
Hachi's POV:

Isaac sprawled out on the coffee table, twitching his tail as he watched me watching Once Upon a Time. "I'm bored," he mumbled and hung his head off the table then, exposing his neck a little. I watched him then went back to Once Upon a Time. It was really interesting! Best bed time story ever. I'm only half way through the first season though. I gave a small sigh.

"This is really interesting though, Isaac." I mumbled to him. This was also giving me some ideas about magic. It was a learning experience for me since I never went to school... well... I got kicked out but still. He groaned.

"Can I learn out of your book while you're watching this?" He asked me, looking over at me.

"You have your own book." I told him, giving a frown. I don't need him learning all my secrets. He gave me a cute look then.

"But I already read every single spell in the book I've been carrying around...." I nodded then and tossed him my spell book out of my pocket.

"You can look at it for one episode. Then give me it back." I told him firmly. I really need to get back to the kitchen... but this TV show is amazing. He laughed and then started to open it, looking through it with excitement. After about ten minutes, I started to feel like something was off, like a strong magical presence was really close by. Isaac frowned and set the book down, looking towards me in curiousity. I looked towards him, confirming I felt it as well. I paused the TV and got to my feet, starting for the hall to the front door. What the hell? It's like when I first met my unicorn... Isaac followed after me quickly, handing me my book in case I would need it. He twitched his tail as we neared the front door, but as soon as we got close to it, it slammed open and a teenage boy stood there. He didn't even look at us as he started to walk in, his emerald colored eyes just glancing us over. The magical presence seemed to be coming from him and overwhelmed me a little. I shoved my book into my pocket and let out a small gasp. "I-Isaac...." I whispered to him. "Guess what just walked through our door." I started towards the magical being then, aweing him. Isaac was looking at him with wide eyes as he watched the being start walking for the living room, ignoring us. It didn't even seem to realize we were there. I looked it over as it walked past me and then followed after it, wide eyed. When he reached the living room, he left it to go to where the door to the basement was and looked at the door, growling a little. The door immediately was flung off it's hinges and he started down the stairs. Isaac gasped as he watched the door and then looked at the being.

"That's so cool," he mumbled under his breath, looking at it in wonder. I looked towards Isaac.

"Do you have a magical pet being yet?" I asked him curiously, like how I have my unicorn. He shook his head.

"Nu-uh... The closet I've come to having a pet is Harry, but he's mostly yours," he told me.

"Harry is different from this. If your about to die they'll show up for you to help you." I told him, like how my unicorn stabbed me... I believe it was to help me gain my magic back... but I'm not telling him that. "This guy will also store your magic and won't disappear when you do. Like my unicorn." I told him. "I told you I am connected to a unicorn... You can connect to this dragon." I whispered to him, giving out what the being was. I knew for I have china heritage as well as a huge passion for dragons... I even used a dragon form before when I was playing with that witch. Isaac's eyes widened even more.

"It's... a dragon?" He asked me.

"Dragons are so rare... especially ones that can take on human forms without a wizard's help." I told him. "Oh my god Isaac! It's like it is caling out to you!" I got excited then. I can't have another magical being.... it would be like cheating... but Isaac... "Isaac! You need to mark this Emerald." I told him quickly. He glanced at me, clueless.

"How would I do that?" He looked towards the dragon who was walking down the stairs without a care. I tossed him my spell book then.

"Page 98. How to mark a magical being." I told him and then blushed. "Right under how to mark your mate." He glanced at me.

"This isn't like cheating... right?" He checked with me.

"I'm not cheating on you by having a unicorn, two grimm brothers, and Harry am I?" I asked him curiously. He thought about it then shook his head.

"Nu-uh because you only sleep with me and you only kiss me," he mumbled and then looked at the dragon in excitement.

"Please go mark it!" I begged. "I've always wanted a dragon around." I giggled then and clasped my hands together, bringing them to my lips. "Every since I was a boy. Dragons are a big thing from where I am from." I explained. He smiled and nodded.

"Ok, I'll tame the dragon," he said and then stopped. "Hachi, there's a wizard outside if you want to go eat it," he informed me. "It must've followed the dragon." I nodded and looked him over.

"Be careful." I whispered and then went to turn around, hearing the alarm to the manor go off. I let out a growl and started for the front door.

Donnie's POV:

I looked up from my laptop as the manor alarm went off, telling us an intruder was inside. I got to my feet then and teleported downstairs, smelling the air. I gasped as I caught something strange in the air... Oh my god... I never smelled this before... but the scent.... Smelled like... my mate. I followed it towards the basement door then and found Isaac outside of it.

"Isaac?" I asked curiously. He glanced up at me from where he was flipping through some pages.

"Oh, hey Donnie. Hachi is taking care of the alarm. There's a wizard outside that tripped it or something," he said and gave me a smile as he flicked his tail. He looked down the stairs and then tilted his head. "I wonder if the legends are true about them.... Guess there is one way to find out." He laughed and then pulled out a ring from his pocket. I heard a growl erupt from the stairs then and a boy walked up them quickly, going for Isaac. His green eyes were locked onto the ring. I widened my eyes.

"What.... is.... he?" I asked slowly and backed up a bit. Isaac laughed and held the ring up in the air, watching as the boy jumped for it, reaching up for it.

"A dragon from what Hachi tells me.... I'm going to tame it," he told me. I looked the dragon over in curiosity and smelled nearby it, not wanting to get too close. I moaned softly at the scent then blushed softly.

"Dragons exist too?" I asked softly, looking the boy over. "I thought they... would look more like a dragon and less like a human." I admitted. Isaac shook his head.

"No, he's just taking on a human form. He's a very powerful dragon, very rare for being a dragon too," he said and then gasped as the dragon snatched the ring finally. The dragon erupted into a purr and then started for the stairs. "MY RING!" I laughed softly and went after the dragon, watching it's every move. How am I mated to a dragon? I looked the boy over in excitement. I wonder if it can change genders... Isaac was hot on it's trail, muttering words under his breath as he read off a page of a spell book. The dragon froze up and looked towards Isaac then, finally glancing at us like he just noticed us. I froze up in my tracks, hoping I would be camouflaged against a fire demon vampire wizard. Isaac glanced at it and quickly started to rush his words as the dragon started for him. He backed up the stairs quickly, looking panicked. I got to the side quickly to avoid the dragon. The dragon growled at him and looked angry, but Isaac suddenly stopped and stared it down as he kept muttering a spell. I watched the dragon, expecting it to take on it's huge form from getting angry. I laughed softly at the thought. Now I want to piss it off just out of curiosity. The dragon tackled Isaac then, snapping it's teeth in front of his face threateningly. Isaac looked at it as he kept muttering the spell, and the dragon started to dig it's nails into Isaac's arms, making him yelp. I gasped and walked up to them, grabbing the guy by his arms and pulled him off of Isaac.

"No, don't hurt Isaac." I whispered to the dragon. It snarled, not even paying me any attention as it kept trying to get to him. Isaac looked towards it and smirked as he finished up the spell and then shut the book. The dragon relaxed and looked Isaac over and then slipped out of my arms, going for the stairs again. I watched the dragon and then followed it. Why hasn't it noticed me? I crossed my arms then. Isaac started to follow it with a dazed look as his eyes changed to gold and then back to his normal color. The dragon went down a ton of stairs until it reached a vault looking door. It looked it over and then held up a hand, watching as the vault was being unlocked. I could hear tumblers turning over with ease and then the door quickly opened. The dragon perked up at the sight of the gold inside and practically ran to it, going in and throwing itself down on the gold. I widened my eyes. "Oh... he went for the family treasure.... that is such a typical dragon move." I muttered and walked into the vault and towards him. "You're very childish." The dragon was purring and giggling slightly as it curled up to the coins, rubbing himself against them in happiness. Isaac laughed a little and followed me in. I looked towards Isaac. "How much do you know about dragons?" I asked curiously.

"The legends and what Hachi just told me upstairs. He'll be down after he eats that wizard. He's the dragon expert and begged me to tame him," he said and gave me a smile. The dragon tossed Isaac's ring onto a pile, catching Isaac's attention. He looked the dragon over and then went to pick it up, but the dragon glared at him, growling possessively. I went towards the ring then, seeming how I was practically invisible and went to pick it up for Isaac. The dragon's eyes snapped towards me then, looking at me. It tilted it's head and sat up slowly, watching me. I picked up the ring then and stuffed it into my pocket daringly. The dragon got up and walked over to me, reaching for my pocket. I smacked his hand then.

"My ring." I said firmly towards him. The dragon rubbed it's hand as it watched me with interest.

"No, it's my ring," it told me.

"Not anymore." I purred playfully. It growled at me and then pushed me down onto the gold and got on me, going for my pocket.

"My treasure," it growled. I growled back and teleported out from under it and across the room.

"Mine." I told it and smirked. The dragon glanced me over and then looked at the rest of the treasure. It gave up and laid down again, purring and rubbing against the gold. I walked up to Isaac then and gave him his ring back. "There you go."

"Thanks Donnie... I'm surprised it didn't eat you," he told me and laughed, looking at the dragon. "I feel bad for Paris when he tries to take something out of here...."

"I'll have to start doing it." I decided. Hachi appeared then and looked the dragon over with awe. He got down on his knees then and bowed towards it. The dragon's eyes wandered over to him and he sat up, looking at Hachi. He smiled then.

"You may approach," he said, studying Hachi. Hachi got to his feet then and walked over to the dragon, sitting down by him. I crossed my arms as I watched Hachi drooling over the dragon. The dragon sniffed Hachi and then purred. "Wizard," he mumbled, recognition shining in his eyes. He held out a hand towards Hachi then, looking expectant. Hachi took the dragon's hand and rubbed it against his face. The dragon purred, and Hachi glowed for a second before the dragon took his hand back.

"Don't rape my friend with your magic." I told the dragon. Hachi looked up at the dragon, giving it a smile. The dragon looked at me and narrowed it's eyes, sending me flying out of the vault. I gasped and glared the dragon down from the outside of the vault. "HEY!" I went to go back in then. The dragon giggled at me and then looked at Hachi with approval before it laid back down on the gold and started back up with his purring and playing with it. I steppd into the vault and crossed my arms. Hachi laid down in the gold then and smiled up at the ceiling. The dragon glanced over at Hachi.

"Kasai," it called out to him after a second. Hachi turned his head to the dragon.

"Yes?" Hachi asked softly.

"Where am I?" It asked.

"Grimm manor." Hachi told him. "Maine, America- USA." He told him and rolled over onto his stomach as he watched the dragon. The dragon nodded and then closed it's eyes, purring as it rubbed against the gold again.

"Midori," it mumbled. "You may call me Midori."

"Midori? Is that your name?" I asked him.

"Midori means green. Your eyes are an emerald color." Hachi told the dragon. The dragon looked a little impressed before it purred and flipped over onto it's stomach, playing with the gold again.

"My name is too hard to pronounce in a human language," he informed Hachi. "Midori will serve as my name in your world."

"Okay." Hachi purred towards the dragon and gave a smile. "You can call me Hachi." The dragon looked at Hachi then and frowned.

"Hachi... instead of Kasai?" He asked and then gave a nod. "As you wish."

"We all call him Hachi." I told the dragon. "He prefers it." The dragon looked towards me and threw me out of the room again. I yelped and glared him down. Darn it! I stepped back into the room then. Hachi watched the dragon's every move. The dragon looked me over, seeming like he was debating on throwing me out again. I glared him down, daring him. Hachi looked the dragon over and then started to creep over to him. The dragon wasn't paying Hachi any attention as he watched me, blinking as he studied me. I felt like he was looking down into my very soul. I froze up then, panicking.... would he be able to know about Chance? I backed towards the door then. Oh man... I don't like that look.

"Fear and pain," the dragon murmured under it's breath and finally looked away from me, looking towards the gold. His eyes shone then and he giggled, going back to purring and playing with the gold. I stopped backing up then. Hachi grabbed the dragon's leg then and pulled him to him. The dragon didn't seem to notice as he picked up a handful of the gold and spilled it on his chest. Hachi grabbed his needle and threat then and I glared him down. Seriously... him too?

"Hachi I wouldn't do that if I was you." I warned him. He just got on the dragon's good side. The dragon glanced towards the needle and purred, his eyes locking on the shiny needle. He snatched it from Hachi and then tossed it across the room into the treasure. Hachi's jaw dropped and he let the thread go. "Huh.... shinny things... huh?" I pulled out my wallet and pulled out a dime. The dragon's attention perked up as he sat up and looked at the dime, looking at it. "Want it?" I asked him and smirked. The dragon stood up and bounced over to me, not taking his eyes off of the dime. He reached for it, looking like a child wanting a toy. I held it above my head then and leaned in towards his cheek and gave him a small kiss. The dragon's attention snapped towards me then. He growled and moved back.

"Knees," he ordered me. I glared him down.

"No way." I told him. "I don't bow to anyone." I told him. The dragon glared at me and I saw his eyes flash gold at me challengingly. I challenged him back, keeping eye contact and stood my ground, standing taller. I felt a force shove me out of the room again, throwing me up hard against the wall of the staircase. He glared me down and I saw the door start to close. I gasped and then teleported into the vault and crossed my arms. I decided to stay quiet and wait for him to realize I was still in the room. He had the door close, and I heard it lock. He turned towards Hachi and Isaac then and smiled cheerfully.

"Good wizards," he told them and then walked back towards the pile of gold he had been on earlier. He flopped down on it and giggled. "My treasure....." Hachi laughed as he watched him.

"You must be a very young dragon." Hachi told him. The dragon looked towards him and smiled.

"I left my nest two days ago," he said cutely.

"Awe!" Hachi giggled and looked him over. "I want to keep you! Can I keep you!? We need a dragon to protect our treasure. Don't we Isaac?" He looked at Isaac. Isaac quickly nodded, walking over and kneeled down in front of the dragon.

"Stay with us. We'll let you stay with the treasure, and we'll bring you offerings," Isaac purred, bowing his head. The dragon giggled and then nodded.

"My treasure," he told them. "You may approach," he told Isaac. Isaac perked up and flicked his tail in excitement as he stood up and walked over to the dragon. The dragon held out his hand towards Isaac and watched as Isaac took his hand and kissed it. Isaac glowed for a second before the dragon took his hand back and gestured for Isaac to sit with Hachi. Hachi giggled towards Isaac and gave him a loving look. I glared my mate down then. I am so going to get him. The dragon watched as Isaac joined Hachi, sitting down on the gold beside him. "You will be my subjects," he told them and smiled as his eyes flashed gold at them. He flopped down into the gold again and purred, rubbing up against it. He moaned slightly and closed his eyes in pleasure. I wonder why they light up when he touches them... I pulled out my phone then and texted a maid to get my room fixed up in gold. The dragon sat up then and started to move some of the gold around, building up a mound around him as he made a small little dip in it like a nest. He glanced around and walked over to where a few golden sheets were lying around (cloth laced with gold in them) and brought them over to the dip and laid them in it like bedding. He crawled into it and curled up in it, slipping a moan out as he rubbed up against them like a cat. Hachi watched him with interest and purred. I walked over to the dragon then and crossed my arms.

"I'm going to get you a bedroom, okay? Made out of gold for your liking. It'll be just for us." I gave him a small smile. The dragon wasn't listening as he looked dazed at the gold around him.

"Why're you wanting to move him out of here?" Isaac asked curiously. "This is his natural habitat... a treasure room."

"He's my mate. I want to spend some time with him in a bedroom not a treasure room." I told Isaac and blushed.

"He's a baby though," Isaac murmured. "He's like... two in our years."

"Yeah?" I asked and widened my eyes. "Oh my god that's cool." I looked at him and then laid down with him in the pit.

"Yeah, they live for thousands of years if they aren't hunted or killed. If they're happy and surrounded by gold and fed well, I've heard that they could live for eternity," Isaac told me. The dragon looked towards me then and tilted his head before he rolled over onto his stomach and laid his face down into the gold sheets, purring happily as he ignored me at the moment. I gave him the dime then and rubbed his head. I laid down on my back and played with a gold coin. He glanced at the dime then sat up. He looked me over and then picked the dime up and glanced it over then looked at me. He gave a smile and held out his hand to me. I shook my head, not wanting to know what will become of me if I touch his hand. I mean.... hell.... Hachi's over there in a daze. It's like drugs. The dragon frowned and then I was suddenly forced out of his pit. He laid down in it and curled up to himself, yawning slightly. I groaned and crawled back into the pit. "Hey Hachi... should we try to help him?" Isaac asked. "He's not doing too well with making Midori happy."

"Nah." Hachi purred. "I'm on Midori's side."

"Yeah, same. He should just give up and let Midori have his way," Isaac mumbled. The dragon looked towards me and narrowed his eyes. He growled slightly and I was thrown out of the nest again. I groaned and decided on something else. I went over to a gold coffin and got in it, relaxing on the cushions in it. Paris must've had this when he was back in the dinosaur age. I heard the dragon moan again and then heard something get thrown. It crashed down onto the coins and made a loud noise, grabbing my attention. I looked towards them then in wonder. The dragon had gotten up and was exploring the room, picking up gems and diamonds. He started to collect them and piled them in a part of the room. He picked up an Emerald and then walked over to Hachi and Isaac, setting it down in front of them. He giggled and then kissed both of their heads before he went back to his pit and laid down in it. "You know... he's a really happy baby," Isaac whispered and laughed. "I haven't seen him get really mad yet. The most he's done is injure me and refuse to let Donnie get near him."

"Hey!~" I looked towards Isaac.

"I'm going to make sure I become immortal again to watch him grow up into a fine young man and kick Donnie's ass." Hachi purred.

"I can't wait!" Isaac laughed. "Midori is so going to blow up at Donnie if Donnie doesn't cave and give him what he wants."

"I'm not giving in to him." I hissed. "I'm not going to be his subject." I told them. Isaac looked towards me and smiled.

"It's not that bad. He showed us his home when he touched us, and we got to feel all of his power. It was amazing~!" Isaac hugged Hachi then and had a look of excitement on his face. "I can't believe he's only a baby with all that power!" The dragon yawned and snuggled up to himself, rubbing against the sheets. Isaac smiled at the dragon happily. I frowned as I imagined him growing up one day and stealing stones from purebloods. I shivered at the thought and rubbed my chest. I think I need to leave this place now and hide... Midori sat up as he heard something and then the door opened. He growled and I saw his eyes flash gold. He was suddenly a green dragon about the size of a pony and was going towards the door, flicking his tail as he shuffled his wings and went out of the door without hesitation. Isaac frowned and soon enough, we heard the screams of the army a few floors up. I widened my eyes and climbed out of the coffin then. I yelped as I seen Ander climb through one of the mirrors and looked around.

"I smell a dragon!" She said in excitement. I glared her down.

"Ander! I thought my dad would have killed you by now..." I grumbled.

"He can't climb into mirrors." Ander told me and smirked. I  pulled out my gun then and shot towards her, she yelped and ducked, having the bullet hit the mirror behind her and break it. Midori was back in the room then, looking pleased as he carried a dead army rat in his jaw. He dropped it when he saw Ander and glared at her for entering his treasure room. He snarled and was on her in seconds, biting at her and then breathed fire. She screamed and I shot the rest of the mirrors in the room so she couldn't escape. I laughed as I watched my little mate get her. Well that takes care of her. He had eaten her within seconds and looked towards her stone in curiousity. He tilted his head as he inspected it then growled. He picked it up and was back into his human form in seconds. He walked over to the door and threw it out, looking disgusted with the stone. I frowned and teleported out of the treasure room and picked up the stone. I swallowed it then and teleported back into the treasure room, getting back into the comfy coffin. He looked towards Isaac and Hachi and smiled.

"Bad stone," he told them. "Not pretty." He walked over to his nest and crawled into it, wiping at his bloody face and started to clean himself. I felt Ander trying to root in me but I used my stone to swallow her up with my roots so she wouldn't take me over. I groaned as she started to burn me a bit. How do people eat other pureblood stones?! I heard him moan again. "Hachi, Isaac," he called to them. "Sleep with me?" Hachi moved over to Midori and got into the pit with him then curled up to him.

"Yes Midori~" Hachi purred. Isaac quickly got into the pit and curled up to Midori beside Hachi and purred to him. Midori suddenly let out a moan as Isaac touched him.

"Warmth," he mumbled as he looked at Isaac in joy. Isaac smiled as he watched him. I groaned in jealousy as I watched them. Midori closed his eyes in happiness as he let the wizards close to him and started to fall asleep. Isaac smiled and looked towards Hachi with a sweet look. Hachi pulled out a new needle then and had his magic stitch Midori up quickly. Midori didn't seem to notice as he was knocked out, and I could tell Isaac was still using his magic to make Midori warm. Hachi finished and then changed the sitching color to gold for Midori and then curled up to him, purring. Isaac rested his head on Hachi as he kept his hand on Midori's chest, starting to take a nap with them. I got out of the coffin then and snuck over to them then crawled into the rest with them and curled up. I heard Midori giggle slightly, and he suddenly touched me, making me glow. I saw glimpses of rocky terrain and beautiful clear skies, a place I'd never seen before, and it felt warm and nice- not too hot, but not too cold. I felt his power and magic then, making me shiver as it washed over me like an ocean tidal wave. He let go of me and then curled up. I looked towards him and gave a small smile as I watched him. I saw him glance at me before he closed his eyes and purred, rubbing his head against the sheets as he started to go back to sleep. I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep as well, dreaming about that place he showed me.

Midori's POV:

After a bit, I sat up and looked the three over and then started to climb out of the nest I made for myself. I yawned and perked up as I looked my gold over and then giggled, deciding I'd leave Hachi in charge of it. I wanted a walk. I walked over to the vault doors and had it open before I started up the stairs and went for the front door. As soon as I got outside, I smiled and stretched, taking in the feeling of the sun against my skin. Donnie appeared in front of me and looked me over.

"Where ya going?" He asked me firmly. I looked up at him and tilted my head.

"Dunno," I told him and then started to walk. He followed after me with a small sigh. I glanced back at him. "Why're you following me?" I asked him and blinked. I looked ahead then and sniffed the air, feeling something precious calling me from the direction of that town I had walked through earlier. I smiled and let out a purr. I'd go get it and bring it back to my treasure room. He followed after me.

"I'm going to make sure no one hurt you." He told me. "Plus I need to make sure you keep out of trouble." I frowned. Trouble? I looked back at him and then started walking in the direction of the town, ignoring him at the moment. He grabbed my wrist then.

"Midori, your not going to do something... like rob a bank... right?" He asked me. I looked back at him and tilted my head.

"Bank?" I asked curiously. What's a bank?

"Don't steal other people's treasure." He told me then gave me a coin. I looked at the coin as it called out to me and then smiled, taking it.

"Mine," I mumbled and then looked at Donnie, pleased with his offering. I stopped when something shiny on him caught my eyes. I looked towards it, seeing it was wrapped around his waist. He looked towards it then at me. I stepped towards him, not paying him attention as I looked at the shiny thing, giggling a little. I grabbed him and pulled him closer as I started for it. "Pretty," I purred to myself. He yelped and reached for my hands.

"No no no." He told me. "I need that." I growled possessively as I felt it call to me then.

"Mine," I told him and started to undo it to take it from him. He slapped my hands then and backed away from me, fixing it to where it was tight again on him. I narrowed my eyes at him and then tackled him to the ground, going for it again. He yelped and tried to swat my hands away.

"It's mine!" He told me. "Midori, no." I felt his hand hit mine and then frowned, pulling my hand back as I rubbed it. Ow... He hit me. How dare he?! I glared at him then and went for his hands. He's supposed to be one of my subjects! I'll have to punish him for this. His eyes widened and he froze up under me. I looked at him and narrowed my eyes as I felt my teeth sharpen a little. I looked him over and then moved his hands to one hand and went back for it again. I'll punish him later. I purred as I started to undo it. He struggled under me then and let out a groan. "Don't take that from me. It holds up my pants." He kicked my knees out from under me and then tried to crawl out from under me. I yelped as I fell to the ground and then started to cry. Why won't he just let me have it? I sniffled as I sat up and rubbed at my eyes. He watched me and frowned. "I'm sorry Midori..." He gave me another coin then. "Have that?" I looked at the two coins I had and sniffled again as I found it hard to see through the tears. He pulled me to him and started to rock me in his arms. "I'll give you my belt when I don't need it, promise." I whimpered and curled up in his arms, feeling slightly better as he rocked me. It soothed me enough to where I could breathe normally. I clutched his shirt and held onto him, burying my face into his chest. He sighed then gave me his shinny object around his waist. I looked towards it and giggled then, holding it close. He gave it to me! I purred and closed my eyes in happiness.

"Mine," I mumbled. He sighed and kissed the top of my head.

"Yeah, it's yours." He purred. I looked up at him then and tilted my head, getting a funny feeling about him. He must be my second mommy! I giggled and rubbed my head against his chest, getting my scent on him. Only second mommy would give me treasure. He rubbed my head and purred in my ear. "Your mine though." He told me. I tilted my head as I looked up at him and smiled.

"Like treasure is mine?" I asked cutely.

"No, we're romantically supposed to be with each other. I'm your prince charming." He explained to me. I frowned, not getting it.

"What's a prince charming?" I asked him and tilted my head.

"I'll tell you later, during story time." He told me.

"Story time?" I frowned.

"You'll see." He rubbed my head then. I nodded and then purred again, leaning in and rubbing my head against his chest. I hit my favorite spot to be rubbed and moaned in pleasure. He laughed and picked me up then into his arms. "You're kinda cute." Suddenly we was in front of a waterfall and he sat me down. "You can go behind there~ It's pretty cool." He told me, pointed towards the waterfall. I giggled and looked at it then got up and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards it. I walked behind the waterfall and giggled in excitement as I looked around.

"Pretty," I mumbled and then looked up at Donnie. He nodded and rubbed my head.

"Yeah." He agreed. I smiled at him and leaned my head into his hand.

"Second mommy... I'm hungry," I purred to him. He tensed up then.

"I'm not your mommy. I'm your mate." He told me quickly. I frowned and looked up at him.

"You're not my second mommy?"

"No." He kissed my lips then. "I'm your mate." He told me then pulled me closer. "Mates." I blushed and looked at his lips then leaned in and kissed him, liking it. He purred against my lips then pulled back, looking me over. "Good boy." I giggled and then kissed him again. He pulled back and touched my lips. He pulled me over to the water then and reached out towards it, running his fingers across the falling water. I looked at it then giggled, leaving him to go under the water. I gasped as it hit me and then laughed happily, squealing in excitement. It felt so good! And the sun made it shiny in places! I suddenly heard  growl rip through the air and a few howls erupt from a few feet away. I was pulled back to Donnie quickly. I frowned and looked through the water in curiousity about what could've made that noise. I looked at Donnie as I got a bad feeling about it.

"What was that?" I asked him softly and then buried my face into his chest, pressing against him as I trembled a little from the fear of whatever it was. It sounded terrifying- like beasts.

"Wolves." He told me and then rubbed my head. I could no longer hear the rushing of water. "It's okay, I teleported us back home, where it is safe." He told me. I poked my head out of his chest then and looked around. I felt my treasure calling to me again. I grabbed him and started back for the treasure room, getting to the stairs and then started to pull him down them. He blushed and followed me without arguing. I opened the treasure room back up and pulled him inside, locking it. I pulled him back towards my nest and laid down in it, looking up at him expectantly to lay down with me. I looked towards Hachi then and smiled. He will be my second mommy if Donnie won't be.

"Second mommy," I purred towards Hachi then. Hachi was fast asleep in my nest. Donnie got in the nest with me and laid down, stretching out. I looked towards him then leaned over and kissed him again, purring as I snuggled up to him. He held me close and rubbed my shoulder. I moaned slightly and then grabbed his hand, leading it to where I loved to rub myself against things. He watched me and smirked. My moans made Hachi stir in his sleep and curl up to Isaac. I giggled as he rubbed me there and leaned into his hand for more, purring as I moaned again. I closed my eyes in pleasure, adjusting myself to get the best out of it. Hachi moaned slightly as he curled up tighter to Isaac and rubbed his chest. Isaac stirred a little but didn't wake up. I glanced towards them, wondering what was going on with Hachi and then stopped as he got a better spot. I moaned loudly and wrapped my arms around him, leaning in and kissing him. Donnie purred in my ear then and stopped rubbing me as Hachi groaned. I pouted and then moved away from him, rubbing up against the sheets to make me feel better. I giggled and rubbed my cheek against them. Hachi started to rub his hands up under Isaac's shirt then and purred deeply. Isaac started to wake up then, gasping at Hachi's touch. I frowned and then ignored them as I started to purr and continued what I was doing, getting my scent all over the sheets. Hachi stretched out then, arching his back as he moved away from Isaac. Donnie seemed to be enjoying watching us. I moaned slightly as I hit my head against a pile and then giggled, running my hands over the sheets in happiness as it called out to me. Hachi woke up then and looked towards me.

"Midori!" Hachi purred. "Stop doing that." I looked towards him curiously as I rubbed up against the sheet again, getting my neck good. Why's he asking me to stop? He gasped softly and then crawled over towards me, getting into my arms. I looked at him and then rubbed my cheek against his, starting to tilt his head back as I moved my face to his neck and purred, rubbing under his chin. He let out a moan and Donnie gave me a jealous look then nudged Isaac awake. Isaac sat up sleepily and looked from Donnie to us then widened his eyes. He snatched Hachi from me then, holding Hachi close. I frowned and sat up. Hachi rubbed his head against Isaac's chest then and purred. Isaac smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"Maybe I shouldn't have let you stitch him.... He does rub up against things a lot," he mumbled. "You should probably turn off the ability to feel him doing that stuff before he starts back up."

"Uh-huh." He grumbled and gave Isaac a kiss. "I will right now." Isaac nodded and gave him a sweet smile. I looked towards them and pouted.

"Second mommy.... I'm hungry," I mumbled, looking towards Hachi with expectation. He's my second mommy.... He's supposed to feed me. He looked towards me and nodded.

"What do you eat?" He asked curiously... "Fish. I'll make some sushi." Hachi told me and got to his feet. "I'll make us both sushi." I giggled and then flopped back into the gold, purring. Isaac gave me a look of interest then looked towards Donnie.

"Would you like some alone time with him?" He asked. "I can go with Hachi if you want."

"Actually... can you both go with Hachi... I need to go tell Isabelle something." He told them. Isaac nodded and looked towards me.

"Come on Midori," he said and then picked me up. I widened my eyes and yelped.

Donnie's POV:

Isaac carried Midori out of the treasure room then, not letting him get back in the gold as he started to cry out for it. Hachi followed Isaac and I teleported to Louis's study and went in for Isabelle. "Isabelle?" I called out. I pulled out my phone and texted Quinton and Cage that I need to talk to them. Isabelle glanced up at me and smiled.

"Yes Donnie? Is there something wrong?" She stood up then and pulled an earpiece out of her ear.

"We now officially have a dragon." I informed her. "To guard the family riches." I told her, smirking. "He's still young. So that means we can definitely raise him to want to stay." I shrugged then and texted Nikolai the news then. "Oh and I'm telling you because Louis and Paris are gone. Richard is gone. Nikolai is gone, Raven is gone, and I don't have a clue where Rose could be.... probably in bed with Victor." She nodded and laughed.

"A dragon huh? That's interesting.... If I could get ahold of Paris, I'd tell him." She sat down in her seat. "Is there anything we need to get for the dragon, or are we good? I don't know much about them. I didn't even know they were real."

"They like shinny things, gold, and apparently fish. Hachi is going to help take care of him, so don't worry." I told her and smirked. "Well, I'm going to go see about finding Cage and Quinton. I seen some rogues out by the waterfall a few minutes ago." I told her. "Don't worry. It's a werewolf thing." She nodded and then gave me a smile.

"Thank you for telling me. It would've been bad if I didn't find out about the dragon in time," she told me then waved me off. "Cage should be with his pack. Quinton is usually with Dannie."

"I know." I nodded towards her. I walked out of the study then and downstairs. I walked outside, seeing Cage just coming out of the woods. He shifted back from a wolf from and walked up to me. "Hey, Cage! You have some rogues in your territory by the waterfall." I told him. His eyes buldged out of his head practically and went back towards the woods. He shifted and let out a howl, warning the pack. I sighed and then went back inside, going to the kitchen. Isaac was holding down Midori who was growling and trying to bite Isaac to get back to the basement as Hachi cooked. Isaac looked over at me and smiled.

"Hey Donnie!" He called out. I gave a smile.

"Hey~" I purred to him. I looked towards Midori and gave a small smile. "Settle down, you can go back to your treasure after you eat." I told him. He pouted and then growled. Hachi looked towards me as he was busy stirring rice. I sat down at the counter then. Midori slipped away from Isaac then while Isaac was distracted by watching me, and he started running for the door. Isaac narrowed his eyes and made it disappear.

"Learn to be patient," he told Midori. "Food is more important than a treasure hoard."

"Yeah." I told Midori. "You can wait, it's not going anywhere." He growled and then walked over to Hachi. He started to go through his pockets, seeming intrigued by something in them. Hachi gasped and then tried to get away from Midori.

"EEEK!" Hachi shrieked and tried to go towards Isaac for help. Midori growled and pushed him up against the refrigerator as he searched his pockets then pulled out something shiny and ran off with it. "HEY! GIVE THAT BACK!" Hachi fumed and then had Midori come back, using magic to do so. Midori yelped and held the shiny thing close to his chest.

"No! My shiny thing!" He tried to run off again. Hachi groaned and then the shinny thing was gone. Hachi smirked as he looked Midori over. Midori's eyes shot to Hachi's pocket again, and he growled, going for Hachi again. Isaac sighed and put a coin out on the counter, making Midori stop. He turned to the coin and ran over to it quickly, picking it up. I shook my head and sighed. I walked over to the fridge then and got myself a bottle of blood out then took a sip. Hachi went back to making sushi. Midori sat down in the floor and spun the coin around, watching with interest as the light caught it. He giggled and then laid down on the floor. His tummy growled in hunger as he looked down at the coin and then up at Hachi. Hachi was close to finishing now. I smirked and knocked the bottle back and started to chug the blood. Midori started to gnaw gently on his hand, tears in his eyes again. I frowned as I watched him.

"What's wrong Midori?" I asked softly. "Don't bite your hand it's almost done."

"Make him something to drink for me." Hachi ordered me and smirked. I groaned and fixed Midori a glass of water. Midori looked towards it and then whined, reaching for it. He took it quickly and downed it. He looked me over, and I could see a small predatory look in it like he was considering eating me, but he looked away towards what Hachi was making. Hachi finished then. Hachi gave him his plate of sushi, and it was gone in seconds. Midori smiled and set the plate aside, laying down on the ground with a happy look. I smiled towards him and then rubbed his head. I finished the rest of my blood then sat the bottle in the sink. Midori stood up then and wrapped his arms around my waist, nuzzling his head against me. I smiled and rubbed his head.

"What's the matter?" I asked him curiously. He purred and then kissed my lips before he pulled back and giggled. He gave me a playful look before he ran off for the door that Isaac had let appear again. I watched him then shook my head. I started after him then, making sure to keep my eye on him. He didn't go back to the treasure room this time and instead seemed to be in a daze as he walked up the stairs towards the bedroom area. I followed after him in curiosity, wondering if he was headed towards my bedroom or something. He walked into a room then, my room, and I heard him purr as soon as he entered it. I walked in and gasped with joy at my now golden room. He was sprawled out on my bed, purring as he curled up in the golden threaded sheets and rubbed up against my pillow. I closed my door and locked it then followed him to my bed. "This is yours." I told him. He looked at me happily and nodded.

"Uh-huh... mine," he said and then gripped the sheets as he pulled them closer to him. I laid down on the bed then and smiled softly. He looked at me and then slowly started to nudge me off the bed. I gasped and then clung to him. He giggled as he looked at me and then pulled me closer, letting me stay. He rubbed his head against my chest then and purred happily. I purred back to him and rubbed his head.

"You won't die on me." I whispered to him. He giggled and looked at me then kissed me sweetly. I kissed him back then and blushed. He looked at me and tilted his head before he leaned in and kissed me again.

"Mine," he mumbled. I blushed and nodded towards him. He smiled and then stole another kiss before he rubbed his cheek against me and then put his head on my chest, wrapping his arms around me. He giggled and snuggled up to me. I rubbed his head then and purred in his ear. He giggled as I tickled him by doing that. He looked up at me, his eyes shining happily. He kissed me again and then looked towards my neck, kissing it gently. I let a moan slip and looked him over then exposed my fangs. He didn't notice as he gave me another kiss on my neck. He purred to me and pulled me closer. I purred back and rubbed his back, comforting him. He relaxed and then let a moan slip, loving the attention. He kissed further down my neck. I leaned in towards his lips then and kissed him. He giggled and kissed me back moving on top of me then. I looked him over and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes?" I asked him softly. "Mr. Midori?" He looked down at me and then gave me an innocent look as he rubbed his cheek against me, purring. I purred back and arched my back. He tilted his head, rubbing his favorite spot against my chest. He let a moan slip and then looked towards my neck. His eyes flashed gold then and I saw his teeth sharpen a little. His nails started to as well as he started to creep towards my neck, a dazed look in his eyes. I felt all paicky in side, making me freeze up. I felt like a deer in the headlights of a moving truck. What was he going to do? He's going to eat me! I leaned in and kissed him then. He kissed me back and purred to me, going for my neck. He bit down into it, his sharp teeth cutting in easily. He ripped out a chunk and then ate it before his claws dug into my side. He growled softly and I started to glow slightly like before. I felt his power washing over me again, but this time, when I stopped glowing, I felt a tiny bit of it stay. He sat up on me and smiled innocently before he moved off me and then curled up beside me, purring as he rubbed his head against a pillow and let out a soft moan. I felt slightly different, besides the pain in my neck and sides. I rubbed my neck then, groaning out in pain... god darn it... I should have ran! He glanced over at me and gave me an innocent look as he slipped off the bed with the pillow and fell into the floor. I watched him and sat up quickly. "What'd you do?"

"What?" He gave me a smile from the floor and clutched the pillow. I looked at my sides then, where he got me. Isaac appeared in the room with Hachi then and frowned, looking towards Midori.

"Midori... you're not in the treasure room.... Oh," he laughed and looked around the room. "Donnie got you to leave it for this." He glanced towards me and frowned. "You smell an aweful lot like him now. Oh my goodness, he marked you. How sweet!" Isaac laughed and kissed Hachi's cheek. "Young love," he purred then looked towards Midori. "Well, now that I know that you're safe, I will take Hachi and go watch Once Upon a Time," he told Midori. He smiled innocently up at Isaac and curled up to the pillow as Isaac pulled Hachi out. I frowned and looked towards Midori.

"Hey! That's not cool. I was supposed to mark you first." I grumbled and rubbed the little side wounds he made. He gave me an innocent smile and then got back on the bed. He curled up and watched me with a cute look.

"Don't be upset," he purred towards me.

"Do you know that you just marked me?" I asked him softly, wanting to know how intelligent he really is. He giggled at me then. I frowned and then looked at the side wounds. "Are these permanent?" He looked at them and then leaned over. He looked them over and then his eyes flashed gold and warmth flowed through me. The side wounds healed up and disappeared without scarring, but I could tell that the neck wound wasn't touched. He left it. I groaned and curled up onto my side, looking towards him. I rubbed my neck and then closed my eyes. He poked my cheek then before he got up and started to explore the room. He walked over to the window after a bit and looked outside longingly. I heard him cry out a little and then the window started to open. I heard him climbing up onto the windowsill. I got out of the bed quickly then and went for him. "Midori, get back in here." I hissed. He glanced back at me from the windowsill and pouted. I rushed to him and pulled him back into the room then closed the window. He yelped and looked towards the window then up at me. I glared him down then. "Don't you leave me." I growled. He sighed and then rubbed his head against my chest.

"Ok," he mumbled. I smirked and then rubbed his head.

"Don't go marking me again either." I teased in his ear. He gasped and then kissed me quickly. I kissed him back and then pured in his ear. "I'll go get you something nice... like a gold cup." I promised. "Tomorrow." He purred at the idea and slowly started to back me up against the bed. He pressed me against it and tripped me up, making me fall down onto it. He kissed my neck again and then giggled, moving off of me and laid out on the bed. I laughed and shook my head. I curled up to the sheets and then pulled my pillow close to me. He hummed softly and closed his eyes, singing under his breath as he rested his head on the bed. I watched him then pulled out my laptop and got on it, looking through what I was doing earlier. After about twenty minutes, he got up again and wandered towards the window, looking out it at the sky. "No." I told him firmly. He looked at me and then back outside.

"Why not?"

"I don't want you to fly away and never come back." I told him.

"My nest is here," he mumbled and turned to look at me. He pointed the room over. "This is my second nest, and my first nest is with my treasure. My home," he told me. He gave me a sweet smile. "A dragon returns to it's hoard."

"Are you positive you will come back?" I asked him, giving him a pout. He thought it over.

"Depends... on if I find more treasure," he mumbled to himself. "Would I come back if I found more treasure?" He looked outside and tilted his head.

"There's no treasure out there. It's all here." I told him. He looked at me.

"Come with me," he said and held out a hand, giving me a smile. "You can make sure I come back." I nodded and closed my laptop then went over to him. When I got close, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up onto the windowsill as it busted open for him. He smiled in excitement and jumped out, pulling me with him and then became that green dragon from earlier. He held me in his talons as he lowered us to the ground and then set me down, landing beside me. He looked at me. "Come on, I wanna fly," he said excitedly, his voice echoing in my head. I nodded and looked him over, creeped out that I was able to hear him in my head. I got on his back then and wrapped my arms around his neck. He quickly got us in the air and started to fly, laughing a little. He flew over the town and then started heading for the sea, diving a little when he reached it but then soared back up. He giggled as he left the land, getting out of it's sight. I held onto him tightly, not wanting to fall off of him. Wow... I'm a dragon rider. He kept us level and looked flew us across the ocean in about one hour. I recognized the new land under us as France and he stopped, looking intrigued as his eyes looked one way. "Treasure," he mumbled and then started to fly towards where he was looking. We were quickly at Rose's castle, and he landed us in the courtyard, changing back quickly as he walked towards the doors of the castle with an excited look. He disappeared inside before I could react. I frowned and followed after him.

"This is my aunt's castle!" I told him, jogging just to keep up. "It's our treasure, practically." He wasn't paying me attention as he started to hunt for it. I chased after him and laughed softly. "I can't believe you." It didn't take him long to find her treasure room and was throwing himself down on it. I crossed my arms as I watched him. "You are such a dragon." I told him. He giggled and looked towards me, tossing a coin my way. I caught it then looked at it through a light then bit down on it. He watched me and then purred, looking the room over. I put the gold into my pocket and smirked. Midori looked up at me and then crawled over to me and rubbed his head against my leg, letting out a small moan. "Mine...." I pulled my foot away then and crossed my arms. He looked up at me then. "What's the matter?" He asked and then narrowed his eyes. He snatched my foot and yanked it, making me fall onto the gold. He crawled over me then and looked at me. I widened my eyes and blushed.

"N-nothing." I mumbled. He purred then and rubbed against me, letting a moan slip as he kissed my neck. I tensed up under him, not wanting to get eaten again. I showed him a gold coin then, trying to distract him. His eyes caught on it immediately and his eyes turned gold as he stared at it. I gave it to him then and tried to slide out from under him. He let me as he took it and then curled up to the coins, moaning slightly. I got to my feet and started for the door. I might as well explore the castle. He looked my way but didn't say anything as he went back to playing in the coins. I shut the door behind me and walked up to the main ball room and then cut on some music with my phone and sat it down on the floor. I heard a scream down near the treasure room and a loud roar that sent a shiver through me. I froze up but decided to ignore it and motioned a maid over. I began to dance with her to pass the time. The castle grew silent after a bit, settling back into it's normal ways. I spun the maid around, starting a waltz. I stopped dancing after the waltz was over and went to my phone then looked at the time. I frowned as I noticed it had been a couple of hours. I teleported back down to the treasure room and looked around for Midori. I frowned as I noticed he wasn't amongst the treasure. "Midori..." I grumbled then teleported to the Grimm manor treasure room. I teleported to my bedroom after finding him missing and groaned when he wasn't there.

"HACHI!" I yelled and teleported into his bedroom that he shared with Isaac and sometimes Harry. Isaac looked up from the couch and gave a smile.

"Hey Donnie, what's wrong?" He asked. He flipped a coin in his hand and then tossed it onto the floor. Midori came out from under the bed and pounced on it quickly then took it back under the bed. I watched him and let out a sigh.

"I was worried about Midori. He left me back at Rose's castle." I told Isaac. Isaac looked at me.

"Yeah, he's mad at you," he told me and smirked. I frowned.

"Over what?" I asked and looked under the bed, giving him a small smile. He glared at me and had a small pile of coins under there with him.

"He said something about you dancing with someone... and he didn't even want to be in the treasure room. He's reverted back to not talking," Isaac said.

"Oh? I was bored so I went and danced with a maid to pass the time." I told Isaac. "It was nothing." I shrugged and looked at Midori. "Are you jealous?" I teased him. "She meant nothing to me. I was just passing the time and making her suffer by dancing with me." He looked at me with a glare and then curled up under the bed. I saw a small puff of smoke as he breathed out and he pulled the coins closer to him as he refused to look at me.

"Hachi might kill you. He's been worshipping Midori since he walked through the front door," Isaac murmured.

"Midori~" I moaned his name and started for him then, reaching under the bed. "Come here buddy." He smacked my hand then, glaring at me. I snatched his wrist and pulled him towards me. "Gotcha!" He yelped and then struggled to get away, snarling a little at me. I let him go and laughed softly. "Fine, stay under there and be mad. Jealous kitten." Isaac sighed and then tossed me a white gold chain necklace with an Emerald on it as a pendant.

"Try that," he told me. "He seemed to like it earlier." I dangled it in front of Midori and waited for it to catch his attention. He looked towards it as he heard the chain and then widened his eyes.

"Pretty~" He reached for it, his mouth slightly open in awe. He looked up at me and then at the necklace, pausing before he touched it and then giggled. He snatched it from me and then hugged me. I hugged him back and purred in his ear. He purred to me and then I felt him put the necklace around my neck, clasping it on me. "Gift," he mumbled to me. I nodded towards him and rocked him in my arms. He relaxed and then kissed my neck, giving me a small moan as he smelled me.

"HACHI! They're done fighting!" Isaac called out from the couch. Hachi nodded as he was watching a movie on top of the bed.

"Yeah~" Hachi purred. "I heard." Isaac laughed.

"Hey Mr. Second Mommy, glad to have the bed back to ourselves now that the kid is moving out from under our bed?" Isaac teased.

"Yeah!" Hachi motioned him over. I picked up Midori and teleported us to our room.

"There we go." I told him, motioning to the bed. He looked towards it before he walked over and then climbed into it, getting under the covers. I got in with him and turned on the radio next to my bed, playing music on low. He purred as he heard it and then kissed my cheek as he moved closer to me and rested his head on my chest. I rubbed his head and closed my eyes. He moaned again and pressed his head into my hand, nuzzling against it. I started to fall asleep to the music, groaning softly.