
~Time Skip a few days later~

Donnie's POV:

I crawled away from Midori's sleeping form, trying not to be so obvious. His last day being trapped a dragon was a few hours ago... I don't want to wake him up just yet. I blushed at the thought of him waking up. I slowly stood up and heard a few gold pieces cling and drop off of me and onto the other pieces of gold. I froze up, slowly turning towards Midori. He whimpered and curled up in his human form. "Donnie," he mumbled and reached out for where I had been laying beside him. I walked up to him then grabbed his shirt and teleported him back to our bedroom in Maine then let him go. I walked into the bathroom and turned the water on. I walked over to the bathroom door and locked it then started to strip to take a nice hot shower. Once I finished my shower I went into the closet and put something comfortable on. I walked out into the bedroom and looked around to see if Midori was still asleep. He was standing by the now open window and looking outside at the sky longingly. He crawled up onto the windowsill then.

"Good morning Midori." I purred. He yelped and fell off the windowsill outside and screamed as he started to fall to the ground. I gasped and then ran over to the window and looked outside and towards the ground. "Midori!" He groaned and sat up, rubbing his head then glanced around and up at me.

"I'm fine," he called up to me. He got to his feet and then glanced around again before he started heading for the front door. I shut the window, locked it, the blinds, and curtains. I looked around our room then walked over to the bed and laid down on it, curling up to my pillow. He walked in after a few minutes and let out a purr, walking over to the bed and then laid down on the bed and started to rub his head against the sheets. I laughed and leaned over and gave his cheek a kiss.

"Hey silly, go take a shower." I told him, poking his side. He giggled and then leaned over to me, rubbing his head against my neck. I purred back to him and blushed. He moaned softly and then laid me back and moved on top of me, rubbing his cheek against me. "Midori?" I asked, rubbing his head. He purred and leaned his head into my hand, closing his eyes in happiness. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer. He looked at me and then at my lips before he blushed a little and then rested his head on my chest, purring softly. I leaned in and kissed him deeply. He kissed me back quickly, accidentally slipping a moan out. I giggled and pulled back from the kiss in amusement. He whined and tried for another kiss. I gave him another, deepening it. He moaned and then leaned in against me as he kissed me back and then moved back after a few minutes and blushed before he gave a purr and rubbed his head against my chest over my stone, closing his eyes.

"Hey you two~" I heard a familiar voice. I looked over to see Rose standing by us. She threw a small sack towards Midori. "I thought Midori might enjoy this..." She explained and then smirked. "It's catnip." She teleported away then. Midori looked towards the sack in interest and reached for it with a small gasp. I gave him a small, confused look.

"Are you..." I asked softly. He looked towards me and then attacked the sack, falling off the bed with it into the floor with a growl. I widened my eyes and looked over the edge of the bed, watching him. He had gotten it open and was playing with the pieces of catnip, a wild look in his eyes. I held back a laugh and then started to reach for the sack. "Okay, no more. You're probably getting high off of this stuff like a cat... Strange." He growled and then attacked my hand, grabbing it and then lightly put his teeth against it as he looked up at me. "DON'T BITE ME!" I shouted at him and yanked my hand back. He jumped up into the bed and then pinned me down, kissing my lips deeply. I groaned and kissed him back. No more catnip for him. He pulled back from my neck and then kissed my neck, giving a playful growl as he got on top of me. "Are you okay?" I asked softly. "Are you feeling dizzy or anything?" I felt him lick my neck then before he started to give me a love bite. I gasped and reached up, grabbing a lock full of his hair. "Midori?" His teeth scraped against me then before he pulled back and then looked down into my eyes, a dazed look in his as he watched me. He leaned in and stole a kiss before he wrapped his arms around me. I giggled and kissed him back. "You're kinda cute high," I whispered to him. He purred and then moved one of his hands down to my thigh, gripping it as he kissed my neck again. "Ya want me?" I teased him. "I suppose we can..." I mumbled. I did take some birth control.... I should be protected. "Okay, we can do it." I purred.

"Donnie~" He purred and then started to pull my shirt off, being quick about it.

"Don't go complaining though about what's downstairs right now," I teased him and started to slip my pants off. He watched me and then smirked before he stole another kiss. I pulled off my bra for him then started on my panties. This should be new.... I never experienced this before....

~Time Skip~

Midori groaned and then pulled me close to him as he napped beside me. My whole body was sore from him. He definitely was different because of that catnip Rose gave him. Why does Catnip and dragons sound so familiar... I feel like I should know something. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand then started to google catnip and dragon. After a few minutes I came across a page that made since to me. "Looks like you've experienced your first mating season.... Catnip enhances urges or something apparently and you'll start your mating rituals earlier then expected. So guess your season came early due.... to.... Rose...." I dropped my phone and sat up. FUCK. I just got played. I looked down at him then walked over to the bathroom. "ROSE YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled. "If I find out those pills are something other then what I thought they were...." I snatched them off the sink and teleported into the nearest hospital and walked up to the nurse behind the desk.

"Excuse me miss, you're nak-"

"What are these?" I asked her, taking out a pill and handing it to her.


"Tell me." I told her.

"O-okay..." She looked the pill over and started to type something into the computer then looked towards me. "Hormone-"

"WHAT THE FUCK ROSE!" I screamed.

"Please refrain from using that language in this hospital-" I teleported into my bedroom and looked towards Midori then cleaned up the catnip. No more catnip! I can't believe she played me... Unless Paris and Richard put her up to it.

"GHAH!" I yelled, sitting down on the bed. "I'm going to kill them." I felt arms wrap around me then and smelled Midori close to me as he nuzzled his face into my neck and kissed it. "Midori~" I purred, laying down by him. "I'll kill them tomorrow then..." Midori smiled and then rubbed his head against my chest, getting his scent on me.

"Kill who? Do I get fed?"

"My parents set us up Midori.... I might be pregnant in a few days..." I mumbled.

"Pregnant?" He asked and stopped rubbing his head against me, freezing up.

"Y-yeah..." I mumbled. "We're going to be pregnant."

"Nuh uh! I don't wanna share my treasure!" He whined and then looked up at me.

"I'm sorry!" I sniffled. "I should've known they was playing those cards with us..." I mumbled. "They want grandchildren so bad..." He frowned as he watched me and then leaned in, giving me a kiss.

"I'll share," he grumbled.

"Y-you're not mad... right?" I asked softly. He sighed and then rubbed his head against me.

"Nuh-uh... I guess it's alright.... I'll try to be a good parent if you end up carrying my kid.... You don't know how to raise a dragon besides from when you got me... and then I don't want to make you upset... so I'll be a parent," he mumbled. I nodded and nuzzled my face against him.

"Afterwards, we'll get them back." I whispered. "When this all blows over..." I promised him. He nodded and then smiled.

"Hey Donnie... what if the dragon can't take a human form like me?" He asked me and then laughed. "That'd be hard."

"Yeah but you also have to understand it'll be part dragon, demon, and a pureblood vampire. It'll have to be able to take human form." I mumbled. If it didn't... then I'd have a pet... not a kid... That'd be to weird to think of it as my child... He tilted his head and watched me curiously before he looked towards my stomach and then kissed it.

"How long does it take for your kind?" He asked me softly, rubbing my stomach with his hand.

"Nine months in a human form." I told him. "Five to nine. Usually nine if we stick our stones into human girls. It's just how it's been. It's strange. Sometimes they're born earlier though. Especially if there is more then one or if there are other things going wrong with the baby." I told him, knowing this because of my parents. "You're uhmmm... referring to how long it'll take to grow and come out of me right?" He gave a nod and then looked up at me.

"It'll be somewhat easy for you during the first few months after it's born," he promised me. "After that... it'll be harder. We age faster than you because we need to leave the nest quickly."

"Midori... you won't try to eat our child... right? I mean... I don't want to lose it due to your jaws." I grumbled. "You can tell with this family we all live under the same roof. I don't plan on telling our child to leave." He gave me a thoughtful look and then laid his head down on me.

"I won't eat it," he said softly. "I'll do my best not to chase it off either... and I'll attempt to share the treasure. It can have a fourth of it."

"Good." I whispered. "When he's old enough, we'll take him to the castle in Paris to live. So you won't be so upset with him living in your treasure room. Then we'll have two dragons in both treasure rooms." He nodded and then kissed my lips.

"That'll be fine," he whispered and then wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. "I love you, my treasure," he purred and then rubbed his head against my shoulder.

"I love you too," I mumbled and closed my eyes to rest with him. I'm not sure I'm ready for children though.... Liam might be upset because I've got someone else to adore and love... He'll stop liking me as much as he does. Keegan is upset with dad because of Liam already. Midori kissed my neck after a few minutes and pulled me closer. Oh well.. I'll just try to show Liam that love is infinite and you can always make more of it...

Paris's POV:

I closed the book on catnip and sat it aside. "This should do it." I told Richard. "It said in there that it can cause Dragons to start their mating season early." I laughed. "We'll have to keep some around for the next few days. Plant it around the house where Midori goes... like the treasure room for instance." I picked up the huge bag of catnip I bought in a store. "Let's go stick this around the house." Richard smirked.

"Playing dirty," he said and then sat down in my lap. "I like it." He tilted my chin up to him and stole a kiss before he grabbed the bag from me and got up. "Come on! We have to do it before Donnie manages to get free from the dose we gave Midori earlier. She'll kill us if she sees us doing this." I nodded in agreement. We can't let Donnie find out we're trying to get her pregnant just yet... She'll kill us before we get a grandchild. Lien and Liam ran into the room then, chasing each other. Liam fell and then started to cry out in pain, looking towards Lien as he skidded to a halt and then walked over, flicking his tail as he helped Liam up and healed him with his magic.

"Don't crwy," Lien said sweetly and then hugged him. His tail flicked happily and then he looked over at us and then tilted his head before he appeared in my lap and was standing up, reaching for the bag and stole it from Richard while he was surprised.

"Looks like it'll affect Lien and Isaac..." I whispered, smirking. "OH ISAAC!" I yelled. I want another Lien running around here... Lien opened the bag up and gasped as he pulled some of the catnip out and practically fell off me into the floor as his pupils dilated from the scent. His ears flicked lightly as he played with it, completely fascinated with the catnip.

"Li-Li," Liam whined, walking over and sitting down by him. "Play with me...."

"He's busy silly," I purred to Liam then picked him up into my lap. "When ever you want to bribe him, show him some of this," I pulled out a little from the extra bag I had on the table and put it in his hand. I leaned in and sniffed my hand then let out a small moan. It's amazing! I felt the chair tilting back. Liam looked towards it and then frowned.

"Gross." He dropped it in the floor and then got out of my lap, tackling Lien who yelped. Isaac appeared in the room and frowned.

"Paris, did you need me?" He asked, his tail twitching behind him. I held up the catnip.

"Take a whiff of this." I whispered. He looked it over.

"Why're you trying to get me to smell catnip?" He asked and then looked down at Lien and widened his eyes. "HACHI, OUR KID IS ON DRUGS!" Hachi appeared in the room with a dull look.

"What the hell did you just say?" Hachi asked then tensed up as he saw Lien in the floor. "Why is he sniffing that weed?" He asked.

"It's catnip." I told Hachi.

"It looks like weed."

"It's catnip." I told him.

"Why are you giving my child drugs?!" Hachi asked. "Do you not understand he's too young for drugs?" Hachi asked and then stomped over, yanking the catnip from Lien. Lien whined and then sat up, reaching for it as he pouted. Isaac shook his head and picked up Lien then froze up as he got a whiff of Lien. Hachi stuck the catnip in his pocket then started to fish around for something and pulled out a bottle of milk then gave it to Lien. "There you go cutie. As for you..." Hachi pulled out a flower from his pocket and gave it to Isaac then pulled out air freshener and started to spray the room down. Lien started to drink the milk quickly and appeared by Liam as he got out of Isaac's arms. Richard grabbed a bag and quickly left the room with it, planning on going to the treasure room before Hachi could confiscate all of the catnip from us. Isaac curiously picked up a piece and looked it over.

"What's so special about this anyways? It's just a plant...."

"Plants are really interesting actually. You have wolfsbane which helps werewolves and poisons vampires, catnip can do multiple things to cats, dragons, and interest vampires, then you have roses which are magnificent and smell incredible. You can cook with herbs.... and well... Plants are useful even to the supernatural." I told him.

"Paris is right." Hachi purred. "We even use plants for potions." Isaac frowned.

"Well yeah... I know that... but catnip. Why?" He smelled it then moaned, falling to his knees quickly.

"STOP GETTING HIGH!" Hachi panicked and ran up to Isaac then took the catnip from him. "No." Isaac blinked and then reached for it.

"Hachi~!" He stood up then tackled Hachi into a hug as he tried to get it back from him. Hachi had the piece disappear then. Isaac whined and then smelled Hachi before he let another moan slip. "You smell better," he whispered and then kissed Hachi's neck, gripping his shirt.

"You better not be referring to the catnip scent on me from the brief contact I've had with it.... I'm taking a damn shower." Hachi started to walk away then. Isaac growled and tackled Hachi to the ground, pinning him as his tail flicked excitedly. He purred and then leaned in, licking Hachi's neck before his fangs started to sharpen.

"Mine," he whispered in his ear and then bit down gently, marking him. Hachi let out a small moan then shoved Isaac's chest up, making his fangs come out and he disappeared completely. Isaac frowned and then sat up, pouting. "No fair," he muttered, bringing his tail around his feet as he brought his knees to his chest. He licked his lips and then laid his head on his knees with an upset look as the tip of his tail twitched. I smirked then got to my feet, walking out of the room and towards the treasure room to check in on Richard's progress. When I got to the door, I noticed Richard had snuck some into some of the flower arrangements and there was some hidden by the door. He had hidden pieces all the way down the stair and was in the treasure room, putting catnip in Midori's little nest he had made himself. I smirked and leaned up against the arch to the doorway.

"Are you having fun with that stuff?" I asked him. He glanced back at me and smiled.

"Yes, you want some? After all, we'll definitely have grandkids soon, so we should have our fun with this now," he purred and dropped a handful into the nest. I laughed and walked over, grabbing a handful from the sack then started to spread it around in the gold, kicking pieces over to do so. Richard put some in the gold coffin I had down here and then tilted his head. "What if we instructed the maids to wash Midori's clothes with some catnip that way the smell got in it?"

"You should wash Donnie's clothes like that, not his." I told him and smirked, pulling out my phone to text the head servants of my house hold to get it done.

"We could do both though," he whispered. "That way Midori is constantly surrounded by it, not just in here and around Donnie. He might actively seek Donnie out if we do both."

"That's true... we should do both then." Richard nodded and tossed some of the catnip across the room then started to place it among the jewels in the room then smirked.

"I'll be right back," he said, dropping the bag. "After all, we should try to make it romantic too. I'll get some roses." He walked out of the room quickly, leaving me to do the catnip. I pulled out my phone again to inform the servants to get both Donnie and Midori's clothes washed with catnip. I heard a small growl from the doorway just as I was putting my phone up and heard a crash in the gold just as Midori's scent hit me. I turned around, looking towards him curiously. He rolled onto his back and then grabbed a piece of gold, looking at it then tossed it before he rolled back onto his stomach and then rubbed his head against my treasure, moaning slightly before he came across a piece of catnip and pounced on it quickly. I laughed and sat down in the gold, throwing my pieces of catnip out to the gold. He saw it and quickly went for it, diving for it and snatched it up as he smelled it and let out another moan as his eyes started to get dazed looking. Is it even safe for me to be in here? I suppose I'll teleport before he comes towards me... I emptied the bag, throwing the rest out into the gold. Midori looked towards it then up at me then back at it before he cautiously started for it, watching me. I smirked, watching him. I tossed a few piece of gold towards him. He gasped and then dropped the catnip, catching the gold then rubbed his cheek against it before he fell back into the gold as his eyes changed colors to match it. I got to my feet then started for the door slowly. The door shut then and I heard Midori laughing. I widened my eyes and looked over my shoulder, raising an eyebrow. He watched me and let out an amused purr.

"You didn't think you could just waltz into my treasure room and play around in it then leave, right?" He asked and smirked towards me.

"Midori, this is my pile of gold. I just let you visit it." I told him firmly. "As well as protect it."

"Midori, they're taking our clothes to wash.... So you'll have to wait on a shower." Donnie said, teleporting in front of me. Midori sat up quickly as he saw Donnie and let out a purr.

"Donnie~" He smiled sweetly and then picked up a coin, tossing it towards Donnie. "Want one?"

"Uhmmmm.... yeah...." Donnie picked up the piece and stuck it in his pocket. "Thanks?" She looked behind her and saw me. "What's wrong with Midori?" Midori laid back in the gold then found another piece of catnip and purred, starting to play with it.

"Oh... nothing." I told him, smirking.

"He's never willingly handed over gold coins to anyone before.." Donnie whispered then started to glance around. "Oh.... YOU PUT CATNIP IN THE TREASURE ROOM!?" Donnie asked me.

"Gotta go." I smirked, teleporting out of the treasure room. I ended up in my study so I sat down at my desk.

"Hey," I heard Lien whine. "I'm hiding here!" He poked his head out from under my desk and frowned, laying his ears back. "I was here first...."

"Okay~" I purred. He must be hiding from Liam. "I won't give your hiding place out." I pulled out my phone, texting Richard about the two love birds being in the treasure room already. Lien watched me and then went back under the desk, curling up on the floor and yawned.

Richard: Kay, I'll bring you the roses instead~

He's so romantic...

Me: I'll be waiting naked in our bed ;)

I teleported into my bedroom and started to strip out of my clothes, laying down on the bed in a sexy pose for Richard. After a few minutes, I smelled Richard's scent nearing the bedroom, his blood strong. He must've cut himself on a thorn. I need the family to go vacation somewhere else for a week so Richard and I can have fun around the house naked... He walked in and paused when he saw me. I saw a smirk playing on his lips, teasing me as he looked me over. "Hey beautiful," he purred and then smelled one of the roses in his hands, not taking his eyes off me.

"I've been waiting for you..." I purred. "I think we should start hunting more often." I told him, siting up against the headboard. He gave a nod and then walked up to the foot of the bed, pulling some of the rose petals off one and then blew them towards me before he dropped the rest, keeping one and then put the stem in his mouth before he started to crawl up towards the bed, getting down low as he gave me a playful look and growled. I smirked and exposed my neck for him. Ah, he's trying some new kinky things.... "This is new~" I smirked. "Very well... Take me RoseapoooooRichardo." He got up next to me and then took the rose from his mouth and then dropped it in my lap before he leaned in and stole a kiss from me, licking my bottom lip teasingly. I purred and sat the rose on the nightstand then started to rip his shirt off. He smirked and grabbed my hands with one of his then reached under the pillow by us. I purred, letting him play dominate. He pulled out a set of handcuffs then quickly cuffed me to the headboard with a smirk. I leaned in for a kiss, wrapping my legs around his waist. He smirked and then pulled back before I could kiss him and then kissed my chest, letting his lips linger against me. "Richard~" I moaned. "How about you go down a little more?" I suggested.

"Oh? Like... here?" He asked teasingly, moving down an inch then kissed me again.

"Further..." I purred. He laughed and then placed his finger against my chest.

"Tell me when," he said and smirked, slowly trailing his finger down. I smirked, keeping quite the whole time until he got past my happy trail.

"Closer." I purred. "You're real hot."

"Thank you," he said and smirked, messing with me. "I know I am."

"Right there." I purred when he got to my manhood.

"Oh? Right there? You want a kiss?" He asked me and then gave my manhood a squeeze. I threw my head back and moaned.

"Yes!" I purred. "Richard~! Right there." I begged, grinding my hips up against him. He purred and then kissed my lips passionately before he started to trail kisses down my neck, taking his time as his fangs sharpened a bit and started to scrap against me. I closed my eyes tightly, gripping the cuffs. "You tease~"

"It wouldn't be interesting if I gave you exactly what you wanted without a little teasing," he purred as he reached my chest then gave me a love bite.

"I-I know.... Damn I love you." I whispered to him.

"Love you too, my sweet prince," he mumbled back before he started to trail love bites downwards. I yanked on the handcuffs a bit, looking down at him. He paused as he heard the chains jingling then looked up at me with a smirk. "You want out of the cuffs?"

"Only to get what I want from you." I purred and pulled on them again. He smirked and then started to trail his hands down my sides lightly, sending a shiver through me. I stopped with the handcuffs and arched my back. He gripped my hips and then gave me another love bite on my stomach.

"Richard!" I mumbled. "I wouldn't; tease you this bad~" I grinded up against him. He laughed and then rubbed against me slowly as he leaned in and kissed my neck. I yanked on the cuffs. "When I get out of these you're going to be wishing you had used more then just handcuffs to pin me down." I purred. He smirked and then showed me his neck, looking at me out of the corner of his eyes.

"Would you bite me?" He teased. I leaned up and bit down into him hard, practically owning him as I marked him. He moaned and gripped my hips tighter, digging his nails in slightly as he closed his eyes in pleasure. I let him go and grinded up against him.

"Stop teasing me." I whispered. He looked back at me and then let out a purr, giving me a loving look before he let my hips go and finished taking off his shirt I had tried to rip off him. "Richard!" I yanked on the handcuffs again, looking his body over. "I swear... Don't make me get the whip." He purred and then ran a hand down from his neck, trailing it slowly down his body as my eyes instinctively followed the movement. "Richard.... You're not going to like me when I get loose and have my way with you." He laughed and then reached under the pillow again, pulling the key out to the handcuffs and then placed it between his lips, smirking at me. I leaned up to kiss and steal the key from him. He laughed and then slipped it into his mouth, watching me. I pouted and started to grind my hips up against him. I don't need hands to be dominate, Richard. He moaned and then leaned his head against my chest as he accidentally dropped the key onto my stomach. I went for it but my hands were caught by the handcuffs. He grinded against me lightly, arousing me further as the key slipped onto the bed beside me. I tried to flip us, succeeding and putting him on the bottom as I grinded up against his pants. I struggled to get comfortable with my arms being crossed now. He moaned and then leaned up, biting into my neck and marking me quickly. I moaned and melted on top of him, resting my head against his chest.

"Paris~" He grabbed the key and then looked towards the cuff. "That doesn't look like that feels too good.... Here," he purred and then undid it, watching as one of my hands got free. I grabbed the key from him quickly and unlocked my other hand then threw the cuffs and key across the room. I grabbed his pants and ripped them off of him, slipping his boxers down to his ankles and forced his legs up a little.

"Told you...." I purred. "You're getting punished now." I teased and started to grind against him, before I made this night my own, adding a point to my dominate board. Totally winning against Richard's score.

~The Next Morning~

Richard groaned as he laid in the crook of my arm. "Paris," he mumbled and then leaned up against me. "Can you get me some pain killers?" He asked. He almost never asks for them. I laughed and nodded, looking towards one of our walls, seeing a small hole in it from our last night party. I slipped out of his arms and stumbled over to the bathroom, being a little sore from taking him so many times. I walked into our bathroom and grabbed the pain killers from the cabinet then walked back out and tossed them to him.

"Hey, we'll have to remodel our bedroom again." I told him, noting the destroyed couch. He glanced around the room and blushed a bit before he grabbed the pills and pulled a few out then swallowed them dry.

"I could do it... unless you'd rather pick out what goes in our love room," he teased me. "Can't even call it our bedroom anymore. It was too hard to sleep." I laughed.

"Well it's better then sleeping in a coffin underground." I told him, walking out onto our balcony where I had instructed maids to always set up breakfast for us there. I picked up a bottle of chocolate milk then opened it, swallowing the milk.

"I'm sorry.... I shouldn't have gone to sleep like I did.... I might've been able to dig you up if I hadn't fallen asleep for a decade," Richard said as he limped out onto the balcony, carrying his boxers in his hands. He put them on and then sat down in his chair and looked towards the breakfast before he pulled his plate closer. I smirked and sat down by him, slipping the robe that was sitting in the chair on then started to eat the breakfast the maids had set up for me. "Tell you what, we'll bury Louis in a box for a decade the next time he says something you don't like," Richard said and smirked as he took a bite out of his eggs.

"Coffins actually sleep really well.... It's just the thirst that gets to you." I purred. "Perry used to sleep in coffins before Alexis."

"I don't think I could pull off sleeping in a coffin underground," Richard whispered and frowned, taking another bite. "I would starve easily.... My appetite is too big to handle being stuck underground.... I'm surprised I can sleep as long as I can."

"You know some vampires are allergic to the sunlight and have to sleep in coffins." I purred towards him. "I've met a few like that before. My uncle wears sunblock because his skin is sensitive to sunlight."

"That must be where the legend comes from then," he whispered and then leaned over, kissing me. "Wouldn't it suck if we couldn't go outside during the daylight? We'd lose so much time... being stuck in coffins."

"We're very fortunate. Our trail of genes run back to vampires that weren't cursed by the witches to walk in darkness for centuries." I took a sip of my milk. He smiled and then kissed my cheek.

"I hope we don't ever have a kid who can't go outside during the daylight," he mumbled. "We'd have to watch them twenty four seven... and they wouldn't get to be a kid before they become an adult with a mate to take care of."

"Actually because of my side of the family- on my mothers it's possible we might stumble across a child that has sensitive skin like my uncle." I told him, shrugging. "Hachi can fix that though." He gave a nod and finished up his food and grabbed a glass of blood, sipping on it. He moaned slightly and leaned back in his seat.

"Today's blood tastes pretty good," he whispered and then drank some more of it. "I wonder if it's fresh or from a bottle.... I think fresh."

"Possibly the maids treating us." I told him, picking up my glass of blood and sniffed it. It smelled like it came from a fresh maid, the scent new- not old, dying blood. It was warm too and tasted like chocolate and sweets. Richard gave another soft moan as he took another sip. "Definitely from a maid." I told him and then leaned back in my seat, sitting the glass down. He nodded and then finished it up before he leaned against me and bit down gently into my wrist. I smirked and ran my fingers through his hair. "So we're going to start hunting again? Want to go after breakfast, a shower, and we get dressed to go?" He nodded and then moved into my lap before he bit down into my neck and started to drink my blood greedily. I grabbed the glass then downed it, closing my eyes. He gave another soft moan as he ran his hands down my shoulders to my wrists then gripped them. I sat the glass down once I finished it then sunk in the chair. He kept feeding, beginning to make me feel a little weaker as he dug his fangs in deeper. I groaned, exposing my fangs. "Richard... You're taking too much." I told him. He moved closer to me before he pulled his fangs out and gently sucked on the wound then licked my neck clean, purring. I adjusted him in my lap, making him wrap his legs around me as I carried him towards our bathroom to take our shower together. He kissed my neck and then wrapped his arms around me as he glanced around the bathroom then purred.

"I love you Paris," he whispered and then kissed my lips.

Richard's POV:

I smirked as we cornered two humans in an alley. "Hello boys," I said and then laughed as I nudged the body of their friend that was dead on the ground. "Ready for the most insane party of your life?"

And then we'd find Laurence. We'll hunt until we can find out what happened to him and then kill those who took his life then we'd bring our little Laurence back to us.