An Assassination and A Cure

Paris's POV:

I walked up to Richard in my study, showing him the map then brought him to my desk quickly. "Found it." I told him. I started to go over it then, circling the whole area around Ainsworth manor. I was planning to invade tonight. "Baby~ To my knowledge thanks to his phone call... He's back in his manor. Which means... I want to attack tonight. Get our men ready as well as Cage's pack. We're going to hit them with everything we got. I don't want to show mercy." I told him quickly. "No survivors." I told him. "Absolutely none.... Maybe Charlie. I want to torture him." I told him and smirked. "Get Raven in here." He nodded and then walked off. He came back with her and smirked.

"Got her." She looked up at me and giggled.

"So what's this about an attack? On who?" She bounced over, her combat boots lightly hitting the floor. "Oooooh! I wanna go!" She looked the map over in excitement then looked up at me. "Pretty please?" She gave me a cute look.

"Of course Raven. We're going to invade Ainsworth manor." I told her. "Go get ready to do this... Or are you already ready?" I asked and smirked.

"I'm always ready," she purred. She looked at the map then and giggled. "This is going to be great.... Too bad Riley is dead. I would've liked to kill him. He shot me before, and I would've loved to get him back. Guess I'll settle for Savannah!" She smirked.

"One thing. I want to personally capture and take in Charlie for personal fun." I told her. "So no killing him." She looked at me and pouted slightly.

"F-fine.... What if I come across him? Can I seriously hurt him and knock him out? Or do you want that honor too?"

"Nah, you can knock him out if you see him." I told her and smirked. She giggled and then hugged.

"It's just like Christmas!" She ran out of the room then, giggling up a storm as she sang to herself. She definitely seemed to be doing better from the last time I saw her. This probably picked her mood up big time. She's back to being Raven. Richard laughed and watched her go then looked at me.

"I think she's a bit too happy. Better keep an eye on her or we'll have her killing left and right like she used to do. I think we better give her a partner to watch her," he whispered. "Unless you want her to have another episode."

"Well Nikolai is in Alaska doing King things... Louis and August disappeared. Dannie, Donnie, Quinton, Hachi, Isaac and Midori are gone. Rose- can't fight, Victor is dying, Laurence is with his mate, Benjamin is depressed, Isabelle is a possible ideal, Brook is god knows where, William is somewhere around here, Cage is already coming but he's not optional, and that's basically everyone I would ever consider going to war with." I told him. "So it's Isabelle. Go tell her she's coming to keep track of Raven."

"Alright, I will go inform her that she's babysitting." He smiled and then gave me a kiss. "We wouldn't want Raven to end up killing one of the army brats."

"Yeah, plus I don't think Louis minds if I take Isabelle on this adventure." I told him.

"He wouldn't. He'd probably come home if you called him," he whispered. "I think Donnie and Nikolai would too.... A lot of them would come home if you asked."

"Yeah I know they would but I'm not desperate." I told him. "We just need one person and Isabelle is here to watch over Raven." I smirked. He nodded and then walked towards the door.

"Want me to bring her back with me, or do you want me to just tell her that she has to?"

"Tell her what is going on and tell her exactly what her role is in all of this. I'm going to get the game plan in check." I told him then grabbed a blue print of the Ainsworth manor I had and started to look it over.

"Alright. She'll be informed that her primary job is Raven control," he said and gave me a wink as he walked out of the room to do it. I looked the manor over then took the blue print with me towards the garage where my men was reading the vans and other vehicles. Raven was down there already, sharpening her knives as she sat on the trunk of her favorite car. She was giggling softly as she hummed under her breath- the Death March.

"Hey Raven. I'm assigning Isabelle to be your partner in this." I told her as I walked up to her. "Not that I don't think you can't handle it on your own or anything but it's so you won't take it too far and go insane plus I'm taking Isabelle and if she was to die.... eh. You'll be able to make sure she doesn't for me. Which is big help." I gave her a small smile. "Understandable, yes?" She looked up at me and frowned.

"I guess," she mumbled. "I normally don't do partner work, but if you are wanting me to, then I will.... Besides, I can't let anything happen to Isabelle," she said and giggled, setting her knives aside. "I will keep her safe, and I won't leave her behind when I start to fight." She gave me a smile. "I'll keep it down a few notches unless I get cornered- which I doubt."

"So make sure you two stick together. I hate giving you a partner for this but I don't want you to go coocoo if you know what I mean." I patted her head then. "Raven... have I ever told you how much I appreciate your loyalty? Thank you for that." She smiled and giggled slightly.

"Nuh-uh," she hummed out. "You did talk about promoting me though," she told me and smirked. "That's as close as you've gotten to telling me, but I know."

"well... If you ever need anything from me.... just ask." I told her and purred. I went towards my car then and got inside, putting the key in the ignition and waited on Richard.

"Hey baby," I heard Richard purr as he appeared beside me. "I've been waiting on you." He smiled and then leaned over, giving me a kiss. I leaned in and gave him a kiss then laughed.

"Seriously? Sneaky devil." I purred.

"I should use this trick in bed," he purred back. "It'd surprise you."

"It'd probably scared me to death." I admitted.

"Awww, if you suddenly were pinned down?" He teased and leaned over, slowly crawling across the car. He sat in my lap, straddling it then leaned in towards my ear. "After our victory, want to celebrate?"

"Yeah baby." I purred and gave him an ear piece. I put one in my ear. "This is so we can communicate." I told him. "Your my captain after all." I purred and leaned in towards his lips. I've always used him as my general for war. He was my king at chess. He kissed me passionately and then put a finger against my lips.

"You can have the rest of that kiss after," he purred and then got out of my lap. I turned my piece on then and looked towards Raven's car, tapping my ear so she'd know what to do. I then heard the other army brats turning theirs on. Raven saw them do it then copied them and got up.

"IZZY! LET'S GO!" She screamed, heading for the house to get her. Richard put his in and turned it on then leaned back in his seat.

"Raven we are leaving in five. Alright boys this is how it is going to go." I stopped when I heard Cage getting his on.

"Did I miss anything?" Cage asked. I heard him let out a howl then.

"No. Cage you will take the manor down from the back. My boys will come in from the sides and Richard, Raven, Issy, and I will go in from the front." I told everybody. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir," Raven purred. I saw her appear with Isabelle at her car and got in it. Isabelle came on, and I heard Raven explaining what I said to her.

"Richard?" I looked towards him. "Any game plan strategies?" I asked. "You are the king after all." He smirked and looked at me.

"I think that I should get Dylan," he told me. "I've got a grudge."

"Sir, we'll cut the power to the manor." I heard one of my army brats suggesting. "They might have systems in there that we'd like to corrupt before jumping the mouse."

"Do it on my go." I told him.

"Yes sir. We'll wait for your cue." Richard frowned.

"Wouldn't someone like Dylan have a back up generator though?"

"Never hurts to try, sir." I heard one say. "We'll also send in a ground to find the back up generator once we get inside."

"Will do." Another voice said.

"Don't you think this is a little too much. There is only six of them.... Plus Jasper." Cage told me.

"I think it's hilarious. They deserve it."

"I want a rescue team to get Jasper," Richard said. "Louis will be happy to see him. Retrieve him for me," he purred. "Group of three or four should do it."

"Oh that's right." I gasped. "Jasper." I looked towards Richard. "Where is my rescue group?" I asked my brats.

"Will do sir." I heard a girl say. "Group of ten." Richard smirked, looking pleased.

"Very good. He's not to be harmed. Remember, he's very innocent and doesn't have any memories. He'll be easy to take if he's not being guarded. Make sure to put him in my car after he's secured. I don't want him seeing most of the fighting, so make sure that you take him back ways out of the manor. Avoid the main fighting areas," Richard told them.

"Suggestion, when you approach him make sure you tell him Louis and Paris to help him understand he is coming home to us. It might help calm him and he won't be as freaked out." I told them.

"Yes sir." Richard nodded and looked to be thinking any other plans over.

"I need a group to hang outside the manor." I said immediately. "Cage, that'll be your job to assign to your lower wolves."

"Okay. I'm on my way to the manor." Cage informed, on foot I assumed. I drove out of the drive then going towards the gates that opened for us and I lead my raid towards the manor. Raven was quick to follow behind me with Isabelle. I watched as the rest followed.

~Time Skip~

Gunfire was going off all around me as Raven and Isabelle were slowly getting ahead in the manor, trying to get towards the stairs. Tommy and Jacob were at the top of them, shooting at us and sometimes throwing silver powder grenades for the werewolves among us. Raven teleported behind Jacob then, finally having enough and kicked him over the railing. She giggled and then was down by him in seconds, stabbing him as she threw him up against the wall. She didn't give him time to prepare and ripped his heart out, tossing it towards one of the wolves who ate it as Jacob fell dead. I started for the stairs then, shooting towards Tommy while he was distracted over his loss and managed to get his leg. He screamed and fell to the ground in pain then aimed his gun my way in a panic, shooting at me. I teleported by him then kicked him down the stairs and started down the hall, going for the bedrooms.

"I'm coming for you CHARLIE!" I yelled, wondering where the hell everyone was. I was then shot as Savannah came out behind a curtain. I could hear Tommy screaming as snarls erupted from Cage's pack. Raven appeared by me as she heard the gun go off and then went for Savannah with a giggle.

"Hey girlie," she purred and started to fight her. Savannah's eyes widened as she started to fight Raven.

"What the hell! Who invades a manor in the middle of the night!?" Savannah asked. I walked past them then casually.

"Someone wanting to make a point." I told her. "Don't be surprised. You done it to me." I told her. "You should have seen this coming."

"YEAH BUT WE DON'T HAVE EXTRA PEOPLE LYING AROUND!" Savannah yelled towards me as I heard her gun going off. I laughed and started to hear groans on the other hall, my men must've caught Dylan around his study.

"Who's dead." I asked into the ear piece. "Is that Dylan caught up on the other hall?"

"Yes sir, Richard, Dylan is on the west wing." I heard one of my boys say.

"In a second," Richard said quickly. "I'll be there."

"What's holding you?" I asked him. "Has anyone found Charlie, Blade, and Jasper?"

"Currently taking out Blade right now baby," Richard purred to me. "He is in my way."

"Where the hell is Charlie." I asked. I headed for his room then. Jasper was running down the hall, crying as he had a little bit of blood on his hands. He saw me and then widened his eyes.

"Paris!" He ran up to me and then hugged me quickly, kissing my cheek. He was trembling. I kissed the top of his head and picked him up.

"I've found Jasper." I told them. "I'm going to take him out to the vehicles. Rescue group meet me there to watch him over." I told them and rubbed Jasper's head then teleported us out to the cars and sat him down in the back seat. He smiled at me and giggled.

"Charlie bye bye," he told me and gave an innocent smile. His thoughts were on Charlie being taken away earlier, just before the hit. I gave Jasper a nod.

"Charlie isn't in the manor." I told them then. I pointed to the seat.

"Jasper stay." I told him, pointing a finger at his nose. "Stay for me." He smiled happily and laid down in the seat.

"Night," he mumbled and curled up as he yawned. I seen the group rushing to the car so I teleported back to the manor and into Dylan's' study.

"How's it coming?" I asked Raven and Richard, wanting to know where we stand and looked around for Dylan.

"Blade is almost finished," Richard purred. "I've got him pinned in the kitchen. He can't go anywhere, and it sounds like he is running out of ammo. Just a few more till click, click, click." I was suddenly shot in the chest and the ear piece was shot off my ear. I felt my ear stinging then and turned to see Dylan glaring me down.

"I took out your pathetic men easily." Dylan raged. He started for me then, pulling out a sword from his hip and went to attack me with it. I widened my eyes and used my gun as a shield. He growled towards my face and then stomped down on my foot then punched me in the stomach with his gun and sent me back a bit then shot me there. He brought the sword across my chest then as my gun dropped out of my hands. He had me thrown back against his desk in seconds. "Getting a bit weak, Paris." He laughed out.

"Nah, just letting you have some fun before I kill you." I told him then looked towards his window before I kneed him between his legs and sent him crashing through it. I ran over to the window then and seen him on the ground, trying to get up. I jumped out the window then and landed on my feet then tackled him into the nearby pool. A werewolf snarled from the side as he saw us and looked us over, hesitating on helping me. An explosion went off from the kitchen then, distracting the three of us for a split second. Dylan latched onto me then and dragged me under water, biting into my neck, making me yelp and breath in water. I heard the werewolf snarl and he was suddenly in the water, biting into Dylan's shoulder. Dylan went to shoot the werewolf but the gun didn't go off so he threw it and pulled out a knife. I acted fast, making him stab himself then grabbed his neck and gave it a squeeze as I fount my way for the surface. He grabbed my leg and yanked me back down fast. The werewolf attacked Dylan again, tearing into his chest with his claws then bit down into Dylan's throat. I grabbed the wolf and teleported us just outside of the pool then looked towards Dylan, watching him swim to the other side and crawl out. He laid down then in defeat and I watched him. He's as good as dead with the werewolf bite. The werewolf wagged it's tail and started to walk off like nothing happened. I watched Dylan started to cough up water and blood. It drained into the pool together from where he laid and then he started to get up slowly.

"Still hard headed." I muttered. I started for his side of the pool then, walking across the water to get to him. Richard stumbled out of the house then, smelling the air. I saw him toss his earpiece aside as he saw me.


"He shot it off." I explained simply as I reached Dylan then bent down and looked him over. I nudged him back down and he let out a small huff of defeat.

"That's no fun," Richard mumbled. "I wanted my fun with him.... What happened to his shoulder and neck? That's too big a bite to be you baby."

"Werewolf." I told him. "He's as good as dead now."

"You know.... We're lucky the mutts are stupid enough not to try killing us and taking over. There's more of them than there are of us purebloods now," Richard muttered.

"Cage is loyal." I told him. "Like his ancestors. It's in their blood." I told him. I watched as Dylan's body started to break down as he took his last breath.

"True... hopefully it will stay that way," Richard told me and walked over to the pool. He sat on the edge of it and dangled his feet into the water.

"Charlie is still out there. Apparently someone got him out of here before it got toasty." I told him, sitting down by him and then looked down at my stomach as pain surged through me suddenly and I felt my whole body go into the water.

"PARIS!" Richard was after me in seconds and pulled me out, getting me on the pavement. He laid me down on it and then was looking me over and getting the bullets out of me. I groaned out in pain as something spiked into my blood system and suddenly I was knocked unconscious.

Richard's POV:

I looked him over as his eyes closed and frowned. That can't be good. I leaned in and sniffed him then bit into my wrist and pressed it against his lips to feed him. Maybe he's just starved. He didn't react to my blood though and his wounds stopped healing. I tsked and then decided to just rescue him completely. He can form a new body. I reached into his chest and took his stone, slipping it into my pocket. "I'll bring you back when we get home," I told him, sending him loving pulses. His stone seemed to be asleep in my hand though. His body melted into the pool with this nasty looking blue stuff following it. I wrinkled my nose. I'm so glad I got him out of that. What is it? I nudged it with my shoe and then gagged. Gross.... Car, now. I walked towards the car then, picking up my ear piece. "Alright, the targets are dead, yes?" I asked.

"What happened to Paris!?" Cage asked. "He's fine right? I've been trying to contact him."

"He lost his earpiece in a fight... and I took his stone because his body got some weird stuff in it from some new bullets. Dylan is dead," I told them. "So that's Blade, Dylan, Tommy, and Jacob accounted for. Where's Savannah?"

"Oh, my bad," Raven giggled. "She's dead. I forgot to say something." I nodded.

"Alright, we got what we came for. Torch the place and lets go home," I ordered and then went to the car, getting in it. I glanced back at Jasper then started to drive home.

"Torching in process." I heard someone say. "Everyone out?"

"Hahahahaha, look at that sucker burn. This is going on my snapchat." I tossed the earpiece out the window then. I don't need to know all that....

When I got home, I carried Jasper inside and placed him in Louis's room then went to my bedroom, placing Paris's stone on the bed. I looked it over and gave it a kiss, purring to him. "Hey baby," I mumbled. "Are you awake?" It stayed cold to my touch, practically asleep and it looked like some of the blue stuff got on his stone. Luckily not inside. I frowned. Maybe that's the problem. I took his stone to the bathroom and started to wash it off, getting all the blue stuff and Paris's old blood off it. I dried it and then looked it over. It warmed up a bit then and began to pulse awake in my hand. I smiled. "There we go. You just needed a bath," I purred and took him back to the bed. "Seriously... when was the last time your stone got a good bath? Maybe I should put you in holy water too... for good measure." It froze up with pulsing then, practically skipping five pulses before it started to quicken it's pulses. "Calm down. I won't," I told him and laid it down on the bed then sent him loving waves to try to make him feel better. He calmed down and his stone sent me warming pulses. I purred and pricked my finger on my sharp fangs then touched his stone, giving it to him.

After a few minutes Paris was formed under me and completely vulnerable. He looked up at me with pure love. He leaned up for a kiss. "Victory." He whispered. I laughed and leaned in, giving him a kiss. I crawled into the bed and then got over him.

"Victory celebration?" I purred to him and ran my hands down his sides. He grabbed my shirt and pulled it off of my quickly.

"Oh yes." He purred. I leaned in and kissed him passionately.

"Yes?" I teased and then went to his neck, giving it a kiss. "I'm glad you're fine. It kind of scared me when you went to sleep."

"It scared me too." He whispered. "Of course... I wasn't scared until I woke up." He laughed. "Then I noticed I was fine."

"You freaked out about that holy water bath I suggested," I teased. He blushed.

"Oh my gosh... if you ever tell me you are giving me one like that again." He glared me down. I gave him an innocent smile and kissed him passionately again.

"Hmmm... I got a better idea for a bath," I purred as I started thinking about our bath. I sat up on him and started on my belt. "It can wait until later." He laughed and helped me with my belt. I watched him and then smirked as I pulled my pants down and dropped them on the floor. I leaned in and gave him a kiss then flipped us. "Your victory, you get to be dominate," I told him and gave him a loving look. "I think you earned it." He looked me over and nodded then grabbed my boxers and yanked them down quickly then slipped between my legs.

"A victory it shall be." He purred. "Get ready for the after party." He whispered and started to kiss me passionately. I blushed and moaned slightly.

"Is it my kind of after party?" I asked him, teasing him a little. He started to grind against me then, giving a small smirk. I felt the urge to flip us, but I kept it down, moaning in pleasure and laid my head back, exposing my neck to him. He leaned in towards my neck then bit down into my neck and started to feed from me. He remarked me then, sending a surge of pleasure through my body. I moaned a little louder and gripped his sides. "Paris~" He nodded and started to grind harder against me. I arched my back slightly and leaned up quickly, kissing his lips. He kissed me back then deepened the kiss, purring. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and started to dance with his before I pulled it into mine and sucked on it. He smirked as he pulled back then started to kiss down my body and down by happy trail, sending this victory celebration into one of the most interesting one we've had in a while.

Miles's POV:

I looked towards Heather and smiled at her. "Is this good?" She glanced me over and sighed.

"Are you really sure this is the best course of action?" I gave a nod and smiled.

"It's worth a shot. I got all his hang outs from his old friends," I told her. She smiled softly and then gave me a thumbs up.

"The dress does bring out your eyes, and it shows off how pretty you are," she murmured. She leaned in and gave me a hug then, kissing my cheek. "I think I should come with though... to make sure you are okay. From what you told me, you might get a spot of trouble." She started to pull me out of my room then and downstairs to the garage where I got in the driver's seat of her car.

"Yeah... but I'm going to use this advice from Alpha Cage well. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work," I told her and shrugged. "The worst that can happen is that he fully rejects me, but I'm going to play this up the best I can." I drove us out of the manor then and punched in the radio as I drove us to town then to one of Charlie's favorite clubs. I parked and then got out, waiting for her then locked up the car when she was out. We walked in and over to the bar, getting drinks for us. I glanced around to see if he was here or not. I noticed him sitting across from a guy and looking beyond drunk and despair as the other guy seemed to be completely sober. I looked him over and frowned. "He's here... but he looks terrible."

"Well, they raided his home last night," she whispered to me. "He lost everything and his family. He's alone in the world." She took a sip of her drink. "You sure about going through with this?" I took a deep breath and nodded.

"I didn't get this eye catching just to flake out," I told her and giggled. I finished up my drink and then looked around for a good guy to work with. I spotted a taller blonde boy talking with a group of friends. He glanced my way and smiled when he saw I was looking at him. I smiled a little and blushed. He's really cute.... I think I will go with him. He seemed to be interested in me too because he was walking my way now. He ran a hand through his hair and then stopped by me.

"Hey cutie, got a name?" He asked me.

"Miles," I told him and gave a smile. "You got one?"

"Tyler," he told me and smirked. I felt Heather nudge me then, giggling at me.

"He's cute. Go for it," she whispered in my ear. I looked back at her and then smiled before I looked at Tyler.

"You're eyes are really pretty," he mumbled as he brushed my hair back over my ear and then gave me a smile. "Miles, what do you say to a dance?" I blushed and then gave a nod after pretending to give it thought. He smirked and took my hand before he lead me to where a group was dancing and started to dance with me. I heard Charlie ordering another drink from a waitress, not noticing me yet. His friend seemed to be convincing him to leave. I frowned and glanced around for an excuse to get closer and then noticed a bathroom off that way. I looked towards Tyler and smiled sweetly.

"Tyler, I've got to use the restroom.... Wait for me?" I asked him. He looked me over and nodded.

"Alright, I'll be over by your friend," he told me and pointed towards Heather. I nodded and gave him a sweet smile as I started for the bathroom, brushing past Charlie's table without giving him a glance to get to the bathrooms. Almost as soon as I passed his table he snatched my wrist and pulled me down into the booth with him and started to lean into my neck, giving a hungry growl.

"Charlie!" His friend hissed and snatched me from him. "Sorry miss, he's drunk off his ass." He told me and then grabbed Charlie's shirt and started to pull him out of the bar. I smiled innocently.

"That's fine. I've seen him worse," I said and then got up. "Good evening Charlie," I said calmly and looked him over. He looked towards me in a drunk daze.

"Your kinda hot..." He said and then puked onto some guy's shoes. I kept in a giggle and raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm way out of your league pal," I told him and smirked. He leaned against his friend and leaned in towards his neck.

"Take me home..." He cried out.

"Yeah, I'll take you to a hotel." The guy laughed out, dragging him out of the place. I sighed and looked at the guy who got his shoes puked on.

"You should've punched him," I mumbled and then went back to Tyler. He looked me over and smiled.

"Hey cutie, you were fast," he said and then held out a hand my way. "You know... we could ditch this popsicle stand and go find somewhere better if you'd like." Charlie's out in the parking lot.... That'd be a good idea if I'm trying to make him jealous or tease him or whatever. Heather nodded my way behind Tyler. I took his hand and smiled.

"Let's go to the movies," I told him. He smirked and pulled me out of the bar and over to a truck. I seen Charlie puking in the bushes, his friend was holding him up so he wouldn't fall into his puke. Tyler winced as he saw Charlie.

"Man... that guy is wasted," he muttered. "Drunks are the worst." I watched Charlie and the other guy then leaned against Tyler slightly.

"Yeah, they kind of are," I said. His friend looked around then and towards us suspiciously then started to drag Charlie to a car.

"Come on, let's get you somewhere safe." His friend suggested. Charlie let out a groan and curled up to his friend, collapsing against him. His friend sighed and had to carry him the rest of the way. I watched and then shook my head slightly.

"Tyler... I think he's one of those gay guys," I said and smirked slightly. Tyler frowned.

"That's terrible... there were all those girls in there too...." He opened the passenger door for me and smiled my way. "Your carriage awaits milady," he joked. I laughed and got into the truck, watching as he shut the door. Maybe Charlie isn't worth it... but I'm having fun, that's for sure! I giggled as I watched Tyler get into the driver's seat and start it up, cutting off Charlie and the other guy as he got out of the parking lot first. I glanced back at them. They seemed to have went the opposite way from where we was going then. I sighed and looked towards Tyler then pulled out my phone, texting Heather to go track down where that guy was taking Charlie for me. She replied back with a yes, making me smile. I knew I could count on her....

~Time Skip~

I walked into the manor, taking off my heels as they were killing me. Louis looked up at me and frowned. "Miles, I thought I told you to stay in the manor." I gave an innocent smile.

"But I'm fine though. Don't worry. I know how to handle myself," I told him. He gave me a skeptical look but walked on. I sighed and then went up the stairs, going to my room where Heather was waiting. She smiled and walked over to me, giving me a hug.

"He's here," she said and pulled up a hotel on her phone, showing me the address. "That's where he's staying at the moment." I nodded and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks Heather," I said and then went over to my bed, collapsing on it. "Jeez.... It's not going to work too well if that guy is constantly with him," I muttered. "I should take one of the pack sluts with us next time to distract the guy." She giggled and walked over, sitting down by me.

"Rome wasn't built in a day. You'll find him again and tease him better the next time. We'll work on it, trust me. We'll have him eating out of the palm of your hands if that's what you want Miles." I smiled and gave a nod.

"I want him to realize what he was throwing away, and just when he thinks he can't have me... I'll go to him," I said and curled up. Heather gave a nod and rubbed my head.

"Don't forget to practice shifting too. You'll need that." I sighed and gave a nod before I relaxed.

Victor's POV:

I laid out on the bed and coughed, curling up beside Rose. "Rose... can you go get me a bottle of blood?" I felt bad about asking her to do it because she was pregnant, but it was getting hard to move around. I think it is worse for me than it was for Lauren... or she just handled this better. Rose kissed my cheek then got up and left me alone then came back with a bottle of blood and handed it to me.

"There you go." She gave me a sweet smile then laid back down by me, looking me over longingly. I smiled at her gratefully and then opened it, going to sit up to drink it but groaned as I felt like there was a weight on my chest. I managed it though and started to sip on it.

"How're you feeling?" I asked her, looking at her. I wanted to make sure that everything about her was okay. If she was going to watch over me, I was going to watch over her too.

"I'm fine." She told me, giving a smile. "I get a warm feeling when I'm around you. I think our baby loves you."

"I hope you love me too," I joked and leaned in, kissing her cheek gently. "Both you and the baby...." Rose ran her fingers through my hair then and looked me over, giving a small smile.

"Of course I do." She whispered then rested her head against my chest. I finished my blood and moved close to her, wrapping an arm around her.

"So what names are you thinking of?" I asked curiously, wanting to know. After all... if my scientists fail, I'll never know what our baby is named.

"Lori Grimm if it is a girl and Alistair Ivanov if it is a boy." Rose told me softly. I smiled.

"I like the names," I mumbled. "They're good names. I hope you have a little girl though," I told her. "You already have a son."

"Yeah... Nikolai probably wants a little sister still." She hummed softly. "Although he has had Peyton all his life." She laughed softly. "You'd think that would be enough."

"It's different when your sister is actually your sister and is your younger sister.... He might spoil her," I mumbled. "That'd be a nice thing for him to do. I hope he keeps an interest in his sibling...."

"He might." Rose purred and leaned in, kissing my neck. "I hope your scientists get that cure soon... You look horrible." I gave a small nod and ran my fingers through her hair.

"If I do die... promise me that you'll keep those names," I whispered. "I really like them."

"I will." She promised. "I've been thinking about them every since we done it." She admitted and laughed.

"At least you're happy," I purred and kissed her cheek again. "You'll be a good mother to our child again...."

"You'll be a good father." She purred. "I'll kick Paris into hell to get you back if I have to." She promised me. I frowned and laid my head back.

"You shouldn't do that...." I held her close then. "I'm sure it'll be fine though... Just in case, I had my will changed up for you and Nikolai. You'll get two castles, one for you and one for our child, and Nikolai- because he's the heir of the Russian throne- will end up with the rest of my castles."

"You're going to be fine." Rose promised me. "I have a feeling you'll be fine by next week."

"Hopefully.... Paris is already upset that I'm sick," I muttered. "Plus I don't want to leave you behind."

"Well... Apparently Hachi was able to revive Dannie from death." Rose told me. I shook my head.

"No... if I die, I stay dead," I told her. "I've lived a long time... and I don't want to trouble anyone if I do die."

"You'll trouble me. I'll mourn." She looked into my eyes then. I looked at her and softened my gaze.

"I know... and that's why I will do my best to stay alive."

"You better." She growled towards me. I laughed and then looked around the room.

"I want to go outside," I mumbled. "It's kind of stuffy in here. The view is something I see everyday." I started to try to get up then. "Let's go to the gardens." She sighed and then teleported us outside, we were now on a bench. I smiled and leaned my head against her as I looked around, enjoying the warmth on my skin. "Thank you," I said sweetly. I closed my eyes for a moment and then looked up towards the sky. "It's clear out today...." I smiled and then looked at Rose, brushing her hair behind her ear. "It's not as pretty as you though."

"How do you think Lauren accomplished holding it off?" She asked me suddenly. I shook my head.

"She probably rested a lot and drank a lot of blood.... Plus, she was taking care of her family and was holding them together. She was their glue," I told her. "She probably also didn't get drunk like me constantly."

"She never ate anything though." Rose told me. "If you remember..." She mumbled. "Honestly I think she had the disease when she was still living here. She was really sick before she left." I frowned.

"I don't know.... Maybe she has better resistance than I do," I told her. "I'm way older than her." I felt my phone buzz in my pocket then. I dug my phone out of my pocket and looked to see a text message from my lead scientist. I opened it up and blinked as I read it over. I froze up and started to scroll through it quickly towards the end. The cure... was found. I laughed in relief and texted him to bring me some at the manor then put my phone up. "Rose," I said and looked at her, giving a big smile. "Rose, my love, you're not going to be alone." She looked me over in confusion.

"Alone?" She asked me softly. I leaned in and kissed her cheek.

"I'm not going to die," I whispered in her ear, pulling her close. "I'm going to live." She giggled.

"Well either way I was going to make sure." She told me and rubbed my head then kissed my cheek. I purred to her and hugged her to me.

"My people found the cure," I mumbled, happy with them. They fear their lives enough to speed it up to give me results. "We should celebrate with a party when they administer the cure. No alcohol." She nodded and then looked my lips over longingly. I smiled. "I'll give you a real kiss when this is all over."

"Mr. Ivanoff," one of my scientists said from behind me. I stopped and looked his way, seeing he had a vial in his hands. "You asked for a sample of the cure, yes? Would you like me to administer it?" He walked up and looked me over. "You... got the disease, didn't you?"

"Yes," I said simply. He sighed and then got out a needle, filling it with the liquid in the vial then stuck me in the neck. I watched as he squeezed it into my system, and he smirked, taking the needle back.

"Wait twenty four hours before you do anything for the cure to finish killing any remains of the disease," he told me then disappeared. I started to feel better almost immediately and felt stronger. Standing up, I looked towards Rose and laughed a little. Oh man... I had a close call with death. Rose stood up quickly and pulled me into a hug then laughed softly.

"So are you taking me out or what?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Let's go get ready to go out, and then we'll go on a date," I purred. "We'll eat at Xandria's." She teleported us back into our room and she disappeared into her closet. I watched her then got myself some clean clothes out, putting them on. I went to the bathroom and started to brush my hair out, cleaning myself up a bit for her. I had to look the best I could right now for her.... She had seen so much and had to put up with so much.... She deserved better than to be laying down by a sick person. She deserves happiness. I walked out into the bedroom then, looking for her. She was waiting for me by the door in a pretty silver dress with gold roses patterned on it. She gave me a small smile.

"Hey cutie." She purred. I smirked and walked up to her, kneeling down as I took her hand then gave it a kiss.

"My princess," I purred, "you look absolutely gorgeous, the picture of perfection." She purred towards me then pulled me to my feet.

"You better hurry up and get better." She ordered. "I want a kiss." I smirked and pulled her to me, kissing her cheek.

"I will give you a kiss tomorrow," I told her. I picked her up then and carried her out of the room. "You deserve the very best." She giggled and rested her head against my shoulder. I carried her down to the garage then put her in a car, buckling her up then got into the driver's seat. I started the car and drove us out of the manor's land. "I think I better tell Nikolai," I mumbled as I remembered how upset he had been. He killed my newborn because of this.... I pulled out my phone and then dialed him up.

"Hey~ Are you still wasting away?" Nikolai asked as he answered. "Did you know~ That Alaska is cold as heaven?" He asked me, sounding a bit drunk. I raised an eyebrow. I think he got that from me....

"Nice to know that you're okay," I muttered. "Russia is cold too."

"Yeah~" He laughed then. "Donnie, stop tickling me... I'm on the phone with daddy." He giggled out and then I heard the phone fall. "AH! STOP! I have to pee now! No touchy!" I hung up then and dropped my phone into my lap. Oh my gosh.... He's reverted back to being two.

"He's your son," I said to Rose.

"Ummmm.... Yes... I remember giving birth to him." Rose nodded and laughed. "What'd he say?"

"He's drunk, getting tickled, and giggling.... He sounds like he's two," I told her and then shook my head, laughing a little. "I guess I will just wait to tell our son that I'm not dying anymore. It isn't that cruel, is it?"

"He's drunk so I suppose not. You better wait until in the morning. You should have asked when he was coming home." She shot at me.

"He dropped the phone. There wasn't much I could say.... I'm sure he'll be home soon though. He wouldn't stay away long," I told her and gave a smile. "I guess I could call him in the morning to tell him I'm cured and ask him for you." I looked towards my phone then at the road. "I'd call him back now, but he's probably having a pillow fight with Donnie."

"Hey... Most likely they're building forts." Rose corrected me. I sighed.

"I'd go check, but I'm not sure exactly where he is in Alaska. We'll just have to wait though. We're on a date, and he's drunk," I said and gave her a sweet smile. "So... after the date, maybe we should start thinking about booking a romantic cruise for next week or in a month.... What do you say? Time together would be nice... before you can't really do much," I mumbled. "After that, we should start preparing for the baby and get a nursery up."

"Uhmmm I don't really like ships or anything." She told me, shaking her head. "I get sea sick easily."

"Then a trip to the Himalayas," I suggested.

"How about we go spend some time together in Mexico..." She winked. "I like that idea."

"Mexico?" I looked her over.

"Mexico." She nodded. "I like Mexico. Let's get a nice place right off a beach and start getting some sun."

"Okay, that's what we'll do," I said and gave a nod. "We'll go to Mexico for a bit. I want to come back though before you have the baby. You should be near your family for that, and it might not be safe to be away from them while you're giving birth. Look what happened to Paris his first time."

"Shut up." She blushed. "I don't want to get jinxed let alone remember that day." She told me, looking away. I frowned and glanced her over before I looked back to the road. I probably shouldn't have brought that up.

"I'm sorry Rose.... I won't bring that up again. So what do you want to do after we eat? Anything specific?"

"We should go to the lake and sit together for a bit." She looked at me then and winked.

"Alright..." I drove us to Xandria's then got us a table and sat her down before I sat by her. I smirked as the waitress gave us our menus. Rose looked the menu over then at me and smiled towards me softly. I picked out something and then looked at Rose with a smirk. I leaned in and kissed her neck gently before I moved back a little and held her hand. She gave my hand a squeeze then sent my stone loving pulses. I purred and moved closer to her, looking her over longingly as I glanced from her lips to her neck. I wish I could give her what she wanted right now... but I don't want her in my boat... and our baby.... She started to rub my knee up under the table then as she looked her menu over carefully.

"Do you know what you want to order yet?" The waitress came back and smiled innocently. Rose nodded and ordered something off the menu quickly and laughed. Something about a spicy crab roll and a spicy tuna roll with tea. I ordered a steak with fries and a bottle of vodka, my usual drink. I smiled over at her and leaned in, kissing her neck as the waitress walked away.

"I love you," I purred to her. She giggled.

"I love you!" She grabbed my shirt then and pulled me closer. I laughed and scooted as close as I could, letting our legs touch. I smirked and put an arm around her shoulders.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked her. She nodded and gave me a small smile. She leaned in towards my lips then. I pulled back slightly and then kissed her cheek. "When the twenty four hours are over," I promised her. "We don't want any chances of you getting it."

"I'll take the chances." She went for another kiss then.

"The baby," I mumbled and put a hand on her tummy. I looked towards her lips longingly but held back for the baby. After all... I could easily give Rose the cure to get rid of it... but if the baby caught it, she might loose it. She sighed and nodded.

"Damn." She grumbled. "You just had to get sick." I smiled at her and rubbed her shoulder.

"You can kiss me all you want tomorrow," I purred to her. "I will give you the whole of tomorrow to spend with me if you'd like." She nodded then.

"All of tomorrow... right? Anything I want?" She asked to make sure. I gave a nod and smiled.

"Anything you want for a whole day," I promised her.

"I know what I want." She purred. I laughed and smirked her way.

"Oh? What is that?"

"We'll play doctor and patient." She smirked. "Like we used to." I laughed slightly and then nodded.

"Alright," I purred back to her and then nuzzled my face into her neck. She moaned slightly then pulled back.

"Let's try not to show off in the restaurant." She purred in my ear. I sighed and gave a nod as I held her close.

"Fine," I mumbled and then watched as the waitress brought our food to us. I reached out and grabbed a fry, eating it. She started to eat her sushi with chop sticks like it was natural. I laughed and watched her as I focused on eating my meal. "So will you have the lab coat and everything?" I asked her as I ate another fry. "It was really sexy."

"I never threw it away." She whispered. I smirked and then kissed her cheek by her ear gently.

"I'd love it if you wore it then," I whispered in it. She giggled and nodded.

"I'll wear it and under it will be a sexy outfit..." She winked towards me. I purred and then ran a hand down her side.

"I can't wait," I told her and then kissed right by her lips. "Want me to be a good little patient?"

"No... you should be very misbehaved." She winked then. I laughed and ran a hand through her hair.

"Mhmm? Like last time?" I asked her. "But of a more sexy version?" She winked towards me as she finished up her sushi. I smirked at her and started back on my food, eating it as I took sips of the vodka. "So the lake?" I asked as I finished up.

"What?" She asked me softly and then smiled. "You don't like it?" She started to get in my lap then.

"No, I do like the idea," I purred to her. "I was checking to make sure you wanted to go still." I ran a hand behind her then and pulled her close, kissing her neck. She moaned softly in my ear and offered her neck to me. I kissed it again and started to give her a love bite instead of biting in. She groaned and pulled away from me then got out of my lap. I gasped softly and looked her way. "Rose," I mumbled and then went for her neck again to give her another love bite. She shook her head.

"No." She told me and blushed. I growled possessively and then went to do it anyways. She giggled and teleported to the other side of the table and purred.

"Rose~!" I looked at her and pouted. I climbed up onto the table then, crawling over it to get to her. "Come here," I begged. She giggled and shook her head no. I grabbed her hand then and moved into her lap before I gave her another love bite.

"Victor! Please pay for the meal?" She asked me and then shoved me to the side of her and gave me a stern look. I sighed and gave a nod.

"Of course I'll pay for the meal," I told her and fished out my wallet as I heard the waitress coming back. She smiled and set the bill on the table.

"I'll be back in a minute," she told me and picked up our empty plates and walked off. I grabbed it and put my card into it then set it down, looking at Rose. I smirked slightly as I thought about how we'd be at the lake alone.... She wouldn't be able to shove me away like that and get away with it. Rose watched as the waitress pulled the bill off the table with the card and left with it then looked at me. She smirked slightly and kissed my cheek. I laughed and pulled her closer, purring in her ear as I ran my fingers through it and played with it. She moaned softly in my ear.

"I wish we could kiss now." Rose mumbled. When the waitress brought the check back, she handed my card over and gave us a smile. Rose teleported us back home and inside our bedroom where she crawled into bed with me and curled up to me. "Let's sleep through the rest of the remainder of 24 hours." She whispered to me lovingly. I frowned. What happened to the lake?! Oh well... I won't deny her a twenty four hour nap if that's what she wants. I brought her close and gave a nod, kissing her cheek as I rubbed her back.

"Alright," I told her and smiled as I closed my eyes. "Get some rest. You'll want it." She leaned against my chest then and purred as she sniffed me then started to drift off on me.