
Paris's POV:

"I smell something, is that a wizard?" I asked Richard, my lovely mate. We had just gotten back from going out to eat together, or rather killing a whole town and eating everyone in it while we binged on blood to get stronger. "That's strange.... Normally Hachi would've been out here by now to eat it." I laughed out, hearing Hachi's footsteps coming towards the doors. "There he is." Richard laughed a bit and glanced around.

"You're right. It does smell like wi-" The door burst open and Midori shot past us with Hachi behind him in the doorway. Midori let out a snarl and started for the woods, looking upset. A young boy stepped out of the woods, pulling down the hood on a black coat he was wearing. His green eyes glanced us over and locked on Midori. He gave a big smile then.

"Be still, great dragon," he said sweetly and walked up to Midori who froze. Midori started to purr as the boy's eyes started to have a light in it that reminded me of the Northern Lights and Midori's eyes followed quickly. He reached out and gently touched Midori's head, starting to glow and then rubbed his head as Midori's aura on the boy started to fade. "There we go.... You're fine now," he said and hugged Midori who rubbed his head against the boy's chest.

"I love your eyes." Hachi laughed out, starting for the wizard. I grabbed onto Richard's arm. This isn't going to be good. "Did you know eyes are the window to the soul?" He asked and then suddenly his magic unleashed and we was surrounded by a galaxy that swirled around us. "You're very powerful with those eyes.... I like it." He laughed out. "I'm so going to eat them and take your power." His stitches came off of him then and started for the wizard. "Maybe I might keep you as a pet for my own amusement." He teased. "Let's see what you can do, wizard." The wizard looked towards Hachi and the stitches then held up a hand, a light glowing from it. The stitches started to burn, quickly running up to Hachi himself.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not here for you, Hachi the Cannibal. I have no intention of playing with you today, but maybe some other time-" The wizard flicked his forefinger down to his palm and the fire on the stitches exploded, throwing Hachi back and catching his clothes on fire. "I would've played with you if I wasn't rescuing him," he told him then smiled towards Midori who nuzzled his head into the crook of the wizard's neck. "You're so sweet~"

"Hachi." I tensed up as I seen his clothes catching on fire. Hachi let out a scream of panic and then busted out laughing as the flames burned his clothes off but didn't touch his skin. He must be channeling magic from Isaac. Hachi's stitches formed in his skin again and he got to his feet instantly. He cracked his fingers and pointed towards his meal of the day. He started to mutter words and Midori was thrown back towards Richard and me.

"Sorry Midori, but it's for your protection." Hachi said and then a wall of Hachi's magic glowed between us and them. He muttered a few more words and held out his other hard towards the wizard and quickly moved both hands apart. A ball of light appeared and flung towards the wizard, knocking right into his chest and made him glow an orange color. A black liquid started to ooze out of the wizard. He glanced himself over and then smiled, being calm about it and then the liquid disappeared. What looked like the Northern lights started to swirl around him and he tilted his head, looking Hachi over.

"Hmm, seems I can't just take him and go," he said and glanced Midori's way as Midori let out a cry of pain and threw himself up against the wall, banging on it. "Shhh, you'll be okay. I'll bring you home with me as soon as I'm done getting rid of Hachi. Then we can be together and it won't hurt," he told Midori sweetly, giving him a kind look. Midori started to cry and clutched his chest as he banged on the wall with his other hand then fell to his knees, pressing himself up against the wall.

"You're not taking Midori anywhere. He's my dragon and he belongs here. He has a mate, owners, and love here. What could you possibly give him? He has a mountain of gold." Hachi's magic started to swirl faster as he got a little pissed. A dark cloak clothed him so he wouldn't continue standing around naked. He suddenly summoned Harry, his butterfly lost soul and had him turn into a dragon. "Harry, clean this mess up." Hachi ordered and threw his head back. Harry started for the wizard with a roar. "I'm not interested in pets anymore. I'll just make you into my meal." The wizard tsked a little and held up his hand, reverting Harry back to a defenseless butterfly then reached out and snatched Harry from the air by his wings.

"You poor soul," he whispered to Harry then gave Harry a small kiss before he muttered a spell and Harry went limp in his struggles. He gently placed Harry on the ground and stepped back to avoid hurting him by accidentally stepping on him. "Sleep for now," he told him then looked Hachi's way, looking a little upset. He stepped Hachi's way then. "Hachi," he muttered and then slipped a book out from under his cloak and narrowed his eyes. "You shouldn't have challenged me this way. I am the only wizard of the Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis. On a normal circumstance, I wouldn't choose to use this, but I am not here to play like I've said. Now, the dragon... or banishment," he said threateningly as his book flew open and he started to glow as the Northern Lights surrounded him tighter and became white with fringed green and blue colors furthest from him.

"That dragon is mine." Hachi hissed. "I don't give a fuck where you're from." Hachi laughed out. "You think you can banish me? You don't know what I'm capable of. Your light show doesn't scare me." Hachi's magic started to tighten around them then. His hair picked up and started to blow as a wind went through it. "I'm Kasai Hachirobei. I ate my whole family and I'll eat you." He took a step towards the wizard with his magic following and closeing them in. He started to walk towards the wizard and I could see something in Hachi's eyes as they glowed with the galaxy. This wizard is really pissing Hachi off. "How about you make this easy for me." He stomped on the ground and the ground under the wizard started to sink in. However, the wizard stayed where he was, floating a little as his blond hair was blown back.

"I know exactly who you are, and I know what you've done. Every wizard knows the tale, but you've gotten old, and you're no longer involved in the matters of wizards nor the learning places. I am stronger than you, Hachi. I'm not afraid of you. It would not take much to banish you," he hissed and then held up his hand, freezing Hachi to the ground and then sent him flying back into a tree, hitting Hachi's head against the trunk and knocking him out before he could react. He started to mutter a spell under his breath, reading out of his book as he glowed fiercer and Hachi's body began to glow like his. No! Hachi. I teleported in front of Hachi to protect him and wrapped him up in my arms, holding his head and looked towards the wizard. The wizard's eyes widened big time as he saw it just as the last word got out and I was enveloped in the glow instead of Hachi. "No! It wasn't supposed to be you! You idiot!" He screamed at me. I could feel my body start to tingle.

"I'll always protect my family." I hissed towards him and then glanced towards Richard, giving him a longing glance. Whereever I was going, I'll be back soon my love. I looked back towards the wizard. I could hear Richard screaming my name as it clicked for him what was happening, but the wizard stared me down then walked up, putting the book back in his cloak.

"Paris Grimm," he whispered and then knelt down in front of me, grabbing my hand and turning it to where the top of my hand was showing. A rune appeared and started to glow on it brightly. "It wasn't supposed to be you.... This spell is meant to trap wizards, not your kind. Time will pause here because of this as punishment for this spell being cast on a non-wizard being." He looked up at me then. "You're lucky this spell isn't meant for your kind," he hissed then threw my hand back at me then stood up, glaring me down. "You'll find your own personal hell in the other life." He pointed his finger at me and muttered a spell under his breath that made my head hurt. "I won't let you remember this easily. You'll be stuck for all eternity!" I could see the edges of my vision starting to go black, ending with just him until I was enveloped in the darkness.