It’s The Last Midnight

Isaac's POV:

I smirked as I looked at a card and set it down on the table, knowing what it meant. I had drawn the king's card in this game I was playing with myself. "It's the last midnight. It'll all end here for the humans and us. Hachi will start the clock."

Charlie's POV:

I rolled over in an uncomfortable position with my legs above my head in a heavy hiding hole. I groaned and picked up an empty bottle of rum then threw it up against the ceiling above me and heard a groan from on top.

"Charlie... Here's what I don't get... How is it you're able to be perfectly fine with the poison in your body... You're a vampire." I heard Sebastian say from on top of whatever I was in. I seen a small crack of light so I pushed open a door and fell out of a cabinet and straight into the floor. Apparently I was thinking up was down and down was up in there... I groaned and looked at Sebastian as he laughed at me from on top of the counter. "Good morning. Guess what?! The hunters association burning down the Grimm manor last night and~ they also killed that rogue alpha guy- what was his name? Rossi! He's been so much of a trouble to us... Killing humans off the street and turning them for his liking. We also took care of a few more werewolves in that area for our amusement. Here, drink this." He tossed me a new bottle of rum. "We're celebrating still. Our work at the weapons factory is still the talk all over the news." I could hear a TV on a nearby cabinet announcing the news. I sat up slowly and heard the door open.

"SEBASTIAN!" I watched as a younger boy, around thirteen rushed into the room and over to Sebastian. "You're safe!"

"Where are we?" I groaned out.

"At the academy."

"Oh no.... not that place..." I fell back on the floor and picked up my bottle of rum and started to drink it. "Kill me now."

"We can make those arrangements if you want... but we had something else planned for you." I heard a small purr from across the room.... Paris. My eyes widened and I sat back up quickly and pulled out my gun, aiming towards him. Arms snaked around me then and pulled me into a hug as a body pressed up from behind me.

"Hmmm... Oh, you'll love our plans for you," I heard Louis purr in my ear. He smelled me and then grabbed my hand and spun me out to Paris. I fell down at Paris's feet when I reached him and lost my gun. He stepped down on my head then and laughed, holding me there. I heard a gun go off then and the little boy let out a cry of pain.

"Ops." Laurence laughed out. "You hit your friend." He purred and I could hear Sebastian struggling. "Watch out, my shadows can kill you if you struggle too much." Louis walked up to us and then knelt down beside me.

"I love seeing you helpless like this.... It's going to be fun watching the werewolves tear into you when I feed you to them," he said and then patted my cheek. "Be a good boy and stay there."

"I think we'll film it." Paris told them. "I want to keep something like this in my memories forever." He laughed out and then grabbed my shirt, forcing me up to my knees. "Come on and let's get you to your new family." He hissed. He teleported us into a gloomy looking dungeon and he chained me down to the floor instantly. I pulled on the cuffs and got electrocuted. Laurence appeared then with Louis. I noticed Richard and Hachi had been waiting in the room already with several others.... Dogs... the scent was strong. I noticed Richard was holding a small pup in his hands, rubbing her ears. The pup looked my way and wagged it's tail as it's blue eyes looked me over- Miles.

"Oh no...." I muttered and then pulled on the cuffs, trying to get to my feet but they only let me on my knees.

"Charlie~" I heard Hachi purr and skip over to me with a spell book in his hands. "Guess who's going to be a werewolf before midnight?" He asked me.

"No." I widened my eyes and struggled in the cuffs. Quinton cleared his throat.

"That's still not decided," he coughed out, getting their attention. "We're letting Miles pick whether or not she'll eat him." I looked towards Miles then.

"Either way... He's getting what he deserves, death by dogs or a lifetime as one as well as my personal dog." Paris laughed out. Nikolai appeared then with a camera in his hands.

"We're good to go." Nikolai informed them. Richard set Miles down and rubbed her head.

"You should eat him," he purred, giving a smirk. "Start at his toes cutie." Miles wagged her tail and looked to be considering it as she sat down and watched me. Hachi's eyes glowed a galaxy then and he smirked my way, starting to mumble ancient words. I groaned and fell over, feeling my whole body start to reverse the process of becoming a vampire. I could hear the werewolves shifting around us then, preparing for Miles's decision as they let out a few howls. I whimpered and closed my eyes tightly, trying not to listen to their shifts. I could hear small paw steps coming my way and then Miles was sitting beside me, her fur against my skin as her small body was relaxed. I heard Hachi's words fading as he finished the spell and my transition finished almost instantly. I could feel my lungs aching for air. I took in a deep breath then and felt my heart race in my chest. She put her front paws on my chest and slowly climbed on top of me then laid down, growling at me. I glared her down then.

"What do you want?" I asked her sharply. "Decide." She laid her ears back and then growled louder at me, her fur bristling. She looked me over and then snarled. I watched her and narrowed my eyes. "Pick death, Miles. I deserve hell with my true mate, Dante. Not with you."

"Still spitting fire at the end." Paris muttered. Miles bit down into my arm then, her sharp teeth easily going through my skin as pain coursed through me from her tearing into it. I groaned and flinched at her bite, hissing at her. She pulled back from the bite and then looked me over. She glanced back at the other werewolves and then let out a soft growl before she looked back at me and glanced from my throat to my chest. She started to tear my shirt with her teeth then, earning a howl from some of the other wolves. I let out a painful scream and tried to get away from her, sadly being held down by the cuffs.

"Twenty bucks says she turns him and tortures him by making him live," Richard said and held up twenty bucks, looking towards Paris. "Wanna bet?" Paris smirked and crossed his arms.

"That's my money anyways." He told him.

"Nuh uh," Richard said and stuck out his tongue. "This is from my family's money."

"Wow... you still have money?" Paris asked. I felt my life draining from me as it started to get harder to struggle.

"Yeah, I still have money," Richard hissed. I felt her tearing at my chest with her claws then and the wolves around us started to bark and howl in excitement. "Ooooh... I win," Richard said. "She's turning him."

"That's also marking." Paris purred. "I get a new dog."

"Bet she ditches him after," Richard whispered.

"Shush," Louis told him. "This is a serious thing she's doing." I felt her breath hit my face then.

"Charlie Ainsworth," she growled out to me. I could suddenly understand her. "I'm going to sentence you to a life of misery since how you are the worst mate ever. I'll use you to get what I want in the end. You're nothing but a pain. You aren't even worth eating or turning... but I need to turn you."

"Get off me." I hissed her way. "The only one in misery will be you." She snarled at me.

"Oh no I won't be.... I'm going to turn you, and you're going to understand what it's like to have a mate that wants nothing to do with you from a wolf's perspective," she growled in my ear. "I am only turning you because my inner wolf wants me to and I need a wolf mate in order to go to the moon goddess," she whispered in my ear to where the other's could hear. "This doesn't mean a thing to me. You're sleeping outside, and I'm going to be with whoever I want when this is over."

"Like as if I'd ever like you anyways." I told her. "I'll make this easier for you and reject you." I threatened. She raked her claws across my cheek then.

"You will not," she snarled at me. "He is gone, and he won't be coming back. You need to get over it. He was an ass anyways from what I've heard about him. You're lucky that fate let you have a second chance at a good life."

"This isn't a good life." I told her. "Not as a dog for Paris." A small girl bounced over from behind Paris and smiled.

"Mommy, can I practice on him?" The girl asked Paris, giving a big smile.

"No." Paris told her and scooped her up into his hands. "What're you doing in here? We're destroying a man's life. Please go back upstairs with your brothers."

"But mommy~ Sage is over there rubbing that doggie's belly!" She said and pointed over to a boy who was rubbing one of the bigger werewolf's belly. "I just wanna erase that guy's memories. He seems like a jerk."

"Nope. Go upstairs." Paris looked towards Laurence and he had the kids sent away through his shadows. Richard laughed slightly.

"They're so cute," he whispered. Miles watched them then looked at me. She licked my cheek where she had raked it and then wagged her tail.

"You'll see eventually," she told me softly.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I spat.

"Alright, Quinton, let your pack have fun."

"Awww," Miles complained and then shrunk down on my chest and curled up, watching as the other wolves came over. Quinton's wolf form grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and sat her down by my head before he looked me over. I glared into his eyes.

"Quinton, is your father dead?" I asked him. He growled at me then.

"No, but I wish you were.... Too bad we all respect the moon goddess and our pack member's mates," he growled at me. "If her decision is to turn you, then turn you we will. We don't deny a pack member her mate. It's one of the worst things to do to a wolf." He put his paw on my chest then and scratched at it before he bit a chunk out of my shoulder and ate it.

"Well that's repulsive." I heard a guy mutter, sitting off to the side. Quinton looked over at the guy.

"You're the beta. You're supposed to be helping," he growled at the guy. "I did this to you, don't you remember?"

"I'll let you guys eat him and I'll watch." The guy licked his paw then.

"Alright," Quinton said. Miles laughed a little and licked Quinton's shoulder then started to lick my face.

"You'll be alright," she told me. "You'll be happy as a wolf, and you'll be with me," she said firmly, deciding on it. "I'll keep you. You'll be my mate like you were meant to be." She snuggled up to me and nuzzled her head up against my neck. "You'll eventually admit that you like me." I pulled my head away from her in irritation and frowned.

"Where's my show?" Paris asked. Quinton looked over at Paris and wagged his tail then bit down into my side, tearing out a chunk and tossed it Paris's way. "Better." Paris laughed. "Did you get that Nikolai?"

"Oh... sorry... I forgot to press record." Nikolai laughed then. "Just kidding." Quinton started to tear into my arm then to give Paris some entertainment as Miles licked my face to comfort me. She whimpered slightly at the sight of what was happening to me and then buried her face into my neck, laying her ears back. I groaned and tried to move away from Miles.

"Stop touching me, Miles." I hissed her way. "Watch and suffer with me." I hissed. "This is your doing."

"It's your own doing." Paris laughed out. The other wolves joined Quinton then, letting out growls as they went for their piece.

Raven's POV:

"I'M ON THE HIIIGH WAY TO HELL!" I sung out with my radio as it played as loud as I could get it. All the windows were rolled down and I had used the convertible to my advantage, having the roof down as the wind rushed across us and brought my hair back. France is beautiful! My two newborns giggled at me.

"Raven, isn't that a little loud?" One of them asked. I could barely hear her.

"WHAT WAS THAT?! I'M SORRY! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" I started to laugh then as I looked at her. She crossed her arms and went to turn the music down. I smacked her hands. "NOPE!" The other girl started to giggle then and leaned over from the backseat and started to play with my hair then leaned in towards my neck, scraping her fangs across it. I gasped and then jerked the steering wheel to the side as I turned to look at her in the seat, taking my feet off the pedals. "DON'T DO THAT!"

"RAVEN!" The girls screamed out in a panic as the one in the passenger seat went to take the wheel. It was too late though. The car left the road and flipped as it barreled towards an old watch factory where a train track was running behind it. I screamed out as I was pressed down against the car as the force from the flip held me in. I saw one of my newborns go crashing to the ground and get hit by the car as it rolled over her, killing her. The one in the passenger seat started to scream loudly and was hit by the flying glass of the windshield as it broke against the ground, getting a large shard in her neck. I widened my eyes and threw my arms up to protect myself as the glass started to rain down on me. The car eventually stopped rolling and hung upside down, dumping me onto the pavement right by the train tracks as a train whizzed by, whipping my hair back. I seen something black heading my way then and I was suddenly knocked out by it hitting me.

I woke up in a soft cushioned couch with old dinner music playing in the background. I heard voices humming and small giggles. I felt someone poke my cheek then. "Hey Missy, wake up. Would you like a burger and some fries?" I heard a girl ask and giggle. "Let me show you around~ Have you been to the watch factory today? It's so pretty inside. It's cool how they make watches too. Anyways, burger, cheese, tomatoes, onions, pickles, ketchup? We got it all. Go grab a drink from the fountain too. I'm your waitress Carrie."

"Ughhh," I groaned and opened my eyes, looking her way. "What the hell am I doing in a restaurant on a couch?" I asked her then felt my whole body was sore. I groaned in pain and then reached out for this Carrie woman. I grabbed her arm and exposed my fangs. "If you're my waitress, you better feed me," I told her, looking towards her neck as I felt hungry. She looked towards my fangs and giggled then exposed her neck towards me.

"Okay, if that's what you want to eat." She told me and climbed into my lap. "You can drain me dry if you want blood that badly."

"Carrie, who's your friend?" I heard a rough voiced guy ask and walk up. He had on an old army outfit, from when the humans used to have military. He gave me a huge smile and rubbed his head. "I'm Zach!" He waved towards me. "You're- Raven." He rubbed his head and then walked off. "Raven is a bird."

"How the hell do you know my name?" I hissed towards the guy then lost interest as I remembered this waitress in my lap. I leaned in towards her neck and purred as I bit down into her. She yelped but melted against me instantly. The place around us started to get a little distorted then. I heard footsteps from across the room walking over and Carrie was snatched from me instantly.

"Go do your job." A girl hissed at her then looked at me with slight interest then gave me a huge smile. "Raven!" She held out her arms to me like we were old friends. "How are you?" She asked curiously.

"Upset, angry, hungry, confused, had my car wrecked, lost, and still... surprisingly... hungry! Give me that waitress back!" I reached out for the waitress. She shook her head quickly and gave the waitress back then her head looked outside quickly and she was gone. I frowned and looked where that girl had been. After I eat... I should probably get out of here. These people know my name... I don't like that. I bit down into the waitress again and purred to her as I laid her back on the couch. "Ever been bit by a vampire before?" I whispered into her ear as I crawled over her.

"N-no." She admitted and giggled. "But I like it." I heard screams rip outside then and a train started to go by the watch factory.

"You're too late." I heard someone giggling outside. "Now your dead for the day!" I heard more giggles and the girl from earlier came back inside with blood on her cheek. I glanced up at her. Someone is dead for the day? She must be insane... nice. I smirked and then looked back at my waitress with a slight growl to get her riled up and offer herself to me. She exposed her neck to me and giggled to herself with joy. "Ah~" The girl stretched then and walked into the back of the dinner where I heard her start to order some people around. I glanced towards that girl and then back at my waitress with a smirk.

"How do you like being bit? Want it to be nice and gentle?" I asked and then ran my fangs against her neck. She shivered lightly and nodded.

"Oh, a new person." I heard a guy gasp out and run up to me. "How long do you think you've been here?" He asked me quickly, grabbing my wrist.

"Ummmm, a few minutes," I said and shrugged then pulled my wrist back. "Excuse me, but don't touch me unless I know you."

"You really don't know?" He asked with surprise. "Something tells me your name is Raven?" He tilted his head. "You're trapped here. Don't you know? Well how is the world?"

"Step outside and go look. I'm not a traveling news agent," I hissed. "I'm trying to eat."

"Oh boy... this should be fun." He laughed out. "By the way... If you stop trying to escape then you'll loose yourself and forget who you was. So I'd try to escape today if I was you." He told me. "I'm going in five minutes." He looked at a watch. I frowned and then went back to this Carrie girl. Maybe I'll make her a vampire... or my blood slave... or something... I don't know... I purred and then slipped a hand behind her back, pulling her to me as I moved my face back to her neck and licked it. "Raven~ Come join me when your done eating her. I need someone to distract anyways."

"Fine, now quit talking to me. You're starting to make me want to cut that tongue out and feed it to some birds," I told him, glaring his way. Jeez, I already told him to get lost, didn't I? I'm trying to feed here!

"If you do that it'll just come back tomorrow." He told me. I sat up slowly then stood up and walked over to him. I grabbed his jaw and forced it open then grabbed his tongue and ripped it out then dropped it at his feet.

"We'll just see about that," I hissed at him then walked over to Carrie and wiped my hand off on her before I climbed on top of her, straddling her stomach. She blushed a bright red as I climbed back on her.

"Are you going to rip my tongue out too?" She asked softly. I smirked at her.

"Want me too?" I asked her and touched the side of her face and then ran my hand to her lips slowly. She shook her head quickly.

"No miss." She told me. I smirked and giggled at her then rubbed her lip with my thumb.

"You sure?" I teased her. She nodded.

"Yes, I'm sure." I laughed and then tapped her lip gently before I moved my hand back and trailed it across her neck, lightly touching my fingertips to her skin till I got to the collar of her shirt. She watched me and blushed. "Aren't you hungry?" She asked me softly. I gave a small nod and then sharpened my fangs before I leaned in towards her neck and purred before I bit down into her hard. She groaned out in pain and arched her back.

"Shhh," I whispered in her ear and rubbed the small of her back gently to sooth her. "It'll feel good in a minute," I promised and bit back in, drinking her blood. She grabbed my sides then and dug her nails in. I yelped and then ran my hand down to the bottom of her shirt and slipped it under it then up her back. I licked her neck and then moaned at the taste of her blood. She groaned and started to relax a bit under me. I purred at her and then loosened up on my bite and made it more enjoyable for her as I ran my fingers against her spine gently. She giggled softly and squirmed a bit.

"That tickles, quit it." She begged. I stopped and then nipped at her ear before I started to suck on the bite mark. Her blood reminded me of cotton candy and caramel apples. I purred to her and then licked her neck up to her chin slowly before I looked down in her eyes.

"Carrie... would you like to be a vampire?" I asked her.

"N-no." She shook her head. "I'll be human again tomorrow anyways." I sighed and then looked her over as I sat up.

"Then you'll be my blood slave," I told her and tapped her on the nose. "So make sure to eat healthy." She nodded and giggled.

"Okay Raven." She gave me a huge smile.

"No, you're to call me Goddess, not Raven," I told her and smirked. She frowned.


"Because you're my blood slave, and I never told you that you could use my name. In fact, I never told you it at all." I got off her and then stretched before I grabbed her hand and yanked her off the couch. "Come on. You're coming back with me," I said and then frowned, looking at her. Man... the last time I brought home someone.... Nikolai was pissed. Eh, it'll be a gift to him for wrecking that car.... I pulled her towards the doors. She followed me with a bounce to my steps.

"You better hurry if you want to try to escape because once she finds out your trying to escape she'll come for you and then she'll take you down and we'll be waking up the next day." She told me. I rolled my eyes at her and yanked her outside with me then started to walk in just any direction.

"Uh huh," I told her and tried to teleport but frowned when I couldn't. "Okay... that's weird. Guess we're really gonna walk this." She rubbed up against my shoulder.

"Raven~" She purred like a cat. I walked into what felt like a wall then as the world shifted around and I was right back at the dinner, standing in front of the door. I narrowed my eyes and glanced at the girl.

"Okay, new plan. You stay here.... and I'll come back." I patted her on the top of her head and started to walk off. She whined and watched me.

"Raven..." She started after me then. I watched her and sighed. Damn it... her blood tastes too good to kill her off for not listening. Damn me and my tastes. I grabbed her hand.

"Alright." She giggled. The farther I stepped away from the dinner the harder it was to focus on objects and suddenly everything disappeared.


I woke up with a heavy weight on my stomach as I could smell a cotton candy and caramel apple girl sleeping on top of me. That guy from before might be right... I'm trapped in a loop like scenario.

Hachi's POV:

I looked up from my spell book then at Harry and Isaac. I had escorted them up to the roof top of the castle to do the spell. We had candles circling us and they were holding each other's hands with me between then. Paris and Louis stood off to the side to watch this happen as well as Richard, Nikolai, August, Laurence, and a few others. I looked down at the sault pentagram at our feet that we was standing in the middle of then up at Isaac. "Okay." I sat the spell book down dead in the middle then grabbed Isaac's hand and then Harry's hand. "Two steps back so we are out at arms length. Make sure to stay in the circle of candles. Isaac, please light them?" I asked. This spell would need both my magic and Isaac's to work... as well as Harry's lost soul. "Close your eyes or be blinded." I told everyone and closed my eyes. I could hear the candles whoosh as Isaac's magic lit them up quickly, the air felt a little warm around him as he started to let his magic out freely, but he kept it down to where it wouldn't burn.

"Five minutes from midnight." Paris told us.

"I was going to say that." Laurence groaned out. "It's no fair you can hear my thoughts."

"Silence." I hissed. I let out my magic then, feeling the galaxy start to swirl around us. Isaac's mark on me started to heat me up as Isaac purred under his breath. I gave a small smile.

"Repeat after me." I told Isaac and Harry, beginning the curses ritual ancient text. I made it slow though so they could keep up. Isaac joined in with Harry after a few moments and I could feel his magic starting to swirl around us, making the light from the candles on my eyelids flicker then get brighter. I could feel a magical presence in the middle of us coming from the book. I started to get a little quicker with the reciting. They pressed on with me as the magic started to get stronger. I could feel our magic going in and out of us then as it started to pick up with our voice.

"Thirty seconds." I heard Laurence mumble as the light started to grow more powerful. Isaac stopped purring then as he started to give his magic sparingly for the spell. I felt the power of the spell rise then and start to glow right at our heads. I felt it disappear then and a shock wave came from where it had been, vibrating through the air as fast as the speed of light. I opened my eyes and pulled away from Isaac.

"It's the last midnight." I giggled out. "You guys can open your eyes." I picked up my spell book then and went to leave the roof. Isaac bounced after me quickly, not wanting to be left behind.

"Hachi~!" He called out then caught up and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my cheek. I laughed softly and spun around on my heels and kissed his lips passionately.

"Check the news." Laurence ordered Louis. "It'll all be gone."

"Fine.... Paris, come check the news with me," he said and grabbed Paris's hand, disappearing. I felt Isaac melt at my touch as he went for another kiss. I put my spell book inside my pocket and then wrapped my arms around his waist.

"We're so powerful." I whispered to Isaac.

"I love you," he whispered back and then kissed my neck. "I'm proud we were able to...." He kissed my neck again.

"I love you too Isaac." I looked him in the eyes and smirked. "Want to go to our room?" I asked him softly. He nodded and kissed my neck again. His tail twitched in excitement as he gave me another kiss on the neck. I blushed and had our magic take us to our bedroom and brought him over to the bed then laid down on it, pulling him with me. He purred in my ear and crawled on top of me as he kissed my lips then got between my legs. I smirked and went to flip us to mess with him. He yelped as I was able to, shocking him. He looked up at me and blushed.


"Yeah?" I asked him and kissed his lips softly. He kissed me back then kissed my neck.

"Are you really wanting top?" He trailed off as he kissed right under my ear softly.

"Nu-uh." I shook my head and kissed his cheek. I started to mess with the stitches on his arms then. He groaned a little and looked at the stitches then up at me before he kissed one of my stitches playfully. I laughed softly and leaned in towards his lips and kissed him then started to suck on his bottom lip. He moaned and then slipped his tongue into my mouth, dancing with mine before he flipped us and purred to me as he took his place back. He flicked his tail, accidentally brushing it up against my leg before he pulled back from the kiss and looked me over then kissed me passionately. I giggled as his tail had tickled me then leaned up towards the kiss, deepening it. He moaned and then kissed me back equally before he slipped his tongue back into my mouth. He reached down for the hem of my shirt, moving my shirt up my stomach. I grabbed his shirt then and got his off before mine, smirking as I went for his pants. He blushed and then pulled my shirt off, sitting up slightly to do so. I laughed softly and tugged his pants down to his knees. He watched me then finished it for me, taking them off and dropping them on the floor before he looked towards my pants and went for them. I laughed and grabbed his boxers, pulling them down to mess with him. He widened his eyes and looked up at me.

"Hachi... it's not a competition," he whispered.

"I won. Now it's not." I smirked towards him.

"I wanted to take off my own," he mumbled.

"Uh-oh, are you upset?" I asked and kissed him passionately. He purred to me and kissed me back.

"No," he admitted against my lips.

"Good." I flipped us then while I had him distracted and started to kiss down his body slowly. He moaned and arched his back a little then ran his fingers through his hair.

"Hachi... I thought you wanted bottom," he mumbled. I looked up at him then.

"You know that if we was on the other side of the world.... I am on bottom." I teased him.

"I'm going to get you," he muttered and went to flip us. I held him down and started for his happy trail. He went to flip us again. I laughed and let him flip us then. He smirked when he was on top and then kissed my neck quickly, giving me a love bite after a few seconds. I let out a moan and arched my back, pressing my chest against his. He purred to me and then pushed me back down against the bed. "Mine," he purred to me and then started for my pants again. I let him go after my pants and leaned in for a kiss. He gave me what I wanted and then shoved my pants down my legs before he went ahead for my boxers.

"Awe, can't wait to finish last?" I teased him. He paused and looked into my eyes then exposed his fangs.

"It's not a competition," he said firmly.

"Now that I won." I smirked.

"Yeah, you may think you won... but who got you to take him to bed... and then got you on bottom?"

"Uhmmm.... I let you be on top." I told him. He growled softly and then went for my neck and bit in gently. I yelped and grabbed his shoulders quickly. He pulled his fangs out of my neck and then started to suck on the wound to make it better for me as he fed himself. I leaned my head up and rested it against him, groaning.

"I love you," he mumbled against me and then moved away from my neck as he started to slowly grind against me to tease me. I blushed and let a moan slip.

"I love you too Isaac~" I leaned in for a kiss. He kissed me back and started for my boxers, turning the last midnight into one of my best nights ever.

Louis's POV:

I held August close to me as I sat by Paris and watched the news. "They really have forgotten.... Look, they think it's the best thing to report about a missing puppy on the news," I whispered. Paris nodded.

"Yeah... Anything about the fire at my manor is gone." Paris muttered. August curled up to me and let out a sigh.

"Can we go to sleep now Louis?" August asked me.

"Yeah..." I hummed out and rubbed his back. "We can go to sleep," I told him softly then looked at Paris. "Goodnight, my twin," I purred. He gave me a huge smile.

"Goodnight." He teleported out of the room then, probably to go to bed with Richard.

"Hmmm," I hummed as I thought about that. Bet he's getting no sleep tonight. I teleported us to my room and then laid him down in the bed and got in beside him. "I love you August," I told him as I kissed his cheek and pulled the blanket over us.

"I love you too Louis." August sighed out and curled up to me, running his fingers across my skin as he done so. "It's going to be pretty peaceful now that all the trouble has forgotten about us." He laughed out softly. "We need to go on that trip."

"Yes," I purred to him. "We'll go tomorrow. Anywhere you want to go." He nodded and started to fall asleep by me. I kissed his cheek and wrapped my arms around my mate as I fell asleep beside him.

Nikolai's POV:

"Hey King?" I heard a soft voice from behind me. "Have you seen my goddess? She said she was going out... but she's not home yet," a girl asked me, sounding slightly scared to be near me. I turned to look at her then.

"No, I don't know where she went. She'll be home in the morning though." I promised her. "She always makes it home before dawn unless she is doing other important things... or got kidnapped. Either way she'll come home." She bit her bottom lip.

"She hasn't called me back though... and it said her phone was disconnected," she mumbled.

"You worry too much." I told her and kept walking towards my bedroom.

"I do not," she hissed under her breath then walked away, messing with her phone. I shrugged it off and kept walking towards my room. Raven is probably celebrating and drinking every human she can get her hands on. I pushed the door to our room open and entered the room then went for my bed. I saw a note on the bed then with Raven's handwriting, explaining on it that she was going out with a few of her newborns and that she'd be back around ten to watch Hachi do the spell. I shook my head and picked up the note.

"You're late." I told her softly and sat the note on the nightstand then crawled into bed. "You missed midnight but you probably felt the spell go off anyways..." I grumbled and then pulled her pillow to me and started to fall asleep.