A Celebration

Ann's POV:

I felt a cold rush of water hit my body from my toes to my feet. It was so cold... I had just fell through ice from skating. Something snuck around my body, making me scream out in fear as the hole above me iced over. Trapping me in the water... I'm doomed. I'm going to die.

I woke up startled and glanced around my room, seeing it iced over and below zero. I could see my breathing in the air. I sat up quickly and pulled the blanket off the bed and ran towards the door. I tried to pull it open but it was stuck from being frozen over. "Louis!" I yelled, hoping he could hear me and then backed up a bit and looked towards the windows and bit my bottom lip... Would they get mad if I tried and succeeded in breaking one? I watched as frost covered the TV in my room, making it spark a bit. I stepped back from it and then tried the door. "LOUIS!" I yelled for him. I heard someone step behind me then and shiver.

"Why's there ice everywhere?" He asked me and then walked over to me. "Come on, this can't be healthy for you to be in this freezing cold room," he told me, looking worried as he held out a hand to me. "We'll go to mine. If you're still tired, you can sleep on the bed and I'll sit on the couch." I stumbled into him then hid my face against my chest, shivering slightly. He teleported us to his room and laid me down on the bed, tucking me in to my chin and then placed a hand on my forehead like he was checking my temperature. I watched him and curled up to one of his pillows.

"I'm cold." I whispered. He nodded and gave me a worried look.

"Yes.. you are.... Ann, I'm going to run a hot bath and get you some clothes to change into. Do you want to try that to warm up?" He glanced at his bathroom then at me. I nodded and gave him a small smile.

"Yeah." He brushed some of the hair out of my face and smiled back.

"Alright," he whispered and then walked towards his bathroom. I heard him start up the bath and he walked out and over to me, picking me up with the blanket bridal style before he carried me into the bathroom, setting me down on the floor by his bathtub. I pulled the blanket up to my cheek and watched the bath filling up. He put a hand in the water and nodded in satisfaction before he got up and disappeared. He came back after about three minutes and sighed. "I had to borrow this from Raven. All your clothes are frozen together," he whispered to me and set a dress down on the counter. "The bathtub is full if you'd like to stick your hand in it.... I didn't make it too hot because you're so cold and I don't want you to burn up." He turned the water off and glanced me over. "Check to see if it's alright for you." I looked towards the tub and then at him before I stuck my hand in then rested my face against the tub and smiled from the warmth. Louis smiled and then walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. "I'll have Isaac get your room back to normal," he told me from outside the door. "Maybe I'll have him enchant it so it doesn't freeze over again. I think it was you that did it." I looked towards the door and then went to get up but my hand was stuck. I looked towards the tub, seeing my hand was stuck in ice now.

"L-Louis...." I mumbled. "I think you might be right."

"I think I'll have Isaac look at you too... because of your blood is so cold. He's a fire wizard demon vampire," he told me.

"Louis, I got my hand stuck." I told him. He got quiet for a few seconds as he hesitated.

"Can I come in?" He asked me as he got closer to the door. "You're still dressed, right?"

"Uh-huh." I blushed. "Come help me out." He walked in and over to the tub, frowning as he saw it and then sat down by me.

"Ann... Do you want me to go get Isaac or do you want me to try busting your hand out?" He asked me quickly.

"Maybe you should go get Isaac." I mumbled. He bit his bottom lip but nodded before he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"I'll be back soon," he told me. I nodded and gave him a smile.

"I know, go get him." I urged. "My hand hurts." He disappeared and then reappeared with a older looking teenager or he was in his young adult years... I couldn't tell. He was holding a baby in his hands though, and there was another boy who was about the same age with stitches all over him and a galaxy in his eyes. The first boy had the same stitches, but he didn't have a galaxy... more like a light in his eyes that looked warm and friendly as a tail twitched behind him. I looked towards Louis, looking his stitches over... all three of them have it. The galaxy eyed male sat down on the counter then and looked me over.

"Wow, you're really stuck." He told me then motioned for the baby from the other male. "Let me have Lien." The other boy looked at him and pouted.

"But... Fine," he mumbled and gave the baby up then walked over to me and looked the ice over. "Oh man... it's frozen water...."

"Can you get her out?" Louis asked him, walking up and sitting beside me as he wrapped me up in his arms as he kissed my cheek to comfort me. I leaned back against Louis and smiled softly.

"Well yeah." The guy on the counter told us. "Isaac's my little apprentice. He can do it if I can." He shrugged and kissed the baby on the head. "Go ahead Isaac so we can go back to our room." Isaac, the boy with the tail, looked back at the one on the counter.

"When did I become your apprentice? I remember becoming your lover and mate," he purred and then looked at the ice and tensed up. "That's all going to be... water," he whispered and then looked at me then at the ice before he reached out and grabbed my free hand. "I'm going to use you to get rid of the ice," he told me and smiled. "You'll feel a slight warmth, but it shouldn't stay after I let go."

"Because I've been teaching you this whole time." The other boy told him. I looked Isaac over.

"Okay... just get my hand out, please?" I looked him over. He smiled and gave a nod as his tail flicked behind him. I started to feel a warmth entering my body from where he was touching my hand and it spread out quickly, warming me up to my very toes as it worked it's way into the hand that was lodged in the ice. Isaac looked towards the ice and watched it as he started to concentrate the majority of the warmth in my hand as it started to heat up more. I watched my hand then, trying to pull it from the ice.

"Shhh, not yet," Isaac whispered to me. He frowned and then reached a hand out to the ice and let my hand go. "This is some stubborn ice," he muttered and then sighed. "Guess I'm touching it." He put his hand over where my hand was in the ice and I felt it start to heat up quickly. Steam rose up off it and it quickly melted, freeing my hand. Isaac jerked his hand back from it and then pulled me away from the tub before he touched the side of the tub and the ice started to melt completely then boil as he let his magic loose on it. I watched the water and then looked towards my hand. I watched as little tinny ice cubes from the remaining water on my hand fell off.

"That's... not natural..." I mumbled. Isaac looked over at me and smiled.

"Nothing is ever what we think it is... The human's definition of unnatural is our natural... and our definition of what is unnatural is their natural. Here, let me see your hand," he told me and held out his for mine. "You must have ice powers to accompany being a vampire just like Louis can show memories and thoughts and teleport. Most vampires end up with an ability that is tied into their personality usually. Wizards, like me and Hachi," he said and gestured to the boy on the counter, "have special abilities too like the ability to cast spells and harness magic and energy and stuff. My magic forms and concentrates as fire, so I'm known as a fire wizard," he purred as he explained. "Hachi is a patchwork galaxy wizard, hence his stitches that he loves so much." He took my hand and then started to fill me with warmth. Hachi hummed from where he was sitting.

"Yeah, patchwork was from my family... galaxy stuff is another thing though." He told me. I looked towards Louis and then at Isaac.

"I'll be able to control this though." I smiled softly. "Eventually." Isaac smiled.

"Eventually, yes... Though you could use a little help. Here," he pulled away and then started to dig around in his pockets until he pulled out a chain necklace and looked it over before he muttered something under his breath and a red pendant appeared in his hand. He slipped it on the chain and touched the pendant, making it glow a bright red color before it dimmed down and faintly shimmered. He slipped it around my neck and put the necklace on me. "This should help you learn control. I put a bit of my fire magic in there to help you moderate your ice," he told me and tapped the pendant. "If you're having problems, just touch the pendant and it'll warm you up and help with your ice." He stood up and then looked towards Hachi and purred, walking over and kissing the boy on the counter then looked at the baby. "Hey Lien," he said and laughed as the baby giggled at him. "We should go take care of the room before we go back to ours," he whispered to Hachi. Hachi nodded and then disappeared with the baby. I rubbed the pendant on the necklace as I watched Isaac.

"Thank you." I whispered. He glanced over at me and smiled.

"No problem.... You're part of the family after all," he told me and looked at Louis then at me. "That pendant will only help you though.... You can't use it for anything other than helping you control your ice. It'll only respond to that," he warned me.

"Okay, I won't." I told him. He smiled and then walked over, kneeling down in front of me.

"Continue to wear the pendant until you get comfortable with it. I'll take some of my fire magic back from it everytime you get the hang of it so I can ween you off it and get you used to handling it yourself. Always wear it until you're ready to go without it. It's waterproof, and it won't break or get dirty, so you don't ever have to take it off unless you want to," he explained. "Unless you'd want to keep using my fire magic at the level it's at now, I'll get you to eventually using your own self."

"Okay." I whispered, giving him a thankful look. "I'll keep it on until I'm ready to take it off." He smiled.

"Good," he told me and then looked at the bathtub. "I think you should be able to take a bath without a problem now. I'll go take care of your room." He stood up then looked towards Louis with a smile then disappeared. Louis kissed my cheek and looked the pendent over.

"I'll have to remember this," he told himself then stood up and helped me to my feet. He walked over to the tub and then drained it before he started to fill it back up for me. "You know... Isaac usually doesn't get to do things around the manor because Hachi normally does them. You're one of the firsts he's helped."

"He did great." I whispered and looked towards the tub. "I don't want a bath... I just want to sleep now." I told him. He glanced over and then turned the water off and had the tub drain before he walked over and picked me up.

"Alright.... but they're still fixing your room, so you can sleep in my bed. It's really big and comfortable. You'll like it," he told me and smiled as he carried me out of the bathroom and then over to his bed. He laid me down on his side and then helped me get settled in. "You don't have to worry about me either. I won't do a thing to you," he promised and brushed some of the hair out of my face.

"You better not." I whispered and then moved over onto my side and curled up, wrapping the blanket around me and closed my eyes. "I'll be a very bad newborn if you mess with me." He laughed at me then.

"Hmm," he hummed out and then smirked as he looked me over. "No... I'll wait for when the moment is right... whether that's a century from now or not," he purred and then walked over to the door. "Get some rest."

"Don't leave." I whispered, looking towards him. "Stay in here." He paused in his step and glanced back at me.

"Stay? I... guess I could," he mumbled and then walked towards the couch and sat down on it. "Is this okay for you?" He smiled at me. I nodded as I watched him then gave a small smile.

"If that's where you'd like to stay." I mumbled.

"Well I'd prefer my bed," he told me and smirked. "I'm trying to be a gentleman though and let you have it to yourself however."

"Sorry but there's no room." I told him and slid over to the middle with his pillow. He laughed.

"What I thought," he purred. I laughed then as I watched him.

"You thought right."

"I could easily get in the bed if I wanted though," he mumbled to himself in thought then shook his head. "Nah... I'll make it all romantic when I finally join you in bed- even if it's to sleep."

"You'll never join me in bed." I teased. "You better get used to the couch."

"We'll see about that," he purred back to me.

"We will." I smirked. "I'd sleep with Raven before you."

"You're both girls though... so it's not that big a deal because it'd be more like a sleep over," he pointed out to me. "Oh! That's what you girls should do.... You all should have a slumber party or something. You'd get to meet the others quicker," he mumbled in thought and then smirked. "I'll drop the idea on Raven. She'll quickly take it and make everyone participate."

"What!? You're not allowed to give out ideas like that." I told him and frowned.

"Oh... I'm allowed," he purred then stood up, walking over. "I'm a previous king," he told me. "Plus... I own this place with my twin Paris.... I'll take all the guys out to do something while all you girls sit around and gossip."

"I don't gossip though... I've never talked to more then three girls at a time." I whispered.

"There aren't that many girls in the manor anyways. You'll be fine. There's Raven, Rose, Lori, Peyton, Aiyana, Isabelle, Val, Starla, Astrid, and Shiloh.... I don't know if they'd count Richard among them now that she's a girl or not," he said and started to count on his fingers. "Wow... that really is about it," he told me and then looked at me. "Add yourself to that list." I frowned.

"That's seriously it?" I asked him.

"Yes, my family doesn't tend to give birth to females," he said and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Most of us end up mated to another guy, so new girls don't really enter the manor anymore. Raven was someone random that a member of the household found and brought back. Rose, Lori, Peyton, Shiloh, and Aiyana were born into the family... and Val gave birth to Astrid and Starla who are mated to boys in our family, so that's how we have all the girls we have." I nodded.

"So are there any grandchildren or what?" I asked him.

"Who's grandchildren are we asking about?" He frowned. "There's a lot of people in the manor."

"Yours, Rose's, Paris's...." I shrugged.

"Well... Aiyana is my child... but she never ended up having kids with her mate," he whispered. "She's waiting on her new mate. Rose has Nikolai who is mated to Raven... but you've probably heard from Raven that Nikolai isn't very comfortable with physical contact, and her other two children haven't found mates yet.... Paris has many children, but none of them have started to have children yet- only a few of his are already mated. I don't know if I'll see any children from his oldest any time soon. His oldest is mated to a dragon, but his dragon mate is pretty innocent when it comes to that stuff and usually gets distracted easily by shiny things," he explained. "If we start seeing grandchildren anytime soon... it'll be Donnie having children with his dragon mate. That's how it is working out at the moment."

"So... Because Donnie is the oldest you expect him to have the kids first?" I asked. He laughed.

"No, not at all... It's just that Donnie is closer to his mate than any of Paris's other children are with theirs if they have a mate. If Nikolai wasn't afraid of being physical with Raven, then I would say Nikolai first because Donnie still has to get his mate Midori used to the idea and then get Midori to have them," he told me.

"Uh-huh..." I watched him and smiled. "I bet it'll be Donnie first." I whispered. He laughed and then gave me a nod as he laid down on the edge of the bed and looked at me.

"It probably will be... Here," he reached out and then touched my arm, showing me Donnie and his dragon mate Midori to help me understand why it would be him first as he then showed me how Nikolai pushes Raven away when she gets too close to him. I laughed softly and nodded in agreement then looked him over.

"Yeah... it'll be Donnie." I mumbled.

"If you'd like... I could take you to meet Donnie and his mate later," he purred to me. "I think you'd like Donnie."

"How about you gather all your family to meet me?" I asked him. He thought it over then nodded with a small laugh.

"I will. I think we need a party anyways," he purred and then moved closer and kissed my cheek. "I'll have them all gathered and meet you like we used to introduce a new princess when she came of age into society back in the older days." I looked him over then shoved him out of the bed.

"I thought I told you there was no room." I smirked. He growled from the floor and stood up, looking mad that I pushed him into the floor. He crawled into bed again and then leaned in towards my neck but stopped himself, pausing. I watched him and bit my bottom lip. "You mad?" I teased. "Got caught sneaking into bed with me?" He growled playfully at me and then kissed my neck before he moved away from it then looked towards my eyes. I smirked and shoved him back off the bed then got up and started for the door. He appeared in front of me and wrapped his arms around my waist, purring in my ear as he kissed my cheek.

"Where are you going?" He asked me.

"To my room to look around at it and see about my clothes." I told him. "You gonna let me do that?" He looked thoughtful then kissed my cheek again.

"Do it later," he whispered to me.

"Fine." I went to pull back from him and looked around his room.

Louis's POV:

I pulled out my phone as I let Ann go and watched her as I thought about what all should be done at the party then smirked as I called up Paris. Paris answered.

"Hey twinie." He purred. Ann walked over to the bed and crawled back into it. I laughed and then walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Hey my other half," I teased and then crossed my legs. "Listen, I think it's time for a party."

"A party?" Paris purred. "I love parties." He laughed softly. "What kind of party?"

"Well, I think it would be great to announce my mate to everyone and get her introduced to all her new friends," I purred and then laid back on the couch. "I think it would be great to do that... and you should announce that you and Richard are trying to have another child... and then we should also announce Lien for Hachi and Isaac."

"That's a wonderful idea... a party for the new baby, for Richard~, and for your wonderful ice queen." He teased me like he knew something. I widened my eyes slightly.

"Oh... you listened in on all that?" I asked softly. Of course he already knows then... about her freezing her room.

"Yeah~" Paris purred into the phone. "You're cute when you worry." I blushed and shrunk into the couch.

"Paris," I mumbled to him and then brought my knees to me.

"I'll tell Richard about the idea for the party. We'll have it in the ball room. Family only," He purred thoughtfully. "This is going to be fun." I laughed.

"Mhmm, you better find out soon whether or not Richard got pregnant or not," I told him and smirked. "You never know if it worked."

"Oh it worked." Paris told me. "I'm still in bed."

"Still..." I whispered to him. "Just because you did it doesn't mean that Richard got pregnant."

"What's that supposed to mean? I lost my ability to reproduce?" Paris asked me. No.. but that'd be funny since how you have so many kids.... Well... bad... but ironic.

"No, not at all... It's just about how girls work and how sometimes it's not the right time for them to get pregnant because they didn't release an egg. It's weird. Anyways, have you been thinking about names?" I purred to him.

"Yeah~! I thought about Liam if it's a boy." He told me. I smirked. That sounds a lot like Lien...

"Uh huh? What about if it's a girl?"

"Maybe Marry." He purred softly. I smiled.

"I like it. Are you wanting a boy or girl?"

"Boy. You know how I feel about girls." I laughed.

"You had a girl with Richard the last time that Richard got pregnant."

"I had four kids." He reminded me.

"When Richard got pregnant... that was before you did."

"I know... She ended up living with Rose." He reminded me. "I want boys." I heard Richard on the other side then.

"You always want boys," Richard mumbled. "But... I think I want a boy this time too...."

"I want strong healthy boys to look after this family." Paris purred. "One day I might not be here... The girls will need someone to protect and lead them."

"We have so many boys though.... They're all strong... most of them... well maybe not all.... I'll gladly give you another strong boy for us to raise," Richard purred back to Paris.

"You'll give me a boy~ Want to know why?" Paris asked him. He hung up then. I laughed and put my phone down then looked towards Ann with a small smile.

"You're getting a party," I told her softly. "Paris will also announce his future child and we'll show off Lien as well."

"Sounds like it'll be fun." Ann purred. I nodded.

"You'll get to hear Richard play his piano.... He's amazing at it," I told her. "I've heard someone say that they believe a choir of angels fall out of heaven and become fallen ones every time he takes a seat at his piano."

"Really?" Ann asked and laughed. "That's funny."

"Oh... Ann, I need to tell you something," I said as it occurred to me that I never told her my bloodline. She nodded and motioned for me to continue as she sat up a bit. I sat up and looked up at her. "Ann... my blood..." I laughed a little. She used to be human.... I wonder how she'll take this. "Ann, every member of the Grimm family that lives here that wasn't mated into the family has a little bit of demon in their blood. We have a demon ancestor, and every once in awhile, he comes back and chooses someone to tap on the shoulder to try to lead down his path. The last person he picked was Nikolai... and before that it was me and Paris- but mostly Paris." She nodded as she watched me.

"So every... generation...." She trailed off as she thought it through. "Maybe that's why you guys don't have grandchildren..." I laughed.

"No, I don't think that's why our children haven't started to create the next generation. If you ever see him though-  the demon- stay away from him. He's dangerous... and he doesn't like me much," I warned her. "I doubt you'll see him though."

"Why would I even see him?" She asked me curiously.

"In case he is trying to convince Nikolai to do something... or if we ever have kids and he chooses one of our children or something... I don't know... or if he picks the children's children." She looked at me curiously.

"What's his path?" She asked me.

"One way trip straight to hell and world domination," I told her and smirked. "If I'm ever killed and my stone is crushed... I'll become a demon and have to serve him. He wants that from us... to make us become all powerful in the world and take over then he'll lead us to the temptation... and he'll lead us against everyone and try to kill those around us. Eventually... we'll be killed after all that happens, and he'll be the top dog. He's already tried to convince Nikolai to kill me and Paris, and he wanted Nikolai to become King when Nikolai was young."

"Nikolai didn't kill you though." She whispered. "He's good." I laughed.

"Yes, the demon lost Nikolai when Nikolai came to the manor and learned that we were kind to our family and protected each other.... I convinced him not to listen to the demon along with Paris, and now he rules on the throne without having to do any bloodshed to get it like the demon wanted. Nikolai gets his dream... and the demon has to wait for another round because I doubt the demon is ever going to be able to snake his way back into Nikolai's head and control him." Ann nodded and then closed her eyes.

"So he'll most likely come back and try again with the next generation's luck contestant?" She asked.

"Yes.... but I doubt he'll take someone who is not full vampire... so if Donnie were to have children with Midori, I doubt he'd take them... so it'll be awhile before we see the demon of Grimm trying to take another member of the family under his control," I told her and smiled. "Thank you for not freaking out about me being part demon," I purred to her. "I was wondering if you would because you used to be human."

"No, not really... I hung around vampires just before I came here.... I'm not really surprised." She shrugged. "Maybe Paris fell from heaven to be with Richard." I laughed at that thought. No way... Paris would never have been in heaven to start with.

"I doubt he was ever an angel," I told her. "Oh, and another thing... sometimes someone will go demonic around here.... Be careful if someone does. Richard is most common because he can't really control himself once he starts to drink too much blood, and he becomes a demon from it... then Paris would follow next if the chain continues. He would either cleanse Richard or he'd become a demon with him... and then possibly me if Paris came for me," I whispered the last part then got up and walked over to the bed. "I doubt it'd get that far... but Paris has been known to go demonic. It's worse when he's the first to go because he turns Richard demonic quickly and then he uses everyone around him to his advantage as he turns Richard into his demon mate." She nodded.

"So be ready for the predictable... got it. I'll carry a gun around with me." She laughed softly. I thought that over. Why didn't I get her a pistol to start with? That would've been the better thing to do instead of force her to train in hand to hand combat and stuff....

"I'll get you a pistol to carry at your side," I told her and nodded. "You'll want it incase something happens. It's been about two centuries since someone went demonic in the family however," I told her and sat down on the edge of the bed. "If I remember correctly, the last two who were demonic was me... and Richard, but Richard was recovering, and I was cleansing myself by drinking holy water."

"Do you think you might go demonic anytime soon?" She asked me, bringing her knees to her chest as she sat up against the headboard. I smiled at her and shook my head.

"No... my main reason for going demonic is gone... I don't tend to do it unless certain circumstances are met," I told her, keeping it vague. After all... I can't tell her that I can't go to hell anymore... so I shouldn't tell her that I went in the first place. Plus I don't want her finding out about the devil and the deal I made to get away. She doesn't need to worry about it. I smiled and reached out, pulling her to me. "The only reason why I would go demonic is if it was to protect someone... or if it was a result of some revenge I would take... or if Paris forced me to," I whispered to her. "I'm not going to go demonic for a very long time... and possibly never." She pulled back from me and smiled.

"Keep your distance Louis." She pointed a finger towards me. I laughed and then shook my head. I should probably teach her what to do if someone was to go demonic.... but later.

"Keep my distance?" I purred and then gave her a playful smirk. "Is this too close for you?" I teased as I scooted over to her. She shoved me off the bed.

"Didn't I tell you there was no room?" She asked and tilted her head. I laughed at her and then stood up, moving to the edge of the bed again but didn't sit down this time as I pulled her into a kiss. She gasped and pulled back then looked me over. "Louis... we might be mates but I think we should take things slower then this." I frowned and tilted my head slightly.

"A kiss is too much?" I ran my fingers through her hair then and sighed. "Fine..." I let my hand fall back to my side and looked her in the eyes before I walked over to my couch slowly to let her have her space. "Oh well," I mumbled.

"You haven't even taken me out for our second date and your wanting a kiss." She tsked and stood up. "You don't know women at all. Not me. I don't want to just jump into a relationship with someone I barely know. We need more then just you sharing memories with me. We need to be making some together." I sighed and watched her. But sharing memories is a big deal.... I don't do it for everyone who comes along.... My memories are precious to me.

"Then you better teach me," I told her as I watched her. "If I don't know women, then you're going to have to teach me." She laughed and gave me a smile.

"Sure.... I'll teach if you behave." I smirked at her.

"I'll try, but I can't promise that I'll behave always," I purred to her. "I'm a vampire prince who used to be king and got what he wanted when he wanted it."

"Yeah, well now you're going to wait." She told me firmly. "For as long as I want you to." I laughed but I gave her a nod.

"Alright... but in return... you have to let me teach you what it means to be a vampire...." I stood up and walked over to her.

"No thanks, I have Raven." She shrugged. "She said she would take me hunting." I frowned. That's not fair... That's my job. This is my newborn.

"Ann... there is more to being a vampire than hunting," I told her and then leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Come on... let's go get lunch or something together." I grabbed her hand and started to lead her out of my room. "I'll make it."

"You're going to make it?" She asked and laughed as she followed me. "Okay. I'll let you teach me on Thursday." She promised. I nodded and then teleported us down to the kitchen then picked her up and placed her on the counter. I smirked at her then walked over to the pantry and started to get stuff for spaghetti then came out and began to cook for her. She watched me and then hummed softly. Paris teleported into the kitchen then and smirked.

"Guess what, twinie?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. I blushed and widened my eyes.

"Paris?" I smiled and then set down what I was working on. "What is it?"

"I've arranged for Richard to play the piano with me." He hummed and then looked me over. "You're playing the violin with Keegan." He smirked. "Okay? Keegan already agreed. He was stubborn but I told him I would take his robot from him and then he agreed." I laughed.

"Poor Keegan," I whispered and then kissed Paris's neck and purred to him. "My wonderful twin got him to play with me though...."

"Yeah~ In front of people." Paris purred. "I also want you to know that he's made a friend! On his little game thingy mind thinger thing. It's some deep dive thing. I don't understand it but.... He's started to become a gamer with that thinger thing and he's met a friend from Japan... It's a guy." He laughed softly. I smirked.

"Aww, he made a friend? We should go get his friend for him.... He doesn't have many here," I purred and then pushed Paris up against a counter and bit into his neck, moaning slightly at the taste of his blood. He growled and teleported then and I was shoved up against the counter and he bit down into my neck and let out a moan. I widened my eyes and looked at him then smirked. "Paris," I purred and exposed my neck slightly then put my hands behind me on the counter and lightly jumped up onto it, bringing him closer as I kissed the side of his head then growled playfully at him, keeping my fangs sharp. He pulled back and smiled.

"I love you." He whispered then teleported away.

"You two are so... sick." Ann told me. I looked at her and frowned.

"Sick?" I got off the counter and touched my neck where it was bleeding then looked at my blood. "It's not wrong to feed off each other," I told her and smirked then walked up to her and smeared my blood against her lips. "You've had some of me before." She whipped her face off then.

"No, that's not what I meant, lover boy." She stuck out her tongue at me then. I laughed at her and then wiped my hand on my shirt.

"What did you mean then?"

"You two look funny together." She hummed. "You better keep your distance." She winked. "He might just drain you." I laughed then shook my head.

"Paris wouldn't drain me unless I decided I wanted another war," I told her. "If anyone did... it'd be Laurence."

"Why Laurence?" She asked curiously.

"Because Laurence can see the future, and if I was going to become a threat, he'd probably come after me," I told her then shrugged. "Well... maybe not. He let me get away with the war for so long." I walked over to her and then smirked before I picked up what I had been working on and started to fix the food. After a few minutes, Richard wandered in and over to me.

"You smell really good," she mumbled and looked towards my neck. "Louis, can I? You're making me hungry. I could smell you out in the hall."

"Probably shouldn't." I heard Laurence warn from the counter across from Ann. "Have you been talking about me Louis to your new lover, Ann." He looked towards her and she tensed up. "I'm Laurence. It's a pleasure meeting you. I would have came sooner but I was busy with a game." He smirked. "Richard, pregnant again." Richard looked over at Laurence and widened his eyes.

"Laurence~!" She ran over to him and hugged him. "I missed you," she told him and smirked, kissing his cheek. I laughed and looked over at Laurence.

"Yes, I was just telling Ann a little about you," I told him. "What game were you busy with?"

"Baleen wanted to teach me a few new games.... turns out he was just wanting to mess with me and he stuck me in some virtual reality game where I was trapped in a school.... an all girls school." Laurence shivered slightly. "I'll never forgive him for that." Ashton walked out from near a counter, coming from the shadow it casted then smirked as he saw Laurence and walked over to him. Laurence smiled towards Ashton and gave him a cute look. "Tell Baleen to stop messing with me."

"Hmm... Offer him to me. He's like a child anyways," Ashton purred. I laughed and watched them then touched Ann to give her the backstory on how Laurence met Ashton. Laurence looked over at me as Ann started to giggle.

"Hey.... it's not funny Ann." Laurence warned her. She gave him an innoncent smile. "Our love story wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for those few magic words." Richard smiled at Laurence innocently.

"Glad you got over it," she purred to Laurence then looked at Ashton who was looking her over.

"You're expecting," he mumbled then walked over to Richard as he looked her belly over. "You're not far along yet though.... It'll be a boy," he told Richard.

"Ashton, don't spoil it.." Laurence hissed. "I knew every single one of their births but I didn't spoil the gender, ass." Ashton frowned and looked over at Laurence.

"Hey, I just know these things Laurence," he told him. "Plus... I was wondering if that one would end up in my domain eventually. Richard, if you ever want to give it up," he purred and looked at Richard.

"They'll never give up their kids Ashton, stop asking." Laurence grabbed Ashton with his shadows and then brought him away from Richard. "Behave, we're here for a party." Ashton smirked over at Laurence and leaned over, giving him a passionate kiss.

"Okay," he purred to him and then looked at Richard before he looked back at Laurence with a loving look. "I guess you're right about them never giving up a kid... except you. They gave you up." Laurence frowned.

"I'm one of the oldest vampires in this room. Watch your tongue." He jumped off the counter then. Ashton had his shadows pick up Laurence and bring him closer to him with a smirk.

"I thought you liked my sass," he teased him and then kissed him again. "You should come visit me for a bit after the party is over."

"I visited you last week..." Laurence mumbled. "Stay with me here?" Ashton looked at him and then smirked and kissed Laurence again.

"Alright," he whispered to him. "I'll stay because you asked me so nicely... but I get to sleep in your bed with you curled up beside me."

"Fine with me.... I need to go talk to Paris." Laurence looked over at Richard then. "As well as you, Richard my dear old friend." Richard perked up at that and looked at Laurence.

"Uh huh, Ashton, gimme him back." He walked over to Ashton and crossed his arms. Ashton frowned and then dropped Laurence gently to the ground by Richard.

Richard's POV:

I quickly grabbed Laurence before Ashton could try anything funny and took him out of the room, ignoring the smell of Louis's blood which smelled so much like Paris's blood. I smiled at him then. "What is it that you want to talk to me about Laurence?"

"I need Paris beside you for what I am-"

"Right here old friend." Paris stood by me and grabbed my hand then kissed it. I stopped and purred at the sight of my mate and kissed his cheek then looked at Laurence.

"Should we go to the study, or do you want to tell us right now?" I asked him sweetly.

"Actually because of listening ears~" Laurence used his shadows to take us and we appeared in his old study at his castle. "Much better." I glanced around. It must be pretty serious then... I stood closer to Paris and looked at Laurence. There better not be another war... I don't want to get separated from my kids again... and I'm going to be having another kid. I put a hand over my stomach in worry. "Yes Richard... something is coming. That's not what I've come to talk to you about though... I think... I think I found a way to break my curse." He told us. I frowned. Something is coming?! No... why is it always when I go to have a kid?!

"Y-your curse?" I asked softly, deciding to let him tell us instead of pester him about what was coming at the moment.

"Yeah, my curse about being stuck in this kid form." He laughed then in excitement. "I'm finally going to be taken seriously when I grow a feet higher." He clapped his hands.

"What's coming?" Paris asked him.

"That's not important right now." Laurence told him. "After we break my curse I will tell you guys. Promise."

"Then how do we break your curse?" I asked him quickly. He jumped up onto his shinny new desk and then picked up an old book. "This is one of the very first books my family ever written." He told us. "Passed down from generation to generation and it never was passed to me because well... I killed my parents." He laughed. I looked towards the book then at him.

"Okay... well you have the book... what's in it?"

"Oh, it says a bunch of things actually... Did you know that I'm the first male born in a very long time.... Apparently girls were the only thing springing up. Wow you learn somethings about your family even with them dead." He smirked as he opened the book. "Anyways... I looked through this sexy 6000 page book... and admired my great great whatever great grandfather's  handwriting... Then I stumbled across this old fairy tale." He showed it to us where there scribbles around a cross. "Not sure what all of it says because well this is an old book and my great whatever father... wrote it in code. So, I'm going to work on decoding this sexy thing by handing it over to you... Paris." He tossed it to Paris. "You're the only one that can read it." I frowned and looked at Paris.

"You can read it?" I looked at the writing and then sighed and sat down. "So why is he the only one that can read it?"

"Because his parents made him learn how at an early age." Laurence explained. Paris opened up the book then. "Unlike our parents."

"Made him learn how to decode... or what?" I frowned and then pulled my knees up to my chest.

"Our ancient vampire language." Laurence explained and smirked. "I mean... sure Ashton might know but then he'd keep the information from me.... So Paris... Please." Paris laughed and then shook his head.

"I'll try... This might take a few days." Paris told him.

"Don't let anyone know about that book." Laurence whispered. I frowned as I realized I had been completely useless in the whole thing. Why was I here then? I looked Laurence over and then rested my chin on my knees and looked towards Paris curiously. "You're here because~" Laurence pulled out a small box and tossed it to me. I caught it quickly and looked at the box with a frown. "Open up." I obeyed him and looked inside the box. There was a small gold ring inside. "I wanted to give you that." I picked the ring up out of the box and then looked at him.

"Thanks, but why?" I tilted my head in curiousity.

"Oh, that's ummm... Your mother's ring." He shrugged. I looked at it and then slowly put it back in the box and closed it.

"Uh huh...." I put the box down. "Thank you for giving it to me then." My mother's ring huh?

"I went snooping.... Thought you'd like to have it." I killed my mom....

"Snooping around my castle I took from my parents?" I asked him and looked him over. "Or did you find it elsewhere?"

"Oh I found it in your family castle." He smirked. "Right after jumping on their old bed." I raised an eyebrow at him.


"To find something." He told me and then pulled out an old journal. "Bet you'll never guess what this is." I looked it over and narrowed my eyes.

"I bet it was from my castle as well.... Laurence, if you wanted something out of my castle, tell me before you go in there and snoop around my family possessions."

"But what about your father's study you know nothing about? I found really cool diaries in there addressed to you. Ones like this." He looked towards the journal. I got up and walked over, looking the journal over and then looked at him.

"Laurence... next time you want to snoop around it, I'd like if you told me... and then if you wanted something from there... I'd like it if you would tell me that you wanted something. You know I would give you most of what you ask for."

"It's why I asked you in an alternate universe and then went in this one ahead of schedule and then told you after I snooped around." He tossed me the journal. "Read it." I looked towards it then up at him.

"Was this all you took out of my castle... or was there something else you wanted from it?"

"I don't steal things." Laurence told me. "If I wanted something I would ask. I gave you what I took." I smiled at him and kissed his forehead.

"Okay Laurence... so what's this journal about?" I asked him curiously as I looked it over and then opened up to the first page. "Why would this matter to me now?"

"It's not important to you." He looked towards my stomach. "Read it aloud to him." He suggested. "With Paris or without." I looked towards my stomach and frowned.

"Why to him?" I asked softly and then put a hand over my stomach. My father's influence read to my child?

"You'll see." Laurence whispered. "You'll really enjoy it." I sighed.

"Alright... I guess I could," I mumbled and sat the journal by the ring box. "If you're wanting me to do something like read something from my evil father to my child, I guess I'll do it because you're you and you're one of my oldest friends." I looked at Laurence with a smile then and leaned in, kissing his cheek gently. "I'm sorry for getting a little upset about the snooping thing. I shouldn't have... but you need to tell me what's coming," I said, remembering he said something about a future event that I would need to worry about.

"Alright... There's someone out there somewhere rising up in ranks and is about to come pay you guys a visit." He told me. "That's all I will say." I clenched my jaw slightly and then nodded.

"Before or after?" I asked, referring to when I'd deliver Paris's baby.

"Before or after." He told me. "There's no exact date. The decision has yet to be made." I nodded and then pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you Laurence," I whispered. "You should come visit us more.... You know how I feel about you being gone so long."

"I was busy." He shrugged. "Plus, I can't hang around forever with those wizards interrupting my signal." I giggled then as I remembered we didn't tell him.

"Hey Laurence... guess what little buddy?"

"What?" He asked and looked me over and then Paris. "What's Lien?"

"Lien is not a what... but a who," I purred to him. "There is now a Hachi junior around the manor named Lien. Hachi and Isaac had a baby!"

"How'd they have a baby?" Laurence asked up and tilted his head.

"I'm... not... sure," I admitted. "I think they used a spell to create Lien... but Lien is their new baby boy who has Hachi's eyes and hair and Isaac's chin," I purred. "I think he has both their magics."

"That's so cute." Laurence gave a huge smile. "Hachi's doing well with his child?" I bit my bottom lip.

"W-well... he hasn't eaten Lien yet... but he calls his child his food and he said he was going to eat him when he got older... like 14 I think he said. He likes to hold him though," I said and smiled happily. "I think he'll change his mind."

"Hachi's been growing up around a good family so he'll keep the child and not eat him. I have a good feeling about it." Laurence told me.

"I hope so.... Isaac has already gotten attached to it I believe," I whispered to him and smiled. "I don't think the baby is going to have to worry about losing the life it's been given for a long time. After all the baby is adorable! We're going to show it off tonight to everyone in the family!"

"Yeah~ That'll be fun. Let's get back home." Laurence had the shadows take us to the kitchen. Louis glanced up from where he was eating spaghetti with Ann and Ashton and smiled. I smiled at him and then leaned against Paris, purring to him as I snuck my face into his neck and kissed it. Paris laughed and then wrapped his hands around me. I giggled and then nuzzled my head against him.

"I love you," I whispered to him and then grabbed one of his hands and placed it on my tummy. "Our baby loves you too." He laughed and rubbed my stomach then nodded.

"I love you both." Paris purred. Keegan stumbled into the kitchen then with messy hair like he didn't sleep at all. I looked over at him and frowned.

"Keegan, baby, come here," I mumbled and moved away from Paris to go to him. I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. "Sweetie, are you alright?" Keegan rubbed his cheek up against me then.

"Dad..." He wrapped me up into a hug then. I smiled and held him close to me.

"What's the matter? Did you have a nightmare?" I asked him softly and then took him over to Paris. Paris wrapped him up into a loving hug.

"No~ I'm just really tired. I can't sleep." He told us and rubbed his eyes. I frowned.

"Do you want to sleep with us again?" He nodded and Paris scooped him up in his arms.

"Is it those games?" Paris asked.

"No." Keegan yawned out.

"You should really just go get his friend out of Japan," Louis called from where he was sitting. "He'd stop playing the games as much."

"NO!" Keegan widened his eyes. "Don't snatch my friend without my permission."

"Why?" Paris asked and laughed. "Louis can come with me and we'll be back in a jiff." Louis set his bowl down and got up quickly, walking over to Paris.

"Let's go," he said and grabbed Paris's hand. "I'm sure we can find this kiddo in Japan."

"Easily." Laurence purred from the counter top. I frowned. Keegan doesn't want his friend here? Why not? Keegan doesn't have many friends.... I would think that he'd want his friend nearby instead of halfway across the world.

"Guys! I don't want to kidnap my friend." Keegan hissed.

"You're not kidnaping him though." Paris told him. "Your unlce and I will be.." Louis smirked and then disappeared with Paris, leaving us. I frowned. Poor Keegan. I walked over and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry baby.... I'm not sure why you don't want your friend here... but they're hardheaded," I whispered to him.

"Because he's human. I don't want to mess with him, bring him in so quickly to this world." Keegan tried to explain. I frowned and then attempted to get it. I mean.... I guess if you were best friends... you wouldn't want something to happen to your friend.... I don't think anyone would eat his friend though besides his siblings.

"I'll make sure your siblings don't eat him," I whispered to him. "Your friend will be safe."

"D-dad...." Keegan feel to his knees then. "Please call them back." I looked him over then pulled out my phone and called Paris. Paris's phone went straight to voice mail. I narrowed my eyes slightly and lowered my phone.

"Your mother isn't going to answer anytime soon," I told Keegan then pulled him to his feet. "Let's go play some music," I suggested, wanting to take his mind off what was happening to his friend in Japan. He shook his head and then laid down in the floor then and curled up to himself. I sighed and laid down in the floor with him.

Akihiko's POV:

I woke up and groaned as I rolled out of bed and fell into the floor. I curled up and reached for my hairbrush off my nightstand and started to brush my hair then sat up and looked around for Yoi, my white long haired cat. She was curled up on my hoodie, purring away as she slept. I smiled and stood up then walked over to the window and glanced out at the city of Tokyo, seeing cars going by in the streets and whizzing past as people, humans and nekos alike walked amongst each other. I smiled softly and then left my small room, going to the kitchen where I made myself some tea and rice with meat and vegetables. I sat down at the table and watched as my sister stumbled out of her room and into the kitchen, going for the coffee immediately. "Good morning neechan," I mumbled. She looked over with her red eyes and smiled as her white hair fell down across her face.

"Morning Hiko," she said. My sister, Tsukihana, was born as an albino, very rare, but I admired her for it. Her eyes were pretty and so was her hair. Some children were scared of her, but I was never scared. "How are the games?"

"They're good," I said politely and gave her a sweet smile as she finished making her coffee and then walked over, sitting down at the table by me. "How're you doing?"

"Fine... fine.... Work is good. My boss has been talking about giving me a raise," she mumbled and then took a sip of her coffee. I smiled and then pulled my knees to my chest as I ate, sitting how I liked to sit. She studied me and laughed a little. "I don't understand why you like to sit like that.... It looks like it is cramped," she told me. I shook my head no.

"No... it makes me feel comfortable and safe," I whispered. She sighed and then finished up her coffee and stood up.

"Alright... be good," she whispered to me. "I've got to get to work early today." I frowned at her.

"Hana," I mumbled and watched her go towards the door.

"I'm sorry, but I really got to," she said and smiled at me. "I love you Hiko." She left the apartment then, leaving me here alone. I sighed and finished up my food then went to the living room and sat down on the couch. I'm supposed to call Keegan... but I think I'll wait just a little longer... my favorite show is on. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on to the channel I wanted and started to watch it. After an hour two white haired guys appeared suddenly out of nowhere with stitching in their skin, reminding me of Stein from the game. One tilted his head and let his hair fall into his face a little.

"This is him." He said firmly, looking at his identical partner. I screamed and fell into the floor then stood up quickly, getting behind the couch. This can't be happening! I looked around in a panic then made a break for my room. Tsukihana always locks the door behind her! How'd they just get in front of me without me noticing them earlier?! Why do they have stitches?! WHY'RE THEY IN THE APARTMENT?! "Louis, get the runner." The one that hadn't said a word yet appeared in front of me and grabbed my arm, pulling me back to the other. I widened my eyes and struggled, screaming. I heard the jingle of my cat's bell collar as she came out of my room, looking my way in confusion then hissed, laying her ears back. "Are you Hiko?" The male asked, sitting down on the couch and looked around. I stopped struggling and looked at him then at the one holding me.

"Ummmmm.... no?" I shrunk down sheepishly. Why're they looking for me?!

"Are you sure?" He asked and then leaned in towards me. "Because if you're not... we'll have to kill you." I widened my eyes.

"K-kill me? What do you want with Hiko?" I asked him quickly. The other one laughed and looked towards his identical look alike as he kept his grip tight on my arm.

"Keegan want's to see him." He told me with a kind smile. "Plus his father sent us to get Hiko." I frowned then.

"Keegan?" Why didn't he just call me... or text me... or just come here like he said he wanted to do? Why'd he send these weirdos here to break into my apartment?

"Because I'm his father." He smirked as he looked me over. "So, you going to admit who you really are because I read minds." I widened my eyes and shrunk back but the other held me closer.

"It's so much easier if you just admit who you are when we ask the first time," the one holding me purred in my ear. I yelped and went to get away, but he pulled me back quickly and squeezed my arm, making me freeze.

"Alright, technically I'm his mother. That's his uncle." The other slid closer then. I frowned.

"How're you his mother?" I asked him, looking him over. He's a guy... and how'd he find me? Well maybe Keegan is adopted. That'd make since. He doesn't act like this... Unless these guys are liars! "Yeah... I'm Hiko," I mumbled and then looked towards my cat who was rubbing up against my feet now.

"Is that your cat?" He asked me. "My name is Paris and that is Louis." He pointed to his look a like. I looked towards Paris and then nodded.

"Yes, this is my cat," I whispered as my cat purred and gave a small meow. "She's looking for breakfast...." Louis let me go then.

"Go feed her then." I rubbed my arm and then picked up my cat, trying not to freak out as I walked to the kitchen and set Yoi down on the counter as I got out her cat dish and then got her wet cat food out and gave her some. She started to eat quickly.

"Think we should take the cat too?" Paris asked his look alike. Louis followed me into the kitchen and looked the cat over.

"Got any emotional attachment to the cat?" He asked me. I widened my eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Do you like the cat or not?"

"Yes, I love her. She's my cat," I told him and rubbed behind Yoi's ears.

"Better take the cat too." Paris got up and walked over to us. "Any other attachments?" I frowned.

"My sister... Why're you guys in my apartment?" I asked them and backed up a little, glancing towards the door to the hall.

"We'll come back for her." Paris muttered towards Louis.

"Umm... I think you guys should leave," I whispered and walked over to the door, opening it. Paris was in front of me then and shut the door quickly then picked me up bridal style.

"Come meet my son." I screamed and then looked up at him with wide eyes.

"I-I've already met Keegan online. Please leave," I told him, trying to sound firm about it. We appeared then in a wonderful grand kitchen. I found a guy curled up to a girl on the floor. A fifteen year old on a counter top, and a somewhat couple eating at the bar together. Louis appeared and walked over to the couple after handing my cat to the fifteen year old and sat down next to the girl and kissed her cheek. I looked around and then up at the guy. How the hell did he do that? I must've hit my head hard when I fell... or maybe I'm still asleep? I pinched my arm then yelped. The boy on the floor looked up at me quickly and then froze up, his eyes widened then.

"That's Keegan in real life." Paris whispered into my ear and then shoved me towards him. I stumbled over to him then looked him over. So he doesn't have red hair... he has black hair.... I blushed slightly and then looked back at Paris then at this supposed Keegan. How do I even know this is really him?

"Ummm... hi?" I whispered, looking the guy over.

"H-Hiko?" He asked me softly and then looked at Paris. "I told you not to bring him here." He looked hurt then. I guess that is him then.... He knows my name and no one said it yet. I blushed slightly and then walked over to the fifteen year old, taking my cat from him and held her close as I kissed the top of her head and looked around the kitchen as I rubbed her head.

"Keegan, invite your friend to stay for the party." Paris suggested.

"Mom..." Keegan mumbled. "Do we really have to do this right now, you probably scared him to death." He got to his feet and then walked over to me and grabbed my hand and started to drag me out of the kitchen. "Come on, I've got to get you somewhere before Rory, Shiloh, or Sage sees you." I frowned but didn't say anything yet, deciding to let him take me where he was going. He dragged me up some stairs and down a hall until we came up to a door. He pressed his finger down on a scanner and then pulled me inside the room where a whole bunch of computers was set up around it and Elister was sitting. He shut the door quickly behind us. I watched him then walked over to Elister and sat beside him, letting Yoi go as I brought my knees to my chest.

"What's going on?" I asked Keegan softly, trying not to show him I was still panicking. He sighed and then rubbed the back of his head.

"My family... is different... Remember? Ummm... My father and uncle were excited I got a new friend and wanted to bring you into our family to bring me more comfort because I don't really have friends.... I'm sorry. I'm going to arrange for a flight to Tokyo for you." He blushed. I watched him then nodded.

"Okay," I whispered and rested my chin on my knees as I watched him. "I can't fault you for what your crazy dad and uncle did," I mumbled.

"I'm really sorry." He whispered. "Please don't..... don't unfriend me." He rubbed his wrist then. I blushed and shook my head no.

"Why would I do that?" I asked him. "You're pretty much my only friend too besides my cat and sister," I whispered and felt my face heating up as I admitted that. He blushed a bright pink then.

"So.... How freaked out and mad are you then?" He asked me. I watched him and gave a small smile.

"I'm not really that mad... I'm just a little freaked out that they somehow got into the apartment without my noticing then took me and brought me here... but I don't know how they did it that quickly," I whispered. "I'm chalking it up to you saying your family is different." I blushed. "Sorry that I'm here.... I know that you don't want me here, and I wouldn't have come if they hadn't snatched me."

"Want to see my fangs?" He asked me quickly. I blushed big time then.

"W-what? Um... sure?" He got on his knees in front of me then exposed them, showing them to me. They looked so... real! I smiled and then reached a hand out hesitantly then gently touched one. I felt it cut my finger and he gasped, leaning in a bit and licked my finger. I blushed as I watched him, but I didn't take my hand back, trying to keep an open mind like he said I should. He looked up at me then leaned in towards my lips and looked into my eyes.

"My family are all supernatural beings for the most part." He whispered. "We're that different." He pulled back from me then and waited for my reaction. I widened my eyes. Supernaturals? I looked towards his fangs and then blushed as I saw my cut finger. Oh.... It makes sense.... I looked back at him and studied him for a few seconds before I gave a small nod and smiled. He is still Keegan though.... It's not like his personality changed with it if he is a vampire.

"I guess that explains why your 'mom' and your uncle were able to do all that," I whispered. It didn't really bother me I guess.... It surprised me slightly, but he did say they were special and different.

"Uhmmmm Paris is my mom." He told me, giving a nod. "I'm a pureblood vampire. We're able to shift between genders." I blushed and looked him over.

"Pureblood like Vampire Knight?" I asked. He thought it over then shook his head.

"Not really.... I mean we are all born vampires...." He thought it over. "We're much different then that though... in fact the movies don't have a clue about what we're really like." He told me. I laughed and then nodded.

"I believe it," I told him and then brought my hand back to me. "I'm okay with you being a supernatural. It explains a lot," I whispered, giving him a small smile.

"You're the first." He told me. "All of them usually run- humans that is... that meet this family." He blushed. "I was nervous..." I nodded and then looked him over.

"Have you... ever killed a human?" I asked him softly, biting my bottom lip. He blushed.

"Uhmmmm...." He shook his head. "I've tried not to." I gave him a sweet smile then nodded.

"Okay Keegan," I whispered. "Thank you for telling me. It must've been hard...."

"Actually... Not that hard... You're taking this easier then I expected of you so it's making me want to tell you everything you deserve to know." He leaned in and then kissed my cheek. I blushed and shrunk down into the seat slightly. Why'd he kiss my cheek? Is it a weird vampire thing?

"O-okay," I mumbled.

"I also feel that you deserve to know that vampires... and most supernaturals can tell by either smell or something else that the person they're supposed to be with is near them." He told me. I frowned slightly but gave a nod.

"Okay?" I tilted my head a little. "I would guess that is helpful...."

"Hiko... How come you're calm?" He asked me softly. I blushed and then brought my knees closer to me.

"I... just.... I can't fault you for how you were born... and I know that you're still the guy I knew a few hours ago.... You just have fangs and a slightly more complicated life than I first believed," I whispered to him. "You're still Keegan the guy who befriended me and then saved me from Asura when we went into the DWMA basement." He blushed and then pulled me into the floor with him and then leaned in towards my lip and kissed me slowly. I blushed and froze up under him. Why's he kissing me?! I looked at him with wide eyes as I felt my face heating up. He pulled back from the kiss then and looked me over.

"Hiko... You're kind of my soul mate." He whispered. I felt my heart stop for a moment, but it picked back up and quickly sped up.


"I like you." He whispered. "I can smell it all over you and taste it in your blood... You're the person I should be with." I blushed as I watched him. He is... really hot. What am I talking about?! I'm not gay! Am.. I? I gave him a shy smile.

"So... what exactly... does that mean?"

"Well... It means we should start seeing eachother more often." He whispered. I blushed.

"Like... in game... or out of game?" So I'm supposed to be with Keegan romantically or something?

"Both." He smiled. I frowned slightly.

"But I live all the way in Japan," I mumbled.

"Live here." He suggested. I widened my eyes a little as I looked up at him.

"H-here?" He nodded. "What would I tell my sister? Plus I only know you in the game... and that was only for a few days." I bit my bottom lip.

"Your sister can live here too." He smiled. "It's normal... Ummm, we'll work something out about getting to know each other." He's really serious about this.... I blushed again and curled up under him.

"So... I'm supposed to romantically be with you?" I managed to get out, but it was a whisper.

"One day, yeah." He nodded and blushed. "I know... it's odd... but you are my soul mate." He whispered sweetly. I looked towards his lips and blushed as I remembered him kissing me. I... kind of liked it. I kissed his cheek gently, trying it out for myself. He watched me and gave a smile. "I would never harm you in real life... I promise." He told me and then pulled me into a hug. I smiled and hugged him back.

"Okay," I whispered. "I would hope you wouldn't hurt me for real." I laughed as I remembered that he saved me in that place and wondered if that's what he was worried about- how he had saved me. He smiled.

"So..... my family is throwing a party tonight... because my dad- the girl that was on the floor with me, is pregnant, our family wizard friends just had their first baby, and my uncle Louis just found his mate." He told me. "I just found you.... so maybe you should ummmm.... accompany me to the party tonight and I swear I will make them take you home tomorrow if you want them to." He promised. I frowned. That's a lot of complicated stuff.... Wizards are real?

"Uhhh.... Okay, I will go with you to the party thingy if that's what you want... I kind of don't want to be left alone here anyways," I admitted and gave a nervous smile. I'm in a really strange place....

"Okay. Let's ummm... No... Elister?" He turned to Elister then. "Can you go get us something nice to wear?" Elister looked over and then smiled, getting to his feet.

"Of course.... Would you like me to pick something out for Hiko from your closet as well?"

"I think we're the same size, so yes." Keegan stood up then and sat down in the chair and looked towards me. "I'd take you to my room but I don't want you running into any of my siblings..... or my cousins... Some of them are really scary." I nodded as I sat up and then moved back into the chair I had been sitting in while Elister left us, shutting the door behind him.

"My sister is an albino," I whispered to him, looking over at him. "I didn't tell you before."

"Really?" Keegan tilted his head. "The white hair in my family symbols our demonic blood running through us.... see my great great great- um grandfather- I don't know how many greats- was a demon who fell in love with a pureblood vampire." He told me and then smiled. "So because of their love, most of my family has white hair." I laughed a little.

"That's kind of cool.... My sister sticks out in Japan because of hers. Most of us have darker hair." I pointed to my own blackish, brownish hair and smiled. "She scares little kids."

"I'd love to meet her." Keegan purred. "She'd fit in around here. You'll see at the party. I have eight sibilings plus the one dead and the one in my mother's stomach. So together that is ten." He told me. "My parents are like.... destined for eternal love.... I can't wait for you to see them together in action. They're playing piano tonight." I smiled.

"That's... a lot of siblings. They must really love each other," I whispered. "I don't know what I'd do if my parents had that many kids."

"Well both of my parents are well over 2000 years old." Keegan explained and then grabbed a keyboard and moose, starting his computer then pulled up a screen with a family tree. "This is everyone in my family. Dead and alive. If they have a cross by their name then they are dead." I looked it over and gasped slightly at how many people there were then looked over at him.

"Keegan... how old are you?" I asked him.

"Just a little over two centuries. I'm the youngest." He told me. I nodded and then smiled. Compared to his parents... that isn't that old.... But he's been alive for 200 years and he said he's never.... I blushed. Mates must be serious then.... He looked towards me. "Rose, my aunt and Victor are the only ones together that aren't actually mates." He told me, pointing them out and their three children. I nodded. If there's only one couple like that.... I brought my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them as I watched him.

"So... mates are a really big thing?"

"Yeah... I should tell you about my parents... there is a lot of deep history in my family, Hiko." He smiled. I gave a small nod and then tensed up as I heard the door open and Elister walked back in and over to Keegan.

"Is this suitable?" He asked, holding out two outfits. Keegan looked them over then nodded.

"That'll do." He smiled. "Anyways, my parents grew up in a different vampire era then I did.... This is back when Dracula was alive and ruling." He told me. "Yes, he's real." I widened my eyes and about fell out of my seat. "You okay? Should I stop for questions?" He tilted his head. DRACULA WAS REAL?! Probably the version that put heads on sticks.... I shook my head no and curled up in my seat as I watched Elister set the clothes down on a table then take his seat back. "Okay well Dracula is my grandfather. He's my father- Richard's father." He told me. I nodded as I looked him over, keeping up my calm appearance. HE'S RELATED TO FREAKIN DRACULA?! "Back then Dracula wasn't very... happy for different... Like boys loving boys, mates being with each other, vampires biting other vampires, and people being aloud to love who they wanted... I think you get the idea due to human's having similar problems throughout history. So when my parents first met.... they knew right then and there they were meant for each other and they began a revolution from their love. With that... we're now allowed freedoms... Freedom to love anyone we want, especially our mate."

"So... a long time ago... you would've had big problems when you found me... if we were living then," I mumbled.

"If they found out about our love.... they would have killed you and punished me." He explained softly. I nodded and then watched him. So... I should probably thank his parents later.... I would be dead if they hadn't changed things. "Their love is one of the most epic stories you could ever hear about.  In fact my mother kept journals. So you can read it." I blushed slightly but gave a small nod.

"Okay... so they started a revolution... and brought the vampire world to today? Then they had you?"

"Last kid!" He gave a huge smile then it faded. "Well.... I was." He rubbed his cheek then. "My father is having a kid." I frowned as I watched him. That's got to be rough... becoming a middle child. He's used to being the baby of the family for 200 years... and I'm just used to it for about nineteen years. I got up and walked over to him then gave him a hug.

"I'm sorry that your life is changing and you're not happy about it," I whispered to him. "That has to be hard to know that you won't be the baby of the family for much longer. I don't know what I'd do if my parents suddenly told me they were going to have another kid."

"I'll have to get used to it. I should have known I wasn't going to be the last... I was born with three others." I frowned. Quadroplets.

"Still," I mumbled in his ear. "I'd be upset too..." I kissed his cheek and then ruffled his hair.

"Let's get dressed and then go down to the ball room." He suggested. "I'll let them boast about their life stories when you meet them. Ask Paris and Louis about the manor." He winked and then looked at Elister. "Set up a curtain between us." Elister got up and did what he was told then handed me the outfit that Keegan didn't take and turned away. I blushed and looked it over but got dressed in it quickly. It was a little big on me because I was smaller than him, but it didn't look too bad. I smoothed it out then sat down in the chair, waiting on him. Keegan finished getting dressed and motioned for Elister to take the curtain down. Keegan reached out for my hand. "Stick by me tonight. I don't know how my litter mates will act." I blushed and then nodded, taking his hand.

Keegan's POV:

The two pianos were playing as my parents were sitting together, playing a duet as people danced around. I could see Louis talking to some girl nearby as he was holding her hand and looking at the others while Isaac was sitting in the corner with the baby, eyeing everyone down if they got close to them. Hiko was hiding slightly behind me as he held my hand tightly, looking at everyone in panic. "Relax...." I whispered to him. "They can smell fear." I joked and laughed. I pulled him towards Shiloh, Rory, Sage, Astrid, Starla, Lori, Peyton, Aiyana, and Alistair. "Hey guys... Ummm... I want to introduce my mate, Hiko." I told them, giving Hiko's hand a squeeze for good luck. Shiloh was the first to look over, exposing her fangs.

"What?" She hissed then nudged Rory quickly. Hiko yelped and hid behind me then. Rory glanced over towards me with an raised eyebrow.

"SO! This is where my baby brother has been running off on and doing?" He asked and then walked up to us and sniffed Hiko. "Wow, you smell like a virgin... I can dibs on biting." I shoved Rory back quickly and pulled Hiko behind me slightly.

"Don't... make a scene." I told Rory. "Or you definitely will be going to camp without me. I wanted to introduce my mate, not share." Shiloh steadied Rory and looked us over then smirked. She caught Hiko's eyes and laughed.

"Hey there cutie," she purred. Hiko blushed and glanced at me then at her. "No, no, no, look only at me," she told him as she caught his eyes again and started to compel him. I stepped between them quickly.

"Shiloh!" I hissed. "Be nice to my mate, please." I begged.

"Awwww... be nice." Astrid walked up and gave me a hug. "Hey Keegan, I'm glad you found your mate. At least he's not like mine." She glanced behind her then at Sage. "A complete waste of space." Sage growled at her and then grabbed her wrist, pulling her to him and then bit into her wrist. I could smell him remark her. Hiko's eyes widened as he saw it and he gripped the back of my shirt, hiding his face into my back. Shiloh frowned as she looked me over.

"I was only going to have a little fun," she mumbled as she looked at Hiko's trembling body. "He's so frightened.... How adorable."

"You're scaring him." I grumbled. Rory laughed and then pulled Sage away from Astrid.

"Let's not upset our baby brother Sage. He's finally made things interesting. He's learned how to throw useless orders towards us. He's gripped some balls while playing with his little toy." Rory leaned in and kissed Sage's cheek as he watched me. Astrid looked towards her wrist as it healed up then backed away from Sage, pulling Starla into a hug.

"Well I think he's adorable." Alistair told me, giving a smile. "When are you going to mark him?" He asked. "Because until you do.. he's free for the taking." I widened my eyes and then wrapped an arm around Hiko's waist and held him close to me.

"In due time." Rory laughed out. "Hiko will be marked.... or-"

"What're you boys talking about with the ladies?" I heard Rose ask as she walked up with Victor. Victor's eyes went straight to Hiko.

"Look Rose... it's a human," he whispered. Rose gave a friendly smile.

"Who's the human, sugar?" She asked me and then held out a hand to shake Hiko's hand. "My name is Rose, I'm his auntie."

"Hiko, my mate." I whispered.

"Wow.... Two mates discovered in one day." Rose gave a delighted smile. "This is a party." Hiko hesitantly shook Rose's hand and then pulled back, holding onto me as he studied her. He smiled a little and leaned his head against me.

"She's got pretty hair like my sister," he whispered.

"Why thank you!" Rose laughed softly. "Let me introduce you to my mate... This is Victor." She gestured to him then. "Have you been given the names of the others?" She asked, pointing out my odd family members standing with us. He shook his head no.

"Well... you should probably watch out around them," Victor told him then walked over. "The safest place is with the adults."

"I was trying to be polite and introduce him to my littermates so they won't be upset." I whispered.

"Well, I will go over the ladies first. Shiloh, Astrid, Starla, Peyton, and Aiyana." She pointed them each out. "As for the guys....  Alister, Sage, and Rory." She grabbed our hands then. "Let's go meet some more mature adults worthy of your appearance." She giggled and brought us over to Louis, Raven, Nikolai, and the girl from earlier who's been sitting with Louis. Val and Alex was also walking up to join us. "Raven! Who's your friend?" She asked, pointing out the girl I was just wondering about.

"Oh, this is Ann," Raven said and giggled then froze up, her eyes wandering towards Hiko with curiosity that was growing by the second. She glanced at me then back at Hiko and smirked a little as it seemed to click for her.

"Ann! Oh wait! This is Ann~!?" Rose asked and then giggled. "I should have guessed." Her eyes wondered over Ann then towards Louis. "I'm Rose." She went up to Ann then and wrapped her arms around her, giving her a hug. Ann blushed and tensed up all together.

"Oh... I was going to introduce you two," Louis said and frowned. "Rose, you ruined it. I wanted to do that for her.... Besides, you already knew what she looked like. I shared my memories with you.... Ann, this is my sister who came up with the lake idea." He smiled sweetly at Ann.

"I've been drinking." Rose confessed and pulled back. "I had to start celebrating early when I found out about Lien." She giggled and looked across the room towards Hachi and Isaac. "Laurence is home too." She looked around and spotted him.

"How'd you find out so fast?" Nikolai asked her.

"The walls whisper." Rose shrugged.

"Walls don't whisper Rose..."

"Oh they do Nikolai.. they do." She winked. Raven giggled then and hummed twinkle twinkle little star under her breath.

"They've talked to me before," she said with a small smirk as she swirled her glass of blood and then took a sip of it. "Riiiiight when I killed that one guy... and then that other time when- Oh, sorry," she said quickly and smiled sheepishly, looking up at Nikolai.

"That's my cousin Nikolai- King of all vampires and his mate Raven... She's an old family friend." I whispered to Hiko. Nikolai gave a small smirk towards Raven.

"Oh yeah?" He asked. "You've also been in a mental institution so don't go bragging."

"Ooooh, you should've heard the walls there! They practically screamed out! And then they told me to write things on them with crayon... but then they took my markers and crayons sometimes... so I used their pretty red blood to write all over them," she said and giggled and then put a hand over her mouth. "Oh dear... Ummmmm...." She looked at Hiko and then smiled. "Not a good first impression," she whispered. Hiko hid behind me quickly.

"It's okay Hiko." I whispered to him. "She's not going to hurt you unless she wants to see my father's fist break her pretty nose." Raven smiled.

"I wouldn't hurt him anyways. He's a guest... not a random street human," she said and then looked Hiko over. "You must be mated to Keegan, right?" Hiko gave a small nod and relaxed slightly. She gave him a sweet smile. "That's good. Keegan is a nice guy. Treat him well."

"KEEGAN!" I tensed up as my mother called for me. "COME HERE! LOUIS DARLING! I NEED YOU TOO!" I looked towards my mother and father on the stage then at Hiko.

"Stay with my aunt Rose, okay?" I asked him. I looked at Rose. "Please watch over Hiko for me?" I asked her.

"I sure will darling." She sat down and patted the chair by her. "Sit with me sweetie, I'll watch over you. Keegan and Louis have to go put on a show for us." She winked our way. "I won't bite." Hiko nodded and gave a smile, walking over and sitting beside her. Raven took another sip of her drink then looked at Nikolai with a sweet smile. Louis kissed Ann's cheek then went towards the stage, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. I looked towards Hiko, giving a small wave. I followed Louis onto the stage then picked up my violin and waited for Louis to do the same. He grabbed his then looked Paris over with a small smirk and then put the bow to the violin and glanced at me before he started the song. I followed after him quickly, recognizing the song that we've recently practiced together. A few people smiled our way, and I noticed that Raven had asked Nikolai to dance, acting like a male to mess with him as she bowed and everything, taking his hand and kissing it. I watched as Nikolai had swiftly brought her to the dance floor and began to dance together. Louis smirked as he saw it and closed his eyes, listening to the notes. I watched as my parents even started to dance together. I laughed softly. Richard was leading Paris around the dancefloor in a waltz to the song and smiled up at him as she kept him close, probably laughing because she was a girl. She spun Paris out then brought him back and leaned him down, kissing him passionately before she pulled back and forced her way into leading him again.

"Louis..." I whispered softly. He looked over at me.

"What is it?" He asked me.

"Could you show Hiko a few things about our family's past?" I asked. "I want to show him how wonderful we are." He smirked at me.

"I'll do more than that.... I'll give him a brief overview of vampire history up till today and give him our family stuff... then I'll give him somethings about you," he purred, laughing slightly. "He'll feel like he's been here for a long time when I'm done."

"Thank you.... He seems really calm about us though... I told him and he just accepted it... It was odd... I never seen a human do that." I mumbled. He frowned.

"That is... very strange.... I've never really heard of that either. Most humans can't accept our world. There was a time when they had to though... however they don't remember it because Hachi took it from them all to protect our family. Though... Hiko was afraid of us when we first found him. He attempted to run," Louis whispered my way.

"Well... you intruded in on his home." I hissed softly. "Of course he'd be afraid."

"Heh... it was cute," Louis whispered. "I'll give him what you asked for when we are done playing."

"Thank you. I think he'll like to know more..." I looked over at Hiko then. I saw his cheeks turn pink as I caught him watching me. I smiled towards him and then winked. His blush deepened and he looked away, bringing his knees to his chest as he mumbled something Rose's way. Rose laughed and rubbed Hiko's head then whispered something to him, making him smile. I noticed a faint glimmering light coming from the corner Isaac was sitting in with the baby and then a mini galaxy appeared around them and Hachi as they sat there. The stars kind of looked like they were dancing to the music, but there weren't many of them. I smiled as I looked over... I should go see Lien soon.... I wasn't very... nice when I first met him. I need to go welcome him better into the family. I caught the smell of my mother's blood then from the dancefloor and there were a few yelps as couples jumped to get out of the way as Richard and Paris ended up on the floor with Richard over Paris, drinking his blood. I frowned and hoped Hiko wasn't watching them. "Oh man... I wish they would learn self control..." I mumbled. I smelled my mother get remarked then in the middle of the floor as Richard slipped her arms around Paris and pulled him closer. Paris let out a moan then and blushed. Donnie pulled Midori over to Rose and sat down by here, whispering something to her as he eyed Nikolai down. Rose nodded and smirked.