Virtual Reality

Louis's POV:

"NIKOLAI!" I heard a yell from the front door. "WHERE'S MY DEAREST BROTHER." I frowned and then winced as the baby started to cry at the loud noise. "NIKOLAI!" Lien started to wail loudly then, upset. Isaac took him and started trying to shush him softly as he bounced him up and down. Hachi sunk down under the sheets then and hid under them. Isaac hissed a spell out under his breath and I stopped hearing anything outside.

"Shhhhh," Isaac told him. "You can't hear him anymore. It's quiet like you wanted," he purred. Lien cries softened a little until he stopped all together after a few minutes then started to fall asleep in Isaac's arms. Hachi crawled out from under the covers and looked around then at me.

"Go check on Nikolai." He suggested. I frowned and then looked towards Isaac who was laying the baby down in some pillows and laying down himself.

"Okay," I said and then looked down at Lien. "Goodnight little Lien," I purred and looked at Hachi. "Enjoy your noodles," I told him with a small smirk then teleported into Nikolai's office. "Need an escape?" I asked him quickly, smirking at him. "Your brother is coming." Nikolai looked like he was in a state of panic as he was barricading the door. He looked at me with a nod and ran over, grabbing my hand.

"Take me away." He whispered. I nodded and then teleported us out to the lake where Raven and Ann must have gone. Ann was showing Raven a few tricks currently and had her off to the side to stay out of the way. She done a triple leap quickly as she had her fun. Nikolai sat down then to watch, staying quiet. I smiled as I watched Ann then sat beside him to watch my mate.

"She's really good," I whispered. Nikolai nodded as he watched her with slight interest.

"I wonder if she competed." He mumbled. Ann started to spin around real fast, staying in one spot. Raven watched in awe and clapped as she studied how Ann was doing these things. I smiled and nodded towards Nikolai.

"She probably did," I whispered. "I should ask her...." Nikolai nodded.

"That would be really great to ask her to connect." Nikolai whispered to me. Ann started to skate over to Raven then and grabbed her hand, making her follow then and giggled.

"Come on Raven~" Ann teased. "Let me show you how to slide on the ice." Raven laughed as she seemed unsteady but caught her balance.

"Okay," she said and held onto Ann's hand to help her. Ann went slow for Raven and laughed.

"Not so bad, now is it?" Ann asked her. "The worst that could happen is we fall through." Raven looked a little uneasy at hearing that.

"I forgot about falling through," she admitted to Ann. "Do you think it's safe enough though?"

"Oh yeah!" Ann gave an uneasy smile like she wasn't even sure herself. "Dunno... We'll find out." Ummmm.... I shifted as I felt myself tensing up at hearing that. It would not be good if they fell.... "If we do fall, you can just teleport out." She told Raven. "So, we'll be fine." Raven nodded and seemed to relax.

"Okay," she told her and smiled as she focused on getting the hang of the skating. I watched them. Ann let her go then to let her get her own balance. Raven yelped and fell almost immediately. Ann busted out laughing and I heard a few wolves howl from across the lake. Raven tensed up and looked towards where the wolves were howling with worry then up at Ann. "We should go inside," she said quickly.

"No way, I just got back on ice!" Ann skated off then to be a rebel. Raven watched her then started to take her skates off, picking them up and then teleported to the side of the lake, putting on some shoes she had over there. She glanced back to where the wolves had sounded earlier. There was a few near the edge of the woods, patrolling. They looked towards us then but mostly at Ann in amusement. Raven watched them curiously and sat down by the edge of the lake, studying them. One of the wolves snapped at the others and they took off running back into the woods. I saw her sigh in relief and she looked towards Ann with a smile. I laughed.

"They look like they liked watching Ann," I whispered.

"Why not? It's not everyday you get to see a pretty girl on ice." He mumbled, looking towards Raven though. I smirked a little.

"She'll be skating with Ann after a little bit, won't she?" I asked Nikolai.

"Most likely." Nikolai whispered. "She looked a bit afraid though to be over water like that... Not knowing if or when you'll fall through."

"She'll learn that she can easily save herself should she need too," I told Nikolai. "I'm sure that with a little more time on the ice, she'll get braver." Nikolai nodded.

"Never thought I would see her get a hobby besides clubbing." Nikolai joked. Ann started to head farther into the lake on her skates. Raven watched her and smiled as she kept an eye on Ann.

"You know that's not all she does," I told Nikolai and smirked. "She only does that because she wants to have friends and probably to hunt as well."

"I know." Nikolai admitted. "She does more." He shrugged. "She likes anime." Ann suddenly fell over on the ice then as she lost her balance and let out a yelp. Raven stood up and watched Ann closely, checking to make sure she was alright as I tensed up, listening to her and the ice to make sure it wouldn't drop her into the water below. Ann sat up a bit and that's when I heard the ice start to crack. I could see lines from where the ice was splitting. Ann brought one of her legs up slowly, trying to stand but not press on the ice too much. She started to stand up and looked back towards Raven, giving a small smile like she was fine. She had a small cut on her cheek from the ice. She went to skate towards Raven then but the ice cracked again, making her pause out of fear. She looked down for a few seconds then started to skate towards Raven quickly as the ice was cracking behind her skates. She managed to make it to Raven and she fell face first onto the ground. Raven grabbed her quickly and held her close as she backed her away from the lake then picked her up bridal style.

"Let's go get this cleaned up," she told her and disappeared quickly. I frowned. She got hurt.... That's not good. I'll have to check on her. I looked at Nikolai then stood up.

"Come on Nikolai. I'm sure he's given up by now," I said and smirked. He frowned.

"You just want to go home to check on Ann... but I understand it... I'll find a hole to burry myself in." He muttered and stood up, grabbing my hand. I smirked.

"Nikolai, I'm taking you to your father. I'm sure he'll enjoy taking you out to town or something," I suggested then teleported into Victor's room. I watched as Victor looked up from where he had been talking to Rose and smiled at us.

"Nikolai! You're here.... Your brother is looking for you. I think we should go get drinks!" He walked up to Nikolai and grabbed him, disappearing without another word.

Keegan's POV:

I finished practicing my violin then shut it in it's case. I hummed and pulled out my phone as it vibrated. I looked over the notification and sighed. "Oh no... Not that again... Why'd Nikolai even invent that camp? I don't want to go to that!" I sighed... Rory and Shiloh will be there too... I frowned and pulled up a calander, seeing it starts next week. "NIKOLAI!" I groaned out. "You might be my favorite cousin but you have a sucky ruling idea." I put up my phone then headed out of the music room. I saw my dad- in a girl form.... She smiled at me and walked into the music room, passing me.

"Hey Keegan," she purred my way.

"D-dad!?" I widened my eyes and then rubbed them... I need contacts or something...

"Yeah?" She stopped and looked at me. "What's the matter Keegan sweetie? Why don't you come listen to me play? Your mommy is really tired." I frowned and then took off running down the hall. My dad is not supposed to be a girl... "Keegan!" I heard her following. "Keegan, what's the matter?" She grabbed me and then pulled me into a hug, running her fingers through my hair. "Are you upset because I'm not a male right now?"

"UH-huh." I nodded and pulled back from her. "You're my dad!" I told her. "What's wrong with you?" She frowned at me.

"Wrong with me?" She reached out and pulled me into another hug. "There's nothing wrong with me. I'm going to be a male again soon.... Just not for a little bit. Look, I'm still me. I didn't change personalities."

"I'm mad at you." I told her and pulled back. "You're not my favorite daddy anymore. MOMMA!" I started for their room to go for Paris. I heard her growl at me then and I was yanked back to her.

"What was that?" She hissed at me.

"Least favorite parent." I told her, glaring her down. "I think I know why your a girl! I don't want younger siblings. I'm the youngest." I frowned. "We discussed this last night." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Keegan, you're always going to be my favorite child. If you're thinking that a younger sibling is going to change that, you're wrong." She let me go then. "If you're going to be a baby about all this and tell me that you don't like me, then fine. Don't come crying to me when your siblings bite you and make you sleep with them." She turned around on her heels, looking pissed and started for the music room, slamming the door behind her. I sniffled then turned around and started down the hall again.

"Now I've got to put up with another sibling." I grumbled. I rubbed my wrists as I stayed to one side of the hall, trying to hide in the shadows from the closed curtains. Shiloh found me after a few minutes and smiled at me.

"Hey Keegan, listeeeeen.... can you tell dad and mom that I'm not going to the camp this year? They won't listen to me if I tell them, but they'll listen to you if you were to tell them that I don't want to go," she said and gave me a big smile as she walked up.

"No." I told her. "I'm mad at dad." I told her and went to slip past her. "Tell them yourself. You can hide in the basement if it doesn't work." She frowned at me.

"You're mad at dad? Why? Dad loves you the most.... I mean... I tried to get dad to do things with me before, but he used to be like 'sorry Shiloh, I'm going to listen to Keegan play today'. You're the favorite child. Why the hell would you be mad at dad when dad does practically anything for you?"

"Because dad is pregnant." I told her. "Or trying to anyways." I grumbled and then froze up when I seen Alistair a few feet down the hall and I grabbed Shiloh's hand, pulling her in front of me. "It's him." I whispered.

"Him?" She frowned and looked behind her then tensed up. She smirked after a few seconds. "Bingooo.... I know who to make do things for me." She laughed evilly. "Oh Alistair!" She walked over to him and snatched his arm and made him look at her then caught his eyes. "Alistair, come with me," she purred, trying to compel him. Alistair smirked and then pinned her up against the wall.

"Hey Shyyyyyyyyyyyyyy," He purred in her ear then leaned in to bite her. She widened her eyes and pushed him back before he could.

"Alistair, don't bite me," she said, trying to compel him again with more force.

"Your silly mind games don't work on me. Do you know where Nikolai is?" He asked her and licked his fangs as he looked my sister over like she was dinner... He's worse then when Nikolai was a baby, so I've heard.

"No... I don't know where Nikolai is," she said simply and looked bored with him. "That sucks that I can't play with you.... It would be more fun if I could."

"Yeah~ Whatever." Alistair let her go then looked towards me. "Keegan!" He called, trying to lure me over to him. I yelled and ran back towards the music room.

"NIKOLAI YOUR BROTHER WANTS YOU!" I screamed. When I got to the music room, I saw Richard sitting at the piano bench and staring at the piano blankly as her hand was over a key but not pressing it down. It didn't even register that someone had come in for her. I closed the door behind me and locked it then walked over towards her and sat down by her, wrapping my arms around her and buried my face into her neck. I could hear Alistair knocking on the door.

"Keegan! Let me in, won't you?" He asked, sounding seductive. I looked towards the door in fear. Richard tensed up and glanced at me then at the door, narrowing her eyes.

"He's here," she muttered and then kissed my cheek. "Stay in here Keegan baby. It's safe with me." She smiled at me and then started to play a little on the piano. I heard Alistair get board of waiting and left the door. She glanced back at the door then at me. "Keegan, I'm sorry I got mad at you earlier... but you know how much you're my favorite child. A new baby isn't going to change how much I love you, and when the baby is born, I want you to help me look after it," she purred. "If you help me, it might not bite you if you teach it to not bite you. That's how it works. Paris and I didn't tell your siblings that they couldn't bite one another... and now they bite each other just about daily and bite whoever they want. I want you to be happy with me, but I also did this for Paris. He wanted another kid sweetie- after seeing the new wizard baby from Hachi and Isaac. Tell you what, how about you sleep with me tonight," she purred and then stopped playing and kissed my cheek, pulling me into a hug. "Please?" I frowned and pulled my knees to my chest and curled up to them.

"Sure..." I mumbled and rested my cheek on my knees. "If it makes you feel better." I sniffled. "I wanted to be the youngest though." She smiled at me.

"Keegan... this baby is going to need a good role model. You'll be a good brother for him or her. You don't have to worry about the baby changing much around the household. You're my little wonder," she purred to me and then ruffled my hair. "I went through so much to make your mother keep you and your siblings." I looked towards her and frowned.

"I still don't like it." I told her. "Nor will I ever."

"Hmmm... Come here, I want to show you someone." She stood up then and held out her hand to me. "Come meet Lien... and then I want to show you some pictures of your other siblings. Not your siblings that you are always running from. I have a story to tell you about Donnie and some terrible events in the past and then I'm going to tell you about Dannie."

"Why do I have to meet Lien?" I asked.

"Because Lien might make you realize that babies aren't that bad. He's the only baby in the manor right now, and he's the reason why your mother wanted another baby," she told me and then took my hand. "So once upon a time... daddy got into a big fight with mommy," she started and gave me a nervous smile. "See, daddy had been drinking too much blood and became kind of sick in his head, and mommy wanted to fix daddy, but daddy didn't want to be fixed, so they got into a big fight where daddy left mommy." I groaned.

"But I know that story." I told her and got to my feet, crossing my arms. She smiled.

"Then you know why I refuse to leave your mommy or make your mommy unhappy for too long. Anyways, to make up, we had a child together in Canada... but there were two children. One didn't make it because of an attack," she whispered that part and looked a little sad as she remembered it. "So your mommy decided she never wanted to have the kids in our relationship again after so many problems.... Donnie survived without his twin, and for years, we went on believing that nothing of our dead child survived, but... a long time later, Paris found Dannie in an attack on the Vampire Hunters," she said and then smiled, walking towards the door. "Dannie was taken in and raised like he should have been. Of course... he wasn't able to live forever and died over a century ago... I would've loved if Dannie could've lived forever like he should've been able to. It was his birthright that was stolen from him when he was murdered in the womb." I uncrossed my arms and stuck them in my pockets.

"Why am I listening to this misfortune?" I asked her.

"Because I want you to understand that Donnie was used to being the only child around for a very long time," she whispered. "Donnie grew very attached to Dannie." She looked back at me. "In fact, Donnie ended up raising Dannie. I want you to understand that things are complicated and that things change... and it's alright that things change. You shouldn't be afraid that the baby is going to replace you in my heart. Out of all my children, you are the only one that I've seen fall in love with music like you have done... and you're the only one that still crawls into bed with me." She smiled. "Though your mommy gets irritated about it sometimes.... Look, this baby isn't going to change it." She touched her stomach. "You'll see, and I don't want you upset at me for too long because a lot of things happen in life... and most of the time, something bad would be about to happen. Almost everytime someone in the house starts to have kids again, something happens, especially when it's me and Paris," she growled and looked pissed. "They always take me away from my children.... Even with you four I almost could have lost you a few times. I'm tired of losing my kids... and I at least got to raise you guys but not without problems." I stopped following her then and looked away from her.

"It'll change." I mumbled. "I've got to go to camp next week... things will change." She frowned and walked up to me then pulled me into a hug and rested her head on my chest.

"Would you feel better if I didn't let you go to camp this year?"

"Yeah." I nodded quickly. She smiled up at me then.

"You're not going to camp this year then. I'll make your other siblings go though... They don't love me like you do...." She laughed a little and then purred to me, kissing my cheek. "You'll stay right by me the whole time...."

"Do I have to?" I asked. "You're pregnant and I heard that pregnant girls are unpleasant to be around." She gasped.

"They are not! Who said that? Someone has been telling you lies.... Just don't be in the room when I have to deliver your baby sibling.... that'll scar you."

"I wasn't planning to." I muttered. She smiled at me then rubbed my hand as she took it in hers.

"Are you still really upset at me?"

"Yeah." I mumbled. "You have eight kids, stop reproducing!" I hissed. "The hall is crowded enough." She laughed.

"Tell you what.... if you convince your mommy to stop wanting kids, I'll stop having kids."

"This is all Hachi's fault." I grumbled.

"Yes... it is." She sighed and then laughed. "It was bound to happen sometime though... but we might not have had another kid for another five centuries." She started to pull me along then and took me inside Hachi's room where Isaac was playing peek a boo with a little baby on the bed. Hachi looked up from a puzzle in the floor and gave us a smile.

"Hi Keegan, came to see my food?" He asked me. I blushed and shook my head.

"My dad made me." I told him. Richard looked Hachi over then gently led me over to the bed where Isaac looked up at us. He smiled and looked down at the baby who was babbling and flicking it's cat ears. I looked the baby over and frowned. "How'd mom want one of these again?" I asked. Isaac laughed and then picked the baby up.

"Keegan, come here," he suggested and then placed the baby in my arms. The baby looked up at me with wonder as it's eyes swirled with a galaxy in them then reached up for my face.

"Take it." I motioned to give it back to Isaac. I felt warm then and felt everything get peaceful as the baby touched my arm and started to squeal in happiness. I laid it back down on the bed and then rubbed my arm. Richard laughed and then looked towards me.

"That is Lien," she told me then hugged me. "There was a time when you were small like that. I never wanted to hand you over to your mommy."

"Welcome to the family Lien." I mumbled then went for the door. My dad followed me out then grabbed my hand.

"Let's go out today," she suggested. "I want to go out in town today.... You should come with me. I want to buy you some new music to practice and then maybe get something to eat while we're out." I groaned.

"I have to go out now?" I asked and rubbed the back of my neck. "Okay... only if you buy me a new computer."

"Okay!" She laughed and then pulled me along. "We'll get you a new game too! Let's see... and then there was that new version of tablets they put out... and they also started this new thing... What was it called? I don't know... I forgot.... How about we make you a tech room? That'd be nice... We'll get enough computers and technology to make you your own private tech room to play in!"

"I made the butlers make me one of those already. If you want to get me something nice though... You should buy me the newest virtual reality headset they came out with that puts you in the game completely." I tried to explain it to him.

"The full dive? I was getting you that for your birthday...." She pouted then. "I already bought you one."

"Then buy me a hoverboard."

"And that was Christmas's present," she muttered.

"Okay... How about you get me a robot?" I asked... I swear... if you got me a robot.

"U-uhhmmmm...." She looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well... that's not a legitimate holiday to give things on... New years doesn't count as second Christmas.... Yeah! Let's get you a robot!"

"Sweet! My friends are going to be jealous. I can't wait to see Nikolai's face." Ha, my only friend is my family.

"Which kind of robot are you wanting? They make them for so many purposes now.... Are you wanting an All purpose? Those are the best ones I think... you can program them to do anything."

"I want a dance robot. So when I play my violin I can watch it dance." I told him.

"We'll get you All Purpose and program it to dance," she mumbled in thought then dragged me to the garage. I followed after her and then looked at the vehicles.

"Can I get a car?" I asked.

"Sure!" She smiled at me. "We'll get you a car if you want one...." She nodded and then got into the driver's seat of one of them.

By the time we got back, I was the proud owner of the latest All Purpose robot, a gorgeous car, a new computer, some security cameras that dad said I could place outside my favorite rooms and hook up to my new tablet thing she got me so I would know when my siblings were coming for me, a new fingerprint scanner to hook up to the door on my tech room, and pretty much anything I had expressed I liked in the store. That includes the new clothes I got to redo my wardrobe just to make Shiloh upset. I walked into the manor, watching as the servants carried my stuff in. I laughed and walked into the livingroom, trying to keep my excitement down. Richard followed me into the room and sat down on a couch. I found my dad Paris in the living room feeding off of a maid. I sat down in one of the arm chairs, watching him. I noticed Richard looked a little jealous as she watched him drinking from the maid and pouted at Paris. Within seconds Paris finished the maid off and was by Richard, kissing his lips and getting bloos on her. I frowned and got to my feet. I don't need to watch that. I walked upstairs to my tech room and went inside then set up the computers and began to play with some of the new things my dad bought me. I hummed as I built the robot, putting all it's parts together and programed it. It hummed to life after a few minutes and looked at me for a second.

"I am Elister," the robot said, giving me the name it was given when it was sold. "I am at your service."

"Elister, clean up this mess." I gestured to the floor and waited. It started to pick up and then cleaned up the whole room for me, dusting everything and wiping things down. When it finished, it turned to me.

"Is this satisfactory?" It asked and then walked back to me. I looked him over thoughtfully.

"I think I could make you better." I told him, already coming up with ways to make him more human. It watched me then sat down.


"I'm going to design then next you." I hummed to myself and then looked my computers over and pulled a keyboard and mouse into my lap then pulled up a document on one of the screens and started to make an idea list of what to do to Elister. It read it and then got up, going towards the door. "Elister, where are you going? You're not allowed to leave my side." I told him. He stopped and looked back at me.

"I examined your health state and discovered that you would start to feel hungry in the next hour. I was going to make you some food," it explained to me.

"I drink human blood." I told him, waiting for his reaction since he was designed by humans. It watched me in confusion as I saw little scripts of information and codes flicking through it's eyes then it gave a little smile.

"Then you would either be classified as a cannibal, part of a cult, a devil worshipper, or a vampire," it said. "There are also legends of zombies and some types of fairies that used to be known for drinking blood. Though the zombies are mostly viewed as undead hordes that will go around and eat brains and your hearts when the apolcalypse comes... according to the consipiracy theorists that scientists are designing the end of the world and are going to unleash a disease to create zombies."

"You can get me a bottle of blood from the fridge downstairs." I told him. It left the room then came back with a bottle of blood and held it out to me.

"I heated it up as well. I hope that is alright." I took the bottle from him then sat it down at my feet and went back to surfing the web on one of my screens.

"Okay." I smirked.

"I understand that you are unhappy with my current way of dealing with your wishes such as the fact that I am not as emotional as you'd like," it said then sat down.

"No, your emotions are almost too perfect." I joked. It frowned at me and then slowly started to spin it's chair around, moving it with his feet. I watched him curiously and then typed out on the document to make him dizzy so he wouldn't do that later on. I smirked and went back to looking up virtual reality games to buy myself for my head gear. It glanced at what I was looking up and then he smiled at me.

"You like the virtual reality games?"

"Yeah." I told him, looking his way. "I'm not much of a gamer but it's computers so I've got to try it out. Like I want to do with the hoverboard and with you."

"I have over 200 virtual reality games downloaded to my memory that is transferable to a headset if you'd like to play them sometime.... There is also a way to play without the headset where I can send you in without it." I pulled up a phone then on my computer and called my dad.

"Yes Keegan sweetie?" I heard Richard purr into the phone.

"I just want to let you know I love you." I told him and then hung up and looked towards Elister. "Let's do it." He smiled at me then.

"With or without the headset?"

"My dad is keeping my headset until my birthday or something like that so let's do it without the headset."

"Are you afraid of needles?" He stood up then and walked over, tilting my head to the side.

"I live in a family of vampires." I told him. "Needles is one of my best friends." He touched my neck and I felt him cleaning it off then I felt him stick me with something.

"This will only take a minute. When you wish to leave the game, you will find it easy as long as you express the desire to leave." He smiled at me then moved back, sitting down. "This will need to be repeated in order to enter the game again, however." I saw the edges of my vision darkening and soon I was passed out. A screen came up in front of me with games flicking across my vision, a version of the SAO game that humans had created as a joke to the anime, and some other dungeon based games that followed things like the old World of Warcraft from centuries ago, some online games where you could live in a town, a game where you could be a detective and figure out clues while competing with other players to find the crime lord of the day first, and so on and so forth. I finally decided to make it interesting and picked something called Soul Eater. After a loading screen where a blue orb bounced up and down and slowly turned red, I was greeted with a tall man cloaked in black with a white, comical skull mask on. I recognized him as Lord Death from the anime that my mother had made me watch.  

"Hello! Hello! Hello! Welcome to DWMA! That stands for Death Weapon Miester Academy! First, let's figure out whether you are a miester or a weapon. If you don't know what that is, please look over here," he said and pointed with his giant hands to two groups of people. I saw Soul standing with his hands in his pockets in front of one group with Tsubaki and Liz and Patty behind him. Maka stood in front of the other group with Death the Kid and Black Star behind her with the rest of the miesters from the show. However, Stein and Spirit were missing from the groups. When I looked back at Lord Death, they were standing on either side of him. Why do I feel like this is a 'if you don't know you're a weapon and if you do know then you're a meister' scenario? Lord Death cracked his knuckles then. "Alright! So as a weapon, you can change into a weapon form and work with a miester to perform combos and all kinds of other neat tricks like soul resonance which you will learn about in your first class! If you're not into being a weapon, then you can become a miester and weild a weapon and perform most of the fighting. Remember, a weapon and a miester pair must work together and have a good relationship for some of the fighting techniques to work! If you did not enter with a friend, then you must go to the meeting room and meet other new players who are not here with a friend and pick someone you can get along with. If you'd like to see some examples of what a weapon and a miester can do, please select accept. If you don't need to, please select decline. I saw a mini menu appear at my hands with the two buttons. I selected decline and then looked towards Maka, Black Star, and Death the Kid. Lord Death started to talk then about something how this game was one of the best games out there and then finally got to the big question. "Let's create your character!" The scenary changed and I was standing in front of a mirror. A menu appeared in front of me with various hair styles I could select and clothes along with body builds. It even would let me change genders if I wanted to. It had at the top the ability to change from a meister to a weapon and had certain categories for me to pick that were specific to both. For instance, I could choose what kind of weapon I would be and what it would look like if I chose weapon. There was also an option to go as myself if I did not want to alter my looks. I smirked and started to play around with my hair color and eyes. I picked out a nice shade of red for my hair and made my eye color a silver color. When I finished I moved on to the next step, picking meister. It popped up a menu to ask if I was sure this was what I wanted and that I would not unlock the ability to change my hairstyle or color until I was level twenty. I sighed and hit I was sure. It then asked me to come up with a username, a player name that the others would see, and a password in case I used a different headset at another time. I smirked and created KeeganGrimm123 for my username and made my password my parent's name. I set up my player name as Keegan Grimm. It dinged and then went back to Lord Death in the room.

"Excellent! Maka, please escort Keegan Grimm to whichever room he needs- whether it is the room to meet new players or the room to meet up with a friend if he came with one." I looked towards Maka to see what she'd do. She glanced up from where she was talking to Soul and smiled.

"Of course Lord Death!"

"Hey Maka, can we go to get some noodles for dinner or something?" Soul asked her.

"We had noodles last night," Maka told him and frowned.

"And I want noodles again," Soul complained.

"We're eating something healthy tonight. A miester has to keep up her health and so do you," she told him and put her hands on her hips.

"Like Soul is healthy! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Black Star laughed and clapped a hand on Soul's back. I could see Maka start to get angry and she hit them both with a book then turned to me as they laid on the floor in pain.

"So let's go!" She smiled innocently and walked up to me. I smiled towards her then went to touch my teeth, wondering if my fangs came with me in the game. They didn't. They felt like a human's teeth, all dull and flat. "So if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. This is one of the games where you can interact with characters who are not real people and are just part of the game, if you didn't already know," she told me and smiled.

"Who programed you?" I asked her curiously. She looked thoughtful for a second.

"One of the decendents of the person who created the Soul Eater manga," she told me and smiled. "They wanted to introduce it to the Virtual Reality world and allow people to live in this kind of world." I nodded and looked around for other people. I noticed Soul was sneaking around, watching Maka. Maka looked towards him and narrowed her eyes. "Soul, I swear if you don't knock it off."

"Maka, where is everyone?" I asked her. "Is there any events today?" She smiled at me.

"Oh, that's right... You need to meet people. Come, let's get you a weapon partner," she said and then pulled me along. "After you find your weapon, you'll have to take a test to find out whether or not you can go to the NOT class or the EAT class. NOT will teach you how to play and the basics and the story line from the old anime and manga series and explain the game. EAT will let you jump right into the game and let you start doing missions and will allow you to enter other places besides the town."

"Oh yeah, how long is the test?" I asked.

"Well... Stein administers the test," she told me and shrugged. "It depends on what you do during the test. It can range from ten minutes to two hours."

"Depending on your knowledge?" I asked her.

"Partly... plus seeing if you can do some basic attacks," she told me. "If you can manage to land a blow on Professor Stein by the end of the test, you move into EAT."

"Oh I see." I smirked. "That'll be easy." She shivered then.

"If he catches you, he'll try to dissect you," she warned me. "You have about forty seconds to escape his hold if he gets you... or else he dissects you and you are placed in NOT. If you can't land a blow after two hours... you're placed in NOT. It is very hard to get into EAT right off the bat. Beta testers and previous anime fans have the best chance of getting into the EAT class."

"I'll get into EAT." I told her. "It's in my DNA." I smirked. She smiled and nodded as Soul walked up and joined us.

"Sometimes you will be able to find bonus missions around the school that will allow you to level a little easier and get easy money to spend in town. They aren't on this board," she said and pointed to the mission board as we passed it. "Those are for EAT students- these missions- and are kishin missions," she explained. "The bonus missions are hidden and are usually given by nonplayers within DWMA such as someone like me, Soul, Dr. Stein, and such." I smirked and thought about ditching Maka and find my own way around the place... Maybe I can go down to visit Asura. She pulled me into a room then and gestured around to lots of people talking to each other. "Find a weapon partner," she told me then stuck a name tag that said miester on my shirt and walked out with Soul. I frowned and watched them go then looked around at the other people in the room then walked over to a corner and sat down. After a few minutes, I saw a new guy get led in by Black Star. He looked a little nervous as Black Star laughed loudly, drawing attention to them.

"HAHAHAHAAA! All you newbies will know the name Black Star soon enough!" He shouted at us then slapped a weapon's sticker on the guy. The guy yelped and then moved away from Black Star, running off. I watched him and then got up, frowning. Someone should teach Black Star a lesson... It's not going to be me though. I walked over to the guy that just came in and smiled.

"Hi!" I gave a smile towards him. He widened his eyes as he saw me.


"So, look... I need a partner." I told him and smirked. "Wanna be my partner?" He looked towards my sticker then up at me.

"D-do you know anything about this game? I watched the anime because of my grandmother...."

"Yeah, I've watched it before. My mom and dad like it." I told him and shrugged. "Most of my family actually." He smiled a little.

"I was hoping not to get led in by Black Star. He really is like the anime version of him.... I guess I wouldn't mind being your weapon partner," he told me and then looked a little less nervous.

"Awesome." I looked around then for any pop ups. A menu popped up in front of us both then, startling the guy in front of me. It read: Accept Akihiko Fujimori as your weapon? The boy in front of me read his menu then looked up at me.

"Keegan? Your name is Keegan Grimm? Or is that just a name you made up?" He smiled a little. "I know that some people use their real name in these games...." I saw him hovering his hand over accept, waiting on my answer. I nodded.

"Yeah, it's my real name. I'm from Maine, Usa. I told him and accepted him as my partner. He smiled and hit accept then we both got a prompt to leave the room as a map popped up in front of us with a diagram of the school with where we were and the room we needed to be in. I saw a hide button in the top right hand corner of it.

"So I guess we go to the test?" Akihiko asked and laughed nervously. "I'm sorry if I suck at this." I hit hide then grabbed his wrist and started to pull him out of the room.

"Yeah, Maka said something about we have to take a test now." I told him. He nodded.

"Black Star sucks at telling people things... He bragged the whole way over here," he muttered. He looked around the halls in interest and then moved closer to me when some player students in the halls glanced our way while walking past us. They looked like they had been playing a bit. I looked around for a few minutes as I lead us and started to awe at the games interior design.

"So, can I call you Mori?" I asked him and laughed. He glanced at me and frowned.

"Why? That's my last name.... If you're going to call me a nickname, you should call me Hiko," he suggested. "That's what my friends do. Plus, Mori is from that weird anime. I know where you got it." I laughed and shrugged.

"Okay hiccup." I teased him. "I'll call you Hiko. It sounds like hiccup though." I let his wrist go to give him some space. He frowned at me and then started to walk past me, using the map.

"Don't make fun of my name," he mumbled and didn't look at me as he walked ahead.

"Okay Hiko." I muttered and watched him curiously. "So, when you get tired you're going to have to let me know because I can game for hours on end." I told him, thinking about how all I needed was blood. He glanced back at me then.

"You know that we can sleep in game right? The only reason why we would have to leave is to physically eat real food and go to the bathroom plus exercise that way our bodies don't get too weak to move," he told me. "Black Star said something about us getting a dorm room after we are assigned a class."

"Yeah. I remember something about dorms from soul eater not." I muttered. He smiled a little.

"Guess we'll be in the same dorm house.... We're both guys," he said and laughed nervously. "I wonder if there are more than one bed in each room.... Soul Eater Not had like... three in the girl's rooms."

"Well considering this is an official game maybe we'll get a room to ourself?" I mumbled. That would be interesting though to have to share with human players. When we reached the room, he walked in and then glanced around as we stood in a classroom then watched as Stein looked up from behind his desk with his feet propped up on it.

"Oh... new students..." He moved his feet off the desk and then rolled his little desk chair over to us. "Hmm... Akihiko Fujimori... and Keegan Grimm...." He looked us over as our tags on us disappeared. "It didn't take you two long to pick."

"I wanted to meet you." I told him and smirked. "So, we're here for that test." He smirked at us then and started to turn his screw in his head, making creepy clicking noises with it.

"The test?" A screen popped up in front us both then, asking us if we were ready to start the test. I looked over at Fujimori.

"Hey, before we start... what kind of weapon are you?" I asked him. He blushed and looked away.

"Oh... I forgot to tell you what I picked.... Oops...."

"Well?" He blushed again and shifted nervously.

"W-well.... I'm kind of really into samurai swords and stuff... so... I kind of went with an Odachi sword. I hope that you can fight with it," he whispered. I hummed as I thought it over.

"Yeah, I've fought with a few samurai swords before." I told him. "Rory- my older brother has made me practice on swords and other weapons before. Soooo~ I think I can handle it." I told him and then went to press accept for the test. Stein slowly smirked at us as he watched us hit accept then laughed.

"Take a seat," he said and pointed to the rows of seats. "Anyone of them will do. The written part will be administered. No cheating." I walked over to the seats then, pulling Fujimori with me incase Stein wanted to fight first. Stein smirked. "Sit at least two feet apart. I want to make sure that all the answers are individually thought about. Even though you're both partners, I won't tolerate cheating between the two of you." I frowned and let Fujimori go and sat a few seats away from him. The test was already laid out on the desk in front of me, waiting for me to take it. Akihiko glanced my way and then picked up the pencil and bought his knees to his chest as he sat weirdly in the seat and started his test. I watched him for a few minutes then smirked and started to answer my test.

After a few minutes, Stein walked over to Akihiko, making him freeze up. He picked up the paper and smirked at him. "Wait on your miester," he told him and then walked back to the desk with the paper as Akihiko was trying to calm down from the panic attack Stein had given him by going over to him. I looked down at my answers and went back over them as I had taken my test backwards unlike normal people. I went through the ones I had skipped over and then reread all my answers before leaning back in my chair to wait for Stein. I started to doodle on my paper, making a head and a bolt sticking out of it to match Stein. After a few minutes, he looked my way and got up, walking over and taking the test up. He glanced it over and then smirked. "You should try taking an art class while you're here," he told me. "We do those for fun classes after the normal school hours," he informed me then walked over to his desk and started to grade our test. Akihiko got up and walked over to me, sitting down beside me as he looked at Stein with worry. I looked towards him.

"So, how do you think you did?" I asked him curiously.

"I think I did okay.... Most of it was stuff I knew," he whispered to me. Stein stood up then and a menu appeared in front of us both, telling us our grade on the written portion. I got a 98% and Akihiko got a 95%. I frowned.

"Man, I even took my time." I grumbled and then stood up. Akihiko pouted at his grade but looked towards Stein who was adjusting his labcoat and smoothing it out.

"Does this mean he's going to tell us when to go for him... or is he just going to run at us?" Akihiko mumbled.

"You both did well enough on the written portion to enter EAT if you pass the next part," Stein told us, hearing us talking about the test. I grabbed Hiko's hand then and pulled him closer to me, tensing up for a battle. "Now... because the program doesn't allow me to attack you outright until you accept the second portion," he said and waved his hand our way as two menus popped up for us, "you both have to reaccept taking the test to say you're ready." I looked towards Hiko to make sure he was ready.

"Ready?" I asked him softly. I swear he better transform. He bit his bottom lip as he looked at the menu then at Stein.

"How do you do the transformation again?" He asked Stein, blushing. "Tsubaki told me... but I can't remember...." Stein sighed. I tensed up and looked at Hiko.

"Don't ask him that!" I yelped out. "He'll put us in the NOT class." I hissed. Stein walked over to the board and started to write on it.

"No, it's fine. That's why there is a second reacceptance on the test. The beta testers would freak out and forget how to do things," he explained to us. I relaxed then and sat back down. Akihiko walked up towards Stein slowly and watched him from a foot away as Stein explained the process to him for Hiko's second time and then twisted his screw when he finished. "Is that all you needed to ask?"

"I hope so." I mumbled, rubbing my head. Hiko looked thoughtful then smiled.

"About the dissection thing... do you really dissect people in the game?"

"Yes," Stein said and smirked, pulling out a scapel.

"I hope there's extra locks on our dorm door." I muttered. He's like another Hachi. Hiko froze up at the sight of the scapel then ran back to me, hiding behind me.

"Now, please hit yes so we can continue," Stein told us and smirked, flipping the scapel between his fingers.

"Not before I stand up." I told him then got to my feet and pulled Hiko to my side then grabbed his wrist. "I hope you're ready to transform." I told him then hit accept. Stein looked towards Hiko who was trembling slightly as he hit accept. Stein smirked at us and then walked out from behind his desk, looking us over. "Transform." I mumbled. Hiko yelped as Stein started for us and quickly transformed for me, but as soon as he did, Stein was in front of us in an instant and went to grab me. I stumbled back then and used Hiko's blade to block him then jumped up onto one of the desks and went to attack him. He dodged me and then grabbed my foot and yanked me off the desk into the floor, going for my shirt. Hiko screamed from the blade.

"KEEGAN! DON'T LET HIM GET US!" I used my other foot to kick Stein's feet out from under him then got him with the blade of the sword, sending him towards his desk. I got to my feet and then held the blade out in front of me and motioned for Stein to come at me. He studied me and then went for me again when Spirit walked into the room.

"Hey Stein, I heard some screa- Oh look, it's those two from earlier.... Stein, they already got you, look at your lab coat. The test is over," he told Stein. Stein glanced at his labcoat.


"We won?" I looked towards Spirit in question. That was easy. I looked back at Stein. Stein was walking towards us with a smirk.

"Stein," Spirit warned. I tensed up, ready to battle Stein again.

"If you want another round Stein..." I teased him and then swung the blade freely. Stein knocked Hiko out of my grip then reached out for me and ruffled my hair.

"You pass. Somewhat... The one hit rule is kind of lame," he said and then looked at Hiko. "You need to stop screaming when someone is coming at you. You'll end up getting your miester killed in battle."

"Nah, I'd be fine." I shrugged. "I'm hard core." I held a hand out towards Hiko. "Come on, we won." Hiko went back to his human form and rubbed his head as he watched Stein then slowly got up.

"Alright Stein, go sign them in for the EAT class. I'll escort them to the dorms," Spirit said and then gestured for us to follow him. I pulled Hiko to his feet and then over to Spirit.

"Let's hurry this along." I told them both. Spirit gave a kind smile and started off down the hall.

"So... how do the dorms work?"

"There is a boy dormitory and a girl dormitory depending on your partnership you can either be in the same dorm with your partner or you'll have to share with someone with the same issue as you. You two are lucky though and will get to share a dorm together. The dorms fit up to four people. Though there are dorms for fewer or more. The most commor are four. The higher you level and the more money you earn you can go out into death city and get an apartment out there like Soul and my precious Maka." He rubbed his cheeks then as he thought of Maka.

"You really are a creepy dad like the anime," Hiko mumbled and then shrunk back. "You're like my mother." I laughed as I thought about my family.

"I'm not that creepy." Spirit muttered and pulled out his Maka doll. Hiko started to trail behind us then, looking around the halls as we walked down them and hummed the theme song to the anime under his breath. Spirit lead us to a dormitory for boys and then stopped outside. "This is your dormitory." He told us then handed us a card key and smiled. They key had all the information on it about where our room is inside the dormitory. "One more thing. You will be receiving an allowance per week. It's 100 yen. Try not to spend it all before the week is over. You can go get a job somewhere in town though if you need to. Any questions?" Hiko shook his head and then started to walk off, pulling up his map.

"Where's that café at," he mumbled under his breath and began to leave me behind. I looked towards Spirit.

"Thanks," I mumbled then took off running for Hiko. I seen a little money sign pop up then and 100 yen was added on. I smirked and hit the exit button. Hiko was already outside near the stairs of DWMA as he studied his map and began to walk down the steps, not noticing I was behind him. I grabbed his arm to slow him down then looked around and gasped at the view.

"Wow, it really is pretty." He looked up at me and smiled then looked at the view.

"Yeah... it is.... The SAO view was nice from the few minutes I played it.... I was killed though, and I haven't returned back to that one," he told me and laughed a little as he clicked hide on his map then looked up at me. "We should probably form a permanent party that way we can find each other on the map easily." I gave him a confused look then. He started to mess with his menu and pulled up his map again, showing me it. "Look, I can't see you on the map," he explained as he pointed to his marker. "I think that if we form a party that I will be able to. The SAO game does that." He started to mess around on it some more and a menu popped up in front of me. Accept Akihiko Fujimori as your group member? I accepted quickly and waited for him to confirm his theory. He checked it out on his map and nodded as he showed me a red dot on his map with my name over it with the word Miester under my name. "Makes sense that they'd want partners to form a party instead of just leave it as partners." I nodded.

"Yeah, I guess it does make since that you'd need to know where I'm at all the time in the game." I mumbled and started down the steps. He followed after me and then sighed.

"They really did make the steps go on forever," he mumbled and then got quiet. When we got to the bottom, I heard him yelp and he fell down the rest of the remaining steps past me. He groaned in pain as he curled up at the bottom of them and whimpered as he reached down to his knee and pulled his hand back to his face. "Whoa... the game lets you bleed," he whispered and then sat up, looking at his skinned knees as he winced. I could actually smell it, and it smelled real like I would find out in reality. They really got it down to an art. I got to my knees in front of him then looked his body over, wondering if I had any of my healing powers to help him... that would be cool. I don't have my fangs though... He started to wipe his hands off on his pants and then looked his knees over as he went to stand but fell back into me as he stumbled. I grabbed a hold of him and then helped him to his feet.

"Be more careful." I warned. I looked his knees over then looked around us for anyone. I noticed a group of students talking off to the side and laughing as they discussed going out on a group mission later as a class activity. Hiko looked their way and then moved back from me, starting to walk down the street as he winced in pain but tried to hide it. I walked after him quickly and felt my stomach grumble from hunger... There it goes. He was right, I would be hungry. He glanced back at me and stopped walking.

"Keegan," he said and then gave me a smile. "You can go back to reality. I'm fine. Don't starve yourself. I'll be here probably when you log back in."

"You just cut your knees, I'll stay. I don't want a kishin to eat you." I teased him and caught up to him. "I'm fine. I can stand being hungry."

"Death City doesn't really allow the kishins near the school for the beginners," he told me. "It says it here on the map." He then pointed towards a small red dotted line a long ways out from where we were. "That's where we'll start seeing kishins in Death City," he told me.

"I'll stay." I told him. "I have a robot that can feed me." He frowned my way.

"Are you using a headset or the All Purpose Robot?"

"My dad just got him today!" I smiled big towards him. "His name starts with an A."

"Nuh-uh... They all have the same name," he corrected. "It starts with an E."

"Okay... You might be right." I whispered. I started down the street then. "Come on." He followed after me and led us to the Café where the guy who ran it looked at us with a frown.

"Did you skin your knee?" He asked as he looked Hiko over and then came out from behind the counter. He examined his knees and then smiled. "Lucky you, it can easily be fixed up." He walked back to his counter then as a menu popped up in front of Hiko, asking if he'd accept help. He thought it over and then hesitantly pressed accept. The guy brought back something and then started to put a cream on Hiko's knees, watching as the wound slowly disappeared and Hiko was back to normal. I smiled softly towards the two then sat down at a table. The guy went back to the counter then and started to clean cups up. "So... are you two wanting something to drink?" He asked us. Hiko smiled at him.

"No," he said. "I was wondering if I could get a job?" The guy sat the cup down and then looked towards Hiko.

"Ohhh... you must be a new student and wanting to make a little extra money," he mumbled. "Sure, I have some extra jobs for DWMA students. This bar is run by them mostly except for me." Hiko laughed and walked over to the counter and started to talk to him about the job until he finally got a menu to accept the job offer. He hit accept quickly and then turned to me.

"So that should help with income. I want to get an apartment when we can," he told me. I nodded as I thought it over.

"You didn't have to get a job." I told him.

"Oh? Why not?" He walked over to me and sat down across from me.

"Because I'm a spoiled rich kid." I smirked his way. "I also can hack a few things and get us money." I shrugged. He frowned at me then.

"Don't hack it... I want to do this right."

"Why?" I asked him.

"Satisfaction of saying I bought the apartment," he said and shrugged. "I like saying I did things. It makes me feel accomplished. I don't care if you get a job or not, but I'm working for the apartment." I frowned.

"Guess I could get a job instead of hacking the system but I think it's more fun to hack the system and maybe get caught." I laughed. He tossed one of the salt packets on the table at my face, hitting me with it.

"No," he told me. "You're not hacking the game because I'm not getting in trouble for being partnered to the one that hacked it."

"Ok ok ok." I looked towards the menu then and picked it up. He got quiet and started to look out the window then smiled as he saw a store across the street.

"That's interesting.... They have a music store over there...." I looked out the window quickly. A store that sold headphones and all kinds of music from reality along with some albums with the original Soul Eater soundtrack were being sold over there along with a few instruments and sheet music. "It must be for those who like to play music while they play games," he mumbled. "I'm going to look into getting some stuff from there later." I got to my feet quickly and ran out, going to the store and ran in. Hiko followed after me quickly and then gasped as he saw the inside of the store. "Woooow!" His eyes shined in happiness and excitement as he raced off to the music selections to check them out. I saw a few instruments hanging on the walls from flutes to guitars and finally... a violin! I looked the violin over, my mouth watering. I looked at the price then and frowned. 700 yen for it? I only have 100 yen... I frowned and then sunk to the floor. Hiko picked up a set of headphones then. "One day... I'll come back for you," he whispered to it then set it down and started poking around the music player section to find out what he should get to put the music he buys on. I watched him looked around at the items then pulled up my map to examin the area, pulling up shops.

"Hiko... what if we went and done some bonus missions today?" I asked him. He looked at me and then ran over, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the store as he searched for some bonus missions on his map.

"There's a cat mission where you have to get a kitty out of a tree," he suggested. "It pays 50 yen."

"Where at?" I asked him. He started to pull me down a few streets until we found an old lady calling to a tree.

"Kitty poo! Come here baby!" She called out as she reached up for the tree. I heard a scared meow in it.

"You're climbing the tree," he whispered to me. "That cat might eat me." I nodded and walked over to the tree and looked at the branches.

"Give me a boost." The lady looked over at us and smiled.

"Oh! Are you going to help me?" She gave us a grateful look as she watched Hiko helping me into the tree. I used him to get up onto the lower branch and then climbed up two more branches before I reached the one the kittie was on. I reached out and grabbed the cat then started my way back down to the lest branch then jumped off and landed on my feet. I handed the cat over to the lady and smiled.

"There you go miss." She started to shower her cat in kisses.

"Thank you so much! You must be DWMA students.... Here, take this. I can't thank you enough," she told us as a sign popped up that we both received 50 yen for the cat. Hiko smiled and then started to look on his map some more.

"There's another one nearby about cleaning out a guy's closet," he said and shrugged. "Then another guy lost his engagement ring and wants it found in the park...."