A Kidnapping

Isaac's POV:

I woke up, feeling something was off and frowned slightly as I sat up and looked around then towards where Lien had been sleeping then froze. He's missing. I got up quickly and started to look under the bed. "Lien?!" I felt my heart start to race in my chest as I looked towards Hachi then at the crib and ran over to it, checking it. Where the hell did he go?! We were both asleep! Hachi didn't eat him! I can tell! Hachi rolled over in his sleep then and pulled the pillow closer to him. Oh no... I looked his way and then started to search the room. Lien is too little to walk.... Someone must have taken him! I felt sick. I'm a bad parent! He was laying right next to me and I slept through someone taking him right from me! Hachi's going to kill me! I ran over to Hachi and gently shook him, wanting to know if he knew where Lien was in case he asked someone to look after him. "Hachi, where's Lien?" I asked him.

"By Isaac...." Hachi mumbled sleepily.

"No he's not," I told him. "Hachi... did you give him to someone to be watched?" I asked him, wanting to make sure.

"No..." Hachi yawned out and started to wake up more. "Why?"

"Because he's not in our room," I told him as I started to panic again. He didn't know where he was! Hachi pulled out his phone then and called someone then gave me the phone and rested his head on the pillow. He had called Richard. I frowned and heard Richard asking what was wrong.

"Do you have Lien?" I asked Richard.

"No... I don't have your baby.... Why? If you're wondering about Paris, he doesn't have him either."

"Richard, Lien's missing!" I raced out of the room then and down the hall, searching for him as I checked all the rooms on the hall for him.

"Calm down.... are you sure he didn't roll off the bed?"


"Did you check under the bed?"

"Yes! He's not in our room!"

"No one walked into the manor who doesn't belong in the manor... so Lien should be around somewhere.... The alarms would have gone off," Richard told me.


"I don't know. I'm not Laurence." Hachi appeared by me then and rubbed his eyes.

"Where's my meal?" I hung up on Richard and looked at Hachi.

"What?" I asked him in confusion. "You didn't ask me to cook for you.... Go ask a servant to cook you something. I'm trying to find where our kid went."

"I meant Lien." He mumbled. "Here, I'm sure there is a summoning spell." He gave me a spell book. "My father had five kids, there is no way he didn't put a summoning spell in this." I frowned and opened the spell book, searching for a summoning spell like Hachi suggested. I found one that was bookmarked. I looked it over and tried it out, but it didn't work. I frowned.

"Who the hell has our kid?!"

"What.... did it not work?" Hachi asked me. "Did you read the right one?" He started to look upset then. "I'm the only person allowed to take and eat that kid." I handed him the spell book and pointed to it.

"It's not working... You try," I begged, starting to get really worried. Why the hell isn't it working?! Hachi looked the spell over and then closed his eyes and summoned his magic around him and started to repeat the spell but it didn't work. His magic calmed down around him and he looked towards me. The walls began to melt around us then as Hachi's eyes turned green.

"Get. Me. My. Son. Back." Hachi hissed towards me. I held up my hands.

"I will! He's my son too! I'm going to kill whoever took him!" I took off running to search the whole house.

After about two hours of looking around, I had finally searched every single room upstairs and all that was left was the basement... meaning that he must be down there... which means that some army brat might have taken him. I growled softly and started down the stairs, trying to listen for Lien. Hachi appeared by me and looked beyond pissed.

"It's been two hours Isaac, where is my boy!?" He asked. I glanced at him.

"I searched all the rooms upstairs.... The only rooms left are these," I growled and then stormed into the army brat's area. "WHO THE HELL DECIDED TO TAKE A BABY FROM A ROOM UPSTAIRS?!" I shouted, flicking my tail in anger. I could feel the air heating up dangerously around me as I watched everyone freeze up. Hachi walked in from behind me and crossed his arms.

"I knew I should've made us wait to have a baby." He mumbled. I glanced his way and narrowed my eyes before I started to search the room myself since how everyone was keeping quiet. After a few minutes, I started to get frustrated, not seeing him around the room then stormed out. I walked down the stairs and kept searching all the rooms until I walked past the treasure room and heard Midori in there talking in dragon. I frowned and stopped, glancing in to see it was open. Weird... Midori doesn't normally talk in dragon. I stepped in and froze up when I saw Lien in Midori's nest in here with Midori talking to him as he sounded like he was telling Lien a story. Hachi stormed past me and towards the two and grabbed Lien, pulling him into a warm hug and kissed his head. I walked over and crossed my arms, looking down at Midori.

"Why'd you take Lien?" I asked him and narrowed my eyes. Midori looked up and smiled.

"I was telling him about dragons," he told me and then looked at Lien with interest. "It's a little baby wizard," he purred out in happiness. "He's adorable."

"Thanks, this is Lien Hachirobei." Hachi told Midori. "He's my son."

"Yeah... he's got your eyes." Midori sat up in the pile of gold and smiled. "Plus he was in your bed."

"Don't steal my baby from me while I sleep." Hachi hissed towards Midori. "Bad boy." Midori frowned at Hachi then stood up.

"It's not stealing if the baby wants to be picked up," he mumbled as Lien looked at Midori in wonder, having the same dazed look as the wizards that showed up at least once a year to try to see Midori.

"It's not fair that your stealing him like that." Hachi whispered. "You know it's stealing because he's unaware that he's so attracted towards you. Donnie would agree. He'd also be jealous."

"Oh! That's right! Hachi, I hope you don't mind, but I let him become one of my worshippers," Midori purred, looking at Lien with interest. "Like I did for you two when I first came here. He seemed to like it. His giggles are the cutest."

"We need to teach you about babies... DONNIE!" Hachi covered the baby's ears as he yelled for Donnie. Donnie appeared then with a gold blanket wrapped around him.

"What?" Donnie asked softly. He looked towards Midori and smiled. "Are you getting in trouble again?"

"No... but Hachi says that it's stealing to pick a baby up and walk off with it," Midori said and then took Lien back, purring to him as he held him.

"It is, especially if you don't ask the parents.... Midori." Donnie grumbled. "They must've been worried. At least leave a note next time." Donnie looked towards Lien and then took him from Midori and started to play with Lien's ears. He looked in love then as he watched Lien. Midori purred as he watched Donnie with a loving look and then moved closer to him as he started to rub under Lien's chin, making him giggle. I frowned and walked over to Hachi.

"They took our kid...." I whispered.

"I know... It's crazy." Hachi whispered. "I can see them as parents though... that's what's bad."

"We should make a charm that will wake us up if someone takes Lien again," I whispered back. "Put it around his neck or something..."

"Uh-huh." Hachi nodded in agreement. "Put up some cameras and stuff. Baby wizards need to be protected... maybe we need to go to the wizard world to raise him...." Hachi mumbled. I frowned and looked Lien over as I thought about it.

"Let's try the charms and protective spells first before we move to raise him...." I moved to take Lien from Donnie then, wanting him back. Donnie handed him over and the pouted. Hachi looked towards Donnie, giving a glare.

"Teach Midori right from wrong today." Hachi told him. Midori frowned.

"I know right from wrong," he told Hachi and then looked at the baby. "I know it's wrong to let another person take my treasure from me...." He smiled at Lien who giggled in my arms and closed his eyes. "I know that it's wrong to eat you all. I know it's right to be friendly."

"and~ It's wrong to take other's children without their permission." Donnie added on. Midori frowned.

"Really? No... that can't be wrong," he mumbled in thought as he watched Donnie. "Is it really?"

"It is." Donnie told him. "It's very wrong." He rubbed Midori's cheek then. He started to purr and leaned into Donnie's hand, closing his eyes.

"Wh...What about that one?" He asked about Lien. "That one is one of my followers like Hachi and Isaac...."

"You still should ask for permission." Donnie told him. "Now I need to punish you for your bad judgment." Midori whined.

"Don't take my gold," he mumbled.

"Worse. I'm making you eat an healthy salad tonight." Donnie smirked. "With no meat." Midori fell to his knees and hugged Donnie's legs.

"No! No salad! I want steak!" He cried out and started to rub his head against Donnie's leg. "Don't punish me...."

"You need to be punished.... Unless you want to get the whip instead."

"Whip?" Midori frowned and looked up at Donnie.

"Whip, whip." Donnie smirked. "I take off all your clothes and hit you with a rope like object until I feel that you learned your lesson. Then we act in the name of love for several hours until you vow you'll never steal another baby again." Midori pouted.

"That sounds painful...."

"It'll be pleasurable in the end." Donnie whispered in his ear. Midori purred and then nuzzled his head against Donnie.

"How about you don't punish me? I'll give you a kiss."

"I could get much more though." Donnie mumbled to himself. "You need to be punished."

"Hachiii, tell Donnie he can't punish me," Midori said and pouted towards Hachi. Hachi shook his head.

"You didn't tell me sorry." Midori walked over to Hachi and then nuzzled his head against Hachi, making him glow a bright aura again like he did when he first came here. "Say sorry." Hachi told him. I heard Donnie collecting a few gold pieces. Midori sensed it and growled at Donnie, walking back to him and pushing him down into his nest.

"Bad mate," he growled at Donnie as he sat on him. Donnie frowned.

"You're bad too!" Donnie hissed and then held his hand out away from Midori with the gold in it. Midori looked at the gold as his eyes flashed the same color, but he didn't go to take it like he normally would. He looked back at Donnie and then leaned in, kissing his neck. Donnie let a moan slip and then blushed.

"I'll let you have the gold, if you give in and decide not to punish me," Midori purred to Donnie and then hovered his lips over Donnie's.

"No... You're still being punished." Donnie put the gold in his pocket then. Midori growled at him and then laid out on top of him.

"Then I better get a reward for not trying to get the gold back from you," he told Donnie.

"Uh-huh... We should go check out the kitchen and make you a salad." Donnie smirked. Midori growled at him to silence him and then sharpened his teeth as his eyes flashed gold and stayed gold, making Donnie's do the same.

"You're in my nest," he told Donnie. "My rules."

"No rules." Donnie growled back. "You're eating salad tonight." Midori snarled at him.

"I am not eating salad tonight," he told Donnie. I frowned and grabbed Hachi, taking him out of the room with Lien. I'm not staying for this....

Donnie's POV:

Midori snarled at me and then grabbed my hands, pinning them down. "I'm going to eat meat tonight even if you try to make me eat salad," he growled at me.

"I'll send you to bed without supper." I threatened. He kissed my neck then and changed games on me, purring in my ear. I tried to free my hands then. "Midori, you know you was in the wrong. I have to punish you."

"Don't punish me," he mumbled and then lightly dragged his teeth against my skin. "I'm sweet... innocent... and loving."

"No your not." I laughed out, trying not to fall for him.

"I'm your mate," he tried and then kissed my collarbone. "I'll let you have all the fun you want with me tonight if you don't punish me...."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him curiously. He paused and then looked up at me. He sat up and then tilted his head.

"What do you think it means?" He asked me as he let my hands go. I titled my head and then went for his pants. His eyes widened as he saw me do it and yelped, moving off me as he fell back into his nest. I growled and then got to my feet, going for the door.

"No food for you." I told him. He whined and then had a force drag me back to him. He pulled me back down into his nest and then curled up to me.

"Mine," he mumbled and then kissed my neck. "You're my precious treasure out of all the gold in here," he purred lovingly to me. I melted against him and smiled.

"Okay... I'll let you have dinner if you do something for me." I smirked then and pulled out my phone. "You have to watch a movie with me. My pick." He looked towards the phone and then nodded.

"Okay, that seems alright," he told me. "We stay in the nest while we watch it," he purred and then snuggled up to me. I put on a movie then for us, making him watch twilight, breaking dawn. After it was over, he sighed and then kissed my neck. "Okay... we watched your weird movie.... What the heck was all that about?"

"Well I wanted to show you something but I guess you didn't catch it so I should show you porn next..." I mumbled. He frowned.

"What's that?" He asked me. I smirked and put one on that had two guys in it so he'd get the idea. As it played, his eyes slowly widened and he shrunk against me. I laughed and made him watch every part of it then when both guys finished I looked towards him.

"I want to do that to you." I told him. He blushed and buried his face into my side. I leaned in to kiss him then and pushed him onto his back. I placed my phone to the side. He tensed up as he saw me do that and then looked up at me, his eyes flashing gold. "Can't we now? It's been two centuries together." I whispered in his ear. He blushed and then kissed my neck.

"Does it... does it hurt?" He asked me.

"Nope." I told him. "It's pleasurable. Those were just paid actors." I whispered, smirking. Oh man he won't be able to walk in the morning. He blushed and laid his head back as he looked up at me.

"Is... it normal to do?"

"When two people are in love. Don't you love me?" I asked him. "We're mates and that's an act of love." He pouted.

"I do love you," he told me. "You're my favorite treasure...." He leaned up and kissed me. I kissed him back and then undone his belt and took it of then tired his hands with it. He widened his eyes and looked at his hands, tugging on them. I grabbed his pants and pulled them down then to his ankles. "D-Donnie?" He blushed and looked me over. I smirked and gave him a kiss. He hesitated then kissed me back, purring slightly. I smirked and then took his shirt off. He looked towards it then kissed my neck. I leaned in towards his neck and sinked my fangs in then marked him as mine, letting my poison enter his veins. He moaned and melted quickly as he felt it and tilted his head to the side, exposing his neck to me. "Donnie~" He moaned out and purred to me. I started to drink his blood then, interested in what it would be like. It was like nothing I've ever tasted. It wrapped me up in it's rich flavor, filling me up with what felt like pure warmth and magic and light. It's taste itself was indescribable and made me crave it the more I drank it. I moaned and then melted on top of him as I kept drinking his blood. I took my fangs out of his skin and started to suck out the blood. He moaned and ran his fingers through my hair as he let me. I pulled back and then licked my lip, looking him over in wonder. He looked towards my lips and then kissed them, stealing some of his blood back and then pressed up into me as he deepened it. I rubbed my hands down his sides then touched his boxers lightly. He pulled back from the kiss and looked down at his boxers then up at me, tilting his head curiously. I smirked and pulled them off him as well then started on my shirt. He blushed and then tugged on the belt around his wrists and then sharpened his teeth as his nails grew slightly into claws. I pulled off my shirt then got between his legs and started to grind against him to distract him. He moaned and stopped struggling with his belt then leaned up and kissed me quickly, like he was begging. I leaned in and kissed him back then snuck my hand down and gave his manhood a squeeze. He moaned sharply as he started to get aroused and leaned his head back, arching his back slightly. I smirked and then started on my belt, taking it off and placing it to the side then slid my pants and boxers down.

"Do you want me now?" I asked him softly, giving him a passionate kiss. He purred to me and then nodded. I smirked and then started to grind against him, making him want me even more. "What was that?" I asked him.

"Donnie," he mumbled and looked up at me pleadingly. "Please?"

"Please what?" I asked him. He moaned softly and then leaned up kissing my neck.

"I want to," he whispered to me. I smirked and gave him a small kiss before giving him what he was begging for.

Akihiko's POV:

I looked over at this Keegan guy when we got back to the dorm and walked over to the bed closest to the window then laid down in it. "Mine," I told him. "You can have that one," I said and pointed to the one by the door. Just in case someone comes in.... He nodded and then went to his bed and laid down on it, looking up at the ceiling. "I think we did a lot today," I mumbled as I remembered how much we had gotten today. We had managed to raise about 200 more yen for each of us to put with the 100 yen we got from the game to start with, so we now both have 300 yen which in collection together is 600 yen.... "I think I'm going to log off," I said and sat up, looking over at him. "When do you think you can get back on? We should time this that way we can work together. It's that kind of game where we need to be on at the same time.... Oh, I know!" I smiled as I thought about giving him my number. I walked over to him and then messed with the menu till I found the private messages. I sent him my number and watched as it popped up in front of him. "That's my number. You might want it." He nodded as he looked it over then messed with his menu and sent me his number.

"That's mine. I'm going to log off too. My family might be missing me." He mumbled and then looked me over. "Hey... We should hang out one day in reality." He suggested. "My family owns a private jet so I can visit you if you'd like." I blushed slightly and looked at him. That's right... he said something about being one of those spoiled rich brats....

"Ummm.... I... guess you could," I said. "I wouldn't mind.... After all, we need to start learning about each other. This game reacts to how well friendships are behind partners...."

"We should definitely meet then." He smirked as he laid back and propped his head up against his pillow. I blushed slightly and then gave a small nod.

"Alright... but call first. I don't want to be surprised," I whispered to him. "We can meet in the city. I live in Tokyo."

"I love Tokyo." He whispered softly. "I'll take you out for sushi." I frowned slightly.

"I think I should be the one taking you out for sushi if you come over to Tokyo. I live there.... Besides, it's good manners to treat a guest."

"Okay, if that's what you want." He smiled. "I'd invite you to my home in America but you... Uh... Don't need to meet my family." I laughed slightly. At least that won't be a problem for me... I don't live with my family except my older sister.

"That's fine. I would prefer to stay in Japan anyways," I told him. "I'm comfortable in my home.... I would feel strange leaving it and going somewhere completely different." I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my neck as I gave him a shy smile. Oh man... I just told him that. I must look like a complete weirdo and shut in... like the hermit in the old Zelda games.

"That's understandable... I don't really like leaving my home... There are enough rooms to explore for my whole life... One day I'll video chat and show you some of them." He suggested. "Although, I'd leave to go meet you." He gave a smile. "It's not like I have better things to do." I smiled a little.

"You know you don't have to just cause," I said and then sat down on the edge of his bed. "We could just talk on the phone and here." He's a shut in like meeee! I held in a little laugh. He blushed.

"No... I'd love to come visit you, honest! I'm sort of getting a new sibling and well... I need to stop smothering my parents." He blushed. "I'm the youngest- well was. They're pregnant again." He rubbed his head. "So it might do me some good to leave." I frowned. He seems pretty much grown up... and his parents are having another baby? Weird... Well maybe they had him when they were really young.

"Okay," I said and gave a soft smile before I got up. "So... when should you be on again?" He thought it over.

"Whenever you're going to get back on. That's if my sister Shiloh and my brother Rory and Sage let me get away from them..." He mumbled that last part to himself. It sounds like they bully him. I frowned slightly but didn't say anything. Maybe I should get him something... He liked that violin. I saw him eying it down.... I'm another 100 yen away from being able to buy it.... Maybe if I log on about three hours before he gets on, I will be able to do some things to get it and make sure I still have some money left over with a little extra work.

"Well.... let's see... It's about a thirteen hour difference between where we live.... So I think I'll get on at about nine pm tomorrow and you can get on at eight am."

"Sounds good...." He nodded as he seemed to be thinking. I smiled at him. That'll leave me most of the day tomorrow to do what I need to do.

"Get some rest," I told him and then walked over to my bed and laid down in it, messing with the menu. "You'll need it because we have class to attend."

"Oh, that's right... I wonder what our class schedule will be like since we live in different time zones and stuff." He muttered. I smiled and glanced over him as I studied him. I wonder what he looks like in real life.... I found the log out menu then sighed.

"I'll see you later," I whispered, glancing back at him. "It was nice meeting you Keegan. I'm kind of glad you wanted to be my miester partner."

"I'm glad I went up and asked you." He gave me a huge smile and then I seen him pulling up the menu and looking for the log out button. I was about to tell him how when I heard a scream down the hall making me shiver and yank my hand away from the log out menu. It disappeared then as I freaked out.

"Keegan," I called out, scared as I heard more screams. Keegan left the menu and got up, going towards the door. He held out his hand for mine as he went to look out the door. I got up shakily and walked over to him, grabbing his hand tightly as I heard maniacal laughter from where the screams were.

"Turn into your weapon form." He whispered as he turned the door knob to peak out. I nodded and activated my ability like I had been told how to do and turned into the weapon for him. As soon as he peeked out, I heard someone cussing.

"Shit, it's this again. It's always once a month!" I heard a guy cussing out in the hall. "Hey, get over here. We have to chase him out again." I heard the sound of a weapon transforming then. Keegan stepped out into the hall with me then and glanced around. A few guys were rushing to the room where the screams were coming from with their weapon partners, but they looked like they had been at this a long time as some of the new guys who I saw earlier were hiding behind their doors and peeking out in curiosity. I recognized the laugh as Stein's from the anime. This happens once a month!? Keegan rushed after the guys that was running towards the voice then. He wasn't taking any time to think things through.

"K-Keegan... it's Stein," I warned him. When we reached the room, we found a horror scene where a player had been caught by Stein and was passing out from the pain of what Stein was doing to him. A few of the players rushed at Stein, making him laugh as he dodged them and then hit them with his palm, sending a soul shock through them. They yelped and fell to the ground. Stein looked our way and smirked as he played with the screw in his head. Keegan watched him and then stood by, waiting for him to come to us first. He smirked as he saw that Keegan was going to stand there and looked back at the player who was weakly trying to find the log out menu as his hand was shaking. Stein pressed the scalpel against the player's chest and slowly dragged it down, making the player scream. Keegan rushed towards Stein then to save the player and charged him, sending my blade into Stein's lab coat. Stein whirled around on Keegan and then grabbed Keegan's arm that was holding me and twisted it, making him drop me before he started for Keegan. I transformed back in panic for Keegan and then tackled Stein to the ground and grabbed his scalpel from him. Keegan got to his feet then and grabbed the bolt and turned it in Stein's head. Stein groaned and jerked his head back and shoved us away before he got up and muttered under his breath, trying to fix his screw. Keegan grabbed my hand then and rushed back towards Stein while he was distracted. I yelped and an image of Keegan not even waiting for me to transform and throwing me at Stein went through my head, freaking me out. I quickly transformed before he could, not wanting Stein to grab me. Stein's eyes widened slightly and he ducked down, picking his scalpel up then walked out of the room quickly. Keegan stopped then and took in a deep breath.

"Is it over?" He asked. One of the recovering players on the floor looked at us.

"Who the heck are you two? I've never seen you around before," he said then glanced at the door. "He's gone. Once he leaves the room of his chosen victim of the month, he moves on to the girl's dorms. It's the games way of making us stay on our toes. You don't want to get caught on the night that he's programmed to dissect two students."

"Ha." Keegan laughed and let me go then. "I'm Keegan, I'll be patrolling these halls now." He smirked and then looked at the kid. "Bet Black Star is going to be pissed. I'm the new talk around here." I transformed back and curled up as I sat on the floor, bringing my knees to my chest as I pouted. He's one of those guys.... I slowly started to crawl out of the room then to go log off in our dorm. Keegan followed after me with a cheerful step to his walk. He went into our dorm and I could hear him collapse on his bed. I walked in after I got off the floor and looked at him then shut the door. I walked over to my bed and then laid down on it, pulling up my menu and scrolled through it till I found the log out button and touched it, making it's menu pull up. I glanced over at Keegan. He can't be a glory hound... right? I'm not partnered to a human version of Black Star.... right? He can't be a laid back Black Star.... Oh no... if he is... I think I will just hide under my bed. I shook my head and then hit the log out button without another word to him.

Louis's POV:

I finished putting bubble wrap under Ann's sheets as payback for the dye in my shampoo and walked out with a smirk. I had also snuck baby powder into her blow dryer as well.... I walked into my room and laid down on my bed, turning on the TV as I started to watch my new favorite show. Ann walked into my room after half an hour then threw the bubble wrap and blow dryer at me then started out the door. I laughed and teleported in front of her, wrapping my arms around her waist. "It's not fun to be pranked, is it?" I purred in her ear. She growled at me and then leaned into my neck and bit me. I widened my eyes and yelped. She's biting me! She pulled back after a minute and then spit some of my blood into my face and giggled then went to pull herself out of my arms.

"Not at all." She told me. I growled at her and wiped my face off before I leaned in and stole a kiss from her, backing her into my room further. She should pay for spitting blood back at me.... She yelped and got tripped up, loosing her footing and clung to me. I smirked in amusement as I slipped my hand to her lower back and held her as I kissed her deeply and passionately as I slowly lowered her onto the couch when I reached it. She pulled out of the kiss and pushed up on my chest. "Louis." She blushed a light pink.

"What is it?" I asked her and looked her over. She's really pretty.... I should ask her about the ice skating.... "You know... I saw you skating earlier, and I wondered if you did it professionally. Did you?" I smiled and then sat her down on the couch and sat beside her, deciding to let her get comfortable. She should get used to the idea of being able to sit with me and not having to worry about me. I want her to get comfortable with me... especially since how she will be living with me for eternity as my mate. She picked up a pillow then and put it in her lap as she curled up on one side of the couch and looked towards me.

"Yeah, I went to nationals." She mumbled. "I competed." She shrugged and then blushed. "Did you see me fall? I don't know why but that chunk of ice came out of nowhere and got me. It was just sticking up and all ridged instead of smooth like the rest of the ice." She rubbed her cheek then. "I skinned my knees because of that and got a cut here." I frowned slightly. I think I know what I could do to impress her. I stood up and smirked.

"That is very interesting.... Give me a moment. I need to go ask my twin something." I teleported to Paris's room and walked over to him. "Paris, can I turn the pool into a bunch of frozen ice?"

"What?! Why my pool!?" Paris asked me and sat up in bed, putting his new journal to the side. I frowned at him.

"You don't use it," I pointed out. "Plus my mate got hurt out on the lake... and I want to give her something to skate on. If I have the pool frozen up, it can be solid so she can't fall through, and I can have it polished so it's smooth. Someone would finally use it in this house."

"Wouldn't the ice break my pool though through time and I would eventually have to fix the cracks?" Paris wondered. "I guess you can use the pool that way. I have an inside and outside pool. Enjoy either one but not both." He told me firmly. He then pulled his journal back to him. I smirked and then crawled into the bed with him and leaned in towards his neck, biting down. He let out a small moan and grabbed my wrist. "Louis~" I purred in his ear and then moved closer to his side as I drank from him, moaning at his taste. "You're welcome." He whispered. "Do you really have to feed from me right now though? I'm busy." I took his journal in my free hand and tossed it lightly to the side.

"Mhmm," I hummed and then licked his neck. He groaned and then pushed me back, looking at me firmly.

"Louis." He muttered. I pouted and looked up at his eyes as I licked my lips.

"Yes?" I asked softly.

"Go drink from a maid." He suggested. "Or a butler." He smiled softly. "I told you I was busy." He rubbed my cheek then and leaned in, kissing my other cheek. I smiled and then kissed his cheek.

"But I like feeding from you," I mumbled to him. "You're my other half." He nodded and then exposed his neck for me. I looked at it longingly but knew he wanted to do his journal, so I grabbed it and gave him a sweet smile, placing it in his lap. "I can drink from you later. I know this is important to you to record your day." He nodded and smiled towards me.

"Alright Louis." He kissed my cheek and then went back to his journal. "I'm glad I was able to save my journals. Apparently Hachi had enchanted them~" He hummed to himself. "As well as my treasure." I smiled and gave a nod.

"Mhmm. I'm glad too. You don't have my memory ability. I remember every single detail of my life since I was fifteen. It gets blurry before then because I didn't have the ability to share my memories until I was older." I laughed and then got out of his bed. "I'm going to go tell Ann. I love you Paris!" I teleported back to my room then walked over to Ann. "Ann, I have some wonderful news to tell you. We have two pools here at the manor, and I'm going to turn one into an ice skating rink for you. It'll be maintained and polished daily," I purred to her. She smiled and looked towards me.

"Thanks Louis!" She gave me a sweet smile. "I can't wait to skate on one of them." She got to her feet then. I smirked.

"The only question remaining is: indoor or outdoor?"

"Outside." She hummed. I nodded and then looked towards where she had gotten hurt earlier, seeing it had healed up nicely.

"Okay, I'll have it worked on starting tomorrow," I told her and looked up at her eyes. "Oh, and truce?" I asked and gave a smile, holding out my hand to her to shake it in agreement. I didn't want a nasty surprise again... and I'm sure she didn't either.

"Are you going to apologize?" She asked me and tilted her head. I sighed. She's still going on about that? I guess I could give her an apology to make her stop....

"I apologize for turning you even though I was going to in a few years anyways," I told her then got down on my knee and took her hand in mine and gave it a kiss. "I would love it if you would accept being my mate for all eternity, however." She smiled.

"Thank you for the apology." She took her hand back from me then and walked towards the door. "Goodnight Louis." I got to my feet and watched her with a slight frown. She didn't say yes to the whole mate eternity thing.... Eh... I have all eternity. I smirked and walked over to my bed.

"Goodnight Ann," I told her as I got in it. I'll start trying to make her like me starting tomorrow... Guess I should try a date or something... Girls like that stuff, right? I'll ask Rose. I looked back towards her to make sure she was leaving. She left the room rather quickly and shut the door behind her softly.

Ann's POV:

I rushed out my bedroom at five in the morning, carrying my skates and a light jacket with me and rushed down the hall towards the stairs. No way was I going to let Louis drag me out of bed again and make me fight him. I rushed down the stairs and towards the front doors, pulling out my phone Raven got me and pulled up a map to the lake on it then went out the front doors. I rushed towards the gates and then managed to climb over them and fell down on the other side with my jacket and skates. I groaned as my butt stung from landing on it. I looked back at the manor and awed at the sight of it then pulled up a flashlight on my phone to use. I got to my feet and then started for the lake, giggling. I'll spend all day at the lake, he'll never guess I'm out there... and if he does.... He won't come get me on the ice. He'll be too scared.

When I reached the lake it was around eight in the morning. That two hour walk had really hurt my feet... no.... not really. I giggled and sat down at the edge of the lake, watching the sunrise coming up. I pulled my shoes off then replaced them with the skates and carefully started to make my way onto the ice. When I got my balance on the ice I started skating around, doing a few jumps and giggled. I put some music on low and put some headphones on and started to listen to Beethoven. After a few more hours, more around ten, I saw Raven appear by the edge of the lake with a basket. She smiled and sat down, pulling out a bottle of blood and waved it towards me with a big smile. I pulled my headphones out a waved towards her.

"HEY!" I yelled towards her and skated over to the edge of the lake then carefully stepped onto the ground and edged my way over to her. I sat down on the blanket and looked her over. "Good morning."

"Morning," Raven purred to me and put a bottle of blood in my hands. "I thought you'd like some breakfast. Louis was complaining about how you weren't in your room... and well~ it didn't take me long to figure out where you went." I giggled and then took the bottle and popped it open. I smelled the blood then and frowned, pulling the bottle away from my nose.

"That... smells.... awful." I gave it back to her quickly. She smelled it and wrinkled up her nose then dumped it out.

"Gross," she muttered and then looked towards her wrist and bit into it before she held it out to me. "Here, you still should eat." I shook my head quickly.

"No, I read that it's unhealthy to drink from other vampires." I told her. She giggled at that.

"Yeah... I don't believe that. A lot of mates drink and feed off one another... and I have drank from countless vampires before. It'll be fine if you have a little." I nodded and then took her wrist, biting into it and started to drink her blood. She smiled at me and then looked out at the lake as she let me get as much as I wanted. She hummed softly to herself and then started to play with my hair with her free hand. I pulled back when I felt full then licked my lips. I looked towards my skates then and checked the blades before looking out at the lake, tempted to go back out there. Raven giggled as she watched me. "Go on, I will watch. You're very graceful at it.... It's amazing," she told me and then gestured to the lake. I nodded.

"Thanks, I've been at it almost all my life." I got back up and started for the lake again, when I was on the ice, I put the headphones back in to continue what I had been doing before. After another few hours, I saw Louis joining Raven on the blanket as he laid back and watched me with interest, making Raven giggle at him. My phone died then in my pants, making my music cut off. I stopped then and pulled my headphones off then started to skate back to them. Looks like I've been out on the ice too long if my phone died on me. I laughed softly as I reached them and then sat down on the ground, pulling the skates off.

"Hey Ann," Louis purred my way. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date later tonight in your car," he said and dangled some keys in the air. I looked the keys over and then picked my skates up and slipped into my shoes as I walked up to him.

"You bought me a car?" I asked him.

"Yes," he said and sat up. "You should have a car." I sat down on the blanket with them and smiled.

"Thanks for the car." I went for the keys then. "What'd you buy me?"

"One of the newer cars that have the auto drive option," he said and handed me the keys. "It's a black convertible." I nodded and put the keys in my pocket then thought over my answer for him.

"I don't know, I might be tired." I told him, deciding to play hard to get. He looked at me, seeming a little upset, but he hid it.

"Well, I wouldn't want you to be overly tired.... We can go tomorrow then," he said and got Raven giggling at him.

"Awwww, you are finding it hard, aren't you Louis?" Louis looked at her and frowned.


"Because you're used to getting your way," she told him and smirked. "You were able to make your last mate do what you wanted easily because of what he was and the fact that he needed you, and you got him to love you quickly. You don't know how to make a girl like you though, do you?" I laughed then as I looked Louis over. Oh yeah, I am so going to play hard to get for as long as I can.... a century maybe five? Louis looked at Raven.

"Oh yeah? I know a certain girl who has been having problems getting her mate to hold her hand," he shot back. She froze up then curled up on the blanket.

"Don't talk about that.... That's mean...."

"Very mean. Don't talk to Raven like that." I snapped towards Louis. He frowned and looked at me.

"She just...." He sighed and then got to his feet. "Whatever. Watch out with Raven, Ann. She can act completely insane like that," he said and snapped his fingers. "You don't want to be near her when something triggers it."

"What?" I asked and frowned. "She's not insane." I grabbed Raven's hand. "You're the insane one." Raven blushed and looked up at me then away quickly.

"U-ummm... I do.. sometimes," she whispered, under her breath to where I almost couldn't hear her. "I was worse two centuries back." Louis walked up and gently touched my head, showing me the old Raven who would snap and go insane in seconds, showing me one of her episodes from when Paris and Richard had been taken away. He pulled his hand back and then looked towards Raven.

"She has gotten a lot better about it though," he whispered and smiled. "She's more sweet, and she is very helpful." Raven smiled at him then.

"Thanks Louis. You're not a jerk like you used to be either."

"He is a jerk." I assured her. "He's a jerk towards new people." She giggled then and shook her head.

"Not like he used to be! You should've seen him when I met him! He locked his brother in a box for ten years and kidnapped his brother's mate and kept him from Paris when Paris finally got out, and then Louis declared war on his twin! No, if you think he's bad now, he was worse a long time ago. By now, you would've been sleeping in his bed instead of in a separate room, whether or not you would've had sex yet, I don't know... but he was waaaaaay worse." Raven looked up at Louis with a smirk who looked at her with his own little smirk. I frowned and then scooted a few inches away from Louis, remembering last night. He glanced my way and frowned.

"Ann?" He knelt down in front of me. "Look, if you're worried about me, I'll let you know that I plan on taking my time about this. I want a good relationship with you, not a rushed one. You're my mate for eternity, and I want you to be happy."

"We're staying in separate bedrooms." I told him. He laughed.

"Till you're comfortable with me," he purred and then leaned in and kissed my cheek. "I guess you don't have to learn to fight.... You'll just have to stick by me in case something bad happens though... or I could have Isabelle watch over you in an attack."

"Ha!" I laughed at the thought. "Yeah... You do realize you'll never get me in the gym with you." I told him and smirked. He sighed and gave a nod.

"Yeah... I am starting to realize that," he told me and then grabbed my hand gently. "That's fine though.... It just means that it'll give me a better reason to stay by you more." I took my hand from him and got to my feet.

"I think we should go back to the manor now." I looked towards Raven. She smiled and stood up, taking my hand and then teleported us back to it. I pulled back from her and then started for my bedroom, already feeling my legs aching from the hours I spent skating.

Louis's POV:

I frowned as I watched Raven teleport away with her then stood up and picked up their mess and teleported back to the manor. "ROSE!" I called out and then teleported into her room and walked over to her bed, getting in it with her. She was on her laptop, watching a movie.

"Yeah?" She asked me, putting Mean Girls on pause. She turned towards me then. I looked up at her and then frowned.

"Can you give me some advice?" She nodded.

"What kind of advice?" She asked me. "As a sister or a doctor?"

"Sister and girl kind of advice," I said and then sat up a bit. "I met my new mate... but I'm having problems. She's been blowing me off." Rose laughed then and sat up, sitting the laptop aside then brought me closer.

"So you want to get closer to her, right?" Rose asked me. I nodded and touched her hand, showing her all my memories of Ann so she'd know what was going on exactly.

"Good job apologizing to her." Rose complimented. "That was her obvious want out of you. You should've gave her chocolates or something though. Give her gifts when you seen her. Small things, not cars and rockets." She suggested. "Instead of suggesting dates surprise her with dates. Girls like surprises... unless it's a 'surprise I got you drunk and pregnant'." She laughed and rubbed my head. "That's something you can start doing. Ask her about her past life too, before she came to the manor, and introduce her to more then just your old mate. Take her around the manor too. This place has loads of history for her to explore. Oh, show her the library, everyone loves the library." I nodded as I soaked in her advice, wanting to get the best idea of what to do.

"Okay... so not cars... but candy... surprise dates... and ask about her previous life and show her the manor?" I made a mental list then. "What if she doesn't want candy?"

"Oh, and since she woke up early to avoid meeting you in the morning you should start a small competition with her. Odds are she's bound to wake up and do it again in the morning. It's good to know when you've been beaten. Girls like guys that pay attention. Wake up early and be at her door, waiting. She'll be taken by surprise. Give her roses and then offer her something nice.., like the frozen pool idea." She suggested. I nodded again.

"Okay... should I start dressing up a little nicer like button up shirts or something?" I asked her. "Girls like that stuff... right?"

"Be yourself Louis." She told me. She winked then. "Go ask her again about that date... but I think you should go set something special up on the lake." She smirked. "That'll interest her." I thought it over and gave a nod then got out of her bed.

"Thank you Rose," I said and gave her a smile. "I'll tell you how it goes."

~Time Skip brought to you by the games~

I knocked on Ann's door and sighed as I held a small rose behind my back, waiting on her to answer the door. Ann opened the door after a few minutes and looked me over then gave a small smile.

"Louis?" She asked and then opened the door a little more. She had changed her clothes since the last time I seen her and was in leggings and a dressy long shirt. She had put her hair up into a messy bun. "What's behind your back?" I smirked slightly.

"Hmm? This?" I asked and then pulled the rose out from behind my back and showed her. "I thought it was pretty when I was walking through the garden, so I thought I'd bring it to you, thinking you'd like it." I held it out to her and watched her carefully. She looked towards the rose and blushed as she took it from me and smelled it.

"Awe, you didn't have to Louis." She looked up at me and bit her bottom lip. Score one for Rose's advice! Why didn't I go to her sooner?

"No... Roses are to be admired, just like all pretty things," I purred and brushed some of her hair over her ear then put my hand back at my side. "I had some dinner made for you, if you'd like to come eat with me." She raised an eyebrow.

"What'd you cook for me?" She asked. I smiled at her.

"I had a really nice salad made for you and also some salmon to go with it," I said. "I noticed you wanted a salad when you first came here... so I thought I'd make up for your ruined salad earlier and make you a new one." She held up a finger.

"Give me a minute." She shut the door in my face then. I raised an eyebrow but calmly waited for her as I leaned against the wall. She came back out, having slipped on her flats and then shut the door behind her. "Okay, let's go." I nodded and took her hand, teleporting her to where I had dinner set up for her outside on the pool that was frozen solid now for her skating tomorrow and polished. I led her over to a table on the ice that was lit up with candles and then pulled her seat out for her, brushing some rose petals that were surrounding the table aside as I did so. She took her seat then and looked around at the rose petals then up at me. I smirked slightly and pushed her chair in for her then teleported into the kitchen, grabbing our plates then teleported out to her and set it down in front of her.

"Bon appetite," I said lightly and then took my seat across from her. I had more plans to catch her attention after she would finish eating, some certain plans to do with her frozen lake. She picked up the fork and then looked over her plate in awe before she started to eat. I took a minute before I took a bite of my food and started to eat. "So Ann... how did you meet Brook?" I asked her softly, wondering about that. It must be an interesting story. She looked up towards me and then blushed.

"Uhmmmmm I was skating on a lake." She told me, beginning her story. "When suddenly the ice broke on me and I fell straight into ice cold water. Brook saved me and then took me in as one of her favorite pets." She blushed as she remembered it. "That was several weeks ago." I frowned.

"I'm sorry about Brook.... I know how some pets can get close to their masters. I'm very close to my own two pets." Ann nodded slowly.

"Brook was very kind towards me and William was very sweet..." She rubbed her cheek then. "They never bit me." I smiled.

"Yes, I met William before. He was definitely one of a kind," I whispered. "They both were.... If you would like... I could show you more of them anytime that you'd want. What I have of them that is.... I knew Brook's maker too, and William's maker lives right here in the manor with us." Ann smiled towards me.

"William's maker is here?" She asked me curiously. I smiled at her a little more then and took a bite of my food.

"Yes, I can introduce you to him tomorrow if you'd like. He's mated to my twin," I told her.

"Paris, right?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Yes, William's maker was named Richard Dracula- though I think he started calling himself a Grimm a few centuries back. He is mated to my twin Paris," I explained. "He lives right here in the manor with us, and he'd love to meet you. He loved William out of all his newborns. William was one of his favorites." She smiled softly.

"Seems like we were bound to meet then." She whispered. I smiled at her and took another bite.

"I'll be introducing you then," I purred. "I'm sorry that I can't introduce you to Brook's maker though.... He wasn't as nice... and he died a few centuries back due to some... war choices," I whispered to her. "He had it out for our family most of his life, though I did partner with him once when I was mad at my twin."

"Brooklyn said she never really cared for her maker anyways." Ann told me. I laughed.

"I would understand why. He was not a nice vampire. In fact, Raven used to be his lover a very long time ago, but she left him." I smiled and then held out my hand towards her. "If you'd like, I wouldn't mind showing you a little bit more about Brook and William. I don't mind sharing my memories with those around me." She reached out for my hand then and grabbed it. I smiled at her and then began to show her where my memory picked up with Brook and then with William, showing her what I knew and what I had heard. I showed her a little bit about Richard, and I even showed her a small bit about Dante, one of the good times and one of the times when I just wanted to- well... you know. I pulled my hand back when I finished and watched her. She brought her hand back a few inches and she took a bite of her food. I took a bite of my food and let the moment sit for a few minutes as I let her take in what I had shown her then glanced back up at her. "What were your parents like?" I asked her softly.

"Well my dad is a doctor and my mom is into breeding horses for races. They're both very kind. I have two older brothers. One is a football player for a university but I can't remember which one and the other just enlisted into the navy." She told me. "I keep in touch." I smiled at her and then took a bite of my food.

"It sounds like they are a really good family to you.... I'm happy you are able to keep in touch with them," I told her and laughed slightly. At least someone has had a good, normal family around here. She nodded.

"Yeah, my parents are like destined to be together in their own special way. You should see them together." She smiled as she thought about them. I laughed and then took another bite of my food, finishing up. I picked up my drink and sipped on it.

"That's very good," I purred. "I would have been worried if you had told me that your parents had gotten a divorce. I know some couples do that in the human world- most of them."

"Nope. They're very happy." She told me and then focused on her food. I let her, deciding that it was enough questioning for now. I finished up my drink and then pulled out my phone, texting the butler I had ordered to help me with the surprise to get ready and head out to the lake. I glanced up at her.

"After you finish, I'd like to show you something," I whispered. "It's something that I think you'll enjoy." She looked towards me curiously.

"What would that be?" She asked. I smirked.

"I can't tell you or else it won't be a surprise," I purred playfully. She nodded and then started to finished the food on her plate. When she was finished, I stood up and took her plate away, teleporting into the kitchen where I sat it down then teleported back out to her. I helped her up and then pulled a blindfold out of my pocket. "Do you mind? I kind of don't want you to know what it is just yet. I promise nothing weird will happen." She frowned.

"Okay... I swear you better not be doing something funny though." She stood up and then waited for me to put it on. I smiled at her.

"My intentions are pure," I whispered to her and then put it on her. I grabbed her hand then teleported her out to the lake that was lit up by the full moon and looked around for the butler. He looked up at me from a few feet away and then got his violin ready. I smirked and then took the blindfold off of her. "Ann," I started and then gave a small bow as the bulter began to play a waltz by Beethoven, "would you give me the honor of having a dance with you under the full moon and the stars?" She blushed and then nodded, taking my hand.

"Okay prince charming. Did you over hear what I was skating too?" She asked me softly. I smiled at her as I pulled her close then placed a hand on her waist.

"No... was it Beethoven though? I love his music," I told her. "It's perfect." She nodded slightly and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I may have been listening to him." She whispered. I smirked and then started to lead her to the music, listening as I heard the hunting howls of the werewolves far off in the distance behind the music. She looked into my eyes curiously then up at the moon. I glanced at it and blushed slightly. Oh... a full moon.... I shut down those thoughts quickly though, wanting to focus on her as I spun her out and then back to me, leaning her back. I smirked and looked towards her lips then up at her eyes before I let her back up, deciding that I'd let it wait until later. I continued the waltz on the ice with her, paying no attention to the moon or the howls anymore. "Louis?" She asked softly. "Who gave you this idea?" I frowned and looked at her.

"Which idea?"

"This one." She told me. I thought about telling her about it and then decided to be honest.

"Well... it wasn't completely my idea. Most of this was... but it was my sister who suggested that I should surprise you and take you on the lake since how you liked it. The waltz and music was me."

"Uh-huh? Your sister." She looked me over with a small smirk. I laughed.

"You want to meet her?"

"Maybe later." She admitted.

"She'd love to meet you too... She's one of Raven's friends, so you'll probably meet her soon whether it's with me or with Raven. You'd like her.... I did ask her for advice about how to impress you," I admitted to her softly. "She suggested the lake."

"She suggested correctly." Ann whispered. "I like this." She leaned her head against my chest then as we danced. I smiled and held her close as I led her to the music for a few hours. When I felt like she was getting tired, I stopped and then pulled her into a small hug, leaning in and kissing her cheek.

"Come on, let's get you to bed," I whispered to her then nodded to the butler who looked ready to pass out and was shivering in the cold. I teleported her back to outside her room and smiled softly. I enjoyed myself tonight... and it wasn't even that bad.... I should do this again. She pulled away from me and opened her door then started to walk in but stopped and looked towards me.

"Goodnight Louis." I smirked and gave a nod.

"Goodnight Ann.... Have sweet dreams," I purred to her as I shut her door. I listened in for a few minutes, making sure she made it to her bed before I left for my room and fell into it, curling up as I passed out.