A Trip To Hell

Raven's POV:

I hummed softly as I went through my room, moving a few things that way Nikolai could have some space in here. I had already gotten everything that Austin had left behind in his closet out and burned it out in the yard. I glanced towards my bed and sighed, remembering I said I'd burn the bed for him. I walked over to it and teleported it outside, throwing it on the bonfire and then smirked. Bu-bye Austin! I teleported back into my room and looked the bed frame over and then glanced my room over, nodding in approval. Time to go get Nikolai! I walked out and down to his room, knocking on it softly. "Nikolai," I called, smiling a little.

"Come in." He said on the other side. "Just finishing packing up a few things." He told me. I walked in and shut the door behind me.

"Hey, just burned the things I said I would," I purred and walked over to him. "It's ready for you to move in." He smiled towards me.

"I'm about ready. I went drinking though with my dad... otherwise I would have finished packing." I frowned and leaned in, smelling him to see if he was drunk or not. He smelled like alcohol a bit but he wasn't drunk. I smiled and then kissed his cheek. Good.

"Ok," I said sweetly. "Anything I can help you with?" He motioned for me to get the bed.

"I'm sure you can handle that." He told me. I nodded.

"Yeah, I can do that easily." I walked over to the bed and grabbed it, teleporting into my room with it and then fixed it up. I stripped it of his bedsheets and put the ones I bought recently on it and smirked as I finished making up the bed. I teleported back into his room and sat down on the couch, watching him. He finished throwing some stuff into a bag and tossed it to me.

"Go empty it into the closet and bring that back." He told me. He seemed to be cleaned out his closet now. I nodded and then did as I was told, coming back. I watched him and crossed my arms as I waited for him to give me something else. After a few more hours we had gotten him moved into my bedroom and he laid down on the bed, exhausted. I smiled at him and walked over, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"You can use anything that's in here- just not my personal stuff like clothes- don't do that. I think I'd freak out if you wore a dress," I joked and kissed his cheek. He nodded.

"I don't want to wear a dress anyways." He told me. "Today has been a long day in a way." He told me. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah... he left more stuff than I thought he did," I mumbled. "I think there is a really good fire outside right now." I laid down beside him and looked up at the ceiling. "So how is your dad?"

"He..." He choked up then. "He's... He...." He shook his head and was cut off as the werewolves started to howl, changing for their full moon adventure. I frowned and sat up a bit, brushing my hair over my ear.

"Nikolai? Is he alright?" I asked softly, starting to worry. I looked him in the eyes.

"Lauren bit him." Nikolai said weakly. I widened my eyes then. She did what? She knew that would give someone the disease?! Why would she do that?! I quickly hugged him then, feeling terrible. His father might die....

"I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I don't know why'd she do that.... M-maybe they'll find a cure before they..." I couldn't get the last word out- die. He busted into tears then and started to whimper. I pulled him close and wiped at his tears, trying to comfort him. "Nikolai, I'm sure it'll be alright," I whispered. "I'm here for you... and I will always be.... I'm sure they'll find something. He's a prince and a pureblood. Everyone will be scrambling to help him- even the ones that didn't care before about the disease." I kissed his lips softly. "I will have my own newborns working for the cure. Don't worry," I mumbled in his ear and then pulled back slightly. I ran my fingers across my neck then dug my nails in slightly, making me bleed to try to comfort him. He liked my blood after all.... "You need to eat," I murmured to him as my blood dripped down my neck. He nodded and leaned in towards my neck, licking up the blood. He grabbed my hands then and pinned them at my sides as he fed off of me. I kissed his head and tilted my head to the side so he could get as much as he wanted, purring towards him. He purred back against my neck as he fed from me. "I love you," I murmured to him and laid back against the bed, pulling him down beside me. I closed my eyes and smiled softly. He pulled away from my neck then and looked me over.

"I'm going to be king soon." He whispered to me. I looked at him and kissed his cheek, smiling at him sweetly.

"You must be so excited," I purred. "You've been wanting to be king for a long time now."

"I know what I'm going to do as king, so yeah..... I'm excited." He smirked. "I don't have to kill one of my uncles for the throne either... so that's good." I giggled and wrapped my arms around him, resting my head against his chest.

"That is good. Everyone would be angry if you killed one of them.... Besides, the fact that you know what you want to do is good. At least you won't go in blind," I said and then kissed his neck. "You'll make a good king."

"I know." He told me with a smirk. "I've been wanting it forever now."

"King Nikolai," I mumbled, trying it out. "I should start teasing you with that." I giggled and looked up at his eyes.

"It does sound good though." He admitted, closing his eyes.

"So king, would it be a crime to ask for a date tomorrow?" I asked, smirking.

"Yes, it would be." He joked, giving a small laugh. "I'm taking over the world tomorrow." He looked towards me. "My first step is finding my Uncle Louis." I smiled and gave a nod.

"Ok Mister King, is against the law to ask for a date next week?" I teased and watched him. "After all... it's so scandalous for the king to be asked out by a girl," I joked. "Should I get in line behind the fans?" 

"Get in line." He told me. "Besides, I'm going to be busy next week... but tonight.... Would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked sweetly. I looked him over and smirked.

"Would you be mad if I said no?" I teased, sitting up slightly. Of course I'm going to say yes though.

"I have all eternity." He told me, giving a shrug. I grabbed his hand then and stole a kiss.

"If you want a date tonight, then we can go out," I purred against his lips.

"Then let's go out." He told me and got off the bed. "Let's go to a nice restaurant." I got up and giggled, giving a nod.

"Okay!" I picked up my favorite heels from under the bed and then went over to my wardrobe and pulled out a cute red dress, going towards the bathroom. "Give me a moment~!" I went in and shut the door, locking it. I changed into it and then fixed my hair and makeup- making it subtle. I walked back out and over to my nightstand, picking up the chocker I bought at Vantista. I put it on and then looked towards Nikolai. Nikolai was still in his clothes from earlier and gave me a small shrug, dangling his keys in his hand then took off towards the door.

"I'm driving." He said, shoving the keys into his pocket. I nodded and followed him, grabbing my purse and slipped it over my shoulder. I shut the bedroom door behind us and then walked past him, going towards the stairs to get to the garage.

"So... have you asked her to hand you the throne already? Or are you planning something else?" I asked softly, glancing over my shoulder at him.

"I know I will get it." He told me and shrugged. "I've got enough of a good vibe to know... It's practically mine." He was tackled then by Donnie and thrown up against the wall.

"NIKOLAI!" Donnie rubbed his head against Nikolai's cheek. "Come see my dragon, Midori." He begged.

"He's MY dragon," I heard Isaac hiss from behind me. "He's just your mate!"

"He's rightfully mine." Donnie hissed Isaac's way.

"I'm going out with Raven." Nikolai told him. "You got a pet dragon?"

"No, I did," Isaac hissed. "He's my dragon. I'm just sharing him with Donnie because it's his mate."

"I want a dragon." Nikolai told them, smirking. "I bet he'd like my castle more then this manor." Nikolai teased them. I saw a dark haired boy with green eyes bouncing down the hall, wrapped in golden sheets. He looked towards Nikolai and his eyes flashed gold before he ran over and reached into Nikolai's pocket, pulling out his wallet then ran off with it. I frowned. What in the world just happened.... Nikolai's mouth dropped then and he held out his hand. Suddenly his wallet was back with him and he placed it back into his pocket. "I don't want a dragon." He said and started for me then. "Let's go." I heard a growl from down the hall then and the boy ran back up to us. He tackled Nikolai to the ground and then stopped, purring. He slipped Nikolai's keys out of his pocket and then fell off of him, moaning slightly as he held the keys close to him.

"Midori." Donnie snapped. "Give it back." He growled. "That's not yours to keep." The boy looked towards Donnie then growled, his eyes flashing gold again. Donnie's eyes turned gold as soon as the boy's did.

"Mine," he hissed. Donnie pulled out his keys then.

"Take these instead." Donnie told him. Midori tossed the keys and got up, running over to Donnie. He reached for the keys and whimpered, a desperate look in his eyes. Donnie gave him the keys then rubbed his head. Nikolai grabbed his keys then looked up at me. He stood then and grabbed my hand.

"Let's get going." Nikolai told me. Isaac frowned our way then.

"Where're you two going?" He asked and then tilted his head. "You smell of each other.... Are you mates?" He brightened up then and clapped his hands. "Awww, that's adorable!" Nikolai glared him down.

"Yeah... we're mates." Nikolai admitted then looked at me. "Can we go now before Isaac dies?" I teleported us to the garage quickly and kissed him.

"Don't mind him," I purred and then pulled away, taking him towards the car for our date. He got into the car and turned the radio on first thing. He then waited on me to get situated before driving us to our destination. It was Xandria's restaurant that I've heard about. 

Louis's POV:

I looked towards Dylan as he entered the basement where he had me tied up since he kidnapped me. I smirked, ignoring the fact that I was sore from everything they'd done to me. "Come back for more?" I purred, looking him over. "What's next? Firebrand? Toes getting cut off? Fangs ripped out?" Dylan laughed as he looked me over and then pulled a cart into the room with him. It had a pot on it and a needle sitting right by it.

"Worse. I'm going to tar you." He told me, whistling as he brought over the cart. He snapped his fingers then and two other males walked in- two I haven't seen before. They transferred me to a table and laughed towards me like they knew something bad was going to happen to me. I growled at them and looked towards Dylan, putting up a small fight.

"You wouldn't tar me. You need me for bringing back those two idiots you're so fond of," I hissed, looking him over. "I won't be able to."

"Eh... I decided I wanted to have fun with you first." He told me. "Then send you to hell." He smirked. "I'm sure you won't mind." He growled then. "After all... you killed my brother. Do you know what I done to the vampires that killed my parents?" He asked, tilting his head back. "There's a reason why the vampire hunters keep me around." He picked up a needle then and licked the end of it before placing it into the substance in the pot.

"They keep you around because you'll kill them otherwise." One of the helpers laughed out.

"Your right." Dylan smirked towards him. I narrowed my eyes. I don't feel like playing like this much longer. I'm getting sick of this. Too bad I have the cu- I looked at the cuffs that were restricting my powers then looked towards Dylan, keeping a smirk in as I got an idea.

"Grimm," I mumbled under my breath, starting to call the family demon to help me. I never do it. He won't expect it... and on the off chance he doesn't come, I won't look like an idiot because he won't know what I'm doing. I can figure out another way if he doesn't come for me. He appeared then by me and looked around.

"I see your in trouble." He told me and smirked. "Don't worry, they can't hear or see me." He looked them over. "Need me to save you?" He teased. I looked at him and smiled a little, relieved to see him. Tarring is something I don't want ever.

"Grimm," I mumbled towards him and then shifted slightly, relaxing.

"Yes, that's my name." He told me and then got on top of the table, rubbing my chest. I purred slightly.

"You actually came," I whispered softly. He smirked towards me.

"Yes, I came." He told me. "Though I won't help you. I don't do favors. You better command me if you want out of this." He looked towards Dylan. He was currently filling the needle up with thick black looking tar. I shivered at the sight of it and pulled on the bonds holding me down. I snarled when they didn't break and kicked as hard as I could with how I was being held down. Grimm tsked my way then went to get off the table. Panic rose up within me as I saw Dylan almost done.

"Grimm, get me out of here," I ordered quickly. "Get me far away." He grabbed my arm then and we faded off the planes of existence on Earth and entered the gates of Hell.

"You said far away." He told me. "It's what you wanted." I widened my eyes and clung to him.

"Hell?!" I felt my heart rate jack up then, remembering the last time I went through here. "GET ME BACK TO THE MANOR!" He shoved me off of him then and disappeared from my sight. I froze up. Oh... my... demons. I'M STUCK IN HELL?! I SHOULD'VE KNOWN BETTER THAN TO TRUST THAT BACK STABBING DEMON! HE'S ALWAYS HATED ME OUT OF THE THREE! I looked around and shivered as it started to stick in my head that I was stuck here. August.... I whimpered and looked towards the ground beneath my feet, wondering if I try to find my own way or if I should stay put. I'm already lost.... I felt my body going numb then as I felt hopelessness creep into my stone. I was lost forever, thanks to Grimm. I took a step then and began to walk, looking straight ahead blankly. I'd never see my family again... and it's my fault because I took the quick way out.

After a while of walking and suffering Hell, a hand grabbed my foot and then another as hands grabbed me and pulled me down. I suddenly started to fall as they let me go and after an hour of what felt like falling... I hit the ground with a hard thud. The room lit up around me then and I was in a cozy living room. There was a huge hellish fire in the fireplace, that roared to life and screamed of the damn. Yes... the damned was literally screaming in the fire. It was on low though. There was a nice puffy couch in front of it with a person sitting on it, but I couldn't tell who. The person was laid out on it and rubbing the back of the couch with one hand.

"I love listening to the screams of the suffering." The being spoke up then, tilting his head back a bit. "We made a deal, Paris." He growled out, starting to lift himself up from the couch. I looked up at him, dazed. Where the hell am I? Who's this guy?

"Paris?" I tilted my head to the side as the name sounded familiar. I could just... put my finger on it. Oh! My twin who I will never see again. I laughed a little and felt a tear roll down my cheek, stinging me from it being ice cold to my burning skin. I'll never see him again... I wonder how he'll be in a few years. Happy with Richard? I felt my body shaking as I looked towards the ground, tears blurring my vision. It's all that damned Grimm's fault! I'm supposed to be with August and Paris and Jasper and Isabelle!

"Yes, Paris." The male told me, kicking a woman off his leg then walked towards me. "Your mine now." He purred towards me, looking pleased. I looked back up at him as I stayed on the ground and then wiped at the tears burning my face.

"I-I'm not Paris," I told him. "I'm his twin," I whispered the last part. He raised an eyebrow then looked me over, coming closer.

"You look exactly like him." The male purred. "I'm the devil, satan, Lucifer, whatever you want to call me." He grabbed my hand then and pulled me to his chest. "You're not Paris?" He asked me curiously and sniffed me then let out a moan. "Of course not! You smell like him though." He told me and then smirked. "Your now mine." He told me. I frowned and tried to pull away, but I couldn't get an inch from him.

"Let me go!" I screamed, freaking out. "I'M NOT YOURS!"

"Your in my domain. You entered my grounds... You are living off of my rules now." He told me. "I'll make a deal with your twin... but you... Your soul is now mine." He laughed out. "All I have to do is smother your light out in that chest of yours." He told me. He grabbed my wrists then and forced me back. Suddenly I was laying on something soft and he crawled on top of me. I felt something slither across my wrists... like snakes. His form changed then to look like Paris as he leaned down towards my lips. I felt my stone want to give in at the sight of him, but I knew better. He was still not my twin.

"W-why not make a deal?" I asked quickly, turning my head to the side so he couldn't get at my lips. It was pointless to fight his strength. He'd win easily. He leaned in and kissed my neck then.

"A deal?" He asked softly. "I like deals." He told me, purring. "I want you." He told me. "That's my end of the deal." I shivered.

"Me? I want out of here," I said quickly. "Can't I give you something else?"

"Okay... I'll give you the same deal as your twin." He decided. "Has he told you?" I looked towards him then as my brain racked to remember. I shook my head.

"No... he hasn't told me everything...." The devil sat up on me then and smirked.

"Paris's contract with me is that..." He ran his fingers down my chest then and held it over my stone. "His soul. I told him he could go back home. But when he dies or gets caught sneaking through my lands again.... He'll be mine forever as my pawn." He told me and then grew out some goat horns on his head, his eyes flashing red. I widened my eyes.

"P-pawn?" I should see what my options are first. "W-what happens if I decide I don't like that deal? What happens if there is no deal made?" I asked quickly. "I want to make a deal, but I'm curious. I like to know my options and every choice I can make before I make a big decision like this." He laughed then.

"Don't you understand that you're mine right now?" He asked and smirked. "I'll let you go back... but you'll have to make me a deal that you'll be mine if you end up back down here." He shrugged then. "Paris is going to be my bed slave when he's not a pawn." He let out a slight moan then like he was day dreaming of that day. I shivered and went to get away from him.


"I'll be with you too." He pulled me back to him then. "I'll let you two be together if you want. As long as I get to watch." I widened my eyes. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HIM?!

"I'M NEVER COMING BACK HERE! What the hell do you want for that deal? Just that? If I end up here again... you will take me?" I growled. "Well fine, give me the damn deal. I don't like hell. I'm just stuck here because my good for nothing family demon dropped me here on purpose." He nodded and then smirked.

"Deal." He told me and then reached into my chest and pulled out my stone, but my body stayed together. He purred towards me and then looked it over before eating it all together. He pulled out a new stone from his pocket and placed it inside me. He leaned down then and gave me a kiss. "Go to sleep. you'll wake up like this was all a dream. Don't tell anyone about our deal though." He shushed me and then puked up the stone and tossed it towards his fire in the fireplace. It consumed it and I felt a burning rip up my spine. I screamed and gripped the couch, arching my back in terror. He laughed then and looked me over. I felt my whole skin lighting up in flames then like I was burning in hell. I shrieked and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Make it stop," I begged. He snapped his fingers and I felt at peace as the bed took me in to it's warmth. A few blankets wrapped me up in them then and he rubbed my head.

"I love making deals... except.... Paris and I did more then this." He told me. I opened my eyes and looked towards him, panicking at the word Paris and more.

"You didn't sleep with him," I asked quickly.

"He was very talented... to only have two lovers." He purred. I felt like throwing up then.

"O-one question... Can... Can I at least tell him? He has a right to know what happened," I mumbled as I looked away from him.

"You may tell him in private." He decided. "Only him." He then looked me over and I felt my chest collapsing on itself. "If you tell others though... I'll come after you. You'll die under my power." He teased. I shivered and then nodded.

"Alright," I mumbled. I closed my eyes and curled up then, relaxing. I can go home. I smiled softly at the idea of it. I won't ever come back here if I can help it.

"I'm the devil though... remember that. If I feel like you are cheating me... I will bring you back here quicker then your head can process it." He told me and then smacked my face a few times. "Get some sleep." I growled his way slightly before I started to try to go to sleep, ignoring the damned.

I opened my eyes on the couch in the living room of the Grimm manor, shooting up quickly. I screamed and looked around, sweating. My heart and stone were racing in my chest, making me feel faint. I felt a tad different though... around me was breathing differently... it looked different. Like I was seeing with new eyes. Paris sat across from me then, watching me.

"Isabelle told me she found you here on the couch, after she came and found me." Paris told me, trying to explain himself. I looked at him and felt like I had a terrible nightmare. I whimpered slightly and then got up, going over to him. I sat down in his lap and laid my head against his shoulder.

"I had this terrible nightmare," I whispered to him. He leaned in towards my ear then.

"It wasn't a dream." He told me. "I can smell him all over you." He told me softly. I could smell him on him as well now that he mentioned it. I shivered then and gripped him.

"I want him dead- our demon," I mumbled. "He took me there and dropped me off." Paris tensed up then and looked me over.

"He done what?" Paris asked me. I touched his cheek then, showing him everything after he had blacked out from Richard leaving. Paris tensed up against me then. He looked towards me then grabbed my arm and glared me down. "Louis." He hissed. He sounded angry now. "At least you didn't sleep with him." I looked at him and then buried my face into his shoulder.

"I just wanted to go home," I whispered, trembling.

"We both can't enter hell ever again." Paris sighed out, relaxing under me. "There's nothing I can do about Grimm." I sighed and breathed in his scent, just happy to be with him after that.

"I love you Paris," I told him softly and then curled up in his lap. Paris's scent was now stronger then usual to me and it was intoxicating. He rubbed my head and then gave my cheek a kiss.

"I love you too Louis." He purred in my ear. I leaned in towards his neck instinctively and bit down into him, purring as I got a taste of his blood. He let out a small moan and threw his head back to give me more room. He grabbed my legs then and made me straddle his lap. I moaned and licked his neck, sucking on the wound. He groaned and then teleported us to a bedroom and laid back on it, keeping me on top. I moaned at the taste of my twin, his taste more pure and stronger to me than any other time when I had bitten him. I pressed into him and kissed his neck before I bit him again, wanting more. He groaned and sharpened his fangs then, giving a small smirk. I saw it and then pulled back, sitting up on top of his stomach. I gasped as I saw how sharp they were and purred, tilting my head for him and exposed my neck, moving my hair to the side as I closed my eyes. He leaned up and bit down into my neck then started to feast on my offering. He switched us then and pinned me down under him as he started to turn demonic as well. I purred and pressed my head back into the bed and gripped the front of his shirt as I let a moan slip from me. He pulled back then and sat up on me, rubbing his mouth and getting blood on his hand. He looked down at me and gave a lustful look. I looked up at him in a daze and then grabbed his hand, flashing him memories of when it was just us. He fell down on top of me then and leaned in towards my lips, begging for a kiss now. I moaned and then gripped his sides, wanting him just as badly. He looked me over and ran a hand through my hair then leaned in and bit my neck once more. He started to feed from me, moaning. I went to flip us then, not satisfied. He let me flip us then and parted from my neck, looking towards my lips. I leaned in and kissed him but then stopped, feeling it was wrong. I pulled back and looked at him as my head was clearing slightly. He tsked towards me and then flipped us, giving my cheek a kiss. I smiled a little, wrapping my arms around him as I kissed his cheek.

"Paris," I purred. "We should stop."

"I know." He grumbled, getting off of me then. "We have mates." He whispered. I sat up and rubbed my neck where he bit it. I looked towards him then longingly but stopped myself.

"I love you," I told him, getting up off the bed. I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry about the..." I looked him over as I noticed he became a demon. He purred towards me and then pulled away.

"Love you too." He told me and walked out of the room, leaving me. I smiled and then teleported into my bedroom, looking for August. I saw him on the bed and started for him immediately, letting out a possessive growl.

"August," I purred and climbed into the bed with him. I got on top of him and kissed his neck, smelling him. I moaned at him and then stole a kiss from his lips. "I'm home." He gave me a small smile then and pulled off the headphones. He had been listening to music.

"Louis~" He growled and leaned in for another kiss. "I'm glad your back. I was getting lonely." I kissed him passionately and then unbuttoned his pants, not hesitating.

"You don't know how much I missed you," I purred to him, remembering the trek through hell and the feeling that I'd never see him or Paris or my family again. "I love you so much." He gave a small smile.

"Oh baby... I love you too." He told me and then grabbed my hands. "We're not going to jump into this though. You smell like a demon." I growled.


"I want you cleansed." He told me. "That's what's so." I narrowed my eyes.

"No," I hissed. "No one is touching my stone."

"Then you aren't getting into my pants." He told me.

"August," I hissed.

"You heard me." He let my hands go then. I stared at him then growled in frustration.

"August, please."

"No." He told me and then put his headphones back on. I snatched them off and threw them across the room.

"Don't you dare."

"Take a nap."

"Hell no!" I narrowed my eyes. "I'm not letting anyone touch my stone! Besides! Who the hell would dare try taking it?!"

"I'm not giving into you." He told me, cutting the TV on. "I'm watching my television now." I snarled and then grabbed his hands, pinning them down. I leaned in and kissed his lips, sucking on his bottom lip to grab his attention.  He let out a small moan and tried to yank his hands free. I purred to him and then slipped my tongue into his mouth. He arched his back then and pressed his chest up against me. He stole my tongue then and started to suck on it. I moaned and let go of his hands, running them down his sides as I melted on top of him. I pulled back from the kiss then and looked him over lustfully before I pushed his pants down. He growled then and tried for his pants, to pull them back up. "No Louis." I stopped and narrowed my eyes, looking up at him.

"Why?! I'm your mate," I said quickly.

"You are my mate." He told me then smirked. "Now behave yourself."

"You were wanting this before I was kidnapped," I growled.

"Now I don't." He teased. "I'm hungry." I got off him then and walked off towards the door, pissed. I heard him pick the phone up then and dial a number. "I want something to eat, send it up." He ordered. I glared at him over my shoulder.

"I'm going to break you," I warned. "You just wait. You'll be wanting me before the week is up."

"Challenge accepted." He told me.. "It'll be the other way around though."

"I have my ways," I hissed. The door was flung open then and I was tackled by Hachi.

"YOU'RE BACK!" Hachi kissed my cheek and purred in my face. "I'm so happy! Guess what I got you and August!" He told me, shaking my shoulders. "I made these cool spectacles." He told me, pulling out a black pair. "They'll help him see. It's so cool. Try them on August!" Hachi crawled off of me and went for August, holding them out to him. I froze up and watched. Hachi placed them onto August, helping him do so and stepped back. August blinked a few times then looked around.

"Hachi..." August said, sounding bummed out. "They're not working."

"WHAT!?" Hachi hissed. "I did exactly what the spell told me to do." He hissed. I sighed and stood up, walking over. This sucks. I was excited. I pouted and looked at August. No fair.... Hachi grabbed his spell book out of his pocket then and flipped through it, grumbling. "Sucker punch." Hachi growled. "I forgot about adding carrots." He snatched the glasses off and ran out the room then, screaming for Harry. I watched him then looked at August, staying quiet. August rubbed his eyes then and rubbed at a few tears. I felt my body freeze at the sight, and I was walking over to him before I knew it. I got in the bed beside him and pulled him into a loving embrace. I kissed his cheek and purred to him.

"August, I'm here," I mumbled to him. "It'll be alright. I'm sure that it will work when he fixes it." I pressed him against me, letting him feel my warmth to comfort him. He whimpered then and curled up against me.

"My wolf hasn't even talked to me." He cried out then, rubbing his face against my chest. "I'm a bad alpha."

"No... no you're not baby," I whispered to him. "We have two beautiful children, and you protected Quinton. You're not a bad alpha. You just... It didn't fare well for you. It's not your fault. He's just a big baby. Your inner wolf is sulking. I promise. It's because of his personality. Look, would a Luna fight to get back to a bad alpha? No," I purred. He rubbed his head against me and let out a small hiccup as he held back from crying.

"I feel so lonely blind... and without my inner wolf... and you gone all the time..." He told me, sniffling. "I don't understand why he's not talking to me.... I don't even know if I can change into a wolf anymore." He told me. "When's the full moon?" I held back then, realizing it passed. Maybe he shifted but his inner wolf didn't tell him. I kissed his cheek and smiled.

"I'm not sure," I told him. "Look, I'm no longer King," I purred. "After Hachi makes that last attempt... I'm taking you to go on a long vacation with me- just us. It's not fair to you... and you deserve it. I'll have someone cleanse my stone before we go because this upsets you." He leaned in and kissed me then, giving me a passionate one. He gripped at my sides and let out a longing moan. "Stone first or we'll be at it for at least two days," I teased, smirking a little.

"I won't be able to tell the difference." He told me, giving me another kiss. I widened my eyes and then kissed him back, moving on top of him.

"I love you," I murmured and then kissed his neck. He looked up at me and smirked.

"I love you too!" He leaned in towards my neck and scrapped his teeth against it. I moaned and then leaned in and kissed his lips and ran my hands down his hips. I gripped his boxers when I reached them and then pulled them off, giving him the day of his life....

Unknown's POV:

I laughed softly as I watched the precious Grimm brother sleeping with his illusions on my bed. He had no idea that he was still trapped in my world. I had never gave him a contract to sign. He's fully mine. People should know better... I'm satan for christ sakes. I don't just let people go that fast. Even Paris knew that much. He had to work hard to get out of Hell. I smirked and ran my hand down my side then leaned up against a body of bones. "This is when a creepy song turns on." I purred. I snapped my fingers and made the bones scream out a cry for me. I laughed and started rubbing my back against the bones, scratching it. "Oh I will have you once again." I cried out, thinking about Paris. "Your twin will do for now though." I whispered. Louis moaned in his sleep and rolled off the bed. I caught him dreaming that he was with that werewolf in his world that he liked so much. I smirked and had him placed back on the bed. "Yes... rest my lover." I told him, sneaking my images into his dream to make him want me instead. He stopped and curled up to the pillows, moaning softly. He gripped it tightly, his fingernails tearing it open. I laughed as I watched him, looping the dreams all the way back to where he'd think of me as his mate by the time he woke.

~Time Skip brought to you by Satan~

Louis's eyes fluttered open and he looked towards the bed, blinking in confusion. He sat up slowly and looked around then frowned. "Whaaa... What?" He slowly got out of bed, not noticing me yet. "Where am I?" He murmured to himself. "Paris?" He called out hesitantly. I smirked and walked out of the shadows, going to him.

"You didn't think it would be that easy to leave... right?" I asked him. "Paris had to crawl out of here and dig his way out." I laughed towards him. He froze up and then slowly looked my way. I pouted then. "Calling for me?" I changed my voice and appearance to match Paris. He looked at me and then walked over quickly, burying his face into my chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Paris," he mumbled and squeezed his eyes shut. "No... not Paris." He shook his head and then pulled back. "Stop it."

"Do you know what my favorite seven sins are?" I asked him. He looked at me and crossed his arms.

"I'll humor you. What?"

"On the top three is incest." I purred, shoving him towards the bed. "Get in there." He yelped as he fell onto it and he went to sit up quickly. I crawled onto the bed then. "I'm going to really mess you up in the brain before I send you back." I purred to him. I started for him then with the stalk of a tiger. He shivered and started to back up from me.

"Q-quit it. You're scaring me. You look like my twin," he hissed.

"Relax... it will be like doing it with yourself." I told him and then had his clothes light on fire and burn off of him. I crawled on top of him then and slipped off my robe that I had been wearing and was now naked against him. He screamed and shoved me off quickly, crawling away.

"NO! AUGUST!" He screamed out.

"Come back here!" I roared, pulling him back with the sheets. He got tangled up in them, unable to get off the bed before I had him. He looked up at me with wide eyes, shaking his head. I laughed and mounted him then and covered his mouth with my hand. "You'll never escape me." He screamed through my hand, muffled. I could tell he was calling for Paris and August. I stole his voice from him then and smirked as he grew mute. He'd only be able to make a noice if he said my name or moaned. I chained him to the bed then and had everywhere around us consumed in darkness as I took him without his permission.

~Time Skip brought to you by a vibrating phone?~

He had fallen asleep and finally given up, worn out. I laughed and got off the bed. I clothed myself in the finest clothes, silk then teleported myself into the Grimm manor, disgusing myself as a maid now and walked around to check on it. Honestly I was just looking for Paris. I sniffed the air, wondering if he was back or not. A boy was suddenly in my face growling. "Evil one," he spat out. His eyes flashed gold, and I felt his power trying to intimidate me... a dragon.  "Leave." Donnie grabbed a hold of him then. I knew Donnie for the fact he was a Grimm boy... I knew all of the Grimms... but this dragon was new. I gave a small blush.

"Don't pick on the maids." Donnie hissed, pulling him down the hall. "Come on, shinny gold is in our room." The dragon was screaming at me in his home language, his voice rough as his human form tried to pronounce the words correctly. He called me by my name and cursed me as the fallen star and said I'd never get this family. I laughed at him and bounced off down the hall. I wondered into Dannie and Quinton's bedroom then. Finding them still asleep and shoved the curtains back for them, rudly awakening them then walked up to Dannie, looking his body over. I glanced at his chest then. I thought he would be dead by now... with his broken heart. It'll be his liver next. Quinton snarled at me.

"If you don't leave... I'll eat you for breakfast," he muttered my way. "We're sleeping." I nodded towards Quinton then rubbed Dannie's ear the way he liked it and started for the door. I heard Quinton snarl at me and then the bed rustled as he moved Dannie closer to him protectively. "I'll have my father eat you when he gets back," he hissed. I laughed then as I closed the door and started off for the kitchen to get a sneak at Hachi. I had to be careful though... Wizards can see straight through me and know who I am. As soon as I went to peek in the kitchen, the dragon from earlier tackled me, snarling in my face as his venom and saliva drooled into my face.

"Hachi!" He called out. He clawed at my chest then. "Donnie can't stop me now." Hachi was coming towards the door then. I had this dragon pinned against the ceiling then for touching me and I left for my precious Hell. Maybe I'll go back when that dragon leaves.... I might have to wait a while.... but I don't want to get bit by that thing.... I might get a disease. Louis was wandering around with the blanket from the bed pulled around his shoulders. As soon as he saw me, he stiffened and went to scream but nothing came out. He panicked and ran quickly down the hall. I shortened the hall then and had the doors disappear, pulling him to me. When he reached me I tugged the blanket off of him and tsked. He was of course still naked.

"You don't get my blanket for covering up." I told him, tossing it away into oblivion for later use. He looked up at me and blushed before he looked away. I rubbed his head then had us in the sofa by the fireplace. I made him lay on me then as I stroked his hair. He glanced up at me, looking a little dazed again. He laid his head down on my chest and purred slightly. I smirked towards him then made him grow cat ears and a tail. "Good kitty." I told him then grabbed his tail and wrapped it around my hand. "You won't be allowed clothes." I told him. He stopped purring and looked up at me in alarm.

"Lucifer," he said, using my name to say something at least to express that he was upset. I nodded.

"That's right." I told him. "You heard me. No one will touch you down here besides me anyways. They respect me. So you can dance around here naked and be warm and safe." I told him. He looked me over and then went to slip off me.

"Where are you going?" I asked, tugging him back on by his tail. He looked pained and stopped moving. He looked towards the tail and then widened his eyes, a red blush forming on his face as he saw what I did to him. "You're mine kitty." I told him, looking his bare chest over. I smirked and had my clothes disappear on me so we both could be equally naked. He started for my hand then, laying his ears back as he tried to get his tail. I pulled on it then. "Quit." I ordered. He froze up and obeyed. "Let's play a game." I decided. I liked games. "Torture game." I told him and then pulled on his tail harder. "Who will I torture today!" I yelled and the fire rose higher. He tried to scream out in pain and curled up on my chest, trembling. I let his tail go then. "Oh I know... Hitler." He looked up at me then. He had tears in his eyes, but he looked relieved that I wasn't talking about him. I got out from under him then and sat his bum down on the couch. "Stay there while I go play." I told him, pointing my finger his way. He smirked then and grabbed my hand, kissing it. He pulled my hand to him and then placed it palm up and started to trace letters into my hand. D-A-N-T-E. I smirked. "Dante?" I asked him. "You mean that new pureblood I got in just a few days back?" He nodded and then smiled. He started a new name as well. G-R-I-M-M. "Grimm? You mean your demon Grimm? I don't torture my demons." I told him and then shook my head. "I think I will shove a large pointy knife into Dante though today to make you happy." I told him and cupped his face in my hand. He purred loudly, approving. He leaned against my hand and then looked up at me. I pulled back and then had a table appear with food on it, tons of food. "Have whatever you want." He looked towards it suspiciously. I smirked towards him. "This isn't Pan's Guarden." I told him. "Or was it maze?" I shook my head. He hesitantly picked up a strawberry and looked it over, glancing towards me. He looked it over and then set it back down, curling up on the couch as he laid his ears back. His tummy growled. I pointed out a glass of blood then. He looked towards it and pouted but stayed put. "Starve then." I told him and walked away from him, going into the fire.

Louis's POV:

I looked towards the glass of blood hungrily, my tummy growling in protest for it. I found my hand reaching for it, but I quickly yanked my hand back. I'm so hungry... but I know not to eat from here. I looked towards my wrist, wondering what the consequences were for eating yourself. I felt my fangs expose themselves as it became a good idea quickly. I leaned in towards my wrist and sunk my fangs into it. My blood flowed into my mouth, but it wasn't like drinking from someone else. It was like it was wrong. I ignored it and continued to drink, trying to make myself feel better. After a bit, I pulled back and licked my wrist clean, watching as it healed. Maybe if I continue this cycle... my body will reabsorb my blood when I drink it and then I can continue the cycle of sating my thirst and hunger? I felt myself start to get sick then, and I was vomiting over the edge of the couch, puking up the blood I had just taken from myself. I clutched my stomach and fell off the couch, at least not landing in my puke. I looked up towards the ceiling of the place as the food wafted towards me, making my stomach growl again. Too bad I have no way of getting food that won't trap me. I curled up to myself and looked towards my thrown up blood. So... that's the consequence. I winced. All that blood just went to waste.... I needed that in my body.... I picked up a plate of food and then threw it at the ground, pissed. He totally just wants me trapped here forever! I'M NOT STAYING! I narrowed my eyes. He said Paris got out. How'd my twin manage this? I looked around and then walked off from the living room, going to explore. Maybe he left some clues for others here....

~Time Skip brought to you by a chess piece on a book~

I found myself back in the living room again, already having explored the whole place. There wasn't a single door leading outside, just locked, unbreakable windows. I may have destroyed the library trying to throw things at the windows in there to break them. I looked around, defeated. Paris didn't leave a single clue anywhere for someone like me. Sounds just like his selfish butt. I looked towards the fire where the Devil had left and crossed my arms. That must be the only way out.... It'll probably kill me. I picked up a burrito and threw it at the fire in curiousity. The burrito started to burn alive then.

"You won't find a way out." I heard a girl tell me from behind. "This place is secure so nothing can come in from out there." She told me. "Except what he wants in here." I looked towards the girl behind me then and then picked up another burrito, throwing it at the fire in frustration. TAKE THAT FIRE! BURRITO ATTACK! The girl was a thirty year old lady with a kiler body. She was dressed up in a sexy lingerie outfit. She had long brown hair that was braided perfectly. She hummed as she bounced over to the table and then picked up a cherry and ate it. I watched her and then glanced towards the glass of blood as my tummy rumbled at me again. I winced and then walked over to the couch, sinking down on it and pouted as I laid my ears back, watching the girl. She gave me a huge smile, seeming friendly. "Bet he made you speechless." She purred then got another cherry. "You look like Paris." I perked my ears up at that name and nodded, sitting up quickly. I smiled and gestured for her to come over. She hesitated, not sure. "You won't bite me or something... right?" She asked. I looked her over. Her blood would probably trap me... and then she probably has some weird sort of disease. She looks like she'd be a succubus or something. I shook my head and then gestured her over again. She walked over slowly and sat down right by me.

I grabbed her hand then before she could pull away and wrote T-W-I-N on her palm. She took a minute to get it, but when she did her eyes lit up. "Wow! He told me he had a twin." She told me and then smirked. "What was it... Louis?" I nodded and perked my ears up. H-O-M-E. I looked at her hopefully and brought my tail into my lap, giving her a pleading look. She gave a small shrug, not understanding me. I pouted and then started to slowly put  I-W-A-N-T-T-O-G-O-H-O-M-E. "Silly... you are home." She told me and patted my head. She got up then and went to the table then picked up a strawberry and ate it. I frowned and shook my head no to her. Well... if she's not going to help me there... I looked myself over and then gestured to the fact that I was naked and gave her a pleading look, hoping for clothes. She looked me over and then blushed.

"I'm sorry Louis. He doesn't keep clothes around. He gives us what he wants us to wear with his powers. If you don't have anything on then he wants you to wear nothing until you feel comfortable with being with him." I faceplanted the couch then and tried to scream then looked up at her. I stood up and picked up an apple, throwing it at the fire. She got an apple, banana, and orange then started for the hall off to the side. I followed her quickly. She walked to a door then opened it and went into a pink bedroom and tried to shut the door in my face. If I could growl, I so would. I went past her before she could shut it completely and walked over to a couch in the room, curling up on it. No way am I staying out there in the open. She blushed and went to her bed then sat the food on it and crawled onto it then laid down on her stomach, in a seductive position and pulled out a notebook from under her pillow. I watched her and then looked around her room. Why's it pink? She could've had a prettier color like purple- I think. Who knows. Maybe satin is a freakin color hoard too like he does with clothes. Jerk. I want pants. She started to doodle in her journal then, humming to herself. I got up and walked over, looking over her shoulder curiously. She was drawling a picture of satan being hanged. I clapped my hands together for her and purred then looked towards the pen. She looked towards me then blushed softly. She closed her journal then and stuffed it under her pillow with her pen. I watched her and pouted. I got enjoyment out of that... It's the first thing I've seen that I like since I've gotten here... though it should've been a beheading. She blushed some more then gave me a pillow, placing it in front of my manhood. "Cover yourself up." I grabbed the pillow and gave her a grateful look before I went back to the couch and placed it strategically so it would cover up my sensitive areas from her sight and cover up most of me. I curled up and watched her then looked towards the door. Maybe he'll lose interest and not try to find me if I'm not out there when he gets back. He sounds like he enjoys torturing. I doubt he'll come looking... which means that after I get some of my dignity back... I can go look around again to see if maybe there is something out there to break out of this hell hole with. I glanced towards the girl in curiousity. I wonder if she would come with me if I asked. She twirled her hair around her fingers then, having taken it down. She gave me a smile as she played with it. She didn't have much in her room to do. There was a few books on the book case though. I glanced around and then decided to go see if maybe I could find something to protect myself with. I stood up and walked towards the door, giving her a wave and a smile before I slipped out. I walked back to the living room and over to the food table, glancing around for a knife. I pouted and then looked towards the glass of blood then smashed it on the floor to get a shard of glass. I picked it up, making sure not to cut myself and get the blood in me. I walked over to the couch and started to clean it off on it carefully, getting all the blood off the glass shard. I smirked and then walked over to some curtains in the room and cut them up, tying the piece I cut off around my waist and then slipped the shard  into the band around my waist. I smirked. Hah. Take that. I've got a weapon. I walked out of the living room and back to the library, going in and then walked back over to the indestructible windows and tapped it, looking outside. I could see a river of blood off in the distance boiling souls alive, coming off a waterfall. Most of the area though was land, dark land that wasn't light up.

"I'M BACK!" I heard the devil yelling. I widened my eyes. NO! I DIDN'T GET THE CHANCE TO FIND A BETTER WAY OUT YET! CRAP! HE'LL TAKE MY THINGS I JUST GOT! I quickly got out of the cloth and ran over to a shelf, pulling a few books out and shoved it behind them, putting the glass shard with them and put the books back. I walked away, trying to look innocent as I went back to the window and looked out of it, twitching my tail as I laid my ears back. Crap... I'll have to convince him to leave again.  I heard him walk in then. "You've been a naughty kitty." He purred, coming towards me. "I just know it. Come over here." I clenched my jaw, taking a moment before I put on a smile and tried to look innocent as I turned towards him. I walked over, perking my ears up as I tried to look happy to see him. He shook his head and pointed a finger at me. "You must have seen my wonder daughter." He told me. "You look guilty." I frowned and then looked at him. Wonder daughter? Whatever, just nod to make him stop questioning me. I gave a nod and then smiled. He reached me then picked me up into his arms. "Come on bad kitty. I'm ready for another round." I widened my eyes and then started to struggle. NO! NOT THAT AGAIN!

We appeared in his bed then with him over me. "Oh yes..." His eyes scanned me with sin. I looked him over and then smirked, deciding to try to trick him into thinking he was getting it. I reached up and touched his cheek, pouring a mix of imagination of him taking me and then some stuff from the last time to try to make him think he was doing it- trying to trick his mind so he'd pass out, thinking he got what he wanted from me. Hopefully it'd work, depends on if he can see through illusions or not. If it does, I'm right back to figuring out how to get out of here. I stayed still so that way his attention wouldn't be pulled back to the real world as I gave him the fake world I was fabricating, using my ability to transfer memories, transferring mixtures of my memories of what I was coming up with now. He let out a slight moan as he grinded his hips against me for personal pleasure. I widened my eyes and then pressed my hands firmly against his temples and started to hit him with it stronger, trying to knock him out with it as I did my best to make it feel real and in the moment for him. He groaned and fell down on me, letting out a moan and I felt his arousion go down as he felt relieved from his longing for my skin. I smirked and then slowly started to slip out from under him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me in a death grip, passing out with me. I facepalmed and then glared at him. Crap. At least I got out of it for now. He might smarten up next time though when he doesn't see that I'm sore. I relaxed and then looked around. I can get him to leave tomorrow, but for now... he's not going to let me go. I sighed and then looked at him before I grabbed the blanket and slipped it between us so he wasn't touching me. I closed my eyes and then took a nap.

~Time Skip~

I felt him shifting by me, letting out a groan. He got off the bed then, rubbing his head. I opened my eyes and curled up, watching him. Bet he has a splitting headache. HAH! That's what he gets! He started for a door then, slipping through it and I could hear water running then. Steam rushed out of the doorway then and I could hear him gasp from the hot water touching him. I took my chance and slowly slipped from bed, sneaking around the room as I looked around. There wasn't anything to help me get out- teleportation? I tried it, wanting out of the room. It failed though, and I was stuck. Crap. I walked over to the bed and then grabbed the blanket, wrapping it around me and then went under the bed, curling up. As soon as I curled up I was placed right back on the soft bed. I frowned and sat up, looking around. Crap... I can't hide under the bed?! I glanced around and sighed. The only thing in here was this bed and that door to the bathroom! I tried to scream in frustration and got up, walking over to the corner of the room into the shadows. I curled up in it with the blanket and faced away from the door. Great. I can't get out until he lets me out... and there's not much to hide with. He came back in after a few minutes and looked directly at me. He was wrapped up in a gold robe.

"Louis." He cooed. "Come lay on the bed with me." I glanced at him over my shoulder and then sighed, not wanting to grab his attention anymore than I already did. I walked over to the bed and then got in it. "Did you mind fuck me?" He asked, looking me over. "That wasn't very nice." I smirked a little and looked at him, perking my ears up as I raised an eyebrow. Mind fuck? I like the sound of that. He waved a hand over my throat then and I felt my voice come back. "Go home." He sighed out. I sat up slowly and looked him over.

"Why? Maybe I wanna mess with your head some more~" I smirked and held my hands up. "I think it's cool."

"Go home." He told me then, glaring me down. "I got what I wanted out of you anyways." He told me and then smirked. "Get." He  motioned to a door that appeared. "Don't come back." I smirked and looked at him.

"Contract," I said. "I want a signed piece of paper." He laughed then and handed me a document, then signed it off with his blood.

"You're free until you come back." He told me. I looked the paper over, reading it quickly and then nodded. I looked at him and thought about smacking him before I leave. I looked him over and slowly got out of bed, holding the contract close to me.

"I'm not coming back."

"Good riddance." He hissed. I looked him over.

"Awww, you're upset because I mind fucked you," I teased and then ran for the door before he could change his mind. The door opened for me and I was sweapt through it by a wind. I appeared right outside of the Grimm manor. I ran up to it and then teleported inside up to my room. I ran past August to the bathroom and quickly turned on the water. GET THE HELL GERMS OFF ME! I took a bath and then got out, taking the contract and stuffing it in the top of my closet for now. I got dressed then grabbed it and teleported to where I had buried Paris for ten years. I got a box and put it in it then buried it in the same spot, making sure that it was safe before I teleported back to the manor and into my room. I ran over to August. "AUGUST! YOU'RE REAL, RIGHT?" I asked quickly. He gave me a 'whatthefuck' face.

"Ye-yeah.,,,, Your back?" He asked me and froze up. "I thought those Ainsworths kidnapped you." He looked utterly confused. I poked his arm then and looked him over.

"Hey August, if I was to ask to sleep with you, what would your answer be?" I asked, checking. Dude, I should be asking Paris that right now.

"Is anyone else in the room that would get emotionally scared for all our sex moves?" He asked. I glanced around.


"Get over here and help me take my belt off." He started to fiddle with it then. I smiled, tempted and then decided to do one more test. I leaned in towards his neck.

"How do you feel about me biting you?"

"Do you have a disease that the Ainsworths gave you?" He asked curiously.

"No," I told him.

"Please mark me." He begged. I frowned. That's... not an August answer.

"Ummm.... Be right back baby... I've... got to go check something. I will be right back," I purred. I teleported out of the room then to Nikolai's and went in without knocking then frowned when I saw that no one was using the room anymore. I narrowed my eyes and walked out then teleported to the study to see Isabelle in there. "IZZY! What's the one thing you're not allowed to do?!" I asked her quickly, startling her. She screamed and fell out of my desk chair.

"WHAT THE HELL?! Louis?" She perked up and looked at me. I pointed a finger at her.

"Name it. Now."

"Uhhhh.... die?" She frowned and tilted her head. I smirked.

"Exactly." I teleported out of the room and then into Paris's, going in. "PARIS! YOU HOME?!" I screamed, not getting an answer. I frowned and then teleported into Hachi's room. I looked towards him and ran over to him. "HACHI! WHAT'S THE REASON WHY YOU MADE ME A PET?" I asked quickly. He gave me a cute smile and looked me over.

"You're back." He stuffed his head up against my chest then, giving me a loving purr. "I marked you as my pet because you looked like Paris and that was really cool if I had two look alikes with snow white hair... You know I really like snow white hair. I really like snow.... snow is so pretty.... Are we getting any today?" He asked curiously. I frowned and then shook my head.


"Yes," Isaac said from the window. "I'm changing the weather plans for Hachi," he purred. I looked Hachi over.

"Prove this is the real world," I begged. He nodded and then smirked.

"Okay... but you were the one that asked me." He tugged on his stitches then and I felt the tug on mine. I yelped.

"Ok, ok, ok... I believe it," I said quickly. I got down on my knees. "I'M HOME!" Paris appeared then, looked towards Hachi.

"WHAT'S WRONG!?" Paris asked in a panic.

"Noting." Hachi said innocently, messing up saying nothing. He let the stitches go and then looked at Isaac with a loving glance. "He's making it snow for me." I looked towards Paris then ran to him, teleporting him to the woods outside the house. I touched his cheek and flashed everything that happened to me to him, whimpering slightly as I buried my face in his chest.

"I'm so happy that you're ok," I whispered to him. He pulled me into a tight hug and wrapped me up. He leaned up against my head and sighed out.

"You should've known better to be specific with the demon." Paris told me. I nodded.

"I'm never using him again. I hate him... ditching me in hell," I mumbled. "I mind fucked the devil which was cool though." He shivered slightly at the memory.

"Y-yeah... that was disturbing."

"Hey, I didn't want to go through it with him again," I mumbled. "It was the only way out." He gaged then and pulled back, holding his mouth. I watched him. "SO WHEN THE HELL WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED TO YOU IN HELL?!" He froze up and looked towards me.

"It's unrated." He told me. "If this was a movie... we wouldn't be able to film it." I put my hands on my hips.

"Paris... you should've told me," I mumbled and then sighed. "At least I got out for real this time.... I would've thrown myself into that fire next. I was tired of being there...." I shivered and then hugged him. "I love you Paris."

"I love you too, Louis." He rubbed the top of my head and then kissed my temple. "Our birthday is coming up. There's something to look forward to." He smiled softly. "Don't believe what that devil told you." I smiled and nodded then kissed his cheek.

"Our birthday, huh?" I purred and then laughed but paused. "Paris, you need to cleanse me." I pointed towards my stone. "Before it becomes a problem... like for instance August smells it on me." He nodded.

"Go drink some holly water." He told me. I wrinkled up my nose.

"If you think that would do the trick...."

"Yeah. It should. It'll take longer then expected though. It takes two days. You have to drink a bottle by the hour." I gave a nod and then looked towards his neck as the hunger came back from earlier. He sighed then and looked me in the eyes.

"You should know why I can't tell you my contract or what all happened when I was in hell." He told me. I sighed and gave a nod.

"You're right... I had to include that I could at least tell you...." I looked towards the ground. "Richard's back?"

"I've got to go get him from our safe heaven up north." He told me. I nodded and smiled.

"Paris, thank you- for the whole advice about drinking the holy water- and for the countless times when you probably protected us and I didn't know." I kissed his cheek then and pulled away. "I'm going to kill the Ainsworths. Don't worry. I'll do it myself. I've got to show the others that I'm not just a look alike to you," I purred and gave a wink. "I know they think it sometimes."

"I'm your look a like though..." He whispered. "You was born first." I laughed a little.

"Hey, we're each other's look alike. Who cares who was born a second earlier?" I shrugged. "I don't. Besides, I know that I've got to make up for letting the Ainsworths get their hands on me so easily and then get them back for what they did to the manor countless times."

"I'll give it to you to take care of then." He purred to me. "Make sure they pay." He begged me. "I think I might just fix up this manor..." He whispered, smirking. "Extend the grounds maybe and build on." I nodded and smirked.

"Ok, I'll deal with the revenge- you play innocent little housemaker," I teased.

"Heh! Our family is extending so I do need to build on." He admitted. "I've got so many interesting family members." I nodded and gave him a smile then stopped.

"Oh no.... He's gonna be mad!" I looked back towards the manor, remembering I left August mid-getting his belt off. He was prepared and everything! Paris laughed, seeming to have read my mind.

"It's okay. I left Richard during a chess match. We was dueling for kingship... Dominance in bed. He'll be so mad at me." Paris disappeared then, leaving me. I laughed a little and then teleported into Hachi's room then.

"Hey Hachi, I had an idea," I started, referring to what the devil had given me in the visions. "What if you made August some really special magic spectacles?" I asked and gave him a smile. "In your book perhaps?" Hachi looked up from his spell book.

"I was actually just looking at that." Hachi told me, blushing. I smiled.

"Just a thought," I mumbled. "Don't forget the carrots." He nodded and leaned in towards the book then nodded.

"Carrots is wrote out small..." He mumbled to himself. "Okay, thanks Louis." He then paused and looked towards me. "Wait...." He dismissed me then. "Nevermind." I smirked.

"I mean it, don't forget the carrots. You'll make August cry when they don't work," I told him and walked out of the room, going for mine. I walked in and shut the door. "August! Where were we?" August was just about to sneak his headphones on. I pouted and walked over to the bed. "Fine," I muttered and crawled into it, getting beside him. "By the way, I'm not king anymore. We're going on vacation after my birthday," I purred. He looked towards me then sat the headphones aside and curled up to me.

"Okay~ Happy early birthday." He whisperd to me. "I know... Issy became Queen." He told me. "Nikolai was a bit upset." I sighed.

"I didn't sign the paper because he asked me to wait on Donnie to get his chance... Oh well, not my problem anymore. Vacation- pick the place," I purred. "I want you to pick because we're going for a month- our honeymoon."

"Our what?" August asked. "I didn't know we was married." He told me and laughed playfully. "I want to go to Niagara falls." He told me. "It's one of the most romantic places of all, apparently." I smirked.

"I like it... We'll run off to Las Vegas the day after my birthday and get married then go to Niagara Falls," I purred. "You wanted to be married after all."

"Las Vegas?" He asked me. "We'll be so... screwed. I have a better idea." He purred. "Bancock."  I smiled.

"Ok, so we get married and then run off to Niagara Falls for some just me and you time where you will have me all to yourself- like before except without Isabelle and the pack and stuff."

"We don't have any kids to take care of... so sure." He gave me a kiss and then rubbed his head against my chest. "Thank you for finally wanting to marry me." I smirked.

"Uh huh, now don't tell anyone."

"Why not?" He asked softly.

"Because," I purred. "I have plans."

"Oh? Plans?" He asked curiously. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Yes, plans. Don't ruin them or I'll be upset," I told him and then pulled him close, kissing his neck. I exposed my fangs and bit into him, letting my venom flow into him to make up for earlier when he begged for it. He let out a soft moan and pulled me closer. He laid his head back to let me get to his neck easier. I purred and started to feed from him, happy he was letting me. He normally would've been upset! I laughed and then kissed his lips when I was done. "There... one marked alpha werewolf," I teased. He growled towards me softly.

"I should mark you again to teach you a lesson for getting kidnaped." He teased back. I shivered at the thought.

"Hey, I was saving my twin," I mumbled and then kissed him again.

"It's always about Paris." He sighed out. I frowned.

"There's been times when it was about you," I whispered. "Like the time when you were learning to walk and the time I put up with Paris who I was hating at the time and the time when I ran out to save you when I thought you were dying. Plus, there's been countless other times when it was about you. If me saving Paris over myself bothers you... then I guess we'll have to make the vacation a year."

"A year?" He asked softly. "You know I want to see my kids.... well hear my kids." He growled. The door busted open then.

"DAD! GUESS WHAT! AIYANA FREAKIN GOT MATED TO MY BETA!" I heard Quinton shout. I frowned. He has aweful timing.... I looked over and saw him rushing in.

"Lock the door next time." August complained. "AIYANA! WHAT'S THIS I HEAR ABOUT YOU GETTING A MATE TOO!" This means almost all of the eldest Grimm children are mated now... Aiyana appeared in the room.

"Don't worry. I went to Australia last night," she said quickly. "Besides- he's the one who wouldn't save me when I went for my dress!" She pointed a finger at Quinton who growled at her.



"Aiyana, you can't go to parties. Your not old enough." August told her. "Your still my baby girl." She groaned.

"Anyways, what should we do about Sam? He's mated to my SISTER," he told us. I frowned and looked at Aiyana. Good girl for going to Australia last night... seems she takes after me- though she goes through with her plans.

"Huh... that's not a bad thing though." August sighed out. "I'm not going to do anything about it. It might just give him more reason to be beta. She might help him see reasons as to why he should take on the duty instead of rot away in his bed until the next full moon." He growled.

"He's going to be sleeping with my sister. I don't want him sleeping with my twin! That's creepy! Plus she's not supposed to have a mate!"

"Quinton if she gives up her mate then you have to give up Dannie as your mate- he's your cousin." August growled. "You shouldn't be complaining." His jaw dropped then.

"I'M NOT GIVING UP DANNIE! HE'S MY BEAUTIFUL LUNA! Plus, I already had to suffer and find him dead in my bed- but Hachi brought him back- he's not dead anymore," he said quickly, holding up his hands. Aiyana looked at him.

"Your mate died? When were you going to tell us?"

"Does it matter? He's alive."

"It does matter! WHAT IF HE DIDN'T COME BACK?!"

"Don't tell the pack," Quinton begged quickly.

"That's a bad sign." August whispered. "Your luna dieing on the full moon." He rubbed his head then. "Quinton, I want you to take Sam, Rick, and Cage out for a run." He told me. "Right now."

"W-why? It's not a bad sign. The moon goddess let Hachi bring him back to me," Quinton mumbled. "Why the run?"

"Because Sam needs to prove he'll be a good beta." August told him. "A run is perfect. Go get in a good hunt, run the boarders, and get in some bonding time. Then afterwards go out for drinks." Quinton sighed.

"Fine," he mumbled and then started to walk off. I looked at Aiyana.

"Every full moon, go to a different continent," I told her quickly. "Don't listen to them when they tell you to stay. They'll get you pregnant like that." I snapped my fingers to show her how quick.

"Quinton!" August called for him back. He poked his head in.

"What dad?" He asked cutely. "Did you miss me already?"

"The run is also for you. Your alpha now and this means you need to start taking on alpha duties." August sighed out. "So don't think this is just about your beta Sam. Soon enough you two will train, hunt, scout, and fight with each other. You two are going to have to bond big time in order to satisfy the pack's needs of their alpha. Then at night when you get to rest by your luna you will feel very... well.... You'll get the feeling one day." He gave a small smile. "I'm glad your alpha." Quinton smiled and nodded.

"Ok dad... I'll do it happily then. Oh, and I've completed taking Dannie on as my mate," he said and blushed.

"You don't have to tell me that." August growled, holding his ears. Quinton laughed at him.

"Met some mean omega from another pack too," he said and then walked off. Aiyana shivered.

"Oh my god, my brother isn't a virgin anymore...." She mumbled to herself. "Ok dad, I'll make sure to be in another continent every full moon," she told me. I nodded.

"Good girl, don't let them trick you into the first time because after that, you'll end up staying every full moon," I purred. "Though... I don't have my complaints- but I'm a guy, so there you have it. Don't get pregnant."

"I think we'll take you to the doctors and get you on some birth control, just in case sweetie." August told her, taking his hands off his ears. "Unless you rather go with a woman then go see Rose, she's a woman and a doctor." She tsked.

"Dad, you weren't born a vampire and you were born in the time when women were doctors anyways. When did you become so sexist? You hang around other dad too much," she told August. I frowned. What's that supposed to mean?

"I'm not sexist. I just think you might be embarrassed by going with one of us or both." August told her. "I know I would be embarrassed if I was a girl and had to go with my human parents to get on some birth control. They're really scary." She blushed as it clicked what he was saying.

"Oh.... Um.... I'll... think about it." She disappeared then quickly.

"I think you hit a point with her," I purred and kissed his cheek. "She'll probably go with Rose."

"Give Rose a call, we'll make sure for her to expect it." He suggested. I nodded and pulled out my phone to do so.