Angel Organization's Executioner Aaron

~Three Years Later Time Skip brought to you by Somewhere with You~

For the past three years, Louis and Ann have been travelling the world and making new memories together- all the time Louis has been respectful. They're just about ready to return to the manor, seeing most of the sights of the world. Paris and Richard were proud to announce the birth of Liam and are back in the manor, happy as ever with their child. Isaac and Hachi have been raising Lien and teaching him magic tricks to practice. Isaac has turned into a protective dad though and makes sure that Lien is fine, getting nervous when he runs off for too long. Liam and Lien have become the best of friends, Lien acting like a sweet older brother. Keegan has forgotten all about being mad at Louis and kind of misses him, but he's happy with his mate Hiko who has stayed with him and continues to play games with him in the virtual reality world. Donnie and Midori have been happy together and Midori has gotten to the point where he can allow Donnie to take gold out of the treasure room without getting upset- though it doesn't apply to the others. Nikolai and Raven have gotten a little closer, going on dates every now and then. Raven stopped clubbing, and she quit drinking quite as much as she used to, thinking it had something to do with her writing on the walls in her sleep again. Val and Alexander had another kid, holding up their end of the deal. Val had gotten her way in the end and became captain of their new air ship which they travel on with Vera and Alijandro, their base in Spain where they return for a month every year. Everything seems peaceful and very great and prosperous... but something is stirring... The Angel Association is rising on the internet and is slowly making a name for itself. The new generation of Vampire Hunters who all wear a silver ruby encrusted cross around their neck as a symbol of their status. They're coming.

Louis's POV:

I smiled over at Ann as I finished putting all her souvenirs into her bag and then zipped it up. "Ready to go?" I asked her and walked over. "I think you're getting ready to smother me in my sleep if I keep taking you places.... Plus I think my brother might be freaking out. It's been three years and I haven't called since when we were in Paris," I said and laughed. Oh... he's going to kill me. I missed their kid being born.... I'll have to get a really cute gift for Liam... and then get something for Paris and Richard....

"YES! I missed Raven." She purred and then grabbed her bag from me and then took my hand, pulling me closer. "Please can we go now?" I laughed then gave a nod.

"Yes," I purred to her and then teleported us into her bedroom back at the manor. "Here we are," I whispered in her ear. "Home sweet home." She dropped the bag and then looked around in pure joy.

"Finally..." She mumbled and then looked towards me and then pushed me over into her bed and then took off out the room. I laughed and got off the bed, teleporting down to the kitchen to get myself a well deserved bottle of blood. I got one out of the fridge and cracked it open, taking a sip of it and purred. Hachi was on the counter eating sushi with Harry right by him. He gave me a huge smile.

"Louis! You're back!" He gave me a big smile. I laughed and walked over.

"Hey Hachi," I purred and kissed his cheek then took another sip of my bottle. "How's Lien and Isaac?"

"Lien is a big boy now. He's getting tall and smart." Hachi told me, popping a bite of sushi into his mouth. Midori walked in with his golden sheets wrapped around him like he had just gotten up and pouted, walking over to Hachi. He stole some of his food and ate it, moaning at the taste then rubbed his head against Hachi's cheek in happiness before he walked back out towards the living room. I raised an eyebrow and watched him go. Hachi looked towards me and gave a huge smile. "When'd you come home?"

"Just now," I told him and smirked. "I figured Ann was getting ready to kill me." I leaned against a counter and took another sip of the blood. I was tackled suddenly from behind and pinned up against the counter and then bit into on my neck. I heard Paris let out a moan as he grabbed my hands and pinned them on the counter top. I yelped and looked back at him. Oh... I'm in trouble.... I gave a smile and kissed his head. "Paris," I purred softly and then leaned my head to the side, exposing my neck for him. "I missed you!" He let out a small purr as he pulled me closer to him and then pulled back, kissing my cheek.

"Oh I missed you too~" He purred. "You should see someone." He whispered. "Liam has been waiting to meet his favorite uncle." I blushed slightly and nodded.

"I'm sorry I missed it," I whispered to him. I kissed his cheek and gave him my time travel memories from three years ago and wrapped him up in my arms. "I had a really amazing experience in Paris while I was there," I purred to him and then moved to his neck, biting into him. I missed my twin so much! He let out a moan and sunk against me, pulling me to my knees with him.

"You weren't supposed to see that...." Paris whispered. "Don't snoop around in my studies." He warned me. I laughed.

"Why? Have any other magic watches I should know about?" I kissed his cheek as I licked my lips clean. "I put it back... and I didn't mess with it again. I know better than to play with that kind of stuff."

"Good boy.... somethings aren't meant for you to touch in my studies..." He kissed my cheek then. "Don't forget what I've told you." He pulled back as an older version of Laurence slipped out of a shadow and gave me a huge smile.

"LOUIS!" He held out his arms for me. I smiled and got up, running over to him and hugged him.

"You got so big! How?" I asked him then looked him over. He's all grown up! I'm so happy for him! I picked him up and spun him around then sat him back down. "You're finally older looking like us!" Laurence blushed.

"He married Ashton in the old vampire tradition and that broke his curse. He's been growing every since." Paris informed me. I noticed Laurence was almost taller then me now. He blushed as he looked me over.

"He's so handsome like myself." Hachi giggled out. "We're both not babies anymore." He threw a sushi roll at Laurence, making Laurence gasp. I noticed Laurence looked just a tad bit older then Hachi.

"He's still growing." Paris told me. "I think he's going to keep growing for a few more years.... He'll age past us." I frowned.

"He won't get old and wrinkly looking... right?" I asked them. "That'd suck...."

"DON'T JINK ME!" Laurence yelped at the thought and then shivered. "I don't want wrinkles."

"I won't let it happen." Hachi laughed and then got off the counter and ran up to Laurence then tackled him into a hug. I laughed and watched them then went to my abandoned blood bottle, picking it up. I felt someone tug on my pant's leg then.

"Daddy," I heard a small voice pipe up from beside me, sniffling. "I'm hungry...." I sat the bottle down and looked down to see a cute little boy about the age of two looking up at me. He had Paris's eyes and Richard's night black hair. I smiled.

"Liam," I purred and knelt down, picking him up. "You're so cute.... Here." I walked over to the refrigerator and got him a bottle of blood out and then started digging around for some sippy cups after putting it on the blood warmer. Paris walked over to Liam and kissed his cheek.

"I'm your daddy silly, that's uncle Louis." He pointed to me. "I told you we were twins." Liam blushed and looked at me then at Paris.

"Twins?" He asked and then looked back at me. He reached up and messed up my hair as he started to grip a handful of it. "Pwetty...."

"Very pretty." Paris agreed then leaned in towards my cheek and kissed it. "He's my favorite." He pulled back as Donnie teleported into the room and tackled me into a hug.

"GOTCHA!" Donnie growled in my ear and then went for Liam and picked him up then started to hold him over his head and play with him like an air plane, making him fly around the kitchen. Liam squealed in delight and started to giggle.

"Don-don~!" He giggled and then reached out towards Donnie. "Donnie~!" I laughed a little then poured the blood into the sippy cup and set it up for Liam then passed it to Paris. Paris smirked and got down on his knees as Donnie placed Liam in front of him and kissed his cheek.

"Get your sippy cup and then I will take you to go see Lien." Donnie told Liam. Liam's eyes widened.

"Li-Li?" He looked up at Donnie then bounced in excitement, reaching for his sippy cup. "Gimme!" Paris handed over the sippy cup and rubbed his head.

"Don't bite Lien this time, remember yesterday when he made your teeth fall out?" Paris asked Liam, warning him. Liam pouted but ran out of the room with the sippy cup. I smirked as I watched him go.

"He's so cute," I told Paris. I saw Richard dart in front of the door just as it was shutting, chasing after Liam. Donnie ran after Liam then, disappearing through the door.

"He's a handful." Paris whispered softly. "Donnie really likes him... I think Donnie is ready to be a father." I looked at him then pulled him close.

"You think so? He seems like he'd be a good dad...." I looked towards the door and smiled. He was playing with Liam.... He's old enough to have a kid and do well.... Paris nodded in agreement, leaning up against me. Nikolai ran into the kitchen then and gave me a huge smile, collecting himself quickly and walked up to me.

"Louis!" He gave a huge smile. "I have a song I want to show you later." He whispered to me. I smiled and gave a nod.

"Do you play now?" I asked him and laughed slightly. He shook his head.

"No, I'm talking about something I recorded when Keegan was practicing alone." Nikolai told me and then walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of blood and then opened it, sipping on the contents inside. I widened my eyes. KEEGAN! I pulled back from Paris, wanting to go check in on my nephew.

"I'll be back later," I whispered to him then teleported outside Keegan's computer room and knocked on it. "Keegan?" I called softly. What if he's still mad at me....

"He won't answer you right now." Laurence told me, appearing beside me. "He's in the game with Hiko." I looked at him and frowned.

"Oh.. okay.... Is Hiko a vampire yet?" I asked curiously.

"Not yet." Laurence told me, shrugging. "Keegan wants to turn him next year." I nodded and smiled.

"Has he told Hiko he wants to?"

"No... He's keeping it a secret." Laurence whispered softly. "I only know because I rock." I laughed and then grabbed his hand.

"Then let's go do something," I suggested.

"Like ask Perry how Paris and him became friends?" Laurence asked, smirking. I nodded quickly.

"Yes, I'm curious about that." I teleported us to Perry's bar and smirked. "PERRY! I'M BACK~!"

"I never knew you left!" Perry purred from by his shinny new bar. I found Alexis sitting in a booth, playing cards with herself.

"I left for three years," I told him simply and shrugged. "Showing my new mate around the world and such.... I was wondering... how'd you meet my twin?" I asked him and ran over to the bar, sitting in front of him as I leaned forward. "You've never told me."

"You never told me about this new mate of yours." He purred and then poured me a glass of Champaign. The place was closed right now, just us inside. Laurence walked over and sat down by me. I heard Alexis walk over and sit a few seats down from us. I smiled at Perry.

"Her name is Ann.... She used to hang with Brook," I told him. "I decided to show her the world for three years and now we're back in the manor. We just got home again.... How'd you meet my twin though? That's got to be interesting!" I laughed and took a sip of my drink.

"How'd I meet Paris?" He asked me, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure you want to know?" He asked, leaning across the bar a bit then poured Laurence a drink. "You're ageing well Laurence." He purred. Laurence smiled big towards him and then started to drink the Champaign.

"Perry," I whined out and then grabbed his hand. "Please? I wanna know...." He looked back at me.

"Okay." He pulled up a stool then and poured himself a glass. "I can't remember the exact date... but one day I woke up cold and alone with a burning sensation on my neck. I had just been turned into a vampire." He purred my way. "I ended up on Paris's doorsteps and we became close friends." He smirked. "The End." He downed the drink quickly. Laurence chuckled.

"That's not what happened." Laurence purred. I pouted at Perry.

"That wasn't even a good lie," I mumbled and then took a sip of my drink. "If you won't tell me... I'll just read all of Paris's journals then force him to tell me if he left it out of them."

"Alright... I stole his car." He told me, shrugging. "He kicked my ass for it." He busted out laughing. "After a good fight we made up and shared a drink at a bar." I laughed a little at that.

"You stole his car?" I asked him and then smirked. "So that's how it happened...." I took another sip of my drink. "I like that story better than the lie."

"Yeah..." He gave a big smile. "His car wasn't the only thing I stole though." He chuckled. He looked towards Alexis and then poured her a drink.

"What else did you take?" I asked him and leaned forward a little, intrigued.

"Not much, a few guns, money, maids, and some books.... Worthless books." He winked towards me. "Stupid diaries." I laughed and then looked him over.

"Well... now I know," I mumbled. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"Ummmm because when you come to me we talk about you." Perry shrugged. "My past isn't interesting, besides robbing a few royals and running this place along with a few side events like Raven and Alexis.... and poor Lauren.... and my ex mate and her daughter.... I keep low." He pulled out a cigarette then and light it, sticking it in his mouth. "My past is in the past. It's not interesting." I frowned but gave a nod.

"Yeah.... Okay," I mumbled and then sipped on the Champaign. "So what're you up to lately? Anything besides selling alcohol and blood slaves?" I leaned back in my seat and looked him over. He laughed and then leaned in closer to me.

"I've been thinking about quitting the business and buying a real nice place in town." He told me. "Maybe Ainsworth's old lot." I laughed.

"Yeah, that's not a bad little place... could use some work being redone and stuff.... Tell you what, you really want to get out of this business... I'll buy the mansion and fix it up for you and give it to you and Alexis. She deserves better than this and so do you. You're good friends," I told them and smiled.

"Nah, I have tons of cash." Perry waved his hand. "I don't need your money." He looked over at Alexis. "Hey, how about we go over to Grimm's manor tonight. Louis is home, there might be some life." He suggested. She nodded and looked over at me and then at Laurence. I smirked.

"Last minute party sounds nice.... Let's get drunk and head over there then," I purred to him. "We'll have loads of fun." Alexis looked us over and then got off her stool and headed over to the table she was playing cards at and put them away then walked back to us and got behind the bar then pulled out a bottle of vodka and sat it down in front of us. She went back to her stool quietly.

"Look's like she approves." Perry spoke up first and then opened the bottle, pouring some into all of our glasses. I laughed and then pulled Alexis over to me and kissed her cheek.

"Hello," I told her softly. I looked back towards my drink and picked it up, taking a swig of it. Alexis blushed a bright red and let her hair fall into her eyes, hiding them from us then. Her hair curled around her, the length that Lauren kept hers. I smiled at her and ruffled her hair a little before I gave her a hug and took another sip of my drink. She gave me a small wave then.

"Still doesn't talk." Laurence sighed out.

"That's alright.... She is fine the way she is... sweet and nice," I told him and then smirked a little as I finished up my drink and looked towards Perry for a refill. Perry poured me another round then leaned forward and put a bobby pin in Alexis's hair, pinning her hair out of her eyes.

"There we go, there's those beautiful eyes I saved." He rubbed her cheek then took a sip from his glass. I looked her over and then slid her drink closer to her.

"You should party with us," I whispered to her. "We'll all have fun." She grabbed her drink then and took a sip from it and looked towards me then sunk in her chair. I gave her a big smile then continued to get drunk with my friends to later take this party to the manor.

Raven's POV:

I hummed to myself as I picked up a pair of scissors and looked my hair over in the mirror. I smiled and then snipped a strand of it and watched as my purple hair fell to the floor. No going back now! I giggled and then started to cut my hair short to a boyish length in a cute tomboy way and then picked up the hair dye I had bought about an hour ago- black. I pulled it out of it's box and started to do the instructions, dying my natural purple hair to a black and then took the bath to get the extra dye out of my hair and used the conditioner that came with it. When I got out, I blow dried my hair and put on a shirt and a pair of pants then brushed my hair out and giggled. I hope Nikolai doesn't flip.... I think it looks cute though. I smiled and bounced out of the bathroom barefoot and out into my bedroom, picking up my phone then put it in my pocket. I walked out into the hall and told a maid to go clean up the hair on the bathroom floor then walked down to the kitchen, going to get my morning bottle of blood to drink. I was tackled then from behind.

"Raven! Your hair! It's short, cute, and black!" I heard Ann say from behind me, giggling. "I like it!" I widened my eyes.

"ANN! YOU'RE HOME!" I giggled excitedly and pulled her into a hug. "That punk Louis finally brought you back! I was getting ready to hunt him down!" She hugged me tightly and buried her face into my neck.

"Yeah! I missed you... I really did!" She purred and then pulled back from the hug and got a bottle of blood out from in the fridge and opened it. "Your hair smells like you just done it, did you?" I gave a nod.

"I did... I figured I would try it out," I told her and smiled as I took a sip of my blood. "I think I like it... enough to keep it for a century." She looked my hair over.

"I'm going to miss it being purple.... but I like the change." She nodded and then took a sip out of the bottle and sat it aside then pulled me out to the living room, giggling. "Come watch a movie with me." I nodded and then sat down on the couch, pulling my knees to my chest. I had even done my eyebrows to match, so yeah... I think I will keep it like this for a bit. I giggled and then grabbed the remote, putting on a movie and looked towards her. She sat down right by me and then pulled me closer to her and curled up to me, watching the movie with interest.

"So did you have fun?" I asked her softly as I looked towards the TV. She's been gone three whole years....

"Yeah, I got to see the world. It was okay." She shrugged and looked back towards me. I smiled.

"That's good," I purred to her and kissed her forehead. "Seeing the world is fun. There's a lot out there...." She nodded.

"Yeah.... A little too much sometimes." She looked up at me then and gave a small smile. I smiled back.

"That's alright though.... I'm glad you're back. The girls have been wondering when you'd come join us...." I hugged her and looked back towards the TV as a boy was freefalling out of an exploding airplane. She tensed as she watched the guy on the movie and then looked away before he came close to the ground. He suddenly stopped falling and began to laugh nervously as a girl stepped out of the shadow and flicked her wrist, sending him up against a wall.

"You're late," she told him simply, giving him a dirty look. I frowned. What exactly did I put on again? Does this have supernatural in it? Ann looked back at the TV slowly then sat up a bit with wonder. I watched as the guy fell to the ground and gave her a smile. Weirdo.... Hollywood certainly has done more with movies though. I smirked a little and then sat back in my chair. With the ability to record Virtual Reality... they can do so much more with movie making. Ann pulled a pillow to her then and watched the movie, biting at one of her nails as she done so. I laughed a little as I saw that but didn't move to stop her. She'll eventually stop that... when Louis starts getting onto her....

After the movie, I stretched out and looked at her with a smile. "That was such a twist ending.... who knew that the guy would turn out to be the one who caused all that trouble? He seemed so innocent." I laughed and then ruffled her hair. She looked towards me and nodded, giving a small giggle.

"I've got to go do something." She told me and then got up and left quickly. I pouted. Well she left me in a hurry. I sighed and got up, stretching. I think I'll go ask Nikolai for a date. I teleported into his study and walked over to his desk, sitting down in front of it.

"Nikolai, let's go out tonight," I purred. Nikolai looked towards me, pulling away from his computer then jumped at the sight of me. He looked my hair over and then towards my eyes before frowning.

"What'd you do to your hair?" He asked me softly. I frowned slightly.

"I... dyed it?" He leaned over and ran his fingers through my hair and gave it a tug before pulling away.

"Dye it back..." He whispered, looking back towards his computer.

"You don't like it?" I asked him softly and then brought my knees to my chest, watching him. Most find my hair weird....

"I liked your natural hair... It was different and unique. Now it's short and normal." He complained, looking back at me. "So... You want a date? I suppose we can go catch a play." He suggested. "I'll get us theater tickets." I smiled and gave a nod.

"Okay," I said sweetly. I guess I could change it back.... "I'll change it back to normal for you," I whispered. He looked towards me.

"Raven, if you want black hair to suit your name then go ahead and have black hair. I don't care." He shrugged. "Don't complain to me when your hair falls out from dying it." He shut his computer down and pulled out his phone, calling someone then. I pouted. He's mad.... I looked away from him and curled what was left of my hair around one of my fingers, lightly tugging on it. "Ah, yes.... I'd like to get tickets to tonight's play at nine.... Under Raven and Nikolai Grimm.... Two tickets, yes. I'll pay when I get there. Yes... Thank you." He hung up his phone and looked towards me. "Go put on a pretty red dress." He purred, standing up. "Keep your hair the way it is if you want." He shrugged. "It's not my hair." I watched him and frowned.

"But you don't like it... and I'm not overly attached to what I did yet.... I don't mind changing it back. I could ask Hachi to help me," I told him. Why a red dress?

"Nah... Keep it." He mumbled and then left the room. I frowned and then stood up. He's got a point... I was known for my natural purple hair.... I won't dye it again when it comes time to redo it. I'll make the black grow out and get my purple hair back and then I'll make it pretty and long again. I teleported into my room and then went over my closet and went inside, getting one of my favorite red dresses out that went down to my knees and changed into it then went and grabbed some black heels, putting them on before I went out and sat down on the bed and laid out on it, bringing Nikolai's pillow close to me and curled up to it. I made him upset.... I didn't mean to.... I'll fix it for myself and him. I closed up eyes and nuzzled my head against his pillow as I laid my head on it and gave it a squeeze. I heard him come in then and go over to his closet, disappearing into it. I glanced to where he disappeared to and then snuggled up to his pillow, breathing in the scent of it. I think humans made a new thing to remove dye from hair but leave the natural color behind.... I could get some of that and fix it... then get some growth accelerant and start using it till my hair is long again. He walked out in a tux then walked over to me. "Ready?" He asked curiously. I looked up and gave a small smile.

"Yes," I whispered and sat up, pulling his pillow into my lap and hugged it as I watched him. He nodded.

"Let's go to my car then." He reached out for my hand. I blushed and let his pillow go, taking his hand and then leaned in and hugged him.

"I love you," I whispered to him. He smiled.

"I love you too Raven." He pulled me out of our room then and down the hall, towards the garage.

"So... we're going to see a play?" I asked and smiled as I held his hand.

"Swan lake." He told me, smirking. I giggled and gave a nod.

"That sounds amazing," I purred and got close to him. "This will be a good date." He laughed.

"Yeah, it was playing tonight so.... it should be good." He shrugged. I giggled at him.

"You're getting to know me too well," I teased him and looked him over. "You look good in the tux," I whispered and gave him a sweet smile. He smiled towards me and then shrugged.

"You are my mate, I should get to know you too well. You look good in a red dress." He pulled me down to the garage and then held the door open for me, helping me inside then closed the door behind me. He got in on the drivers side then placed a location into the GPS and hid auto pilot on the car then looked towards me as it started to drive us to the theater. When we arrived Nikolai's phone went off in his pocket, so he pulled it out and answered it. "Hello?" He asked, his expression dropped immediately. "What do you mean it's out of control?" He looked a little pissed then. "I don't have time to fix that, it's your problem. I'm on a date. Yes, I know I'm king... It's still not my problem until after my date. Get it fixed yourself. Do whatever you want. I'm busy." He hung up and then looked towards me. "Some stupid idiots blew up my factory in Nome half an hour ago." He told me, sighing. His phone vibrated then and he looked towards it, then shut his phone off. "Let's go." He pulled me out of the car and towards the building, giving my cheek a kiss. I blushed and held his hand. Someone blew up his factory? Was it humans or supernaturals?

"Nikolai... was it humans?" I asked him softly, looking up at him. That would be bad... or if they were just stupid humans who weren't in the know of who's factory it was... it wouldn't be quite as bad. Humans shouldn't know we exist. It caused so many problems in the past....

"They're looking at the footage right now." Nikolai told me, giving a shrug. "It's not our problem right now. I told them to take care of it. They need to grow up and stop depending on me to solve all of the problems that goes on with the factory or with blood lords.... or anything else that is a problem." I gave a small nod. It makes sense.... He shouldn't have to do everything.

"You know... you could always ask me to help you," I whispered to him and gave his cheek a kiss. "But right now is our date!" I giggled and dragged him to the doors of the theatre. "You're mine for the next couple of hours!" He laughed and followed me to the door and then pulled me in and up to a ticket booth where he got our tickets and paid for them. A lady escorted us to our seats right at the stage. He sat down and then gave my hand a squeeze. I smiled and squeezed his hand back, looking over at him and up at his eyes. He's a great mate.... I giggled a little and smiled sweetly at him. He smiled and then watched the stage curtains moving around then looked towards me.

"You know you can keep your hair that color, right?" He asked softly.

"I know... but you were right about how my natural hair is more unique," I whispered back and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"I don't think it matters what your hair looks like Raven.... to me you are a very unique person in general." I giggled and nodded then kissed his shoulder.

"I love you," I purred. "You know... I'm glad you're my mate." I looked up at his eyes and smiled.

"I love you too Rave." He gave me a smile then sunk in his seat, purring to himself from the comfort of the theater's seats. I giggled as I watched him.

"You like the seats?" I smirked a little and ran my fingers through his hair. "Maybe it's time we upgrade your office chair to the best one we can find...."

"I like my chair back home.... but this is pretty cozy..." Nikolai whispered. "It changes things, that's for sure." I nodded and kissed his forehead.

"Okay," I purred to him. "I'll get you something else instead." I rubbed his head and smiled. After a few more moments the lights dimmed around us and the play began. When it ended, Nikolai got to his feet, clapping for the people bowing on the stage then looked towards me.

"Ready to go?" He asked me curiously. "We can go home or hunt." I smiled.

"What do you want to do? Are you worried about the factory?" I kissed his cheek and stood up, pulling him to his feet.

"No, I'm not worried about the factory. I can worry about it tomorrow." Nikolai told me, smirking. "I want to do what you want to do. Ladies choice." I thought it through then smirked.

"Let's hunt," I purred and pulled him close. "We'll give somebody a scare." I looked up at his eyes then at his lips, tempted to kiss him but pulled back and giggled. "Let's go sweetie~!" I held onto his hand and started to pull him out of the theatre. He followed after me, humming to himself. Once we were outside he pulled me down the street, away from the car and the building and into an alley. I giggled and glanced at him before I listened around to see if any humans were in the alley. I tilted my head as I smelled the air and then smiled as I caught two humans' scents. I started to lead him to it, navigating the alleys and then ducked behind a wall when I saw a guy and a girl making out. I looked up at Nikolai then at the couple, wondering if we should go ahead and drink from them.... Yeah, it'll be alright. I smirked slightly and then held onto his hand tightly, teleporting us over to the couple where I yanked the guy off the girl and bit into his neck. I heard Nikolai pin the girl up to the building then bit down into her neck, letting out a playful growl. Both of the humans let out a scream from the bites. I giggled and grabbed the guy's arms as he tried to shove me away and tripped him up, throwing us to the ground with me on top. I smirked at him and then bit into his neck savagely, tearing out a chunk to get his blood flowing. Nikolai pulled away from the girl then licked her bite, having it heal up. He shoved her up against the wall fast, knocking her head up against it. She dropped to his feet, going unconscious. Nikolai walked over to me, licking his lips. He reached into the guy's pocket and pulled out his phone then called a number.

"Hurry up and we'll go." Nikolai told me, I could hear the other line going off then and police asking if the person was okay. Nikolai dropped the phone by the girl after putting it on mute. I pouted and then pulled back from the guy. He already called the cops... I licked the guy one last time and got up, grabbing Nikolai's hand.

"Okay," I said and then looked down at the guy. I don't normally let them live.... I wrapped my arms around Nikolai's waist as the guy passed out from blood loss and nuzzled my head into his chest. "We'll go." I teleported us back to his car. He pulled me into the car then and got into his seat.

"We need to leave some alive. We don't want to kill all of our cattle, now do we?" He asked and then started to manually drive us back to the manor. I looked at him and then gave a small nod.

"I guess that makes sense," I mumbled.

"I think so." Nikolai shrugged, laughing softly. I smiled and leaned over, giving his cheek a kiss.

"You're right.... Are you going to go back to king duties when we get home?" I asked him and tilted my head in curiosity.

"I'm going to sleep." He admitted. "I'm tired." He ran his hand through his hair then. I looked him over and then gave a nod.

"Alright," I said and then leaned back in my seat, purring a little. "I'll put you to bed." I started to play with the short strands of my hair and looked out the window with a small giggle.

"Ummmm.... I can put myself to sleep." He muttered. I looked back at him and smirked.

"I'll go to sleep with you right by your side," I told him and then snuggled up into my seat.

"Hah. That sounds better." He leaned over and gave my cheek a kiss. I blushed and looked at him with a small nod.

"Mhmm," I hummed and then giggled a little. Sleeping right by him sounds nice.... A perfect way to end the perfect date. After a few minutes we arrived at the manor and he parked in front of the garage. He stepped out and then went around the car, opening the door for me and then let me out, holding a hand out for mine. I smiled and took his hand, getting out and shutting the car door then kissed his cheek. "Come on, King," I purred and kissed his lips softly before I started to lead him into the manor and up to our bedroom. He followed after me, squeezing my hand softly. I smiled a little and then pulled us into the room, shutting the door behind him then led him over to the bed and sat him down on it. I smiled and kissed his forehead as I undid his tux and tie, taking it off him then sat it down on the bed. I unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt and then grabbed his tux and tie. "I'll put it up for you and be out in a moment," I told him sweetly. He pushed his pants off and then crawled into bed, curling up in it. He pulled the blanket over him. I glanced him over then picked up his pants and his shoes and socks, teleporting to where the maids would pick it up and have it all cleaned in the proper way and put back in his closet. I teleported into my closet and searched the drawers in there as I took my shoes off and put them up and then unzipped the dress, stepping out of it then tossed it to the side and grabbed a nightgown out of it and put it on. I closed the dresser and then walked out to him, crawling into the bed and then beside him. I got under the covers and snuggled up to him, getting in the crook of his arm and purred as I wrapped my arms around his chest and laid my head on him. He smiled softly and looked towards me before closing his eyes, falling asleep in my arms. I giggled and kissed his cheek before I rested. He didn't push me away.... Good. I smiled and closed my eyes, falling asleep beside him.

Liam's POV:

"Li-Li," I called out, whining as I walked unsteadily around the manor. "I wanna play!" I pouted and took a sip of my sippy cup I had gotten a few moments ago from mommy. Where'd Li-Li go? He said he'd play with me.... I whimpered and held my sippy cup close to me as I found myself outside the great wizard's door that Li-Li had told me stories about.... His parents lived in there with him.... I reached up towards the door handle and whimpered when I found I was too short. "Li-Li!" It opened and I was suddenly picked up by Lien's father Hachi. He kissed my cheek then carried me inside where Lien and his father was watching a movie. I smiled and then leaned my head against Hachi and sipped on my sippy cup. Lien looked up at me and then smiled big at me.

"Liam," he said and giggled, making room on the couch. "I forgot. I'm sorry." I pouted at him.

"Forgot?" I took another sip of my blood to comfort me. He forgot me.... Hachi sat me down by Lien then kissed Lien on the head before he sat down in Isaac's lap and curled up to him. Isaac purred and pulled Hachi closer to him, kissing him on the lips. I wrinkled up my nose. "Ewww," I mumbled and then scooted closer to Lien. Lien giggled and looked at me then pulled me to him.

"Let me make it up to you," he purred to me and then flicked his ears. I looked up at them and giggled, reaching up and touched them. He gasped and looked at me then kissed my cheek. "Here," he whispered and then held out his hand in front of me. I widened my eyes in wonder as I saw a little ball of light, a star, in his hand. He smiled and then enclosed his hand around it and then squeezed his hand then opened it up, revealing a glowing white gem. He waved a hand over it and it was suddenly a pendant on a pretty necklace. He slipped it over my head and purred. Hachi looked towards us then purred before resting his head against Isaac's chest. I looked at the necklace and then giggled, hugging Lien.

"Li-Li," I mumbled and kissed his cheek then curled up to him. He ruffled my hair and then stole my sippy cup, taking a sip from it. He purred and his tail moved into his lap as he laid his ears back in happiness. I watched him and frowned. That was mine... but ok. I smiled and laid my head against him and looked towards the TV curiously. Hachi looked down at us then towards the TV and pressed pause.

"How about you two go play in the playroom?" Hachi suggested. "We can watch this movie some other time together." He smiled big towards us. "Go ahead." Lien looked up at his dad and then smiled, moving past me to Hachi and hugged him.

"Mkay daddy," he purred and nuzzled his head against him. "I love you." Isaac laughed and rubbed Lien's ears, making him purr. "I love you too," he told Isaac quickly.

"We love you as well." Hachi told him, tapping him on the nose. "Now get going before I eat you." Lien yelped and got up quickly, grabbing me.

"Don't eat me," he whispered, looking scared. Isaac wrapped Hachi up in his arms and kissed Hachi's neck, purring at him as Lien quickly pulled me towards the doors. He paused and looked up at the handle and then laid his ears back, focusing on it. It opened for him, making him smile as he led me out and raced down the hall with me. I giggled as I heard the door shut and chased after Lien.

"Li-Li, let's play Sailors!" I suggested as he led me down to the playroom and got us inside. I ran over to my pile of stuffed animals and fell into it. "Grawr!"

"Liam," he called out and I looked to see he had picked up my favorite bear. I widened my eyes and reached for it.

"Gimme!" I whined. He laughed and then gave it to me before he sat down and started to play with the large blocks we had that went up to our knees, building a fort with them. I watched him curiously until he had a wall around him and pouted. "Imma gonna get you," I told him and stood up, walking over to the wall. He hid behind a wall!

Aaron's POV:

Beep. Beep. Beep! I groaned and sat up slowly in bed and looked at my alarm clock, seeing it was already 6:30 AM. I quickly hit off and got up, shuffling over to my clothes laid out on a chair by the door. I picked up my t-shirt and slipped it over my head and then put on my pants, cursing when I almost fell over. I grabbed the necklace that I was issued when I graduated the program and put it on, looking it over. My father, a priest, had found out about this organization that hunts down supernatural and demons and told me that I was going to make him proud and hunt down the unholy beings in the world. He said it was about time that the world started to do something about it, and he signed me up, forcing me to go through the whole dumb ordeal. Yeah... it turned out it was real. The whole thing about supernaturals was real... but it wasn't all true. We seek out the truth here and find out what we can about what we hunt.... There are the investigators who investigate those under suspicion of not being normal, the executioners- which is what I am- who go out and hunt down the ones that are confirmed as supernatural or what have you and we kill them, then there are the researchers who sometimes get live ones and experiment on them to discover their weak points (I really don't want to know about that) and the recruiters who go around and inform the public about us and try to get others to join our cause. We take precautions... all of us live on base and the base is protected twenty four seven in a private and hidden area. The one who runs all this is named Angel- just Angel. She never tells us her last name, but she's always there at graduations and ceremonies and everything. She got a lot of wealthy supporters who have been funding this program and gave us the land to operate on. It's all secretive about who those people are... and we all are careful not to get taken by what we hunt. I sighed and then put my boots on and picked up my cell, checking to see if I had a mission. Sure enough, it dinged as soon as I touched it and said I had a mission in the city miles away. I put my phone in my pocket and then grabbed my gun, sticking it in the holster at my belt and then put a jacket on, hiding it. I walked out and then out to the garage and got the car I was assigned. I got in the drivers seat and plugged in my phone, knowing that they were both programed to take me to where the place was even if I hadn't opened my phone up.


I sat down at a table in the bar and sat back in it, bored. My target is supposedly here.... I pulled out my phone and looked at the profile picture I had gotten and glanced around. It was a girl... should be easy to spot with her rainbow hair. I glanced around and spotted her then sat my phone down as the bartender came over to ask me what I wanted. I ordered a White Russian and then tapped the table. Great... after this maybe I can get a break. The rainbow haired girl got to her feet and started to leave, pulling out her phone and started to call someone. I frowned and then watched her before I got up slowly and threw the money for the drink on the table and slipped out the back door unnoticed. I walked around front and looked towards the rainbow girl before I began to walk to her, pretending to be occupied on my phone. She leaned her head back in relaxation as she walked towards an old sports car and got into it, talking to someone she sounded familiar with, purring in a way. Jeez... It'd be troublesome if she left.... I pulled out my gun and shot her tire out and then put my phone up. She paused right as she was about to get in it then looked at her tire before turning around.

"WHO THE HELL SHOT MY TIRE!?" The girl fumed then with anger, hanging up her phone and tossing it into the car. I widened my eyes slightly and put my gun up, hiding it then pulled my phone out and slowly kept walking. Shit... it's angry. She looked around at the few people rushing by her then shut her car door and started back into the bar, muttering something. I smirked and watched her go then snuck around to the back of her car and snapped a picture of her license plate for just in case. I walked up to her car door and then knelt by it, pulling out some lock picks and started to mess with the lock on it, trying to open her car up without a problem. When I heard the satisfactory unlock sound for her car, I opened it up and took her phone, locking her door and shut it then walked over to the bar and went inside, going back to where I had been sitting and sat down just as the bartender was bringing my drink. I put her phone into my pocket and smiled, handing him the money off the table as I accepted my drink and looked towards rainbow girl. She disappeared through a back door. I sighed and took a sip of my drink, taking her phone out then managed to get it unlocked with a device I had then started looking through it. The phone was practically brand new and any call she might've made wasn't saved or able to be found. The only thing on her phone that was worth looking at was a selfie she took with a guy in the bar. He was drinking at a table still, gambling with four others. I got up with my drink and walked over, sitting down by him.

"Hey, I saw this pretty little number walk through here... saw she hung out with you.... What was her name? She had rainbow hair," I said and looked over at him as I snuck her phone back into my pocket. He looked towards me.

"I dunno her name." He told me, shrugging. "We call her Kat, with a K." He laughed and then swallowed down his beer. "She's sweet on me. Works here. Kat." He shrugged. "She's like a cat." He looked me over. "Why?"

"Just thought she was pretty was all," I said and shrugged, getting to my feet. I snuck back to the door she had disappeared behind and slipped through it quickly, looking around once the door was shut. There was a nice livingroom area through the door and she was talking quietly to a guy on the couch. I frowned slightly. Must be the lounge room for the workers.... I walked over and then dropped her phone into her lap. "Is this yours miss? I saw some little delinquent breaking into a nice old fashioned sports car outside... and I told him to get lost, but he dropped it. I asked around in the bar and they said it was yours." I gave a polite smile to her. She looked towards me then picked up the phone and sat it down on the table.

"Thanks kid, get out of here." She waved me off. I smirked a little at her.

"I'm not a kid," I told her and then looked her hair over. "It's pretty," I said and laughed. "The rainbow in your hair."

"Thanks." She gave me a huge smile.

"Didn't you hear her? No customers are allowed back here." The guy spoke up from beside her. "Wait out front if you want to talk to her." I frowned and looked him over.... If only he was a target. I sighed.

"Well... alright. I'll see you outside pretty lady," I told her and winked, giving her a smirk as I walked towards the door.

"I'll take you home." I heard him tell her, standing up. "Come on, I'll have someone fix the tire later tonight." I looked them over and slipped out of the door and off to the side, going towards the front door and then took a sip of my drink as I stood near a group to look a part of it. The girl with the rainbow hair didn't come out of the door though with the guy. I frowned. Damn... must be teleporters. I walked out of the bar and over to my car, getting in it then accessed the database on my phone to run her plate. When I got where she lived, I drove out there manually and parked a block away from it and then got out, locking the car and then started for her house. The ground by me sprung up as I heard a gun go off.

"You're on private property." I heard the male spoke up quickly from before. I seeing him resting on the rooftop. I yelped and jumped back, looking up at him. Well... he'll just come up again later if I don't kill him now... and he's protecting her. Great. More work for me. I gave a big smile.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" I called out to him and stepped back onto the sidewalk. "Please don't shoot me sir!" I felt arms slip around me then and my gun was pulled out and slung into the yard.

"Why're you following me, kitty cat?" I heard the girl ask, breathing against my neck. I widened my eyes. Crap! I looked back at her and shrunk down.

"I'm not following you," I said quickly. "I'm just walking, and your crazy deranged boyfriend started to shoot at me," I said, giving her an innocent look.

"Yeah.... best to forget about me." She whispered in my ear then grabbed my phone out of my pocket and then tossed it aside. "That too."

"Hey! That's mine!" I narrowed my eyes at her. I hate it when they teleport! I stomped down on her foot and dove for my phone and gun, grabbing both then pointed the gun at her and shot her head three times quickly then aimed for the roof and shot her boyfriend. He fell off the roof after getting shot. I got up and looked towards the girl to make sure she was dead. She didn't move, dead. I pulled out a box of matches and lit one, tossing it at her to make sure and shot her in the chest once more before I started for her boyfriend to check on him. He shot my shoulder then, getting me and started to come after me. I groaned in pain and looked towards my shoulder then at him, pissed. "You shot my shoulder...." I aimed him down and shot him in the chest. He groaned and then fell down dead. I did the same to him and then sighed, going back to my car and got in it. I texted back that the job was done then started to drive back to the main part of town to get a reward for myself as I dug the bullet out and tossed it out the window. I pressed the hot barrel of my gun against the wound, making me scream out in pain as I held onto the steering wheel tightly and made it stop bleeding.

When I got to my favorite spot to go to after a job well done, I got out of the car and frowned when I saw two boys about my age, maybe a little younger, looking dirty as they were walking with each other. I hid my gun back in my holster and got out, walking towards them curiously. The oldest looking boy, about nineteenish had blonde curly hair and bright red eyes. His clothes were ripped up, only being gym shorts and a muscle shirt. The younger boy by him looked a few years younger then him. I could tell they were related even though the youngest had pink curly hair and white eyes. He had a hoodie on, hiding his cat ears and ripped up blue jeans. The oldest boy walked up to a car and then started to pick lock it, while the younger one sat up on the hood and kept watch. The oldest boy got the car unlocked then climbed in and pulled out a wallet, going through it and pulled out some cash, throwing it onto his pocket then pulled out a bottle of water from the car.

"HEY! WHAT'RE YOU DOING TO MY CAR!?" A woman shouted at them from across the street. The two of them took off running then down the street and into an alley. The woman ran up to her car, pissed and looked in it. I smirked. Resourceful boys.... I decided to take the short cut to where that alley let out and waited on them, laughing. I think I'll do some of my own investigating today. I looked towards the alley with a small smirk and ran my fingers through my blue hair and watched. They came out from behind a corner, the eldest counting the money out loud to the younger boy, laughing as he done so. The other skipped after him, a few feet behind and stomping into puddles. I raised an eyebrow. They must be homeless boys.... I pulled out my gun and shot the space right in front of the oldest, calculating it to where he wouldn't get hurt, but he'd be startled. He jumped back quickly, causing the other boy to collide into him and they fell back into a puddle together. They got to their feet quickly though and started off back around the corner. I smirked and put my gun up, chasing after them then snatched their arms when I caught up.

"Hello boys," I said and then stopped them. "Whatcha up to?" I looked towards the money then at the older boy then at the younger boy. "Come on," I told them and started to pull them back to where I left my car. "My name is Aaron." The eldest tucked the money away and pulled back from me quickly and pulled the other away from me.

"We're not going with you." The eldest snapped my way, pulling his friend closer to him and wrapped him up in his arms, protectively. I smiled at him.

"Hmm... That's understandable. I saw what you did with the car... that was some nice handy work," I told them and stopped walking, watching them. "You know... I do it for a living."

"We didn't do anything to a car." The younger one told me, his voice sounding like honey. I smiled at them.

"Of course not," I purred a little and then looked them both over again. "How would you like a warm bath and some better clothes to change into? In exchange... you will tell me more about yourselves. I can get you both some help."

"We don't need help." The older one told me. "We're doing just fine." I shrugged.

"Suit yourselves then. I was going to tell you about this really up end place you could stay at for basically free and a job that comes with it... but if you're not interested~" I smiled and then put my hands into my pockets. "Then I've wasted a lot of time chasing you both down."

"You did." The oldest told me, pulling his friend with him away from me. "Bye." I watched them and tilted my head. I wonder if maybe they're not normal... like the stupid assignments I get.... I walked up and then yanked a strand of hair off both off them and put it in a bag I had in my pocket before I started to walk off, humming to myself. The oldest turned to look towards me. "Creep." He hissed and then pulled the younger boy with him as they left the alley. I watched them go and then went back to my car. Ehh... I could teach so many others to do what they did... and I'm about the only one that does my job the way I do. I got into my car when I reached it then opened up my glove box and pulled out a small DNA reader and dropped one of the hairs into the device as I set it in the passenger seat and watched for results to see if it would say supernatural or not. It did basic reading like that (not counting the nekos as supernatural though) and then could go into further depth if asked. The first hair came back as non supernatural. I smiled and then took the part out that held the hair and emptied out the hair and put the second one in and put it back, waiting. The machine took a few minutes to come out with a result but shut down on me before it gave me the result and then caught on fire. I yelped and opened the passenger door, taking off my jacket and threw it over it to smother the fire and tossed it out into the parking lot and shut the door quickly. Damn... never seen that reaction before.... Guess I'm finding them again. I'll have to take them in.... The machine exploded right as I tossed it out. I screamed and ducked down and opened the door, getting out quickly and ran off with my phone. Damn it! I growled in frustration then started back for the alley, muttering curses under my breath as I pulled my gun out of my holster and began to hunt them down. By the time I got back into the alley they both had left it. I rolled my eyes in irritation and pulled out a mag full of tranq bullets, pulling out the regular mag I had loaded up for supernatural and put the new mag in. I loaded it and made sure it was ready to fire as I walked out of the alley and pulled out my phone, holding the gun in one hand as I hacked into the city's cameras and started to search them for the boys. After fifteen minutes I found them walking out of the city and towards an old junk yard. I texted my buddy in HQ who sent me missions to send a car my way to the junk yard and then started for it, putting my phone up as I walked quickly.

When I reached the junk yard, I went inside and held the gun up, looking around cautiously as I worked my way through it, my senses on high alert as I listened for them. I didn't want to get taken by surprise. One of them made my machine blow up. I heard them talking by a pile of old cars stacked up in a pile together. I looked their way then ducked behind a pile of scrap metal and aimed the oldest down first, going for a nonvital part of his body then shot him, taking him down. I quickly aimed down the youngest before he could react and got him. I stood up and walked over as the tranqs were taking their toll on the paralyzed boys and looked down at them. "Heya," I said and put my gun up. "Sorry boys, but I'm taking you in." I showed them my cross and smirked. "If you've never heard of us... you will certainly be hating our name by the time they're through with you if you are what I suspect you are."

"What the hell are you talking about?" The oldest asked me, looking confused and glared bullets into my soul. "Taking us in for what, we didn't do anything wrong." I sat down by them and frowned.

"You're being taken in on suspicion of being not human or a neko," I explained, watching them.

"We are though..." He whispered softly. "He's a neko and I'm a human." I smiled.

"Then you won't have anything to worry about," I told them. "If it's true, you'll be fine. They'll run some small tests though. I'm from the Angel Organization, Executioner Aaron," I said and smirked. "This is our symbol. We hunt down supernaturals. If you're not human or a neko, we'll know soon." I showed them both the cross again. "Alright, let's go." I stood up then grabbed them both by their shirts and started to drag them. He let out a groan as I dragged him.

"Stop...." He hissed. "Don't take my brother." I looked down at the oldest and frowned.

"Why? You'll both be fine if you're telling the truth."

"Don't take either of us in." He hissed. "We don't want to go." He looked like he was struggling to stay conscious. I gave a smile.

"I hope it checks out," I told him and then dragged them out and to the curb just as the car rolled up on auto pilot. It stopped and parked. I dropped them and then picked up the youngest and placed him in the backseat, buckling him in as I let him lay down then picked up the oldest. He glared me down as he was picked up.

"I hope the car crashes and you go flying through the wind shield. You're going to be in serious pain if you put me in that car." He warned. I frowned. Maybe the dosage wasn't enough.... I pulled out a small needle from my pocket with the tranq stuff in it and stabbed him gently in the neck and placed him in the seat, buckling him up as I squeezed more of it into him. He groaned and tried to move away from me. "Stop! Idiot." He hissed. "That's too much." I tsked and pulled it out of him, dropping it on the ground.

"Then go to sleep," I told him and shut the car door. I went over to my side of the car and got in, taking it off auto pilot and started to drive it. "It's not like I'm going to kill you." He started to pass out on the way, and was gone before we got there. When I pulled into the garage, one of the researchers stepped up to my car quickly, probably on orders to take whatever was with me off my hands. As soon as I parked, he opened the car door and looked in at what I had brought.

"Whoa... are they supernatural?" He asked me with a frown.

"Dunno... Let's go find out," I said and got out of the car. I picked up the youngest and held him close as the other got the oldest and we started to carry them to the labs.

"You know what will happen if they're supernatural... it would be more merciful to shoot them," the guy whispered to me.

"They may be human," I told him and tsked. "I'm not shooting humans."

"Alright... but I'll have to report it if they come back positive."

"Then I was right to bring them if they do turn positive on the tests," I said and shrugged. We walked down through the halls in silence till we reached the labs and a guard opened the door for us, letting us both pass. He sat the oldest down on a steel table and strapped him down then gestured for me to do the same with the boy. I looked to a second table nearby and placed him on it gently, strapping him in. "This won't hurt them... right?" I asked softly, a little worried for them. The guy looked at me and frowned.

"Just going to take a little of their blood and some of their DNA," he told me and got to work on the oldest first, taking the blood he got and some of the hair over to a larger, more complicated and precise machine of what I had in my car. He set it to work and watched with a curious look. The machine caught on fire within seconds of beginning the process, quicker then what happened in the car. The guy screamed and got a fire extinguisher, putting the flames out then unplugged the machine. He frowned and looked at the oldest then walked over and took another blood sample, taking it over to a microscope and placed a drop on a slide then sat down and began to examine it. The drop of blood broke the glass on the slide. He yelped and jumped back, looking at the oldest with wonder. "What the hell are you?" He asked softly then walked over to the boy. He opened one of the eyes and shined a flashlight down into his eyes, looking into them with interest. His eyes were a nice shade of red and his pupils were like a cat. I walked over and tilted my head.

"Hey... he threatened me earlier... should I be worried?"

"I would be," the guy said and laughed. "You might be screwed." I frowned and looked the boy over then went over to his younger brother and curiously started to rub his ears. I never got this close to a neko before.... He gave a small smile in his sleep, his ear twitched from my touch. I laughed and sat on the edge of the table, continuing to rub his ears in wonder as the other guy muttered under his breath and studied the boy. The younger boy started to purr happily. I heard the older boy start to stir and come out of being under the meds. The scientist looked him over in interest and opened up his mouth, keeping it open with the use of some tool I hadn't seen before and started to poke around his mouth, messing with his teeth curiously like he was looking for fangs. I noticed his teeth were all sharp like shark teeth. The scientist started to scribble something down on a clip board then turned his attention back to the teeth and laughed. "They're all so sharp," he whispered and then took a small scalpel and cut the boy's cheek with it to test his regeneration. His cheek started to bleed out and the blood dripped off his cheek and onto his shirt before it healed up. The scientist wrote down the results then took the thing out of the boy's mouth and turned his attention to the boy's eyes again, opening one and looked down into it. After a few minutes his eye rolled to the back of his head. The scientist let go of his eyelids and then started to cut the boy's shirt off, looking his chest over and got a stethoscope and began to listen in on his breathing and his heart. He started to stir awake as the cold stethoscope touched his skin and he tried to swat it away.

"That's cold." He hissed out quickly. The scientist looked up at him and then pulled the stethoscope away from his chest and breathed on it to make it warm and held it in his hands for a few minutes before he pressed it back on the boy's chest. He hissed towards him, glaring him down. "Unstrap me."

"No," the scientist said simply. "Be quiet." He struggled then in the restraints, trying to get free. I frowned a little as I absentmindedly kept rubbing his friend's ears, watching the scientist trying to keep the other from moving. He calmed down after a few minutes and glared the scientist down.

"This isn't ethical." He hissed. The scientist looked at him and took the stethoscope out of his ears.

"What are you?" He asked and frowned. "Your blood made my equipment catch on fire then broke one of my glass slides. You can't be human... and your eyes are strange."

"I'm human..." He muttered.

"He blew up my machine too," I told the scientist, trying to be helpful.

"There's something wrong with your equipment... It's not my blood." He spat out. The scientist looked him over and then got a needle and took more blood from him. The blood in the needle turned to water then. He tsked and showed the boy.

"It's your blood," he told him and dropped the needle. "Now, tell me what you are," he said and crossed his arms. "Or I'll have to keep trying to test you and that won't be fun for you when it starts to get more invasive. Then... if I can't find anything, you'll be moved to the research part where they will start to do whatever they want to you to find out your strengths and weaknesses. It's hell."

"I- I don't know what you mean..." He whispered softly. "I'm human." He looked towards the water in the needle then at the scientist. "I've never seen my blood do that." The scientist looked him over then picked up his clipboard.

"Does... not... seem... aware," he said as he scribbled something down. I frowned.

"Hey, can we keep this just between us," I asked and got up, walking over to them. "They don't deserve the research department. I believe he really doesn't know that he's not human.... Let's just keep this between us. I'll watch over the two boys and make them my partners," I said quickly. The scientist looked up at me sharply.

"You know the procedure for dealing with supernatural. They may look human and talk human... but they're not human and they are monsters," he told me sternly.

"Look at him... He doesn't know that...." I said and gestured at the boy, softening my eyes as I looked him over. "He wasn't raised to be a monster. He doesn't even know what he is.... I'll teach them to hunt and keep an eye on them. They'll be my responsibility."

"I don't want to be anywhere near you." He snapped my way. "Stay away from my brother." I looked down at him and frowned.

"Hey, it's either the research department where they'll torture you until you die... or it's learning to hunt and pretend to be human," I told him. "You pick."

"I am human though." He hissed towards me. I raised an eyebrow.

"Then you don't want to go to the research department. You'll want option B which is where you'll be with me. Your brother will get this choice too."

"My brother is a neko and he should be able to go." He hissed towards me. "I'm human, it's not my fault your equipment sucks." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Then stay here you ungrateful little monster," I hissed at him. "If you won't take salvation when you get the chance, you'll learn quickly what hell looks like." I walked away from him and over to his brother, rubbing his ears and then gently shook him to wake him.

"Hey! I still need to test-"

"No you don't," I told the scientist.

"Don't touch my brother!" The other hissed out quickly and tried to get free from the table. The neko groaned under my touch and tried to curl up. I smiled a little and then rubbed his ears.

"Come on, time to wake up," I told him.

"Executioner Aaron! I need to test that one!" The scientist walked over and pushed me aside. I narrowed my eyes slightly but watched as he took a blood sample from the neko. He took it over to another machine and placed it in, waiting for the result. The results came back that he was in fact a neko.

"Don't touch him." The older, red eyed male hissed my way. "He's my brother." The scientist looked back at the neko with a frown.

"You can take him. I have no use for him," he told me. I quickly unstrapped the boy and picked him up. He started to wake up then from my touch and then sniffed me before biting down into me and letting out a growl like a cat. The lights went out then and I felt him get snatched away from me in the darkness and a the scientist let out a groan out, falling over. I frowned and then pulled out my phone, turning on the flashlight on it and shined it to the table where the oldest had been.

"Great... he's loose.... He's so not human." I walked towards the door and sat down in front of it to block it then shined my flashlight around, looking for them. The room was empty now. That's... not good.... I sighed and then sent a memo out on my phone about the two, saying they were trying to escape and needed to be gotten with tranqs.

After a few hours, it came back that they were gone. I sighed and got off the floor and left the room, putting my phone up and then walked back to my room, laying down on my bed after kicking my shoes off. Great... I'll have to kill them the next time I see them. I was trying to avoid that. I sighed and then grabbed my pillow and put it over my head, screaming into it in frustration. Agh! This is why you don't get involved with anyone! They always turn out to have something wrong with them! Now I'm going to have to kill some guy trying to protect his little brother! Damn it! I'm not going to be able to sleep for weeks after this! My phone buzzed then, so I reached down and grabbed it, opening it and then saw that I had gotten a text from the guy who gives me my missions, telling me that I had to clean up my mess... immediately. I groaned and then started to text some other executioners to put together a team to search for them.

~A Week Later~

"There he is," my current partner, Robbie, told me, pointing out a car window to the boys. I stopped the car in the middle of the street and got out, pulling my gun out and shot the oldest in the leg, growling. It wasn't a tranq this time. He fell down quickly, falling over in pain. His little brother gasped and then pulled him back to his feet and then made him follow after him, down an alley. I growled and then jumped over the hood of my car, chasing after them and then shot the neko in the foot.

"Stay down," I hissed at them both and stormed up to them, leveling the gun to the oldest boy's head. "No hard feelings... but I have orders to take you out. Both of you." The neko whimpered out in pain and curled up.

"Who the hell are you?" The older male asked, looking at me like he's never met me before. He looked scared out of his mind. I frowned and lowered the gun slightly but still had it pointing at him as I hesitated.

"I'm Aaron... the boy who tranqed you both last week," I told them. "The Executioner from the Angel Organization?"

"What?" He asked, giving me a confused look. "I don't know what you're talking about...." He muttered.

"My foot hurts." The neko cried out, starting to cry. I felt slightly bad and then sighed.

"Damn it..." I shook my head and then put my gun back in my holster and got down by them. "Shit." I reached over and grabbed the neko's foot gently and then took the bullet out quickly. I let him go then grabbed the oldest and dug the bullet out of him then took out two needles and injected them both with tracers.

"What the hell did you put in me?" The oldest asked and started to claw at where I injected it. I grabbed his hand.

"Stop," I told him firmly. "It stays. I am supposed to kill you both," I informed them. "I'm going to let you both go though, but what I put in your bodies stays."

"Why're you supposed to kill us?" The neko asked and then curled up to his brother, burring his face into his chest. I sighed. How do they not remember?

"I'm on orders to.... We've met before, and the last time you both ran off and I got an order to track you down and kill you both to 'clean up my mess'," I told them. The neko growled towards me then.

"Go away." He hissed like a cat then, being protective.

"I'm not going to kill you," I told them simply and stood up. "I can't take the idea of having to live with killing you two."

"You shot us." The older one hissed my way. "I think you've done enough." He pulled his neko closer to him. I looked them over.

"Get," I told them. "Get while you can." They stood up quickly and started to run down the alley then. I watched them go then walked back to my car as I registered their tracers into my phone so I could track them at all times. I'll have to watch over them in my spare time....

Richard's POV:

I hummed as I walked down to my music room then went in and over to my piano bench, sitting down at it and started to play something random from the back of my mind. After a few minutes, I changed to a new song and found I was playing Paris's favorite. Paris teleported into the room then and sat down by me, leaning his head against me. I purred to him and kissed the top of his head. "Hey baby," I purred to him. He looked towards me with a tired expression.

"Can we go back to sleep?" He asked softly.

"To sleep?" I asked him and frowned. "Why're you so tired?" He shrugged and then fell off the bench and into the floor then curled up. I stopped playing and then got up, picking him up. "Paris?" I kissed his lips softly. "How long are you wanting to sleep?"

"For a while..." He whispered. "A very long while." He admitted.

"Like... a day... a week... a month... a year?" He closed his eyes and then started to sleep on me. I frowned. We've got a kid to raise.... Why is he so tired? Maybe he finally is getting worn out from raising kids. I sighed and then started to carry him up to our room then placed him in the bed and tucked him in. I leaned in and kissed his forehead. "I love you sweetie," I whispered and gave a soft smile. He pulled me into bed with him then and curled up to me. His stone sent mine loving pulses, making my stone want to pass out as well. I yawned but fought it. Someone has to be up for Liam.... I sent him loving impulses back to the beat of our song to sooth him to sleep. He wrapped me up in his arms, passing out completely, even his stone. I frowned. That's not going to be good.... I whimpered a little, feeling alone as I looked over at him. He better come back to me soon.... I won't be able to take him being asleep for too long. I curled up to him and kissed his lips. "I love you... but don't sleep too long," I whispered to him. "I woke up for you centuries ago when I wanted to sleep...." I rubbed his head then ran my fingers in his hair. "I love you so much." I gave him a tight hug and then sat up in bed. He curled up to his pillow then and started to snore lightly. I smiled and then laid down beside him, watching him sleep.

Keegan's POV:

I walked down to Hiko's bedroom and knocked on it lightly, waiting for him to answer as I held a box of chocolates behind my back. I hummed lightly to myself. "Hmmm," he hummed from the other side. I heard a thud and then a groan. "Come in," he called sleepily. I walked into his room and held out the chocolate towards him.

"Hey, I brought you chocolate. Good morning." I purred to him, sounding cheerful. He looked up as he sat up on the floor with the blanket half on the bed and half tangled up around him as he grabbed his hairbrush off his nightstand and began to brush his hair out. He looked towards the chocolate and blushed a little.

"M-morning Keegan," he whispered and pulled the blanket onto the floor all the way and brought it around him. I sat the chocolate down by him and then sat down in front of him.

"Are you hungry?" I asked curiously. He gave a small nod and then sat his hairbrush down and smiled.

"I could eat...."

"Well I have a chief cooking you breakfast and then after you eat we can go get on Soul Eater." I stood up and started for the door. "Come on." I purred. He stood up and then followed me, a light bounce in his step.

"Thanks Keegan," he said sweetly. "For the chocolate and breakfast."

"Thank you for being my mate." I purred to him.

"U-ummmm.... you're... welcome?" He blushed from beside me and looked up at me. I kissed his cheek quickly then pulled him to the dinning room where a five star breakfast was being made. He blushed a deep shade of red and then moved close to me. "Keegan.... I um... I eat mostly stuff with rice in it... and vegetables in it with meat... and sushi.... I don't even know some of those things," he whispered to me and wrapped his arms around my arm, looking a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry... I'll teach you how to eat them." I promised and smirked at him. He blushed and then hid his face into my arm.

"Okay... I'll try it," he mumbled quietly.

"We've been eating nothing but Japanese food for three years for you... It's time you eat American foods." I pulled out a chair out for him then sat down by him. He sat down by me in the chair and then looked at the food as he pulled his knees up to his chest and then looked at the food.

"Is it going to make me sick?" He asked me softly, looking a little nervous.

"No." I laughed and then fixed him a plate of bacon, eggs, grits, and toast. "You use the fork with the eggs and grits." I told him. He looked at the fork and picked it up hesitantly, holding it kind of funny.

"Is this right?" He asked me and blushed. "It feels weird.... How does this work? Do I just... scoop it up? Or do I stab it?" I laughed and then showed him how to use the fork then kissed his cheek. He looked at me and blushed before he ate some of the eggs. I laughed and then made myself a bowl of gravy biscuits with sausage and honey then started to eat it. He looked at it and sunk in his chair as he stuck to eating the eggs on his plate. "These aren't that bad," he mumbled as he took another bite of eggs. I watched him then gave him a bite of what I was eating. He ate it and smiled a little before he took another bite of eggs. I laughed.

"I'm just messing with you." I kissed his cheek. "This isn't our breakfast. I made you sushi in the kitchen." I laughed. He sunk in his chair quickly.

"Keegan..." He looked over and then pushed the plate away. "That was so salty...." He got up and made a break for the kitchen. I followed after him quickly and went for a bottle of blood from the kitchen. He picked up the plate of sushi he found and then took out a pair of chopsticks from his pockets and started to eat them, sitting at the counters. He smiled as he watched me and brought his knees to his chest. I pulled the bottle out and got on my knees, drinking it. I watched as Laurence walked into the kitchen and smiled towards me before he went for a bottle of blood. Hiko shrunk down in his seat as he saw Laurence come into the kitchen and pulled his plate closer to him. Laurence looked at Hiko then at me before walking out. I sighed and then walked up to Hiko and kissed his cheek. He looked up at me and gave a cute smile as he picked up another piece of sushi and held it up to my lips. I ate it quickly, moaning at the taste. He giggled and watched me. "Want another one?" I nodded and opened my mouth for another piece. He fed me another and giggled, setting his plate down and then picked up another and smiled at me, waiting for me to finish what I had in my mouth. I finished it and then leaned in for the next bite. He fed it to me and then smiled, having me sit down in the stool beside him and started to feed me sushi. I moaned at the taste then looked him over and leaned in, kissing his lips softly. He blushed and accidentally dropped his chopsticks before he kissed me back. I pulled back and blushed. He looked me over and then blushed a deep shade of red before he picked up his chopsticks and then picked up another piece of sushi and pressed it up against my lips, not looking at me. I took the sushi and ate it then grabbed my bottle of blood and sipped on it. He ate another piece of sushi and finished up the plate then took it over to the sink and washed it and dried it before he put it up then washed his chopsticks off and placed them in his pocket where he kept them. He smiled and then walked towards the door. I walked after him quickly, leaving my blood behind and then grabbed his hand, pulling him to my game room. He laughed and gave my hand a small squeeze as he followed me. I walked in and towards my seat then sat down. He walked to his little chair and sat down in it, humming softly. He smiled a little and rolled his chair over to me and then kissed my cheek. I looked around for my robot. He was sitting in the corner of the room, sleeping. Hiko looked over at him when I saw him and then laughed. "Aww... he's sleeping. That's kind of cute."

"Should we wake him?" I asked curiously. He looked at me then.

"Do you want to play games or do you want to do something else?" He asked me and tilted his head. "He's probably just out of things to do and decided to shut down till he's needed."

"We could do something else... What do you want to do?" I asked curiously. He looked thoughtful and then smiled.

"Play for me," he suggested.

"Play what?"

"Your violin," he mumbled and looked up into my eyes. "I don't get to hear you play often.... It's pretty." I nodded and then rolled over to my violin I kept in my game room and then picked it up and started to play him a scale to mess with him. He giggled at me and watched. "You're silly," he whispered and then got comfortable in the seat and looked up at the ceiling. "The scale is nice though." I laughed and then started to play a really fast song for him then. He closed his eyes and a small smile began to form on his face as he listened to me. When I finished the song, he got up and walked over to me, giving me a kiss on the forehead. "See... you play beautifully," he whispered to me and smiled. I sat the violin aside and nodded.

"It's okay I suppose." I mumbled then pulled him into my lap. He blushed and looked at me then kissed my cheek.

"To me it's pretty.... I haven't heard anything like it before," he whispered to me. I shrugged and then looked towards the computers.

"Eh..." He frowned but didn't say anymore as he rested his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek. He smiled and looked up at me with a sweet look. He gave me a small kiss on the lips and looked into my eyes with a slight red tint in his cheeks as he blushed. I blushed and then kissed his cheek.

"I was wondering if you've heard from Louis," he asked me softly after watching me for a few minutes. He went back to resting his head on my shoulder and smiled. "It's been three years."

"Yeah." I shrugged. "I don't know." I pulled out my phone and texted him then.

Me: When ya coming home?

Louis: Oh... sorry Keegan. I came home a week ago. Tried to see you but got busy.

Me: GOT BUSY!? You've been home a week but didn't tell me or come see me?

Louis: You were playing games when I tried. I wanted to see you within the first hour I got back but you were playing games and Laurence pulled me off to a bar where I ended up having a party.

Me: Come see me now.

Louis appeared right in front of me then and put his phone in his pocket, startling Hiko. He yelped and almost fell off me but calmed down quickly, looking towards Louis with surprise.

"There you are.... three years.... Are you closer to Ann?" I asked him. He sat down in Hiko's chair and shrugged.

"I guess.... She's happy to be home," he told me and crossed his legs. "I see you and Hiko have gotten closer though." He smirked a little at that, making Hiko blush. I nodded and pulled Hiko to me. Louis watched me then smiled. "How've you been?" He asked and leaned back in his seat. Hiko curled up in my lap and brought his knees to his chest, nuzzling his head against me as he snuggled up to me.

"Alright... I've been playing a bunch of VR with my mate." I rubbed Hiko's head. He smiled and nodded.

"I saw that.... You were busy." He laughed. "I'm glad to see that you and your mate are bonding well. That's important."

"We've been bonding." I wrapped Hiko up into my arms and hugged him. Hiko blushed and buried his face into my chest. Louis laughed as he saw that.

"Good," he purred. "You're doing better than me."

"Go see how she's doing." I suggested. He sighed.

"She's probably skating.... She's been teaching me," he said and laughed. He got up and then walked over and kissed the top of my head and then looked at Hiko with a smirk. "I'm glad I finally got to see the two of you again.... When you guys are out of the games and stuff... you should come pay me a visit."

"Uh-huh, if you're still around old man." I teased him. He smirked.

"You never know," he teased back then ruffled my hair before he disappeared. Hiko looked up at me from my chest and smiled shyly. I smirked and then put a movie on for us off the internet. He looked at it in interest and then smiled as he watched it.

"I don't know if I ever told you... but I'm happy being with you," he whispered after a few minutes and laid his head against me as he watched the TV.

"I'm happy we're closer then we was three years ago too." I whispered softly. He laughed a little and gave a small nod.

"I'm glad," he mumbled back to me. "I didn't think I was gay though for the first year." I laughed and then hugged him tightly.

"Now you think you are?" I kissed his cheek. He giggled and looked at me.

"I'm not sure anymore," he told me. "I don't know if I'm straight, bi, gay, or what those other things were... pretty sure not those other things.... I just don't know."

"You're gay for me. It's okay to admit it. We're mates." He blushed.

"That doesn't mean I'm automatically gay... does it?"

"It does." I purred in his ear. A small shiver went through him and he looked up into my eyes.

"I'm... I'm gay?" He asked in a sort of daze, looking lost as he looked at my eyes. "Completely?"

"Oh yes." I nodded and leaned in for a kiss. "For me." He blushed and kissed me back, wrapping his arms around my neck. I laughed and then looked towards the movie, pulling away from the kiss. He rested his head on my shoulder and looked towards the movie, smiling a little.

"I guess I could be bi," he mumbled. "I'm not straight... or else you kissing me would make me feel dirty and gross."

"You can't be interested in women because it's just us." I grumbled. He looked up at me and blushed.

"Okay.... I'm gay then," he whispered. I smiled and gave him a small nod.

"What I thought." He looked towards the TV and relaxed a little. He mumbled something under his breath that I didn't quite catch after a few minutes of watching the movie. I looked down at him, wondering what he said. He blushed as he saw me looking at him and shrunk down a little.

"What?" He asked quietly.

"What'd you say?" I asked softly. He blushed a deeper shade of red and looked towards the TV.

"I said... I said that I... well... um... I like you?" He bit his bottom lip. I laughed softly.

"I like you too." I whispered to him, wondering if it was just like.... and not something more.... maybe it's not love yet. He nodded and then focused on the TV, resting against me. I kissed the top of his head, purring. He laughed a little and looked up at me.

"Are you purring at me?" He asked me, a light teasing tone in his voice. I nodded and smirked slightly then exposed my fangs. His breathing caught in his throat as he saw my fangs and he looked towards them in wonder. He reached up and gently touched one of them curiously. I gasped slightly as I felt his finger get pricked against my fang. He yelped and pulled his hand back to his chest, looking down at the blood welling up on his finger and winced as it dripped off his finger onto his shirt. I grabbed his finger then licked it, having my saliva heal his wound. He blushed and watched me then relaxed. "Thanks Keegan," he said sweetly.

"It's not a problem." I whispered to him, kissing his cheek. "You'll have cool healing saliva too one day." He frowned and looked at me.


"One day I will turn you." I whispered. He blushed.

"You're going to turn me?"

"Into a vampire like myself." He looked me over and then up at my eyes again.

"Because we're mates?" He asked me softly. I nodded.

"Once you're a vampire you'll be able to smell how important I am to you." He blushed again and then gave a small nod.

"Alright," he whispered. "I guess I wouldn't have too much of a problem with it if it was for you." I rubbed his head and laughed.

"You'll like it." He kissed my cheek then and smiled.

"What all happens? During a turning?" His brown eyes met mine as he hugged me with that cute little smile of his.

"I'll bite my wrist and you'll drink the blood then turn into a vampire. It's not complicated like a werewolf and it's easy." I explained. He gave a small nod.

"That's all? I just have to drink your blood after you bite yourself? Is it gonna hurt?" He bit his bottom lip a little. I shrugged.

"I was born a vampire..." I whispered. "Suppose it will..." He winced and then buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"Okay," he whispered.

"After.... After will be the best part." I promised. "You get an eternity with me." He gave another nod.

"So I'll be with you forever?" I nodded.

"I'm over two centuries old now." I whispered. He laughed a little.

"Wow... You're really older than me.... I think I'm okay with the sound of being with you for eternity," he told me. I could feel him smiling against me.

"You won't regret it." I whispered to him lovingly. "I'll show you the world and we'll one day have kids together and raise them like my parents do. We'll be good parents."