Dragon Tamers

Aaron's POV:

Your request to move into the village district has been approved. Enclosed are the keys to your new home and instructions on how to get there along with a list of rules for living.

I smirked as I picked the key up and the directions then walked out of the office room for Executioners and down the hall with my mail then outside and followed the instructions till I eventually reached my new home. I looked up at it and laughed. It even has a cute little garden out front. I smiled and walked up the steps of the porch and to the door, shaking my head at the little welcome mat. They really try to make it family like.... I unlocked the door and walked into the hard floor foyer and smiled as I looked the wood finish over and set the keys down on the table by the door and walked through the rooms, getting a layout of the first floor. The kitchen was amazing with a top notch refrigerator and freezer at the bottom of it and a good stove to cook with and lots of counters and cupboards. The walls might need repainting though.... I don't like the color they used. I sighed and walked into the dining room and smiled at the table and the nice flower centerpiece set up already and looked around before I walked through the foyer again and over to the living room that had a nice white carpet and large comfy couches with a flat screen TV and gaming system with dark coffee tables. I glanced it over and then headed upstairs to check out the bedrooms and nodded in approval when I found two bedrooms and a master bedroom which would be mine. Two baths isn't bad either and the walk in closets are great! I laughed and then looked through a window to the back yard and saw that it was pretty spacious. They'd be able to play their games back there.... Good. I walked downstairs and grabbed the keys then walked out and locked the house up and went to go get them. I walked back to the main base and inside to the living quarters and opened the door to my room, poking my head in. "Boys, I have something to show you," I said and gave them a smile. They looked towards me and Haven gave me a huge smile then ran up to me.

"Where'd you go off to?" Haven asked and tilted his head. Hassel watched Haven like a hawk before noticing me.

"To get my mail," I said and shrugged. "Come on, let's go." I smiled and then opened the door and gestured for them to follow me. Haven ran up to Hassel and grabbed him then pulled him out the door and into the hall, waiting for me. I walked past them and started to lead them back to the house, taking them outside then over to the village district till we reached ours and I walked back up the steps and unlocked the door then pushed it open. "Welcome home," I said and gave them smiles. "Your rooms are upstairs, but the one on the right is mine." Haven ran inside quickly and ran into the living room, I could hear him gasping. Hassel walked in slowly and looked around then followed Haven. I smiled softly and walked in, shutting the door and locking it before I headed upstairs and to my room, looking the door over. I'll have to put a lock on this door.... I walked into my room and left the door open as I walked to my bed and fell down in it, smiling at the smell of the fresh sheets.

"It's a nice place." I heard the room talk to me then. "Good job getting my boys into their destiny." I frowned. Crap. I sat up and looked around the room.

"Have you been watching?" I asked and then brought my pillow to me as I started to wonder if he ever really stopped watching. The door to the room shut then.

"I'm always watching my boys."

"Uh-huh," I hummed out. Yeah, and he said he couldn't be a dad himself. I laid down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. "Why don't you just tell them who you are?"

"Because I don't want to." I heard his voice fade away. I groaned and then buried my face into the bed. At least he's stopped physically tormenting me..... I curled up and smiled a little as I snuggled up to my pillow and listened to see if the boys where having fun. I heard Haven running around downstairs, laughing. I shook my head. I'll have to assign chores soon.... I smiled and then looked around my room. Plus I'll have to redecorate this a bit. I stood up and walked towards the door and opened it then went downstairs.

"I'm going to go start moving the stuff out of my room!" I called out to them as I headed for the front door. "Don't destroy anything!"

"Okay!" Haven yelled and I heard him ask Hassel about the lamps. I walked out and shut the door behind me and started the long task of moving my things out of my old room and into my new room.

~Time Skip~

I sat down on the couch and cracked open a soda I had found in the refrigerator and sighed. I just finished.... I laughed and took a sip of my drink as I looked around, thinking about how to make this place more me. I heard Haven coming down the stairs slowly, holding onto the railing but Hassel walked down like it was nothing and came over to me and sat down, smirking. I heard Haven whimpering on the staircase. I glanced over at him. "Yes?" I took another sip of my drink. "Need something Hassel?"

"Help~" Haven whimpered.

"No." Hassel told me and looked towards the stairs. I sat my drink down then got up and walked over to the stairs and picked Haven up then set him down at the bottom of the stairs.

"There you go," I said and gave him a small smile before I walked back to my spot on the couch in the living room and picked my drink back up. I heard Haven take off running then to explore more of the house, going into the kitchen.

"HASSEL! WHAT'S THIS!?" I heard Haven yell. Hassel looked towards me and then sunk further on the couch. I laughed at him.

"Hah," I said and smirked. That's what he gets. I took a sip of my drink and crossed my legs. Haven ran in then and jumped up onto the couch then sat down on the back of it and looked a pair of scissors over with interest then cut his hair with them. I frowned and took the scissors from him and shook my head. "Don't play with these," I told him firmly and sat them down on the coffee table. "Guess I'm scheduling you both hair appointments. Someone needs to fix what you just did." I sighed. Yaaaay....

"What's wrong with what I done?" He asked and then rubbed his ear. Hassel looked him over and then frowned.

"You cut half of your hair and now you look like a train wreck." Hassel told him. "But you still look cute." He rubbed his ear then, earning a purr. I watched them then pulled out my phone and dialed up the girl who I got to cut my hair. She picked up rather quickly.

"Hey Aaron! What's up? You don't normally call me unless you want something." I frowned a little. That's not true... is it?

"Well... I guess I could call you more," I mumbled. "Anyways, I need you to come over today and cut two boys' hair for me. They need it."

"Sure! I'll be right over! Same place or-"

"No, different. I live in the village district now."

"Oooh! Fancy!" She laughed. "Give me directions then." I gave them to her and leaned back in my seat as she told me how much she was going to charge me then confirmed it was fine. "I'll be right over Aaron. Just hang tight." I smiled and hung up the phone. Melanie is so nice. I put my phone back into my pocket then looked towards the two boys. Haven was sleeping on the back of the couch now, napping away. Hassel looked towards me and smirked.

"Do you like her?" He asked me. I frowned at him.

"Don't ask questions you don't understand," I whispered. She's just one of the few I'll actually talk to.

"Oh, so you do like her." He looked away then, loosing interest.

"Do not," I muttered. "She's just a girl." I got to my feet. "She's going to cut both of your hair too."

"Not mine, mine doesn't need a hair cut." He told me and ran his fingers through his blonde curly hair. I looked at him.

"Too bad... She's cutting it," I said and smirked. "It'll give you and Haven something to do."

"No way, no one is coming near my hair but myself." He crossed his arms. I sat back down and frowned.

"Hassel... it'll need to be cut soon if not now. Do it for your brother because he'll probably want you to do it too," I said and sighed. "Please don't make this hard. I don't want to fight you, but your hair needs to be cut."

"No it doesn't." He frowned. "My hair is perfectly fine. Don't take that away from me." I frowned at him.

"Whatever," I muttered and looked away. "Do what you want." I stood up again and picked up my drink. "I'll be in my room. Come get me when Melanie is here so I can tell her what to do with Haven's hair."

"What? No stay down here." He told me quickly. "I don't talk to girls." I glanced at him and then sighed before I sat back down.

"Alright," I whispered and took a sip of my drink. He leaned his head back against Haven and closed his eyes to rest. I shook my head slightly and sunk down in my seat. Why would he ask if I like Melanie.... I already told them that I don't talk to people normally. I sipped on my drink and cut the TV on low, watching a movie. After a bit, I heard someone knock at the door, so I got up and walked over to it, opening it to see her outside. She had cut her blond hair shorter since the last time I saw her. I smiled. "Hey Melanie." She smiled big at me.

"Heya stranger," she said and brushed past me. "You haven't been coming to see me! I'm so mad at you! I could spit fire!" She laughed and looked me over. "Your hair is starting to get a little long.... You'll want to get it cut next month." She touched it then walked towards the living room. "There's the boys! Oh my goodness... what'd you do to your hair?" I followed her in and saw her going over to Haven then looked his hair over, appalled at it. "It's like you just hacked it off! Oooooh! You got kitty ears! How adorable! Aaron! You didn't tell me that you got two new partners!" I frowned and looked towards her. Haven yelped and fell of the couch when he woke up from her and I could hear his hissing towards her. Hassel woke up then and slid away from her quickly. I laughed a little at that. Pay back.... "Awwww, you don't have to hiss at me," she said and gave Haven a cute look. "Come here cutie. I'm going to fix your hair. I'm a friend of Aaron's!" I shrunk back at that and watched as she pulled out a kit that carried her scissors in them and other stuff. She opened it up and then took her scissors out and pulled Haven over to a chair and sat him down in it then got to work, brushing his hair out and starting to trim it up to where he had hacked it up and started to make it look nice. Haven watched her, looking amazed by her and then laughed.

"I'm Haven." He told her, looking her over and then blushed. She smiled.

"Well hello Haven. I'm Melanie," she told him and gave him a sweet look. "You must be quite the troublemaker!" She giggled and then looked his hair over as she started to style it and fixed him up. "Your ears are cute~!"

"Thank chu." He laid his ears back then and closed his eyes, looking pleased. She giggled and smiled.

"You're not near as quiet and gloomy as Aaron can get," she told him and looked over at me with a smile as she teased me. I frowned and leaned against the wall.

"Am not."

"Are too! Look at him over there! Doesn't he look depressed? I think he does! He always gets this air around him like he doesn't want anything to do with anybody and shuts himself up. Haven, work at him for me, kay?" She giggled and looked me over before she looked back at Haven. "I'm trying too. I get him to open up every once in awhile, but between you and me... I think he craves company but doesn't know how to get it." She winked. I crossed my arms. That's not true.... I know how to talk to people but I choose not to unless I want to.

"Okay!" He gave a huge smile and looked towards me. "I'm gonna give him a bunch of love to make him open up!" Hassel gave a jealous look then. Melanie giggled.

"But watch out. That one's getting upset," she said and looked at Hassel then gave him a big smile. "That's too bad... I get the feeling he's like Aaron."

"Nu-uh. Hassel just doesn't talk to girls." Haven told her and giggled.

"Mhmmm," she hummed and smiled. "Well I'll just have to hang around long enough to make him change his mind. Isn't that right Hassel!" She looked over at Hassel and smiled at him. "I don't bite! Come here! Tell me if you want me to make this a little shorter on him or not!" Hassel looked Haven over and gave a shrug then looked away.

"I want some to play with." Haven told her and reached up towards his hair. Melanie nodded.

"Okay cutie," she said and giggled then put some finishing touches on him then brushed his shoulders off. "All done!" She smiled and then looked towards Hassel. "Your turn!"

"He's actually not getting a haircut," I told her quickly. "I will though." She looked at me and then smiled softly, giving a nod then gestured for me to take a seat. I sat down in a seat nearby and watched as she walked over and started to look my hair over.

"The usual Aaron?" I nodded to her and relaxed as she started to brush my hair out. Haven got up and ran over to Hassel then crawled into his lap. Hassel started to run his fingers through his hair and then messed it up before kissing Haven on the head. Melanie smiled at them and then looked towards me. "How're things with you?"

"Fine," I mumbled to her and closed my eyes as she started to trim near my ears. "How's work?"

"Good! I've been getting more requests! Plus I think my boss is starting to see how useful I am when it comes to investigating! I've been getting more jobs from him!" She giggled. "I had this one where I found a witch!" I smiled softly then yelped when she accidentally nicked my ear. She gasped and then set the scissors down. "I'm so sorry Aaron!" She tilted my head to look at my ear as I went to touch it and pulled my hand away to see it was bleeding. "Let me get something to clean that up with! I'll be right back! Stay here!" She quickly ran off then. I winced and looked at the blood on my fingers. This isn't good.... I felt the pain on my ear start to go away suddenly as a wind blew through the room. I blinked and then touched my ear again with a small frown. Was that.... No... it couldn't have been. I watched as Melanie rushed back into the room and over to me then stopped wide eyed. "Wha... Where'd the.... Aaron, you're not bleeding anymore...." She walked over in amazement and touched my ear. I looked up at her.

"Oh... it must've been a really small nick then." I gave a smile.

"I... it was big enough to be seen Aaron!"

"Nope. It must've been the heat of the moment that made you think that," I told her and smiled innocently. She looked me over suspiciously and then picked up the scissors and started to cut my hair some more. I heard Haven purr loudly as Hassel rubbed behind his ear. After she finished up, she brushed my shoulders off and looked me over. I smiled at her and pulled out the money to pay her then handed it to her. "Thank you Melanie." She gave a small smile.

"You're welcome," she whispered then started to put her stuff away. She looked towards the boys and gave a big smile. "Bye cuties! I'll see you two later!" She gave them a wink and started for the door, leaving quickly. I got up and frowned. Somethings off.... She wouldn't just leave that quickly and be that quiet.... Oh man... She's going to file an investigation on me. I sighed and put a hand to my head. This is going to be a long month.... I stood up and started to clean up the hair and threw it all away then sat down on the couch.

"What's the matter with your ear?" Hassel asked me. I looked at him.

"Nothing," I said and shrugged. "Just she accidentally nicked it a little but thought it was worse than it was." I touched my ear and found it completely healed up. "That's all." He nodded and then rubbed his jaw as he leaned against the couch.

"Thanks for this." He whispered.

"Thanks for what?" I asked and frowned.

"For what you've done." He explained and then picked Haven up and started for the stairs. "It's nice." I watched him and smiled a little.

"Hassel," I called after him after a few seconds and smiled. "I'll start to teach you to fight tomorrow." He didn't have to thank me.... I laughed a little. "Go have fun."

"Okay." He called from the stairs and I heard him disappear up them. I sunk into the seat and smiled a little then sighed. They're nice. I think I can get used to them if Hassel doesn't try to kill me soon. I laid out on the couch and then closed my eyes and touched my ear a little. Now the only question is... why the heck did my ear heal up? Was it him? I turned on the TV to fill the space of silence and curled up on the couch as I looked towards the floor and then closed my eyes again.

Veronica Cross's POV:

"Amelia!" I called, looking at the notification on my phone. Apparently the factory I took up north was taken back by the Grimms. I frowned and ran my fingers through my hair, messing it up from it's bun. "GET ME THE FREAKING MAN THAT RAN THIS OPERATION!" I screamed. I heard her yelp right outside the door and run down the hall to do as she was told. I rolled my eyes and picked up my glass of red wine and took a sip from it. I don't have to put up with this. I threw my phone down onto the desk and sat back in my chair. "AMELIA!" I called for her. "ON SECOND THOUGHT, YOU DEAL WITH IT. I'M GOING OUT!" I called.

"MISS CROSS! I want to come!" I heard her beg.

"DEAL WITH IT!" I yelled and picked my phone back up and shoved it into my pocket then grabbed my coat and purse and started for the garage. When I reached it I got into the car and drove off the grounds and towards a nearby city. I stopped at a club run by wolves and got out then went into building and towards a bar where I sat down, putting my purse on the bar and my coat on the back of my seat. I crossed my legs, showing them off since I was in a nice knee length red dress. I looked towards the bartender and ordered a bloody marry then looked around the bar. There were a couple of girls nearby who were talking excitedly to each other, not noticing some werewolf guys who were eying them down from a few feet away. I wrinkled up my nose, hoping they'd have the brains to stay away from the werewolves and then kept looking. There was a small human group who was over in the corner, getting drunk, but there was a girl among them who was sipping on a Coke instead of alcohol. She looked them over and laughed a little, her laugh light and happy sounding as her friends joked with her and took sips of their alcohol. I watched her with interest then, wondering how she was putting up with her drunk friends.... but she's probably their safe driver or whatever. Friends look nice to have. I looked around some more, this time for a guy. I spotted one leaning up against the wall as he looked the bar over and then looked towards another guy near him and told him something before he got off the wall and started walking for the door, walking past me. He gave me a small glance and kept walking. I watched him then glanced back towards the guy on the wall, watching him first. He was smaller than the other guy who left and had a hoodie on and a pair of black pants with a black leather studded belt and seemed to be a little lost as he stared at his drink in his hands. I looked towards the guy that had left, debating about which one to choose but decided to go with the guy that just left. I paid for my drink then downed it and grabbed my coat and purse then started for the door. When I got outside I looked around for the guy. He was sitting in a car digging around it for something then got out and shut the door as he pocketed a pair of headphones and then started back for the bar. I grabbed his arm when he passed me then gave him a cute smile.

"Hey~" I gave him a sweet smile. "I'm looking for a nice place to eat at, know anywhere I could go?" He looked at me and then smirked a little.

"Yeah," he said. "Not too far from here either."

"Could you take me?" I asked him sweetly. "If it's not too much of a problem?" He looked me over.

"I guess.... Give me a minute though. I need to take something to a friend." He smiled. "Wait here."

"Thanks." I bit my bottom lip then walked up and leaned against the car, waiting for him. He walked into the bar and then came out after a few minutes and smirked when he saw me.

"You're still here," he said and then walked up. "Come on, let's go." He opened the door to the passenger side and gestured for me to get in. I nodded and got into the car and sat my things by my feet then waited on him to get in. Opening the car door for me? He's sweet... He got into the driver's seat and started up the car then backed us out of the parking space and got us on the road before he started to drive, checking his mirrors. "So what's your name?" He asked me.

"Veronica." I told him and then gave a small smile. "Veronica Cross."

"That's a pretty name," he said and smiled as he ran a hand through his dark hair. "Very pretty."

"I don't know... It sounds kind of mean to me." I gave a small laugh then. "What do you think?"

"No.... It's not mean sounding when it's got a sweet good-natured girl to accompany it. You're too beautiful for me to think that it is a mean sounding name." He laughed and glanced at me then looked back at the road.

"So what's the place called? The nice restaurant we were talking about." I looked him over.

"It's The Dragon," he said and smiled. "It's a restaurant that serves mostly oriental food and stuff, but it's owners aren't from there. I'm friends with the manager of this one."

"Oh nice. How about I buy you a meal for this?" I suggested.

"No, I'll pay," he said and laughed. "It's my honor as a gentleman. Don't take that from me." He smirked a little. "My name is Dustin Groves by the way. I realized I didn't tell you."

"Dustin? That's real cute." I told him. "I never met a Groves." I looked him over then looked at his neck and felt my stomach grumble. He glanced over at me and smiled.

"Well... my family is kind of small," he said and then pulled up at the restaurant. "Let's go Ms. Cross," he told me and then went to get out. I grabbed his wrist and then pulled him closer to me and leaned in towards his neck then bit down into him and locked his car door. He yelped and looked at me as his heart sped up. "M-miss?" I laid his seat back and then crawled over onto him. I pulled my fangs out of his neck so he'd calm down the started to suck on his wound. He moaned a little and held onto my shirt. "Well this is a little kinky," he whispered and winced. I giggled then to give him a reaction as I licked up his blood. He kissed my cheek and then exposed his neck to me with a small laugh. "You must be one of those supernatural fans," he whispered to himself.

"Totally," I told him and then bit back down into his neck and moaned at the taste of his blood. He yelped and winced again.

"Owe," he muttered but didn't complain too much. I pulled back after a minute and licked his neck to heal it then moved into the passengers seat and licked my lips. He looked at me then rubbed his neck and frowned a bit. He touched where I had bitten him and then looked at me with wide eyes. "How'd... Umm..." He blushed a bit and then looked towards the locks on the doors and unlocked them. "How about that dinner?" He mumbled. I smiled and gave him a nod then grabbed my purse and coat and got out of his car. Oh man it would be funny if he ditched me now and just drove off. He got out though and shut the car then locked it, putting his hands in his pockets as he walked up towards the doors to the restaurant and then opened them, holding it for me. I walked after him then and went through the doors and looked around the restaurant. It was decorated nicely and a girl greeted us as soon as we were inside. She saw Dustin and smiled big.

"Dustin!" She laughed and looked towards me then picked up two menus. "I was wondering when I'd see you again! You brought a friend today," she said and giggled. "Hi, I'm Eve." She held out a hand to me to shake it. "I'm the manager." I shook her hand quickly.

"Veronica." I told her. "Pleasure to meet you." She smiled and then looked at Dustin.

"You sly dog," she mumbled towards him and gave a wink with a nudge to him before she pulled us along. "The usual Dustin?"

"No... the treat," he said and smirked as he put his hands in his pockets again. She giggled.

"Oh? Must be special then!" She led us to an outdoor area that was lit up by candles and had a fountain going with little rose petals in the water. The tables surrounded it and a few cherry trees were growing around the area, enclosing the space with camellia bushes growing under them. She smiled and led us to a table and sat us down, handing us the two menus. I noticed no one else was out here. She winked at Dustin and started to walk off. "I'll be back!" She disappeared back inside, shutting the door behind her. I looked towards the menu and started to read it over then looked up at him.

"Hey~ You're not going to tell anyone about what I done to you in the car, right? That's a little embarrassing that I like..... you know, that stuff." I leaned across the table then and brushed my hand across his. "By the way, you're so cute." He looked down at my hand then up at me.

"Why would I tell? I don't judge people for what they like as long as it doesn't wind up getting someone killed." He shrugged and gave me a smile. "I won't tell. It's your business anyways."

"Thanks Dustin." I gave him a cute smile and tilted my head then looked down at the menu, debating over what to get. "Hey Dustin, can you give me an idea on what to pick?" I asked him.

"The fried rice with beef is pretty good," he said and sat back. "That's what I'm getting. If you're not into a big plate, the sushi is good. For drinks, I'd suggest that if you want to go non-alcoholic, you should probably try their tea. If you want alcoholic, they pretty much serve anything you can think of. There's a bar inside in the adult part of the restaurant."

"Okay~" I looked the menu over and then sat back a bit. I should go with something non-alcoholic. Probably some sushi.... Sushi is always good. "I think I know what I want." I sat the menu down on the table. He smiled at me and then looked towards the fountain.

"Do you normally go to bars?" He asked and glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes.

"No." I shook my head. "Not normally. Usually what I want is given to me from Amelia." I told him. "She's my assistant."

"Oh? That's interesting." He laughed and looked back at me. "I thought you were a bit too pretty to be in that bar."

"It was out of the ordinary for me." I admitted.

"Mhmm... be careful if you do it again. Some guys are not as easy going as me and would get upset about your likes." He leaned back in his seat and sighed.

"Oh yeah, I understand." I nodded quickly and gave him a small innocent look. He smiled at me.

"So what do you do normally do for fun since how you don't go to bars?" He laughed.

"I don't know." I admitted. I looked down at the table then... Oh man.... I'm boring... I don't even know what I do for fun... I used to do tons of things when I was human... I think.... I hardly remember... He tilted his head.

"Well we'll have to change that," he said and smirked. "How about if this goes well... we do this again tomorrow but go somewhere different?" I blushed as I thought that over... Oh man.... Do I want to? Having humans as friends is kind of dangerous.... Just look at Angel.... She's a maniac waiting to kill me in my sleep. I gave him a smile and looked up at him.

"Yeah, tomorrow sounds great." He broke out into a grin then, pleased.

"Then tomorrow it is," he whispered.

"What should we do?" I asked him... I need to ask Amelia to clear my unbusy schedule then get me into something like a hobby that I can say I do for fun.... Maybe golf... Golf is fun. He smiled.

"Well... tomorrow there is a concert. You into music?" He pulled out his phone and started to search things up on it. "Or the aquarium... or we could head out to the beach... or I could teach you bar hopping... or we could go to a museum... or maybe the mall... or an amusement park."

"How about we go to an aquarium?" I suggested. I love fish! He nodded and then started to mess around on it and smirked.

"Got us tickets. They're doing this swim with the dolphins thing that I put us in for along with a tour." He set his phone down and looked up at me.

"Swim with the dolphins?" I asked him and then nodded. Okay that does sound fun~

"You can swim, right?" He smiled softly and propped his head up on his hand. "If you can't, we'll get a life vest. I don't want you to miss out on a fun thing during our date, Ms. Cross."

"I know how to swim." I purred sweetly towards him. "It's Veronica." He smiled big at that.

"Okay Veronica," he said sweetly and then looked up as Eve walked back out with a pad in her hands.

"Hello boys and girls! I'm back," she said and gave us a smirk. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I'm ready to take your orders." She walked up and looked towards Dustin.

"A fried rice plate with beef and some Japanese tea," he told her then smiled as he looked my way while she picked up his menu.

"I'll take a spicy shrimp roll with a glass of coke." I gave her my menu. She wrote it down then gave us big smiles.

"Alright... Dustin, want some music?" She looked at him and tilted her head. He nodded and sat back in his seat, watching her.

"Yeah, I'd like that," he told her and then smirked. She winked and then bounced off and shortly some music started to play. I looked him over and gave a small smile.

"This is a really nice restaurant." I told him. "Who was that guy back at the bar?" He smiled then.

"Oh, you mean Evan? The one I was standing with? He's my brother. He lives with me and normally goes where I go." He laughed a little then. "He recently suffered a breakup with this girl named Tammy."

"Oh yeah? You should have invited him with us. He shouldn't pick up a girl from a bar." I rubbed my neck then as I thought over what I said.

"Well... he's been wary of girls lately," he whispered and looked down at the table. "He doesn't want much to do with anyone but me. I doubt he would've come if I asked."

"Oh!" I widened my eyes. He's one of those guys~ That's so cute. "He's so sweet sounding."

"Yeah... if you hang around me for much longer, I'll have to introduce you," he said and winked. "He'll warm up after a bit."

"We'll introduce him to my assistant Amelia." I suggested.... I think she's single. She never talks about anyone specific besides work, me, her, and top of the evening subjects. He smiled a little.

"I'll work on him if you're interested in me," he told me and winked. "More than two nights that is."

"I think we'll be seeing each other more then just two nights." I winked back. He's definitely my new food source. He smiled and nodded.

"Then I'll introduce you to Evan later after I get him used to the idea that I'm hanging out with a girl." I brushed my hand against his then and gave him a cute smile.

"He'll love me!" I assured. He laughed and then looked towards my hand and took it in his.

"I think he might. You can meet him tomorrow if you'd like to stop by my house after we're through having fun." He smirked a little. "Get a drink and then I'll take you home?"

"Sounds like a plan." I nodded at the thought. "I could totally come over." He nodded and then looked towards the fountain and smiled a little.

"Alright," he said softly. I looked over at the fountain then took my hand from him and leaned back against my chair, watching it. After a few minutes, he glanced back at me and then stood up and held out his hand. "May I have a dance, Victoria?" He asked me and smirked. I blushed and looked towards his hand then grabbed it and stood up.

"I haven't danced in a few years." Centuries. "So I might be a little.... slow." I told him and blushed.

"That's alright. I'm an excellent lead," he whispered to me and smirked as he started to lead me in a dance, helping me find the steps. "You're not that bad Veronica."

"Thanks Dustin, you're as good as you said though." I blushed and leaned against his shoulder. He smiled and held me close as he led me to the music and then spun me before he pulled me back to him and laughed.

"I got lucky today," he whispered as he looked me over and then pulled me close. I laughed and then pulled back from the dance as the music ended. I walked over to our table then sat back down. He watched me then walked over and sat down in his seat again and stretched out then smiled as he saw Eve come bouncing out with two plates in her hands and then sat them down in front of us as a guy came out and sat our drinks down then grabbed Eve and dragged her back inside before she could say something to us. Dustin laughed and then picked up his fork and took a bite of his food. I smiled and then grabbed a pair of chopsticks and started to each the sushi with them. He watched me and then sighed as he finished up his food after a few minutes and sipped on his drink. "So... do you like fish?" He asked. "I mean to look at... not eat."

"Of course! I really like sharks and any fish bigger than me. They're cool to look at." I nodded and gave a small laugh. He smiled.

"That's cool.... I like whales. They're pretty cool- the killer whales." He smirked and then sat his drink down.

"So what's your views on supernatural?" I asked curiously. He looked at me then.

"Supernaturals? Well..." He looked thoughtful then. "I don't have a problem with the idea of them. It'd be pretty cool if they were real and a little scary, but my life doesn't revolve around the fantasy of them. I don't really think about them I guess." He shrugged. I smirked and exposed my fangs then towards him.

"Oh yeah?" I asked him. He yelped and looked at them, almost falling out of his seat.

"Ummm... you must... really like supernaturals," he whispered as he picked up his drink and took a sip of it nervously. "Did you get that done?"

"Yeah you can say that." I purred. "Whatever you want to believe." I ate another roll of sushi. He looked at my fangs and lightly bit his bottom lip as he studied them with an unsure look.

"Are you.... Supernaturals can't be real...." He sunk in his seat and watched me. "Right?"

"Ask yourself how people came up with the ideas all by their self without them actually being real, think about it." I told him and smiled. He widened his eyes a little as he thought about it then picked up his drink and took a sip of it.

"So.... you're a vampire?" He asked, his voice a little shaky. I busted out laughing then and shook my head then took a sip of my coke.

"Wow I really had you going." I winked towards him. He laughed nervously and then sunk down more in his seat, looking me over warily. He finished up his drink and sat it down. I hid my fangs then and finished the sushi. Eve came out after a few minutes with the bill and looked towards Dustin as he pulled out his wallet and paid her for it in cash. She smiled at him and then kissed the top of his head.

"I'll see ya later Dustin. Make sure to stop in again," she told him and then looked at me. "It was nice meeting you!" She walked back inside then and hummed to herself. He watched her and then looked at me.

"You ready?" I nodded towards him.

"Take me back to the bar, will you?" I asked him. He stood up and then pulled me to my feet before he led me back in and out to the parking lot then opened the door for me and helped me into the car before he shut it then got into his driver's side and started to drive us back.

"So... should we exchange phone numbers... or do you want to just meet up somewhere at three?"

"Let's exchange phone numbers." I reached into my purse and then grabbed my card and slipped it into his pocket. He blushed a little and then nodded.

"I'll call you then," he whispered as he drove. I giggled and then looked out the window. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't call tomorrow. He took me back to the bar and let me out just as Evan left the side of the building and brushed past me, going to the car as I got out then took my place and shut the door, locking it. I gave them a wave and then walked over to my car and pulled out my phone and then called Amelia.

"Amelia, arrange for a meeting with Angel." I ordered. "Within the next two hours. I'm coming home now." I told her and then hung up and got in my car. I drove home then and got out, going to the building and entering it. Amelia greeted me in the doorway and gave me a huge hug.

"I was worried! Where'd you run off to?" She asked curiously.

"No where." I told her. "Did you get me a meeting with Angel?" I asked.

"Yes miss." She nodded. "I got you a meeting. What for though? If you don't mind me asking.."

"Oh also schedule golf lessons for me later this week." I ordered.

"Golf lessons? I didn't know you liked golf Miss Cross or even had a hobby..." She started to pen something into her clipboard. "Okay, I'll get that done for you. Anything else?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I might be leaving again tomorrow.... I don't know yet." I told her and started for the living room and went in. I could hear her coming after me.

"Miss Cross, where did you go this evening to get all these ideas about hobbies and not coming in for work?" She asked, looking at me in awe for a juicy story.

"Get me a bloody marry, will you?" I asked her. She snapped her fingers towards some butlers by the door and they ran out.

"Coming up Miss Cross." She hummed happily. A butler walked in then followed by Angel as she glanced around the room then saw me. She gave a small smile and walked over.

"You wanted to see me again?"

"Hey Angel!" I gave her a huge smile as a butler came in and brought me a bloody marry then left. "I did want to see you." I told her and sat down on the couch. "Have a seat." She looked me over and then sat down beside me.

"What did you want to see me for?" She asked cautiously.

"Early the factory I took over was taken back." I told her and then sighed. "But I did get the weapons in there. I'm having a new factory built for us in the south. I'm going to give you the weapons produced there." I told her and smirked. Her eyes widened a little.

"Th-thank you?" She fidgeted then and looked me over.

"Half of the weapons anyways." I smirked her way. She nodded.

"What's the catch?"

"Nothing is the catch. We're friends now and this is what I do for friends." I purred. She nodded after a minute and looked unsure.

"Alright," she whispered. "I'll put them to good use...."

"I know you will." I gave her a huge smile. She smiled then and sat back in the seat.

"So I've been thinking about what you said about allowing supernaturals to fight in my organization instead of hunting all of them.... I decided to try it in a controlled way to start with and see if it's worth it," she said and looked over at me. "I'm going to see about finding one willing to fight."

"Sounds like a wonderful plan." I purred and then crossed my arms. "I hope you like what you see in who you choose." She smiled a little.

"Well... if I could find a way to get someone to...." She laughed then. "Most of my captive supernaturals have sworn to kill us at the first chance, so I can't pick from them... and then most supernaturals out there hate anything that has to do with killing them." She shook her head then. "I have my work cut out for me to find my first supernatural."

"It helps if you get them to trust you first before they join." I told her.

"So... I should start hunting myself again," she mumbled. "My people have been trained to ki-" Her phone started to go off and she frowned, digging it out of her pocket and then answered it. "Mhmm, Angel here. Oh... Uh-huh... Why wasn't I informed? I should know when there are suspicions about my own men.... Yes?.... Oh... okay. Standard blood test should do the trick. See if you can find bites on him. Treat him nicely. Don't imprison him if they come back positive." She sighed then. "Yes... I know what I'm saying. I will want to meet him either way. Uh-huh... no body guards. Yes, thanks.... Bu-bye now." She hung up and put her phone back in her pocket and ran a hand through her hair. I smirked and threw back the bloody marry.

"How about next week I come over and check out your organization?" I suggested.

"Yeah, you can if you want," she said. "I'll give you a tour around the facility." She laughed then. "You might like how I have it set up. It's really efficient." I nodded and glanced towards Amelia, seeing her scheduling it in. "I'll have a nice lunch prepared for you. Oh, and you can meet some of my top executioners if you want." She smiled then. "They do the actual hunting and killing. The others mostly are scientific."

"I'd love to meet them." I nodded at the idea.

"Good.... I'll make sure they aren't armed," she told me and then leaned her head back and hummed softly. "It'll be good."

Aaron's POV:

I yelped and fell off the couch as I heard knocking at the front door, loud and forceful sounding. I widened my eyes and shrunk down on the floor as I glanced outside to see it was night and then grabbed my gun from my side and headed towards the front door, looking through the peephole to see a researcher, an investigator, and two executioners standing on my doorstep. I held my breath as my heart started to race. Damn Melanie! She told on me! At least I know I'm human... The test will come back negative. They probably are here for that.... I set my gun down as quietly as I could and watched them, judging if they'd try to take me forcefully even if I surrendered quickly. I heard Hassel coming down the stairs quietly and walking up to me then looking through the hole and then at me. I looked at him and gave a small smile. "It'll be alright," I whispered. "Go wait upstairs." I kept the slight worry out of my voice about the fact that they might beat me up and then take me. You never know with them. "It's just about earlier." He nodded and then looked towards my ear and then pointed towards my ear.

"It's about that?" He asked and then started for the stairs. "Just keep cool." I watched him and sighed.

"Keep Haven safe," I called after him then frowned. "Hassel, come here." I picked up my gun and walked over to him then placed it in his hands. "If someone comes here while I'm gone... or they try to take you guys too... use it," I whispered. "You know how to shoot, right?" He shrugged.

"No, never really used a gun..." He told me and then sighed. "But I know how to aim down a target and kill." He stuck the gun into his pocket then. "I'll take care of Haven, I've done it forever." I smiled at him.

"Good," I whispered and then gestured for him to go upstairs. "I'll be home soon, okay? This won't take that long." I ruffled his hair and nudged him to the stairs.

"Hey- that's my hair." He straightened it then headed up the stairs as ordered. I watched him and made sure he was safely upstairs before I went to the door and answered it.

"Executioner Aaron, we're here to collect you," the investigator said and pushed her glasses up onto her nose. "You're under suspicion of being supernatural."

"Please come with us." I heard one of the executioners say from behind the investigator. I looked them over and stepped out, shutting the door behind me and locked it then shoved my key into my pocket.

"So... are you arresting me?" I asked them cautiously as I noticed a few of them were tense.

"No questions." I heard one of the executioners say and then stepped to the side to expose a waiting car that was running and a door to the back seat was being held open. "Get in." I nodded and put my hands in my pockets, walking over to the car and then got into the backseat without saying anything. No way am I giving them reason to forcefully do this. I sighed.

"This blows," I muttered under my breath as the investigator and researcher got in with the executioners.

"Thanks for your cooperation. I don't understand why we have to do this now during this ungodly hour. We should all be sleeping and dreaming about butterflies and cute unicorns or whatever. Jobs a job though, ya know?" An executioner asked me. "Sometimes though I think the requests are just..." He sighed and then sunk in the seat. "I'm ready for my bed and nightquil." I looked over at him.

"Probably because the higher ups don't want anyone to know that one of us is under suspicion because of how the organization is about zero tolerance," I whispered to him. "This sucks. I'm not a supernatural, but I have to go anyways." I sighed and looked away.

"Yeah I bet it blows!" He grabbed my shoulder then. "Hey, how about I take you out for something to eat after this and get you some donuts?" He gave a huge smile. "Some coffee to go with it~ Maybe a cake or so... Man I hate to be in your shoes right now. You're about to go through the whole lot." I frowned and looked at him.

"What do you mean? It's just a blood test... right?"

"Oh sureeeee kid." He laughed. "You don't know the half of what's going to happen with you." I widened my eyes and sunk in my seat.

"You're kidding me, right?" Oh man... I shouldn't have gotten in the car.

"Oh yeah, Angel got a call about you." He told me and the other guy by me smacked his head.

"Shut up!" I bit my bottom lip.

"This isn't cool," I muttered and then pulled out my phone to play a game. Might be the last time I get to for a bit. Why the heck did they call Angel?!

"Don't worry though. If you're not a supernatural freak then you'll get to go home and sleep this off like the rest of us."

"But I'm not," I muttered. "This is ridiculous. I haven't even been bitten." They looked my neck over.

"I don't see any fang marks... do you?"


"Still have to take him in though."

"True." I sighed and then curled up, playing the game on my phone- Slenderman again.

"I want two days off after this is over," I told them.

"We don't control that." They told me.

"Then can you at least get me the application for a vacation?" I asked them, glancing up at them. "I think I deserve it."

"We'll send it to you." I gave a nod and went back to my phone, ignoring them. I know they were ordered to do this... but this is idiotic. When we pulled up in the garage, the two scientists got out and then waited as we got out and started to lead us back to the labs, navigating the halls. I put my phone up after I got caught and tsked, looking around. I had a blood test a couple of days ago too! The two executioners escorted me into the lab, staying tensed. I watched as they pulled me in and then walked over to one of the tables and jumped up, sitting on it then held out my elbow as I waited for them.

"Lay back," the investigator told me and pushed me down onto my back and strapped me down. "It's a precaution. Don't think we're doing this for fun." She looked towards the researcher as he started to get the stuff ready then walked over and cleaned up my skin and took some of my blood then walked over to the machines and went to test it. The results to the test came back after a moment, announcing I was 100% human. I looked up at them and then sighed.

"See, I'm clean. Let me up," I told them. The investigator looked me over and then picked up a scalpel and nicked my ear, watching as I winced and started to bleed. "What was that for?!"

"A test," she told me and shrugged. I felt my ear continue to sting, not healing up like it done before. I watched as she watched it then sighed and undid the straps. "Well... seems you aren't a concern Executioner Aaron," she told me. I got up quickly.

"Thanks. I'll be heading home now." I walked for the door, wanting to get out of there and get back to the boys.

"Errrr can we let him go now?" One of the executioners asked and moved into the doorway. The researcher looked up.

"Angel said she'd see him tomorrow, not tonight. We can let him go. He's clean," he told them. I looked them over. This is why I don't talk to them. I groaned and then slipped past the one blocking my way and out into the hall.

"Hey! Want a ride back home!?" One of the executioners asked. I glanced back behind me.

"No!" I started to walk a little faster. Hell no am I getting into a car with them again. I shoved my hands into my pockets and then walked through the halls, getting to the exit and then went out and started to walk back. When I got back home, I unlocked the door and went inside, shutting and relocking the door. "I'm home boys!" I called and smiled, relieved to be back.

"You took a while." I heard Hassel say from in the living room. "I was getting a little worried." I walked towards the living room and gave him a smile.

"Well... they took some blood," I told him and shrugged. He sat the gun down on the coffee table then stood up and walked over to me and then looked me over as he stopped in front of me.

"Got a little something on your neck..." He pointed towards it and then pressed his finger against my skin and scooped up some dried blood and then rubbed it off his finger. "They got your ear again." I sighed.

"They decided to take it a little far and nicked my ear to test it again," I whispered. "Does it look bad?" He shook his head.

"It's healed now." He told me and then pulled me into the kitchen and over to the sink. He picked up a towel and wet it then started to clean the blood off of me. I watched him and gave a small smile.

"Thanks," I told him. He nodded and then finished up with me and rinsed the towel off.

"Didn't want Haven seeing that." He told me and stuffed his hands into his pockets when he finished with the towel. That makes more sense. I laughed softly.

"That's sweet.... I'm surprised you're not upstairs with him." I tilted my head and rubbed my ear then sighed. "You two seem so close."

"We are close." He told me and then smiled. "He's my brother. I was waiting to see what kind of condition you'd be in when you got back." He looked me over. "You look just fine though." I glanced myself over.

"Well... it helps that I didn't pitch a fit," I told him and rubbed the back of my neck. "They're making me see Angel tomorrow. She's the head of the whole organization. Apparently she took interest in me because of this." I shook my head. "It can't be good. She doesn't ever call anyone like that." I walked over to the freezer and pulled out a tub of ice cream and three bowls from the cupboards then began to scoop the three of us up some ice cream. I put spoons in the bowls and put the tub up then slid a bowl his way and picked up the two other bowls. "Let's go get this to Haven." I gave a smile. He looked the ice cream over.

"Oh boy... if we let him have this he'll never fall back to sleep... He'll be up for the rest of the day." Hassel whispered. I frowned.

"You don't want to give him a treat? I thought it'd make him happy...."

"You've never seen him bad on sugar though. We'll never get some sleep." I looked him over.

"We could sneak him some sleeping medication after this," I whispered to him.

"Okay... but we need to brush his teeth first before we do that." He grabbed the bowl and started upstairs with it. I nodded and followed after him up to Haven's room and knocked softly on it. I heard Haven let out a small purr and run up to the door then threw it open. He looked us over and then glanced at the bowl.

"What's in the bowl?" Haven asked, looking excited. "Is it a treat?" He reached for it and got it from Hassel then started to eat the ice cream, scooping it into his mouth quickly and groaned when he got a brain feeze. He yelped and then sat the bowl down and held his head. "Owe owe owe owe owe owe OWE!" He grabbed the bowel and then kept eating it. Hassel watched him and then took a bite of his ice cream and then pulled away from it and handed it to me.

"That's way too sweet and cold..." He mumbled and then rubbed his jaw. I frowned a little but nodded.

"Alright Hassel.... I'll get some sort of other treat in the house for you then," I told him. Haven finished his ice cream then gave the bowl back to Hassel and went to his bed then started to jump on it. Hassel looked towards me then and back at Haven.

"Let's get those pretty teeth brushed." Hassel walked over to him and grabbed him, putting the bowl in his place and carried him to the bathroom. I set my bowl down and followed after him, leaning against the door of the bathroom as I watched. Hassel placed Haven on the counter and then fished around for his tooth brush in the cabinet then the tooth paste. Once he got some on the brush he looked towards Haven and made him open his mouth and started to brush his teeth for him, earning a growl from Haven as his ears laid back and he spat at the taste. He struggled then against Hassel. I laughed and walked over, reaching up and then started to rub his ears to calm him. He let out another growl and chewed on the tooth brush as Hassel started to get his back teeth.

"Haven," I whispered. "Be a good boy and let him brush your teeth. You won't get anymore treats if you don't behave." I rubbed a little harder on his ears, trying to get a purr. He whined then stopped chewing on the tooth brush and let Hassel clean his teeth. He gave a small purr and leaned in towards my hand. I laughed and gave a big smile. "Awww, you're so cute," I told him. "Hassel's lucky." Hassel pulled the tooth brush out then and rinsed it off then got a cup of water for Haven and gave it to him.

"Swish and spit." Hassel told him. Haven grabbed it then started to chug the water down, making Hassel widen his eyes and pull the cup away. "Bad boy! I said swish and spit not swallow!" He grabbed his chin then leaned him over the sink. "Spit the rest out." Haven growled but spit it out. Hassel gave him the rest of the water in the cup then. "Now swish and spit like a good boy." Haven done as he was told and then got off the counter and ran off for the bedroom. I followed after him and picked him up then laid him on the bed, moving his bowl out of the way. I tucked him in and rubbed his ears.

"Sleep time," I told him and smirked. "Hassel! Come lay down with him so he'll sleep!" Hassel came in and then sat down on the bed and tucked Haven in then kissed him on the cheek.

"That was for your own good." Hassel told him. Haven growled and sunk into the covers, pulling them over his head and took my old teddy bear with him. I smiled softly.

"Hassel... you sleeping with him or in your own room?" I looked up at him.

"With him..." Hassel told me and crawled into the bed then laid down by Haven. "Goodnight Aaron." I nodded and then smirked, tucking him in beside Haven.

"Goodnight then Hassel," I told him and pulled back. "Sleep well.... Get some good dreams. If you get bit by something, scream."

"Yeah, sure you weirdo." Hassel rubbed Haven's ears and tried to get him to purr. I laughed.

"You'll get used to me," I whispered to him as I walked towards the door. "After all, you're my partners, aren't you?"

"Yeah, goodnight." Hassel pulled Haven closer to him, rubbing his head. I watched them for a second before I flipped off the lights and walked out, shutting the door behind me. I sighed. Tomorrow I'll start training them if I have time after seeing Angel. I walked to my bedroom and over to my bed, stripping down to my boxers and then fell into it and smiled happily. I got under the covers and then snuggled up to my pillow then fell asleep.

Donnie's POV:

Midori moved beside me and whined. "Donnie... it's 11:54.... I gotta go outside," he whispered and then leaned over, kissing my cheek. I groaned and then grabbed his wrist and teleported us out into the back yard then curled up on the grass and tried to fall back to sleep. He kissed my cheek then. "I love you," he whispered and then purred, rubbing his head against me. "I'm going to miss you."

"Don't go..." I mumbled, pulling him closer to me. He whimpered and then hid his face into the crook of my neck.

"But I'm gonna shift for a week," he whispered. "You want me to wait and sleep in the yard? And then I'll have to hunt to feed...." He whined and then wrapped his arms around me. "I won't be able to sleep in bed by you...."

"Okay~ Go ahead..." I sighed out and looked him over. "It's going to be a long week." He held me close and kissed my cheek.

"You sure? I really could sleep in the yard...." He looked up at my eyes as his turned gold. "I would for you...."

"Please stay here... I'll worry about you in the dragon world...." I whined. He nodded then and kissed my neck.

"Alright... but you best come see me at least once a day," he told me and then nibbled my ear with a purr. I purred back.

"Of course I will!" He giggled and smiled happily.

"Good," he said and then kissed my lips passionately. I leaned in and then got on top of him and started to kiss him deeply. He moaned and held onto my sides as he kissed me back with a loud purr. I pulled away from him then and looked him over, sighing.

"Please don't loose your humanity..." I whispered. He looked up at me and bit his bottom lip a little.

"I'll try my best not to forget what you and Hachi taught me," he whispered to me. "It'll be a little harder."

"Well... Doesn't the dragon realm go by faster then us? Or was it slower?" I asked him. He pouted and then kissed my cheek.

"I'm not sure," he whispered to me. "I don't want to leave you though...."

"Then don't go." I mumbled. "I'll stay out here with you." I promised. "I'll sleep in a hemic or with you or in a tree." He kissed me quickly.

"I love you," he told me sweetly, giving me a look of pure love and happiness. He held me to him and then nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. "If you want anything from me anytime soon, I suggest you go for it.... We only have a few minutes left and then a whole week of waiting this out." I looked his body over and then leaned into his neck and bit down into him then started to drink his blood. He yelped and then relaxed, running his fingers through my hair with a small smile. He purred to me and kissed my cheek as he played with my hair and then closed his eyes with a look of pleasure as he tilted his head. I marked him as my mate then, injecting my venom into his veins. He moaned and then pressed his head back into grass, arching his neck and back a little. "Donnie~" He purred and tightened his grip on my hair. I pulled back from his neck and then kissed him passionately, running my fingers down his body. He shivered at my touch and kissed me quickly, deepening it as he gently bit my bottom lip to tease me and then leaned into the kiss more. I let out a small moan then pulled back from the kiss and got off of him, taking the glasses off of him and placed them in my pocket so they'd be okay. Louis would be heart broken if they got damaged. He whimpered and curled up on the ground, closing his eyes. "At least I will be able to see in a few minutes," he whispered and then sat up and felt around before he found me and started to crawl a few feet away and laid down.

"I love you." I whispered, watching him with a hurt expression.

"I love you too," he whispered back. "It's for your safety- why I moved," he explained, probably sensing I wasn't happy. "As soon as I'm safely a dragon... you can crawl up and lay down against me," he purred and looked in my direction, his eyes not seeing me. "The worst part will be over in a week... and then I'll make this up to you."

"Promise?" I asked, giving a small purr. He giggled a little.

"How would you like me to make this up to you?" He asked sweetly.

"I want you to go on a nice date with me." I purred. "Just us, romantically." He blushed and then nodded.

"Okay... I will go on a date with you when I'm back to having this form again," he told me. "Is that all you want?" He asked softly.

"Yeah. I love you." I purred and then closed my eyes. "I'd never ask for something out of the way." He smiled and gave a nod.

"Then a date," he whispered. "Of course I would." He laughed and then curled up to himself. "I'd love to go spend time with just you." He smiled sweetly. "I'll be thinking about it the whole time."

"I'll be planning the whole time." I teased. He blushed a deep shade of red then.


"I'll make it so perfect you'll die with happiness." I teased.

"No fish," he said quickly. "She said it'd taste like ash." He whimpered at the thought.

"For how long?" I asked, frowning.

"A month.... That's the rest of my punishment. Fish tastes like ash and other food tastes like nothing for the rest of the month.... It makes me not want to eat, but I've been forcing myself," he whispered and sounded upset.

"That sucks..." I grumbled... I really hate fate... She doesn't have to be so cruel to us. Not everyone wants to play her game.

"It'll be fine...." He closed his eyes then and started to gnaw on his hand as his teeth began to sharpen with his claws shortly following. I watched him and sighed.

"Why don't you just go ahead and turn before it gets you?" I asked him. He growled softly towards me, but he gave in and started to shift, doing it on his own terms and then became a beautiful green dragon. He shifted his wings and lifted up his head, smelling the air then leaned his head over to me and picked me up in his mouth by my shirt. I yelped and then squirmed. "Midori!" I grumbled, about to slip out of my shirt. He growled and then laid me down right against his chest and moved his front hand over me and laid his head down. I yelped and then fixed my shirt and tried to climb out from under him. He growled and held me down. I groaned as he squished me then tried to relax under him so he'd lift up a bit. After a minute, he let up a little and moved his hand off my chest and down more towards my legs and heaved a sigh. I sighed and then grunted as he brushed his hand past my manhood. "Watch it!" He moved his hand off me then and I could tell from his thoughts that he didn't mean to do that as he let me go and put his hand a few inches away from me. I sat up quickly and then looked him over and ran my hand against his chest. He purred and relaxed, looking towards me. He perked his head up a little and looked around as he regained his sight and then looked back towards me and nuzzled his head against me a little before he laid it back down. I started to slowly crawl away from him then and towards the house. He opened his eyes and watched me then gave a soft growl but didn't move to grab me. He moved his head away and then shifted his body from me. I looked towards him and then crawled over to his stomach and curled up to it, purring. I better stick to my promise. He gave a soft growl and then took his back paw and nudged me away from him.

"You can go inside," I heard his voice in his head tell me.

"But I rather stay here." I told him then crawled on top of him and curled up. He watched me and then adjusted his wing so that it was over me a little, covering up my body but not my head. I ran my fingers across his scales then pulled one to keep.

"If you wanted one... you could've asked me silly." He laughed a little and then gave a playful growl. "I love you my treasure." A purr rose up in his chest then, rumbling through him. I put the scale in my pocket then went completely under his wing and then started to go down more and snuggled up. He adjusted himself a little to make me more balanced and then relaxed as his warmth was getting trapped under his wing and keeping me warm but not too hot. I moaned at the warmth and comfort it was bringing then found it hard to keep my eyes open. His purr was sending me to sleep with his warmth, and I soon was asleep under his wing.

I felt Midori move under me and his wing shifted a little as he started to wake up. I could faintly hear birds singing, but it was muffled from his thick wing. I stretched out then and let out a yawn, moving out a little bit from his wing and looked around us. The sun was shining above us with a few clouds and there was a light breeze making the trees sway. Midori was looking towards the woods intently as he stared into them and tilted his head, focusing on something in it. He let out a purr like he was calling to something and a teenage boy came walking up to the edge of the woods and looking at Midori in wonder. I could smell he was a wizard. I looked the wizard over in wonder.

"Hachi is going to have a field day with this one." I whispered. Midori didn't seem to be listening to me as he lifted his head up a little and looked the wizard over who quickly fell to his knees and bowed his head. Midori let out an approving purr and laid his head down, watching as the wizard slowly reached out and touched him. Hachi appeared then at the back door and suddenly the wizard was slung onto the frozen pool and then smashed into it by an unknown force. Hachi walked over to the pool then with a hungry look and laughed. Midori leaned his head over and picked Hachi up by his shirt and then placed him down against his chest and put his front hand over him.

"Hey! Midori! You're ruining my meal." Hachi grumbled, trying to get out from under him. Midori purred and then laid his head down, watching Hachi. He glanced towards the wizard who was shakily getting out of the ice and fell down onto the ground. He looked back at Hachi curiously. Hachi let out a growl and then used his magic to get by the wizard and then bit down into his neck before someone could interrupt him. The wizard let out a scream as Hachi missed a vital point on him and used his magic to throw Hachi back. Hachi suddenly was frozen and the wizard put a hand over his neck as he held in a cry of pain. Midori growled then and picked his head up, snarling at the wizard for messing with Hachi. Harry appeared then and shoved the wizard back into the pool, defending Hachi and laughed. Midori let out a sharp growl that made me tremble as he leaned over and pulled the wizard out of the pool with his teeth and snarled, shaking him. The wizard screeched and Hachi was able to move again as he lost concentration. Hachi ran over to the wizard then and snatched him from Midori then disappeared with him. Harry disappeared soon after. Midori growled softly and then laid his head down, running his tongue over his bloody teeth and then shifted his wing back over me. I yelped and then slipped out of his wing and hit the ground by him. He picked his head up quickly and looked over at me then leaned his head over to me and nuzzled it against my chest, nudging me. I laughed and got on top of his head, kissing it. He purred happily.

"Good morning," he said and laughed as he laid his head on the ground and looked up at me the best he could.

"Good morning." I yawned out and then fell down by him. "I'm hungry." I whispered to him. He watched me and then let out a soft growl and moved his front hand up to his neck and scratched it lightly, his sharp talons making him bleed. He kept his head down and watched me curiously. I looked towards his wound then leaned in towards it and started to drink his blood. He purred softly and watched then closed his eyes, letting me get my fill. I pulled back from it after a minute and then licked his wound, healing him. He opened his eyes again and then leaned his head over to me, rubbing his head against me as he knocked me flat onto my back. I yelped and gave a small laugh and rubbed his chin. He purred loudly and leaned his head into my hand lightly, trying not to hurt me. "What should we do today, hummm? Oh I was thinking that maybe you'll fit in the castle in Paris, France. The one with the gold. You remember it right? You love it. It's huge and might fit you." He paused and looked at me then nuzzled his head against my shirt, sliding it up a little as he rubbed his head against me.

"If you want to go try.... then we could.... I'd love to go for a long ride though," he purred and slipped one of his teeth up under my shirt and tugged on it.

"A long ride? Okay... Let's go on one and then go to the castle." I suggested. He lifted me up by my shirt then and started to put me on his back where his neck met his body. He shifted his wings and then got to his feet, starting to get us up in the air and then started to fly up into the clouds and let out a small roar. I held onto him tightly then looked around. Ha! I'm a dragon rider. He pulled in his wings close to his body and dove a bit then opened his wings and soared back up, laughing a little. I noticed we were already out above sea. I gasped as I looked down at the water.... Don't fall. Sea monsters... Serpents.... Mermaids... I clung to Midori then. He turned his head to look back at me and then performed another trick, turning over in the air and then straightened out. He dove down to the sea and trailed one of his paws over it as he flew. I gasped and hid my face against him. He dipped it in the water completely, letting out a purr and then got back up in the sky away from the water. After about thirty minutes, I saw land and he headed for it then landed after a bit in some woods. He laid down and looked around then picked me up by my shirt and set me down on the ground. He glanced around and seemed happy as a bird flew near him and into another tree. He stopped then, looking towards something.

"What's that?" He asked me and looked towards something I hadn't originally noticed. It was like the ruins of a temple and had stone dragons perched on either side of the steps made of jade. He tilted his head and then moved closer to it. I noticed then that the building was huge and expanded further back into the woods, hidden. He was able to fit through the large doors easily, pushing it open with his head and then disappeared inside. I followed after him quickly. Looks like an old ruined dragon temple? That exists? Midori was looking around and then flew up to the rafters that had claw marks in them and perched up there like a cat. The place was dimly lit by the large windows and had a circle table in the middle of the room that opened up in the center to a large hole with ashes in it like they used to burn wood there. Other tables scattered the room and I noticed a staircase leading down that was too narrow to allow dragons. I looked towards the staircase in interest then pulled out my phone and used it as a flashlight as I went towards the stair case and went into it, walking downwards. Once I was down, I could smell books everywhere and it appeared to be a library where they stored their dragon lore and knowledge. I could see large scrolls of dragon anatomy on the walls and then finally came across a scroll pronouncing this place as a dragon temple for dragon tamers and their dragons to take refuge at. Under it was a podium with a book that was open to a page with signatures all over it- old dragon tamers who had visited this place. The poster read that if one was dedicated to protecting and preserving dragons, they could become dragon tamers here. I looked the page over with the signatures then looked around the room.

"Midori!" I called. I heard movement upstairs then and a small thud as he got on the floor. I saw a wisp of a dark shadow pass before my flashlight on my phone then and a cold feeling surrounded me. I looked around me quickly. "Midori, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes," he called from upstairs and let out a purr as I heard rustling upstairs. I spotted someone walking up from behind some bookshelves, a pale light surrounding him. He looked over at me and closed a book and put it on the bookshelf.

"I've never seen you here before," he said and gave me a kind smile. "Welcome to the temple of the dragons. Are you a sympathizer, or are you wishing to become a dragon tamer?"

"Huh?" I tilted my head. "My mate is a dragon- upstairs." I told him. He frowned a little then.

"Mate? As in lover? That's a little strange. I've never heard of that before." He laughed and walked over. "You must've wandered in.... We don't get many visitors anymore. I'm the head librarian here. I'm stuck in this world and can't move on to the afterlife. My whole life was centered around this temple and these books. They've survived so long because of my care for them.... I doubt they'd be readable by now if it wasn't for me. Will you be staying?" He asked and tilted his head. He was slightly transparent- definitely a ghost or lost spirit or something. I widened my eyes as I realized I was talking to someone dead.

"Be staying... here? It's a mess... No offense." I told him. "My dragon- Midori and I need to go on to our castle in France soon." I told him. He nodded.

"I wish the temple was in better repair... but I can't do much for it. The library is all I can keep up. The place was abandoned after the dragons retreated back into their realm. We lost visitors... and soon enough, the world forgot about us and our dragon order. If the place was in it's top condition...." He sighed and then looked at the signatures in the book then at me. "Well... if you're wanting to go, then you better hurry along." He gave me a tired smile. "I have my books to attend to if you're not interested in dragon taming or staying longer."

"What exactly do you mean by dragon taming?" I asked him, deciding to stick this out. Maybe fate wants this... He smiled.

"You don't know what dragon taming is? It's an ancient art that was perfected here.... It allows you to have control over dragons and be able to calm them. We used to dispatch a few tamers to castles when a lord would complain about a dragon in his treasure room before he would give the order to have it killed. We loved to save them because we knew that most of the time, the dragon was just drawn to it. We tame dragons here and learn mastery over them, but they're not below us. That's important.... We've had to throw out a few before because they used to abuse their dragons thinking that they were just beasts." He tsked and looked upset about that.

"No.... I'd never think of Midori as just a beast.... He's my soul mate. We're both mated to each other by fate." I explained. "He's a very rare dragon that can turn human... but he's been in some trouble lately with fate and he won't be able to turn into a human until the week is up." He laughed a little.

"That is a rare type of dragon.... They're the elites of their kind," he told me. "He must be really young though... getting in trouble with fate. Most older ones don't do anything to go against her.... Did you raise him yourself?" He asked me curiously.

"Yeah, he was really young when I got him. He's my love." I purred and looked towards the stairs. He smiled.

"Then you know a little about them.... You've probably already learned a few techniques of dragon taming from having to raise him," he told me and crossed his arms. "Does he still focus on gold? That's a major issue with trying to be a dragon tamer. Once they lock onto gold, they don't like to leave it and there were a few who had been eaten because their dragon wouldn't take them being near gold."

"He let's me near his gold and can be away from it. He's still distracted by shinny things and gold though..." I mumbled. "I'm trying to get him to stop that bad habit though. I'm afraid it will get him killed one day." He nodded.

"It'd be an accomplishment if you were able to break a dragon completely of that habit... but I feel like you would be able to." He smiled. "You know... if you wanted, I could help you out and make you a dragon tamer. It's a simple ritual and it'll help you be able to get him to listen to you better in those moments... and if another dragon came along, you'd know how to deal with it. We usually tell others who aren't tamers to stay out of dragon's ways because they get dangerous... but you'd be safer as one of us."

"Sure, I don't have anything better to do and like you I have all of eternity. I'll learn." I shrugged. He smiled.

"As a spirit, I have the ability to share with you all my knowledge. You won't have to stay long to become a veteran tamer. Just really about an hour." He laughed and then started to walk around the library, collecting things. "Come on, let's meet your dragon."

"He's upstairs." I told him and then smirked. "Meet you there." I teleported upstairs then and looked around for Midori. He was back on the rafters again, gnawing on some block thing he found. He seemed to be enjoying it. "What're you doing Midori?" I asked him. He paused and looked back at me.

"Donnie~" He purred and dropped the block and leapt down from the rafter he was on into the floor and crawled over the stone table in the center over to me. He nuzzled his head against me and then gently nudged my body against the wall with his head and rubbed it against me, purring. I laughed and rubbed his head, getting under his chin to make him purr. He practically melted at my touch and laid down, holding his head up enough so I could rub his chin as he purred loudly and closed his eyes happily. The ghost walked up the stairs with a few scrolls and books along with some candles and a jeweled box with a symbol on the lid. He saw Midori and widened his eyes a little.

"He's... young," he said in awe. "He's so powerful looking too.... He's the best dragon I've ever seen.... He's going to be quite the terror when he gets older."

"He's old now... two centuries.... or more." I laughed and then kissed Midori's head. "I love him so much."

"He's a young adult. Dragons can live for thousands of years... and some have been here since the dawn of time and are still alive. We think that some of them have the capacity to be immortal. Mine was that way.... She was ancient and she's still alive. I can feel her through the bond I share with her... but she left when I died and moved on to the dragon realm." He walked up and set the stuff down on a nearby table and looked towards me. "Is it alright if I inspect him?" He asked and glanced Midori over. Midori looked at him and then nuzzled his head against me harder.

"Uh... sure." I nodded and then rubbed Midori's head. "Midori, this guy is nice.... so be nice back." He let out a soft growl and glanced over at the spirit as he slowly circled Midori and gently touched his side, inspecting his scales and then his talons before smiled and seemed pleased.

"He's healthy... that's good. He'll live a long time. It looks like he might be one of the ones that have possible immortality. You said he was two centuries but he really looks like he's only one...." He held up one of Midori's wings and looked it over and then let it go as Midori growled his way. He looked at him and then walked up to his head and started to lightly scratch his head and then moved to where his jaw met his neck. Midori instantly melted and fell over, his feet kicking as he scratched him there. Midori's eyes closed as he leaned his head back, letting him get to it better. I raised an eyebrow and watched them... That's kind of cool and interesting. He went to stop but Midori snarled at him and went to bite him. He tsked and looked at him. "No biting," he told him, making Midori pause. He smiled then. "Good boy," he said softly and rubbed the spot again gently. He looked at me and gestured for me to come over then grabbed my hand and placed it on the spot, trading his hand out for mine. I started to rub there then and smiled softly. Midori's back leg kicked some more as he fluttered his wings a little and purred loudly, practically melting and closing his eyes in pleasure. I could feel his happiness in his mind as he couldn't even think straight. I pulled back from him then and laughed.

"Well I know what to do to you in the future." I whispered. He growled and snapped his jaws at my hand, upset that I quit. I growled back towards him. "Don't try to bite me." I told him. He snarled a little and sat up a bit. The spirit tsked and mumbled something that I recognized as the dragon language. Midori stopped and then relaxed, laying down again and then watched us as he calmed down.

"He certainly is spoiled," he mumbled to himself.

"Oh yeah~ He's got three wizards back home that fawn over him, me, and my whole family." I purred. "He also has a great big treasure room and all the fish he can eat."

"Mhmm... I see why now." He laughed a little. He looked towards me then went over to the stuff and started to sort through it. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah." I nodded and walked over to him. "What're we going to do?"

"Well... I'm going to teach you to ask Midori for power and if he gives it to you, we'll be able to perform the ceremony and make you a dragon tamer. After that, you'll have a bond with Midori that will let you know where he is always and you'll be able to see from his eyes if you want. Your minds will be connected.... Then I'll bind myself to you and share all my knowledge with you to give you the years that I spent studying and learning techniques so that you can leave a veteran tamer. You'll be able to influence other dragons as well after today," he explained. "This ability isn't to be taken lightly. You must use it for good reasons- not evil. Dragons are pure. Don't defile them for your own uses, but I'm sure you understand that already." He smiled and then laughed.

"I understand." I looked towards Midori. "Did you hear him? You'll have to give me some power." Midori looked at me and then started to rub his head against the floor. The spirit looked over at him and then sat down on the table.

"Do you know any dragon?" He asked me and glanced my way.

"I know Midori..." I mumbled.

"I meant their language," he said and laughed a little. "My bad. I should've clarified."

"No...." I blushed. "Midori said I couldn't speak it...." He laughed.

"Well... you'll be able to speak it after today," he told me. "Perks of being a tamer. You'll just have to ask him nicely then if he hasn't tried to teach it to you."

"Okay..." I looked towards Midori. "Heard that?" He looked at me and purred then rubbed his head against the wall. "Can you give me some power sweetie?" He stopped rubbing his head against the wall and then leaned over and rubbed his head against my chest, knocking me onto my butt. I laughed and rubbed his chin. "Please my love?" He purred and then relaxed, picking his head back up off me.

"Alright," he said softly and then closed his eyes as he leaned his head against mine. I started to glow after a minute like he had done to me one the first day we met and then felt a surge of power go through me. He moved back after a few minutes and purred, looking me in the eyes before he moved his head away from me and laid it on the floor, rubbing against it. I looked towards the guy then.

"What's next?" I asked him, smiling softly. He smiled.

"The ceremony." He got off the table and then picked up a few scrolls and started to recite them to me in an ancient language. The words started to glow on the page and they floated off the scroll and swirled slowly around us. The candles lit by themselves but glowed blue with green tips as they flickered. Midori perked his head up a little and watched with interest as the letters came together and took on another shape, a dragon curled in a circle with it's wings unfurling. It came over and then pressed itself against my shoulder, burning itself into me then settled without causing me pain. I felt my nails sharpen a little at his words and then he stopped and looked at me as the candles dimmed to a small glow and then went out all together. "You're in the order now," he told me and smiled. He set the scrolls down and walked over then touched my head. The world blanked out and I saw the ghost's life flashing before my eyes, all the knowledge he had dedicated his life to in a single moment for me but years for him. I learned just about everything there was to know about dragons that humans had known in his time period, and just as it ended, he pulled his hand away from me and looked at Midori then at me. Midori let out a purr and rubbed his head against the wall. "You should be able to see what he sees if you concentrate," he told me and laughed. "Though right now it's not much."

"There really isn't anything to see right now from him." I agreed. "Thanks for doing this." I looked down at my long nails... I'm going to have to cut these so I don't pick up a bad habit like my dad has. He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, of course I'd help a fellow dragon lover. You'll keep the art of taming alive," he told me and looked Midori over then looked at me. "You do know that dragons have a small mating season every few hundred years, yes?"

"Wha....what...." I widened my eyes. "When is it?" I asked and started to panic. He looked thoughtful then.

"Well.... he's old enough to mate.... He'll be going through it. It's in a few years actually," he told me, glancing at a calendar scroll on the table. "He will be spreading his scent out soon."

"So how bad should I worry?" I asked him. He glanced at me.

"He won't be searching for another dragon. He'll be staying near wherever he's nesting and be spreading his scent out, so you'll smell him around you more. Because you say he's your mate... I think maybe a little if you're not wanting to sleep with him. You should probably go away if you don't want to. He'll be more instinctual too, but he won't be focusing on gold too much during that time. It doesn't last long either, considering how long they live. It's about a month to a year long depending on the dragon." He looked Midori over who was purring and rolling over onto his side, rubbing his head against the floor.

"So I don't have to worry about other dragons then?" I asked. "Wanting him or whatever..." I snarled at the idea. I'd totally kill them. He paused then.

"Yes... you might want to worry about that. If they come out of the dragon realm that is... they don't normally venture out... but Midori is a strong, powerful dragon. He's probably one of the best dragons out there- just more friendly. He's rare... and his scent will be really strong, so another dragon may come looking for him if they smell him. I doubt it'll be a huge problem. They've been staying in their realm for awhile," he told me and then ran his fingers through his hair. "If they do, you're a dragon tamer. You might be able to handle it and make them leave. You don't have to really worry about Midori looking for other dragons though. He's got you and won't be wanting his own kind because you raised him and you're his mate. Just other dragons." I looked towards Midori.

"So I can handle him when he starts wanting to mate...." I mumbled. I should get cuffs for him.

"Depends on how good you are at taming and how much he respects you," he said and shrugged. "It's instinctual to them. They'd prefer gold over each other, so the main way they reproduce is their mating season every few centuries. Most dragons still get killed though because some dragons still are snappy during the season and kill them before they can mate. Other than that... it's usually when they create an egg by themselves using their powers but they don't do that often."

"Yeah I understand why they wouldn't want children... they're stingy over their gold." I looked towards Midori and walked over to him then started to rub under his chin. He purred and stopped rubbing his head on the floor and looked at me, melting at my touch. "Ready to go to the castle?" I asked. "Sleep in that pile of gold.." He let out a playful growl and sat up a little before he pressed his head against my chest and knocked me to my butt. He picked me up by my shirt then in his mouth and started to carry me to the door, holding me up. I yelped and grabbed onto his face as I slipped a little in my shirt. He growled softly and looked at me before he got us outside and set me in a tree. He glanced around and perked up as a bird flew by, watching it with interest before he looked back at me and puffed some smoke my way. I looked down at the ground then teleported down to it and smirked. I felt him shift as he nudged my back with his head, and then let out a growl and put a paw on my back. I yelped as I fell over and then looked up at him. "Midori..." I mumbled.

"Yes?" He purred and then rubbed his head against my back hard.

"Let's go to the castle..." I purred and turned over to look up at him. He rubbed his head against my chest then before he lightly picked me up between his teeth and set me on his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and then buried my face against him. He took off into the air then and got up high so that humans wouldn't see him as he headed in the general direction of the castle. After a few minutes, he landed in the courtyard and laid down, looking back towards me then shifted his wings as he got comfortable. I got off of him then walked towards the castle and opened the doors for him. "Come on." I told him, gesturing him inside. He got up and then walked over cautiously before he got down low and slipped inside, keeping his wings tight against his body. I heard him start going for the treasure room then as he navigated the halls carefully. I followed after him and shut the doors behind us so the castle wouldn't get cold or something. He stopped when he reached the door and then growled loudly, shoving the door open then went inside quickly. I could hear the clinking and showers of gold as he laid down in it. I looked around us then, feeling the castle was already heated up as if it was waiting for our arrival.

"Get in here," I heard him call to me, growling a little. He walked back over to the door and poked his head out, grabbing me with his teeth and lifted me off the floor as he carried me over to the piles of gold then dropped me in it and laid down by me. I laughed and then curled up where he had laid me down at then started to play with a few of the gold pieces. He growled and then leaned his head down to mine and rested his head against mine, nipping at my shirt playfully. I laughed and then left the gold alone and then climbed up onto him and went towards his wing and got under it. He lifted his wing up a little and looked at me. "What're you doing?" He laughed and leaned in, licking my cheek.

"Getting warm." I purred and then kissed his head. "It's warm under your wing." He nuzzled me then.

"Okay," he purred and laid his wing over me. I could feel the warmth getting trapped under his wing again as he folded it over me and purred as I heard some of the gold moving around, probably him playing with it as he laid down. I grabbed some of the gold then under me and started to play with it, building it up into a tower. He tightened his wing around me then shifted to his side so that I wasn't touching the ground and laughed. "My gold." I managed to take a few pieces with me and started to play with it on him, humming.

"S-sure!" He pulled his wing up and looked at me again and then leaned in and picked me up by my pants and sat up, growling at me. He gently shook me, making the things in my pocket fall out onto the gold and then purred as he held me up to mess with me. I yelped and held onto a gold piece. He's so not winning this! I looked down at my phone and seen it had a crack on it and whimpered. He gently shook me again and growled as he saw the gold piece then got on his hind legs and put me in one of his front paws as he tried to take the piece from me. I yelped and dropped the gold piece quickly. "Okay.... fine you get the gold and fun." I mumbled. He looked at me then nuzzled his head against me then sat me down and got back on all fours as he laid down and then started to rub his head against my body, purring. His scales on his head felt good through my shirt as he moved close to me. I moaned and then pulled my shirt off so I could feel his scales against my skin. He looked at my bare chest and then purred loudly, rubbing his head against me eagerly. I threw my head back against the gold and purred back to him. He licked my neck then before he rubbed his neck against me then went back to his head in happiness. He got a little lower and then started to nuzzle my stomach. I moaned and then grabbed his head and gave him a hug. "I love you Midori." I whispered. He purred and then rested his head on my chest as he moved his body close to mine.

"Mine," he told me and then licked my chest and smelled me. I giggled and put my shirt back on quickly.

"You're mine too you know..." I told him and then rubbed under his chin. He purred loudly and melted immediately, giving in as his leg kicked a little.

"Y-yours?" He asked and closed his eyes in pleasure.

"Yes." I purred back and then scooped up a handful of gold. He looked towards it and then at me before he laid his head down on my chest completely. He licked me again and then closed his eyes, breathing a little smoke at my face as he sighed. I placed the gold back down and purred towards him... Oh I love him. I don't want him to age.... and have that mating thing soon... He needs to stay young. He rubbed his head against me a little as he started to wonder in his head if he could dive underwater and swim in his dragon form, thinking about the fish he could try to catch down under the sea and then started to get upset that it would taste like ash if he ate them. I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep, purring softly to myself.