zane then at her.

"See? You will get along just fine." I pulled her close and then slid her a shot. She looked them over and then frowned, glancing towards me.

"You shouldn't be drinking this.... It'll make your tummy upset," she told me. I widened my eyes as I watched her down the shot. Oh no.... I forgot. I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Ah hell... sorry man... I forgot." Zane patted my shoulder then busted out laughing. He didn't forget. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"That's not cool Zane," I muttered and then picked up a shot, looking it over. "Well, if I'm going to be sick anyways...." I trailed off and then downed it. 

"I'm stealing my best friend from you to go gambling later." Zane told Evelyn and smirked. Evelyn frowned and looked over at me.

"Isaac... you promised that tonight we would go out," she mumbled, kicking my foot under the table slightly. I bit my bottom lip.

"Ummm... We will still go out tonight. I'm just going to gamble first," I promised, smiling innocently at her. "He needs my luck with the cards."

"Yeah! Plus he needs his bromance too." Julio told her and patted Zane's shoulder. "Right Zane?" I looked towards Julio and smirked, heating up his new beer before he could take another sip of it. He sat it down on the bar quick and glared me down. "Dang it Isaac." He hissed. "Someone one day is going to come around and own you.... just you wait Isaac." He shook his head. "He'll make your worst nightmares come to life." I laughed.

"But I'm so nice and friendly... I doubt someone is going to want to mess with me," I said, hiding a small threat under it. I glanced his beer over and sighed. "Here you go man," I mumbled and slid him a shot as I started to order him another beer to replace the boiling one. He took the shot quickly and sat the glass down.

"Ah hell." Zane grumbled. "You two are weird." He snorted out. I looked towards him and smiled.

"So... which games do you want to hit up?" I asked as Evelyn started to order herself a drink. "I'm thinking Poker." I pulled out my deck of cards and started to play with them, starting a small pyramid out of them.

"Sure, Poker it is." He told me and shrugged. "Want to go to the human world?" He asked me.

"What? No way Zane, your not going to the human world. Neither are you, Isaac." Julio told us protectively.

"Yeah, the cannibal lives there... and he preys on our kind," Carson muttered as he took a shot. "If you're found... he'll either make you bring him to our world or he'll eat you on the spot."

"Pfff.... He comes here whenever he wants. I'm just more worried about the vampires and stuff that live in the human world." Julio told Carson. "Stay here you two." He pointed his finger towards us. I sighed.

"Julio, my mom is a vampire," I reminded him.

"YEAH! She's creepy as hell... you halfbreed." He teased me. I laughed and looked at him then smirked, leaning towards him.

"Do I creep you out Julio? I could... just put you under my spell and suck your blood right out of you," I joked, not being serious as I licked where I would've had fangs if I had them. "Oh my god, look.... your artery," I said and pointed it out on his neck. "It just gets me every time." He slid away from me then and Zane gasped.

"Hey... Bite me instead." Zane grabbed my shirt and pulled me to him. I looked at him and laughed.

"Why? Wanna feel my fangs on your neck?" I asked with a smirk.

"If you had any." Zane purred towards me and then looked towards Evelyn. "Excuse me while I steal your boyfriend to feed him." She looked over.

"Not at all. He'll be faithful to me," she said and laughed before she picked up her drink and took a sip. I glanced her way then looked at Zane.

"Before we go, want to stop by my house? I'll need to make sure to eat before we go."

"Yeah, or I can feed you." Zane teased. "I'll pull out my knife and cut my wrist for you." I wrinkled up my nose at the idea of feeding off him.

"Why? I have my bottles at home.... I don't need to see that stuff come from an actual person."

"Okay~" Zane sighed. "One day, your fangs might grow in and then you'll be able to experience the other side of your breed." He downed a shot then. I shook my head and laughed, pulling away from him.

"Zane, even then I'm not going to bite people. I don't need fangs. They're weird."

"Exactly. Stay in this world too." Julio told us and tapped his fingers on the bottle. "Got me?" I looked at him then.

"But they'll think it's weird when we hit the jackpot. I specialize in fire and cards...." I took another shot. "Fine, we'll stay here...." Evelyn smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Good, I was getting worried that you'd say you wanted to go to the human world. There are so many bad species that live there that would hunt you and your friend Zane. There aren't many of our kind left."

"Well... the cannibal wizard can come here!" Zane told her. "He might eat us. I heard he likes to gamble. You better kiss him one good time before we leave... it might be the last time you two see each other again." He purred.

"Your going to jinx it." Julio whinned. "Let's not talk about him... He ate his family... He's heartless." He shivered then. "Hold me Carson." Carson smirked and pulled him close, running his fingers through Julio's hair.

"Cry baby," he murmured to Julio. Julio leaned against Carson and let out a small moan.

"Hey! Get off of my sidekick!" Zane hissed, pulling Julio to him and winked towards Carson then stuck out his tongue. Carson laughed at him and then took another shot.

"If you think you can handle him, Mr. Mouthy," Carson teased back. I laughed and looked at Julio.

"Julio, I doubt he'll come to Las Vegas tonight. He hasn't been seen in this area in forever... and this community is kept quiet usually," I told him then looked towards Evelyn. She shifted uncomfortably and then looked towards me.

"You should still be careful Isaac.... He might come. Let's not speak of him. We should treat him like Lord Voldemort. We'll call him he who shall not be named," she told us.

"Dude... Hachi is the last thing we should worry about. We have more reason to worry about your father." Zane told me. I sighed.

"Ok, my parents are terrible," I muttered and laid my head down on the bar. "Oh, he might be in town next week. Lock your door."

"I'll not only lock my door but I won't go outside for two weeks!" Julio screeched out and then grabbed his beer and chugged it. I laughed a little, shaking my head slightly.

"That's also a good idea. Call my house after two weeks, ok? I want to make sure I don't disappear off the face of the earth. I've told you how he gets when he wants something. He said something about this special book that he was after the last time I talked to him," I said and sat up, taking another shot. "He may or may not be here soon."

"Heh.. I better take you out tomorrow for gambling too." Zane muttered. Julio sat up then, moving away from Zane.

"We should go gambling every night," I said and smirked. "That'd be fun."

"You might hit a loss," Evelyn mumbled as she sipped on her drink. "Don't gamble too much... Besides, date night."

"You can never gamble too much." Zane told her and laughed. "Or drink too much... unless you are Isaac." He pointed to me. I looked towards him and smirked a little before I doubled over and pretended to be in pain.

"Oh no... I see a bright light~!" I called out and fell out of my seat, clutching my stomach. "Zane- I-I'm dying!" Julio was over me instantly and widened his eyes.

"ISAAC!" He said with worry. I looked up at him and winced, gripping my shirt and then reached out a hand for him, making it tremble.

"J-Julio... tell... my mom... I died young," I said and then gripped his shirt, pulling him to me. "I-I feel so weak... and cold," I mumbled as I curled up, making my whole body shake. I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Get up man." Zane told me.

"Zane! ISAAC IS DYING!" Julio cried out and pulled my head to his chest. "Don't die man, I got you." I gripped him and buried my face into his shirt as I started to laugh. I totally got Julio! Julio tensed up and started to sniffle.

"Your so mean." Zane told me. "You made Julio cry." Julio shoved me away then and went for Carson, getting into his arms. Carson patted his back then.

"There, there...." He pulled him close and held him. I sat up and looked towards Julio, feeling slightly bad.

"Sorry Julio.... I was aiming for Zane.... At least you care for me," I said and got up, walking over and ruffling Julio's hair. I gave him a smile and then sat down, grabbing a shot. I stopped and then sighed. "Julio, drink this." I passed it over to him. I don't need to make it worse when it finally hits me. He grabbed it then downed the shot.

"Your a real sap story drunk Julio. I bet it's easy to get you in bed too." Zane told him, starting to pick on him now. I looked towards Zane.

"Hey man, you didn't come to my rescue. Julio is my knight in shining armor now," I told him and smirked. "I think he becomes the hero and you the sidekick."

"Nah, we all know he'll run when you need someone to get you out of a fight. I'm not the sidekick. I'm the hero silly. Besides, he actually has feeling so he has to be the sidekick." Zane told me and laughed. He took a shot then and downed it. He passed Julio a shot then. "Let's get him shitfaced." He suggested. Julio took the shot and drunk it obediently. I sighed and looked at them.

"It must be great to be able to drink without getting sick," I said, aiming it at them as a sympathy shot. Evelyn glanced over and frowned.

"Nah, then you have to put up with a hangover at three A.M." Zane told me. Julio curled up further to Carson. Carson smirked and then wrapped his arms around his waist. He leaned in and murmured something in his ear that made Julio blush. Julio giggled and looked towards Zane, sticking out his tongue. "He's drunk."

"Carson, don't take advantage of drunk Julio," I scolded. Carson just smirked at me and then kissed Julio's neck. Julio let out a moan and it made Zane tense up.

"Oh come on, that's so not cool." Zane groaned. "Not at the bar. Save it for the bedroom."

"Why? Want him?" Carson asked cooly, looking up at Zane before he gave Julio another kiss on his neck, pulling his collar of his shirt down a bit. Julio let out another moan and blushed.

"Yeah." Zane snapped. "I might just want him." He looked at Carson jealously. Carson waved him over then.

"I can always share with you," he purred. Zane smirked then.

"Deal." Zane said too quickly. Julio let out a giggled and grabbed another shot, throwing it back. Carson smirked and then kissed his neck again, starting to suck on it gently. I frowned. Why're they picking on Julio like that.... That's not cool. They're not gay, right? Well, I won't judge if they are I guess. Happiness is happiness.... As long as they are doing this for the right reasons. Zane took Julio from Carson then and hugged him tightly. "I've got you buddy." He purred. Julio groaned and tried to get to me then.

"Isaac, help." He begged. I looked towards Zane and sighed.

"Zane, let the poor guy go. He's already being eyed down by Carson," I told him and then pulled Julio to me and held him as I gave him another shot. Evelyn scooted over to me and rested her head on my chest, a small smile on her lips. Julio took the shot and downed it quickly before ordering another beer.

"Man... now look at what you done Carson." Zane accused him. I looked at them.

"How about you take Julio on a date first before you paw at him like that," I scolded.

"Carson done it." Zane pointed to him. "As well as started this." I sighed and looked at Julio.

"Are you ok? If they were bothering you, I'll get them back for you," I told him and glared at the other two.

"Huh?" Julio looked towards me and took a swig from his beer. "I don't know what your talking about." He moved back to his seat then. I laughed and looked towards Zane and Carson.

"You're lucky he is clueless or I would've set your alcohol on fire."

"Thanks man." Zane mumbled and then looked towards Julio. "Don't go home with Carson." I smirked then.

"Julio, you're coming home with me tonight," I told him and pulled him close, wrapping my arm around him and then wrapped my other arm around Evelyn's waist. "You can sleep on the couch."

"Wait, wait, wait- hold up." Zane put his hands up towards me. "We're still going gambling boy." He looked towards Carson then. "Don't take him home while we are gambling and rape our best friend." He said firmly. "But... we can all hang out tonight, at Isaac's place." He said, inviting himself over. I frowned.

"Well just come right on over," I muttered under my breath but laughed. Some time with the guys sounds fun. "Sure, you guys can all come over tonight after I gamble and take Evelyn out like I promised." I stood up then and stretched. "C'mon Zane, let's go." Zane stood up and nodded, throwing out some money and then looked towards Carson.

"I mean it man.... Don't touch Julio." He said and pointed them over. Julio face planted the table then. Carson looked towards him.

"What about if he needs my help? Besides, I wouldn't rape our friend anyways- Do I look like a creep to you? No, no I don't. If we do anything, it'll be because he asked," he told Zane.

"He's drunk! Hands off until he is sober.... or if I'm around." Zane laughed then and rubbed Julio's back. "See you later." He muttered in his ear. He grabbed my elbow and lead me over to the door then. I looked towards Evelyn then.

"Bye sweetie! I will be picking you up after I'm done gambling! I promise~!" I gave her a big smile just as he pulled me out of the bar. I looked towards him and laughed, yanking him down the street towards the casino.

~Time Skip~

I stumbled into my house with my three friends and then turned around and locked the door. I looked towards them and gave them a smile. "Make yourselves comfortable," I suggested and started for the kitchen. 

"Okay!" Zane shouted and I heard him throwing his shoes off to the side and collapsing onto my couch. "Still drunk Julio?"

"Where are we?" Julio mumbled. I sighed and got out a bottle of blood when I reached my refrigerator. I walked into my living room as I began to heat it up in my hands. I looked the candles over and the fireplace then lit them all in one go. Carson pulled Julio over to the couch and sat him down between him and Zane. Julio slouched down on the couch and closed his eyes. Zane looked towards Carson and gave a smile.

"So... I don't care if you guys sleep here or what- just stay out of my bed," I teased and sat down in an arm chair. "So... I really like Evelyn. I'm thinking that she and I are going to last a long time," I purred as I took a sip of my blood. "She's just amazing."

"She seems alright." Zane told me and then laid down on the couch, putting his legs on Julio and Carson. "I think she's a nice girl."

"You're really heavy." Julio grumbled.

"So are you, kid." Zane bit back. I sighed.

"You all have to sleep in separate areas as well... I'm not having weird noises in my house while I'm trying to sleep," I muttered. "Anyways, I was thinking about having her around the group more."

"Around us? We're still going to have guy time... right?" Julio asked, getting whinny. I nodded.

"Of course! We will still get you three drunk, and I will still be the lovable halfbreed."

"Wait... so I can't sleep with Julio, my sidekick?" Zane asked and laughed.  

"No, not in my house. You have your own houses for that," I told them quickly. "I like my sleep."

"We're not going to make a noise." Zane smirked my way.

"We're not doing anything anyways." Julio told him and frowned. "You're not my type." I laughed then.

"Hah, turned down," I said and then sunk down into my chair, drinking my bottle of blood. My phone buzzed in my back pocket then, making me sigh. I pulled it out and glanced at it, seeing my mother had messaged me.

"Who's that? Your mommy?" Zane asked. "Oh, hey.... if I'm not your type... then is Carson your type because you was moaning." Carson smirked.

"I'm everybody's type," he said firmly and then looked at Julio then at Zane. I looked at the message, seeing she was asking to see me soon. I set my phone down.

"My mother wants to see me soon," I told them. "I might be gone for two days or so."

"I don't like you either." Julio snapped towards Carson. "You're both my friends." He told them then looked at me. "Do you have any water? I'm starting to get a headache too."

"Ohhh.... momma's boy." Zane said to me then laughed towards Carson. "You've been turned down." I shivered at the mention of water.

"Sadly, I have a sink," I told them and shrunk down in my seat more, pulling my knees to my chest. "I'd get rid of it... but I have friends who actually apparently like it."

"Awe~ I guess I could drink sink water." Julio said and got up, leaving us. Why would I buy that monstrosity? I gagged at the idea and then looked towards Zane.

"Don't tease me about my mother...." I looked them over.

"Momma boy." Zane smirked my way. He then looked at Carson. Carson laughed.

"Totally," he added in. I narrowed my eyes.

"I am not."

"Are too." He laughed. "So, guess how much money I made today." He rubbed Carson's leg with his foot. Carson looked at the foot and then at Zane calmly.

"At least some. You were with Isaac," he told him and then grabbed Zane's foot, rubbing it with a smirk.

"I made five hundred!" Zane told him and then scooted down more so Carson could get to his foot better. Julio walked back in, drinking a glass of ice water. Carson started for a pressure point on Zane then, making him let a moan slip. I laughed. My friends are so... so very gay, aren't they? Zane adjusted himself a bit as he watched Carson. Julio sat down in an arm chair against the wall. I glanced his way then looked at Carson as he pulled Zane closer by his foot. He rubbed it harder and smirked. Zane let out a groan and gripped the couch then. Julio got up then and spilled his water onto Carson and Zane.

"You two better quit." Julio told them. Carson's eyes widened as the water got on him and looked up towards Julio.

"Why? It's an innocent foot massage," he said.

"Foot massage killer." Zane accused and then grabbed Julio, pulling him down onto his body. Julio yelped and dropped the glass onto the floor. Carson smirked and then started back on Zane's foot massage. Julio squirmed on him but was forced to lay down by Zane. Zane let out another moan as Carson started back up. Carson laughed.

"Do you like it?" He asked teasingly as he started back for the pressure point.

"Yeah! Your freaking great at this... what are you... a foot wiz?" Zane asked. He rubbed Julio's head then.

"It'd be heaven if I was," he joked and then rubbed his ankles then went to his toes again.

"You think so?" Zane asked.

"Can I get up now?" Julio asked.

"Nope." Zane told him. Carson laughed and stopped with Zane and moved to Julio, making him moan. Julio squirmed around and looked towards Carson.

"How are you doing that!?" Julio asked with a creeped out look on his face that made Zane laugh.

"A touch of magic to make you relax," Carson answered truthfully. Julio relaxed then and melted where he laid.

"Hey... back to my feet Carson." Zane begged. Carson looked towards Zane and then went back to Zane's foot to please him. Zane looked towards me then.

"Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?" He asked curiously.

"I'm going to probably clean up my house some and then go take Evelyn out again after hanging out with you guys," I told them and shrugged. "I dunno. I didn't think it through much."

"Oh cool! We should practice our magic together." Zane purred. I laughed at that.

"Sure... I don't mind. Magic practice is a good idea," I said softly and then picked up a candle and began to play with it, blowing it out and then lighting it.

"Awesome!" Zane smirked and shook Julio. "You get to come do it as well buddy."

"Yeah.... I heard." Julio shrugged. Carson let go of Zane's foot then and sighed. I smiled at them then.

"So... if we are going to practice magic tomorrow... I should probably head to bed to get some sleep in. You will keep me up," I said and stood up, lighting the candle again. I sat it down on the coffee table and stretched.

"Goodnight~" Julio purred my way. "We'll probably go to bed in a bit too." I looked them over.

"Seperately," I reminded and then started to go upstairs. "Oh, and if you hear creaks and moans in the house... it's just me... getting food," I told them. "Watch out. I get cranky after midnight. That's when I'll even bite," I joked.

"I don't want to sleep alone." Julio whispered. "Carson, can I sleep with you?"

"No." Zane snapped.

"I don't care if you do," Carson told him. "Zane, come join."

"I better." Zane muttered. "You might rape and take his innocence."

"What's innocence?"Julio asked, looking serious as hell.

"Don't worry about it man. Zane is just trying to scare you. Come on, let's get to bed before Isaac pitches a fit about us being in the same bed."

"Okay~" I could hear Julio struggling to get off the couch but he sounded like he was being held there.

"No dudes." Zane grumbled.

"Hard way it is," I heard Carson mutter. I stopped and turned at the top of the stairs as I watched Carson walk out of the living room with Julio and Zane floating in the air behind him, forcing them to follow.

"Wizards." Julio mumbled. Carson gave me a smile as he walked up the stairs and then walked past me with them, holding the door open for them as his magic took them inside.

"I'm not sure I like this." I heard Zane mumble. Carson laughed.

"You'll be fine. I don't care for guys much anyways," he told them.

"Oh says the one who was sucking on a guys neck today." I heard Zane snap.

"What? You was sucking on a guys neck today?" Julio asked.  Carson sighed.

"Guys, I am just... Ugh, I'm not gay," he said and walked into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. I raised an eyebrow. Then what are you? I walked towards my bedroom and went in, collapsing on the bed and then fell asleep.

"WAKE UP ISAAC!" I was tackled then on the bed and poked in the face by Julio. "Man, come on. I want coffee this morning which means WE are going to the coffee shop down the street. Put some cologne on... you smell." He told me. I groaned.

"You smell... You're the one who thinks baths are cool." He grabbed me then and pulled me into my bathroom and into a waiting hot tub full of water. He laughed as I was shoved in.

"I'll get you something great to wear." He suggested. I noticed there wasn't any towels on my towel rack. I widened my eyes and screeched, trying to jump out but hit a barrier.

"LET ME OUT! OH MY GOD! IT'S TOUCHING ME! LET ME OUT! ZAAAAANE! HELP ME!" I screamed loudly, panicking as my heart started beating like a jack rabbit. He came back in with some clothes and looked towards me.

"Fifteen minute bath. You better smell good when I come back and better be naked and afraid and the water better be soapy because you put soap on that dirty butt of yours." He told me and then left the bathroom.

"What are you doing to Isaac?" I heard Zane ask in my bedroom, sounding cranky for being woken.

"ZANE! HELP! GET ME OUT OF HERE! PLEASE! ZANE, MAN! I'LL OWE YOU! HELP ME!" I screeched and stood up in the tub, clawing at the walls as I tried to get my body out of it.

"He's taking his first bath he's had in a year. Let him take it." I heard Julio telling him. Zane grumbled in agreement and they left my bedroom.

"NO! GET ME OUT OF HERE! ZANE! JULIO!" I started to cry then and looked down at the water as I lost my footing and fell back in it. I screamed and went for the plug in the tub. I yanked on it, but it wouldn't come out. I screamed and went back to trying to get out of the tub, throwing myself into the barrier, but it didn't budge. I looked at the water as I trembled in fear, starting to feel sick. "Oh no... I can't do this," I whimpered under my breath. I looked towards the soap and then at the door. Will he keep me in here longer if I don't soap up? I winced and then looked at my damp clothes before I slowly started to take them off and tossed them. I grabbed the soap and started to quickly clean myself. As soon as I was done, I curled up on one side of the tub, trembling as I looked at the water with wide eyes, feeling weak as my fire started to die down inside me. My body felt ice cold, scaring me as my heart kept beating fast.

He came back in with a towel and walked over finally... It had been fifteen minutes or so. "TImes up." He told me and then handed me the towel, crossing the boarder. He pulled out the drain then for me and grabbed the clothes. He put them in the hamper for me and then took the hamper away as he gave me privacy. I climbed out of the tub quickly and shivered violently as I curled up in the towel and started to rub it against my hair, trying to dry myself. After a few minutes, I gave up and grabbed my new clothes, putting them on and ran out into my bedroom and got over to the bed, I got in it quickly and pulled the covers close, destroying my mostly made up bed as I tried to get warm. He's so dead. He came back into my bedroom and gave me a smile. "Come on Isaac. I put your clothes on wash. Let's go get coffee." He suggested and then pulled the covers off the bed. I yelped as the air hit me and then curled up to myself, looking at him weakly. I growled and started to sit up then, going for him.

"I'M GOING TO GET YOU FOR THIS!" I yelled and then fell off the bed as I found it hard to keep myself up. He screamed and ran out the room.

"CARSON HELP ME!" He begged. I tried to use my magic to make him come back in here, but I couldn't feel it. I widened my eyes.

"OH MY GOD! WHERE'S MY POWERS?!" I started to try to stand up and then crawled over to the door. "ZANE! HELP!" Zane laughed from the doorway and watched me.

"You okay?" He asked me. "You look a little weak." He walked over to me then and gave me a hand up. I held onto him and stumbled into him.

"I can't feel my magic.... It's so cold," I whimpered.

"You're a fire wizard," He told me. "Of course you can't. You just took a bath. Give it a couple of hours." He suggested. He pulled me out of the room then and downstairs to where Julio was curled up in Carson's lap. I looked towards him and then pouted, looking away like I felt betrayed. He dumped me in a tub!

"Come on Isaac. It needed to be done. I was starting to think that you were carrying the plague," Carson told me.

"Oh yeah. You really did smell." Zane told me and then sprayed me down with axe. I yelped as it hit my skin and looked at him with wide eyes.

"What the heck are you doing?!" I asked quickly.

"Making sure the smell lasts." Zane told me. I pouted and looked at him.

"I don't smell that bad...."

"You did this morning." Julio purred out and laughed. "Let's go get some coffee." I looked towards him and sighed.

"Alright... but you have to go into my kitchen and get me a bottle of blood and put it into a dark water bottle so no one sees what it is," I told Julio. He groaned and got up to do as he was told. He disappeared into the kitchen quickly. I smiled and then leaned my head against Zane. I felt his warmth and quickly closed any space between us as I tried to get warm. He hugged me then and started to rock me in his arms.

"Are you cold?" He asked softly. I nodded quickly.

"I feel like the Artic," I mumbled, being completely serious as I shivered. Julio came back with a bottle in his hands and brought it over to me then gave it to me.

"There." He snapped. I looked at him and smiled gratefully as I opened the lid and took a sip, happy he had heated it. I pulled him close to me and nuzzled against him for his warmth as I used both him and Zane.

"Carson! Help me!" Julio cried. Carson glanced at him and laughed.

"Why? He's a fire wizard. He's searching for heat. Just give him what he wants," he told Julio. Julio groaned and let me steal his warmth. I looked towards Carson then. He held his hands up. "I'm not getting that close to you guys. I'll be accused of being a rapist." I pouted but didn't complain as I curled up to them as my body started to slowly warm up a little. Zane smirked towards Carson.

"Come on gaypronstar.... get over here." Zane motioned him over. Carson looked them over and then sighed, getting up. He walked over and stood a few inches away, looking at me. I smiled at him as I reached out for him. He came closer then and hugged us as I gripped his shirt to keep him close. Julio pulled away quickly.

"Let's go get coffee." He begged and took off for the door. I sighed and looked up at Zane before I gripped him and wrapped my arms around his waist to stay by him for his warmth. Carson started to follow Julio then, glancing back at us.

"You're on Isaac duty," he told Zane. Zane nodded and pulled me with him and out the door. Julio wrapped an arm around Carson's neck and started to whisper into his ear, making him laugh and glance our way. I looked them over and then rested my head against Zane as I took another sip of my blood.

"Thanks Zane...."

"No problem." Zane grumbled. I smiled happily as he kept me warm and then worked on drinking my blood. When we got to the coffee shop, I looked at Zane and let him go, figuring he wouldn't like it if I walked in the shop latched around him like that. Julio moved off of Carson as well when we entered the shop. I shivered as I tried to warm up by myself but walked with them over to the counter. I started to pull out my wallet then, planning on buying a coffee to hold to make my hands warm. I had finished my blood after all. They bought theirselves a cup of coffee and a donut then took a seat by the window in a booth. Zane and Carson ended up sitting with each other since they refused to let the other sit with Julio.... or rather Julio wanted to sit with me. I looked over at Julio as I sat by him and then curled up in my seat, bringing the hot coffee cup close to me and happily rubbed my face against the side of it.

"Heat," I purred softly.

"So, you gonna go see your mommy?" Zane teased me. I looked up at him then.

"Tomorrow maybe," I told him and laughed. "She's going to be happy to see me."

"Yeah, tell her I send my best wishes." Zane told me and then looked out the window. "Today feels like something bad is going to happen." He mumbled then looked towards me. He was probably right due to his wizard powers that could tell when something was going to happen... rather it was good or bad. I frowned.

"I will be careful with Evelyn tonight then. If you feel like something is going to happen, I will make sure to be safe," I mumbled and then started to slowly pour the coffee onto my hand, loving the fact that it was scalding hot. He shook his head as he watched me.

"Nut." He grumbled. "But I love you." He gave me a napkin then. Julio wrinkled up his nose as he watched me.

"Ewe... you just had a bath, go wash your hands!" He hit me on the back of my head. I yelped at it as pain went through my head.

"Ow! That hurt," I whined and looked at him. "I'm just so cold," I whimpered out and continued dumping coffee on my hand. "It's not like I can drink it anyways!"

"Stop acting stupid." Julio told me. "Your embarrassing me. We're in Las Vegas and it's hot outside- well... to me it is."

"It feels like Antartica!" I curled up and then flicked my hand his way, getting some of my coffee on him. "You're the one who put me in a bathtub." He yelped and then licked up the coffee. 

"I'll keep doing it too." He threatened.

"Don't threaten the fire wizard." Zane warned. I laughed at them and went to sip on the coffee but stopped myself before I could.

"I wouldn't purposely hurt you guys. You're my friends!" I looked them all over and then glanced out the window. I noticed I stopped shivering then. I smiled happily as I felt a little warmer and started to try to use my powers. I looked towards Julio's cup, trying to heat it up but only got it to steam just a little more- not enough for me to be happy with.  Julio let his cup go and started on his donut. I laughed a bit and then leaned over, ruffling his hair. "Sorry Julio. I just needed to make sure I was starting to get better.

"Do it to Zane's coffee next time." Julio told me. "I'm the caring friend." I smiled and then nodded before I leaned back in the seat.

"Ok... I'll do it to Carson. Apparently he's creepy," I told them and laughed as Carson looked at me. Zane laughed then and nodded in agreement.

~Time Skip~

"Yeah, I'm going to go get her now," I said into the phone, talking to Zane as I pulled my jacket on. "It's date night after all." I laughed and then brushed my hair out.

"Okay, be careful! I heard that Hachi the cannibal tried to eat a girl maybe... thirty minutes ago." He joked towards me. "I'm thinking about going to a club tonight to pick someone up. I'm a bit lonely now that you have a girlfriend."

"Just pick up Julio," I joked. "You've been awefully close towards him lately."

"Nah, he's into Mr. Carson." He grumbled.

"Then get into a three way relationship. I don't know what to tell you. It's Las Vegas. Do what you want," I said and shifted the phone as I picked up my toothbrush.

"Nah... He said he wasn't into us anyways... are three way relationships even a thing?" He asked curiously.

"Dude, back in the past, a man used to have like... thirteen wives."

"That's still in Africa today." He told me and laughed.

"Then you're in the clear," I said and shrugged. I looked around and grabbed my tooth paste then started to brush my teeth.

"We're all friends though." He told me and then I could hear him texting on the phone. I spat the tooth paste out and rinsed my mouth out before I dried my hands.

"Then go pick up a girl. Just don't get a slutty one who will take your money and run. I gamble with you all the time," I reminded him and then walked out into my bedroom. I glanced towards my tennis shoes then at my converse. "Tennis shoes or converse?" I asked him.

"Converse. Girls like a guy that knows what the latest fashion is... trust me... converse is every girl's dream shoe.... or vans... but vans means your a dick just wanting sex so stick to converse." He told me and laughed. I shook my head and then sighed, getting the converse on.

"Well man... thanks for the info. I didn't know that girls were into looking at shoes and deciding if a guy was looking for sex or not with them."

"Oh man... I have this friend that is a girl and she tells me all the 411 so I can pick up the best girls out there. I'll never wear vans again." He told me. I sighed and picked up my vans from under my bed and tossed them into the trash by my desk.

"Yeah... who cares about shoes anyways," I told him and laughed. He laughed and snorted on the other end.

"So, are you about to go?" He asked me curiously. I looked towards my vans and flicked my wrist, setting them on fire.

"Yeah, I'm about to." My fire alarm started to go off then. DANG IT! Why do I even have one of those!

"What's that?" He asked curiously. "Are you burning your vans?" He wondered. I blushed.

"N-no... Yes," I whispered. I used my magic to shut the fire alarm off then.

"Congrats." He laughed on the other end. "I knew it would get you to burn those old things. It was for a good cause though." I sighed and started to walk out of my bedroom then.

"You know.... one day they should make an air freshner that smells like smoke. I wonder how many people would freak out and think something is burning."

"That would be hilarious." He told me. "I've got to go though, catch you later." He hung up on me then. I sighed and put my phone up, walking out of my house and started for Evelyn's apartment complex. I pulled out a card and started to flip it around in my hand, smiling softly as I looked at it. It was the ace of spades.... I laughed and continued to study it as I walked. Just when I had reached her block, I looked up to see the apartments on the other side of the street and started to cross it. I flicked the card and watched as it went up in flames, burning quickly as it turned to smoke. I glanced around as I noticed a few wizards quickly going into their houses or disappearing. Huh... wonder what that's about. I glanced towards some growing shadows but dismissed it as I looked towards her apartment window. I smiled as I thought about how happy she'd be tonight. I suddenly felt water land on my head then and pour all over my head and then a bucket landed on my head. I yelped as my heart speeded up. Oh my god, water! I took the bucket off my head in confusion and then tossed it to the side. I stopped when I heard a thud and turned to see a boy with a head wound. I widened my eyes.

"I'm sorry. Here, let me get that for you so there aren't any bad feelings," I said and walked over, holding up my hand and then touched his wound, healing it. I looked at the boy and felt kind of funny. What's a boy doing out here? He seems like more than a boy though. He doesn't have any parents around... weird. I looked myself over as I winced at the water, but I should've known that wasn't the thing I should've been worried about because that was the night my whole life was dumped upside down and changed.