Cross International Association

Veronica Cross's POV:

"Miss Cross, as you've asked I have been watching the Angel Association for a month now," I heard my assistant Amelia tell me, throwing papers down on my coffee table. I sipped on my steaming hot coffee and looked towards the papers then towards her.

"What've you found out?" I asked her, rushing her to go on. She sat down by me quickly.

"Their leader is a girl named Angel." She told me, pulling out her phone and then showed me their web page. "They're not being secretive at all about their association- organization whatever you want to call it.... They hunt supernatruals. Not just vampires and werewolves. They're after the whole bunch. They take them in and research them as well as other things." She showed me pictures then of a building. "This is their headquarters. Would you like me to try to get in contact with Angel now?" She asked, tilting her head. "What she's doing is going to bring up another riot. The vampires- Grimms in particular will take back over if Angel continues to be sloppy with her hunting." I sat back against the couch, taking another sip of my coffee. Amelia is right.... Angel is going to end up in a huge war with the brothers.... It won't be pretty. After all what they done to my brother Jacob Cross. The Hunters Association went down fast due to their neediness to rid the Grimms... They got sloppy as well. I know it'll be nearly impossible to get rid of them.... but I'll pick them off one by one before I take them down all at once. "Miss Cross?" Amelia looked at me with worry then. "Are you thinking about Jacob? Your brother?" She asked, placing her hand on my knee. I shook my head and took another sip of my coffee.

"Get in contact with this Angel..... I want to arrange for a meeting." I told Amelia. "I think it's time I told Angel just what the world is really like." I grabbed her phone and looked over the website then looked towards Amelia. "I want you to go to their little cozy home and give whoever answers the door an invitation." I gave her the phone back. "I'm hosting a dinner party tomorrow night. I want Angel to be there." I stood up then and took a sip of my coffee then handed it over to Amelia.

"Y-yes Miss Cross... What about the fact you're a vampire.... Angel hunts any supernatural down... She'll kill you."

"It's okay Amelia, give the invitation anyways." She nodded and got to her feet, about to leave. "Amelia.... I want you to arrange a group of eleven Assassins and send them in." I told her. "Within the next hour." I walked over to my desk and then pulled out an envelop from inside and sat it down on my desk. A label Laurence was on it. I sat down at my desk, watching her walk out. I pulled out a pack of cigarettes then pulled one out a lit it with a lighter then placed it between my lips. Fifteen minutes later eleven heavily armed snipers walked into my office.

"Amelia sent us." A guy spoke up, standing in front of the other ten and gave me a half smile. I picked up the envelop and handed it towards him.

"Take this assignment." I told him. He stepped forward and grabbed the envelop then looked at the label before opening it and pulling out a few papers. "You have a month to complete the assignment or-" I ran a finger across my neck. "I'll have to replace you." I told them. The guy nodded. "Can I get your name?" I asked him.

"Wyatt." He told me and then looked at the others behind him. "Come on men, we have a new mission." He started towards the door and they followed him out. I smirked and sat back in my desk. My phone rang in my pocket so I pulled it out and answered the phone.

"Miss Cross on the phone." I chimed.

"As you asked, I sent the message to Angel," Amelia told me then hung up. I smiled and placed the phone on my desk then stood up and pulled out another cigarette.

"I hope you have your pawns ready," I purred softly and started towards my window and looked out it.

~The Next Day, a time skip brought to you by The reason why I stay~

I looked at the clock on the wall, ten minutes to go. I glanced into the mirror then fixed my hair before I walked down to the front door and out onto the porch then crossed my arms behind my back. Amelia walked out and stood beside me with a clip board. I glanced over to see she had the guest list on it. I laughed softly and then looked around at the cameras on the porch as well as the guards lazily standing around. Poor things. I looked towards my gates and watched as they opened up for the guests of my little dinner party. I had invited a few wealthy ex vampire hunters of the old Hunters association, the ones that only know due to their old journals. At least that's what I believe as to how they know about what Hachi done over two centuries ago.

"Miss Cross, I added Angel onto the guest list," Amelia whispered to me. I nodded as I watched the cars pulling up as time passed and greeted everyone that came up to the porch. Amelia cross their names off the list one by one. After a bit, a girl with blond hair got out of a car that pulled up. She glanced around and looked towards the guards then towards me and Amelia. She looked back at the guy who had driven her and gave him instructions to wait outside the gates for her and then walked towards the porch and up to me. I smiled towards her and held out a hand.

"Hello, my name is Veronica Cross," I gave a huge smile. "Welcome to my dinner party and home of my Association." She gave me a suspicious look and then glanced at my hand.

"Thanks for inviting me. I'm Angel," she told me and then hesitantly shook my hand. "I hope you don't mind if I'm wary of you. I've heard things." She took her hand back quickly and put them in her pockets. I watched as Amelia crossed her name off the list.

"Have fun," I whispered to Amelia then started to walk inside, gesturing for Angel to follow me. "Angel, I've heard things about you as well. I'm not going to be wary though." She followed after me, staying a few feet away.

"I would imagine you have if you invited me," she told me. "I almost didn't come."

"Angel, I'm going to tell you a story." I told her. "Once upon a time.... There was an association named Hunters Association." I began, looking towards her to watch her reaction. She didn't falter.

"I'm not a child. You don't have to start with once upon a time," she told me and crossed her arms.

"I know." I shrugged. "Now the Hunters Association was a wonderful Association that hunted vampires and werewolves." I smirked. "They didn't hunt all of them though. Just the troublemakers. Some of the hunters though.... didn't understand that and they hunted every vampire and werewolf they came across." I started to walk by her then. "Could you imagine what kind of image that built up for the Association?" I asked her. She tilted her chin up.

"If you're getting at what I do and have my people do, then get on with it."

"Some supernatruals aren't all bad." I told her. "The vampires believe that the wizards and witches made the supernatruals.... that they're mortals with extra in them, magic. Humans are just the off brand of wizards and witches that get the worst of everything because they get hunted like cattle by most of the supernatruals created by the slightly more powerful mortals." I purred. "Some mortals end up being turned into a supernatural by force. It's not their fault they became it. Some supernatural hide their selves and live peacefully. I bet you already know all of this though." She gave a nod.

"I hunt them because of that... because they do that to humans. The majority of what I have killed are troublemakers or those living flamboyantly. They all have the potential to become monsters though," she told me firmly.

"What'll become of you if you wipe them all out? You won't have anything to hunt anymore." I laughed at the thought. "That's boring." I shook my head. "You haven't even met Paris." She frowned then.

"Who the hell is Paris?" I smirked.

"You don't know?" I asked her. She looked me over.

"No," she admitted. "I don't...."

"Paris... Paris Grimm is who you'll be worried about when he finds out about your little organization." I told her and smirked. "He's a pureblood vampire Prince of France. His pawns are very powerful too. He has a cannibal wizard on the palm of his hand. Ask around about Hachi the cannibal...." I suggested. "These supernatruals make other supernatruals look like a joke."

"I know about Hachi...." She looked thoughtful then. "We have a wizard who told us about him and said that he'd rather have us than Hachi...." She looked me over.

"Uh-huh." I nodded. "He's just the beginning. Hachi is the whole reason why no one remembers two centuries ago when King Louis and King Nikolai ruled us all... How the Hunters Association was about to beat them before.... Hachi cast a spell." She nodded.

"Yes... I think I saw something about that in the reports from the research lab," she whispered. She looked like she was relaxing a little in my presence.

"You've got to get a few pawns of your own Angel." I told her, tsking. "You can't just have humans in your organization. You need to start winning over some supernatruals to help hunt." I crossed my arms. "Once upon a time, the Ainsworths were the worst feared hunters of all time. They hunted vampires only and they were vampires." I told her. Her eyes widened a little.

"But they were humans first... right?" She asked me softly. A slight shiver went through her and she absentmindedly scratched at the side of her neck that was hidden by her hair.

"Yes. Would you like me to tell you their story?" I asked curiously. She looked at me thoughtfully then gave a small nod.

"Go ahead," she whispered.

"Judith and Caden Ainsworth made weapons for the Hunters Association.... One night they were attacked and murdered by vampires. Dylan Ainsworth, their oldest child, was turned into a vampire that night and disappeared. The twins though- Charlie and Riley were orphaned humans and well you can guess where they ended up at. Dylan meanwhile met a Hunter named Blade and started to train with him... Eventually he hunted and murdered the vampires that turned him and he got a name for himself. He got his brothers out of an orphanage and trained them to become vampire hunters for the Hunters Association." I told her, giving a smile as I remembered my brother coming home to me and bragging about Charlie and Riley showing off. She watched me and then looked away.

"If all humans that were turned into vampires weren't beasts, we wouldn't have a problem," she whispered. "I wouldn't be quite as keen on getting rid of all of them."

"Not all supernaturals are bad. It's life. Hunt the bad ones." I told her, shrugging. "That's what a true hunter does. They have rights to live as much as we do." I gave her a smile. "Even if that means killing on accident to survive." She looked up at me and tilted her head.

"Yes... but what if the mercy comes back to hurt? Wouldn't it just be better to save thousands by getting rid of all supernaturals... saving all the heartache from vampire attacks, werewolf maulings, wizard and wizard cruelty, mermaid drownings, demonic possessions and all that other stuff? All that would be left is for humans to stop fighting each other, and we'd all finally have peace."

"Mortals can't stop fighting each other. They're doomed to destroy themselves... No offense." I laughed. "We all have rights to be here together. They're in hiding now to give humans their rights... They can easily take those rights away." She bit the inside of her lip and then looked up at me.

"My team reported that you're a vampire," she muttered. "I guess you're right... or else you would've attempted to murder me by now. We're alone and it would be so easy for you to take my life in this situation."

"I only drink bottled blood." I informed her. "Yes... I'm a vampire. A guy attacked me on the street one day while I was hunting.... Got me good." I laughed as I remembered. A small shiver went through her and she rubbed her neck.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered to me.

"I'm fine." I told her. "Don't be sorry." I crossed my arms. "I don't hate who I am."

"It must have been terrifying though.... I was attacked three years ago. That's why I'm in this mess," she whispered to me. "I didn't know about supernaturals until I was attacked... and then two people tried to kidnap me after shooting my attacker. I still have the scars." I laughed.

"Yeah... We call them rogue hunters." I told her. "They play by their own game.... kill what they want take the victim and sell them on the market. I told you there is bad in everything. A true hunter kills the bad and lets the good go." She looked up at me and then rubbed her neck.

"Mhmm? Let the good go..." She trailed off and looked away.

"If the good turn bad then you should kill them." I suggested. "Only then though." I started to walk towards the dinning room then.

"I'll think about what you're telling me," she mumbled as she followed me.

"Isn't that what you wanted, mercy?" I asked her. "There are people out there that deserve mercy. My association gives mercy." I grabbed a glass of wine from a butler and then gave it to her. She looked at it then up at me and gave a small smile.

"You're right," she whispered. "I guess it's not fair to kill them. I could've easily have become one."

"You're alive now. You were shown mercy." I suggested for her to think that over. "Think about adding some supernaturals to your organization.... They could be very useful." She watched me then took a sip of her wine I gave her.

"Useful? I... guess," she muttered.

"They could be." I smiled. "Think it over." I walked up to my seat at the end of the table then grabbed a knife and glass then started to get everyone attention. "Everyone, let's be seated!" I called, watching as everyone started to gather around the table. They took their seat, and Angel sat her glass down by the plate she sat at. Amelia ran up and took a seat by me as I sat down in mine. She gave me a huge smile.

"I crossed everyone off, they're all here, Miss Cross." Amelia told me. I nodded in her direction. One of the vampire hunters looked my way and frowned.

"If you don't mind me asking... why're we here?" He asked me.

"Oh yes." I purred and stood up, clearing my throat. "Everyone I called you together tonight because I would like to announce that Cross International Association has been booming with success." I announced. "We have successfully managed to destroy King Nikolai's factory in Nome, Alaska. We have collected some of the weapons being made there and started to recreate them in the labs. Our ranks are starting to rise as well. I would also like to announce our new friend, Angel." I motioned to Angel. "Her Organization is well known with her website." I smiled. "May we all make a toast to a new friendship with Angel." I motioned my glass to her. "If you'll accept, Angel." Angel's eyes widened and she looked at me. She bit the inside of her lip then looked everyone over before she looked back to me then gave a small smile.

"I'll accept," she told me. I held my glass up.

"To a new friendship." I took a sip from the glass then and watched as others done the same. She took a sip as she smiled and then sat her glass down.

"I heard that you're having the old Prince of England killed," a girl spoke up from near my seat. She looked up at me from her glass. "Is that true?" I sat down then, watching as all eyes landed on me. I sat the glass down and looked towards Amelia, raising an eyebrow. She blushed and looked down into her lap.

"It's true." I told the girl then, looking towards her. "I sent a group of eleven to get the job done." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Are you sure that's enough? He sees the future," she told me and sat her glass down gently.

"I never gave them an exact date to do it on. I just gave them an envelop. Inside it gave them all the information they needed to know about Laurence and how to kill him without dying in the process." I explained to her. "They're all trained snipers." She gave a nod.

"And you're sure that Laurence won't come for you? He probably knows that you sent them to kill him, but he just won't know when." She sat back in her seat and studied me. "I might be looking at a dead woman."

"You underestimate me." I told her. "Perhaps he wants to die. If he hasn't already came to kill me." She frowned.

"Why would anyone want to die?" She asked me. "Life is precious."

"He's already dead anyways." Amelia spoke up. "Vampires are part of the undead." She looked towards the girl. "Maybe he wants to go back to death."

"Who cares?" I asked. "It's been done." The girl looked a little uneasy, but she didn't make a move to leave though I could tell she was thinking about it. We all started to eat then and polite conversation picked up between a group of girls who were sitting beside each other. I could hear the boys talking to each other about some of their hunts and laughing as they made gun noises as they told their stories to each other. I looked over at Angel. "Have you hunted yourself?" I asked her. She looked up at me and blushed a little, giving a small nod.

"I used to... when my organization was first starting out. I made my own weapons with a friend who supported me. I have Executioners do it now though after their targets have been extensively investigated by my teams."

"Hi, I'm Amelia." Amelia reached out for Angel's hand to shake. "I'm Miss Cross's assistant." Angel smiled and then shook Amelia's hand.

"Nice to meet you Amelia," she said sweetly. Amelia's phone started to buzz then, so she pulled away and got up, walking out of the room to take the call.

"She's so friendly." I sighed out. Angel laughed.

"She's nice," she told me. "I like her." Amelia rushed back into the room and over to me then leaned in towards my ear.

"I need you to come with me for a minute." Amelia whispered into my ear and then grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet. She pulled me towards the door quickly. Angel looked towards us curiously and watched us go. I walked out into the hall with Amelia as she handed the phone over to me.

"Miss Cross?" I heard the guy from the team ask me. "I'd like to inform you that the mission has been completed successfully." He told me and then hung up on me. Amelia took her phone back from me.

"There you have it Miss Cross... Laurence has been assassinated." She told me. "Best to tell them." She pointed back towards the doors. I nodded as I collected myself and then walked back in and over to my seat. I sat down calmly and took a sip of the wine. Amelia walked in and then sat down in her seat. Angel looked over and tilted her head as she saw us.

"Is everything alright?" She asked me softly. I looked towards her, giving a smile.

"Everything is fine." I told her, feeling Amelia kick me under the table and gestured to the others at the table. I looked towards them and then took in a deep breath. "Laurence is dead."

Ashton's POV:

I stared at the ashes of my shadow mate that I had found in the floor. I had just gotten back from my realm... and I found this. I could feel the shadows slipping around me as they slid towards Laurence's dead form and poked around in it then shrunk back as I took a step forward. "Laurence...." I trembled and then felt my knees give out as my vision got blurry. "What the hell happened?" I whimpered and then looked around. "BALEEN!" I called out, hoping he was still here. I could feel my stone pulsing, sending pain through me. I couldn't sense him anywhere. Laurence is truly gone. I started to cry and laid down by the ashes. This isn't fair! I just got Laurence as my shadow mate! It should've been me if anyone was going to die! I'm the oldest! I felt my stone pulse again as I whimpered, missing him. I loved him.... Why'd he have to die? Why didn't he slip into the shadows? Why didn't he come to me for help? He should've seen it coming! He wouldn't just let himself be killed, right?! I felt a shadow slip into my pocket and steal my phone, dialing up a number. I glanced towards it, sniffling and then widened my eyes as I saw that it was calling Paris.

"Ashton! How are you?" I heard Paris ask through the phone, he sounding a bit tired. I shook my head.

"Why'd you call him," I hissed towards the shadows. They swirled around me and rubbed against me like they were sensing my pain and trying to comfort me.

"What's the matter?" He asked, starting to get serious. I looked towards Laurence's ashes and whimpered. I have to tell him.... Laurence would be upset if I didn't tell his friends.

"H-he's dead," I whispered.

"Who?" Paris asked.

"My mate," I whimpered out. Paris teleported then into the room and rushed over, crushing the phone in his hand then got on his knees and looked at the ashes. He eyes shown his broken spirit then as he looked into the ashes. I curled up by the ashes as I cried and looked at them. "It's not fair," I whispered.

"No.... No it's not." Paris hissed and then teleported away. I sat up quickly, looking to where he had been in shock. The shadows swirled around Laurence's ashes then and picked them up gently, forming what looked like an urn around him and then it fell to the floor with a thud, holding his ashes as they took a solid form for me. I looked down at it and then picked up the urn and held it close.

"Laurence... I'm so sorry," I whispered to it and then let the shadows slip around me as they pulled me to the darkness.

Paris's POV:

I slipped back into bed with Richard then shook him, trying to wake him up. "Richard." I hissed out. "Wake up." I couldn't feel his stone awake as he laid in bed, sleeping soundly. I leaned into his neck and bit down into him, beginning to drink his blood. He stirred after a few seconds and then his eyes opened.

"H-how long has it been?" He asked and then squirmed. "Paris?" He looked towards me and frowned. "You're drinking my blood.... Okay," he said and smiled, kissing the top of my head. I pulled back and then looked into his eyes.

"Laurence is dead." I whispered. "Again." His eyes widened and I felt his stone go into a panic. He shot up out of bed.

"How's he dead?!"

"I don't know." I mumbled and looked away. "Hunters maybe..." I scratched my shoulder then as I tried to think about how he could have died.... He knows everything. Richard started to cry then.

"I can't accept him being dead.... I'm getting Nikolai," he told me and then started for the door. I teleported in front of the door quickly and shook my head.

"You're not sending Nikolai into hell." I told him firmly. "Got it?" He whimpered and then got close, hugging me as he buried his face into my chest.

"He's our oldest friend," he whimpered out. "He helped bring us together. I don't want him to be dead...." I could feel him shaking.

"He's not dead. He's in hell." I told him, rubbing his head. "I'll go get him out." He gripped me then.

"But you said that you can't go to hell anymore," he whispered.

"If I get caught." I told him, rubbing his head. "I'm not going until after I solve his murder and make it safe for him. Don't tell Louis Laurence is gone..... He'll go." I grumbled. Richard looked up at me and then held onto me tighter.

"I won't," he promised me and then sniffled. "Let me help you."

"Of course. We're going out and we are going to blood binge." I told him. "Tomorrow." I brought him back to the bed and pushed him in the got in with him and curled up with him. "Tonight we mourn." He looked at me and then kissed my neck.

"We're going to blood binge?" He asked me softly. "You know I can't control myself when we do that...."

"We both work best as demonic beings ready to tear up the night." I hissed. "Let's scare the living hell out of those hunters." I scratched my shoulder then, digging my nails into my skin. He looked towards my shoulders as I started to bleed then leaned in and licked my shoulder.

"Are you sure?" He asked me softly. He wrapped his arms around me then bit into my shoulder right by where my fingers were. I moaned and gave him a small nod.

"Positive." I whispered.

"Then I'll become a demon," he told me as he licked my skin.

"We both will be demons. Does it matter? As long as we know when to quit.."

"You'll have to tell me," he whispered. "I normally go too far unless you tell me. I love you... and I'm going to kick the hell out of whoever took my Laurence from me." I nodded in agreement then purred to him.

"I'll tell you when to quit." I promised.

"Okay," he whispered and moved closer, licking my shoulder again. "I'm yours...." I nodded then pulled Richard closer to me and buried my face into his neck.

"I'm yours too." I purred.

"When we get revenge and get our Laurence back, I want to celebrate," he purred in my ear and then wrapped his arms around me before he drug his nails down my back, then back up to my shoulders where he drew blood with them. I moaned softly as his nails scratched up my shoulders then melted against him.

"O-okay." I husked out.

"A week straight," he said teasingly in my ear and then started to scratch down my back, dragging his nails down. I nodded in agreement.

"I'd love that." I whispered, purring at his touch.

"Maybe a month," he murmured to me and then made my back bleed. I grabbed his hands quickly and then rested them on my shoulders.

"Scratch my shoulders?" I asked him softly. He looked into my eyes then gave a smirk.

"Roll onto your stomach and I'll give your shoulders a mauling." I smirked and then got onto my stomach beside him and relaxed. He purred and then got onto my back, sitting on me as he lightly touched my shoulders then pressed his fingers into the wounds already there. I let out a small moan and gripped the sheets. I felt his fingernails start to drag down my shoulders hard, causing my shoulders to ache as they bled at his touch. He ripped them up with his fingers and growled at me. I groaned and tensed up at his touch then buried my face into the sheets. He leaned down to my ear and nipped at it with his fangs as his fingernails tore into my skin. I could feel my blood running down my sides and arms as he kept going. I let out a small moans and felt myself becoming aroused. He snarled softly in my ear as he leaned over me and I felt him lick my shoulder clean as he continued to tear up the other. I reached up to my shoulder then started to scratch it as well. He growled and I felt him bite down into my hand hard. I yelped and then pulled my hand away quickly. He purred then and moved away from licking my shoulder. I felt a sudden surge of pain as his hand dug into both of my shoulders and tore some of my skin off. I grabbed the pillow then and pulled it closer to me and buried my face into it. "Does it feel good?" He asked me teasingly. I groaned and nodded slowly. "You like this?"

"Yeah." I husked out. "Harder..." I begged. I felt his fingers dig down deep into my shoulders and he dragged them down slowly, cutting my skin up as he moved them down my back and then brought them back to my shoulders. I felt his fangs tear into right above my shoulder blade as he growled like a predator and scratched up my shoulders. I reached up to my shoulders again and tried to scratch them. He snarled and bit into my hand again, tearing into it. He bit down hard into my thumb and ended up tearing it off. He spat it down by my head and growled. I yelped and pulled my hand away from my shoulder, trembling a bit and looked towards my hand. Why'd he bite it off!? I felt his fangs dig back down into my shoulder, sinking down to the bone. He moaned at my taste and I felt his nails sharply scratch down my back. "Richard..." I mumbled. "S-stop..." I reached out for his hands. I felt his face go into the crook of my neck then as his breath hit my skin.

"Why?" He asked. I blushed and tried to roll over to look up at him. When he let me I sat up quickly and leaned in towards his neck and bit down. He growled softly and then wrapped his arms around me. I pulled back from his neck and looked down at my hand.

"You bit my thumb off!" I hissed. He leaned down and kissed my hand.

"It'll heal and grow back," he whispered. He looked up into my eyes with a loving look. "I'm sorry.... I won't do it again." I pouted.

"Why..." I whispered.

"Why what?" He tilted his head.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked him.

"Because you tried to scratch your shoulders a second time when I was already doing it for you," he mumbled and then pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed it, closing his eyes.

"I can't help that I like scratching my shoulders..." I muttered. He opened his eyes and looked at me from my hand then gave it another kiss. He bit into his bottom lip, drawing blood before he leaned in towards my lips and kissed me passionately. I kissed him back before pulling away and pulling him down onto me and then beside me. I curled up to him and buried my face against his chest. He kissed the top of my head and purred. He leaned in towards my shoulders and started to lick them, healing them up for me. I could feel my thumb coming back. I relaxed against him then let out a small purr.

"I love you," he whispered after my shoulder was all healed up and my thumb was fully back. He tossed my old finger out of the bed and then pulled me close, rubbing his leg against mine. He smiled and then rested his head against me.

"I love you too." I whispered and then looked up into his eyes. He looked a little sad and I caught his thoughts wandering towards Laurence as he looked at me. He sighed and then snuggled up to me, getting in the crook of my arms and against my body. I pouted at the thought about Laurence. Why would he let someone kill him? He should've seen it coming.... Then again Victor was able to take his stone.... but Victor is Victor... He does things without thinking them through... Did Victor kill Laurence? Richard whimpered a little and pressed against me.

"I can't believe someone got him," he whispered and then buried his face into me. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him.

"It's happened before though.." I grumbled.

"I still don't believe that time either," he told me and trembled slightly. "Paris... what's it like in hell?" He asked me quietly, his voice shaking a little.

"Remember Alice in Wonderland when The Mad Hatter is at the table singing about having a happy unbrithday? How the clock wasn't working on him and his friends were placing butter in it and such to make it work... It's like that." I told him, laughing. He gave a nod.

"So he's alright?"

"Perfectly fine. Eating cake at a table with the rest of the lunatics." I promised. He nodded again and relaxed a little.

"Okay... as long as he's safe until we can get him," he mumbled and then curled up. I felt his stone calming down as it started to pulse lazily like he was going to go into a deep sleep again.

"As long as he stays in hell." I purred. "We'll be able to get him." He gave another nod and yawned, starting to fall asleep. I closed my eyes, deciding to get some rest too.

Louis's POV:

I stood in the music room, listening to the notes as I played on my violin and looked out the window as I watched people walking outside. Ann walked into the music room and up to me then grabbed my wrist, pulling it away from the violin and then giggled. "Louis, I found these clothes in your other closet you never use.... How do they look on me?" She asked and then stepped back a step. I noticed she was in August's t-shirt and shorts. "They're so comfy and fit so well!" She giggled and then got closer to me. I widened my eyes and felt the violin slip from my hands. She's... wearing them. I looked them over then looked at her. She should know who those belonged to because I shared my memories with her.... She's doing that on purpose. I looked away from her and out the window.

"They look okay," I said simply as memories of August resurfaced. She caught the violin then sat it down before pulling out his glasses from in her pocket and put them on then kissed my cheek. I frowned. Those were under my floorboards with the rest of August's very personal possessions.... I looked at her and then picked up my violin, going back to playing. She snooped in my room for them.... She frowned and then wrapped her arms around me.

"Louis..." She whispered. "Sit that instrument aside." I stopped playing and then looked at her, setting it down numbly. She leaned in and kissed my lips slowly. I pulled back from the kiss and looked in her eyes before I kissed her cheek and went to move away from her. She wrapped her arms around me and then leaned in towards my neck and bit down into me and started to drink my blood. I yelped and looked her over and pouted.

"Ann, this isn't funny," I mumbled. She pulled back and then pouted.

"I know." She whispered. She pulled away and started for the door. I teleported in front of her then wrapped her up into my arms.

"Then why'd you do it?" I asked her. "Are you jealous?"

"No... I thought you'd think I looked sexy in his clothes...." She blushed and then shrugged.

"I like you for you... not as a replacement August," I whispered to her and brushed her hair out of her face. "If I wasn't okay with you being my mate, then I would've rejected you a long time ago. I chose to make it work with you. I want to make it work, and I want you to be my happy little mate. August is dead. I knew he was eventually going to die. I've moved on," I told her softly and kissed her forehead. "I moved on for you." She nodded and then adjusted the glasses on her face then gave me a small kiss. I kissed her back and gave her a smile. "I love you," I whispered. "Don't doubt yourself for a second and think I keep you around as a replacement. I wouldn't have done everything I did to make you happy if you were a replacement. I would've thrown you into my bed and forced you to love me if you were a replacement." She blushed a bright red and then bit her bottom lip.

"No you wouldn't." She mumbled and took a step back. I kissed the top of her head and then laughed.

"I guess I'm not that upset," I told her and looked her over. "You can keep the glasses if you'd like." She took them off and handed them towards me.

"Guess this means you don't like me in his clothes." She whispered softly. I frowned.

"Ann... come here," I told her and pulled her to me into a hug. "It looks cute on you," I purred in her ear. "I'm sorry I got upset at first." I put the glasses back into her hands and gently closed her fingers around them. "If you don't accept that I love you for you yet, that's alright...." I kissed her cheek and then pulled her over to the couch and sat her down on it. She curled up on the couch then put the glasses back on and looked up at me.

"I know you like me for me." She mumbled. Well... she downgraded it in her head. I gave her a small smile. I guess that's okay.

"Good," I told her and then walked back to where I had left my violin and started to play for her. She watched me play and then took the glasses off her face and looked them over before putting them back on and watched me. I smiled her way as I played for a good hour then put my instrument down and walked over to her. I held out my hand and then touched her cheek, showing her the time when I had first seen her skate and had my breath taken away by her performance. She blushed and pulled back from my hand then bit her bottom lip.

"You really like me ice skating, huh?" She asked curiously. I smirked and then sat down by her, pulling her into my arms and made her rest her head on my chest as I started to show her how I had noticed her eyes light up in awe and wonder when I had taken her somewhere new and let her feel how much I thought she looked beautiful in those moments and how excited I had been before I took her to Paris then how I began to start to want to be the best mate I could for her through the years of travelling with her. She lifted her head up to look at me then pulled the glasses off and sat them aside then kissed my lips softly. I kissed her back and purred to her, smiling against her lips. She pulled back from the kiss then and gave me a smile. "Want to go ice skating?" She asked. I looked into her eyes and gave a nod.

"I'd love that," I whispered to her then kissed her cheek. She nodded and then got up and picked the glasses up then started towards the door.

"Okay, I'm going to go slip out of this then." She purred. I followed after her quickly and gave a playful growl.

"No, stay in it," I teased and then wrapped my arms around her waist, smelling her neck. She giggled and then exposed her neck for me. I purred as I leaned my face into her neck more and bit into it, remarking her. She let out a moan and leaned up against me as her knees gave out from under her. I smirked and then picked her up, carrying her over to the couch and laid her down on it. I crawled over her and kissed her lips passionately. She gasped and started to kiss me back and wrapped her arms around my neck. I purred and then pulled her closer as I deepened the kiss. She pulled back from the kiss slightly and giggled.

"I thought... that you were drinking my blood." She whispered in my ear. I growled dominantly to mess with her and then licked her neck as I slipped between her legs.

"I am drinking your blood," I purred to her and then kissed her lips again. "It's just very involved and passionate." I licked her bottom lip teasingly and ran my fingers down her sides lightly. She giggled and grabbed my hands and leaned in towards the kiss.

"You? Passionate and involved?"

"I only stay reserved because you get upset," I told her and kissed her then, making it deep and passionate. She ran her fingers through my hair and tugged on it. I gave a small moan and then bit my bottom lip to draw blood and kissed her again, leaning in to her. She started to suck on my bottom lip then. I moaned and felt myself getting a little aroused by it, so I propped myself up a little to hide it from her. I didn't want her to shove me off.... She pulled back from my lips and giggled.

"I don't get upset."

"You say 'no room'," I told her and laughed then gave her another kiss, tilting my head a little.

"Because there is no room." She teased and then playfully pushed on my chest. I growled at her and then leaned in, giving her a passionate kiss before I kissed her neck and started to give her a love bite. She gasped, letting a moan slip. "Louis!" I smirked and then started a small trail of love bites down the side of her neck. She giggled and then hid her neck from me quickly. I pulled back and then leaned in towards her lips, kissing her as I slipped a hand under her shirt and ran my fingers across her bare skin. She kissed me back deeply and wrapped her arms around me once more. I licked her bottom lip and then slipped my tongue into her mouth as I slid her shirt up a little, testing the waters. She captured my tongue quickly and started to suck on it, pulling it deeper into her mouth. I moaned and then pulled her shirt off her, quickly leaning in for a kiss and picked up where I had left off, slipping my tongue back into her mouth and got ahold of her tongue and sucked on it to pleasure her as I ran my hands down her sides and then behind her back. She let out a soft moan and melted under me as she ran her fingers down my arms then. I pulled her close and then slowly slipped a hand down to the top of the shorts, deepening the kiss as I did so. She pulled back from the kiss a bit and then started to suck on my bottom lip again. I moaned and then unbuttoned her shorts and started to unzip them, being slow about it incase she wasn't okay with me going this far. She grabbed my hands quickly and tsked. "Whatcha doing Louis?" She asked me. I stopped and then kissed her neck.

"I won't," I told her, moving our hands away from her pants and then started on a love bite. She's not okay with it then. She giggled and then hid her neck from me quickly. I laughed and then went back to her lips kissing her deeply before I sucked on her bottom lip teasingly. She pulled back and exposed her fangs then leaned in towards my neck and bit me. I yelped and stopped, looking towards her the best I could. "Ann? How about we go ice skate now?" I asked softly, rubbing her head. She pulled back and frowned.

"But.... Okay." She mumbled and then looked around for her shirt. I watched her then smirked, leaning in and surprising her with another kiss. She laughed and kissed me back, deepening the kiss. I purred and then licked her bottom lip before I reached down and grabbed one of her legs, pulling her closer to me. She pulled back from the kiss and then pulled the glasses off, sitting them on the table. I watched her and then gave a small pout.

"Can we?" I asked her softly. She stopped me before....

"Can we what?" She asked softly, blushing. I kissed her lips softly.

"It's okay to tell me no... but I was wondering if we could try it together," I mumbled to her, touching her shorts.

"Umm..... but.... I never...." She whispered and shook her head. I gave a nod.

"Alright... when you're ready," I told her then moved off her, sitting up on the couch. She sat up quickly and then grabbed my arm.

"Louis...." She whispered and then kissed my cheek. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"What's the matter?" I asked her. She stood up and then picked up her shirt.

"Nothing." She told me as she put it on. I watched her and pouted slightly but stood up.

"Let's go," I whispered to her and held out my hand. She grabbed my hand.

"You really want to go ice skating?" She asked me curiously. "Seems like you wanted something else." I gave her a small smile.

"But you said no... so we'll go ice skating."

"I never said no.." She smirked towards me. I frowned slightly.

"You pretty much told me no...."

"I told you I never done it before." She whispered softly. I looked her over and tilted my head.

"But... you... you stopped me... and then when I asked you... you said that and shook your head...." I sat down on the couch and frowned. She frowned and then sat down by me.

"Okay then I don't." She told me and then curled up to herself. I looked at her and then pulled her into a hug, kissing her cheek.

"Look, if you want to, then we will... but if you don't want to, then we won't. I'm waiting on you," I told her and gave her cheek another kiss. She nodded and leaned up against me then buried her face into my chest. I smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Yes or no?"

"Huh?" She looked up at me with a blush. I gave her lips a soft kiss.

"Yes or no?" I pulled her closer to me and then nuzzled my face into her neck.

"Ummm...." She looked me over. "Right now?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yes or no for right now?"

"Right here?" She asked and looked around.

"Here... my room... your room... Paris... wherever you want," I whispered to her. She bit her bottom lip and then nodded.

"Okay.... Your room." She stood up quickly. I watched her. She's actually going to go through with it? I reached up and grabbed her hand, teleporting us to my room then placed her on my bed, crawling over her with a small growl as I leaned in towards her neck and bit down, remarking her. She let out a moan and wrapped her arms around my neck quickly. I purred and then sat up a little, taking off my shirt and dropped it in the floor as I smirked her way. She bit her bottom lip and looked me over then pulled her shirt back off and tossed it over my head. I looked her over and then purred, leaning in towards her lips as I crawled up in between her legs then kissed her passionately as I trailed my hands down her sides. She kissed me deeply, letting out a small purr. I smirked against her lips and then started to lightly grind against her to ease her into it. She gasped and then pulled away from the kiss and hid her face against my neck. I purred to her and kissed the side of her head, holding her close.

"Still want to?" I asked her, wanting to make sure. She nodded and leaned up, kissing me. I kissed her back and leaned her head against the pillow as I slipped a hand down to my pants and unbuttoned them, sliding them down. She slipped her tongue into my mouth. I laughed a little and then started to tease her by dancing with her tongue before I took it and started to suck on it. I reached down and grabbed the top of her shorts and shoved them down, then grabbed her legs, making her wrap them around me. She moaned and grabbed my sides. I leaned in and deepened the kiss before I reached down and hooked a finger on the top of her panties, pulling them down slowly as I gave her the best first.

Aaron's POV:

"Hey Aaron, how are you doing?" Cassius asked me as he walked up beside me. I looked over at him and frowned.

"Good... why're you asking?" I put my hands in my pockets and then looked ahead.

"Just checking... After all... you're going to have to do that speech at that guy's funeral. You are the reason he's dead." I frowned. Dead guy? Me? Responsible?

"What're you talking about?" He looked at me and frowned.

"I thought you knew.... They're requesting that you make a speech at the scientist's funeral- you know, the one that was looking at those kids you brought in. He died," he told me. I widened my eyes.

"He died?"

"Yeah, you left him to die," he told me and shrugged. "Everyone who worked with him said that he wasn't really all that nice either when it came to his research." I frowned. How am I supposed to be responsible for his death!? That was the boy's fault. I growled a little.

"Damn it..."

"Yeah, now you know," he said and smirked. "So... speaking of boys... have you finally killed them yet." I looked at him and shrugged.

"Yeah, I killed them," I said simply. Of course I let them go... but I couldn't tell him that. He'd report me. I looked him over as I remembered that I had planned to go see them today and bring them food and some money to live off of. "I got to go Cass. I'll talk to you later." I started to walk off then, going to the garage where I signed in for a car and then went to the one that I had been given. I got in it and drove out to town manually, not wanting the car to have it in it's database about where I was going. I parked outside a store and then went inside and bought some French bread and then a bag of doughnuts and some apples along with a case of clean water. I walked out to the car and put it in then drove off towards the junk yard and parked, getting out with the stuff. I walked towards the gate and pulled out my phone, checking to make sure they were here. Sure enough... the tracers said they were. I put my phone up and walked in cautiously, not wanting to spook them. After I got close to where the tracers said they were, I set down the food in the bags and then pulled out my money and slipped a hundred into the bag and put my wallet up.

"What're you doing?" I heard the oldest ask from close by, walking towards me. I frowned. Well... I'm not sneaking out anymore. I looked over at him.

"Nothing," I said and shrugged. His younger brother stood behind him, peaking out behind him and watching me.

"That doesn't look like nothing." The oldest told me. I gave him a smile.

"I was just leaving," I told him and then started walking for the gates, leaving the bags behind for them.

"You forgot something." I heard the younger one tell me. I glanced back at them and looked at the bags then at them and frowned.

"Those aren't mine," I said simply.

"Are you sure?" He asked, stepping out from behind his brother. I gave them both smiles.

"Yeah, those are yours," I told them. They look confused then but walked up to the bags and picked them up. Good... they'll have food for a bit. I'll bring them more later when I'm sure they are looking for food again. "Enjoy~" I smirked a little and put my hands in my pockets and started to walk off.

"Thanks Mr!" The younger one yelled and then giggled. "Did we rob him or something and don't remember?" He whispered to his brother.

"I don't think so..." The other muttered. I stopped and looked at them.

"No... you didn't rob me," I told them. "I thought you'd be hungry, so I brought you food."

"Come on." The older boy whispered to the younger one. "Let's go. I feel like this guy is a cop." I looked them over with interest. They really don't remember me.... They must have something wrong with memory.... I sighed and then gave a smile. They won't remember me again. I started to walk again, not wanting to scare them further. I heard them walking back to their mountain of cars. I glanced back at them in curiosity and then turned away, continuing to walk.

~The Next Day~

"Alright... here we go," I muttered as I walked out to the car with bags from the store again. I had gotten them both two journals and two pens to write or draw or whatever with, another thing of French bread, some bananas, oranges, and peanuts along with a thing of cookies for them. I put the bags into the car and then went over to the driver's side and got in, driving out to the junk yard then got out and took the bags back to the pile of cars, stopping behind a pile of scrap metal where they couldn't see me and sat the bags down. I smiled and then slipped a note that said enjoy on it with my name at the bottom. I was tackled suddenly and pinned to the ground as the younger boy sat up on me.

"Got you." He purred. "What're you doing?" He asked me and then searched my pockets then pulled out my wallet and looked through it. "A-A....Erin." He looked my drivers license over, trying to read it.

"Why're you placing this here?" I heard the older boy as me, going through the bags. I frowned and reached up, taking my wallet back from the younger boy and stuffed it back into my pockets.

"For you two," I told them and looked towards the boy's ears then sat up, moving him off me. I got attacked this time.... I'll have to be more careful. "That food is for you both." He rubbed his ear then and moved away from me then grabbed one of the bags and took off with it. The older boy frowned and grabbed the other bag and started after him. I watched them and then sat there for a few minutes, relaxing. I just got jumped.... That's right. They broke into that woman's car before... I should be more careful about these visits.... I looked towards the pile of cars to watch them out of curiosity. If they told me to get, I would... but they haven't told me yet, so I'll stay a little longer. I pulled out my phone and pulled up a game, starting to play on it as I laughed. Perfect way to get away from work.... I tucked my cross under my shirt to hide it and then focused on my game. After a few minutes I heard them creeping back over towards me.

"Why's he still here?" The neko asked softly. "He's strange." I glanced their way but mostly ignored them as I continued to play my game, tsking when I almost got killed by Slenderman.

"I don't know... He's creeping me out though. No one hangs out in a junk yard like that." The older boy whispered to the neko. "Maybe it's time we relocate." I glanced up at them and turned off my phone then stood up, putting my phone into my pocket then started walking towards the gates. Stayed long enough.... "Heh. Let's follow him." I heard them coming after me then. Oh... yeah, I should definitely start leaving as soon as I put the bags down.... They might jump me again. I winced at that idea. The neko could've taken my money out of the wallet and left me broke.... I walked a little faster, digging the car keys out of my pocket. "Where ya running off to so fast?" I heard the guy asking me. I looked back at them and gave them a smile before I walked out of the gates and then over to the car. Yeah... they won't remember me tomorrow either. I heard them stop at the gates and watch me. I looked up at them then leaned against my car, looking their way.

"Bye bye," I said and gave them a smile. I'll see you both tomorrow. "Stay safe, okay?" They gave me a confused look and turned around, leaving the gate. I laughed a little and then got into my car, driving back home.

~The Next Day~

I sighed and sat down the bags of food and another case of water then put about fifty bucks in it before I started to walk towards the gates, not wanting to be caught this time. When I reached the gate I seen a guy sitting on a car smoking a cigarette. He gave me a smile and then got off his car and started towards me, pulling out a gun. "I need you to go wait by your car, you're in trouble boy." I widened my eyes.

"Who're you?" I asked quickly, reaching for the gun I kept at my side and pulled it out quickly, aiming him down. He aimed my head down then.

"Superior to you." He told me. "Now go wait by your car." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What're you going to do?" I hissed at him. He better not be trying to get those two boys. I searched him to see if he had a cross on or not. Maybe I've been followed and found out. I saw he had the cross all right. I looked him over. He knows about them.... He got dispatched to kill them.... I wasn't careful enough.

"I'm bringing them in." He told me. "Sorting out your mess and cleaning it up." He started to walk up to me then. "Don't worry, I'm going to show Angel herself." He laughed. No... They'll be put in the research department. They'll become living experiments. I narrowed my eyes and took a step back, towards the junk yard.

"No," I told him, glaring him down. "They did nothing. They're both human- except for the neko."

"That's not what the footage shows from the lab." He smirked as he started to walk towards me. "Let's see what he really is."

"They're just kids," I hissed and kept my gun level, my finger over the trigger. If I shoot him... I can't go back... but if I don't... he might shoot me... or them... or take them in....

"Ha. The neko will be fine. Does it really matter as long as one lives?" He asked me. I clenched my jaw and then glanced at his hands holding the gun. Is my job and life really worth those two boys? They'll hunt me if I shoot one of our own.... I glanced at his eyes then decided I'd protect them. I shot his hands, making him drop the gun then shot his leg before I darted into the junkyard and towards the car pile, glancing back over my shoulder worriedly as my heart pounded in my ears. Treason.... I felt something tumble into me then and I was thrown against a stove and hit my head, I could feel it bleed out a bit as the guy I just shot stood over me and laughed. "Stop hanging around here." He told me, pulling my head closer to him. "Got it? Those are my boys." I looked at him and widened my eyes then bit into his hand.

"You stay away from them. You're not hurting them," I hissed. How the hell did he get over to me so fast?! I spat his blood out and then kicked him back from me, standing up then pointed the gun at him. He glared down the gun and I suddenly felt nauseous. I groaned and then held back from puking as I stared him down. "You're not... taking them to Angel," I told him firmly.

"Why not? No.... I was going to put them into the Angel Organization with you and be nice.... Now I think I will just relocate them." He sighed. I frowned.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked him, lowering my gun slightly.

"The Devil. Satan. Hades." He rubbed his nails off on his coat. "I have several names." The devil? I widened my eyes a little.

"You... You're the...." A shiver went through me as I dared not say his name. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"In the flesh. I'm in a borrowed body though." He admitted. "I can't actually stand here in this realm. So do you want the job or what?" He asked curiously. "Want to raise Hassel and Haven?"

"R-raise.... Are you talking about the two boys?" I should not be talking to him....

"Of course. Haven's mother is a neko and then Hassel came from my blood. Their my children. They suck at living though." I looked him over, wondering if he was for real.... I shouldn't doubt it. He got up after I shot him... twice... and caught up to me.

"If they're your children... why are you letting them live here?" I asked him, lowering my gun a little more.

"If I let all my children with me then I'd never be able to be who I am, the devil." He explained. "I'd be a father." I frowned.

"That isn't a bad thing...." I muttered. A world without the devil.... That would be great.

"Oh it would be terrible. Everyone would be nice. Now shut up before I poke you with a stick." He smirked. "Take my boys in and this time... Hassel's blood will work in the machines and he'll be confirmed as a human.... Oh and you'll have to do that tomorrow because I am going to knock you out now." He grabbed my head and slammed it hard against the stove.

I woke up to my alarm going off. I groaned and sat up, looking at my alarm clock and then turned the alarm off. I hate my alarm clock.... I slowly got up and then stumbled over to the chair with my clothes on it. My head pounded and I felt like I had a splitting headache. What the hell did I do yesterday? I put my shirt on and then frowned when I noticed my cross was still on. Well... maybe I got drunk? I changed into my pants and then put on my socks and shoes before I put my favorite jacket on and grabbed my wallet, shoving it into my pocket. I grabbed my gun and put it at my side and then walked out. Time to go feed them before I get sucked into a mission. I yawned and stumbled down the hall towards the garage, holding my head.

When I got to the junk yard with the food, I got out of the car and frowned a little, feeling like I was supposed to do something. I walked into the junk yard cautiously and then held the bags of food close to me. I glanced around then stopped when I saw a stove with blood on it. I walked over and checked it out then yesterday came back to me. I yelped and jumped back from the stove quickly. I grabbed the cross around my neck and held onto it as I trembled. I heard the two playing by their pile of cars and laughing. I glanced their way then slowly walked away from the stove. I bit my bottom lip gently and set the food down where I usually did. It caught on fire then. I yelped and jumped back quickly, holding onto the cross around my neck. I glanced behind me towards the gates of the junk yard, my heart speeding up.

"That cross doesn't offend me." The fire spoke up. "Come on, chop chop chop." I looked at it as my breath caught in my throat. Oh man... that isn't cool.... I shakily walked around it, watching it and then looked up towards where the boys were. I'm so dead.... God, please forgive me. "God can't help you now." I felt a shiver go up me when I heard that, but I found myself walking towards the two hesitantly. They were playing ball together, throwing it back at each other after catching it. I smiled a little as I saw that. At least they're having fun.... I stopped a few feet away and watched them. I was shoved forward suddenly and their heads turned towards me. I yelped and almost fell into the dirt, but I managed to balance myself.

"You didn't have to shove me," I muttered and then straightened myself up, looking towards the boys then at the oldest. "Hey," I said and then gave a smile. "Playing catch?"

"Um... Yeah...." The oldest blushed and then caught the ball from the neko. I smiled.

"Is that your brother?" I asked him, pointing towards the neko. Of course I already knew.... but they don't remember me, so I guess I could ask it to talk to them.

"Uh-huh." The neko said, purring. "Throw it back!" He begged. The eldest threw the ball back for him. I smiled and then sat down on the ground, watching them. They're kind of cute....

"What's your names?" I asked softly.

"That's Hassel and I'm Haven." The neko told me quickly. I smiled. Well... guess he told the truth about their names.

"You guys hungry?" I watched as they threw the ball again.

"YES!" The neko smiled big towards me.

"Don't." His older brother told him firmly. "We don't take free handouts, remember? There is always a catch." I sighed and watched them.

"There isn't much of a catch," I told them. "I was told to look after you both by your father."

"But... we don't know our father." Haven told me and started to rub his ear. I looked towards him.

"Well... he knows you...." I stood up and then looked them both over. "He told me to start taking care of you because he can't." Or so he says.... Apparently a world where people don't run around killing each other or stealing or raping is a terrible world. I felt my arm get pinched then.

"How does he want you to take care of us?" Hassel asked softly.

"By offering you two a place to stay... food... whatnot," I said and then rubbed my arm. JERK!

"With you?" Haven asked curiously. I looked them over.

"If you want...." Hassel walked over to Haven and wrapped him up into his arms and started to rub behind his ears, making him purr.

"Ok." Hassel looked me over. I stood up and then gave them a smile.

"Let's go get you some food," I said and gestured for them to follow me. Haven ran up to me then, pulling Hassel with him. I watched them and then led them back to my car. "So you should probably start thinking about whether you want your own place or to stay with me. Oh, and there is one thing I need to do before I can get you guys a place to stay," I told them and stopped when we got to the car.

"What's that?" Hassel asked me. He gave a small frown.

"It's just a little blood test," I told them and waved it off. "It's not that bad. The people that I work for will want to make sure of something in your blood, but it's not going to be harmful to you. It'll be fine," I said and then gave them reassuring smiles. "Your father said it should be fine...."

"A blood test?" Hassel asked and then started to back away. I frowned.

"No, no, no... It's alright," I told him and then sighed. "Well... I guess we could probably get around it if I was to get you both a place to stay away from me...." They think those two are dead anyways because I reported them dead. "We'll get you both a place to stay together in the city." I felt something scratch my back then. I yelped and jumped quickly, looking behind me. There was nothing there though.

"Are you okay?" Haven asked curiously. I looked towards him wide eyed.

"Ummm.... Yeah, I'm fine," I said as I tried to calm down. "No, we have to do the blood test. Come on, in the car." I opened the car door. "You only have to do it once, and you can sit right next to each other." Haven grabbed Hassel and pulled him towards the car quickly, purring. I watched them get in and then shut the door, going to the driver's seat and then got in and started up the car. I started to drive, heading for a nearby fast food joint. Havel rolled the window down and stuck his head out a bit, giggling. Hassel slid down in his seat and closed his eyes. I laughed a little at them and then when we got to the restaurant, I parked close to the door then got out, putting my cross under my shirt to hide it then opened the door for them. "Come on boys, let's get you two a burger and some fries," I suggested and smiled friendly at them. Haven crawled out quickly then tackled me into a hug.

"Thanks Mr!" He rubbed his cheek against mine. Hassel got out then snatched Haven away from me and hugged him. I smiled and then shut the door, locking up the car.

"You're welcome," I told them and led them into the restaurant, ignoring Hassel's protectiveness. I ordered them both a double cheeseburger and a large thing of fries and a large soda for them to use on the fountains then got myself a cheeseburger and small fries with a milkshake. I took them to a table and sat down across from them, picking up my burger and then took a bite out of it. Hassel made Haven sit on the inside of the booth then looked at the food in front of him before unwrapping the cheeseburger and started to eat it slowly. Haven on the other end ate his as quick as possible. I laughed as I watched them and calmly ate my food, looking out the window as I munched on a fry. "You'll make yourself sick," I told Haven softly, glancing back at him. "The food isn't going to go anywhere." Hassel looked over at Haven then snatched a fry from him and ate it. Haven's jaw dropped as he seen it. I frowned and pulled my food closer to me. Well... they'll learn not to steal food later... when they get it in their heads that they can have food when they want it..... I took a sip of my milkshake, enjoying the taste and smiled. Haven stole one off of Hassel quickly and scooted away from him, bringing his food with him. I gave a small sigh and started to finish up my food, balling up the wrapper to the hamburger when I finished eating. I drank my milkshake and then sat it down when it was empty before I picked up all of my trash and got up, throwing it away. I walked back and sat down, pulling out my phone to text the research department that I was bringing in two boys to get a blood test done for official record and told them that if it came back human for both that they'd both join the organization and that they were to be under my tutorage instead of the academy and that I'd need two cross necklaces for when they passed the final course. I got a text back of confirmation, so I set my phone down and looked at them. Haven had finished his food and was sipping on his drink, balled up in the seat. Hassel was reading something on his drink, looking at it hard. I sighed. I'll have to teach them to read too... polish what they know. I sat back in my seat then looked out the window. I'm officially a babysitter... for life, and I'm not getting paid. Hassel looked up at me from his drink then slid the rest of his fries over to Haven. Haven brought it closer to him and started to eat them. "Are you full?" I asked Hassel, looking back at him with a small smile. I guess it's alright.... They're nice boys. They haven't done anything to me.

"Eh." Hassel shrugged and then looked towards Haven and gave him a small smile then leaned in and kissed his cheek. I watched them then picked up my phone and started to search online for a deal where I could get two more phones added onto my account for a good price.

"So... have you made your decision?" I asked them. "Do you want your own room or do you want to stay with me where the others can't get to you?"

"What others?" Hassel asked me as he turned to face me.

"The people I work with," I said and shrugged. "They'll probably be reaaaally interested in you two... so if you want someone to make sure they don't bother you to bad, I'd pick staying with me... but you can always have your own room if you'd prefer to not have much to do with me besides food, money, protection, care, and training."

"Training for what?" Hassel asked, tilting his head.

"To do what I do," I said and gave a smile. "I'm going to train you to fight and protect each other, and it'll enable you to stay where I am staying without much of a problem which is what your father wants."

"Okay..." Hassel whispered, blushing softly. "We'll stay with you then." I nodded.

"I'll put in a request to get an actual house in the base town," I told them. "It'll give you two more privacy within my work place. You'll be able to sleep well... and we'll have a kitchen. For now, you'll both just have to share my bed. I'll sleep on the floor."

"Wow you have a bed!?" Haven asked me, leaning over the table with wonder. "How comfy is it?" I shrugged.

"Alright I guess... It's a decent size bed, so you'll both be able to sleep in it," I said and then looked them over. Yeah... they'll be able to sleep in it together. Hassel looked towards Haven, giving a frown.

"Eat the fries." Hassel whispered, shoving the fries closer to Haven. Haven got easily distracted and began to eat the rest of them. I looked them over then laid my head down on the table, sighing as I decided to relax while Haven finishes. I'll have to watch my wallet.... Haven finished eating then curled up to Hassel and purred. Hassel started to rub his ears, making him purr louder. I stood up then stretched.

"Let's go," I told them then started for the door. The sooner we get back and get all this over with... the better. They started to follow after me, catching up rather quickly. I looked at them and smiled. "You two okay?" I asked, checking up on them. That was a lot of food....

"Yeah." Haven gave me a huge smile. I frowned as a thought occurred to me. What if they forget all this tomorrow? I'll have to explain everything if they don't wake up and kill me in my sleep.... "What's wrong?" He asked, tilting his head. I shook my head.

"It's... it's fine," I told them. I'm so screwed. Hassel pulled Haven closer to him then and looked at me cautiously. I looked away from them and then walked to the car, pulling out the keys and unlocked it. They walked up to the car then got in like it was normal. I got in and started it up, keeping quiet as I turned on some music down low and hit the auto pilot to drive back to the base then leaned into my seat, closing my eyes. I heard them laying down in the back together and curling up. I glanced back at them and sighed. We have... absolutely nothing to talk about. The silence is so awkward.... I could hear Haven start to purr as Hassel rubbed his ears. I watched them and then brought my knees up to my chest and looked them over. "So... what's your earliest memories?" I asked Hassel curiously. Hassel looked towards me and then frowned.

"Umm.... Earliest memory?" He asked me softly.

"Yes," I said and turned my seat to face the back and looked them over, interested.

"Well.... When I was younger Haven and I were staying in an orphanage and I remember the chief there cutting the head off of a fish and throwing it at us." He told me, wrapping his arms around Haven. I frowned and looked them over.

"They threw a fish head at you?" I gagged a little. "That sucks."

"Told us to play with it." Haven mumbled and buried his face into Hassel's chest.

"I'll get you both a real toy," I muttered. "Oh... and I'm getting the two of you phones."

"What're phones?" Haven asked, looking up at me. I pulled mine out and showed it to them.

"This is a phone. You can talk to people on it," I said and smiled. "You can also play games on it." I pulled up Slenderman then moved into the seat by them and put it in Hassel's hand, loading the game for him. "Here, I'll teach you." Hassel looked the phone over then looked behind it before studying the screen. Haven looked at it and laid his ears back. I smirked as the game started and the screen showed the woods, illuminated by the flashlight of the game. "Alright... you move like this," I told him and then showed him how to move and turn the flashlight off and run. "The goal is to find eight pages in the woods and not get caught."

"Caught by what?" Haven asked and then screamed as Slenderman appeared on the screen then turned away from the phone. I laughed.

"You better start to walk away from him. If you get too close or he catches you, it's game over," I said and smirked. "He'll kill you." Hassel dropped the phone when Slenderman started to come closer and he slid away from it. I picked it up quickly and had the person start to walk away from Slenderman as I started to play and escape Slenderman as I searched for the pages. "You just have to remind yourself it's only a game and he can't get you in real life," I told them and smiled as Slenderman tried to get me again. They leaned over and started to watch me play the game. I laughed a little and adjusted myself so they could see it better and kept playing. "Yes!" I found a page! I picked it up quickly then heard the noise that told you he was close. I frowned and started to walk towards the door of the building I was in then tensed up when he appeared in front of it. I quickly backed up to the hall of the building and then darted down it, flashing the light around to make sure he wasn't behind me or in front of me.

"How're you so good at this?" Haven asked me.

"I play it in my free time," I whispered and then tsked as my screen started to fill with static. I quickly backed up and started to head down the hall again in the other direction. "Besides, I deal with worse in real life."

"You do?" Haven asked, sounding interested as he looked towards me with wide eyes.

"Yes, I hunt big bad monsters and teeny tiny little beasties who would eat you if you get caught," I said and laughed.

"Is that what you're training us for?" Haven asked curiously.

"Well... I'm going to train you to protect each other. You two are going to become partners at what I do," I explained. "I don't have a partner though. I never took one."

"Why not?" Hassel asked me.

"Never really wanted to," I said and shrugged. "I don't hang out with many people."

"You're hanging out with us." Haven told me, looking me over. I glanced over at them then back at the game.

"I guess you're right," I mumbled and laughed a little. "That's a little different though...."

"How is it different?" Haven asked, and started to rub his ear.

"Well... for starters... you're not trying to be my partners... and you're not like the other ones at my work... and I'm protecting you," I said softly and then got another page.

"So you don't want to be our friend?" Haven frowned and then curled up to Hassel. I frowned.

"I never said that."

"You're acting like it." I sat the phone down and looked over at them.

"What makes you think that?" I asked and then looked them over.

"Well you said that this isn't hanging out with us..." Haven whispered. I frowned and then looked towards him.

"Are you wanting to be my friend?"

"It would be nice since we're going to be spending more time together." Haven told me, giggling. I gave a smile.

"If Hassel lets me," I teased then picked my phone back up then widened my eyes as I saw Slenderman close to me. I quickly started to escape him.

"Can he be our friend?" Haven asked Hassel, starting to give him a begging face.

"Sure." Hassel shrugged. And I'll have to repeat this tomorrow? Yaaaay..... I sighed and then gave a small smile. I guess I can deal with it. I continued to play the game and then groaned when I finally got caught. I had almost gotten the last page. I put my phone down and then leaned back into the seat, curling up.

"How much blood are they gonna take from us?" Haven asked me, poking my cheek.

"Not much... a few drops. It'll be a small prick," I mumbled, looking at them. "If you want... I'll have them do it to me too."

"Make them do it to you too." Haven smirked and then started to braid my hair. I frowned and watched him. He's braiding my hair....

"Alright... I'll sit down with you and go first," I whispered to them. "You'll see it's not that bad."

"Why would it be bad?" He asked me, laying his ears back.

"Well... I know some people don't like getting pricked... and it sounds scarier than it actually is," I told them, giving a smile. I looked towards his ears and felt like touching them. They look so cute! But Hassel would kill me. Hassel watched me and then pulled Haven's hoodie over his head to hide his ears. I looked at Hassel and pouted slightly but pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head against the seat. Haven crawled into Hassel's lap then started to purr as he rubbed his head into the crook of his brother's neck. I watched them then closed my eyes, relaxing as I gave a small yawn. Maybe I should take a nap.... "Wake me up when the car stops," I mumbled to them. I felt Haven crawl into my lap then, making me place my legs down so he could. He leaned in and started to rub his head up against my chest, rubbing against it.

"Haven..." Hassel sounded hurt. I opened my eyes and frowned, looking at him. He's going to get me killed....

"Go play with Hassel," I whispered to him and then handed him my phone with Slenderman pulled up. He yelped and dropped the phone quickly then crawled back to Hassel and got in his lap. I smirked and turned my phone off then brought my knees back to my chest, curling up as I closed my eyes again.

I felt myself being shaken awake. "The car stopped." Haven informed me. I jolted awake and then looked at them with wide eyes. I yelped and then pulled away from them. Oh... that's right... I relaxed and then gave a smile.

"Thanks Haven," I said softly and ruffled their hair before I opened the car door and was greeted by a group of researchers and a few executioners. I froze up slightly as one pointed a gun at me.

"Out of the car," she told me, gesturing for me to get out. I gave a nervous smile.

"Hey.... Look, I brought them here to clear it up," I said and then got out of the car slowly, holding my hands up. "It's fine." A guy walked over and took the gun from my side then gestured for the other two executioners to get the boys. They reached in and grabbed them, hauling them out of the car. I narrowed my eyes. "Don't treat them like that. They didn't do anything. They're here for a simple blood test, so I can prove their human." A researcher stepped forward and looked the two boys over then at me.

"Alright... let them go." He told them. The boys were released then and the researcher smiled. "Follow me you three." He started to walk then and the others surrounded us, leading us after him. Haven stayed extremely close to Hassel then, looking scared as he looked around. Hassel looked the guys around us over as he followed by my side. I frowned. They took my gun.... That's not cool.... That's my gun.... They lead us back to the lab and then grabbed the boys, sitting them down on the tables.

"Hey, I said I'd take a blood test with them," I spoke up. "Show them on me." The researchers looked at me and frowned.

"Is it really necessary for you to be tested?"

"Yes," I said firmly and then sat down right next to Hassel and held out my arm. The scientists looked at each other as they debated and then one walked over to me and started to clean the inside of my elbow off. I watched her as the executioners stared us down, looking for a reason to shoot me probably. Hassel watched me and then looked over at Haven with worry. Haven reached out towards Hassel.

"Hassel!" Haven shouted. "Sit with me." An executioner aimed Hassel down then.

"Move and I'll be within the perimeters of my orders to shoot you," he told him.

"I will later." Hassel told Haven, giving him a smile. "You're okay there." I smiled at the boys as the scientist came over with the needle and grabbed my arm. She stuck me with it and started to pull my blood into the syringe, humming softly. I couldn't even feel it. It was nothing compared to what kind of training I've done. Hassel watched the blood in the syringe then looked uneasy at the sight. She pulled away from me then pressed some gauze against my skin.

"Here, hold that," she told me and then walked over to one of the machines, placing some of the sample into it. I held the gauze against my elbow and watched as it reported that I was human, 100% human. Another scientist walked over to Hassel and then grabbed his arm, cleaning the inside of his elbow. Hassel watched the scientist but didn't flinch.

"What happens to the blood in the machine?" He asked.

"Become a researcher and you'll find out," the guy said and smirked, sticking him with the syringe then took his blood before he gave him some gauze.

"He's going to become an executioner," I hissed. I can't believe he just tried to recruit Hassel to his side of the organization! The guy laughed at me then moved to the machine and set it up, testing Hassel's blood. Hassel looked towards me and then looked over at Haven. Haven curled up on the table and started to rock back and forth as he watched Hassel longingly. I watched as it came up human then smirked a little. Guess he was right.... The girl who had done my blood walked up to Haven and grabbed his arm, pulling it away from his body then started to clean it. Haven yelped and pulled back from the scientist quickly and rubbed at his arm. The girl tsked and then grabbed his arm again, going back to cleaning it. I noticed one of the executioners eyeing Haven down as he seemed to be debating.

"Haven, behave." Hassel warned him quickly. Haven's ears laid back then as he looked from the lady to Hassel. She pulled out the syringe and then stuck him with it, being nice about it. Haven started to whimper then as he watched the needle, looking freaked out. She took his blood and then moved away from him, giving him some gauze then took it over to the machine and tested it. Another scientist walked up and gave Haven a piece of candy and then gave Hassel one as we waited on the blood to get done. Haven looked the candy over then unwrapped it and started to eat it. The results came back that he was a neko. The scientists recorded the results and then waved the executioners off who walked out, muttering to each other. I frowned. That's why I don't talk to them.... They're all bloodthirsty killers. A girl walked over to me then placed two cross necklaces just like mine in my hand.

"When they pass the test, you're permitted to give it to them, understand? Train them well," she said and then gestured for me to leave. I jumped down from the table then looked at the boys as I put their necklaces into my pocket.

"Let's go to my room," I said and smiled, walking towards the doors. Haven rushed over to Hassel before he could get off the table and crashed into him, giving him a hug. Hassel gave a smile then picked him up and put him on his shoulders then started to follow me. I laughed and looked back at them before I held the door open for them then started to lead them to my room. When we reached it, I let them in and dropped my keys on the desk by my door and then sighed, pulling my phone out and then setting it down as well. I set it to charge and locked my door before I sat down in a chair and looked at them. "You can sleep on the bed until I get us better living arrangements." Hassel sat Haven down and watched as he took off running to the bed and collapsed on it. Hassel walked over to him then sat down on the bed. I got up and walked to my bathroom, turning on the bath water. "Bath first," I called out to them then walked out to them.

"What?" Haven asked and sat up. "Hassel is first!" He grabbed the covers and pulled them over his head. Hassel got up and started for the bathroom.

"There are towels already in there... and there is a closet door off the bathroom. I don't care what you wear from in my closet," I told him and then walked over to the chair and sat back down. Hassel disappeared into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. Haven got out from under the covers and looked around then crawled under the bed. I laughed. "What're you doing Haven?" I asked him then got up and walked over to the bed before I sat down and laid on the floor to look at him. He was curled up under it and pawing at one of my shoes that had gotten lost up under there. I frowned. There's my shoe.... I threw the other one away.... "Here," I mumbled and got up, going over to my dresser then opened it up and pulled out one of my favorite childhood toys- my teddy bear. I don't have much use for it.... I walked back to the bed and laid down on the floor, putting the bear under the bed with him. He looked towards the teddy bear and then crawled over to it, his ears flicking as they rubbed up against the bed. He grabbed the teddy bear then pulled it closer and sniffed it then started to chew on it. I frowned. "Don't chew on it... It's a toy. You hold it and cuddle with it," I told him. He stopped chewing on it then curled around it, purring.

"Okay..." He purred. I laughed.

"Isn't that better?" He nodded and then rubbed his face against it. I laughed and smiled at him sweetly. That's so cute.... "You can keep it then," I told him softly. "Take good care of him."

"I will." Haven promised and then started to paw at a string hanging down in his face.

"So why're you under the bed?"

"I like dark narrow places." He told me. "They bring me comfort." I watched him then smiled.

"Alright," I whispered. I curled up and then turned onto my back, looking up at the ceiling. After a few minutes Hassel stepped out in a pair of my clothes with damp messy hair. He looked around then at me.

"Where's Haven?" He asked me. I looked at him.

"Under the bed," I told him then looked back under the bed. Haven was already napping under the bed. Hassel walked over and then laid down to look for him and then reached under and pulled him out by his shirt.

"Come on, bath time." He told him. Haven yelped and tried to get back under the bed.

"No!" Haven yelped. "No baths."

"Haven," I heard Hassel warn. "You stink." Haven yelped as he was pulled into the bathroom.

"I don't care if you bathe him Hassel.... Just make sure he's clean," I called out to him and then got into my bed to say goodbye to it. After half an hour Haven ran out of the bathroom trembling. His hair and ears were still wet and he had only pants on. He got under the bed quickly.

"Get back in here and put your shirt on!" Hassel yelled. I laughed a little and then curled up to my pillow, rubbing my head against it.

"I'll miss you," I whispered to it. Hassel came out of the bathroom with a shirt in his hands and then marched over to the bed then ducked under it and I heard them struggling under the bed.

"Put it on!" Hassel hissed.

"No way!" Haven hissed, spatting at Hassel. "Stay away from me, you made me take a bath!"



"Put your shirt on." Hassel hissed.

"Haven, put the shirt on or you can't sleep in my bed at all," I told them firmly. I heard Haven give a groan.

"Gotcha." Hassel laughed and crawled out without the shirt. "Come out from under there."

"Nu-uh." Haven grumbled. I looked at Hassel then curled up to my pillow tighter, pulling it closer as I squeezed it. I'm going to have to leave the bed soon.... I'm so getting that house. Then I can just put cereal on the counter and they'll be fine....

"Haven..." Hassel warned. I heard Haven crawl out then and get picked up by Hassel. I watched them and then buried my face into my pillow. I felt them get into bed with me then. I looked at them then scooted over to the wall and curled up, holding my pillow to me. Haven laid between us and purred loudly as he rubbed his head up against the sheets. I looked towards him then hid my face in my pillow. I'm not ready to leave my bed yet..... Okay.... now I am. I sighed and sat up, letting my pillow go then started to crawl over them to get out. I felt Haven wrap his arms around my waist and hold me close to him. I yelped and blushed a little, looking at him. Why's he making me stay? He purred as he looked up at me.

"You don't have to leave." Haven whispered. I bit my bottom lip a little. Hassel will kill me... and they'll probably forget about me by morning.... They'll try to kill me for being near them. I glanced towards Hassel then, a little worried. Hassel looked like he was close to passing out.

"Hassel will get mad," I mumbled to Haven.

"No he won't." Haven told me. "Stay." I looked him over and then sighed, giving in.

"Alright," I whispered then laid down beside him, curling up. He purred and rubbed his ears, starting to fall asleep as he curled up to Hassel. I watched them and then grabbed my pillow, putting it between us and got into a position to where they wouldn't be able to kill me easily without having to move me. I closed my eyes and yawned, relaxing as I started to fall asleep.