Special Spectacles

Louis's POV:

I rolled off August and looked up at the ceiling. Twice in one morning... I laughed a little and pulled him close. "I love you August," I told him and then kissed his cheek. "Come on, lets get you dressed." I sat up and then picked up the spectacles Hachi had given me. I hadn't put them on him yet, but I'd try it now. I slipped them onto his face and waited to see what he'd say. He touched them curiously.

"Shades?" He asked just as they lit up magically and started to connected to his eyes with magic. He gasped and looked around the room then, awed. "I- Louis! I can see." He told me and then grabbed my hands. I smiled in relief and leaned in, giving him a kiss.

"Hachi gave them to me to give to you this morning. I didn't want to tell you what they were unless they worked," I purred to him. He leaned in and kissed me. Once he pulled away he looked around again.

"We-well... It's hard to read a few things and see from a certain distance." He admitted.

"It's a start though," I told him and rubbed his head, running my fingers through his hair. "You can see your beautiful children and walk on your own," I purred.

"Yeah... Can we go see Hachi so I can thank him?" August asked. I nodded and then handed him his clothes then got mine on. I crawled out of bed and watched as he got dressed then grabbed him and teleported him downstairs. I heard things going on in the kitchen, so I checked there first and found Isaac cooking up a storm in there with Hachi doing his own thing. Hachi gave us a smile.

"Hey you guys. So they worked?" Hachi asked, looking August over. August nodded and smirked.

"They did work.... in a way. A few things are off." August told him. I walked over and hugged Hachi.

"Thank you for the glasses," I told him and kissed the top of his head. I kissed his forehead then and laughed before I moved back and then looked towards August happily. August walked over and hugged him.

"Thanks Hachi. These are better then nothing." He told him. He pulled back and went for the fruit basket and grabbed something from it before leaving the kitchen. I laughed and followed August and watched as Quinton looked up from the corner where he was sitting with some of the pack. He smiled towards August.

"Hey dad! You're up!" He laughed and then stood up, moving away from his pack mates and went over to August. August gave him a hug then and kissed his cheek.

"How are you and Dannie?" August asked curiously. Dannie walked up with a book then looked us over.

"Happy birthday." Dannie told me. I smiled.

"Thanks Dannie," I told him. Quinton looked towards Dannie with a loving look then looked at August and I.

"We're fine.... Dannie, can I tell them? They're my parents after all," he asked and whined as he looked Dannie's way again.

"I thought we agreed tonight.... Oh Louis, can you meet us outside tonight?" He asked me. I frowned.

"Uhhh... Sure?" I looked them over. "What are you two up to?" I asked quickly. Quinton pouted but nodded before he moved over to Dannie and kissed him, wrapping his arms around his waist. 

"You'll see tonight." Dannie told me then started to gnaw on his knuckle. I frowned and walked up to him, grabbing his chin gently and looked in at his teeth.

"HACHI! Come take a look at Dannie's teeth! He's growing shark teeth!" I shouted, thinking Hachi did something to him.

"Well I didn't do it." Hachi said as he walked up to take a look then dropped the spoon in his hands. "I-Isaac!" He yelped and pulled out his spell book. "Oh boy." Isaac walked out of the kitchen, twitching his tail.

"What?! I wouldn't mess with Dannie's teeth! I'd mess with Harry's teeth before I messed with Dannie's! What's the matter?" He walked over and frowned when he saw Dannie's teeth. "That's interesting.... What are you turning into?" Dannie rubbed his jaw then and wrapped his arms around Quinton.

"Nothing, why would you ask me that?" Dannie asked. Isaac pointed towards the ears then at his teeth.

"Because you started developing teeth with those ears of yours," he said then looked at Hachi. "What are you doing? Getting a spell to fix his teeth?" He asked curiously, flicking his tail.

"Hahahahaahahaha...." Hachi took off running then. I widened my eyes and chased after Hachi with Isaac.

"HACHI, WHAT'D YOU DO TO MY NEPHEW?!" I screamed after him. Hachi ran into a closet and locked the door then.

"Nothing!" Hachi yelled from inside. I growled.

"Oh yeah? Then why are you acting so suspicious? Why's his teeth look like they could kill?" I snapped at him. "You're not going to get in trouble if you tell me."

"I don't know." Hachi told me. "Don't ask me these questions."

"I'll get Paris," I threatened.

"Don't get Paris." Hachi begged.

"Then tell me why you took one look at his teeth and started to freak out with your spell book then ran!" I growled.

"I don't know what your talking about." I narrowed my eyes then looked up towards a maid walking by.

"Get Paris," I ordered her. Her eyes widened.

"That's suicide!"

"Get him anyways," I growled. She started to tremble but walked away to do as told. Isaac frowned and leaned up against the door.

"Hachi, baby, please tell me," he asked softly.

"I don't have anything to tell." Hachi said from inside, sounding worried as I heard him flip a page. I narrowed my eyes.

"Hachi, I swear if you don't tell me what's going on right now, I will not let you touch my hair for a full year. I'll also tell Paris not to let you touch his either." I felt him tugging on his stitches then. I yelped and looked towards my arms. "Hachi, what're you doing?!" I asked quickly, starting to panic.

"Nothing." I felt him stop then. "Don't get Paris."

"I've already sent a maid to get him," I growled. "Hachi, it's my birthday, and I deserve to know what is happening to my nephew!" I put my hands on my hips and watched the door. Isaac looked at me then at the door in curiosity.

"I just want to know because I'm trying to learn and stuff," he said softly.

"Well I don't know~" Hachi said from the other side. Isaac whined.

"Then come out of the closet," he begged.

"Nu-uh." Hachi told him.

"I love you," Isaac purred. I rolled my eyes and then grabbed Isaac.

"Holding Isaac hostage until you come out of the closet and you tell me what the hells going on," I informed Hachi and started to drag Isaac down the hall. He widened his eyes.

"Hostage?! What the heck are you doing?! Let me go! I don't like the sound of this!" Hachi crept out of the closet then and put his book in his pocket.

"Uh.... I may.... have genetically.... changed Dannie when bringing him back to life?" Hachi looked us over and then started back for the closet. I stopped.

"Changed him?" I frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?" I put a hand over Isaac's mouth to make him stop screaming his head off and held him down.

"He's not what he was? He's more..." Hachi shrugged and went back into the closet.

"Hachi, you're not in trouble. You saved his life. If you genetically altered him and all he got was sharp teeth, then that's fine. We'll deal with it," I told him and gave him a sweet smile. He looked at me from inside the closet then stepped out slowly. I gave him an encouraging smile. "You're not in trouble cutie. We couldn't be mad at you. You've helped us countless times, and you saved him and you gave my mate his sight back. You're the miracle worker of the family. Paris and I are proud to call you part of the family, and we don't mind the stitches anymore. A small thing like changing Dannie's teeth is not that bad. He'll be fine, and we can't be mad at you for something like that."

"I hope so." Hachi whispered then started for Isaac, reaching out for him. "Give me my halfbreed back." I smirked and looked Isaac over.

"That reminds me.... Is he getting his stitches or not?" I asked Hachi. Isaac froze up. "After all, he originally was one of your stitched up pets, wasn't he? Plus, you still call him yours, and he's your lover."

"Uh..." Hachi blushed. "Dunno." He shrugged. "I'd have to personally do that and it's been a while since I last ate." I looked at him then.

"If you want, I can get you a maid or something to eat and help you hold him down. I don't think it's very fair he's getting away with this," I said and laughed.

"We're going out to eat tomorrow so I can go meet his wizard friends." I nodded and then held out the struggling halfbreed towards him.

"Here you go," I purred. Hachi leapt into his arms and stuffed his head into his chest. Isaac stopped struggling and started to purr happily at Hachi as I let him go. He leaned in and kissed Hachi passionately as he wrapped his arms around him. Dannie pulled Quinton to us then.

"So... Is my teeth going to be the only thing that changes?" Dannie asked Hachi. Hachi looked over and nodded.

"Possibly. That's the only changing signs right?" Hachi asked. Quinton thought it over and then smelled Dannie.

"I think so," Quinton mumbled and then growled playfully as he leaned in closer towards Dannie's neck. I laughed a little and then watched as Isaac let go of Hachi and started back for the kitchen, humming to himself. Hachi left with Isaac then.

"Did not." Dannie grumbled towards Quinton.

"Ok," he mumbled back and then licked Dannie's neck teasingly. Dannie moaned softly and leaned in towards him. Quinton gave an innocent smile and kissed Dannie's neck before he moved his head back from him. Isaac came out of the kitchen then with about over a hundred foods and desserts combined floating behind him as he hummed to himself and started for the ballroom with the food. The smells were delicious and were making my mouth water as I watched him walking with it. Hachi followed with a hum. Dannie pulled Quinton with him to followed after Isaac and Hachi. I followed behind them out of curiosity. Isaac walked into the ballroom and had the food set themselves up on the tables and then turned to us.

"Dinner... is served~" He said and bowed with a smirk. "That's so cool to say!" He laughed and then picked up a cookie and gave it to Hachi. "There you go Hachi." Hachi looked it over then gave it back to Isaac.

"I'm good." Hachi told him sweetly. Isaac pouted.

"But I never cook this often," he mumbled. He looked towards the cookie longingly. "Well... one cookie couldn't hurt me that badly." He looked it over hesitantly.

"You eat it." Hachi smirked and bounced off. Isaac sighed.

"It'll make me sick," he mumbled and then set it back down on the tray before he walked off. "Oh, your cakes will be brought in when it's time," he said over his shoulder. I smiled and glanced around the room, seeing everything was completed now. We were just waiting on the guests and my twin and Richard.... Where are they? I frowned and teleported into Paris and Richard's room then widened my eyes.

"OH MY GOD!" I quickly turned away. I felt sick from what I saw and stumbled towards the door.

"Come join." Paris suggested after spitting. I gagged at it and shook my head.

"Nope, no, no, no," I told them. "I think I'm good. T-the party is going to start," I said, closing my eyes and put a hand over my mouth.

"We'll be there soon, right Richard?" He done something to make Richard moan then. I shivered. I should know better than to come in here if those two are missing.... I walked out of the room before I could hear anymore and shut the door behind me, opening my eyes. I gripped the wall for support as I tried to get the image out of my mind. Of course it was hard when I seen my brother on his knees in front of his lover... That's unforgettable. I shivered again. And then he asked me to join?! What the heck?! They were probably just getting started too.... they won't be in the party for at least.... thirty more minutes. I looked back towards the door.

"Paris, we're starting without you," I said quickly. "No offence."

"UGH.... Let me get my clothes on and brush my teeth." Paris complained.

"N-no... it's fine. You two have fun! I'll keep them from bringing in the cake. We'll just dance or something," I told them.

"Ok. Where was we..... oh right.... buckle up Richard and let's take a ride." Paris purred.

"But my piano," Richard mumbled, sounding slightly upset. "LOUIS! DON'T LET ANYONE TOUCH MY BABY!" He shouted to me. I shivered.

"N-no one will play your piano besides me," I promised. I teleported away quickly and into a bathroom where I threw up and brushed my teeth before I teleported down to the ballroom. I walked over to the piano and sat down on the bench, looking it over. I haven't really played in a bit... so I'm a little rusty, but I know how. I started to play a little on it, getting the feel back and then started to play for those who were in here. August walked up to me then sat down on the bench, kissing my cheek. I looked at him and smiled before I looked back at the piano before I could miss a key. "Hey sweetie," I mumbled to him.

"You're playing the piano." He told me, sounding impressed.

"Hahahahaaaa...." I laughed nervously and glanced at him. "I am not near as skilled as Paris, and I don't come close to Richard... but I do know a little bit of it. After all, I was prince and then I became king, so of course I know a little of it.... Though I haven't played in so long," I mumbled and looked back at the keys as I almost hit the wrong note. "See, my technique is still clumsy," I told him.

"You'll probably never meet them." August sighed out. "They are like angels at piano." I laughed.

"No, I prefer violin," I mumbled to him. "It came easier to me, but piano is more traditional." Keegan ran up to me then and grabbed my leg.

"Mommy, where is daddy and why is Uncle Auggie talking to you in daddy's seat? Is daddy mad at you?" He grabbed my pants and tugged on it. "Can I sit with you? Until daddy comes back?" I laughed. Adorable! I glanced at August then looked down at Keegan.

"You can sit with me, but I'm not your mommy. I'm Uncle Louis," I told him and gave him a sweet smile. He blushed from realization and let my pants go then looked behind him before crawling up into my lap.

"Your close enough to my mommy so I guess." Keegan rested his head on my chest then. I smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"Well, I'm your Uncle, so you should be able to sit with me anyways," I purred. I looked towards August happily, pleased that Keegan chose to sit with me. August smiled towards me then rubbed Keegan's head.

"I heard from a maid that you play violin." August told Keegan. Keegan nodded softly against my chest.

"I like string instruments." He mumbled. I smirked.

"String is better," I purred. "You know... if you want, you can go get your violin and play with me," I told him. "We'd play something together. I can also teach you things on the violin if you want. I play it too. It's my favorite."

"Really? So I get it from you?" Keegan asked and blushed as he looked up at me. "Can we play together?" I nodded.

"If you go get my violin as well, I will stop with the piano," I purred. He shook his head.

"I don't play pubically." I looked at him then and nodded.

"Then tomorrow morning we will play together, just me and you without anyone around," I told him and kissed the top of his head. "I can't wait," I purred and then continued playing the piano. "I'll teach you a new song." He nodded eagerly.

"I like learning new songs." Keegan told me. I smiled and looked towards August. I laughed and then went back to concentrating on the notes as people started to walk into the room and dance, joining the party.

Raven's POV:

I smiled as I heard the piano start up, but I already knew it wasn't Paris or Richard. The notes were hesitant sounding, so it definitely wasn't them. I hummed softly as I walked towards the ballroom and went in, glancing around before I walked over to the table with the glasses of warm blood were sitting. I picked one up and sipped on it before I looked the room over to see who all was here. Almost everyone I knew was in the room besides Lauren, Paris, and Richard. I frowned and then tilted my head. Why isn't Lauren in here? She likes parties.... Maybe I should go check on her. I walked out of the room then and up to Lauren's room and knocked softly. I didn't hear anyone on the other side, so I poked my head in and frowned when it looked like no one had been sleeping in here. Her bed had been stripped. A maid walked up to me from down the hall.

"Ummm... Miss? Are you looking for the girl that stayed in that room?" I looked towards her and nodded quickly. "She's... She was taken by that disease from what I heard. Paris ordered her funeral for tonight," she informed me and gave me an apologetic look. "Her ashes have been collected and are being held in a safe spot until later tonight when the party is over." I widened my eyes. She's... dead? I felt the glass slip out of my hands then and heard it crash to the ground, shattering as I stared at the maid. She can't be dead. We were getting her help. How'd she die already? She looked like she was doing alright! I felt tears sting my eyes then as I realized the last time I saw her was when we were in Russia and she was sitting in the living room with her family. What's going to happen to them? Her family needs her.... I can't believe she's gone!

Meanwhile, Charlie's POV:

I looked towards the checkard board, I had been playing with Josh for a while after teaching him how to play. It was turning out to be his favorite thing to pass time. I smiled towards him sweetly. He took another piece then whined, curling up as he watched me. "Charlie, home," he mumbled. "Louis...."

"This is home."I told him. "I don't know what else to tell you. Louis doesn't love you. He gave me you." I told him. He frowned in confusion but didn't say anything as he looked towards the board. I smiled and made my move. I heard Dylan walking into my room then.

"Hey you two~" Dylan purred. "I have a surprise for you. I went out and well... added two new members to our family while I was out." He said in excitement. Josh looked at Dylan then past him at the door. He got up and then bounced over to Dylan before he gave an innocent smile.

"Dylie," he said cutely and held out a hand as he looked hungry. Dylan shook his head and tapped Josh on the nose.

"No you can't have my blood." Dylan told him. Josh pouted and looked at Dylan's wrist in hunger.

"Josh." I purred, holding out my wrist. He looked at me and then pointed at himself in frustration.

"Jasper!" He started to cry then.

"Josh." I called to him, sticking out my tongue. He walked over and grabbed the board then started walking for the door. Dylan grabbed him and spun him back around.

"Josh, stay here." Dylan purred, tapping his nose. Josh whined.

"Jasper!" He insisted and then ducked under Dylan's arms, going for the door again. Dylan grabbed him and took him to my bed and laid him down on it then growled playfully, messing with him. Josh threw the board at him then ran for the door. Dylan ran after him and got between him and the door. He stopped and widened his eyes then whined before he tried to go past Dylan again. Dylan picked him up then and gave him his wrist. Josh stopped and looked at Dylan's wrist and then leaned in and bit in deeply, sinking his fangs into him. Dylan watched him and rubbed his head. Josh moaned and dug his fangs in deeper, making Dylan wince. Dylan brought him over to me and put him in my lap then took my wrist and replaced his with mine. Josh whined for a second during the switch but quickly bit down into me hard and deep, his fangs sinking in as he didn't loosen up. I rubbed his head to comfort him and smiled. Dylan left us then. He pulled back after a few minutes and yawned before he moved away and then laid down in the same spot he'd been sleeping in since he got here. He curled up to his pillow and nuzzled his head against it cutely as he closed his eyes. "Night," he mumbled. I smiled towards him.

"Okay, goodnight cutie." I purred then got to my feet and left my bedroom. I walked down to the livingroom, looking for Jacob or Tommy. They were talking to each other on the couch, playing Call of Duty on the flat screen TV.

"He's at your left!"


"Dammit! I died again!"

"I told you to get the snipe!"

"But the guy with the machine gun was after me!"

"Snipes are dangerous!"

"I know that!" I walked out of the house then, skipping them to just go hunt by myself. I hadn't had human flesh in a while and I really don't want to keep drinking from Josh.... it's unhealthy. I got into my car then remembered something as the date flashed on the radio. It's their birthday.... I smiled softly then drove off to a nearby club and parked outside. I went in then and searched for my meal of the night. A few girls were giggling near the entrance amongst themselves and I spotted a few member's of August's pack hanging around towards the back with some of Cage's pack. There were a lot of teenagers around and a few twenty year olds, but other than that, not much. Most of them were dancing or drinking. I looked towards the pack members, thinking about leaving because of them... but if I keep my distance they probably won't bother or notice me. I sat down at the bar then, ordering an alcoholic drink. I caught a scent then that reminded me of Dante, catching my attention as a young girl walked past me. She had locked her eyes onto a guy across the room and let out a small growl as she smirked.

"Dante...." I whispered softly, looked around for him. I didn't see him anywhere, and the scent seemed to be coming from her. It was like an off brand smell of him, under the surface of the smell of roses and camellias. I frowned as I watched her. "That's not Dante." I grumbled. The girl glanced my way for a second and frowned at me before she tensed up. She quickly looked away from me and walked off to escape. I widened my eyes and then requested another drink. The bartender gave me one and then went back to serving the others. I noticed that August's pack members were watching the girl closely like they knew her and were slightly worried as she went for the guy she had been watching earlier. I got up then and started for the girls by the door. I might as well pick one and leave while I can. I smiled as I reached them.

"So~ Which one of you is my lucky lady." I flirted with them, making them all giggle. One of them walked up to me and ran her fingers up my chest.

"I think..." She looked back at her friends and giggled. "Should I?" They nodded at her and started to giggle. She looked up at me. "Names Tammy," she said and then grabbed my hand. "I think I'll be your lucky lady tonight." I smirked as I looked her over.

"That's fantastic." I said as I smelled her, checking for any diseases. She was clean and completely human. The only thing was that she was drunk. I looked her over. "Ever been with a vampire?" I asked her. "I'm going to rock your world tonight." She giggled and shook her head no.

"No, mommy tells me to stay away from vampires." She smiled and then giggled again. "Whoops, sorry," she told me and backed off.

"That's fine baby." I told her, winking. "I'm a hunter first and forever. I'm Charlie Ainsworth. You might've heard about me? I'm the famous hunter of America." I said, trying to impress her. "Let me buy you a drink and prove my worth." She looked me over and then giggled.

"Only.... if... you let me touch your fangs," she said and pointed towards my mouth. "Then you can buy me a drink and we'll have some fun." I winked.

"Don't cut yourself." I teased her then exposed my fangs. She walked back to me and then looked at them in interest before she gently touched one. She pulled back then grabbed my hand, pulling me off to the bar where she had me sit down then sat down in my lap. She looked towards the bartender and ordered a beer. I ordered another drink and wrapped my arm around her waist. "Tammy my dear... Will you come home with me if I ask?" She looked at me and tilted her head.

"Now why would you want that?" She teased. I ran my fingers through her hair then and moved it away from her neck.

"Well I'd like to rock your world." I told her, eyeing her neck down. She didn't seem to be taking notice to that and then giggled.

"Ok," she said and picked up her drink then started to sip on it after I paid for both. She leaned in and kissed my cheek. "I'll come home with you." I nodded then and smirked.

"Fangtastic." I purred.

"You're funny," she mumbled and then moved to straddle my lap. She kissed my neck and laughed. I leaned in and kissed her neck. She moaned and set her drink down. "Let's go get lost together and ditch this place," she mumbled and looked me over.

"Lets." I purred and then let her out of my lap then followed after her. She walked out of the bar, giving her friends a thumbs up before she turned to me and looked at me as we got outside. She smiled and pulled up her skirt a little, showing me her skin to tease me as she giggled.

"Like what you see?" She teased me. I nodded, looking her skin over and thought about how I could sink my fangs in and drink from it. I walked after her with lust in my eyes. She backed up against a small truck and pulled out a set of keys with a smirk. "So..." She looked me over and tossed me the keys. "You drive." I nodded and then got into the truck, looking it over with interest.... A girl drives a truck? That's new... She got into the passenger's side and shut the door, not bothering to buckle up. "So what all do you want to do?" She asked me curiously, running a hand over my arm lightly as she looked my way.

"Come into my lap." I purred. She looked me over and then crawled over, getting in my lap as she straddled it, pulling up her skirt a little to do so. She smiled at me and leaned in, kissing my neck softly. I moaned at her human scent then leaned in towards her neck, kissing her back. I grabbed her thighs then and held her down as I bit down into her neck. She yelped and let out a whimper.

"I don't like this," she mumbled and then put a hand against my chest. "Don't bite." I pulled my fangs out respectfully and then started to suck up the blood from her wound. She relaxed a little and looked at me. I moaned softly as I stole her blood. She kissed my cheek and then ran a hand down my stomach, giggling. "Is blood really that fascinating to vampires?" She asked me.

"Yes. It's our life source." I told her, sighing as I licked at her neck. She giggled and shied away. I pulled away from her neck then licked my lips. "I'm sorry." I told her.

"For what?" She asked curiously, tilting her head.

"I'm not interested in sex.... I just wanted your blood." I told her. She looked me over and blushed then started to get out of my lap. I smirked and held her on me then pulled out my wallet and gave her the cash inside. "Have this." She shook her head at me.

"No, I'm not taking your money." She looked me in the eyes. I raised an eyebrow.

"Why not?" I asked her.

"I'm not interested in money," she told me and then stole her keys back from me and giggled. "Now, if you're done, out of the truck," she told me. I sat the cash down in the passengers seat then patted her cheek.

"Buy yourself a nice dress." I told her then shoved her into the passengers seat and got out of her truck. As soon as the doors were shut, I heard the truck lock. I looked towards her then exposed my fangs playfully. She giggled as she watched me and waved. I smiled softly then started for my car. What a nice slutty girl....  I saw the girl from earlier who smelled like Dante walking with a few members from August's pack. She smiled at them and playfully punched one of the guys shoulder, making them laugh at her. I watched her, ducking behind a car to watch her... Why does she smell like my mate?

"Alright now, don't be thinking that you can best us," the guy said, growling at her. She giggled.

"Oh, I could take you on anyday," she teased. "Wanna go right now? Bet I'd knock you flat." I started for my car then... Just loose interest Charlie.

"Miles, seriously. There's no way you could bea- OW! WHAT THE HELL?!" The girl giggled at him.

"That's what you get!"

"You kicked him between the legs!" I heard another girl shout at her. "You took it too far!"

"Did not. He'll get over it. Besides, he was about to say something completely sexist," she said. I looked towards them with slight interest. She was smirking as she stood over the boy who she had punched earlier while he was curled up in a pitiful ball on the ground, holding his manhood as he whimpered in pain. "If you want to say something sexist, then I'll get you where the sun doesn't shine," she told him and laughed. "That's what you get!" She stepped on him as she walked over him, her combat boots making him yelp as the heel got him. I started for my car door again. Nope. Ignore here Charlie. I heard the pack growl then as they caught my scent, snarls ripping through them. The girl- Miles- looked at them in confusion and sniffed the air before she looked them over. "What's wrong?"

"You don't smell that? It's an Ainsworth," the boy on the ground told her. She frowned.

"No... I don't smell it."

"She hasn't had her first shift yet," a girl reminded the boy on the ground. "She's one of the late bloomers."

"Oh yeah... it would be hard for her to smell it then," they mumbled. Well... I've been caught... might as well play with them. I walked over to them then casually, making an evil laugh come out. The boy got off the ground quickly as they watched me in hatred. The girl looked at them in confusion then at me.

"Guys, it's just a random boy. Come on. Quinton will be missing us at the party!" She went to tug on one of their arms, but she couldn't make the werewolf budge.

"Whatcha up to little doggies?" I asked them, scanning my eyes over them. There were five, including Miles. I moved towards them then, looking Miles over. She frowned as she watched me then tugged on the werewolf's arm again.

"Let's not get into a fight," she whispered to them. They ignored her as they growled at me for taking another step towards them. "Guys, stop it! I want to go home!" The werewolf shrugged her off then, making her yelp.

"No.... let's get into a fight." I told them. "I want to know why you have been playing with Dante." I told her, glaring her down. She frowned at me and then went towards the other girl of the group.

"Heather, please," she asked softly. The girl glanced at her but locked eyes with me again.

"If it's a fight he wants, then it's a fight he'll get. He's an Ainsworth!" She snarled. Murmurs of agreement went through them, but Miles only growled at them. She shook her head.

"Alpha Quinton didn't say we were going to fight people if we went out to party," she told them. I smirked and then looked her over.

"I think I want a pet dog." I teased. They snarled and got in front of Miles who only yelped as they shoved her back.

"You'll have to go through us if you're going to touch Miles," Heather snapped at me. The boy that Miles had hurt earlier shifted into a brown wolf and snarled at me, laying his ears back. I exposed my fangs then and pulled out my two guns on me and pointed one his way. The other three shifted quickly and they ran at me, snapping their jaws at my hands as they barreled me over. Miles watched with wide eyes and then put a hand up to her mouth in horror as she slowly backed away. I luckily knew how to fight, being trained and all. I managed to slip out of their jaws and made a run towards Miles. She screamed as she saw me coming and made a break for it as the other four scrambled to chase after me. I tackled her within seconds and pinned her against the ground.

'What did you do to Dante?" I whispered to her. She growled at me and tried to push me off.

"Get off me! I don't know who you're talking about!" I growled in her face.

"You smell like my mate though!" I hissed her way. She shook her head quickly.

"I didn't touch anyone's mate! I swear! I only know the pack!" A wolf tackled me off her then and went to bite into my shoulder. I shot him in the shoulder then to stop him and kicked him off with all the strength I had. He went flying back and yelped as he hit the ground. Another wolf ran to his aid as Heather ran to Miles and stood over her to try to keep her safe. The remaining male growled my way, giving me a threatening look. I aimed my gun at him, warning him. He tensed up and stopped growling for a second before he snarled at me, but he didn't move to come after me. I got to my feet then.

"Seems I've outstayed my welcome." I said and started for my car. "Goodbye now." I felt a wolf snap at my heels then as the one who was growling at me started to chase me off from the others. I ran over to my car then got in face and locked the door after me. The wolf jumped up onto my car and growled at me, showing his sharp teeth as he watched me. Heather and the other unwounded wolf were tackling the side of my car then, snarling as they started to howl. Miles got to her feet and shakily pulled out her phone, starting to call someone. I watched them then started to start my car. Freaking freakish freaks of nature wolves. The car didn't start though. It didn't even try. I widened my eyes and then looked them over. What the hell happened to my car!? Heather dropped a broken off chunk of wires and tubing on the hood of my car and wagged her tail as she gave me a predatory look. I gave her the middle finger then and pulled out my phone, texting Dylan about my situation. Miles was on the phone, talking fast as she panicked and suddenly Louis appeared by her. He grabbed her phone and put a hand up.

"Alright, quiet down. You're talking my ear off," he told her. "What's the... What are you all doing to that car?" He asked as he looked towards the other wolves and then widened his eyes as he saw me. I gave him a sheepish smile.

"Fuck." I said and then pulled out my knife. "Fuckin fuck." He started to call someone then. Paris appeared by him then, giving a frown.

"What?" Paris asked, doing his tie.

"Oh my fuck!" I yelled and then got out of the car on the other side and took off.

"My beautiful mate's second generation pack found a rat!" Louis told Paris. The wolves were in front of me instantly and knocked me to the ground as they started to growl again. I felt one of them nosing around for all my weapons as another grabbed the knife from my hands.

"Oh look... that's a huge rat." Paris purred.

"Oh mi god." I looked over the wolves and reached for my knife. "GIVE ME THAT BACK!" The wolf clenched it's jaw and it broke in half. I widened my eyes then. I liked that knife... I looked towards the boys. "H-happy birthday?" I asked them. Louis growled at me and then was by me instantly. He snatched me from the wolves and then teleported us to Paris.

"Save it," he growled at me. I tried to get out of his arms then. I felt Paris's hands gripping my shoulder then and started to massage them.

"Charlie Ainsworth...." He whispered into my ear. Louis laughed evilly then.

"Oh... this is the best birthday ever," he purred as he held me and kept me from running.

"I knew I should have left with the slutty girl." I grumbled. "How about we call a truce for the night? You don't want to die... not on your birthday."

"More like you don't want to die," Louis hissed. I heard the werewolves shift back, catching Louis's attention. He looked their way and then smiled. "Good job. I'll make sure that you are all rewarded later," he told them. "Go home. I've got the rest." Heather walked past us then and grabbed Miles.

"Make sure that creep doesn't touch our Miles again. He was asking her weird questions like why she smelled like some Dante guy," Heather told Louis. I hissed towards Heather then, exposing my fangs and I snapped at her.

"Don't go to far little lady. I'm still hungry." I purred towards Miles. Heather snarled at me and pulled Miles closer. Miles growled.

"No way! Don't hug me when you're naked like that!" Miles told Heather, making her laugh. I stepped on Louis's foot and spun around in his arms then kneed him between his legs. I grabbed one of his arms and twisted it quickly then took him and threw him over my shoulder quickly then looked towards Paris, holding up my fists for a fight. The male werewolves tackled me to the ground then, pressing my head into the pavement as they grabbed my hands and pinned them behind my back painfully as Louis was recovering a few feet away. Paris walked up with a sharp growl and pulled out a knife.

"I'm going to skin you and hang you upside down like a deer on a cross then I think I might burn you." Paris told me. I growled towards him then struggled to get up. I heard a gun go off then and the werewolf holding me was shot in the head then Paris was shot in the throat. I heard Louis get shot then in the chest, probably nowhere close to where it counts... He was still formed. Miles screamed and I heard her start to cry as she saw her fallen werewolf pack mate.

"Evans!" She screamed. Heather quickly pulled her down to the ground and put her under her, hiding her under her body as she shifted and laid over Miles protectively. The other two werewolves let me go and pulled their friend off me, shaking him as they started to panic, calling his name. I got to my feet and then took the knife from Paris when he started to fall over, choking on blood. I stabbed him then in the shoulder and gave him a kiss on the top of the head.

"Goodbye, again." I whispered and took off running towards where I heard the gunshots come from. I heard howls from the boys as they shifted again, sounding vengeful as they chased after me. I heard the gun go off again and they started to fall one by one. I looked behind me then ran up to a vehicle with shinning headlights and got in. A guy got in the drivers seat then and looked me over then handed me the gun.

"I drive, you guard." He told me and then started to drive away. Who the hell is this guy.... Dylan must have sent him... "What's your name kid?" He asked, making me pause. Maybe my brother didn't send for him then.

"Charlie Ainsworth." I told him. "You just saved me from the jaws of the Grimm brothers." I told him.

"Yes. I know." He told me and then smirked. "I was asked to look after you."

"If you knew who I was then why did you ask for my name?!" I asked him, growling.

"I had to make sure." He told me and chuckled.

"Who sent you? My brother Dylan?"

"No." He told me.

"Well who?" I asked.

"None of your concern." He told me.

"What's your name?" I asked, looking around for any sign of his ID.

"Sebastian." He told me.

"Do you have a last name?"


"Seriously... You're just Sebastian?"


"Who sent you?" He chuckled then and looked towards me.

"No one you'd know." He told me then pulled up at my manor. "Get out." He ordered. "Don't thank me either."

"Whatever.... Do you have a place to stay?" I asked as I got out. He leaned over the seat then and closed the door before driving away. I crossed my arms as I watched him go. Who the hell was that?

Richard's POV:

My phone rang in my pants then, the ringtone I set for Paris. He disappeared on me when we was getting dressed.... something about his brother found a rat? Whatever that meant. I pulled it out and looked my phone over, debating before I answered it. "What is it? I'm about to go play my piano," I told him as I walked towards the ballroom where the party was.

"I'm going to be a little late." Paris husked into the phone. "As well as Louis. We'll be there soon." He told me then hung up. I growled and put my phone up. He's in so much trouble. I walked into the ballroom and put a smile on before I walked towards my quadruplets and gave them each a kiss.

"Did you all get something to eat?" I asked them softly, looking them over. Shiloh nodded and stuffed her face with a piece of chocolate cake, making me laugh. Sage growled playfully and looked at Rory as he sharpened his fangs and then went to bite him. Keegan tackled me then, grabbing my leg.

"Daddy!" Keegan gave me a loving look. Rory growled towards Sage playfully. I smiled and picked Keegan up, showering his faces with kisses.

"Hey there cutie pie!" I laughed and held him close. "Want to come sit with me while I play for them?" I asked him and rubbed my cheek against his face. "I'd love it if you did." I started to carry him towards the piano, knowing he wouldn't tell me no. He nodded eagerly and looked into my eyes with wonder.

"You know you don't have to ask daddy." He purred happily. I laughed and kissed him on the cheek again.

"Of course not baby," I purred to him and then sat down on the bench, placing him in my lap as I started to play a simple waltz. "I know that you'd have ran over here to be with me. I love you..."

"I love you daddy." He laid his head against my chest then and rubbed against me. "Uncle Louie is going to teach me a new song on the violin in the morning." He told me, sounding excited for it. I laughed.

"He is? That is nice of him.... You're lucky Keegan. Normally he'd want to be with Uncle August," I purred to him and kissed the top of his head. "Make sure to be safe tomorrow though... I don't want you to get hurt when you're away from your siblings. Stay close to Uncle Louis, ok?"

"I will." He nodded towards me and then kissed my cheek. "I'm always safe." I smiled.

"I'll eat anyone who hurts you," I purred. "You'll always be with daddy. You're my boy." He nodded.

"I'm your boy." He purred and rubbed his head against my chest. "I love you dada." He reached up and grabbed my hair, running his hands through it. I purred to him and leaned my head into his hand.

"I love you too baby," I mumbled and kissed his hand. "Your mommy is in trouble when she gets back."

"Why?" Keegan asked curiously. "What'd mommy do?"

"Mommy left daddy and didn't tell daddy where she was going... and then she hung up on daddy," I told him and kissed the top of his head. "Mommy gets no dances."

"That's mean." Keegan told me. "It's mommy's birthday." He glared me down. "Be mad tomorrow." I sighed and kissed the top of Keegan's head again. He's right.... You only get one birthday each year. I smiled.

"What would I do without you Keegan? Mommy will get a dance then if she asks for one."

"You'd be lonely." Keegan joked. I laughed.

"Awww, you definitely know me. I'd have to just... cuddle with you all night and give you kisses and hugs and dances instead," I purred, teasing him. He laughed then and curled my hair around his little fingers.

"Can I sleep with you tonight daddy?" He asked. I looked at him thoughtfully. Paris will probably be wanting sex before he goes to sleep tonight because it's his birthday... even though we already did it earlier. I kissed his cheek.

"I think mommy might want a dance with daddy tonight alone in our room.... We'll have to ask mommy when he gets back because it's his birthday cutie. If he says you can, you can sleep with us, but if he says no, you have to sleep with your siblings, ok? For mommy," I mumbled to him. He frowned but nodded in understanding.

"Okay daddy." He sighed out. "I'll sleep with them if momma says so." I smiled.

"Mommy will probably say yes when she sees how cute we look all snuggled up together," I purred. I kissed his cheek and looked towards the piano as I changed the song. After what felt like forever of piano playing I felt hands run against my shoulder and Paris sat down on the bench with me, kissing my cheek. Rose walked up to us then and gave us a kiss on top of the head.

"Paris my sweet brother where have you been?" She asked. I noticed Paris had changed clothes and smelled like he just took a shower.

"There was a rat infestation I had to take care of with Louis." Paris told her. I glanced his way and then looked back to the piano as I switched it to his song for him.

"Rat infestation?" I asked softly. "What kind?" Rose leaned in, wanting to know.

"Charlie A." Paris said softly. "He took out a couple of werewolves and took interest in a girl named Miles... something about she smelled like Dante." He sighed out then rubbed Keegan on the head. Keegan had fallen asleep in my arms.

"Our werewolves or Louis's?" I asked quickly, wanting to know which pack lost their members. They'll be wanting revenge and be more active....

"Does it matter?" Paris asked and growled softly. "I think Miles might be his new mate." He told me, she hasn't shifted yet though to confirm it." I nodded.

"What do you want to do about it? Do you want to keep her close, or do you want to ignore it?" I asked him, shifting slightly.

"I've given that responsibility to Louis." Paris told me and then stood up. "Where's my birthday cake!?" He asked pulling Rose with him towards a table. I laughed and watched as Isaac scrambled out of the room quickly to go get it. He motioned me to come over as he sat down with Louis and kissed his cheek. I stopped playing and stood up, holding Keegan close as I walked over to them and then sat down by Paris, Louis, and Rose. I kept Keegan in my lap as I played with his hair, watching as Isaac came in with the birthday cake. He had his magic set it down in front of Paris and Louis and candles materialized on it. He smirked and flicked his hand, making the candles light into a blue flame that sparked at the very tops of them. Paris pulled Louis into a hug then.

"Another year with you, Happy birthday twinie." Paris purred to his beloved twin. "We blow them out together?" Louis laughed and gave a nod.

"We'll do it on three," Louis whispered to him and touched Paris's cheek, probably sharing memories with him from the smile on Paris's face. "One..." Louis dropped his hand and looked towards the cake happily.

"Two." Paris said next, leaning in towards the cake a bit.

"Three!" Louis and Paris both leaned in and blew out the candles, but as soon as they were out, they were right back to blazing. Isaac laughed and gave a smirk.

"I love a good trick candle," he purred at them. Paris looked towards Isaac.

"So not cool." Paris mumbled, frowning. Isaac laughed.

"What's the matter? You don't like tricks and games?" Isaac asked and then the candles went out. "I thought it was cool."

"Not on my birthday." Paris whined. Isaac gave a nod then and smiled.

"Alright, I'll save them for Hachi's birthday," he purred and then picked up a knife and held it out to Paris and Louis. "Birthday boys cut the cake," he told them.

"WHAT!?" I heard Hachi say. "I'll get you!" Paris grabbed the knife and started to cut the cake, getting their pieces first and started to pass out slices to everyone else. Isaac laughed and ran over to Hachi.

"Hachi~!" He purred out and wrapped him up in his arms, stealing kisses. I laughed a little and rubbed Keegan's head as I got him a piece of cake and set his plate down in front of us.

"Eat up," I told him and handed him the fork. "You don't want to give your mommy bad luck by not eating her cake." Keegan nodded and looked towards the cake then back at me.

"Do I have to?" He asked, poking the cake with his fork.

"Hmmm.... I think you should... but if you're quiet about it, you don't have to," I whispered and kissed his cheek. "I'll eat it for you if you don't want to eat the cake." He gave me a bite then, feeding it to me. I smiled as I swallowed it and then laughed, showering him in kisses. "You're so cute," I purred. "Oh! You should ask mommy now," I told him and pointed towards Paris. "Before we forget to." Keegan nodded and grabbed Paris's shirt, yanking on it.

"Momma, I'm sleeping with you tonight, okay?" Keegan gave a huge smile. Paris looked down at Keegan then at me in question. I gave him a smile and kissed Keegan's head.

"Isn't he cute?" I purred towards Paris. "I told him he had to ask you first."

"Yeah, you can sleep with us Keegan." Paris told him then rubbed his head. I smiled and kissed Keegan's cheek.

"See, there we go. You'll stay with me until your lesson with Louis tomorrow," I purred to him and ruffled his hair.