Spanish Friends

Laurence's POV:

I pulled away from the wall after Baleen finished measuring me then turned around to look and giggled as I seen I grew another couple of inches. I ran out towards the bed and jumped into it, tackling Ashton into a hug and curled up to him then sniffed him. "Guess what!" I shook him. He groaned and opened his eyes, looking up at me.

"What is it?" He asked me sleepily.

"I grew again." I whispered to him then smashed my lips against his, kissing him passionately. He moaned slightly and then purred to me as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. I leaned into the crook of his neck then and kissed it then bit down into it, marking him as I let my venom course through his veins. He moaned and melted to me, kissing my cheek.

"Laurence~" He purred and rubbed between my shoulder blades. I pulled back and looked down at him, growling playfully.

"Yeah?" I asked him softly.

"I love you," he whispered into my ear.

"I love you too!" I gave him a huge smile and then got off of him. "Let's go." I pulled him out of the bed and then towards the closet. "Get dressed, I'm taking us out to celebrate." He smiled and then got some clothes on and walked over, kissing my neck.

"Where are we going to celebrate at?" I smirked and gave him a wink before I used the shadows to take us to a nice sunny beach in Florida. We were right in front of my beach house. I looked back towards it as our feet stood in the hot sand. He yelped and then looked around us and then at me. "The beach?" He smiled and then leaned in, kissing my lips before he took off his shirt and laughed. "What'd I need this shirt for then?"

"To tease you." I told him and pointed to the beach house. "That's mine." I told him then pointed to a nearby dock that lead out to a boat. "That's mine." He looked at it and then nodded, giving me a smile.

"Okay," he purred. "Are you wanting to stay here for a bit?" I shrugged and then ran out towards the water so I could get off the hot sand and then went out to my knees. I sunk then in the water and waved him over. I looked down and then grabbed a sea shell and showed it to him. He laughed and came out to the water and joined me. "Laurence," he purred and then picked me up and smirked. "What color am I thinking of?" He asked and held me close. I blushed as I tried to think of a color.

"White?" I asked him, thinking of Paris's snow colored hair. He dunked me under the water and laughed. I swam back up quickly and looked towards him. He grabbed me and then smirked.

"What's the color?" He asked and leaned in, giving me a small kiss before he pulled back and held me.

"R-red?" I mumbled, thinking about blood. He dunked me and brought me back up, still holding me.


"Ummm... Black?" I asked, looking him over. He leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss, moving me to where I was facing him then had me wrap my legs around his waist as he held me up and purred. I blushed and leaned in towards the his lips and kissed him deeper. He gasped slightly and then pulled me closer, wrapping me up in his arms with a small moan. I let out a playful growl and nipped at his bottom lip. I pulled away from him quickly and looked back towards the shore as Baleen appeared on it, placing a chair down and sat in it then started to fan himself. Ashton glanced back and pouted, letting me go as he sunk into the water a little. I felt something brush against my leg then and let out a small yelp and smacked Ashton's shoulder.

"Don't do that." I whispered to him, blushing. He frowned at me.

"I didn't do anything," he told me. I froze up then as I felt something go between us and brush up against my leg again.

"Ashton..." I mumbled. "Get out of the water." He widened his eyes and then grabbed my hand as the shadows from the water grabbed us and we were out of there, in the darkness again. He pulled me close and then kissed my forehead. I looked around and then at him, giving him a sweet smile. We were on the beach in a few seconds by Baleen. He let me go then sat down in the sand, running his hands over it then laid down and stretched out, closing his eyes.

"Laurence, something was in the water wanting to kidnap you." Baleen told me, rubbing lotion on his skin. "Sounds like you better stay on shore." I frowned towards him and then started for the dock. "Keep off the dock." He warned me. I looked towards him then sat down in the sand and started to play in it. "Good master." Ashton looked towards me and then rolled over onto his stomach and crawled over to where Baleen's shadow was and got in it, laying down and had it expand so he was covered. I watched Ashton then looked towards the water.

"What was it?" I asked Baleen.

"Does it matter? Stay out of the water." He told me, pointing a finger my way. "Don't steal things either. You took a sea shell. Don't take things that-"

"Shut up." I told him and then started for the beach house. If I can't cool off in the water then I want the air conditioning. When I got inside, Ashton walked out of a shadow towards the couch and sat down on it, purring as he slowly laid down on his belly and stretched out. He looked up towards me and smirked before he laid his head down and closed his eyes. I laid down on the rug in front of the TV then curled up and closed my eyes. "Mmmmmh." I felt something brush up against it and then Ashton's arms wrapped around me, pulling me close. I felt something silky like the shadows from the day he made me his shadow mate brush up against my other side and across my stomach slowly going up towards my chest as it snaked it's way up my body. I giggled and opened my eyes, looking towards Ashton.

"Are you having fun?" I asked him. He purred to me and kissed my neck as the shadow reached my neck and then curled under me, slowly lifting me up and made me rest my head against Ashton's chest then slipped behind me and slowly went down my back. I giggled as it tickled me then got closer to Ashton. I wrapped my arms around him and then looked up into his eyes. He watched me then leaned in and gave me a small kiss as the shadow stopped at my waist and pulled me closer to him. I pulled his pants loops, making him come closer to me and smirked against his lips. He laughed and then kissed me again as the shadow picked me up and moved me on top of him. He kissed me passionately and moved his hands down to my waist as the shadow left. I sat up on top of him and then looked him over before I got back down beside him. He purred and watched me then closed his eyes as he kept me close. I rested my head on his chest and then closed my eyes. "Ashton?" I asked softly.

"Yes?" He hummed and kissed the top of my head and rubbed my arm gently. I looked him over, purring.

"We should create a vampire together." I suggested.

"Create a vampire together? Like... you did with Val and Victor when you turned that Lauren girl?" He asked me and looked towards me. "Or are you wanting what Richard and Paris are having again?"

"We should both be vampire makers together." I laughed. "Like I done with Val and Victor." He nodded.

"Okay.... I'll think about it," he told me and kissed my cheek. I nodded and then turned the TV on to watch a movie with him, putting Titanic on. He looked towards the TV and then at me with a curious look.

"Titanic?" He pulled me close and then decided he'd watch it as he looked back to the TV.

"I was on Titanic when it sunk." I told him, laughing. "I was having so much fun."

"You did that on purpose... didn't you?" He asked me and laughed. "That's so cute."

"I couldn't miss it." I told him, shrugging. "I wanted to be there and cheer it on as it hit the ice burg."

"I love you," he purred and kissed my lips passionately. "My destructive.... hot as hell... shadow mate," he whispered against my lips between each of his kisses. I laughed and kissed him back then pulled away.

"Destructive? Hot?" I titled my head. "Those are new words to describe me."

"Hmmm...." He smirked at me and then ruffled my hair before he looked back towards the TV and started to watch the movie again. I watched it with him, humming softly. After the movie ended, he leaned over and gave me a small kiss. "I'll make a vampire with you." I looked up towards him in awe.

"You will?" I asked him softly, giving a smile.

"Yes... I'll make a vampire with you," he purred, sounding more sure of it, confident. He leaned in and gave me another kiss. "You pick who."

"I want a girl... but I want to examine the humans and pick right this time." I told him, purring at the thought. I'm going to pick wisely.

"Okay.... go pick a girl and bring her back here," he told me and then sat up.

"Now?" I asked, tilting my head.

"If you want," he said and shrugged. "I don't care when." I nodded.

"I'll pick the perfect one." I told him, examining the future so I would know who to choose. He got up and sat down on the couch, crossing his legs as he propped his head up on his hand and watched me. I looked towards him and then sat up and started for him, giving a smirk as I crawled into his lap and gave him a kiss. He growled playfully and slipped a hand to my lower back, making me get closer as he kissed me. He uncrossed his legs and purred slipping his hand down to my pants and rested it right above the top of them on my back. I bit his bottom lip then started to suck on it. He moaned and leaned in to me, wrapping his other arm around me. He leaned me onto my back and got over me, kissing me deeply. I smirked and grabbed his pants, yanking them down and making my height celebration even more... interesting....

Val's POV:

"ALEX!" I yelled, coming out of the bathroom and towards him on our bed. "Wake up~ We're going to go visit an old friends." I told him, kicking him out of the bed and onto the floor then tugged the sheets and blankets from him. "That means right now." I told him and placed the blankets and sheets back on the bed and then sat down on it, watching him. "Come on." I nudged him with my foot. "You'll like this. We're going to go see Vera and Alijandro, our friends from Spain. Their in town, visiting. We need to meet them at a restaurant in town." He groaned and then sat up, growling my way.

"Don't kick me out of my bed," he muttered then stood up and leaned in, giving me a kiss. "Morning." He walked towards his closet to get some clothes to change into. I laughed and watched him, purring. We haven't seen Alijandro and Vera in a very long time. He came dressed in a pair of shorts that went to his knees and a tank top that showed off his lightly muscled arms and his rock hard abs. He walked over and smirked at me as he leaned in and was going to give me a kiss but pulled back last second and dove into the bed, purring as he curled up to the sheets.

"Alex, let's go." I told him, grabbing his arm and then pulled him out and started for the door. "Don't you want to see Alijandro?" I asked, Alijandro was one of his closest friends after he was turned. "As well as Vera." His mate.

"I do," he said and then nuzzled his head against my shoulder before he brushed past me. "Alijandro~! I'm going to beat him up for not coming to see me for so long," he told himself as he smirked. "It'll be a great victory."

"He's been busy with Vera and staying away from Paris, who's been killing all the purebloods of the royal court... Remember? Vera told me she's had a few kids..." I giggled, remembering the phone call this morning. Vera and Alijandro are from the royal court... She's a Spanish princess and he's somewhere off her bloodline but still has royal blood in him. To my understanding. Vera and Alijandro never went to the royal court meeting when Paris killed everyone on the court. Nope, I made sure of that.

"I don't care. He was supposed to show on my death day! I'm going to kick his ass from kingdom come! He's got another thing coming for him when I see him! I'll drop kick him!" Alex smirked and laughed wickedly. "I'm going to teach that old man a lesson."

"Old man?" I asked and laughed. "Come on, let's go." I pulled him out to the garage and towards the car I owned with him and then got in it, making him drive us. I pulled the location up on the GPS for him. He sped off where the GPS told him and smirked.

"He's gonna die..." He laughed again and then sped through a red light.

"Don't kill your best friend." I told him, frowning. "I don't want to see Vera melt away from her mate's death."

"I was just kidding," he said and smiled. "I wouldn't kill him... I'm just going to have a friendly fight," he purred. I laughed and shook my head then watched as we pulled up to the restaurant where I told them to meet us at. I seen Vera kissing Alijandro by the door and pinning him up against the wall. I smirked and looked towards Alex. He was suddenly by Alijandro, yanking him away from Vera and punching him in the chest then threw him to the ground with a laugh. "Where the hell have you been?" He asked Alijandro as he started after him with a big smirk. "Kissing up on Vera were we? I'm going to get you." Alijandro let out a small laugh and then looked towards Alex and then tackled him to the ground, getting over him quickly.

"Alex! You smell like a pureblood!" Alijandro purred to Alex then leaned in and bit down in him. I walked up to Vera and pulled her into a loving hug then looked back at the boys. Alex had flipped them and pinned Alijandro with a big smirk.

"Because I am a pureblood now," he told him and laughed, leaning in and biting his friend. Alijandro let out a growl then shoved Alex off and got to his feet.

"Oh yeah? Your still a baby." Alex growled at him and got up.

"Can a baby kick your ass like this?" He suddenly had him thrown up against a wall and had him gagged with his own shirt. There were black marking on his chest that said 'Alex is the best' on him and Alex smirked at him, giving him a punch to his guts then exposed his fangs. "I don't lose," he purred to Alijandro and laughed, looking him over. He moved back then helped him off the wall, leading him back to Vera where he gently nudged him towards her and went for me. Alijandro wrapped Vera up in his arms then looked over at me, kissing her cheek.

"Alex, your so mean." Vera purred towards him. I looked Alex over and tsked. He smiled innocently.

"I am not. He didn't come to see me on my death day, and he knows how I get about it," he told Vera and gave Alijandro a look before he kissed my cheek. "I love you," he purred in my ear.

"Hey~ I would've but you guys have been attracting too much heat." Alijandro told us. "Vera didn't want to see you." He pointed towards her and she gasped, slapping him on the chest playfully.

"I didn't say that I didn't want to go." Vera told him.

"Well they're here now." I told Alex and then dragged him towards the restaurant to go in. Vera followed me with Alijandro.

"Just don't go letting those Grimm boys know were alive." Vera told me. I shrugged. Alex looked back at her and smirked.

"At my lady's orders... you know I'd raze their manor to the ground and win her the final battle if she asked," he purred and slipped an arm around my waist, pulling me close. "If she asked me to rescue you, I would do it for her. There isn't much to worry about. I can't lose."

"Nah, I wouldn't burn the manor to the ground.... Rose is there." I sighed out. "She's a good friend and so is Victor and Laurence."

"Victor?!" Vera buted out laughing and shook her head. "No darling, Victor isn't good." She told me. "Come away with us, before your head gets separated from your body and your stone gets crushed between on of their hands."

"Victor wouldn't hurt me." I told her, smirking.

"Why not? He's unpredictable." Alijandro said. I looked towards the girl behind a cash register.

"Val's party of four." I told her. She nodded and then smiled.

"Ah, Val! We've been waiting on you four.... let's get you seated." The waitress pulled out four menus and then started for the booths. I followed after her with Alex who held me close. He purred in my ear and kissed my neck.

"I wonder what Paris and Richard's baby will be like," he whispered to me. He kissed my neck again and gave a soft growl.

"Probably sweet." I purred back and then sat down at the booth once we reached it. I made Vera sit with me and had the boys sit together across from us. Alijandro made Alex sit in the inside, shoving him in. Alex growled at him and leaned in towards his neck, resting his chin on Alijandro's shoulder.

"Don't shove me around," he whispered to him and then smiled. "I missed you." Alijandro smiled and wrapped Alex up in his arms and kissed the top of his head.

"How've you been?" Alijandro asked him.

"We have two kids." I told Vera and Alijandro. "Astrid and Starla."

"Aweee! That's so cute. We have Ashley, Ian, Emilio, Bruno, Salvador, Juliana, Clara, Cristopher, and Matias." She smiled softly as she thought about all of them. "They're a hand full." Alex gave a soft whistle at that.

"Hah.... I don't think I'll ever have that many," he whispered as he relaxed in Alijandro's arms and purred, moving closer to him as he rested his head against him like a kid, smiling innocently.

"Oh, you'll love them!" Alijandro told Alex, shaking him a bit. "They're wonderful kids. Vera is a wonderful mate." He looked towards her hand gave her a wink. "How about you two come back to Spain with us?" He asked, looking at me. I blushed at the thought. "You've been in America for far too long." Alex nodded quickly.

"Okay," he said and rubbed his head on Alijandro with a happy smile. "I'll come~ America is starting to bore me. Spain sounds like a nice get away from all that... and it'll be fun to start partying with you again."

"Oh yeah!" Alijandro flipped to the drinks section. "Let's get something to celebrate with then, our reunion." Vera kissed my neck and let out a playful laugh. Alex looked at Alijandro's menu with interest and then pointed to a drink on it.

"That one... and that one... and then that one... and to top it off... that one," he told him and looked up at his friend.

"Okay, I'll buy." Alijandro told him and laughed before flipping back to the foods. "Let's get something nice to eat, Alexander." Alex nodded and looked the menu over then looked back at Alijandro before he leaned in towards his neck and gripped his friend's shirt that he had put back on. I noticed time had stopped around us, but we four could still move and were aware of what was happening as Alex bit gently into him. Alijandro moaned and pulled Alex closer, letting out a small laugh.

"I think I might just go with a pizza.... What do you think Val? We should get a pizza for everyone. I bet you haven't had pizza in a while. It'll make you feel at home... Like your in Italy." Vera suggested. I laughed, giving her a small purr.

"Pizza sounds delicious."

"Nice wine to go with it..." Vera trailed off, thinking her decision over. Alex moved into his lap then and bit in deeper as he held onto his shirt and purred to him, drinking his blood then pulled back from his neck and licked his lips, looking Alijandro over.

"You taste better than you used to," he mumbled and then leaned in and licked his blood before he moved off him and sat beside him, looking towards us. "Pizza? Okay." Alijandro laughed and rubbed Alex's head then looked across the table at Vera.

"Pizza it is." He purred.

"I haven't had pizza in years." I admitted. Time started back up and a waitress stepped her way over to us and gave a big smile.

"Hello, I'll be your waitress for this evening. My name is Tiffany, but you may call me Tiff. Have you guys picked something to order yet?" She clicked the pen in her hand as she held it over her notepad and looked us over.

"Yeah, we all want to share a pizza with everything on it but anchovies. We also want the most expensive bottle of wine you have." Alijandro told her. He pulled out his wallet to show his ID to her to prove his age was legal and I followed his move with Vera. Alex sighed and showed her his then looked towards me.

"You know... you used to be able to get a drink when you were ten without a problem," he whispered and then started to touch his sharp teeth. "What happened to that? Those were good times...."

"I don't know." Alijandro sighed out. "I do know I want some bread sticks and cheese." He told the waitress and then waved her off. She scribbled out orders and walked off with the menus, leaving us.

"If I had gotten my way and taken over the world... we wouldn't have to worry about having to show cards," Alex muttered and then accidentally cut his finger. He frowned and looked at the blood welling up on his thumb. "Oops."

"Well we already had someone trying to take over and rule the world... He got his home blown up, remember? Too much conflict.... It's better that we hide like this." I told him.

"I think I rather hide." Vera agreed, giving a smile.

"They're right." Alijandro told Alex. He frowned.

"I meant when I was still human," he mumbled. "But that was ruined for me...." He rubbed his blood off onto the table and looked at it.

"When the world was younger." Alijandro sunk then. "Ah, it was rough back then for a peasant." Alex pouted.

"I had my own empire and everything... anything I could want was mine...."

"We could go back." I told them. "To that time period. We just have to do some serious spells..." I rubbed my head as I thought back to how Hachi done that spell to make humans forget. Alex shook his head.

"No... if we go back... we'll screw something up. Nothing good comes of time travel," he told me. "I had my fame, and now I have a mate instead of it," he purred and reached over, grabbing my hand.

"No, I wasn't talking about time travel." I told him, pulling my hand back. "I'm talking about knocking out some building and cleaning up the human's minds.... Just a thought." I hummed. He watched me then looked at Alijandro.

"Well... it's bound to happen again... that someone will spill to the world that vampires exist," he whispered and then sighed. "I believe it will at least."

"History repeats itself." Alijandro muttered, agreeing with Alex. I watched as a guy brought over a wine on ice and four glasses then sat it all out of the table and poured us a little bit of the wine into each glass and smiled.

"How is everything?" He asked. "Let me know if you rather have something else to drink. My name is Coby." He left us then with the wine bottle and our glasses. Alex watched him go then picked up his drink and took a sip of it.

"Hmmm... So how come you have so many kids?" Alex asked them, looking towards Vera. "Why? That's more than a few."

"I like kids." Vera said simply and shrugged. "I love each and every one of them. Why haven't you had more the a couple?" She asked and smiled sweetly. "You have all of eternity, spend it with your children." Alex glanced over at me and tilted his head.

"Well... Val's the one who is deciding when we have them and how many.... She had me made into a pureblood to have them," he told them.

"I like both my baby girls." I told them and then sipped on the wine. "They're enough for now."

"You should have more!" Vera suggested. "I want our kids to meet each other! Bring Astrid and Starla back with us to Spain. They'll love meeting my babies." She tapped my nose. "They might be mated to one-"

"Starla and Astrid already have mates." I told her quickly. "Sorry..."

"Have another kid Val!" She shook me quickly. "I want at least one of our kids to be mated." Alex shrunk down in the seat by Alijandro and sipped on his drink, watching us. I giggled and shrugged.

"I think it would be nice Vera, but I don't plan on having anymore kids for now. Paris is having a child right now and whatever, that'll be enough. Hachi also has a kid too.... That'll be a handful. We don't need a new one running around from me."

"Yeah, but your living with us." Vera poked my cheek. "Come on.... please?" Alex looked over at his friend then smirked.

"I'll have another if you do," he told him.

"Deal!" Vera said quickly. "I want another baby! That'll be ten for me!" I widened my eyes and then laughed softly.

"Not right now though, promise?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Of course.... after you two come home to Spain." Vera sipped on her drink. The waiter came back with the bread sticks and cheese.

"Almost forgot." He laughed and then gave us extra napkins. "My apologies." He walked off then, Vera gave him a wave and then leaned in towards my ear.

"I'm going to tip him," She winked at me. "Let me sit on the outside." She moved over then, shoving me inwards and switched our drinks. Alex watched her then looked at Alijandro.

"Tell me when she's got another one... and then I'll hold up my end of the deal," he told him and then picked up a breadstick and ate it.

"Ha, okay." Alijandro purred and started to eat the breadstick, dipping it into the cheese dip. The waiter came back after a few minutes with waters for us. Vera slipped a twenty into his pants then, giggling.

"Thanks, sweetie!" Vera purred, making him blush and run off. Alex smirked and then looked my way and started to laugh.

"I love our friends," he whispered. I nodded in agreement.

"I love them too." I whispered. Vera leaned across the table and pulled Alijandro into a passionate kiss and then pulled back, drinking her wine.

"Hey Val... you might end up with another one in the next week," he whispered to me and took a sip of his drink as he blushed slightly. "I think they have plans for tonight." I blushed and shook my head...

"No, I'm not ready for another kid." I grumbled. Three is an odd number. He frowned.

"We made a deal with them though," he told me and nudged my foot under the table. "It will be nicer this time. Humans have developed better pain killers.... You probably won't feel a thing."

"I know but three is an odd number." I muttered. Vera wrapped her arms around me and purred, kissing my neck.

"So Val, have another child afterwards to make it even!" She suggested. Alex laughed a little.

"Oh... the only one who'll be feeling this will be me," he mumbled and then sunk against his friend as he took another sip.

"I can't wait until you meet all of my babies." Vera sighed out and then giggled. "They're all very good." She told me. "They're all away though at that camp thing. So you'll have to wait until they come home."

"Oh... that camp thing," Alex whispered and laughed. "Poor kids." He finished his thing of wine then reached for the bottle and started to pour himself some more. I looked for the waitress, wondering when she'll bring the pizza. I saw her giving Coby a kiss before she walked up to the kitchen area and came out with a pizza and walked our way. She set it down in the table then sliced it up in front of us and gave us plates.

"There you go sugars," she said and smiled. "Enjoy. Need anything else, just let me know," she told us and then winked before she started to walk off. I grabbed a slice first and started to munch on it, watching Alijandro get the second slice. Alex waited for Vera to get a slice like a gentleman and then got himself one. I moaned and melted against the seat as I ate my slice.

"Let's travel the world again," Alex murmured, looking from me to Vera to Alijandro. "Come on... let's use our freedom from kids being older... and explore the world some more then settle back into Spain and have more babies. Let's have the world's biggest celebration of freedom then go back to having to raise kids." He leaned against Alijandro and purred. "Please?"

"Sounds like fun...." Alijandro looked towards Vera, tilting his head.

"Sure! I wouldn't mind exploring the world." She looked towards me happily. "What do you think Val?" I nodded in agreement. "We could get an air ship." She suggested. "Become air pirates." I laughed, remembering how we met. I was traveling on my ship and stopped at a port to get blood slaves when they took me captive along with Alex. Alex nodded.

"I'll be an air pirate if it means no more sea pirating," he purred and then leaned over the table, kissing me passionately. "I'll be the captain."

"I'm captain." I told them quickly.

"No... I am." Alijandro hissed. Alex growled and looked towards Alijandro.

"I'm the captain! Captain Alex," he told him. "I'll fight you for it if I have to."

"It doesn't even sound right... Captain Alex... listen to this.... Captain Alijandro!" He laughed at the thought. Alex exposed his fangs.

"It sounds better when you use my full title. Captain Alexander the Great!"

"Captain Valerian. That's final." I told the boys. Alex looked at me and narrowed his eyes.

"I'm captain," he told me and then leaned in, stealing a kiss. "You can be my second in command," he purred to me.

"Nope." I told them and looked at Vera then smirked. "You can be my second mate." I told her. Alex growled.

"I am going to be captain," he hissed at us all. "That is final, and if anyone has a problem with it, they can try to beat me in a fight for it."

"Your not going to be captain." Alijandro told him. "I'm captain."

"No... I am." I hissed. Alex stopped time in the restaurant and glared us all down, looking like the powerful emperor he used to be.

"I am going to be captain," he told us and then looked towards Alijandro as he exposed his fangs.

"No, I am." I hissed towards Alex. "I am your creator." I hissed, kicking him under the table. "I have more experience plus I have the mark." I finished my pizza slice and got another. Alex looked towards me and narrowed his eyes.

"You may be my maker, but you can't order me to back down anymore," he told me, crossing his arms.

"I want to be captain." I told him.

"So do I." Alijandro grumbled.

"Well you can't be captain if you don't come see me on my death day!" Alex turned on him again and glared him down. "I was waiting for you all day, and you didn't come see me!"

"I vote Val." Vera spoke up, sipping on her wine. Alex looked at her and frowned before he took a slice of pizza and started to crawl over Alijandro to get out of the seat. Alijandro held him back, making him stay in the seat. "Good, Val is Captain."

"No she's not," he grumbled and took a bite of his pizza. I frowned.

"Why!?" I asked him. "I should be captain, it's my right." He looked over at me and then watched me.

"How is it your right to be captain?" He asked me and frowned.

"I'm the Italian Princess and I rule over you." I told him firmly. "When you get crowned a prince, let me know." He sighed and then leaned over the table and gave me a kiss.

"I guess I'll yield to you," he whispered. "You're my love... and if being captain matters that much, then you be captain again.... No drugs."

"I don't do drugs anymore." I told him, shrugging. I downed the rest of the wine. He sat back in his seat and sighed, looking around the restaurant as time started up again then closed his eyes, leaning against Alijandro. I watched him then groaned. "Fine! Be captain." I threw the glass towards him. He yelped and stood up quickly, looking at me with wide eyes.

"V-Val? What's the matter?" He gave me a wounded look and then looked away. "I gave you the role of captain.... Do you not believe that I can be okay with it?" I crossed my arms and looked away from him. He looked back at me and frowned then disappeared from sight. I curled up then in the seat and grabbed his glass of wine then started to drink it. Guess he's not coming back, might as well drink his wine. He walked back in from the restroom and frowned as he saw I was drinking his wine the walked over and sat down in Alijandro's lap. "So.... When're we getting the ship to sail the skies?" He asked with a big smile, giving me a loving look. "Captain Valerian?"

Paris's POV:

"Ahah.... Lookie there..." I muttered, pointing out a text in the book Laurence gave me. "In order to break the curse he's got to get married... Wow..... We should have done that years ago." I closed the book and tossed it into my desk drawer and then kicked my feet back onto the desk. I looked over at Richard who had been laying on the couch. "I can't wait to tell Laurence the good news that not only is he growing but he broke his curse." Richard giggled and then got off the couch and bounced over to me, crawling up onto my desk and sat right in the middle of it, watching me. She smiled at me sweetly.

"Aww... he's gonna be loving up on Ashton even more for him marrying him now," she purred and then rubbed one of my ankles, massaging it. I purred and melted in my chair.

"Yeah... Soon Laurence will give us little nieces and nephews...." I purred.

"He's gotta catch Ashton first," Richard purred back and gave a wink. She rubbed a little harder, finding a pressure point. I moaned and gave him a nod.

"No... more like Ashton will be catching him. Let's go ahead and admit that Laurence will be the girl." She giggled and gave a nod before she leaned down and kissed over my pressure point and purred to me, massaging it.

"Laurence will be if he doesn't watch out," Richard murmured. I nodded in agreement. I pulled Richard into my lap then kissed her lips softly. She purred and kissed me back then curled up in my lap, dangling her legs over the side of the chair and then rested her head on my chest.

"It seems like everyone is going away." I whispered.

"What do you mean by that?" She frowned. "They're all coming back.... The house just seems more empty because everyone is at that camp... and Louis still hasn't come back with Ann.... Oh, he called to say they would be staying for a week in Paris," she said and tapped my chest lightly. "They're staying to explore. He wants to spend time with her."

"I hope Paris helps them bond." I sighed out. "They need time together to make it work."

"HEY~" Hachi appeared then in the room, giggling and sat down on the couch. "It's quiet around here now that Rory and Shiloh left for camp. They're not torturing Keegan." Richard looked towards Hachi and smiled.

"Hey, it's nice to see you leaving your room.... I'm surprised you left Lien with Isaac alone. You've been trying to get your hands on your kid any chance you can get," Richard said and laughed.

"Ummm.... Nah, trying not to smoother the kid." Hachi shrugged and then laid down on the couch and curled up. He started to fall asleep there then. I laughed, watching him.

"Hachi, want to come with us into town?" I asked him. He looked towards me then nodded.

"We're going to town?" Richard looked up at me curiously and then smiled.

"Yeah." I purred softly towards Richard. "I overheard Val has some visitors in town." I whispered.

"So we're crashing the party?" She started to smirk then.

"Oh yeah." I smirked. "I want to meet her friends." Richard looked towards Hachi.

"Come here little Hachi," she purred to him and held out a hand for him. "We're crashing Val's party!" Hachi got to his feet and walked over.

"No... let's just watch them instead..." I decided. "Then decide if we should interfere or not." I suggested. She looked up at me and pouted but gave a nod as she pulled Hachi to her and kissed the top of his head.

"Take us to see Val." I told Hachi. Hachi looked us over and then nodded before using his magic to take us into a restaurant where we sat down at a booth a few tables away from Val, Alex, and two others. Richard had Hachi sit in her lap and petted his head, running her fingers through his hair and kissed his head with a giggle.

"You're like one of my kids," she whispered to him and hugged him. "You're family.... I don't know if I've ever told you that." She kept playing with his hair and smiled sweetly at him. Hachi rested his head on her chest and then closed his eyes, starting to fall asleep. I watched Val and Alex with interest. Richard glanced up at them and saw that Alex was curled up in some strange guy's lap like he had known him for a long time. "That... That's one of the ones from the royal court," she whispered with a frown. "Both of those two.... Vera and Alijandro. I didn't know Val was friends with them...." I looked at the two and nodded, remembering them.

"They're both from Spain." I muttered. "I didn't know Val talked to Vera."

"Hmmm.... Paris," she whispered and quickly reached out, grabbing my arm. "They're leaving us. Listen... They're going to explore the world in an air ship," she said and frowned, looking at me. "Val and Alex are leaving." I nodded, hearing their thoughts over their voices.

"That's not too bad." I muttered. "I'm getting tired of the manor myself. I've always been there..."

"You have not always been in the manor," she mumbled to me. "We lived in Europe for a bit... then Canada.... Are you wanting to leave the manor for a year or something?" She rubbed a hand over her tummy. "We'll be separated from everyone when Liam comes... and Laurence said something about something happening in the future." She bit her bottom lip, watching me. "If you really want to leave though... I'd follow you."

"Let's go home to Transylvania... We haven't been there since the beginning." I purred towards Richard. "We'll come home before the baby is born or they can come to us." Hachi let out a small huff. Richard looked down at Hachi and giggled.

"Come with us if you're so upset. We'll bring your wonderful lover and your little treasure with us," she whispered in his ear.

"Give the manor to Donnie to take care of while we are away." I texted Donnie then that he was taking care of the manor now until I came back.

"No... I want to raise Lien in the manor...." Hachi grumbled. Richard smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"Then come visit us whenever you like.... The manor is always your home," she purred to him. "Raise little Lien so that way when I get back and deliver the baby... our kids can play together when they're older."

"Okai!" Hachi looked towards me, looking more at my hair. "I'm going to miss you, make sure to call me." He begged. Richard smiled and kissed Hachi's head again.

"We'll call you," she promised and then squeezed him in a hug, nuzzling her face against him. Hachi purred towards us and then disappeared. She smiled and then moved over towards me and leaned against me. "Let's go," she purred. "We'll go pack and then go to where it all began... my old childhood music room." I teleported us back to my bedroom and then smirked, sitting down on the bed.

Richard watched me and sighed. "I guess I can pack your stuff," she sighed to me and then walked into the closet and got out two duffle bags and dropped them on the bed. She went back in and then started coming out with some of my silk boxers and dropped them in my bag and smirked. "Lemme see.... No one else lives in my castle... I don't even have maids there except for the occasional ones I send to clean, but they leave as soon as their job is done.... It'll just be me... and you," she purred and touched my thigh as she gave me a look and then giggled, going back to the closet. She came back out with a few of my shirts and dropped them in her bag then put some shorts into it before she stuffed nightgowns, bras and panties, and lingerie in there. She went into the bathroom and came out with our toothbrushes and toothpaste then placed them in their respective bags and put shampoo, conditioner, and body soap in there along with our hairbrushes and my current journal into my bag then zipped them both up and sighed. "That should do it! You'll only wear boxers for the whole year," she purred. "We'll stay secluded in my little castle where no one else will see you, and I'll have you all to myself," she told me with a smirk and then crawled up onto the bed and straddled my lap, leaning in and kissing my neck. "All mine~" She gripped the front of my shirt and gently tugged on it as a purr rose up in her. I smirked and then teleported us to his old childhood bedroom then leaned up, kissing her lips and then teleported back, grabbing the bags then teleported back to Richard. Sorry I left without a proper goodbye.

Louis's POV:

I hummed lightly as I laid in the bed, looking up at the ceiling with the bottle of wine I had found in the kitchen. I took a swig of it and then rolled onto my side, looking out the window and smiled. I'm in France... for a whole week. Then after that I think I'll take her to Austria. After that, Italy, Greece, China, Japan, Australia, India... the whole shebang. I'm going to keep her out of the manor for an entire year if I can help it. A whole year with her to myself. I laughed and took another sip. She's not going to be happy when she figures out what I'm doing. She'll figure it out after the next country I believe that I'm just going to keep her out of the manor. Ann walked into the bedroom after another hour, rubbing her eyes then walked up to me. "Louis..." She yawned out. I glanced over at her and sat up slightly.

"Ann?" I looked her over with a small frown and took another sip of my drink. I was close to the bottom of this new one I had gotten..... The other was empty and on my nightstand. She walked over and then sat down on the edge of the bed. "Is there something you want?" I asked her softly and watched her. Interesting... she's in my room.

"Louis..." She frowned. "I want my skates." She told me. "I want to go ice skating." I frowned. That would be a reason why she of all people would be in here....

"I'll get your skates from the manor in a bit then you can skate here in France," I told her and took another sip of the wine. I laid back in the bed and stretched out, enjoying the softness of my bed and the comfort it gave. A small moan escaped my lips from the feel of it. This bed is so much better than the one in my room back at the manor. She got up from the bed and then left the room. After a few minutes I heard a scream from a maid down the hall. I frowned and sat up quickly, getting up. "Ann?" I walked out into the hall and looked towards the screams. I seen Ann pinning a maid up against the wall and draining her. Oh... she's hungry. I walked down to her and then sniffed the maid before looking Ann over. "Glad to see you're not starving," I whispered and then dropped the now empty bottle as I finished it off. She pulled back from the maid then looked towards me and licked her lips.

"Worried about me?" She asked, tilting her head. I gave her a smile.

"I was curious...." I told her simply and then looked at the maid as she dropped dead. "Oh... there she goes," I mumbled and then laughed, feeling a little light headed and bubbly. She watched the maid fall dead then looked towards me and leaned in, sniffing me.

"You're drunk..." She mumbled.

"Am not... Just tipsy," I told her and smirked. "The wine is good.... We're in France.... I thought it wouldn't matter if I drank a little bit of it." I laughed and nudged the maid with my foot. She moved away from the maid and then grabbed my hand and dragged me back to the bedroom.

"Come on, don't get up tipsy." I frowned.

"Why not? It's France.... We're supposed to have a good time.... It's not like I got drunk," I told her and laughed. That'd be a disaster.... I think she'd reject me if she saw me completely drunk.

"I don't care if your drunk or not..." She trailed off and then pushed me into my room. "Stay in here though. I'm going out to the garden." She left me then, walking off down the hall. I felt my jaw drop at that. What the hell does she think she's doing telling me to stay in my room?! I growled and walked out of my room, shutting the door behind me and snuck down the hall. Meanie.... She does care. Great. Maybe she'll reject me. I laughed at that idea and shook my head. To top it all off! She'll do all this to me and reject me! I walked down to Paris's study and sunk into his chair when I reached it and looked the room over before I curled up in his seat. Who needs mates.... I picked up his pen and started to turn it over in my hand then started to doodle on some of the paper on his desk, humming softly to myself to pass the time. I seen something shinny on one of the book cases then. This study was dusty... like no one has touched it in a while.... not even maids. I frowned and got up, going over to the shiny object and looked at it. There was a shinny watch on it, clicking softly. It looked untouched by dust. I picked it up then and frowned. Why would Paris place a watch here? Weirdo. Plus why isn't it dusty like the rest of the stuff in here? I inspected it, turning it over in my hands. It stopped clicking as I picked it up. I frowned and gently shook it, wondering why it stopped ticking. I fiddled with it's handles and then walked back to the desk with it and sat down, looking it over.

"What're you doing in here?" I asked softly as I leaned back in the chair and looked it's clock face over. It started clicking then, but this clock turned backwards, clicking in reverse. I frowned and tsked, messing with the handles again. Why is it messed up? Paris has no need for a messed up watch on his bookshelf. It started to click faster then, spinning back more and I noticed the dust around me flying off of everything. I screamed and set it down. WHAT THE HELL?! When I sat it down the dust started to come back onto the objects in the room and the clock's face started to click right. I frowned and looked it over. I rolled the chair back to the window and peeked outside, looking around to make sure that I was still here. Everything was the same and as it should be.... Ann was out in the garden. I looked towards the watch as faint curiosity overcame me and I found myself rolling back over to the watch. I poked it with the pen then gently picked it up. When I picked it up, the clock started to go in reverse again, the dust flying around me and coming off of the objects. I didn't drop it and looked around, watching the dust. This should be interesting.... After what felt like forever I seen a maid come into the room, cleaning it and leave several times and Paris coming into this study, sitting the watch down on the shelf in a ghostly appearance and then everything moved around me quicker, some of the objects in the room disappeared and was replaced with bedroom equipment. After a few minutes the clock stopped on me and then started to tick, the handle on it clicked in. I looked it over and frowned. "Okay... weird.. magic watch thing my brother found." I set it down on the nightstand, wondering if it'd all go back to normal. Nothing changed. I widened my eyes and picked it up quickly. "No... no, no, no... take me back," I whispered. "I don't want to be here. Take me back to my time you little weird thing my brother found." It slowly clicked then towards one, both hands following together. It was now on the first tick. I frowned and put it on my wrist so I wouldn't lose it. "Damn it." I sighed and then peeked out the windows to see what the outside was like. "I swear... I'm going to ask my brother why he kept you when I figure this all out." I found a little tiny version of Paris running in the garden then, chasing after a butterfly. I widened my eyes and clutched the drapes of the window as I felt my knees almost give out. WHAT THE HELL?! I watched him in wonder and then sunk down to the floor, watching him over the edge of the window. Awwww.... he's so cute.... Oh man, I've really gone back in time, haven't I? I laughed a little. I better stay out of sight. I don't want to change a single thing and mess up my present life. I love it the way it is. I smiled softly as I watched him innocently chase the butterfly. So adorable.... He ran straight into a rose bush then, not watching where he was going and got cut up. He stumbled back out of it, beginning to cry as he fell down on his bottom. He sniffled as he rubbed his eyes. I frowned and then felt a little bad for him. Paris... You poor thing. I felt a lump form up in my throat for my little twin's pain and watched him closely. Someone should come to help him.... He's a Prince. I doubt they'll let him get hurt and cry like that. I watched as the butterfly came back towards him and landed on his nose. He stopped crying then, I could see he was already healing up. I smiled and leaned my head against the windowsill, purring slightly. That's my beautiful twin... being friends with a butterfly. I laughed softly. He really has changed a lot since he was little. I frowned slightly then. I wish I had been here with him to be his friend.... It didn't work out that way though.... We should've been together. We were born to be together, and I was his other half- a few seconds older. It should've been my job to make him stop crying. I whimpered a little as I remembered the war I pulled. I wasn't being a good brother then.... I should've been nicer and never tried that. I should've been the twin he needed when he was little. I want my twin..... I felt a tear roll down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it off and turned my attention back to what he was doing. The butterfly had left him now and he was pulling off his shirt and scratching his shoulders like I've known him to do all his life. I could see scars on his little shoulders. I frowned and shook my head. Why does he do that? I don't understand why he started to scratch himself.... Why doesn't the family demon stop him? Didn't he favor Paris at this time in Paris's young life? I felt something brush past me then and I found the family demon standing beside me but paying me no attention as he looked out the window and watched Paris. I glanced up at him and frowned. "Oh no..." I whispered and shrunk back. Crap! Why's he in this room?! Out of all the rooms! The demon disappeared then by me and I caught him on the roof then, watching Paris. Paris's shoulders began to bleed as he scratched through his skin. He threw his head back a bit in pure pleasure. I widened my eyes and frowned. What the heck? He likes that? His shoulder scratching feels that good to him to cause himself pain? I sat up and looked out the window with a mixture of interest and worry. I mean... it can't be good for him... but he thinks it feels good. He laid down on the ground on his back then and stopped scratching, laying his hand down by him and looked up at the sky. I can see joy in his eyes. I smiled a little. At least he was happy here... even if he didn't know I existed. I purred and looked down at the watch. Well... it showed me something I didn't know before... how precious my little twin had been when he was little.... I stood up and then walked over to the bed and sat down on it, taking the watch off my wrist. I looked it over and then looked towards the knobs. It had stopped going back in time when the knob clicked and went back in.... I grabbed the knobs and then pulled them out, turning the time forward to where I believed it was on the same exact second I had left on the same day and same year of the same month. I need to get back to my present time... maybe this will do it for me. The watch took a few minutes before it released me and then the whole room changed around me and I was sitting back at the desk. I sat the watch down then rolled back to the window to make sure I was back where I had left everything, looking for Ann in the garden. Ann was smelling some flowers in the garden. I looked towards the watch and then stood up, picking it up with the pen and then walked back to the shelf and placed it behind some books then teleported down to Ann. I gave her a big smile and swept her up into a hug. "Ann... I just had the most amazing experience," I whispered to her. "I saw my twin before he ever knew me." Ann gave me a funny look and looked me over then sniffed my breath.

"An experience?" She asked me. I nodded and then kissed her forehead, gifting her of my new memories of me exploring Paris's study and finding the watch and the whole going back in time till I got back and went to her.

"Paris," I purred to her and kissed her forehead again. "I got to see him." She laughed softly and shook her head.

"He was so cute..." She whispered then gave me a hug. I laughed and hugged her.

"I love my twin," I whispered. "I don't know where I'd be without him... but I kind of wish he could've stayed in his little garden of paradise and get to chase butterflies to his heart's content.... He didn't look lonely. He looked happy. He was so innocent and cute."

"He didn't know the actually troubling world around him." Ann whispered to me then kissed my cheek. I smiled and nodded.

"True... I wish I could've been there for him though," I mumbled. "I wish we had been raised together.... but then maybe it was best that way. Paris became Paris and he might've killed me had things been different like we were raised together.... I would've been apart of his family and his childhood.... He might not have been so captivated by Richard. It was for the best I guess...." I looked down at my feet then and frowned. Is it still for the best? I screw a lot of stuff up.... Like the locking him in a box... the war... a few times we argued... angering Keegan out of the more recent things.

"You can't change the past." Ann told me. "You can only learn from it." I nodded and nuzzled my face into her neck.

"I know... I wouldn't change a thing about it because it gave me today," I whispered to her. "I'm happy with today...." She rubbed my head and then pulled back from me and started to pulled me back inside. I smiled and followed her. "So how did the flowers smell?" I asked her softly, watching her. I don't think I want to be without her.... She's nice, she keeps me on my toes, and she keeps it interesting and has potential to be sweet and loving. I smiled and felt a slight warm feeling in my chest as I watched her pulling me inside. She worries about me too.... I'm glad I met her.

"Like flowers." She shrugged and looked towards me and then looked towards my shoulders. "Did you ever scratch your shoulders like Paris?" She asked me curiously. I shook my head no.

"Nuh-uh.... I wonder what it feels like though.... He seemed to enjoy it," I mumbled and glanced at my shoulder in curiosity.

"Why do you think he does it?.... I mean.... that look he had on his face... and he was just a child." She whispered to me. I frowned.

"I'm not sure.... I should try asking again." I reached over to my shoulder and then frowned. "Maybe it does feel good...."

"Maybe you shouldn't pick up bad habits." She told me, grabbing my hand. I looked at her holding my hand then looked up at her and blushed.

"Uh-huh," I mumbled. "Yes ma'am...." She let my hand go and then gave me a small smile. I smiled back to her and kissed her cheek then teleported us into the study and walked over to one of the books Paris had said was his favorite to be read and took it over to her, sitting her down. "Read to me?" I asked sweetly as I sat in the floor in front of her, looking up at her. She looked the book over then at me before she opened the book and took in a deep breath before letting it out and began to read to me one of Paris's favorite stories.

When she finished, I smiled at her sweetly and then blushed as I realized that I had been watching her the entire time. I looked towards the fireplace and then got up, going over to it then placed some wood in it and started a fire for us before I walked back over and sat down by her. It was getting dark outside.... "Thank you," I whispered to her and smiled a little as I looked towards the book then at her. She let out a small yawn then put the book down and looked towards the fire place.

"You're welcome." She whispered. I kissed her cheek with a small purr.

"I'm glad I met you," I whispered to her. "I'll see what's for dinner, okay?" I smiled at her sweetly and looked at her beautiful eyes. She nodded and got to her feet then walked over to the window and looked out it.

"Yeah, go see what's for dinner." She waved me off. I watched her and then stood up, going towards the door. Maybe one day she'll say she likes me back. I smiled and laughed a little as I walked out. Well... if she never does... I think I'll continue to stay by her side....

After finding out what was for dinner, I teleported into the study to find her and walked over to her with a smile. "Lobster with a side salad and a some sort of potato thing. They said some fancy name... but I can't remember what exactly it was. It smelled good though."

"Okay~" She started for the door then. "I can't wait to have lobster." She mumbled in excitement. I followed after her like a shadow and stayed quiet, watching her with wonder. She must like food.... She looked back at me and blushed softly. "Why're you being creepy?" I widened my eyes and blushed.


"Yeah... creepy." She crossed her arms and then pulled me to her side. I bit my bottom lip.

"I didn't realize I was being creepy," I mumbled. She doesn't let me close to her anyways... so about the only thing I can do is watch her.... She blushed and then pulled me down the hall, going towards the dinning room for dinner. I walked beside her but stayed quiet, not wanting to say something and screw up the fact that she was going to eat dinner with me. After yesterday... it's probably best I don't say much. She looked towards me and then stopped walking and looked me over.

"Louis..." She whispered. "Do you miss your twin?" I frowned and looked at her.

"My twin? I... I guess a little... but I see him at the manor all the time," I told her. "I'm fine." I shrugged it off. He'd be home when I get there... waiting on me. Maybe.... probably not waiting on me, but he'll probably be there. She nodded and then took in a deep breath before grabbing my hand.

"Louis we can go back if you want." She suggested. I gave her a soft smile.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because that's what you might want." She told me softly.

"I'm happy here," I whispered. Here with you because I know that as soon as we go back... she'll be on the lake again or be with Raven and I won't see her as much. She'll get further away from me. She nodded and then gave me a small smile.

"Did you get me my skates?" She wondered, starting to walk again. Whoops... I forgot about them.

"I'll be back," I whispered and then let go of her hand and teleported back to the manor, into her room. I walked over to where she kept them and picked them up before I teleported back to where her room in the castle and set them on her bed. I smirked and then teleported out to the garden, got another rose, and then teleported back to her room and set it down by the skates and then teleported back to her. "Yes," I said and gave a small smile before I started to walk down the hall towards the dining room. She nodded and then reached the dinning room, going inside. I followed her in and walked to where two spots had been set out and watched as a butler pulled our seats out for us. I looked at him and then sat down at my spot and then let him push the chair back in. He got Ann seated and then maids carried the food in and started to place some on our empty plates and filled my glass with wine. Due to the fact that I told them she doesn't like wine, they gave her water. They looked us over and then walked out except for the butler who picked up a violin and started to play in the corner of the room. I blushed slightly. Oh... Paris's servants certainly are trained to do a lot.... I picked up my fork and started to eat a bit of the potato stuff they made us. Ann looked down at her food then started to eat quietly. She looked towards the butler and then at me, giving me a smile. I smiled back as I took a sip of the wine and then a bite of the food. "Why don't you tell me about the times you competed?" I asked her softly, looking for something to fill the silence between us besides the violin.

"Hmmm? When I competed?" She asked and laughed. "What do you want to know?" She asked me. "I won a few things, sure."

"Well... you must've loved it.... Tell me about that.... Your passion for skating," I whispered and took another bite of food.

"Hah." She looked away from a second then at me. "I picked it up from my grandmother. She liked ice skating. One day when I was six she took me ice skating.... the next thing I know I was competing before age eight." She shrugged. "Passion came during competitions.... When I met the other girls and boys that skated." She got quiet then. I frowned.

"What about them?" I asked her softly, looking her way as I took another sip of the wine. "If it bothers you to speak about it... you can tell me you don't want to talk about it.... I won't force you to tell me." Did they pick on her... or were they her friends?

"It was honestly something about the way they acted about the sport..." She shrugged. "Gave me a reason to like it." She laughed softly and looked towards me. "I liked watching them skate.... It's nice seeing others skate besides yourself. My mom liked the trophies... I liked the chance at getting to meet others like me that skated. I enjoy skating, don't get me wrong. It reminds me of my grandmother." I smiled and then ate another bite of food. She loved her grandmother..... I looked her over and then nodded.

"I'm glad you got to know her...." I sipped my drink and then gave her a sweet look. She nodded and then leaned back in her chair and looked off towards the wall. "What was she like?" I asked her softly, looking towards my plate of food. "Was she nice... the stereotype grandma?"

"No, actually she was odd." She laughed then. "She didn't bake cookies... She gave me skates and hand made jewelry." She looked towards me. "Cute charm bracelets... I lost one when I fell in the lake." I frowned.

"You lost one? Is she..." I trailed off, wondering if it'd be rude to ask her whether or not her grandmother was alive.

"No, she died. I stopped competing after that." She told me. "My mom by then wasn't even coming to my competitions anymore and my father was always busy." That's terrible....

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, biting the inside of my lip as I looked towards her. She quit after that?

"My parents like shinny new things and after a while.... ice skating trophies board them. It might've reminded them of my grandmother too..." She gave a small laugh and then took a sip of her water.

"Still...." I took a bite of my food and sighed. "Maybe when the weather warms up... I can have the lake searched for your charm bracelet...." She shrugged.

"I don't care about it, it's just a charm bracelet." She sighed out. "It was bound to get lost or broken." I frowned. I will have the lake searched.... It would mean more to her than the roses....

"Well..." I trailed off and took another bite of my food

"Want to learn how to ice skate?" She asked me quickly. I looked up at her and found myself smiling already.

"Yeah!" I said and laughed. "I'd love to learn how." She smirked and then stood up.

"Okay... We'll go get you some ice skates in the morning." She suggested. I smiled up at her and nodded.

"Alright," I said softly. She walked up to me and kissed my forehead then walked towards the door.

"I'm full, goodnight Louis." She hummed. I frowned slightly and watched her leave.

"Goodnight Ann," I mumbled. I finished up my food in silence then got up myself and headed up to my room, going to my own bed where I laid down and smiled. Today went well....

Midori's POV:

I hummed as I started to organize the treasure room, deciding that some of it needed to look a little neater for me. I can't live like a slob! I laughed and started to decorate it in my own way, making the room my own. After all~ All the treasure is mine! Donnie teleported into the treasure room and looked at me. "There you are." He purred. I widened my eyes and looked his way. Oh noooo.... trouble. I threw myself down onto a pile of gold and gave him a playful growl.

"Donnie," I hummed out and then laughed as I tossed a gold coin his way. He caught it then stuffed it into his pocket and smirked. He started towards me then with a small purr. I giggled slightly and rolled over onto my back into a cute pose and smiled up at him.

"My dad told me he's going away for a bit and he left me to take care of the manor." Donnie informed me and sat down by me. I looked up at him and frowned.

"Does that mean you'll have less time to spend with me?" I asked him and then leaned over and laid my head against him, looking up into his eyes with a pout.

"No... It doesn't mean that." He promised and leaned in, giving me a kiss. I kissed him back then smiled.

"Good," I told him and rubbed my head against his leg. "You're my most precious treasure out of all the treasure in my hoard," I purred to him. "I'd get upset if my treasure left me for too long...."

"I don't plan on leaving you for too long." He told me and then laid down by me, curling up to me. I laid my head down on his chest and smiled, rubbing my head against him and let out a soft moan when I got my favorite spot on my neck. I closed my eyes in pleasure and purred loudly.

"Good," I whispered to him. He laughed and rubbed my head then leaned in towards my lips and kissed me.

"I'll always be with you." He purred. I smiled and looked up at him with a sweet look, stealing another kiss.

"I love you," I whispered and then wrapped my arms around him, snuggling up to him. He smiled and then snuggled up to me, smelling my neck and then let out a small moan. I gasped a little and then tilted my head to the side as he smelled me, exposing my neck to him.

"I love you." He bit down into my neck then and started to drink the blood. I moaned softly and ran my fingers through his hair, purring to him as I played with it.

"You're my favorite," I told him sweetly, kissing his cheek. He'll always be my favorite treasure out of this whole manor. He's mine. He pulled away from my neck, licking his lips and then melted against me. He moaned and pulled me closer to him. I giggled and then gripped his shirt, hiding my face into the crook of his neck. "Donnie~"

"Midori?" He breathed in my scent. "You're so amazing." I smiled and then moved back from his neck to look him in the eyes. I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss.

"You're mine," I told him and then nuzzled my head against him with a sweet smile. He laughed and then went to get up.

"Let's go get something to eat." He suggested. "How about sushi?" I perked up at the sound of that and got up quickly, going for the door. Sushi~! I giggled and stumbled out of the vault and then looked back for him.

"Come on! You're going to feed me, right?" I gave him the cutest smile and waited for him. He's gonna cook me sushi! He laughed and then started after me.

"Of course I am going to feed you. It's in the dinning room already waiting." He told me playfully and grabbed my hand then started to pull me towards the elevator and we took it up to the main floor and he pulled me to the dinning room. I quickly ran over to the food and sat down at my plate, purring as I picked up the chopsticks by them and grabbed a piece of sushi and popped it into my mouth, moaning at the taste. He sat down across from me and grabbed his pair of chopsticks then started to eat with me, smiling. I looked over at him and gave him a warm smile as I picked up another one and ate it, sinking against the chair in delight. I've got fish~! Donnie loves me!

"There is spicy salmon, crab, and tuna sushi." He pointed out the options of the table. I purred and looked towards the tuna ones and reached for one, abandoning the spicy salmon ones I was eating.

"Can I have this for dinner too?" I asked him sweetly as I ate one.

"If you're still hungry." He purred towards me, giving a smile. I nodded and then ate another one.

"What about breakfast tomorrow?" I asked him with a cute smile.

"Sushi for breakfast?" He asked me, laughing. "If that's what you want."


"Whenever you want it." He took another, popping it into his mouth. I giggled.

"Soooo... if I wanted it for the rest of my life instead of those yucky veggies that you give me with dinner...." I picked up another salmon one and ate it. He laughed and smirked my way.

"We might have to change up your meal... You can't have sushi for the rest of your life.... We'll have to mix it up." I pouted but didn't argue.

"Okay," I said softly and ate another before I started to kick my legs under the table, but I didn't hit him. "I love you," I purred to him and then stopped kicking my legs and ran a foot up against his before I went back to lightly kicking my legs.

"I love you too." He purred and then ate the rest of his sushi quickly. I finished up what was left, saving two for Hachi and Isaac then sat my chopsticks aside. I purred and rubbed my head against the chair before I got up and took the two on the plate.

"I'll be back," I told him sweetly. "Wait for me in the living room.... I want to spend some time with you after I give these to Hachi and Isaac." I giggled and ran out of the room quickly, going for the stairs and then up to Hachi's room. I knocked on the door and purred. "Hachi~! Isaac~!"

"Come in." Hachi called, purring to me from the other side of the door. I giggled and ran into the room, going over to their bed where they were laying and bounced into it, landing at their feet.

"I brought you two something," I said sweetly and sat the plate down. "I thought you'd like a treat." Hachi looked at the plate then pulled out a pair of chopsticks from his pocket and grabbed one of the sushi rolls and ate it, moaning as he done so. I smiled and watched as Isaac picked it up delicately and ate it, giving me a smile. I went up to them in the bed and got between them, snuggling up as I stole Lien from Isaac's arms and kissed his forehead. "My wizards...." I mumbled and looked down at Lien then at Hachi and Isaac with a small smile. Hachi kissed Lien on the head and then smiled down at him then looked towards me.

"Where's Donnie?" Hachi asked me curiously. I smiled.

"Waiting on me in the living room," I told him. "He made me sushi!" I giggled and then handed Lien to Hachi just as Isaac started to reach for him. I smirked at Isaac then got out of their bed. "Be good you three," I told them and then laughed, walking out of the room and then down into the living room where Donnie should be. Donnie was sitting on the couch, waiting for me with a smile.

"Hey, what do you want to do?" Donnie asked me with a sweet smile. I bounced over to the entertainment center and set up some music then walked over to him, holding out my hand.

"Dance?" I smirked and then grabbed his hand, not waiting for his answer. I pulled him up to his feet and started to dance with him, kissing his cheek. He laughed and then pulled me closer to him and started to lead me in a dance. I smiled and leaned my head against his shoulder, happy that we were spending time together. I am so happy he's mine... and he's willingly mine. He calls out to me just like gold does... but he's better than the gold. I purred and gave his neck a soft kiss as we danced. He spun me around a few times then brought me over to the bar in the living room and then went behind it and got two glasses out and poured us wine into the glasses and gave me one then grabbed the other and took a sip. I looked the wine over and took a hesitant sip then smiled, okay with it. I leaned up against the bar and purred. He leaned over then bar and gave me a kiss then took a sip from his bottle. He gave me a small wink. I blushed and watched him as I took another sip. I was about to ask him to say something when I heard a large thud outside and the ground trembled a little. I widened my eyes and then looked at Donnie, setting my glass down as things outside settled down. "Donnie... what was-" The door opened and a girl stepped in, her eyes a brilliant shade of gold as she walked past us and went for the basement elevator. I widened my eyes. "NO! THAT'S MINE!" I hissed and chased her down, tackling her to the floor. I snarled at her then widened my eyes as I realized she was one of my older sisters. I felt my nails sharpen to talons as I glared her down and my teeth turned to deadly points as I growled at her. She shifted and then looked up at me, snapping her jaws and shoved me off her. She glared me down like she didn't recognize me one bit. She was a territorial dragon... like mother. She started for me then, snarling my way. I heard Donnie run up to us quickly.

"Midori!" Donnie shouted with worry. I seen Hachi come into view then and grab Donnie's wrist pulling him back from us.

"Don't go near two dragons fighting." Hachi warned Donnie. I glanced their way, remembering them and started to get worried about them when I felt her claws rake my cheek. I yelped and felt my blood start going down my skin as she snatched my arm and threw me across the room, slamming me through a coffee table.

"Midori!" Donnie cried out as Hachi had his magic take him away. Hachi looked towards me with an expression that asked if he could help me. I looked his way and was just about to stand up when she grabbed me by the throat, digging her claws in. I groaned in pain and then snarled at her. Sister or not... she's after my treasure hoard! I grabbed her arm and dug my claws in as I kicked at her stomach, sending us to the ground as the breath was knocked out of her. I leaned in and bit down into her shoulder as punishment for what she did to me and then stood up, spitting her blood out.

"Get out," I hissed at her. She kicked my feet out from under me and was over me in seconds, growling at me. "I'm not afraid to kill you," I snarled at her. "There is more than the treasure I'm here for." I threw her off me towards Hachi and sat up, wiping at my cheek. Hachi moved face a few steps as she was thrown his way and then he summoned Harry quickly, having him come onto his shoulder in a butterfly form. He looked my sister over and then waited for her move, looking up at me slightly. She sat up and then started for me, beginning to shift. I widened my eyes and yelped, getting to my feet. NOT IN THE MANOR! I grabbed her and then slammed her through a wall into the foyer and kicked her out into the yard, following her out to make sure that she couldn't get back in. "Hachi! Make sure the manor will be fine! Keep everyone safe!" I called out to him, looking back behind my shoulder for him. He appeared in the doorway and cast a spell around the manor to protect it then watched me with worry. I smiled at him. "It'll be fi-" I heard her roar at me and felt myself get swept up by her tail as she slammed it into me. I screamed out and then held onto her tail as I started to shift myself to fight her off.

"Midori! I can help you!" Hachi yelled, begging for me to let him. I glanced his way and then bit down into her tail as I was half shifted. She let out a roar of pain and threw me off, going to smack me with her claws.

"HACHI!" I yelled out as I scrambled to get out of her reach. Hachi ran out to us quickly and then unleashed his magic around us and then had Harry turn into a dragon twice our size and started after my sister, ready to defend me. I widened my eyes and watched as she turned her attention to Harry, going to fight him and breathed fire his way as she scratched the front of his chest and went for his throat. I crawled back out of the reach of her tail and then finished shifting, going after her as I ran into her and knocked her onto her back and scratched at her stomach, clawing at her tough scales to get at her skin underneath. Harry circled us after recovering from her blow and let out a roar, blowing fire around us in a circle, I could feel Isaac's magic at play. I decided to wound her pride as a dragon and snarled, biting down into her wing and clawed at it, making her scream. Harry ran up to us then and bit down into her wing to help me and tore it. I could feel her trembling as she struggled to get away from us, but she wasn't strong enough to fight us both off her. She tried her best to hide her other wing from me, but as soon as I got my chance, I got after it and tore down into it, getting at the part that met her body. She roared out in pain and smacked me with her tail, trying to claw at Harry. That's what she gets for messing with my treasure and slamming me around like that! I pulled back from her wing then put my claws on her throat, holding her head down into the ground. She snarled up at me and tried clawing at my feet, but I leaned in and bit down into her neck hard, getting past her scales easily. Harry let out a roar near me and then snapped his jaws at her tail, biting into it. She screamed out, but I bit down harder into her, making her lose her ability to make a noise and tore into her throat, putting her out of her misery. I moved back and then shifted into my human form when I was sure she was gone and then collapsed to the ground, laying down in the dirt. Hachi drew his magic back in and Harry transformed into a butterfly and flew back to him, landing on his shoulder. He ran up to me and then looked over at my sister and licked his lips. I frowned as I sat up slightly. "Hachi?" He started after her then with a predatory look. Harry flew off of him then and transformed into his human form by me. Hachi went towards my sisters eyes and pulled one out then ate it, moaning. I gagged and looked away quickly. He's eating my older sister.... What would've happened if I died instead of her? Would he eat me and have my sister move in on my treasure hoard as the new dragon in the manor? He took my sister's other eye then and started to eat, falling over in the process. Harry looked down at me and frowned.

"Don't worry Midori, he won't eat you. He's got his meal for the month." I shivered.

"That could've been me," I whispered, rubbing my cheek where she had gotten me with her claws.

"Hachi would've never let that happen." Harry assured me. "Go back inside, don't witness anymore of this." I nodded and got up quickly, stumbling back into the house and into the living room where I grabbed my drink and took a sip of it. I sunk down onto a nearby couch and brought my knees up to my chest, shaking a little. Donnie teleported into the livingroom quickly and ran up to me then tackled me into a hug.

"Midori." He mumbled, burying his face into my neck. I smiled a little and set my drink aside, wrapping him in my arms. I kissed his head.

"Hey," I whispered. He licked my cheek and I could feel the pain stop there as he healed me.

"You're okay..." He husked out and then kissed me. I purred and kissed him back, pulling him close to me.

"Of course I'm alright," I told him and laughed a little. "I'm the king of the skies... There was no way I was going to be killed by another dragon after my treasure."

"I'm glad you're okay." He whispered and then wrapped me up in his arms. I giggled and kissed his neck.

"She was my sister," I whispered to him. "She grew up into a complete beast.... I think she was worse than mother.... Hachi's with her now."

"Is Hachi eating her?" Donnie asked me softly... He looked around us then and let out a small laugh as Rose ran up to us with Victor.

"What the hell happened?" Rose asked, just as the alarms kicked off.

"Well... A dragon." Donnie told her, shrugging.

"A DRAGON!?" Rose ran outside then to go look around. "THIS PLACE IS DESTROYED!" I heard her complaining. I shrunk down into the couch with Donnie, smiling sheepishly.

"Oops," I whispered. Victor looked at me and then ran after Rose. I hid my face in Donnie's chest and whimpered. "Am I in trouble?" I asked him quietly.

"No... we can always repair the manor." Donnie told me with a shrug. "It'll cost us a bit... Maybe Hachi might be able to use his magic instead to fix the small damages done." I nodded and then hid against him.

"He's eating her," I whispered to him. "He started for her as soon as I had killed her."

"Let me guess... Went for the eyes first?" Donnie asked me, laughing. "He loves eyes." He told me, rubbing my head. "He's not going to eat you though, don't worry." I shivered and started to tremble again.

"I-if I had been the one killed... h-he would've eaten me instead," I whispered to him. "Wouldn't he?"

"No." Donnie told me, rubbing my head. "He'd kill her and then eat her and bring your body back to me." He kissed my cheek. I gave a small nod and clung onto the front of his shirt.

"Okay," I whispered and then leaned up, burying my face into his neck. "Did you get hurt?" I asked him softly.

"No..." Donnie shook his head. "Hachi made me leave you guys and I wasn't able to teleport back until a few minutes ago." He rubbed his head against me, whimpering. "I was worried." I purred and ran my fingers through his hair, rubbing his head to comfort him.

"I'm powerful.... I'm not a baby anymore," I whispered to him. "I'm a full grown dragon protecting a treasure hoard... and I have you guys to protect too." I kissed the top of his head and then laid down, making him lay on top of my with his head on my chest. He nodded and then looked into my eyes.

"I don't want to ever feel that way again.... She was fierce and I wasn't sure you could take her because you haven't fought before." Donnie exposed his fangs towards me. I yelped and looked at his fangs then up at his eyes, giving a nervous smile.

"Y-you know.... if you had put me back in the dragon realm... I would've been like her and eaten you all when I came back for the treasure," I whispered to him. "That's what she would've done after she killed me."

"E-eaten us?" Donnie asked, looking worried. "There's going to be more dragons in the future..." He muttered. I frowned.

"I'm not sure why she was here.... Dragons don't leave the realm- especially once their full grown," I mumbled and then thought it over. Why would she have left it? Did she leave by accident? I shook my head then kissed his lips. "Don't be mad.... I didn't mean to make you worry." He nodded and then curled up on me and started to curl my hair around his fingers. He turned the TV on and to an anime movie. "I love you," I whispered to him and then kissed the top of his head, purring to him. "Hachi was right to move you away though.... You would've gotten hurt by either me accidentally hitting you or her attacking you," I told him and wrapped him up tighter in my arms. "I can't have my precious treasure get hurt," I purred in his ear. He nodded and looked up into my eyes.

"I love you too... I was still scared for you." He muttered and then pouted. "Don't let Hachi send me away next time... I couldn't stand it." I looked him over and felt bad. I would get really worried and upset if they got into a fight and made me leave Donnie. I nodded.

"I won't," I whispered to him. "No one will ever take you away from me again," I told him firmly and held him close. "You're never going to leave my side." He nodded and then buried his face into my chest and curled up tightly to me. I smirked. "You're mine...." I sharpened my teeth and claws then gave a growl before I leaned in towards his neck. "Or don't you remember?" I growled in his ear and then bit down into him, letting my dragon venom get into his wound as I dug my nails into his arms. He let out a moan and melted on top of me, purring. He ran his fingers under my shirt then and across my sides. I gasped and dug my nails in deeper as I arched my back a little then settled back down, looking at him then leaned in towards the bite and licked it. He leaned in for a kiss then, stealing one from me and deepened it. I moaned and kissed him back, loosening up on my nails and then drug them down his arms lightly, barely scratching him and causing him to bleed. He yelped and then sat up on me, pulling his arms away from my nails and then rubbed his neck. I frowned at him and then leaned up, kissing him again. He leaned in to the kiss and purred. I smirked against his lips and then grabbed him by the front of his shirt and slowly laid back, pulling him with me. He purred and then teleported us to our bedroom where we continued our love fest.