Alpha Territory Rights

Quinton's POV:

I ran down the stairs, humming to myself as I started to text them to meet me outside but I froze up when I heard howls and growls from outside. What in the world is going on? I frowned and ran out of the house quickly to see my pack stalking Sam, growling at him and snarling. Rick was at the front of it with the original members of my father's pack. What in the world?! Sam shrieked and looked towards me with wide eyes.

"QUINTON!" He begged for me to come to his aid. I quickly got off the porch and started for them.

"Knock it off!" I shouted towards the pack. They laid their ears back but stopped for a second before they kept after Sam. "Why're you doing this?!" I yelled. "Rick, get over here!" He looked my way then.

"Quinton, your luna died on the full moon because this good for nothing didn't run the traditional first run! He needs to be kicked out of the pack before he brings the moon goddess's wrath on us!" He told me, growling towards Sam. I frowned.

"Wait... how do you guys know about Dannie? Guys, he's fine. He's alive." They looked like they already knew that. Oh my god, the inner wolves must've talked about it last night and decided to kick Sam out and told them this morning to do so.

"W-what!!? I'm not leaving." Sam snapped at them. "I don't care if you guys keep up growling and pouting because I didn't run." I heard Cage and his pack coming towards us then.

"What's going on?" Cage growled out as he shifted and looked at everyone. "I'm not going to sit back over this. Don't run your beta off, that'll upset the moon goddess even more." He snarled. He turned towards me then. "The moon goddess spoke to me. She said there is a war coming between packs. I need to train you and prepare you for the fight. BACK TO YOUR POSTS!" He snapped the last part to everyone around us. His beta was already shoving a few away. I watched as my pack snarled at Cage's.

"KNOCK IT OFF! I'm your alpha, and when I say that Sam is thrown out, that's when this kind of behavior will be acceptable! If you don't respect Sam, you better respect me!" I shouted at them. They all got quiet quickly. I glared them down. "Now, give Sam a chance. The fact that Dannie died on the full moon does not mean that the moon goddess is angry with Sam and the rest of us."

"Well said." Cage told me, giving an approving look. "Now! LEAVE US. We have things to talk about." He ordered. His pack left then, obeying him. My pack quickly ran off after mumbling apologies to me. I watched them run off and sighed, looking towards Sam and gave him a small apologetic smile before I walked towards Cage. Cage pulled me into a hug then rubbed my head. "Quinton!" He laughed out. "Did I ever tell you that you was like a son to me?" He asked and then rubbed his cheek against mine. I frowned.

"No Uncle Cage," I mumbled to him. Why's he talking like that? "Is something wrong?" I asked, looking at him worriedly. "What's this about a war?"

"Well~" He pulled back and looked me in the eye. "I don't want to alarm you or anything." He said and then frowned. "I'm just going to wait for the moon goddess to show you in your dreams." He teased and then started for the woods. "RICK! SAM! Come follow your alpha and me." I glanced behind me and saw Rick coming back quickly from the rest of the pack. He wagged his tail at me and then rubbed his head against my leg as I started to follow him.

"So what're we talking about? You said you wanted to talk to me." I looked Sam's way to see if he was coming. Sam was hesitating but followed when his eyes met mine.

"We're going to be talking about alpha duties." Cage told me. "God.... DO you know how ironic this is? I taught your father how to walk." He laughed. "Now I get to teach you." I laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess that is. So alpha duties? Like patrolling?" I asked, getting excited. Rick perked his ears up a little and looked up at me.

"Much more! We alphas also have to know our boarding companions." He told me. "Your father's uncle lives right next door. Alpha Zane." I nodded.

"Hey, there was this place I ran to recently and it had this hotel thingy that seemed to be mostly for werewolves, and I believe it was run by them.... Do you know who they were? It was... that way." I pointed in the direction I had gone with Dannie.

"Well Alpha Emily doesn't run hotels.,,," He muttered. "Alpha Rossi does though." He looked towards me. "You went into Alpha Rossi's territory?" I shrugged.

"I don't know. I ran that way and ended up at this town and there was this hotel I stayed in. It had this really rude werewolf at the desk, but I think she was just worried because I was there the night before the full moon," I told him.

"Alpha Rossi runs this hotel that way." He told me. "We've been catching his wolves in our territory for weeks now." He grumbled. "He's going to get an ass woopin from me if he doesn't control his wolves." I nodded and smirked.

"Ok, well I was over there...." I looked towards Rick and rubbed behind his ear.

"We also suspect.... he was the one that killed my father and blinded your father." Cage told me. Sam was by my side then crossing his arms. I narrowed my eyes then.

"Oh really?" I looked in that direction. Someone is getting a visit soon.... I looked at Cage and smiled innocently. "Well, if he was, I'm sure that he'll get what's coming to him," I said.

"Alpha Rossi is not some chew toy though, kid. He's a real bad crime lord. Bird of the sky, snake in the grass, lion over the zebra.... He's got money coming through one ear and out the other and he's also got a few vampire purebloods sitting right under his thumb. He's something you don't want to get caught up in.... like a deer in the headlights. You was there.... You seen his size and power. Your father is lucky to be alive. Your lucky to be alive. He's been drooling over this territory for a while now... I can tell. The way his pack mates move. It's time to start training you. Both of you. Alpha Hunter is best friends with Alpha Zane... and let me tell you what... Alpha Zane doesn't like your father one bit. He killed your father's father for power and got his mother.... wrapped all the way around his little claws. It's getting real now Quinton... this isn't a game anymore. Alpha Emily has been crossing our boarder lately and going over to Alpha Rossi's terff. I think it's time to pay one of them a visit."

"Your paranoid." Sam laughed out. I looked his way. Why's he even here?

"Dude, go back to the house," I said and pointed towards it.

"No way." Sam told me. "I'm not going back there. Your sister braided my hair this morning!" I growled and gave him a smirk.

"That's what you get for being mated to my twin! If you're going to try sleeping with her, you're going to have to start paying me a lot of respect and putting up with her weird nonsense of braiding," I told him. "House. You insulted us."

"Who died and made you king?" He asked me and then shoved my shoulder playfully. "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii for one don't want to meet your sister any time soon. By the way... Did we get drunk from a day ago all the way until sometime last night? I can't remember anything." I shook my head.

"No, your inner wolf took over because you act like a baby, and you're a pansy sometimes. He got sick of it- which is why you need to start respecting pack stuff or else he's going to run your life if he can get the chance. Start respecting him and our ways."

"Ugh." Sam growled and started for the house then.

"Quinton...." Cage glared me down. I froze up.

"SAM! SAM MY BEAUTIFUL BETA!" I called quickly, not wanting Cage to eat me. "Come back!" Sam stomped back then to us and Cage shifted back into his wolf then looked at us, expecting the same thing. I looked towards Sam and gave him a smile. "Ok, you need to shift," I told him and looked him over. "You'll be fine." He froze up then and looked us over.

"Do I have to? Can I just ride on your back?" I thought it over. It's not like I have a problem with it... but Cage said we needed to start training. He needs to start shifting to get faster at it.

"I would say yes... but you need to start shifting before it becomes a problem," I told him.

"It's not a problem." He told me innocently.

"It is a problem. What if someone comes after my sister? Are you just going to curl up and not shift to protect her?" I smirked. "What if you do go to shift to protect her, but then you don't shift fast enough? My sister will be dead, you'll be mateless, and I'll be digging your grave."

"I'm sure her sharp nails and teeth can defend her." He told me stubbornly. Cage wagged his tail in amusement. I shook my head.

"You're going to need to shift or else the pack will eat you when my back is turned. You're going to have to show them that you can be our beta or else they'll try that again. Assert some authority with them and show them something they understand- wolf. They'll think you're weak, and if something starts to go wrong in the pack, they'll blame you again, and if you don't help us in a fight, they'll never accept you," I told him and crossed my arms. "You're beta, and you need to start acting like one. If I have to be alpha at my young age, you have to start at least shifting. I'm basically taking over in a WAR ZONE," I growled. "They'll kill us, and they'll kill me then they'll kill the pack, and then they'll kill the little ones and the weaker ones like you... then they'll kill the rest of my family and they'll kill every single person- man, woman, or child- even a baby," I growled at him and then pointed a finger at him. "And if it's because you wouldn't shift, then you will throw yourself into disgrace along with your inner wolf." I shook my head then. "Do what you want." I took off my shirt and dropped it on the ground then started on my pants. "Ride me or shift, it's your choice." Sam huffed then, letting out a groan.

"I didn't sign up for this." He cried and then started taking off his shirt. "Your all freaking insane." He growled out. I looked his way and then finished stripping, shifting into my wolf form without hesitation. I wagged my tail and looked up at him.

"Sometimes only special people get gifts like this," I told him and perked my ears up. "You're special." I nuzzled my head against his side. "Though half my pack wants to eat you for supper."

"I'm not special... this is freakish to me." Sam sighed out. Cage let out a small growl. Sam continued to strip then look a few minutes to shift, two hours or so. Once he was shifted, I licked his head and walked over to Cage, wagging my tail. I growled playfully and then lowered myself into the playing position of dogs. I barked at him and then ran his way, nipping at his ear as I pulled us both to the ground and rolled to get on top of him. He growled towards me and bit down on my throat playfully. I wagged my tail and growled at him, going in towards his muzzle as I had him laying on his back with me over him. I snapped at his nose and then started to lick his face.

"Hahahahahaa!" I laughed at him and then started to sniff his belly. "You got got!" I told him and laughed as I tickled his tummy by smelling him then started to lick his chest. "Uncle Cage got taken down by the Alpha Quinton hotshot!" Cage flipped us then and let out a sharp growl. He took off then and growled. I widened my eyes. "GET BACK HERE!" I ran after him then, growling. "I WASN'T DONE!" I caught up and tackled him to the ground, rolling a few feet with him until I hit a tree and came to a stop. I groaned and looked his way. "I'll get you," I teased as I stood up and limped towards him. My back felt aweful from that tree... and I think I hit my paw wrong. It wasn't bad. I could still walk or run ok, but it hurt. He walked up to me then and licked behind my ear, giving me a soft whimper.

"Is the baby going to be okay?" He asked. I looked at him then, playfully growling. I nipped at his ear and then started to lick his face.

"You know what's worse than a teen?" I asked. "A teenage, hormonal werewolf alpha," I said and then laughed. I pushed him back down to the ground and laid down on top of him. "Especially when they're big!" Rick walked up, wagging his tail as he looked us over.

"Come on you two. We need to run the boarders, or we need to train. Pick one," he said and then nudged me to my feet. I whined and looked at Cage longingly, remembering when I was little and could chase Cage without someone telling me that I needed to do something else.

"I was playing though...."

"And you are alpha and need to train," Rick reminded me. I groaned and laid my ears back as I sat down then looked Sam's way. Sam laughed slightly, watching us from where he laid. Cage let out a growl towards Rick.

"Hey~ We can mess around here and there Rick. There is nothing wrong with it." Rick laughed.

"Yeah, that's very true, but I bet Alpha Quinton would be knocked flat in a real fight," Rick growled out and looked my way. "No offence." 

"Right, he hasn't really fought." Cage agreed then. "Rick, that's now your job."

"Wait... what?" He looked at Cage in alarm then sighed. "Fine... Alpha Quinton, come on. Let's get to the field," he said as he started to walk off. I quickly followed him, not wanting to get left.

"We're training now?" I asked him and whined.

"Yes," he told me. "You need it in case there is a real fight around soon." I sighed and looked at the ground, defeated about it. Darn.

"Ok," I mumbled. When we got to the field, he turned to me and growled sharply.

"Fight like you want to kill me," he said and then charged at me without warning. I yelped and managed to jump out of the way just before he was about to knock me over. I watched as he quickly whirled around and then pawed at my flank, scratching me. I yelped out in pain and then snapped my teeth at him.

"I'M NOT READY!" I said quickly, but he didn't listen to me as he went for my throat. I screamed out and ducked down, tripping over my paws as I tried to get away from him, but he was over me in seconds. He snarled at me and looked me in the eyes.

"You just died and left the pack to fend for themselves," he told me then moved off me. Sam laughed from off to the side and Cage started up as well. I laid my ears back and then shrunk into myself.

"That's not fair. You didn't give me time to prepare, and you didn't teach me anything first." Rick looked me over.

"In a real fight, the enemy won't give you time to prepare. They want you dead, Alpha Quinton. They'll kill you in a heartbeat, and they won't be fair about it," he growled. I whimpered and then looked away from him, but he nudged me to my feet. "Now try again. I want at least one blow landed on me," he told me. He backed up a bit and then bristled his fur up, growling my way as he gave me a predatory look. I widened my eyes. Oh no...

"Perhaps hunting will also help." Cage suggested. I looked his way, but as soon as I did, I was knocked over again by Rick and he put his teeth against my throat.

"Don't look away from your enemy," he growled at me. "Not for a second." He moved away then and sat down. "Hunting would help. It'll make you faster and more quick on your feet." He looked me over and laughed a little. "I've killed you twice now, and I've been going easy." I growled at him. Get him. I ran at him then and knocked him to the ground, but as soon as I did, Rick put his hind legs on my stomach and pushed me off him then got to his feet as I was sent flying back. Cage perked up where he was and wagged his tail.

"I think you are doing good Quinton." He called. I got to my feet and took in a breath as I watched Rick get to his paws. He growled my way and lowered his head, laying his ears back. He ran at me then and showed his teeth threateningly. I widened my eyes and then got out of the way quickly then jumped on top of him, going for his ear. He yelped when I got it and I threw him down to the ground, tugging on it. As soon as I was over him again, he went for my throat, but I pulled it back before he could get it and put my paw on his face, shoving him into the ground then bit down lightly on his throat as he scratched at my stomach. "Very good Quinton." I perked my ears up and then got off Rick, looking over at Cage as I wagged my tail.

"So, am I done for the day?" I asked, but as soon as I did, Rick growled and tackled me to the ground. He growled in my face.

"No, you're not done. You're going to continue to do this," he told me.

~Time Skip~

After a few hours of it, I finally collapsed into the ground, panting as I found it hard to see. I was exhausted from how much Rick had come at me, and it was hard to stand on that paw now. I swear it got worse... and it looks like it's starting to swell up. I whimpered and found my body was too heavy to move. Everything felt sore, and I felt like I was being weighed down. Sam walked up to me and laid down by me, licking my ear.

"How sore do you feel, Alpha." Sam asked me. I groaned and looked at him out of the corner of my eyes.

"I can't move," I muttered. "It hurts all over." Rick walked up and hit me in the head with his paw.

"You only lasted two hours," he growled at me. "You're already giving up?" I looked at him weakly, not even able to growl in protest.

"He did good for the day though." Cage growled. "Come over to my house. I'll get the mate to make us some tea if she is in." He suggested. "We done enough today. We can check out the boarders and alphas tomorrow." I looked towards Sam.

"Help me up," I mumbled, weakly trying to lift a paw.

"No." He moved away from me then. "Get up on your own." I whined.

"I can't feel my body though besides all the pain," I whimpered towards him. Rick laughed a little.

"You definitely need to start exercising. All that bedrest is starting to catch up to you," he told me. I whined.

"Riiiiick," I called out, looking his way. "I can't move."

"So how is Dannie?" Cage asked.

"He's fine," I muttered and then closed my eyes, yawning. "He's happy and alive and wonderful and beautiful and gorgeous," I told them, starting to feel sleepy. "He's the best Luna in the whole wide world~"

"Is he now?" Rick teased me. "Just how gorgeous?"

"The most... gorgeous... beauty ever," I mumbled, opening my eyes to look at him. I blinked slowly and then closed my eyes again. "Dannie is my Queen.... My... beautiful gorgeous Queen of all time." They laughed then towards me.

"Dannie wouldn't agree. He thinks he is a king." Cage told me. I growled slightly.

"Queen...because I'm King," I mumbled, opening my eyes again. "I'll prove it too."

"Prove it." Sam growled. I looked towards him then and growled.

"I'll prove it tonight," I muttered.

"Go prove it now." I looked at him.

"No... because he'll win," I mumbled. "I can't move. He'll take advantage of it."

"Are you sure? He's like so innocent." Cage told me.

"Yeah... he's the one... who wanted me to watch adult movies... and take him before the full moon," I told him, managing to roll over onto my side.

"WOW!" Sam covered his ears then. "I didn't want to know that!" I laughed a little and then looked at him.

"See, I'm king," I mumbled.

"Totally." Cage laughed then started to walk off. "Catch you guys later, go home and rest up." I watched him walk off and then slowly started to get to my feet. I yelped as soon as my paw touched the ground, but I stayed standing, refusing to let them see me fall again. I started to limp off, but I kept my head up, trying to look strong in front of Sam and Rick. I heard some rustling nearby then just as Cage stopped walking and tensed up. I tilted my ears towards the noise and felt my heart speed up. Oh my gosh... Cage stopped walking. I smelled the air and caught the scent of werewolf nearby. No... not now! I looked towards the bushes and then looked around. Crap, we're out in an open field! I started to walk a little, keeping my attention on the bushes. Rick was by my side in seconds, tensing up in case of a fight.

"Sam, get behind Quinton." Cage snapped. Sam scrambled to stand behind me then and Cage stalked towards the bushes. The wolf that blinded my father busted out of the bushed then, letting out a growl and started for Cage. Cage let out a howl then, calling his pack as he went to take on the huge alpha. I widened my eyes and felt my body freeze up at the sight of him. Flashes of Alpha Hunter being killed went before my eyes, and I looked at Cage in fear of it happening to him to. I heard Rick growling then, snapping my attention back to what was happening.

"Alpha Quinton, we need to do something," he growled towards me as another wolf came out from the bushes, a female. She growled towards Cage and knocked him over onto the ground, going to bite into his throat. I snarled loudly then, catching her attention. She bared her teeth my way and then went in for the kill on Cage. I was over by her in seconds, snapping my jaws at her throat before I knew what I was doing. She smacked me in the face with her claws then, raking them down my cheek. I yelped and then bit into her paw, tasting her blood as I heard her bones crunch from the pressure. She screamed and tried to get away from me, but I didn't let go as I twisted it the wrong way, hearing her shoulder pop out of place. I was tackled then off of her and sharp teeth bit down into my neck then as a growl rumbled throughout the woods. As soon as it happened everything seemed quiet and within seconds and he went for the kill but was tackled off of me. I heard Sam growling then as his small wolf form took on the huge alpha. I widened my eyes. I almost just died... SAM! I yelped and went for him quickly to protect him, tackling the alpha before he could get hurt. I snarled and started to claw at his chest as I bit down into his throat the best I could with how big he was compared to me. I heard Rick howling for our pack as he ran towards the girl I had been fighting. She snarled at him and went to bite him as he got close, making him jump back as she backed towards the woods. She whimpered as her broken paw hit the ground during her steps. The male looked towards her and then went to follow her, getting in front of her to protect her, letting out a growl. Cage got in on the action of backing them off and let out a growl. The male alpha bit towards Cage then, getting his ear and took his down before grabbed the girl by the scruff of her neck and left with her. I watched and then ran over to Cage. I licked his head quickly and then started to look him over to see if he was alright. I watched where they had gone and growled.

"Should I go after them?" I asked, glaring that way. "He's weak. He's carrying around that girl."

"No, let him go. It'll probably teach him to stay off our territory." Cage told me, he then glanced towards Sam. "Sam! You tackled him for Quinton." He said, sounding very impressed. I wagged my tail then. He did, didn't he? I walked over to him and licked his face happily.

"Sam! You saved my life!" I laughed and started to lick him all over. "You could've let me die! You're the best friend ever! I couldn't ask for more! You took on that big guy for me!" Sam growled my way.

"Stop licking me." Sam begged and let out a whimper. "I didn't save you." He groaned out. "I was just saving myself."

"Nuh-uh, don't even try that! You could've ran because he was going to kill me- not you!" I said and laughed happily, but I stopped licking him like he asked. "I'M GOING TO GET YOU THE BEST JAR OF PICKLES EVER!"

"Really?" His tail started to wag then. "I love pickles, how'd you guess?" I laughed and wagged my tail.

"Because I was paying attention," I told him and perked my ears up. "You ate like... a whole jar in front of me. I'm so going to get you some pickles and then I'll get you some really great alcohol to go with it. We'll have the best time together- except I'll be eating cookies or something."

"Look, this doesn't change anything though." Sam told me. "Don't go telling everyone I saved your ass, it'll make you look weak." I wagged my tail.

"You can't shun me forever," I teased and then nudged his side. "We're going to have so much fun! WE'LL HAVE A PARTY!" I laughed excitedly. "We'll invite your human friends and then we'll have fun with the pack and you'll eat your pickles and have some drinks. Then when your friends go home, we'll go on a double date together!"

"No." He shook his head and started back home. "This doesn't change a thing, Quinton." He told me. I growled at him.

"Yeah it does! YOU SAVED MY LIFE!" I ran after him the best I could with my limp and sore body. "GET BACK HERE!" I tripped then and fell, making me yelp. "YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME! I'M CUTE AND ADORABLE, AND I'M GOING TO GET YOU! WE'RE GOING TO BE BEST FRIENDS WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" He laid his ears back as he looked at me then kept walking, deciding to ignore me. I got to my feet and chased after him. "SAM! I'M SERIOUS!" I laughed and managed to get close to him. I wagged my tail and gave him a playful look. "You're so tough, Beta Sam, aren't you? You saved an Alpha! Not many can say that! We're going to party till we're purple!"

"I'm going to sleep with the jar of pickles and phone you owe me." He told me, growling. I frowned as I remembered about his phone. Whoops. I still didn't get him one. I gave him a sheepish look and then pressed my nose into his fur.

"I'll get you both. I promise. As soon as we're inside the manor, you'll have a well deserved jar of pickles and a phone. After that, we party~!" I laughed and then ran ahead, trying not to limp.

"We don't party together." He told me, growling. "I don't want you anywhere near my friends ever again." I growled back.

"WE'RE PARTYING!" I laughed then and ran all the way back to the manor then collapsed on the front porch. I changed back and then walked into the house, going to my father's study where I stole an unused phone out from behind his desk then went down to the front porch to wait on Sam. When I saw him, I held it up to show him. "GOT IT! Here ya go!" He grabbed it with his mouth then went directly inside and upstairs. I watched him and sighed, going inside and then over to the kitchen. I looked inside the refrigerator and got out a jar of pickles then went up to his room then went in without knocking. "Pickles, like I said I'd get you~!" I walked over to him and put them in his hands. "Hah! Enjoy! Best beta ever gets the best pickles!" I smirked and then leaned down, kissing his head in a friendly way then ruffled his hair. "Enjoy the phone and pickles! Anything else I can get ya?" He shrugged as he sat the pickles down and went towards the shower.

"No, I'm good. I'm going to get a shower." He told me, groaning in pain from moving. "My body is really sore." He told me. "Don't barge into my room, okay?" I nodded.

"Ok Sam. Thanks for earlier. If you need anything else, don't be afraid to come ask me. We'll have the party when you are feeling better," I said and then walked out, going towards my room. "DAAAAANNIE~!" I walked in and over to the bed where he was laying down. I laughed and crawled in with him, kissing his lips. "How're you feeling?" I asked him and then kissed his neck, giving a playful growl. He growled back and then smirked.

"Just fine." He told me and then kissed my cheek. "How are you?" He asked softly.

"Sore, Rick kicked my butt during training because Uncle Cage said I needed to start learning to fight. Ummm... the pack tried to eat Sam and kick him out this morning without discussing it with me. They thought that you dying on the full moon was a sign from the moon goddess and a bad omen because he didn't run with us on the traditional run. I saved him though... and then after training we were attacked by the guy that killed Alpha Hunter and blinded my dad. He retreated after I tore his girlfriend up and she was in trouble- but he almost killed me before he ran. Sam saved my life," I whispered to him then stole another kiss. He kissed me deeply then and pulled me in close.

"YOU ALMOST DIED?!" He panicked then and rubbed his face up against my head. "Baby! Quinton! Mate! Lover!" He whimpered. "Don't train in the woods again!" He told me. "Stay near the manor. Promise me you will." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Alright, I'll train in the yard. You can come watch if you want," I mumbled in his ear. "I love you sweetie.... I'll make sure to be careful. I think he's upset though because I practically tried to rip that girl's arm off." He rubbed his head up against me some more and whimpered.

"I love you." He purred to me and then looked me over and then gasped. "TAKE A BATH!" I widened my eyes and then clung to him.

"Why?! I just got back!" I buried my face into his chest and then kissed it. "Take one with me," I mumbled. He nodded.

"Just what I was going to suggest!" He moved away from me then and went towards the bathroom, pulling off his shirt in the process. It didn't take long for him to cut the water on for the tub. I got up and followed him, going in and shutting the door. I gave him a smile and glanced at myself in the mirror. I winced when I saw my battle scars, a claw mark on my face and some bite marks on my body. I looked towards Dannie then gave a smile as I walked over and gave him a kiss.

"My beautiful Luna," I mumbled and then kissed his neck before I pulled away and gave him a loving smile. I got into the tub then and yelped when the water hit my wounds and made them sting. He finished getting his clothes off then got into the tub with me and let the water run over his skin, letting out a moan. I gave him a smile and got my hair wet before I started to shampoo it. I passed him the bottle and then rinsed the shampoo out before I relaxed and started to enjoy the water. I rubbed at my cheek where that girl had clawed at me and then sunk down in the water up to my chin. He got over me then in the tub and gave me a kiss, grabbing my hips and got between my legs. He growled playfully then. I widened my eyes and blushed. "Dannie," I mumbled and then gave him a kiss. "Was I gone too long?" I asked softly and gave a smile. I ran my hands down his side slowly. He nodded and then grinded up against me playfully.

"I really missed you." He told me, smirking. He looked like he was up to no good. I moaned and hid my face into his neck as I blushed.

"I-I missed you too," I whispered and shifted slightly. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BATH?! He purred and then his ears flicked off water. I moved back from his neck and gave him a kiss then started to rub his ears. He purred and then laid down completely on me, melting at my touch. I smiled and rubbed behind it then kissed his cheek before I moved him off me and reached for the conditioner. He pounced on me then and purred.

"Can we do it?" He asked me, giving me big yellow wolf-like eyes. He pawed at my wet hair then. "Think about it... sex in the tub... tub sex." He gasped at the idea. I blushed and looked at him. Oh my goodness... I got in the tub with a predator. I sunk into the water. He pouted as he watched me then started to cry. Oh no... I made him cry! I whimpered and quickly came up, kissing his lips and pulled him into my arms.

"Don't cry," I said quickly. He perked up then and kissed me back, moaning slightly. I laughed and ran my fingers through his hair, leaning in towards his neck and then gave it a soft kiss. "You want tub sex?" I asked, giving him another kiss on his neck. "Would it make you happy?" He nodded and rubbed his head up against my neck then purred some more.

"Please? We don't live forever." He pouted. I laid my head back and moaned.

"A-alright... I love you," I mumbled and looked at his eyes.

"I LOVE YOU TOO QUINTON!" He shouted in excitement. He leaned in for my lips then but as soon as he did he was yanked out of the water.

"You two are not having sex." Donnie growled. "Not on my watch." I growled at him, sitting up in the tub.

"Donnie, give him back. He's my mate," I growled, glaring at him. "Besides, we've already done it. We did it two days ago, and he's not sick anymore. Give him back and mind your own business." Dannie struggled in Donnie's arms but wasn't making any progress as Donnie started to carry him to the closet, telling him it was wrong of him to be in the tub with me and want sexual desires. I growled and got out of the tub, shifting. I ran into the closet and snatched Dannie away from Donnie then ran off with him, keeping a tight grip on Dannie's hand. I growled and then went to the bed with him, deciding to not run away with Dannie again. I put him in the bed and then got in it with him, bringing the blanket up around us as I wrapped my arms around him and brought him close. I clung to him and kissed his cheek. "HE'S MY MATE DONNIE! GET LOST!" Donnie stormed into the room, pissed.

"Keep your bloody hands off of Dannie. He's an innocent soul! Look at him with his wolf ears. How could you even want to corrupt that!?" Donnie asked me. Dannie rested his head against me and whimpered. His ears laid back then. I glared at Donnie.

"It's only corruption if he sleeps with another," I growled at him. "He's my mate. I remember you having one once upon a time. He's old enough to make his own decision about whether he wants to or not, and he decided he did! I wouldn't touch him if he told me no, but he asked me, and so I am being a good mate. Now get out of my room!"

"Dannie! Don't you go pokeing yourself into others Mr." Donnie warned him. "If you do then one days it'll fall off and your start to rot away and die young." He told him. Dannie gasped and then stuffed a cover between us then, looking scared. I growled and sat up, glaring Donnie down and then started to crawl off the bed, snarling.

"I told you to get out of my room!" He growled towards me and then reached out for Dannie. I felt my teeth start to sharpen instinctively and I snapped my jaw towards his hand. I grabbed him then and yanked him towards the door of my room. "Now mind your own business or I'll be moving out with him," I growled and opened the door, shoving him out. He spun around on his heels and glared me down.

"You better stay away from Dannie sexually, perv!" Donnie snapped at me. I slammed the door in his face then and walked over to the couch, laying down on it. Jerk. I curled up and glared at the back of the couch. I really should just stop trying. Dannie crawled out of the bed and went into the closet, getting himself clothes and came out in short shorts and a tank top then walked up to me and got on top of me, curling up. His ears twitched then and got water on my cheek. I glanced at him then looked away before I closed my eyes. He purred as his body started to collect my heat. I sighed and then rubbed his head as I opened my eyes.

"I think we just better stop," I whispered to him. "Your brother is a buzz kill... and I'm getting tired of him barging into my room." Dannie looked into my eyes then and frowned. He rubbed his head against my cheek then rested his face against my neck. His stomach growled then. I sat up and then scooted him off me. "I'll go get you something to eat, ok?" I smiled and then stood up, going over to the door. He followed after me quickly and grabbed my hand.

"Get some clothes on." He told me, tugging me to the closet. I widened my eyes and looked down at myself.

"Oh...." I grabbed a pair of shorts and slipped them on. "Ok, I'll be back," I said and then walked out of the closet. He followed after me with a shirt and started to shove it over my head. I growled softly but let him then glanced his way as I put my arms through the sleeves. "Don't want anyone else to see my chest or something?" I teased and then kissed his forehead. "I love you," I whispered and then left the room, going to get him something to eat. He followed after me, grabbing my hand and rubbed up against my body like a cat. He then got in front of me and slipped his arms around my neck, looking me in the eyes.

"Carry me!" He begged. I frowned but did as he asked.

"You know I would've brought it back to you," I mumbled as I started to carry him down the hall towards the kitchen. He stuffed his face into my neck then and nibbled on it, hungry. I blushed and then held him close. "What're you now? A vampire?" I asked him and then laughed. "Let's get you a sandwich." I walked into the kitchen and then set him down on the counter and started to fix him one with lots of his favorite meat. I set it down on a plate and then placed it into his lap before I gave him a smile. "So I think we should start sleeping with a pillow between us."

"Can I have some chips and tea and a pickle?" He asked me. He started to kick his feet back and forth as he got a knife and cut it in half for himself. I nodded and got him what he wanted then gave it to him. I went over to a counter and sat down at it as I watched him then laid my head down on the counter. He sat in the floor then, eating with a small moan. He looked towards me then. "No." He told me. "I'm sleeping with you wrapped up around me and my leg resting between yours." He told me. I frowned and looked up at him.

"Dannie... how about just until we stop trying to... you know.... Just until then when it's easier because I'm tired of your brother breaking us apart when I finally decide that I want to. Not all mate relationships have to have... you know... in it," I mumbled. He started to tear up then as he looked at me then started to cry. Donnie appeared then and grabbed my shirt then shoved me up against the cabinets, hitting my head hard.

"Making my Dannie cry?" He asked in a husky voice. "I'm gonna rip you up Quinton." I winced and looked at him then growled.

"I'm not trying to make him cry. I'm just trying to get you off my case," I growled at him. "You want us to stop being sexual? Well that's how he feels about it! He's going to be depressed, and I'm going to feel like shit because he's crying." He made me hit my head again.

"FIX HIM!" He snapped. "Or I will fix you." He looked towards my manhood then his eyes met mine. "Got me?" I frowned.

"Wait.. what?" He exposed his fangs then.

"FIX MY DANNIE!" Dannie sniffled on the floor as he started for the cupcakes on the counter. "DANNIE!" Donnie looked towards him. "No sweets!" I sighed and pushed him away then walked over to Dannie. I gave him a hug and started to rub his ears to comfort him. Dannie leaned up against me and sniffled then bit my neck, gnawing on it. Donnie let out a small growl then walked over to the fridge and got himself a bottle of blood before he disappeared. I kissed his forehead and then pulled away, giving him a smile.

"Why don't you eat your food I made you?" I picked up his plate and put it in his hand. He grabbed it then started to eat it, moaning at the taste then fell to his knees. I smiled as I watched him and then walked over to where I had been sitting then sat down. Jeez... what am I going to do? He'll want me again and then his brother will show up and threaten me again and then Dannie will cry and I'll be blamed. I groaned and put my head down on the counter. I guess the solution is to start staying out late and getting up early... but I wanna see Dannie. I whined slightly, not liking the idea of not seeing him as much. I love him... but I dunno what to do! He finished his sandwich then looked at me longingly. I got up then and started to walk towards the door quickly, not wanting to get put in a tough situation. He went after me then, running to catch up.

"Quinton!" Dannie begged. I clenched my jaw but stopped, turning to him and then gave him a smile.

"Yes?" I asked sweetly. He wrapped his arms around me then went towards my neck and started to gnaw at it again. I yelped and put a finger against his lips to make him stop. "Do I need to see if you drink blood now?" I asked. "I can go get a bottle from the refrigerator." He stuck out his tongue then and licked my finger. I laughed and lowered my hand as I leaned in and kissed his forehead. "Let's go watch a movie," I suggested. That's Donnie friendly. He pouted then.

"Can we not? I want to go somewhere actually." He told me and then smiled. "I want to go to this really cool pier. It has a fair thing on it." He told me, trying to explain it. I smiled and then gave a nod.

"Sure, we can go to that." I started to walk back to my room then to get my car keys. "Let me get the car keys," I told him, letting him know what I was doing. He followed after me.

"I'm going to get into something warmer." He told me, rubbing his wet ear. I nodded and went into our room when we reached it. I walked over to my nightstand then grabbed my keys off it and stuck them in my pocket before I grabbed my wallet and did the same. I glanced the room over and sighed as I saw the candles. I should probably gift them to Hachi.... He went into the closet and came back out with pants and a longsleeve on. He then walked over to me with a small skip. "Let's go!" He begged me. I nodded and grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze.

"Yeah!" I laughed and then pulled him out of the room. "So I was thinking about giving Hachi the candles. You don't mind, right? Since how we won't be using them much...."

"What!? Nu-uh! I like candles. I like the feel of the wax on my skin. We're keeping them." He told me firmly. I nodded and then kissed the top of his head.

"Ok, if you want them. We'll keep them and you can light them when you want to...." I stopped in the hall then as I got an idea. I went back towards the room and then grabbed a belt and slipped it around my waist and did it tightly. There... more incentive to not do anything. I smirked and then walked out towards Dannie in the hall. I grabbed his hand. "Let's go." He was gnawing on his finger when I came back out and looked at me innocently. I held his hand and then kissed his cheek, pulling him down the hall. When I got us to the garage, I brought him over to my car and then opened the passenger side for him. He got in and then curled up in the seat. He started to play with his teeth then, messing with them. I shut the door and then got into the driver's seat. "Why do you keep messing with your teeth?" I asked curiously. He looked towards me.

"They hurt." He told me and then started to gnaw on his knuckle. I frowned.

"Does that help?" I asked, pointing to his knuckle.

"Uh-huh. It numbs them." I nodded.

"I'll get a dentist to look at them... and I'll get a teething ring from the store or something to let you chew on."

"What?" He widened his eyes then. "I don't need either of those." I laughed.

"But your teeth hurt, don't they? You shouldn't chew on yourself, so I'll get you a teething ring to use instead."

"What's a teething ring? Is it cool?" He asked me curiously. I shrugged as I started to drive us out of the garage.

"It's something that you can get for babies to chew on. It's a plastic ring and safe for them to bite down on when they're fussing or in pain," I explained. "It might help you."

"For babies!?" He widened his eyes. "I don't want it. I'm not a baby."

"I could get you a chew toy for dogs," I suggested.

"I'm not a dog." He grumbled.

"They don't make things for adults to chew on. I don't know what to tell you. Pick one," I mumbled. I sped up once we got out of the manor's land and then started for the pier he told me about. "I just don't want you to get hurt from chewing on yourself, and I don't want you in pain."

"I guess that baby thingy then." Dannie whispered softly. I nodded then cut on the radio, turning it up. He laid the seat back then and put his feet on the dash and stretched out.

~Time Skip~

We arrived at the pier after about an hour of driving, and I parked us as close as I could to the fair he was excited about. I turned the car off and put my keys in my pocket before I got out and shut the door. I walked over to his side and opened it up for him then held out a hand as I smiled.

"I want a funnel cake." He told me, as he grabbed my hand and got out. He pulled me off towards the pier quickly. "Let's get Paris something too and Louis... their birthdays are coming up. Let's win them prizes and then let's ride the Farris wheel all the way to the top!" He told me. I laughed and let him pull me along, shaking my head slightly. At least he's happy....

"Ok cutie, we'll do anything you want," I promised and took him inside. I walked him to a food stand and then ordered him a funnel cake, paying for it. He grabbed the funnel cake from the man then started to eat it, giving me a bite to be nice.

"Quinton?" He asked me softly. "Do you want to get our own place?" He asked softly. "Donnie has his own place up north. How about we go settle somewhere together? I could ask my parents for money and whatnot. We could move into town and get our own place. We could get a bird and some fish or something." He pulled on my shirt then, making me get closer to him. "What do you think?" He gave me a smile, his ears flicking around. "We could move out right after our parent's birthday." Move out of my home? I frowned as I thought about it. It'd be just us.... I could have the pack move into my father's old mansion where they used to be during the early years.... Father wouldn't mind, and we'd be together without anyone like Donnie to yell at us for being mates. We'd call the shots... and I wouldn't have to be around the others who look down on me because I'm a werewolf and not a pureblood like my twin.... I smiled a little. Dannie and I to just live by ourselves with each other.... I like the sound of that. I leaned in and stole a kiss from him.

"Dannie, that idea is the best I've heard. Let's do it," I said excitedly. "We could have the pack move into my father's old place, and we could be together- just you and me.... I want that."

"Then we'll announce it right after our father's birthday." Dannie decided. I nodded and kissed him again.

"Date night every night?" I smirked. "A new adventure every day with just us?"

"Mhmmm." Dannie nodded. "It'll be so fun!" He leaned in and stole a kiss before stuffing his face with the funnel cake. I laughed and nodded.

"We'll have to make modifications to whatever we get so that way we have some things that can stand up to a werewolf.... I think it would be best to have a defense system as well, and we should make sure there is enough room for me to shift in case I'm inside on a full moon.... We'll also have to come up with a full moon plan too so that way you know what to do about my inner wolf."

"Well... You know what I think?" Dannie asked me. "We should get a house, a small one. Two story with ceiling fans and a basement. We can set up your full moon plans in the basement." He suggested. "I should also have a nice attic to climb into. It should only have a latter." I laughed and gave a nod.

"If we can't find something like this... we'll build it together," I suggested.

"Mhmmm.... our parents built the manor, we can build a house." He told me and purred. "This will be exciting... and worth it." He gave me a loving look then. I looked back at him and kissed his forehead with a smile.

"We'll have a little garden and everything.... It'll be perfect. Oh! I want a good kitchen!" I laughed and then wrapped my arm around his waist as I started to lead him. "I'll get some money from my father Louis as well to help out. Let's not put this all on your parents.... I can't wait for it to just be us," I told him and then moved him close to me. "We'll get a big tub in the bathroom too," I murmured into his ear.

"YAS!" He purred then and started to finish his funnel cake.

"We'll have our bed moved with us! The bed you like so much and a big tub to have fun with." I kissed his cheek and took the paper plate from him when he finished and trashed it.

"I think we should build the house. I'll get personal designers and everything to help me pick out allllllllllllllll and evvvvvvvery detail." He purred. I laughed.

"Ok cutie... I'll let you do what you want with the house. You can pick out the colors on the wall and make it your dream home for us. I'll even let you put candles in our room."

"I was planning too anyways." He told me and smirked.

"Oh no... I'm going to hide in the basement," I teased.

"It's where you'll go on full moons." He told me. "Get comfortable. I'm going to get a really good door for the basement. Something that will take my DNA only to get through." I widened my eyes.

"What about my full moon runs? I'm alpha!"

"Too bad." He told me. "I don't want to end up a girl and pregnant." YOU BETTER WIN THIS ARGUMENT! QUINTON! THAT'S MY NIGHT! GET IT BACK! I shivered as his voice thundered in my brain loudly, shaking my whole body as my head started to get a splitting headache from his rage. I whimpered and held my head.

"D-Dannie... you've got to let him have the full moon run.... W-we'll get something to stop him from coming for you... b-but let him have his run. He's going to kill me," I whispered, finding it hard to talk as I almost fell over.

"Fine. You can have your run." Dannie told us. "But I'm giving myself the basement." I nodded quickly.

"Anything, just let him have the run," I said quickly. My inner wolf started to quiet down then and the pain faded away slowly. "That's the loudest he has ever gotten over anything...."

"How about this... I kick you out of the house on full moons?" He decided.

"You... could just go into the basement at sunset and then lock it," I mumbled. "Though... I could always run off every morning when it will be a full moon that night and go be with the pack for the whole day."

"Sounds good. You run off for the day and I get to watch television." He smirked. I laughed and then kissed his head before I started to rub his ears.

"Alright... if you think you can handle being alone for a full day," I teased. "No me for a whole day and whole night and part of a morning... not to mention the days when I have to go be alpha for the pack.... Oh my... whatever shall you do without me. I'll be gone so much." He whimpered then and looked me over.

"You're staying." He told me. "We'll have to make due with the alpha in you. He'll respect me, you said it yourself. I want you." He told me and kissed my neck. I moaned slightly and then quickly kissed the top of his head.

"Dannie... you could always come with me when I have to do alpha things.... You could ride on my back during runs and stuff... but the full moon... you should definitely stay in bed then. He'd take you on the forest floor if you let him."

"Okay~" He nodded and rubbed his head against my chest. "As long as I get my precious moments with you." I smiled.

"We'll do that then. On normal days, you'll come with me and ride on my back during everything... but you'll go be safe on full moons. I'll do my best to make him stay away on full moons." Like hell you will. Yeah, you will stay away from him. No I won't. He's the luna. I'm getting my night and then my run. No, you're not. Yes, I am. I mean it. Don't sleep with him on a full moon. I'm doing what I want to do. No, you will respect our luna's wishes and my own. Quinton! I growled softly at him before I hugged Dannie. Dannie sighed softly.

"I'm sure he'd be more interested in the run anyways." He told me and shrugged. "He's a wolf... not a man." He ran his fingers through my hair then. I smiled and stole a kiss from him.

"When he takes over, he gets my form as well... He can be man or wolf if he chooses," I reminded him. "Just stay safe. That's my condition on moving out of the manor where the others won't be able to watch over you on a full moon."

"I'll be perfectly safe. I'll go take classes while you're on alpha duty. I'll learn matrial arts." I laughed.

"We'll see what happens." I pulled him towards the ferris wheel then. "We'll work this all out later, but let's have our date while your brother pouts."

"Yes Alpha." He purred. He started to gnaw on his knuckle again. I growled at him but didn't make him stop as I got us in line for the next ride on it. I stole a kiss from him and smirked.

"I think I like you calling me Alpha... makes me feel dominate."

"Alpha Quinton." He purred into my ear and then kissed my neck. I laughed slightly and then leaned in towards his ear.

"After our date... want to go get a hotel room to finish what we started before your brother showed up?"

"Who said we needed a hotel room?" He asked me softly. "Let's go to a meadow." I blushed.

"You... want to in a meadow?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "Let all the little creatures watch us if they want. I know I want you though." He growled into my ear. I blushed and bit my bottom lip.

"You sure? Like... after all this, you want me to run us to a meadow?"

"Uh-huh." He nodded and stuck his hands into my pockets. I kissed his forehead then.

"Alright... we'll do what you want." I smiled and then stole a kiss from his lips. He kissed me back then got onto the Farris wheel when it was our turn to get on. I got in beside him and got us adjusted before I moved an arm around his shoulders. He got into my lap when we started to move and smirked softly. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close. "Enjoying the view?" I asked softly. He nodded and then stole a kiss from me, purring slightly. I rubbed his head and rested it on my chest as I looked out towards the pier as we rose up in the air. He watched and then widened his eyes as we stopped at the very top. He tensed up a bit and gasped. I smirked and held him close. "Look," I mumbled into his ear and then pointed out towards the town. "That's all my territory to run as alpha... and you're my Luna." His ears twitched at my words as he gasped slightly, watching the town all lit up. "You're my werewolf Queen of my pack... even if we aren't the King and Queen of the world, we run the pack that lives here." He nodded and looked towards me, giving a small laugh. "You're mine," I murmured into his ear and moved him closer, stealing a kiss. He blushed softly.

"I think it's more along the lines of the other way around. You are mine." He told me, poking my nose. I laughed and then gave him a dominate growl.

"Oh really? I'm alpha."

"I'm the son of Paris and Richard." He growled back, smirking.

"And I'm the son of an alpha and a king," I growled back, giving him a challenging look as I smirked. He smirked then.

"This is Paris's territory." He told me. "Your pack is only allowed here because of your fathers." He poked my chest then. "Watch it." I laughed and stole a kiss.

"But you're mine," I mumbled.

"No. You're mine." He said, stealing a kiss. His ears laid back in frustration then. I watched him and then laid my head back slightly.

"Prove it," I teased. He let out a growl and went for my neck, biting into it playfully but he didn't break my skin. I laughed and kissed his cheek. "Alright... I'm yours for now... but later you're mine."

"How soon is later?" He asked me softly. I smirked.

"Later is when we get some alone time."

"Uh-oh." He blushed then. "That's not fair... your stronger." I laughed and then gave him a kiss.

"Do you want to be dominate in the field?" I asked him softly. "I could be yours for a bit longer then. After all, you wanted to be in the tub."

"Ummmm...." He looked me over then shrugged. "How do you play dominate?" He asked me curiously. I laughed.

"You're the one who was watching the movie with me... and you also tried to be in the tub. It's kinda the same thing you were trying in the tub from what I discovered during our first time." I blushed slightly.

"Uhmmmm... I was dominate in the tub?" He asked and smirked. I nodded and kissed him. "We-well... I will definitely try that again." I smirked.

"I can always help you... or I can just..." I gave him a look and then stole a kiss. "Take over and make you mine."

"You're going to have to decide." He told me then nibbled on my neck. I moaned slightly and then quickly stole another kiss.

"I think I'll let you try... but if I don't like it, I'm going to take over," I warned. He growled in agreement. When the Ferris wheel came back down, I helped him off it and took him towards another ride, keeping him close. I kissed his cheek. "Maybe I'll try that trick when we were little," I teased and then reached down and touched the hem off his shirt and slowly slipped it up to mess with him after making sure no one was watching. "In my wolf form so it's more fun," I mumbled into his ear. He yelped and shoved his shirt back down.

"No." He told me. I laughed and then leaned in towards his neck, kissing it gently. He smacked my chest then and stomped away.

"Ow!" I yelped and rubbed my chest as I watched him with a frown. Fine then... I started to walk off then, growling under my breath. No more kisses for him. He growled towards me, glaring me down. I stopped and looked towards him curiously before I took another step away. He growled. Is he upset I'm walking off? I frowned slightly and then took another step to test it. He started for me then, giving me another growl. I yelped and started to run then. NOOOO! HE'S MAD! RUN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! RUNNING! He started after me then, but wasn't good at keeping up. STOP RUNNING LIKE A SCAREDY CAT! THAT'S THE LUNA YOU IDIOT! YOU'RE ALPHA! HE CAN'T HURT YOU! YES HE CAN! I held back a terrified shriek and ducked into a kind of alley like spot between two building stand things where you could play games. He didn't come after me though. I stopped and took a deep breath as I tried to relax and leaned up against the wall. I put a hand over my heart and then slowly slid down the wall before I sat down on the ground. GO GET YOUR MATE YOU IDIOT! Stop calling me names.... I'll go back when it's safe.

After about thirty minutes, I stood up and glanced out of the alley, poking my head out to look to see if he was nearby or not. He was talking to a group of guys, twitching his ears as he gave a small smile. I frowned slightly, but I walked out and then started for a drink stand, getting myself a soda. I cracked it open and took a sip of it before I went to explore. He has to come home with me anyways. I have the keys to the car. I heard a group of girl going towards him and his new friends. They gave him a tight hug then and started to pester his ears. They started to compliment him and gave him kisses. I narrowed my eyes and stopped walking, watching before I went and sat down on a bench and brought my knees close to my chest as I watched, taking another sip of my soda. He's in so much trouble.  He gave a small giggle as one of the girls started to rub behind his ears and another massaged his ears for him. The guys of the group started to make a small bet, I noticed, exchanging money. I growled softly and then squeezed the bottle a little. Quinton.... I know. I stood up and walked towards them. I snatched him up and picked him up, throwing him over my shoulder before I started to walk off without another word. He squirmed then in my arms, letting out a groan.

"Why'd you snatch me! They was so nice. Meanie!" Dannie hissed my way, scratching my back. I growled at him but took him out into the parking lot. I walked us over to the car and then put him in the backseat, slamming the car door before I went towards my driver's side. I got in it and then started up the car, driving off before he could get out. He whined then from the back seat and started to rub his ears. I glanced at him in the rearview mirror before I cut on the radio and started us back for the manor. He laid down after a few minutes and curled up, purring slightly. I shook my head and stayed silent until we got to the manor. When we got there, I turned the car off and then got out. I opened the door for him after a second of thinking about just going to my room. He climbed out on the other side and went into the manor then, not talking to me. I shut the door and then growled a little before I started for the woods to go take a run instead of go in with him.

Dannie's POV:

I sat down in the living room once I arrived home and curled up on it, taking a nap to pass the time. He should've never left me otherwise he wouldn't had gotten so jealous! Jerk. What else was I supposed to do? Ride the rides by myself?! That'd suck. I could have gotten kidnapped... raped... murdered... I shook my head at the thoughts and then closed my eyes, sniffling a bit.

After about an hour, I heard Quinton coming in, stumbling slightly through the front door. He groaned and started for the stairs. "Shut up," he muttered. "No one asked you.... Don't tell me that. Of course I'm going to, and you're not stopping me." He got quiet then as he walked up the stairs. I looked towards the hallway and then sat up a bit, wondering if he was talking to his inner wolf. I started to tail him then, keeping quiet about it and stayed sneakily unnoticed. He was heading for our room, not even giving those he passed a glance. He must've gone for a run because he was completely naked again and dirty. He growled under his breath when he reached the room. "Yeah, I know that I can't smell him in there. I'm not in the mood for your second opinion!" He snapped and glared at the space in front of him before he went into our room and shut it. I could hear him going for the bathroom, probably to take a bath. I went towards the door slowly and pressed my ear against it to listen in. He seemed to be talking to his inner wolf, sounding upset as he started up the bath. I snuck into my bedroom then, going to the closet and hid inside then pressed my head up against the bathroom door to listen in. He was muttering under his breath, and I could hear my name come up at least twice while he was taking the bath. He didn't sound too happy with me at the moment and was growling things about how those girls got too close and how the boys were betting on getting me hit up by those girls. He growled again. I widened my eyes.... The girls wouldn't had done that! I laid my ears back and then walked out to the bed and took my pillow then left the room. I walked down the hall to an empty room and got under the bed with the blanket from on top and curled up to myself.

~Two Days Later~

Quinton hadn't come for me at all yet, and I could hear the howls outside. He had been going with his pack early in the morning and didn't get back into the manor until late at night, but he at least been sleeping in our room. I could tell that when I walked by it. I walked down to the kitchen to get something to eat. I wasn't going to starve myself waiting on him to come see me that's for sure. I walked in and started to make myself a sandwich and then took it to the dinner table to eat in peace. People rarely ate in the dinner rooms which is where I found my peace. I picked up a book I had left yesterday since I was in a rush to hide from Quinton- he had been near the dinner room. I picked it up and went back to reading which I ate my food. One of the cubs ran into the room, giggling as she ducked under the table just as one of Rick's boys ran into the room. He growled and gave a big smile. "I'm going to get you!" He said cutely and sniffed the air. He started for the table then, and I heard her squeak. She ran out from the other end and looked at the other cub with wide eyes.

"No! Don't!" She giggled and then ran when he started after her, laughing.

"I'm going to get you and tickle you till you squeal!" He shouted and then watched as she ran closer to me. She giggled again and then jumped up into my lap.

"Safety with the Luna~!" She said and then hugged me around my neck. The boy stopped quickly and looked at me then at her, frowning.

"No fair!" I lowered my ears as my book fell out of my hands and hit the floor. I gave them both a sharp growl then.

"Get out of my sanctuary." I growled playfully towards them and snapped my jaws at the girl. She yelped and then let go of me quickly, eyes wide. She whimpered and started to sniffle. I pushed her out of my lap gently then took the book and my plate. I walked out of the room then and down the hall, going towards the library. When I reached it I went in and took a seat on a couch.

After a few hours, I heard the pack come back to the manor and laughter from downstairs. "HEY QUINTON! Try this!" One of them shouted. I heard them all laugh then as they got silent.

"What is this stuff?! Gross, take it back!" He said and I heard them start teasing him for it.

"Hey, when are you going to go talk to our Luna?" One of them asked. It got silent down there as they all quieted down.

"I think he's mad at me still," I heard him tell them. "We... got into a bit of a fight."

"Awww, Quinnie's in a fight with his mate? How adorable!"

"It's not! You try having your mate mad at you!"

"Just go talk to him. You're starting to worry the pack," I heard Rick speak up. "An alpha shouldn't fight with his mate." I ran over to the door then and locked it, my heart racing. Jeeze don't let him catch me! I looked towards where I was sitting then ran back to it. I threw away my trash and then hid the book under the couch. I ran over to a curtain and got behind it, opening a window to air out the room.

"He doesn't want to see me, or he'd be sleeping in the room," Quinton growled. "I'm not going to him if I'm not wanted anymore. Don't worry about it. I'm still fine and ok to run the pack if that's what you're suggesting."

"Not at all... We just want to make sure you're okay," Rick told him.

"I'm okay," he told them, but he didn't sound alright. I could hear a slight tremor in his voice, but it was barely there. They probably wouldn't notice. "Like I said... I will not beg, and I will not go if he does not want me. I'm not pitiful." I frowned and leaned against the window then laid my ears back, starting to feel bad. I sniffled a bit and closed my eyes. The pack was silent for a minute before they started to talk again.

"So alpha! How much do you think you can take? I bet you can't get past a bottle of this!" One of the members of his pack shouted. I heard Quinton laugh a little.

"I could drink more than that, but I'm not going to. Someone has to make sure that you all get up in the morning," he teased them.

"You're no fun! C'mon! Let's have a little fun tonight!" I got out from behind the curtain and we to the couch. I grabbed my book then sat down on the couch and began to read it. He's not coming here, I'll just continue reading. How long will it take until he comes searching? Probably until the next full moon.

When it was well past eleven, I finally heard Quinton telling them to take their drunk selves to bed before they wouldn't be able to get up. He started up the stairs then, going for our bedroom like he normally did at this time. I got to my feet then and started for the door, figuring it was time for me to head to bed as well. I turned around, getting the window first. I left the library with my book. Rick was out in the hall, staring at me with his arms crossed. He looked like he had been waiting. I screamed and then ran for it, heading down a different hall. Alice stared me down in that hall and narrowed her eyes. I screamed when I seen her and dropped the book then backed up for the library. Looks like I will be sleeping in the library. Cassy was standing in the doorway of it, blocking me. "Dannie, what the hell are you doing to our alpha?" Rick growled at me. I whimpered then.

"N-nothing." I told him. Matt and Bentley walked up then with Alice and Rick. Rick looked me over and sighed.

"No... you're doing something. We can't smell you on him anymore. We know that you haven't been near him at all, and he practically told us downstairs that you haven't even gone into the room where you are supposed to sleep with him," Rick muttered. I could see worry in his eyes. "He doesn't try to show it, but he's been acting slightly different for the past few days."

"It's none of your business." I snapped towards them. "Go to bed." I growled, laying my ears back. Rick looked me over then looked towards Alice and the rest.

"The Luna commands it. Come away," he said and then started to walk off. He glanced back at me. "Luna, I suggest that you get over whatever is going on because there is a war coming. The Alpha has already been in a fight with the one that took our previous Alpha's sight, and there will no doubt be another fight. The other wolves have been trying to get in the territory, and he's only going to get into more and more dangerous life or death moments." He looked ahead then. "Whether or not you go and talk with him is your decision, but we don't live forever." I grumbled then and picked up my book before heading towards my bedroom that I shared with Quinton. I went in without knocking and went straight for my side of the bed. I sat the book down on the nightstand then got into the bed and curled up to myself, closing my eyes. I felt Quinton shift in the bed beside me and heard him whimper in his sleep. I looked towards him then and gave him my pillow to hold then curled up to the blanket, stealing it from him. He woke up with a start and then got up, going to the bathroom as he panted. I heard the sink running then and heard him splashing his face. I could faintly hear him crying underneath the sound of the water. I watched the bathroom door and whimpered softly. After a few minutes, the water shut off, and Quinton walked back out slowly, trembling. I widened my eyes and sat up then, watching him.

"Quinton." I whispered.  He looked up at me and then broke out into tears. I held out my arms then for him. He walked over and got on the bed, letting me wrap my arms around him as he buried his face into my chest and curled up.

"H-he killed them.... D-Dannie... he killed them all," he whimpered out. "I couldn't do anything to stop it!" I widened my eyes, he must be referring to that alpha...

"No... it was just a dream." I told him, shaking my head. "Just a dream."

"He and that she-wolf killed my father and then they killed the pack and they killed the kids," he whimpered and shivered.

"It was just a dream, Quinton." I told him, rubbing his head. I rocked his body then in my arms. He started to quiet down after a few minutes and eventually stopped shaking. He gripped my shirt in his hands and relaxed a little. I watched him, sighing. I kissed the top of his head then laid down with him, closing my eyes. He curled up to me and kissed my lips gently before he laid his head down against my chest.

"I'm so sorry," he mumbled softly. I nodded, smiling softly.

"Get some sleep." I begged.

"I love you...."

"I love you Quinton." I mumbled, sighing softly. "Now tell me that in the morning."

"Okay," he whispered. "As long as you're here when I wake up..."

"I will be." I promised him. "Tomorrow is our father's birthday." He tensed up.

"Oh... are we still going through with our plan... or do you want to wait?" He asked me, looking up at me then.

"I'm doing what I think is best." I told him. "I'm going to ask." He smiled and then leaned up and gave me a kiss.

"I won't run with the pack tomorrow then.... I'm sorry I acted like a big jealous, possessive jerk on our date. I overreacted by a lot."

"Yes you did." I snapped towards him. I rubbed my ear then, purring at the touch. He pouted and then looked away. I stopped and then leaned in towards his neck and bit him, breaking through his skin. He yelped and gripped my shirt.

"D-Dannie," he whimpered. I pulled back and then let out a small growl. He looked at me with wide eyes. "Are you still mad at me?"

"Nu-uh." I told him, smirking. "Not at all. I wasn't mad. You're mad." He frowned.

"I'm not mad.... I haven't been mad for a bit now...." I glared him down then.

"Oh yeah?" I asked him then started to tickle his sides. He yelped and then started to laugh, going for my hands as he squirmed.

"Dannie~! I'm not mad anymore! I just thought you were mad! Honest!" He giggled a little and blushed. I pulled away from him then and sat up.

"Yeah!? Your five original muts ganged up and questioned me!" I shouted towards him. He widened his eyes.

"They what?" He sat up then. "I didn't ask them to do that.... Why'd they do that?" He looked panicked then. "I'm not mad, I swear! I've just..." he trailed off and looked down at the bed. "Well... maybe they saw that I was a little sad that you weren't with me anymore... that you weren't talking to me or trying to come to me." I growled in his face then.

"Next time be more quiet about our relationship!" I hissed. "They might lock me up in some cage of bones and set it on fire." He backed up and shook his head.

"I didn't tell them I was upset, honest!" He held up his hands. "Look, if you don't want me here, then I'll go."

"I do want you here. I came in here for a good reason." I told him, giving him a predatory look. He widened his eyes and backed up a little more, but he fell back onto the bed, getting caught in the sheets.

"W-what reason is that?" He asked nervously. I curled up to his pillow then, purring.

"To sleep in my bed." I told him, kicking him off playfully. He yelped as he hit the floor, but he didn't get back up.

"O-okay," he mumbled. I growled playfully.

"I'll eat you if you come back with clothes on." I told him.

"Ummmm.... does that mean you want me back in the bed, or are you wanting me to sleep on the couch?" He whispered, unsure. I started to doze off then, giggling softly.

"I don't care." I felt him crawl back into the bed, laying at the foot of it. I looked down at him slightly then closed my eyes. It didn't take long to fall asleep.