Moving On

Richard's POV:

I looked over at Paris and giggled as I played with my hair on the piano bench in the music room. "You know what they're doing," I whispered to him. "They got married yesterday... and Laurence asked for time alone with him.... They're getting intimate." Paris nodded and laughed.

"They've waited long enough." Paris kissed my cheek as he watched me. "I'm surprised they waited so long... usually mates jump into the secret bonds of being a mate... I'm starting to worry about my brother and his mate... You know him and August jumped in together as soon as August became a werewolf.... Of course I pushed it wanting children out of them..." I frowned and then stopped playing with my hair and moved my fingers over the keys, starting to play a soft song.

"Well.... She used to be human," I reminded him. "They do things differently.... Though you're right that Louis normally wouldn't take that from his mate. He should've made his move by now... and the whole thing with Keegan and you smacking him the other night probably didn't help him want to be with his mate like that at all. He could've played all the right cards at that party yesterday and gotten her... but after that, he wouldn't want to... and she wouldn't let him."

"My little twin might need my help..." Paris purred and then laid down on the piano. "What do you think?" I smirked a little.

"Yes, that may be very true.... If I remember correctly, you helped him out with August by helping him find out about werewolves... and I think your twin might be getting a little sick- emotionally or in his head or something. He's been really...." I frowned as I tried to think of a word. "A push over?"

"I'll play match maker... for my lovely sister-in-law." Paris purred then. "Oh yes... I will.... I'll even get Rose to help." I giggled and looked at him.

"Aww, how are you going to go about and do that? What if Louis catches you doing it?"

"I don't care if he catches me or not. He needs it." Paris sat up then and pulled out his phone then started to text someone. I stopped playing and stood up, looking over to see who he was texting out of curiosity. Paris was messaging Rose, setting up the whole thing with her. I giggled and then kissed his cheek.

"Alright baby, take care of your twin. Remember he's still a little torn up about August. I found out he still has those glasses under his pillow. One of the maids told me," I mumbled. "He needs to let go.... He's doing a better job now that Ann is here because he's trying to concentrate on her instead of the past... but he still has the glasses under his pillow."

"I know he has those glasses." Paris told me, looking my way. "I'm his twin, I snoop around." He looked upset then. "I want him to be happy. I don't want to get rid of those glasses though because he needs them still. He'll let them go when it becomes time to do it." I nodded and then rubbed Paris's shoulder.

"I still worry...." I kissed his cheek and then leaned my head against him. "After all he's your twin.... He should have made a move on Ann- more than what he's done."

"Do you think I should take those glasses?" He asked me. "Lock them away from him?" I frowned and looked at him. If we were to take the glasses.... that'd be like taking August from him. He loved him... and he is still holding onto those glasses.... but he needs to move on too..... He isn't being fair to Ann by keeping them right under his pillow....

"Maybe... if you try suggesting moving the glasses to a less intimate spot... like in his closet or something where it'll be out of sight. August is still apart of him... and all mates are special, but he also needs to start focusing on Ann, and if he moves the glasses to a new spot, maybe he'll be able to."

"Let's go suggest it to my dear twin then." Paris grabbed my wrist and we was in his room. Louis was curled up in his bed, tangled up in his bedsheets as he had his arms wrapped around the other pillow in the bed. I smiled a little and kissed Paris's cheek before I went over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it, brushing some of Louis's hair out of his face.

"Louis," I murmured, trying to wake him gently incase he was dreaming. Paris sat down on the other side of him and then kissed his cheek.

"Louis~ My lovely brother.... wake up." Paris whispered. "I have something to talk to you about."

"Mhhmmm," he hummed out and then curled up to the pillow tighter and nuzzled his head against it.

"Louis...." He shook Louis harder then to wake him. He yelped as his eyes snapped open and he sat up quickly, looking panicked then recognized us.

"Wha... what are you doing in my room?" He asked us and yawned as he rubbed at his eyes then laid back down and looked us over. "Is something wrong?"

"Louis, we know about August's glasses." Paris told him. "We want you to put them someplace other than under your pillow." Louis's eyes widened slightly and he looked from Paris to me then back at Paris. He scooted closer to his pillow then laid on top of it. "Louis... August wants you to move on." Paris reached out for his twin. "It's time." Louis whimpered and gripped his pillow, reaching a hand under it probably to grab the glasses.

"Why do I have to move his glasses?" He asked us and looked at Paris pitifully. Paris looked towards me then, gesturing for me to talk now. I sighed and then moved closer to Louis and reached out, running my fingers through his hair.

"Louis... you have a new mate," I told him softly. "She's one door over... and she isn't going anywhere because you made her immortal. It's not fair to claim that you're going to be with her for eternity but continue to keep your old mate's glasses under your pillow where your head lays when you sleep.... We're not asking you to throw them out... just move them to a spot where you won't see them as often. Let August go. He would want you to move on to a new mate. He knew he wouldn't live forever," I whispered then leaned in and kissed his forehead. "We talked about taking them from you... but it was too mean to do. Don't make me tell Paris to take them." Paris leaned in, kissing Louis's cheek.

"We love you and want to see you happy." Paris purred. "It's for good intentions. Put them away." Louis whined and then looked down at his bed.

"But it feels like I'm throwing him away if I was to move them," he mumbled.

"You're not throwing him away. He'll always be right-" Paris touched Louis's chest right over his heart. "There." Paris kissed Louis on the cheek. Louis looked up at Paris and then pulled the glass's case out from under the pillow and opened it up, gently picking up August's old glasses. He looked them over and then glanced up at Paris.

"Do I have to?" He asked him softly.

"Louis, what are you going to do when you finally get Ann in bed? She'll find them and get angry that you still are clinging to your old mate," I hissed softly, looking towards the glasses then at him.

"Yes, you have to." Paris told him. "Put them in your closet." He ordered firmly. "For the good of your health and Ann's health." Louis whimpered softly and looked at the glasses.

"Please," I whispered to him. "Do this for your mate if not for yourself.... He's in a better place, but Ann is here and she's staying here. Don't hang onto the past for too long...." He looked over at me and then at the glasses before he slowly put them back in the case and then shut it. I gave a soft smile and kissed his cheek. "You're doing the right thing... and you're being really brave," I purred to him.

"We both love you." Paris purred. "You're strong, yes? Go put them away." Louis looked up at Paris and then sat up in the bed and picked the glasses up. He moved out of the bed and looked towards his closet then at his glasses. I smiled.

"Want me to walk with you?" I asked him softly. He looked over at me gratefully, making me feel better since how he had looked like he wanted to cry earlier. I got up and grabbed his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze and started to walk with him to his closet. Paris walked with us, trailing behind and keeping quiet. When we got into his closet, he walked over to a corner of it and knelt down, pulling up a few floorboards then reached in and put the glasses inside a small cardboard box in it with some of August's most favorite possessions. I frowned as I saw it. He hid all that... under his floor. It wasn't just the glasses. Paris stopped at the closet door and leaned against the wall, watching Louis. I looked at him and frowned then looked back at Louis. He had hidden all that from us.... He placed the floorboards back then got up and looked towards us and walked past me then Paris as he went back to his bed and curled up in it. He's definitely not alright. Paris walked back to Louis then and crawled into bed with him and pulled his head to his chest.

"Louis.... August isn't coming back." Paris whispered softly. "Ever." I walked out of the closet and over to them, sitting down on the edge of the bed and shrunk back when I saw Louis was crying softly. Oh... I didn't mean to do that... but he needs to let go.

"I know," Louis whispered and then turned around to face Paris and curled up to him. "I miss him..."

"We all miss August." Paris whispered. "Please... don't keep this up though... I want you to be happy with Ann now." Paris kissed his twin's cheek. "Be happy now. August wants that."

"How do you know?" Louis mumbled and closed his eyes. I frowned and then crawled over to the other side of Louis and wrapped my arms around him, kissing his cheek.

"Louis... he wouldn't want you to be sad. He'd want you to be happy, and if it meant that you have to move on and be with someone else, he'd want you to because he wasn't selfish like that, and he loved you and wanted you to have the best life you could even though his was short," I whispered to him.

"Plus it's said that if your new mate comes into your life then that means your past mate sent him or her to make you happy and to move you on from him or her." Paris whispered in Louis's ear. Louis got quiet then and didn't say anything for a bit. I smiled and played with his hair to comfort him, knowing he was thinking it through. He'd come to the same conclusion as the rest of us.

"I don't want to be unfair to Ann," he mumbled after a few minutes.

"I'm sure she likes you." Paris whispered. "You're irresistible." Louis frowned and looked up at Paris.

"Nuh-uh.... Ann doesn't let me kiss her. She says that I don't know women."

"You don't know humans." Paris corrected. "Humans are silly. They like to grow into a relationship when we don't have to because when we meet our mate that's it. We'll grow to know each other afterwards." Paris rubbed his head. "She likes you because she is your mate."

"That's probably the only reason why," Louis muttered. "You know it was her that had messed with my shampoo... right? She pranked me to make me apologize for turning her because I wanted to not lose her like Auggie."

"She wanted to freely choose being turned, you took that from her. Of course she wanted an apology." Paris mumbled. "She'd choose immortality anyways."

"Nuh-uh.... She might not have.... Humans believe their life is precious and as soon as the process begins, they want to back out of it," Louis hissed under his breath.

"It's over with anyways." Paris whispered, kissing his cheek. "She got you back good." Paris yanked on Louis's hair. "Remember?" Louis growled and pushed Paris out of the bed and into the floor. "I'm only trying to help you." Paris huffed out from on the floor. "I love you. We'll help you win over Ann if that's what you need." I giggled slightly and peeked over the edge of the bed to look at Paris then at Louis. He pouted and pulled his pillow close to him.

"Why're you so eager to see me in bed with her anyways?" He muttered.

"I'm your twin." Paris mumbled. "Your sadness is my sadness and your happiness is my happiness." Louis smiled at that and looked over at Paris on the floor and reached out, pulling him back into the bed.

"Okay," he said and kissed Paris's cheek. "I guess I can't be mad at you for too long for siding with her on the whole turned thing.... I've already talked to Rose about trying to get Ann's attention. I took her dancing on the frozen lake during the full moon and I made her dinner and got her a rose and stuff.... Plus I rescued her from her frozen bedroom and got Isaac to help her out with her ice powers and started helping her get friends." Paris purred.

"How about today you go check on her with a bottle of blood?" Paris suggested. "Then afterwards take her someplace fun." Louis looked up at Paris's eyes and then kissed his cheek.

"Someplace fun?" Louis asked. "Like what?"

"How about you take her to Paris, France." He suggested. Louis frowned.

"I don't know if she'd like that just yet...."

"She would! Take her up onto the Eifel tower." Paris winked then. "Have a nice lunch set up and everything. Spend a day in my castle or something fun." Louis watched Paris and then slowly nodded.

"Okay," he mumbled. I giggled and looked at Paris. This is making me want a date.

"Go get her tiger," I said and kicked Louis out of his own bed into the floor. "Go prepare and set everything up like the big bad tiger you are so you can have a successful hunt," I purred, teasing him. He blushed and then stood up, watching me.

"U-um.... Okay? I guess I could go start now...."

"Good boy," I said then waved him off. He walked out of the room, leaving us after giving me a funny look. Paris laughed and then looked towards me then pulled me onto him and kissed me deeply. I gasped and then giggled, going for his hands as I kissed him back. Paris~! He pulled away and smiled.

"Want a date?" He asked, purring. "Let's go see the Great Wall of China?" He suggested. I giggled and gave a nod, kissing his neck.

"You little mind reader," I murmured teasingly. "That's cheating."

"Not it's not." Paris shook his head. "I'm using my powers for my own benefits."

"Mate benefits?" I giggled and looked down into his eyes. At least I can't keep secrets from him. He laughed and nodded.

"No... You're so pure and true." He whispered then teleported us, making us appear right on the Great Wall of China. I gasped as I saw the view and leaned into him, looking out from beside him.

"Wow.... Liam, you're going to love this when I bring you back to see it yourself," I whispered and put a hand over my belly. "You're the only one of my kids that can say they went to the Great Wall of China with mommy and daddy...."

"Before birth." Paris added on and chuckled. I giggled and then leaned up, giving him a quick kiss.

"You better start telling me if you can hear him like I can when you do," I purred and then nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck before I pulled away and bounced over to the edge, looking out at the landscape.

"Oh I will." Paris promised.

"Mhmm," I hummed out, not glancing back at him as I looked out at the land and sighed. China's so pretty! Hachi must've liked growing up here besides the fact that his family was a bunch of evil cannibals.

"Maybe you should ask him." Paris suggested. I glanced back then and smiled.

"Maybe.... I think he might enjoy a friendly conversation rather than someone going up and asking for something every time someone besides Isaac goes to talk to him." I walked over to him and grabbed his hand, pulling him over to the edge of the wall with me. I kissed his hand and then wrapped my arms around him as I looked out at China.

"He probably has a lovely story to tell us." Paris purred. "Of his childhood, before it all went up into flames." I nodded.

"I want to hear it.... I haven't heard about it from him yet," I mumbled and then rubbed my head against Paris's chest. I smiled softly and then leaned up to Paris's neck and gently bit in, marking him on this Great Wall. He let out a moan and fell to his knees in front of me. I purred and looked down at him with a smile as I licked my lips clean of his blood. "Was it too sudden for the great prince of France?" I asked him and smirked. I got down on my knees in front of him and then leaned in, kissing his neck. "Is your lover too passionate for you?" I got closer to him to where I could press against him easily but I held back from it and nuzzled my face into his neck. I reached down and tugged on his belt loops to mess with him.

"Not at all...." He purred in my ear then kissed my neck. "This is a date, remember?" He stood up then and forced me to my feet then started to walk across the wall with me. "How do you like the view?"

"Hmmm...." I smirked as I looked him over. I'm liking the view just fine. "China is pretty," I said. Not as pretty as my mate is though. I giggled at the thought and looked past him out at the landscape then looked around the wall in interest. "I can't believe they built this... even if some of it was built off slave labor," I whispered.

"Some of the bodies are in this slave labored wall." He told me. I nodded.

"That I believe," I told him and leaned my head against his shoulder as we walked. "You know... if we really do end up getting attacked again, I propose we build a giant wall like this one," I joked and smirked. "Lets see the humans get past it."

"Nah, I have a better idea." Paris whispered in my ear. "I'll tell you about it though if we ever need to use it." I giggled as a thought occurred to me.

"Well... if the humans ever get into a big handful, let's just turn our kids and Raven on them. Set them loose," I purred. "I'll help."

"Or move south." Paris laughed at the thought. I giggled and then gave him a kiss.

"Uh huh?" I looked him over and then looked at the wall as we were coming up to one of the towers. "So, do you think Louis is going to be able to get Ann to at least sleep in his bed tonight?"

"Sleep in his bed tonight? No." Paris shook his head. "Ann seems classy. She'll never sleep in his bed unless she had a really bad nightmare. Even then she'd make him sleep on the couch." I frowned.

"I thought the whole point of playing match maker was to get her and Louis to start doing mate stuff like having fun in bed.... How're they supposed to have fun in bed if she won't sleep in bed?"

"We need to make them at least cozy with each other first before we press them into bed." He told me, tapping my nose. I frowned and snapped my jaws towards his finger playfully.

"Yeah... but you just said she'll never sleep in his bed you punk. She has to eventually or Louis will quit trying and start ignoring her. He had August who would have sex with him every few hours if Louis wanted to."

"She'll crawl into bed eventually with him." Paris hummed. "They're mates." I giggled then as I thought about Raven and Nikolai. Those two at least sleep in bed together... but I doubt they're ever gonna have kids for at least... a millennia or something. "Nikolai will come around too.." Paris whispered. "I think...." I shrugged.

"I don't know.... Raven might go out more if he doesn't. There's a lot of mate problems in our house now that I think about it.... Louis and Ann.... Raven and Nikolai.... and I'm sure there are others... but they aren't as bad. I mean... Donnie and Midori have a slight problem because Midori gets easily scatterbrained around shiny objects. Then you have our sweet baby Keegan who has a human mate...." I frowned. I hope that goes alright.... I'd hate for Keegan to have a Louis problem in his life.

"I'm sure they'll all get happy endings." He hummed. I frowned.

"I wish sometimes that mates would just be like us and choose to be happy instead of have every little problem they can find.... I try to help set a good mate example by showing off with you every once in awhile to teach the younger ones...." I leaned in and gave him a small kiss.

"We're much older though and we already had our up and downs." Paris told me, kissing me. "We're who we are now because of how long we have been together. It was hard at first, remember?" I frowned and looked at him.

"I don't remember it being hard.... I bit you and you became mine," I said stubbornly. Suuuure.... there was the reaction where he started to say I wasn't really his friend and kinda cried... and then there was the time when he saw me kill someone out in the garden.... and then there was the mistrust from seeing me kill that girl... and then after that we had to figure out how to be mates... and then we ended up having to decide which was more important- our parents and family or each other.... and then we had to fight and kill our parents together.... and then we became demons and Paris wanted me cleansed... and then Africa... and then the make up in Canada... and then the loss of our child... and then everything else..... "See, I bit you and you became mine."

"That's not what I remember." Paris muttered. I smirked.

"Really? Because I remember a cute innocent little boy on my piano bench who was interested by my piano and got bit," I purred, teasing him as I pulled him close and leaned in towards his neck. "Sure, there was a lot more that happened than that... but that bite was perfect. It marked the beginning of us."

"I like us." Paris purred and smirked. "It's better then any old fairy tale."

"Mmmmm.... I love our story.... I want to tell Liam all about us." I giggled and looked down at my tummy. "We'll have story night every night before it's bedtime," I purred to him and ran a hand over my tummy. "I can't wait for you to get bigger."

"Liam~" Paris purred and then looked down at my stomach and rested his hand on it. I purred to Paris and put my hand over his, taking his hand right where Liam should be and had him keep his hand there.

"Soon you'll be able to feel his cute little stone and heart pulsing away," I whispered to him.

"Yes I will... and when Liam is born he will be so spoiled and he'll have the coolest best friend ever named Lien." I giggled at that thought.

"They're going to have so much fun together," I mumbled and had Paris rub right over Liam. "I can't wait~ I wish we could feel him now....."

"We'll have to wait." Paris purred. "Everything is coming together just fine in this family. Laurence is growing now... We're having a kid..... Hachi had a kid... Someday we will have grandchildren."

"We could start pushing Donnie and Midori to," I mumbled, looking up at him. "It's the perfect time... everything is peaceful and there is already going to be two kids around...."

"Donnie and Midori? Are you sure?" He asked. "Donnie might not be ready." I frowned.

"Donnie raised Dannie... He already experienced what it's like to raise a kid.... I think he'll do fine... I'd be more worried about Midori. I don't know about our other kids Paris... I still think they're a little immature in their mate relationships- those who have mates that is...."

"Okay... What about Nikolai and Raven? We could push them.... We could push Alistair and Astrid.... We have a whole lot of potential in who to shove... Okay.... Donnie and Midori might be the best choice now that I look at it..." I laughed.

"See? Donnie and Midori is our best bet at getting grandkids right now.... Nikolai and Raven could probably have a kid if we got them both drunk and shoved them into their rooms. Raven would probably go after him if she was drunk." I giggled at the thought and then kissed Paris.

"Yeah... we could try both couples..." Paris thought to himself... He smirked then. "Try Louis too." I smirked.

"We'll do this then.... Who do you want to work at first?" I asked him.

"Donnie is the brains of his relationship so he'll be hard to get a grandkid from.... Unless we drug him and then talk Midori and him into it." I thought it over and then kissed Paris's cheek.

"Would we really have to drug him? They've been together for two centuries now. I'm sure Donnie wants to be with Midori that way.... They just need a push to have kids while they do it," I mumbled to him.

"I have no clue how to even get one of them pregnant.... Donnie would never agree to being a girl..." Paris trailed off.

"Then we'll ask Midori how dragons are made," I purred. "If we can't do anything for Midori being able to, the last resort could be asking Hachi to change Midori's gender into a cute little female dragon."

"We might want to try Raven and Nikolai first, when they get back from camp." Paris stopped walking then with me. I looked up at him then and nodded.

"I'll make sure to have a lot of alcohol at the house," I whispered. "We'll get them drunk. Raven already wants to be more physical with him. I saw that the last time they were sitting in the living room together. It's just Nikolai holding them back from being that way."

"I heard Nikolai gets risky when he's drunk and loosens up..." Paris whispered to me then winked.

"Then we'll hit Nikolai hard with alcohol- get Victor involved in it. He'll be so drunk he won't know which way is up and down," I purred and then kissed Paris. "I'll influence Raven to wear something cute and ditch the knives for the day and get her tipsy while you boys work on Nikolai."

"Sounds like a plan... How about the day they come back?" Paris suggested. "I'll tell Victor now." I nodded.

"The day they come back. It's our best bet. Nikolai will be looking to get drunk because he'll be home after being stuck in camp for an entire week." I smirked. "He'll want to be with his dad."

"Victor always gets him drunk... but this time he'll get him so drunk he won't tell which way the earth is spinning." Paris laughed then as he pulled out his phone. I watched him and held in a laugh. After this... we'll finally have a little Raven running around after her being with us this long. She's been with us for two boys now... and she still hasn't had a single kid... not even with that bastard German prince. Paris called Victor then and waited for him to answer.

Paris's POV:

Victor picked up right when it was going to voice mail and groaned. "What is it? I'm drinking with Rose," he muttered. "This better not be an errand call.... I'm not doing anything today besides drink with my girl."

"Oh? You don't want to hear about my plan that to give you grandchildren?" I asked, laughing. I heard him pause then before he growled softly.

"I don't want any kids from Alistair if that's what you're about to suggest," he hissed. "That kid is insane."

"No, Nikolai." I told him. "Why would I want Alistair to have kids!?" I laughed and blushed... I was suggesting it earlier.

"Oh... Nikolai kids? Well... that would be nice. What's the plan?" He asked me and sounded interested. "You know he can't touch people long enough to even do the minimum to make a kid."

"When he gets drunk he loosens up. I need you to get him drunk. Richard is going to handle Raven. We do it on the night they get back from camp."

"Oh... I can do that easily," Victor told me. I could hear a smirk creeping into his voice. "It will only work once. After this, he will watch how many drinks he takes."

"Don't get him so drunk he'll pass out on her." I warned.

"Oh trust me... I know what I'm doing. I've figured out how much a general pureblood can take to get knocked off their butts but not go to sleep. I've kind of got him down too.... He drinks with me so much I know when he needs to stop or else he'll fall asleep. I'll get the good stuff that he likes and keep it around."

"We're going to have so much fun having a mini Raven/Nikolai running around." I purred through the phone. He laughed at that.

"I wonder if the child will end up with Raven's episodes or not.... It has a high chance of being insane. It comes from my bloodline and will come from Raven."

"Hey, it also has my bloodline too in it's veins. It'll be one hell of an insane kid. Demon and all." I laughed at the thought.

"Oh... Are you sure about this then? I don't mind and I would love a grandkid... but are you sure you can handle having an insane kid like that in the manor? It'll probably love to bite."

"Hey, it's not the bloodlines in it's veins.... It's how you raise the child." I heard Rose giggling.

"Oh? Then explain Alistair," I heard Victor purr to her.

"Middle child." Rose giggled.

"Okay you two." I laughed and hung up on them then turned to Richard. She smiled up at me and then stole a kiss as she saw she had my attention again.

"So... we'll have to keep a close eye on Raven.... You're both right about the kid going to have some mental problems more than likely... and a child bonds so closely with it's mother. She'll probably start to have more episodes while she's pregnant," she whispered to me. "It'll be fun little experiment though.... She might not. What do you think? It's been a bit since she's had one."

"I hope not!" I shook my head. "We all know what she was like when we came out of the insane asylum.... I wasn't there but I've heard some memories." I shook my head. "I don't want her like that with a kid around or in her."

"Then we'll watch her closely," Richard whispered to me. "She listens to you." She placed a hand on my chest. "If we watch her, she'll be fine... and Nikolai will be able to help her too after he finishes pouting."

"Do you actually think he'll help? He doesn't show much physical contact and that's what she'll need." I pulled Richard to me.

"If he wants anything to do with the kid, he will have to or else she won't let him around it once it's born. She'll be mad at him," she whispered. "If he pouts for too long, he'll have an upset mate and a child he can't handle because he wasn't around in the early years. We'll have to help Raven and watch her and her kid." She gave me a kiss then. "I'm sure it'll be alright if we keep an eye on her.... Just Nikolai will be the problem."

"We've got to put some sense into that kid.... He's got to start growing up and maybe a kid is what he needs." I teleported us home and into the music room. She looked around in delight and ran over to her piano, sitting down at it.

"Mhmmm~ He'll learn that he has to get over it when Raven needs him or he'll lose her and the child with her," Richard told me and graced her fingers over the piano before she began to play. I walked over to the piano then sat down on the bench with her.

"Play our song." I purred to her.

"Our song?" She teased, giving a knowing smirk. She played a few more lines of what she was doing and then switched it to my favorite. I purred and started to hum to it as I watched her.... Richard, my one true mate. We have been together through thick and thin.... There is no one else I rather spend eternity laying beside in bed. I leaned in towards her lips and stole a kiss.

"I love you." I whispered to her. Even if I was to loose her to hell... I wouldn't let her go.... I'd have to go after her. I wouldn't be able to move on... It's either with Richard or Hell for me.

Ann's POV:

I slipped back into bed after a nice warm shower then brought my phone closer to me and cut on some music to listen to. I pulled the covers over me and snuggled up to them then pulled my necklace out a bit and looked at it, admiring it. Isaac gave me a really pretty gift to help with my ice powers... It was sweet of him since I barely know him. I thought back to last night with the scene that happened between Louis and his nephew Keegan. Was Louis really in the wrong? Was it so bad Keegan had to hurt Louis for what he done? I pulled the covers closer to me then closed my eyes. I could imagine August then, wrapping his arms around Louis and giving him a kiss. August meant so much to Louis... I almost wish I didn't know about him. I heard a knock at my door then that pulled me out of my thoughts. "Hey Ann," I heard Louis call. "Can I see you for a moment?" I pressed pause on my music and then looked towards the door.

"Come in." I sat up quickly and rested my back up against the headboard of my bed. He came in after a second and looked at me with a big smile.

"Ann!" He walked over to the bed then smirked, pulling out a box of chocolates, another red rose, and a beret. He placed a small bit of cheese and grapes that was on a plate onto the bed covers and looked up at me. "Guess what we're doing today? Try to figure it out," he purred, sitting down on the edge as he looked over the items. He held out the rose to me and placed it in my hands, giving me a sweet look. I looked the rose over then smelled it.

"Ummm.... What are we doing today?" I asked him as I pulled back from the rose. He frowned.

"You're supposed to guess," he mumbled and then sighed, picking up a grape and placed it in his mouth as he ate it. "We're going out today."

"Oh? I thought we was going to watch a movie since you have so much stuff right here." I joked and then sat the rose down by me. "Where are we going? Oh and this is guessing." He laughed and picked up a grape, feeding it to me.

"Well... I don't want to exactly tell you just yet because I want your breath to be taken away," he purred to me. "I will tell you that you'll want to wear something pretty and that you'll want some comfortable shoes on."

"Okay~" I crawled out of bed then and started for my closet. "I'll put something nice on then."

"Mhmm... oh, and we're going to be out till midnight," he called out to me. "Well, there is the option to stay where we are going if you'd rather do that and then come back to the manor. It's your choice." I looked around my closet after closing the door behind me.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going?" I asked him. He laughed.

"Another country," he purred. "That's all you're getting out of me."

"Another country!?" I opened the door to look at him. "Really!?" I raised an eyebrow. He smirked slowly at me.

"Yes, really. We're going to another country for the day. I'm going to expand your world and not just through my memories. I'm going to let you experience it all by yourself with me right next to you," he said and then ate another grape.

"Okay..." I blushed and shut the door quickly then looked around my closet... I should prepare for any type of weather but I think I'll stick to a dress. I pulled out a nice butterfly patterned dress and some heels then walked into my bathroom and started to fix my hair before I went back out to him. "Ok, let's go." He looked up at me and his eyes widened as he slowly sat up, looking me over. He blushed slightly.

"You... you look beautiful," he mumbled under his breath. I looked down at myself.

"Should I go back and change?" I asked him, frowning slightly. He shook his head quickly and got up.

"No, that's not what I meant," he told me and walked over with a smile. He had brought a piece of chocolate with him and placed it against my lips. "You're really going to enjoy today," he purred softly as he waited for me to eat the candy. I slowly ate the chocolate then gave him a smile.

"I hope so, I was planning on being lazy today." I told him and laughed. He purred and then leaned in and kissed my cheek. He wrapped his arms around me and then we were suddenly standing in the middle of the sky on a tower. He purred as he moved to show me the view and kissed the top of my head as I saw pretty gardens and trees and a beautiful city sprawling out.

"Welcome to Paris," he whispered in my ear. I looked around us and then moved towards the edge slowly and looked over the edge.

"The Eifel tower?" I asked him, gasping slightly. The view was breathtaking if not a little scary to be up this high.

"Yes," he purred. "We're in the city of love and we can do whatever we want for the whole day together. Tonight we'll dine in a famous restaurant~"

"Did you... Purposely plan this?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow. He smirked and then leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.

"This is all on purpose," he whispered to me. "I have reservations at the restaurant and everything along with a little tour around the city and a boat ride." I pushed him back two steps and tsked.

"There you go stealing kisses again." I mumbled. He pouted but then looked out at the city. He walked up to the edge and leaned against the railing, looking down at it. I watched him and then did the same. "It's beautiful though... thank you." I whispered softly.

"You're welcome," he mumbled. "I thought it'd be better to let you be here rather than see my memories of it." I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me then leaned my head against his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled then wrapped his arm around my shoulder, bringing me closer and had me rest my head against his chest. He rubbed my arm and looked back out at the city. "It really is beautiful...." I looked the town over then looked around.

"Are we going to go eat?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Are you hungry now?" He asked me softly. I shrugged.

"It doesn't matter." I admitted. "It's your plans."

"It does matter," he mumbled. "The whole date is to make you as happy as I can possibly make you, to help you make your own happy memories like you wanted to do." I smiled softly as I looked towards him.

"It's a good memory to keep, this one right here." He purred at that and leaned in for a kiss but stopped and then kissed my cheek.

"Good," he whispered and then looked around and laughed. "I had the whole tower shut down for the day that way we could have it to ourselves. There's a snack up here for you," he purred and led me over to a spot where a little table had been set up with two chairs. He sat me down in one and then sat in the other. The table had a lot of different fruits on it like cut up melon, grapes, apple slices, oranges, strawberries, and kiwis. There was a bottle of wine and two glasses already set out for us as well and he popped the cork out of the wine and started to pour me some first before he gave himself some. He sat the wine down and then picked up his glass and smirked at me. "Drink to our second date?" I looked the wine over and then grabbed the glass and nodded.

"I've never had wine before." I whispered to him and blushed as I grabbed an apple slice and ate it.

"Well, let's change that," he purred to me and then took a sip of his wine, watching me. "You'll enjoy it." I looked towards the wine then sipped from it and wrinkled up my nose then sat the glass down quickly. Why do people like alcohol!? That's disgusting. He frowned as he saw my reaction. "You didn't like it... did you?" He looked towards my glass and then smiled. "I'll get you something non-alcoholic then." I shook my head quickly.

"No... I'll drink it." I whispered, trying not to be rude. He smiled at me.

"No, really. If you don't want to drink it, I'll get you something else. Wine isn't for everyone."

"No.." I took the glass and then sipped on it again, holding back my expressions as I sipped. "So delicious." He frowned and took the glass from my hands then finished it. He set my glass down then bit into his wrist and held it over the glass, watching as his blood filled it and then passed it to me.

"There, that should be better for you," he purred. I looked the glass over and frowned then grabbed another apple slice and ate it. He watched me and then took a strawberry and ate it, sipping on his wine as he looked out at the city. "Am I unfair to you?" He asked me softly. "I mean... do I make you upset about August?"

"Ummm...." I gave him a funny look. "You've only shown me everything about him..." I trailed off, not sure how to answer him. He looked back at me and frowned.

"Well... I was wondering if maybe it made you upset... that I had been with him," he whispered.

"I'm not upset about you having a past mate... I mean... Humans get with people all the time that have past lovers.... I just hope you're over him and want to be with me... Because it's us now...." I whispered the last part to him, blushing. I know he's my mate.... I can smell it all over him and he's calling out to me.... One day I will mark him... When he is ready. He blushed and looked at me.

"It's us now..." He mumbled and then smiled. "You know... Paris and Richard came and had me move the glasses from where they've been for over a century.... I think that if I move on... that I really would like it to be with you helping me." He took a sip of his drink and gave me a sweet look. "I really did get lucky with you as my mate. You're nice, and you aren't upset over my past. I know so many others who would've been really upset." He reached over and gently took my hand in his. "Thank you Ann," he whispered then gave it a kiss. "I'll do my best to move on for us." He lingered his lips by my hand and then pulled his face back to look up at me. I blushed and looked away from him then grabbed a grape and ate it. He smiled and watched me. "Ann... I am yours. You don't have to be embarrassed," he whispered to me.

"I'm not embarrassed." I mumbled and then looked towards him and sunk in my chair. He smirked slightly.

"You're not embarrassed?" He stood up and walked to my side then knelt down beside me and leaned up, giving me a kiss. He purred to me as he wrapped his arms around me and tilted his head slightly, kissing me with a little reserve but not much. I pushed him out of the kiss and looked him over.

"Louis what did I say about kissing me?" I asked him. I don't want him kissing me and thinking about August... He pouted up at me.

"That's not really fair.... I'm your mate," he mumbled and looked me over. He stood up and didn't look at me as he picked up another strawberry and walked over to the edge as he ate it and looked out at the city.

"Uh-huh. You are my mate." I told him and then got up, going over to him. "But I think you need to get over August first before I let you kiss me." He glanced over at me then looked back at the city, a little tense.

"Fine... whatever," he muttered. I frowned as I watched him then sighed.

"How can you just.... kiss me when you barely know me?" I asked him. He turned and looked at me then.

"I know that you're my mate and that you're going to be with me for a very long time if not forever. I know that you're not going to leave me unless you decide to reject me or you are killed. I know that you like to ice skate and that you used to do it in competitions. I know that you are one of those who like to be comfortable around the house but a little dressed up when you go somewhere. I know you like the roses I bring you, and I know that you like to have your way," he told me and crossed his arms. "I am learning as much as I can. I've noticed that you don't like wine but that you prefer to eat grapes and apples out of all the fruit over there. I'm paying attention. Oh! And I know that you liked it when I do really romantic things for you like the lake dance with the music." He looked me over and sighed. "But fine... I'll hold off on giving you kisses and whatnot," he muttered and then shook his head. "I'm sorry.... I'm making the date bad. Come on, lets go if you're done and if you want to go explore down there." I nodded as I looked over the edge and towards the town.

"Come on." I whispered and grabbed his hand then gave it a squeeze. "Stop being so upset, okay?" He didn't respond as he teleported us down to the street below and started to walk with me.

"We should go by my twin's castle while we're here.... It's where we will stay if you choose to spend the night in Paris instead of go home when the date is through," he whispered.

"Okay... Let's spend the night at the castle." I suggested. "Could be fun. I've never been in a castle." I let his hand go and wrapped my arms around myself.

"Then we'll stay the night," he mumbled and sighed, looking up at the sky. "It'll be clear...." I looked up at the sky then and dropped my hands to my side. "The stars will be really pretty if we will be able to see them with all the city lights," he told me and then looked at me and smiled. "Come on, we'll be late for the boat tour." I looked towards him and followed quickly.

"You're really romantic." I whispered to him. He laughed at that.

"Not really.... My two siblings are better at this than me," he told me. "My twin has an amazing relationship with his mate Richard and they're having another kid. I think it's their... ninth kid?"

"I don't think I could ever have nine kids..." I mumbled, shivering at the idea.

"Well... not all of the kids were born from Richard," he whispered to me. "Paris had at least five of them and lost another in child birth. Richard did the rest of them. I have my own daughter and I had a son that I had given birth to." I nodded, laughing softly. He gave birth to twins... He looked at me and blushed. "It was really painful.... Don't laugh at me...." He looked a little embarrassed. I smirked.

"Oh yeah?" I asked him, giggling. "You were a girl and had kids." I teased.

"Hey!" His blush deepened and he looked me over. He gave a small playful growl. "I'll have to get you if you keep teasing me about it." I bit my bottom lip to shut up about it then. He smirked at me and then grabbed my hand, pulling me along. "If you keep at it... I'll bite you," he joked and then gave my hand a small squeeze. "You should meet her- my daughter.... You'd like her. I wish you could've met Quinton and his mate Dannie. They were the sweetest little wolves ever."

"Ummmm.... would your daughter like me?" I asked softly... I don't think daughters like step mothers... I'm probably viewed as an evil spawn of Satan in her eyes. He looked at me and frowned.

"Ann... if you're worried... she wasn't as close to August as you would think. August was more interested in Quinton. She has moved on and probably doesn't think about her dad.... She'll love you and will be your friend if you let her," he told me. I blushed and nodded slowly.

"Okay...." But that's what all parents say to their new lover about their kid.... The kid on the other hand.... I rubbed my arm at the thought. He frowned and made me look at him, looking me in the eyes.

"Ann, she is a vampire. She isn't like a normal child. She has lived for over two centuries now. She knows how things work... and she won't take it out on you that you're my new mate. She will probably be searching for you soon out of curiosity," he said and then kissed the top of my head. "She won't hate you."

"I'm surprised I didn't meet her at the party..." I whispered. I got lucky...

"She was around those her age," he whispered back. "She was near her cousins."

"Oh, makes since." I shrugged. "We was around your sister mostly and Raven. They're close to your age." He laughed at that.

"Well... the closet one to my age is Paris," he said and shook his head. "Can you believe I'm really the older twin?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Your the older twin?" I asked him. No way he's the older twin! He laughed and pulled out his phone, calling someone.

"Hey Paris, can you do me a favor? Can you tell Ann here that I'm really a few seconds older than you? She doesn't seem to believe me." I heard Paris agreeing then on the other end. "Okay, here she is," he said and then held the phone up to my ear with a smirk.

"Ann~ My twin Louis is in fact the older child!" Paris told me, sounding joyful about it. "He's the oldest I'm the middle child and Rose is the baby." He chuckled.

"How do you know you are?" I asked him.

"It's a very long story." He explained. "Laurence knows it all though." Louis smiled at me.

"See... I'm the oldest," he purred. "You're mated to the oldest Grimm child of our little group in the manor." He pulled the phone back from my ear. "Thanks Paris. I love you. Oh! We chose to stay here for the night! I won't be home till morning." I heard Paris wishing us a wonderful night and then hung up on him. I bit my bottom lip... How is it he's the oldest but Paris seems so much like the older brother.... Louis put his phone up in his pocket then smiled at me. "Questions?" I shook my head quickly... He might be the oldest but he's the baby mentally. He laughed. "You know... I think I'll tell you a little bit about my history," he mumbled. "You see, I am the oldest, but I didn't become the prince of France which was my birthright because I was the first. My birth parents tossed me aside after birth and gave me to the royal family of Wales to become the prince there and raised Paris as the prince of France and didn't tell him about me. I grew up alone without him and had no clue until one fateful day when I was on an island from a shipwreck with my crew and waiting on my rescue ship to come get us when Paris was thrown onto the island to be abandoned by his mate Richard- they were having a lovers spat. That's how we met... and we figured it all out from there and built a manor together."

"So you're a prince of Wales?" I asked him. "But also France." I laughed at the thought. His family just tossed him aside..... I wonder why.

"Not really with France.... I won't take that title. It's Paris's," he told me and smiled. "I am just apart of the royal bloodline of France. My birth parents didn't raise me, and they were not my real parents in my mind. They tossed me aside, and I refuse to acknowledge them as having anything to do with me besides creating me. After that, I was raised by the family of Wales and myself." He pulled me up to a dock then that was loading passengers onto cute little boats. He smiled and gave the man two tickets as we got our way to the front and onto our own little boat. "So yes, I am the prince of Wales from the old days.... and I am an ex-king of the world." I nodded and looked around us, admiring the water.

"So you used to be powerful." I whispered. His eyes widened and he looked towards me.

"I still am powerful," he told me. "I may not be a king anymore, but I am still the prince of Wales and I am also a kick ass fighter when I finally do fight. I took down Paris's castle when I declared war on him. I killed a lot of his vampires there. Plus, I am Paris's beloved twin which counts for something as well, and I am the one who helped get Nikolai into power. I have a lot of leverage if I really wanted to use it, but I don't plan to."

"Hah, but Nikolai is king." I reminded him. "You're just a prince of a small country." He growled my way and smirked.

"I'm a bad ass prince, and I could take back the throne if I wanted to, but I don't want it. It's a lot of work... and I have other things to do like please you," he purred.

"Hah." I laughed and looked away from him. He's not going to do anything like that though. He smirked and started to crawl across the seats towards me.

"You think I'm a baby, don't you," he growled playfully and sharpened his fangs. I widened my eyes.

"No..." I shook my head. He acts like one sometimes though. He grabbed me and pulled me close, pushing me onto my back in the seats and then moved over me and leaned in towards my neck, biting in gently as the boat started to move with just us and our tour guide who wasn't looking at us but out at the water. I blushed and held back a moan. "Louis!" I hissed... Why is he biting me... I'm not messing with him anymore. He purred in my ear as he drank my blood and I felt a small drop of his venom enter my veins, causing me to want more. I let out a small moan and grabbed his sides quickly. He let me have more of his venom then, completely marking me as he gave me a ton to please me. I sunk under him and closed my eyes tightly. I let his sides go and exposed my neck more for him. He dug his fangs into me deeper and pressed his face against my neck as he started to drink from me again, purring to comfort me as he wrapped me up in his arms.

"Ann," he mumbled to me happily, kissing my neck as he pulled his fangs out and sucked on the bite mark for blood. I blushed and stayed quiet, letting him have my blood. He'll be pissed if I try to knock him away. He moved back from my neck after a few seconds and looked down into my eyes as he licked his lips. He glanced towards mine and purred a little before he slowly got off me and sat beside me, moving my head into his lap as he played with my hair. I rubbed my neck then sat up quickly and looked him over.

"Did you get enough?" I asked him softly. He looked at me and gave a nod.

"Yes, I did...." He looked out at the water then as the tour guide turned to us.

"Alright, listen up you vamps. There'll be no biting on Charis's boat," she told us and pointed a finger at Louis. "I may be the supernatural tour guide because you guys get risky around humans, but so help me, I'll freeze you to that water out there if you bite again." She narrowed her eyes and looked us over. I caught her scent and could smell she wasn't human. I got closer to Louis then. He exposed his fangs at her and glared her down.

"Ann... you've met your first witch," he whispered to me. "Watch out.... I didn't realize they assigned a witch to our boat."

"A witch?" I whispered and then looked her over before I wrapped my arms around his arm and leaned my head onto his shoulder.

"Yes, a witch.... They're a step below wizards and are knock offs of them," he whispered back to me. "They can use magic and potions and they're dangerous if they're not friendly or on your side." I felt him shiver and I got a glimpse of him being tortured as a girl giggled and stood watching with a milkshake in her hand as his fangs were pulled out and he was beat up and held down in chains and he was sent into nightmares by the girl- a witch. She was giggling and enjoying it. Another shiver ripped through him at the memory and he tensed up, watching the girl in front of us.

"How come you place them under wizards?" I asked him. Our tour guide tilted her chin up at us.

"Because wizards are very rare... very powerful. They created all the supernaturals in the world," she told me. "You must be a new vampire.... You don't know about the history of how we all came to be. It is a very lucky thing or sometimes not to meet a wizard. It's an honor that not many get to have." I looked towards Louis.

"Hachi is a wizard... So is Isaac and their child..." I mumbled.

"Yes... they are all three wizards," Louis whispered back to me. "Hachi was a chance meeting." I caught his memory of how Hachi had found Paris and then found out about Louis and stitched them both up and kidnapped them away from their families. Louis had almost gotten killed to save his twin from the one that Hachi was listening to and staying with. He used to zone out and had done it which resulted in an almost dead Louis. They all escaped in the end though and convinced Hachi to go with them. "Hachi is one of the best things that have happened to our family though. We're all very glad he's with us. He found Isaac and brought him back to the manor after choosing not to eat him because he was a halfbreed. Hachi is a cannibal and eats other wizards." I nodded as I looked Louis over.

"Your lucky you came across a wizard..." I whispered, noting what the girl said.... Not just one but now three.

"Yes... they have helped so many times. I don't know where we'd be without them," he mumbled and looked down at his hands. "Hachi used to have a demon tamer who tried to raid the manor after capturing Nikolai. He could control us after a drop of our blood because we had demon in us. He got his hands on Nikolai and went after the rest of us, but Hachi told him that he couldn't have us and stitched him up and made him leave." I widened my eyes slightly and looked him over.

"It's a good thing he's around then." I shook my head.

"Mhmm... We'd all belong to demon tamers if it wasn't for Hachi," he told me.

"Hachi?" The witch lady tensed up as she finally heard what we were talking about. "I know that name," she whispered, looking freaked out as she looked Louis over and saw the stitches. "He's the most feared wizard in the magic world...." I looked towards her then back towards Louis.

"Because he's a cannibal?" I asked.

"Oh... he ate his whole family," Louis told me like it was nothing. "He has a reputation. Most run when they hear about him, and if he shows up, they all run and hide. They start praying to gods they may not even believe in to try to avoid being a meal."

"He's never going to eat us though... right?" I asked Louis. "We have nothing to worry about."

"No... he shouldn't. He usually only eats other wizards," he told me and kissed my cheek. "If anyone should be scared, it should be his lover Isaac and their baby. Hachi would eat them first. Plus Paris and I are his pets- well, he believes we are." He smirked at that.

"Hachi's more like the pet..." I whispered, seeing that smirk on his face.

"Yes," he purred. "The tables turned on Hachi a long time ago. It's like how when you get a cat, you think you own the cat, but the cat owns you. He likes this," he told me and ran a hand through his white hair, tugging on it. "He likes the fact that it looks like snow and that me and Paris look exactly alike. That's why he chose to make us pets." I nodded and smiled.

"I can see why he likes your hair." I told him. Even I liked that it looked like snow. "You both need each other." I told him. He nodded.

"We all love him," he purred. "He does magic tricks for the kids if they ask him nicely." He looked towards where the witch had been sitting and frowned, seeing she was gone. He glanced behind us and laughed a little. "Oh, we no longer have a guide. She chickened out on us...." I looked around then back towards him.

"I wonder where she went..." I whispered and got closer to Louis. He purred to me.

"She probably got scared because we're involved with the terror of all magic users," he told me and kissed my cheek. "I'd be terrified too if I was his prey and I met someone who was involved with him."

"I guess." I mumbled. "Now we have no tour guide." I pulled away from him and got to my feet. He pouted slightly and looked up at me.

"What's the matter? I'm practically a tour guide anyways. My blood ties into this place. I could tell you anything." I shrugged and sat down by him again.

"Okay." I whispered and smiled. "She's not getting tipped." I laughed out.

"I wasn't going to after she threatened to freeze us to the ice," he muttered. "I was thinking about drinking her blood and giving her dead body to Hachi."

"She's gone now." I shook my head. "Hachi won't be getting a meal."

"He eats the maids every once in awhile...." He sighed and stretched out, laying down and put his head in my lap as he looked up at me as the boat followed the path it was supposed to take, gently rocking.

"The maids are humans..." I mumbled, running my fingers through his hair.

"He still eats them when he doesn't get a wizard for a long time... though he could use Midori. Wizards and witches are attracted to him naturally. If it wasn't for Hachi and Isaac, he'd have a whole temple built to him already with thousands of wizards surrounding him," he told me and leaned into my hand.

"Dragons are really worshiped by wizards? That's funny." I laughed at the thought. Especially since they created everything. He looked at me and frowned.

"Dragons are very powerful. Their magic and powers are very... drool worthy for wizards. They love to be around them, and there aren't many dragons either. From what Midori has been telling us, they have hidden themselves in another realm. Midori came out of the Japan portal and found his way to the manor, attracted to our gold."

"Why'd Midori come out of hiding?" I asked. "Midori could have lived a long life in the other realm." I shook my head and laughed. He frowned and shook his head too.

"I'm not sure.... That seems to be the question. He told us that his mother was starting to loose her motherly touch and was becoming a possessive dragon again and was starting to threaten her babies and his siblings were being bullies," Louis mumbled. "He wandered out I guess... and chose not to go back. He's happier out here with us instead of in the dragon realm. From what I've heard, the dragons lead a very solitary life and don't have much to do with each other in there because they get possessive over their hoards. Because he is with us, he's not like the others anymore. We raised him. He won't eat us like the older dragons would if they had come instead of him, and now Midori protects us as well as Hachi."

"You guys keep collecting precious treasure that'll protect you..." I whispered. "Good luck charms."

"Well... that is true... and we have Raven who is our wildcard vampire. She can snap in a second and she fights for us. She got into a fight with her one of her previous lovers- not her mate- over us and stayed with us.... She went insane when my twin was taken from the manor.... So we have a cannibal wizard who brought in a halfbreed who became part demon.... a special, powerful dragon.... and a lot of insane vampires with Raven at the top of them," he purred and looked me over. "We also have an army in the basement."

"Sounds like your ready for something... I wouldn't want to fight you." I mumbled. "Who'd be crazy enough?" I caught flashes of some family called the Ainsworths then as he looked up into my eyes.

"We've been fought before...." He whispered to me. "That's why we're so prepared." I nodded.

"Okay... so there are crazy suicidal people." I joked. He laughed and nodded.

"Yes, very crazy suicidal people. Don't ever mess with the Grimms. We all get revenge when someone harms us," he purred and then looked up at the sky from my lap, humming softly. "We also love playing music.... Richard and Paris prefer the piano. Keegan and I like the violin." I rubbed his head as I looked down into his eyes.

"Musical? Okay... You guys are pretty musical. I was impressed at the party." I moved his head out of my lap. He smiled at me and curled up on the seats.

"Yes... I don't play as much though as Richard does. Richard is the most talented at playing music. He's been doing it all his life. His life is Paris, the family, and his music."

"Paris plays better." I whispered, remembering Paris playing piano with Richard. "Did he play all his life as well?"

"Not all his life.... He picked it up after he met Richard to impress him, wanting to catch his attention by learning Richard's favorite instrument," Louis purred. "It was a big thing he did to make sure he kept Richard's attention longer and on him for the most part. He was completely taken in by Richard's mysteriousness and wanted to be best friends with him." He watched me then stretched out on the seats. "He learned it for him. He wouldn't have if Richard didn't like piano so much.... Their love is a great bedtime story for little vampires around the manor."

"Their love goes way back... I guess I can see why." I whispered. I looked around and then at the water and stuck my hand into it.

"You know... let's stay for a week," Louis whispered. "I think I like the change of scenery... and I'd love to turn you loose in Paris and see what comes of it," he teased, giving me a smirk. "We'll put you in all the cute French dresses and whisk you away in the city of love."

"Ummm...." I blushed. "If you want to stay here then I guess I don't mind... Raven left for a week so sure." I looked around us and then flicked some of the water towards him. He laughed and flicked some of it back at me. He gave a playful growl and sat up, looking me over with a predatory look.

"Grrrrr," he growled and then leaned over, nibbling at my shoulder. "I'm a lion. Hear me roar," he purred and then pushed me onto my back and laughed. I looked him over and then at my shoulder.

"Your like a kid." I told him. "If fact I think you're a child. You're the youngest of your family not the oldest." I teased him.

"So harsh," he whispered and put a hand over his heart. "Just.... I felt that... Right here," he told me then grabbed my hand and put my hand over his heart. "Feel that? It's crying and shattering." He smirked softly at me. I shoved him into the water then and laughed, grabbing an ore and using it to get further away from him. I busted out laughing and watched him getting left behind. He suddenly disappeared and I saw him get in front of me, soaking wet. He growled at me and exposed his fangs before he picked me up and dumped me in the water with a smirk. I yelped as I sunk under, not knowing how to swim. He was quickly in the water after me and swam over, grabbing me and pulling me above the water. He gave my cheek a kiss and laughed. "How's it feel to be wet my ice queen?" I growled towards him, narrowing my eyes like a huntress.

"How does it feel to be bitten?" I asked him then sunk my fangs into his neck. He yelped at the suddency of it then started to laugh.

"It feels purrrrfect," he teased me and then we were standing on the boat again. "How do I taste? Great? Amazing? Godly?" I pulled back and then spit some of his blood at his lips.

"I don't know, you try it." I purred back and licked my lips. He looked at me thoughtful for a moment before he leaned in and kissed me, getting his blood on me again. I licked the blood off his lips then sat down, watching him. He stared at me wide eyed and slowly began to blush at me. I smirked and then tripped him, making him go back into the water. He yelped and resurfaced, quickly getting back in the boat then laid in the floor. I watched him then poked his cheek. "Hey, weird maker mate guy.... I want to go hunting." He looked up at me and laughed.

"Hunting? You... hunting? Okay," he said and sat up. "We'll go hunting.... Question, humans or each other?" I raised an eyebrow... Why would I want to hunt him?

"Humans." I crossed my arms. "Come on."

"Hey, it was a valid option. Some mates do that.... It's better than humans because it's fun and the humans scream their little heads off and kick and fight," he told me then stood up. He reached out a hand and grabbed me, teleporting us to a grand bedroom. "There should be some clothes around here...." He wandered over to a wardrobe and peeked inside it, pulling out a white button up shirt and a pair of pants then tossed it to the side then got out a band shirt- Fall Out Boy- and a pair of pants to go with it, tossing it towards me. He shut the door on the wardrobe then started to take off his shirt, dumping it in the floor. I looked the band shirt over and the pants then raised an eyebrow at him.

"That band is like.... so two centuries ago." I told him and then walked over to his closet and went inside to look for myself.

"Hey... this is my old stash of clothes that I put in the castle after Paris and I made our treaty," he told me. "All the clothes in here are two centuries old." I looked them over then sighed and changed into what he gave me. I walked back out to him and looked down at my outfit.

"How do I look?" I asked him. He glanced over from where he was currently stripping out of his wet pants and smiled.

"Like a girl in guy's clothing from two centuries ago," he purred.

"I really hate you." I told him and smiled as I turned around to give him privacy.

"Don't like the view or something?" He teased me as he got dressed. "I'm dressed now," he told me and I heard him lay down on the bed. "You know... continue to hate me much longer and I'll find other ways to amuse myself."

"Ummm..." I turned around to face him. "What are those other ways to amuse yourself?" I asked, walking over to him and then sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Eat some humans... play my violin... mess with Paris... maybe do something really stupid.... The whole shebang," he told me and laughed. "Maybe I'll start to do some new stuff in my other house and make it modern... then maybe I'll start to expand my playground back to Wales where I have all my castles and stuff...."

"Are you tired?" I asked, deciding to ignore his rambling nonsense.

"No... I'm very much awake," he whispered and then turned over onto his stomach, playing with the bedsheets.

"Can we go hunting now?" I asked him, getting off the bed.

"Sure...." He got up and then reached out for my hand, teleporting us outside a bar and went in. I looked around and followed after him quickly. I've never been in a bar.... I grabbed his hand quickly. He glanced at me and frowned. "You probably don't want to look like you're with me," he whispered in my ear. "It lowers the chances of you getting a human to yourself." He took his hand back and put it in his pocket. "Go explore," he purred. I frowned and started towards the bar then sat down at it by a girl. Louis walked over to a table and smirked at the guys who were sitting there and got them to ask him to sit with them, joining them like he was one of their friends. I looked the bar tender over then at the alcohol in the back. The girl by me bust out laughing and looked towards me.

"What're you wearing? Fall Out Boy?! I'm sorry sweetie pie but they're dead! That band is so two centuries ago. Get a new wardrobe." She grabbed my arm then and dug her nails into me, pulling me closer to her and blew smoke into my face. "Wear something of your time, dork." She looked me over. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" She asked, looking me in the eyes. I shook my head quickly.

"Hey, two beers," Louis said, suddenly beside me as he sat down by me. His expression was unreadable as the bartender gave it to him and he paid him quickly. He looked towards the girl as he took a sip of it then stood up, going past me to the girl and smirked, leaning in. "Hey girlie... wanna share?" He asked and sat the other beer in front of her. "I hear that you're the talk of this bar..." The woman looked towards me.

"See sugar, wear clothes like me-" By the way the lady- was in really short shorts and a tank top that was showing off way too much cleavage and a bunch of jewelry and heels... My guess is she's a hooker. "And you'll get guys like this at your knees." She grabbed Louis. "Wanna get out of here, don't buy girls cheep bear." She shoved him back and started towards the table with guys and sat in one of their laps. I raised an eyebrow as I watched her start to make out with one of them. Louis smirked and downed the rest of the beer.

"Oooh... I like her," he whispered and then started for her with the other beer and dumped it over her head. "Sorry babe, it's just that you looked like a two cent hooker. I thought the beer was a little expensive for you. Here, have it," he purred and dropped the bottle on her head with a satisfied smirk. The girl licked the beer off of her lips as it drained down on her then looked down at the male who was doing the same since it got on him.

"Maybe another time." The girl told Louis and then went back to kissing the guy. I could imagine a pack of wolves eating a deer together just the way they was kissing.... I gagged then and looked away. I heard sudden screams over there and the smell of blood reached my nose.

"Oh... you ruined my shirt," Louis muttered. "Gross, your two cent hooker blood is on me.... Here take it. You'll want this," I heard him telling the guy. I looked back over at them to see what Louis did. He had ripped the hooker's heart out and had it in his hands, dropping it with his shirt into the guy's lap. "After all... I don't think she was going to give it to just you," he purred with a smirk and licked his hands clean, walking towards the doors. I watched as the guy under the girl shoved her away and screamed out of fear like she was a zombie. I bit my bottom lip as he ran into the men's restroom. Louis walked out of the bar like nothing happened, shutting the door behind him. I looked around and then slipped off the stool and started for the door as people ran out of the bar in a panic. Louis was calmly leaned up against the building by a window, on his phone. I walked up to him with a small frown.

"I'm not taking you hunting with me ever again." I told him and crossed my arms. He glanced up and smiled at me.

"She insulted you," he purred. "Then she insulted me. I was originally going to just drop the beer on her and leave it at that... but you don't mess with me and get away with it if I already don't like you." I blushed.

"She didn't insult me.... She insulted your clothes." I told him and then laughed. He laughed with me and shook his head.

"She hurt your arm," he told me and pointed at it. "I saw it... and then she told you to start wearing slutty clothes like her like you're some self disrespecting no good girl who sells herself. She insulted us both." I shrugged and rubbed my arm where she hurt me and then grabbed his hand.

"Come on, no more hunting together." He pouted at me then.

"Why not?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Why not? Why don't we hang a worm on a hook and then fish for bees instead of fish." I shrugged and then pulled him off the wall. "You can't handle watching me hunt. You're not going to hunt with me again." He frowned.

"Hey... I can handle it. I just don't like it when someone insults the girl I'm with," he hissed. "She deserved what she got. You know... fine, if you don't want to hunt with me again, don't hunt with me." He looked back at his phone. "I could do other things."

"Just promise me next time you drain the next girl that insults me out of the bar." I told him and pulled him into a kiss. He tensed up and then kissed me back hesitantly. I pulled back from the kiss and smirked. "Okay? Where's my promise?"

"I... guess?" He frowned at me. "Why'd you kiss me?" I blushed and then started to swing our hands.

"I can't kiss my mate?" I asked softly. He blushed.

"No... you can kiss me.... It's just I thought you didn't like kisses."

"It was a reward for standing up and defending me." I mumbled and then looked at our hands. He hummed softly and then gave my hand a squeeze.

"Alright... if that's what you say that was for...." He started to pull me along then. "Come on, we still have dinner reservations."

"Oh yeah.... where are we eating?" I asked him, giving his hand a squeeze.

"You'll see.... It's a fancy restaurant that has a supernatural room. It has a human area and a back area for those like us looking for a good date but without having to pretend about what we are in front of humans," he told me and smirked. "It's rare in today's time."

"Uh-huh?" I tilted my head and then let his hand go. He stopped and frowned, looking towards my hand with a small pout before he started to walk again.

"Yeah... it's run by an old vampire," he told me softly. "His name is Walter." I nodded and grabbed his hand again, giving a smile.

"Do you like this old vampire?" I asked him.

"Never met him before in my life.... I just heard about him through Perry," he told me and shrugged. "He's got friends in the right places and has a friend who is a friend of Perry who is a family friend of us. He's a blood lord."

"Wait so Perry is a family friend that is also a blood lord... and his friend's friend is this Walter vampire chief guy?" I asked.

"Yeah... Where do you think some of our maids have come from?" He asked me and smirked. "We buy a few from Perry every once in awhile and make them maids. He's been a family friend for a long time."

"How'd he become a friend?" I asked curiously. He frowned at that.

"I'm... not exactly sure? He was Paris's friend before I met him. Paris deals with him."

"So we should ask the next time we see Paris or Perry." I suggested. He laughed.

"I wouldn't ask Perry.... Hell, I don't even want you to meet him," he told me. "He will wrap you up and he'll be interested in the fact that you used to be around Brook and then he'll start to question you to find out if you used to be a blood slave.... or he'll make you watch others feed or he'll teach you where vampires in our manor sometimes get their food from and a good time while they're at it."

"So I can't met Perry? That's not fair." I pouted. He glanced at me and frowned.

"You seriously want to meet a blood lord who sells humans as blood and sex slaves?"

"Hey.... Brook and William were great blood lords." I blushed and looked away.

"Alright... you can meet him if you want... but you're taking me with you. I don't want you to get attacked by his blood slaves. They beg to be bit," he purred. "They'll get all over you and never let you go until you give them what they want."

"Interesting...." I whispered.

"Mmmm... it's worse when the girls get after the vampire girls," he mumbled. "They will do anything."

"Ummm..." I blushed as I remembered a few of the girl slaves and then let his hand go again. He frowned and looked at me then widened his eyes.

"I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have brought that up. It was inappropriate of me to on a date," he whispered. He bit his bottom lip and grabbed my hand, giving it a small kiss. "I didn't mean to bring up bad memories... or make you embarrassed.... Forgive me?" He gave me a cute look. I shrugged and pulled my hand back.

"Sure." I walked past him and looked around, wondering where we was going. He stayed where he was and watched me, rubbing his wrist. I looked back towards him. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing," he whispered as he looked at the ground with a lost look then started to walk down the side walk. I grabbed his wrist quickly and pulled him to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking into his eyes. He looked at me blankly and then shook his head.

"It's fine.... Come on, let's go," he told me and kissed my forehead, pulling me down the sidewalk.

"Why're you not telling me?" I asked him and then caught up to his side. "Did you start thinking about August?" I asked curiously. He froze up then, his eyes widening slightly.

"No... not at all," he told me. "I was wondering what life with Brook was like for you... and wondering what kind of memories I had brought up.... Oh god... August." He shivered and then looked down at the ground.

"I enjoyed being with Brook." I mumbled and then pulled away from him and stuck my hands into my pants pockets. "Brook was really nice to me and cherished me." He gave a small nod.

"You... never were bitten... right?" I shook my head.

"Never bitten, touched, or messed with entirely. I was with her on my free will. I'm her favorite pet." I told him.

"Like how I have Isabelle...." He mumbled then looked at me. He gave a small smile. "Okay."

"I could have left if I wanted. I stayed with Brook because she saved my life." I told him and then started off down the side walk, getting a bit ahead of him. He caught up to me and then grabbed my hand and held it.

"I'm glad she saved you," he whispered to me. "She shouldn't have been killed. We would've given her the card to be a blood lord if she had applied for it."

"She was going to." I told him. "Eventually. She figured that because she was herself she'd go ahead and start being a blood lord with William and then they'd get the card after success." He shook his head.

"I'm sorry about her.... I would've personally have done it and gave her the card if I had known that she was wanting to be a blood lord.... Richard would've jumped at the chance to give one to William if he had known that they were doing that. He was very upset that they got his newborn... his favorite newborn," he whispered. "They shouldn't have been killed. They were family friends."

"They were killed though.... Right in front of me." I mumbled, remember them both getting shot in the head and then their hearts crushed so there was no coming back. He growled softly and I saw a look of anger cross his face.

"Yes... They deserved much more than what Richard did to them," he hissed. I crossed my arms over my chest then and looked towards him.

"It's okay Louis... I didn't know them that long."

"Does that even matter? They killed them in front of a bunch of humans and they did it without listening to them first," he growled and looked over at me. "If they had any decency, they would've done it out of sight and then took you all to a safe place where you could live happily." I shook my head and then pulled him to me, kissing his cheek.

"Yeah.... but then I would've never met you." I purred and pulled back, trying to cheer him up. He smiled and looked at me with a sweet look in his eyes.

"That's true," he whispered and then leaned in, kissing my neck softly. "I'm happy that you're here."

"I'm happy you're getting better." I whispered and then looked around before shoving him up against a wall and let out a playful growl. His eyes widened and he looked me over then growled back.

"What're you doing?" He asked me and laughed. I took off running then. laughing. He appeared in front of me and smirked. "I'm going to get you," he purred and then snatched me up, picking me up off the ground and nuzzled his face into my neck. "Then you'll belong to the lion, the king of the pride." I laughed and shook my head.

"You can't get me..." I whispered and leaned into his neck then ran my fangs across his neck. He growled and then exposed his fangs at me.

"Yes I can... you're mine," he murmured to me, looking down at my eyes. I shook my head, smirking.

"No you can't... I'm a princess... I'm also uncatchable." I teased him and then squirmed in his arms. He held me closer and then growled in my ear before he nipped at it and then leaned in, biting down into my neck. I let out a small yelp. "Louis.... the restaurant." He ignored me and then we were in a nearby alley where he pinned me up against a wall and pressed his body against me, leaning into my neck with a growl.

"Mine...." He bit down deeper into me and grabbed my hands as he pinned them down against the wall. He marked me again and then kissed my neck, trailing kisses down to the collar of my shirt as he growled dominantly. I let out a small moan and then blushed.

"Louis... What about the restaurant?" I asked him curiously. "I thought we was going to go eat... not you eat me." He let one of my hands go and slipped it behind my back, pulling me close.

"It can wait," he purred in my ear seductively. I melted against him then, feeling myself giving in.

"O-okay." I whispered. He kissed my neck again then lifted me off the wall. I suddenly felt my back against a soft bed as he moved over me and kissed my lips passionately. I pulled away from the kiss quickly and then let out a small growl. "Louis..." He looked down at me innocently and smiled sweetly.

"What is it Ann?" He asked me softly, giving me a cute look as he met my eyes. I gestured to the bed then tsked.

"There isn't any room... You should get off." I whispered. He growled and leaned in, kissing my neck.

"No," he told me simply. I frowned and looked him over.

"But... there isn't any room." I explained and then shoved up on his chest a bit. He bit down into my neck then, giving me another dominate growl. I yelped and then rested my hands beside me, exposing my neck more for him to drink my blood. He drank my blood without hesitation and reached down, gripping my leg slightly as he moved between my legs and purred to me. I grabbed his sides then, digging my nails into his skin. He groaned and then leaned into me more, kissing my neck and started to trail them down slowly. "Louis..." I hissed. "No more.... let's go get some dinner." I suggested. He slipped a hand down to the hem of my shirt and then leaned in, kissing my lips. I bit his bottom lip during the kiss and then grabbed his hand. "Louis." I warned him. He pulled back and frowned, looking at me.

"Why?" He asked me with a small pout.

"Because there isn't any room in the bed." I looked at him firmly, trying to get him to obey me. He studied me and then gave me a small kiss.

"There's plenty of room in the bed...."

"No there's not." I told him, motioning to how he was on me and then spread out my limps to cover more space. "See?" He growled and then kissed right between my collarbones. I blushed and then tried to get him out from between my legs... I'll kick his balls if he doesn't move... He sat up on me and looked me over with a frown. He got off me completely and walked off, going over to a chair in the room and sat down in it, kicking his legs over the arm of the arm chair and hung his head over the other one. I sat up quickly and looked him over.

"Let's go to that restaurant?" I suggested. He glanced over at me and sighed, looking out a nearby window.

"Yeah," he muttered. "We'll go." I got to my feet then and walked over to him and smirked then pulled him to his feet.

"Louis, you know where I placed the boundary line." He growled softly and then pulled me to him. He leaned in and kissed my lips. I leaned in and kissed him back then pulled away. He looked me over and then leaned in towards my neck, biting down again. I gasped and then got down on my knees in front of him and exposed my neck. He smirked at me and then got down on his knees in front of me, leaning in and biting into my neck with a loud purr. I leaned up against him and closed my eyes. He put me on my back and smirked, kissing my lips before he reached down and pulled my pants down, leaning in and biting me on my lower thigh. I gasped and blushed a deep shade of red as he done it then let out a small yelp and tried to get away from him. "Louis!" I smacked his head. He growled and pulled back, looking at me as he rubbed his head where I hit him then licked his lips clean of my blood. He glanced towards the bite mark on my thigh then up at my eyes before he leaned in towards my neck and kissed it gently, licking my neck clean. I pulled my pants back up and frowned towards him. "Dinner." I told him. He gave a soft whine like a wounded dog and buried his face into my neck. I sighed and then looked away. "Okay... I'm going to bed then." I told him and started to get up, moving away from him. He stopped me, grabbing my wrist and then looked me in the eyes before we appeared out on the street in front of a restaurant. I looked towards the restaurant and then smirked. Ha! I got what I wanted. I giggled and then pulled him inside. He let me and looked towards the hostess who was messing around with a pad. She glanced up at us and widened her eyes as she saw Louis and blushed slightly as she had a look in her eyes like a schoolgirl with a crush. Louis smirked at her and walked up, leaning against her desk.

"Louis Grimm," he told her, tapping her pad. Her face turned red as she tried to stammer out a reply but shut up and looked down at the pad, searching up his name nervously. I walked up by Louis and then grabbed his hand and gave it a small squeeze. He glanced at me then looked towards the girl who shakily grabbed two menus.

"U-ummm... right this way?" She looked up at him starry eyed and bit her bottom lip before she started for the doors to the rest of the restaurant. I pulled him after me as I followed her, humming softly. He walked with me through the human part of the restaurant and watched as the girl led us into another room, opening the door and peering in before she walked in and glanced back at Louis then waited for us as Louis took me through the door. The room was kind of rowdy with a group of guys and girls laughing and drinking as they let out howls and snapped their jaws at each other. Louis frowned their way and brought me closer as he looked the room over. There were some people who were sitting at a bar in the corner of the room and then there were couples eating, but they all sat away from the loud group. The girl glanced back at Louis and gave an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry... but they're just... celebrating a new member," she whispered. "I saw it on your reservations that you requested none of their kind." Louis looked at her and frowned.

"It's fine.... We're already here," he told her and then sat down at the table she led us to, pulling me down right beside him. The girl blushed and gave Louis the menus, glancing at me with a little bit of jealousy and then walked off quickly. I looked over my menu that I got, paying the noisy crowd little attention. Louis glanced towards the crowd and then looked at his menu, sighing. "I think I'll get a steak," he mumbled to himself and then turned the page till he got to the vampire page and started looking the blood choices over to have as a drink. I looked over the food, deciding on a salad and nice a nice steak and baked potato. He glanced over at me as he set his menu down and kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry about the werewolves," he whispered in my ear. I looked up towards the noisy crowd then at him.

"I don't mind." I whispered back. "I hardly notice them." He smiled and gave me a soft kiss on my lips.

"Okay," he mumbled to me, looking happy to hear that. I pulled away from the kiss and then looked him over.

"No more kisses." I whispered, tapping his lips. He widened his eyes.

"What? Why not?!"

"I'll be the only one kissing you, got it?" I asked, tilting my head. He shook his head.

"No, I'll kiss you when I feel like it," he told me.

"I won't let you." I smirked. He growled at me and exposed his fangs. I exposed mine and leaned in to bite his neck. He stopped me and then leaned in and bit my neck. I let out a small gasp and then bit down into his shoulder. He growled and then bit down into me harder, sinking his fangs in as deep as they could go. I yelped and pulled my fangs out of his skin then yanked away from him and smacked his cheek then smirked. He narrowed his eyes and rubbed his cheek slightly, glaring me down. I laughed at him then kissed his other cheek. He jerked back from me and looked away, licking his lips and then picked his menu up again and looked at it. I looked towards my menu again and looked it over before I sat it back down, knowing what I want. He sat his down then pulled out his phone and started to play a game on it. I watched him then took his phone from him and slipped it into my pocket then leaned in towards his neck and bit him. He yelped and then growled at me.

"Ann," he hissed under his breath, sounding upset. I pulled back and looked into his eyes, giving a small pout.

"Don't ignore me, I'm your mate and date." I looked him over. He watched me and narrowed his eyes.

"You smacked me."

"You deserved some knocking around." I teased and then gave a small pout. "I'm sorry." He shook his head.

"Uh-uh. You've been mean to me," he told me and then reached for my pants pocket to get his phone back. I smacked his hand and then slipped away from him and gave him a growl.

"Your not getting your phone back." I told him. "Be a better mate." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You be a better mate." I nodded.

"Okay...." I whispered, giving a small smile. "What do you want me to do to help?" He frowned then.

"To help? Help with what?"

"Becoming your ideal better mate." I tilted my head. He sighed.

"Nevermind," he mumbled and then kissed my cheek. "Be you." He took his phone out of my pocket then put it in his and leaned back into his seat. I frowned and then leaned against my seat, looking for the waitress. She was currently trying to get away from the werewolves who were laughing and trying to get her to stay. She smacked one on the head with a menu and then got away, giving them a small glare before she walked over to another couple, giving them an apology as she started to take their order. A guy stepped in front of my view then.

"Sorry, we're really understaffed tonight in this area," he told us and then pulled out a pad. "What's your orders? Or do you need more time?"

"No, we're ready to order. I'll have a medium rare steak and a glass of blood," Louis told him and handed the menu to him.

"What type?" The waiter asked.

"I don't care," Louis said and looked towards me.

"House salad with a medium rare steak and a potato. Ranch dressing." I told him. "Bring me water." The waiter scribbled it down and nodded, walking off after taking my menu up. Louis glanced my way and sighed. I frowned and looked towards Louis.

"What?" I asked him. "I can't eat like a human?"

"No, I wasn't thinking about that. I don't care... as long as you're eating," he told me and smiled. I sighed and looked away from him and over to the crowd of werewolves. He glanced their way then sunk down in the seat, pulling his phone back out and sat it on the table, watching it. I looked towards him.

"Is it them?" I asked. "Are they giving you bad memories?" He gave a small nod.

"It's fine though.... You're here," he mumbled. I looked him over and then grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze.

"We can go back to the castle and go to sleep, if you want. Try again tomorrow." He shook his head.

"No, we're going to have a dinner together," he insisted. "I've already made you upset." I nodded and then rubbed his hand, trying to sooth him. He's thinking about August again. He looked at me and gave a small smile before he rested his head against my shoulder. "You don't need to worry."

"I am... I think we should go... Your uncomfortable." I mumbled softly and kissed his cheek. "I'm fine with not eating here." He frowned.

"Are you uncomfortable?"

"Yeah, because you are." I leaned in and kissed his neck then bit it. He moaned a little and exposed his neck to me, giving a small purr. I pulled back from the bite and looked him in the eyes. "We can leave... Louis if you wanna." He frowned and then shook his head.

"No... I don't want you to be upset. I'm not ruining the date further. We'll stay... and I'll prove I can handle being around them." I nodded and then sunk in the chair, looking across the room.

"You bit my leg...." I grumbled. "Why'd you think you had the rights to pull my pants down and do that?" I asked him and looked towards him. He frowned.

"Because I'm your mate... and I was wondering if you'd like it... but you didn't... so I'll stick to biting your neck and wrists only," he mumbled.

"I.... liked it but I don't want you doing it again." I hissed firmly. "You can't take my pants off." He sighed.

"Alright," he said and then put his phone back into his pocket. I looked him in the eyes then.

"I mean it." I hissed. "Mate or not.... No one takes my pants off."

"Alright, alright... I won't ever touch you like that again," he told me and looked away.

"Good." I smiled and rubbed his head. "Because your not going to get in my pants ever again or sleep in my bed- ever." I told him in a sweet voice. "Until I think you can handle it."

"Fine," he said and shrugged. "I can keep out of your pants easily." I nodded and then leaned up against him, closing my eyes. He put an arm around me and I heard him tap his fingers on the table.

"Still want to stay?" I asked him, looking up into his eyes.

"Yes," he told me. "I said we'd eat here." I nodded and then rubbed my head against his shoulder. He didn't say anything until the waiter brought us our food and sat it down on the table. "Thank you," he told the waiter then picked up a fry that came with his steak and ate it. The waiter nodded and walked off. I sat up quickly and started to eat my food. The quicker I finish it, the quicker we'll leave and he'll be better. He ate his food at a slower pace than me and took sips of his blood after he had a bite of steak. It didn't take me long to finish, once I did I watched him finish up. I purred as I took a sip of the water. "Stop worrying," he whispered to me as he took another a bite of food. "I can tell you are." I watched him and frowned, crossing my legs and started to shake my foot as I watched him. "Ann... I'm fine," he told me, being more firm about it this time.

"Uh-huh." I nodded as I bounced my foot, waiting for him to finish. He got quiet and finished up his food and downed the blood, setting the glass aside and then looked towards me and was about to say something when the waiter came back.

"Here's the check," he said and smiled, setting it down. "You guys finished up faster than I thought you would...." He picked up the plates and our cups then walked off. Louis sighed and took out his wallet, sticking a card with the check and set it aside. I smiled as I watched Louis and then looked him over.

"What's next?" I asked him curiously.

"We walk around and explore," he said softly as the waiter came back and ran off with the card. "Maybe do some shopping for you."

"Shopping for me? You want me to get lingerie to tease you with?" I asked, tilting my head. "A few frilly dresses.... Nice smelling shampoos..." I trailed off. He looked me over and then frowned.

"Maybe we won't if you keep putting it that way," he growled softly. I laughed and gave a playful wink.

"What do you want to buy me?" I asked curiously. "A diamond ring?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Vampires don't marry.... Those are human vows of mortals.... If you're wanting a ring, it'll be just a ring. See, the thing that binds you to me isn't a physical object like that.... It's this," he purred and rubbed my neck where he had marked me before and then moved his hand back. He glanced towards the waiter as he brought the card back and gave it to Louis. He stood up then and pulled me to my feet, teleporting us out onto the street.

"It's the thought that matters," I grumbled and then pulled back from him and started down the street. He watched me with a small frown. I looked towards him then and motioned for him to come with me. He slowly followed after me and then caught up.

"Aren't you happy with the fact that we'll be together for eternity?" He asked me and looked me over. "Even if we're not together in the traditional mate sense?"

"Sure, I'm happy I'm going to be with a guy for eternity after only knowing him a few days." I purred. "Some weren't as fortunate as me." He frowned at me and then sighed, grabbing my hand. We appeared back in the room and he walked over to the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he mumbled. I watched him walking towards the door and frowned.

"I'm not upset Louis." I mumbled. "The ring nonsense was a joke." I told him and went towards the bed then crawled into it and curled up into the blankets. "Goodnight, Louis."

"Goodnight," he told me and walked out, shutting the door behind him. I sat up in bed, watching the door then walked over to a window with the blanket and sat down in front of it then looked outside, looking over view and curled up by the window, tapping it.