Wings Of A Demon

Paris's POV:

An aching pain sprouted in my back and I could feel something fluttering. My head hurt like a bat out of hell. I sat up quickly and yelped from the weight on my back. It was so unusual. I let out a groan and felt the itching set in. I reached over and started to scratch my shoulder then screamed when I felt something new. I glanced around, seeing I was on a bed of feathers. I could smell blood then. I crawled out of the bed and stumbled around, trying to walk straight as the weight on my back tipped my balance and I face planted a mirror. I pulled back from it and felt my knees give in and I fell to the ground. I looked up at the mirror and let out a small yelp at my image. I looked over my shoulder, seeing wings start to flutter. There was feathers plucked out of it, blood dripping down them. I shivered and reached up towards my head, grabbing a hold of two horns. I look like a bull! A bull... I bowed my head and cupped my face into the palm of my hands. I can't remember anything... Who am I again? I let out a small cry then got to my feet. I can't cry over this. I looked towards my hair, seeing dark black roots growing and silver tips. My hair was so curly, curling around my face. I had on a bloody red night gown. I heard breathing behind me then, coming from the bed and looked towards it to see a woman. I walked towards her slowly and smelled her scent, catching she was human. I felt my fangs expose and crawled into the bed, getting over her and bit down. "Oh!~ Master Louis.... Good morning." She whispered to me and wrapped her arm around my neck. "Last night was so fun! Looks like you didn't get enough blood though..." She was still clothed... So I didn't sleep with her. I pulled back from her neck and looked her body over. My name is Louis? "Would you like a bath?" She asked me then ran her fingers down my chest. "You're all nasty. Your parents will be upset." I felt her slipping out from under me and pulled on one of my wings and started to drag me towards the bathroom. "Let's go." I gasped out in pain and felt myself getting thrown into cold water. I shivered and felt her start to bathe me.

"Why's it so fucking cold?" I hissed out. She slapped my face suddenly.

"Don't use that language around me." She hissed back. I sunk in the water and felt her yank me back up. When she finished bathing me she pulled me out of the water and dried me off. She got behind me suddenly and shoved me up against the wall. "Hold still." She instructed. I tensed up and looked behind me, seeing her grabbing a knife.

"What are you-" I groaned as she started to cut off one of my wings. "GHAH! STOP!" I begged and fell to my knees.

"Hold still!" She grabbed a hold of my head and pushed it into the wall. "I don't need you asking me stupid questions. We do this every day." I panicked and looked over at her.

"Everyday!?" I tensed up.

"They grow back overnight, idiot." She pressed her heels into my back as she started to saw away at my wings. "We'll have to get those horns too."

"No!" I screamed, starting to cry. I felt myself become paralyzed as she cut them off and sat them aside, then began on my horns.

"You have to have these cut off. Otherwise you won't be allowed out of your room. You hideous disgrace." She hissed in my ear. "God I love you." She kissed my cheek.

"I'm paralyzed." I mumbled.

"I broke your spine.... You'll heal in a few minutes." She purred and then finished cutting my horns off. She started to brush my hair and dressed me. When she finished I could feel my body heal up. I got to my feet quickly and stumbled over to the door. I've got to get away from this crazy chick! I've got to get the hell out of here in general. I heard her start cleaning up. I stumbled into my bedroom and found a boy laying on my bed, playing with my feathers.

"Paris~!" The boy sat up quickly and reached out towards me, holding a feather in his hand. "How're you feeling?" He tilted his head. "We'll get those wings taken care of before tonight- promise. We just have to find someone important... I forgot his name though." He stood up on the bed. "Let's go kill your parents." He started for the door. I widened my eyes in confusion.

"I'm not Paris..." I told him. He turned towards me quickly.

"Yes. Yes you are." He said quickly. "It's a long story. You're from another universe. I know this because I'm your best friend there. I know everything! It's my power. Something happened to you that made you come here. I'm not sure what it was but I suspect it had something to do with wizards. Wizards mess up my vision, you see." He walked up to me then and grabbed my arm. "Your name is Paris Grimm. You're from an alternate universe where you're the prince of France instead of wales. I'm the prince of England. In the other universe I am currently stuck in hell. Usually you come and pull me out of hell when that happens. Which by the way I died from some stupid assassination thing from these dumb vampire hunters.... You'll kill them though because you're Paris fucking Grimm the baddest vampire prince in the universe. Wait.... I'm getting off topic.... Anyways I'm your fairy father and you're going to need my help to get your ass back to your correct universe before that tattoo reaches your heart and traps you here forever." He pointed towards my hand and I looked down towards it. A curious looking rune shape was on my hand and glowed faintly then went to being pure black. A thorn looking vine started to appear around it, wrapping around the rune on my hand and sent a shock of pain through me. I groaned and looked up at the boy.

"S-so... How long do I have?" I asked, feeling I could trust him.

"Oh I'm Laurence by the way and you have a month. So first step. Kill the parents. In your universe, all the royal parents are dead because you killed them with your lover Richard. Here, they're all alive because you never met Richard. After you kill your parents we're going to go see Richard."

"Kill them?" I asked.

"To get their attention." Laurence winked. "I just killed mine before coming here. About.... two hundred years ago." He winked and then turned and walked out the door. I slowly started to follow him, feeling uncertain. He lead me down the dark hall and towards double doors. He pushed them open to a throne room and walked in casually. I followed him, stepping in cautiously. I saw a woman standing by the windows in a fancy looking red dress with white lace and a handsome guy sitting on a throne with his legs thrown over the arm of it.

"How's that go again?" He asked, looking towards the woman. She glanced over at him.

"The song?" She asked him softly then walked over.

"Yes, the song. What else?" He smirked slightly then reached for her. She giggled and took his hand then knelt beside the throne.

"Well, my sweet, it goes like this," she purred then leaned in towards his ear but he put a finger against her lips and looked our way.

"Our son is here," he said then glanced me over. "Louis, you forgot to knock," he told me then sat up correctly then looked towards Laurence. "Why's he here? I don't remember inviting the King of England," he said and then narrowed his eyes slightly. "You're not welcome here without invitation." The woman glanced towards us then softened her eyes as she saw me then stood up, stepping over.

"Louis," she purred and then pulled me into a tight hug. "My lovely boy, my darling love, my only child," she whispered then kissed my cheek. "Did she hurt you this morning? You look out of sorts. I'm sorry, but we just can't have them shown. Someone might tell...." She ran her hand through my hair and then smiled. "Did you get to eat breakfast? I can have a human brought in."

"Don't coddle him. He's not a child anymore," the guy said on the throne and stood up. "He's a full grown man who will be king in a few centuries. Don't baby him."

"I'll baby my boy all I want," she said defiantly, earning a small growl from the guy.

"Don't argue with me. I am your king, your ruler, and your husband," he hissed. She tilted her chin up at him.

"I know that, but I will not have my boy get hurt unnecessarily. We must be good parents to him!" He sighed and put a hand to his head, watching her.

"You'll be to blame when he becomes too soft hearted to be king," he whispered towards her. She frowned.

"That's not a bad thing to have mercy in his heart," she told him then hugged me to her. "I love you Louis," she whispered in my ear then kissed my cheek again.

"Sorry to stop by unexpected." Laurence chimed. "I had to talk to your son." He winked my way. "We had a long, healthy, and meaningful talk." Laurence crossed his arms then.

"Uhmmm..." Why is my name getting tossed between Paris and Louis? I looked the woman over, she's so kind towards me and is sticking up for me. I looked towards the male on the throne... He's more strict though. "I'm sorry I forgot to knock?" I blushed. I probably could have knocked... but Laurence did come in first. "Laurence was the one that entered first." I pointed towards him. Laurence smirked and then laughed.

"He's right, I never knock. I'm a king." Laurence stretched out and gave a small yawn. The guy on the throne frowned.

"Not in my dominion, you're not. I'm the king here, not you. You may have special privileges in England, but not here. You will knock before you enter my throne room," he told Laurence strictly. "Stay away from my boy too."

"They're just being friendly! Look, when Louis grows up, he'll have a friend and an ally when he's king which is good. Maybe they'll make a better treaty than what you managed," she told him and smiled as she leaned her head against my chest. "Don't be cruel. Louis deserves friends... even if it's with him. We can trust King Laurence around our son. I'm sure about it. After all, our son loves us. He wouldn't let Laurence influence him into doing what he did to get his throne," she said and then smiled at me sweetly before she kissed my cheek again. "Laurence, would you like me to get you something to drink?"

"No thank you." Laurence said quickly. "I don't drink from humans." He looked towards me, giving me a look. I looked down at my mom.

"Could you please give me some space?" I asked her, trying to shove her off. Why is she so clingy? She frowned slightly but moved away from me.

"Sure Louis," she whispered then walked back to the guy and sat down on a throne beside him, reaching for his hand. He looked at her then took it and sat back down beside her and crossed his legs, looking us over.

"Did you want something?" He asked bluntly and leaned back in his throne. "Or did you just want to be a nuisance and interrupt us?" He raised an eyebrow at Laurence then looked me over. She squeezed his hand and then brought it to her lips and gave it a small kiss, earning a smirk from him as he looked her way and let out a playful purr.

"Uhmmmm..." I looked him over. Could I even do it? Kill them? I don't know the first thing about doing that... Laurence glanced over at me and groaned then looked towards them.

"We're wanting a treaty." Laurence began. "Can we talk?" He looked innocently towards them. The queen looked Laurence over then looked at her husband, whispering something to him. He nodded her way and let her hand go, watching as she stood up and walked past us, leaving the room. He glanced us over.

"Talk," he said and waved a hand absently, looking bored already.

"Don't look so upset." Laurence smirked. Suddenly the shadows in the room started to darken and stretch out towards the male, taking him quickly and dumping him upside down. "You should've seen this coming." Laurence told him then walked up and ripped out his throat before he could say anything more. He had the shadows take care of the rest of the body, ripping it up. A stone fell down into the floor and Laurence stepped on it. I heard it shatter under his foot. Laurence looked towards me. "We won't tell anyone I done this for you, it'll be our secret." He pressed a finger against his lips then grabbed my arm and used shadows to take us out into the hall. He had the shadows take the woman out instantly and smash the stone that fell into the floor. "Killing people is too easy sometimes." He stretched then the shadows engulfed us and we were in a village right under a castle.

"That's where Richard lives." He told me. He pointed towards the castle. "He's the prince of Transylvania but tonight he will become king." He told me. "He invited your twin and Dante- your enemy from the alternate universe- to witness tonight. He plans to overthrow his parents. In your universe you both killed your parents together... In this one... He kills and takes over without you. He'll be king of the world in a few hours." He looked serious at me then. "He is your true love in both universes. This you from here though was never meant to cross his path.... not until much later. So I'm not sure how it'll go with you two meeting so early. Fate is going to be pissed. I need to teach you a few moves so that if he tries to kill you when you meet him you can defend yourself." He bit his bottom lip then pulled out a bottle of liquid and tossed it to me. "So I had a witch cook this up." I looked the bottle over when I caught it. "Drink up." He smiled sweetly towards me. "We have other bottles to drink later on." I looked it over then opened the bottle and downed the liquid.

I felt a few memories open up then, remembering my past life in the alternate universe, moving up to when I took over with Richard, overtaking our parents. I let out a groan and fell to the ground. Laurence is right, Richard and I loved each other and we killed our parents for our love. I felt my heart pounding in my chest.

"I love it when you mess with wizard's spells by using witch potions to help out the victim so he can remember things. Ah hell... I love playing god too." Laurence admitted.

"Laurence..." I busted into tears and reached out for him. He bounced over to me and helped me to my feet. "What's happened?" I whispered.

"I don't know all of it due to wizards in play." Laurence sighed. "So we'll have to wait until your memories catch up to you. Let's go get you your Richard." He grabbed my arm and had the shadows take us into the throne room of the castle. "This castle isn't much different from the one in your universe." He whispered quietly to me.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice hiss, Dante. He stormed up from the side of the room then towards Laurence. "You better not be here to mess anything up. I know about your powers Laurence," he hissed quietly in Laurence's ear. "I mean it. I'll kill you if you screw this up for him if he doesn't kill you himself."

"Oh don't pester him," a boy with white hair said, crossing his arms. "He won't do anything to stop this. He gets a lot out of it. Think it through Dante." Dante looked back at the boy then narrowed his eyes.

"Paris, you still can't trust them."

"Awww, don't look at me that way," this supposed Paris said then walked up and put an arm around Dante's shoulders. "You look all bad and scary like that," he purred teasingly. Dante rolled his eyes.

"Paris, don't hang on me like that. You'll get Raven jealous," he whispered but didn't move back from him or move to shove him off. Paris laughed and then moved his arm away from him.

"Yeah, she'd be angry with you. She's carrying your kid after all," he whispered back then winked. "You're going to be a dad~!" Why does these names sound so familiar? I looked towards Laurence and then realized something, looking at the supposed Paris. That's him. That's supposed to be my twin Louis. The ones my parents.... I understand a little more now. Although it's giving me a headache. I'm in his shoes and he's in mine. He was kept like he was supposed to be all these years. I went to Wales like it should have been. I felt a little uneasy and dropped to my knees.

"Shut up Dante, I'm not here to prevent Richard from becoming king." Laurence spat out. "I'm here to give him a gift." He gestured to me with a smirk playing on his lips. They both glanced at me, Paris/Louis giving a huge smile while Dante frowned.

"He won't be wanting a boy. You should've gotten a girl...." Dante muttered.

"No! He'll be happy to accept your gift Laurence. Don't listen to the grouch," my twin said and smiled. "Just present him afterwards when Richard is victorious, okay? It won't go as well if you do it before. He might kill him."

"Great idea." Laurence nodded in agreement then looked towards me. "Come on Louis." He purred, reaching for my hand. "I'm going to go find us a maid to drink from." He snatched my hand and pulled me to my feet. My twin looked me over and frowned slightly, narrowing his eyes in thought but then dismissed it after a second and looked towards Dante.

"Come on Dante.... I think he's in his music room. He said he wanted to see us right about now," he whispered to him then grabbed Dante's wrist. Dante yanked his hand back quickly then started walking towards the door, making my twin pout as he followed after him. Does Louis know yet about his long lost twin if he's playing as me? I knew... I looked him over and watching leaving. Come back and notice me... Maybe it's my hair. I touched it, remembering it wasn't white anymore. What's up with that? I looked over at Laurence and felt him tugging me towards the other direction.

"What were you looking at that boy like that for?" I heard Dante mutter under his breath as they were close to leaving.

"He looked familiar is all," my twin told him. "I must be mistaken though. I think I'd remember that hair." He hummed and glanced over his shoulder towards me then back at Dante.

"Really?" Dante asked, sounding skeptical.

"Yeah, really," he told him then laughed. "Weird, right?"

"You're weird," Dante shot back, laughing slightly.

"I know," he said sweetly, giving a smile.

"I have no clue how you ended up being a prince.... I think you got sheltered a lot."

"Uh huh, now come on Dante!" He grabbed Dante's hand again. "I don't want to disappoint Richard by being late." Oh that's right.... Louis must've gotten all the over sheltering needed. My parents were really strict before I killed them and I bet they're still alive. I shivered at the thought.

"Not that they're gone." Laurence stopped walking and spun to face me. "He's going to kill them in here." He told me. "We should hide." He looked around. "His parents will be here within minutes." He pulled me behind some really thick curtains. Putting me behind one side and his got behind the other side. After a few minutes, I heard the door open.

"I swear he's good for nothing. He just sits and plays his piano all day and then parties at night with the maids," I heard Richard's father complain. "It'd be better if his brother were here, but no... someone had to kill him."

"Richard will be fine.... It's just a phase," his mother told him. "I'll work the partying out of his system before he becomes king. He plays the piano beautifully though. However, I'm more worried about Richard's tendancies to bite others. It's going to get him in lots of trouble some day. We can't keep hiding the fact of what he's done so many times.... It's against the vampire laws, and he'll get caught soon by someone other than us."

"I've done told that boy. Has he done it again?" His father hissed in irritation and I heard him walking towards his throne.

"Well... he actually killed his new fiancé last week," his mother whispered. "I had to tell her family that she was killed by assassins that didn't want a treaty between the two countries- rebels."

"WHAT?! Why wasn't I informed?!"

"Because I didn't want you to make this worse-"

"SOMEONE BRING ME MY SON THIS INSTANT!" He yelled and then sat down on his throne.

"Don't make a scene," his mother hissed. "A king shouldn't yell like that. You'll spread rumors that something is wrong with this family-"

"Something is wrong in this family! We have a son that won't stop biting other vampires and killing his fiances!" I tensed up as I heard their voices, venom poured into my mouth as I bit down hard on my inner cheek. I hated them, apsolutely hated them. I could feel my whole body aching to move and end their voices. They really get under my skin. I kept still though, wanting to play the game Laurence's way. The door opened then and I heard light footsteps on the floor.

"You wanted to see me father?" I heard Richard say, trying to sound pleasant.

"Sit," he ordered.

"I was playing my pian-"

"I don't care. You will sit," he ordered him firmly, making Richard groan.

"Fine. I'm sitting," he told him and I heard him move over to a seat and sit down.

"Richardo Dracula, if you can't start behaving like a true king that obeys the laws observed by vampire kind, then I will have no choice but to not hand the throne to you," his father started, standing up. I heard him walk up to Richard and then heard a sharp smack sound in the room and a yelp from Richard. I closed my eyes tightly and felt my stone pulse. I tried to hold back my anger and feeling. I can't expose myself now. "You killed another one, didn't you? Admit it," he hissed at my mate.

"Of course I did, father," he hissed back. "I'm not marrying- ever. You're not going to make me either. Your rules are insane, and I will never follow them."

"Richardo, I swear that your brother would've made a better king than you. If he was alive, you would never have even been on my mind to give the throne to. You will marry, understand me?" He growled at Richard and I heard Richard groan as he was yanked to his feet by his hair. "Even if I have to force you, you will obey me. My blood flows through your veins," he said, sounding pissed. His mother cleared his throat.

"Put him down," she told him. "I'll have him punished. Don't worry. I've been thinking on how to get him to stop... and I was thinking he might if he learned what life would be like for him if he wasn't a royal." Richard snarled at her.

"You're not going to punish me either," he hissed, sending a shiver up my spine as his voice went dark. "You're not going to be able to."

"Want to bet? How about your punishment be a good whipping and a few nights in the dungeon with the traitors?" Dracula threatened my love of my life.

"Heh," Richard started to laugh then and I heard a thud on the floor. "You know, I'm getting tired of your nagging and constant telling me to stand up straight and do this... and do that.... It'd be just so much easier if I let you learn what you created so long ago," he purred.

"Richardo!" His mother screamed out and I heard her rushing to them, but Dracula let out a groan and I could smell blood in the air. "Monster!" She hissed. I heard Richard get thrown off his father as he started to fight back.

"You've done it now," Dracula hissed. "You crossed a line!"

"It won't matter after tonight," Richard said cryptically then stood up. I heard a strangled scream after a moment escape from his mother's lips then a thud as she fell to the ground lifeless.

"You wouldn't dare," his father hissed quickly.

"Oh... yes I would. See, I'm going to crush this stone, and there is nothing you can do about it," he said. I could hear the smirk in his voice and then the cracking of the stone he must've been holding then his footsteps starting for his father who backed up a bit in shock. It wasn't long before he had his father's stone and crushed it too after a struggle. "Jeez... not even a good fight. You were weaker than my brother," he muttered. "Damn... I'm covered in filth. DANTE! GET A BATH RUNNING! PARIS! GET SOMEONE TO CLEAN THIS UP!" Bossing everyone around already... I heard Laurence step out from behind the curtains clapping.

"Wow, bravo Richard." Laurence laughed. "It's about time you killed them. I done that centuries ago with my parents." I heard Richard laugh a bit.

"Laurence," he purred. "What are you doing here? I would've dressed better if I knew you might've come to watch. Too bad this jacket is ruined. I kind of liked it."

"Aw, it still looks good. Just a few more blood splashes." Laurence suggested. "I got you something. Consider it a gift behind curtain number one."

"Hm? A gift?" Richard asked curiously. "Laurence.... You didn't have to. I was going to form a treaty with you in the morning after I got some sleep...."

"Yeah? Richard~ I think you'll enjoy this one. He's a Grimm. His name is Louis. He has the sweetest blood ever. Right over there."

"You're making me a bit uneasy with how eager you're being Laurence.... This better not be a trick," Richard whispered to him. "I'd hate to be on a bad footing with you already." I heard him start to slowly walk towards my curtain then.

"Richard~! You know I really like you. I'm never going to betray or trick you." Laurence promised. Richard neared my curtain then and slowly pulled it back to see me then froze up as our eyes met. I blushed a little as I looked him over.

"H-hey R-Richard." I whispered softly. I looked behind him towards Laurence. Richard dropped the curtain then, walking off.

"Laurence, that wasn't funny," he muttered under his breath, heading for the doors.

"Where are you going?" Laurence asked. "I told you I got you a present." Laurence looked towards me then and gestured me to go after him. I widened my eyes slightly then teleported in front of Richard.

"Yeah, where are you going?" I asked him and grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer to my body. I can make him fall in love with me. It should be easy. We're supposed to be together. He looked me over then shoved me back.

"Don't touch me," he hissed, glaring me down.

"Don't shove me away like a rag doll." I hissed back. "Richard," I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me again then bit my bottom lip and made it bleed then leaned in to kiss him. "You're my true love and I'll prove it." He looked at my lips curiously but backed away, denying me a kiss.

"Like hell you will," he hissed. He looked me over and then glanced at Laurence before he brushed my hand off him and then spun me around to face Laurence and pushed me towards him. "Take him back." I stumbled a few feet forward then spun around quickly, catching my balance.

"Laurence, go watch cartoons." I told him, not understanding what cartoons meant but it just came out. Laurence busted out laughing then left us. I looked Richard over then gave a small smirk. "Do you like paino?" I asked him softly. He studied me.

"No," he said, but I could tell he was lying to me. "Get out of my castle."

"Do you want me?" I asked, trying to tease him. I unbuttoned the first few buttons of my shirt and rubbed my neck, exposing it a little. "I know a great little tune on the piano we can play together that'll convince you we're meant to be."

"I don't believe in that stuff," he told me then tilted his chin up. "There is no such thing as destined mates... and if there were... I'd kill mine."

"Oh yeah? You'd kill me?" I walked over to him and then grabbed his arms and teleported us into his music room then sat him down on the piano bench and sat down by him then ran my fingers across the keys. "Stay here through the song.... If you don't feel anything for me by the end up it then please crush my stone." I looked towards him then closed my eyes and started to play the song he had played for me to lure me into his music room the first night we met. I felt him tense up beside me as he recognized it as one of his personal favorites.

"Laurence set you up for this, didn't he?" He muttered under his breath after a few measures into the song.

"No. I'd tell you what's happening to me but I'm afraid you wouldn't understand because I barely do." I looked towards him. "I do know that I love you." I looked towards his lips longingly. He tsked.

"You don't even know me," he hissed then exposed his fangs.

"I do know you." I told him and stopped playing, crawling into his lap. "I know you love me, secretly. You can't stand the idea of killing me. You know you're falling hard for me because I'm your mate. I know that we're going to one day rule together. Laurence is one of our oldest friends. He'd never set this up. It's already a thing. Every since we were born." I leaned in towards his neck and bit down into him, running my fingers into his hair and gripped it. I tilted us back to where we fell into the floor. He'll be mine soon. He moaned softly and then smelled me, his thoughts getting muddled in confusion. I marked him as mine and pulled his shirt up a little. He let out another moan and arched his back, pushing up on me.

"S-stop," he mumbled out, trying to resist me. I let out a small growl. Tonight I'm the dominate one. I reached down to his pants and grabbed his man hood then bit down harder. He gasped and then squeezed his eyes shut as he held in another moan and reached for my hand quickly. "No," he whispered to me. "Quit it." I smirked and pulled back, licking his neck.

"Quit it?" I asked playfully. "You want me to stop?" I force my way between his legs then started to grind into him. "Are you sure?" I asked. "You really want me to stop?" He moaned sharply and leaned his head back into the floor, his fangs exposing as he looked up at me and then towards my neck. I felt his hand suddenly on my chest then right over my stone. I stopped grinding against him, getting scared he might take it. "Richard?" I asked softly. I leaned down towards his lips to kiss him. He shoved me off him and then sat up, giving a small hiss then scrambled to move away from me, attempting to get to his feet. I sighed and laid there, a little annoyed.

"Fine." I grumbled and stretched out. "You'll come looking for me."

"Like hell I will," he said and then started for the doors. He adjusted the bloody shirt he was wearing then glanced back at me before he opened the door. "Get out of my music room." I stood up and got back on the piano bench and started to play our song. I won't give up on him. I closed my eyes. "That's mine," he complained, starting for me. I continued to play, ignoring him. "Damn it.... So help me," he muttered and thought about snatching me off the piano bench, but he held back. I could tell from his thoughts that he knew I was his mate, and that was the only reason why he was holding back from harming me. My Richard is in there still.... I leaned closer to the piano and listened to the keys, trying to look like I wasn't noticing him behind me. "Fine," he muttered and I heard him going to the door, slamming it shut behind him.

"There you are! Your bath is getting cold," I heard Dante down the hall calling to him. "I put your favorite in there. I thought you'd like a little victory present."

"Oh? Charlene?" Richard asked, a smirk in his voice plain as day.

"Yeah, she is all ready for you," Dante purred. I growled softly. If he's going to cheat on me... I got to my feet and poured myself a glass of alcohol that was sitting on the piano and took off with the glass and bottle then teleported out into the hall.

"Dante, where's that sexy Paris at?" I asked him, smirking. "I need to give him something." I took a sip of the alcohol. Richard shot me a jealous look as he heard me.

"Oh... him?" Dante started to laugh.

"You know, Dante, I'm not feeling it today. I'm going to bed," Richard told Dante and started off down the hall quickly, looking pissed. Dante frowned his way, watching Richard go.

"Weird.... He normally doesn't turn down a bath and Charlene," he muttered and then looked towards me. "Paris is in his room he has here. Would you like me to take you to him?" He asked, looking bored of me.

"Yeah, that would be nice." I nodded. "So you're with Raven?" I asked him. "How is that working out?" I looked him over, remembering he was never nice to me during our youth in the other universe. Is he a changed man? I downed the whole glass then. He smiled then at the thought of Raven.

"It's working out great. She gets a little crazy sometimes... but its nothing I can't handle. She's sweet if you know how to bring it out in her," he told me. "She's my queen actually. I married her. She's already given me a beautiful boy and soon I'll have another kid from her." He laughed and then started walking. "Follow me."

"I never thought Raven would have children." I muttered softly, following after him. If I keep making Richard jealous he'll come after me. He doesn't like not getting his way. If I start to ignore him he'll be after me like a dog.

"Well... it took a little convincing," he whispered then glanced me over. "Why? Do you know Raven? She's here with me if you'd like to see her... though I've never heard her mention you before."

"No, Raven wouldn't remember me." I told him, giving a smile. He raised an eyebrow but nodded.

"Okay.... Well, she's doing fine if that's what you were wondering. She's happy and well... her fits are less frequent now that she has had a kid to look after," he informed me. "Queen of all Germany and she's badass on top of it." He smirked and gave a small laugh.

"She's always been powerful." I whispered. "Every since I laid eyes on her." I rubbed my head as I remembered meeting her at a manor... my manor... I met her with a girl named Lauren. I shook the thought off then downed the bottle of alcohol. "I'm Paris's long lost twin." I laughed out. He froze up and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What?" He asked me.

"Dante?" I heard Louis's voice as a door opened a few feet down the hall. "Is that you?" He asked softly and poked his head out, glancing around. Dante looked towards Louis's door with a protective look then at me. Louis spotted him then and smiled big. "Hey! Whatcha doing? Oh, you brought him?" He tilted his head as he glanced me over.

"Paris!" I held my arms out towards him. "Come here! I want to tell you something." I leaned up against the wall and sunk to the floor. "Do you guys have another one of these?" I asked, holding up the empty bottle. Dante looked me over.

"Yes... but I don't think you need anymore of that," he said, pointing towards the bottle then started for Louis who was coming out of his room. "Don't mind him Paris. He's just drunk," he told him then spun him towards his room and nudged him towards it. "Get some sleep. You'll want it because Richard will probably want to hold a ball tomorrow to celebrate what he did tonight." Louis groaned and then slipped past Dante's arms and laughed. "Paris!" Dante hissed, trying to get him. "I don't want to play a game right now of catch you."

"Then don't try," Louis teased. I got to my feet and started for Louis and Dante.

"Hey~ Paris can I sleep with you?" I asked him sweetly.

"Eh?" Louis looked over at me then laughed. "You can sleep in that room," he told me and pointed to the room across from his. "Sorry, but I don't let people sleep with me." I grabbed onto Louis when I reached him then looked him directly in the eyes.

"I'm your twin though." I purred to him. His eyes widened as he looked at me.

"Huh?" He blushed a bit. "I don't have a twin," he whispered.

"You mean you never found out about me!?" I asked him. "Come on, we're twins. I don't know what's up with my hair though.... Something changed when I got switched. I have these funny wings and horns too." I cried out. "I got stuck in wales and my mate doesn't notice me." I fell to my knees. He widened his eyes and sunk down to the ground with me.

"Hey! Don't be so sad," he told me then brushed my hair back behind my ear before he pulled me into a hug. "Wings are cool... so are horns. That's not terrible. Plus Wales is really pretty from what I've heard... and if you have a mate, then your mate will surely notice you soon. I promise," he whispered in my ear, trying to make me feel better. "Don't cry," he mumbled, sounding sad to see me like this.

"You're too kind to strangers Paris. It's going to get you killed one day," Dante warned him. "You don't know him well. You shouldn't be that close to him."

"He's upset!" Louis defended for me, hugging me tighter. "He needs my help!"

"I know you come from the city of love Paris... but you can show a cold shoulder every once in awhile. I swear, you're going to be king soon. How are you going to manage your people if you don't have a firm hand and show that you are truly superior than them? Love and kindness isn't going to ensure that you don't get assassinated. Harden up Paris... or you'll get killed," he said, crossing his arms. I leaned in to Louis's neck and bit him, starting to drink his blood as I clung to him. I pushed him onto his back in the floor and got over him. He yelped and then started to giggle.

"Hey~ that feels funny," he told me, not upset that I was biting him. Dante let out a growl and started for me, wanting to protect Louis from me. I pulled back from Louis quickly and licked his neck then rested my head on his chest.

"Don't leave me Louis." I whispered softly. Dante paused and then watched as Louis laughed.

"My name is Paris silly," he told me and ran a hand through my hair.

"Paris," Dante hissed in a warning tone then pulled me off him. "Don't let people bite you! And you! No more alcohol for you!" He looked at me then at Louis before he started to drag me into the room across from my twin's room and opened the door, pushing me in it. "I'm going to be in the room right next to Paris's, so I will know if you try something, got it?" He pointed a finger at me then shut the door. I groaned and threw myself against the door then tried to open it to get to Louis. Why'd he throw me in here away from my twin!? I rushed out into the hall quickly. Dante had just finished picking up my twin and was carrying him into his own room as Louis giggled at him.

"Dante! I didn't say you could pick me up," he teased him then looked towards his room. "Are you going to tuck me in too?" He smirked softly and looked up at Dante.

"Hell no. You're a grown vampire," he told him firmly. I rushed over to them and ran into the room Louis was sleeping in then walked up to the bed and laid down on it. "HEY! GET OUT OF PARIS'S BED, TWERP!" Dante yelled at me. "THAT'S NOT YOURS!"

"You're loud," Louis complained, covering his ears.

"And you're high maintenance," Dante told him then smirked as he walked into the room and then put Louis in the bed and snatched my wrist, trying to pull me out of the bed. "Out," he ordered me. I grabbed Louis's arm and clung to him.

"Don't take me away from Paris." I begged. "He's my twin."

"No he's not," Dante told me then picked me up. "You're just drunk," he muttered. Louis watched and then got under his covers, curling up to the silk sheets and nuzzled against the pillow till he got it comfortable and smiled softly as he met my eyes just as Dante was turning to take me out of the room. I started to cry then and curled up in Dante's arms.

"Dante please..." I whispered. Dante looked at me and frowned.

"No way. That's my friend over there. I'm not going to let you sleep with him while he's vulnerable in case you try something," he told me. "I don't know you enough to even consider this."

"I'm harmless drunk though..." I mumbled sweetly. Dante frowned at me and continued towards the door.

"Dante," Louis called out just as he reached it. "It's alright.... I don't mind. Bring him back. I'll allow him to sleep in my bed this once." Dante froze up and glanced back at him.

"Paris.... He could kill you in your sleep!" He hissed.

"He won't," Louis promised, giving an innocent look. "I trust him." Dante grumbled but sat me down at the look Louis was giving him, caving. I ran over to the bed and got in it then curled up to Louis, laying my head against his chest. He let out a laugh and then adjusted himself so that way I'd be in the crook of his arm and pulled me closer, tilting his head back to look at the ceiling.

"Scream if something goes wrong," Dante told Louis and then walked out, shutting the door behind him softly. Louis let out a soft sigh and closed his eyes.

"I love you Louis." I mumbled and pulled him closer to me.

"My name is Paris," he whispered and then opened his eyes, looking towards mine.

"No... I'm Paris." I told him softly.

"Nuh uh, I'm Paris, and you're drunk," he told me then tapped my nose with a small smile.

"I'm Paris and you're my older twin Louis. I'm the prince of France and you're the prince of Wales. We've been switched due to this dimension I ended up in due to a wizard apparently." I sighed out, feeling my head start to hurt. "I've got to find a way back." He frowned.

"Uhhhh.... I'm not sure if I believe you... but I know of a wizard if you're wanting to find one. He's in a mental asylum that I have connections to," he whispered.

"Hachi?" I asked quickly. "He was in a mental asylum in his younger years." I widened my eyes slightly as I remembered that from my past. "I've got to go see him soon."

"Umm... well, maybe. I'm not sure what his name is. I could take you to him in the morning or now.... I can sneak in and out pretty easily. The security sucks," he told me then rubbed my head. "I just know they have a wizard there locked up under the orders of the wizard king."

"The wizard king?" I asked him. "What all do you know about the situation?" I sat up and looked Louis over.

"Well... my friend told me that the wizard king locked his brother up in the mental asylum after the king ate his family and almost ate his brother or something... but he let his brother live and put him in the asylum where he's watched over. I hear he visits every once in awhile but not often. They're both immortal now due to a spell he cast on the two of them after he won the fight against his brother... and he became king shortly after putting his brother away.... The king's name is Haru Hachirobei, a cannibal." Louis rubbed his head then and watched me.

"No, Hachi... He's a cannibal in my universe except...." I tried to remember more but couldn't. I rubbed my head as I tried to think it over. I've got to see him. "Let's go now." I urged and started to get out of the bed. He sat up and then sighed, getting up out of the bed.

"Alright," he told me and yawned then grabbed my hand. We were suddenly standing in a cold white room where the light was glaring down on us. He glanced around then walked towards the bed in the room and gently pulled back the covers to reveal a sleeping child that looked like Hachi when he was younger. "Hey," he purred and then rubbed Hachi's head. "You've got a guest to see you. It's me. Paris," he told him. "Remember the white hair?" Hachi's eyes opened slightly and he looked up at Louis then touched his hair, gripping it softly.

"Paris?" Hachi asked and then his hand fell down as he closed his eyes. I walked up to him and looked him over.

"Hachi..." I whispered softly. His eyes opened and he looked towards me.

"Kasai." He mumbled. "Hachirobei." He nodded slowly then reached out towards my hair. "What happened to your hair?" He asked softly. "That looks dark" His hand dropped again and he started to shiver. Louis frowned and covered Hachi back up to his chin.

"I swear... they need to take better care of you or else I'll bust you out," he muttered. "Dante won't be happy... but you're going to get sick." He pulled Hachi into his lap and hugged him, keeping the blanket around him. "Poor child." He sighed and started to play with Hachi's hair. A boy appeared in the room then that looked exactly like Hachi except his hair was brushed and had been recently trimmed and he looked cleaner than him.

"Get your hands off him," he said threatening towards Louis, showing sharp teeth as he snarled. I looked towards Louis quickly. Oh man, we should have expected company. I looked towards the guy that just came in. He must be Hachi's brother.

"No... it's okay... they're friends." Hachi said quickly, sitting up and gathering his strength instantly to face his look alike. "Don't hurt them." He begged. His look alike's eyes softened as he saw Hachi and I felt the room get warmer.

"It's freezing in here," he whispered then stepped his way towards Hachi. "I'll talk to them about getting it warmer for you in here, okay? I don't want you to get sick," he told him sweetly and kissed Hachi's head. Louis frowned and pulled Hachi closer to him, making his look alike growl. "Hands off," he warned Louis snapping his jaw towards Louis's hand and making him yelp and let go of Hachi. Hachi slipped into his look a like's arms and rested his head against him, starting to pass out then.

"I like the cold." Hachi mumbled. He did enjoy my snow white hair... "Haru... let's play sailors..." He mumbled. Haru looked at Hachi then laid him down in the bed again and covered him up.

"We'll play later," he whispered in Hachi's ear then glanced my way and frowned. He walked up and sniffed me then begun to circle me before he snatched my hand and looked at the tattoo on it. "Cursed," he hissed in disgust. Louis frowned as he noticed it.

"Yeah, it's a long story I'm still trying to piece together." I told Haru. I glanced into his eyes, seeing a galaxy swirling in them. He got Hachi's powers. So Hachi... never ate his family... and still has just his regular stitching powers. He doesn't have his powerful magic. "Can you break this?" I asked Haru. He glanced it over and then laughed.

"Oh... it's that spell," he purred. "Poor you.... No one must understand you. It's one of the worst curses to place on someone... but it's meant for banishing wizards only. You can get out... but a wizard wouldn't be able to." He looked up into my eyes. "You have something that we don't have, understand? We may have created your kind... but you can escape this spell because of what we gave you that we can't give ourselves." I nodded towards him.

"You're giving me a hint on how to get out?" I asked, then looked towards Hachi. "He's my little wizard in the other world. I've been taking care of him for a long time. I don't want him stuck in a place like this." I muttered. I heard the door opening then and a male stepped in wearing a doctor's lap coat and clipboard. He paused when he seen us.

"Oh, Mr. Hachirobei has guests- Mr. Hachirobei!" He bowed towards Haru. "I was about to check in on Patient Kasai." He looked us all over. Haru's attention snapped towards him.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you.... I got you fired," he said and then smirked. "Now get out of my brother's room before I literally fire you," he threatened and held up a ball of light in his hand. "I know what you've done to my brother, and I will not tolerate it, understand?" The doctor's eyes widened.

"That little brat snitched on me?!" The doctor asked and Hachi sprung up in the bed at his voice. Haru snarled and the doctor was thrown up against the door as he slowly begun to walk towards him.

"I see all you do to him," Haru hissed. "I know everything and I don't like you one bit. You took advantage of him, and I will not have you doing that. Now, you didn't leave when I told you to... so a punishment is in order." He exposed his sharp teeth, snarling. I could see his thoughts. That doctor had been touching Hachi inappropriately and Haru had put a spell on Hachi to know when Hachi was in trouble and scared. Hachi hid under the covers quickly, I could smell his fear on him. Poor Hachi.... I walked over to him and picked him up into my arms then sat down on the bed and cradled him. Louis scooted closer and started to murmur comforting things in Hachi's ear, blocking Hachi's view of Haru as his brother started to reach up towards the doctor and stole one of his eyes out using a scapel he found in the doctor's labcoat. He moaned as he popped it into his mouth and started to eat it. The doctor let out a scream from the pain and Hachi flinched in my arms. Haru paused and glanced back at Hachi then at the doctor before he growled and snapped the doctor's neck to avoid scaring Hachi further and began to eat him, finishing up the other eye and devored him to his bones. I heard Hachi's breath quivering as he trembled in my arms. I started to rock him slowly and rubbed his head. When Haru finished up, he waved his hand over the remains and it disappeared, the room becoming spotless including Haru who was cloaked in a dark fabric with a moving galaxy on it to hide his bloody clothes from Hachi. He stepped over with a grin and then sat down on the nightstand, looking towards his brother. "Hachi," he purred, holding out a hand for him. "It's alright. You're safe now." Hachi looked over towards him and looked towards his hand then hid his face against my chest. Haru frowned. "Hachi," he tsked and drew his hand back. "That's how you thank me when I saved you?" Hachi looked towards him then reached out towards him slowly.

"T-thank you." Hachi whispered and moved off of me for his brother and got in his lap, sniffling. Haru purred happily and hugged him.

"That's better," he said and kissed Hachi's cheek. "Don't be afraid of me. I would never eat you. That's why you're here... where you're safe and away from my temptations." Hachi nodded and started for fall asleep in his arms.

"Yes brother..." Hachi mumbled. Haru smiled happily and rubbed Hachi's head then looked my way.

"Oh... right... curse," he said, tilting his head as he viewed me. "I can practically smell it all over you. You don't belong here... but you will if you don't hurry. You have a month and then you're stuck here forever and your world will be forever out of your reach and time will start in your world again.... More than likely, the wizard that sent you here will kill those you love if he's near them when you don't come back," he told me and then stood up with his brother and laid him down on the bed gently, tucking him in beside me then grabbed my hand. "This is a magic rune on your hand. It will eventually spell out the whole spell, but I can feel the type of magic used on you, so I already know it. You're going to be doomed if you don't get out. A wizard can't escape... but your kind can," he told me then winked before he touched my lips. "All it takes for you is going to be true love's kiss with your mate. Wizards don't have mates therefore they are doomed. Fate gets upset when this spell is cast on your kind and stops time to try to give you a chance to fix it and get home instead of screwing her line of events up. She's punishing the wizard for it currently more than likely. However, your mate might not love you in this world... which will result in the curse staying on you. You could kiss them all you want, but if they don't truly love you back with their whole being, then you are stuck here. Find your mate and make him or her fall for you with everything they have. That's how you get home. If the thorns reach your heart, you're stuck here even if you do get them to fall in love with you." He pulled his hand back from my lips and smirked. "Good luck Paris Grimm." Louis frowned beside me then glanced us over.

"Thanks you Haru." I nodded his way. "Can you restore all of my memories I had before I came here? I'm slowly getting them back but I need all of them." I looked towards Hachi and gave him a soft look. I want him out of here, it's not fair he's trapped in a four cornered room for all of eternity. Haru looked me over then sighed.

"Give me a good reason," he said and crossed his arms. "I have nothing against you... but then again... I don't really have a deep admiration for you either. You're just the cursed guy in my brother's room."

"If I don't get back in time...." I mumbled, rubbing my head, knowing something bad must be happening. What if Richard's life is on the line!? "Someone close to me might die." I looked up at him. "It might be my mate." He looked me over.

"I figured that much," he said and then looked at Hachi before he knelt down beside the bed and started to play with Hachi's hair, humming. "Still.... I don't really care about your mate either." Hachi sneezed suddenly and looked over at Haru.

"You promised me sailors..." He mumbled. Haru smiled and then gave a nod.

"We can play sailors," he said sweetly and leaned his head against his brother's forehead. "I love you, my twin...."

"I love you too." Hachi mumbled sweetly. He looked towards me and then grabbed my arm and sat up, looking towards my cursed symbol and examined it. He looked up at my hair then ran his fingers through it. Haru gave a slightly jealous look at me before he crawled into the bed and then looked at Hachi.

"Do you like him?" He asked Hachi curiously, tilting his head. Hachi glanced from me to Louis then back at me and then back towards Louis. He looked back at me quickly and then looked at his brother.

"They're twins." Hachi told him and giggled. Haru glanced us over then started to laugh with his brother.

"They are, aren't they?" Haru giggled and then kissed Hachi's head. "Alright, I'll help you because my brother seems to like you," he told me and then reached towards my head as he got in my lap. "Hold still!" I froze up at Haru's touch, not sure if I could trust him. Hachi glanced over at Louis.

"Paris you never told me you had a twin." Hachi giggled out.

"I didn't know I had one," Louis said and smiled big. Haru closed his eyes and I felt my head start to hurt as their voices faded and a rush of all my memories started to hit me all at once as the pain sharpened then dulled then disappeared altogether until I finally knew everything that had happened to me. Haru pulled his hand back from my head.

"Sorry if that hurt... but he put a nasty spell on you to block your memories," he whispered to me then crawled out of my lap and tackled Hachi into a hug, kissing his cheek. Hachi giggled and rubbed his cheek. I looked the two of them over as realization came over me. Oh my.... Hachi.... I pulled Hachi into my lap quickly and hugged him tightly.

"It's okay Hachi." I whispered to him, rocking him. I'm so glad I saved him before he got hit with that nasty curse. It's one thing I've been able to do right for him.

"Uhmmmm...." Hachi looked up at me. "What's the matter?" He asked curiously. He reached up towards my hair and rubbed it. I still don't understand why I have horns and wings in this alternate universe.., Haru let out a whine and then crawled over.

"Hey..." he said and looked at Hachi then at me. He frowned and then reached up, touching me. I could feel him peeking in at my memories, learning everything about me as his eyes glazed over. I froze up quickly. He's going to learn he died and that Hachi got the powers as well as everything he deserves. He'll learn I saved Hachi from the spell. He pulled back sharply as a tear rolled down his cheek then quickly tackled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry! I will gladly help you! Please let me help you," he begged me. I nodded quickly.

"Of course you can help me." I rubbed his head. Hachi let out a whine.

"I'm hungry Haru." Hachi told him and got to his feet, rubbing his eyes. Haru pulled back slightly to look at Hachi then gave a nod before he waved his hand and a table appeared with all kinds of good smelling, steaming food on it, from mashed potatoes to rice to ham to beans to sushi. Haru watched Hachi with a huge smile, not caring too much that his brother killed him in the life I belonged to. Hachi walked up to the sushi and started to eat it, ignoring the rest of the food. He took a plate with him to a corner and sat down in it. I watched him then looked over at Haru.

"I want Hachi to come back to Transylvania with us." I told him quickly. "I can't stand the idea of him in here, even if it is to protect him." Haru frowned and then scratched the inside of his wrist.

"But... but I don't want him to leave me," he whined. "I would take him home with me... but I still have a hard time controlling the urges to feed on other wizards so that's why he's here where there is less of a chance of me getting him and where I can easily watch over him.... Don't take my brother from me."

"Please?! He's not living stuck here." I told Haru. "He's not getting enough out of life." I looked over towards Hachi and seen him picking out the cucumbers from his sushi and ignoring us. Haru broke out into tears then, crying.

"Nuh-uh!" He told me, shaking his head. "You're not taking him from me!"

"Haru, please?" I begged. "I can take care of him." I looked towards Hachi. "He doesn't even know love, he's never met Isaac." I whispered, feeling so sad for him. He'll never have a child here. I can't stand seeing him like this. "He's your brother."

"I love him!" Haru defended. "He knows my love!" He sniffled and started to rub at his eyes. Hachi looked up towards Haru.

"Don't cry." Hachi begged and rushed towards him then tackled him into a hug. He curled up in his arms and rubbed his head against his chest. "I love you Haru."

"Haru, he needs to experience more then this, he deserves it. You can't just keep him caged." I whispered. Haru buried his face into his brother, trying to tune me out as he held his brother to him closely. I sighed and then looked them both over.

"If Hachi can learn to not eat Isaac then you should learn to not eat Hachi here." I told Haru firmly. "He can do it and so can you." Hachi looked towards me with a confused look. Louis looked them over and then rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well... I guess I could take care of you both and make sure you don't eat Hachi, Haru.... You could both come live with me since how you don't want to be separated from him... but Hachi doesn't need to be locked up. Louis is right about that- or Paris- or whatever his name is," he said and waved my way then looked Haru over. "I'll make sure you don't eat him if you let him out of here and come stay with me together," he offered. Haru glanced his way then looked at Hachi before he quickly kissed his brother's cheek. Hachi blushed and tackled Louis into a hug.

"Thank chu Paris!" Hachi rubbed up against him and then rested against his chest. He seemed to be able to pass out again, making me wonder what that's all about. Haru bit his bottom lip, looking nervous about the whole idea as he looked his brother over then us.

"Haru, it'll be okay." I told him, giving a small nod. "Do you know why Hachi is so tired?" I asked him. Hachi curled up and grabbed a hold of Louis's shirt.

"I'm not tired..." Hachi mumbled. Haru looked Hachi over and then crawled over to me and got in my lap, watching his brother.

"Maybe it's the medicines... or because of that doctor guy I ate...." Haru mumbled and then nuzzled his head against me. "I'll fix him if something is wrong with him though.... Paris Grimm, do you want me to help you out with Richard? I could wipe his memories in this life to make him more innocent for you so you'd have more of a chance," he suggested, looking up at me from my chest.

"No, I'll get him to fall in love with me from the memories he has here." I told Haru. "I know I can do it. I don't want to cheat. He'll fall in love with me because we're soul mates. He needs memories. I don't want to take anything from him, no matter what universe he grew up in." Hachi laid down on the bed and curled up to his pillow. Haru nodded and then kissed my cheek.

"What about some good luck? I could give you some of that...." He looked up at me pleadingly, really wanting to help me with something. "Come on... let me do something for you. You saved my twin from banishment and took his place. He would've been stuck for good. Plus, if you don't get back, that wizard will kill everyone."

"I have a month." I rubbed Haru on the head. "It's enough time. Richard and I fell in love the moment our eyes met. He'll fall in love with me again here." I promised. "I have a lot of faith in him. He is the only person I've ever loved and could die for. Well, I did jump for Hachi." I looked towards him. "Only because he wasn't in his game. He was knocked unconscious and cheated on. I do have something you can do for me, start letting Hachi out more. He is very weak and fragile from being stuck here in this room. If he comes strong then he can protect himself against you. You won't have to keep him locked up." Haru let out a small whimper then curled up against me.

"But he might leave me too," he whispered, sniffling. "I don't wanna lose him."

"He is your twin," I looked towards Louis. "No matter what kind of fights you end up in, you will always love each other and want to protect one another. Even if you start a war over little reasons... You will come back to each other and be there together. Blood is thicker than water and twins are the closest no matter how far apart they distance each other." I gave a small smile. "Even if one forgets about the other, he'll still love you." Louis gave me a slightly confused look but Haru giggled then nodded.

"Okay," he said cutely and then looked at Hachi consideringly. "I'll remove him from here... if you guys make sure I don't harm him," he whispered and then moved over to Hachi and curled up to him. "We're going to leave," he whispered in Hachi's ear. "You'll come home with me soon after I learn to control myself, but for now, we'll follow them around, kay?"

"Leave? But you told me not to leave here..." Hachi whispered softly and curled up to his brother.

"But I want you to live with me... like we used to.... I want to take you home with me and let you rule the wizards with me," Haru mumbled to him. "We'll start by following these two around so that way I don't hurt you and I can get some help. I love you...." He kissed his brother's cheek and hugged him. "I'm going to start giving you the world Hachi.... You'll be strong in your own way." He nuzzled his head against him and smiled softly as he closed his eyes. "So you'll come with me tonight."

"Okay..." Hachi dozed off in Haru's arms instantly.

"We've got to get him off that medication." I muttered. Haru glanced over at me then gave a nod and started to play with Hachi's hair, smiling big time.

"You know... you don't seem that evil, but everyone says you're the evil wizard king," Louis pointed out, crossing his arms. Haru smirked then.

"Oh... don't worry.... I can live up to my name when I want to," he promised, laughing. I looked Hachi over, noticing the differences he had from my universe. Hachi here didn't have stitches running over his body. It was clean and smooth. His hair was still black and his eyes were of course green. He didn't have his galaxy eyes because he never got the power from eating his family. His brother got it instead... I wonder if Hachi almost got ate. I looked Hachi over, seeing no visible scars but he was still dressed in his asylum clothes. I wouldn't be able to tell until he undresses in front of me... I'll probably have to get him away from Haru for that... I looked towards Haru and then bit my bottom lip. That's his twin. The one he ate in my universe. Hachi had been so beaten up about eating his family he locked himself up in an asylum. That's where he got caught by the last remaining family members as well as Oz and Zehara. What if Hachi is so tired here because he is unconscious in my universe? Maybe it's not the medication... Haru glanced over at me then got closer to his twin and hid his face into Hachi's shoulder, giving it a small kiss.

"Hmm... let's get you two back to Richard's castle," Louis suggested after giving them a curious look. He reached out for them and held them before he grabbed me and we were suddenly back in his room back at Richard's castle. "Haru, I'm going to get a bath running for Hachi, so stay here. Don't wander off," he said, pointing a finger at Haru before he got up and disappeared. Haru frowned and held Hachi closer to him before he started to look around. His magic released then, revealing the galaxy around us and he looked it over with a small smile. I looked around us and then reached out towards a star.

"Hachi has a little baby in my universe." I told Haru. "He is so cute." I mumbled and then looked towards Hachi. "I wish you could see him." I smiled and then ran my fingers through Hachi's hair. "When I leave here, I want you to make sure Hachi starts to live a better life in this dimension." I looked towards Haru. "He doesn't deserve four corners." Haru nodded and then snuggled up to his twin.

"I won't put him back in there," he promised me. "I'll be better about it.... You know..." Haru smirked then and looked towards me. "I think... I think I could track down Isaac's family line soon and wait for him to be born and give Isaac to Hachi as a gift when he's finally born. He won't be born for a few more centuries... but I wouldn't mind. Your memories of them in your universe are so sweet.... I would love for Hachi to know Isaac in this world. Plus... I really liked your memories of my nephew," he told me and then giggled. "I'll find Isaac's family line for him!"

"Watch out, his father will use him to get to hell, so you might want to kill him before he hurts Isaac." I warned. "Plus, what if Hachi doesn't fall in love with Isaac? He might not here. They're not soul mates after all."

"I can still make Isaac a protected wizard because of who he is in your world," Haru pointed out. "If they don't fall in love... then that's okay... but you're right about his father. I'll have to eat him after Isaac is born. I can't allow another wizard to get their hands on that kind of power in hell." He narrowed his eyes slightly. "His father will be troublesome... and I'll just have to get involved anyways because of his greed."

"Don't forget to watch out for the northern lights wizard." I warned. "He might show up in this dimension as well." I shook my head. "If Midori comes out of the whole... I don't know though. I doubt it'll happen because I won't travel over to America." I rubbed the back of my head. "So you probably won't have to worry. I do though." Hachi groaned and rolled away from Haru, grabbing a pillow. Haru frowned and then followed Hachi, laying beside him then looked at me again.

"I'll watch out for signs repeating what happened in your world," he said softly. "The Northern Lights wizard won't cause trouble here." He yawned and then closed his eyes, starting to fall asleep beside his twin. "Just... protect my brother in your world," he mumbled and curled up. Louis appeared in the room then and scooped Hachi up then glanced at me before he tilted his head.

"Want to help?" He whispered to me. I nodded and stood up quickly. Hachi opened his eyes a little and looked around then grabbed a hold of Louis's shirt.

"I'm tired...." Hachi mumbled. Louis smiled and then grabbed me with his free hand, teleporting us into a room with a huge built in bath and then sat Hachi down on the edge and started to undress him. He had made Hachi a huge bubble bath to get clean in that looked really warm and would probably help Hachi. Hachi rubbed his eyes as Louis undressed him. I noticed a huge scar on his shoulder, looking like a bite mark. So Haru did bite him... I sat down by Hachi and rubbed his shoulders. He melted against my touch and moaned slightly. Louis noticed the bite mark and then sighed.

"I've got my work cut out for me babysitting the two of you... don't I?" He whispered under his breath and then gently moved Hachi into the warm bath and rubbed his head. "Well... at least you're both immortal. He can't kill you if he loses it."

"Louis- I mean, Paris- How did you meet Hachi?" I asked him, trying to understand how he seems so close to Hachi. Hachi sunk down in the tub and went under quickly.

"Well... I had a friend over in the mental asylum and I went to go visit it to see what the conditions were like, being a prince and whatnot. I was thinking about supporting it by helping it out to make it nicer for the patients when I become king... but when I walked around with my doctor friend... I came across Hachi's cell and he really liked my white hair so I told him my name... but I didn't really learn his. The doctor was a little uneasy with me being around Hachi like that because of Hachi's brother being the jealous type," he told me and shrugged, pulling Hachi back up and started to shampoo his hair. "I visited every once in awhile and always stopped by his cell though." Hachi held his head low as he sat in the tub and looked down at the bubbles. I frowned and grabbed a rag from the side and dipped it into the water then started to rub it against his cheek. He flinched from the rag and looked towards me. "Hachi, it's alright," Louis whispered to him then smiled sweetly. "You're safe here with us and your brother, I promise. Look, you get to stay with my white hair for as long as you want," he told him then pointed to his white hair. "Don't you like it?" He laughed and then started to rinse Hachi's hair out. "It's safe. We won't harm you." Hachi reached up and grabbed a handful of Louis's hair and tugged on it a little.

"I want your hair." Hachi giggled and leaned over the edge of the tub and gave Louis a kiss on the cheek. Louis laughed.

"I'll cut a lock off for you and put it in a bow so you can have some for yourself," he told him then smiled at him sweetly. "Would you like that?" Hachi nodded then glanced towards me and gave me a suspicious look then sunk down in the water and went under. My twin glanced over at me and then back at the tub and sighed, grabbing the conditioner and then pulled Hachi back up and started to condition his hair. "I'll get my hair stylist to cut your hair too Hachi.... It needs a trim bad," he told him then kissed Hachi's forehead.

"No it doesn't." Hachi shook his head and curled his hair around his fingers. "I like it at this length. Don't cut it. You should worry about your twin's hair." He pointed towards me. I felt something cracking in my back and I let out a small hiss as pain shot through my body. I backed up a bit and grabbed towards my back. Shit, I think my wings are growing back. Louis looked over in alarm and then frowned.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked me and then reached out, but his hand was smacked away as Haru was suddenly in the room.

"Hey, Paris Grimm... I forgot to get rid of your wings for you," he said and then reached out for me. "Sorry!" He gave me an apologetic smile. "I'll get rid of them for good and they won't cause you anymore pain.... It's just that you had wings and horns in your world too... but your parents managed to get rid of them for good.... In this world, you were traded so you didn't get the help needed for this." He put his hands on my back and I felt warmth radiating from his hands and spreading through my back, alleviating the pain and it soon stopped all together. I couldn't feel my wings trying to grow back at all.... It's like they never existed and neither did my horns either. I let out a sigh of relief then leaned back against Haru.

"What? I had them in my world too? I don't remember ever having them." I looked back at Haru. Hachi leaned against the tub wall and looked towards me with interest.

"You had them when you were born because of the blood of the demon that runs through your veins... but your parents had you fixed quickly because they didn't want anyone to know, not even you. It's why your shoulders itch," Haru whispered in my ear. "You miss your wings... but you just don't remember having them." Louis tensed up at the word demon and looked away quickly. I looked towards Louis. The family demon must favor him here... The way he tensed up.

"I always thought I was allergic to cloths or something..." I whispered. I never knew it could be possible I had wings.

"It skips generations." Hachi said quickly. "You got them and your grandchildren will." He smiled. "Your grandfather had them too and your family demon had them but he is a pure demon so he can make them invisible." He looked over at Louis. "You didn't get the wing trait because it only happens to one family member of the generation." He glanced back at me. "I know a few things, don't be so surprised." He looked more awake now from having his bath. "It's funny through because you was born second. The trait usually happens to the one born first." He shrugged. "Guess twins are confusing after all." Louis rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hmm..." Haru smiled and then looked at Hachi before he stripped and got in the tub with his twin. "Hachi! Let's take a bath together!" He said innocently. Hachi's eyes widened and he slipped away from Haru.

"No way, put your clothes back on, please." Hachi begged and then sunk in the water, going under. Haru frowned and then moved far away from him in the tub.

"We have exactly the same stuff," Haru mumbled and looked away, rubbing his cheek. "We're brothers.... It's not like I'm going to do something to you." Hachi came back out off the water and rubbed his eyes.

"Hachi~ Have you ever tasted eyes?" I asked him curiously.

"E-eyes?" Hachi asked, looking scared at the idea.

"Don't put those ideas in my twin's head!" Haru showed me his sharp teeth then, growling. "He's innocent!" Louis laughed and then reached over, picking up Haru out of the tub.

"Alright now, don't do that or else you'll get in trouble with me. You're trying to not do that, aren't you? For Hachi?" Haru pouted and looked away as he was sat on the floor and Louis started to dry him of then dressed him in Haru's own clothes. Haru disappeared then, making Louis tsk. Hachi looked me over and then looked towards Louis, reaching out for him.

"I want out." Hachi mumbled. Louis picked him up gently and started to dry him off, laughing a little.

"Alright..." He dressed him in some pajamas then and kissed the top of Hachi's head before grabbing my hand and teleporting us into his room where Haru was fast asleep, curled up at the bottom of the bed with a pillow. Hachi looked around the room then walked up to the bed and got into it, curling up in the middle. I walked over and got in on one side of him and pulled him close to me. He let out a groan but let me hold him. Louis got in the bed then and stretched out, getting under the covers and then put his hands up under his head, closing his eyes with a small yawn. "Night boys," he said with a faint smirk on his face. I felt Hachi pass out in my arms. I looked down at him then over at Louis.

"Goodnight my sweet prince." I whispered.

"Uh huh," he hummed out then curled up to himself, trying to fall asleep. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with them.