The wrong Shade

Louis's POV:

I heard a knock at my bedroom door and Ann walked in wearing a short dress. She walked over to me and gave me a smile as she got in my bed. "So Louis~" She gave a small smile. I glanced over at her and frowned. What's up with the short dress? I caught her scent then and widened my eyes. She smells really good....

"Yes?" I asked her softly, pulling my attention away from her scent. She started to edge closer to me.

"I was wondering if you'd like to spend the night with me." She gave a small smile. "We could watch a movie."

"A... movie?" I tilted my head and looked her over. She nodded and watched me curiously.

"Yeah.... A movie. I was thinking something.... scary." I smirked slightly.

"Hmm... I guess we could. How do you feel about The Shining?" I asked and grabbed the remote off my bed and cut on the TV.

"Yeah!" She sat up then and walked over to my couch and sat down on it then crossed her legs, looking towards the TV. I frowned. Why'd she move? She was comfortable over here.... Weirdo. I glanced her over and then put on The Shining. She laid down on the couch then and pulled one of the pillows close to her and looked over at me.

"Yes?" I asked and watched her.

"Oh nothing." She pushed her hair off her neck then as she looked towards the TV to watch the movie. I glanced towards her neck and smirked slightly as I thought about going for her. She ran her hand down her sides then and to the edge of her dress and touched it lightly. I watched her and laughed a little before I looked towards the TV. I heard her stretch out a bit then. I glanced her way out of curiosity then got up and walked over, sitting down on the edge of the couch then looked towards her neck before I leaned in and smelled her again. I could smell my favorite scent mixed in with her natural ice scent as well as something that called out to me that she was my mate. She sat up a bit then to make room for me and put her feet in my lap. I frowned slightly but let her then took her wrist and bit into it, trying her blood again. She yelped and watched me. Her blood was still chilly to drink. It's so interesting... and kind of weird.... I smirked and then decided to go ahead and mark her, letting my venom flow through her veins. She let a moan slip and watched me with wonder. I moved back from her wrist and looked up into her eyes with a small smirk before I pulled her body into my lap, making her straddle me then leaned in towards her neck and kissed it as I put a hand on her knee. She looked towards her wrist then and touched it softly.

"It's a mark," I whispered in her ear. "Other's can smell it and will know that you're mine. It's something that mates give to each other," I purred to her, letting her know what I did then kissed her neck again. She pushed me back then and tsked.

"Hmmm... I'll be back." She started for my bathroom then. I frowned and watched her then stood up. Girls are weird. I miss August.... I sighed and walked over to the bed, crawling into it then reached under my pillow and pulled out the glasses case that I had stuck his glasses in. She walked out after a few minutes and walked over to me then got into the bed and looked towards the case. I glanced at her and then put the glasses case back under the pillow. She sighed and looked towards the TV, pouting a bit.

"What is it?" I asked her and then brought her to me, wrapping my arms around her as I looked towards her eyes. She looked me over then shook her head.

"I feel a little bothered about your old mate.." She whispered. "I just realized something...." I frowned and then brushed her hair out of her face, feeling slightly bad.

"Realized what?" I asked her.

"That your old mate was a guy and I'm a girl." She mumbled. I sighed.

"Anny... I'm not upset that you're a girl.... I don't want you to be upset either about him. It... didn't work out, but he was apart of my life for a bit.... He was my first mate... and I learned a lot with him, and I miss him a little still," I admitted. "But you're not just a replacement if that's what you're thinking. I actually... kind of like the idea of having you as a mate. You already don't let me get away with everything," I said and laughed then kissed her neck. "You shouldn't worry about him. It's in the past...." She nodded and then pressed her finger against my lips.

"If you call me Anny, your going to be wishing I never shaved your leg hair." She threatened. I dropped my jaw slightly.

"I thought it was cute!"

"I'll get you." She warned. "With shaving cream." She smirked and started to move away from me. "I'm tired... Goodnight Louis. Take a shower... you smell." She walked towards the door then. I watched her and then growled, getting up to go after her. What the hell?! I followed her to her room and then walked over to her. She yelped and ran for her closet. I narrowed my eyes and then crossed my arms. No... I'll get her tomorrow...

When I got out of the shower, I started to dry off my hair and brushed it out as I looked at my mirror (the humans had finally made a mirror that wouldn't fog up. It's amazing) and froze up. "PARIS!" I screamed as I saw my hair was pitch black like Richard's. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY HAIR?! I whimpered and quickly put on a pair of pants then walked up to the mirror, looking my hair over in panic. Paris teleported into the bathroom and glanced around then screamed when he seen my hair and ran over to me.

"We can fix this.... OH MY GOD RICHARD!" He yelled and started to grab my hair, looking for white. "WHERE IS MY BROTHER!?" I whimpered and then hugged him, burying my face into his chest.

"WHAT?!" I heard Richard yelling as he came in.

"His hair isn't white!" Paris panicked and then whimpered. "We're not symmetrical anymore!" He grabbed my hair and then sniffed it. "It smells like dye!" Richard walked over and frowned.

"I don't like it," he said quickly. "Louis, what'd you do?"

"I didn't do anything! I just took a bath... and... and my hair is black!" I screamed out and started to panic as I looked up at Paris and his white hair. We don't match! He whimpered and fell against me.

"I know! We need to fix this before Hachi sees this." Paris told me and then started to have a panic attack. "Oh no.... Hachi..."

"Oh god," I mumbled and then held onto Paris tightly. "I'm so sorry! I don't know how it happened!" I started to cry then. I could hear Richard poking around in my bathtub and then sniffing something.

"Here we go. His shampoo got dye in it," Richard said and held out the bottle to Paris. Paris looked towards the shampoo bottle then at me.

"How'd that happen?" He asked me.

"I don't know!" I cried out and looked at the bottle in panic. "I certainly didn't do it! I don't buy dye for hair!" Paris whimpered.

"I don't want my twin having black hair and I have white hair.... We need to fix this." He tugged on my hair then. "Grow hair, grow." I yelped and then whimpered.

"Paris, hair doesn't work that way," Richard told him and sighed. "About the only thing we can do is shave it, try to dye it back, or ask Hachi to fix it."

"Hachi will kill us if he sees this." Paris told him then looked at me. "We can try to dye it. Isabelle knows this kind of stuff, ask her?" I nodded and then called her to me. As soon as she saw me, she screamed.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" She ran over and started to run her fingers through my hair, looking it over.

"I don't know! Fix it!" I begged. She nodded and then sat me down on the edge of the tub. She looked at Paris and then grabbed him and disappeared. She came back in a few minutes with him then dumped two things of hair dye on the floor, both shades of white.

"Okay! I couldn't find an exact shade because they don't make Grimm white apparently! So! We have these two which are really close! Let's try this!" She opened one up and then set to work on me. Paris watched and started to pace the floors. When she finished and rinsed my hair out, she widened her eyes. "Oh.... Oh no... That's not good..." She started to blow dry my hair then, biting her lower lip with a bit of panic in her eyes. I whimpered and refused to look at the mirror until she was done then saw it was a weird gray shade. Paris looked towards me and fell down to his knees, whimpering.

"Louis...." He whimpered. "You're not the right color." Isabelle looked at Paris then at the other box.

"Hand me that. We'll try it again," she said quickly. Paris handed her the box then started to scratch his shoulders and pace the floors again. Richard looked at him with worry and sat down on the floor and watched him as Isabelle kept working. She finished after a bit then rinsed my hair out and dried it. She took in a deep breath and then gave me a nervous smile as she touched my hair. "W-well... it doesn't look bad... and it's white... but it's not the exact shade...." She showed me in the mirror and I widened my eyes as I saw it had light blonde streaks in it. Paris walked over to me then and grabbed my hair and looked at it.

"It's brittle!" Paris shrieked. "My Louis is ruined... That's it." He went for my stone then. I screamed and fell into the floor, trying to get away. He grabbed my hand.

"Louis! I want your hair back!" He whined. "Please!?" I whimpered and curled up on the floor. My hair isn't right! It's so very, very wrong! I don't match my beautiful twin anymore! Paris let out a cry then and started to sniffle. "Let me fix you..." I looked up at him in panic.

"What if it doesn't get fixed?" I started to cry then. "I don't want to not match!"

"Your hair is originally white.... your hair should come back white." He explained. I brought his hand close to me and then rubbed my cheek against it as I tried to stop crying. Paris fell to the floor by me then and curled up to me, crying.

"You two are going to bring Hachi in here," Richard hissed at us. Paris leaned his head into my neck then and bit down into me and started to drink my blood. I whimpered and tilted my head back to let him drink my blood, wanting to make him happy. He grabbed at my pants then and pulled me closer and then pressed his hand up against my chest and went for my stone then. I yelped and shook my head in fear as I tried to get away again. He had his hand around my stone quickly and pulled it out, making me pass out.

I woke up in my bed with Paris curled up to me and kissed my cheek. I whimpered and curled up to him, pulling him close as I buried my face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and purred in my ear. "I fixed your hair." He told me. I tensed up and then slowly looked up at him and pulled a strand from my hair down. It was white like Paris's hair. I smiled happily and then purred to him, moving up towards his neck as I ran a hand through his hair and gripped it, tilting his head back. He gave me a warm smile and let a moan slip. I bit into him and then moved on top of him, purring in his ear as I drank from him. He purred towards me and ran his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry about my hair," I whispered to him and then licked his neck. "I love you, my twin. I never want to look different from you again." Paris whimpered.

"Don't ever change your hair again..." He tugged on my hair then.

"I'll be more careful," I told him as I yelped from him tugging on it. I kissed his neck then and started to gently suck on the wound. He moaned and then rubbed my cheek. I pulled back and gave him a loving look before I kissed his cheek. He leaned in towards my cheek and kissed me there then started to slip away.

"Goodnight Louis." He whispered to me. "I have to go to bed with Richard and Keegan." I nodded and then watched him with a small pout before I got under the sheets.

"Goodnight Paris," I whispered back. "Thank you for fixing my hair...." He kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight, my most prized possession." He whispered in my ear then teleported away. Prized... possession? I frowned and curled up in the bed. What's that supposed to mean?

Hachi's POV:

"Hey Hachi," Richard said from in the kitchen as he got a bottle of blood out. "I'm about to head to bed with Paris. He's a little upset about what happened with Louis," he told me and sighed. He took a sip of the blood then. I frowned his way as I looked up from my bowl of noodles.

"What? He's upset?" I asked him.

"Yeah... They were both crying and everything," he told me and shook his head. "Poor Louis got his stone taken to fix his hair." I frowned and looked Richard over.

"His hair is fixed though." I made sure.

"I guess... I mean... his hair went from white to black to grey to a weird shade of white with blonde streaks...." I frowned.

"It's back to normal... right?" I asked, getting worried.

"I didn't stick around," Richard murmured. "I don't know if it worked." I got to my feet then and sat my bowl down the ran upstairs to Louis's bedroom and barged it.

"Louis!" I yelled for him. He yelped and fell out of bed with the blanket then looked over at me with wide eyes.

"Hachi?" I relaxed as I seen his hair was it's perfect shade of snow white. I walked up to him and gave a small pout.

"Louis, I'm disappointed you didn't come ask me for help." He frowned and looked up at me then reached up and pulled me down to him and into a hug.

"I was panicking... and Paris said you'd be really upset," he mumbled to me and then started to play with my hair. I rested my head against his chest.

"I'd be more upset over your leg getting chopped off... not your hair changing colors. I can fix that though." I kissed his cheek. He purred to me and then kissed my cheek back.

"Okay... I still have to find out how the dye ended up in my shampoo though.... I don't know who did this to me," he mumbled and then gave me a smile. "I'm sorry I didn't come to you about the hair... but I didn't want to make you upset. I know how you love the fact that Paris and I have snow white hair."

"Mhmm.... You can hand over whoever messed with your hair when you find out... I want to kick their ass." I grumbled. "I love your hair too much to let it get insulted with dye." He kissed my cheek again and I got a view of all of today's stuff that happened to him. I even got to see what his hair looked like while it was black. I whimpered.

"Your hair can't be black... I like it white like the snow." I rubbed my head against his chest.

"I will be more careful," he whispered and then started to run his fingers through my hair soothingly. I hummed as I looked his day over then paused.

"Ann." I told him.

"What about her?" He asked and frowned, looking at me.

"She's the only other person who entered your bathroom before your shower... I mean think about it!" He started to look upset then after a few seconds as he realized it.

"Damn it," he hissed. "She played me."

"Oh she played you good. She told you she was going to get you." I told him, remembering what he showed me. "Wow... You have a smart mate." I kissed his cheek and then started to get up to leave him alone. I know Isaac was probably missing me. He sighed and crawled up into his bed with his blanket.

"I'm so going to get her back," he muttered under his breath and curled up, looking upset. I rubbed his head then walked out and down the hall to my bedroom then walked into it and looked around for Isaac. He was hanging his head off the bed upside down reading a spell book with interest as his tail ran over the bed while he flicked it absentmindedly. He purred as he heard the door open and glanced my way. I gave him a smile then shut my door and leaned up against it, watching him.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked him softly.

"I'm puuuuurrfect," he purred to me and then closed the book and moved his head up onto the bed and turned onto his stomach, watching me as he swung his feet over his head slowly. I watched him and gave a small smirk then used my magic to lift him off the bed and I walked over to him. He yelped and looked at me with wide eyes. "Hachi?" He asked and looked down at the bed and reached for it. I let him down and laughed as I got in with him and leaned in for a kiss. He purred happily and kissed me quickly. I pulled back and laid down, looking up at the ceiling.

"So Louis got a new mate and she managed to dye his hair black." I hissed, trying to calm my anger about it.

"Oh?" He asked. I heard him munching on something then and he moaned. I looked towards him curiously. He had a plate of cookies and was eating them, not realizing he shouldn't eat them. I grabbed the cookies from him quickly and frowned.

"You know you can't eat food." I hissed and then sat the cookies to the side. "Bad Isaac, now puke it up. I want you to think about what you done to while you puke." His eyes widened.

"What? I have to puke it up?!"

"When you get a stomach ache don't cry to me." I pouted and then leaned in for a kiss. He hesitated before he kissed me then curled up beside me.

"I'm sorry about Louis," he whispered to me and then kissed my cheek. "Louis is smart... He'll probably get her back soon...."

"The good news is his hair is normal again." I sighed out in relief.

"That's good," he said and smiled sweetly. He kissed my neck then. "I love you...."

"I love you too." I whispered and smirked. "So.... we should go do something together." I suggested. He smiled and snuggled up to me.

"What do you want to do?" He asked me cutely.

"I thought we would go out and get a pet." I whispered.

"What kind of pet? We have Midori and Harry... and Paris and Louis." He looked up at my eyes then. "Are you wanting an animal like a dog?"

"I was thinking about getting a cute adorable neko." I told him. "Scientists have just created them..." I mumbled and blushed. "I want a neko." He pouted.

"But I already have a tail... if you're wanting a neko, we could always look for a spell to give me cat ears to go with the tail.... But..." He smiled then and laughed. "I want to get a baby neko and raise it!" He sat up in excitement. "Let's get a baby neko! I want a girl!"

"What!? I want a boy." I told him and crossed my arms. "Neko girls are... girls." I told him. "Girls have boobs and periods and other things I don't want to know about." He pouted and then brought his knees to his chest.

"Will you be the mommy?"

"Never mind." I closed my eyes to go to sleep then and faked a snore.

"I'm getting one," he whispered to himself and started to crawl out of the bed. I looked towards him quickly.

"Right now?" I asked softly.

"But I like the idea of getting a baby neko and raising it up to love us like we're it's mommy and daddy," he said and then looked at me with a big smile. I nodded and got out of bed. I can't refuse it any longer. I want one too.

"Okay!" I grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek. "Let's go get a neko!" He laughed.

"I guess we can both be daddy," he mumbled to me and pulled me into a hug. "We can get a boy if you really want a boy... you just better not ignore me," he told me.

"I promise not to ignore you... can I eat him though?" I asked and tilted my head. "Because I'm supposed to eat my kids." His eyes widened slightly.

"No.... We can... get you a maid to eat," he whispered. "Please don't eat our kid."

"What? What are kids for then if you don't eat them when they get big enough?" I asked him.

"You're supposed to love them," he purred to me. "But you don't love them like a mommy and a daddy do or two daddies do. They kind of become your friend," he explained. "So we raise the baby and the baby grows up and we watch it grow up, and when the baby is not a baby, he or she ends up going on to raise their own if they want or they stay with their parents...." I nodded and then pulled him back to bed.

"I don't want a son." I told him and laid back down in bed.

"Then we could get one as just a pet," he whispered and watched me as he crawled into bed beside me. I shook my head and sighed.

"I rather get a bird now." I told him. He laughed.

"Well... you could always give me ears if you're wanting a cute little neko in your life." I shook my head.

"Maybe not...." I told him and then sighed. "I don't want a pet." I closed my eyes and curled up to him.

"But I'm not a pet... I'm a cute little lover that gets jealous when new things enter your life," he teased me and then kissed my neck as he laughed.

"Exactly why we are not getting a pet or son." I told him. He nodded and then kissed my neck again.

"But you could still give me ears if you're wanting to. I wouldn't mind if it keeps you from wanting another one to your collection," he mumbled to me.

"No." I told him and shook my head. "I don't want to give you ears to go with that tail." I shook my head and then pulled his pillow to me. He laughed and then kissed me on the lips.

"Okay," he said sweetly and then kissed me again passionately. I leaned into the kiss and let a moan slip out. He moved on top of me and moved the pillow away from me as he started to trail kisses to my neck. I laughed and pushed up on his chest.

"No." I told him firmly. "No neck bites." I tapped him on the nose. He smirked and dodged my hand then went for my neck again, giving me a love bite. I let a moan slip and then let out a small growl and bit his neck. He yelped and gripped my shirt as he stopped what he was doing. I pulled out a chunk and started to eat it, letting out a pleased purr. He whimpered and curled up on top of me, putting a hand over his neck. I moaned at the taste of him then kissed his cheek. "Isaac?" I asked.

"Y-yes?" He whispered and then looked up at me with a pained look.

"Nothing." I purred and leaned in to kiss him. He hesitated before he kissed me back and then purred to me as he stretched out on top of me, his tail flicking. I looked him over and then smirked. "Isaac, I want a kid." I messed with him. He froze up and looked at me.

"You... just said you.. didn't want a kid...."

"You should be the girl." I told him and sat up, holding back a small laugh. "You'd give me a neko too." He blushed and sat up.

"I don't even have ears... and you can't even do top."

"I'll donate and you can do magic." I smirked. He frowned in confusion.


"Wait.... what if you was on top still?" I asked and smirked. He looked me over.

"You're playing with me... right?" He asked softly. I nodded and laughed. He moved off me and then over to his side of the bed and curled up into a ball, bringing his tail around him.

"Wasn't it funny?" I asked him and then leaned in for a kiss.

"No it wasn't funny! You were starting to scare me!" He buried his face into the bed as he started to blush.

"I thought it was funny." I told him. "Although..." I moved closer to him. "If you want a kid..." He tensed up slightly.

"You don't want a kid," he reminded me. I shook my head.

"I'm up for raising a meal."

"But it still wouldn't be a neko," he mumbled and glanced up at me, the end of his tail twitching slightly.

"Isaac... We're wizards." I told him.

"Uh huh?"

"I can easily arrange for cat ears."

"You still said you don't ever want kids...."

"Kids are meals." He watched me and then brought his pillow close to him.

"I don't feel right having kids for you to eat... and it'd be weird to be a girl...."

"Fine... I know other ways to reproduce." I smirked. He blushed and shrunk down into the bed.

"Why're you interested in kids?"

"Because I'm old." I told him. "I'm a hormonal seventeen year-old.... Oh and! I think being a dad could be kinda cool... I grew up with five other siblings." I shrugged. "Plus.... I'm old." He sat up then and looked at me curiously.

"Are you being serious? You actually want a kid?" He asked me softly. I shrugged.

"I can always eat her if it's not a boy." I told him.

"What if it's a boy?"

"I'll raise it and eat it." I told him and playfully smirked. He looked thoughtful for a minute and then started playing with the bed sheets.

"W-well.... if you want a kid... I guess we could have one," he mumbled after a few minutes of silence. He blushed and glanced up at me. I smirked.

"So how do you want it done?" I asked him.

"How do you want it done?" He countered and then pulled the pillow to him, hugging it. I watched him and tilted my head. He looked me over and then pointed to my pocket. "If you don't want it done traditionally... we could always look for ideas. Do you want it done traditionally?" I shrugged.

"I know a few ways of how to reproduce... I could use the old put your egg in another's nest." I shrugged. He frowned and then laid down on the bed.

"I don't like that idea...."

"Okay... do you want it traditional? Because if you do then I could give you my DNA in a cup." I told him. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

"How about you be the girl?"

"Nu-uh." I shook my head. He looked at me thoughtfully then blushed before he sat up and moved over to me and reached for my pocket.

"Lemme see it," he said as he pulled out my spell book and then started to flip through it. "Do you want a full neko or do you want my weirdness of not having ears with my tail?"

"Full neko." I told him. He gave a nod.

"Okay..." He got up out of the bed and started for the bathroom then. "I'll take care of the necessary spells," he called over his shoulder. I frowned and took off after him.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"Giving myself some ears so the kid has them," he said and shrugged. "We can always get rid of them later if you don't like it. Then I'm going to make myself a girl to make you happy."

"Wh-what! Isaac~ Let's think this through... I've never been with a girl before." I told him.

"Hachi, that's how you have kids. You can sleep through it if you want," he told me and glanced over. "Or are you changing your mind?"

"I'm changing my mind!" I told him and shook my head. He laughed and then turned me around and nudged me out the bathroom gently.

"You were set on it earlier. You'll be fine," he promised me.

"Let's just get a lizard." I told him. He shut the door and locked it. I turned around quickly and listened in through the door. "Isaac?" I asked. "What.... what if I don't want you female?" I asked him.

"Somebody has to be a girl," he told me. "Look, you don't want to be the girl. It's probably highly painful to have kids... You said you wanted one, and... I don't think I'd mind trying this out. We're going to live for eternity after all," he told me and then I heard him flipping through the book. "Oh there we go... the ears."

"ISAAC!" I threw myself against the door then. "I think I don't want this anymore!" I scratched at the door. I heard him pause.

"Hachi.... You already asked me." I whimpered.

"I take it back now!" I yelled and then tried the door handle and used my magic to unlock it then ran in for him. He was standing by the mirror with my book on the counter in front of him. He watched me and raised an eyebrow.

"What happened to 'I'm old and I want kids'?" I tackled him then and wrapped my arms around him, burring my face in his chest.

"I do.... but I don't want to change you." I told him and leaned up to kiss him. He purred and kissed me back then ran a hand through my hair.

"Hachi... we'd get rid of my ears and then turn me back into a male when the kid stops nursing," he told me. "I'd still be me."

"Can't we do some creepy wizard stuff to make him pop up without traditionally doing it?" I asked him. He pouted slightly.

"We could... but that's not as fun," he mumbled. "Fine... gimme spell book," he said and reached for the counter.

"You know!" I grabbed his hand. "People die from having kids." I told him.

"I'm a vampire and a wizard demon thingy," he said and smirked. "I don't think I would die. Anyways, gimme the spell book and I'll do some weird voodoo trick." I let him take the spell book and got up on the counter to watch him, getting worried. He watched me for a second before he flipped through it and then sighed as he finally stopped on a page. He reached up and then yanked a strand of my hair out and a strand of his then muttered a spell over his and then set it down in a glass that I normally put my water in. "Put some of your blood in it," he whispered to me. I looked the glass over then filled it halfway with my blood as ordered. I used my magic of course. He bit into his wrist and then put his blood in it before he took the blood out to the bedroom and then set it down on the floor. "Need some salt," he muttered and started to dig around. He got some and some chalk then started doing some weird design on the floor around the glass and then muttered a spell. A small blue blanket appeared in his hands, and he laid it down outside the circle then sat down inside it. He glanced my way. "Hachi~ Come here." I walked over to him cautiously to see what he was up to. He gestured for me to sit down across from him and smiled. I sat down across from him and gave a nervous smile. He laughed. "It'll be fine. We don't need to do anything for this... and we can both be guys." He picked up the spell book and placed it into his lap before he lit the candles around the room with his magic and had the electric light cut out. He started to murmur a spell under his breath as he read from the book, the blood in the glass starting to glow a brilliant red. Our hair in the blood started to mingle together then until it glowed white and became one. I started to pull on one of my stitches as I watched him. He held in a yelp and kept going, keeping his eyes on the book until the glass and blood disappeared and then paused. A bright light shone from the center then and when it cleared, a little baby boy with Isaac's tail and a pair of ears with my hair was crying in the center. Isaac smiled and shut the book. "Hey there," he purred and then picked up the baby and placed it in the blanket as he grabbed it. He wrapped the baby up and then kissed it's forehead. I watched Isaac and then frowned.

"Alright, let's eat it." I told him. He smirked my way.

"No... we're going to raise it first," he told me. "You wouldn't get much enjoyment out of eating a baby." He stood up and then waved his free hand to a corner of the room. A crib materialized then for him and he walked over and laid the baby in it. "I'll think of a name for you cutie," he whispered. I walked over to him and looked the baby over and then gave a small smile.

"Awe.... Hello cutie...." I picked him up and gave him a small kiss. "I'll give you a name from my home land." I whispered to him and then looked over at Isaac. "Right Isaac?" He smiled softly and gave a nod.

"Alright Hachi, you can name him," he told me and looked towards the baby then at me. He kissed the top of my head then gently touched the baby's hand. The baby stopped crying and opened his eyes, looking up at us then and started to coo. I noticed a small galaxy swirling in his eyes as he looked up at me. I looked him over in awe.

"My magic is in him." I mumbled.

"He's our baby," Isaac purred. "Of course he does." I could feel the baby start to warm up a little as he heard Isaac. "He probably has mine too." I nodded and then brought the baby over to our bed and laid him down, putting pillows on both sides of him.

"Isaac, we'll have to get him clothes." I said softly. He nodded and walked over and looked at the baby as the baby watched us with a small giggle. He moved his hand up to his mouth and started to suck on his thumb before he closed his eyes.

"Want me to use my magic to get him some?"

"Yeah." I pulled out my phone and sat down to search up names for him. Isaac used his magic to get clothes and then dressed the baby as he purred to it and kissed it's forehead.

"He's kinda cute," Isaac whispered to me. "He's got your hair..." I nodded.

"My pretty eyes too." I whispered. Isaac started to hum as he gently rubbed the baby's ears and laughed as he curled up against the pillows. I watched my little baby for a few minutes. "Lien." I told Isaac when I came across a name I liked. "It means lotus flower." He smiled.

"My little lotus flower," he purred and kissed Lien's head. "I like it." He pulled out his phone and took a picture of the baby then started to text someone.

"What are you doing?" I asked him and widened my eyes.

"Telling Zane," he said innocently. "Oh... and Paris." He gave me a sweet smile and then set his phone down as he rubbed Lien's head. I sat my phone down and leaned in towards Lien and started to rub his ears. Paris teleported into the room with Richard and gasped as he seen Lien and walked over to us.

"AWWWWWWEEEEE LOOK AT THE BABY! Richard I want another child." Richard's eyes widened.

"What?" He looked at Paris and then pouted. "Why? We just finally got out of having to take care of our kids." Isaac looked up at Paris and smiled.

"This is Lien. He's the new addition to the family," he purred and looked at me with a loving look. I blushed as I looked towards Isaac.

"But... But I want another kid now." Paris whispered and pouted. He looked at Lien and then started to rub his cheek. "Hi cutie, I'm uncle Paris." Richard watched Paris and smiled softly then walked over.

"Hey Lien," he whispered and then kissed Lien's forehead. "You're precious.... Paris, I'm going to go get Lien a gift," he said and then walked off. "I think he needs a baby rattle."

"I think he needs something else..." Paris pulled Lien's thumb out of his mouth. Lien opened his eyes and then looked at Paris, his eyes starting to swirl again. He whined and went to cry, but Isaac made a bottle of milk appear and went to feed him. The baby spat it out and started to cry loudly. Isaac's eyes widened.

"How could you not like this?" He asked and then sat the milk down and made a bottle of blood appear. He tried again and Lien accepted, sucking on the bottle as he quieted down.

"You should know better." Paris purred. "He's an Hachi." He looked towards me and laughed. I frowned in confusion.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know you'd act the same way." Paris teased.

"No, that's Isaac." Richard walked back and looked at the baby with interest.

"What about a pacifier?" He asked Paris. "It'd give him something to suck on besides his thumb."

"That'd be perfect." Paris purred. "We don't want him picking up bad habits. Look at Keegan.... He's a grown boy still sleeping with his parents." Richard started to walk away quickly.

"That's not my fault," he said and disappeared out of the room. Isaac watched as the baby was halfway through the bottle already and was still sucking the blood down hungrily.

"You must really like it," he mumbled and rubbed Lien's head. I watched Lien with amusement.

"The first time he wakes me up when I'm trying to sleep.... we're going to eat him." Isaac frowned at me.

"No we're not... I told you that we will raise him first. Look... I will use a spell to put him to sleep until we wake up every night," he told me and then watched as Lien finished up and sat the empty bottle down. Lien yawned as Isaac picked him up and started trying to burp him. I watched with a little amusement and then blushed. I could get to do what my parents failed to do.... Lien burped and then giggled a little and curled up to Isaac. He smiled softly at the baby and then laid him down in the pillows. "Get some rest my little lotus flower," he purred as the baby closed his eyes and started to fall asleep. Richard came back with a pacifier and sat it down on the bed.

"There, I found one that hasn't been used," he said and smiled as he saw Lien sleeping. He leaned up against Paris and wrapped his arms around him. Paris purred and kissed Richard.

"I still want a kid." Paris whispered. Richard tensed up slightly.

"You going to be the girl?" He asked and looked towards Paris.

"No." Paris smirked. Richard took off running then. Paris chased after him. "RICHARD!" Paris whined. I noticed Isaac had passed out already, curled up around the baby's pillow bed and had a hand outstretched towards me on the bed. I got into bed with him and curled up, falling asleep.