The Girl With The Sharpie

Tsukihana's POV:

No leaving the house... that's a load of crap. I groaned and dangled my head over the side of the couch. "This is messed up.... Why am I listening to Keegan? He's not the boss of me," I muttered and then ran my fingers through my hair as I looked towards the wall on the other side of the room, hanging upside down. "This isn't cool...." I heaved a sigh of boredom and then looked towards my toes and frowned. I guess I could paint them... to pass the time. I heard someone walking past the living room then humming Fall Out Boy Phoenix. I fell off the couch then in interest and then crawled over to the door, peeking out it to see who it was. Maybe I could get something to do.... It was a girl with brown curly hair. She had on headphones though and was carrying a bottle of blood and a sharpie. She walked up to a photo of Paris and Louis then started to doodle on it with the sharpie. I noticed she dressed like a tom boy with her jacket wrapped around her waist and guy pants on with a baggy shirt and had old converse on. I giggled. She's messing with Louis's face.... That's great. Revenge~! "What are you doing?" I asked her and sat down in the doorway, watching her. She looks really cool.... She didn't hear me though, probably from the music being too loud. She finished and moved to another photo. I watched her then stood up and followed her slowly, standing a few feet away from her to see what she was doing to the picture exactly and giggled. She took a swig from the bottle of blood and then splashed some onto the photo and giggled before drawing devil horns on Richard. I watched and then moved a little closer, looking towards Richard's photo. It suits him from what I've heard from some of the maids around here.... I held a hand over my mouth as I giggled and blushed. He's got such a bad reputation with the maids.... She sat the bottle down on a table and started to walk towards another photo then across the hall but froze when she spotted me and pulled the headphones off quickly. I yelped and darted back into the living room. I felt something hit my feet then and I fell over hard into the floor and I was tackled quickly and pinned.

"You didn't see anything." I heard her whisper into my ear then started to smell the crook of my neck. I nodded and then squirmed.

"Don't hurt me," I whimpered. She must be one of the crazy ones! Her hair fell down by my head and I caught her scent then, reminding me of coconuts and vanilla. There was also something else that reached out to me and made me want more... Like she was calling to me.... I felt her pull back quickly as I caught the smell of human and vampire on her. She started down the hall then. I sat up and frowned, watching her. Who the heck is she? I got to my feet and slowly started to trail after her in curiosity. She pulled her headphones back on and started to doodle on her wrist. I giggled a little and then got to where I was a few steps behind her as I looked her over. Why's she so weird? She glanced over her shoulder at me then stopped walking and reached out to me and grabbed my wrist then drew a cross on me and let me go. I looked down at it and tilted my head before I looked back up at her with a small smile. She gave me a huge smile then pulled her headphones off.

"You're from Japan." She told me, looking me over and her eyes flashed red. I tilted my head.

"Yeah... I'm from Japan," I whispered. "Why'd your eyes turn red like mine?" I pointed to her eyes and then pulled my hand back to me.

"Because I have a struggle going on inside me." She told me and then giggled. "I'm a halfbreed."

"A... halfbreed?" I started to play with my white hair as I watched her. "Human and vampire... right? I could smell it.... What kind of struggle?" I frowned and looked her over then up at her eyes. "Is it bad?"

"No." She put the sharpie in her pocket. "It's just normal." She curled her hair around her fingers. "I'm Myra- Paris and Richard's child."

"You sound a little upset about that..." I mumbled and then brushed a few strands of my hair over my ear.

"You don't know the half of it." She told me, then spun around and started down a hall, going into a room. I frowned a little and pouted. Well... I guess I'll have to find something else to do. I sighed and then started back for the living room, looking down at my toes as I thought about what color to make them. Maybe blue.... I sat down on the couch then laid down, holding my foot up in the air as I looked at my toes. They look so boring... being normal. I let my foot down and then looked around the room. I kind of miss Japan.... I was the boss of the household... and I didn't have to know about all this.... I pouted and then curled up, bringing my knees close to me as I looked towards the TV and then reached for the remote, turning it on to a random movie. I heard commotion out in the hall then over the pictures on the wall. I sat up and giggled. I think someone found it... I got up and walked over to the door, peeking out to see what was going on. A few butlers and maids were shouting at each other.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE NO IDEA!?" A butler shouted.

"I didn't very well do it!" A maid shouted. "SO HOW WOULD I KNOW WHO DID IT!?"

"Stop fighting and clean this up before we all end up being dinner!" A maid groaned.

"Dinner!?" Another butler acted fast then. "I'm too young to die and they pick off the men first around here...." He cried out. "I don't wanna die.... No... CLEAN THIS!" I giggled and then teleported behind him.

"We're all going to die around here," I whispered, trying to be scary as I gave them a look and used my albino looks to scare them as I gave them a crazy look. "They're going to get you and eat you and devour you down to the last drop.... Your worst nightmares are going to come to life~" He screamed and ran into the wall, knocking himself out. I giggled and looked at the other three and smirked creepily at them as I slowly started to walk towards them. "They'll blame the servants," I told them. They all screamed and took off running. I laughed and then looked towards the one who fell before I knelt down beside him and pulled him to me, checking his head to make sure he would be okay. Poor guy.... I smiled softly as I let his head rest in my lap and examined him. He seemed to be okay for the most part but there was a small bruise forming on his nose. I sighed and then looked at my wrist. It's kind of my fault.... I nicked my wrist with my fingernail and winced as I felt the pain, but I quickly fed him a little of my blood to help him heal then pulled back and wiped my wrist off on his shirt as it healed. He groaned and opened his eyes, looking up at me then got up quickly and started to run off down the hall. I frowned as I watched him go and pouted a little. I didn't even get a thank you for helping him.... I laid down in the floor and looked up at the ceiling as I listened to him running off then rolled over onto my stomach started to run my fingers across the floor in boredom. I heard footsteps coming down the hall then and Myra walked past me, heading towards the front door. I watched her and frowned. "Where are you going?" I asked her softly. She gets to leave? That's not cool.... She stopped walking and looked towards me, pulling off her headphones.

"Coming?" She asked quickly. "I'm doing some fun stuff." She crossed her arms. I sat up and looked her over then nodded, getting to my feet and quickly walked after her. Keegan can't tell me what to do.... She smirked and then started to walk out the door with me and went to one of the cars in the garage and got in a yellow jeep. I got into the passenger seat and looked over at her.

"So what are you going to do?" I asked her curiously and tilted my head.

"I'm going to a lake to chill out at." She told me and smirked. "I've got a house there and a boat. So there is plenty to do." I gave a small nod and buckled up.

"Only a day... right?" I asked her. "Or are you staying longer than that?"

"Only a day." She shrugged and then put Fall Out Boy on the radio then started to drive us to the lake house. "Why were you laying on the floor?"

"I was bored... and the guy I was helping ran off," I mumbled and looked out the window. "Keegan said that he didn't want me or Hiko leaving the house."

"Why not?" She asked, laughing.

"Something about it being dangerous... and he didn't want Hiko to get hurt because Hiko is still human and fragile or something... and because I'm his mate's sister and if something happened to me, Hiko would be upset and then Keegan would be upset." I shrugged. "I think it's crazy. Well... maybe Hiko staying there where it's safe is a good idea." She looked towards me.

"You're safe with me." She told me. "I was trained by the old hunters association to fight. I'm niffy so you're in safe hands. I've escaped mermaids before." I giggled.

"Mermaids exist?" I looked over at her then.

"Everything exists." She looked back towards me.

"Wow...." I looked at her in wonder then. I wonder if that applies to the Japanese myths and mythologies as well.... "What's a hunter?"

"Something that hunts supernatural. Usually the most dangerous ones and known ones which are vampires and werewolves." She explained. "I got lucky on a hunt for a mermaid because well... I lived with one."

"You lived with a mermaid?" I widened my eyes and curled up in my seat, watching her. That's so cool....

"He was my brother." She rubbed the back of her head.

"You didn't... kill him right?" I whispered, feeling bad almost immediately as I thought about it from how it would be for me- killing Hiko. I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

"He died of old age." She gave a huge smile. "But because of him sharing his knowledge about his kind, I was able to bag a mermaid." She smirked and focused on the road. I gave a small nod and then leaned back in the seat.

"Okay," I mumbled. "So why'd you invite me?"

"Oh, because you seemed like you needed something to do." She told me. "Plus I don't want you telling my parents I done the wall decorations." I frowned.

"Why would I? I don't really know them... and I wouldn't want to tell them anyways. You're one of the only ones that hasn't shot me a weird look...." I started to play with my hair and looked out the window. She looked towards me then grabbed my hair.

"You should dye this." She suggested. I yelped and looked at her with a frown.


"Because you wouldn't be as scary appearing then. How about a nice shade of blue?" She looked me over and smiled cutely. I pouted at her.

"But... fine... I'll think about it," I whispered. "It's not my fault I'm albino though...."

"I know it's not your fault. That's why there are options to change your color." I sighed and then sunk down into my seat.

"Maybe," I mumbled and peeked out the window.

"A dark blue..." She mumbled.

"Are you wanting me to dye it that color?" I glanced back at her with a small frown.

"Blue is pretty." She looked towards me.

"Is it your favorite color?" I giggled and looked up at her eyes. She nodded and I noticed her eyes were blue as well.

"You should dye it blue!" She giggled. I smiled.

"Okay," I said sweetly. "You could do it for me if you want."

"Really!?" She looked me over and then looked at the road. "We're dying your hair after we leave the lake then." I giggled at her. She's really excited about it....

"Alright," I told her. "So what is the lake like?"

"Well there is water that is blue and pretty and the sun is nice and shinny." She told me, shrugging. "You'll like it. I'll grill out too."

"You're going to grill?" I smiled softly. That should be interesting.

Victor's POV:

"Nikolai, let's go out for drinks," I purred as I appeared in his study. I could feel he wanted to, thanks to my sixth sense about these things. I walked up to the desk and leaned over it, looking down at him. "Let's go get some father-son time." I smirked at him.

"Okay!" Nikolai gave me a smile and stood up then shut his computer down. "I'd love to go out drinking with you." I laughed and then reached out and pulled him over the desk, pulling him towards the door.

"Good! Let's escape before your brother finds out!"

"Yeah! He's the last thing I want tagging along with us." I shook my head at that. He wanted another sibling... and we already ditch his sibling. Well... Nikolai is the first born. It wouldn't have mattered much in the old days. I laughed as I thought about it. His brother would've been married off for political reasons back then... to make a treaty, probably with Italy. Nikolai would have grown up to be king of Russia because he follows the line of first borns in the royal family. If he ever gives me a grandchild, his kid will inherit the throne of Russia after Nikolai due to the tradition. Nikolai gave my hand a squeeze and then let me go quickly. I glanced back at him and smirked. Still has a hard time with physical contact.... That's Nikolai for you. I led him down to the garage and over to my car then got in it with him and set it to go to our favorite bar in town.

"So how are things?" I asked him as I leaned back in my seat as the car drove on auto pilot.

"Well... I um.... I've started to get a little used to Raven sleeping with me." He told me nervously. I smiled and looked over at him.

"That's good Nikolai.... I'm happy to hear that," I told him.

"My factory in Nome has been having trouble lately though." He told me, sighing. Oh... that's not good.

"That factory has a lot of issues.... It's too far away from here to be easily defended.... You've lost that factory before," I muttered and then ran my fingers though my hair. "You'd probably do better moving it closer and then destroying the old one."

"Yeah but I wanted it far away in case it does get taken over then it will take them time to get those weapons here." He told me, shrugging. "Plus it's cold up there and every mortal hates cold weather. I need to go check on the factory soon." I gave a nod.

"If that's the case, why don't you build in the remote regions of Russia? That's what I do." I looked out the window as we entered town.

"Because Nome was a great idea Donnie gave me." He grumbled. I nodded.

"Well alright... If it's bad, we'll deal with it," I told him then glanced him over. "You ready to have one of the best drinks ever?" I smirked.

"Yes! I can't wait to get drunk." Nikolai gave a huge smile towards me. "I'm going to record myself drinking and send the videos to Raven."

"That's not all that fair," I said and laughed. "She quit clubbing for you. I haven't seen her touch a drink in a year."

"Well look at it this way... It's me telling on myself that I went drinking with you and she should get ready for when I come back." He explained. I laughed at him.

"All you do is sleep when you get back," I reminded him.

"I know..." He smirked. I shook my head and laughed.

"I better have a grandchild eventually," I whispered.

"Not in a billion years."

"Why not?" I looked over at him and frowned.

"Because I don't want kids." He told me. "I'm still young."

"Then what about when you're older," I asked. "I want to see a kid from you before I eventually am killed."

"I don't want to give you a grandkid though... Ask Alistair." I shook my head quickly.

"I'm good.... I don't need grandkids then," I muttered, looking away. He laughed.

"Besides... If you were to ever get grandkids out of me you'll have to get Raven and I both high on drugs." He told me.

"If I did get you both on drugs... you'd be sulking and poor Raven would have to deal with it by herself," I mumbled.

"Sulking?" He asked. "Why would I be sulking?"

"Because she'd be pregnant." I shrugged. "It just makes sense for you to sulk about it. I don't think you'd be overjoyed or running to give her hugs or anything."

"Well I just don't want to end up with a child like me." He muttered. "Or Alistair."

"If she did have your kid... I think it would be more like her," I told him. "You'd be doing king stuff so much that she'd raise it, and the child would pick up her habits. Anyways, I guess it doesn't matter. I'm not crazy enough to drug the two of you for a grandkid."

"Good... I'll be watching you." He warned.

"Ehh... I won't drug you or Raven. If it is meant to happen, it'll happen." I looked out the window as the car pulled up into the parking lot of the bar then turned the car off, getting out. I waited on him then pulled him inside and over to the bar where I sat us down and ordered us both a drink to start off with. He grabbed the drink from the bar tender then started to chug it down. I watched him and smirked as I took a sip of mine. "You must really be wanting to be drunk," I told him and laughed. He finished his drink then shrugged.

"I just want a good time." He purred. I shook my head and laughed.

"That's my boy," I purred back and patted his back as I got him another.

"Dad, what were your parents like?" He asked me curiously. I frowned and looked at him.

"My parents?" Why's he asking me this now?

"Yeah." He nodded. "You murdered them right? Did you hate them?"

"Well... yeah, I murdered them," I whispered and took a sip of my drink. "They didn't like my ways... and I wanted power. I wanted the throne from them, and the world was starting a revolution anyways. I jumped at the chance in the chaos and took my parents' lives." I also killed my brother that no one knows about. I smirked at that and laughed. "So yes, you could say I didn't love them like a son should love their parents. I didn't care for them... but I wasn't moved to necessarily feel any such emotions for them at all." I chugged my drink and then sat it down, looking up at the bartender. "Another," I told him and set the money down. He looked at me with a frown and gave me another drink, taking the money.

"Do you really love my mom?" He asked me softly, drinking the rest of his alcohol. I looked at him with a frown.

"Of course I love your mother.... Out of everyone I know... you and your mother are the only two I actually care about... and maybe your other brother and your little sister," I said and shrugged. "They're not as special to me as you and your mother are. If you're wondering about whether or not I'd hurt her, you're wrong. I wouldn't do a thing to her."

"You promise?" He whispered, looking at me lovingly. I smiled.

"I promise," I told him softly and ruffled his hair. "If I didn't love your mother, I would've left her with you and would have gone back to Russia without a care in the world. You wouldn't be drinking with me if I didn't feel love for you either."

"So you love me too?" He asked, ordering a bottle of vodka. I smirked as I saw his order. That's my good boy... He knows what to drink.

"Yes," I said and kissed his forehead. "Haven't I told you that before? I thought it was clear when I protected you from the demon and then helped clean up your revenge and then took you out for drinks constantly... and the time when I gave you your castle and taught you how to torture."

"Yeah but it's nice to continue hearing it from you." He admitted and took a swig from the bottle before pouring himself a shot. I laughed.

"Okay," I purred to him and then started to drink. "You don't have anything to worry about. I'm staying... and you two are safe from anything I might ever do." He drunk the shot then gave me one. I smirked and then threw it back and set the glass down.

"Hey," I heard a voice say from beside me as a guy sat down. He ordered a thing of rum and started to chug it. I glanced over at him and frowned a little. Why'd he sit next to us? Weirdo.... Nikolai glanced over at the guy then started to chug the bottle. I shrugged and looked back at Nikolai before I finished off my bottle and got another. I glanced back at the guy who sat beside me and frowned, getting a sense that he was familiar to me. I just couldn't place it.... He glanced over at me and smirked before he took another swig of his rum. Nikolai finished off his bottle then ordered another and laughed.

"You having fun Nikolai?" I asked and laughed, looking him over. He nodded and then passed me his bottle and took mine then started to drink it.

"Yes!" He pulled out a phone and filmed himself drinking my alcohol then sent it to Raven as planned. I laughed at him and shook my head a little.

"She's going to get you one day," I whispered. One day Rose will get me too.... He laughed and then finished off the drink and ordered another. After a bit, I got up and stumbled towards the bathroom, going into it and then used it. I heard someone enter and then zipped up my pants and walked over to the sink, washing my hands as I looked into the mirror to see that guy from earlier who sat down by us. I frowned and then dried my hands off, turning to look at him. "Who are you?" I asked him, crossing my arms. He still bothers me.... He looks so familiar. He looked over at me and then smirked.

"Who am I?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Just tell me who you are."

"Roman," he said and laughed, looking me over. "Roman Ivanoff." I widened my eyes. WHAT THE HELL?! No... no he can't be.... I killed him.... I slaughtered him.... He smirked. "What? You thought I was dead, brother?" He started for me then. "You're a hard one to track down Victor. I had my share of trouble trying to find you, and now I can finally take my revenge on you. Get ready. It's going to be a world of hell for you because you ruined my life." He exposed his fangs and growled at me, walking towards me. I widened my eyes and started to stumble back, exposing my own fangs. How the heck is he alive?!

"How are you alive?!"

"I survived," he told me and shrugged. "You won't when I'm through with you though." I narrowed my eyes. Well... he won't survive me this time if he was stupid enough to come after me.

Nikolai's POV:

My dad walked out of the bathroom and sat down by me, sighing and then picked up his drink and chugged it. I watched him and then finished up my drink, starting to hiccup. "Hey~ Daddy...." I watched as the walls were swirling behind him. I ordered another bottle, deciding I wasn't drunk enough yet. "You took a little bit in there."

"Eh... some idiot tried to pick a fight with me," he said and shrugged.

"Wow, idiots." I shook my head then grabbed my bottle and looked towards a couple of girls. "Let's go hunting." He glanced towards them and smirked.

"Yeah... we could go hunting," he said and then stood up, looking down at me. I got to my feet quickly and started for the girls, stumbling a bit. He watched me and followed after a few seconds and laughed at me. "You're really drunk," he muttered.

"No I'm not." I walked up to them and then gave a huge smile. "Hey ladies, how about we go someplace else?" I asked them and gave a wink. My dad walked up beside me and smirked as the girls looked at us and giggled.

"Sure," one said and poked my nose with a smirk. "Come on cutie," she purred and then grabbed my shirt, tugging me towards the doors as her friends followed, tugging my dad along. I laughed and then followed after the girl.

"Where do you ladies want to go?" I asked them curiously. "My car or yours?" They laughed at me.

"Oh honey... we don't get in anyone's car but our own. We'll take you someplace nice," the girl told me and pulled me out of the bar and down the sidewalk to a red convertible. She pushed me into the backseat where the other girls pushed my father into the passenger seat. The girl who had dragged me got in beside me and smirked at me, wrapping her arms around my arm as her friends got in and we were soon driving down the street. I laughed and leaned in towards one of the girl's neck and started to kiss it. She giggled and pulled back a little. "Hold on sweetie," she told me and put a finger against my lips. "Name first."

"Nikolai." I purred to her and looked her over. "Nice car~" She smirked.

"Thanks," she said and then looked me over. "Nikolai huh? I like it." She leaned in and kissed my lips. I pulled back from the kiss quickly and leaned into her neck then bit down into her. She yelped and gripped my shirt. "H-hey... I'm not into that," she told me and winced. I covered her mouth and started to drink her blood. She shoved me back and tsked, putting a hand over her neck. "Weirdo." I licked my lips then looked her over and frowned.

"Hey... Don't shove me away." I hissed. She sighed.

"He's too drunk," she muttered to one of her friends who was inspecting her wound with wide eyes. "Ow!" Her friend had touched it, making her yelp. "Don't touch it! That hurts!"

"What's going on back there?" The driver asked, sounding upset. "Don't be getting your weird fluids on the seats." I growled playfully towards the other girl and went towards her neck. She screamed and I heard the brakes on the cars squealing as the driver came to a stop at a red light. The girls shoved me out of the car and then shut the door on me quickly as I fell out into the street. I frowned... How'd this happen... I laid back on the ground and sighed. My dad got out of the car and looked down at me, nudging my head.

"Get off the ground," he said and then leaned down, grabbing my hand then pulled me up to my feet. We were standing in the living room of the manor then and he let me go, putting his hands in his pockets as he looked around with a small frown. I laid down on the couch and hiccupped. I curled up to a pillow and pulled out my phone to message Raven.

Me: Ravie!

Raven: What?

My dad looked at me then walked off, whistling.

Me: I'm home! Can you come get me n the living room?

Me: In*

Raven appeared in front of me and smiled, walking up then froze. "You smell like another girl," she hissed.

"She tasted funny too." I cried out and then reached out for her. "She kicked me out of her car and I didn't finish my meal." She narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Uh huh?" She walked up then sat down by me, looking me over. I curled up to her then and grabbed her wrist, pulling it to me and bit down into her. She watched me and frowned. "You still were letting another girl hang on you," she muttered, but she didn't pull her wrist back as I got to drink her sweet blood. I moaned and then pulled back and wrapped my arms around her. She sighed and looked at me. "You didn't cheat on me... right?" She asked me, frowning.

"No, I don't cheat... but.... She stole a kiss from me." I rubbed my lips then buried my face against her. "I bit her to get back at her." She purred then and kissed the top of my head.

"Good.... I'd get really mad at you if you cheated on me...."

"I don't cheat on pretty girls like my mate Raven." I purred. "You're too good to cheat on." She wrapped her arms around me and purred happily, nuzzling her head against me.

"I love you," she whispered and kissed my cheek. I laughed softly, giving her a purr.

"Nikolai." I heard my mom walk into the living room then. "Have you seen your father?"

"I went drinking with him and he just left the living room a few minutes ago." I told her, pointing her into the direction. Raven glanced in that direction then curled up to me, looking up at Rose.

"He's probably drunk too," she whispered to her and then looked up at me. "Come on Nikolai, let's get you to bed." She teleported us to our bedroom and then helped me into the bed and covered us up, curling up beside me. I purred and wrapped her up in my arms then hiccupped. She giggled and then snuggled up to me, resting her head on my chest. "Get some rest," she told me sweetly, looking up at me. I nodded and started to drift to sleep under her, smiling.

Rose's POV:

"Victor!' I called, looking around for him. "YOU WENT DRINKING WITH NIKOLAI AGAIN!?" I asked, crossing my arms. He didn't even tell me.... Every time he gets drunk I swear I end up pregnant. "VICTOR!" I saw him looking around in one of the halls then, glancing the pictures over curiously. I walked up to him and then wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer to me and kissed his cheek. "Victor~" I purred into his ear then went to bite his neck. He yelped, and as soon as I got a taste of his blood, I knew something was off about him. He didn't taste the same.... There was a hint of coffee in his blood that wasn't usually there, and his blood was calling to me like a true mate should. I pulled back quickly and looked him over. "Victor~ What'd you do while you was out getting drunk?" I asked him, frowning. Did he go see Hachi? He frowned at me.

"Got drunk? With Nikolai?" He shrugged.

"Oh yeah? Did you go see Hachi?" I purred.

"Hachi?" He tilted his head then widened his eyes. "Oh Hachi! No." I backed up from him then.

"Sleep on the couch." I told him and started for our bedroom. He frowned.

"Why?" He asked me and started to follow. I looked towards him and gave an innocent smile then shrugged.

"I just do that every time you go drinking with our son." I told him, testing him. He looked me over and frowned.

"That's not fair," he muttered. I giggled and then walked up to him and kissed his cheek.

"Oh I know... I'm making sure I don't get pregnant."

"I won't do anything," he muttered. "Don't make me sleep on the couch...." I smiled.

"I won't. Come on sweetie." I purred. He smirked and then started to walk in the direction I had been walking but was taking it slow. I walked past our room to see if he'd follow me. He watched me and then paused by the door a little with a small frown but followed me hesitantly. I sighed out in relief... I must be paranoid or something. I walked back to our door and went inside and over to our bed then laid down on it and curled up, pulling the blankets on. He walked in and watched me as he shut the door then glanced around the room before he walked over and laid down in the bed. I watched him and then pulled him closer to me and smelled him again. He tensed up a little as he watched me. I could smell that slight difference in him like how I tasted it in his blood. His scent was calling to me again and I could smell a hint of the coffee on him. I looked up into his eyes. Maybe this isn't... Right.... He's changed something about him and went to Hachi but doesn't want to tell me... I smiled softly towards him and then curled up to him. "I love you." I whispered. He smiled and then relaxed.

"Love you too," he said and pulled me close, closing his eyes. I gave a small smile and reached up, running my fingers through his hair. He looked at me then and tilted his head before he leaned in and smelled me. He purred and then bit into my neck gently, marking me, but it didn't feel like a remark. I let out a small moan and grabbed his shirt. I exposed my neck more and closed my eyes deeply. I need to go to Hachi in the morning and ask. He purred and then licked my neck clean, closing his eyes. "Night." He yawned and then started to fall asleep on me. I watched him pass out then slipped his shirt up a little and pressed my head against his chest to listen. It had a steady beat as he breathed easily, slumbering peacefully under me. I started to fall asleep listening to it and let out a small yawn.

~The Next Morning~

I felt him slowly moving out from under me, gently nudging me off and then slipped out of the bed completely. I opened my eyes and looked towards him. "Victor..." I purred. "Where are you going off to so early?" I asked, reaching out for him. "Come back." He looked back at me and frowned a little but walked back and got into the bed. "What's the matter?" I purred and pulled him onto me. He looked at me and then kissed my cheek.

"I'm hungry is all," he told me. I exposed my neck for him. He looked at it and tilted his head a little before he leaned in and bit down gently and started to drink my blood. I let out a small moan and gripped his hair. I ran my fingers up under my pillow then grabbed my handcuffs as I ran my hand down to his wrist and quickly handcuffed him to the bed. He pulled back from my neck quickly and looked at the cuffs with panic, tugging on them. I grabbed my knife from under the pillow and held it up against his throat.

"I think I know my lover in bed." I hissed. "Who are you?" He looked down at me and frowned, moving away from me the best he could.

"What are you talking about?"

"You're acting strange!" I hissed. He frowned at me.

"Let me out of the cuffs," he told me and tugged on them. "I'm not acting strange. You're acting strange."

"You taste and smell weird! Are you positive you didn't go say hi to Hachi?" I asked him then grabbed my phone to call Hachi anyways to ask.

"No! I didn't go see Hachi!" He narrowed his eyes and looked at the cuffs, trying to slip his hand out of them. I kneed him quickly between his legs.

"Hey, you better stop trying to get out of those cuffs." I hissed. He groaned and curled up on the bed, looking pained.

"So why do you taste and smell different to me?" I asked him. "Tell the truth." I raised an eyebrow. He looked up at me and then curled up tighter.

"How should I know?" He muttered. I heard Hachi's phone go to voice mail so I tossed it.

"My Victor doesn't taste like coffee and my true mate." I told him. "Then when you marked me last night you didn't remark me it was marking. So what have you been doing Victor?" I asked. He looked up at me and narrowed his eyes.

"How about you let me out of the cuffs?" He growled at me. I hissed towards him and cut his throat. He screamed and backed up as far as he could quickly, putting his uncuffed hand over his throat. "Why'd you do that?!" He looked at me with wide eyes then gave me a hurt look.

"It'll heal." I purred. "Now tell me what did you do to yourself?" I tilted my head.

"Why should I?" He glared me down. I frowned and then gave him a hurt expression. He watched me and then sat up in the bed slowly. "You cut my throat... and cuffed me... and threatened me," he muttered and looked towards the cuffs as he tugged on them again, trying to get free.

"Why won't you tell me?" I asked him. "I'm your lover." He didn't look at me as he attempted to slip his hand free. I watched him and then hissed. "Unless you're someone else." He looked at me and then frowned.

"Why would you think that?" He asked me and then moved over to me, stealing a kiss from my lips and gave a small purr. I purred back quickly.

"I don't know, it was a silly thought... That couldn't be the right answer." I leaned in and bit down into his neck. He yelped and tensed up but relaxed after a few seconds before he laid us down and kissed my cheek, exposing his neck. I started to drink his blood and threw the knife into the wall then slipped his shirt over his head. He laughed and leaned up, kissing my lips quickly.

"What the hell are you doing?" I heard a familiar voice hiss from behind us- Victor. I pulled back from his neck quickly and looked behind him then towards the one on me.

"Victor please tell me you don't have a twin." I huffed out.

"No," they both growled at the same time.

"GET THE HELL OFF MY LOVER," the one standing beside the bed hissed and snatched the one on me. The one on me exposed his fangs.

"She's mine. Why the hell do you look like me," he hissed and then went to get him, but the handcuffs stopped him. I looked them both over then slipped off the bed quickly and went towards the knife on the wall then pulled it out and aimed both of them down. The one on the bed yelped when he saw it, but the one standing was currently too busy looking pissed at the one on the bed.

"I'm going to kill you for real this time!" He jumped onto the bed and pinned the one that was cuffed, but he quickly kicked him back into the floor and tugged on the cuffs hard.

"Victor!" I snapped. "Who's the guy?" I asked him. The one on the floor looked up at me quicker than the one on the bed.

"He's my face stealing brother," they both growled towards me then snapped their attentions to each other. "No I'm not! You are!" They both yelled at each other then started to argue as the one on the bed tried to get off it and the one on the floor was crawling towards the bed, looking pissed.

"B-brother?" I asked quickly. Alright there is one way to tell this apart... Obviously the one cuffed is the brother.. Because Victor isn't my mate and.... Ah hell no..... "Go ahead and kill him." I whistled and started for the bathroom.

"I'll do more than kill him!" I heard the one from on the floor shouting. "YOU MADE OUT WITH MY GIRL!"

"She's my girl!" The one on the bed shouted.



"NO SHE'S NOT ROMAN! SHE'S MY MATE! I'LL KILL YOU TO KEEP IT THAT WAY!" I leaned up against the bathroom door and watched them. The one on the floor was back on the bed and clawing at the other to get to his throat as the other screeched and kicked at him.

"Get off me you crazy creep!" Floor Victor snarled and exposed his fangs, savagely biting into the bed Victor who screamed and then exposed his fangs, biting into the other. They started to fight it out on the bed and eventually bed Victor was slammed up against the wall hard, cracking the wall as floor Victor growled and slammed his head against the wall again, making bed Victor fall limp as he lost consciousness. That's my Victor. I purred towards him then looked towards bed Victor.... Is it right to let my mate die though? Yes. Floor Victor snarled into the ear of the unconscious one then ripped his hand out of the cuff, making him bleed as he started to drag him out of the bed and towards the door, looking like he was going to give bed Victor hell when he woke up- if he let him live that long. I walked after him, wanting to watch what he does. He dragged him down the hall and down to the basement doors where he kicked them open and started to pull him down the stairs, letting him hit his head on each stair and then kicked the dungeon doors open as he pulled out his phone, calling someone.

"Nikolai," he purred. "Come downstairs to the dungeon. I have a real treat for us. We're going to torture my face stealing brother and then feed him to Midori." I crossed my arms as I watched Victor. I heard Nikolai coming to the door quickly and running down the stairs.

"Mom." He called as he passed me then tackled his dad, I could still smell he was drunk. Victor purred to him and then started to drag the other into a cell and threw him into it. He looked back at me then appeared in front of me, pulling me close.

"You're mine," he told me firmly, looking me over then leaned into my neck and bit down, remarking me as his. He purred and then kissed my neck. I purred and leaned up against him, smiling. This is definitely Victor.

"I know." I whispered and kissed his cheek. "Go play with your brother." He purred a little louder and then kissed me passionately.

"I love you," he told me and then kissed my forehead. "Want to go upstairs... or do you want to watch?" He asked me, looking into my eyes with a smirk.

"I want to watch." I purred to him and kissed him passionately. He gave a playful growl and then pulled me into the dungeon and over to his brother's cell, letting us in and then let go of me, walking over to his brother with an evil smirk. He picked him up by his hair and looked him over then tsked.

"You're going to wish you stayed dead," he hissed and then pulled him to the chair in the room and sat him in it, chaining him down then looked towards Nikolai. "Get some play toys," he purred. Nikolai chuckled and left the room then and came back with a cart of torture devices. I leaned up against a wall, then put the knife in my pocket. Nikolai handed his father a pair of plyers.

"Hey dad, your look-a-like is funny." Nikolai told him. "He doesn't know anything about how we kick ass in this family."

"Oh... he should know," Victor growled. "I had killed him when we were younger... but somehow he just came back." He looked the plyers over and then smirked, grabbing his brother's hair and yanked his head up and opened his mouth, moving the plyers in then ripped out the fangs, dropping them to the ground then laughed evilly as his brother screamed and woke up, thrashing in the seat as he came to. I bit down into my finger then as I watched his brother scream. He lightly tossed the plyers in his hand, testing out the weight then smirked before he smacked his brother across the face with them, making him yelp sharply and he spat up some blood as his head whipped to the side. Nikolai walked over to his uncle and then grabbed his fingers, then started to pull his nails off. I heard his brother scream again and then tried kicking at them, but he couldn't move his feet.

"Stop!" He begged them and curled his fingers up to hide them from Nikolai. Victor laughed at him. Nikolai laughed evilly and then broke on of his fingers and started on the next one. He screamed out in pain and then looked away, tears streaking his face. "Please," he whimpered out and then his eyes caught mine. Victor snarled at him and hit him with the plyers again, making him yelp. He ripped out another tooth and then knelt down and grabbed his foot, cutting off a toe with the plyers. Roman screamed loudly and thrashed, clenching his jaw as he squeezed his eyes shut. I wrapped an arm around my waist then and took in a deep breath. I'm not sure I can watch this. I could feel my stone starting to burn myself in my chest. I slid down the wall quickly. Victor froze up and looked over at me, then grabbed Nikolai's hands to make him stop.

"Rose?" He called, sounding worried. "Rose, are you alright?" He got up and walked over to me, kneeling down in front of me. I shook my head and held a hand over my chest.

"No, It's getting hot in here." I whispered softly. Nikolai walked over, looking concerned.

"Mom?" He asked. Victor looked towards my chest and frowned a little then leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Rose, you should reject him," he whispered to me. "It might help you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in towards him.

"But I've never rejected a mate before..." I mumbled.

"Because you've never had to," he whispered back. "If you mate reject him... it'll stop hurting you. You know how... right?" I shook my head quickly.

"I don't know how." I admitted.

"Legend has it... if you say it like 'I, whatever your name is, reject you, whatever your mate's name is, as my mate' it'll work and you'll be free from him or her," he whispered to me. "Then after this... maybe we should see about what we can do to try to make me your official mate that way this won't happen again." I nodded in agreement and then looked towards his brother then stood up quickly and walked over to him then grabbed his cheek and made him look at me.

"I Rose Grimm reject you, Roman Ivanov as my mate." I waited to see what would happen. He whimpered and looked up at me with a look of pure hurt.

"Rose," he whimpered and then started to cry.

"I'm sorry but I love Victor." I whispered. He shrunk down into the chair and looked away from me as his scent stopped calling out to me. I started for the door then and walked out of the room and towards the elevator.

"GO ASK HACHI!" Victor shouted after me. "I'll finish up down here!" I looked behind me then got in elevator but paused... I can teleport... I blushed and then teleported into Hachi and Isaac's bedroom and knocked on the door as I stood by it.

"Knock knock." I purred, trying to sound happy. "Hachi I have a question."

"You're so lucky we're not in the middle of something." Hachi groaned out as he sat up in bed. Lien was knocked out in between him and Isaac.

"Why's she in here Hachi?" Isaac whispered as he sat up, rubbing at his eyes sleepily. "She's gonna wake Lien up... and he doesn't like being woken up...."

"I need to ask Hachi to do something for Victor and myself." I explained and walked over then sat down at the foot of the bed. "I was wondering if you could make Victor my mate, true mate." Hachi looked towards me with a tired expression and then narrowed his eyes.

"Well..." He began and then yawned. "I could." He said and then started to fall back asleep. I shook his leg.

"Hachi...." I groaned.

"What?" He groaned back. I heard a small whine from Lien as he shifted in the bed and curled up to a small teddy bear in his hands, his ears flicking. Isaac sat up a little and looked at him with worry and started to rub his ears to help Lien sleep.

"Please Hachi." I begged.

"After lunch." He promised. "Now please leave Rose."

"Why not now?"

"Rose, it can wait." He kicked me off the bed then. "Get out of my room." I felt his magic swirl around me and I was suddenly in the hall. I frowned and stood up.

"Okay... After lunch." I muttered. I walked down to my room and went inside then over to the bed and pulled the covers and blankets and pillows off then placed them in the hall. I sat down on the couch with my laptop and ordered new bed sheets, blankets, pillows, and handcuffs. I heard a soft knock at my door then.

"Hey Rose," I heard Raven call quietly. "Can we have a party today or something? Nikolai is drunk, and I'm guessing Victor had something to do with it.... We could hang out with Ann."

"Umm... I'm going to be busy around lunch but afterwards we can go have some fun." I gave her a cute smile. "You can invite Ann, I'd love to hang out with her."

"Okay!" She giggled and then I heard her bounce off, sounding happier. I laughed and put my laptop aside then looked towards the bed.... I ordered a new bed then and walked up to the bed then grabbed a hold of the mattress and teleported it outside then went back for the rest of it. Once I got rid of it I started to arrange the bedroom.

Midori's POV:

I tensed up as I heard struggling outside my treasure room and perked up, looking towards the vault doors as they opened. Victor and Nikolai stood holding some bloodied looking version of a look-a-like Victor who was almost beyond recognition and was struggling a little. I could tell it wasn't him though. The real Victor was the one who wasn't hurt. I snarled at them. "Leave my treasure room," I hissed.

"Want some food?" Nikolai asked me and then tossed the beaten up guy into the gold and dared not to go further into my treasure room. I snarled and looked at the guy who was bleeding out on my treasure then looked at them. How dare they... even walk in here. I started towards them, growling as I stepped over the bloody one. Nikolai backed Victor out of the treasure room quickly and stood just outside. I paused and looked them over then gave a smile. At least they know who rules this room. I purred towards them then looked down at the one on my treasure and nudged him with my foot, sensing he was close to death.

"Eat him for us," Victor purred to me. "He's not important...."

"It's an offering." Nikolai laughed out and walked away. Offering? I tilted my head and then growled when he started to move. Victor smirked and followed his son, leaving. I snarled towards the guy and then sat down by him, poking his face. He groaned and looked at me out of the corner of his eyes. I sharpened my teeth and claws then leaned in towards him, sniffing him. He smells delicious! I bit down into his neck then, growling as I rolled him over onto his back and started to get at his throat better, stealing his life.

Rose's POV:

I walked down to the kitchen once the clock hit twelve and looked around for Hachi, finding him on the counter eating sushi. "Well it's after twelve, can you help us now?" I asked him curiously. "You promised."

"Rose~" He groaned out. "Is it really what you want?" Midori walked into the kitchen then, wiping at his bloody face and spotted the sushi, letting out a purr as he bounced over and gave Hachi a cute look.

"Please?" He asked sweetly.

"What have you been doing?" Hachi asked him curiously and smelled him then let out a moan. "How about a trade?" He asked.

"Trade?" Midori tilted his head and licked his lips.

"Tell me where that blood came from." Hachi licked his lips.

"An offering," Midori told him. "Nikolai and Victor shoved some guy into my room."

"The gold room?" Hachi asked. Midori frowned.

"Why do you wanna know? I want one," he said and pouted, looking at Hachi's sushi.

"Did you leave me some of the offering?" Midori looked at Hachi thoughtfully.

"Ummmm.... there is about half of my offering left," he whispered. "I left the head, legs, and some of his stomach alone...." Hachi handed over the sushi and used his magic to disappear.

"HACHI!" I yelled and then teleported down to the treasure room and then yelled at the small sight I caught of them before teleporting into the living room. Midori was already in there, chowing down on the sushi with little moans of happiness. He looked up at me and purred as he swallowed one.

"What did you want from the wizard, little vampire?" He asked me, looking me over as his eyes flashed gold. He ate another sushi and purred.

"First of all I am not little. I'm wayyyy older the you. I just wanted Hachi to make my mate and I true mates." I explained. He laughed and then set the plate down.

"Was that what you wanted?" He asked and then gestured for me to sit beside him. I nodded and sat down by him fast. He looked me over. "You don't need the wizard for it," he said and smiled a little. "I'm a dragon. We're very powerful and magical."

"So you can do it for me?" I asked him curiously. He tilted his head.

"I might be able to," he told me and then held out his hand for mine. I held his hand and gave him a smile. He looked my hand over and then turned my hand over to where it was palm up and then took his other hand and drug one of his sharp nails across one of the lines in my hands. He leaned in as it started to bleed and tasted my blood before he pulled back, his eyes swirling gold and then staying a steady shade of it as he looked at me like he was seeing through me. I felt like he was searching down into my soul as he stared into my eyes.

"Midori?" I asked him. "Well can you do it?" I blushed. He blinked a few times and his eyes went back to normal.

"Oh... yeah, I can," he said and smiled. "You don't have another mate set in motion yet. Fate is still deciding." I nodded quickly.

"Well make him my mate, please?" I begged. He looked me over and then bit his bottom lip.

"It's easier said than done," he mumbled. "Hachi has his reasons for not wanting to do it for you. Fate doesn't get happy when she's played with.... Right now would be a good time to do it though if you were ever going to play with fate in your case. Because I'm a dragon- a mystical being that is very powerful and close to fate- I should be able to get a light punishment if I'm punished at all.... Go get Victor." He smiled then. "I'll do it for you." I nodded and then teleported to my bedroom, looking around for Victor.

"Victor!?" I asked. He walked out from the bathroom, wearing nothing but pants as he brushed out his wet hair from a shower.

"Yeah?" I walked over to him and gave him a kiss then grabbed his wrist and teleported us into the living room.

"Got him." Midori looked up and took in a deep breath then gave me a smile.

"Alright," he said and then gestured for us to stand in front of him as he crossed his legs. I dragged Victor over to Midori and stood in front of him. "On your knees," he purred to us. "Then bow both of your heads." I dragged Victor to his knees with me and then bowed my head. He frowned a little but did as he was told. Midori reached out and touched Victor then sighed. "Your mate is out there Victor.... Fate won't be too happy with me about you... but it shouldn't be as bad as if both your mates were out there. I'll still do it though before it gets worse...." He reached out and touched me as well then and smiled at us. "Are you both sure that you want to be true mates?"

"I'm positive!" I looked towards Victor. "He's the father of my children and I love him." I purred, kissing Victor's cheek. Victor purred back.

"Of course I would want to be her true mate," he told Midori. Midori gave a smile then and nodded.

"Okay...." He closed his eyes and I felt his power start to build up around us as he started to speak in a rough sounding language- dragon language. It was both beautiful and rough sounding at the same time, powerful. Victor held my hand then, giving it a squeeze. I watched Midori, waiting for him to finish. After a few minutes, I could smell Victor's blood start to call for me and Midori pulled back, looking tired and then grabbed his plate of sushi. "There you go you love birds.... Don't tell anyone I did this for you." He started to eat again and curled up on the couch. Victor pulled me into a loving embrace and kissed me passionately then.

"Thanks," I said quickly towards Midori then went back to the kiss. I moaned at Victor's touch then teleported us to our bedroom and onto my couch. He purred to me and then leaned in and bit into my neck, remarking me as his officially and then leaned in to my lips, deepening the kiss as he slipped between my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in towards his neck then remarked him as my official mate. He moaned and quickly kissed my cheek and then my neck as he slipped his hand up under my shirt and ran his fingers across my skin. I giggled and then looked into his eyes longingly. "I love you Victor." He looked at me with pure love and kissed my lips.

"I love you too Rose," he whispered and then kissed my neck again as he slid my shirt up my stomach. I blushed and then grabbed his hand and bit it playfully.

"Gotcha." I purred. He growled teasingly in my ear and then nipped at it before he kissed my lips passionately.

"Wanna play doctor and patient?" He purred to me as he pulled back from the kiss then moved back to my neck, kissing it lightly as he started a trail of them. I giggled and then teleported us to the insane asylum and strapped him down to a table before he could think straight.

"I love that game! How'd you know?" I winked and then leaned in for a kiss, crawling over him. He laughed and kissed me passionately, leaning up against the straps for me. I winked towards him then started to unbutton his pants. He watched me and made a small noise as he pulled on the straps a little and looked at me longingly.

"Rose," he purred seductively.

"Yeah?" I asked him and then yanked his pants down and ripped them off from him. He growled at me playfully.

"What's the verdict Doctor Rose? Am I insane?" He asked me and smirked. I winked towards him.

"Patient Ivanov... You're going to be in here for a long time," I purred. "It'll be nearly impossible to cure your insanity but I will try." I leaned in and kissed him passionately. He moaned under me and kissed me back, deepening it as he slipped his tongue into my mouth and pulled mine into his to suck on it. I laughed and then sat up on him quickly and exposed my fangs then leaned back into his neck and bit down into it, remarking him as mine. He moaned again and pulled on the straps a little as a purr rose up in him.

"D-doctor... how bad do you think I am?" He asked me, looking at me out of the corner of his eyes as he exposed his neck. I pulled back and licked my lips.

"Seems like you're bonkers." I told him. "I'll have to perform a few experiments on you. I hope you'll consent and I won't have to take you by force." He growled playfully and pulled on the straps, smirking at me. I growled back playfully. "What's the matter? Are you resisting like you did with the pills?"

"Yes," he purred to me. "I don't like pills."

"How about a needle?" I asked him and slipped off of him and went to a table and picked up a needle and then looked back towards him, giggling. He growled again and exposed his fangs. I slipped an extra one into my pocket and then grabbed a syringe with blood in it then looked towards him and walked over to him. "This won't hurt.... Maybe a little.... Like a pinch." I slipped back over him. "Mr. Ivanov if you be a good boy.... I'll give you a treat-" I ran my hands down his stomach. "Afterwards." He gasped and arched his back a little.

"A-a treat?" He looked up at me and then at the syringe. I nodded and smirked.

"Wanna know what this red liquid is?" I asked him.

"Uh huh doc," he hummed out and looked it over.

"Mercury." I winked. "It's going to cure you." I purred and then stuck the needle in his neck. I giggled and then placed the syringe in the needle and started to give him the blood. He yelped and looked at it then up at me, putting up a small struggle. I tsked. "Mr. Ivanov.... You're going to be punished if you keep this up." I purred. He jerked his head and then bit into the syringe, smashing it then spat the glass and blood from both the syringe and his mouth out onto the table. "Putting up a real fight, huh?" I giggled and then pulled the needle from his neck and tossed it. "Punishment time." I ran my hand down to his boxers and slipped my hand inside then gripped his manhood. He moaned loudly and closed his eyes, gasping. I giggled and pulled my hand out of his boxers then gripped his hair and tilted his head back. I leaned down into his neck and bit down into him and started to drink his blood. He gave a playful growl towards me and then pulled on the straps again.

"You're lucky I'm strapped down doctor," he purred in my ear. I giggled and pulled back from him then looked him over.

"Oh yeah? What would you do?" I teased. I got off the table and went towards the other one and started to look around at the play toys then picked up a new syringe and went back to him. I got on him and pulled the needle out of my pocket. "Now this time behave Mr. Ivanov." He looked at it and then smirked.

"You want me to behave?" He asked and looked up at me.

"You better." I purred. "My little good patient." I grabbed his arm then and went to inject the syringe into his inner elbow. He yelped and then looked towards it and growled a little but didn't move to fight. I finished injecting the blood then looked at him. "You're so good Mr. Ivanov, I'm impressed this time. I'll let you have a little bit of my blood." I purred and leaned my neck over his mouth. He snarled playfully and then bit into my neck hard, holding onto me with his fangs to make sure I wouldn't go anywhere as he dug them in deep. I yelped and fell down over him, leaning my neck into him more. He purred and then licked my neck clean.

"Good doctor," he told me and then bit me again, pulling on the straps. I tightened the straps on his wrists and purred back to him.

"You're not escaping from me, Mr. Ivanov." He pulled back from the bite and looked at the straps, wincing as they started to cut into his wrists and then looked at me, leaning for my neck quickly with a growl. I pulled my head just out of his reach. "Got a problem?" I asked and then ran my fingers down his body. A shiver went through him and he gave a small nod, watching me. I tsked and sat up on him. "Is your restrains too tight on your wrists?" I purred. "I could loosen them." He looked at them then at me and nodded.

"Please," he asked and gave me a cute look.

"Promise you'll be good?" I asked, reaching towards his restraints on his wrists.

"Nuh-uh," he said and smirked. "I'm never good."

"Then I won't loosen them." I purred. "We'll take you to your old room now." I got off him and then covered him with a blanket before rolling him out of the experiment room and towards his old room that I've kept empty for fun times like this. He stayed still under the blanket and hummed one of his favorite songs softly as I rolled him down the halls. I could hear a few of the patients in their cells riled up from the sound of me rolling someone down the hall. I laughed and then leaned down and kissed Victor's head. He growled at me and looked towards me, exposing his fangs. I rolled him up to his old room then unlocked it, rolling him inside. I closed the door behind me then looked towards him and pulled the blanket off. The room's temperature was freezing. He yelped as the air hit him and then pulled on the straps again, struggling. I walked up to him quickly and then started to unstrap him. He shot up as soon as he was free and snatched me, throwing me up against a wall then kissed my neck and then my lips passionately, pressing his body against mine. I giggled and then kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "How do you feel Mr. Ivanov? Any better?" He growled in my ear then.

"I feel worse," he told me and then picked me up by my butt and made me wrap my legs around his waist. "I'm going to devour you," he purred teasingly to me and then leaned in to my neck and bit down. I yelped and grabbed his hair, yanking on it softly.

"Don't devour me, bad patient."

"What did you think was going to happen?" He smirked against my neck and then threw me onto his bed and was over me in seconds.

"I should've never unstrapped you, huh?" I asked him and then leaned in towards his neck and bit down into him. He growled and then ripped my shirt off me and went for my pants. I pulled back from his neck and giggled, grabbing his hands. "Mr. Ivanov," I gasped out. He kissed my lips then to quiet me and growled playfully.

"Too bad doctor... The treatment didn't work," he purred to me and then pulled my pants down.

"We'll have to try something new then." I suggested.

"I have an idea," he told me and smirked and then hooked his fingers under the top of my panties.

"What's your idea?" I asked curiously and then grabbed his hands. He purred and kissed my lips passionately.

"Maybe a little love and care might cure me," he whispered to me and winked.

"Love and cure?" I purred. "Never heard of that." He bit into my neck then and remarked me as he got his hands free and wrapped them around me. He grinded his hips into mine then as he drank my blood. I purred and let out a small moan. "Victor~" He kissed my lips then and slipped a hand down to my panties again. I grabbed his boxers and started to slip them off. He gave a small growl and deepened the kiss, making this one of the most passionate experiments that I've ever done with him.

Midori's POV:

I yawned and set the plate down on the coffee table. I did something good for two people today.... Hopefully my punishment from fate won't be too bad. I smiled and then curled up on the couch, purring happily. I'm sure it'll be fine. What I did wasn't awful. I just really messed with Victor's destiny. She won't be that mad at me.... Donnie appeared in front of me then.

"There you are~" He purred and then sat down on the couch by me. "What have you been up to all morning while I was training my baby brother?" He asked, rubbing my head. I moaned and leaned my head into his hand in pleasure.

"Donnie~" I moved into his lap and then rubbed my head against his chest. "Not much," I murmured. I could smell he had just taken a shower a few minutes ago and blow dried his hair. He kissed my cheek and rubbed my back.

"Oh really?" He asked and laughed. "You haven't been giving my favorite Aunt Rose any cool relations with Victor?" I blushed a little and then leaned into him.

"Maybe," I purred and then leaned my face into his neck, smelling him. He leaned into my neck and kissed it then bit down, beginning to drink my blood. I yelped at first, but the pain soon faded for me, making me moan as I leaned my head back. He pulled back from me as his phone started to ring and answered it. He sighed after a minute.

"Okay." He hung up the phone then looked at me. "Gotta go. Stay." He slipped me off his lap and stood up. I pouted and watched him.

"Where are you going?" I asked him and laid down, curling up to myself as I watched. Why do I have to stay if he's leaving me?

"I've got to go do somethings for Nikolai." He explained.

"How long will it take?" I mumbled and then started to play with the couch cushion. "Do you want me to go ahead and go up to your room to wait for you instead of here?"

"Yeah, you can if you want. I have to go to Nome with Nikolai and I don't know how long it'll take up there." I pouted a little at that. He might be gone for a whole day! They tried to leave for a week when I first came here.... I got to my feet and started for the door then. "Want to come with us?" He asked then. I stopped at that and smiled. I can go! I ran back to him and purred, rubbing my head against him as I nodded.

"Take me with you," I mumbled and wrapped my arms around him as I closed my eyes and let out a moan of pleasure as I got my favorite spot to be rubbed against his shirt.

"You'll be okay leaving your treasure hoard for a few hours?" He asked, making sure. I purred to him and leaned in, kissing his neck.

"You're my favorite treasure," I mumbled and pulled him closer.

"Because I can interact with you?" He asked with a small smirk then kissed my cheek. I smiled happily and rubbed my head against him.

"Because you're all mine... and you love me... and I can make your eyes flash gold...." I giggled at the thought and looked up at him, flashing my eyes gold so that his did as well. He blushed and teleported us into Nikolai's study.

"Ready?" He asked Nikolai, looking towards him. Nikolai was looking at a computer, humming to himself.

"Yeah, let's go- Wait Midori is coming?" Nikolai asked and looked towards me. Donnie nodded. I pressed my head against Donnie's chest and looked towards Nikolai with a small giggle.

"Because Donnie loves me," I purred and leaned up, kissing Donnie's cheek.

"Okay, but don't get in trouble while we are up there in Nome." He told me firmly and then walked over. Donnie grabbed him and suddenly we were on top of a building and it was snowing down hard on us. I frowned as I felt my body already starting to heat up to accommodate for the snow, keeping my dragon temperature up. I watched as the snow melted on my arm as soon as it hit and then steamed.

"Why're we here?" I asked softly, glancing around the area as I looked towards the ground.

"Because this is the top of our factory." Donnie explained. He let me go and then walked over to the edge. "Nikolai, looks like the men were right. That's not our guys down there guarding this place." I frowned and walked over to the edge and peered down.

"I could eat them if you want," I suggested helpfully. "My scales are pretty bullet proof."

"I want to know who's running this little outpost." Nikolai said as he walked over. "Find out who they are." He looked towards Donnie.

"Already doing it." Donnie told him. I sat down on the edge of the building then started to trace my fingers against the snow, watching as it melted at my touch. "Cross International Association... Some old hunters reformed." He told us then and looked the men on the ground over. "Those weapons are from our factory." He hissed. "Damn, looks like history is going to start repeating it's self quicker then we expected." I looked up at him and then laid out on the building, giggling a little when I heard the snow sizzle and it started to steam up around me. This feels good.... I purred happily as I played in the snow.

"Alright, Midori take out the guards." Nikolai ordered, pulling out his phone. "We're taking this place back." He put the phone to his ear. "Move everyone in," He ordered and hung up the phone. I sat up and looked at him then let out a small growl, looking over the edge of the building as I felt my teeth sharpen with my claws. I snarled and then jumped over the edge, falling down onto a guard below me and sunk my teeth into him as he broke my fall. He let out a scream and gunfire went off as guards started to close in on me. I growled and then shifted, sweeping them up against the building and knocking them all unconscious with my tail and then reared up, looking for more as I let out a roar. A couple of loaded guards ran out from inside the building and started to shoot at me. I looked at them then growled, breathing fire at them and through the door then picked one up in my teeth and slung him into the trees before I shifted to my human form and picked up one of the guard's guns and took off running inside with it, shooting who was left as the fire took to the building on the inside. Whoops... I could hear screaming on the level above me like the other two had went through the roof to get inside. I giggled a little and then cleared this floor and froze when I spotted the shiny silver bullets. I purred as it sung for me and then bounced over to it, throwing myself down into the cartful of bullets and started to play in them as the fire raged around me. I watched as the light bounced off the bullets, making them look a pretty orangey color and purred happily as I rubbed my head against the pile and let a moan slip. I was pulled from the bullets quickly.

"Hey, come on." I heard Donnie hiss in my ear. "Don't get distracted and die." I yelped and looked up at him then bit my bottom lip.

"Okay," I whispered and glanced at the bullets with a pout then back up at him.

"Why'd you set our building on fire?! Do you know how much that'll cost us later? I'm gonna get you." I shrunk back from him and pulled away quickly, sniffling. He's really mad at me.... I pulled my gun that I stole closer to me and then looked towards the stairs where all the commotion was. He's never gonna bring me again.... I pouted and then started walking for them. "You're going to witness me taking gold from you to pay for the damages." He told me, following beside me with a gun. I widened my eyes.

"Nuh uh! That's my treasure hoard," I told him and looked over at him.

"Don't burn down our factories then." He grumbled. I whimpered and looked away from him.

"I didn't plan to," I whispered.

"Next time burn them not the factory." He went ahead of me then and disappeared. I frowned a little. I did burn them... that's the reason why the factory is on fire.... I looked towards a fire alarm and then used it, watching as the water sprinklers cut on and started to try to do fire control. I walked up the stairs to the next floor and started to help take back the factory- no fire used.

~Time Skip brought to you by Teddy Bears~

I walked outside after everything was done and the factory (even though it was burnt) was Nikolai and Donnie's again. I threw myself down into the snow and tossed the gun back towards the building as I curled up and listened to the sound of the snow starting to melt under me. He's gonna try to take my gold from me.... I pouted and then closed my eyes. I don't wanna see that....

"There we go. Now look here, I don't want this happening again or I'll have to relocate the factory." Nikolai snapped towards some of his men in uniform. "I shouldn't have to be cleaning up your mess." He slung a gun into the guy's hand. "Now the money to fix the damages is coming out of your paycheck." He snapped a finger at him. "Now get lost." He shoved him back and looked towards Donnie. "Take me home, it's too damn cold."

"Okay cuz." Donnie grabbed him and then me and teleported us into Nikolai's office and let him go then teleported us into the treasure room and let me go. He fell down into my nest I made and curled up in it. I looked at him then pouted and crawled a few feet away and curled up on a pile, snuggling up to myself and looked towards my gold, picking a few pieces up then started to make a small stack as I listened to Donnie breathing. Donnie curled up on the gold, starting to fall asleep on it. He must be really mad at me. I shrunk down into the gold and then pulled a few pieces onto me and looked at it then felt sick. I pushed it off me then got up and walked to a spot on the floor where there wasn't any gold and laid down on it, curling up and closing my eyes as I started to fall asleep.

"Midori," I heard a girl whisper my name. I opened my eyes and sat up, seeing I was in a dark place where all I could see was a girl who's pale skin glowed against the black around us. Her hair was a dark brown and her eyes were green as she watched me then she smiled. "Midori, my sweet dragon." She walked up and knelt down in front of me, kissing my forehead. I widened my eyes and looked at her, trying to smell her but I couldn't catch a scent.

"Who are you?" I asked her. She laughed and touched my cheek.

"I'm Fate," she told me and looked me over. "Not many get to meet me personally, but you're one of my dragons." She sat back and sighed. "I wish this was a happy occasion, but Midori, you broke my rules." I frowned. She's Fate? Oh no... she's here to scold me. I pulled my knees close to me and pouted.

"I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

"Yes, you're in trouble, but because you're so young... and it wasn't that bad and you're one of my favorite dragons... I'll be lenient and punish you lightly," she told me and smiled. I bit my bottom lip.

"I'm sorry Fate.... They were really happy together and wanted to be mates."

"But that wasn't for you to decide, my sweet baby dragon," she told me and pulled me to her. "That is my job." I nodded. "Good boy... Now I can't not punish you. If I didn't punish you, others would think that they could do it too, and I'd have a lot of trouble on my hands and have to punish a lot of people. I want to be fair and try to provide an example. Your wizard Hachi did this too and got in trouble... but he managed to escape his punishment," she hissed that part and looked upset. I watched her and shrunk back, but she pulled me into a hug. "Don't worry... It won't be that bad."

"W-what's my punishment?" I asked her and felt my heart speeding up as I started to get worried. She hasn't told me yet.... and she came to see me personally.

"Oh... you'll be blind for a full day when you wake up... and at the stroke of midnight at the end of that day, you will lose your ability to take a human form. It's a grace period to get done whatever you need to do before you can't take a human form to be with the ones around you and time for you to get to a safe place.... You'll spend a week in your dragon form, and for a full month... food will be flavorless and fish will taste like ash to you," she whispered and ran her fingers though my hair. "I have such big plans for you soon! This punishment is so light that you probably won't even remember it after a few centuries my dear," she told me and giggled. "I would punish you more for what you did... but you are one of my dragons, and my dragons are special to me. You're all very close to me, and you're one of my favorites.... The first of your kind Midori. You're the first dragon to be able to choose love and family over gold and greed. I'm so proud of you~! Come walk with me," she suggested and stood up, pulling me to my feet and smiled at me sweetly. I looked at her and whined. THAT'S NOT THAT LIGHT! That sounds terrible. I shivered but walked with her anyways. "Treat Donnie well, okay? Don't be afraid to return to the dragon realm either Midori." She kissed my cheek and I frowned at her and was about to say something when everything went white and she disappeared from my sight.

I woke up with a start and sat up, opening my eyes then yelped when I couldn't see anything. I quickly touched my face to make sure my eyes were open, and sure enough, they were open. I whimpered and curled up. I'm blind! I couldn't hear Donnie in the room. I remembered yesterday then and started to cry. He left me.... He's really mad at me! I whimpered and got to my hands and knees then started to try to feel around the room, trying to get close to the vault door. Fate really is punishing me! I need to get somewhere where I'll be fine. I used my power to open the door and then crawled out and started to feel around for the elevator on the other side of the hall and found the call button on the wall and pressed it quickly then got in when I heard it ding. I started to feel around for the first floor button and whined a little when I was finding it hard then pressed it and curled up by the door as I waited, listening so I'd know when to get out. When it dinged again, I crawled out and then started to feel my way towards the front door, smelling the air to see if anyone was nearby that way I wouldn't run into them.

"What're you doing on the floor?" I heard Hachi ask me from behind. I froze up and looked back behind me, trying to find out where he was.

"No reason," I said quickly, remembering how Hachi had gotten in trouble for the same thing. I felt hands wrap around my waist and pick me up.

"You're getting heavy." He grumbled and carried me off somewhere and I felt him sit me down on something soft. "Here." I felt him put something on my face then. "Donnie came and told me about your dream. He over heard it." He explained. These are the glasses I gave to August." I blinked as the world came back to me and looked at him then bit my bottom lip, curling up.

"Thanks," I whispered and then pulled him to me, kissing his head. I smiled at him and then held him close.

"He's training Keegan right now." Hachi told me. He rubbed my head. I purred happily and leaned my head into his hand.

"Okay," I mumbled. "Is he still upset at me?"

"No." Hachi purred. "He wasn't upset at you." I smiled and then leaned my head against his chest and started to rub my head against him. My sweet wizard. I giggled and then kissed his cheek. He rubbed the kiss off his cheek. "Hey, no kisses, Isaac'll get jealous." I looked at him and pouted then.

"But you're my second mommy...."

"Second!? I should be first." He kissed my cheek. "I've raised you long enough." He scooted me away and went towards the kitchen. "I'm going to go make some pasta!" I got up and started to follow him with a sweet smile.

"Okay, you can be my only mommy then," I told him sweetly. He looked back towards me and smirked.

"You're darn right I'm your mommy." He pointed towards me then walked into the kitchen and started to make pasta. I got up on a counter and sat on it, watching him intently as I started to feel hungry.

"Can I have some?" I asked him and looked towards him with a cute smile.

"Sure." He purred. "If that's what you'd like." He fixed us both a bowl and gave me mine then started to eat his in the floor. I watched him and then picked up my fork and ate a bite and held in a whine when I couldn't taste it. Darn it! I ate another bite and pouted, my mouth watering for the taste of spaghetti... not this tasteless paste I was eating. If I wasn't hungry... I wouldn't be eating it. Hachi finished his spaghetti fast and then put the bowl in the sink, purring. I watched him and then tried not to gag as I took another bite of it. Hachi gave me a cute smile.

"I'm going back upstairs, see you later cutie." He purred and left then. I watched him go and then pouted as I looked at the food. This is cruel.... I finished it up and then washed my bowl and put it up then wandered upstairs for a bit till I came near the library and tilted my head as I peeked in. I smiled as I saw the books and then walked in and started to glance around the shelves, trying to find something to read then came across Donnie's mother's journals. I picked the first one up and sat in the floor, looking it over before I opened it to the first page and began to read for fun.

Paris's POV:

I shoved a dead girl away from me and licked my lips clean then looked towards Richard. We had been blood binging for the past couple of days. He finished up the guy he had pinned down on the ground and sat up, looking around and let out a growl as he stood up and started in the direction of more humans that we could smell. "Richard." I purred and felt one of my phones vibrate. I pulled it out, seeing it was a text from Nikolai.

Nikolai: Paris, come home soon, we're having some problems. Apparently there is a Cross International Association now that's like hunters. They took over my weapons factory in Nome... Don't worry I had the mess cleaned up but they're still out there!

"Time to go home." I told Richard. Richard stopped and looked over at me and pouted.

"But... but food," he mumbled and looking in the direction of the humans as he rubbed his neck right where he had told me he feels the burning when he blood binges.

"It's time to go home." I hissed. "No more, let's go." I walked up to him and grabbed his arm then teleported us home and let him go. He looked at me and then leaned in and bit down into my neck, wrapping me up in his arms. I purred and leaned my head against his shoulder and let him drink my blood. He moaned softly and then moved back from my neck and pushed me up against a wall, hooking his finger in my belt loop and tugged me close to him as he pressed against me and kissed my lips passionately. I heard the front door open then and looked towards it seeing Perry and Alexis walking in together.

"I'm home!" Perry called and pulled off his sunglasses. "Home to stay." Richard looked at them and smiled.

"Oh? You're moving in?" He smirked and then leaned his face into the crook of my neck and started to give me a love bite.

"Yeah, some jerks raided my place with guns. That's the last time I do business as a blood lord." Perry walked up to us and then wrapped us up into his arms. "Which room is mine?" Richard looked at him and then at Alexis.

"Sharing a room or separate rooms?" He asked and then moved from me and hugged Perry.

"Separate~" Perry purred. "I don't think Alexis would be okay with sharing." He looked at her, seeing her blushing and pushing her hair into her face. Richard laughed and then grabbed Perry's arm and Alexis's hand, pulling them up the stairs.

"Right this way boys and girls," he purred and disappeared into the halls. I laughed and followed after them quickly.

"The guest hall is the last hall on the right." I told them. "That's where you'll be staying." Richard glanced back at me and frowned a little but took them to it and showed them to two separate rooms by each other. He purred as he pushed Perry into his and then opened the door for Alexis then walked up to me and smirked up at me before he brushed past me, his arm touching mine and letting me get a whiff of him. I looked him over then grabbed his wrist and teleported us into our bedroom. He looked at me and purred slightly.

"Who said you could take me to our room?" He teased me and then leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss before he slipped away and walked towards the bathroom with a sway in his hips. I purred as I watched him then teleported into the bathroom and started to strip, turning the shower on in the process. He walked in and smirked at me, exposing his fangs before he walked over to the sink and got his toothbrush out and started to brush his teeth clean. I climbed into the tub and plugged it, taking a bath instead. He looked back at me and spat the toothpaste out and cleaned his mouth out then walked over to the edge of the tub and sat down by it and purred, running a hand over the water as he watched me. I smirked and sunk down in the water and rubbed my back up against the tub. He watched and then purred and moved closer to my head and then leaned across the tub and kissed my lips passionately as he held onto the side of the tub to keep from falling in. I pulled him in quickly and kissed him. He yelped and looked at the water then at me and purred, straddling my stomach in the water as he leaned in and kissed me. He pulled his soaking wet shirt off and dropped it on the floor as he leaned against me. I smirked and kissed his cheek then grabbed the shampoo bottle and started to shampoo my hair. He watched me then took over, shampooing my hair for me and purred as he played with my hair. I purred and wrapped my arms around him. He laughed and then rinsed my hair out then put conditioner in it and curled it around his fingers then touched my horns before he leaned in and kissed one of them lightly. I blushed and sunk down in the water as he messed with them. He purred and then touched the pointy end and laughed. "They're cute," he whispered. I bit my bottom lip, making it bleed. He thinks they're cute? He looked towards my lips and then leaned in and licked it clean, trailing his tongue against them before he moaned and gripped my hair, pulling my head back then leaned in towards my neck. I gasped and closed my eyes tightly. He kissed my neck and then scrapped his fangs against it before he bit in hard and pulled me close as he remarked me. I moaned and bit down into his shoulder. He groaned and then started to drink my blood as he sucked on my neck and tilted his head enough to where I had access to his full shoulder and part of his neck. I felt his nails scrape my skin, making my back bleed a little as he moaned. I groaned and bit down harder into him as he scratched my back. It made me think back to when he got my shoulders and bit off my thumb, making me shiver and spit some of his blood out. He purred and then moved me closer to him and then kissed my neck. I felt his breath tickling my skin as he lingered by my neck and then licked it before he moved back to where he bit me and started to suck on it for my blood. I gasped and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Richard." I purred. He looked down at me and then laughed and sucked on my neck a little harder as he pulled my body closer against him. I moaned and then took my fangs out of his skin and started to grind up against him. He moaned and hid his face into my neck, starting to get aroused in his pants. I grabbed his pants and took them off, tossing them into the floor then went after his boxers. He kissed my neck and wrapped his arms around me tightly, moaning softly as he grabbed my hands. I grabbed his boxers and pulled them off then tossed them and purred. He blushed and leaned in, kissing my lips softly. I purred towards him and exposed my fangs. He looked at my fangs with wide eyes and then tilted his head, showing me his neck. I smirked and wrapped my arms around him tightly then grabbed a wash cloth and body wash and gave it to him. He looked at the wash cloth and blushed a little before he put some body wash on it and looked me over, starting to clean my shoulders off. I could hear his thoughts going on in embarrassment as he avoided my eyes. I smirked and watched him wash me, letting a moan out. He sighed a little and I felt him calming down as he washed my chest for me. I purred and leaned in towards his lips and kissed him. He purred and kissed me back before he pulled away and slipped out from between my legs and continued to wash me, smiling a little.

"Let me get your back," he said and then moved me so he could get to my back and started to wash it for me. I leaned up against him so he could get my back. When he finished it up, he rinsed my back off and started to clean off my arms and then my feet. I smirked and leaned up against the tub. He glanced up at me then cleaned started to clean up my legs and paused when he got to my thighs and handed the rag to me, giving me a smirk as he started for the edge of the tub to get out. I pouted and watched him leave me then finished off what he couldn't and got out, grabbing a towel. He was drying off over by the mirror and wrapped the towel around his waist and stretched a bit, glancing at me in the mirror.

"What's wrong Paris?" He asked me and then turned to face me. He walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist and then kissed my neck.

"I dunno." I said innocently and went into my closet then picked out something to wear, a pair of pants and dress shirt then put it on and walked out to out bed and laid down on it, relaxing. He walked out in a pair of pants and then looked me over with a small smirk before he walked towards the door.

"I think I'll go practice baby," he purred over his shoulder to me. I got out of the bed and ran after him then grabbed his hand and teleported us into the music room then sat down on the bench and started to play our song before he could. He looked at me and smiled as he looked at the piano. "I'm supposed to play that for you silly," he whispered in my ear. He purred happily and closed his eyes, listening to it. I smiled and then finished playing the song for him and leaned in towards his neck and kissed it. He blushed and looked at me then kissed my head. I pulled back and started on a new song I just learned that was very sad sounding. He frowned a little and listened to it then nudged my hands to the side and smirked as he started to play something unusual for him. I recognized it as the old song Paris from a few centuries ago. He laughed and mumbled the song lyrics under his breath, having memorized them. I blushed and looked him over, recognizing it was Paris by the Chainsmokers.

"Aweeee." I leaned against him. "I love this song." He laughed a little at me and glanced over at me.

"I think it suits you," he told me and kissed my cheek before looking back at the piano.

"It does sound a bit like us." I admitted. He smirked softly and then finished up the song and started to play some of his favorites.

"I love you Paris," he purred and then closed his eyes.

"I love you too Richard." I whispered in his ear then nibbled on it. He moaned slightly and looked over at me then back at the piano. I smirked and then started to play Say Something By A Great Big World. He laughed and looked at me.

"Hmm, reminds me of the times I used to sleep constantly for years on times...."

"Hey~ Remember that I love you and you shouldn't go to sleep without me." I jabbed his side then and smirked. "Not without me by you." I purred. He smirked and leaned in, kissing my lips softly. He moved into my lap and kissed my cheek then before he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder, smelling the crook of my neck. I heard the doors to the music room fly open and heard Perry laugh as he walked in.

"There's my favorite two best vampires ever~" He said and walked over to us then sat down in Richard's lap. Richard looked at him and pushed him out of his lap and got off me, going over to the couch and sat down.

"Favorite?" Richard laughed at Perry and then laid down on the couch and watched us. Perry sat down by me and leaned up against the piano then smirked.

"Alright, so what are we going to do about these new hunters?" Perry asked. I raised an eyebrow towards him.

"Eat them," Richard said simply and shrugged. "What else?"

"Heard they took the factory over up north." Perry looked us over.

"How'd you find that out?" I asked him.

"The walls speak." Richard watched Perry then yawned and closed his eyes, starting to ignore us. "What's wrong Richard, can't hang with the big boys?" He teased. "You are Paris's favorite pawn."

"Awwww Perry, don't call my mate a pawn. I'll have to rip your throat out to defend him next time." I gave him a huge smile and exposed my fangs. Richard opened his eyes and looked at Perry.

"Perry... you'll never know how fearsome I can be," he told him then sat up. He walked over and then looked Perry over with a smirk. "If you weren't my friend... I'd kill you for calling me a simple pawn." He leaned in and kissed Perry's cheek then walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked him, purring. "Stay away from the maids and butlers." I warned.

"Hmmm... no promises," he said and looked over his shoulder with a smirk. He gave a wink then and glanced towards Perry before he walked out and shut the door before he walked off down the hall. I looked back towards Perry.

"So what are we going to do?" Perry asked me. "About the troublemakers?"

"I haven't decided yet... I need to find out where their hive is." I told him, rubbing my chin as I thought it over. "I'll get Nikolai and Donnie onto that." I pulled out my phone and texted Nikolai to do just that.