The Disease Ending A Friend

Raven's POV:

I slowly crept out of my bed and looked over the outfit a maid had given me last night to change into then took it. I started to change into the dress and put on my shoes from yesterday then walked out of my room, going down the hall quietly. I wanted to make sure I had enough time to get to Lauren before one... maybe even explore in town a bit before I go to her. I wasn't sure what time it was... but the sun had at least risen. Nikolai was sitting on a window seat, humming to himself after a few feet down the hall. He looked down at a journal and seemed to be writing in it. I stopped. Tell me he didn't notice me.... I bit my bottom lip as I studied him then teleported further down the hall to pass him. I smiled and giggled as I bounced down the hall, going towards the stairs. I walked down to the front doors and then outside, breathing in the air before I glanced around and looked the place over then teleported to Saint Petersburg after memorizing the place. I headed for Lauren's place then, knocking on the door when I got there. "Lauren~ Let's go!" I giggled. I escaped Nikolai! Hah! A boy opened the door then and looked out at me in confusion.

"Huh.... Who're you?" He asked. I noticed he was dressed in a white button up shirt with a black tie that was loosened. I looked him over and frowned.

"I'm Raven.... I'm here for Lauren and Ellie." He nodded and then stepped aside, gesturing me inside. I smiled and walked in hesitantly, watching as he shut the door. Benjamin walked in with a small frown.

"Who is at the- Raven," he gasped a bit as he saw me then looked at the boy. "Aiden, can you go get Lauren?" The guy- Aiden- sighed and walked off. I looked towards him then at Benjamin. He looked worn out. His hair hadn't been brushed in awhile, and I could see dark circles under his eyes. He glanced me over and then gave me a smile. "It's been awhile."

"Benjamin... what happened?" I asked, tilting my head as I felt slightly worried for him.

"It's... well...." He sighed and rubbed his neck, looking off. "Lauren is a little sick is all.... She has been doing well... but she worries me. She's got the disease that has been killing the vampires off around here, but she has survived longer than usual." I widened my eyes.

"What?" I felt my stone and heart pretty much stop altogether as I looked at him.

"Oh... maybe I shouldn't have told you. It looks like she hasn't said a word to you about it yesterday." He smiled nervously and then looked down at the ground. No wonder why he looks like a trainwreck. His mate is dying! I bit my bottom lip hard. My friend is sick... and dying. I just found her again! Lauren bounced down the stairs and then stopped dead in her tracks when she seen us.

"H-hey." She gave an innocent smile. I looked up at her and started to cry.

"Lauren... why didn't you say anything?" I asked her.

"About..." She trailed off, trying to get me to be specific. I clenched my jaw and whipped at my tears, turning away from her momentarily to do so.

"N-nothing... it's fine. Let's go shopping~!" I turned to her then, giving a big smile to hide earlier. I'll be optimistic and not say anything about knowing. It's better that way.

"Benjamin?" Lauren looked at him and then gave him a questionable glare. He looked up at her and held up his hands.

"I didn't do anything," he said and then started to walk off, making a cup of tea materialize in his hands. She watched him walk away.

"ELLIE!" She yelled. "Come on baby!" She looked towards the stairs then at me. "Benjamin didn't tell you anything... right?" She asked me. I bit my bottom lip, looking her over not knowing what to tell her. I decided on a smile and walked outside, waiting on her. She followed after me and Ellie was already waiting for us. "Raven?" Lauren asked. "You didn't answer me." I smiled and gave her a hug, kissing her cheek.

"Don't worry about it," I purred to her and then skipped down to the sidewalk. "C'mon slow pokes. We'll never get those milkshakes if we don't hurry up!" I giggled. She followed after me.

"You was crying though! I seen the whole tear wipe and everything." She told me and grabbed my elbow. I tensed up and looked at her, biting my lower lip. Do I tell her I know? I mean... she's dying... and she didn't tell me. I shook my head and gave her a fake smile.

"Something about a sad movie he watched," I mumbled, lying a little. I didn't want her to feel bad.

"Uh-huh." She grumbled. "I'll let this slide." She told me and then walked up to Ellie and wrapped her arms around her. "I swear young lady if you wasn't even home last night~ I'll want to know who the lucky suitor is." She warned Ellie. Ellie giggled and hugged Lauren back.

"No one momma." She promised. I smiled as I watched them and looked at Ellie. I wonder if she knows.... I felt a lump in my throat form as I watched them. That's got to be so hard.... I can't believe she's going to die.... I played with the edge of my dress and started to walk then, humming softly to myself to distract me. Lauren wrapped her arm around Ellie's waist and pulled her with her as she followed me.

"So where to?" Lauren asked me curiously. "What's our game plan."

"Milkshakes, shopping, sightseeing, and then I will make sure you two both get home," I said and giggled, looking them over. "I can't have something happening to you two."

"We can defend ourselves." Ellie told me and winked. "I've got a black belt." I giggled and nodded.

"That's a good thing to learn," I purred and then walked with them to a nearby ice cream place, using my phone to find it. I took them inside and got them both a milkshake then got myself a mint and chocolate chip one. I sat down with them at a table and started to eat mine with a smile. Ellie ate her M&M one while Lauren looked towards her milkshake blankly. I looked towards her and gave her a sweet smile. "What's the matter?" I asked softly.

"She doesn't eat." Ellie told me. I felt bad as I remembered. I sat my milkshake down and teleported off to a drink place I had saw while we were walking. I got her a thing of hot tea and then teleported into the milkshake place again, setting the hot tea down in front of her.

"There, you still drink tea, right?" I asked and gave her a warm smile. She looked the tea over and gave a soft smile.

"You do smell like tea." Ellie told her. "Drink up." She encouraged.

"I don't know... it might make me puke." She mumbled. I bit my bottom lip.

"I can get you some bottled blood if you don't think you can drink the tea," I told her as I looked towards the tea.

"I had some this morning." Lauren told me.

"Liar." Ellie teased. "You we're in bed."

"How would you know? You wasn't home."

"Maybe I was." I sighed and started to eat my milkshake then, humming Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

"Weeeell.... it doesn't hurt to drink more blood," I sung out.

"Yeah~" Ellie poked her cheek then with her spoon and got some milkshake on Lauren. Lauren rubbed it off as soon as she did. I giggled as I watched them.

"You two are so cute," I mumbled. I ate a spoonful of my milkshake and tilted my head, moaning slightly at the taste. I should get more of these more often....

"I know right!" Ellie giggled. "She's the best mom ever." She looked towards Lauren and gave her a loving look. I bet she doesn't know.... I looked towards my milkshake and continued to eat it, not saying anything. This is terrible.... She disappeared and got sick... and she's going to die. Everyone at home suspects her for being in on what happened too.... She's going to die, and no one will actually know if she was against Paris or not during all that time. She'll disappear off the face of the Earth, and the only ones who will remember her are me, Ellie, Benjamin, and that Aiden guy from earlier- plus her makers if she's lucky. She looked me over and gave me a frown before getting up and going towards the restroom. Ellie watched her walk off curiously. I bit my bottom lip as I watched her then looked at Ellie.

"So how are you Ellie? I haven't seen you since you were really little," I said and giggled as I tried to start a conversation with her.

"Yeah~ I think I sort of remember you! I'm fine." She told me and sighed out happily. "I rather be on a beach though. I hate cold weather but my mom loves it." She told me and then looked me over. "Is that your real hair color?" She asked curiously. I nodded and smiled at her.

"Yeah... I like it. I've never dyed it either. You know, you could call me Aunt Raven. After all, your mom and I used to be like sisters a few years ago. I won't mind if you do," I purred and then took another bite of my ice cream. I should probably give her my number so that way she can call me if something happens. She nodded towards me.

"Yeah~ I never see my mom's old friends. It's just all of us." She told me. "Aiden, Oliver, My dad, My mom, and me." She told me and then finished up her milkshake and started on Lauren's milkshake. I giggled.

"You know... I think I should give you my number in case something happens or comes up. You could call me," I suggested and pulled out my phone to give it to her. "I don't want you guys to get into a bad spot without a friend." She nodded and tossed me her unlocked phone.

"Sure, put it in there. You know... mom wouldn't stop talking about you to dad last night." She purred to me. "You was her topic of the night." I looked up at her in curiosity as I put my number in her phone and put myself in as Aunt Raven.

"Oh? What'd she say?" I asked, smiling a little as I slid her phone back to her after putting her number in my phone for safe keeping.

"Oh she was~" Ellie was cut off as Lauren got back into her seat.

"Hey~" She kissed Ellie's cheek then and looked towards me. "What are we talking about?"

"Cats," I said quickly. "Aren't they adorable? I love them."

"Can I have one?" Ellie asked.

"Nope." Lauren told her. "You can't have a cat because we have Aiden." She patted her head. "He's a pet enough." I giggled a bit as I remembered that guy who answered the door.

"He doesn't keep his tie correct," I mumbled.

"Never has." Ellie told me. "He's one hell of a slack off butler." I giggled as I was reminded slightly of Black Butler, but I didn't bring it up. I finished my milkshake and looked towards Lauren.

"So... what store do you want to go to?" I asked her.

"Hmmm? It doesn't matter to me." She told me.

"Can I pick!? There is this store called Vantista. It has all the latest fashion for vampires and their lovers." Ellie told us. She winked then. "There is an adults section."

"How do you know that?" Lauren asked her curiously.

"I'm old enough." Ellie told her quickly. "Plus I have friends mom. Guy friends." Lauren gasped and looked shocked. Maybe Aunt Raven is a little childish to put into her phone then. I giggled but didn't say anything.

"Sounds good. If you want to go, we can go.... Just don't tell Benjamin. He might freak," I said and looked towards Lauren.

"Oh I am definitely telling dad." Ellie told us and giggled. Lauren looked over at Ellie and frowned.

"No your not." Lauren told her.

"Pay me." Ellie smirked.

"I'll buy." Lauren told her and sighed. I giggled.

"Let's go!" I got to my feet and grabbed my milkshake, tossing it out in the trash. Ellie finished the milkshake quickly and then threw it away as she followed me. Lauren followed after us with a small smile. "Hey Lauren, can I come back tomorrow?" I asked her, glancing back at her. "I could totally hide from Nikolai and get a hotel room or an apartment or something."

"Uh... Yeah, I guess you can come over tomorrow." Lauren told me and blushed. "I sort of want to stay home though, okay?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Sure, we can watch some movies!" I walked out of the shop and then started to bounce down the sidewalk, looking at them. "Soooo... maybe I can paint Ellie's nails too. How about red sweetie?" I purred towards her.

"Nu-uh! I don't want my nails painted. I'm growing them out." She told me. "If I paint them then they will chip and break and I will be mad." She told me and looked towards her nails. Lauren shook her head and laughed.

"You can do my nails Raven if you want." I got a text then. I giggled and nodded towards Lauren.

"Ok, start thinking of a color." I pulled out my phone and glanced at who sent the text.

Hachi: Hey... Where are you? Everyone is freaking out because Paris, Richard, Nikolai, and you went missing!

"Purple." Lauren told me. I frowned and then looked up at her, giving her a smile.

"Ok," I said and then giggled, glancing back towards my phone.

Me: I'm with Nikolai. We had to go do something, and I ran into an old friend.

Hachi: Oh yeah? Who's the old friend?

"I want black too." Lauren told me. "I like black." I nodded and looked towards her then back at the phone.

Me: Just an old friend. I might be awhile before I am back. Like... maybe a few more days. I'm in Russia.

Hachi: What's in Russia? Besides Nikolai and his castle.

Me: My friend that I came to find.

Hachi: I won't tell anyone. Who's your friend?

Me: Lauren if I'm being honest.

Hachi: How is she? She left us and never said why~

Me: She's sick and dying. Benjamin told me, but she hasn't said a word of it. I'm worried for her, so I'm extending my trip.

Hachi: Sick!? What's she sick of? SHE'S A VAMPIRE!

Me: Some disease that is starting in Russia apparently. The humans are transmitting it to vampires and it's everywhere here. She caught it, and vampires are dying from it. Benjamin is torn up over this.

Hachi: There is a disease like that in California. It hasn't moved over here yet that's why none of us talk about it at the manor but the news does.... I don't watch the news though... I just read it.

Me: We better start getting some research on the cure soon. I don't want her to die. If it can be reversed... I want to save her. I'll be home soon. I gave Ellie my number.

Hachi: Maybe if it started with the hunters... we might find a cure off of the Ainsworths... Or maybe.... I know this witch that specializes in foods... she might be able to help make a cure? Or I might be able to... though I have Dannie and August to worry about.

Me: I'd bring her back with me... but she is set on staying here. She doesn't really want anyone to know where she is. I think she is trying to go off in peace.

Hachi: Like a cat.

"Who are you texting?" Lauren asked curiously. I looked up at her and smiled.

"People at the manor were looking for me and thought something bad happened to me. They're checking in to make sure I didn't die or something. We had an attack recently, and I kind of went off with Nikolai without telling anyone."

"Yeah, you told me about that attack yesterday." She told me and nodded. "You realize I've got telekinesis right?" She asked me and crossed her arms.

"Uhhhhh....." I smiled nervously and put my phone away quickly.

"Uh-huh." Lauren brushed past me and shoved her hands into her pockets. I bit my bottom lip.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled. "At least it was Hachi.... If it was someone else, I wouldn't have said anything."

"Yeah..." She mumbled softly. "Don't go telling everyone though."

"I'm not... I just think that Hachi wouldn't tell anyone. He's usually good about that.... Besides... maybe he can find something," I whispered the last part as I looked at her hopefully.

"Fine something?" She asked and looked towards me. "Don't look at me like that..." She told me.

"Wait... are you two discussing what my mom has?" Ellie asked us. I looked towards her and bit my bottom lip. I looked back at Lauren then, wondering if it was ok to talk about it. Lauren groaned and held her face then.

"Yeah, Ellie... We are." Lauren told her. I walked up to her and hugged her, kissing her cheek.

"I'll try to find something. As soon as I do, I'll be knocking on your door or busting through it depending on whether or not you answer," I told her, giving her a smile. Lauren rubbed the kiss off her cheek then and looked me over.

"Raven..." She frowned. "It's okay!" She patted my head. Ellie giggled.

"Yeah Raven, don't get all sappy on her or she might explode." She pulled her mom from me then and gave her a smile but her eyes shinned of sadness. I looked towards Ellie and nodded before I started to bounce down the sidewalk.

"So~ That store.... Vantista? I hope it's good!" I laughed and looked back at them.

"It's really cool." Ellie told me and let her mom go. Lauren gave a nod and then smiled towards us.

"Well let's go." Lauren dragged us towards it then. When we got there, I glanced around and then linked arms with Ellie. Lauren looked around at the clothes that was in the store, most of them consisted of dark clothes and the store was a very typical Dracula themed store. Very vampireistic. I glanced around and tilted my head a little.

"Well... very stereotypical," I murmured. Ellie nodded and looked me over.

"Go pick you out something!" She suggested. "How about a chocker." She suggested. I giggled at the thought.

"That actually doesn't sound too bad.... Hey, would getting fake fangs be cheesy?" I asked, looking back at Lauren.

"Very cheesy." Lauren told me and pulled out a red dress.

"How about some pumps?" Ellie asked. "You can never be too tall." I giggled as I glanced towards the accessories and walked over to them. Ellie scattered off then to do her own shopping. Lauren went to a dressing room to try on the dress. I watched them and then picked out a cute black chocker with a red bow on the side. I smirked and then walked over towards the dresses out of curiosity. After all... you can't ever have too many. I looked through them and giggled when I came across a black one that would end at my knees. It had some red lacing over it with a rose pattern in the lace. I guess I could get it for fun.... Maybe some gloves to go with it! I went to the dressing room to try it on and smiled when it fit and suited me. I changed back to my clothes and then went over to the accessories, picking out a pair of black lace gloves that were fingerless. I shopped around for a bit before I got a few more dresses and two shirts and then went to go find Ellie. Ellie was looking through screamo music and had a few CD's in her hand. She looked up when I approached her and gave a smile.

"Hey~" She waved towards me. I smiled and bounced over to her.

"Hey there, whatcha got?" I asked and looked towards the music. I giggled and then looked back at her.

"Oh... just some CD's." She told me and shrugged. She looked around and then towards Lauren who was basically going on a major budget shopping spree the way she was pushing a buggie that was loaded down. I laughed.

"She's enjoying herself," I mumbled. I love how it was my idea to go shopping... but Lauren takes it to a whole new level and gets a shopping cart full while I am only getting a few dresses.

"Of course~" Ellie mumbled. "She's got to live a little before lights out." Ellie turned back towards the CDs. I smiled and looked towards them, going through them a little. I wonder if I'd be in trouble with Nikolai if I don't come back to the castle tonight.... I felt my phone go off then. I frowned a little and shifted my stuff to one arm as I got my phone out and looked at it.

Nikolai: What's up? Your newborn is missing you!

I laughed a little then as I looked at the text. My newborn is missing me? She doesn't even speak English... or German. I thought about texting him back then and smirked. Ellie looked towards me and smiled softly.

"What's so funny?" She asked curiously.

"Nikolai is texting me, saying that my Russian speaking only newborn misses me," I told her. "I bet he just doesn't want to deal with her... or she's threatening to bite him or something."

"Probably even then some. Maybe he is the one missing you." Ellie suggested. I frowned.

"Well... he recently decided to start being around me more- since he got shot like three times and I saved his life." I giggled. "I left without telling him bye. I bet he's slightly upset.... He said he wanted to watch me like a hawk, but I got out of his sight."

"Or are you out of his sight?" She questioned and smirked. "Guys are really good stalkers." She looked towards Lauren then and frowned. "I'm going to have to tell her to put half of those things back..." She grumbled. "They're too... Not her." I nodded as I saw a few of them.

"Yeaaaaah.... Go do that," I suggested. I looked towards my phone then.

Me: She misses me? She doesn't even speak my language.

Ellie took off after her mom then. "Mom! Put those back, you don't look good in that color!"

Nikolai: Sooooo?

Me: Just offer her a cookie. Cookies are nice.

Nikolai: I'm hiding in my closet from her! Come get her! She bit me! I don't like getting bit Raven.

I giggled and shook my head. Should I be nice?

Me: Dunno... I happen to remember a guy who thought I was weird...

Nikolai: Raveeeeen

I sighed.

Me: Give me a moment. I have to buy these things I picked up at this store called Vantista. I kinda found a cute dress I like.

Nikolai: Thanks, hurry please?

I put my phone up and walked over to the registers, buying my stuff and then waved at Lauren. "Lauren! I have to go rescue a Prince in distress! I'll see you tomorrow!" I called out to her.

"Oh! Okay~" Lauren yelled towards me and waved. Ellie waved my way as she threw something out of her mom's cart quickly while Lauren was distracted. I teleported back to the castle then into the room I slept in last night and set the stuff on the bed. I walked out into the hall and towards where Nikolai's room was.

"I'M BACK!" I called. "SELENA!" Selena was standing outside his bedroom door, scratching at it.

"Kakiye?" She turned towards me. "Raven." I giggled and bounced up to her.

"Hey cutie!" I hugged her and then looked towards the door. "Let's leave the scaredy cat alone." I ruffled her hair and then showed her my wrist. "Hungry?" She grabbed my wrist quickly and bit down into it, beginning to drink my blood. I winced at first but then purred to her, rubbing her back slightly. "It's safe Nikolai," I called out to him, knowing he'd hear me. Nikolai walked out of his master bedroom then and closed the door behind himself.

"Ok, good thing you are here. I was getting worried." He looked her over curiously.

"What's going to happen tomorrow when I'm not here again," I wondered out loud, looking at Nikolai with a smirk.

"You better take her with you." He grumbled. "I was interrupted from my- well important business plans." Selena bit down harder then, clenching her jaw. I yelped and looked towards her.

"N-no.... I am supposed to paint Lauren's nails... not babysit," I mumbled, not wanting to take her over there in case she tried to bite them.

"What am I supposed to do then? She might bite me this time." He grumbled. I looked at him and narrowed my eyes.

"I thought you said she already bit you! Did you just pull me out of shopping for not even getting bit?!" I pouted and then looked at Selena, rubbing her head. "Poor Selena... he's blaming things on you."

"Well... I'm not telling you I got bit... then you'd want to bite me." He smirked. "Texts don't count." He looked towards her then. She let out a growl and pulled away from me. I frowned and looked towards my wrist.

"You don't want anymore?" I sighed and then touched the blood on my wrist and smirked. I flicked some of it at Nikolai, getting it on his face. "Hah. That's what you get." He growled and went for me then, giving a smirk. He pinned me up against his door and looked towards Selena.

"Dayte nam nekotoruyu konfidentsial'nost' i naydite chto-nibud' yeshche." He told her and she slowly turned around then walked down the hall. He turned back to me and then opened his door and pushed me inside. I widened my eyes as I stumbled back and then looked around before looking at him.

"What're you doing?" I asked quickly. He shut the door behind him as he walked in then grabbed my wrist and brought me over to his couch and made me sit down on it the sat down with me. He looked me over then turned on the TV.

"I thought about biting you... but let's just watch a movie." He mumbled. He cleaned off his face then. I bit my bottom lip and then curled up on my side of the couch, bringing my wrist close to me as I watched it slowly healing.

"Uh huh...." I touched it gently and then licked it clean before looking at the TV. "Ok."

"What's the matter?" He asked softly. He looked me over and frowned. "Do you want me to bite you?"

"Vielleicht, aber ich würde es dir niemals auf Englisch erzählen." I giggled at him and then smirked. It's nice knowing a language he can't understand. Hah, he'll never figure it out. He tilted his head in confusion.

"Are you going to tell me what that means?" He asked. He then smirked and leaned in towards my neck. "Maybe I will just suck it out of you." He teased me. I blushed as I watched him.

"Huh?" I asked, playing innocent. He looked towards my neck and licked his lips.

"I spoke the language you understand." He told me. I bit my bottom lip a little as I tilted my head while watching him.

"W-well... I said I wouldn't tell you in English what my answer was," I mumbled, keeping out the part that I told him maybe in German about biting me. He looked me over and then tilted my chin to expose my neck and then bit down hard, beginning to drink my blood. I yelped and gripped his shirt. He pulled me closer to him then as he fed off of me, closing the distance between us. I blushed a little and then wrapped my arms around him and then kissed his cheek softly to the point where he'd question if I did or not. He let out a soft moan at the taste of my blood, purring. I giggled a little. "Ich liebe dich," I purred to him, teasing him a bit with the language he didn't understand. I kissed his cheek again and then tilted my head for him, showing him my neck. He pulled back and started to lick my neck then, running his hands down my sides then and towards my hips. I shivered slightly and then looked at him, glancing towards his lips before I leaned in and gave him a small kiss. He tensed up slightly then and stopped his hands as he stared at me. I looked at him and blushed then went to move away from him. I shouldn't have done that. He didn't let me move though and stayed over me, watching me curiously.

"What'd you say to me?" He asked softly.

"Ich liebe dich?" I giggled then and leaned up towards his ear. "It means I love you in German," I whispered to him. He leaned in towards my lips then and kissed me softly. I blushed and kissed him back before looking up at him. I gave him a sweet smile and kissed his cheek. He smiled softly and then kissed my cheek.

"Ich liebe dich." He mumbled in my ear. I giggled and kissed him again, purring to him. He kissed me back and then moved off of me, sitting back in his spot. "What are you.... a cat?" He teased me.

"Oh yeah? You seemed to really like my taste," I teased back as I sat up on my side. I rubbed my neck and then licked my hand clean.

"You know... if you keep drinking your own blood... you'll go insane." He teased me. I looked at him and giggled.

"Nikolai... I'm already insane. Well... I tamed down a lot... but you should've seen me twenty years ago," I purred towards him.

"Well... now we know why you are the way you are." He purred and smirked. I giggled again and then shook my head.

"I just don't want it to go to waste.... Besides... I don't think that accounts for the-" I stopped and frowned. Voices.... Where've they been? I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head as I stared at the floor. When was the last time I heard them?

"Hmmm?" He tilted his head and then sighed. "Raven..." He mumbled. "You're totally fine with what happened... right?" He mumbled. "Because we never done that before." I looked towards him as he pulled me out of my thoughts and gave him a smile. I blushed then as it clicked what he said.

"U-ummm..." I bit my bottom lip as I looked at him. "I... Yeah," I told him. "I'm fine...." He smiled towards me and then pulled me into his lap.

"Guess I will start getting use to your touch then." He whispered. I blushed as I looked at him.

"If you're not ok with it, just say so," I mumbled to him.

"I'm fine with it Raven. I'm just worried about you." He told me and smiled. I giggled and then rested my head on his shoulder as I looked towards the TV.

"I can handle myself," I told him. "If you do something I don't like... I have my knife," I purred.

"Oh no... don't stab me." He purred in my ear. "I might just get sad." He wrapped an arm around me then. I smiled a little and glanced at him.

"I probably won't.... I would teleport first," I mumbled.

"Oh?" He laughed softly. "So are we officially going to start calling eachother mates now and start doing mate things like sleep together? Or are you not ready? Because I just got over that whole... what's it called.... Hmmm.... Teenage hormone thing." He rubbed my head. I glanced at him and tilted my head.

"Will I find you over me again while I'm trying to sleep?" I asked, teasing him a little.

"Nope. I'll even let you put a pillow between us for the first couple of years." He smirked. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him fully.

"Oh? What happens after the first couple of years? Are you going to take my pillow from me?"

"Well my mom will be wanting grandkids." He joked. I thought it over as I looked at him. Am I ok with sleeping with someone again? I bit my bottom lip and then kissed his cheek.

"Sure... I don't mind if you officially call me your mate... and we can start acting like mates if you want," I mumbled to him. He nodded and then looked around the room.

"Welcome to our bedroom and castle then. What's mine is yours." He purred in my ear. I smiled and kissed his cheek again.

"If I remember correctly, I have apartments in Seattle, Atlanta, and Savannah if you ever want to use them. I was goddess of those areas before vampires started to rule," I purred to him.

"We should go check them out sometime then." He told me and then looked towards the TV. "Oh and if you tell my dad anything about this progress we are making... Well... You poor thing." He laughed softly. "He'll be wanting grandkids sooner then my mom." I blushed as I looked at the TV. I used to train with his mom too....

"I'm more worried about Donnie or Paris telling someone as soon as they hear our thoughts," I murmured. "Or they'll tease us."

"Oh god... I hope Donnie gets a mate soon. I found him in the graveyard the other night, crying over Chance's grave." Nikolai told me. I winced.

"Poor Donnie," I mumbled. "Maybe there is something we can do.... Like help him find another mate. It won't hurt to try. We could maybe do a party and invite a lot of people from town to come in and dance. Kind of like Cinderella- want to try that?" I looked at him then.

"That's a great idea. We should do that... as soon as we get back?" He suggested. I nodded and giggled.

"A party would pick up everyone's mood anyways. I think we need one at the manor. The last one was the birthday party," I mumbled. "With the attacks and losses... we need to do a spirit check and party."

"Right! Invite Lauren and her family." He suggested. "It will be the best way to invite her back into the manor with open arms. Paris wouldn't ever turn down a vampire." He told me. "You should remind her too." I giggled then.

"I know at least one vampire he wouldn't have ever let in his manor like that," I told him. "He had an enemy he hated, and I would've been upset."

"Hmm?" He tilted his head.

"Dante. He hated him, and I would've pretty much become a shut in and stayed in my room if Dante ever lived with us. We killed him though, so that's good," I mumbled and then rested my head on his shoulder. "That's the exception. You're right though.... I will invite Lauren and her family to the party."

"If something bad happens... I'll be there to help you clean up the mess." He told me. I nodded and then smiled.

"You know... Paris was telling me that day that Josh kinda trashed the manor that you'd eventually start treating me better instead of telling me to go into the basement with the other girls," I teased. He blushed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked softly. "I still think you need to go to the basement to protect the girls." Aww, at least he said I would be protecting the others. That's some credit.

"Just saying... I was thinking that you'd never actually want me as a mate," I mumbled as I looked at him.

"Why would you think that Raven? You might be way hella older than me and have way more experience in bed and have two ex lovers that I know about... and killed both of them in some way... but I still think we are the perfect mates. With that being said...." He leaned in and kissed me. I blushed a little and kissed him back. He pulled back before it could deepen and smiled softly. "So back at the manor... do you want to move into my room?" I giggled.

"I dunno... Do you want me to?" I asked him and gave him a sweet smile.

"Yeah." He nodded and gave a small smile. "That would be nice." I nodded then and kissed his cheek.

"Ok, I will move in to your room when we get back," I purred and then looked at the TV.

"Unless you want me to start sneaking into your room at night as some sick lovey dovey highschool romance thing... then you better come to my room." He teased me. I blushed then.

"Uhhh... I think I will move my stuff into your room then," I said quickly. It would be hard to explain if Nikolai was sneaking into my room.

"I'll make some room then." He purred.

"Ok... or you could just move into my room," I suggested, glancing back at him. "There's always that unless you have some weird attachment to your room."

"Well who has the bigger room?" He asked curiously. "You probably do... I only have one closet and since you used to be with Austin in your room... his closet must be empty and I can move into your room and take over his old things and start dressing like him and smell like him and mess with you." He smirked, sounding a little jealous with his tone. I bit my bottom lip.

"Nikolai... I killed him myself in front of you. I don't want another Austin," I told him. "If you start to smell like him, I'm going to push you into a tub and make you take a very long bath.... and I burned the bedsheets that I shared with him too."

"Good... did you change the bed?" He asked curiously. "We might need to take my virgin bed." He purred.

"Wanna burn it with me?" I asked and smirked. "It'd be fun. If I find anything left from Austin in the room or closet, we'll toss it on top of the mattress and burn it to ashes. I'll even make the rounds on the apartments and grab anything that was his."

"Yeah, we'll roast marshmallows and everything." He told me and kissed my cheek. "We'll have my bed put in your room. It's nice and big for my lonely heart." He hugged me then and smiled. "Or we can teleport back here every night and play in the nice big bed right behind me." He looked towards it. I blushed and then kissed his cheek.

"I want to burn the mattress.... We'll burn it on the first day back," I mumbled and then curled up to him. "I'm sorry that you didn't get me all to yourself though.... Even though they are dead now."

"Yeah... don't kill me too. Third time is the charm you know?" He asked softly in my ear. I purred to him then and looked up at him.

"I wouldn't kill you.... You're my mate, my true mate, and I'm pretty sure you're not going to turn into a jerk," I told him and then smiled. "If I have to... I'll even give you one of my knives as a promise."

"Hey... we both know one day I am going to be king... rather I kill Isabelle for the crow or get it handed to me." He smirked. "You'll be my Queen though." I smiled and nodded.

"You know... I'm pretty sure she plans on handing it to you willingly. The others will start to get upset if she holds onto it for too long," I told him and then pulled out my knife from my holster and placed it in his hand, stealing a kiss. He looked towards the knife then placed it on the couch and picked me up as he stood. He carried me over to the bed then and placed me down on it. He then crawled over me and got in the bed with me and pulled me close to him. I smiled and curled up to him, resting my head on his chest as I wrapped my arms around him. "I love you," I mumbled to him. He purred towards me then.

"I love you too Raven." He mumbled into my ear. "But if you let people know I let you get this close to me... I'll get you in your sleep." I tensed up slightly.

"What are you planning on telling them back at the manor when we're moving into the same room? Or are you changing your mind on that?" I glanced up at him then.

"I'll tell them that I am sleeping on the couch or at the foot of the bed." He teased me. "Either way they won't be asking questions for too long."

"Why?" I asked innocently.

"I'll give them a glare." He laughed softly. I giggled and then nodded.

"Ok, but what about the mind readers and Laurence?" I asked him. "They'll know because they know these things."

"I don't know." He shrugged. "It's really none of their business." He mumbled. I nodded and then rested my head back on his chest.

"Ok.... If you say so," I whispered. "We'll figure it out." He nodded and then laid his head back against the pillow and closed his eyes. I watched him for a second before I glanced towards the TV and then closed my eyes.

Quinton's POV:

I sighed as I started to get out of bed, shifting slowly so I wouldn't wake Dannie. It had been a bit since that other night... the full moon was tomorrow. I felt my face start to heat up as I thought about it. I should leave the state tomorrow morning. I glanced towards him and then smiled softly. I don't want him to get eaten by the big bad wolf. He shifted softly as I moved and then grabbed my shirt, pulling me back to him.

"Come back." He complained in a sleepy voice. I glanced at him and smiled softly, crawling back to him.

"Ok sweetie," I told him and then laid down beside him. I kissed his cheek and ran my fingers through his hair. He looked up at me through squinted eyes and gave me a smile.

"I'm a bit hungry." He mumbled towards me and then closed his eyes. "Mostly tired..." He grumbled. I nodded.

"I'll get a maid to bring you something to eat," I suggested and got out of bed, going towards the door where I called a maid down the hall to bring Dannie something healthy to eat. I walked back in to Dannie and then got into the bed, giving him a small kiss. I brought him close to me and rubbed his cheek. "I love you," I mumbled and then closed my eyes. He nodded softly.

"I love you too... Is the full moon tonight?" He asked curiously.

"Tomorrow night," I whispered and opened my eyes. "I'm thinking about leaving the state tomorrow so that way he can't do anything to you. I'll ask to have the manor on lockdown in case I come here."

"Quinton..." He mumbled softly. "I was thinking... that if you don't want me in that way.... especially if you won't be able to remember and you have a problem with it... Well then we will wait. I'm sure your wolf can understand that too... so there's no need in you running away for a day. Stay with your beta and pack." He suggested. "This will be Sam's first night as a beta on the full moon... He'll need you." I frowned.

"Dannie... that's not it at all. I do want you... I just don't want to not remember my first... and I wasn't planning on leaving them behind. I don't want Sam to put his hands on my twin tomorrow night," I growled that last part.

"I'll go." He suggested. "I'll spend a day in Atlanta or something." He shrugged. "I'll take someone... Hachi and Isaac?" I growled at him.

"No... I don't want you to leave," I told him and then kissed his cheek. "I love you.... The only reason why I haven't done it by now is because you've been sick and I don't want it to make you worse... or else I would've fixed the whole wanting to remember my first by now."

"Hmm?" He smiled softly towards me. "Stay here, okay?" He asked and rested his head on my chest. "If I'm not going... neither are you." I laughed and then gave a nod.

"Fine... you win this argument for now.... I will figure out a way to stay but keep my inner wolf from coming for you."

"Chain yourself to the bed." He suggested. "I'll help." He winked. I widened my eyes at him then and looked him over.

"D-Dannie... you're not going to do anything to me tomorrow... right? I want to remember," I mumbled.

"I don't think I will have the strength too." He admitted and blushed. "I feel weak." I kissed his cheek then before I sat up.

"Dannie... do you want to try again? Before the full moon?" I asked him softly. "If you think you can handle it."

"Hmm?" He blushed and looked me over. "Right now?" He asked and then looked around for the candles. "Where are my candles?" I laughed.

"I'll go get them and set them up for you if you are wanting to," I murmured to him.

"Do you want to?" He asked me quickly and gave a small smile. I thought it over and then decided I was ok with it. I gave him a nod and a smile.

"Yeah... I actually do," I said honestly.

"Really?" He asked me and bit his bottom lip.

"Uh huh... I do want to.... I got over the fear of the idea of it," I told him. "If you say you want to, I'll go get the candles and light them for you." I gave him a sweet smile.

"Go get the candles." He told me quickly and sat up in excitement. I laughed and climbed out of bed, going to where I had hidden them and brought them out, starting to put them out around the room where he originally had them. I lit them with a match and then put the match out, turning to him as the room was lit up with the candles. I smiled towards him and then started for the bed, giving him a playful growl. He blushed and then pushed the covers down to his feet and pulled off his shirt. Donnie teleported in front of me then and smirked.

"Quinton!" Donnie looked between us then at the candles. "You two aren't doing anything... right?" He asked me. I stopped and looked at him with wide eyes. Oh crap....

"Ummmm...." I gave an innocent smile. "I thought the candles were pretty... Don't you?" I asked, attempting to be innocent. "I was showing Dannie how pretty candle light is compared to the lightbulbs."

"Don't lie. You two were about to do it. Well I am here to be the sex police. You two can't do it." He told me straight up.

"But why?" Dannie asked and laid his ears back. Donnie looked towards him.

"Put your shirt back on Mr." He ordered. Dannie obeyed him and grabbed the covers, pulling them over himself. I looked at Donnie then and sighed, going towards the bed to lay down on it. Donnie stopped me quickly. "Don't you two do it, okay? Not until he gets better." He looked me straight in the eyes then. "Got me?"

"But tomorrow is the full moon," I whined. "My inner wolf will come for him anyways. He's straight out told me."

"I'll kick his butt." Donnie threatened. "What if Dannie starts coughing from too much excitement during the you know what?! What if he has some asthma attack? I'll kill you IF I find out he died from you two doing it." He started for the door then. "No sex." I groaned and thought about throwing a pillow at him, but I held back as I changed direction for the bathroom.

"Whatever," I muttered under my breath.

"Dang it." Dannie grumbled. I heard Donnie exit the room then. I sighed and stopped when I reached the bathroom. I glanced back towards Dannie and then went over to the candles, blowing them out.

"Let's go for a run," I suggested quickly. He nodded and climbed out of bed then went for the bathroom with his empty glass.

"Give me a second." He told me softly as he disappeared into the bathroom. I nodded and then glanced around the room. I walked over towards our bedroom door as I waited for him. He walked back out after a few minutes and then walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Lets go." I smiled and pulled him out of the room, taking him outside. I shifted quickly and looked up at him, wagging my tail as I started to cook up a plan. He got on me then and rubbed my fur. "Where are we going to?" He asked softly. I glanced up at him as I started to run then.

"I'm figuring that out right now actually. I'm thinking that Donnie can't kill me if he doesn't know where we are," I told him and laughed. "After it's done... he risks making you upset if he tries to kill me." He laughed and rubbed my fur then and hugged my neck.

"I love you Quinton." He mumbled. I wagged my tail then.

"I love you too." I ran us to the next state over and stopped as we came to a town. I looked at him. "I will be your oversized dog, kay?" I laughed as I glanced around.

"Uh?" He tilted his head but got off of me and looked around where we stood. "Hmmm..." He sniffed the air. I sat down and wagged my tail a little.

"I'd shift back and get us a hotel room... but I'd be naked," I told him.

"Yeah, your right... But I got ears." He complained and then nervously walked towards a hotel. "Plus I don't like strangers." He mumbled. I followed him then.

"Well... Do you want the woods or a bed?" I asked him.

"I want my bed but my brother can't bud out." He grumbled and then went into the hotel, holding the door open for me. "I'll just tell them you are my sexy ass werewolf mate and we are looking for a room for sex before the full moon gets you all riled up to unsex me before you can remember." He told me and walked up to a lady behind a desk. I tensed up. He's not actually going to say all that... is he? I followed him quickly, debating on turning back or not in public. He gave her a nervous smile.

"Room please?" He asked softly.

"Huh?" The girl asked him and leaned over the desk, looking us over skeptically. I could smell she was a werewolf. "Room for two?" She asks.

"Yeah." Dannie told her and blushes.

"Got some money on you, kid?" She asks him. He noded and pulled out his wallet then gave her the family credit card.

"I got this." He told her and she looked it over.

"Paris Grimm?" She asks him.

"Oh yeah." He nodded then. "Passed down." He told her. She rolled her eyes and then slid the card, then got a key for us and handed both back to him.

"One night, I assumed." She told him and wrinkled up her nose at me. "One night." She warned me. Dannie nodded and then looked at the key. "Take the elevator up to the top floor." She told him. "Have a nice night." She pulled out her phone then and started to text on it. Dannie started for the elevator then, motioning for me to follow. I looked towards the werewolf chick and wagged my tail at her.

"I'll be gone by tomorrow," I promised her and started for the elevator, knowing that she was probably upset I was in her territory.

"Or get eaten." She threatened. I glanced back at her.

"I'd rate you on your customer service... but I feel like you'd jump over that desk and try to kill me," I told her and perked my ears up at her.

"Have fun with your neko." She bit back and then put the phone to her ear, calling someone. I looked at her and tensed up. I bet she's calling her alpha to tell on me. I wagged my tail at her then to annoy her and walked over to the elevator. I growled a little and glanced back at her before I got in with Dannie. I sat down in the elevator and looked up at him, giving him a cute look as I perked my ears up and tilted my head to look innocent. He pressed the highest number and then looked at me.

"Do I really look like a neko?" He asked me and rubbed his ear. I shook my head and then nuzzled his leg.

"Noooo.... you're my beautiful half wolf luna," I growled softly and then licked his hand. "She's just jealous because if she has a mate, her mate doesn't show up often enough."

"You're so sweet." He purred to me and gave me a smile. I laughed and then stood up when the elevator dinged and opened. I got out and looked back at him, wagging my tail happily as I watched him. I was really going to do it... and remember my first! He stepped off the elevator and walked up to our room and then opened the door with the key and walked in, looking around. He let out a gasp and then closed the door quickly and looked at me. "Nope." He told me quickly. I looked up at him then and sat down, laying my ears back.

"Why?" I asked and pouted.

"T-the room." He blushed then and walked down the hall, laughing to himself. I looked towards him then at the room.

"What about it?" I walked over to it and scratched on it slightly.

"It's..." He tossed me the key. I transformed back and used the key, looking in. The room was covered in romantic items and decorated especially for the occasion that was happening tonight. I dropped the key.

"What the hell kind of hotel is this?" I asked softly. I grabbed the key and then looked towards Dannie. "You know... I should've been suspicious when that lady was a werewolf. I bet this is a werewolf run hotel and these rooms are for werewolves looking to do it the night before the big day." Dannie turned and was blushing a bright red.

"You think so?" He asked me softly. I gave him a smile and nodded.

"I'm pretty sure. She was threatening me and everything. Come on, it'll be ok. I'll throw most of it in the bathroom if you don't want it in the room," I promised him. He crept back over to the door then and went inside. I followed him in and shut the door behind me, locking it. I gave him a smile and looked the room over. "So yes or no? Do you want me to hide it all?" He shrugged and took in the room for a minute.

"I think I can handle it... She was nice enough to put us on the top floor." He went for the bed then and got on it, waiting for me to join. I smiled and walked over, giving a little dominate growl to grab his attention. When I got close, I pushed him gently onto his back and crawled on top of him. He blushed and went to kiss me, giving a growl. I laughed and kissed him quickly, pressing into him. I started for his shirt, pulling it off and then went for his pants. I paused as I placed my hand on it and then started to unbutton it. He watched me blushed. "No fair... You don't have any clothes." I laughed and pushed his pants down.

"Sorry sweetie... I could play hard to get if it makes you feel better," I teased.

"Nu-uh." He shook his head quickly. "Don't you dare. You done that to me for four years or more." He growled playfully. I growled back and then kissed his neck, giving him a love bite. He let out a moan and gripped at the sheets. "I can't believe we're doing this." He purred out. I laughed a little.

"Would it have been better if I nudged your shirt off like I used to when I was little," I teased and then moved down his body, trailing love bites slowly.

"No! Don't you dare start that up again," He moaned out as he enjoyed the love bites. I laughed and looked up at him.

"Awww, I thought it was fun," I joked and then moved back to his lips, giving him a kiss as I sucked on his lower lip. He kissed me back then forced his tongue into my mouth and started to take down my mouth and own it. I moaned and got ahold of his tongue finally, sucking on it to pleasure him as I ran my hands down his side. He moaned and melted under me, letting me have his tongue. I growled playfully to him and then pulled back from the kiss as I reached for his boxers, starting a wonderful day for us both.