The Special Request

Paris's POV:

Quinton walked up with his arms wrapped around Dannie's waist after a bit and kissed his neck before looking at me and Louis. "Can we go outside now?" He asked us. I looked towards Louis... He's been invited to the secret outing? I laughed and then stood up.

"Yeah, we can go outside." I told Quinton. He smiled and then started to pull Dannie to the door as Louis got to his feet. He looked a little uneasy as he watched them, and he looked a little worried. He glanced at me before he began to follow them. I grabbed Louis's hand to comfort him. He gave my hand a squeeze as he kept his eyes on Quinton.

When we got outside into the woods, Quinton looked back at us and stopped. He gave a smile towards his dad and let Dannie go, running up and giving Louis a hug. He laughed and gave his dad a kiss on the cheek then looked towards me and Dannie. Dannie grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug.

"Dad, you know I love you right?" Dannie asked. I nodded.

"What's this about?" I asked and tensed up. Quinton looked at Louis then and gave a sheepish smile.

"We want to move out," he told us. "We were wanting to ask if you'd help us because we want to get our own place." Louis tensed up and looked towards me in a panic.

"I'd really like to move in with a nice home.... together." Dannie told me. "Please daddy? You let Donnie get his own place."

"Yeah. He got board of it and came home though." I told him.

"But we won't! We want to be together, and we don't live forever like Donnie! Plus he's been threatening to kill me," Quinton told me. He widened his eyes as he realized what he said.

"Donnie has been what now? Well... I guess... with a few rules. You have to stay close- like in the city close if I'm going to help," Louis told him. "You have to come see me too."

"Can we build our own house?" Dannie asked me, pouting. I sighed.

"Yeah, whatever you want. Your my child, I'll spoil you." I told him and kissed the top of his head. Quinton smiled and hugged Louis tightly, making him laugh.

"I mean it though. You better come visit monthly," he told Quinton. "And you're telling your other father as well. I'm not telling him this right after he just got his sight back- what are you going to do about the pack?"

"I'll still be able to be alpha for them," Quinton said and smiled, pulling back. He laughed and looked towards Dannie lovingly. "We'll come visit after the house is built. Don't worry," he told us.

"Well Louis, looks like we have another house to build. At least it's not a manor. We'll get it done in no time. You two pick out the floor plan on the house and bring it to us by next Tuesday." I told them, smiling softly. "Does this mean we get grandkids in exchange?" Quinton's face paled at that, and he quickly looked up at the sky.

"Hey, look at that moon. Isn't it pretty?" He said, changing the topic. I laughed and brought Quinton into my arms, rubbing his head.

"I'm just kidding." I told him. He laughed nervously and looked up at me before he rested his head against my chest.

"Okay," he whispered. He gave a smile then and hugged me. "Thanks Uncle Paris." Louis pouted slightly.

"What if I wanted grandchildren?" He asked and put his hands into his pockets. "Oh well.... You two go have fun, okay?" He told them. Quinton pulled away from me and walked over to Louis, wrapping him up in a hug.

"Thanks dad.... Happy birthday you two," he told us and then laughed, going over to Dannie and kissed him. "Want to go on a run?" He suggested, looking excited. Dannie nodded.

"Yeah. We can go for a run." Dannie told him. I looked towards Louis, giving him a wink. Louis smirked at me and walked over, grabbing my hand as Quinton stripped and shifted quickly then nuzzled Dannie's leg, encouraging him as he lowered himself to the ground. Dannie got onto Quinton.

"Be safe you two." I told them. I pulled Louis closer. "We aught to go out drinking. Let's celebrate." Louis laughed and then kissed my cheek.

"Okay, we can go do that." He teleported us to our favorite bar and sat me down at the bar, putting his hands on my shoulders before he sat down beside me. "So... our kids seem happy."

"So happy." I told him and ordered a drink. "What are we going to do with them, huh?" I asked.

"Apparently build them a house to fool around in," Louis told me and laughed. "I hope they know what they're doing...." He sighed and then got himself a drink. "So I've decided to keep a closer eye on Miles, but I'm not going to do too much about it. The odds of Charlie running into Miles again is really low, and I doubt he'll come try to take a werewolf. Plus, she's so innocent that she doesn't even know what happened. She was crying over her pack mates. I doubt she'll be wanting to leave the manor anytime soon."

"Yeah, I wouldn't worry. Charlie doesn't steal dogs." I told Louis and then threw back the alcohol. "I'm not going to worry."

"Exactly. Even if she smells like his old mate to him, I doubt he'll do much about it. In fact, I bet he'd shoot her the next time he sees her if she was to get close to him," he told me and took a sip of his drink. "He's a monster. She's better off staying away from him even if that is her mate."

"Maybe we should go ahead and pull the trigger for him." I told Louis and looked him in the eyes. "Saves us a lot of hassle." Louis frowned.

"Kill a poor girl that didn't ask for this? No.... That's a little cruel. She's part of my son's pack. I'm not going to have her killed for being mated to a monster. Besides, we don't even know if she is or not. It could be a coincidence.... We got into a mess by acting this way," he told me and pointed a finger at me. "We're not killing her."

"We kill maids all the time, what's the difference?" I asked him curiously.

"One, she's part of my son's pack," he said and held up a finger. "Two, that's a werewolf, and they all have friends. Three, she's practically been raised in our manor. Four, she would do anything we asked her to do- I can guarantee that to you. All the pack would. Give the girl a chance. If she wasn't part of my son's pack, then I'd let you, but my son would be upset with me, and then I'd have an angry mate because he used to be alpha of that pack."

"I knew I should have gotten you your own state." I grumbled. "Come on, we'll put her in the basement for a while." He sighed.

"Look, if you want to kill her, kill her, but I'm having nothing to do with it," he told me. "Do what you want." He took a sip of his drink. I sighed.

"I'd feed her to the wolves but she runs with them." I told him. "Better get a demon." I joked and finished my drink, ordering another. He laughed a little.

"Don't worry about it. If it becomes a problem to keep her alive- and I doubt it will- then I'll kill her. I wouldn't let our family get hurt over her. I'll keep her put up until it's better." He smiled at me. "You're better for handling things like killing Charlie. You don't have the patience to wait and see for the girl. I'll clean up any mess that comes." He leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Just trust me."

"I'll arrange for a party then of six. We'll go invade them before they invade us again. I'll find out where they are staying." He nodded and smirked, sipping on his drink.

"You know... if you want, you could always dangle the idea of a new mate in front of Charlie- a new Dante.... He might just bite, and then you can gut the fish," he told me. "That is... if he's interested in the idea of having a new Dante."

"Why would he want a new Dante when he can have the old one?" I asked and smirked. Louis raised an eyebrow.

"And how would we dangle that in front of him? The only way he's seeing that bastard again is in Hell," he hissed. "I don't know anymore. We'll figure this all out later. It's our birthday. We shouldn't have to put up with this on our birthday. It's supposed to be fun and a party. Let's get drunk," he suggested and then gave a smile after taking a deep breath.

"Yeah, you brought this up." I told him and then climbed into his lap. "We should go party with Perry. I heard he got a new place." He laughed.

"Oh? Party with Perry?" He smirked. "I like the sound of that. Perry always has a blast when we come over. Let's ditch this bar and go to Perry's," he said eagerly, leaning in towards my neck as he sat his drink down.

"Alright." I smirked. "I'll give him a call and ask where it's at." I pulled out my phone then and called him. When he answered I gave a small smile. "Perry, where's the party at?"

"Paris! Happy birthday kid. I'll text you my new address, come on over. Your always welcome. I had to move. Those bloody hunters kept blowing my place up left and right in the hay day." I felt my phone vibrate. "There's the address. I look forward to seeing you." I nodded.

"Be there soon." I told him and hung up then looked at Louis. "Alright, let's go to this place." I gave him my phone. He looked it over and then we were there, standing in front of Perry. Louis let me go and smirked at Perry.

"Hey there, miss us?" He asked him. Perry laughed then pulled us into a hug.

"Happy birthday. I've been celebrating without you. I would have came to your manor but the ladies have me held up." He motioned to the girls that were laid out like cats on a huge sofa. Louis laughed and hugged Perry then looked towards the girls.

"Celebrating without us? Well... we'll just have to fix that," Louis purred. He looked at me then and smirked. "Won't we?" I smirked and then got on the sofa between to blonde girls. Perry laughed and got back into his spot between a red head and brunette. Louis walked over and sat down in my lap, looking towards one of the blonde girls with a smirk. He exposed his fangs and gave her a predatory look before he leaned over and smelled her neck. She grabbed at him then and exposed her neck.

"I got us virgins." Perry told us. "Ain't they tasty?" Louis laughed.

"Are you sure they're virgins?" He asked and then moved off me, pulling the girl into his lap. "Are you a virgin?" He asked the girl and then smirked as he ran his fingers down her neck, teasing her.

"Yeah." She said, looking towards his fangs longingly.

"They want to get bit so bad too." Perry purred. "They taste so good." Louis showed her his fangs and licked one then leaned in and licked her neck before he moved his face back from it and smirked.

"Want to feel my fangs, virgin?" He asked her, giving her a predatory look. She nodded with wide eyes, letting out a small moan. He laughed and grabbed her hand, slowly bringing it to his lips and placed one of her fingers on his fang, watching her. She touched it softly then cut her finger.

"Ops." She said and blushed. He smirked and tightened his grip on her hand then licked her finger clean. He looked her over and then laid her out on the couch, getting between her legs. He moved down to her thigh and then bit into it, pushing up her shorts slightly. She let out a moan then and I seen her eyes roll into the back of her head. I blushed as I found myself aroused and my girl started to rub herself against me. Louis smirked and licked her leg before he bit into her again.

"Want to be bit harder?" He asked her, gripping her leg. She nodded quickly. I leaned in towards the girl against me and bit down into her neck, moaning at the taste of her blood. Perry was right... Louis tore a chunk out of her leg and then started to drink from her freely. He dug his fangs into her, holding her down as her body involuntarily started to tremble from the pain. Perry looked at Louis then.

"Hey, don't kill my virgins. They're rare and expensive." Perry told us. "I'm going to sell them next week." Louis looked over at him then and nodded.

"I won't kill her," he told him and then licked her leg. He sat up and patted her cheek. "There we go. Go drink some juice and get some stitches," he told her. "Your master will have more fun with you than I am willing to have." He looked towards me then and grabbed my tie, pulling me to him and away from the girl I was drinking from. He kissed my cheek and then scraped his fangs against my neck. "You... however... I will bite how I want," he husked out in my ear. I gasped and then let him have my neck.

"Yes brother." I purred. The girl he drunk from grabbed my girl and they left the room. Louis bit into my neck and then straddled my lap, tugging on my tie hard. I pulled my tie off and threw it to the floor.

"I love seeing them." Perry told his girls. "They always end up like this." Louis didn't pay Perry any attention as he started to undo the top buttons on my shirt but gave up and just ripped it off. He moved to the crook of my neck and then bit down into it hard. I moaned and laid the couch back for us. He straddled my stomach and sat up, looking me over and then started to run a hand down my chest. He purred and started to massage my shoulders as he kept his fangs sharpened, looking towards my neck hungrily. I moaned as he rubbed my shoulders then went to scratch them. He growled and grabbed my hands then bit down into one of them, tearing into me as punishment. I yelped and tried to pull away. He didn't let me and then licked my hand clean before he let it go and then leaned in towards my neck, giving it a soft kiss.

"Twin," he purred to me and gave me another kiss. I moaned and laid my hands down on his legs. He looked towards them curiously and then kissed my neck again as he adjusted himself on me. He kissed my neck on the other side and moaned, smelling me. I moaned softly and closed my eyes. He bit into me again and started to feed from me as he rubbed my back gently. I exposed my fangs then went to bite him back. He laughed and pulled back quickly, teasing me as he gave me a playful look. He reached in and touched one of my fangs, looking at them longingly. I pouted then. I should have stuck to my virgin. He cut one of his fingers on my fang and then he smirked. He let me get a taste of his blood and then smeared it against his neck. He tilted his head to the side and looked at me, giving me a moan as he got his hair out of the way. "Bite me," he purred. I switched us then and bit him before he stopped me. He moaned and gripped my legs as I bit him and pressed against me. I hissed against his skin for moving and then went back to feeding. He moaned and moved his head to the side, letting me have what I wanted from him. "Paris~" I groaned and bit down harder. He groaned and melted under me, kissing my cheek. His head was spinning again in a daze as he gripped my legs harder. I could feel him slightly aroused against me. I pulled back quickly and licked my lips. He blushed as he looked up at me and then pushed me off fast, bringing his legs close to him as he looked away, and he put a hand over his neck, hiding it. I licked my lips then watched Perry feeding off of a girl. Louis glanced Perry's way then got up, walking over to a bar and got a drink from the girl behind it then started to drink it as he walked over to a nearby couch and sat down on it. I laid down on the couch then and looked up at the ceiling. "So how have you been Perry?" Louis asked softly, watching Perry.

"Over dosing on girls." Perry told him as he pulled away from the girl.

"Mhmm," Louis hummed and smirked. "Perry, you should let me buy that girl I bit. She won't be worth as much because of the scar she'll get on her leg. She's not as pure as before. I can take her off your hands and make her a maid at my manor."

"How much?" Perry asked, purring.

"How much were you planning on asking?" Louis countered.

"Start her off at 300." Perry said and sat up, grabbing a drink off the coffee table. The girls had messed up his hair and shirt. Louis nodded and looked thoughtful.

"I'll give you about... 500 for her," he told him.

"Deal." Perry growled playfully. "Give the cash to Alexis." I noticed Alexis walk into the room then with a nice yellow dress on and a check book. She was a newly made vampire now. She gave us a huge smile and waved.

"Alexis. I thought you'd be old and in a old house with cats by now." I told her, making her blush and shy away. Louis laughed and stood up, pulling out his wallet and then paid it to Alexis. He looked over at me.

"Happy birthday Paris. I'm giving her to you," he told me. I raised an eyebrow as Alexis gave him a slip of paper then walked over to Perry and sat down in the floor in front of him and started to tell him something in sign language.

"Oh good, did you put them in the basement?" He asked her. She nodded and handed him his check book then gave us a look before walking over to the bar and got behind it, making a drink.

"I don't need a new girl." I told Louis. "Keep her." He nodded.

"She'll be good to have around," he muttered. He walked over and sat down beside me then took a sip of his drink. "We need some new maids because of Richard and you."

"Richard mostly and Hachi." I muttered. "Oh well... She probably won't last." I admitted. Alexis walked over with a simple glass of pink kinky on ice and sat down next to Perry, shoving a girl into the floor. Louis glanced at her and gave her a friendly smile before he started to drink. I groaned then as I remembered something.

"Louis we have to attend Lauren's funeral. We should probably go." I told him.

"Lauren? She died? I want to go pay my respects." Perry told us and stood up. "Alexis, want to come?" Alexis nodded and stood up then.

"Go get dressed for a funeral then." I told them. They disappeared then and I looked at Louis. Louis frowned.

"That's not good.... Did you tell Raven? She was awfully close with her in the past, wasn't she?"

"I figure everyone was informed by the maids it was tonight." I told Louis. He nodded and finished his drink.

"Going to say anything over her grave?" He asked me and stood up, holding out a hand my way. "You were the one that kept her around after all."

"I think Laurence, Victor, Benjamin, and Val will be enough." I told him. He winced.

"Benjamin is here? My poor newborn lost his mate...." He looked heartbroken then as he looked at the floor. "That has to be terrible to lose your mate to a disease... after being promised eternity. He was so happy with her."

"Yeah. Victor said he was having them flown in today." I told him. "He kidnapped Lauren over some junk and well.... Victor has the disease now. I just don't want Rose's kids to be fatherless." Louis bit his bottom lip and looked up at me.

"Oh man... We have to do something."

"Yeah...." I whispered. "Rose is pregnant again." He shook his head and looked down at the floor.

"I hope she and Nikolai are alright.... I can't imagine how they feel right now...." He glanced up at me. "Isabelle told me that she was making Nikolai king tonight. She's making the announcement at midnight tonight."

"That's good. He's been wanting it all his life. I hope he makes the right decision." I sighed. "I don't get it though... why do Rose and Victor feel love for each other when they know they're not mates? What will happen when one of them crosses their true mates? That's going to be awkward as hell." Louis smiled.

"I think it's kind of nice right now.... They may not find their true mates for a long time. I'm sure the other will understand when it happens. Besides, we have Nikolai out of their relationship, and he's a good guy. Plus, we know that Victor won't ever leave our sides because of Rose. Sure, they have a hard road ahead, but they'll be find in the end," Louis told me and leaned in, kissing my cheek. "They'll be okay. Victor will get better, and Rose will raise her new kid with him. Nikolai will become a good king and will be one of the best." He smirked and patted the top of my head. "Stop worrying."

"I'm worried though for our little sister, can you blame me?" I asked him. "My nephews are going to be in that mess, Louis. Our nephews and nieces." I sighed out. He sighed and kissed my cheek again.

"We'll be there for them like good Uncles," he told me. He looked around then. "PERRY! Hurry up!"

"Give me a minute!" Perry called. "I'm almost ready." Louis smirked and then looked at me.

"So... we'll put Lauren to rest, watch Nikolai get crowned king, and then go to bed," he said. "That sounds like an eventful way to end our birthday especially after you consider the whole Charlie nonsense."

"Going straight to bed is not a bad idea." I told him and smirked. "We have had a very eventful day." Perry came back then in a black suit and Alexis changed her dress to a black one. Louis looked their way and walked over, picking up Alexis's hand and giving it a kiss before he disappeared with her. I walked up to Perry and grabbed him then teleported him back to the party in my manor. I seen it was mostly clearing out and going outside. Isabelle appeared in front of Louis and I and hugged Louis tightly.

"I think that after the funeral I will announce it if it isn't midnight already," she mumbled. "Should I do it beforehand while everyone is happy? Or should I do it after to lift their spirits?"

"You should do it at midnight like you planned." I suggested. She looked at me and then smiled.

"I haven't told Nikolai yet," she told us. "He has no clue he's getting crowned tonight."

"That's good. He should be surprised." She nodded and giggled before she let Louis go and kissed his cheek. He purred and kissed her cheek back then spun her around.

"Alright Queen Isabelle, let's go attend the funeral and then crown ourselves a Grimm Russian prince," he purred in her ear. Perry laughed as he looked Isabelle over then wrapped an arm around me and pulled me towards the graves. Alexis followed us, linking arms with Perry. The butlers had already dug the hole and had the gravestone set up for her in the cemetery as the other butlers brought her coffin over and set it down beside the hole. Benjamin was holding Ellie tightly off to the side, brushing her hair with his fingers as he kissed the top of her head and was trying to hide his tears. Aiden stared Nikolai across the grave, glaring him down with a clenched jaw like he didn't take his eyes off him for a second. Raven stood next to Nikolai and held his hand as she blankly looked at the coffin, her mind in a complete numbed state as she watched what was happening around her. Victor was beside them with Rose, holding her close as he kissed the top of her head and drank from his bottle, looking towards Laurence and then at Val. I sighed as I walked up to Richard and then gave him a soft smile.

"Look at who I brought to the party." I whispered to Richard, motioning to the cling on. He smiled at Perry and Alexis then looked down at Keegan who he had wrapped up in his arms.

"We just started," he mumbled to me. "Benjamin and his family arrived about an hour ago." He kissed Keegan's head and then looked up at me. The butlers put Lauren's coffin into the ground and started to bury it. Raven rested her head against Nikolai's shoulder then, looking away from what they were doing. Nikolai wrapped her in his arms tightly then.

"EVENONE!" I called quickly. "Let us have a moment of peace.... then follow up with Victor, Val, Laurence, and Benjamin's words to a good friend of the family." I hung my head then, pretending to close my eyes. I felt the others around me do the same, and after the moment of silence, Victor walked up to the grave and looked down at her coffin as they were burying it. He looked towards Laurence and Val and gestured them to come up as well. They walked up to him quickly and wrapped their arms around each other, including Victor. I rested my head on Richard's shoulder then. Victor gave them a smile and then handed Laurence a bottle of rum, glancing Val's pregnant belly over. He looked down at the coffin and spilled some of his vodka over it then took a sip of it. Val sighed then as she watched Victor.

"Make a speech, idiot." Val hissed. Victor looked at her and frowned.

"What? I'm not an idiot. I was sharing," he told her and then crossed his arms. He looked down at the coffin then and gave a soft smile. "I didn't know her too well for being one of her makers, but I was always proud of her. She was a good maker," he said and looked towards Oliver then looked towards Ellie, "mother," he looked at Benjamin then, "and a good mate. She was well loved by the ones around her, and even if she never shared a drink with me, I wouldn't say that she wasn't one of my most favorite newborns for a second. It's a shame that the disease got her. She didn't deserve that," he whispered the last part then took a sip of his drink, looking away. "I will name the foundation that will administer the cure after her in her honor."

"Her last name or her first?" Rose asked then.

"I think both...." He smiled and looked at Rose. "The Lauren Musgrove Foundation. After the cure, I'll dedicate it to researching more kinds of diseases that plague the world. She would've liked that I think."

"I guess she would." Rose smiled softly. "Come here baby~" She giggled and opened her arms for him. He smiled and dropped the vodka bottle into the hole with Lauren's coffin and walked over to her, holding out his hands for her. He wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her cheek before he g

ave her a loving look. Laurence stepped forward then.

"Lauren as your maker, I think you could have done more.... but you did more then me. You had a family with a wonderful mate. Your a good newborn." He smirked towards her. "Shame the disease killed you." He looked towards Nikolai then. "But...." He looked at me. "You went to bed peacefully. Rest well in hell and wait for me." He grabbed a shovel then and scooped up some dirt then threw it only the coffin. "We'll have a good laugh." Val glared him down.

"What kind of speech was that?" Val asked."Jeeze.... I hope I have a better one then that." Victor laughed and looked over at them.

"Well I think it was bloody well brilliant you dandies!" He said, faking an English accent to get at Laurence. Laurence growled playfully and then headed off, walking completely away from the scene. Ashton appeared where Laurence was going and held out a hand with a smirk. Laurence screamed and then took off running from Ashton. Ashton growled and had the shadows snatch him up, hanging him upside down.

"Now why are you running away from me?" He asked him and walked up to him, getting an inch away from his face. Laurence exposed his fangs then and tried to get down.

"Oh you know.... I just... thought it would be cute." Laurence said sweetly.

"He's afraid of his mate," Victor muttered and pulled out another bottle of vodka from his jacket and started to drink it. Ashton watched Laurence then smirked.

"If you don't want me here or to see me... then I'll just go home and spend time with the kids. After all... I make time for you."

"Wh-what? Okay... fine... Stay but don't you dare embarrass me." Laurence told him. Ashton looked him over and then shrugged.

"I think I'll just go back and torture some poor mother into doing my maze," he said.

"NO!" Laurence whimpered. Ashton smirked.

"What was that, my love?" He purred.

"Stay here." Laurence grumbled. "Can you put me down now?" He sighed and let the shadows put him down gently, laying him in the grass.

"There you go," he mumbled.

"Thank you." Laurence then used the shadows to take Ashton. "HA!" Ashton gasped as he hung upside down and he growled at Laurence, exposing his fangs.

"Laurence," he hissed out. Laurence smirked and walked up to me then got behind me, holding my jacket. Ashton hissed towards him and then disappeared quickly. Laurence looked around me for him then grabbed my hand. A shadow got him by his foot and started to drag him towards the woods slowly, and Ashton appeared by me, laughing at him. "Don't mess with the shadow king baby." I heard Laurence screaming for help.

"That was mean." He looked at me.

"He shouldn't have hung me upside down and left me," he mumbled. He looked towards Laurence just as he was about to be dragged into Lauren's grave on the way to the woods and widened his eyes. He tensed up and the shadows lifted Laurence up quickly right before he would've been dragged into it. He held out his hands and gave Laurence a loving look as he purred while the shadows brought Laurence back to him. "I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean for you to get that far away from me," he purred to him and then wrapped him up into a hug, giving him a kiss. "I love you, my beautiful shadow queen."

"I'm not a queen!" Laurence hissed. "I'm a boy. A BOY!" He growled and then rubbed his lips. "Don't give me cooties." Ashton smirked.

"You don't have to act that way," he purred and ran his fingers through Laurence's hair. "You're happy I'm here."

"Sort of." Laurence teased. "Thanks for coming." Ashton smiled at him and gave him a loving look before he leaned in for another kiss, but he stopped just short, letting Laurence decide if he wanted the kiss or not. Laurence pulled back to look at Val, motioning for her to make her heart touching speech. Val took in a deep breath then looked at everything then at Lauren.

"My beloved Lauren, you was my favorite newborn. I love you to death girl and I hope you have one hell of a time in hell. Make sure to tell the devil I said hi baby." She cleared her throat then. "When I first seen you... I knew you were going to be great. Your powers were amazing... I just wish you had lived longer baby girl... Enjoy the after life. I'll see you later." She blew a kiss to Lauren. Alexander walked up to her and wrapped her up in his arms, comforting her with a kiss as he led her back. He glanced Benjamin's way and gave him a smile as Benjamin stared at the coffin in complete heartbreak. He looked a mess.

"Benjamin." I whispered. His eyes shot to me then as he heard me, snapping him out of it. "Please say goodbye." He looked at Ellie then and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you," he whispered to her and then gave her a smile before he walked up towards the coffin and looked down at it. He whimpered a little as he saw it. "I'm sorry Lauren," he whispered to her. "We shouldn't have gone to Russia. We could've gone anywhere... but we went there. You'd still be here with me if we hadn't... but you're gone now. You were the best mate I could ever ask for, and I will always love you. You were a good mom to our girl, and I'll never forget the times we had. Give the demons hell down there," he whispered and then smiled softly. "You certainly gave me hell in the first few days of knowing me." He exposed his fangs and bit into his wrist, holding it over the coffin as it dripped into it and then made a pack of tea flavored gum appear. He laid it down in the hole and looked like he wanted to cry. He turned away and walked to Ellie and Oliver, trembling. Ellie tackled her father into a hug and busted into tears. He held her close and squeezed her as he kissed the top of her head, mumbling to her. I sighed out and then motioned for the butlers to bury Lauren. They picked up the shovels and finished burying her quickly then walked back towards the manor, talking about drinking the left over alcoholic drinks from tonight as they laughed. Richard started to walk off then, carrying Keegan to the house.

"Hey! Everyone make sure to be back in the ballroom at midnight! There's a surprise for you all," Louis shouted, catching everyone's attention. I laughed and pulled out my phone to check the time, seeing we had like thirty minutes left.

Nikolai's POV:

After everyone was inside the ballroom at midnight, Isabelle and Louis got up by the piano and looked us over. He whispered something to Isabelle, making her giggle as her eyes landed on me. "Nikolai, come here," she called out to me. Raven kissed my cheek and let my hand go. I walked over to them slowly, tensing up a bit... Are they doing what I think they're doing? Louis wrapped an arm around Isabelle's waist, pulling her close as he kissed her cheek. She giggled and looked at him. "Not now, I have to be serious!" She looked towards me as I reached them and then held out hand to me. "Nikolai!" She purred my name. I looked towards her hand.

"Forgive me if I don't touch you." I told her. She smiled and gave a nod, wrapping her arms around Louis before giving him a kiss on the cheek and then pulled away from him.

"Take a knee," she told me. "Please." I sighed and then took a knee.... Why is she doing this now in front of everyone? She snapped her fingers towards a maid who scurried up to her quickly and handed her a document. She smirked at me. "Nikolai Grimm, I hereby announce you as king starting within the hour," she told me and held out the document to me. "I think it's high time that you became king like you were meant to be when Louis left the throne." I looked towards the document then at them, taking in a deep breath. Today: Louis's birthday, Paris's birthday, apparently Charlie pissed people off, Lauren's funeral, and I get what I have been waiting for all my life. I smiled softly and took the document.

"Thank you." I whispered. Isabelle smiled and gestured for me to stand up.

"You're welcome Nikolai. I should've given it to you sooner. I think you'll make a good king," she told me and then looked out towards the others. "Here's your new king!" She said and laughed. I stood up then and looked towards them.

"Well, bow down to my nephew." Paris yelled to everyone. Everyone quickly got to their knees, including Isabelle and Louis who looked proud of me. Paris smirked towards me.

"How's it feel?" Paris asked me. He grabbed a drink from a butler and then walked out the room. They slowly got up and looked at me before they started to cheer for me. Isabelle laughed and hugged Louis as they walked off, leaving me. I nodded towards them then looked at Raven. She gave me a smile as she took a sip of the glass of blood in her hands and looked happy for me. I walked up to her then and kissed her cheek.

"Let's go to bed." I suggested. She gave a nod and finished her drink, handing it to a servant and then leaned up, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Alright Mister King," she purred and started walking for the door. I followed after her.

"You know this makes you Queen." I told her. She glanced back at me and blushed.

"I-I guess," she mumbled and then gave me a sweet smile. "So do you have an idea of what you want to do first as king?" She asked me.

"Yeah, sleep." I told her and laughed. She giggled and gave a nod.

"Yeah, but your first official thing," she said and then held the door open for me when we reached it.

"That's a secret." I told her. She nodded and then led me to our room and went over to her dresser. She grabbed a pair of pink kitty pajamas and then went to the bathroom to change. I crawled into the bed and curled up to my pillow, stuffing the document into the pillow case. She came out of the bathroom then and walked over to the bed, laying down beside me and got under the blanket before she leaned over and kissed my cheek. She curled up on her side of the bed then. I looked her over then curled up and started to fall asleep.