The Twin’s Birthday Morning

Dannie's POV:

In the morning, I felt him start to get up, putting his feet down on the floor. He sighed and started for the closet to pick an outfit out for the day. I rolled out of bed and then yelped when I heard someone yell and get throne out of the upstairs bedroom window. I froze up and looked towards Quinton. He looked at me and frowned as he slipped a shirt over his head and then grabbed a pair of pants and a t-shirt for me. He walked out and put it in my hands before he went over to the window and looked out it. He sighed. "Someone woke up Paris... He threw a maid out the window already. Death toll of the day so far: one. Wanna bet that there will be at least a hundred dead before the day is over?" He turned to me and gave a smile. Another fell out the window as well as another and I could hear yelling through the ceiling. I widened my eyes. Quinton winced. "Two.... Are you sure you want to ask today? It is his birthday after all.... I don't think he wants to hear that his baby is moving out with the big bad alpha.... and Donnie will drain me and try to fix me like he's been threatening."

"Well it's none of their business. I'm old enough to leagly get the hell out. I'd love to see them try to hold me back. Did you know that once we reach 18 we can go!? Until that law is changed. We're leaving ASAP." He laughed and walked up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He leaned in and kissed my lips passionately.

"Well... my parents will let me move out if I ask nicely," he mumbled to me and then leaned in, kissing my neck. "I love you." He kissed my neck again and then turned my back to the bed and backed me up against it. He growled playfully and pushed me down onto it, crawling on top of me. He stole another kiss from my lips and went for my shirt. I growled towards him and grabbed his hands.

"Donnie might be listening." I complained. He paused then smirked.

"I think I remember a certain idea we had a few days back.... We could go and be back in time to wish our parents a happy birthday and spend time with our family," he mumbled to me. I widened my eyes.

"No Quin." I told him, pointing a finger his way. "We're staying here. Go tell Louis happy birthday." He whined and then kissed my neck.

"But I missed you the whole time you were avoiding me."

"It can wait." I assured. "Your his only son." I smacked him upside the head. "Go."

"But he's probably sleeping! He was king and set his own schedule for years!" He rubbed his head and looked down at me, pouting. "I thought you wanted me...."

"No... You want me." I told him. "I want to go get something to eat." He whined but got off me, crossing his arms.

"Fine," he muttered.

"Too easy." I mumbled under my breath then got to my feet. I started for the door then. He grabbed my hand and yanked me back to him, stealing a kiss.

"You don't want me not even a little?" I pouted then.

"I do want you... but I think we should be responsible and stay home to witness our parent's happiness." He leaned in and kissed me again.

"But it's been so long... and the last time we did it, you were dead the next morning...."

"Let's not kill me again." I patted his chest. He growled at me.


"Quinton." I smirked. "I'm going to keep making you wait." He clenched his jaw then.

"You're not fair." He let me go then. "Go do what you want. I'm not fighting you this morning." I gave him a kiss then started for the door, swaying my hips.

"Bye-bye." I waved then stopped. "Quinton?" I asked him. He walked towards the bathroom then.

"What?" He asked as he went in.

"Never mind." I told him. I'll just get something. I walked out of the bedroom then and down to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple then bit into it. The girl from yesterday was eating a banana in the kitchen, talking with Rick's boy. She froze up as she saw me.

"It's the Luna," she whimpered. She grabbed the boy's hand, looking frightened of me. "He'll eat us!" She dragged him towards the door. I walked out the other door then and up to a hall mirror then looked at myself. I fixed my hair then looked at my teeth, seeing they were getting pointy. I frowned and then bit into the apple. I started for my father's room then. When I reached it, I walked in and seen Donnie in there.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I yelled, purring towards my dad Paris. Richard looked over at me and smiled.

"Hey cutie. We're holding a party downstairs. Make sure that Quinton knows and dresses up a little, ok?" He said and then went back to fixing his hair. I nodded and then blushed softly.

"Mom, I need to talk to you later, okay?" I asked Paris. "Make sure you meet me outside in the guarden at..... ten pm." I walked out of the room then and walked up to a maid, grabbing her arm. "Hey, can you go get me every book you have on werewolves and vampires and hunters?" I asked her then shoved her away. "Don't come up to me and tell me they're ready. Just sit them in a pile in the library and I will go to them tonight." I patted her cheek then started for my bedroom. Quinton was in there brushing his teeth, making sure to get every inch of them. He spat the toothpaste out into the sink and rinsed his mouth out and washed his toothbrush off before he looked up at me.

"Hey, what's the matter?" He frowned and turned the sink off. "I thought you were with Uncle Paris."

"Make sure you look nice. We're having a party downstairs." I told him then went towards my closet. I grabbed some clothes and then went into the bathroom. I sat them down with the apple then got undressed. "Oh and don't forget, I have the presents under the bed for them..... make sure you go give Louis his." I smirked as I stepped into the shower. He watched me and pouted a little.

"Alright," he mumbled and then picked up his hairbrush, starting to brush his hair out. "You're not going to be mean to me when we move out, are you?"

"Nope." I told him. "Sweetie, can you stay here until I get out.... I've got to talk to you about something." I told him, grabbing the shampoo. I heard him jump up onto the counters and sit down.

"Sure Dannie," he said and laughed. "Of course I'll stay in here." I finished my shower after a few minutes then got out, grabbing a towel. I wrapped myself up in it then walked up to him. I gave him a small kiss on his cheek then went to brush my teeth. He watched me and frowned. "There... was something you wanted to talk to me about?" He asked hesitantly. I finished brushing them then rinsed my mouth. I looked towards him and then grabbed his hand. I leaned in towards his wrist and bit into it hard, breaking his skin then pulled back. He shrieked and yanked his wrist back, falling off the counter as he curled up on the floor in pain. I watched him curiously.

"I think my teeth are changing." I told him. He looked up at me.

"WHY?!" I shrugged and then looked in the mirror at them.

"Ask Hachi." I told him.


"I don't know..." I told him and then rubbed my teeth, watching them absorbing the blood. "Eweeeeeeee." He whimpered on the floor and started to crawl away. I looked towards him then. "I won't bite you." I told him, motioning him back over. He looked up at me, looking pained. He stopped crawling away and cradled his wrist to his chest.

"If you bite me again..." he started but didn't finish it.

"What? Your big bad inner wolf is going to come get me? Whatever." I told him and then started to dry my body off. He looked away and blushed.

"Whatever huh?" He mumbled then stood up. He walked towards the closet then and went into it. I got dressed then and fixed my hair. He came out in a white button up shirt with a black tie on and black pants. He looked at me then walked over and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you later," he mumbled and then rubbed my ears. "Okay? Mister 'whatever'?" I purred and then looked him over, smirking.

"Glad you got all fixed up." I looked my lazy clothes over and laughed. I started to rub my ears then. He laughed.

"You know... if you want, you can try taking it off later tonight," he teased and then stole a kiss from my lips. I looked him over and shook my head.

"That looks too complicated. You can take it off, I'm sticking to just watching you." I told him and smirked. He sighed and then stole another kiss.

"Alright, let's finish getting ready, ok cutie?" He laughed and rubbed my ears before he walked into the bedroom.

Paris's POV:

Richard set his comb down and adjusted his prince's uniform then looked over at me with a smile. "So, any special requests on the piano my love?" He asked sweetly. He walked over and kissed me deeply before he pulled back quickly to tease me. He smirked and tapped my chest. "Our song?"

"Mhm." I nodded, giving him a smile. "I want the song played on the piano." I told him then finished getting dressed, slipping my jacket on. I groaned as I felt my shoulders start to itch so I started to scratch them. He growled and grabbed my hands, giving them a kiss before he started to lightly scratch them through the jacket for me. He purred and then leaned in and kissed my neck.

"Mine," he mumbled against my skin and then scraped his fangs against me as he gripped my hands tighter. I moaned softly and looked him over.

"Harder?" I asked him. He pushed me up against the wall then and bit into my skin, drinking my blood and then marked me. I moaned as I tried to get my hands away from him. He let them go and then ran his hands down my sides. He purred and pushed his face closer to my neck to get my blood better. I exposed my fangs then and purred towards him. "Richard~ My love." He purred in response and moved back to look me in the eyes, giving me a loving look. He looked towards my fangs longingly and leaned in, kissing me passionately. I kissed him back then pulled away from him, rubbing my shoulders. He watched me and then looked back towards my lips and then at my eyes before he leaned in and kissed me again. He moved away then and knelt down, finishing tying his shoes. I walked over to the bathroom then and went inside. I walked up to my contact lens and started to put them on.

"So I got your gift downstairs, and I think a few waltzes would be nice for the party," he called to me. I heard him moving around in the bedroom. "I hope you like seeing and not touching," he purred. "I've got a job tonight." I looked towards the bedroom then in confusion.

"Seeing but not touching?" I asked. "Did you get me male strippers?"

"I would've... but I would've eaten them," he said and laughed darkly. "No, I was talking about me, but that's ok. If you want, I can get the maids to dance for you. I eat them anyways." He walked into the bathroom and smirked. "So I will get the maids dressed up for some erotic dancing if that's what you are wanting. Alright, I'll see you later tonight," he purred to me and leaned in, kissing my cheek before he walked out of the bathroom. I smirked as I watched him go then walked out of the bathroom and over to my nightstand I grabbed the present out from under the bed and teleported into Louis and August's bedroom.

"Twinie!" I called, hiding the box behind my back. He looked up from the bed, his hair unbrushed. It looked like nobody had come to wake him up. He groaned and sat up slightly.

"What's the matter Paris?" He asked sleepily and rubbed at his eyes. "Did something happen?" August was already up and in the shower. I walked over to Louis and slipped into the bed with him, stadeling his waist. I revealed the present then and smiled softly.

"Happy birthday." I purred to him. "I love you." I leaned down to his cheek and kissed him. He laughed and then kissed my cheek.

"Aww, I love you too... Happy birthday twin," he purred and then took the present, looking it over before he started to open it. I watched him with pure love and excitement. When he got it unwrapped to the small leather box I let out an exciting purr. He laughed and looked up at me. "You're really excited about me opening this, aren't you?" He opened the box and looked in. I bit my bottom lip as he looked over what I had specially made for him.... I literally took classes to learn how. Inside the box was a golden locket necklace and inside the locket was our pictures. So I would be right with him. His eyes widened and he sat up a bit more, making me move into his lap. "Paris... it's beautiful." He picked it up and then opened it gently, looking inside the locket. He gasped and then dropped the box, grabbing me and kissed my cheek quickly. "I love it! I love you!" He laughed happily and wrapped me up in his arms, knocking me back onto my back and got over me, kissing my neck. I laughed softly.

"I know it's girlish. I took a class though and personally made it for you. I hope you don't mind I didn't include Rose in it. I thought us would be enough." I whisperd to him and blushed slightly. "You know I love you though." He laughed and nodded.

"It's perfect. I'll always keep it on me. WHICH REMINDS ME!" He sat up and reached under his pillow, pulling out a box. He smirked and set it down on my chest. "This is only part of your birthday present." I blushed and then started to unwrap it for him. He watched me and laughed when I pulled out a leather necklace with a sand dollar on it. It smelled like the ocean near where we first saw each other. He smiled and reached down, touching my cheek. I quickly started to get flashes of our happy times together. He ended it with where he went back to the island and got the sand dollar and made the necklace for me. "The rest of it is waiting on you." He leaned down and kissed my cheek with a sweet smile. He purred to me and then moved down to where Richard had bitten me and licked it. "I know it's kind of silly... but I thought you'd like it for it's memory." He stopped suddenly like he remembered something. "OH! That's right! I met this witch a while back and had her make you something after what happened with Richard leaving for a second time." He got off me quickly and then crawled over to his nightstand. He opened a drawer on it and then came back with a silver chain bracelet. He dangled it and smirked. "This... is enchanted. Whoever wears it cannot go demon no matter how much they drink. I thought you would like to put it on Richard. It can only be taken off by the one who put it on the person, so even if he wanted to go demon, he couldn't unless you took it off him. He'll stop running off as much as well because of it, and his blood binging won't be much of a problem besides keeping a supply to feed him. It should tame his appetite some though," he mumbled, looking at it thoughtfully. He held it out to me. I grabbed it then sat up and blushed.

"Thank you." I whispered to him. I leaned into his neck and bit it softly, purring into his ear. "Your my other half I truly love." I whispered to him. He moaned and then kissed my cheek again, wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you too," he whispered back. "I'd do anything for you." I nodded and wrapped my arms around him tight.

"If only we had our childhood together." I mumbled sadly. He whimpered and then buried his face into my neck.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't there.... I should've been, but I didn't know," he mumbled back to me. "Our children are lucky they get to be together for their whole life.... We didn't get that."

"Yeah.... At least our children get it. Plus Rose got to grow up with me so that's always good. She got a brother." I told him. "Though I think I was more of a father towards her for a while."

"At least you had others around you," he mumbled softly. "I was alone." I rubbed my head against him the and shook my head.

"No... You had someone. They weren't your real family but they was there." I told him. He nodded slightly but didn't say anything as he rested his head against me. Hachi busted into the room then and ran over, jumping onto the bed. He looked us both over.

"Happy birthday!" He laughed softly, all dressed up for us and everything. Of course he didn't wear the shoes he was instructed to wear. He pulled out a box for us and then smirked. "Open up." Louis looked over at him and laughed a little.

"Hey Hachi," he purred and then took the box, setting it between us. I went to open it then with Louis, obeying Hachi. Hachi giggled as he watched us. Louis glanced over at him and smiled before we got the box open. Inside the box was two tickets to an amusement park.

"There you go." Hachi purred. "You two go have fun together, next Monday." He told us firmly. He then pulled out another box and gave it to Louis. "That is for August." Louis looked towards it curiously.

"Is it for his eyes?" He asked hopefully.

"Yeah." Hachi nodded. "I think they'll work too." He smirked and then looked at me, giving me a box. "That is for yourself when you want to go get treasure out of your treasure room."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"You have a dragon now."

"WHAT!? WHEN!" I widened my eyes. Isaac appeared in the room then, twitching his tail as he pouted.

"It's not his dragon! It's my dragon!" He said and ran over to the bed, getting in beside us to be near Hachi.

"When'd we get a dragon?" I asked them. "Aren't they supposed to be extinct?"

"UH-huh. Not really. He wondered in the other day and we sort of took him under our wing. He's still a baby. He's mated to Donnie actually. I think he'll be good for us. He'll guard our treasure, By the way that ring will help you get your treasure out unnoticed. As long as you wear it." Hachi told me. I nodded. "His name is Midori by the way." I heard a growl from the door and a cute little teenager walked in, not wearing a shirt. He locked eyes onto Hachi and walked over to him, looking towards his pockets.

"Hachi," he whined and then climbed onto the bed, pushing Hachi down onto his back as he went for his pockets. He stole a jar with something shiny in it and then purred before he took off running. Hachi held out his hands and it appeared back in them he shoved it into his pockets then they disappeared completely.

"That was Midori." Hachi told me. I laughed and nodded.

"He's cute." I admitted. August came out of the bathroom then, stumbling around in just his boxers then froze up.

"We're not alone.... are we Louis?" He asked. Louis smirked.

"No, we're not sweetie... but come here anyways," he purred and slowly started to get out of the bed, going towards August with a predatory look.

"H-happy birthday." He blushed and froze up, waiting for Louis.

"Thanks." I called to August and laughed, knowing it was supposed to be for Louis. Louis wrapped his arms around August's waist and tugged him closer, pressing August against him as he stole a passionate kiss.

"Do I get a happy birthday tonight when we're alone?" He purred to him. August nodded in a daze.

 "If that's what you want." He told him, rubbing his arms. Louis smirked and then leaned in, stealing another kiss as he backed him up into the bathroom and shut the door with his foot, leaving us. I heard August start to moan in there. I widened my eyes and then pulled Hachi out of the bedroom.

"Come on Hachi, let's go get you some breakfast." I told him. Hachi laughed softly and nodded.

"Breakfast? Can I have some biscuits and a gravy?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'll cook you some." I suggested. Isaac was by us instantly, covering his ears.

"I didn't need to hear all that," he muttered and looked like he was going to be sick.

"Yeah... we it's our birthday... of course he is going to get morning bathroom sex. I'm surprised he didn't just do it in front of us." I told Isaac, covering Hachi's ears. Isaac shivered.

"Yeah...." He trailed off and then pulled Hachi close to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as he started to play with Hachi's hair. "So, can I have a dance later?" He asked sweetly.

"Uh...." Hachi blushed. "Don't know." Hachi told him. Isaac pouted.

"Why not?"

"I don't dance." Hachi told him. "Anymore." He smirked. "You can dance with Harry." Isaac sighed and let go of Hachi, disappearing. I looked towards Hachi with an eyebrow raised.

"What's this about you don't dance? Oh no... wait... is this a teenage phase your going through?" I asked him, rubbing his head. "Well... You should still dance with him."

"It's not a phase." Hachi grumbled. "I don't want to dance."

"Phase." I told him. Isaac reappeared then, his hair brushed.

"So, you don't mind if I dance with other girls then?" He asked, looking Hachi over. Hachi gave him a sharp glare.

"No." He hissed. "I don't want you to dance with other girls." Isaac sighed.

"Then what am I supposed to do? You won't dance with me, and you won't let me dance with others!" He pouted. "What's the point in going to the ball party thing if I'm not allowed to dance?"

"You can be a wall flower with me." Hachi suggested.

"I think he's going through a phase." I told Isaac. Isaac gave a nod.

"Yes, definitely a phase," he muttered. He looked at Hachi. "It's going to be scary when those hormones kick in."

"Hormones?" Hachi asked innocently.

"Oh no.... I think we need to put him in school." I mumbled. "Private tutor." Isaac frowned.

"No... he'll leave me," he said quickly.

"You mean when you paid that guy to teach me how to read?" Hachi asked me.

"Yeah." I told him. Isaac put a hand up to his head.

"Oh no... I don't think I like the idea of Hachi growing up anymore.... He'll pick someone else when he gets bored of me," he whispered and started to walk off, mumbling to himself.

"He's not going to get bored of you." I told Isaac. Hachi nodded towards Isaac, chasing after him. Isaac stopped for Hachi and gave him a sweet smile as he watched him. Hachi tackled him then and hugged him.

"You know what we should do?" Hachi asked him. Isaac kissed the top of Hachi's head and wrapped his arms around him as he rubbed his head.

"What?" He asked.

"We should go see your wizard friends soon before they kill over." Isaac frowned.

"I haven't seen them in forever.... Plus you might eat them."

"If I eat beforehand can we go meet them?" Hachi asked. Isaac looked thoughtful then nodded.

"Alright, we'll go see them if you eat beforehand. We'll have Midori walk around town for an hour," he suggested.

"I'll eat two people." Hachi decided. "It'll be enough." I laughed.

"When will you two go?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." Hachi told me. Louis appeared by me and wrapped me up in his arms, picking me up and spending me around as he laughed. He set me down and kissed my cheek.

"So I forgot to tell you, but I'm going to take a trip for a month," he purred. "I'm leaving tomorrow with August to make him happy with having me all to himself."

"I thought we was going to the amusement part Monday together." I pouted as I looked Louis over. He froze and then kissed my cheek.

"Of course we're going! I'll take August on his vacation after Monday then," he purred and then started to trail kisses to my neck.

"Good, because Hachi got us those tickets and we should use them." I told Louis firmly. He laughed and nodded slightly before he bit into my neck. He moaned at the taste of my blood. I moaned and brought him over to a wall then leaned up against it. I heard Isaac pulling Hachi away, pointing out pretty paintings on the walls to distract him as he got them away from us. Louis pressed up against me and started to run his hands down to my wrists as he bit in deeper. I groaned then grabbed his shoulders and started to scratch them a bit as mine itched. He moaned and relaxed his shoulders as he let me scratch them. He purred and then pressed into me, his mind going into a daze as he accidentally marked me. I yelped and then let out a moan, melting against him and then felt my knees buckle under me. He sunk to the floor with me, pushing me onto my back as he got over me and bit in again. I groaned and then arched my back, letting out another loud moan. He purred and ran his hands down my side, completely dazed now. I looked up at him in a fuzzy daze as my head hurt a bit. He pulled back from my neck and looked down at my lips, daze and lust in his eyes. I let out a small moan then and went to lean into his lips. He was yanked back then and I heard a sharp growl.

"What the hell are you two doing?" I heard Richard snarl at us. I looked up at him and widened my eyes, my only concern was for my mate, Louis.

"Don't you dare." I hissed towards Richard, getting to my feet. He narrowed his eyes.

"Paris, stop," he told me then looked at Louis who was frozen up in shock. I felt like I should obey Richard... but.... I exposed my fangs towards Richard, looking Louis over. Richard exposed his at me. "He's not your mate. I am," he hissed at me. "He belongs to a werewolf who will tear you both to shreds if the werewolf finds out. You're lucky that I am being nice." I pouted and looked towards Louis longingly. "He's your twin," Richard reminded me. He looked me over. "Hold out your wrist." I backed away then, shaking my head no. He dropped Louis then snatched my wrist, biting into it. I felt him remark me and then he shoved my wrist back before he grabbed Louis and started to drag him away towards his bedroom. I widened my eyes and rubbed my wrist.

"Ugh." I grumbled and started for the living room so I could pout there. After a few minutes, Richard came in and walked over to me, sitting down by me.

"Paris, what happened?" He asked softly. "Am I not enough for you?" I widened my eyes and shook my head no.

"I'm sorry... He's just my other half." I whispered to him. "You are enough though, Richard. I love you." I told him, climbing into his lap. He smiled and gave a nod.

"Alright," he whispered and then kissed me. "I gave him to August. He has remarked August and is currently making up for it in bed with him." I kissed him deeply then, grabbing at his tie. I should make up with him too. He purred and kissed me back before pulling back his head. "It's alright sweetie. I understand somewhat. Just don't let it happen again," he told me and gave me a loving look.

"No promises." I whispered softly. He looked me over and sighed but didn't complain before he stole another kiss.

"Well... just promise me that you'll always come back to me... even if you two end up like that again," he mumbled. "We're mates."

"Of course I will come back.... when I escape." He purred to me then and leaned in towards my neck, biting in and remarking me. I moaned and the slipped off his lap. I started for the kitchen then, remembering I promised Hachi breakfast. Isaac was in there, cooking food with his magic as pots and pans floated in the air and heated up food in a kind of rotating way as he muttered spells under his breath. Some of the things of food went up in flames like on cooking shows, and it all smelled wonderful. He had a variety going and was cooking it all at once- from noodles, to Chinese, to Japanese, to Mexican, to French, and to English, and finally Hachi's breakfast. He had him sitting on the counter where it was safe for him to be so he wouldn't get hurt. I laughed as I watched the magic happen then smirked, thinking about our kids. I had four babies to go see... I teleported into their room and smiled.

"Hey guys!" I pulled the blinds back in their room. Shiloh screeched and fell off the bed.

"THE LIGHT! IT BLINDS!" She screamed. "Rory! Save me!" She started to dramatically put a hand over her stone and make dying gag noises. Rory curled up closer to Sage then and let out a growl.

"Turn off the lights Keegan, we're sleeping you brat." He hissed. Keegan was sleeping still on the couch in their room. Sage whimpered and curled up to Rory.

"Rory... love me before the light kills us all," he whispered and buried his face into Rory's chest.

"Bath time." I told them, going into their bathroom and plugged up their huge bathtub and started the water. Keegan walked into the bathroom then looked around before stumbling over to the tub and crawled into it obediently. I didn't hear the others moving to come. "Take your clothes off silly." I told Keegan then went into the bedroom. "BATH TIME NOW!" I ordered. Sage threw a pillow at me then. I frowned and then texted Richard.

Me: Come get your kids in the bathtub.

Richard: Tell them no cake.

"Alright then, guess you guys won't get any of my birthday cake." I told them, teasing them. Shiloh sat up on the floor and whined, playing with her long white tangled up hair.

"But I want cake," she complained.

"Then you better go get in the bath tub with Keegan." I told her. Rory started for the bathroom then. Sage rushed past Rory and giggled.

"KEEEEGAN~!" He called out and I heard the water splash. Shiloh slowly got up and then walked up to me, pouting. She held out her hands for me, expecting me to pick her up. I picked her up then and brought her to the bathtub then put her down by it.

"Alright, I expect you four to take a bath and get into something really nice for my birthday." I told them. "Can you do that sweeties?" Sage looked up at me.

"The maids bathe and clothe us," he told me simply.

"Well... I'll go get them." I tapped his nice then walked out to the bedroom door and opened it. "MAIDS!" I called. When a few ran up I pointed to the bathroom. "Bathe my kids and dress them up real nice. Have them downstairs within a hour and don't forget to feed them." I ordered. They nodded and I teleported downstairs, siting down on the couch in the living room. Richard glanced over at me and then smirked.

"How are our children?" He purred towards me.

"Well... they decided to take a bath." I told him.

"That's good...." He smiled softly and then stood up. "I'm going to go check on the party preparations. I need to make sure the piano was moved into the ballroom," he purred and gave me a wink. "After all, what kind of birthday would it be without a pianist to play for you."

"Don't leave." I purred and smirked. Rose teleported in then and gave me a huge smile.

"PARIS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER!" She giggled and tossed me a box. I gave her a smile.

"Thank you." I purred. I opened the box and seen she got me a key? I looked towards her in question.

"It goes to your own boat house." She told me and smirked. "It's docked in Japan." She told me and shrugged. "I thought you might-" I teleported in front of her and pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I yelled into her ear.

"P-Paris I can't breathe! I'm pregnant don't squeeze hard." She told me, making me freeze up and gasp. Richard pulled me away from her quickly.

"DON'T KILL THE BABY!" He screamed. Victor appeared in the room then and grabbed Rose, pulling her into a loving hug, but he made sure not to hurt her as he brushed her hair over her ear.

"Are you alright?" He asked softly. Isaac came out of the kitchen then and stopped, wrinkling up his nose.

"Victor, what did you pick up? It smells like you're going to die!" He said, making Victor freeze and look at him. Isaac looked him over and then gagged. "I'm sorry... it's just that it's so much stronger to me than it is to them," he said and pointed to us. "Didn't mean to kill the mood... but you smell like you're going to be gone in a month! Victor, do you want me to freeze you with my magic so that way we can get you some help or something?"

"No." I told Isaac. I looked towards Victor then and my sister. "You got my sister pregnant again?" I asked him. "Your not even her mate." I hissed, pulling him aside. He looked at me calmly.

"Paris, if she didn't want another kid, she would've taken a morning after pill," he muttered, keeping it quiet so the others couldn't hear. "Besides, I may not be her mate, but at least I love her. We're not the only true mate combination either. There's Val and Alexander."

"Val and Alex are mates." I told him. "MY sister and you aren't mates." I told him, poking his chest then rubbed my finger off on him. He growled.

"Ok, so what? You want me to stop being with your sister? Too bad," he hissed. I hissed towards him.

"Don't break my sisters heart by dying." I growled. "You hear me? If you break her heart I will find and end you forever." He frowned.

"Is that what you're upset about? You just don't want me to hurt her? I wouldn't do that Paris. I love her, and besides, I have a team working on the cure. They should find it soon.... I only got the disease because Lauren gave it to me," he hissed. I hissed then and narrowed my eyes. Lauren. I started for the hall then to find her. Victor started to follow me then. "Paris... what are you doing?" He asked curiously. "Paris, let's not get into a fight over something like this. I promise your sister is safe and that she won't get hurt by me. If it's something else you're upset about, then you better tell me because I don't want to fight with you." I started for the bedroom Lauren always used and entered it, ignoring him. I froze up when I found ashes on her bed. Victor walked in and frowned as he looked from me to the bed. "My newborn...." He mumbled, but he didn't sound too upset.

"Like you cared." I hissed towards him. He walked over to the bed and sighed.

"Benjamin and the rest are going to be here soon.... What are we going to tell them?" He asked softly. "I was having them brought here so that way they could be with her while I tried to get her treatment." He glanced over at me and then looked towards the bed, shoving his hands into his pockets. I stepped out of the room then.

"MAIDS!" I called. A few ran up then. I pointed inside the room. "Clean it up." I told them and then sighed. "RICHARD!" I called. He came running up just as Victor stepped out of the room. He growled Victor's way.

"What? Want me to kill him for getting your sister pregnant again?" He asked, exposing his fangs.

"Lauren's funeral will be tonight." I told him. He tensed up.


"After the party."

"Lauren... is what?" He looked at me wide eyed.

"Not with us anymore." I told him. He narrowed his eyes and looked towards Victor suspiciously.

"No..." I told Richard. "It was from the disease." He frowned and then looked at me.

"She died from the disease? That's... terrible. What are we going to do when he dies?" He gestured Victor over who exposed his fangs.

"I'm right here," he snapped and pulled out a bottle of vodka. He started to drink it then. "You don't have to talk that way." Richard sighed and gave a nod then looked at me.

"Rose is going to be depressed...."

"I'll have to go to hell." I shrugged then. "Or force Nikolai into it." I smirked. He hasn't been caught by the devil yet... "Yeah.... Nikolai." Victor looked at me then and shook his head.

"No, if I die, I stay dead."

"Your going to come back." I snapped towards him. "Even if I don't like it." I pointed my finger at him. "You are apart of this family now and I take care of family. I'll go to hell for you." He frowned.

"Paris...." I could hear his thoughts spinning on what to say, but he settled on taking a bottle of vodka out and offering it to me. "Happy birthday. Enjoy. It's a good one," he said and smirked before he took another sip of his drink and then walked off. "I'll live. Don't worry."

"I count on it." I told him and followed after him. "So Victor. I think we need to start spending more time together." I told him. "Hachi is really good at reviving people. You could talk to him about finding a cure." He glanced back at me and took another sip of his vodka.

"I've got people working on it. They should be close," he told me and then gave a smirk. I caught a glimpse in his thoughts about how he had infected his scientists with the disease to make them hurry it up for Lauren. He took another sip. "Anyways, you don't have to spend time with me if you don't want to. I know how most of the purebloods feel about me."

"Victor, you were nothing like Dante towards me... Your kinda cool. Atleast my sister is happy." I sighed out and then started for the kitchen. When I walked in I walked up to Hachi. "Hey, Hachi. I was wondering.... could you make a cure for the disease killing off vampires?" I asked him. He nodded then.

"Sure, it'll go on my list of things to do... I wonder if those spectacles for August are working..." Hachi gave a huge smile. Isaac glanced over at Hachi from the desserts he was now making. A ton of food was laid out on the counters and island. He was now mixing different batters in the air, ranging from brownies to cookies to cakes. He smiled.

"I'm sure that the glasses are working for him," he purred encouragingly. "Eat your breakfast." Hachi nodded and continued to eat his breakfast like an obedient child. I laughed.

"Okay, well thank you Hachi. Victor has it by the way.... please don't let him die." I told Hachi. Hachi hopped off the counter then, getting serious and started to find a pot that wasn't being used. Isaac glanced over and groaned.

"That one was going to be used to make deviled eggs when I got to the finger foods! Oh well," he mumbled and let Hachi have it. I noticed the used dishes being scrubbed clean by themselves in the sink. I laughed and left them to do their things. Nikolai appeared in front of me as soon as I left the kitchen and gave me a smile.

"Hey~" He gave me a huge smile. "Happy Birthday Uncle Paris." I laughed and gave him a huge.


"Don't touch me." Nikolai shoved me off.

"S-sorry?" I blushed. He brushed past me for the kitchen then. Raven appeared in front of me and smiled at me.

"Paris! Happy birthday! I had a new defense system put in place to replace the ones that the Ainsworths know how to hack and I also restocked the weapons room! Oh, and I got you this," she purred and handed me a box. I opened the box, giving a small smile. Inside was a gorgeous silver knife that had been sharpened to a deadly blade. She smirked. "It's light weight and is good for throwing and fighting hand to hand," she purred. "I really liked the model and got myself one." I pulled it out of the box then put it in my pocket and looked at her, pulling her into a hug.

"Your the best Raven." I told her, rubbing her head. "Thank you." She giggled and hugged me back.

"You're welcome. I'll give you the defense information later that way you know how to work the system. I had it installed last night," she purred. "It needed to be done."

"Well that was great of you to do." I told her and smirked. "I was going to do something about it... well now that is off my to do list."

"Oh, and I got you some new maids to replace the ones that Richard has been eating. I hand picked them," she said quickly and pulled away. "They're being trained currently."

"You are.... starting to get really worthy of a promotion." I teased her." She smiled innocently at me and then giggled.

"Happy birthday," she told me then bounced off. "Louis~!" I laughed as I watched her then started for the ball room to check on it. Richard was watching some of the butlers move his piano where it goes and he smirked.

"I know what I'm buying myself," he mumbled. "I'll get a piano to stay in here soon..." He looked around and then tsked at the maids decorating it. "A little higher," he told them as they were trying to hang a happy birthday banner with mine and Louis's names on it.

"I'll add it to the remodeling list." I told him. He turned around as he heard me and then smiled.

"Baby~!" He ran over and then kissed me as he wrapped me up in his arms. "You're not supposed to be in here yet~! Naughty."

"I couldn't help myself." I admitted and blushed. He laughed and then stole another kiss.

"Bad luck to look at your party preparations," he purred and then started to back me out of the room. "Should I punish you for your impatience?"

"Yes." I nodded and looked towards his lips longingly. He smirked as my back hit the door roughly.

"The big bad demon is going to eat you up," he teased and then leaned in, keeping his lips just above mine to tease me. He exposed his fangs and smirked as he looked from my eyes to my lips then back at my eyes with a predatory look.

"In our room?" I asked softly.

"Wherever you want," he purred. "I could even punish you in the music room if you wanted."

"Punish me there." I purred. He growled playfully and opened the door, pushing me out of the room then started to pull me down the hall towards the music room. When we got in there, he locked the door and then pushed me towards the piano that stayed in here constantly, the one that never was moved. He smirked and started to undo his jacket, pulling it off. I smirked and started on my pants first, undoing them. He dropped his jacket and shirt on the floor, leaving him in his pants and belt. He walked towards me with a seductive look and backed me up against the piano, picking me up by my butt and placing me on top of it as he yanked my pants off all the way. He got between my legs and gripped my thighs as he moved in towards my lips. I leaned up for his and started to kiss him passionately. He smirked as he slowly moved one of his hands up my thigh and rubbed it as he got close enough to make a noise on the piano. He deepened the kiss and slipped his tongue into my mouth, quickly getting mine and then started to suck on it gently as he moved his hand to the top of my boxers. I growled playfully and grinded up against him. He laughed and slipped his hand up under my boxers, gripping my manhood. I let out a moan and threw my head back against the piano. He smirked as he laughed a little.

"Paris," he purred and watched me. He crawled over me then on top of the piano and got between my legs as he gave me a squeeze, arousing me further. "You've been bad, peeking in on your birthday party preparations when they're supposed to be a nice surprise for you." I let out a moan and gave him a nod.

"I'm a bad boy that needs to be punished." I told him, purring. He laughed and leaned in, going for my lips but stopped short then went to my neck, giving me a love bite. I let out a moan and grinded my body up against him, wanting more. He laughed again and then slowly slipped his hand out from my boxers. He looked me over and then shoved me down and gripped my thigh harder as he started to grind his hips against me. I groaned and rocked my body against his, giving him a growl. He smirked and then pulled my shirt off all the way. He ran his hands down my sides and then got off me.

"Punished," he growled. "You can have the rest later," he teased and looked me over. I shook my head and flipped us.

"No.... It's my birthday.... I want you right now." I told him. He widened his eyes.

"Tonight baby," he whispered.

"No, now." I told him, grinding against him now. He moaned and laid his head back, his fangs sharpening instinctively.

"P-Paris... I've got to finish planning," he said quickly.

"They can wait." I told him, looking his body over longingly. He moaned and then ran his hands down my sides. He wrapped his legs around my waist and then leaned up, scraping his fangs against my neck. I moaned and melted on top of him. He flipped us and then started to try to escape. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. "Please." I begged. He looked at me and then smiled, kissing my hand before he slowly got back on me.

"Alright," he purred. He looked towards his belt as he straddled my stomach and began to work at it. I smirked and watched him. He got it off and then looked towards my hands with a smirk, but he dropped it. He stood up on the piano and smirked at me as he slowly started to undo his pants button, teasing me. I watched him and purred.

"Come on... the longer you take the longer you will be away from arrangements going on in the ball room." He laughed.

"The maids can handle it.... Besides, you wanted a male stripper for your birthday, didn't you?" 

"Okay~" I smirked and watched him.

"Want a dance with it?" He asked and then got the button undone. He slowly started to unzip his pants and gave me a seductive look with a smirk as he swayed his hips slightly as he nudged his pants down slowly.

"Dance." I ordered and sat up then reached over and smacked his butt. He yelped and then laughed slightly. He got down from the piano and glanced over at me.

"I could go get a butler to make this interesting," he purred my way. "I could give you a show and everything."

"No... stay here. It's just us." I ordered. He gave a nod and then looked me over as he finished kicking his pants down and then took his shoes and socks off. He started to show me a dance, swaying his hips as he locked eyes with me and smirked, his every move catching my attention. I felt myself getting more aroused by the wait and by watching him. I grabbed his arm then and took us to our bedroom then threw him up against the bed. I got on him then and ran my hands down his body. A shiver went through him and he moaned, arching his back at my touch. I leaned in and kissed him passionately then. He moaned louder and kissed me back, going to flip us. I let him and then smirked. He growled at me and kissed me deeply as he started to grind against me.

"You're not going to be getting to your party on time," he purred to me. I moaned and nodded.

"I don't care, do what you want with me." I purred. He nodded and then ran his hands down to my boxers, slipping a hand under them again and gripped me.

"Then you'll just have to miss your party. We're not leaving for a week," he teased and then pulled my boxers down. I moaned and arched my back under him. He smirked and let me go before he started to kiss down my body, giving me the best present ever....