Raven’s Time Loop

Nikolai's POV:

"Sir, we finally found the car," I heard one of Raven's newborns who had been looking for her say. The guy looked at me and then tapped his watch. Holograph pictures projected out then, showing picture's of one of Raven's favorite cars flipped over outside a watch factory. I could see some bones from her dead newborns she had taken with her. "We sent someone over to investigate after it was found. They sent me the picture to report to you about this find." I looked the pictures over then frowned... A watch factory? She was going to fast...

"Hey body wasn't found?" I asked.

"No, we couldn't find a sign of her stone anywhere," he whispered. "Any trail of her ended near the train tracks where we found some of her old blood on the ground, but it wasn't much. She should be alive somewhere."

"Then why didn't she come home that night? It's been two centuries..." I muttered. Was she kidnapped? "Go back out there and look some more."

"Yes sir," he told me. "We'll find out where she went." He started to leave but then stopped and glanced at me. "If I may... suggest a theory?"

"Suggest your theory." I motioned for him to continue. At this point I was willing to hear anything.

"I personally asked some locals who lived near there. They said that no one ever goes over there anymore because a girl died at the train tracks, and many people who have gone near them since the girl died have simply disappeared. They believe the ghost of the girl takes them as a curse. They say she was a witch and cursed that area when she died," he told me. "It's far fetched... but there have been a steady set of disappearances from people who go over there, but most of them are not from around there because everyone stays away from it." I nodded then.

"Well... we live in a world where crazy things like that do exist. I want you to look further into it for me." I told him. "I can't diss anything. Especially since witches are possibly involved." I told him. "Send someone in if you half to get to the bottom of things." He nodded.

"I could take a servant over there and force him to go over into the forbidden area," he said and then nodded at the thought. "I will video it and send it to you shortly," he informed me then disappeared. I smirked. Raven's servants seem to get things done around here... I'll have to let her know that when she comes home. I walked towards Louis's bedroom then, and knocked on it when I reached it.

"Louis!" I called for him.

"Yeah? Come in," he called from inside. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Hey~!" I gave him a huge smile and walked over to the side of the bed he was on then sat down on him. "So, Donnie was texting me a few minutes ago and told me you found your mate." I told him then got onto the bed by him. He sighed.

"She's the next door over and has taken upon herself to make me apologize to her for making her a vampire," he muttered. "Don't eat her Nikolai. I told her that she could start going near you after I talk to you first about eating her."

"No one is going to eat her," I assured him. I tilted my head a little. "You turned her... But why?" I asked. If I had a human pet mate I'd have fun with her... if I wasn't myself. Maybe he is my uncle... or a robot. He smirked at me.

"Because I decided I would. She didn't want me to," he said simply and then turned his TV off. "How are you?" He asked curiously. "You look happier today."

"I feel like I'm a step closer to finding Raven." I explained. "I got to kill some stupid guys with Richard... oh and you found your mate. So I'm happy." I nodded. "Alistair isn't bugging me yet either so..." I gave a huge smirk.

"Oh... your brother? I heard from Victor that he was taking your brother hunting today," he said and watched me. I frowned.

"I told them I wanted a sister..." I muttered. I pulled out my phone and called my dad. He didn't answer. I looked towards Louis. "You only have a daughter... want a son?" I asked him. "I'm selling." He laughed at me.

"No, I'm good," he said and smirked. "You will have to learn to share with Alistair. He deserves to go drinking with Victor too."

"I can't when all Alistair wants to do is pick on me when he's around me. He bit me yesterday... BIT ME!" I rubbed my wrist then. "I hate him." I grumbled. "He can't respect my boundaries." He sighed.

"Tell you what... I will try to get Alistair to start hanging out with me or something," he said and sighed. "You need to focus on getting that girl back. Richard has been making me play chess with him almost every hour, and he's been complaining that Raven isn't around so he can't use her in a battle or something like that."

"If your going to let Alistair hang out with you then you better make sure you leave your mate in her bedroom." I warned. "Alistair knows no boundaries." I shivered and laid down, pulling a pillow to me and smelled it, catching Louis's scent.

"I know," he said and watched me. I heard my phone start to ring then and buzz. I answered my phone.

"Look Dad, I don't appreciate you going off and drinking with him- That's our thing." I snapped.

"Ummmm.... I just called to say that Mary disappeared when she went near the train tracks," I heard the guy from earlier say, sounding weirded out.

"Oh... Well this is awkward... IF you repeat those words to anyone.. I'll push you in with her. I'll be there in a minute." I hung up and looked towards Louis. "Can you take me to a location?" He nodded and sat up. I gave him my phone and showed him the hologram of the place Raven might be at. "This old watch factory." He looked at it then grabbed my hand and we were there, standing a little ways from the wreck of Raven's car.

"There we go."

"Thanks Louis. Can you wait out here for me? If I'm not back in twenty minutes... Run." I told him. He watched me then grabbed my hand, teleporting me into the weapon's room and grabbed some rope and tied it around my waist then teleported us back. He tested the rope by tugging on it real hard and then held the end of it.

"Okay," he said and sat down in the middle of the street and laid out on it. I watched him curiously ad then started towards the wreckage, going towards the factory area where I believe is where I shouldn't step towards. I noticed the guy was standing near some of the bones and nudged it with his toe.

"I believe that one was Star," he muttered and then picked up one of the bones and tossed it towards the railroad. It disappeared as a train went by. I tensed up and then walked over towards the guy and looked the railroad over then took in a deep breath. I crossed it when the train went by.

I woke up on a soft couch with a throbbing headache. "Hey... there's a new one," I heard a girl mutter. "Carrie, go check that one out. I'm a little busy eating this burger." I sat up quickly and looked around. I'm in an old dinner? Okay... nothing can beat that strangeness... I stood up.

"RAVEN!?" I called out. I looked around for her then and looked out the window at the outside and seen it a little distorted past fifteen feet. I rubbed my head, wondering what happened then looked at my waist and seen the rope gone... Uh-oh... Great. I saw a girl slowly edging her way towards the door, watching some other girl closely as she then slowly opened the door. Her hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in a week. I watched her curiously then looked at the girl and heard a scream from outside and the sound of the train going by. I heard another scream and a thump outside the window so I looked and seen a guy had jumped off the roof and killed himself. I widened my eyes. The girl darted out the door then, making a break for it. I watched to see what would become of her, trying to figure this out. A woman appeared in front of her and grabbed her arm, putting her to sleep or something and dragged her back towards the dinner with a huge smile. I took a step back and yelped. "Raven...." I whispered... I hope she's not here... I started towards the door and walked out then started for the factory to check there. "RAVEN!?" I yelled, trying to be as loud as possible. I heard some people following me outside and standing by the door.

"Oh man... Newbie has lost it already," one of them said.

"No... he hasn't lost it. There's that crazy girl named Raven. Maybe he's looking for her," another suggested. I looked towards them quickly.

"Where is she? She's here?" I widened my eyes... I have to get us out of here... but I need to find her first. "I need to find her." I told them.

"Oh yeah, she's in there sleeping behind the jukebox like she always does after she kills about twenty of us. It's her afternoon nap," another told me. I ran back into the dinner and over to the jukebox and pulled it far away from the wall.

"Raven!" She was sleeping in a small ball with a blanket pulled around her, but when I moved the jukebox, she opened her eyes slowly and looked up at me. "200 years." I told her. "This is all you've been doing? I expected more." I told her and then grabbed her arm and pulled her up. "I'm getting us out of here."

"Hey, I do more than sleep! At five in the afternoon after I've eaten from Carrie, I go outside and scout till I wake up in the morning again! Sometimes I get killed!" She yanked back from me then stopped. "Nikolai?" Her eyes widened as she saw me and recognition showed in her eyes. She hugged me quickly. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?! Wait... am I dreaming?" She pulled back then and looked me over.

"No, I'm here." I told her and kissed her cheek. "I have a brother that keeps annoying me... come home and kick his ass... please?" I begged her. She giggled and gave a nod.

"Okay, come on, let's go check out near the train today," she said and then grabbed my hand. She glanced around and then started to pull me towards a window nearby. "Let's not get seen. I don't want that girl snatching me like yesterday."

"So what do you know about this place?" I asked her. "One of your newborns said it is cursed by a witch or something like that." I rubbed my head as my memory was getting hard to think about. "I had a rope around me when I came it... it's gone." I told her. "All I remember is passing the train tracks..." She looked back at me after we were out of the diner and then shrugged.

"Don't know about the rope. Most people don't come here intentionally. I do know that this place is an infinite time loop. When you die, you wake up in the morning and it's the same day, but it's not. Some people keep to a routine, and other's are random. It's all preference. I've never heard of someone getting out," she said and sighed. "I usually end up loosing it around noon and end up killing a lot of them. They don't seem to mind though."

"Because if you die then she let's you keep your memories." I heard a guy say from against a wall. He was in an army suit. I looked him over as he smirked towards me. "Raven... who's your friend?"

"An idiot," she said and gave a sweet smile. "Hey Thomas. Want me to kill you again?"

"Nah, you know I like trying to escape.... maybe one day I might be quick enough." He laughed then. "I have a plan. Someone needs to keep her distracted today so I can escape."

"HEY CARRIE!" Raven called through the window. Carrie bounced out then and gave a huge smile towards Raven.

"Yeah Raven?" She asked.

"Can you go ask the witch if she wants to play a game? You should play a game with her today," Raven suggested, giving a smirk.

"I wanted to blow the kitchen up though." Carrie grumbled. She looked towards me then and gave a smile. "Hi Nikolai." She waved at me and went back inside.

"Then blow up the kitchen," Raven purred and then looked towards the train tracks. "We're gonna make it today Thomas," she whispered. "Think like that."

"Hah! I hope so. Race you to the tracks~!" He took off towards the tracks then, trying for them as fast as he could. I heard a train coming then.

"This is insane..." I muttered. "Louis.... Please go get Hachi." I muttered. She glanced at me as she watched Thomas run.

"I feel bad because I know he won't make it," she mumbled. "He's already taken too long to do this. She'll be with him soon." I watched as a girl appeared in front of the guy and she stabbed him with a kitch knife and watched him fall over at her feet and he faded away like some bodies were doing already. I looked towards Raven.

"She's a witch..." I muttered.

"I believe it. HEY WITCH LADY! I HEARD YOU DIED ON THAT TRAIN TRACK OVER THERE! DID THE TRAIN GET YOUR HEAD OR YOUR HEART?!" She called out to the girl and started to giggle. The witch waved towards us as friendly as she could and started for us with a small skip to her step.

"Hi Raven and her mate Nikolai." She walked past us and went into the dinner as an explosion went off in the kitchen.

"No matter how many times I insult her... she never raises a hand against me until I walk over to that train track over there," Raven muttered. "She's the insane one around here.... Come on, let's go get ourselves killed," she suggested and started walking, humming to herself as she didn't hurry for the train tracks. She picked up a stick and threw it at the train that was coming. I watched the train take it out.

"Has anyone around here suggested how to get out of here?" I asked her. "Besides running far away from the dinner as fast as you can?"

"I have this idea to kill the witch instead of letting her kill me," Raven said and shrugged, stopping to look at me. "Why? Wanna kill her with me?"

"If she died... wouldn't that mean she's a ghost witch.... You can't kill ghosts... but I do know someone that has trapped a lost soul and keeps him as a pet." I muttered... I should have shoved Hachi in here.... Raven's hand twitched slightly and she glanced back at the diner. She giggled a little and then started for it.

"Witchy witchy witchy poo!" She called out. "Let's play cat and mouse today!" The witch appeared then in front of Raven and touched her, making Raven fade away. She looked towards me. I stopped walking and stared her down.

"Want to try to escape?" She asked me. I took a step away from her and everything faded.

I woke up to a bird chirping in my ear so I rolled over and came crashing down to the ground. I yelped as I hit it then looked up, seeing a tree branch above me head... That's not funny... I sat up and looked around for Raven. How come she's not the one in a tree... she's named after a bird... "RAVEN!" I yelled.

"SHUT UP! I'M DRINKING TEA!" I heard her yell back to me. I saw her sitting inside the diner at a window, drinking a steaming cup of tea. "I'm thinking," she told me. "Come sit by me." I got up and walked over to the diner and went inside then sat down by her and looked at the tea.

"How'd you end up in here?" I asked her.

"The witch kind of likes me I think," she said. "I keep it interesting in here... Plus I kill most of them before they try to escape. We need to get a message out to Hachi. I can't get close enough to kill the bi- witch," she said and then took a sip of her tea calmly. "You disappearing after coming here should get attention. Did anyone see you disappear?"

"Yeah. I had one of your newborns watching me and Louis was laid out in the road." I told her. "If Louis is smart... He'll ignore what I said about running and get Hachi to help us." I muttered.

Louis's POV:

"So ummm.... I misplaced our nephew," I whispered to Paris. I had gotten drunk after realizing I fell asleep in the road and let the rope go. Man... I'm a bad uncle. I had just woken up in a closet in the castle, and it took me a bit to remember yesterday. Paris glared me down.

"How do you misplace one of our nephews... wait... which one?" He asked me.

"The one that was crowned king," I muttered and watched him. Oh I'm so dead. He frowned.

"Why wasn't it the other one?" He asked himself. "Where did you last see him?" He asked me.

"Well... Funny story is," I started to laugh nervously then. "Raven got tracked down to being last seen outside this watch factory or something... and the train tracks were haunted or something, so one of her newborns said that Raven may have been snatched by the witch ghost thingy and well... Nikolai went to check it out with me and I fell asleep in the street, holding the rope tied around his waist." Paris shook his head and then pulled out his phone and called someone.

"Hey, Hachi, can you come see me?" Paris asked and then hung up. He looked towards me. "Take Hachi over there." I nodded.

"I think we'll get him back," I whispered. "After all... we finally found out that Raven might have disappeared in there... and we know he went there... so we know to target it. Look, I didn't mean to fall asleep but the pavement was really warm."

"Louis.... it's fine." Paris told me and gave a smile. "Just next time make sure to loose the other nephew." He whispered softly.

"Uh huh," I mumbled. "Paris, how was I ever king?" I asked him.

"Aw, you had me." Paris kissed my cheek then and Hachi walked into the room and gave a huge smile.

"You wanted to see me?" Hachi asked.

"Yeah, I lost Nikolai," I told him and then reached out and touched his shoulder, showing him everything that happened with Nikolai about that place and how I lost him. Hachi gave a small shiver and shook his head quickly.

"I'm not going in there." He told us and started for the door.

"Can you just like... cast a spell or something?" I asked him.

"Nope." Hachi told me. "I don't play with pissed off ghost witches." He told us. "Everyone knows not to do that." I sighed and looked at Paris. Plan B: Isaac. "Isaac knows better too." I glanced at Hachi then started to text Isaac to ask him if he would. He appeared in front of me.

"Let me guess, Hachi said no, and I'm plan b?" He asked me. I smiled.

"Nooo.... You're not plan B. Hachi did say no though."

"I don't eat ghosts... or play with them.... or what-"

"You mess around with Harry," I pointed out.

"That's diff-"

"Not really Isaac," I said and smirked. He sighed and then shook his head.

"Will you leave us alone about it if I go over and look at the place? I'm not going in."

"Isaac, I don't want you to go." Hachi told him quickly. "I've read about that witch they're talking about and I don't want you to get in her loop."

"Yeah... but Raven and Nikolai are trapped in there," Isaac mumbled. "What about them?"

"If they keep trying then they'll get out." Hachi said simply. "Maybe..." Isaac sighed and then looked at me and Paris.

"Sorry.... Hachi directly told me no, and I don't do things if he tells me no," he said and then walked over to Hachi. "Hey, let's go get some food!" I frowned. What the hell am I supposed to do now? Isabelle appeared in front of me then.

"Louis, cut on the news," she told me quickly.


"Just do it!" She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to a channel in France. I watched as mass destruction played out in a town. "Who's the only one that we know would do that?" She asked me.

"Ummm... a lot of people?"

"Who have purple hair and giggle like that girl?" Isabelle asked as Raven slaughtered the news woman who was screaming her head off. She started to giggle madly and disappeared quickly. Hachi looked towards the TV and then walked out with Isaac.

"Looks like that's your cue." Paris told me playfully but got up and disappeared. I teleported to the town and then saw Paris, so I walked over to him as I listened around.

"I wonder if Nikolai is around?" I asked and then started to glance around for him as we stood where the news girl had died. The cameraman had ditched his camera and had made a break for it. Paris shook his head.

"I don't hear him." Paris told me. He started for where all the screams was coming from. "RAVEN!" He called. I followed after him and rounded a block then saw a blood covered Raven who was currently chasing this woman down in the street. Paris took off for Raven then and had her pinned against the ground within seconds as he used his teleportation to help himself. He bit down into her neck then. She screamed out and then shoved him away and sat up, glaring his way and exposed her fangs. Paris licked his lips then looked her over. "Raven, your back now." Paris told her. "You're safe." He reached out for her and tucked his fangs away. She giggled and then looked at his hair.

"It's white," she giggled out.

"Yeah." Paris smiled softly and then reached out and rubbed her cheek. "Come on, let's go home." He suggested. She tilted her head and watched him curiously.


"I rebuilt the manor." He explained. "Louis, come over here and show her the last 200 years." I nodded and walked over. She hissed my way as she noticed me and then looked at Paris in suspicion. I gave a soft smile and then touched her cheek gently.

"Calm down Raven, you'll be fine," I told her and then started to catch her up. Her eyes glazed over and she relaxed as she let me. When I finished, I moved my hand back and gave her a smile. She looked towards Paris and me and then smiled sweetly.

"Paris!" She reached out and hugged him then looked at me. "Louis," she mumbled and gave me a small smile. Paris hugged her back.

"Did Nikolai get out with you?" Paris asked. She looked thoughtful then nodded.

"Uh huh... he's out," she said and gave a smile. "I got us out today.... I guess there's hope in there after all. I bet she's pissed!" She started to giggle and then glanced down at herself and widened her eyes. "Why's there blood all over me?" Nikolai walked up, whipping his face as he had some blood on it.

"Because we're both starving." Nikolai told her and then looked towards us. "Don't ever.... ever... ever! Go near that loop." He told us. I smiled at him.

"There he is," I whispered. Raven looked over at Nikolai and purred at the sight of him.

"Nikolai," she said softly then got up, bouncing over to him. She kissed him and then purred happily. Nikolai froze up as he got kissed and widened his eyes.

"R-raven...." He mumbled and blushed. She smiled at him.

"I love you," she purred to him. She gave him another kiss and giggled as she made sure to stand a few inches away from him. He gave her a confused smile.

"I love you too... but if you start acting like my brother, I'll kick you out of our room." He told her and then looked towards us. "Can we go home now? I feel like he's slowly annoying everyone there."

"Oh my god.... That's right!" She looked at me then at Nikolai. "YOU HAVE A BROTHER!" She started to giggle then. "No, I won't act like him. I already agreed not to bite you often, remember?"

"Oh he also has a little sister." Paris smirked. "She's shy though and never leaves her bedroom." He laughed and then grabbed my arm and leaned against me. I purred to him.

"Those two got reunited," I whispered to him. "How sweet." Raven blushed and then looked at Nikolai and grabbed his hand, disappearing. Paris teleported us back home and left me in my room then teleported off somewhere else.

Nikolai's POV:

Raven collapsed in the floor of our bedroom and then curled up. "Nikolai... do I have any clothes here?" She asked me. "They were all burned in that fire I think...."

"Yeah, Isabelle replaced your clothes for you." I told her and sat down on our bed I had picked out for us. Most of the things in our room were replicas of what used to be in our room... of course there was modifications.. Like the TV and other electronics. "Oh... guess what? Louis has a new mate that is a girl. He just turned her." I told Raven. "You should go friend her." She smiled and gave a nod.

"I will...." She told me and then walked towards her closet and got out a dress and then walked to the bathroom and cut the water on. "Hey Nikolai, could you get me a towel please?" I walked over to the bathroom and walked in then over to the towel closet and got one out for her and handed it to her. She gave me a big smile and set it on top of her dress on the counter and slipped her shoes off. "Thank you sweetie," she purred to me. I gave her a smile.

"No problem." I walked out then and over to the bed then crawled into it and laid down. "Don't go midnight clubbing." I told her.

"What was that?" She walked out of the bathroom and over to the bed with a curious look.

"I said don't go midnight clubbing and get stuck in another loop where I have to go in and help you get out." I teased her and watched her curiously. She blushed.

"I didn't mean to get stuck! That tire came out of nowhere!" She crawled into the bed then and over to me then smirked and leaned in and kissed me. "No... I won't go out tonight," she purred to me and then stole another kiss. I blushed and watched her.

"Raven... I thought you was taking a shower..." I whispered. She looked thoughtful for a few seconds then sighed.

"Yeah... I should get the blood off me," she mumbled and then kissed my neck gently before she got out of bed and bounced over to the bathroom. "You're welcome to join me," she teased me, smirking my way as she disappeared into the bathroom and shut the door. I laughed and then got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom. I walked down the hall, going towards my mom's room and knocked on the door.

"DAD!?" I asked.

"Hey," he said from behind me. "Don't tell Rose... but I ditched your brother in an alley," he whispered to me and then walked past me towards the door. I grabbed his shirt and threw him up against the door.

"Drinking is our thing." I told him firmly and growled. "Don't forget that." He looked at me in confusion then smiled.

"Yeah, I know. I didn't take him drinking," he told me. "I wouldn't dare get that one drunk. No... I took him into town, but he irritated me, so I ditched him and spent the day in Russia," he told me and smirked. "Why? Want to go drinking with me?" I nodded.

"I got Raven back and she's been kissing me and stuff..." I blushed. "Let's go drinking." He laughed.

"Oh no... sounds like she missed you," he teased me and then moved away from the door. "You'll want to be drunk in case she thinks that she is getting more kisses tonight. I know how you get when people touch you." I nodded.

"She kissed my neck." I whispered. "My neck!" I rubbed it and then grabbed his hand. "Take me drinking."

"You know... if you come home drunk... you might wake up not a virgin tomorrow with Raven," he whispered to me, warning me.

"I'm sleeping between you and mom tonight." I told him and then went into the room and got into bed with my mom and hugged her sleeping body.

"Well.... I'm going drinking," he said and watched me then walked off, whistling. I got out of bed and ran out the room and after him as fast as I could, sliding against the floor and hitting a wall. He laughed and watched me then walked up and grabbed my hand, teleporting us to one of his favorite bars in Russia.

Raven's POV:

I laid out on the bed, humming to myself as I turned the page of a book I had found. Nikolai had left for some strange reason.... Hypocrite. Telling me I can't go out and he does. I sighed and then watched as the clock turned 1 am. I heard the doorknob rattle and then it opened and Victor pushed Nikolai into the room. "Get some sleep," he said and smirked then shut the door on Nikolai. I glanced back at Nikolai and narrowed my eyes slightly. Drunk. I set my book on the nightstand and curled up in the bed, glaring his way. He stumbled over to the bed and then crawled into it and over to me then curled up to me and smelled my neck then went to bite into it. I widened my eyes as he bit into me and gripped the bed. Oh no... he's really drunk! He ran his fingers down my sides and grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled it up a little as he remarked me and let out a playful growl. I moaned and melted against him as he remarked me and looked his way.

"Nikolai," I mumbled and then looked him over. Should I stop him? I ran my fingers through his hair and smiled softly. Too bad he only likes me when he gets drunk. He pulled back and licked his lips then emptied his pocket out of the nightstand and got up then stumbled over to his closet and entered it. He came back in just some shorts and stumbled back to the bed then got in and under the covers then curled up to himself, beginning to hiccup. I sighed and reached over, pulling him to me. I rubbed his back and then kissed his cheek. "I guess I'm not mad at you for leaving to go get drunk anymore...." He laughed softly and curled me up to him and rubbed my back.

"Hey..... it's my job to go drinking with my dad." He mumbled. I smiled and watched him.

"Alright," I told him. "At least you're spending time with someone." His hiccups stopped as he leaned in towards my neck and kissed it. I giggled and kissed his forehead. He kissed my lips then and pulled me closer. I gasped slightly and then kissed him back, wrapping my arms around him. He pulled back and started to fall asleep against me then. I laughed and then nuzzled up to him, taking advantage of the situation to sleep close to him. He's so never going to let me do this when he's sober..... I kissed his neck softly and purred as I laid my head on his chest then closed my eyes, going to sleep.

In the morning I felt him crawling out of bed slowly, trying not to wake me up. I opened my eyes and looked at him then pouted before I threw a pillow at him. Jerk. He froze up and looked towards me. "What's the matter?" He asked. "I have to pee." I glared him down then grabbed the pillow.

"You left me yesterday," I mumbled and then sighed. "Go use the restroom." I curled up to his pillow and purred to it. You know... I could just start sleeping with his pillow instead. It'd let me cuddle with it. He watched me for a minute then got up with a small smile on his face and he disappeared into our bathroom. I glanced towards it then nuzzled my head against the pillow. He's so weird.... I don't know how I got mated to someone who doesn't want to be kissed much... but at least I love him. He came back out after a minute and looked me over then crawled back into bed and pulled me to him and then turned on the TV from across the room. I blushed slightly and curled up to him, laying my head down on his chest as I abandoned the pillow for him. He rubbed my head then as he started to watch cartoons. I purred to him and glanced towards the TV and then up at him with a sweet smile. "You know... you gave me a kiss yesterday," I teased. "Plus, you remarked me." He looked towards me and blushed.

"I was drunk though... My dad told me I'd end up loosing my virginity." He grumbled. "I can't believe he threw me in here when I asked him to let me sleep with him." I narrowed my eyes slightly.

"No... you didn't," I muttered. Bastard... he tried to sleep with his parents. "I can't believe you didn't want to spend time with me." I got up then and walked off, going over to the couch and sat down.

"I was just kidding!" He laughed out. He shook his head then and got up then walked into the bathroom and I heard the shower start up. Yeah right he was just kidding. It's been two centuries, and he can't even cuddle with me without freaking out. I sighed and laid out on the couch. Jerk. He completely didn't want to be with me last night. I shouldn't have stayed up for him last night.... "RAVEN! COULD YOU HAND ME A TOWEL!?" He asked. Oh man... I shouldn't. I should just walk right on out... but I'm nice. I sighed and got up, teleporting into the towel closet and then got him one and closed my eyes as I walked back out to the bathroom.

"Here," I said and blindly held out the towel for him.

"You can join me if you want." He teased.

"Yeah, like you're serious," I muttered and then decided to set it on the counter.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He laughed and I could hear him step in and under the water.

"Well... you'd freak out if I did join you," I muttered and then started for the door after feeling my way towards the counter. "I know how you work."

"Go have fun with the maids." He suggested.

"Uh huh, you go have fun with your parents," I shot back and walked out, shutting the door behind me.

"Why're you upset!?" Nikolai asked. "Are you wanting kids now or something!?" He teased. "I can give you them!" I sighed and glanced back at the door then leaned against it.

"No, I'm not wanting kids anytime soon," I told him and looked towards the bed.

"What do you want then?" He asked me. I looked up at the ceiling then.

"I'd like it if you actually wanted to spend time with me, and if you actually liked it when I gave you a kiss," I muttered.

"Raven~ Your my mate... I do want to spend time with you but I also am myself. I told you I'm working on trying to let people in. It doesn't help when you leave me for two centuries." He called from in the shower. "I like it when you kiss me... It just freaks me out a bit because, as I quote from Donnie because I have asked him... I'm a virgin." I sighed and gave a small smile.

"It wasn't my fault about the two centuries thing," I told him. "I tried to escape everyday to get back to you and everyone else. It just didn't work.... Look, I'm not going to have you lose your virginity till you are ready and want to," I told him. "If that helps you to know that, then I probably should tell you."

"Good~ Cause I'm making you wait two more centuries." He teased me. "I'm sure you'll be able to wait though." He laughed. "Raven~ I love you."

"I love you too," I mumbled. I could totally tease him about the fact that I had been with two other guys before him... but I don't think I should. He gets upset about that, doesn't he? Yeaaaah... he does. "If you really want... we don't ever have to," I told him and glanced at the door.

"In good time Raven, in good time." He laughed. "You're queen, you'll get me eventually. I think it's cute to make you wait." I rolled my eyes.

"You know... if you make me wait for too long, I just will lose all interest in that kind of stuff for possibly all eternity," I teased back.

"Is that a bad thing?" He asked me. "I wouldn't know."

"Normally, yes," I told him. "It's normally a bad thing when a mate doesn't want to sleep with their mate."

"Raven, It's not bad. We could be like Paris and Richard... or we could be like us. Think of it as very, very, slow." More like not gonna happen. I smirked. I should start teasing him with this stuff. I'm a girl... and I know what I'm doing. I've had two lovers before. I could totally use this knowledge about guys against him.

"Oh I know," I purred.

"Raven, do you want our relationship to get more intimate?" I smirked and looked at the door again.

"Whatever you want sweetie," I purred to him and kept in a giggle. "After all, you're the baby of our relationship."

"Okay." He laughed. "Go ask my mom to put you on birth control. Then we will talk. Don't forget about condoms." I widened my eyes. He's joking... right? "Raven? Are you still there or did you go off to ask my mommy?" Oh man... He must be messing with me. He just called her mommy. What boy would ask his girl to go ask his mom to get stuff to sleep with her son?! "Raven! I'M A SIZE EXTRA LARGE!" He yelled, I could hear him chuckle.

"You...You're messing with me... right?" I asked, panicking a little. He wouldn't ask me to go ask his mom... right?

"Nope.... I lied... I'm only a size large."

"I meant about the other stuff," I said quickly.

"Alright.... Medium." I looked at the door with a frown. He's so messing with me. I sighed out and smiled. He's got to be if he changes that so much. I bet he doesn't even know what size he is. I walked over to the bed and laid down in it, curling up to his pillow. After a few mintues he walked out of the bathroom in fresh clothes and looked me over.

"Want to go downstairs with me?" He asked. I watched him then slowly got up, going over to the door.

"Okay," I whispered. He walked up and grabbed my hand then kissed it. I blushed slightly and looked over at him.

"I've been mean." He admitted and then pulled me out into the hall and down to the living room, never letting my hand go. Oh no... I broke him. Oh no... I've got to ask his mom how to reboot him. He let me go when we entered the living room and he sat down on one of the black leather couches and looked over towards Paris and Richard. Paris was curled up to Richard and watching the news. I glanced them over and then went for the kitchen, getting a bottle of blood before I came back out and sat down in an armchair as I sipped on it. Nikolai watched me curiously then looked towards Paris as his head slipped down and into Richard's lap as he completely passed out. Richard smirked and started to run his fingers through Paris's hair, purring to him. Paris gave a small smile in his sleep. Nikolai got up and went towards the kitchen then. Hachi walked into the living room with Isaac, pulling him along. He gave a huge smile when he seen us.

"Isaac, there's people in the living room... wow this is rare." Hachi whispered to him. Isaac glanced around and smiled.

"Darn.. I was hoping to have it all to ourselves... but people are nice," he said and smirked, slipping an arm around Hachi's waist and led him over to the couch Nikolai had been sitting on. He sat down and pulled Hachi with him then looked towards Paris and smirked, mumbling a spell under his breath. I started to hear Paris giggling in his sleep as Isaac finished with a small smirk.

"What'd you do to him?" Hachi asked, watching Paris.

"I'm practicing dream manipulation on him. I saw this really cool thing in one of those books I've been reading, and I've been wanting to see how it works," Isaac purred as he watched Paris with interest. I heard a scream upstairs then and Paris stirred a bit in his sleep. Isaac muttered another spell and Paris went limp almost immediately. Richard tensed up and tried to wake him up, but Paris didn't react.

"Now that's mean." Hachi hissed towards Isaac.

"It is not.... I just put him in a slightly more deeper sleep. It'll wear off in an hour or two," Isaac mumbled. "Plus I wanted to keep experimenting.... It won't hurt him. It's not like I want to give him a nightmare or something."

"No more dream manipulations." Hachi told him. "I don't want them on me."

"I wouldn't do them to you," Isaac purred and kissed his cheek. "Besides, even if I wanted to, I couldn't. We got rid of your dreams."

"Well.... So?" Hachi frowned. "You're learning... you could make me dream about being a girl and then I'd be mad." He shivered at the idea. Nikolai came back out into the living room and sat down in the arm chair by mine. I smiled his way and took a sip of my blood as I watched Isaac thinking.

"No... I like you as a boy," he admitted then kissed Hachi on the lips. "You're perfect just the way you are." Hachi nodded in agreement.

"Good cause I can kick your ass now." Hachi smirked. "I'm older."

"I should definitely start learning more advanced defense magic," Isaac whispered and then nuzzled his head into Hachi's neck and kissed him there softly. Keegan rushed into the room then and ran up to Paris and Richard then pushed Paris aside and got into Richard's lap.

"DAD!" Keegan grabbed Richard's shirt. "Shiloh bit me!" Richard smiled and pulled Keegan to him, rubbing his head as he made Keegan

"curl up into a ball in his arms.

"It's okay baby," he whispered. "I'm sure Shiloh is more interested in biting Rory right now. Here," he purred and held out his wrist. "Are you hungry, my love?" Keegan shook his head and then glanced over towards Nikolai and gave a huge smile.

"Nikolai!" Nikolai tensed up a bit but relaxed when Keegan only waved at him.

"Hi Keegan." Nikolai whispered. Keegan looked at his father and pouted.

"Dad, can I sleep with you tonight?" He asked. Richard looked thoughtful but nodded after a few moments.

"Okay," he said and then kissed Keegan's cheek and pulled Paris back to them and rubbed Paris's head as he gave Keegan a smile. Keegan rested his head against Richard's chest then and closed his eyes for a few minutes then looked towards the doors as another scream happened. I frowned slightly.

"There's another one... and Richard is right here," I whispered to Nikolai. Who in the world is killing people?

"Oh, Louis has a new mate and he turned her." Nikolai smirked. "Remember, I told you? Maybe she got hungry."

"Oh...." I mumbled and then sunk down in the seat. "I'm supposed to make friends with her too for you.... She's not like me, right?"

"I don't know." Nikolai shrugged. "I can predict phone calls, not girls." He laughed. I smirked.

"You wish you could predict girls," I teased and then sat my bottle down and got up, walking over to him then crawled into his lap. "Your life would be so much easier," I purred and then kissed his cheek. He looked me over.

"Raven...." He mumbled and watched me. "Are you having fun in my lap?" I giggled and then gave him a sweet smile.

"Are you having fun? Or are you freaking out?"

"I'm getting contact..... physical contact from you." He muttered. I smirked. Freaking out. I curled up on him and rested my head on his chest.

"Mhmm," I hummed out to him. He tensed up and gripped the arms of the chair. "Rawr," I teased him, giggling as I watched him. Poor Nikolai... I should move... but I'm not going to. He's going to get used to me at least sitting with him. I could hear his heart racing in his chest. I smirked softly and then nuzzled my head against his chest a little, giving him a purr. Keegan looked up and over at us.

"Wow... It's been a minute and he hasn't shoved her off of him..." Keegan mumbled. I glanced his way then up at Nikolai.

"Want me to move?" I asked him softly as I sat up on him a little. He watched me, trying to look calm.

"I'm not going to respond to that question and upset you." He whispered.

"So yes," I mumbled and then sighed softly. "That's fine. You still have your boundaries." I leaned up and kissed his cheek then got up, stretching. He relaxed then and got up then started for the door, leaving the living room. I watched him go and pouted slightly before I went out of the room and upstairs to look for this Ann person. Probably should check the screams first. I teleported to where the screams had been and glanced around. I found a girl around eighteen draining one of the maids. I walked up and giggled a little. "You know... I know a better place to feed," I purred and then looked from the maid to the girl. "You must be Ann." She pulled away from the girl and licked her lips then looked me over and then awed at me hair.

"Oh your hair is pretty!" She giggled and went to touch it. I laughed and let her.

"My name is Raven," I purred to her. "I thought I'd come greet you. We girls got to stick together in this place." She nodded.

"You're name is like the raven from that poem I once read in school." She mumbled. She gave a huge smile. "Yeah, I'm Ann... Can you take me clothes shopping?" She asked. "Louis is a jerk."

"He's not that bad," I said and giggled. "If you're his mate, he'll become real sweet towards you when he warms up to the idea. You should've seen him with-" I stopped myself and bit my bottom lip. I probably shouldn't bring up a previous mate with a new mate.... I heard about how Midori flipped and Nikolai didn't like that I had been with two other guys- and they weren't even my mates. "I'll take you!" I smiled and reached out for her hand. "Let's get you in something else though," I told her and gestured her bloody clothes. "We'll put you in something cute and then go out. I'm sure something I have must fit you. We look about the same size dress...." She nodded.

"Thank you!" She laughed. "It's okay if you mention August... Louis showed me his whole loving relationship with him all the way to his death." She rubbed her head then. I widened my eyes. Whoa... she's okay with it... and Louis showed her when he just met her? Weird.... I took her hand then and smiled.

"Okay, I wasn't sure if it was touchy or not. A lot of people around here get upset when they meet their mate and their mate was with someone in the past. Mates are pretty big in this place." I teleported us into my room and then sat her down on the bed. "Alright.... Blue eyes and blond hair... What color to put you in?" I wondered out loud as I looked her over. "What's your favorite color? We shouldn't put you in black."

"I like pink." She told me and blushed. "Or blue... I'm fine with any color really." She told me and then looked down at her bloody outfit. I looked her over then grabbed her hand and pulled her into the bathroom and then handed her a cloth and got her a towel.

"Get the blood off you," I told her and gestured to the tub. "I won't mind... and what Nikolai doesn't know won't kill him," I purred and laughed at how he would react to knowing that a girl had been in his shower. I think he barely tolerates me.... "I'll go look through the dresses and pick you out a cute pair of heels to go with them- or do you like flats?"

"I don't mind either. I skate, so heels are pretty close to that." She told me and went cut on the shower. "I guess heels." I nodded and gave a big smile.

"Okay," I said and then walked out, shutting the door behind me to give her privacy. I think I like her.... I'll take her under my wing! I giggled and bounced over to the closet then went in and started searching for a dress for her and one for me. Isabelle bought most of these.... I should probably explore this. What's up with this low cut dress? I giggled as I held up a red and black dress, seeing it would show off my figure. She must have been trying to dress me up for Nikolai or something... I wouldn't be surprised to find some lingerie in my drawers over there. I glanced at it curiously and then walked over and checked. I found some lacey underwear in there and a few short nighties. I laughed and shook my head then checked to make sure I still had regular PJs. I did, lucky me. I grabbed a pink dress as I saw it and smiled as I looked it over. It'd bring out her blond hair... and those silver heels would look great with these. I grabbed them and then took them out into the room and knocked on the bathroom door. "May I come in to put these down for you?" I asked her.

"Yeah, come in." I heard her from in the shower. I walked in and then set the dress and heels down.

"Okay, you can use these," I told her and smiled softly. "I think they'll suit you," I purred and then walked out. I walked back to the closet and picked out a cute dark blue dress with a black belt going across the waist then changed into it and put on a pair of black heels before I grabbed my purse and slipped it onto my shoulder and walked out. I sat down on the bed and laid back on it as I waited for her. Should I leave Nikolai a note? No... that's too clingy for now. After last night, this morning, and in the living room, I should definitely give him a little space. After fifteen minutes she came out in the outfit I picked for her and smoothed out the dress.

"I really like this dress, it's pretty." She told me and looked up." Are you ready?"

"Yeah! You can keep the dress," I told her and got to my feet, walking over. I smirked as I saw how cute she was in the outfit. Perfect... "I'm going to teach you so much," I whispered, getting excited. She'll be like one of my newborns- but not my newborn! I giggled and then grabbed her hand. "Okay, let's go get you some good clothes!" She laughed and nodded then started to pull me out of the bedroom. I smiled at her and led her to the garage and over to a car then opened the passenger door for her. She got inside then looked around the car and turned the radio on. I got into the driver's side and then started to drive us out of the manor. "Okay, so what kind of stuff do you like to wear?" I asked, trying to get a good idea of where to take her.

"Well I like dresses and really dressy clothes." She told me. "I'm not really into the comfortable look. I like to dress to impress. I'm an ice skater, it's what I do. Oh, can you get me skates?" She asked.

"Uhhhh... sure!" I smiled and glanced at her. "I don't think I've ever tried ice skating... maybe I should try it out with you or something," I said and laughed. "You don't mind, right? It'd be nice to have something to do during the winter."

"Sure! I like teaching people how to skate... it's funny to watch them fall the first few times." She giggled. I laughed.

"As long as you don't laugh at me too much," I joked and gave her a smirk. "I'll teach you how to hunt in town." She nodded.

"Okay." She looked me over. "Raven... Can you help me get Louis back for turning me?" She asked softly. "I want an apology from him and I'll get one." I glanced at her and frowned. Oh man... she wasn't happy with being turned. Austin wasn't happy either....

"Ummmm.... like what kind of getting him back?" I asked cautiously. She's not like Austin though. He was a secret ass. She's not.

"Prank him of course... I could dye his pretty white hair.... That would be funny.... How about black so it's harder for him to change back to his original color..." She smirked. I laughed.

"Oh no... don't do that. It's trademark Grimm hair. Plus his twin would get upset that they don't look like each other, and their wizard master would be angry. He collared them for their hair color and because they were twins."

"I'm definitely dying his hair." She giggled. "Oh man this is going to be awesome!" She smirked. "That'll teach him not to mess with me."

"You'll have an angry mate, a pissed twin, and a cannibal after you," I whispered, shaking my head. That is not a good idea....

"Yeah but it's a harmless prank." She said innocently. "He'll get his hair back in a year." She laughed then. I thought it over and then smiled a little.

"Well... What you should do...." I smirked then as I kind of started to like that idea. "Ann, you should start wearing clothes around him that will drive him insane and act flirtatious, but leave him wanting... and when he finally gets close, sneak the dye into his shampoo bottle." She nodded.

"I like that idea...." She whispered. "I was already planning on teasing him but that's another good idea." She looked me over. "You're brilliant." I laughed.

"Oh, and he's one of those who would get really frustrated over you teasing him," I said and smirked. "He and Paris both are those kinds of people along with Richard... most of the males in the house really. I ended up with the only one who can't stand to be touched or even teased."

"Maybe your lucky about that... You won't wake up with him on top of you and wondering why he's between your legs and kissing you." I blushed.

"Ummmm.... He... did? He did do that before we knew we were mates... and it was because I had fallen asleep on the couch.... He used to be more creepy back then. Maybe I should start to tease him too.... It's been two centuries since I last saw him...."

"Well two centuries should have matured him." She giggled and looked me over. "I think he's being respective though of your body and that's a good thing."

"Yeaaah... no. That's not what it is. He hates being touched by anyone and he tolerates me on a low level. His heart gets all racy and he ends up holding onto things tightly when I touch him and he freaks out like I'm going to end up eating him or something. It's a nice thought though... but I know that's not it. He's still a virgin and is pretty spoiled... and he's king of vampires and everything."

"Hmmm... Sounds like you need to tease him and start getting closer to him. Sounds like he's closed everyone off so you should push yourself to get closer to him." She suggested. "Open him up more. You are his mate." I laughed a little.

"Yeah... two centuries should have made him miss me even a little... I'll use that to my advantage."

"Right." She giggled. "Let me know how it goes."

"I will... You better let me know how it goes with Louis," I said and giggled. She nodded quickly.

"Yeah.... I hope he doesn't eat me." She mumbled.

"I doubt he will," I told her. "Paris and Hachi will."

"I hope they only get mad at him..." She mumbled.

"Hmmm... we'll see. I'll make sure they don't eat you," I purred and then drove us to the mall.

When we got home after shopping, I took her back to her room and helped her put everything up then gave her a smile. "Start using that soap I bought you. Louis likes that smell from what I remember."

"Okay, I will." Ann told me. "Thank you again for doing this for me Raven. You're really sweet."

"Aww, thank you," I said and smiled. "It's nice to have another girl in the manor. There aren't many... and some of the guys are sexist."

"I'm sort of glad to be here then." She gave a soft smile. "It's nice."

"It is when you get used to it," I said and laughed. "Alright... Louis should be in his room if you'd like to mess with him now," I told her as I glanced towards a clock. She nodded as she thought it over.

"Should I take a shower and get into something that'll tease him and then go over?" She asked me. I smirked and gave a nod.

"Yes," I told her. "Soak in that soap." She nodded as she took the soap with her and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I left the room with the bags I had bought and then teleported into my bedroom, setting it down on the bed and sighed. So... teasing Nikolai? I wonder how that'll work.