The Truth Revealed

Paris's POV:

"PARIS DARLING!" I heard Perry calling and busted into the bedroom where Richard and I was trying to sleep. "Wake up sweet cheeks." He pulled me out of bed then and smirked. "Let's go drinking." He urged. "You, me, Richard, Victor, and Louis." He smirked. "It'll be fun. Man time!" I frowned and reached for Richard.

"Honey.... get him out of here..." I begged.

"But I want guy time." Perry complained. Richard snarled and looked up at Perry, grabbing him then threw him down at the foot of the bed and bit into his neck before he relaxed and passed back out on top of him. Perry yelped and shoved Richard off of him and ran for the door, leaving us alone. I crawled back into bed then shook him awake.

"Babe... Morning." I purred and leaned into his neck then bit down into him. He groaned and then pushed up on my chest, keeping his eyes shut. I started to drink his blood and injected my venom into his blood to remark him as my mate. He moaned and quit pushing on my chest then pulled me close to him, wrapping his legs around my waist as he wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. He rolled me over to where I was beside him and then didn't let go as he nudged his way into the crook of my neck and purred as his breathing slowed. I pulled back from his neck and gave him a pout then leaned in towards his cheek and kissed him then ran my fingers down to his sweats and shoved them down. I'll wake him up another way. He didn't seem to notice as he continued peacefully sleeping. I rolled out of bed then and shoved him off to try it. He yelped and sat up as he fell in the floor and looked up at me then growled. He stood up and then walked over to me then snatched my wrist and pulled me to him, leaning in for my neck. He bit in hard and started to drink my blood as he shoved us down onto the bed and stayed over me. I laughed and bucked up to throw him off a bit. "Good morning!" He growled as he fell down beside me then crawled up to his pillow and grabbed it, pulling it to him as he snuggled up and put his legs and arms around it as he closed his eyes and smiled a little.

"Morning," he murmured.

"Richard..." I mumbled and then got to my feet then scratched my shoulders as I started for the bathroom. He sat up and watched me then threw the pillow at me.

"Where're you going?" He asked me and then crawled out of the bed and started after me with a smirk. He grabbed my arm and pinned it behind my back as he pushed me up against the wall to where I was facing it and then smelled my neck, moaning a little. He kissed it softly and then scraped his fangs against it.

"I was going to go take a shower." I mumbled innocently. "Then see about finding those fucks that murdered Laurence." He bit down into my neck and then let go of my arm, wrapping his around my waist as he pulled me back against him and leaned into me. He ran a hand down my front then towards my pants and purred. I blushed and turned around to face him then reached down to my pants and shoved them down. He looked down at me and then leaned me up against the bathroom door and kissed my lips passionately before he reached behind me and then opened the door, pushing us in and then took my shirt off and reached for my boxers, pushing them down quickly. He took off his shirt and dropped it on the floor as he kissed my chest and then moved back and went over to the shower, turning it on for me. He looked back at me with a smirk and leaned in, kissing my lips again as he moved close to me and ran a hand through my hair then gripped it. I gasped, and I leaned in and kissed him deeply. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and got ahold of mine, sucking on it as he picked me up by my butt and set me down on top of the counter by the sink, getting between my legs. "Want to join me?" I asked him, purring. He looked up into my eyes then gave a nod, kissing my neck then started a trail down my chest, making it slow. I moaned and then leaned back against the mirror and gripped his sides firmly. He gave me a love bite when he reached my stomach and then smirked against my skin as he rested a hand on my upper thigh. I closed my eyes tightly and moaned. "Richard~" I purred. He stopped when he got near my belly button and pulled back with a smirk, kissing my lips softly as he moved away then took his boxers off and got in the shower. I frowned then pulled what was left off of me and then got in after him. Tease.... He glanced over at me and smirked.

"Payback for when you didn't bite me like a tease," he purred and grabbed the shampoo, starting to lather up his hair. "I love you Paris," he told me and kissed my lips then rinsed his hair out. I smirked and pinned him up against the wall then leaned in for a kiss.

"Come here sexy..." I purred and kissed him deeply. He moaned a little and kissed me back, wrapping his arms around me. I picked him up and made him wrap his legs around my waist then took the shower further then what he expected.

~Time skip after the shower~

I pulled my shirt over my head, finishing up getting dressed and purred as I fixed my hair. Ha, I took him and made him my submissive little sexy mate. I laughed and looked towards him, smirking. He blushed a little and then put his pants on and his shirt as he picked up his hairbrush and started to do his hair. When he finished, he set it down and then went to move but winced a little, trying to hide it. I smirked and then teleported into Liam's room and scooped him up into my arms and then teleported back into my bedroom and laid him down on my bed. Richard walked out of the bathroom slowly and saw Liam and smiled, crawling into the bed and then laid down by him, pulling him close as he kissed his head and purred. "Liam...." I crawled into bed with them and then kissed his cheek.

"I love my boys." I whispered. Richard purred to me and pulled me close, having Liam between us. Liam smiled softly in his sleep and started to suck his thumb as he curled up to us. I pulled his thumb out of his mouth quickly. "No." Liam whined and opened his eyes, looking up at me and then pulled my hand to his lips and started to suck on it softly in place of his thumb as he closed his eyes again. I laughed and kissed his head then kissed Richard's lips. Richard kissed me back and smiled at me sweetly. I felt Liam bite me then, making Richard look down at him sharply to see he was holding my hand with his little hands and was feeding from me. I watched Liam and kissed his cheek, purring. "You're going to be so strong and wonderful when you grow up." I whispered to him. He pulled back and licked his lips then looked up at me, giggling.

"Imma be like you," he said sweetly and then hugged me around the neck. I purred in his ear.

"Liam~ I hope you find your mate when you're older and treat her or him well." I whispered, rubbing his head.

"Mhmm," he hummed. "What's a mate?" He looked me in the eyes and tilted his head. Richard laughed.

"Daddy wants you to have someone like me when you're all grown up to love like daddy loves mommy," Richard told him and kissed his head. Liam nodded then and giggled.

"I will," he promised me and then rested his head against my chest. "I wanna be just like you daddy."

"You will be too." I purred. "One wonderful and amazing person." He giggled again.

"Like you and Donnie?" Richard smiled.

"Like daddy and Donnie," he purred to Liam. "Though I'm cool too Liam." Liam looked back at Richard and giggled.

"Nuh-uh mommy. You sit around and play piano all day."

"Donnie is going to be gone for a week, he's got mate problems." I told Liam. "So you'll need to stay with Lien as much as possible, okay?" Liam looked back at Paris then and frowned.

"Donnie isn't here?" He pouted then.

"No... Donnie isn't here sweetie," Richard whispered to him and then kissed his cheek. "He'll come back soon though."

"But I want Donnie," he mumbled and then started to cry.

"I'll take you to Donnie if you promise to be a good boy." I purred. "He's in our castle in France." He looked up at me and then hugged me quickly.

"I'll be good," he told me and clung to me as he sniffled. I nodded and grabbed them both then teleported us into the treasure room. I looked around for Donnie and then sat Liam down in the gold. Liam looked at the gold then around innocently, then froze up when he saw Midori in his dragon form. He stood up and looked up at me with big eyes then at the dragon. Midori picked his head up and looked over then growled towards me and Richard. He picked Liam up by his shirt, making him squeal as he sat him down between his front paws and then looked me and Richard over. Donnie came out from under Midori's wing and looked towards us with a huge smile.

"Hey~" He waved and then went towards Liam and picked him up then kissed his cheek. "Hey baby brother." He kissed his cheek. Liam giggled and then hugged him quickly.

"Donnie!" He kissed Donnie's cheek then and snuggled up to him. "I love you...." Midori watched them then put his head back down on the gold, studying them with amusement. Donnie purred and then showered Liam with kisses.

"I love you too pretty boy." He purred back and then sat down with him in his arms. "Did you miss me?"

"Mhmm...." He smiled at Donnie and giggled as he started to play with his hair. I laughed and then looked towards Richard.

"Donnie would make a good dad..." I whispered. Donnie looked towards me and blushed. Richard nodded and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"At least one of our kids could be a good parent," he whispered to me. Liam exposed his baby fangs and looked towards Donnie's neck then leaned in and bit down. Donnie yelped but let him drink his blood.

"I think Myra could be a good mom if she found someone special." I purred. Richard tilted his head as he thought about it.

"Maybe," he hummed and watched Donnie. "Hey Paris... am I ever getting grandkids?" He glanced back up at me.

"I hope so." I purred. "I really want some..." I mumbled. Donnie blushed a bright red and looked us over.

"Dads!" Donnie mumbled. Richard laughed and looked at him.

"What? I'm centuries old.... I've watched tons of my own children grow up. I want some grandkids from one of you," he purred to him.

"Not me!" Donnie shook his head. "I might be the oldest but I'm still waiting for a good time to have kids and it won't be during his mating season, got it you two?" He pointed us over. Richard's eyes widened a little.

"Mating season? Paris! Did you hear that?" He started to get excited then and hugged me tightly. "We're getting grandkids!"

"No your not!" Donnie blushed and then looked towards Midori. "Help me out here." Midori looked at him and tilted his head.

"Kids?" He looked towards Liam then at Donnie. "You have one."

"This is my brother." Donnie wrapped his arms around Liam.

"Well... you chase it around like it's yours." Midori laughed a little and then rubbed his head against the gold.

"Cause he is cute and small and my baby brother." Donnie kissed Liam on the head. "He's so sweet too!"

"We're so getting grandkids." I whispered. Richard nodded and smirked.

"But the question is... which one will be the girl?" He leaned against me and looked Donnie over then looked Midori over. "We could ask Hachi to make Midori a girl... and we could change Donnie's gender easily by ourselves...." Midori reached his head over to Donnie then stole Liam from him and sat him down between his front paws again and purred, rubbing his head gently against Liam and making him squeal. Donnie laughed as he watched Liam then got to his feet and walked over to us.

"You guys are not changing our gender for grandkids!" He told us firmly. Richard looked at him then hugged him.

"Donnie... I really... really... want grandkids!" He told him then held him out at arms length. "Out of all our kids... you're the one who would make the best parent! Please?"

"But I'm not ready for kids. I still live with my parents." Donnie grumbled. "I'm still young."

"You're not that young anymore," Richard told him. "You're a full grown pureblood vampire with tons of years under your belt and a dragon mate who's going to go into his mating season soon. It's the perfect time! You should have children when Midori is willing because of his hormones as a dragon! He'd probably eat you or the kid any other time!"

"I don't want to take advantage of my mate!" Donnie hissed towards Richard. "Now stay out of my sex life." Richard frowned.

"That's not fair.... No more little brothers for you until I get a grandkid."

"What!? That's not fair." Donnie pouted.

"It's not fair to me! I want grandkids and I'm very old! It's not taking advantage of him if that's the time when he will want kids. Taking advantage of is getting someone pregnant while their sleeping," Richard hissed at him.

"Ewwwwwweeeee It sounds like you done that...." Donnie shivered at the thought then looked at me. "Was that how I was born?"

"No, not at all.... You were born to make him happy because we got into a fight and he thought children would bring us closer, and it did," Richard purred to him and kissed his cheek. "I made him a girl while he was sleeping though and then told him I was sorry and I missed him and loved him, and he was upset and told me that he wanted kids and that I'd have to work the demon out of me to prove to him I was worth it. Then your sweet mommy and I made you." He laughed and pulled him into a hug. "I'm so glad we did...."

"Dad~ I'm not giving you grandkids though. Midori and I are happy without kids." Donnie grumbled. Richard pouted and then pulled away from Donnie and walked out of the room. "I LOVE YOU!" Donnie ran after him then. "COME BACK! I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU WANT SOME SO BAD!"

"BECAUSE I'VE BEEN WANTING THEM SINCE YOU GUYS STARTED GETTING MATES!" Richard yelled at him. "YOU KNOW WHAT! I'M GOING TO MAKE LIAM WANT HIS OWN KIDS! I'M DONE ASKING YOU!" He walked back in then and over to Midori and Liam then sat down with them and kissed Liam's head. "You're my hope," he purred to him. Donnie rushed back in then.

"Okay, fine.... I'll give you grandkids but don't take this out on Liam!" Donnie hissed. Richard looked up at him and smiled.

"Nope, I want little Liams when he's older, not little Donnies." Donnie crossed his arms and then sat down by Midori.

"I didn't want kids anyways." He grumbled. Richard smiled over at him then pulled Liam close to him.

"You're going to give me grandkids one day," he whispered to him then kissed the top of his head. "You'll be like mommy and daddy and have lots of kids with your mate." Liam looked up at him and giggled.

"You're funny," he told him and then kissed his cheek. "That's okay, mommy. I know you're just upset with Donnie." Richard blushed a little.

"How the heck are you only a couple years old?" He asked Liam and earned another giggle.

"Because Liam takes after me." Donnie purred. Richard pouted.

"But I want grandkids," he whispered. "Don't take after Donnie too much Liam.... Be mated to a nice pureblood and have lots of kids."

"Hey!" Donnie crossed his arms. "So unfair."

"You won't give me grandkids!" Richard told him and then held Liam closer. "This is what happens when I don't get grandkids...."

"I'm not your only kid though." He grumbled. "Pick on Keegan."

"Keegan has a human mate," Richard muttered and then curled up with Liam and pouted.

"He can still have kids!" He hissed. "I have a dragon for a mate."

"Not with Hiko.... Hiko can't give him kids," Richard mumbled and then sighed. "Paris... we're just never getting grandkids...." He looked over at me then let Liam go, watching as he ran to Donnie and giggled, falling against him.

"Well.... What about Uncle Louis and his mate Ann, they can have kids." Donnie suggested. Donnie wrapped his arms around Liam and kissed his cheek.

"That's not the same though.... Plus he has Keegan's problem," Richard murmured. He stood up and then walked over to me. "Come on sweetie... let's go hunt. I'm done trying for them." He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my chest.

"Donnie, watch your baby brother." I told him then teleported with Richard into the streets of Paris. "Let's hunt." He nodded then moved away from me and sighed.

"Paris... I realized something.... Not a single one of our kids want children... probably forever." He ran a hand through his hair. "I think we should give up on them. If it means fighting my kids... I guess I don't need kids from them." He tugged lightly on his hair then let it go. "Let's face it.... The only ones truly cut out for parenting in the manor are us." He glanced at me.

"Hey... Rose and Victor are doing a good job..... Sort of." I laughed at the idea. Their son Alistair is a nightmare...

"Yeah... but we're the best parents," he whispered. "So let's just forget grandkids and focus on kids." He winked my way.

"You want kids again?" I asked him, not getting the wink. He laughed and looked at me.

"Maybe later sweetie.... We have Liam... unless you're wanting to give him another little playmate," he said and leaned in, giving me a kiss. I shook my head and pulled back from the kiss.

"I still think it's time for grandchildren and I won't stop until Donnie wants them. We'll make it his idea that he wants them... don't worry. We'll succeed." I promised him. "Come mating season.... we'll have him thinking about children and everything." Richard looked up at me, a little glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"You sure? I mean... he reads minds.... How would we even go about putting it in his head that he wants them?"

"We'll tease him with what we got. Liam and Lien." I purred.

"Like... play keep away or something or plan out some stuff like timing Liam's bedtime stories so that Donnie sees them?" He bit his bottom lip then.

"Bed time stories.... We'll show him all the baby pictures.... We'll get him to walk in on us playing with Liam... things like that.... We'll start showing off baby clothes. We'll start talking about maybe having another kid, rub our stomach. Do some really weird things.... Baby food..." I thought it over, trying to see what all we could do. He smiled big then.

"Okay," he said and hugged me tightly. "We'll parade baby stuff in front of him for a long time and make him desperate for one himself. You know~ If it meant I might get grandkids... I'd let you turn me into a girl for when it gets close to Midori wanting to mate. We could start planning to have a kid in front of him. Heck, we could have another," he purred and kissed me. "What do you think? I'd be the girl willingly." He kissed my neck then.

"What if we fake it all?" I asked him. "Start picking names in front of him."

"Well.... if we're really careful with our thoughts, we could convincingly fake it," he whispered then looked into my eyes. "Okay... we'll do that." He smiled big time and kissed me passionately and then wrapped his arms around my neck. "We'll have to constantly think about kids around him. Maybe we should get Midori some sexy little things to wear too...." He laughed and smirked.

"Oh yeah! For both of them. Midori is strong enough to take Donnie if he truly wanted a kid... You know that right?" I asked.

"I know.... He doesn't have the ability to change Donnie though into a girl.... Unless he's got some weird dragon power," Richard murmured. "Whether or not Donnie likes it... Midori is going to make him sleep with him."

"That's true. Mate season is the worse for werewolves... I can't imagine dragons...." I muttered. "I bet if we told Midori that he could turn Donnie into a girl by his stone being placed in a girl he'd do it." I suggested.

"We'll probably have to tell him that just when he starts to go into mate season.... He won't care right now... and too far into it might be too late," Richard said thoughtfully. "He'd probably take Donnie right there if we told him that at the right time. Put him in one of the maids or something." He laughed and then leaned up against me. "But when is their mating season? We're going to have to watch him to try to find the signs.... I wonder if he'll act worse than a werewolf when it comes to it."

"Oh wait! I have an idea.... Let's go ahead and make Donnie into a girl!" I suggested. "Then we'll give him pills and tell him it's birth control but really it's pain killers." I laughed. "Or hormone pills." I laughed evilly. Richard smirked then and nodded.

"We'll get him soon and do it.... Let's get Rose in on it so that way he believes it when Rose gives the pills to him instead of us. He'd trust her giving him pills over us."

"I'll tell Rose now. You go get a body for him." I winked. "Meet back at the manor." I teleported us to the manor and then started for Rose's door. When I reached it I knocked on her door and then went in, seeing her asleep with Victor in their bed. "Hey love birds." Victor glanced over at me then kissed my sister's neck, purring to her as he nudged her to wake her. Rose groaned and looked towards me.

"Why're you always waking me? This better be good!" She sat up slowly then.

"I'm trying to get Donnie to have kids and I need your help. Could you give him some birth control pills but they actually be hormones?" I asked. She sighed and then nodded.

"When?" She asked.

"As soon as he comes and asks for birth control."

"Okay." She sighed out and then curled up. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket then. I pulled it out and checked it.

Richard: Got it! Let's retrieve Donnie's stone!

Me: Where are you now?

Richard: In our room with an unconscious maid. I redressed her for Donnie and I'm having a butler get her scrubbed clean and her nails pristine.

I teleported into our bedroom then grabbed Richard and teleported us into the treasure room and went over to Donnie. "Baby, we are so sorry about how we acted earlier." I purred towards him. He looked us over and gave a smile as he rubbed his face against Liam.

"It's fine." Donnie purred. Richard smiled and walked over, sitting down by him and kissed Donnie's cheek then laughed, taking Liam from him.

"Are you hungry sweetie?" He asked Liam who nodded eagerly. "Let's go get you something to eat then." He stood up and bounced off towards the door with him, leaving the room. I smiled and walked over to Donnie, looking towards his cheek then kissed him on it. I pulled him closer to me and purred to him.

"I love you so much." I purred to him and then bit down into his neck to distract him as I snuck my hand up his shirt then pressed it into his skin and grabbed his stone quickly then snatched it out. "But this is for fun." I promised and then teleported into my bedroom and placed his stone into the girl. The butler's eyes widened as he saw me and he quickly ran out of the room, leaving us. Donnie's stone took root fast and the girl's body changed to suit Donnie. She started to groan then as she came to and then sat up a bit.

"Wh-what.... Happened?" Donnie asked softly and then screamed when she seen her chest and outfit. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" She ran for the bathroom then and screamed inside. I laughed and then teleported to where Richard was and grabbed him with Liam and teleported them to our bedroom. Richard purred and sat Liam down on the bed.

"Donnie?" He looked around then started for the bathroom. Liam got off the bed and ran into the bathroom then squeaked and ran back out.

"There's a stranger in there!" He ran over to me and hid behind my leg, clutching onto me. "Daddy! There's a scwary girl!" I heard Donnie's panicked voice and laughed, going inside to watch. She was looking in the mirror at herself and then fell down onto her knees. Richard kissed the top of her head and purred.

"It's not that bad sweetie," he told her. Liam held onto my leg and hid behind me, peeking out at Donnie with a scared look.

"It's not that bad!? I'm a girl!" She shrieked. "A GIRL!" She curled up on the floor then and sniffled. "It's going to be mating season soon and I'm a girl.... Why! Why'd you do this to me!?" Liam sniffled and started to cry, catching Richard's attention quickly. He walked over and picked Liam up, kissing his cheek.

"Shhhhh.... It's alright Liam," he told him and gave him a sweet smile. "The scary lady isn't going to hurt you. That's Donnie!"

"Nuh-uh!" Liam whimpered and then hugged Richard. "Mommy, she's scary!"

"That is Donnie." I told Liam. "We can change genders silly."

"More like be forced into it." Donnie grumbled and then teleported away. Liam sniffled and hid his face into Richard, trembling. Richard sighed and then kissed his head.

"Let's get you something to eat," he whispered. "How about I mix some blood into some ice cream for you?" He purred and watched as Liam nodded. "Good boy."

Donnie's POV:

I teleported into Nikolai and Raven's bedroom and snatched him from the bed then teleported us into his office. "Nikolai, you've got to change me back!" I begged. He rubbed his eyes then looked towards me and then his jaw slowly dropped.

"D-Donnie?" He asked and then pulled back from me quickly. "You're a girl!" He shouted.

"SHHHH!" I covered his mouth. "Change me back! My parents did this to me!" He looked me over then shook his head, laughing.

"No way, I'm not changing you back and getting them on my back. You better stick this out-"

"Nikolai, they might just come after you wanting grandkids too!" I shook him quickly. "Think about it!" Nikolai thought it over then and shook his head.

"No.... My parents don't want grandkids... but yours do." He laughed and then started for the door. "Get some birth control... that's all I can say. My mom is a doctor."

"Nikolai... I can't face my mate as a girl...." I whimpered and then followed after him.

"I'm not-"

"I'd help you if you was in my shoes."

"I wouldn't be though because Raven is a girl." He looked towards me then. "Stick this through and they'll give up. Go get some birth control. Hey, I bet once Midori sees you he'll get you pregnant with his mind." He laughed then. "You won't know what hits you. You better go get birth control." I shivered at the thought and then teleported into my aunt Rose's bedroom and seen her reading something on her phone. She looked towards me and gave a smile.

"Donnie!" She reached out for me. "You're a girl! What's up sweetie?"

"I need some birth control." I told her quickly. She nodded and slipped out of bed then walked over to me and grabbed my hand then pulled me into the bathroom and she looked in a cabinet then gave me a bottle of pills. "There you go sweetie. Take two a day, twelve hours apart." She purred. I nodded and slipped them into my pocket.

"Thanks aunt Rose...." I frowned and started to worry about Midori... He's probably going insane right now about seeing my body fall dead.... I teleported into the treasure room back at the castle in France, and looked around for him. "Midori?" I asked. I heard a growl from behind me and I was tackled by a full grown dragon. He snarled at me and then put his front paw on me. "Mi-Midori?" I mumbled. He sniffed me before he let his paw up and then purred, rubbing his head against my chest then froze up and pulled away, looking me over. He let out a whine and moved away from me. I watched him and frowned. "Paris turned me into a girl..." I mumbled softly. He laid down and looked me over again then laid his head down and looked miserable. I got up and then started to rub his head. "I'm sorry.. I tried to get Nikolai to turn me back but he refused...."

"Your chest feels weird.... I miss it being flat." He looked up at me and leaned his head into my hand.

"It's breast...." I mumbled and then looked down at them. I poked one then and looked down my shirt at them. "I think I'm going to be sick..." I felt my stomach flipping then.

"Can we get rid of them?" He looked up at me and then at my chest. He sat up a little and picked me up by my shirt and walked over to the door, sitting me outside. I yelped and looked towards him.

"EH.... Wait until you see my downstairs..." I whispered. He looked me over and then tugged me back inside and nudged the door shut with his head. He looked towards me in curiosity and then knocked me onto my back and nudged my shirt up with his nose. I yelped and tried to shove my shirt back down. "Bad perv Midori!" I blushed a bright red. "Look, we can't get rid of it... Sadly." He gave a small growl as he saw my chest and then moved away from it and clawed at the pants I was wearing, ripping them up and then looked at my panties. I gasped and started for the door then, trying to get away from him. He gave a sharp growl at me, but he didn't go for me as he went back to his gold and then laid down in it and purred, rubbing his head against it. I teleported upstairs then, in my old bedroom I've used before and went towards the closet then put on some baggy shorts and then teleported back downstairs and grabbed the pants and pulled out my birth control then looked towards him. "Midori, can I have some blood?" I asked him sweetly. He looked over at me and then innocently rolled onto his back. "Please?" I walked over to him and sat down, pulling a pill out of the bottle. He purred to me and licked my cheek then rolled back onto his stomach. He lightly scratched at his neck for me, making himself bleed. I walked over to him and then leaned in towards his neck, popping the pill into my mouth then started to drink his blood, swallowing the pill with it then took another as Roses told me to do. When I finished taking them I pulled away and laid down by him and curled up. He growled softly at me and then laid his head down, closing his eyes. I could tell he was upset about my gender change. I looked towards him then rubbed his side. "I love you Midori." He purred then and relaxed.

"I love you too...."

"I'm sorry my parents are insane." I whispered. He growled and then leaned over and picked me up, placing me against his chest. "I'm sorry I'm a girl too." I mumbled and then closed my eyes. He licked my cheek and laid his head down, starting to fall asleep.

Veronica's POV:

I heard my phone start ringing around three in the afternoon. So I picked it up then answered, purring. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Veronica," I heard Dustin say softly into the phone.

"Don't call her!" Another boy said in the background. "I told you not to!"

"Evan, I'm going to call who I want," he told him then laughed. "Stop that! No! Evan! Quit!"

"Gimme the phone!"

"No way! Get your own phone!" I heard the phone shuffling around then as they fought over it.

"Uh..... Hey Dustin." I smiled and leaned over my desk, giggling. "Ready for that date or something?"

"Yeah, give me a moment," he told me and then I heard a scream and a thud. "Take down," he said. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"YOU JERK! That hurt!"

"Then don't mess with me when I'm calling girls," he said simply. "Alright, meet me outside the same bar in an hour. Don't be late or I'll assume you're not interested." He hung up then. I laughed and put my phone in my pocket then walked out to my garage and got into my car then drove to the bar I met him at. When I arrived I got out and looked around for his vehicle. He was parked a few cars down and was sprawled out on the hood of his car, looking up at the sky. I walked over to him casually then leaned against the hood and gave him a huge smile.

"Dustin~!" I laughed. "Let's go for our date." He looked up at me and smirked, sitting up.

"Hey there gorgeous," he said and then got off the hood of his car and pulled out the keys to his car from his pocket. He walked to my side of the car and opened the door for me. "Get in." I giggled and then got into his car and looked around it then buckled up. He got into the driver's side and then set the car for auto pilot and turned on the radio. He leaned back in his seat and looked my way. "So you excited to swim with the dolphins?" He smirked a little.

"Totally." I nodded, giving him a smile. I almost forgot about that! "Are you excited?"

"Yeah, it sounds cool...." He smiled and then looked me over. "My brother tried to tag along. He said he was going to scare you off."

"He sounded like he wanted you all to himself on the phone." I teased. He laughed.

"I'm glad we don't have a second car. He was mad," he whispered and then leaned back in his seat with a small smile. "So apparently they are going to serve dinner with the pack I bought for us. We get to eat under a large aquarium."

"That sounds amazing! We'll get to watch and eat." I giggled at the idea. He smiled.

"I'm glad you like it then," he told me and leaned his head back, unconsciously showing his neck off to me. "I think today will go great." I nodded as I looked his neck over longingly. Maybe after our date.... I want to see some fish first. He glanced over at me and then smiled. "So if you still choose to hang out with me after today... I think we'll go see a concert."

"I talked to my assistant Amelia and decided to start a hobby, golf." I told him, smiling. "You've inspired me to get into something." He smiled big then.

"That's great! Everyone needs a hobby!" He laughed. "At least I've helped someone out." He shook his head and then sunk in his seat. "That's good for you.... Maybe you should consider raising fish too since how you like them. Get a tank and place it in your office or something."

"That sounds like a good plan." I nodded at the thought. salt water fish tank... He glanced out the window and hummed along to the music as the car drove us, seeming happy with me. I'll have to tell Amelia to set one up for me.

Aaron's POV:

"Alright, listen up you two," I said and smirked, setting two pistols on the table and two mags to go with it. "This is a magazine. You put the correct bullets in it like so," I told them and showed them how then set down the now two full magazines. "Then you insert it in the gun like this." I put it in the pistols and then loaded them. "Now it's ready to fire and it's extremely dangerous. Don't point it at something that you don't intend to kill or defend yourself from." I showed them the safety then. "This is the safety, and this is how to turn it off." I put it back on safety after taking it off then picked both up. "Let's go outside." I gave them a smile and started for the back door.

"Let's go!" I heard Haven tug Hassel into following me outside. "Show us more." He begged. I smiled back at them. At least they have the enthusiasm to do this well. I walked out back to where I had set up some targets and a table with two headphones on it to block out the noise for them- one made special for nekos. I sat the guns down on the table then pulled mine out from the holster at my side.

"Okay, put those on," I told them and pointed towards the headphones. I smirked a little. I get to show off my skills.... Haven looked towards the headphones curiously and picked them up. He placed them on his head slowly and then grabbed Hassel's and put them on him. I looked them over and then aimed down the bull's eye and shot it, using up my whole mag on it and made it all pretty much dead center. I smirked and lowered my gun then set it down on the table, turning to them. Hassel looked towards the gun then back at the target. He smirked slowly then looked at me.

"AWESOME!" Haven giggled. I gave them a smile and then gestured for Haven to come here.

"Here, I'll show you how to do this Haven," I told him and picked up the gun I was going to give him after he proved he could handle it to me- his executioner weapon I applied to get him. He walked over to me and reached for the gun in excitement. Hassel crossed his arms as he watched us. I raised an eyebrow and held it away from him. "Calm down first. I'm not handing you a loaded gun when you're too excited for this. You'll cause an accident." He frowned and then laid his ears back.

"But.... But... But.... I want the gun." He mumbled.

"Come here then," I said and then gently pulled him to me. I put the gun in his hands carefully and smiled. "Don't put your finger on the trigger until your ready to fire." I adjusted his hands on the gun to show him how to hold it and slowly moved back. "That's how you hold it. Now aim down the gun through the sights and put the dot on the target." He gave me a confused look then. I frowned. "What?" I picked up my gun to show him the sights. "Here, put this between those two when you're looking down it and then put this piece where you're shooting." I showed him and then set my gun down. He frowned but looked towards the gun and then started to aim the target down with the gun. I stepped back over to Hassel and plugged my ears, watching him closely. I felt Hassel grab my wrist then and pulled me closer to him then wrapped his arms around my waist and neck.

"Now Haven." He hissed. Haven pointed the gun towards me. "Tell us what you know." I yelped and widened my eyes.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed out and tried to get away. "Haven! Put the gun down!"

"You've been very suspicious." Haven explained. I shook my head no and then stomped down on Hassel's foot and elbowed him in the stomach then turned around and broke his nose with the palm of my hand. I quickly grabbed Hassel's gun off the table and pointed it towards Haven.

"Put the gun down slowly," I ordered him, keeping them both in my sight. Hassel groaned and grabbed his nose.

"You broke my nose!" Hassel hissed. "What the hell!" Haven looked towards his brother with worry then looked towards me. I glanced Hassel's way then back at Haven, feeling slightly guilty about breaking his nose. I could've slipped away without doing that....

"Don't point guns at me," I told them. "Haven, put the gun down and I'll put mine down."

"But.... I don't know if I can trust you... you hurt my brother." Haven whimpered.

"And now I don't know if I can trust either of you. You both just teamed up to threaten my life," I hissed. "I'll help him as soon as you put down the gun." I think I still have that vampire blood I hid... of course it's not allowed though, but no one has to know.

"Yeah but we don't trust you either." Haven told me. "You're not telling us stuff." I frowned. I don't remember acting suspicious.... Do I tell them the truth? That they met me before? I sighed and lowered my gun a little.

"Yeah... you're right," I muttered and sat my gun down. "I'll be the mature one and put mine down first. After all... if you do shoot me, I don't have much of a life anyways." I looked away and rubbed the back of my neck. It's not like I have friends. He lowered the gun then and looked towards his brother. I glanced them over and then started walking to the house. "I'll be back with something for Hassel." Haven rushed towards Hassel then and pulled him into a hug, burring his face against him. I glanced back at them and sighed, going inside and upstairs to my room then got down on my hands and knees at the foot of my bed and pulled up the loose board there and grabbed a vial of vampire blood from my box of illegal stuff in this organization. It wasn't much... but I had my uses for what I had. I put the floorboard back and then went downstairs and out to them, holding the vial out towards them. "This will heal your broken nose," I told him and then bit my bottom lip a little. They might not want to accept it from me now.... Great. Hassel looked towards the vial and then stepped back a bit.

"I don't want that, especially if it's from you." Hassel hissed. I narrowed my eyes a little but then turned on my heel.

"Fine, whatever. I'm not going to force it down your throat. We'll get a doctor to look at your nose and reset it." I walked back into the house and into the kitchen, getting out a soda then cracked it open and started to drink it. It's not my fault.... They held me at gun point.

"Fix my child's nose." I heard the room hiss. I yelped and dropped the soda quickly. Darn it! I shook my head and slowly started back for the door, nervous. How am I supposed to fix his nose if he won't drink it?! "Get to it." I heard it's furious roar. I screeched and ran out of the room quickly, slamming the door behind me then shivered. Why'd I take the kids out of the junk yard?! I walked for the back door quickly and out to them, not wasting time then over to Hassel. I pulled the vial back out and snatched him, forcing his mouth open and made him drink a few drops then pulled back and got away from him quickly. He wrinkled his nose up and looked disgusted then fell to his knees and groaned. He started to hold his stomach then and curled up.

"H-Hassel?" Haven asked, looking worried. I frowned and looked him over. I've never seen a reaction like that before.... At least his nose is healing though. I sighed and walked over, picking him up then carried him inside, going upstairs with him to take him to the bathroom. Haven followed me quickly, ditching the gun in the yard. He grabbed a hold of Hassel's shirt and let out a whine. I glanced at him but kept quiet, taking him into the bathroom then set him down by the toilet in case he was feeling nauseous. I knelt down a foot away from him and watched him, slightly worried. Haven curled up to his brother and looked up at him with worry. Hassel curled up in the floor and looked away from Haven. I frowned a little and stood up.

"I'll be downstairs or in the living room when you're ready for the answers you wanted," I whispered to them. "I won't lie this time... and it'll be your decision on what to do after you know the truth." I looked away and then walked to the door, leaving them as I shut the door behind me softly then went downstairs and to the kitchen, cleaning up the mess and then went to the living room and laid down on the couch, looking out the window as I waited.

"EWEEEEE HASSEL!" I heard Haven whining upstairs. "Growsie!" I wrinkled up my nose, knowing he probably threw up. Poor boy.... I sighed and then curled up on the couch. He will be fine... hopefully. After a few hours, I heard them coming into the living room. Hassel was carrying his brother. I glanced over and then sat up, gesturing for them to sit down. Hassel's nose had healed up, which was good. They sat down in an armchair together. I watched them for a second and then ran a hand through my hair and leaned back against the couch.

"Well... the truth is... we've met before... but you don't remember me like I do you two," I whispered, biting the inside of my lip.

"Why not?" Haven asked, tilting his head. I shrugged.

"I think it was your dad.... He's not human.... It's probably best that you don't remember me because we started off on the wrong foot multiple times. The two of you forgot me every night. The first time we met, you two were breaking into a woman's car and stole her money out of her wallet, and I tracked you two down, wanting to recruit you because I saw promise... but you both wanted nothing to do with me. You told me to get lost, and I stole a strand of your hairs and then tested them in my car, but your hair set my machine on fire and it exploded- luckily outside the car. After that, I hunted the two of you down to get a better test because I needed to know if you were supernatural or not... and when I tranqed the two of you and brought you back here to be tested... the machines caught on fire when they tested your blood Hassel... and then the lights dimmed and the scientist who was testing you was killed and I was left alive. There is security footage on it that you both can see if you'd like. I have access to it on my phone...." I sighed and looked away then. "I was ordered to clean up my mess and hunt you two down and kill you... but I couldn't do it when I finally found you. You two were both so innocent, and you didn't even remember me... so I put tracers in you and made it look like you two were dead and let you both go. After that, I brought you food every morning in the junk yard- sometimes getting caught by the two of you, sometimes not... but one day, a man was waiting outside the junk yard when I got outside and he was wearing the cross of our organization. I was worried he was going to kill you, and I decided to protect you instead of let him go get you two, and so I shot him and ran back to protect you both, but he managed to take me down and then told me that he was your real father... but he couldn't come to this world in his own form so he possessed one of my co-workers and then gave me the task to take care of you both and knocked me out. The next day... well, you remember. I showed up and took you with me." I tugged on a handful of my hair then stood up. "It's your decision what to do with what I told you. If you want to leave, I won't stop you."

Haven curled up to Hassel and hid his face against him, flicking his ears. Hassel glared me down and the looked away, relaxing a bit. He picked Haven up then went back up the stairs with him. I watched them and sighed, walking out of the living room to the kitchen then grabbed a box of spaghetti out of the cupboards and started to fix myself some, getting some sauce out as it cooked on the stove.