The Moon Goddess and Fate

Richard's POV:

My phone rang on the night table making Paris groan and pull Midori closer to us. For some odd reason I had a killer headache... looks like we got a little drunk yesterday. "Answer the phone." Paris grumbled. "Or crush it.... either way.... it's disturbing my beauty sleep." He said as he yanked Midori into his arms and buried his face against him as he leaned back against me. It took me a second to register the ringing... it was my newborn William calling me. It's been awhile. I wouldn't want to miss this phone call. He rarely checks in on me now-a-days. "Richard baby..." Paris mumbled. "Answer the damn phone. That's your phone." I groaned and sat up, reaching for it.

"Fine...." I snatched it up and answered it. "Hey William, what's up?" I asked him, rubbing my temple as I kept in a groan from the headache.

"Hey~ Can you hand over the phone to Paris real quick?" He asked softly. I frowned. He calls my phone... early in the morning... and wants to speak to Paris and not me.


"To tell him happy late birthday. Then I want to talk to you." William groaned out.

"Okay, I'm putting the phone by his ear. He's tired and a little upset," I told him then laid down and put the phone up to Paris's ear. "Baby, he wants to say hi." Paris smiled softly.

"Paris?" William asked.

"William! How is Europe treating you?" Paris asked.

"Just fine... How'd you know I was in Europe... Laurence?"


"Happy late birthday."

"You were supposed to come."

"Sorry, I was caught up in something."

"Your forgiven... BUT YOU WOKE ME UP!" He growled. "I'll wake you up... just you wait." He said devilishly.

"I'll be waiting." William grumbled. I took the phone back and looked at Paris and Midori before I sighed.

"So what's up?" I asked him. "Besides the threats from Paris and being in Europe and whatnot? Are you finally going to join me at the manor?"

"Nu-uh..... Well... I guess I will come see you. Is that what you want?" He asked me. "I'll have to warn you about what I've been trying to tell you."

"Uh-oh." Paris whispered. I glanced at Paris and frowned. What's he trying to warn me about?

"William, what is it you have to tell me? I'm woken up enough to understand whatever you're going to tell me, and you've got my full attention," I told him quickly, sitting up slightly.

"Well I sort of.... kind of.... Like this girl." William told me slowly.

"Is it a wolf?" Paris asked. "PLEASE NOT A WOLF!" I lightly smacked his chest to make him quiet down.

"You like a girl? That's nice. Is she your mate?" I asked excitedly. My baby newborn finally got a girl! "You've got to bring her back to the manor. I want to meet her."

"You have met her, it's Brook." He told me.

"I've got to go pee." Paris left me then.


"Uh...." William sounded hesitant.

"Oh, not you William. Paris is being a baby I think.... Tell you what... I will meet you over in Europe and spend some time with you since how Paris seems to not be pleased. He doesn't have to have a thing to do with it if he doesn't want too," I purred and sat up in the bed.

"W-well.... Um...." William mumbled. "I'm in Italy." He told me softly.

"Meet me in Venice then," I purred and got up. "PARIS! I'm going to be gone for three days!" I called out to him.

"NO YOUR NOT!" Paris stormed out into the bedroom with his shirt off. "You are not leaving me for three days. We're mates." He hissed. "You can go visit under 24 hours."

"How the heck am I supposed to fly over there and get back in 24 hours?" I asked and frowned. "That's why I said three days. One to fly over, one to stay, and another to come back."

"I'm not letting you go alone. Take Raven." He suggested. I thought it over. She'd get me over there in seconds.... I looked at the phone then at him and smiled.

"You know... they could just come here," I suggested, walking over to him with a small sway in my hips. "We could spend lots of time with my newborn... and his possible mate."

"Brook is Dante's old newborn." Paris said softly. I sighed. Guess he's got a point.

"Well... I want William to feel welcome here though.... I guess for now I could visit and come back then we could work something out with Brook," I told him and stopped in front of him. I hung up on William and tossed the phone aside as I kissed Paris's chest.

"Okay... William and Brooklyn can come over." Paris sighed out. "But if Brook tries anything... Don't get mad at me if I kill her and upset your newborn." I gave a soft nod and purred as I rubbed my head against him.

"Okay... I won't get mad." I gave him a soft kiss on the lips then and curled my fingers around his belt loops, tugging him to me. He smirked against my lips then pulled back, shushing me.

"Midori is still in our room, Richard." He told me and looked towards Midori. "We need to behave." He tapped my nose then walked over to the bed and got back in it. I pouted then walked over to the bed, looking Midori over. I knelt down and then reached under the bed, pulling out one of my puzzle boxes and opened it, pulling out a gold necklace I had gotten from my mother when I was younger and then stood up, dangling it in front of Midori's sleeping form. He mumbled something in his sleep and started to reach for it blindly. Paris watched me and frowned. Just when Midori was about to grab it, I moved it over to the edge of the bed and watched as he started to go for it in his sleep. I tossed it towards the door quickly and watched as Midori sleep walked over to it.

"That's horrible." Paris whispered to me and then pulled me into bed with him. "Leave that poor dragon alone." Midori collapsed into the floor when he reached it and went back to a peaceful sleep.

"But I want a good morning kiss," I mumbled to Paris and looked him over. "We babysat him all yesterday..."

"We're in charge of it today too." Paris told me and tapped me on the nose. "So you'll have to deal with it." I groaned and got out of bed, going over to the dragon and picked him up with the necklace then took him over to the bed and laid him down in it.

"Remind me to yell at Donnie for abandoning his mate," I muttered and placed the necklace on Midori's chest. I sat down on the edge of the bed then grabbed my phone and texted William that he was coming to the Grimm manor with Brook.

"That reminds me.... It doesn't add up that Donnie and Midori are mates." Paris told me. "Werewolf souls are supposed to recycle and go to another wolf to help them which means that Donnie's mate Chance is supposed to go into another werewolf and well... his soul should call for Donnie." Paris told me. "I don't understand.... How Midori is his mate... he's not a werewolf." He rubbed his head then. William texted me back an agreeable reply that he'd come. I sat my phone down and frowned as I looked at Paris.

"Well Paris, he did kill Chance. Maybe that's why," I suggested. Paris shook his head.

"His soul still would have recycled.... I think I need to go talk to some of the elders of my pack." He got up then. I shook my head.

"There is mate rejection as well. If he rejected Chance at the very end, Chance can't be his mate in the second life he gets," I told him. "That's how that works, right?" He shrugged.

"I'm not too sure about that." Paris admitted. "My mate is still right in front of me."

"I never said that you weren't my mate, did I?" I frowned. "I just always left." I looked at Midori and sighed. "But Donnie is happy with Midori even if something is wrong. If he mistook Chance, then oh well... It's over with. If he's mistaking Midori, I doubt that Midori will be upset for long if he can have all the gold he wants."

"We need to talk to Donnie about this, sit him down.... We should tell him slowly how it's not adding up and see what he has to say about it.... I still want to talk to a werewolf... maybe Cage will have some answers. Chance was like family to us." Paris told me. "He died but he still has a grave outside our manor and I want to get to the bottom of this." I gave a nod and looked Midori over.

"Okay... but what if Donnie is wrong about Midori then? What do we do with him?" I asked softly. Poor guy, if he's being tricked by Donnie because Donnie is wrong. It's Raven all over again.

"I think we'll still be keeping Midori." Paris told me. "Rose and Victor aren't mates but they love eachother." Paris sighed out. I gave a small nod.

"Well, we can't let Midori go anyways. Hachi and Isaac would throw a fit," I muttered. "But... I guess if they aren't mates... we'll keep Donnie away from him to reduce the problems when Chance's soul comes back."

"Right..." Paris mumbled. "That's so sad for our little boy though... He's having mate problems and doesn't see it."

"When he comes back, we'll talk to him. You'll watch Donnie for a bit until he stops going after Midori after we tell him... and I'll make sure Midori is happy in the treasure room or something."

"Okay." Paris sighed then. "Do we really think that it's the best choice for them?" He asked me.

"To keep them apart?" I looked at him then and frowned. "I don't know.... I don't want another Raven issue with our boy." Paris nodded.

"Donnie is our oldest child." Paris told me. "I don't want to loose him to something as delicate as this." I smiled.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. He has us... and if they really are mates, Donnie will fight to stay by Midori."

"That's adorably true." Paris kissed my cheek. "We are telling him though, he has the right to know and wonder what the hell is going on with fate." I gave a nod.

"You know... we could always call him and talk to him now if you'd like," I purred.

"We need to go talk to some werewolves first and get answers from them." He got out of bed then. "Let's go. I won't be able to rest now." He started for the door. "We'll be back before Midori wakes up." Midori whined then.

"The bed is cold," he mumbled. Paris sighed and walked back over to him and scooped him up then carried him to the door.

"I wonder what will happen to August now that I think about it." Paris told me.

"Let's not talk about that just yet.... He's still alive, and we don't want to make Louis upset if he hears us." I followed him and took Midori from him, holding him close. "Want me to place Midori in the treasure room?"

"Yeah, he'd never leave there unless he got hungry." Paris told me.

"I'll see you in the living room then," I purred and kissed his cheek then went downstairs to the door that led to the basement then took him down to the treasure room. I placed Midori on a pile of gold and smiled. "Alright cutie, play around in the gold for me, okay? I'll be back to check on you in a little bit, but for now, stay here." I kissed the top of his head then watched as he laid back in the gold and started to play with it. I walked out and up to the living room then looked for Paris. Paris was waiting for me in the living room and smirked. He grabbed my hand then ran outside to look around. Cage was with his pack by a bonfire discussing boarder patrols for the morning. I smiled and walked him over there then tapped Cage's shoulder. "Can we talk to you for a bit?" I asked and then grabbed his hand, not giving him a chance to reply.

"Sure." Cage smiled towards us. "Is this about Alpha Rossi? I assure you I have it under control." He told us. I shook my head.

"No, we're not worried about that at the moment. Why? Should we be worried?" I raised an eyebrow and started to pull him towards the house. "No, it's more delicate than some Alpha that you're having problems with."

"You shouldn't worry. What's more delicate?" He asked, pulling away from me to walk by himself. Paris looked towards him then towards me.

"Just some werewolf legends- whatnot. It's important." I opened the front door then led him to the living room and sat him down, sitting by him. "What happens to dead werewolves when they die? Do they actually end up getting another life and end up with the same werewolf as before or what?" He looked towards me with wide eyes.

"Is August dying already?!" He panicked. I shook my head no.

"He's fine. We're wondering about Donnie's old mate- Chance. He was a werewolf and died. Donnie thinks he has a new mate who is currently downstairs playing in a pile of gold."

"Yes.... the other wolves have been joking about the pet dragon." He mumbled. "So that's Donnie's new mate?" He asked us. He then leaned back against the couch. "I guess it's time I've told you guys...." He mumbled.

"Tell us what?" I frowned and watched him.

"Hunter didn't want me to say anything because he feared it would upset Louis and August... then Donnie and Chance came into the picture as well... Since you are asking... I'll tell you two." He grabbed our hands then. "Chance and August can't be accepted into the afterlife with the moon goddess so their souls get recycled." He told me. I widened my eyes.

"Wait... You mean... their souls go to Hell or Heaven or wherever like a normal human?" I asked and looked towards Paris then at Cage. They've been lying to us....

"It's because their mate was a vampire." He told us. "Not another werewolf." He let our hands go then. "One of the requirements to run with the moon goddess in the afterlife is that you have to have a werewolf mate." He explained. "I probably won't be accepted either. I haven't found my actual mate." He looked sad then. I frowned.

"So... they're doomed because of their mate?" That's not fair... They make a big deal about going to the moon goddess when they die.

"Yes. When you run with the moon goddess you have to be prepared to go on missions to help other wolves in their life. That wouldn't be fair if you ended up in a wolf with a mate that had another wolf in it that you didn't know or cared for." He tried to explain. I sighed and looked Cage over. He has a point.... Poor August and Louis.... They're expecting to see each other again.

"Paris... I don't think we should tell Louis and August," I whispered. "They'll definitely be upset... but I think we should tell Donnie because it seems that he really did find a completely new mate." Cage gave us an agreeing nod.

"August probably knows this." He told us then. "He had the privilege of talking to the moon goddess and she tells alphas all the rules." He explained. "August probably won't want to admit to knowing though because he's trying to protect his mate from worrying. It's explainable. Donnie's mate Chance didn't though. He didn't have the privilege of knowing everything the moon goddess tells." Cage got to his feet then. "I advice you keep this between you and Donnie. Don't worry Louis over something like this. He'll take August's death harder and his new mate might be rejected..." He mumbled then started for the door. Paris started to whimper then by me. I looked over at him and pulled him to me, kissing his cheek.

"You're worried about Louis?" I asked him.

"Mhmmm." He nodded. "It feels wrong about keeping this information from him." He sniffled then. "He needs to be making the most of his time with August now." I nodded and rubbed his back.

"We'll make sure that they have all the time we can give them then.... Louis will need it. We can't tell him though or he'll start grieving early. Let's not tell him until he gets a new mate after August," I whispered. "He'll want to dive right into Hell for him."

"Your right." Paris agreed. "We won't tell him but we will provide them more time together." He gave a nod. "CAGE! WAIT!" Cage stopped and turned around to us.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I over heard August worrying for his inner wolf the other day." Paris began. "His inner wolf hasn't talked to him and he hasn't felt him in a while." Cage gave a nod and walked back over then sat down by us.

"Because August went blind he's as good as dead to the moon goddess and his inner wolf left him." Cage told us. "He doesn't know though.... he hasn't realized it." I frowned.

"The moon goddess doesn't want to have much to do with him because of something like that? That's terrible. I thought she was like a mom to you guys or something."

"No she'll still visit him in his dreams... He just can't shift anymore or have an inner wolf to guide him." Cage told us. "It's like having your privileges taken away.... Like phone privileges. Except this lasts all his life." He explained slowly.

"So... The moon goddess grounded him for losing his sight?"

"Some wolves get their soul instantly taken from them. He's lucky he's an alpha and gets to slide." Cage told us. "He could be dead for good." I sighed and gave a nod.

"Alright.... August is going to have trouble later," I mumbled and kissed Paris's cheek. "Poor guy... but at least he's not dead though." I looked at Cage and gave a smile. "Thanks Cage."

"If he's still alive though...." Cage gave a smile. "That means he's still got a reason to live... She might be planning a gift for him. See when she takes us from this plane of existence after loosing our sight or something it's because she is showing mercy.... Looks like she still has something to give to him in this life." He shrugged. "Maybe some super cool powers. We'll have to wait and see... she could just be torturing him for not having a correct mate." I frowned.

"That's too mean. Fate picks that, not us." I looked him over then stopped. "What about Quinton?" He nodded, having already thought it over.

"I think Quinton is absolutely fine. Dannie is part wolf... maybe he has an inner wolf deep down in him dying to be unleashed." Cage told us. I nodded.

"Well... I guess Quinton has hope of coming back then... but Louis got an inner wolf," I muttered, looking at Paris. "Right? He got Hachi to help him get the inner wolf that was mated to August's inner wolf."

"Yes but Louis is a pureblood vampire and can't run with wolves in the afterlife because of that. Dannie is part wolf. His half wolf side might be accepted into the lands of the moon goddess's afterlife." Cage suggested. "Maybe I should ask the moon goddess about Dannie and Quinton for you though... they never crossed my mind." I nodded and then laid my head against Paris.

"Alright... Paris, want to call Donnie?" I held out my phone to him. Paris took the phone then.

"Just let me know if you have anymore questions. I need to get back to my duties." Cage told us then took off out the room. Paris dialed a number and put Donnie on speaker phone.

"Hey what's up mom? How's Midori?" Donnie asked us.

"He's playing in the treasure room," I purred at the phone as I moved into Paris's lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Listen Donnie, we need to talk to you, both of us."

"Okay, what's this about?" Donnie asked.

"Well sweetie I've been thinking for a while now... that it's peculiar you ended up mated to Midori, a dragon." Paris began.

"Yeah, Midori is going to be fun to raise though." Donnie purred. I laughed slightly.

"Uh huh," I hummed and kissed Paris's cheek then looked at the phone. "We just got done talking to Cage... and we asked him about Chance," I started.

"Chance?" Donnie mumbled. "What about Chance?" He asked us.

"Sweetie... Chance was a werewolf." Paris began.

"Werewolf souls are supposed to recycle, so we started to wonder if maybe you were wrong about Midori, but we talked to Cage," I told him. "Chance can't come back like we thought. His soul didn't go to the moon goddess."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked us slowly.

"Baby... think for a minute... Chance was supposed to come back in another wolf to help him." Paris told him. "But he didn't because he didn't end up running with the moon goddess... Honey... He's gone and that's why you have been now officially mated to Midori, a dragon." Paris tried to explain softly. I could hear Donnie huffing and sitting down on something.

"Hey sweetie... It's alright though. You have Midori," I mumbled. "He's adorable, and even if you weren't mated to him and you were wrong, we were planning on keeping him anyways." Donnie dropped the phone then and I heard someone else pick it up.

"Hey." Nikolai purred. "What's the matter with Donnie, he's three sheets in the wind." Nikolai told us.

"We were telling him something important about his love life," I explained. "Is he alright?" I started to get worried then looked at Paris. "Where are you guys? We'll come over and check on him real quick."

"We're in Nome, at his old home up here. We were doing some stuff up here for my first job as king. Sure, come on over the door is open." He told us. "I think he needs you two."

"I'll get Midori," I said quickly and got up. "I think he'll like to see Midori too."

"Hurry... I'm not sure if he wants blood or a hug." Nikolai told us. "I don't do either." I felt Paris disappear then by me. I dropped my jaw. HE LEFT ME! I narrowed my eyes. Donnie is my child too! Jerk. I crossed my arms and then sat down on the couch, curling up. He's so not getting sex for a week. Paris appeared then with Midori in his hands and he grabbed me, teleporting us into Donnie's home in Alaska.

"BABY I'M HERE FOR YOU!" Paris yelled, rushing us to the livingroom. I ran in and over to Donnie quickly, pulling him into a hug.

"Donnie, I'm so sorry sweetie," I purred and rubbed his head as I showered him in kisses to comfort him. "We thought you should know." Donnie was stuck on the couch looking off distantly as a black cloud seemed to be around him, sucking in all the darkness to the room. Paris put Midori down by Donnie then and started to take Donnie's temperature. I rubbed his back then. "Shhhh, it'll be alright," I mumbled to him. "Mommy and daddy are here...."

"What's going on?" Midori asked, looking us over in confusion then got up and started to explore the room. "Where am I?"

"Hi Midori." Nikolai purred. "This was Donnie and Chance's old home." Nikolai told him, pointing out a picture with the two of them in it. "That's Chance." He told him. Midori walked towards it and looked it over, tilting his head.

"Who's Chance?" He asked innocently.

"His old mate." Nikolai told him. Donnie got up slowly then and walked out of the livingroom. Midori watched him and frowned.

"You mean... I'm not the only one?" He asked and then whimpered.

"I thought he told you silly." Nikolai rubbed Midori's head. "He told me he did." He then looked towards where Donnie disappeared to. "He's suffering." He mumbled. I looked towards Midori and sighed before I stood up. Midori started to cry and went to get a hug from Nikolai. Nikolai dodged it quickly and held him back arms length. "Can you go check on Donnie for me?" Nikolai asked him. "Your his mate and you should be able to make him feel better." Midori whimpered and went over to the corner of the room, curling up in it as he brought his knees to his chest.

"But I'm not the only one," he mumbled and buried his face into his knees, crying. I frowned.

"I'll go check on him," I offered and then went after where Donnie went. Donnie stood outside in the snow barefoot and was looking out at a tree when I found him. I walked over slowly, looking at the tree then at him. "Donnie... sweetie... come here," I mumbled and wrapped him up into a hug. I scooped him up and carried him over to the porch and sat him on it then sat by him. "Baby... you can talk to me about anything. You know that. Your mommy and I are here for you, and so is Midori even though he's having a pity party in the corner." He looked towards me then with a blank expression.

"I'm a horrible mate." He mumbled.

"No you're not," I whispered. "You're a great mate. You made Chance happy, and he lived a long life for a mortal. You were both really happy... but it was his time to move on. We don't get that... but they do. We suffer brutal deaths in order to achieve the peaceful sleep they do. He's in a better place probably. He didn't do anything too wrong in his life, and if he believes in Heaven like some humans do, he's probably there. He may not be coming back, but you both had more than anyone else ever did. You met your mate in his life which was special...." He curled up to me then and sniffled.

"Why couldn't he run with the moon goddess?" He asked me softly.

"To save a lot of suffering for someone else," I whispered. "He would've been put into another werewolf and become an inner wolf, but it would've been wrong. He wouldn't be with his true mate, and it'd be terrible to do that to another person. He gets to relax and not have to teach someone how to hunt and how to be a wolf. He doesn't have to guide someone around and only come out on full moons. Baby, he's probably better off this way because he wouldn't be able to be with you again." Donnie looked towards me, sniffling.

"Is it the same for August?" He asked softly. I hesitated as I looked at him then nodded.

"Yes, but we're not telling them that. We don't want Louis to start grieving early because he was told the same thing as you by the other werewolves that he'd get August back. Cage thinks August knows that he won't be able to run with the moon goddess though." Donnie climbed into my lap and curled up in it, sniffling.

"That's so unfair though... He should at least be able to run with the moon goddess... just not set in another wolf. They spend their whole life looking forward to death to be with her." He mumbled.

"Is it better that they believe that? Think about it.... If Chance had known... he would be scared of death and would have been crying his whole life that he wouldn't be able to be like his friends and run with the moon goddess. He lived a happy life like them instead of being burdened with the knowledge. August knows though. You're right... It's not fair to them, but I can't make their rules."

"What about Dannie and Quinton?" He asked me, sitting up to look at me better.

"We don't know.... Cage is going to ask the moon goddess. He says he thinks that Dannie's wolf part will get to go to the moon goddess and therefore Quinton will go as well."

"What about the rest of Dannie? He's part Cross, vampire, and wolf." He mumbled. I sighed.

"Well... we will just have to wait on Cage to say something... but if he can't go because of it, we can ask Hachi to maybe try to do something about it.... Dannie might just get split in two. I don't know." Donnie looked me in the eyes then.

"Dannie is lucky enough to have a mate." He told me. "He was made in a lab. He should get to go to the moon goddess too damn it." He growled. I nodded and kissed his forehead.

"I'm sure it will be alright in the end.... Besides, if Dannie can't go, Quinton can't go. They'll be in the afterlife together either way.... Does this mean you're going to stop pestering Quinton and Dannie? I heard from Louis that you've been giving death threats to my nephew. Oh, they moved out," I told him and smirked.

"THEY DONE WHAT!?" Donnie's eyes widened. "Dad! That's my twin there!" He shook my shoulders. "How could you allow this!? He's going to do thinks to my innocent little Dannie. Do you have any idea what they'll do alone together?!" He got out of my lap then. I grabbed his wrist and looked him over then smiled.

"Donnie, they're mates. They're going to do those things. Plus, I think Quinton has more to worry about. Dannie may look innocent... but he probably isn't as much as we think he is. Quinton will end up falling for the ears and the innocent act. They deserve a chance to be mates. They don't live forever, remember? Besides, you've got your own innocent little mate in there that I know you'll end up having fun with when you're ready."

"Yeah but dad... Dannie is my little twin." He mumbled. "I'm supposed to protect him." I smiled.

"Then protect him from heartbreak," I told him. "He's going to get mad at you if you ruin this for him. He wouldn't move out with Quinton if that's not what he wanted. He knew what he was doing. He understands what it means.... What you should be doing is trying to make sure that he and Quinton stay happy and that they don't get into a really big fight. Protect their lives, and be a nice big twin," I purred. "Be his friend as well. I know you raised him because Paris and I couldn't, but we're here now. Let us worry about those things and be happy with Dannie. He deserves his happiness as much as those werewolves deserve running with the moon goddess."

"O-okay." He whispered. "I'll try to stop acting like his dad..." He mumbled. "More like his twin." He grumbled. "I'll try to ignore what they do in the bedroom." He sighed and then looked towards the door. "I should go check on Midori though... shouldn't I?" I smiled softly at him.

"Well, Midori is upset that he wasn't the only one in your life. I think he's probably still crying in there. It's up to you whether or not to leave him. We could probably cheer him up with gold if you don't want to talk to him." Donnie shook his head.

"I'll talk to him." Donnie told me then walked into the house, leaving me outside. I glanced around then quickly followed him, going back to the living room where Midori was. I walked over to Paris and kissed his cheek.

"I think Donnie is cheering up," I mumbled to him and wrapped my arms around his waist before I looked Midori's way. Donnie was sitting down by Midori and whispering something into his ear that made Midori giggle. Paris kissed me then.

"Good work baby." Paris whispered to me. I smiled and rested my head against his chest.

"I know I'm good," I teased and watched as Midori hugged Donnie around the neck. Donnie picked Midori up and carried him over to the couch then sat down with him, rubbing his back. Paris looked them over.

"So we can leave Midori here right?" Paris asked. I smirked and looked at Donnie and Midori. Oh, let's just go and ditch them. I looked at Paris and gave him a squeeze, kissing his neck as I slipped a hand down to his belt loops and tugged on them. We got our own business anyways. Paris smirked then teleported us to our room back home. "I feel so much better." He told me.

"So much better?" I smirked and then pushed him down onto the bed. "You, me, these sheets, and some wine," I purred.

"Better get the wine." He told me as slipped his shirt off, making our morning even more.... interesting.

August's POV:

Wind whisked through my fur as I chased after a rabbit, almost catching it as I reached a meadow. I had been hunting early in the morning, barely sunrise. I could smell something coming from the other side of the field... a growl rumbled through the meadow and suddenly I was stomped down on by a much bigger wolf. Trampled over like a toy. The thought chilled me to my bone and made me whimper. The growls stopped though and the wolf let me up. "August." A soft, loving voice called to me. It was the wolf. I recognized her then... The moon goddess. "Your sight is back now thanks to your friend Hachi. Don't let light deceive you of your powers within." She warned me then playfully bit my ear and tugged me to my feet. "Run with me." She howled then and took off running. I was quick to follow her but she faded instantly, leaving me in a darkening meadow.

I woke up still smelling the moon goddess's scent around me. It was indescribable.... but I imagined a moon from the smell. My heart still pounded in my chest from the run I had with her... She didn't let me get that far though like before. Usually she let me run with her for a little bit. She must've had other wolves to visit. I glanced at Louis and gave him a small kiss on the lips, seeing he was still asleep. I snuck out of bed before Louis woke up and headed down to the kitchen, glad I finally got my vision back... It wasn't good but it was better then darkness. The glasses annoyed my nose though and it brought me back to when I wore glasses in my younger years. I never really liked glasses. My vision was tough as a human... I grabbed an apple and glass of water then headed towards the living room to watch TV. I wasn't sure about what the moon goddess warned me about... It was so unclear... Like my vision. Its been awhile since she last visited me though. I was grateful to know she was still watching over me. Even if my inner wolf was missing.

After a few minutes of watching a movie, I heard the front door open and Brooklyn stepped into the living room, giving me a smile as William followed her. He laughed softly and pulled her into his arms then froze up when he caught sight of me. "AUGUST!" He gave me a warming smile. I looked the two over in pure shock. Richard walked into the room then, buttoning up his shirt and running his fingers through his messed up hair. He looked towards William and smirked.

"There's my newborn," he purred then looked towards Brooklyn. "Hello Brooklyn," he greeted with a little less enthusiasm, but he still gave her a smile. "It's nice to see you both."

"RICHARD!" William gave him a huge smile and then let go of Brook. "Italy is so pretty this time of the year." He told him, pulling out a flower and gave it to him. "Here, I picked it before I came here." Richard smiled at it and then looked at William, giving him a hug.

"You're the best newborn I've ever had. I'm so glad I made you.... William! You should let me give you a vacation to Japan or Hawaii," he purred. "After you stay for a bit, of course. Oh! We have a dragon now! He's currently elsewhere, but he'll be back if you'd like to meet him! Our wizards seem to be going crazy over him."

"A dragon? That exists?" William asked and then laughed. "Wow... everything does I suppose." He mumbled. I got to my feet and walked over to Richard, fixing his hair for him then gave him a cute smile. He looked at me and frowned.

"Was something wrong with my hair?" He asked softly.

"Mhmmm." I told him. "It was a bit staticy." I told him. I noticed Brooklyn left the room then. Richard didn't seem to notice as he played with his hair, trying to smooth it.

"Well, it happens sometimes when you're-" He cut himself off and laughed nervously. "Whelp! Who's hungry?" He turned to William and Brook then noticed she wasn't there. "Where'd she go? Will.... She needs to be in my sight! Paris is going to flip!" Will looked around then, noticing her sudden disappearance.

"Hmmm... She left." William mumbled, thinking hardly of it. "Richard, want to go hunting?" He asked. Richard frowned slightly.

"Well... Hunting does sound nice," he laughed and then looked towards me. "Hold down the fort- Oh, if Paris gets up and comes looking... I'm not hunting." He walked over to William then, grabbing his hand with an excited look. William gave a small smile and fixed his glasses.

"Don't get to carried away about hunting with me, okay?" William asked. I smirked and walked upstairs, going to my bedroom to check in on Louis.

"Louis?" I asked as I stepped into our room. He groaned and rolled over in the bed.

"What is it? I'm not king. Go talk to Nikolai. I'm on permanent vacation...."

"Where's your mate?" I asked him.

"In bed... right ne-" He stopped as he patted the spot I had been sleeping.

"Looks like he left you." I played on. He slowly sat up and looked my spot over.

"He's going to get it," he muttered sleepily, still not noticing who I was. "Auggie isn't supposed to leave bed."

"Oh he isn't?" I asked. "Not even for food?"

"Nope," he said and then went to get out of bed but fell in the floor. "PARIS! I CAN'T GET UP!" He cried out.

"Well... I'm going to go find your mate." I told him and started to leave. He growled and looked my way.

"Get. Over. Here." I turned to him.

"Why?" I asked. "We should start a search for your lost mate." He was in front of me suddenly and leaned in, biting into my neck hard. I moaned and fell against him, gripping his shirt for support. He purred and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Want to go have some fun in Tokyo? For a day that is," he purred to me. I nodded. I always wanted to travel.

"Yeah!" I leaned in to kiss him. He met me halfway and kissed me passionately then we were standing in the middle of a street as cars whizzed by, missing us by a few inches. I gasped and looked around us then up at him. "Don't get us hit by a car. I don't want to die young." I warned him. He purred and then picked me up. He looked around then started walking calmly to the sidewalk. He sat me down under a tree then kissed me.

"Welcome to Tokyo baby," he purred and then grabbed my hand, starting to pull me along. "I think I want sushi for breakfast."

"That sounds delicious!" I felt my mouth already watering. He laughed and started to show me some of his memories of other places in the world, showing me beautiful sceneries and waterfalls and oceans and lakes. He hummed softly and swung my hand slightly as he kept showing me the time when we first met. I laughed softly.

"I was really drunk that night." I mumbled to him. He showed me the first time that we did it and then our kids growing up. I blushed and pulled my hand away from him. He pouted and then went for my hand again. I laughed and yanked my hand back from him.

"August!" He hissed. "I wasn't done!" He snatched my hand then and held it tightly, giving me a frown before he started to show me some more of his memories. I groaned as I tried to take them all in.

"Louis... it's too early." I begged. He let me feel his love for me then.

"It's never too early."

"Louis...." I whispered. He sighed and stopped before he leaned in and kissed me passionately. I pulled away from the kiss. "No Louis, I want to tell you something." I explained. He frowned in confusion but didn't go for another kiss even though he was eyeing my lips down.


"The moon goddess visited me last night." I told him. He looked up into my eyes then, tearing his gaze from my lips.

"The moon goddess? Is everything alright? Did it make you happy?"

"She warned me about something but I'm not too sure what it was about." I told him. "Something about how my new eyes- No how I won't-" I sighed. "She said 'Your sight is back now thanks to your friend Hachi. Don't let light deceive you of your powers within.' What do you think she meant by it?" I asked him and gave a hesitant frown. He looked thoughtful.

"Well... you said it was eternal darkness with no sight, right? Maybe she meant that she doesn't want you to loose sight of your heritage or something," he suggested. "She is the moon goddess. I think she would tell you to not start acting human."

"But..." I gave him a confused look. "My inner wolf hasn't talked to me." He frowned.

"Well maybe she doesn't want you to get tempted by something in the future... or maybe she wants you to be brave because the light can also reveal things that hide in the dark. Dunno.... Maybe she was talking about that wolf that got you and Hunter," he mumbled. I nodded.

"Uh-huh... it could've been then alpha." I thought it through... "I guess I need to keep my eyes open wide as well as my mind." He nodded and gave me a smile.

"There you go. Oh, I did tell you our son got in a fight with the werewolf that attacked you, right?" He looked me over. "I'm not sure..."

"Maybe I need to look into the alpha then!" I gasped. "Maybe that's something I'm supposed to do for Quinton." I smirked.

"Oh, and he moved out with Dannie," he said and smiled. "So... he got attacked, pretty much tore up some she wolf or something... and moved out."

"Moved.... WITHOUT TELLING ME!?" I looked him over. "How come you get to know?" I asked and pulled on his hand. "That's not fair. I'm his father too." He laughed.

"He's still in Maine. He asked me and Paris for money to build his own house because Donnie has been giving him death threats because he's mated to his twin or something... so I said I would and gave them an apartment to live in until the house is built. He's supposed to visit often though," he purred to me.

"I guess that's fine. I can't expect them to live at home forever. I didn't live with my parents for too long." I sighed out. "I'm fine with them moving in together. It's what they want." I shrugged. "William and Brooklyn are in a relationship and home by the way." He stopped and then widened his eyes.

"I really hope I don't come home to a bloody mess.... Paris would kill her in a heartbeat... and then William would die for going to protect her," he whispered and then pulled me close. "Eek.... That's going to go over like a ton of bricks...."

"Why're you assuming she's bad?" I asked.

"Because of her maker is Dante... and Paris doesn't like Dante, so he's going to take it out on her. He'll kill her the first reason he sees," he whispered softly.

"What? Just because of her maker?" I asked. "That's stupid."

"Well..." He touched the side of my face and showed me Dante from the times when he would do anything to kill Paris and then turned on Louis because Louis dropped out of the war. "I kind of can see why he would."

"Yeah.... but she never really was around him... that much." I mumbled, not sure why I was defending her.

"Okay, but she was after power for a bit, and she used to team up with Val, and she still has Dante's blood in her from him being her maker."

"So what's that supposed to mean? She's going to turn on us because the blood in her wants her too?" I asked.

"I don't see a big reason to kill her yet, but Paris doesn't like her already. To him, she's another little Dante waiting to happen in his head. He will easily throw her into the same lot as the Ainsworths at the first sign of her not being on his side."

"Okay." I whispered. "Maybe William changed her?"

"And that's why she's probably not dead right now. Richard would be furious," he said and laughed. "She's got the right friend to stay alive because it all ties into Richard then into his relationship with Paris. Paris won't do anything if Richard is going to be upset.... usually."

"So where's the sushi bar your taking me?" I asked, deciding to get our minds off of them. He smiled and tugged me down the side walk, taking me into a sushi bar then got us seats.

Miles's POV:

I slipped out of Heather's bed and then yawned. She hasn't been letting me out of her sight... and I really can't take another cheery smile of hers trying to make me happy. My friends were killed... and I couldn't do a thing about it. I whimpered slightly and started for the door, going to my room where I changed. I needed to get out of the house. The pack keeps giving me those sympathy looks....

I walked down the street, going to a café that I heard about from some strangers on the street and looked at my phone to get more accurate directions to it. I sighed and put my phone into my pocket as I looked ahead. I noticed a few people watching me and whispering to themselves, making me pause in my steps long enough to catch their attention. One of them smirked and started across the street for me. Widening my eyes, I brought my coat around my neck and started walking quicker. "Where ya going babe?" The guy called. "Come back little pup." Oh my god... how does he know? I started to run, but he caught up easily and grabbed me by the arm, snarling. "This is our territory now. That means that you're in our territory," he growled and then smelled me. "Oh, this pup is so young. She hasn't even shifted yet. A late bloomer," he called out to his friends. They laughed as they crossed the street, giving me nasty looks. I shivered and tried to yank my arm back, panicking.

"L-let me go!"

"It's that brat Quinton's pack member," one of them growled.

"We better send him a message then," the guy holding me suggested then slammed me against the wall. I yelped and then went to stomp on his foot, making him yelp. He snarled at me and then smacked me across the face. "Little bitch," he hissed and then threw me into the ground. I screamed and went to get up, but he kicked me in the side, earning a cheer from his friends. I tried to get up again as my heart started to race. They're going to kill me! He stomped down on my chest, and I heard a crack as pain shot through me. I shrieked and then felt like everything was disappearing. It all seemed so far away. Get up. You're not dying here today. You're going to make a strong werewolf. I felt my consciousness slipping, but something forced it to stay as I seemed to not even be able to feel anything in my body. I could hear myself screaming in pain as they kicked me and were beating me up, but it didn't seem like it was me. I felt like an observer. I heard a bone snap in my arm then without them having to touch me. I'm a little late, aren't I? You need me now more than ever.

Tommy's POV:

I grabbed my gun as I heard on the vampire hunter channel on our radio going off about a werewolf attack on a girl in the streets not too far from here. I looked over at Jacob and tossed him a gun. "Here. We're going to take care of it." I picked up the mic and then announced that we were after it. I smirked. "Let's go hunt some dogs," I said and started for the door. Jacob laughed.

"It's been awhile since it was just us," he said. Dylan appeared in the doorway then, looking us over as he hung up his phone.

"We don't hunt dogs." He told us firmly. "Go sit down." He told us. "I don't need you two disrupting my family name." He shook a finger towards us then reached out for the guns. "Hand them over and promise me you won't go hunting those muts." I widened my eyes and pulled my gun out of his reach.

"I'm trying to save a girl! It's more along the lines of saving someone!" I explained.

"The other hunters have that covered. We hunt vampires." He told me and crossed his arms. I heard Charlie coming down the stairs then.

"Let them go." He suggested. "Then we can have less help after they die because they've never hunted dog before." He muttered into a cup of blood. Savannah came through the door then, hitting Dylan on her way in.

"Hey guys! I bought us pizza!" Savannah told us, shoving the boxes into Dylan's hands. Jacob pouted towards Charlie.

"I feel loved Charlie! I can just feel it radiating off you! Come on Tommy. Apparently he wants us dead, so lets go get as dead as we can get," Jacob said and grabbed my hand. Savannah grabbed my arm then.

"If you're going hunting like I think you are, take Charlie with you." She ordered. "I don't want you two getting hurt and he knows a few things that might help. Plus three is better then two. Be back before the pizza gets cold?" I nodded and looked at Charlie.

"Charlie! Come hunt with us!" I purred, giving him a cute look. "We're rescuing a girl!" He sighed and then sat the blood on a table and walked over.

"Savannah your on babysitting duty." Charlie told her then took a hold of my arm and dragged me outside. "Come on Jacob, try to keep up with us." Jacob scrambled after us then.

"Charlie~" He called out and then wrapped his arms around him. "Don't abandon me," he mumbled and then ran ahead, laughing. "We're going on a trip for hunting!" I laughed, watching him be excited. It's been so long since this family has had anything close to that kind of attitude. It's a nice change. I smiled and walked with Charlie.

"So where is the attack?" Charlie asked and climbed into his convertible sports car. I gave him the address and explained the situation to him as Jacob got in the backseat, counting his silver bullets in his pockets. Charlie pulled out a gun from under his seat and sat it in his lap then drove us towards the location. He laid the roof back then turned the radio on low to the weather channel. I sighed and looked back at Jacob who was humming to himself.

"I've got a lovely bunch of silver bullets.... There they are standing in a row.... Big ones, small ones, some with holy water," he sung out to himself. Charlie laughed softly and then pulled up in the location and got out, carrying his gun with him. I got out quickly with Jacob and heard growls as soon as we were spotted.

"Shit, it's them," I heard one of the males snarl.

"You take care of them. The Alpha wants them gone anyways," the apparent leader of the group said, looking down at this girl on the ground.

Charlie's POV:

Tommy shot one of the werewolves quickly as all but one started for us and yelled at Jacob to take out half of them. Jacob shot one down just before it could get in the street to get us. I pulled out my throwing knives then, deciding to use them and shoved my gun inside my jeans. I threw a knife into one of the wolf's eyes and he dropped dead instantly. The remaining two (not including the one that was yanking the girl to her feet) started to shift.

"Kill them before they shift." I ordered and threw a knife, getting one of them in the neck, making blood gush everywhere. Jacob and Tommy shot them dead in the head and then shot the one that was trying to get away with the girl. Tommy ran ahead then and stopped when he got to the girl.

"Oh man... she's hurt bad," he whispered. Jacob went up to Tommy and then froze up.

"Shoot her. She's a werewolf," he hissed. I walked up to them slowly, pulling out my gun to do her away but froze up when I saw it was Miles.

"Don't." I said softly. "Put her in the trunk." Jacob looked at me in shock.

"She's a werewolf. She's no doubt shifting either," he hissed, pointing her over. She was laying in the ground, wheezing for air as she looked around blankly. She coughed up her own blood onto the pavement. Her shirt was bloody from what they did to her, and she was starting to bruise up. Her face was pale, and it looked like she was suffocating as her body was trying to do a shift, her bone snapping lightly. "She's dying anyways." She couldn't even scream out in pain. I sighed and then bit down into my wrist and got down onto my knees, making her drink my blood. She chocked on it at first but swallowed it then turned her head as she started to cough some more, spitting up some of my blood and her own. I pulled away then motioned for them to grab her.

"We're taking her home to our basement." I told them. "She'll be able to shift there safely and in the morning we will take her home where she belongs." I started for the car then. Tommy started to pick her up, but Jacob growled.

"She's a werewolf. Why are we helping her?" He looked my way then at her. "She smells like she lives in the Grimm manor."

"Because..." I trailed off. "She smells like Dante." I muttered. Tommy looked my way then down at her with a soft smile.

"Well... I wouldn't be able to sleep right if we killed her in her condition," he whispered and then carried her over to the trunk. "It's not right to do that."

"You wanted to rescue her... this is rescuing her." I told Jacob. He groaned and then went into the car, getting in the backseat. Tommy put her in the trunk and made sure she was comfortable before he slipped off his jacket and laid it over her. He shut the trunk and then ran up to the passenger seat, getting in. I got into the car then and drove off. Tommy smiled over at me.

"You sure we should take her back. I think that she's kind of cute," he said and laughed. "I mean... she might have a bad attitude. We don't know yet... but she seems worth rescuing."

"We're taking her back. She's Quinton's little runt. I don't want him pissed. When he is pissed Louis gets mad and then we all have to deal with Paris a few days earlier then we expect."

"One, she seems like it's her first shift so she probably isn't really important in her pack yet. Two, Louis is already mad because we kidnapped him and tortured him and whatnot. Three, Paris already wants us dead," Tommy pointed out to me. "They probably won't even notice she's missing, and if they come looking for her, they'll think she was killed because of those werewolves invading the territory."

"Why should we seriously keep a werewolf? Her bite yet alone can kill us." I told them. "That's not pretty."

"We rescued her, didn't we? Plus, I bet she doesn't even know who we are. She's only going through her first shift, so I doubt she's let in on the pack things yet. Besides, I think it'd be cool to have a werewolf pet. She could be our secret weapon," he said and laughed. "Any vampire foolish enough to attack would have to go through her as well as us. She's cute too! Double bonus! We could get her to like us and think of us as family!"

"Yeah... no." I told him. "Werewolves need packs or they'll go rogue and eat anything they come across." I told him. "We're taking her home tomorrow." He sighed and pouted, crossing his arms.

"Dammit... I wanted to keep her," he muttered. "What do you mean take her home? Like... drive up into the manor's yard and knock on the door and hand her off hoping they don't kill us? Or drive really close and shove her out of the car?"

"Park by the gates and shove her out." I told him and shrugged. "After we give her a snow globe of her time at our manor and a stuffed Dylan doll." I smirked towards him. He pointed a finger at me.

"You can't blame me for wanting a dog. I've been wanting one for awhile now, but Dylan keeps telling me no."

"Dylan is allergic to dogs." I joked.

"He says that the dog would get shot or something, or we'd have to move or leave real quick and a dog would be a problem.... Then he also said he didn't want to step in dog poop every time he walks out into his yard," he grumbled.

"Well he always hated animals." I mumbled and remembered my pet snake he flushed down the toilet.

"But I want a pet," he whined and then curled up. "I once had a bunny that I brought home.... He shot it while it was in my hands..."

"He flushed my snake." I muttered.

"He killed my goldfish on one of his room inspections," Jacob spoke up.

"Told you he doesn't allow pets." I whispered.

"But he lets you keep Josh," Tommy mumbled. "Isn't he considered a pet?"

"Josh isn't a pet. He's my newborn." I told him. "He's also my companion until I get tired of him." Tommy sighed and looked at me then back at Jacob before he looked out the window, muttering something about him wanting a companion.

"There are dating websites." I suggested.

"Okay, and my dating website is the radio. She's my pick," he said and crossed his arms. "She's too adorable."

"Uh...." I shook my head and parked outside the steps of the manor. "Get the girl and go put her downstairs." I told them and got out of the car.

"Fine... I guess not," Tommy muttered. "After all... she could eat me," he seemed to be talking to himself as he got out of the car. "Jacob! Go tell Dylan that he's not to shoot her. He has a habit of shooting new things." Tommy went to the back of the car and opened up the trunk, getting the girl out as Jacob went inside to warn Dylan. I watched Tommy handling the girl and the assisted him.

"It'll be okay Miles." I told her. "We're going to help you through the shift then take you home in the morning. Do you remember me? I'm Charlie Ainsworth." I told her. "It's okay though, I won't hurt you. I don't hunt mutts." She whimpered and went to curl up, but she yelped as another bone of hers cracked. She opened her eyes then and looked around in a panic as she seemed to be coming to from what they did to her. She screamed as she saw Tommy.

"HEATHER! HELP ME!" I looked her over and then snapped her neck. Tommy widened his eyes.

"What the hell Charlie? What happened to lets bring her back and help her?" He hissed and then pulled her away from me, holding her close. "Dammit, all you guys can't freaking be nice if your life counted on it. I swear. You all went downhill." He started for the house. "JACOB! Get the shovel! We have to bury a dead girl in the woods!"

"She's not dead." I told him, walking past him to go inside. "My blood will heal her neck and she'll be back to screaming in fifteen minutes." I told him. He groaned.

"I swear.... You're turning into a Dylan," he muttered and then walked into the house with me. "You're starting to suck the fun out of everything."

"My mate and twin is dead." I told him. "As well as my parents." I started for the living room. "When have I ever gave a damn?"

"When you protected me from Riley," he mumbled and started for the basement. "You used to be really nice back then and had a kinder heart."

"That's when I had my twin." I mumbled and then took a seat on the couch, watching Dylan clean his guns. Blade walked into the room, playing a game on his phone. Jacob looked over at me and smirked as he was reading on his phone.

"So... according to this... She's going to need to be watched," he told me. "For when she shifts."

"Why? Just throw her downstairs and lock the door. In eight hours go give her a bottle of water and clothes. Then tell her to shift back and get out of our basement." Dylan told him, looking up. "Who brings wolves into my manor?" He looked towards me. "Without my permission." Jacob laughed slightly.

"Well, I said shoot her, but Tommy started crying about wanting a pet, and Charlie started to mutter things about how she smelled like Dante," he said. "I'd be the only one shooting her." Dylan looked at me then after looking Jacob over.

"She smells like Dante? Have you found your next mate? A wolf... Jacob go shoot her. I won't have my sister in law a dog." Dylan gave him the gun then. I widened my eyes.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA! No." I got to my feet. "We're sending her home tomorrow." Jacob looked the gun over then looked at Dylan blankly before he looked at me.

"Don't worry. She'll be home tonight," he said and then started for the door. "She'll be in doggy heaven." I pulled out a knife and threw it at Jacob, hitting his shoulder with it, making him drop the gun.

"Don't touch." I warned. He sighed and looked over at me.

"Why're you protecting her anyways? She's going to end up going home and then she'll be involved with the pack because she now shifts. She'll try to kill us in the future. I'm just taking care of the little beast before it happens," he said cooly and then pulled the knife out of his shoulder. "Besides, Dylan ordered her dead."

"Dylan orders everyone dead." I told him. "That doesn't mean you go and follow. He wanted Tommy dead but I didn't obey. He's not your boss." I growled. "You touch that girl and you will see my ugly side." Jacob looked me over then looked at Dylan.

"He's just going to shoot her if I don't. Which is it Charlie? Do you want to have me do it or him? I'd at least shoot her in the head so she dies quickly, but he'd shoot her in places that would take longer."

"That's it." I growled and started for the basement. "I'm taking her home." I hissed, going for the door to the basement. Tommy looked up at me with wide eyes as he saw me coming. He had made a nice cozy spot for her on the floor with blankets and was monitoring her.

"Charlie? What's the matter?" I heard a few more bones snap in Miles, but she didn't seem to be conscious. "She has healed up nicely. It's going pretty smoothly, but if you're wanting to move her out of this basement, I wouldn't suggest it. She's pretty far into it I think... I'm starting to see a tail and some ears. It's really quite interesting. Come watch," he suggested. I sighed and shut the door behind me then walked down to him and pulled up a stool.

"My brother was talking about shooting the animal and Jacob was in on the idea... I was thinking about taking her home now... but I guess we'll have to wait like I thought." I told him. He looked thoughtful.

"Remember Dante's old place here? We could move her there... It's not too far away like the Grimm manor, and we'd be able to take care of her until she can get back to where she belongs," he suggested.

"No." I shook my head. "She stays here. I'll shoot them if they come down here." I said and pulled out my gun. He glanced up at me and then pulled out his, setting it beside him.

"Alright... I think they won't though.... Jacob won't want to cross you. You're also his friend, and I think he saw you were serious upstairs. If anything, Dylan is the problem. He might not because you're the only one here in his direct bloodline," he whispered. He brushed Miles's hair out of her face and watched as another bone cracked. He shook his head. "I'd hate to be one."

"God.... they're the worst creatures." I muttered and hung my head. "They've got it worst."

"Poor things," he mumbled. "They get friends for life, but they trade any kind of normal life and get this kind of pain and hate from everyone else."

"Apparently the shifts get better though and you get to be a furry mut for a while." I told him and smirked. "How wonderful. You smell wherever you go."

"Well... that's cool," he said and laughed. "But everyone hates them." He sighed and rubbed her head. "Poor thing. She's got two bloodthirsty monsters upstairs wanting to kill her."

"She's cursed." I grumbled. "Every since she was born."

"That's not her fault though.... She didn't ask to be born," he whispered and then brought the blankets close about her as she started to shiver from the cold floor.

"UGH." I pulled out my phone and started to search up youtube videos of anime. Tommy looked at me and smiled sweetly as he moved close to watch with me. I laughed and sat it between us so we both could watch.

After about a few hours, I heard a sharp whine from the blankets and a small pup poked it's head out. She was black and had blue eyes, but she was covered in gunk. She whimpered and looked towards us, her fur pressed against her body from the birth looking stuff on her. Tommy glanced her way and melted almost immediately. "Awwww, she's so cute," he said and crawled over. "Go get a bucket of water. We have to get this stuff off her. It can't be good for her health."

"How is that not good for her health?" I asked and then called Paris. He glanced over at me.

"Well, when babies are born, they always get that stuff off them.... Plus the floor is cold, and her fur is all sticky and wet. She must be freezing," he said and then pulled the blankets close, making her fall over as she lost her balance. He started to rub her with the blankets and purred.

"This is Paris."

"Hey, can you send one of your wolves over to my manor to pick up a mut?" I asked. "She's yours." I told him and then hung up. I looked towards Miles. "Miles, your going home." I told her. She looked my way from where she had rolled over onto her back, letting Tommy rub her belly. She wagged her tail slightly and then rolled over, trying to get to her feet. Tommy had managed to get most of the stuff off her with the blanket, and her fur was starting to dry. She shakily stood up and went to take a step towards me but fell. She growled softly and then stood up again, going to try again. Tommy quickly put his hand against her side to help her keep her balance as she started to walk and smiled softly as she made it over to me with his help. She sat down at my feet and yawned, curling up as she brought her tail around her and looked up at me then started to lick her paw. I frowned and then got to my feet and picked her up. I carried her upstairs, trying not to breath at her scent and went to take her outside. She whimpered and squirmed in my hand then got up near my chest and rubbed her head against my chest, laying her ears back as she closed her eyes. Tommy started to chase after me quickly. I went to my back yard and sat her down by the woods then sat down in a lawn chair. She looked from me to the woods then back at me before she whimpered and got low to the ground, laying her ears back. She gave me a cute look and then laid down completely. After a few minutes a wolf emerged from the woods and turned into Cage, walking up to me. He smirked my way.

"Charlie... I've come for the pup." He looked down at her. I nodded and waved her off. She looked up at Cage and then shakily got to her feet again. She started stumbling away a few feet then fell down and curled up. "Thanks." He told me. "For making this easy." He transformed back and then took her by the scruff of her neck. She yelped and started to squirm, whimpering as she tried to get away.

"Goodbye Miles." I called to her. I watched as Cage carried her towards the woods. She whimpered and looked my way longingly as she started to give up and then laid her ears back, looking up at Cage. Tommy put a hand on my shoulder.

"If she smells like Dante... why're you letting her go so easily? She might be a new mate for you," he whispered to me.

"Stay out of my business." I told him and looked towards Miles. "She'll come back if she accepts me." I snorted at the idea. "I wouldn't accept her though. I like males." I started for the porch then and laughed. "Me with a girl." I looked towards Miles and then glared her down. How could Dante let this happen to me? She shrunk down as she seemed to hear me and looked away quickly, not struggling at all now. She went limp and looked slightly heartbroken. Tommy saw it and looked at me sharply before he disappeared, looking upset with me. I frowned then and looked her over one good time before I went into the manor. No way in hell was I going to get to keep her anyways. There are plenty of reasons we shouldn't be together. Besides her gender and the fact she's not Dante. Jacob looked up at me as I walked in and gave a smile.

"You look like you threw her out.... Good," he said and then went back to the magazine he was reading. "This is better for you."

"I know." I snapped and went upstairs to go check in on Josh. I wondered into the room, finding Savannah teaching him out of a book. He giggled as he saw me and then looked at Savannah happily before he brought his knees to his chest.

"Charlie," he said and then patted next to him. I walked over to him then sat down and kissed his cheek.

"Hey Josh, are you learning to read?" I asked him and looked at the book, seeing Alice in Wonderland.... Oh my god Savannah. She giggled as she taught him the next word. He giggled and then read a whole sentence that she had been teaching him, pointing at each word. He smiled and seemed proud of himself. Well... Now he just needs to learn what the words mean.

Miles's POV:

I whimpered and curled up as Cage carried me. "Alpha Cage, why am I so small?" I asked softly. "It's hard to walk...." And why did I feel so happy with that guy who was the reason that my friends died? He's your mate, smart one. I whimpered. Then why did he say all that? He doesn't want me....

"Well Miles, when you turn for the first time you are supposed to be small." Cage told me. "You can't walk that much because your bones are weak from the shift." He explained. I looked at him then at the ground, sniffling. I felt like someone had taken my heart and ripped it out then crushed it in front of me and made me watch a tractor run it over then made me watch the pieces grind up in a blender.

"He doesn't want me," I mumbled, tucking my tail between my legs.

"Charlie?" Cage asked. "He's hung up on Dante, his dead mate." He told me. "Also his first lover... Let's go ahead and admit that you never forget your first lover." I whimpered.

"He'll never want me though.... He said it. I heard him. I thought mates were supposed to love you. Why'd I get skimped?"

"Mates do love you." He told me. "No matter what you two will end up crossing paths again and again and eventually fall in love." Cage laughed out. "Unless he kills or rejects you."

"I just got rejected," I mumbled. "I don't ever want to leave the manor again...."

"That's not rejection." He told me firmly.

"It feels like it. I feel like my heart just got ripped out."

"Nope." He told me. "Rejection is when they sit you down and then officially say I reject you. With their name and your name in the same sentence. Something like I Elizabeth reject you Cage, you fucking no good scum bastard. I seen you with that slut in eighth grade. I know your still seeing her too. Then you get slapped across the face." He told me. I stopped.

"Did you get rejected?" I asked him. He tensed up a bit.

"Alphas don't get rejected." He told me quickly. "We're too sexy." He got rejected. There's no way that he thought that up right then and there. It was too descriptive.

"Who was Elizabeth?" I asked him softly.

"Oh she was the cutest nerd-" He stopped himself. "No one."

"Oh...." I looked away. He totally got rejected. "But he kind of rejected me though.... It hurt to hear that...."

"No. That's not rejection." He told me and shrugged, holding me in his mouth. "Trust me. You'll get desperate enough to date the cheerleading pack slut and then mate with her just to keep your alpha heritage." He dropped me then. "Why am I telling you this? Your like the first person I've told. Shut up self." I whimpered and looked up at him.

"I won't tell," I whispered. "Besides... I'm not leaving home again, so I won't really see anybody anyways besides when they're home. I don't want to leave home anymore." I laid my ears back and whimpered. He picked me up again and started to run.

"Ha. You'll go out again, trust me." He wagged his tail.

"Why? I've been burned. I don't want to run into that bastard again," I muttered, getting slightly angry. Who the hell was he to say all that and laugh at me? "He doesn't deserve to even see me again if mates are all that. I'd rather let him suffer."

"Whatever." Cage told me. "Oh by the way, you won't be running with the moon goddess in the afterlife." He told me. What?! I let out a sharp whimper.

"Why not?!"

"Your mate isn't a werewolf." He told me.

"That's not fair!"

"Tell that to the moon goddess and no one else. You can't go blabbing about this knowledge and ruin it for others." He told me.

"Then why'd you tell me?!" I whimpered and looked up at him. "You might as well just drop me in a river!"

"Because... I thought you'd like to know." He laughed out. "Not only is your mate a douche bag... but the moon goddess and fate decided that they'd hook you up with a passage to heaven or hell." I whined.

"Why me?" I felt a lump form up in my throat then. "I won't even be able to join my friends? What the hell? Why am I alive then? There's no point! Isn't he our enemy? That idiot back there? When I get bigger, I'm going to tear his throat out for dooming me," I growled.

"Think of it this way... You're alive for him." He told me. "To make him feel better." Cage suggested. "Your also still alive to defend your pack, don't forget that."

"I won't... but I'm going to kill him." I glared back the way where the Ainsworths lived. "That bastard ruined my life."

"He didn't ruin your life." He told me then. "You've still got a chance. Unlike some rejected wolves out there that have to settle with a pack slut."

"He should've just went through with it and rejected me if he was going to say all that and laugh at me," I growled. "I won't hunt him down... but if I see him again, I'll kill him for it. He is the reason that my friends died the other night."

"Well... glad to have you in my pack territory." He growled playfully. I stopped then as I remembered something. Those guys were saying something about this not being our territory anymore.

"Hey Alpha Cage? There were these guys that attacked me... and they said that this wasn't our territory anymore and that they wanted to send a message to Alpha Quinton by killing me in the street," I whispered. "I would be dead if Charlie and his buddies didn't come along when they did."

"Oh?" Cage growled. "We have a war coming on." He mumbled more to himself. "I've got to tell Quinton the news." He growled out. "He's got to start training every day if he wants to participate in eating the dish I'm serving to the rivals." He quickened his pace.

"And they were going to kill Charlie too, saying something about how their alpha wouldn't want them in the territory anyways," I mumbled. I guess he's not that bad... He saved me when he could've killed me. I'm still going to give him a good ass kicking for what he said- I just might let him live though.

"Well hunters aren't everyones favorite neighbor." Cage told me.

"They're all dead," I told him. "They killed them." I laughed a little. "Why're they our enemies anyways? Besides being jerks?"

"Who, the hunters or the other packs?" He asked me.

"Charlie and them," I whispered. "What did they do?"

"Charlie stole Paris's life source and so on and so forth down the road they became enemies because Charlie made some stupid life choices that Paris didn't agree one because it risked his conscious existence." Cage told me. I tensed up slightly.

"Does Paris know then... about who I am supposedly mated to?" I asked him. "He's probably angry, isn't he?" I whimpered at the thought. I was always told to stay away from them if I could by Heather and the rest. They said it was dangerous to get too close to them unless you had to.

"Actually... Paris could have killed Charlie a long time ago but he kept him alive. I think Paris has a soft spot for him in my personal opinion. Paris doesn't care much who you are mated to... it's who you are loyal to that counts." He told me. "He probably is hoping your bond with him might change Charlie." I thought it over then.

"But he doesn't like me.... He said that he didn't want me and he laughed at me and said that he'd never love me and that I was a girl, making it sound like a bad thing...." I looked up at him. "If I'm loyal to anyone... it would be Alpha Quinton because he's a nice guy and he talks to us a lot."

"Miles." Cage started. "Charlie had a male mate before you. Dante was the dominate one in the relationship so I'm positive that with enough will power you could make him your little bitch." He told me and then dropped me right outside of the manor. "Want to know how? Confidence." He sat down by me then. I looked at him and giggled at the thought.

"You mean treat him like the boys in the pack? I eat them for breakfast when they say something I don't like."

"Wear teasing outfits and throw yourself out there to be around him. Make sure he looks but cant touch. Having him drooling for some before the week is up. Man what I could do to someone if I had the right curves." I tilted my head.

"Oh... But how am I supposed to see him enough to do that?" I watched him curiously, interested. I could make that brat my bitch.... I laughed at the thought. I'm so going to do that if I can manage to do it.

"Easy. I know a lot of what he likes." Cage told me. "Plus you live with some of his closets exfriends. Use them to your advantage." He told me and wagged his tail. "Guys like girls that know fashion."

"So start going to his places he likes to go to and pretty much tease him? Should I even go up to him if I see him? Or do I mess around with other guys in front of him? Or do I take a friend and ignore the snot out of him?"

"All three. But the worse if when the girl doesn't even acknowledge you until the very last second." He told me and then laughed. "Oh man... my mate does it to me in the mornings. She'll wait until I'm at the door before she mentions food in the kitchen." I laughed and then looked him over.

"So... teasing is what I need to do?" I wagged my tail slightly.

"Yeah, why not? Teasing is the worst thing you can do to a guy. It gets his brain all fuzzy in confusion." Cage got to his feet then picked me up and carried me into the manor. "Which room is yours?"

"Ummm... the one by Heather's room... but she's been making me sleep with her since yesterday. She's probably freaking out," I told him. Speaking of the devil, she ran up quickly from the living room.

"MILES! WHERE'VE YOU BEEN?! YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK!" She fell to her knees in front of Cage and looked me over. "Oh my- You shifted for your first time without me?" She looked at Cage then in respect then at me. "You're in so much trouble. You left the manor, didn't you?" I looked at her and wagged my tail.

"Hey Heather." Cage dropped me into her arms then started towards the hall his pack slept on. Heather tsked as she looked me over.

"You're too cute to be mad at though," she mumbled. I laughed and then licked her, making her giggle.

"Hey, you need to teach me some things, kay?" She frowned and then gave a nod.

"Alright, what do you want to learn?" She asked me and carried me into the living room.

"The best way to tease a guy," I said, not beating around the bush. She frowned and looked at me.

"You're not trying to become the new pack slut, are you?"

"No, I have my reasons," I told her and wagged my tail as she sat me on the couch. "I met my mate... and he's a little hard to get, so I'm going to start messing with his head." She nodded and smirked.

"Then lets start with all the girl movies," she suggested.