Broken Ice

Over 200 years have passed for the Grimm family. The manor was rebuilt. A few family members died of old age including; August, Quinton, and Dannie. The following members grew up; Shiloh, Keegan, Sage, Rory, Astrid, Starla, and Alistair. Alistair Ivanov was born btw. Rose had a precious boy and disappointed Nikolai. She also had a daughter later on named Lori Grimm. Hachi grew up a few years older, seventeen. Jasper Grimm(Josh) became less... innocent as he learned everyday. Midori finally grew up as well... poor Donnie. The family castle in Colorado was finished. Dannie and Quinton's home was finished and now stands empty. Dannie and Quinton didn't have kids. Charlie died after living a life as a werewolf with Miles. Alistair turned out to be mated with Starla so now Val is in the family officially. Go Val. That made Rose and Val over dramatic.Astid and Sage are mated as well. Keegan is a wonderful violin player. He also started to idolize Nikolai in his teen years. Keegan also has technology powers and is quite a tinker. His vision sucks though in one eye. He grew apart from Sage, Rory, and Shiloh. He tries to avoid talking to them and sticks to himself. No, Paris didn't have anymore kids with Richard. They agreed they had enough kids for now... eight is a lot after all and they were still suffering over loosing Quinton and Dannie....

Brooklyn's POV:

William and I was out early in the morning, hunting in a park. I told him that it was too early to be hunting though... he didn't listen. We managed to find an old couple out for a stroll though and we took them without hesitation as our meal. After the spell Hachi cast 2 centuries ago the human population was increasing and making it easier to go hunting. The technology was out of this world as well. We now had hover boards, virtual reality full dive, robots, and other interesting things like flying cars. We were on our way out of the park when I heard what sounded like cracking from the pond and a scream. "What the hell was that?" I asked William, looking in the direction. He gave me a small shrug and went to continue on his way but I started in the direction of the pond. When I reached it I found water freezing back over. Someone fell in, was my first thought. William had ran over with me and grabbed my arm.

"Let's not interfere." He told me, but I pulled away from him. "Brooklyn you might fall in too, the ice is thin." He told me, trying to point out the obvious to me.

"No, I need to interfere." I told him and rushed out onto the ice. As I done so I could feel it cracking under my step. I rushed my way over to the whole in the ice that was freezing over and I shoved my hand down into the ice then felt skin at my touch as well as the freezing cold water below. I got a grip on the skin then pulled out a poor girl with skates on and then felt the ice cave in under me from the weight. I rushed to the surface, keeping a firm grip on the girl that was dying from hypothermia. I could hear her gasping for air and her teeth chattering every time I swam back up with her to the surface and tried to dig our way through the ice to get to the edge of the pond. I wish I could teleport... then this would be easy to do.

"BROOKLYN!" William screamed from the edge of the pond with worry.

"I'm okay!" I told him.

"GRAB THIS!" He begged, holding out the top of a tree, it was just within my reach. I grabbed it and he started to pull us to him. Within a minute we was out of the water. My cold clothing clung to my body. "Why'd you do it Brook!?" William asked me. "It's just a human!" I shook my head. If Hachi cast a spell to save humans then it felt right to me to not let this one die by something as bad as hypothermia.

"You won't understand." I told him. The girl under me was starting to fall asleep, shivering. I shook her then. "Stay with me." I begged her. "I know it's freezing." I told her then pulled out a knife from in my wet pocket and cut my wrist. I shoved my hand over her mouth and made her drink my blood so she could be saved. "William, she's going to die if we don't get her someplace warm." I told him. He nodded.

"I'll go get the car. We have a blanket in there and some fresh clothes thanks to the trip we're on." He ran off then. William and I have been traveling the world for quite a while now in nothing but a vehicle. We had a bunch of clothes in the trunk. Right now we was somewhere in Alaska. I felt the girl bite into me then, moaning at the taste of my blood. She was still freezing cold but my blood will revive her. I picked her up into my arms and started to carry her towards the car. I looked down at her and then froze up, she reminded me of myself...

~Several weeks later~

"What do you mean you don't own a green card?! King Nikolai passed a law 200 years ago that said that if you want to be a blood lord then you have to own a green card. Take her in boys as well as her company." I was forced to stand up then as a bolt of electricity shook through me.

"No! My name is William, I'm Richard Dracula's newborn." William shouted. "Give him a call!"

"Hahahahaha, that's what they all say. You can have plenty of time to give Richard a phone call in your cell. Men, tranquilize these hounds. We're taking them. You're lucky we don't shoot you on the spot. Illegally owning and running a blood exchange club is not prohibited. You should have gotten a green card before making these plans."

"Sir, what do we do with these humans?" A man asked. I caught a glimpse of Ann being held against her will with a few of the other girls I was hording as my favorite blood bags. Ann was the girl I had rescued a few weeks ago... She was the whole reason I quit traveling. "They don't show to be slaves, they don't have legal documents at all."

"Let's send them to King Nikolai as a gift!" Another man suggested.

"You idiots! Do you have any clue who I am!?" William shouted. I watched as one of the men kicked him in the face then and a few of his teeth fell out.

"Want to keep it up?" The man that kicked him asked. William shook his head.

"Call Richard..." He begged, holding up his phone. The man took it then crushed it in his hands.

"I get sick of seeing scum like you two on the streets. Let's just go ahead and kill them. They won't seen a day in court, ever." Ann's eyes widened as she looked at me and then shook her head quickly.

"No!" Ann shouted. "Please don't hurt them."

"Don't sass them Ann." William begged her. The man holding Ann laughed.

"She's so far gone she's protecting them!" The guy laughed out then made Ann scream out in pain as he squeezed her arms tighter behind her back. "Let's kill them, they're not purebloods so it won't matter. The judge wouldn't even ask why we chose death before judgement. I watched as a man walked up to William then shot him in the head, making his brain splatter across the floor and hit me in the face. He started my way then, cocking the gun my way and the last thing I heard was a gunshot.

Louis POV:

Nikolai sat down by me on the couch with a tired expression on his face and then grabbed the remote from me and switched the TV channel over to the news. He handed the remote back to me and watched as a news reporter from New York started to report a blood lord's execution on the secret supernatural channel. He pulled out his phone just as it began to ring and looked slightly irritated before answering. "Hello Donnie, yes... I just put the news on." He looked towards the TV then sat up a bit. "How do you know it was them?" On the TV, it showed the ID cards of the blood lords... Brooklyn and William. "Oh. Yeah, it just reshowed their ID cards.... I'm not telling Richard, he'll kill me just for authorizing that law 2 centuries ago.... Yeah whatever." His phone beeped then. "Hold on, I'm getting another call," He switched over the call then. "King Nikolai speaking." He paused for a few minutes and then got up, going for the front doors. "Do you have any idea what trouble you're in for killing Brooklyn and William? They were my Uncle Richard's dime." He let out a sharp growl then. "That's nothing to celebrate. You're dead now. He's going to kill you, even if you got me a gift. Yeah, you can run but you're dead when he sees the news." Nikolai laughed then and hung up. "Louis can you come outside real quick," He asked me over his shoulder. He stepped outside then, grumbling about he should go ahead and kill the bastard and save Richard the trouble. I got up and followed him. When I got outside I seen Nikolai watching a man pulling out some girls and pushing them towards Nikolai. A few others stood by Nikolai, trying to talk to him. Nikolai seemed a little annoyed though as he looked towards the girls. "I don't want those... Paris might though..." Nikolai grumbled. One of the girls came out of the car, struggling and spat at the male holding her then went to run away from him but he managed to trip her and she fell into the pavement, making him laugh. She skinned her knees a little, the blood started to reach my nostrils.... August... Mate? I teleported over to her and picked her up.

"I want this one," I stated and started for the house. "Thanks for bringing me dinner. RICHARD! PAY THE GUY FOR BRINGING TAKE OUT!" I screamed. Richard came out of the house and sighed.

"What? I didn't order...take... out. Hey! I didn't know we were getting a new shipment of humans!" Richard turned to Nikolai then, exposing his fangs. "Why didn't you tell me? I wanted first dibs," he hissed and then looked the girls over and wrinkled up his nose. "Never mind... they smell like sluts." He walked up to the guys and then sniffed them. "You smell a little better... Why do you smell like William? What's up with the blood on your shirt?" He sniffed the blood then growled, snapping the guys neck quickly and then ran for the other one. "YOU'RE SO DEAD!"

"Yeah... these idiots sort of killed Brooklyn and William during a rain on their parade. Apparently they were blood lords and these are their babes... Whatever... Kill them. This was their offering..." Nikolai started for the house. "PARIS WE HAVE TO SET UP TWO FUNERALS!" I teleported inside and into Paris's bedroom, showing him the girl.

"Hey, I got a new girl. What do you think?" I asked him and set her down. "I think that if we clean her up... She'll make a nice addition to the manor as a blood slave," I purred and moved her hair back from her neck. "She doesn't smell like she's carrying any diseases... and she isn't infected with anything bad. I can tell by her blood on her knees." She slapped my hand then as I touched her hair and she glared me down.

"Don't you touch me." She hissed my way and shot Paris a glare. "Blood slave!? I've never been bit in my whole life." I caught her scent then.... somehow it reminded me of ice.

"Mhm?" I hummed distractedly then moved her against Paris's bed and pushed her down before I got over her and went for her neck. She grabbed my neck and squeezed it. I felt her kick me in between my legs then. Paris sat up in bed, starting to get interested. I groaned in pain and then grabbed her hands and pinned them down roughly, hissing at her as I started to get upset from being denied. She should know her place. I exposed my fangs and then smacked her across the face lightly, keeping most of my strength down so I wouldn't hurt her too bad. After all... I didn't want to kill her just yet. She whimpered and touched her face then and rubbed it.

"Jerk." She hissed towards me.

"You kicked me," I hissed back and then bit down into her neck hard to punish her. She let out a scream then and struggled under me to get free. Her blood felt cold when I bit down, nothing like the warm blood I usually get from humans. I yanked back from her and got off, yanking her to her feet as I kept a hand on her wrist.

"Your blood is weird," I muttered and looked at it then licked it to get another taste. I looked her over and then looked at Paris and gave a smile. "Come try this." She stomped down on my foot then, sending a pain through me to where I would let her go and she took off towards the door to get out of the room. I appeared in front of her to keep her from leaving then scooped her up. "Oh calm down. I'm over you kicking me. The next bite from me will be more pleasant," I told her and winked then moved her over to the couch and laid her down on it then got over her again. "So... do you have a name? Or am I giving you one?"

"Ann." She told me and looked me over and gave me a small frown. "I was Brooklyn's favorite..." She mumbled and looked upset then.

"Yes... sorry about her. Richard will get the revenge for you," I told her and then smirked. "He's currently tearing them apart." Paris got out of bed then and walked over and leaned over the couch, looking down at her.

"What's your full name, Ann?" He asked her.

"Annabelle Nordell." She whispered softly.

"So you know your full name?" He asked. She gave a nod.

"Brooklyn saved me several weeks ago... I fell into a lake when I was ice skating." She explained to us. Her stomach grumbled then. Paris reached down and got some of her blood on his finger then he tasted it and quickly spat it out.

"That's so cold!" Paris fled for his bathroom then and I could hear him puking.

"Paris~" I whined out. "She smells a little like August...."  I heard him shut the door then.

"Go ask Richard." He told me.

"But Paris! She tastes weird! Plus she tried to choke me! And she smells like August! What am I supposed to do with her?!" Paris came back out then and I felt her squirming to get out from under me. I watched him then looked down at her. "Well... maybe I could make her a maid or something.... Her blood is really weird," I muttered and then got off her and pulled her into my lap, holding her to me. "I guess I could make sure she stays by me so that way someone else doesn't try eating her like Richard."

"L-Louis..." Paris mumbled and walked up to me. "Sh-she smells like August?" He asked. "Or more like your mate?"

"I dunno...." I smelled her again and reached out for his hand. "Lemme show you." Paris shook his head.

"No, I already know." He told me. "Louis... August can't come back in another wolf... so this must be your new mate." He told me and pointed at Ann. Ann froze up in my lap and then started to struggle to get off me. I didn't even try to hold her down as I stared at Paris in shock. He just... What? I felt a sharp whimper come from me as I stood up.

"What do you mean he can't come back?!"

"Donnie knows." Paris said quickly. "He's now mated to a dragon." Paris disappeared then. I stared at where he had been as I found it hard to breath as I remembered the last time I had been with August. I thought he was coming back.... They all lied to me.... I found myself in Paris's bed then, curled up to his pillow as I cried. I can't believe he's not coming back to me! And they've been letting me believe that! He's gone and dead! I heard Ann shuffling towards the door then and slipping out into the hall. I glanced towards the door but let her go. There wasn't really a point anymore... was there? What if August knew? What if he knew and didn't tell me anything! I heard Ann come back then letting out a groan and she walked over to me.

"Please stop crying." She begged me, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I don't think I can run from you with you crying like that....." She huffed. "So... August.... was your.... uh... soul mate?" She asked me, rubbing her neck. I glanced at her and nodded then reached out and gently took her hand, sharing my memories of August with her even though she probably wasn't worth knowing about him like this. I gave her all the way from when I met him to the day he died. She had giggled at the beginning but got quiet when I showed her his death. "I'm sorry." She mumbled and pulled back from me then rubbed my arm. "Don't be upset though. Where one door closes... another one opens." She told me and gave a huge smile. "My mom told me that." I watched her and then curled up tighter to the pillow.

"They all... they all let me believe he was coming back," I mumbled. "Everyone lied to me." Donnie teleported into the bedroom then and walked over to me then pulled Ann off the bed.

"Go stand outside." He told her. "Don't look at anyone." He warned. She yelped and ran out then. He looked at me and then crawled into bed. "Now listen up fur ball." Donnie laid down by me. "It was for the best that you didn't know. We all agreed not to tell you until you found your new mate. I didn't know until I found Midori and Midori has helped me so much with coping. It's the same as if you had a normal mate anyways. Nothing special. Except now... This one might just be able to stay forever with you. Louis, my uncle, Uncle August couldn't go to the moon goddess because he didn't have a werewolf mate. You see... it just wouldn't be fair to the couple that he ends up with... He'd be stuck with another wolf's mate in his human's mate and it would get complicated. He's in a better place. Don't worry, okay? Don't go rejecting your new mate though because your mourning over this knowledge.... Wait... was that your new mate!? OH MY GOD YOUR NOT GAY ANYMORE!" He chuckled then. "Maybe there is hope for this family..." I put a hand over his mouth and blushed.

"Nuh-uh.... I'm not straight yet," I told him. "Nope."

"But... she's a girl..." He mumbled through my hand.

"Shhhh," I pulled my hand back then curled up to the pillow as I took a deep breath. "It's not fair that he didn't get to at least stay with the moon goddess forever. She could've let him and just not put him in a new one," I mumbled. "He better be in a good place with some of his old human friends...."

"Of course he is!" Donnie gave me a huge smile. "But you need to respect his religion to the moon goddess and all that cool stuff. He doesn't want you to be up him mourning you either." He rubbed my head. "Now... I need to go back to Midori." He got to his feet. I watched him and gave a small smile.

"You can tell Paris he can come back to his room and be safe," I whispered. "I know he probably went into your room."

"He did." Donnie laughed. "He was freaking out. We all kept it from you to help you though, okay Uncle Louis?" He gave a huge smile. "August probably wanted that too." I gave a small nod as I accepted it and then snuggled up to Paris's pillow.

"Okay..." I mumbled and then closed my eyes. "Can you tell Ann to come back? I want to tell her how to get food in case she gets hungry." Donnie shook his head.

"Nope." Donnie teleported away then. I heard Ann laughing outside then. I widened my eyes and looked towards the door. Crap.

"ISABELLE!" I called out quickly. She appeared in the room and looked at me.

"Yes Louis?" She asked me sweetly.

"There's a girl outside.... Make sure she gets a room by mine," I told her. She nodded and glanced at the door then walked over to it. Keegan walked in, laughing over his shoulder and seemed to be smirking slightly. He looked towards the bed then and frowned.

"Where the hell is my dad?" Keegan hissed. "YOU SAID YOU WOULD LISTEN TO ME PLAY THIS MORNING!" He stormed out then into the hall. "DADDY!" Oh man.... Keegan. I shrunk into the bed. So glad I don't look like his daddy but look like his mommy instead.... Isabelle brought Ann to me and looked Ann over before she disappeared to go prepare a room for her. I looked up at Ann and patted the edge of the bed.

"You can sit if you like." Ann stopped laughing and sat down at the edge of the bed and crossed her legs. She looked me over.

"Are you feeling better now?" She asked me softly. I gave her a small smile.

"A little," I told her and then looked towards her hand, wondering if I should show her more about my life since how she might be my new mate.... I could.... I will. I gently touched her hand and showed her the time when I first met Paris, one of my favorite memories. She smiled softly.

"So you two are twins..." She mumbled. She pulled away from me then and got off the bed. "We're in his bedroom."

"His bedroom... my bedroom... whatever. It's also mine.... sort of... not really.... But if you think about it... I look a lot like him... plus he wouldn't kick me out unless something was going on...." I gave her a smile and then sat up, keeping the pillow close to me.

"Don't you think we shouldn't be in his bedroom?" She asked me and then frowned. "He's not here." She started for the door then. "Come on." I sighed and got up, going for the door with Paris's pillow. She walked out then. "Where's the kitchen?" She asked me. "I'm a bit hungry... I haven't ate... and I don't know how long that car ride was but... my bones ache.... " I watched her and then started to lead her towards the kitchen, hugging the pillow to my chest.

"It's this way," I told her and gave her a smirk. "You probably should be careful if you go venturing for food without me though. Others in the manor would be more inclined to hurt you or kill you on sight.... Rule one: stay away from other vampires unless I've told you that you can go near them. Isabelle, Paris, and Donnie are the only ones right now.... Maybe Nikolai in the future, but he doesn't know who you are yet." She nodded towards me.

"That's understandable..." She mumbled. "I guess I could stay here... You guys knew Brooklyn and William." She gave a huge smile. I glanced at her.

"I guess you won't be my blood slave.... You'll just be my...." I thought it over then smirked. "You'll be my new pet! I'll tell Isabelle and Jasper that they have a new friend to play with." She hummed softly and then looked towards me.

"Is there a lake nearby here that I can skate on?" She asked. I nodded.

"Sure, take someone with you when you do," I told her and then walked her into the kitchen. "You may help yourself to anything in here that you want to eat." I gestured it over then looked towards her. "You know... I could make you a vampire if you want. It'd help protect you from the others. They wouldn't hurt you if I did." She looked through the fridge then started to make a salad, going around the kitchen like she already knew it.

"I'm fine." She told me. "Humans have more taste buds." She explained. I watched her and frowned slightly. Do they really?

"Does that matter?" She nodded and looked at me.

"To me it does." She threw in all kinds of healthy vegetables  into her salad along with a few fruits. She even started with cheese, bacon, and turkey. She looked towards me as she pulled out a few crackers from a pack. Oh dear.... I shouldn't have told her she could have unlimited access to the kitchen.... We'll lose the fortune we have on food. I sighed and squished the pillow in my arms as I watched her.

"You must really like food."

"This is what you put on a good salad, idiot." She hissed my way and then rubbed her neck and looked towards me. "You forgot to heal me."

"Thought you said you've never been bitten," I said and smirked. "Why do you want to be healed up?"

"TO save myself." She glared me down. "Fine... Don't heal me up." She looked around and found a first aid kit. I sighed and waved her over.

"Come here. Bring that kitchen knife with you," I told her and then held out my wrist. "If I bite myself, you'll end up becoming a vampire, so you'll have to cut my wrist."

"Nu-uh." She shook her head. "People that feed off of vampires become unhealthy and addicted and I'm pretty sure there are more reasons not to bite you." She started to unroll gauze. I got up and walked over to her then picked up a knife and cut my wrist, watching as my blood began to drip down my skin. I looked her way then moved my wrist to her lips, getting my blood on her and then pushed my wrist against her to make her drink from me. She yelped and melted against my arm and started to suck up my blood from my wound, letting out a small moan. After her neck healed up, I moved my wrist away from her and watched as it healed. She frowned and started to whip the blood from her lips then took her salad towards the island with stools and sat down at it, eating her salad. I walked over and then sat down by her.

"So.... Rule two is that you have to sleep in the room by me. You can't have another room. It's for your own protection," I explained.

"Okay." She mumbled. "You're not going to go stalker on me though... right? I don't need to sleep with a knife under my pillow and fifteen locks on my door and whatever else I can get on my hands to make sure you stay out while I sleep?"

"No, you're safe," I told her and smirked. Like a lock could keep me out if I wanted in. I looked her over and then curled up to the pillow. "So... stay away from the wizards as well. One is a famous cannibal, and the other copies the first."

"Cannibal?" She mumbled and looked a bit frightened. "You mean... ewe....." She pulled her salad closer to her. "No wonder why there is a lot of food in the refrigerator..."

"Mhmm, you're lucky you didn't find a set of eyes in there," I told her. I looked towards her neck then, thinking about turning her anyways. She'd be safer.... I leaned over and then bit in gently, drinking from her. She yelped and pulled away from me then got up and took her plate to the other side of the room. I teleported over to her and then pinned her against the counter as I set the plate behind her then bit down into her neck again, starting to drain her.

"S-stop! I was eating! That's so uncool!" She hissed and struggled to get away from me. She grabbed my arms and whimpered. "Louis..." I paused and moved back enough to look her in the eyes.

"What is it?" I asked her softly, licking my lips.

"I was eating! Your so rude." She hissed and slapped my chest. I narrowed my eyes slightly.

"What if I'm hungry? You tried to ruin my meal earlier," I mumbled and then leaned back into her neck, drinking from her some more.

"Well I've been hungry longer!" She grumbled and went for her plate and dumped it on my head. I growled and then started to drain her faster. She whimpered and fell against me, getting light headed. "Louis... stop... I'm getting tired...." She grumbled. I purred in her ear to comfort her as I moved her into my arms and away from the counter. I teleported us to my room and laid her down in the bed then got on her as I kept feeding. She'd want somewhere comfortable when she wakes up. She started to pass out under me, grabbing my shirt as she done so. When I had drained her of her blood, I pulled back then bit into my wrist and fed my blood to her again. After a few minutes she started to stir under me and grabbed my arm then started to bite into my wrist to get the blood faster. I could feel her fangs pierce my skin and she let out a small moan. I smirked and watched her as I slowly moved off her but let her keep my wrist.

"There we go," I whispered. She let out a small groan and shoved my wrist away then sat up and touched her fangs.

"Louis...." She mumbled.

"Yeah?" I watched her as I laid back in the bed. "You don't like them?" She glared me down then.

"I told you I liked having more taste buds... What if I liked being human? That's so unfair..." She rubbed her fangs then.

"I was going to eventually turn you anyways," I told her and shrugged. "I'm not letting another mate die." She fell back then and curled up, holding her stomach. "You can enjoy all kinds of food now," I said, trying to brighten her up about this. I reached out and touched her as I started to show her some of my memories of the world. "And you can take all the time you want exploring the world too."

"Louis...." She mumbled and looked towards me. "You're selfish." She grumbled. I smirked.

"Yes, I can be selfish," I told her. "I'm not apologizing." She frowned at me.

"You better apologize." She told me and then started to move off the bed. "I won't talk to you until you do."

"You'll talk to me," I said and turned over onto my side to watch her. "Ann, I order you to forgive me and enjoy being a vampire." She tensed up and looked towards me with a small blush.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I'm not going to apologize... and I want you to like the gift I gave you. I don't normally give this to others myself."

"Louis..." She sighed out. "You have a whole lot of flaws you need to work at." She told me then started out the room. "Which door leads to my room?" I got up and led her to her room where Isabelle was supervising a maid setting up her bed.

"This one is your room," I told her and gave her a smile. "Thank you Isabelle," I told her and watched as she looked at us then disappeared. I looked at Ann. "If you need something, you can come ask me," I told her and then smiled. She gave me a smile.

"Sure... I'll definitely come to you." She started for one of the doors in her room to go through it and look around.

"I'll have some clothes bought for you," I informed her then watched as the maid walked out. "I'll make sure that you get to shop too." She walked out and looked at me then crossed her arms.

"Can I have an apology?" She asked me. I studied her.

"You can have clothes," I told her and smirked.

"Okay." She smirked like she had a plan then. I sighed.

"You can only spend up to two hundred dollars to get clothes and shoes," I told her and then pulled out two hundred dollars from my wallet and held it out to her. "Get some nice stuff... but this is all you're getting for now."

"I'll spend it on expensive lingerie." She smirked. "And cute dresses and new skates." I frowned.

"Why lingerie?"

"Well when I skate I have to have something sexy for when my dresses go up to much." She was thinking about it then and nodded to herself.

"Ummm.... I'll... buy your clothes," I mumbled and then pocketed the money. "I'll bring you some clothes by the end of the week."

"Day." She corrected.


"Tomorrow. Don't forget my skates. I'm a size seven." She gave a huge smile and bounced over to her bed then laid out on it, giving a sexy pose. "How about that apology?" I watched her and then walked in, shutting the door. I walked over to her and then smirked as I moved over her and then kissed her neck to tease her. She groaned under me then tried to get out from under me.  I smirked.

"What's the matter?" I asked her and then moved to the edge of her bed. She shoved me into the floor then and laughed. I got up and growled, glaring her down. How dare she?! "You're definitely not getting that apology," I hissed at her and then walked off for the door.

"Fine. You asked for it." She giggled. "I'm a woman... I know how to get an apology." She curled up on the bed then and pulled the pillow to her stomach and hugged it. I glanced back at her. Yeah right. I walked out and shut the door then went to my room to watch some TV.