The Evil Litter Mates and Keegan

Hassel's POV:

Chop... chop... chop.... I could smell fish nearby and hear the sound of a knife cutting into meat. "Here, play with this," I heard a man's voice as a fish head fell down at my feet. Suddenly more started to pile up as the chopping noise continued. I backed away from the fish heads completely freaked out.

I heard a loud beeping noise going off and a stream of curse words as the bed rustled then a shriek. I opened my eyes slowly and felt someone fall off the bed by me and groan. "Hassel..." I heard Haven groaning. "Turn the car off.... Turn the car off..... Stop kicking the horn.... Idiot... I'm trying to sleep." Haven hissed. I looked over and seen Haven in the floor, curling up to a stuffed teddy bear. I looked around quickly and shrieked. Where am I?! I looked over towards the other body moving in the bed and then grabbed the pillow from under my head and threw it towards the guy. He yelped and quickly got up, turning off a box that was making the loud noise. He looked at us in a panic and backed up, holding up his hands. I relaxed a bit as memories from yesterday came back to me and I fell back down against the bed, sighing. It's just that Aaron dude. He ran for the bathroom and I heard it shut and lock. I felt Haven crawling back into the bed and curling up to me.

"What's his problem?" Haven asked me, yawning.

"Don't know." I told him and rubbed his ear. After a few minutes, he came back out in different clothes and his hair was brushed with that necklace of his around his neck and showing proudly. He looked towards us and frowned.

"You're not trying to run off? Wait... do you two remember?" His eyes widened a little.

"Remember you?" Haven yawned out. "Yeah... You're hard to forget. Your loud and annoying in the mornings." He teased. He paled and watched us.

"Ummm... yeah... sorry. I had a strange notion you wouldn't remember me and kill me this morning," he said and then walked over to a desk and grabbed his phone and some shiny keys, putting them in his pockets. Haven looked towards his pocket and then got up, going towards him and then got the keys from him. "Hey! Those are mine!" Aaron turned around and then reached for his keys, frowning a little. Haven ran off with the keys then, running to me and got on the bed with them then started to jingle them by his ear. "Haven," Aaron called then sighed. He looked around then dug around in a drawer then pulled out a keychain that jingled. He shut it then walked over to us and smiled. "Trade?" Haven looked at the keychain and then at the keys before trading quickly and started to play with the keychain. I smiled as I watched Haven with amusement. Aaron laughed a little and put his keys up before he ruffled Haven's hair. Haven pulled back from Aaron quickly, looking at him with shock. He frowned at him and pulled his hand back then walked towards the desk again. Haven watched him then looked towards me.

"Yeah, he's weird." I agreed, smirking.

"I am not weird," Aaron muttered. "This is why I don't hang out with people." Haven crawled over to me, ditching the keychain and curled up to me. His stomach grumbled then. Aaron glanced back at us and sighed. "I'll see about food.... You two stay in here."

"Do we have to?" Haven asked.

"Do you want to have people question you or mess with you?" Aaron asked and then walked out like that answered Haven's question, locking the door behind him.

"Yesterday was too funny." Haven told me quickly, as soon as he was gone. "They were too tense around us. He's leaving something out and not telling us what it is." He purred and kissed my cheek.

"Yeah, I got that feeling too." I whispered, looking up at the ceiling.

Keegan's POV:

I watched as the kishin in front of us turned into an kishin egg. I dropped Hiko to let him transform back and ran my fingers through my hair. "Eat up." I told him, huffing. "We're close to our goal. We're about to reach 99... just three more to go. Then we can hunt a witch." I laughed. He transformed back and bounced over to the soul, picking it up with a small giggle.

"Okay," he said and then looked it over. He put it into his mouth then started to chew on it, moaning as he fell to his knees and closed his eyes in happiness. I laughed as I watched him and then walked over to him.

"Want to keep playing?" I asked him. "We're very close." He looked up at me and nodded eagerly.

"Let's go check the board for what we need," I suggested and pulled him to his feet. He leaned into me and smiled.

"Okay," he said sweetly and then raced down the street. I followed after him quickly. When we got back to DWMA and up to the board I noticed that most of the missions were just one kishin.... A lot of the missions were already taken that we needed.... I sighed and looked towards him.

"Try later?" I asked him. He pouted and looked the board over.

"That's not cool.... I really like eating those," he mumbled. "It's almost as good as sushi."

"Yeah but I don't want to take down one and come back for the next and then the next." I sighed out. "Let's go do something else for a bit." I suggested. "How about we go see what Alex and Bryan are doing." I suggested. He looked at me then gave a small nod.

"Alright," he mumbled then walked over to me, looking up at me. He gave me a sweet smile before he pulled up his menu and hummed to himself, walking off. I followed after him quickly, trying to keep up. He walked fast for a little guy.... He sung something under his breath in Japanese as he looked at his menu, flipping through it absentmindedly as he searched for the map and pulled it up. I watched him and smiled. He's so cute though in this game. He stopped and looked up, looking around then pointed towards a hallway then looked back at his map, nodding before he went down the hall, a light bounce in his step as he kept singing. I laughed and then looked around us. I smiled as we passed the hall that led down to the basement. He didn't even notice as he kept walking and then led us outside and down the steps, taking them two at a time. I kept following him, throwing my hands into my pockets. After a bit of navigating the streets, he hid his menu and raced towards a fountain in the middle of the street, giggling. He stopped at the edge of it and looked down at the water, sitting on the edge. I walked up to him and crossed my arms.

'Why'd you take us here?" I asked him. He looked up at me and blushed then looked down at the fountain, his eyes lighting up in wonder and awe as he watched koi fish swimming in it.

"HEY PUNKS!" Bryan called out to us as he walked out of a shop with Alex and their weapons. I waved towards them then looked down at Hiko and his koi fish.

"Oh, so you like fish?" I asked him and rubbed his head. "Come on and leave them alone." He pouted a little then looked up at me. Alex's weapon, Eric, ran up and smirked, grabbing Hiko.

"Hey Hiko, whatcha looking at?" He looked down at the fish then at Hiko and laughed. "That's so cool... I didn't even notice them the first time I walked through here. Good eye." Hiko blushed and pulled away from Alex as Yvette, Bryan's weapon and girlfriend, walked up and over to us as their meisters followed.

"What's up guys? Doing anything interesting?" I asked them. "We're close to 99 kishin eggs." I bragged. "Three more." Bryan laughed.

"Three more? I'm about to go do my witch mission," he told me and smirked, pulling Yvette closer to him. I frowned. Darn it, he's three uping me.

"Good luck." I teased. He laughed.

"I don't need luck," he said and then started to pull Yvette away. "Come on, we got to get going." Alex watched him go then looked at Eric.

"Eric, come on. Leave Hiko alone. We have to work too.... Remember the raid we were invited on?" Eric frowned and looked Hiko over before he lightly pushed Hiko into the Koi fish pond and smirked.

"See ya later Hiko!" He called and gave a friendly wave before he grabbed Alex. Hiko yelped and looked around as the fish darted and then slowly came back to him, swimming up next to him. He blushed and looked at them. I walked up to him and pulled him out of the pond.

"Don't let people shove you into a koi pond." I told him and then looked him over. "Now you're wet." He blushed and looked away from me before he pulled away.

"He wasn't being mean," he mumbled.

"Yeah but he still shoved you in." I grumbled. "That's so uncool." He looked away from me and then put his hands in his pockets before he started to walk off. I followed after him quickly. "What should we do now?" I asked. He shrugged and looked down at the ground.

"Dunno," he muttered. I frowned and gave a nod.

"Well then lets log out and go get some sushi," I suggested. He looked up at me and then thought it over.

"Are you sure? We could always go explore town... maybe buy more music in the shop," he mumbled.

"Whatever you want." I laughed softly. He smiled at me.

"I want to do what you want," he told me and gave me a cute look as he looked up at me.

"Then let's stay here and buy some CD's for you." I grabbed his hand and started to pull him to the music shop. He laughed and followed after me, half running to keep up.

"You're not mad at me, right? About the koi pond?"

"No, of course not." I shook my head. He smiled and then got closer to me, kissing my shoulder.

"Okay," he hummed and then got ahead of me with a laugh, pulling me along with an excited look. I purred as I watched him pull me along. "I wonder which ones I should get," he mumbled to himself and then laughed. "Keegan! You should get some for yourself too!"

"Yeah, sure." I shrugged. "I'll pick something out." I hummed at the idea of new sheet music. He smiled and then yanked me into the shop when we reached it, darting over to the CDs quickly with a giggle. I walked over to the sheet music and looked around for something I would like to play. After a few minutes, Hiko was at my side and looking at the sheet music, picking some up and adding them to his pile of CDs. I watched him and blushed. "What're you doing?" I asked him.

"Getting sheet music," he said innocently and looked up at me with a big smile.

"But you don't play." I teased him. He smirked a little.

"Who said it was for me?" He picked up another and then bounced off towards the registers. I frowned and then walked after him quickly. He bought it then put it into his inventory. After a few seconds, my menu popped up with the sign of a gift and asked if I'd accept. He looked at me with a sweet smile. I frowned towards him but hit accept.

"That's so unfair, buying me gifts." I teased him and then pulled him out of the store. He laughed.

"It is not. I want to spoil you in this game," he teased me back.

"Let's go back to DWMA." I told him and then pulled up the menu and looked for our schedule to see if we had a class soon.

"Okay~" He walked with me as he looked at the schedule and pointed to the art class on it. "That's in twenty minutes."

"We'll be there in time." I whispered, giving a smile. "If we pace ourselves."

"Mhmm.... Can we get ice cream after class?" He asked me sweetly.

"Thought we'd get sushi." I told him. He looked thoughtful then nodded.

"Okay," he whispered. "In game or real life?"

"Real life so it'll fill you up." I suggested. He looked up at me and smiled then leaned up and gave me a hug.

"Make it for us?"

"Sure." I purred. "If that's what you truly want."

"It's more special when you make it for me... and it tastes better than when those other people do it," he told me, giving me a pout. "Please? Or we could go out for sushi... but that's still not as good... but I'd get other things with it...."

"I'm going to cook it for us." I told him, humming. "Let's get to our art class." He nodded and then pulled me along, dragging me up the steps and into the classroom where he walked us to our seats and sat down in his, bringing his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them, curling up as he rested his head on them and looked the classroom over in his little protective ball. I walked over to the art supplies and started to gather some for what I wanted to do, taking oil pastels, white paper, a ruler, pencil, sharpener, and blender then went over to him and sat down by him then started to work on making Stein. He glanced over and laughed when he saw what I was drawing then got up and got some stuff before he came back and started to paint. I laughed as I looked over towards what he was doing. It was a Yin Yang in the fish form as he started to paint them swirling each other in a dark pool of blue. I shook my head then went back to making Stein along with Spirit, his weapon partner. I made it to where they were slaughtering Asura together.

"Hey there, that looks really good," I heard Stein mutter in my ear. "I really like that... just a little more blood... right here," he said and took my hand, making me draw in some more blood. I laughed and then looked towards him.

"Want this when I'm done?" I asked him. He looked at me and smirked.

"Drop it outside Spirit's door," he told me then looked back at the drawing before he made me draw some of Asura's blood on Spirit. I laughed and let him do it.

"You're weird." I told him.

"You're weird," he countered back. "You don't do whatever you want. I do. It's a conception of what each individual person thinks is weird. The definition is different for everyone," he told me then ruffled my hair. I frowned in confusion.

"Hey... I do what I want." I told him and yanked my hand from him quickly. He watched me.

"Mhm? You do... do you?" He crossed his arms. I nodded quickly.

"Yes, I do." I looked him over. "Like this." I reached up and then twisted his bolt. He quickly jumped back and groaned as he went to play with his screw to fix it, accidentally dropping the cigarette in his mouth as he got frustrated. "Dropped something." I teased. He narrowed his eyes at me. He grabbed my head and I felt his shock wavelength go through me, electrifying me and made me convulse. I sunk down in my seat then and groaned.

"Hey! Why'd you hurt-" Stein glared over at Hiko, making him yelp as he fell out of his seat. I slipped out of my seat quickly so he wouldn't get me again. He started for Hiko then, making him shriek as he got to his feet and jumped over his desk, taking off for the door. I watched him run off and then looked towards Stein.

"'Don't chase off my weapon." I hissed. He ignored me as he smirked and pulled out his scalpel, taking off after him. I heard Hiko screaming as he darted out of the room and down the hall to get away. I got to my feet and went for Stein then and jumped him, tackling him to the floor and pinned him down. I knocked the scalpel out of his hand. He threw me off him and then grabbed the scalpel, running out of the room to get him. I gasped and then took off after Stein again. "LEAVE MY WEAPON ALONE STEIN!" I yelled. I heard some girls giggling at me from the corner of the art room.

"Stein's at it again.... That poor weapon is going to lose his mind when Stein catches him...."

"Did you hear about that weapon that got caught last month? She keeps muttering to herself and she freaks out when anyone touches her or comes within a foot of her.... She was hospitalized because she couldn't log out- that's how bad it got for her. She hasn't left for a full month."


"Yeah! You should ask her meister!" I widened my eyes and then left the room to go after Stein, managing to catch up to him and then grabbed his wrist, throwing him up against a wall.

"Stein, keep your damn hands off my weapon." I hissed in his face then grabbed his bolt and twisted it. He winced and then jerked his head, making me let go of it. He stomped down into my foot and then hit me in the chest with his soul wavelength. I fell back then and coughed up blood. I whipped my mouth then looked up at him, narrowing my eyes. He was gone though, already having taken off. I looked around and seen him then took off after him. He stopped outside a door and then yanked it open, making Hiko shriek and try darting out of the room he hid in, but Stein caught him by the collar of his shirt. I ran up to them and then grabbed Hiko from Stein and took off down the hall with him.

"Turn into a weapon." I told Hiko. He yelped but did as he was told. I could hear Stein chasing after us.


"No!" I yelled and then took off towards the stairs of DWMA. I felt him tackle me and we started to tumble down the stairs then, Hiko clattering out of my hand from the impacts.

"Keegan!" He screamed from his weapon form as Stein held onto me. I hissed towards Stein.

"Stay in your form Hiko!" I ordered and then kneed Stein. He groaned and let go of me as we got to the bottom of the stairs and he rolled to a stop a few feet away, not moving as he laid there looking up at the sky. Hiko ended up having stopped falling a few feet up the stairs. I groaned but made myself stand up as I looked towards Stein, tensing up. He still wasn't moving as he looked up at the sky. He finally reached into his coat and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it then started to smoke it as he laid. I relaxed then went up the stairs to Hiko and picked him up then started back up the stairs.... "Damn maniac." I hissed. Hiko stayed silent, but I could tell he was scared still from the soul wavelength I got to feel that tied me into his emotions when he was in that form. I looked over my shoulder to make sure Stein was still down. He was starting to sit up and was calling someone with a smirk on his face. I stopped walking to see what he was doing.

"Hey Spiriiiiit," he called into the phone and stood up. "What're you doing later?" I looked Stein over then got an idea and started down the stairs again and walked away from him as I pulled up the map and looked around for his lab.

"Keegan?" I heard Hiko ask softly, his voice shaking a little.

"Yeah?" I asked as I started to go towards his lab.

"Where are we going?" He looked up at me from his weapon form.

"I'm going to~" I looked around to make sure he wasn't around. "Go take a lab coat and start wearing it."


"To see how he reacts to me wearing his lab coat." I told him, shrugging.

"He'll get us," he said, panicking.

"Then go to our apartment and chill there." I suggested.

"Then you'll get hurt," he mumbled.

"No I won't." I promised.

"I don't want you to be alone.... He could jump you if I'm not there," he told me.

"I'm more worried about him jumping you." I told him. He got quiet then. I laughed. When we arrived at the lab I snuck in through a window after breaking it then walked around the halls until I found his bedroom and walked in then over to his closet. I pulled the door open and pulled out his extra lab coats and put one on. An achievement sign went off in front of me, telling me that I had just earned a permanent buff that would allow me a 10% more chance of critical strikes and more resistance to Asura's madness for completing the secret quest.

"Wow...." I mumbled. "You should put one on." I told Hiko quickly. He shifted back and looked at me then gave a nod, reaching in and stealing one. He put it on and then laughed when he got the achievement too.

"This is really comfortable.... I'm keeping it," he said and then started to walk off, going over to Stein's bed and started poking around. He giggled when he pulled a Maka doll out from under a pillow. "I think Spirit comes here." I laughed and walked over to the bed then laid down in it and pulled Hiko with me. He blushed and looked at me. "We're in Stein's bed," he mumbled and looked the bed over before he buried his face into my chest. I laughed.

"I bet he's never used it before." I whispered then leaned in and kissed Hiko. He blushed and then kissed me back a little. I smirked and then got on top of him and pinned him. I leaned in and kissed his neck then. He yelped and looked at me with wide eyes.

"K-Keegan?" I sat up on him.

"Yeah?" I asked softly. He looked up at me and blushed, his eyes wandering to my lips before he looked up into my eyes again.

"You kissed me," he mumbled and touched his lips.

"I know I kissed you." I purred then leaned in and kissed him again. He tensed up and then relaxed, kissing me back before he pulled back and gave me a small smile. I smiled and then laid back down by him and pulled him closer to me. He smiled happily and snuggled up to me. He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his head up under my chin. "We may have not finished art class but we got these cool lab coats." I told him. "Want to log off now?" He shook his head.

"Can we just lay here a little longer?" He asked me softly. I nodded.

"Okay." I purred in his ear and then kissed his cheek. He smiled at me and curled up, getting in my arms and then moved his face into the crook of my neck. I laughed and then rubbed his back to sooth him. He let out a sigh that tickled my skin and I felt something that reminded me of a kiss, but I wasn't quite sure if it was one or not. I blushed and then held him close to me. I felt him tease me then by touching his teeth to my skin and then rubbed his face into my neck. I could smell him so well from the way he was laid out beside me, his pretty flower scent with Japanese tea mixed in there with a faint hint of oranges. I moaned softly then leaned in towards his lips and kissed him. He kissed me back and smiled against my lips as he didn't pull away this time, letting me control the kiss. I deepened the kiss and placed him onto his back as I got on him. I felt his heart speed up as his face heated into a blush. I pulled away from the kiss and gave him a cute smile. He looked up at me and then giggled a little before he leaned up and kissed me again. I pulled back from the kiss and laughed, giving him a wink. He laid his head back into the pillow and blushed. I stuck my hand in the lab coat pocket then pulled out a scalpel and looked it over. He looked towards it and then widened his eyes slightly, squirming to get out from under me. I gave him a playful smirk then pulled up his shirt a bit. "What's the matter?" I teased and pressed the blade against his skin before I kissed him deeply. He let out a soft moan and gripped my hand that had the scalpel in it. I laughed and pulled back. "I'm gonna get you." I purred playfully. He yelped and then squirmed again.

"Keegan!" He held in a laugh and tried to move my hand away from his stomach. "That isn't funny...." I laughed and ran the place against his skin, not cutting him though.

"Want some cool niffy stitches?" I winked towards him then kissed him. He pulled back from the kiss as he stiffened up from the cold of the blade and looked down at it. I placed the blade down by him and then pulled his shirt up just a little bit more. He blushed and then looked up at my eyes before he kissed my cheek. I kissed his cheek then laid down by him again. He pulled me close to him and then kissed my jaw and laughed, snuggling up to me as he grabbed the scalpel.

"Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu," he mumbled in my ear and then kissed my lips softly. "But sometimes you're weird."

"What'd you say?" I asked him curiously. He smiled.

"That's for me to know," he told me softly. "If I told you... I don't know what you'd do." He set the scalpel down on the other side of me and hugged me.

"You're so unfair." I mumbled. He looked at me then and bit his bottom lip.

"Well..." He blushed and then gave me a soft kiss before he leaned in to my ear. "I said I love you," he whispered just barely audible into my ear.

"I love you too." I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. He laughed and then buried his face into my neck. I purred to him and gave a smile. "Let's go get some sushi." He gave a nod then pulled back from me with a cute grin and started to pull up his log out menu. I pulled out mine then logged out.

When I woke up into the real world, I found Hiko on the floor with his VR headset on, having fallen out of his chair. He groaned as it shut down and then blinked, looking around before he pulled it off and tossed it. He curled up and then closed his eyes. I got to my feet then walked over to him. "Come on and help me make sushi." I nudged him with my foot. He grabbed my foot and then wrapped himself around it.

"Don't kick me," he mumbled.

"I'm not kicking you." I told him and laughed. He growled softly.

"My foot now," he told me and opened his eyes, looking up at me.

"Hiko.... Let's go get some sushi." I purred and knelt down to him and picked him up. He yelped and curled up in my arms and then nodded, wrapping his arms around my neck. I carried him off towards the kitchen quickly. Once we arrived I sat him down on the counter and started to make sushi for him. He watched me and smiled happily.

"Can you make some with tuna?" He gave me a cute, loving look as he watched me.

"Yeah, sure." I purred his way then started to do as he asked. He reached out and took some of the rice when it was done and started to eat it with his chopsticks out of the pan as I tried to make them into sushi rolls. I hissed his way and frowned. "Wait until I make them into sushi silly." He pouted and then stole a little more, eating it then curled up on the counter, hanging his head over the edge of it. I tsked. Once I finished I gave him a bite then ate one myself. I poured soy sauce over them to add more flavor. He moaned a little and sat up, moving into a normal position and dangled his legs over the side of the counter, slowly swinging them. He looked towards the sushi longingly as he waited on me. I gave him another bite then and ate another myself. He quickly ate it then slowly chewed on it, closing his eyes happily then swallowed and looked at me pleadingly for another one as his stomach grumbled. He shifted and gave a small pout. I gave him another quickly. He smiled and ate it, moaning a little and then pulled me closer by my shirt.

"Another?" He looked up into my eyes hopefully. I slid a plate towards him and smiled sweetly.

"There you go." He looked at it then let me go and picked it up quickly, jumping down from the counter then sat down on the floor, eating them. I watched him and sat down by him in amusement, purring. He glanced my way and put another piece of sushi in his mouth.

"Mine," he told me, holding the plate away from me. I grabbed my plate off the counter and started to eat what I made for myself. He finished his after a few minutes then stood up and washed his plate in the sink before he put it up then sat beside me, closing his eyes. "Thank you," he mumbled to me. "It was amazing...."

"Your welcome." I finished the rest of mine and then slid it back onto the counter. He looked towards me then laid down on the floor, placing his head in my lap and looked up at me.

"We'll end up logging in at Stein's place," he whispered to me. "We'll have to be ready for anything next time we go to play."

"Yeah, make sure you're ready to transform just in case." I rubbed his head. He smiled and leaned his head into my hand then put his hand over mine, holding it to him as he closed his eyes in happiness. I picked him up then carried him out to the living room and then sat on the couch with him and put on a movie for us. He smiled and looked towards the TV, watching it as he curled up.

Halfway through the movie, his sister appeared in front of him and grabbed him, pulling him to her with a giggle. "Hiko, let's go do something fun," she purred to him and kissed his forehead.

"S-sister?" He looked at her and blushed as he was forced to stand up.

"Come oooon... let's ditch this guy," she whispered to him, glancing at me out of the corner of her eyes. "We can go do so much today."

"Go with your sister." I suggested, giving a huge smile. "Be careful though, ok?" I laughed. He looked at me and then bit his bottom lip, but his sister seemed to take that as he was going for certain.

"Karaoke night!" Tsukihana giggled and then started to yank him out of the room. "I'm going to make you use that pretty little voice of yours Hiko!"

"I-I don't sing that well-"

"Yes you do!" She laughed and then dragged him away. I laughed and stretched out on the couch, looking up at the ceiling then turned off the TV. I got to my feet and started for the music room, taking my time.

On the way there though, I felt arms grab me and a bag went over my head and tightened. "I GOT HIM!" Shiloh shouted. "Operation kidnap the geek successful!" She started to drag me then and I heard Sage laughing.

"Thought you'd spend all eternity avoiding us?" I heard Rory asking me. I yelped and tried to get away from Shiloh.

"Let me go! Shiloh! Rory! Sage!" I struggled to get away from her.

"Hey Sage... be a doll and get the chains ready for him," I heard Shiloh purring towards my brother.

"Yeah... whatever," he said and started to walk off ahead of them.

"C-chains!?" I widened my eyes and then panicked. "Why're you going to get chains ready?"

"Because you're not going to see that brat Hiko again. He puts these ideas in your head that you can just walk off and not come see your siblings," Shiloh purred. "We're going to keep you all to ourselves, and then I'll teach Hiko a lesson about his place by compelling him."

"No! You can't do this! I'll tell dad, you brat!" I hissed her way. "I wished you were born a boy, you're so mean." I cried out and then managed to get the bag off and bit her. She moaned and pulled me close.

"Keegan~" She kissed my cheek. "Rory... he's biting me," she said excitedly. "He's actually using those fangs of his!" I pulled away from her and spit her blood into her face. Rory grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder, laughing.

"It's about time he used his fangs." He purred. I grabbed his shirt and brought it up a bit then dug my nails into him, making him yelp. Shiloh made me look at her and then purred at me.

"Keegan, stop fighting us. This is what you want," she told me softly, compelling me as she did so. "You want to be with us... not that little human boy."

"B-but... He's my mate." I mumbled softly, looking her in the eyes. She gave a kind smile.

"Keegan... we're your family... and he's just a human. He will use you and spend time with you till you try to make him like us and then he'll hate you. It's in their nature to be that way. Don't waste your time," she purred. "You're better off with your siblings... where it's safe." I nodded towards her and then melted against Rory. He placed me on my feet and started to drag me down the hall.

"Good Keegan." Rory purred into my ear. Shiloh hummed and walked down the hall with us then let us into our play room and looked towards Sage who had some shackles set up.

"Go over there sweetie," she told me. I walked over to Sage obediently and then wrapped my arms around him, giving him a hug.

"Sage~" I giggled. Sage looked me over and then gave me a hug back, smirking.

"Keegan... this is nice," he told me and then cuffed me to the wall shackles. I had a few feet of space to walk around in until the shackles would stop me. "There... how does that feel?" He asked me, looking me over.

"Good right?" Shiloh asked and giggled.

"No..." I mumbled and then walked over to the wall and sat down against it then brought my knees to my chest.

"What's the matter?" She asked sweetly and walked over, sitting down in front of me but out of reach of the shackles. Sage sat down beside her then, watching me with faint interest. Rory laid down on the couch, paying us no attention as he cut the TV on. I hid my face against my knees then. "Do you feel lonely?" She purred and then crawled across the floor to me, sitting down right in front of me and reached out, rubbing my head. I sniffled and looked up at her.

"Is the shackles really necessary?" I asked softly. She pouted.

"You always leave us though," she told me.

"No I don't." I grumbled.

"You do know that there is no way that human boy loves you," she whispered. "He's only a human... their kind don't normally mate for life."

"S-so?" I asked her. "You're just jealous you don't have a mate."

"Actually... I'm quite happy being free," she told me and smiled. "I don't answer to anyone but Rory."

"Don't let that geek free. We're teaching him a lesson, remember?" Rory asked her. I looked up at Shiloh and then towards Rory. She looked at him and smiled.

"Of course I remember!" She looked back at me and caught my eyes. "Keegan... you love your shackles and you don't want your mate. You want to stay here with us," she purred, compelling me again. I nodded and wrapped my arms around myself and hid my face into my knees. "Good boy~" She kissed the top of my head then got up and walked to Rory, sitting down on him. Sage laid out on the floor and got out his phone, texting his mate. I pulled out my phone quickly and texted my dad/mom.

Me: Daddy, Shiloh's got me shackled against a wall.

Dad/Richard: Give me a moment sweetie.

Me: But I'm cute and innocent and they're evil spawns of Dracula's DNA passed down through you!

Dad/Richard: You didn't just go there....

Me: Fine.... They're evil spawns of the demon that hunts this family.

Dad/Richard: Good. Let me finish eating and I'll come rescue you.

Me: I love you!

Dad/Richard: Love you too! :D

I slipped my phone back into my pocket after deleting the texts and watched the three of them. Sage got up. "Got to go see my mate," he said and walked towards the doors. "Be back later." I bit my bottom lip. How come he gets to go freely? I'm so moving out tomorrow. Shiloh watched him leave and pouted.

"That's not cool.... We should just get rid of both of their mates Rory.... No one needs another pureblood girl around. I'm here, and that's enough."

"Why would we waist our time in killing them?" Rory asked. "Odds are they'll die anyways." She nodded and then giggled.

"You're right.... Humans die so easily. He'll probably either grow old and die... or get hit by a car... or get crushed by something... or have a heart attack... drown... or die of disease... or he'll be murdered or eaten," she mumbled. "And we're too lazy to actually kill another pureblood and deal with the consequences." Rory nodded in agreement.

"Besides it's their responsibility to kill their mates and stay ours. Like if I ever get a mate she won't last." He curled his hair around his finger. "I'd kill her."

"Or him," she said quickly.

"Does it truly matter? Either way the freak is dead." She smiled.

"You're right.... He'll die soon."

"Hah." Rory placed a hand over his eyes.

"Hey... wanna bet on how soon he dies?" Shiloh asked and giggled.

"I don't bet on money I don't have." He told her.

"Hmm.... well... if I win... I get to drink your blood for a whole day and you can't argue... and if you win... you get to drink from me," she purred.

"I do that anyways. No thanks." He rubbed her head. She pouted and then laid down on him.

"But I'm bored... and I want a game."

"Let's play a card game then." He suggested. I looked at the cuffs then tried to slip out of them. They were too small for me to do that. After a few minutes of them playing cards, our parents appeared in the room and my dad walked over to me, a demonic look in his eyes. He snatched the chains and broke them off me easily. I widened my eyes and looked him over then looked at my other parent. Paris tsked towards Shiloh and Rory.

"If you two chain your brother up again, I'll make you both sleep in the basement on separate floors." He threatened. Shiloh's eyes widened and she dropped the cards in her hands.

"That's not fair! He leaves us constantly! He doesn't know what it means it means to be our brother! Don't take me from Rory," she said and then hugged Rory.

"Or I will kick you out of my manor. Stop chaining your brother to you and defowering his mind with the powers you got from my gene pool Shiloh. Rory, you heard me." Paris snapped their way then walked over to me. "Keegan, I love you my sweet little innocent boy but you're going to start training with your older brother Donnie." He pointed a finger at me. "Richard and I can't come saving you every time you get in trouble. Your old enough to be your own knight." He crossed his arms. "Do I make myself clear?" I nodded quickly his way. Shiloh pouted and laid her head on Rory and then moved her face into the crook of his neck, biting into him. Richard glanced their way and then down at me, pulling me to my feet.

"They shouldn't bother you again," he told me and then looked me over. "Is all her compelling gone on you?"

"Yeah.. She's not good at it like dad." I told him and hugged him. Shiloh growled from the other side of the room. I looked over at her then up at my dad.

"I want to talk to you about something." I looked towards Paris. "By ourselves." Richard nodded and then pulled me out of the room and down the hall.

"We'll go to our room then," he told me. "Paris, coming?" My dad teleported to being right beside us and smiled.

"What's up sweetie?" He asked.

"Can I leave the manor?" I asked softly. "I want to get my own place with my mate." Richard stiffened.

"Why would you want to leave the manor? You should stay," he said quickly, holding onto my hand tightly.

"But I'm two centuries old." I complained. "It's a long time to be trapped here with hormonal litter mates." I whined. "Please dad?"

"I don't see why not, Donnie handled it pretty well leaving us. Myra does just fine on her own." Paris started to talk it over with Richard.

"No! This is my baby," he hissed at Paris and pulled me into a protective hug.

"I'll visit for important events." I tried, pouting. Richard shook his head.

"No... I don't want you to leave.... You're my favorite," he whispered to me.

"I want to leave though!" I whimpered. "You guys left...."

"Stay here where it's safe," Richard told me. "I don't want anything happening to my baby boy out there....."

"Liam is the baby now though." I frowned. "I'm a two century boy.... I can do this." Richard whimpered and leaned in towards my ear.

"Laurence is dead," he whispered to me. "Something is happening. Stay." I froze up as he told me and then felt my knees buckle at the news of my uncle. I fell down quickly and started to cry. Richard picked me up and carried me up to his room then laid me down on the bed and covered me up. "I don't want you getting hurt...." I sniffled and curled up into the blankets.

"O-okay." I whispered. "I'll stay." I sniffled.

"Good boy," he purred and kissed my head. "Now daddy has to go kick some butt with your mommy." I looked towards him.

"I love you..." I whispered. He looked at me and smiled.

"I love you too.... Keep Hiko close. He's still fragile." He rubbed my head and looked me over.

"What if they attack the manor... The people that done it?" I asked, reaching out for his hand. He frowned and watched me.

"Then I'll eat them," he told me and exposed his fangs with a smirk. "I'll eat them and tear them apart for what they did to Laurence.... If something should happen, have his sister take you and Hiko to a safe place. His sister is a vampire and can teleport." I nodded quickly.

"They went out for karaoke." I muttered.

"They... left the manor...." He stared at me. "Well... when they get back, start keeping both of them close to you." I nodded in agreement.

"We're going to all be fine... right?" I asked him. He smiled.

"We will be in the end," he purred. "If you don't want to keep him too close and you want to give him a little freedom, I suggest turning him to make him less fragile," he suggested. "It would be a good time that way he doesn't die easily incase there is an attack."

"Okay... I'll take that advice to mind." I whispered to my parent. He smiled.

"Good... think about it well and long," he told me and kissed the top of my head. "Get some rest. I'll notify the maids to send Hiko and his sister to you as soon as they get in." I nodded and pulled his pillow close to me.

"What about Liam?" I whispered. "He's bound to come storming into here looking for you."

"You're on babysitting duty if Donnie isn't already taking care of Liam," he said. I nodded, remembering how much Donnie has taken up to Liam and been babying him like his own.

"Okay..." I whispered, doubting I would actually be babysitting. Donnie is obsessed with that kid.

"I'll see you later kiddo," he purred and then walked out of the room, snapping orders for maids to send Hiko and Tsukihana to me as soon as they got back.

~Time Skip~

Two maids led in Hiko and Tsukihana who looked dead tired as they stumbled in. "We brought them Master Keegan," the maids said together.

"Thank you." I gave them each a smile before reaching out for Hiko. "Come here, please?" I asked him. Hiko smiled and walked over, standing by the edge of the bed.

"Yes? What's the matter?" He asked and gave a cute yawn as he rubbed at one of his eyes. I pulled him into the bed with me and curled up to him and gave a soft smile.

"We've got to start staying close together. You can't leave my sight." I told him. He frowned.

"Why not? Is something wrong?" His sister looked us over and then disappeared.

"Tell your sister not to leave the manor." I told him quickly. He studied me and then looked a little worried as he pulled out his phone and texted her.

"She said that if I stay here, she will," he mumbled.

"Ever for any reason.... Until I say it is safe." He gave a nod and texted her that.

"She says you're being paranoid and like an uncool dad but fine," he told me.

"My Uncle Laurence is dead," I whispered softly, wincing at the sound of it. "My parents have left to avenge him... things could get dangerous for the next several weeks." His eyes widened.

"I'm so sorry...." He set his phone down and quickly hugged me. "Keegan...." I sniffled and shook my head.

"It's okay... I'm sure Laurence will be back... He died once and my dad got him out of hell." I mumbled. He kissed my cheek.

"I hope he will then... I know you really love him." I nodded and rested my head against him.

"I don't want to loose you... My dad, Richard- Told me I should turn you so you won't die as easily as you could now." I mumbled. He pulled back and looked at me.

"W-well..." he blushed a little. "What do you think?"

"I was going to plan to turn you eventually... Make it really special though.... Flowers.... A nice starry sky..." I rubbed my wrist. He laid down and placed his head on my chest.

"I don't think I'm going to die," he whispered. "I wouldn't leave you here easily if you wanted me here...."

"Yeah... but we have people after us." I whispered. "You could die in a very unpredictable way." He nuzzled his head against me and then kissed it softly.

"I'll do what you want me to do..." he whispered to me softly, holding me close.

"I'm still going to think about this." I whispered to him. He nodded and gave a smile.

"Okay," he whispered. "I'm happy either way.... I'm pretty sure that I'll be okay though," he told me and closed his eyes. "I love you Keegan." He smiled softly and started to fall asleep on me. I blushed.

"Wow... I love you too Hiko." I kissed the top of his head then closed my eyes to fall asleep.

The next morning I felt him stirring against me and then he started to move out of the bed. I sat up quickly and grabbed his arm to stop him. "Where are you going?" I asked him. He looked back at me innocently.

"The kitchen? Then the living room?" I nodded and got out of bed to go with him. He gave me a smile. "If you're tired, you can continue to sleep," he said sweetly and kissed my cheek. "I think I can handle a little walk to the kitchen.... I'll bring you back a bottle of blood."

"I want to go with you though." I mumbled. Donnie teleported into the room and gave me a huge smile.

"Keegan, time for your lessons." He told me and yanked me to him. "Good morning Hiko. Bring a bottle of blood to the gym room, okay?" He asked and then teleported us into the gum and let me go. "I sat us up some morning stretches to do together before we start your lessons." He told me, giving a smile. "Liam is playing with Lien right now and Midori is being him in the treasure room so we'll have a good bit of time for todays lessons. Stretches, weapons, and fighting skills." He told me and then brought me over to a radio. He cut on some music for us then stood directly in front of me. "Tomorrow is when we work out and pump up your muscles little bro." He looked me over and laughed. "You play too many video games.... that's just fat." He pinched my arm making me yelp. "See, exactly." He purred.

Louis's POV:

I picked up the rose and the box of chocolates that I had gotten Ann again and then slipped a little surprise note into the box, telling her that she was sweeter than the chocolate in it and then took it to her room, knocking on it softly. "Ann?" I called out, smiled sweetly. I'm going to see my beautiful mate....

"Louis?" I heard her ask. "Come in." She purred. I teleported inside onto her bed and purred.

"I got you a gift again," I told her, setting the box down with the rose on top of it beside me. She blushed and then placed her phone down to look at it then sat up and pulled the rose to her nose and smelled it then placed it aside and opened the box of chocolates and read the note and giggled.

"That's sweet." She whispered. I laughed.

"It's a little cheesy," I told her and kissed her forehead. "Enjoy your treat," I purred. She nodded and closed the box then gave me a smile.

"I will." She promised and then leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Thank you." I smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"I think we should go on a date today," I told her sweetly. "What do you say?"

"Where will you take us?" She asked, laying back against her pillow then. I leaned in and kissed her cheek.

"To see an ice skating competition in the next state over... and then to a lovely dinner in Italy... and then for a cruise down the Savannah river in Georgia... then we'll come back and have a nice dance in the ballroom lit up by the full moon through open windows," I purred to her and reached a hand down to her side and pulled her close. "Then we'll have a passionate goodnight kiss."

"A-a passionate goodnight kiss?" She asked, blushing. "How passionate?" I laughed and kissed her neck.

"Very passionate," I whispered in her ear. "After that it's up to you whether you want to stay in my bed for the night and sleep in my arms or sleep in here by yourself."

"I'd like to go see that ice skating competition, it sounds fun," She slipped out from under the covers then and fell into the floor. I laughed and watched her then sat up in the bed and got up.

"Meet me downstairs?" I walked towards the doors and put my hands in my pockets. "I think I'll go see Paris before we go. Make sure he's alright."

"I'll be downstairs as soon as I'm ready," She promised, rushing into the bathroom. I looked back at her and smiled before I left the room and headed for Paris's study, giving a soft knock on it.

"Paris?" I called, tilting my head a little. He might not even be in there.... He doesn't really do much ruling anymore. I didn't hear him inside. I sighed and moved away from it then started for his room, knocking on it when I reached it. Maybe he's not even home.... I didn't hear a reply again. I pulled out my phone, getting slightly worried. He might have left home again....

Me: Paris, are you okay? Where are you?

I heard his phone ding from in his room. I frowned and then opened the door cautiously, slowly poking my head in. The bed had messy blankets in it and his phone was sitting on the night stand. "Where in the world have you disappeared to?" I murmured and walked over to his phone then sighed. He'll be back soon.... He wouldn't just up and leave for good. He's got Liam here to raise. Richard would make him take them home for Liam. He's a good parent. I walked out and then teleported down to the front door and started the wait on Ann.