The Kishin's Madness

Keegan's POV:

Elister looked at me as he held out a bottle of blood my way and smiled. It was getting about time that Hiko said he'd be back on with a few minutes left till the hour. I grabbed the bottle and looked it over before popping the cap off and took a sip from it. "Would you like me to prepare another dose for you to play?" He asked me curiously. "Or would you prefer to wait?"

"Go ahead and prepare." I told him and then finished the bottle quickly. He started to do some things then got up and walked over, wiping my neck clean with a wipe. I watched him and sat the empty bottle down by my feet. One of my cameras flickered then and switched to where it was outside of my sibiling's hang out room. Rory had stepped out of the room with a pissed off expression. Elister noticed it and frowned slightly.

"Would you like to deal with it... or do you want to play the game now?" He asked me, glancing back.

"I better deal with it first." I told Elister then got out of my chair and walked over to the door and set up the finger password system and smirked. There's no way Rory will be able to get in now. Elister started to pick up my room then, cleaning up the trash and wiped down my computers and surfaces of dust like he did when he didn't have much to do. I made the hall outside my computer room cold so Rory wouldn't want to walk down the hall then went back towards the game chair and sat down in it then looked at the cameras outside the room, checking the hall for him. Rory appeared on one of them but he froze up at the beginning of the hall and then looked hesitant for a few minutes before he turned and left the hall. I laughed softly. It worked. "Okay, let's get me in the game." He looked towards me and smiled, walking over. He sat down in the chair beside me and then injected me with the liquid data for it and then pulled away, giving me a kind smile as my vision began to blacken like last time.

I was confronted with the same screen to pick a game to play from Elister's database. I picked Soul Eater when I found it then waited. The loading screen popped up, and I soon woke up on the bed I had left myself in. I noticed the room was way different from last time and now contained books and music cases on the bookshelves and our work desks had different lamps on them along with a laptop on each of them. I saw the violin that I had been eyeing down in the store at the foot of my bed along with some sheet music for it. I got to my feet quickly and walked over to the violin then picked it up. I looked it over as I opened the case then gasped. He's so in trouble... I was going to buy myself this. I sat it down on my bed and pulled up the map to see if he was on. He was in the main living room of the dorms, probably trying to meet other players. I walked over to the door then, tucking the map away. I walked down to the main living room and looked around for him then walked up to him.

"Hey." I grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer to me. "You went and bought me that violin." I whispered. He looked at me in shock and then relaxed as he saw it was me and smiled.

"Hey Keegan," he said softly and then laughed. "I thought you'd like it. I saw you eyeing it down in the store, and I had extra time today, so I did some extra bonus missions and worked at the café today to get it and some extra stuff like these," he said and laughed happily as he showed me his headphones. "I still have a lot left over.... There are a lot of bonus missions you can do around here, and some come back every hour." He had his new headphones around his neck, hidden slightly by the hoodie he was wearing. "I also did some extra weapon missions today after I talked to some of the other players. Apparently you can learn how to transform certain parts of you if you take one of the main character weapons from the original anime as your role model after talking to them. I took Soul as my role model to learn how, and he gave me a mission to learn the ability. It was really cool! I figured it help you in the future when we play." He gave me a sweet smile as he watched me.

"You did a lot without me." I mumbled. "Have you found out about classes?" I asked him curiously. He nodded and smiled.

"Yes, I did. Our class starts soon. I sent your schedule to you. Oh, and there is also this thing that happens once a year- the DWMA ball or something like that. Only EAT students who are above level twenty get an invitation, and if they attend, they get entered into the storyline of Soul Eater with the whole Asura thing. Apparently if you win and do the most during it, you become the top player and then you get rewards and stuff for the year until the invitations are sent out again," he said and then tugged on his wrist to get it back from me. I let his wrist go.

"Sounds like we'll be doing that pretty soon." I smirked at the thought of getting into the storyline. That'd be fun... I wonder if we can go mess with Asura right now... I should try later. He laughed.

"I was thinking the same thing. I asked how it works, and they said that if you enter it, you're put in a separate realm than this one but it looks exactly the same. It's to protect the ones who didn't join or are NOT students because the kishin line disappears and they can get all the way up the steps of the school apparently and sometimes into the dorms," he said. "It's pretty dangerous."

"Do you want to try for it?" I asked him curiously. He looked thoughtful and then gave a nod.

"I'd like to.... The cut off is in a few months," he whispered.

"Hah, fresh meat is gonna try to make the cut off," one of the miesters said from the other side of the room as he watched us. His weapon glanced at us and smirked.

"We'll be able to do it." I whispered to him. "Don't let the others dumb you down." I grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the main room and pulled up the map. "Let's get to our class." He followed after me, keeping up as he didn't fight to get his wrist back from me. He glanced around curiously and then shrunk towards me when a few older players looked towards us with weird looks... like they were judging us. I gave them a judgmental look then and smirked. One saw it and glared me down, pulling his weapon partner to him as he watched me. Hiko got closer to me as he saw them and looked a little nervous as he tried a smile towards them, but they didn't smile back. I glared them down then and pulled Hiko with me. "Don't pay them any attention." He glanced at me and then nodded, looking down at the ground.

"But we live in the same dorm house as them.... Shouldn't we try to find another partner group to try to become friends with?"

"Is that what you want?" I asked him. "We can try after class." He nodded and looked up at me with a small smile.

"How was your night last night?" He asked me softly as we walked.

"Well after I logged off I went and trained a bit with the samurai swords my parents own." I told him. "Then my brother Rory snatched me from the gym with Shiloh and Sage and they made me sleep with them. This morning I escaped and played my violin for a few hours and here we are." I smirked. "Not very interesting." He looked at me in wonder.

"You were actually training with samurai swords? That's so cool..." He trailed off as he watched me.

"Yeah, my family owns a whole bunch of weapons." I told him. "Mostly guns.. so I was happy when I found the sword selection." He laughed.

"That's so awesome... I own a katana, but that's about it.... It's under my bed in my room," he whispered and then smiled softly.

"After we get some friends we should go practice together." I suggested. "I need to get used to using you." He blushed and then gave a small nod.

"O-okay," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. I watched him curiously then smirked.

"Don't take that the wrong way." I whispered to him. His blush deepened and his eyes widened slightly. He tugged on his wrist then to get it back from me. I let his wrist go and laughed then looked through my menu and found the class schedule then looked it over. He started to walk ahead of me, brushing past me. I caught his scent again, catching my attention slightly. I grabbed his wrist then and pulled him back to me and smelled him again. He blushed and went to pull away from me quickly, yelping. I pulled him back as I continued to smell him and wondered if it was just a glitch. He blushed and started to struggle, but his scent was still coming through like I had caught it. He smelled like sakura blossoms and he reminded me of a gorgeous flower garden like you'd see in Japan, but I could smell something under it that was catching my attention more than that... it called out to me. I pulled away from him them and hummed softly as I walked past him towards the class room. He trembled but followed me after a few minutes, keeping his distance from me now. I walked into the classroom, looking around as I seen it was mostly empty since we arrived early. He walked past me over to the corner of the classroom and sat in it, away from those who were in here and brought his knees up to his chest as he played with his menu slightly. He put his headphones over his ears and then curled up, resting his head against his arms that he put around his knees and held a music player in one of his hands as he stayed in a ball in his seat behind the desk he had chosen. I sat down by him and then looked towards the people in the room. I thought he'd want to mingle before class began.... Heh... He's funny. I could hear him listening to one of my favorite bands, under the chatter of the few students in here. I looked towards him then grabbed his hand and started to tickle his palm. He yelped and sat up, looking at me with wide eyes and blushed, trying to get his hand back as he held in his laughs from being tickled. I let his hand go and smirked towards him playfully. He watched me and then pouted as he moved his headphones down off his ears and around his neck.

"Keegan..." he mumbled and looked me over. "Why'd you smell me like that?"

"You wouldn't understand." I whispered to him. He frowned and then set his music player down on the desk.

"Why not?" I looked around us then leaned in towards him then. I sighed and then smirked as I thought about how I could tell him.

"My family..." I began, keeping my voice low in his ear. "Is different." He bit his bottom lip but didn't move away from me.

"What do you mean by different?" He whispered back. I shook my head and then shrugged.

"My family is different." I told him plainly. "We're special.... Sort of... well not normal." I explained. He watched me and tilted his head.

"Like a bunch of weirdos... or what?" He mumbled, looking confused.

"No." I told him. "Just different." I looked off from him then. He bit his bottom lip gently and watched me for a few more minutes before he gave a nod.

"Okay... I guess I can accept the weird smelling thing.... It's not that bad... just strange," he mumbled to me and then put his headphones back on, looking down at his desk. I looked towards him curiously then. I need to meet him in person... He caught me watching him and gave me a small smile before he started to trace his fingers on the desk, drawing shapes with them. I watched him draw the shapes curiously. It looked like he was drawing circles and swirls on his desk along with zigzags thrown in the mix. He laughed a little and reached over to me, taking my hand and then pulled it to him. "Look, I guess it's really not that weird," he said and then smelled my wrist before he let it go and smirked at me. "There.... Now we're even." I blushed and looked towards my wrist.

"What do I smell like?" I asked him. He looked thoughtful and then gently took my wrist back and smelled me again.

"You smell like a box of chocolates," he mumbled to me. I laughed and nodded.

"I get it from my mother. She smells like chocolate, oranges, tea, and coffee." I told him. He laughed and gave a half smile, one of the corners of his lips pulling up slightly.

"That is an interesting combination," he whispered and then smelled me again and blushed before he gently let me go and looked away.

"Hey.... Do some research on my family." I told him and winked. He looked back at me and frowned.

"Do.. some research? Um... okay," he mumbled and gave me a shy look. "I guess I could if you want me to."

"Yeah, there are some interesting conspiracies about my family that you might like." I told him. He laughed slightly and then nodded, tapping a finger on his desk.

"Okay," he said. "I'll look into it and tell you my favorite conspiracy tomorrow." I laughed.

"I would love to hear your favorite one and then I will tell you if they're true or not." I teased him. He was about to say something when Stein rolled in on a chair and fell into the floor on the doorstop. He got up and patted himself off then sat back down and rolled to the center of the room.

"Welcome to the EAT class students! Today we will hold a mock tournament," he said and then smirked. "After I call roll, I will divide you into two sides and the one that comes out on top will receive an A for the day," he told us and then started to call roll. When he got to us, Hiko called here with me and then he started to divide up the room, sending half the students to the other side of the room then called two partner pairs up to fight. Hiko moved closer to me with his seat and then wrapped his arms around mine and rested his head against me, shaking slightly as he watched the students start to fight. I watched curiously as the students fought. How typical for the first day. I laughed, wondering what the failing side's grade would be. Our side's guy got kicked to the ground as the other held the blade of his partner's sword to the other's throat, making Stein smirk. "That side wins," he said pointing to the other side. "You may pick a person from the other side to battle whoever you want on your side that hasn't already gone," he told them. I rested my head on my hand then as I looked towards the winning side and chuckled. They started to talk to each other as their guys came back and sat down. They eventually sent a girl out with her male weapon partner then called out two girls from our side. After a few battles of us winning and the other side winning, our side eventually looked towards us and started to whisper among themselves as they were trying to find someone to go out to fight someone of their choice. Hiko watched them then looked towards the other side, studying them. I looked at Hiko then and smirked. Looks like we're about to go up. One of the girls from the group walked up to us and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Are you the miester?" She asked me and glanced us over and frowned slightly as she saw how close Hiko was to me.

"Yeah." I told her. "This is my weapon partner." I told her. She smiled then.

"The group is wondering if you'd like to go ahead and fight," she told us and gestured to the fighting area. "We're planning on calling that girl out over there," she pointed a girl who was painting her nails while her weapon partner was reading a book. I frowned as I watched the two and looked at Hiko.

"What do you want?" I asked him. "Are you ready for a fight?" I asked, already pulling him to his feet. There's no way he'd say no. I have no problem in fighting girls. "It'll be easy to take them out." I whispered in his ear. He widened his eyes.

"N-no," he mumbled looking towards the headphones on his desk longingly. The girl examined us and smirked slightly. I pulled him down the steps anyways, ignoring what he wanted. He yelped and stumbled along. "Kee-"

"We want those two!" The girl called out, pointing to the two girls they said they wanted us to fight. The girls looked up and groaned, getting to their feet and walked down to the fighting area. I smirked at the girls and looked towards Keegan.

"Let me see that pretty blade of yours." I whispered in his ear, messing with him. He looked the girls over as the one who had been reading shifted into a pistol. He widened his eyes and quickly shifted as the girl shot at me, not even giving me time to prepare. I dodged the bullet like my father had taught me once when training me. I sung his blade around then as I went to charge the girls quickly. I'll have to get close to get a hit, unlike them. The miester tsked and then shot at me again as she backed up, keeping her distance from me. I felt pain go through my left leg then as another gunshot went off.

"Keegan," Hiko whispered, sounding worried for me.

"I'm fine." I assured him and then kept going towards the girls and hit the miester with Hiko, throwing her back. She screamed and then fell to the floor.

"Mina!" The weapon called out to her miester.

"I know," she hissed out in pain and then sat up, glaring me down. She lifted the pistol up and narrowed her eyes, pulling the trigger as she leveled it to my head.


Everything went black and a staticy screen appeared in front of me as everything froze up and I found it hard to move. The words 'game over' appeared in red lettering. I groaned. After a few seconds, it asked if I would like to rejoin the game or quit for now, telling me that I would wake in the infirmary if I chose to rejoin. I sighed and decided to rejoin the game. After a few minutes, I slowly woke up in the infirmary with Medusa standing over me and peering down at me with a frown. I sat up quickly and went to get out of the bed.

"Hi Medusa." I waved towards her. She smirked at me.

"You had a nasty shot in your leg, Mr. Grimm," she said and then walked over to me. A menu popped up in front of me, asking me if I would like to receive a healing stat. I clicked accept and watched her.

"Yeah, no kidding." I laughed out. "I got my head blown off too I'm guessing." She laughed and gave a nod before she started to mess around in her cabinets then walked over to me, handing me a few pills.

"Take those. They will help your healing regenerate faster for five hours, and they will also give you about 10% more health," she told me and then put a hand to her chin, watching me. "Your weapon was asking about you a few minutes ago before you came back."

"Yeah? Is he upset with me?" I asked her and then took the pills she gave me. She laughed.

"No, it was quite cute," she said and smirked as she looked me over. "He was all flustered and scared and I believe he was crying too... not the sobbing kind of crying...."

"Crying?" I smiled softly. "For me?" I laughed. "It's just a game though." She shrugged.

"He said something about how sometimes the games can feel so real that they'll mess with a person's head and make them traumatized," she told me. "Then he started going on and on about how he should've practiced a little more while you were offline." I nodded.

"Nah, it was my fault anyways for taking on someone with guns and I only had a sword." I started for the door. "Goodbye Medusa."

"See you later," she called after me, sounding like she was smirking at me. I looked behind me at her then walked out and pulled up the map to look for Hiko. He was wandering the halls of the school, kind of near the hall that would lead to the basement but not quite there yet. I started for him then, taking a shortcut to get to the hall he was on. When I reached him, he was nearing the hall, glancing down it as he hesitated then slowly began to walk down it. I took off after him then and snuck up behind him then hugged him, making him stop walking. "Hey~" I whispered in his ear. "Was you crying for me? Medusa told on you." He yelped and tensed up, looking back at me and then turned around in my arms, hugging me around the neck.

"I'm sorry I couldn't keep her from shooting you," he mumbled and then pulled back slightly to look at me but still had his arms around me. He blushed slightly and then looked away as he moved his hands to my arms. "I... was worried," he admitted. "But that snake shouldn't have said anything." I smirked and let him get out of my arms then pulled him down the hall, where he was wanting to go.

"Come on, let's explore. I'm fine." I told him and shrugged. He nodded and looked around as the hall started to get darker and creepy. We eventually came across a door that looked like it led to the downstairs area. Hiko looked at it and then walked up, pushing it open and peeked down the stairs.

"Wooow.... that's where Asura is," he whispered and then pushed the door open all the way, revealing some stairs. I started down them then with Hiko. When we reached the bottom of them, a force field like power stopped us and we both heard a ding as our menus popped up in front of us, telling us both that we were too low level to access this area. Hiko pouted and then looked past the force field area and reached out, touching it. "That's not cool.... He's just in a bag of his own skin. It can't hurt to go this way...."

"Want to see if I can hack our way in?" I asked him softly. "I'm really curious." He looked at me and then bit his bottom lip, glancing ahead and then sat down on the ground, giving me a nod. I smirked and then opened up the menu and looked around for a bit and then swiped the menu aside then thought about a cheat code system, wondering if it'll pop up. "Elister...." I whispered. "Help me out here." Elister appeared in front of me then and smiled.

"Master Keegan?" I smirked towards him.

"Open that." I pointed towards the field in front of us. He looked at it and then nodded.

"Okay," he said and then held his hand up. Codes started to flash in his eyes as they glowed a light blue while he attempted to hack the game for me. Hiko looked at him in awe, watching. I smirked, glad he was doing this for me... This is so cool... I looked towards Hiko and held out my hand towards him.

"Come on." I told him. He looked at my hand with a funny look then glanced up at me before he hesitantly reached out and took it, getting to his feet. Elister flicked his hand then and lifted his other hand as he seemed to be typing something out on the forcefield. He was muttering under his breath and then finally closed his eyes and dropped his hands as a shimmering blue like his eyes shone on the forcefield then disappeared. He grabbed us and led us past it then let go. I smirked. "Thanks Elister. Stand by." I told him and then started to walk further with Hiko. Hiko glanced back at Elister who was waiting where I left him then looked at me.

"That was cool," he whispered, looking awestruck.

"Yeah, he's pretty cool for a robot. I'm going to upgrade him later." I whispered to Hiko. He nodded and then tilted his head.

"What kind of upgrade?" He asked me.

"I'm thinking about doing some Frankenstein stuff to him and putting him in a dead body." I admitted. He bit his bottom lip as he thought about that.

"Isn't that... slightly wrong? Did you ask him if he was okay with that? I toured the place where they made them, and they said they may have a conscious."

"Ummm...." I thought about Dannie then and frowned... I guess it would be slightly wrong if Elister had a conscious and what not... "You're probably right... I guess I won't upgrade him."

"Well ask him first," he mumbled. "Those guys said they weren't sure if they could think about what was happening to them or not... He might just be a bunch of codes and hooked up to unlimited data... or he might be able to think."

"I'll run him through some tests then." I decided. I looked around at the place, wondering if Asura's madness was going to hit us at some point. Hiko nodded.

"Tell me how that goes. I've been wondering about it because those guys weren't interested in whether or not they had a conscious. They said it wouldn't matter... but I think it does," he whispered to me and then held onto my hand as he glanced around. He widened his eyes as he saw how the walls were starting to change and get more crazy looking as we wandered on. I nodded and pulled him further, looking for Asura.

"Asura!" I called. He laughed slightly and held onto my hand a little tighter. He suddenly looked over at me and smirked before he shoved me up against a wall and looked me over. I saw his teeth sharpen and his eyes turned red as he leaned in and bit into my neck, tearing my skin. I let out a moan then and closed my eyes tightly. Wow... Asura really knows me~ He snarled and then transformed into Asura, pinning me down with his scarves as he smirked and leaned in, tearing off the skin on my face with his teeth. "Asura~ Is this the best you can do?" I asked him, closing my eyes. "I'm a vampire, I've seen worse." It all disappeared then and I was standing right where I had been with Hiko, except Hiko was on the floor screaming as he covered his ears with his hands tightly with his eyes squeezed shut. I got down on my knees and shook him, trying to snap him out of it. "Hiko, it's not real." I told him. He shrieked as I touched him like it was burning him. I let him go then and sighed, sitting down by him and waited for him to come out of it. After a few minutes, his eyes snapped open and he sat up quickly, looking around in panic as his whole body shook. He ran his fingers through his hair and tugged on it and then curled up, bringing his knees to his chest. "It wasn't real. None of this is." I told him and laughed. "Ready to go further?" I asked. He looked at me and then flinched slightly, but he gave me a shaky nod. I motioned for him to get up and take my hand. He got up and took my hand then took a step forward, walking with me as we continued to look for Asura. He eventually started to relax at my side, mumbling something about it just being a game. "Yeah, it's just a game." I reminded. He gave a nod and tried a smile but it looked fake.

"Mhmm," he hummed out, his voice shaking just a bit. He squeezed my hand slightly and then loosened his grip as he stared straight ahead of us, his eyes locked on something. I looked ahead of us then. At least Asura didn't use my brother against me. Rory pealing my face off would be scary... His hand slipped from mine then as he fell back onto the ground, a scapel lodged in his throat from the darkness. He didn't even have time to scream and his body slowly disappeared as Stein walked out from the shadows, twisting his screw as he hummed to himself. He smirked at me.

"You kiddos aren't supposed to be down here," he said and narrowed his eyes.

"Dang, already getting caught?" I asked him and frowned. "You didn't have to kill my friend, Stein." He smirked.

"But of course I did.... I couldn't have you defending yourself... now could I?" He started to walk towards me then, pulling out a scapel. I frowned.

"I can still defend myself." I told him.

"We'll see about that," he said and then laughed as he got closer. It suddenly all disappeared and I was standing in front of Asura's bag in the makeshift temple thing. Asura appeared in front of me and smirked before he snatched me up by my throat and threw me at the bag as it enveloped me and then I was being suffocated. I was standing back in front of Stein as he grabbed me and then pressed the blade against me as he dragged it down and laughed at me. "Oh... you can't even protect yourself because Asura has his hold on you," he said and shoved me up against the wall as he cut through my shirt and started to attempt to dissect me. I groaned and tried to keep calm, wondering if this was an illusion too. I smirked and then reached up towards Stein's bolt and turned it on him then shoved him back with my foot. I looked down towards my chest for a second then took off running deeper into the hall. I heard him laughing as he chased after me. "There's no where to run Keegan!"

"I'm not running from you though!" I told him and laughed. I felt him snatch me up, but as soon as I was turned around, it was Hiko holding my arm with a frightened look.

"Keegan, wake up," he begged. "Please... It's a vision." I blinked a few times and then smirked towards him.

"Did I look scared?" I asked him. He blushed and then shook his head.

"No... you looked like you were enjoying it way too much," he whispered.

"Stein was chasing me." I told him and then shrugged.

"Oh..." He bit his bottom lip and then started to walk with me, but the thing is, he didn't look as scared as he was before the vision started up and Stein had killed him.

"What's the matter with you?" I asked him curiously. He glanced over at me and frowned.

"The matter with me? Nothing is.... I want to find Asura's place." I gave him a funny look then kept walking with him. "Keegan, are you alright?" He asked me softly, holding my hand in his.

"I just don't know what is real and what isn't real." I told him. "So I'm going to remain tense." He frowned.

"This is real," he whispered to me. "I woke you up, didn't I?" I nodded.

"Yeah but you died." I told him. "In the vision." He frowned a little more.

"I didn't die.... Keegan, this isn't the vision. You smell like chocolate, and you said that your family was different- special.... You also told me to look into your family... and you said you wanted to meet me. I told you that I live in Tokyo, and I bought you that violin you wanted. Yesterday we rescued a cat out of a tree, and Medusa got to take care of you when that girl shot you in the head in class," he mumbled to me. I smirked and rubbed his head then pulled him further.

"Okay Hiko, I believe you." I smirked. He smiled up at me and then got close to me as he glanced around.

"Good... I don't want you to freak out and lose your cool. That's my job," he joked. I wrapped my arm around his neck then. He blushed and looked at it then up at me.

"How close do you think we are?" I asked him.

"I dunno," he mumbled and then leaned his head against me as he glanced around. "I think we're getting close."

"We must be." I muttered. "You'd think he'd have more madness in him being bundled up in his skin." He smirked and looked up at me.

"More madness? I think you're an adrenaline junkie."

"Maybe I should try jumping out of planes when I log out." I joked. He laughed a little and then nodded before he leaned in towards my neck and gently kissed it.

"You should," he whispered. "You'd enjoy it." I pulled back from him quickly and looked him over. He smirked at me. "What?" He asked as he stopped and watched me. I looked him in the eyes then and grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer to me. He frowned and then widened his eyes and grabbed my hand. "Keegan!" He cried out in shock. "What're you doing?!"

"Making sure you're you." I told him and let him go. "What's up with you kissing my neck?" He blushed.

"I what?"

"Are you a vampire?" I teased.

"N-no...." He blushed a deeper shade of red and looked me over. "Like... was it like this?" He asked and then leaned in and kissed my neck gently, being hesitant about it. "I seriously think I'd remember kissing your neck if I did."

"You mean...." I smirked and then leaned in towards his neck, kissing it. "You don't remember that?" He tensed up and then wrapped his arms around me as he leaned in towards my lips and kissed me. I blushed and pulled back from the kiss. "Where'd that come from?" I whispered. He smirked at me and then looked me over.

"Same place where this came from," he purred and then I felt the sharp edge of his blade as he transformed his hand and stabbed me. He shoved me back with unnatural force and laughed maniacally at me. "You really thought I would allow you to escape me that easily?" He smirked as he turned into Stein and then walked up to me and hit me with a shock wave, sending me to the floor in a ball of pain. I groaned and grabbed at where he hit me then got to my feet, stumbling towards one of the walls. He grabbed me by my head and then slammed it against the wall and laughed before he stabbed me with a scapel and then knocked me unconscious.

My vision went back to the game over screen and I saw Asura's three eye symbol flicker for a second until I was kicked out of the game, Elister bringing me back as he stood over me with a worried look. "Master Keegan! I brought you back because your heart rate was jacking up," he told me and then sighed. "You made it back though...."

"Yeah, I'm fine.... Can I get back on? Hiko might be worried." I told him and then rubbed my neck as my whole body started to ache. He winced at that.

"Sorry... I can't right now," he whispered to me.

"Why not?" I asked him.

"Because I want to spend some time with you, that's why," I heard my dad say from behind me. I tensed up a bit then and looked towards Richard.

"D-dad...." I gave a nervous smile. She smiled and walked up.

"There's my favorite little boy," she purred to me and kissed my cheek then gave me a hug. I laughed softly and pulled back.

"Sorry, I've been caught up in the game." I mumbled and went towards my phone to call Hiko and let him know I was okay. Richard nodded and gave me a smirk.

"Uh huh," she hummed and then sat beside me. I called Hiko then, giving my dad a smile. It made a disconnected signal sound.

"We're sorry, but the person you're trying to reach has disconnected their phone at the time," a girl's voice said and then it went to an annoying beeping sound. I sighed and then decided to send him a text that I was out of the game. Richard smiled and rubbed my shoulder.

"You met a friend?" She asked me as she glanced at my phone. "How sweet."

"Yeah, he's really nice." I told her, setting my phone aside. "We're partners in this game. So, what should we do?" I asked. She smirked at me.

"Well... how about we go listen to you play?" She asked and then stood up, holding out a hand to me. I nodded and grabbed her hand then got to my feet and started for the door.

"Let's go." As soon as we reached it though, she pressed me up against the door and exposed her fangs, leaning into my neck quickly then bit in hard. She moaned at the taste of my blood and then pressed against me for more as she tore out a chunk and began to feed off me. I groaned and tried to get away from her. "Dad, stop!" I hissed, shoving him away from me. She snarled and then went for me again, but Shiloh stopped her then smirked at me.

"Keegan, why haven't you come to play with me?" She asked me and looked at our Dad with a frown then wiped her lips clean before she turned back to me and walked up. I frowned as I thought it over.

"No, I made sure no one could enter my computer room." I whispered to myself. "Elister wouldm't let others in here." I looked them over. "You're not real." Shiloh hissed and exposed her fangs at me.

"Not real? You're my bubba, and I'm your sissy!" She growled at me. "How could you say I'm not real?!" She was over by me in seconds and bit into my neck hard. I closed my eyes tightly and started to count back from 100. 99, 98. 97, 96, 95..... what's next.... She snarled in my ear and then bit into my shoulder before she started to purr towards me and wrapped her arms around me. "Rory is waiting for us outside," she whispered against my skin as she licked the blood off me.

"You're not real. There's not an outside." I hissed. "Go away." She growled at me and then opened the door and shoved me into Rory's arms.

"Keegan," he growled in my ear and then spun me around. "You've been ignoring us lately! What's this I've heard about you not going to camp?!" He exposed his fangs at me.

"I-I don't want to go to camp." I told him, starting to get scared.... Oh man... this is real.... Why'd my dad bite me though? I thought I was his favorite... I looked into Rory's eyes. "You want me to get you out of camp too?" I asked. "I will..." He smirked at me then.

"You better," he purred. "I want to spend all week with my brother," he told me and then kissed my cheek.

"Okay... I will." I told him, trying to get away. "Dad! I want Rory to stay home too from camp!" Dad pouted and looked out at me.

"But I want to spend that time with you.... I'll have to put up with Rory."

"Good boy," Rory purred in my ear and then licked my neck where I had been bitten. He bit in and marked me. I let out a moan and melted against him, falling to my knees instantly.

"Rory." I whispered. He smirked and then started to drink from me, getting down on his knees to do so. I fell over, pulling him with me and closed my eyes. My dad will save me.... He'll save me. Rory tore into my neck and purred to me as he ripped out a chunk of my flesh and spat it across the hall and then pressed his face into my neck for more. I grabbed at his chest, trying to push him off. "You're hurting me Rory...." He growled at me and grabbed my hands, pinning them down. I heard Shiloh bounce over and she got down on the floor with us then leaned in to the side of my neck that Rory wasn't feeding on and bit down into me. I yelped and tried to get away from them then. "Stop!" I hissed. They growled at me and then held me down as they both started to mark me together. I moaned and stayed down then, closing my eyes tightly. "Please.... I want to go get some blood." I whispered to them. Shiloh laughed at me.

"Don't you get it Keegan? We're going to eat you that way you'll stay with us forever," she purred in my ear. I gasped and shook my head no.

"No... this still isn't real." I told myself and then grabbed a knife off of one of them and then stabbed Rory first then Shiloh. They screamed and fell off me, but Rory quickly went to Shiloh.

"Shhhh, it's alright," he told her as she was crying in pain.

"H-he stabbed us," she whimpered out as she held a hand over her stab wound.

"How could you stab your siblings?!" I heard my mom Paris shout from beside my dad. I widened my eyes and kept the knife in my hand as I took off running down the hall and towards the weapons room. My mom appeared in front of me and grabbed my by my shirt, taking the knife from me as he exposed his fangs and looked me over. "You're no son of mine," he hissed at me. He shoved me back. "Get out of the manor."

"No..." I told him. "Kill me." I dared. He narrowed his eyes and glared me down then walked up and snatched me up by my arm and started to pull me towards the front door of the manor. I could hear my dad screaming at Paris to stop as she chased after us, but Paris was too quick for her to catch up.

"No, you're going to live with what you did. You stabbed your siblings! You betrayed family! You're the scum of the earth Keegan," he hissed at me.

"No.... Dad... You're not you. You're not real. My mom taught me that you love your children. You wouldn't send me away." I told him. "That's okay... You're an illusion." I whispered softly. He narrowed his eyes and looked at me.

"What was that? You think this is a game? Your siblings are lying on the floor bleeding! One of them has a cracked stone!"

"That's too bad." I whispered and laughed. "They're feeling for the first time but it's not real." I laughed out towards him then grabbed his shirt and tried to shove him away from me. "ASURA! I know you're doing this to me." I told him. Paris narrowed his eyes and then grabbed me by the throat.

"Those games your father bought you have driven you insane.... I knew those full dive games were no good. I told him not to buy that stuff for you," he hissed as he squeezed my throat. He put his hand against my chest then and started to reach into it. "This is for your own good Keegan."

"No!" I reached for his hand then to stop him from taking my stone. "Don't take it!" I yelled out. He managed to get his hand around it and looked into my eyes, giving me a loving look but he was upset.

"I don't want to do this to you Keegan, but you're a danger to yourself and your family," he whispered to me.

"Don't take it." I begged. "It's you guys! Not me." I hissed. He shook his head and yanked it out just as Richard had caught up.

"NO!" Richard screamed and tackled Paris, but it was too late. Everything went black as I felt myself starting to decay away, my consciousness being pulled with my stone....

I woke up on the floor of the hall leading to Asura's resting place with Hiko crying and screaming beside me, his hands over his ears again as his body trembled with a look of pain on his face. "Keegan! Stop!" He begged. "Stop, it's me Keegan!" I looked over at him and then grabbed my chest, rubbing where my stone should be then grabbed Hiko and shook him. I looked on my menu then for a way to teleport us out. I've had enough of this for one day. We're probably not going to fine Asura anyways. Hiko's eyes snapped open as he panted then sat up, putting a hand over his mouth as he trembled and looked sick. I looked towards him.

"Hiko... are you okay?" I asked him. He looked at me and shrieked, crawling back from me in fear as his eyes widened.

"Stay back! I've had enough Asura! Please... no more... no more...." He started to cry.

"It's me though." I told him and then let him keep going. I didn't want to keep startling him. "I think we should leave." I told him. He whimpered and curled up into a ball as he began to calm down and gave a small nod.

"I... I believe it's you.... If it wasn't... you would've started to torture me again," he whispered.

"Come on, let's..." I looked both ways and then frowned.... I don't remember which way we was coming from... I pulled up the map and found it flickering. I looked towards him and then froze up... Oh no... What an hell of a way to go mad.... I looked in the way his feet was pointing then grabbed him and pulled him to his feet then started walking the way they had been pointing. He yelped and clung to me, holding onto me for dear life. I looked around us, hoping Stein would help us out.... Where'd he go... Was he here...

"K-Keegan... that wasn't you when you... bit me... right?" Hiko asked softly, his voice trembling against the silence.

"No." I told him, shaking my head. "I wouldn't bite you." He nodded slightly.

"I-I wasn't sure at first... because you were smelling me like before," he mumbled. "It makes sense though... I don't have a bite mark...."

"I don't have fangs in this game so I can't bite you." I told him.

"In this game?" He asked me curiously. "What're you... a vampire?"

"No, I uh... had my dentist make me fangs." I told him. "Spoiled rich kid, remember?" I asked him, tapping my teeth. He frowned.

"Why in the world would you do that to your teeth?" He asked me.

"Because I thought it would look cool." I shrugged. "Lots of kids do it in America." I explained.

"Why?" He frowned at me. "Do you try to act like a vampire in reality? I mean..." He blushed then and played with a strand of his hair. "Well... I guess I can get it.... I bought that neko stuff that you can put on to look like one and reacts to your brain wavelengths to make it show your emotions...."

"Ummm.... no... I don't pretend to be a vampire." I told him.... because I am one... He blushed at me and then gave a nod.

"So it's just a fashion statement over there that you did to your teeth?"

"Uh.... yeah, you can call it that." I shrugged. "I just thought it looked cool and my sleeping partner might like it." I winked. He sighed and looked away from me.

"Uh huh... you Americans are weird," he mumbled.

"They tell me that all the time at home. I don't need to hear it from you." I laughed. He blushed.

"S-sorry Keegan," he mumbled. "I shouldn't have called it weird.... Everyone should be able to like their own things and be themselves...."

"Right. I try to keep an open mind, you should too." I whispered in his ear. He nodded.

"Okay... but keep your bed activities to yourself," he said and laughed a little. "I don't want to know about that stuff."

"I don't have any though." I told him. "Uhmmm.... Not yet." I blushed. He gave me a big smile then.

"That's okay. You shouldn't be embarrassed about it," he told me and then stopped, freezing up. He let go of me quickly and shrieked as he fell to his knees, his eyes clouded over. I watched him and then looked around, waiting for the next illusion.... Have we been walking away or towards Asura? He put a hand over his chest and whimpered as he winced and then fell down on the ground on his face. He started to claw at his shirt then, crying out in pain. I gasped and then grabbed his feet and started to drag him then while I was still conscious. His eyes snapped open after a few minutes and he looked up at me. "K-Keegan," he called out and reached for my hand as he tried to get his foot back. He grabbed my hand as he managed to get free then stood up but fell against my chest. "Please," he whispered and gripped the front of my shirt as he rested his head against me, looking exhausted.

"Please what?" I asked him in confusion.

"Please don't leave me behind," he whispered to me and then leaned up, burying his face into the crook of my neck as he trembled. "Keegan, I'm scared."

"I'm trying to get us out of here." I told him, rubbing his head. "Don't be scared. It's a game."

"It feels so real though," he mumbled as his breath tickled my skin a little. "Everything seems real...."

"It's not though! We're in a game and we'll get out of this part of the game together. Let's go." I told him. "Together." He nodded as he wrapped his arms around me and I felt him smell me. I gasped as I watched him. "Hiko..." I whispered. He tightened his grip on me, trembling a little less. I leaned in and kissed his neck then to comfort him. He gasped and then relaxed slightly before he kissed my neck back. I looked around then. "Which way do you think we have been going?" I asked him. Seeing we was standing in four different directions now, standing right in the middle. He glanced around and then looked towards my lips then smirked. He let out a small purr before he leaned in and kissed me then leaned back towards my neck. I felt something sharp run against my skin, sending a shiver through me. I gasped and then pushed him back a bit in wonder... What... He gave me a dazed look as he looked me over and then pouted. I could see what looked like small fangs had grown in for him as he reached out for me. I widened my eyes then stepped back a few steps from him, trying to get away. He reached out and then grabbed my hand with a whine.

"Keegan... don't you like me? I'm your partner.... You said you wouldn't leave me here," he whispered.

"You don't have those though...." I pointed towards his fangs. "You're not real." I told him. He touched one with his free hand and frowned but accidentally cut himself on it. I watched him and looked at the blood curiously and stepped over to him, grabbing his finger. He yelped and looked up at me. I widened my eyes slightly and then leaned in and licked his blood, tasting it. It tasted like strawberries and sugar along with oranges, Japanese tea, and a hint of chocolate undertone. I moaned and then pushed him down onto the ground and got on top of him then started to drink his blood from his finger. He blushed and tried to get his hand back.

"K-Keegan," he mumbled as his fangs sharpened. He suddenly disappeared then and I was on the floor by myself, sucking on my own finger as the real Hiko was trembling a few feet away, slowly coming out of the illusion he was sent through before Asura made the vampire Hiko switch on me. I pulled my finger away from my mouth and groaned.

"Ass..." I hissed towards Asura. "That's so not cool..." Hiko slowly sat up and glanced around then got to his feet and walked up to me. He snatched me up and then started to drag me down the hall quickly, starting to run. I ran with him as fast as I could, trying to keep up. He ducked down a few halls and then we ran through some doors into a familiar room. Hiko froze up as we stood face to face with Asura's bag.

"Oh man...." Hiko panicked and pulled me back out. "No, no, no, no!" I pulled him closer to me then and stopped us dead in our tracks.

"Stop panicking. Let's calm down and figure out everything around us." I told him, looking around. "We might not actually be here." I muttered. He glanced around and started to nod before he moved closer to me.

"Okay.... You're the miester," he mumbled and then closed his eyes. "What do you think we should do?" I closed the doors quickly behind us and then looked around at the halls.

"We go straight." I told him, grabbing his hand and started to walk away from Asura. I heard banging from the doors then, making a shiver go through Hiko. He got close to me and then started to make us walk a little faster.

"He can't come after us." I whispered. "He's in a bag."

"He's been coming after us since we walked in here," he mumbled to me.

"Yeah, but that's all mind games." I told him. "To drive you mad enough to unleash him. We're not mad. We're over that.... we're insane." He laughed a little at that.

"Yeah... we just joined the game... and we already walked down here into a restricted area of the game.... I think that qualifies as insane," he mumbled then frowned. "Hey Keegan... you woke up in the infirmary after being killed... right? Well... what if we got ourselves killed to get out of here?"

"Sounds like a plan. I'll kill you first." I told him. His eyes widened slightly but he thought it over and gave a slight nod.

"Okay," he whispered then looked himself over. "Make it quick if you're really going to do it." I looked him over and then placed my hands on both sides of his head.

"I'll snap your neck." I whispered. He looked me in the eyes then squeezed his eyes shut, tensing up. I snapped it quickly, waiting for his body to disappear. It didn't take it long, leaving me behind. I watched him go then looked around, trying to figure out how to kill myself. After a few minutes... I sighed. Ops... I'm not a weapon and I don't have one on me. Asura appeared in front of me and smirked.

"Awww, your little friend is gone," he purred and stepped towards me. "Are you afraid?"

"No... Not really..." I sighed out. "I've seen worse." I told him and looked him over curiously. "Three eyes... How about you kill me?" He smirked at me and laughed.

"No," he told me simply. "No... but you have a thing for that boy, don't you," he asked me and then touched my cheek. He changed forms to Hiko and smiled up at me. "Keegan?"

"Hiko...." I mumbled and then pulled him closer. "I do." I whispered. "I think I do." He smiled big at me and then leaned up, kissing me on the lips softly. I shoved him back then and started to take off running down the hall. I'll get out.

"KEEGAN!" I heard Stein yell for me then as I was being chased after. I found myself back in the room with the bag and Stein shoved me towards it. I yelped and looked towards the bag then at Stein. I looked around then and started for the door. Rory, Shiloh, and Sage appeared in front of it and smirked at me, tilting their head all at the same time as they gave me a devilish look. I backed up then towards the skinned bag of kishin. Stein laughed as he slowly clicked the screw in his head, watching as Asura appeared right in front of me. He leaned in towards my ear.

"Let me out... and it'll all be over," he whispered to me.

"It'll all be over?" I asked him softly. "If I let you out?" He smirked slightly.

"Yes," he purred. "You can be with Hiko all you want if you just let... me... out. He'll be yours."

"Why do you want out?" I asked, smirking. "Don't you want to sleep a bit longer?" He growled and then shoved me back against the bag, glaring me down.

"Free me." I laughed.

"But why?" I tilted my head. I was suddenly grabbed by his scarves as his bag reached out to get me, pulling me to it. He laughed.

"I'll get what I want~!" He said and held out his hands palms up at his sides as he laughed at me. I suddenly felt a scapel pierce my throat and Stein stood in front of me.

"You shouldn't be in here," he hissed at me and the screen went to Game Over, giving me the option to log out or go to the infirmary. I sighed out of relief and picked the infirmary. I woke up in the infirmary just as the school bells were going off and Medusa looked over from her desk chair.

"My, my... you're back already.... Your partner is in the next bed over. I gave him something to help him relax. He was really shaken up," she told me and then stood up, walking over to me. I watched her and then sat up quickly.

"We had fun going to visit someone downstairs." I told her. She raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Oh? Someone downstairs? Want to tell me more about it?" She sat down on the edge of my bed as she studied me, glancing me over as she looked to be plotting.

"Oh you know... Stein. He gutted us." I told her and smirked. She laughed.

"Stein was downstairs? How interesting.... I'll have to ask him about it the next time I'm on break," she said and then glanced over to the other bed where Hiko was curled up into a ball with the pillow in his arms as he snuggled up to it for comfort.

"Don't tell anyone..." I leaned in to mess with her. "But it gets a little... mad down there.... driver you crazy..." I winked. She nodded and then played with a strand of her hair as she got up.

"You may stay in here as long as you'd like, or you can leave your friend with me or take him with you.... I don't mind what you do," she told me as she walked back to her desk and started to write in a journal. I got out of my bed and then walked over to Hiko and picked him up then started to carry him out of the infirmary to take him to our dorm room. He opened his eyes slightly as he looked up at me tiredly and gave a small smile before he rested against me. I smiled down at him and smirked. When I reached out dormitory I placed him in his bed in our dorm room then went down to the main room to wait for him there. A few of the players glanced over at me then walked over and sat down on the couch by me.

"What's your name?" One of them asked me with a smirk. "You're new..."

"That's the guy that got shot earlier in my EAT class," the other said.

"I'm Keegan." I told them. "What're your names?" I asked, looking them over.

"Well... I'm Alex..." The first one said and then pointed at the other guy. "That's Bryan. We're both miesters. Our weapons decided to out on a group party or something... took most of the weapons in this dorm with them."

"Ah.... my weapon is asleep in our dorm room." I told them and smirked. "We had fun downstairs... He's resting right now." Their eyes widened.

"Downstairs?! Are you insane?! Why would you willingly go down there?!" Bryan asked me.

"Dude... how'd you even get in there... That is a restricted area for high levels only," Alex muttered, looking a little jealous of me.

"I slipped by through the mouse hole." I told them and shrugged like it was easy. They studied me and then gave a small nod.

"No wonder why your weapon is sleeping," Bryan whispered. "I'd have logged off and left you for a week straight if you dragged me down there as your weapon."

"Stop being a wuss Bryan.... It must be really awesome down there," Alex said and smirked. "I wouldn't be surprised if our Keegan here ends up with an invitation to the ball."

"I'm trying for it." I admitted. "I'll start working for it now that I've seen Asura."

"You saw him?" Alex looked at me in awe. "Dude... next group mission I find... you should come with me and Bryan," he said and then smirked, lightly punching my shoulder. "You're definitely one of the badest new miesters around here."

"Sure, if your brave enough." I teased them. "I have to talk it over with my weapon first though." I heard sleepy shuffling behind me then.

"I don't mind.... If you want to do a group mission," I heard Hiko mumble as he leaned over the couch and yawned. "Man... I shouldn't have taken that medicine from her...."

"You took medicine from her?" I asked him and laughed. "Come here." I pulled him down onto the couch and then rubbed his head. "This is my weapon Hiko." Alex looked at him and smiled.

"He's kind of cute for a guy," Alex said and then looked at Bryan who was staring at Hiko in curiosity.

"I wonder if he really looks like that in reality though," Bryan mumbled to Alex. Hiko looked at them then leaned against me.

"I'm not that cute.... I'm handsome," he said and then giggled at them. "You're funny...." I laughed and rubbed Hiko's head.

"How about we go get something?" I asked him. "Something sweet." He looked up at me and then nodded, resting his head against me.

"Mhmm... something sweet," he whispered back to me.

"Medusa gave him pills?" Alex asked me, watching Hiko with a funny look.

"I guess." I mumbled. I looked Hiko over. "Hey Hiko... maybe we should call it a night instead and log off." I suggested. He looked up at me and then nodded, moving away from me and getting up.

"Whatever you want Keegan," he mumbled to me and then started to walk off towards the door that led to the hall. I looked at Alex and Bryan.

"Hey, how about we form a party and when I get back on we can talk about what to do with those kishins out there." I gave them a smirk. They looked at each other and then nodded before they started to use their menus to send me an invite to the group they were already in together.

"You can invite your weapon later," they told me. I nodded towards them and hit accept when the invite came in then started for my dorm room.

"See you later." I called to them.

"Bye!" Bryan called after me.

"Don't be a stranger!" Alex told me and started to laugh. When I reached my dorm room, Hiko was curled up in his bed, navigating his menu as he searched for the log out.

"The pills don't wear off for another hour," he told me, pointing to the symbol by his menu that had a countdown on it. "I should be fine when I log back on." I nodded and got in my bed then pulled up my menu option and started to search for the log out button.

"Okay~ Send me a text when you're up in the real world." I told him.

"Okay... I'll send you a text when I wake up after sleeping.... It's really late over there... My sister is probably getting worried," he whispered and laughed slightly. "She works all day and only comes home at night."

"You better log off to see her then." I suggested and laughed. "I'll give you time to sleep and everything." I watched him. He looked over and smiled at me.

"Well... I will get as much sleep as I can," he said and laughed as he finally found the way to get log out. "You know what... I'll call," he told me and then pulled up the log out and smiled. "I will call you instead."

"Y-you will?" I asked him and blushed. "Are you sure?" I asked him. "That'll keep me up waiting." He glanced over.

"It's just a phone call.... Plus if you're worried about missing me, just turn the volume up on your phone and place it by your bed... or I'll leave a voicemail." He sat up and looked me over. "Or have someone answer it for you and wake you up."

"I'll make Elister wait on it while I sleep... though I'm a little afraid one of my brothers or my sister might answer it and well.... You don't need to talk to them." I told him. "So hang up as quick as you can if it's not me."

"Ummm.... okay but what if I don't know if it's Elister or not?"

"Elister will be nice." I explained. "My siblings are cranky, rude, mean, and sour when you wake them up." He nodded to me and smiled.

"Okay," he told me and then laid back down and looked towards the log out button. "I will talk to you later then." He hit the log out button and left me quickly. I pulled up the log out button then selected it, the world around me faded.