Hunters Association's Fight for Humanity

~Nikolai's Official Changes~

Slave ACTS: These laws were passed to make sure that during the process of catching and selling the slave would still have it's humanity and fair rights. They'll have their blood tested for disease, dressed properly for sale, and still come out the way they came in through the process. For buyers best interest and a faster sale.

Slave Auctions: Modernized to full doctorial equipment and safe holding sales as well as other none touch selling methods.

Blood lords legalized: All future and current blood lords have to get a 'green card' in order to be able to legally run their business. The green card is only handed over to blood lords that ensure the blood donors are not harmed and get protected. Cruel blood lords are put in jell for trying to get a green card or may be just rejected. Some blood lords may be executed when arrested. Depending on their history.

National Mates Holiday: One week Holiday first of August. This is to help mates find each other. A week where unmated species spend a week at camp. It's a social thing. For ages eighteen and up. There are four camps near each other that compete so it's really fun. The camps also run a month after for the hell of it. The camps are placed in North Carolina.

Nome, Alaska: A factory was placed in Nome, Alaska to make weapons.

Weapons Law: In order to buy and carry weapons your background has to be checked.

Supernatural Act: Structuralized Supernatural society the way vampires have viewed it for ages. Placing Vampires on top and the lesser- werewolves and humans at the bottom. Of course the Grimm manor and family is an exception that rules on top of the society. Note the following: Nikolai Grimm, Grimm manor/family, wizards & witches, other supernatural, werewolves, and humans. Then at the very bottom... vampire hunters that is the scum of the Earth.

Destruction of God: Churches and old run down buildings being included was torn down unless they were purposely to worship old vampire gods and others such as fate... things that couldn't connect back to vampire hunters.

The modernization: Cities become updated with technology advances.

School Act: Any species attending school must carry the ID card that tells they're attending school. This card protects them from any threat. This also mixes supernatural and mortals into the mix. Unless you have money, all future and current of age students are permitted to live on campus until the coming of age and graduation.


Nikolai's POV:

"I'm home!" I yelled as I followed Donnie as well as Midori into the Grimm manor. It was a long week... especially with babysitting Midori... I couldn't wait though to see Raven... I definitely missed her though I'd never admit it out loud and look week. I read in the papers though that she had fun with Paris... Burning Ainsworth manor to the ground. I had the pleasure of driving by the manor... it was in ruins now. There had been "No Survivors" so said the papers. Though there wasn't enough bodies to count all of the Ainsworth family... One had escaped. I didn't really have the time to look into who escaped though, I had enough on my hands with getting the job done. So I had to get fill me in texts from others like Raven. Apparently a lot happened while I was away though. Raven told me Charlie was the one the survived... He's mated to a werewolf in the manor... Quinton and Dannie were moving out finally, Louis and August were wanting to leave for a month after August gained his sight back, and some other things. Apparently my dad got his cure and my mom was excited. Hachi and Isaac went to Vegas? That's why we ended up with Midori... Paris is a horrible babysitter. There was also some werewolf alpha war about to come on between five alphas over Paris's territory which is very interesting.... It surprised me that Paris wasn't looking into it himself.... Figures he'd just let Cage and Quinton worry over it. The whole thing was giving me a splitting headache to thing about... Plus my new laws I passed. Raven appeared in front of me in a cute little black dress and laughed as she ran up to me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Nikolai~! I missed you!" She looked like she was doing a lot better. "I guess I'll have to tell my newborns no on the clubbing tonight," she told me and purred as she leaned up against me. I grabbed her arms and pushed her face at arms length then let her go.

"I missed you too Raven." I told her softly and blushed as Donnie over heard me and looked our way, giving me a thumb up. I widened my eyes and then looked away from him, advoiding eye contact. "So a few things happened while I was gone..." I told her, like she didn't already know.

"Mhmm?" She smiled at me sweetly then took my hand, leading me towards the living room. "I saw. I'm very proud of you."

"WELCOME BACK!" I heard a bunch of people yell as I walked into the living room. Almost everyone in the manor was waiting for us in the living room. Donnie walked in and looked around as he held Midori's hand. Raven smirked my way and then let my hand go as she walked towards them and went over to a few of her newborns, starting to talk to them. Midori giggled and rubbed his head up against Donnie. He froze up though as he saw Hachi and Isaac and giggled in excitement, running for them.

"Mommies!" He yelled and then pulled them into a bone crushing group hug as he purred and rubbed his heads against them. Hachi rubbed his head.

"We just got in a few minutes before you." Hachi told Donnie and Midori. I looked around then found Paris and Richard. I gave them a smile and walked up to them.

"Welcome home, King." Paris smirked my way as he sipped on a bottle of rum.

"You did a lot of great work," Richard said in approval and smirked as he reached for Paris's bottle. "Gimme." Paris growled and held the bottle away from Richard.

"Thanks you guys... it was a-" I paused as my phone rang in my pocket. I pulled it out then answered. "Hello?" I asked.

"King Nikolai... The weapons factory in Nome Alaska has been taken over by the HAHQ." I heard someone tell me.

"Who is this?" I asked quickly. The other end of the call ended and pulled my phone away from my ear as it started to burn me and then my phone exploded in my hand. Raven looked over in shock as she heard it then was over by me in seconds. She looked towards my hand and then widened her eyes.

"You're hurt," she mumbled and then kissed it before she looked up at me. She bit into her wrist then held it up to me, giving me a sweet smile. "Here, it'll help you." I grabbed her hand then and leaned into her wrist then bit down so I could heal up faster. When my wrist healed all the way I pulled back from her then looked at Paris and Richard. Paris had left the room already, probably knowing what I heard. I looked towards Richard.

"The Hunters Association has taken over the weapons factory I had build in Nome Alaska." I told him and turned to Donnie, seeing he was gone as well. Oh right, he probably over heard as well.

"Uh huh," Richard hummed and sipped on Paris's drink he had stolen. "Paris and Donnie are on it." Raven looked at Richard and frowned.

"You just wanted his drink."

"True," Richard said then started to walk off. "Paris~ Let me help you and Donnie!" He left the room then, leaving us. I started for Paris's study then. If I'm king, I should be allowed full supervision on this, damn it Paris, do you hear me!? Donnie appeared by me and teleported us into his study. Paris was talking on the phone with someone.

"Uh-huh... Yeah, I was informed of that already... it's on the news... They work fast. I did do that... Yes, we left Charlie alive because he wasn't there when we invaded... Yes... Spotted with another hunter? As I suspected... I'll call you back then.. Yes, good bye Uncle." He hung up and looked at me. "Well, it's been confirmed your weapons factory was taken over." He told me and sat down on his desk. "My uncle is getting down to business for us. It's a good thing I have connections." I walked up then sat down in his chair. Richard watched from the window and smirked slightly before he pulled out his phone and started texting someone.

"What're you doing?" I asked Richard curiously.

"Texting some of my more favored newborns to start poking around in Alaska," he said and shrugged. "Also, I'm asking Laurence about Miles out of curiosity." I frowned as Paris got another phone call. He answered it then.

"AH! Logan! How are you?" He hummed for a few minutes then stopped. "Thank you." He hung up and then turned to me. "Well you factory isn't going to be easy to take back. HAHQ has the whole place secured apparently. My cousin has sent my some footage." He pulled it up on his laptop then and showed me my factory. I growled softly as I seen a pile of dead bodies being burned. "That's the workers..." He whispered to me. Richard walked over and then looked, hissing as he saw it.

"Oh, I'll get it back for you," he growled out and looked beyond pissed. "Stupid vampire hunters all deserve to burn in hell," he hissed under his breath and started for the door. "Well, I'll be death's messenger and kick them all back to the infernal pit they crawled out of and kill them all."

"Where are you going?" I asked him and gave a frown. "Wait for my orders." I told him. He whirled around and looked at me, pointing a finger my way.

"I'm going to the weapon's room... then I'm going to Alaska to kick some ass. I'm older than you, so I'm going," he said and then stormed out of the room.

"God I love him." Paris purred and then got up and went after him. I rushed after both of them.

"HEY! I'M KING, GET YOUR ASSES BACK HERE AND WAIT FOR MY ORDERS!" I yelled towards them. I found Richard in the weapon's room already, loading up guns and shoving extra ammo into a duffle bag. He started to put on a bullet proof vest and made sure his stone was covered as he reached for a machine gun. He shoved it into his bag and wasn't paying any attention to me. I watched him with a glare then grabbed Paris's phone from his pocket and called Raven on it.

"Ello?" She purred. "Hey Paris, need me to go blow something up? Kinda in the mood for it, or is there another Brook like newborn?" She started to giggle. "You wouldn't call me unless you needed me to do something."

"Raven, Richard is going up north to Alaska to kick some HAHQ ass. Do you want to follow him up there with me to make sure he returns home with all five limbs?" I heard her phone drop and she appeared into the room, rushing for a gun as she giggled. I laughed and started to load up as well and watched Paris putting knives into his pockets then a couple of hand guns. He waited on the rest of us with a smirk, going light. I put a machine gun on me with a bag of bullets then waited for them. I figure I won't get many targets anyways if I am taking these three with me. Raven looked towards Paris and me then smirked.

"Be right back. Got to go get my knives," she purred and disappeared out of the room with the gun she picked. Paris pulled up a map of my factory for us on the table that was hallow graphed. He started to look through the blue prints as he leaned over the table and then started to design a best rout for himself. Richard looked it over.

"Hmmm... that window is by that office," he mumbled to himself. "I think I'll use it." Hachi rushed into the room then.

"Take me with you." He begged, pulling out his wizard wand. "I want to help!" I turned to him.

"No, your not immortal." I told him. He froze up as he looked me over then started to whimper. Paris turned to him.

"He's right Hachi." Paris told him. Midori walked into the room then hugged Hachi, purring as he rubbed his cheek against him.

"My wizard," he whispered and then lightly ran his teeth against Hachi's skin. "Come to the treasure room with me." Hachi watched us, begging.

"Please, I want to help! Richard?" He looked towards him. Richard glanced over at Hachi and smiled sweetly.

"Yeaaaaaa- No," he said and cut Hachi off. "You're not going."

"WHY NOT!?" Hachi asked him. "I can take care of myself, better then most of you can." He crossed his arms. Richard smirked.

"One... Paris said no... Two, Isaac is standing behind you, eyeing you down and glaring our way.... Three, I bet you would have a hard time fighting Raven in battle on one of her good days, let alone a whole factory of vampire hunters without your immortality to protect you." Hachi turned around then to look for Isaac. Isaac was standing in the doorway, but as soon as Hachi saw him, he ducked behind the wall to hide from him. Hachi grumbled then turned back to Richard.

"But Richard...." He pouted. "I don't want you guys going into battle without your best weapon right with you."

"He said no." Paris told him. Hachi grumbled and then ran out the door, upset. Richard glanced at him and sighed.

"You're getting him a teddy bear on our way back," he told Paris. "You don't want him to eat us in our sleep." He looked the map over as Midori chased after Hachi, and I heard Isaac leaving as well, going for him. Raven appeared in the room and looked at us then walked over.

"Oh... is that it? The place we're shooting up? It doesn't look too hard," she said and pouted. She looked it over and then looked at Paris. "On this mission, may I allow myself to cut loose?"

"As long as you know your limits." Paris told her. I glanced down at my watch and then set it for a hour. Raven smiled and gave a nod.

"Okay," she hummed at him and giggled. "I'll edge it." Paris looked us over.

"Let's do this." Paris told us and then looked at me. "Your staying behind though, King." He smirked.

"NO I'M NOT!" I told him.

"Hahahahaha! I get to go and you don't!" Raven started giggling at me.

"That's not funny Raven." I told her. "I'm King... I should get to go."

"Your factory idea is the whole reason why the HAHQ has weapons now. You're staying here." Paris told me. "Think about it." Paris teleported with Richard then. Raven glanced at the map and then smirked.

"I think I'll go there first," she whispered to herself then looked up at me. "Hah, I'll see ya when I get back girlie," she teased then disappeared. I grumbled then took off my weapons and started for Paris's study to wait for them there. I walked in then sat down at his desk. I felt Paris's phone go off in my hand so I picked it up and answered it.

"Paris, I think the factory burning might've been a planned diversion." I heard Logan, Paris's cousin say into the phone. "Or maybe not, maybe I'm over thinking it. Just watch your back, okay?" I hung up then on him and started to text Richard what Logan said.

Richard: We'll be okay.

After a bit, I heard a crash downstairs and a few screams as the alarm system went off. I felt a hand slip over my shoulder then and run down my chest as another ran towards my neck and gripped it. "Paris Grimm... I should've killed you when you were little. My son is dead, and the other is hopelessly lost. I'll kill you now instead and squash you like a little bug then I'll take him back and teach him the right way again," I heard a voice hiss in my ear. I felt fangs sink into my neck then as the vampire behind me started to drain me quickly, sucking my blood out easily and making me feel light headed. I fell back against the chair as my life source was being drained from me.

"I-I'm not... Paris." I whispered softly. "I'm his nephew." The fangs pulled out of my neck then and I heard the vampire growl.

"It doesn't matter... I'm going to kill you all anyways when it's all said and done. The vampire race has strayed," he hissed and then spun the chair around. I recognized him from one of the older pictures Richard had shown me and realized it was Dracula, his father. He reached into my chest then, gripping my stone as his eyes looked me over. "You look so much like him. The world will be better off without you," he hissed and then showed me his fangs as he started to pull on my stone. I watched him with wide eyes.

"You forgot something." I told him instantly as I seen the demon standing behind him with a gun pointed against his head and the demon pulled the trigger. "I work with demons." I smirked as his blood got all over me and the demon shot him in the chest then, I could hear something get cracked a bit. I reached up into his chest then and grabbed his stone before he could crush mine and crushed his. He glared at me and leaned in towards my neck before he could die and bit in again as his body slowly started to decompose. It took him a few minutes before his body gave up on life without his stone, and he crumbled into the floor and finished dying. I felt his hand linger around my stone and looked towards the demon. He walked up to me and then reached in, helping me pull out the hand and then smirked.

"Glad I'm still around?" He asked me and laughed. I glared him down and felt my body shake a bit as a cold chill went up my spine. I was about to be murdered! I watched as my chest healed up then grabbed Paris's phone and called Richard. It answered.


"I killed your father." I told him. "I'm glad I stayed behind." I heard gunshots going off on the other line and an explosion then Raven's mad giggles.

"Hahahahahaha! How's it feel to burn?!" She yelled at them.

"What was that? I couldn't hear over RAVEN!" He yelled, aiming it at her.

"You know you love me!" She yelled back at him.


"Hang up! It can't be that important!"


"OH.... GO INTO THAT STALL OVER THERE THEN. I'VE GOT THIS!" She yelled back at him and I heard another explosion as she started to giggle again.

"I said I killed your father Richard. He almost killed me, thinking I was Paris. He's on the floor now." I rubbed my chest and then felt a stinging in my shoulder and looked to see one of the bullets had went through him and hit me. I hung up on Richard then and grabbed one of the pencils from Paris's desk and started to stab into the bullet wound to stab it out onto the other side of me. Hachi rushed into the room then and looked me over then at the floor.

"Nikolai!" He said with a pained expression. "Your okay. The alarms are going off." He told me and rushed over. He grabbed the pencil from my hand and threw it aside then pulled out the bullet for me and started to heal my shoulder. "That's a dead body in the floor." He informed me. "What happened?" I looked around, seeing the demon gone.

"Nothing... I only killed Dracula." I explained.

"Dracula? That's Richard's father!" Hachi told me and looked me in the eyes. "Wow... have you called to tell him!?" I nodded.

"What's going on downstairs?"

"Not sure." Hachi told me. "I came here as soon as I heard the alarm go off." He explained. I heard screams downstairs then and a loud roar. Hachi tensed up then.

"What's that?" I asked him.

"HACHIII! MIDORI IS TRYING TO EAT THE ARMY AGAIN!" Isaac called from downstairs. He screamed then. "OH MY STARS! YOU ALMOST HIT ME!" Hachi used his magic to leave the room then. I got up slowly and felt my stone pulse a bit, sending my body into a small shock and I fell over into the floor.

"Oooo.... looks like that hurts." The demon said, he was now sitting on the desk and watching me with an amused look.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Well... Your stone might be healing from a small crack." He told me. "After all, you was about to die before I saved you. You better lay there for a few more minutes and stay down. Don't strain yourself." He smirked. I rolled over onto my back and groaned as my stone pulsed again.

"Why is being a pureblood so hard?" I asked myself.

"Your part demon, get over it."

Richard's POV:

I heard shooting going off in the main factory area where the ammunition was being made at. "COME AND GET ME LITTLE PUREBLOODS." A man yelled, laughing loudly. "There are more of us and three of you! Shoot them men, stop cowering. We're going to win. Can't you see! SHOOT THEM MEN! GOD DAMN IT!" I heard some more gun firings. "FOR MANKIND!" Raven smirked from where she was laying in the rubble and produced a trigger, putting her finger over the red button.

"Boom," she said and then pressed it. I heard screams just as an explosion went off from where the guy was. She giggled and then got to her feet, running at the men as she shot at them and giggled madly. A man came out from an office door then and shot Raven's leg, it started to decay then on her, making her run slow. Paris appeared in front of him then ripped out his jugular and his blood splashed out everywhere. Paris whipped some of his blood off then was tackled by another man from the room and stabbed in the chest with a knife. The man pulled out a gun from his waist and went to shoot Paris in the head but wasn't quick enough. Paris teleported to standing behind him then took his gun from his hip and shot the guy in the head, splattering brains everywhere.

"THERE'S ONLY THREE OF THEM! What the hell is wrong with you men. There are weapons all over this place. Grab one and kill them!" A girl shouted, starting for me then with a machine gun that was firing my way. I used my ability to disappear then got out of her way and ran for her. I tackled her to the ground and then dug my nails into her side and reached in and up, grabbing her heart and yanking it out. I threw it at the men she had been yelling at then picked her up and made her look like she was running for them as I held onto her hand and made her shoot at them with her machine gun as I chuckled under my breath. That should freak them out... and it provides me a shield. They all screamed and started to back up behind things and get protection as they shot towards us. Paris started to head downstairs then. I glanced his way then slung the body at them and reappeared.

"IT ONLY TAKES ONE TO SLAUGHTER YOU ALL," I yelled at them and picked up a gun, shooting them down easily. I heard something click by me then and an explosion went off, I had triggered a bomb and it flung me a few feet back, flames of fire started to burn my skin and clothes. I heard footsteps coming up towards me then and a gun went off and I was shot in the stomach. I felt my stomach acid starting to burn and rush into my body as I was shot in the head then and I felt my body start to get electrocuted.

"Look at the scum that wondered into my territory." I heard Charlie calling from behind the gun. "You killed my family Richard." He laughed evilly then. "I'm going to send you straight to hell with them." He said as he started to get closer and shot me in the cheek then.

"HIYA!" Raven yelled and tackled him to the ground. "Mmmmmm you smell really fascinating," she said and then ripped the gun from him. "What do your insides smell like?" She asked and then shot him in the stomach. "Oh... It's not as good.... Too bad!" She giggled madly, not even realizing who she was messing with. She leaned in and bit into his neck. "Oh my god... why do you taste a little like that German baaa-" She looked at him with wide eyes. "YOU'RE SO DEAD." She screamed at him as she saw who he was and then ripped out his throat. Charlie groaned but then managed out a laugh.

"You're dead. I poisoned my blood." He told her. "You should've never swallowed Raven." He told her as his body was working on healing him. I heard Raven get shot then from the side, a bullet going in her head and out of it, hitting my leg. A male walked up then.

"Charlie... I'm sorry I couldn't get to you in time." He told him and then kicked Raven off of him like she was a bug. He pulled Charlie to his feet quickly. "Come on, let's get you somewhere safe." He looked towards Raven and shot her again in the eye. "Just in case." I looked towards her in panic as she started to giggle and tried to sit up.

"Here little hunters," she purred. I crawled over to her and reached into her chest from behind as I remembered what happened to Paris when Dylan had poisoned him. I ripped her stone out before she could react then slipped it into my pocket, watching as her body decayed and the blue stuff was in her blood. I shook my head and then ran for the stairs, going down them before I could get shot again and took cover by them as I started to take my bullets out. Paris appeared in front of me and started to help me.

"You okay?" Paris asked me, sounding worried. "Raven's wild insane thoughts stopped and I was afraid..." He shook his head and then kissed my cheek. He smelled like blood as well as he teleported us into the manor back home and then fell over, passing out. I whimpered and then pulled him close to me and sniffed him some more. Oh no... not again. I ripped his stone out and pocketed it as I saw his body decay with more of that blue stuff.

"HACHI!" I screamed for him, knowing he'd help me. "NIKOLAI!" Hachi rushed into the room then and looked towards me.

"Where's Paris and Raven?" Hachi asked me with worry. "What happened!?" He started for my side then. I looked up at him and sat up.

"They'll be okay I think... Help me up. I need to clean off their stones. They were poisoned," I told him and reached for his hands. He grabbed my hands then and tried to help me up.

"Nikolai was attacked." He told me, trying to help me over to the half bath. "He's sort of okay. I left him healing in the study. His shoulder had a bullet wound and his clothes were torn and bloody over his stone." I nodded.

"If he's still alive, he'll be fine," I told him and then managed to get into the bath and over to the sink. I dug around for their stones and put them on the counter then turned on the sink as I began to wash them off, making sure everything was off of them and then sat them both on a small hand towel. "Someone should inform him that his mate was taken down in battle.... He might get really worried if he's not told that she made it out." Hachi nodded and took off towards the study to inform Nikolai. I looked towards their stones then gently touched Paris's, wanting to see if he was awake. Paris was asleep, his stone was swirling though like he was dreaming. I smiled softly and then picked them both up, studying them. They both look okay. I shouldn't have to bathe their stones any further... or dump them into a special kind of bath. I walked out as my wounds started to heal and my strength returned, so I walked up to the study and went in. "Nikolai," I called out and walked over to him. I looked him over and then knelt down beside him. "Here." I put Raven's stone on his chest and then held Paris close to me. He picked it up and looked at it...

"Raven?" He asked softly and went to sit up but let out a small hiss and stayed down. Hachi sat down in Paris's chair when we got in.

"Yes," I told Nikolai. "She's lucky I could rescue her. If the poison had entered her stone, you'd be mateless," I informed him and then purred to Paris's stone happily as I sent his stone loving pulses to help him dream. Paris's stone sent back loving pulses to me in it's dreams. Nikolai looked up towards me and then put Raven's stone in his pocket and closed his eyes. "You shouldn't wait too long. It's her first time having her stone out of her since she was born. She'll probably be freaking out soon.... I've heard of stories where a house was burned down because they were keeping a pureblood stone and the stone burned the place down by heating itself up." Nikolai nodded and seemed to be drifting to sleep. I noticed then that my father's dead body was just a few feet away from him. I widened my eyes and then bit into the hand that was holding Paris's stone and then watched as his stone started to absorb it. I sat him down quickly, looking towards him. Paris started to form instantly as he took in my blood and rooted a new body. Paris shuffled in his sleep as he finished forming. I looked at him then sighed. Figures he'd take a nap. I ruffled his hair and then crawled over Nikolai to my father's dead form and looked around, checking for a stone. When I didn't find one, I sighed and then laid back, placing my head against Nikolai's stomach. "Nikolai... you killed my dad," I muttered and then looked at Hachi. "We've got two sleeping Grimm's." I got to my feet and then picked up Paris and sat him down on one of his favorite couches then picked up Nikolai and placed him down near Paris. I went over to the door and ordered a maid to get me two blankets, and when she returned, I covered them both up and started up a fire.

~Time Skip~

Nikolai woke up first, falling off the couch and started to cough up a bit of blood then let out a satisfied groan and started to stand up, stumbling towards the door like he was drunk. Hachi made his move then on the chess board, motioning for me to go. I nodded and then picked up a piece and moved it, taking his queen and put his king in check. "Check," I said and then smirked. He froze up and thought it through then knocked all the pieces off into the floor and crossed his arms. "HACHI!" I panicked. OH NO... The game! We can't complete it! I screamed and dove for the pieces. He laughed then and watched me then knocked the board off as well. He pulled out a deck of cards.

"Let's play cards now." I looked at him, pissed.

"THE BOARD GAME!" I got to my feet and picked up the board. "You are supposed to finish the game! What the hell! The game wasn't finished!"

"Oh well." Hachi told me and then went to deal out cards to us. I sighed and sat down, pouting as I muttered under my breath then took the cards he gave me.

"What are we playing?" I asked him.

"Go fish." He told me. I nodded and started to play the game with him as we waited on Paris.

Nikolai's POV:

I pulled Raven's stone out of my pocket and then bit down into my wrist. I got to my knees and sat her stone down then started to give it my blood so she can come back. Raven started to form back, and when she finished, she whimpered and curled up, holding her chest. "I feel violated," she whispered to herself. I rubbed her head and then tried to get her to her feet as I realized she was naked.

"Raven, you're nude." I whispered. Her eyes widened and she disappeared immediately. I laughed softly and started for our bedroom. She was inside, slipping a shirt over her head. She was already in a pair of black panties, and she had a pair of pants set out on the bed as she worked on covering up. I walked in then shut the door behind me and walked over to our bed longingly and laid down on it. She looked at me and put on her pants then widened her eyes.

"M-my... my knives," she whispered as she realized that she no longer had them. "That was my entire collection...." She fell to her knees then in despair.

"You can't go get them either." I told her. "Not alone."

"Those crummy vampire hunters are probably putting their dirty little hands all over my favorites.... The one that Paris bought me from Dylan!" She started to cry then. "That one was perfect!"

"I'm sorry, but they're just knives Raven." I told her.

"But I liked that one," she mumbled and then crawled into the bed. She moved over to me and then curled up beside me, resting her head on my chest. "It was one of the first things Paris ever got me.... I was the only one he took when he did that shopping too... and then the one that I've had since forever... it's gone too.... Every single one of them...." She whimpered and buried her face into me.

"There there..." I patted her head and watched her. "Make me feel uncomfy by touching me. You're upset." I rubbed her head then to comfort her. She grabbed my hand and then sat up, looking at me. She got out of the bed and walked over to the bathroom, shutting the door. I watched her and shook my head. Over knives too. After a few minutes, she came out with her hair pulled up and walked over to her wardrobe and got her a dress out then a pair of black heels. She went back to the bathroom to change. I sighed and got up. I guess I did cross a line with her... I'm her mate and I need to show more physical contact to her. I got up and walked over to the bathroom and knocked on it lightly. "Raven, don't go clubbing." I told her. "It's not fair to me." I adjusted my footing then. "If you want, I can get you some new knives made." I suggested. "Just don't go clubbing."

"I'm not going clubbing... I'm knife shopping," she told me through the door. "I was thinking about it... but I decided that my heart wouldn't be in it, so I am buying myself a gift and I'll restart my collection." She opened the door and then looked up at me and gave a soft smile. "The knives today are better made anyways.... It was the sentiment behind a few of them that I'll miss." She leaned up and kissed my cheek. "Come with me?"

"Not with you in that dress." I told her firmly, eyeing her up and down. "Go put on some pants and a nice t-shirt." I pointed towards her closet. She sighed and then walked past me, going for the door. I followed after her quickly. "Raven." I grumbled. She stopped and glanced back at me.

"What?" I pushed past her and walked out of the bedroom and started for the garage.

"Nothing." I called behind me. I just got home and an attack happens and then I have to go buy knives... That's the manor for you.

"Look, if you don't want to go... it can wait until tomorrow," she called after me. "It's been a long day after all." I spun around and started back for the bedroom.

"Yeah! I really had a long flight home." I told her and walked back into our bedroom and collapsed back onto our bed. I could tell she was watching me before she sighed and walked over, slipping her heels off. She scooted me over and then laid down, curling up on the edge of her side of the bed.

"Get some sleep Nikolai," she mumbled. I nodded and curled up to my pillow then drifted asleep.

Paris's POV:

I heard a small giggle and a few cards getting laid down. "I've won again!" I heard Hachi yell out in excitement. "I told you I'm good at cards." He told someone else in the room. "Guess what Richard, we're playing another round. What time is it?" I heard him pick up and put down a glass. I opened my eyes and glanced over, seeing dawn filling into the room and Hachi was drinking something and playing cards with Richard at my desk. I sat up a bit then and looked around...

"What happened?" I asked softly, feeling my head pounding.

"You were poisoned by that blue stuff again... so I rescued you.... Raven bit Charlie and got that stuff in her system, so she had her stone taken from her for the first time. Watch out... she might be a bit touchy for a bit. It's always rough the first time.... Nikolai killed my father and almost died... and Hachi threw my chess board," Richard muttered as he was looking through a deck of cards. Hachi gave an innocent smile.

"Didn't!" Hachi pointed a finger at him. He started to adjust the cards in his hands then and gave Richard a smirk as he looked his cards over. I slowly moved off the couch then and kept the blanket around my waist then teleported to my bedroom and dropped the blanket. I walked into my closet and picked out some clothes to wear then slipped them on. I teleported back to Richard and crawled into his lap then leaned into his neck and bit down into him then started to drink his blood. He gasped softly then set his cards down and wrapped his arms around me.

"Paris~!" He moaned slightly and then tilted his head back, exposing his neck to me. I could see his neck pulsing from the way he tilted his head and it was like it was calling out to me. I bit down harder into his neck and released my venom.

"I'll leave you two alone." Hachi got up and left the room then, shutting it for us. I let out a small moan and tilted the chair back, making it fall over so we was on the floor now. He yelped as we hit the floor and then kissed my cheek, pulling me close as he moaned. I let out a small growl and sat up on him then looked him over longingly. I snapped my jaws towards his neck and purred. He laughed and then leaned up, stealing a kiss from my lips.

"Mine," he purred in my ear and went to flip us. I pinned him down and smirked.

"Nope." I told him. "I'm not letting you get away that fast, and you can't top me either." I let out a small growl and leaned down towards his neck to bite him again. He instinctively tilted his head to the side for me and purred up at me, giving me a longing look. I smirked and started to give him a love bite to change it up and made him moan. He melted under me and looked me over lovingly before he kissed my neck. I ran my fangs against his neck then, arousing him in his pants. He moaned and gripped my sides as he blushed a little as his fangs sharpened. I smirked and kissed his lips softly, slipping between his legs and started to grind up against him. He moaned a little louder and leaned up, kissing me passionately as he started to get more aroused. I heard the manor's alarm system start to go off then and sirens went off outside. I sat up on him and cleaned off my face. I looked down at him then got to my feet as I heard gun fire going off and a whole wall collapsing downstairs. I frowned and looked towards Richard. He whimpered and curled up on the floor.

"Damn it," he mumbled and then sat up, crawling over to the desk. He grabbed one of the guns from under it then stood up. He gave me a longing look but started for the door. I nodded and teleported into my weapons room and found some of my men inside, rushing to get guns. I grabbed some of my throwing knives then teleported downstairs. I held my head as it stung then started for where I heard gunfire and a wall collapse. I heard another one collapse on the opposite side of the house.


"Mhhhhhmmm, you smell good," she purred and then went to bite him but stopped. "Damn hunters," she hissed and then shoved him down as he died.

"ARE YOU READY MEN!? ATTACK!" I heard on the other side of the manor where the wall had just fallen. I teleported up to the roof of my manor to check out what was going on outside and froze up a I seen the size of their army. It was more the when I raided that HQ and found Dannie. I placed a small ear piece in my ear then and turned it on.

"Who's got this in?" I asked, wondering if anyone important had one on. I watched Cage's pack coming from the woods to protect my manor. I looked over the dozens- no thousands of men. They were preparing for this... That's why they stayed quiet for so many years. I'll have to relocate my family to protect them.... I heard helicopters coming towards my manor then and widened my eyes at the sound of quite an army. "We've got helicopters coming and the army outside is enormous. I want my family evacuated." I ordered, hearing some of my men responds in yesses. I teleported behind the crowd of hunters and started to listen in and felt the ground vibrating. Ah hell... Tanks.. where did they get tanks!? "God damn it get my family out of the manor, this fight can't be won tonight."

"I was saving this for a wonderful summer day but I'm building this family a castle in Colorado." I heard Nikolai tell us. "We can all get there safely if we put our minds to it."

"Get my babies out of the manor." I ordered. "NOW!" I hissed and teleported into the manor to help the fight. "EVACUATE!" I yelled. "THERE'S TANKS COMING AND HELICOPTERS, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE." I yelled towards them. "RICHARD!" I yelled for him as I walked up to a hunter from behind him and shoved him forward into my man, having his sword go straight into his chest and kill him. "ALL MY MEN GET MY FAMILY OUT FIRST." I yelled to my army brats. The thoughts of my family quickly began to disappear then as everyone rushed to get out. I could hear Richard's thoughts nearby as he was trying to hold off some of the hunters. I teleported into the quadruplet's bedroom to make sure they was out safely. I spotted Shiloh biting one of my army brats as he tried to grab her, the other three were being caught by some of my other men.

"Momma, what's going on?" Keegan asked sleepily. He wasn't even putting up a fight.

"Shiloh I need you to go with these men. They're taking you four to safety. We're being invaded and it's not safe here anymore. I'll be with you four soon. I need to make sure everyone gets out safely." I told them all together. Keegan nodded.

"Shy, please don't fight him, we need to do what mommy says." Keegan told her. She ducked between the guy's legs and ran over to Keegan, barreling into him as she knocked them to the floor.

"I don't wanna go!" She cried out and buried her face into Keegan's chest. Laurence appeared in the room then and used his shadows to take them away. He looked towards me.

"They're safely in the castle Nikolai built." Laurence told me and his eyes shinned with knowledge. "I need to go." He rushed out and disappeared then. I teleported downstairs and pulled out my phone and called Quinton. I pulled out one of my throwing knives and threw it towards a hunter and got him in the eye.

"Hmmm... What's up?" He mumbled sleepily into the phone. "It's early...."

"We're being under attacked at the manor. I want to know if you're safe. Look out your window." I told him. "Be sly about it. I don't want you to die young. Don't scare Dannie but I want you to leave. They might come for you next." Laurence appeared in front of me then.

"Paris! We can't take the family to the new castle being built in Colorado. There are hunters waiting there so I pushed the family to go to your hidden castle in Paris. It's a long jump there but it's safe." He told me and then pulled my ear piece from my ear to repeat that information to my men.

"Quinton, I'm going to send someone to get you and Dannie." I told him.

"Ummm.... Yeah.... They're out there," he whispered into the phone. "I will get Dannie out of here before they can get in," he promised me. "I'll protect him with my life. Make sure Sam gets out of there." I widened my eyes and then hung up on him and called Louis.

"What the hell is going on?! I just teleported August to freakin... August, what did I say this was? Australia? FREAKIN AUSTRALIA!" He yelled at me. "Why're we being attacked like that? Is everyone safe? I'm coming back. August, stay here in this bed and don't move a muscle."

"Laurence and I are taking everyone to the castle in France that I kept hidden for many years. You probably remember me showing you it one time. Anyways, come home and get everyone there. Dannie and Quinton are in trouble at the apartment, go to them first and help them to the castle." I begged him. "The HAHQ has sent practically all of their forces to take us down." I grumbled in annoyance. "It's a rebellion. I think some humans are with them half trained. Look, there are helicopters and tanks coming here. We need to do this as quick as possible so no one gets hurt." I heard the phone click and soon enough, he was in front of me, snatching people up and disappearing. I hope he took Quinton and Dannie to safety... I rushed to do the same, grabbing Midori since he was nearby and took Donnie with a snatch and teleported them to my castle and sat them down then teleported back. I felt my head pulse with pain. I rushed towards Hachi, seeing him hanging on my chandelier and reading a spell book quickly. Suddenly a force field sprung from him and went around the manor. Hachi looked towards me.

"Only us can get in and out." Hachi told me. "This will buy us fifteen minutes." He pulled on the mark. "Get everyone out." He told me and started to mess with some nearby hunters with his magic. I nodded his way and ran up the stairs, yelling for everyone to evacuate. I found Richard breaking a hunter's neck as he slammed him through a wall and then grabbed another and threw him down the stairs, almost hitting me on accident. He didn't seem to notice I was coming as he went for another.

"Richard, get out." I told him quickly. "We have less then fifteen minutes." Laurence was snatching people with his shadows to get them out and rushed towards me. "Go ahead you two and go, I've got this." He assured us. "Hachi's magic is helping me." He ran past us, heading down the stairs. "HACHI! I'LL NEED YOU CAUST ANOTHER SPELL, TRY TO SLOW TIME DOWN OR SOMETHING!" He suggested.

"Can't!" Hachi yelled. "I don't mess with time." He explained and tapped his watch. "I need this to be ticking only in one direction. GO GO!" He waved his hands. "I'm getting the scary vampire hunters!" He assured. I caught Isaac eyeing one down like he wanted to eat him as he started for the vampire hunter, his tail twitching with a predatory look in his eyes.

"LOUIS! DID YOU GET JASPER!?" I called towards him. I teleported down to the werewolf hall and looked through the rooms to make sure they were cleared out. Nikolai appeared by me then.

"I've managed to get the werewolves out." He informed and I seen the demon standing behind him. "It's just Raven, Richard, Laurence, Hachi, Isaac, Harry, me, you, and a few more of your army brats." He informed. "Louis has been popping in and out, but I think he's realized that it's only us now. We need to go." Nikolai tapped his watch. I nodded. "Hachi has to be the last one out." He informed. "Otherwise the spell will break." Louis appeared beside me and then looked at Nikolai and grabbed him, disappearing with him. I teleported to where I found Richard last and grabbed him then teleported us out and into the castle where my family was standing around at. Laurence appeared with Raven in his arms and then let her go. Hachi appeared with Harry and Isaac on his sides. Isaac looked a little upset, but he didn't complain as he kissed Hachi's neck playfully. Raven glanced around for Nikolai in a small panic, but as she saw him, she relaxed and walked away slightly, going to the edge of the room and sat down. Nikolai walked over to Raven and sat down by her, giving her a small smile. I looked towards Richard with worry.

"My manor." I mumbled. I teleported back to the grounds of my manor but stayed in a tree to watch it get destroyed by the hunters. "Bastards." I spat out quietly. Laurence appeared in the tree then with Louis and Richard, he a had a bag of popcorn come into his hands then.

"Wow, I love a good fireworks show." Laurence joked. "We'll rebuild a better castle." He told us, like he already seen it... he probably did.

"My babies were growing up in there," Richard mumbled sadly. "They didn't get to stay in their nursery...."

"My gold..." I mumbled. "Fuck..." I furrowed my eyes. "Good thing I have another treasure room in France." I joked and laughed a bit... It was just a manor after off and I never expected it to last this long... but I will rebuild it and make it better.

"So I was thinking that this time, you should build a new hall." He told me and smirked. "Our family is growing. We have two werewolf packs after all." Louis grabbed my hand as he stayed silent and watched our work burn. He started to show me the time when he built it, but it wasn't as strong as he normally gave me his memories... like watching it burn was a big distraction to him. I gave his hand a small squeeze and then leaned up against him, watching the manor burn and get torn down. A few news reporters were arriving at the scene now.

"Bastards," Louis whispered. "I shouldn't have tried to protect the human race like I did.... They turned on us after what I did for them...."

"After what Nikolai built for them too, all those protection laws." I hissed and glared the reporters down, wondering what they had to say about my family's tragic coming.

"We'll get them back," Richard hissed under his breath. "We'll show them why we ruled for so long. We'll chase them all back into their hidey holes... then we'll burn them alive." I smirked at the thought. Hachi appeared by us then and then looked towards me.

"It's hard to find you guys." He told us. He then smirked. "But not so hard with this~" He tugged on his stitching. "I have an idea." He told us quickly. "I was watching this show called Once Upon a Time... and after experiencing this... I have a spell to make. I'm going to wipe the knowledge of supernatural from all mortals/humans." He told us. "It'll get rid of vampire hunters once and for all and help the humans repopulate." He gave a smile towards us. "We'll be at peace then too."

"Can we make Charlie human then?" Louis spoke up and looked towards Hachi. "He'd bring hunters back."

"Yes." Hachi told him. "If you guys get me Charlie then I will turn him back human and you guys can do whatever you want with him." He smirked. "Then I will make my spell." I looked Hachi over.

"Louis, Richard my loves... we have one more Ainsworth to take down." I told them. They smirked and then looked towards the house. Richard used his powers to go invisible and got out of the tree as Louis started to follow after him, pulling out a gun as he decided to make sure Richard was safe. I grabbed Louis's shoulder and pulled him back to me then looked at Hachi. He tapped us with his wand then and Louis turned invisible.

"Slip in and out." Hachi begged. "Don't get too hurt." I felt Louis leave me then, going after Richard. I started for the manor then and helped Louis and Richard search for Charlie, after somewhere over three hours I was starting to give up, it was like he wasn't even at the manor. He possibly wasn't even here. The fire was dying on the manor and the crowd was fading. They were loosing interest on my falling manor. Richard reappeared after they were all gone and started walking through the rubbage, picking up one of my diaries.

"Bastards," he whispered softly and then tossed it. Louis reappeared and crossed his arms.

"It's not like you built this place! You just busted in here one day and took my twin from me! If anyone should be mad, it's me!" He shouted at Richard and exposed his fangs. "This was my home way before it was yours Richard!" I growled towards Louis.

"Yes, but this manor was my idea and my love and life. Besides you two." I purred. I looked at my diary and frowned... That's not good... How will I remember a few specific events now? I won't have my text to go back to and visit. Laurence appeared by us then.

"He's not here." Laurence told us. "He didn't even participate in burning this place down. He's at the Hunters Association Academy, throwing knives and watching the news." He smirked. Louis looked at Laurence then smirked.

"Boys, I'll retrieve him," he said and then started to walk off, disappearing after a few steps.