Visiting Old Friends

Nikolai's POV:

I heard Raven slowly getting out of bed in the morning. I opened my eyes and glanced over at her before moving out of bed myself. I walked over to the window and opened the curtains then opened the window to let in the day. I took in a deep breath then pulled out my phone from my pocket and called Donnie. After a few seconds, he answered.

"Well good morning, King Nikolai." Donnie purred. "What pleasurable reason do you have for waking me up this fine morning?" I laughed softly.

"Are we being formal now?" I asked him. I sighed then. "Meet me in the garage in less then thirty minutes. Don't be late." I told him then hung up. I glanced towards Raven, giving a small smile. "Raven~" I purred. "Promise me you won't spend today sulking? Go out and party for me. We're royal." I told her then started for my closet. I stepped inside then put on something new and sprayed myself down with axe. As my first step for king I'm going out to work with Donnie on the projects we planned together. A lot of our plans had a lot to do with humans. With that being said, we'd probably be gone for the week to get everything situated. "I might be gone for a few days." I told Raven as I walked out of my closet. "I'd offer for you to come with me but I think you should stay here."

"NIKOLAI!" I heard my mom yell as she busted into the bedroom and ran up to me then pulled me into a hug. I groaned.

"Mom, I hate hugs." I told her, shoving her off. "Why're you in my room?" She looked towards Raven then back towards me.

"Sweetheart~ I've been thinking about baby names." She told me. "I've gotten it down to Lori Grimm if it is a girl and Alistair Ivanov if it is a boy. What do you think?" She asked me, tilting her head.

"Does dad know?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"Not yet." She told me.

"What if you have twins?" I asked her.

"Don't jinx me!" She paled then. "The last thing I want to have is twins. You was bad enough as a kid."

"I wasn't a kid that long though." I pointed out.

"I stand by what I said." She crossed her arms. "So when am I getting grandkids?"

"Why is everyone wanting grandkids?" I asked her and kissed her on top of the head. "You know I don't want kids, now please get out of my room. Your going to give Raven a heart attack." She laughed and waved at Raven.

"Hi dear! Why don't you have kids and give me grandkids? Your old enough. You could've ended up like Laurence and Ashton." My mom pointed out. I widened my eyes.

"Okay mom I think it is time for you to go." I told her, trying to push her out the door. Raven bounced past me and grabbed my mom's hands.

"How about we go and hang out together?" She suggested and glanced back at me before she pulled my mom out of the room. "We can figure out something that you can do that won't be dangerous, and I'll do whatever you want to do for a whole day! Let's go find a mom friendly version of partying," she purred.

"Hey! Don't do something too daring." I told them, walking out with them and closed the door behind me.

"Don't worry Nikolai, I'll take care of Raven." My mom told me.

"Awww, I really wanted to go jump off a cliff into a sea of sharks," Raven joked and gave a smirk. "No, let's go talk about those cute baby names and start planning the baby shower!" Raven encouraged. I shook my head and walked off to the garage, where I found Donnie waiting.

"Hey, ready to go?" I asked him. "I'm taking us up north first to Nome." I told him. "We'll start there." He nodded and got into my car. I got in and smirked towards him.

"Can we stop at a restaurant first?" Donnie asked. "I'm hungry."

"Yeah, we can get fast food." I told him, and drove us off the property.

Quinton's POV:

I kissed Dannie's cheek and brought him closer to me as I reached for the TV remote on his nightstand. I stopped when I found an envelope addressed to me and grabbed it instead, sitting up. It was in my father Louis's hand writing.... I wonder what he wanted. I opened it up and watched as a key fell into my lap. "Dannie," I mumbled as I picked it up and looked it over then looked inside to see a letter, so I read it. He had bought us an apartment to stay in during the time that our house was being built in case we were wanting to move out quicker. I smiled softly and looked the key over then looked at the address. "Dannie, my dad got us an apartment to stay in while our house is being built," I told him, shaking his arm slightly to wake him. He woke up slightly.

"Mhmmm?" He moaned softly and leaned in towards my scent. I laughed and gave him a small kiss.

"Good morning beautiful," I mumbled in his ear and then started to rub it as I placed the key in his hands. He purred and looked towards the key in his hand then. He sat up slightly and started to rub his other ear.

"It's a key." He told me.

"That leads to an apartment that my dad got us! We can move out sooner!" I laughed. "We should go check it out!"

"Today?" Dannie asked me and nodded. He started to crawl out of bed and fell into the floor then reached up for his teddy bear to take with him. I handed it to him and then got up, going to the closet to put on some pants instead of my shorts. I walked out and slipped my shoes on then walked over to him and picked him up.

"Come on my Luna," I teased and then carried him out of the room and down to the garage. I sat him down in the passenger seat of my car and then got in the driver's seat. I drove us out quickly, not taking a chance for Donnie to stop us if he was nearby. Dannie looked me over then started to chew on his bear's ear. I laughed and shook my head. "I seriously need to get you those things we give to the cubs," I whispered. "You need one." I put the address in my phone as I sped up and started to navigate my way to the apartments. "I'll make sure to get some chew proof furniture."

"I'll chew on you then." Dannie teased and leaned into my neck, licking it. I shivered and then gave him a playful growl.

"You're not ready to chew on me, pup," I teased back. He rubbed his ear then and looked out the window. I watched him and quickly looked back towards the road. "So... want to move in today?" I asked him softly.

"We have nothing else to do." He told me. "Oh, besides start designing our home." I smiled.

"Well, we'll get our things moved in and start planning our dream home after we finish." I told him. I turned on the radio.

"Okay~" Dannie rolled the window down then and stuck his head out. I laughed and glanced at him then started hitting the controls for the roof, bringing it down. Man, I love convertibles. He gasped and then looked around in awe. I turned the radio up really loud and laughed softly as I hit the gas, speeding us up to about 100 miles per hour. He buckled up then and brought his bear to his chest.

When we got to the apartment building, I looked at the number then put the roof up and got out. "Come on sweetie," I called out and started for the door. It was one of the top apartments. I could tell that already. He ran up to me then and grabbed my hand then rubbed his head against my arm. I laughed and kissed the top of his head. "Are you excited?" I asked.

"Yeah." He told me. "I'm really excited. I've never lived anywhere else besides the Grimm manor and that lab room." He told me. "Though I really can't remember the lab room." Thank heavens for that. I smiled and pulled him up the stairs until we were on the top floor and walked down to our apartment number.

"Ready?" I asked and started to unlock the door. I glanced down at him and opened it before he could answer. The apartment was decently sized and was really roomy with a window wall on the right side of the living room and had white carpet on the floor with couches and furniture taking up some of the space. A flat screen TV was facing the main couch and had a surround stereo system installed for it. There was a small bar on the far wall with a mini fridge and some shelves behind it with some wines on it and a few sodas- probably stocked by my dad from the looks of my favorite soda being the dominant thing on the shelves. I smiled and stepped in, seeing the kitchen door off to the left and our bedroom door straight to the back. "This is great!" I laughed as my breath was taken away at the sight of it. It was amazing... and the view from the window wall was breathtaking. Dannie walked over to the window wall and looked out of it with wide eyes then looked towards me.

"This is really cool! I guess we can't have sex in here though." He pointed to the window. I smirked and walked over, looking down at the ground which was way down there.

"Well... no one would be able to see up here... and I bet that the bedroom doesn't have the window walls," I told him. I noticed some blinds were up at the top of the ceiling then, hidden from sight. "Hey, there's blinds installed." I pointed at it. He looked up and then nodded.

"That's cool." He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a door off of the livingroom. I opened it and looked inside, seeing the bedroom didn't have the walls.

"See, no window walls," I whispered to him. "I'll have the bed you like moved over to replace that one," I told him and pointed to the king sized bed. I took my hand back and kissed the top of his head. "Why don't you go explore?" I asked him and gave a smile before I walked over to the bar and picked up my favorite soda then cracked it open, taking a sip of it. He walked off to explore like I suggested. I watched him for a bit and then walked over to the sofa and laid out on it, drinking my soda. He came back in after a bit with a pack of cookies and was eating one. I smiled and looked up at him, stretching out on the couch as I kicked off my shoes and smirked. "Hello," I husked towards him and took another sip of my drink. "Did you have fun?" He nodded and sat down with me then ate another one. I watched him and then looked towards the cookies. "Can I have one?" I asked. He shook his head and brought the pack closer to him. I pouted. "Fine then," I mumbled and curled up on the couch, looking away from him. He laughed and sunk down on the couch, purring. I picked up my soda and started to drink it again then grabbed the remote and turned the TV on to an old SpongeBob rerun. He sat up then in interest and started to watch it. I laughed and handed him the remote as I decided to take a small nap. He placed the remote by him and rubbed his ear. I glanced towards him and then closed my eyes, resting them.

After a few episodes, I got up and then walked towards the bedroom, going for the closet and found some of mine and Dannie's clothes already in here and smiled. Dad has my back. I grabbed a new outfit and then went towards the bathroom, walking in. I gasped as I saw the state of the art bathroom and dropped my clothes, going for the big bathtub then cut it on. Oh my gods.... it even has a jet option! I dropped to my knees and laughed happily. I'm so happy! A great bathtub for me! The water started to steam, so I plugged the drain and crawled into it, moaning at the feel of the water. It had so much space in it left over! I stretched out in it easily and still had tons of space. After a few minutes Dannie wondered into the bathroom then froze up when he seen me. I yelped and curled up, hiding myself from him. "H-hey Dannie," I whispered and blushed as I brought my legs close to my chest and sat up.

"Without me?" He asked and his ears dropped. I bit my bottom lip.

"You were happy watching SpongeBob," I mumbled. I looked at the full bathtub and then up at him. He started to get undressed then.

"I'm gonna join." He told me. I blushed and brought my legs as close as I could.

"O-okay," I whispered and then started to run my hand over the water. He finished getting undressed then got in the tub with me. I glanced towards him and then looked at the water before I grabbed a bottle of body soap and started to pour some of it into the water to make it bubbly. He started to move closer to me then, purring. I widened my eyes and went to distract him with the jet system, turning it on low. He gasped and looked around then started to play with a jet. I laughed and finished putting soap in the water and watched as it got bubbly quickly then sunk down into the water up to my chin, moaning at the feeling of the current from the jets by me. My dad must really... really love me. Dannie's ears flicked as he scooped up some bubbles and blew them towards me. I laughed and splashed him with the water before I curled up, moaning again. He sunk into the water then and came back up, his ears flicking water off. I looked at him and then reached my foot over, rubbing his leg. "I think my father is trying to spoil me," I whispered. He looked towards me and nodded in agreement.

"It's okay to be spoiled."

"I love this tub!" I laughed and let out another moan as I stopped rubbing his leg and relaxed in it. He got closer to me then and got in my lap, straddling me. I blushed and looked up at him. "Dannie?"

"Yeah?" He asked me. I bit my bottom lip but didn't say anything as I laid my head back and closed my eyes, enjoying the water. He kissed me then and grabbed my sides. I opened my eyes then and sat up a bit, looking at him. I smiled and kissed his neck to tease him.

"What's the matter cutie?" I asked him, rubbing his back. "You can't handle being in a tub with me?"

"I can handle it." He told me and blushed. I gave a nod and then kissed his neck again before I stopped rubbing his back and then laid my head back again. He got off of me then and laid back in the water. I glanced towards him and frowned a little. He didn't stay.... Oh well. I stretched out in the tub and then started to wash my hair with the shampoo. He started to play in the water then and purred. I watched him and rinsed my hair out then reached over, pulling him closer to me. I dumped some shampoo in his hair and started to massage it into his hair. He purred and melted against me, rubbing his head against my hands. I laughed and nibbled at his ear to play with him and then rinsed his hair out, running my fingers through his hair. He sunk under the water then and came back up, grabbing the conditioner and gave it to me. I smiled and put some in my hair and then gave him some before I set the bottle aside.

"So little Luna," I teased and rubbed his shoulders. "Are you enjoying your bath?" He nodded and started to rub the conditioner into his hair. I growled playfully and then leaned in towards his neck, scraping my teeth against him. He moaned and leaned in towards me. I smirked and nipped at his neck, breaking the skin slightly. "Mine," I said firmly and then ran my hands down his body to his sides. He nodded and growled towards me playfully. I laughed and then moved him against the side of the tub and got into his lap, straddling it then licked his neck up to his cheek. He looked me over then leaned in for a kiss. I smirked and leaned in, kissing him deeply and bit down gently into his lower lip before I slipped my tongue into his mouth. He started to suck on my tongue then, capturing it rather easily. I moaned and then slid my hands down further, grabbing his thighs as I slid him down into the water more then got between his legs. He blushed and looked me over then deepened the kiss. I pulled back then and whined, looking down and then up at him. "Can we?" I asked. "Please?" He nodded.

"Yeah~" He blushed even more. I smiled and leaned in, kissing him quickly.

"In the tub and everything?" I asked to make sure.

"Yeah." He nodded. I laughed and leaned in, kissing him passionately. He kissed me back and moaned. He ran his fingers across my body. I growled playfully and then wrapped him up in my arms as I grinded my hips into his. He gasped and looked me over longingly. I moaned and leaned in, kissing his neck as I took the bath further....

Isaac's POV:

I put the last jar of herbs into my backpack and then zipped it up. "Hachi! Are you ready to go-"

"Isaac!" I heard Midori crying out in the hall as the sound of fingernails against my door reached my ears. "Hachi!" He sounded like he was in complete despair.

"I'm ready. Come in Midori." I heard Hachi say from in his closet. Midori opened the door, wrapped up in a golden thread blanket and in tears.

"I'm lonely!" He cried out and ran over to me, burying his face into my chest. I frowned and slowly hugged him in confusion. Where's Donnie? Hachi came out with a backpack on his shoulder and he sat it down. He looked Midori over.

"What's the matter?" Hachi asked. "You're usually with Donnie." He looked towards Hachi and held out a hand for him.

"He's gone!" He sniffled and rested his head against my chest. "My nest is cold...." Hachi pulled out his phone and texted someone then. He got a message immediately back.

"That's because Donnie is going to be gone a week with Nikolai doing important king work." Hachi told us. "He didn't want to wake you Midori. We're going away too though so we'll have to leave you in the care of either Louis or Paris.... Paris would be the better match." Hachi suggested and then started to text someone. I frowned and rubbed Midori's head. I can't believe Donnie left him here.... This is why I said that I should be raising him. You don't just leave a baby in it's nest! I kissed the top of his head.

"Why can't we just take him with us?" I asked Hachi. Hachi looked up then.

"Midori would you rather be with us where you will be called out by everything silver and gold around us that you won't be allowed to touch or would you like to stay home and play in your mountain of gold?" Hachi asked him. Midori thought it over.

"Why can't I touch the gold when I go with you?"

"Because it's not you gold to touch." Hachi told him. "We could let you hold gold though from home." He suggested. Midori whimpered and looked up at me.

"I don't wanna be alone...."

"Paris would be with you." Hachi told him. "He's a great baby sitter and you'll love his hair." Hachi smirked. Paris appeared then and looked around.

"What's this about Midori?" Paris asked. Midori shrunk into me then and brought the blanket closer to him as he looked at Paris.

"Donnie left Midori behind on a trip with Nikolai, and we are going to go to my home out in Las Vegas," I told him. "We're trying to get the best idea of what to do with him because Hachi is right about the whole 'he won't be happy in Las Vegas because of the gold thing'." Paris nodded then looked towards Midori.

"I don't mind about looking after him. Midori, want to come with me to my treasure room?" Paris offered, giving a smile and held out his hand. Midori shrunk into my chest and whimpered. I gave a soft smile and rubbed his head.

"Midori, he's a friend," I told him. "He won't hurt you, and he'll take really good care of you and play with you all day if you ask nicely." He glanced up at me and then looked at Paris. He brought the blanket closer about him and then walked over hesitantly towards Paris. Paris smiled and kissed the top of his head then picked him up into his arms.

"Let's go watch a movie together." Paris suggested and started to carry him away. I made a small noise as I watched him go and bit my bottom lip.

"I hope he'll be ok." I looked towards Hachi then at the door worriedly. "I guess Paris could be a good babysitter until we get back."

"Paris is a perfect babysitter." Hachi told me. "He was able to babysit me." I smiled at that. He's got a point.

"True... I guess Paris is a good second compared to us," I purred and flicked my tail. "Come on. If they're still doing the same life stuff as when I saw them... they'll be going to the bar to drink." I held out my hand as I grabbed my bag. "No eating them or scaring them. You know, I never told you this, but they warned me not to go out the night you tried to eat me. They sensed something was off and told me to stay safe if I was going to do anything... and then the day before, they were making jokes about you." Hachi pouted.

"Oh? They joke about me... I see they're one of those wizards.... Well I better eat three people before I go." Hachi told me. I laughed.

"It was more along the lines of saying that we might run into you if we were to go gambling in the human world," I told him. "So it's not exactly joking, and when we were messing around about saying you'd get someone, we stopped quickly because you're not really a joking matter."

"Of course not. I think I should playfully try to eat them just to mess with them and then you can reveal yourself." Hachi suggested. "To joke." I laughed then.

"Hachi, you know that I haven't really talked to them since?" I asked him and ruffled his hair. "You'll scare the snot out of them. I think they believe I might be dead."

"Well let's mess with them!" He smirked. "Please?" I thought it over and then nodded.

"Okay, let's go." I grabbed his hand and then used my magic to take us outside of our favorite bar. I let him go and then used a spell on me to make myself invisible to everyone but Hachi and then gestured to the door. "They might be in there." Hachi stepped into the bar then and glanced around. I followed and then smirked when I saw them in our usual seats. "That's them. Carson, Julio, and Zane," I purred to him, pointing them out. "Carson is kind of quiet. Julio is a funny drunk and is gullible, and Zane protects Julio." I watched as Zane was showing them something on his phone. Hachi bounced over then, eyeing them down then sat down right at their table.

"Hi~" Hachi gave them a huge smile. "You three are pretty delicious looking."

"Did he s-say delicious?" Julio asked. I slipped my tail up my shirt and then walked over to the table, sitting down beside Hachi but made sure not to touch them as I looked them over in amusement. My friends... in the face of Hachi. I bet they think I died. After all... Evelyn disappeared and so did I from this place.

"He did...." Zane whispered and looked towards Carson. His eyes shown about getting the hell out of there fast.

"Did you three know a guy named Isaac?" Hachi asked. Carson tensed up and looked Hachi over.

"Yes, we did," he said and narrowed his eyes. "How do you know our Isaac?"

"I had the pleasure of taking a bite out of him." Hachi purred towards Carson. "His dying words included, I should have listened to my friends, Carson, Julio, and Zane. They were my loving friends. I loved them so much. He took his last breath and died as I munched on his eyes. Oh, my name is Hachi." Hachi told them, holding out a hand. Julio screamed and ran first, heading for the front door. Zane followed quickly. In fact the whole place was clearing out like it was the flu. Carson slowly got up, glaring Hachi down. I let the spell go then.

"Hey Carson, can you go get me a round of shots? I think I will drink them today and get sick. It's kind of worth it," I told him and gave a sweet smile. Hachi looked towards me then leaned in and kissed me. I laughed and wrapped my arm around him, kissing his neck. Carson frowned but sat back down.

"Isaac... what are you doing with him?" He asked, gesturing to Hachi. "Where the hell have you been? You had us all worried sick for years, and when we couldn't find you, we thought you died!"

"I turned him gay and ate his girlfriend." Hachi explained. "Then kidnapped him and made him love me." He got in my lap then and purred. "I also made him part cat demon but that's a long story." Hachi informed. Zane came back in then.

"I'll save you Carson- ISAAC!?" Zane dropped a broom. "Julio, it's safe you can come in." He called to Julio. Julio came in slowly with a leaf blower. He sat it down then on a table. I looked towards them and frowned.

"You're wizards. What the heck are you doing with janitor equipment? If Hachi wanted you dead, he'd have killed you first and said hi later," I told them. Carson still looked on edge, but he relaxed a bit, seeing I was okay.

"So-So that is Hachi?" Julio asked softly, hiding a bit behind Zane. I glanced their way and smiled.

"It's fine. He won't touch you guys. If he does, I'll stop him," I promised. "He wanted to meet you guys, and I wanted to see you all again. I missed you!" I laughed and gave them a grin. Zane slowly walked over and sat down. Julio followed and widened his eyes as he noted the stitches on Hachi.

"I need to stop drinking." Julio told Zane. I laughed.

"No... Hachi stitches himself and sometimes others. I used to have them," I told them and kissed Hachi's cheek. Carson gave me a funny look and glanced at the others then back at me. Hachi moved out of my lap and smirked towards them.

"Bet you never expected to still be alive after meeting me?" Hachi started to play with his stitches then. I frowned at him.

"You're going to make them upset," I mumbled to him. "They'll come hunt you down." I took his hand in mine then and rubbed it.

"So... he ate Evelyn... your girlfriend... and you just accepted that and moved on to being with Hachi?" Carson asked quietly. I frowned and looked over at him.


"Evelyn," he said and sat up straighter. "She died, and you're ok with that?"

"Of course he is, he's with me." Hachi smirked. "Her eyes were the best part of her." Carson narrowed his eyes.

"Isaac, if this... this cannibal has done anything to you, and you can't get away, then tell us. We'll help you," he whispered and glared at Hachi. Hachi smiled innocently.

"Don't worry Carson. He's with me because he loves me." Hachi told him and then laughed. "I've actually been trying to change my appetite." He explained. "I now rarely kill and eat wizards." Julio smiled softly.

"Really? So is it true you killed and ate your whole family?" Julio asked, grabbing his drink. He's loosened up. One down... two to go. Carson sat back in his seat and watched us closely, mostly Hachi. I gave him a smile and then kissed Hachi's cheek.

"Yeah." Hachi said softly, looking Julio over. "I did." He mumbled then got up and went to the bar, making the bartender get him a drink. The poor girl was shaking. I frowned and then looked towards my friends.

"He's really not that bad.... I'm sorry I haven't been around," I told them. Carson leaned forward a little.

"Isaac, are you for real about this? He actually killed Evelyn, and you're completely fine with this?! You're fine kissing the cannibal that gives wizards nightmares?!" He hissed under his breath. "Have you gone brain dead?! Did he eat that?!" I widened my eyes and slid back in my seat to get away from him.

"N-no," I said quickly. Hachi came back then with a drink and then sat down by me.

"Did you know~ that wizards really are afraid of my name? Wow... It's been what... how many years? You'd think someone would beat my title as the scariest or even they might possibly think I died." Hachi whispered to me then took a sip of a pink alcoholic drink. Carson looked towards Hachi and then at Zane, wanting to see where he stood on this. Zane was swallowing down all the shots. I reached for one then, pouting. He gave me one.

"Wow, so are you two back in town?" Julio asked. "You should come by our place. We live together now." Julio suggested. Julio suddenly yelped as Carson looked at him, kicking him under the table. Julio looked towards Carson. "OWE! Ass." He growled. "Go to your room then if you want to act that way." I gave a smile towards Julio.

"Well... I wouldn't mind visiting... if I am welcome," I told them and gave them a sweet smile. "Hachi too, of course."

"I won't eat you." Hachi sighed out. "Because Isaac wouldn't sleep with me anymore if I did." He told them. Carson tensed up at that and gave me a sharp look. I laughed nervously and then shrunk down in my seat.

"How can we trust you?" Zane asked. "You ate your own family. I'm surprised Isaac is alive still." I looked towards Zane and frowned.

"W-well... my father killed me while I was gone," I mumbled. "It's the long story of why I have this." I slipped my tail out of my shirt then to show him. Julio looked it over with interest.

"Wow... what have I missed?" Julio asked me. I gave a smile then.

"Well, Hachi kind of erased my memories and made me a pet which didn't work out in the end, but I decided to stay with him when I got my memories back, and then after a bit, my father came looking for me to open the gates to hell because he wanted something and stole my memories to make me innocent so I would help him and then when I was sacrificed by him to open the gates, Hachi got mad and had me raised from the dead which got me to being part demon with a tail and then... I lived for a bit," I told him, keeping it short.

"I really do like you." Hachi told me. "I love you." He looked me over. He looked towards my friends then. "More then his father did." Carson sighed.

"You really... really didn't try to eat him?" Carson asked, giving him a suspicious look. "He's with you on his own free will, and he really isn't afraid?"

"Well... since you are asking. I did plan to eat him when I first met him... but then I realized he wasn't fully a wizard. At the time... I was only interested in wizards... I don't want to eat him now either... Honestly I would hold him against his will if he wasn't agreeing to love and stay with me but he is. We're in a real relationship now though. Completely real." Hachi told them. He shrugged. "Paris and him have been teaching me how to love and feel feelings for a while now." I smiled and leaned over, kissing his cheek as I let out a purr.

"I love you," I told him. I glanced towards Carson. "Look, I can prove he won't eat me," I told him and then exposed my fangs and bit into my wrist before I showed Hachi the wound. Hachi looked towards my wrist hungrily and then at me.

"That's really not fair." He told me and then held a hand over his nose. "Oh my god....." He got up and took his drink with him. "I love but hate you." He told me. I pouted and then grabbed an empty shot glass and watched as my blood dripped into it.

"Hachi! Come back! You can have some!" I called to him. He came back quickly.

"Good cause I'm about to break." He told me then looked towards the shot glass longingly. I gave him a smile and slid it his way then started on another one for him. He grabbed it then drunk the shot.

"Wow... You have him trained." Julio joked and laughed. I looked at him and laughed a little then slid him the next shot. I filled a third and then set it beside the second just as my wrist healed. I kissed Hachi's cheek and pulled him close, wrapping my arms around him. Carson sighed.

"I guess... that if you're happy Isaac... that it's alright," he mumbled. Zane gave a nod in agreement.

"If this is who you pick to be with... we'll be fine with it as long as he leave his cannibal side at home." Zane told us, pointing a finger at Hachi. Hachi gave an innocent smile. I laughed.

"Thanks you three," I purred and then kissed Hachi's cheek. "I'm glad to see you guys." I flicked my tail and then laid it in Hachi's lap. "I really missed you."

"So do you want to stay at our place? We have an extra room." Julio suggested. I thought it over and then gave a nod.

"Uh huh! I'd love that!" I stole a shot from them and drank it.

"Awesome. Let's go. I think we might be giving the bar a bad rep." Julio told us and stood up. "We can drink at home. Hachi is also way too young looking to be drinking." He looked me over. "How old are you?"

"Old." Hachi told him and smirked. "Old enough to be your great great great great grandfather plus some." I pulled away from him then.

"Oh my goodness," I mumbled and slid across the seat slightly, moving my tail out of his lap. He's that old huh? Wow.... I'm really glad that his family is gone because at least I know that there is no way I can be tied into all that. That'd be terrible. To learn that your lover could be your great great great great great uncle or something like that....

"I'm just kidding." Hachi told me. "I was born a little before the couch was invented if I remember correctly. I used to play..." He trailed off then. "You know... I don't remember." He told me. "Anyways, lets go." He stood up. I fell out of the seat then and curled up on the floor. He's that old?! I shivered slightly. It's a good thing that I love him.... Carson scooped me up and smirked at me.

"Come on Isaac," he told me and started to carry me towards the door.

"Isaac?" Hachi blushed. "Oh my wizards. Are you really acting that way over my age!? Grrr." He crossed his arms. "I should have kept that to myself." He grumbled. Julio laughed and pulled him along with Zane trailing after us. I looked towards Hachi quickly and reached out for him.

"No! I love you! I'm fine with it! I swear! I just didn't realize how much older you were! That's all! I don't mind it at all because you're still my Hachi," I told him and gave him a cute smile.

"Wouldn't you had guessed that already?" Hachi asked and tilted his head. "I tell you all the time, I was immortal, and let's not mention I'm like super young looking." He laughed then.

"I know that, but I'll eventually get really old too but still look this way thanks to my mom," I told him and gave a big smile. "I love you no matter how old you are. You're my mate."

"Uh-huh. Guess how old Paris is.... WAY older then me." Hachi pointed out. I nodded.

"Yeah... There's no telling how old he is," I mumbled and then reached out for him again, making Carson laugh. Hachi grabbed my hands and pulled me to him. I laughed happily and held him close as Carson let me go. I kissed him and then nuzzled my head against him as I leaned in towards his neck, giving it a kiss. I sharpened my fangs and scraped them against his skin lightly, hiding what I was doing from the others. He gasped and pulled away from me.

"Isaac." Hachi whispered. Julio walked past us then, tackling Carson into a hug.

"I forgot to drink a few shots." Julio complained. Carson looked at him and smirked.

"We'll get you drunk when we are home. Zane! I'm going to make Julio drunk. Want to watch?" He called out. I glanced their way then looked at Hachi with a pout.

"What's the matter?" I whispered, hiding my fangs.

"What!? We both know Julio shouldn't have anything to drink around us." Zane told Carson. Hachi kissed my cheek.

"Not in front of your friends." He told me. I smiled and gave a nod before I grabbed his hand and used my magic to warm him up, influencing the mark.

"Okay," I told him. Carson looked towards Zane.

"Well, he wants to get drunk, and we can both have fun with Julio if you want."

"Well..." Zane nodded in agreement.

"Wait you two better not mess with me. I told you years ago I'm straight and not interested." Julio hissed. Hachi leaned up against me for support as he purred. I laughed and picked him up so that way he could enjoy what I was doing for him.

"Aww, but Julio," Carson said and smirked, ruffling Julio's hair. "You know that you like being the center of attention."

"Maybe with someone that wasn't you two. There are reasons as to why I have fifteen locks on my bedroom door." Julio told them. Hachi started to fall asleep against me. I let him and walked after them, shaking my head slightly.

"We could get past the locks if we really wanted to," Carson warned Julio. "Come on, we're almost there," he told everyone. We crossed the street then and went into a house. "You can sleep in the room on the far left upstairs," he told me. I gave a nod and carried Hachi up the stairs.

"Okay, I'm going to put Hachi to bed. It's time for his nap," I joked and then went into the room they told me. I shut the door and walked over to the bed, laying him down on it and then put the covers over him. He curled up to it and seemed to have passed out completely. I smiled and leaned in, kissing the top of his head as I made sure to get the blanket up to his chin. "Sleep tight," I purred to him and then walked downstairs, shutting the door behind me and then walked into the living room. I froze when I saw Carson over Julio on the couch, kissing him deeply. What in the world did I just walk into.... Julio was froze up under Carson in utter confusion.

"Carson." Zane said, sounding jealous. Carson pulled back from the kiss and looked Julio over before he moved off Julio, sitting up on the couch.

"Yeah, whatever," he muttered, picking up a drink and taking a sip of it. Julio scrambled to his feet and took off for the kitchen.

"There we go again... We're lucky we got him to move in." Zane grumbled. "I told you we was taking this slow with him." Carson sighed.

"Alright, I'll erase his memory of the kiss," he said and stood up.

"DON'T YOU COME NEAR ME!" Julio yelled. "I'm moving out tomorrow!" He threatened. Carson walked into the kitchen and it got silent in there for a few minutes.

"Hey Julio! You walked in here to get a drink and hit your head.... Are you alright?" Carson asked. He came out, holding Julio up while he was weak kneed from the memory removal. "Here, sit down. I'll get your drink," he told him and helped him sit down on the couch.

"O-okay." Julio whispered, looking confused. Zane gave a small laugh and then looked at me.

"It happens once a week. Sometimes twice." I frowned. Are they trying to get into a three way relationship? I walked over to Zane and sat down beside him, leaning in towards his ear.

"Are you and Carson trying to get in a three way relationship with Julio?" I whispered in his ear, completely confused. I left... and now they're moved in together and Zane doesn't rip Julio away from Carson every time he gets close to him, and they're talking about how they had been planning this?

"Don't tell Julio." Zane whispered back. I widened my eyes and slowly scooted away from Zane. Oh no... They are. Carson brought out a drink and handed it to Julio with a smile then sat down beside him. Julio took the drink then sipped on it as he sunk a bit on the couch, looking up at the ceiling.

"Does your head hurt?" Carson asked, watching him curiously.

"Uh-huh." Julio mumbled, sipping his drink. Carson reached over and touched Julio's head.

"Here, let me make it better," he told him and smirked as he used his magic on him. Julio curled up to Carson then and kept sipping on his drink. He put his arm around Julio and laughed, looking over at Zane. I shivered. Poor Julio.... He's got two wizards after him.... Zane smirked towards Carson then. Julio took a big swig of his drink then. I watched as Carson got up and walked over to Zane, sitting down beside him. Julio watched Carson then sat up, wide eyed. Zane laughed then and watched Julio. Carson glanced at him. "What's the matter Julio?" He asked and tilted his head.

"You left me." Julio told him then took another swig of his alcohol. Carson grabbed Zane's hand and then stood up, walking Zane over to Julio and had him sit down on the other side of Julio as he sat back down in his original spot. Julio looked them over. "Hi Zane?" Julio looked him over then got up and went to me then sat down by me. I looked at Julio and gave him a smile.

"Hey Julio," I said and looked towards his drink then at the other two. Carson looked a little upset, but he sighed and scooted over to Zane. He leaned in and whispered something to him. Zane grabbed Carson's hand and brought him to the stairs and took him up. I widened my eyes and curled up in the couch as I realized what those two were up to now. "I left Hachi up there.... He's going to wake up when he hears them," I whispered to myself, starting to freak out. Julio tilted his head then went towards the stairs.

"I'll go stop them." He told me. "CARSON! ZANE! NO FUNNY BUSINESS WITH GUEST OVER!" I heard Julio yelp when he got up the stairs and a door slam. Oh my god.... I shrunk down into the couch then. I heard Julio yelp again as he banged on the door. I got up then and went into the kitchen, getting out the strongest thing of alcohol I could find. I don't care if I end up puking my guts out.... I opened it up and started to drink it as I started to hear Julio moaning upstairs. Hachi came downstairs after a few moans and walked up to me.

"Your friend is moaning..." He mumbled. "Where's the other two... Oh." Hachi's eyes widened. I took a big swig of the drink and looked his way.

"They've been making moves on him and erasing his memories every time he gets away and says he's leaving," I told him. "Carson and Zane decided they wanted a three way relationship I think." I gagged at the idea and then started to chug the drink.

"Hmmm...." Hachi shrugged. "I wonder how'd that go... I mean.... where does the third one go?" He asked me. I dropped the drink and fell over. "Isaac?" He asked. I started to feel sick from both the idea of my friends practically raping each other and then from the drinks. I put a hand over my mouth as pain formed in my stomach and I whimpered. Hachi got to his knees by me and placed my head in his lap. I looked his way.

"H-Hachi... let's go to my place," I said quickly as I started to hear the moaning get louder, now from both Julio and Zane. I grabbed his hands. "Please," I begged. Hachi looked up then in confusion.

"I'm serious... where does the third one go?" He asked me in confusion. I looked at him and then thought it over as I tried to keep myself from throwing up just this once.

"I'm guessing that it could be a blow job or a hand job," I told him and then curled up, putting a hand over my stomach. He tilted his head then shook it. He went towards the stairs then and I heard him banging on the door.

"HEY! QUIT MAKING ISAAC SICK AND DO THIS LATER~" Hachi yelled through the door. Oh my demons... I'm gone. I got up and ran for the front door- more like stumbled since how my stomach was hurting. Hachi came down the stairs then and went towards me, grabbing my sides and helped me out the door. I looked at him gratefully and shut the door then went to the side and puked up the alcohol. He sat down on the steps and waited for me. When my stomach quit acting up, I walked over to him and looked down at the ground.

"I really should stick to blood only," I mumbled, feeling weak from what I did.

"You know better." Hachi told me. I nodded and then sat down by him.

"I know.... I'll stay away from it next time," I whispered. "I'm sorry."

"Your friends are strange." He told me. I nodded and brought my knees to my chest.

"I didn't expect to come back and find them in a three way relationship," I mumbled and then pulled out one of my trick cards. I sighed and flipped it over, examining it. "I used to play with these a lot."

"I like cards." Hachi told me and smirked. I glanced over at him and smiled softly.

"Do you still have that summoning card I gave you?" I asked him, wondering if he kept it on him. He nodded.

"It's in my pocket." He told me. I smiled happily and leaned over, kissing his neck as I avoided his lips because I threw up.

"I love you," I whispered to him. I pulled back and then tossed the card, flicking it. It caught on fire and then fell to the ground as a king of hearts instead of the original queen of spades. He looked the card over then looked towards me. He gave me a cup of blood then. I frowned and took it from him. "Where'd this come from?" I asked him in confusion. I looked up at him and tilted my head.

"It's my blood. Drink up." He told me. I laughed and then curled up to him as I started to drink it, moaning at the taste. I forgot about what I heard upstairs and downed it quickly, tossing the glass aside when I was finished then moved into his lap, stealing a kiss from him as I pressed against him. Hachi leaned up against the stairs and looked at me longingly before deepening the kiss. I purred and flicked my tail as I laid him back on the porch and got on him.

"I love you," I whispered. "To Hell and back, forever."

"I love you too." Hachi purred. I smiled and kissed him again then started to trail kisses down to his neck.

"Can I?" I asked him softly as I looked his neck over.

"Nu-uh. Want another cup of blood?" Hachi offered.

"Why can't I just drink straight from you?" I asked and looked up at him with a pout as I flicked my tail.

"I don't like people biting me." He reminded me. "Even you." I groaned and then licked his neck anyways. He tensed up under me.

"Hachi," I purred and ran my hands down his sides as I kissed his neck again. "Want to go home with me?"

"I thought we were going to spend some time here." Hachi told me, looking me over.

"I meant second home... It's a few blocks from here," I whispered and then kissed his neck again, smelling him.

"Are you... smelling me?" Hachi asked and giggled. "That tickles." I purred and kissed him again as I rubbed his lower back.

"Let's go back to my place," I told him.

"I think we should stay here." He decided.

"But they're all upstairs having a freakin threesome. I don't want to be here when they're raping Julio."

"Poor Julio." Hachi mumbled then looked me over. "Fine, we can go check in on your place." I glanced up at him and then kissed his lips.

"No, I changed my mind. I'm rescuing Julio. If I don't make it out of this alive... promise me to look after Midori and worship him for me," I joked then stood up, starting for the door. He reached for me and grabbed my ankle.

"Do you have to?" Hachi asked me. I looked down at him and gave him a smile.

"I'm actually kind of doing it for you Hachi. After all, Julio is getting raped upstairs, and I'm pretty sure that it doesn't make you too happy- especially since how you had some of those moments yourself," I reminded him and then leaned down, kissing the top of his head. "I'm going to rescue him."

"Your right." Hachi whispered softly and gave a small frown. "I'll come with you." He suggested and got to his feet then grabbed my hand. I looked him over then shook my head quickly.

"No, you're cute and cuddly. They'll make you join." He widened his eyes and shook his head. He let my hand go then ran into the livingroom. I smiled and then walked in and up the stairs, going to the door then kicked it in. "GET OFF HIM!" I shouted at them and walked in, glaring them down.

"Isaac~ Join us?" Zane asked. I shook my head and walked over to them.

"No, only Hachi gets to touch me like that," I told them and then grabbed Zane's arm, starting to pull him away from poor Julio. Zane yelped.

"Get off me!" Zane begged. "Julio~ Don't you want us?" Julio blushed and ran from Carson, going towards the door. Carson growled and was after him in seconds, pinning him down as he gripped Julio's manhood. I gagged and looked at Zane.

"Zane, knock this off. It's wrong to do that to Julio. Come on, help me get Carson." We could hear Julio yelp. Zane groaned.

"It's not wrong. He totally likes us." Zane told me. "He just doesn't want to admit it to himself yet."

"Get off!" Julio hissed. "That's my future children in there."

"Not anymore," Carson teased and kissed Julio before he started to grind against him again. "You're ours, admit it," he said and looked Julio over. I widened my eyes and looked at Zane.

"You can't tell me that this is right man... Wait until he tells you that he wants you instead of raping him!"

"It's not rape if you like it." Zane told me and smirked. I heard Julio let out a lustful moan. Shivering, I kept my eyes on Zane.

"Dude, what are you doing to your friend?" I asked him. "He doesn't need to be held down until he admits that he likes you two. Take him on a date if you want him that way!"

"Isaac, we did that." He told me and rubbed my head. "Julio is just being a submissive cunt and not putting out." He grumbled. "You might understand that." He started for Carson and Julio.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I growled at him. "Understand that?"

"It means you might understand when a woman or guy doesn't want to put out and keeps you hanging. You eventually have to add on some force." He told me. "This is force." I narrowed my eyes and had a wall of flame go up in front of him, blocking him from Carson and Julio.

"He will come for you both when he wants you both. You're going to screw up his little mind."

"As long as we get what we want, right Carson?" He asked.

"Isaac!" Julio begged. "Tell Carson to stop. I want kids one day." I twitched my tail and then walked towards the wall of flame blocking Zane then went through it, not letting it burn me. I stepped over to Carson and had him flung up against the wall as I reached down for Julio.

"Come here... I'll get you away from the two big bad rapers," I purred then scooped him up and went for the door. I glanced over my shoulder and glared at them both as I released my magic from the room. "Think about what you've done," I hissed and had the door slam shut and lock with my magic. I walked down to the living room and sat Julio down on a couch then gave him my shirt. He took it and put it on then grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around himself.

"Glad I never had two guys." Hachi mumbled. "One was enough." I glanced over at him and then at Julio before I knelt down in front of him.

"Hey... are you alright? If you don't want them, then you should say something to me, and I'll let you stay at my place where they can't get you. I don't come here often anymore, so you'd have the place to yourself," I whispered to him. "They'll probably try that again... and they've been doing it for awhile now I think. They erased your memories earlier today when they tried to make a move on you." He looked at me blankly then pulled me closer to him and got into my lap. He rested his head against my chest and started to pass out. I rubbed his head and kissed the top of it before I looked over at Hachi. "Hachi, I think we should take him to my place and give him a place to stay. They didn't think that what they were doing to him was wrong."

"Because it wasn't." I heard Zane say as he came down the stairs. I widened my eyes as I looked at him. How the heck did he get out of his room?!

"WHAT THE HELL?! I put a magic lock on that!" I yelled at him. "HOW'D THE HELL YOU GET OUT?!"

"I'm a wizard too." He told me as he slipped some pants on. He tossed a pair to me then and smirked. "I'm sure he'd like to wear some pants now." Zane told me. "Your not taking him Isaac." I glared him down as I moved Julio off me and then slipped the blanket up so I could put the pants on him.

"It's not fair that you're taking advantage of him," I told Zane. "He might one day hurt you because of it, and he's our friend."

"Well it's just until he admits he likes us." Zane told me. "Carson! I forgot my shirt!" He yelled up the stairs. "Bring me it?" He walked down towards me then. "Look, Julio is our friend of course. I want more though." He grabbed Julio from me and sat down on the couch with him in his lap. I sighed and sat down.

"Love or lust," I asked him, looking the two of them over. He rubbed Julio's head.

"Both." He told me. Julio curled up on his lap and rested his head against his chest. Zane kissed the top of Julio's head then.

"Which one is stronger?" I asked him, crossing my legs. He looked towards me.

"Does it matter? Julio is mine and Carson's." He told me and then looked down at him. "He just refuses sometimes to admit it." I smirked and pulled out one of my trick cards then used my magic to put me on the back of the couch right behind them. I flicked the card at his face and used my magic to burn it right before it would've hit him.

"Then ask him to be yours," I whispered. "Work something out. Don't erase his memories unless you plan to make him feel better about what you did to him. Try working from here. Tell him how much you love him and how much you want him or whatever. Forcing him into it is not what you should be doing."

"Says who?" Zane asked me. "He's so difficult." He told me and groaned. "He doesn't find us attractive. So he says." He told me.

"Can we talk about something else now?" Hachi asked, blushing. I looked up at him and smiled.

"After this." I looked down at Zane again. "Hachi was more difficult, so stop crying." I got up and then walked over to Hachi, flicking my tail. "I'm done!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hachi asked me, going pale. "I wasn't that difficult.... was I?" I shook my head and gave him an innocent smile.

"Not really. I just wanted to say it... but you did take forever to say you loved me- though that's not your fault." I sat down by him and purred. "Honestly, Julio probably is a lot more difficult than you, but that's because you liked me when you killed Evelyn."

"Who said I liked you when I ate your girl? Maybe I was saving you for last after I ate all your family and friends." Hachi smirked. I laid down and put my head in his lap, looking up at him with a cute smile.

"You haven't tried to eat my mother, and you didn't eat my friends yet... plus you erased my memories because I was upset about her, and you wanted to keep me," I purred and nuzzled my head up against him. "You liked me... then you loved me."

"Okay." He rubbed my head. "You're right." He kissed the top of my head then. "I did end up loving you." He laughed softly. I smiled sweetly and let out a loud purr.

"I'd gladly be yours for eternity."

"CARSON!" Zane yelled. "QUIT JACKING OFF AND GET DOWN HERE WITH MY SHIRT!" I heard stumbles upstairs and then Carson came out in shorts and a tank top. He walked over to Zane and dropped a shirt on his head then moved Julio out of his lap. He straddled Zane's lap and leaned in, kissing him deeply. Zane groaned and pulled out of the kiss then put the shirt on. "I know you find yourself attracted to me Carson but Julio was sleeping in my lap." Zane told him as Julio started to sit up and whine as he looked towards Carson then shoved him off of Zane and took his spot back. Carson groaned.

"I can't seem to catch a break, now can I?" He muttered and looked at those two then laid down, putting his head against Julio's leg. Julio looked towards Carson and blushed then got out a lighter and sat his hair on fire. Carson screamed and sat up. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU-" I sat up quickly and looked towards the fire, using my magic to put it out quickly to save Julio. I pouted.

"Anybody got a candle? I kind of want one now," I mumbled. Julio smirked towards Carson giving him a look 'I just got my revenge don't fuck with me ever'. He moved off of Zane and went towards the kitchen, whistling.

"That's why he never got a girlfriend." Zane whispered. Carson looked a little pale as he watched Julio then looked over at Zane.

"Z-Zane... Let's erase his memory again," he said quickly. "I don't want him to get hurt."

"DON'T YOU DARE ERASE MY MEMORY!" Julio screamed towards them from the kitchen. "WHO WANTS MUFFINS?"

"I do!" I laughed and flicked my tail excitedly. "Can they have chocolate chips in them?" Carson got up and walked towards the kitchen, stopping in the doorway.

"If you just loved us and admitted that you want us, then we wouldn't have to erase your memory. You always threaten to leave us, and I don't want you to leave," Carson whispered, looking a little sad.

"Well stop raping me!" Julio hissed. "Then we can talk about our love affairs." Julio threw a glass of water towards Carson then, getting him wet. He yelped and then pouted.

"What do I have to do? Get on my knees or something?" He growled. "You don't ever want to go that way! You always push us away!"

"Mhmmmm." Julio hummed. "Now step away from the kitchen or the next thing getting thrown at you is this knife."

"I'll step away from the kitchen when you promise you won't move out," Carson said, narrowing his eyes.

"I won't move out tonight."

"What about tomorrow?"

"Depends on how long I sleep."

"Zane! I'm erasing his memories! He's difficult!" Carson said and started to go into the kitchen. I watched as he was hit by a knife then in the thigh.

"GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!" Julio yelled. I heard some struggles and then Carson laughing.

"Hey there, you fell," he said and carried Julio out of the kitchen. "Zane, I think we need to get a carpet in the kitchen or something. The hard wood floors are kind of slick, don't you think?" He put Julio on the couch and examined him then gave him a smile. "You ok?"

"Carson... why is your leg bleeding?" Julio asked in worry, reaching towards the knife. He glanced towards it and winced.

"It fell when I tried to catch you," he lied and looked up at him, giving him a pained look. "Julio... help me. Please, it hurts," he begged. Julio widened his eyes.

"I'll go get the first aid kit." Julio suggested and ran towards the stairs then disappeared up them. Carson sat down on the couch and looked over at Zane.

"We'll try something else this time," he whispered. "Let's try keeping our hands off him for a bit longer."

"Okay." Zane shrugged and pulled the knife out of Carson's leg then looked at the blood on it and handed it towards me. "Want the blood?" I looked them over.

"It's still messed up- what you're doing...." I told them. "But... if you won't rape him again and you try to get him to love you and notice you that way, then I guess it's alright for now. Don't erase his memory again. That's a short cut, and there isn't any short cuts to a good relationship." I gave a smile and then looked towards the blood. I stopped then and pouted as I remembered that Hachi didn't like me drinking other's blood when I knew the person. It was always bottled blood or his blood. I glanced over at him and then set the knife down, ignoring my hunger for it. Hachi gave me a kiss on the cheek then. Julio rushed back down the stairs with the first aid kit then handed it to Carson with a bottle of vodka and pain killers.

"There." Julio told him and then skipped off towards the kitchen. "Now what was I doing in here...."

"Making muffins for me," I purred happily as I watched him. Carson looked over at Zane and gave him a sweet look.

"Stitch it up for me?"

"You brought that on yourself." Zane whispered.

"Please? We're lovers," he mumbled.

"Nu-uh. You made our other lover mad."

"But I fixed it for now, and I won't touch him that way again unless he wants it. I promise I will only be that way with you until he's ready," he whispered towards Zane and gave a sweet, loving smile. "We'll work on getting him used to us and then have him join us." Julio skipped back into the room with muffins cooked.

"So~ How's the human world treating you? I heard that the humans found out about myths and what not." Julio sat down by me. "You know, I have a girlfriend that likes to go to the human world... ops.... I forgot to tell them about her." He blushed and looked at Zane and Carson. Carson dropped the first aid kit and then looked over at Zane with wide eyes.

"Zane," he said quickly and grabbed his hand. He stood up. "Meeting, upstairs, now."

"But Carson I want to know about his girlfriend." Zane complained, pouting. "I was going to ask to meet her." Carson sat back down. I frowned and looked over at Hachi, leaning in.

"Zane reminds me of someone," I whispered. There's no way they're cool about him having a girlfriend when they're trying to be a threeway relationship.

"Don't worry~ We're just friends with benefits. She's a girl and my friend. Girl friend."

"Friends with benefits?" Zane asked, squeezing Carson's leg.

"Like you two." Julio smirked. Carson frowned.

"We're not friends with benefits. We're the whole nine yards," he told Julio.

"Nine yards? You can't even reach past six inches." Julio shot at them and then gave me a muffin and offered one to Hachi. Hachi laughed and then took the whole plate. I was about to eat it then stopped. I whined and fell into the floor.

"I WANT TO BE NORMAL! DAMN IT!" Hachi kissed the top of my head then gave me a glass of blood. I perked up immediately and started to sip on it.

"Isaac, you could just have the muffin anyways," Carson suggested. "It can't make you feel that bad."

"Yeah, it can." Hachi told him then rubbed my head.

"I want to come home with you guys for like a week. I need a nice vacation." Julio poked my shoulder. "Can I? My job here is so boring. I work in the library. All I do is count books." He sighed out. I glanced up at him. Library... Interesting. I smiled and looked up at Hachi then at him.

"Like to my home here or to Maine with me?" I asked him.

"Maine!" He gasped. "I would love to come to Maine." He shook my shoulders then. "PLEASE ISAAC!?" I laughed and grabbed his hands then looked up at Hachi.

"Hachi, can he spend the week, please?" I asked him and gave the cutest smile. "It'll be so fun with pillow forts and scary stories! A whole week of a slumber party!"

"Umm... what about Midori?" Hachi asked me softly. "If Julio sees Midori he might never leave." He warned me. I frowned. Oh yeah... my dragon. I bit my bottom lip and looked at Julio.

"W-well... maybe we can try a test first to see if he'll be able to leave someone like Midori alone," I mumbled.

"Who's Midori?" Julio asked.

"So if Julio is going I want to go." Zane told us. I sighed.

"Hachi, I might as well just bring Midori here to see if they can handle being around him," I mumbled. "If they can't, then we say no."

"ARE YOU INSANE!? THIS IS A WIZARDS TOWN!" Hachi started to panic then, thinking about the whole idea. "HELL TO THE NO." He shook his head. "GOD NO." I laughed. Oh yeah... that'd be bad, and Hachi wouldn't be able to handle so many wizards.

"Ok, then we go to an unpopulated town in the human world and introduce them to Midori to test their resistance," I suggested. Hachi shook his head.

"It's a dragon. They're hard to resist. That's why I don't have to go anywhere to hunt." He whispered to me.

"A DRAGON!? COOL! YOU GUYS HAVE A DRAGON?! What else do you have?" Julio asked.

"Ever heard of the twin vampire Grimm brothers? I own them." Hachi told him, making Julio drool. I laughed at them.

"Well, I have the dragon, and Hachi has the twin brothers and a lost soul named Harry.... Plus he put stitches in my dragon I bonded with," I mumbled.

"I also have a unicorn." Hachi told him, shrugging. "It's okay I guess." He blushed. "Let's not go into all of my accomplishments though!" I smiled and got up, sitting in his lap as I got back on the couch then took a sip of my drink.

"I love you," I purred to him and kissed him. "I guess you're right.... We'd never get my friends back into Las Vegas if they met Midori."

"I'm sorry guys but I can't let you come home with us." Hachi told them. "I'd be pissed if you never left."

"One way trip to being in the same spot all his other victims are," I muttered. "Then he'd have to deal with an upset Isaac and an upset Midori if he likes you guys."

"Plus I'd have to ask Paris because he'd get a bit weirded out if I brought in three new wizards to his home... he'd think I was in a cult or something."

"Then you'd be grounded," I told him. "Seriously... I think that Paris owns you and you own Louis."

"What!? That's not true." Hachi told me. "I'm not owned by anyone." His phone started to ring then, Paris's ringtone. He answered it then. "H-hey Paris."

"WHERE ARE YOU!?" I heard Paris asking him.

"Uhmmmm.... Speak to Isaac." He shoved the phone towards me. I looked at it in panic.

"No! He'll eat me and spit me out before lunch!" I screamed. "Tell him that we already told him! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE BABYSITTING MY BABY DRAGON!" I yelled at the phone. "HE BETTER NOT BE CRYING IN A CORNER!" Hachi grabbed the phone and put it towards his ear.

"Oh yeah.... You did..." Paris mumbled. "Ops. RICHARD! A LITTLE LESS VODKA, WE'RE NOT VICTOR." Paris hung up on us then.

"I'M GOING HOME! MIDORIIIIII~!" I got up and ran for the front door. It disappeared as Hachi's magic was at work.

"Isaac~" Hachi called me back over. "Come back here."

"But Midori needs me!" I flicked my tail as I started to worry. What if Paris completely forgot about Midori too?! Midori doesn't need to be left alone! He needs to be loved and watched over 24-7! He is a cute little dragon who can easily be stolen by another wizard if they find him without me and Hachi there! I need to protect my baby!

"Honey. Midori is perfectly fine. Paris is a wonderful babysitter. Get back over here." Hachi pointed to the spot by him. "Isaac... now." I whimpered and shook my head.


"Isaac." Hachi hissed. "We don't need to worry." He told me. "Paris is over centuries old." He smirked. "Midori is fine." I looked towards where the door had been and whimpered. But I want to see him too.... "Isaac. We came here to visit your friends and that is what we are going to do." I groaned and then walked back to him, sitting down on the couch and brought my knees to my chest.

"Fine," I mumbled, playing with the couch.

"We should go out later- tomorrow then. Since how I can't come to your house in Maine... we should do fun things together. How about we go hang out at the park. Take a nice picnic or something." Julio suggested. I glanced up at him and then gave a nod.

"Sure... right after we go gambling," I said and then looked towards Zane with a smirk. Zane smirked.

"Yeah! Sounds like a plan." Zane growled playfully.

"I want to come." Hachi whispered to me.

"I thought you were coming anyways!" I looked over at him and smiled, pulling him into my lap. I gave him a kiss and purred. "You go wherever I go." He nodded and kissed me back. He leaned in towards my neck and kissed me there. Moaning, I tilted my head to the side, exposing my neck to him. He pulled away then looked me in the eyes, his glowed with a galaxy blazing. I looked at him and smiled, kissing him. I love his galaxy. It's so pretty. He kissed me back and then I felt his magic swirl around us, making Julio gasp. I purred as I glanced around us at his magic and laughed happily, ignoring my friends as I leaned in and stole another kiss.

"Galaxy magic... that's the rarest in the books... ancient." Julio mumbled in amazement. Hachi deepened our kiss and his tongue explored my mouth. I gasped and then got his tongue, sucking on it to pleasure him. He moaned and pressed up against me.

"Okay you two." Zane purred. "The bedroom is upstairs." He reminded. I pulled away from the kiss and looked at Hachi in wonder.

"Then go to bed, kids," I told them. Hachi looked me over this his magic faded around us and disappeared completely. His hair was brushed by wind in the process. I whimpered slightly and then buried my face into the crook of his neck. Stupid Zane.... Hachi looked towards Zane.

"At least he's not raping me." Hachi shot towards him. I sat up straight and looked at Hachi with wide eyes.

"No! I'd never do that to you," I told him and then ran my fingers through his hair. "I'd stop if you told me to." Hachi looked towards me.

"I know." He tilted his head. "That's why I haven't ate you." I smiled and gave him a sweet look.

"I wouldn't ever. I love you too much to do something like that to you. You're my world," I purred to him and gave him a soft kiss. He kissed me back then reached down to my belt loops and tugged on them slightly to mess with me. I blushed and then moved my face into the crook of his neck, giving him a small kiss there. He gasped and then pulled me off the couch with him. I blushed as we landed in the floor, but I gave him another kiss on his neck, flicking my tail.

"Carson, your friends are making out on the floor. Except it's lip to neck." Zane told Carson.

"They're your friends too.... Besides, what do you want me to do about it?" Carson asked Zane as I licked Hachi's neck slightly, ignoring them. I gave him another kiss there and then started to trail them down to his shirt. Hachi gasped and arched his back a bit.

"Well I'll see you guys tomorrow." Julio told us and started for the stairs. "I'm going to bed, my head hurts."

"Goodnight Julio! I hope you feel better in the morning!" Carson called after him then looked at Zane. "You get Hachi, I get Isaac?" He asked, looking us over. I growled their way and then moved to Hachi's lips, giving him another kiss.

"No.. I don't want the one that eats our kind." Zane whispered. Carson sighed.

"Well, what do you suggest? Throwing a steak into the guest room?"

"We'll just have to pray they take it to the guest room. Let's go to our room." Zane grabbed Carson's hand and dragged him up the stairs. Hachi looked around then.

"They left?" Hachi asked. I glanced towards the stairs then down at him and nodded.

"I think they did," I purred then kissed his chest right above his mark. I started to manipulate it then to fill him with warmth. He moaned and wrapped his arms around my neck. I smirked and then kissed his lips passionately before I pulled back. "Want a treat?" I asked him quickly. I purred and then kissed his neck again. He nodded quickly.

"Yeah!" He kissed my cheek then. I looked at him and smiled.

"Do you want it straight from me or in a cup?" I asked him softly.

"From you." He begged. I gave a nod then bit into my bottom lip hard, drawing blood. He leaned up and kissed me then before he started to suck on my bottom lip. He let out a moan then. I groaned and leaned into him, letting him have it as I wrapped my arms around him. He grabbed my shirt and lifted it up a bit, running his fingers across my skin. I blushed and then got between his legs, twitching my tail before I let it brush up against his leg. He stopped sucking on my lip then and let out a small gasp. I smirked and then kissed by his lips, getting my blood on him and then hovered above his lips, looking at his eyes as I ran my tail lightly against his leg. He blushed then and tensed up under me. I stole another kiss from him and purred as I ran my hands down to the hem of his shirt. He leaned up for a kiss then and went to suck on my bottom lip. I let him and moaned as I slipped his shirt up his body. He took his shirt off then and went for mine. I quickly pulled mine off, sitting up to do so as I looked down into his eyes then went back to his lips. He leaned up and kissed me deeply, letting out a growl. I laughed and teased him by licking his lip, keeping him back from my bottom lip just slightly. He groaned and looked me over then sighed. I kissed him then, running my hands down his sides as I purred against him. He went for my bottom lip then and started to suck on it. I moaned loudly and then pulled back from the kiss, looking him over.

"Promise not to eat me?" I asked as I gave him a sweet look and lightly flicked my tail. He shook his head. I pouted and then leaned down, kissing him again. I was suddenly hit with a pang of longing then, making me whimper as I brushed my hand past one of his stitches. I don't have those anymore.... I pulled back slightly and looked at one of his stitches, lightly touching it. He watched me and tilted his head.

"You okay?" He asked softly. I pulled my gaze away from his stitches and then smiled, giving a nod.

"Yeah... sorry," I mumbled and then leaned in, giving him a soft kiss. He kissed me back and then looked me over.

"Are you sure your okay? You whimpered while we had a good thing going." He told me and looked me over. I blushed and looked back at his stitches.

"W-well... I kind of miss having stitches," I whispered.

"You... what?" He asked softly, looking confused. I bit my bottom lip and shook my head.

"Don't worry about it," I told him then stole a kiss. He looked me over.

"But you don't want me to stitch you up because you won't be able to stand the pain of the stitching." He told me. I blushed again and watched him.

"It just... it feels weird not having them anymore, and I kind of miss it," I admitted. He nodded then.

"Well.... Can I stitch you up then?" He asked me. It would hurt a lot.... I winced but gave a nod, kissing him.

"Yes, I'll let you," I told him.

"Would you like me to personally do it?" He asked softly. I nodded quickly. He nodded. "Now?"

"When you want to," I purred, kissing his neck. He nodded and then flipped us, pulling out a needle and thread. I panicked slightly as I saw it, but I forced myself to stay down. I laid back and watched him, glancing from the needle to him. It'll be better when it's over. He leaned in towards my face then, deciding to start there. I squeezed my eyes shut and shivered as I prepared myself for the pain. He stopped then and sat up on me quickly. I opened my eyes and frowned, looking up at him in shock. "What's the matter?"

"Isaac..." He said softly. "I don't think I should." He told me.

"Why not?" I asked and sat up a little, propping myself up on my elbows to look at him better. He slipped the needle and thread into his pocket.

"Because..." He mumbled. "It would ruin your good looks that I'm attracted to." He whispered softly. "I'd feel bad for doing it to you afterwards as well." I pouted slightly but then laid back.

"Fine..." I looked away then.

"I love you." He whispered, looking me over longingly.

"I love you too," I mumbled and glanced at him out of the corner of my eyes. He was fine with me having stitches before....

"I'm sorry." He mumbled. "I've upset you." I sighed and pulled him down onto me, rubbing his back as I wrapped my arms around him and kissed the top of his head.

"I'll get over it," I told him.

"I think I'm developing a sense of right and wrong." He mumbled.

"There's nothing wrong with that." I smiled and closed my eyes. He leaned up and kissed me slowly, rubbing my sides. I purred and kissed him back before I picked him up and started to carry him towards the stairs to go to the guest room. He curled up in my arms.

"Isaac~" He whispered. "I think I've been growing up lately." I laughed and looked down at him.

"What's that supposed to mean cutie?" I asked him and smirked. "You're still small."

"Well I feel really really really bad now... about what I've done to poor Paris and Louis. I put those stitches in them and they're there to stay."

"Hey.... If you didn't do that, I doubt you would be at the Grimm manor now. You'd be with Oz," I told him and frowned. "Things happen for a reason. I don't really see what's wrong with stitching someone because that's your way of claiming someone as a pet or whatever. I mean... you don't do it to hurt people- usually." He leaned his head against my chest and whimpered. "Hachi, they don't blame you," I told him and kissed the top of his head. "They love you." He looked up at me and nodded, sniffling a bit.

"Okay." He whispered. I frowned.

"I'm sorry.... I shouldn't have asked you to stitch me if it was going to make you upset." I carried him into the room then set him down on the bed and crawled into it with him. "I didn't mean to.... I just missed it is all."

"It's okay Isaac... I know you want to be marked by me." He whispered softly. "I guess I could man up and do it again." I shook my head and smirked.

"Nope, I changed my mind. I think my looks are really great," I told him, messing with him. He looked me over and then frowned. I laughed and leaned over, kissing him. "I'm just kidding sweetie." He pulled out his needle and thread then.

"I'm going to get you." He told me and got on top of me then started with my face, getting the first thread in within seconds. I yelped and looked up at him in shock.

"Wait... what?" I blushed and kept in a groan of pain.

"Just giving you what you want." He grumbled and kept stitching me up. I whimpered.

"But you didn't want to! Stop! It makes you feel bad!" He kept doing it, giving me a blank look as his eyes turned green. "H-Hachi! I don't want you upset! I'm sorry!" I yelped in pain and gripped the bed sheets. After fourteen minutes he finished and laid down by me, curling up. I whimpered and rubbed my sore arms then looked over at him. Why'd he do that if he was so upset about it earlier? Plus he's not talking to me.... Oh no... I've made him upset with me by messing with him.... What if he shuns me?! A-at least he's in the same bed as me.... He rolled over then and curled up to a pillow. "Hachi?" I asked softly, reaching towards him. He curled up even more. I stopped and then curled up to myself, bringing my tail around my body. "I'm sorry," I mumbled. "You must be upset with me." I felt him relax a bit as his breathing slowed down. He's probably gone to sleep. I laid my head back against the pillow and sighed. I shouldn't have said a word to him about missing the stitches. I should've kept it to myself.... He didn't need to know that. I glanced over at him and then slowly got up, going over to the door then down to the kitchen. I frowned as I realized what I was doing- going for a bottle of blood that didn't exist in this kitchen. Groaning, I walked over to the front door and opened it, going out. I'll have to go home to see if there is any good blood there.

I walked into my kitchen then went over to the refrigerator before I grabbed a left over bottle in there. I looked it over then cracked it open, giving it a sniff. It still smelled good, thanks to my refrigerator being magical enough to keep it good. I drank it then and walked out towards the front door. I walked out and locked the door with my magical signature then walked down the street, going back towards their house. Across the street was a girl humming to herself as she checked a mail box. She started to sing one of the latest pop cultural songs. I glanced her way and then stopped, taking a sip from my bottle. Well... a girl moved in over there.... Great. Hopefully Hachi won't eat her if he comes back to loving me and holding me again. She then stopped singing as she looked my way.

"So that's Isaac." I heard her mumbling. Wait... How does she know my name?! I frowned and looked her over.

"Hey, how do you know my name?" I asked her, walking across the street towards her. "I never told you my name." She pointed towards my mail box that had piles of envelops stuffed in it with a few bags set aside then towards the building next to mine.

"You remember your neighbor? She talks about you all the time." She told me. "She never gives me her name though." She started for her door then.

"What does she say about me?" I asked quickly, watching her.

"She said you got adducted by a gay cult one time. That's why your mail has been sitting there in piles." She told me.

"Did not!" I gasped. I've been abducted by a gay cult?! In the minds of my neighbors. "I'm not apart of a cult! I'm in a relationship is all! Besides, if you thought I was abducted, then why are you acting so cool about seeing me?!"

"I never said I thought she was telling the truth. She's one of those 27 or more cats in the house ladies. I don't listen to a word she has to stay... well I do because it's funny sometimes but I don't believe it." She told me and then stopped walking, looking towards me. I laughed a little.

"Well... Maybe you can set the record straight for me and let her know I was not abducted by a gay cult." I smiled and then walked back to my mailbox as I remembered that I had mail. Jeez... what is all this stuff anyways? I picked it up and looked some of it over before I used my magic to move it all inside my bedroom in my house. "Nice seeing you," I called to her and then started back for my friends' house. Hopefully Hachi hasn't noticed. He'd kill me.

I walked in and shut the door as I took another sip of my bottle and glanced around. I saw that the coast was clear, so I snuck upstairs and then went into the guest room. I smiled and crawled into the bed beside my mate then gave him a kiss on his cheek before I brought him close and wrapped my arms around him, finishing my bottle. I tossed it off the bed and snuggled up to him, purring. He rolled over and curled up to my chest then and took in a deep breath, smelling me. I smiled and gave him a soft kiss as I rubbed his back then put a leg over him. "Hey sweetie," I purred to him and then gave him another small kiss. He slipped a leg between mine then and sighed.

"Hey." He mumbled softly.

"I want to go on a date later," I told him, coming up with a plan to make him happy with me. "Just us." He nodded.

"Okay." He gripped my belt loops then and brought me closer. I laughed and kissed his neck happily, glad he was still accepting me.

"I love you," I purred.

"Isaac~" He purred, smelling me. I brought myself closer and stole a kiss from him before I rolled over on him. He smiled softly and I noticed he was still asleep. I pouted slightly and sighed. I can't.... He's asleep. He'd be furious. I got off him then and held him close, giving him a soft kiss. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too. I hope you remember that," I told him and rubbed his back. "I'll have to remind you when you wake up." He giggled softly.

"Mkai." He whispered.

"Are you mad?" I asked him, wondering if he'd be able to tell me.

"Mad has two definitions that mean two completely opposite things..." He grumbled. "Mad is what makes me me." He mumbled.

"I meant angry with me," I whispered. I already knew he was mad in the sense he's talking about.

"Uh-uh." He shook his head. "My love." He smelled me.

"So you're mad at me?" I whimpered and then leaned in, smelling his neck.

"No." He mumbled. I smiled then and kissed his neck.

"Okay, I'll make sure to ask you when you're conscience as well." He let out a small moan. I kissed him again and smirked as I scraped my fangs against his neck, sharpening them. He stiffened a bit. I laughed and gave him a kiss on his neck before I moved to his collarbone and started to give him a love bite. He let out a moan and got closer to me then, exposing his neck. I smirked and leaned in, giving him another love bite on his neck, tugging on his skin lightly to tease him. I could feel him getting aroused as he pressed himself against me. I moaned slightly and then gave him another one. He groaned and pulled back then, looking me over sleepily then pressed a finger against my lips. I stopped and frowned before I gave his finger a kiss. I think I woke him up... though I was planning on stopping before it went further while he's asleep. He gave me a small smile before curling back up to me in a sleepish trance. I kissed his cheek and purred as I wrapped my tail around his leg. He tensed up at the touch of my tail and let out a yelp before he sat up looking panicked. I widened my eyes. Uh oh. I quickly took my tail back before he could get upset at me. He looked towards his leg then at me and relaxed a bit.

"You scared me!" He hit my chest then. I yelped and looked him over.

"I was being friendly," I mumbled and then moved my tail back to his leg, wrapping it around his lower thigh. He shivered slightly at the touch then sunk back down in bed and curled up.

"It still scared me." He mumbled. "That was very unexpected." I pulled him close and wrapped my arms around him, giving him a soft kiss. He kissed me back then closed his eyes, trying to fall back to sleep.

"By the way, you agreed to go on a date with me and then you also said you weren't mad at me and you also got two hickies," I said quickly, leaning in and kissing his neck. He nodded softly and rested his head against my chest.

"Okay Isaac, I'll go on a date with you."

"I love you," I purred and then gave him a third love bite on his neck before I rested my head against the pillow.

"I love you too... can we go to sleep?" He asked softly.

"Uh huh," I hummed and held him close. "We can sleep." I kissed the top of his head and smiled. "Get some good rest, okay? We have a big day ahead of us with gambling, a picnic, and a date." I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep on him.