The Prince of Wales & King of Transylvania

Richard's AU POV:

"Master Richardo," I heard a soft voice ask from beside me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked to see Alice standing there, my personal maid. She rubbed her arm and gave me a smile. "It's time to get up for the day, my king." I sat up and then put my feet on the floor before I stood up.

"Run a bath for me, would you?" I asked her and then walked over to my window as she went to my private bath and started to turn on the bathwater for me. After a few minutes, I walked in to her and watched as she undressed me like usual then I got in the tub and relaxed, letting her clean me up and then dry me off before she dressed me in my favorite red prince outfit that was made in France (Paris had bought it for me and had gotten himself a blue one and Dante a black one, saying that we had to have the same one in different colors). She started to brush my hair out for me and then began to brush my teeth and file down my nails again, just the daily maintenance that I liked. She let my hands go when she finished and smiled.

"Would you like to eat breakfast this morning?" She tilted her head slightly, showing me her neck. I glanced it over and didn't feel hungry this time.

"No, I'm not hungry today." I smirked and then started for the door. "However, you may start having the servants set up the ballroom for later. I think I want a party to celebrate my rise to the throne."

"Yes sir," she said quickly and scurried out of my bedroom. I walked out after her and started for my music room, wanting to be playing my piano. I missed it... especially after that guy violated it yesterday. I growled softly as I remembered it. What right did he have to throw himself at me like that? I know I'm beautiful... but that doesn't mean that he had to do that. Jeez. I ran a hand through my hair and walked into my music room and shut the door, locking it. No one is allowed in here without my permission... yet he walked in here like he owned it... and then he had the nerve to go after one of my closest friends after what he did to me in my own music room. I narrowed my eyes and sat down at my piano then graced the keys with my fingers lightly before I begun to play my favorite song, the one that guy had just happened to know yesterday. I should probably kill him... before he becomes trouble. I sighed and then shut my eyes, listening to the notes as I got my mind off yesterday as I played, finding solace in the one thing I did best.

"I love parties." I heard Laurence say from on top of the piano. I heard him pouring something into a glass. I should've seen that coming.... I looked up at him and tilted my head.

"Laurence..." I trailed off. He's in my music room... my hiding place. "Are you here to take that boy back?" I gave a smirk then, deciding to let him stay without a fight.

"What boy?" Laurence asked. "Oh wait! You mean Louis? Why would I take him back? I gave him to you. Now he is laying in bed with Paris when he should be in your bed with an aching ass." He took a sip from the glass he had poured a red liquid into. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I don't want him... so it doesn't bother me if he sleeps with Paris. That's Paris's choice. In fact, when Paris leaves, if you don't take that boy back, I will send that boy with Paris. He doesn't belong here... and I don't like him," I told him coldly.

"You mean you don't like the prince of Wales?" Laurence asked. "But he's twins with Paris." He laughed then and took another sip from his glass. "He's gay too."

"And I'm not. I have no intentions of accepting your gift in the way you want me to," I told him and looked back at the keys. "Get rid of him."

"Okay. I'll take him away and give him to someone else." Laurence sighed out. "I'll take and give him to an Egyptian vampire. Maybe that'll give me some treaties to hunt down there." He purred. I glanced back up at him and stopped playing.

"Why'd you take him from his country if he's prince of Wales Laurence?" I asked then leaned up against the piano. "Besides, you know you could get a treaty with practically anyone without trading a prince to them."

"Yeah, but Paris- I mean Louis is special right now. He's got a lot of knowledge like I do. Plus he recently killed his parents and what not." Laurence rubbed his head. "No, I'm not going to trade him. It was a joke. I can't trade princes. You're hilarious thinking I can." He laid down on the piano. "Did you know~ He's Paris's twin." He laughed out. "Their parents gave him away at a small age. Poor child. To be given up like that at birth. Makes you wonder what the parents were thinking." I frowned slightly at Laurence.

"I guess I could see some resemblance between that boy and Paris," I muttered then looked back at the keys. "Fine... He can stay for now... but the moment I see something I don't like... I'll kill him."

"No you won't." Laurence laughed out. "He's perfect for you in every way." He held up the glass, looking at the liquid in it.

"You're lucky I didn't kill your prince of Wales yesterday," I told him then smirked. It would've been so easy. "I definitely thought about it."

"You wouldn't kill him though." Laurence sat up then, looking towards me. "Because I know you've got a weakness for him." He handed me the glass. I looked the glass over and gave him a suspicious look.

"What is this?" I asked him.

"Wine." He told me, shrugging and took a sip from the bottle. I glanced it over and then sat it down on top of the piano.

"Okay," I said and then stretched. "So~ Want to enjoy the party with me tonight?" I asked and smirked.

"Oh I will be enjoying the party." Laurence giggled. "Louis brought in some friends last night." He sat the bottle down beside him.

"And my castle gets more and more people in it," I muttered, looking back towards the keys before I picked the glass up and took a sip of it. It tastes funny.... I frowned and went to spit it back into the glass. Laurence tackled me quickly and we was on the ground in an instant. He held the liquid in my mouth by covering my lips then held my nose.

"Drink up." Laurence winked. I widened my eyes and started to struggle. What the heck is his problem?! Is he trying to kill me?! "We can do this all day." Laurence said, holding me down with the shadows. I shook my head and tried to spit it out anyways, panicking. "Richard... We can do this with or without the potion. Take your pick." He looked me dead in the eyes and his pupils started to change a little. I squeezed my eyes shut quickly. What the hell is he trying to do to me?!

"Just drink it!" Laurence hissed. "I'm not in the mood for this. Paris and Louis wake up in exactly half an hour." I opened my eyes a little and glanced his way. Why does that matter? I don't care about Louis... and if Paris wants to sleep with Louis, he can sleep with Louis. "You can't forget Louis without this potion." He groaned out. I frowned. Forget him? Why would I want to forget him? I gave him a skeptical look before I swallowed, deciding to play Laurence's game to see where this was going. I felt the potion start to take it's effects on me and memories of this morning and last night were slipping away from me.


My head felt fuzzy but was starting to clear up when I found an arm extended towards me. "Wow, you had a rough last night, Richard. You should lay off of the alcohol. You killed your parents." Laurence told me, standing above me like an angel. I looked up at him and groaned, taking his hand and shakily got to my feet.

"I... what? I killed them?" I asked and blinked, trying to get ahold of myself. Damn... I got drunk and killed them? I wanted to be sober.... That sucks. "Jeez...." I rubbed my head and glanced around my music room. Well... at least I fell asleep in my music room rather than the hallway. I sat down on the piano bench and then leaned against my piano, looking at him. "I can't believe I got drunk and did it.... I was planning to do it sober," I mumbled softly. "I wanted to remember it.... I can't believe I did it when I knew I wouldn't remember....." Laurence walked over and took the glass and bottle off of the piano.

"You don't need this any time soon." He told me and smirked, having shadows get rid of it. "Oh, Richard... You're having a party tonight. I suggested mascaraed. I'm having your servants set it all up." I laughed a little and gave a nod.

"Alright... that sounds nice," I told him then stretched out. "So... are you wanting to spend the night here for the party... or are you leaving when it's over?"

"I'm staying for a few days with a friend of mine. He's the prince of Wales." Laurence told me and smiled sweetly. "I hope you don't mind my intrusion." He started for the door then. "I have to go." I watched him and frowned slightly.

"Umm... okay? You know you're always welcome here Laurence," I called after him then turned to my piano as he left and smiled as I saw the keys. Hello.... I started to play and laughed a bit, enjoying the sound as I played my favorite song that I had created when I was younger. It was dark, beautiful, full of temptation and it embodied my very soul, coming directly from it from the age when I was just discovering myself. After an hour I heard the door slowly opening. I glanced towards the door in curiosity, wondering who was brave enough to come into my music room like that without knocking. I found a small thirteen year old boy rubbing his eyes and leaned up against the door. He looked sort of tired and was very adorable. He had black curly around his face and was grown out towards his shoulders. He needed a hair cut. He wasn't wearing any shoes or a coat. I paused in my playing and tilted my head. "Hey... who're you?" I asked, adjusting myself so I was facing him. I wonder if he's one of the servant's children.... I don't recognize him though. I frowned a bit. "Did you come to listen?" I asked, gesturing to the piano. He walked in slowly and closed the door behind himself then walked over to the piano bench and sat down on it by me then looked up into my eyes.

"Uh-huh. You play really good." He told me and then tapped one of the keys. "My name is Kasai Hachirobei. My bubba calls me Hachi." I laughed and watched him. Hmm... he's not that bad. I'll let him stay. He's so young....

"That's a nice name," I whispered to him and then ran my fingers lightly over the keys. "I could teach you a little if you want," I suggested, feeling a soft spot for the boy already. He looked really innocent after all... and he liked my playing! He shook his head no and leaned against me.

"I'll just listen." He told me and let out a small yawn.

"Alright," I mumbled and then begun to play again, picking a childhood tune for him to start him on then moved to Beethoven. He watched my hands moving across the keys. I suddenly caught his scent, smelling he was a wizard. Interesting.... I bet he's one of Laurence's friends then... guess he brought more than just the prince of Wales with him. I laughed softly, watching him out of the corner of my eyes. It's so rare to see an actual wizard. I smiled and felt strangely okay with him being in here. Not many people do that to me.... He held my arm and moved closer to me, sneezing. "Bless you," I whispered to him then let him sit in my lap as I moved my arm around him and continued to play. He's sweet. He leaned against my chest and grabbed my shirt, clinging to me.

"Thank you." He whispered softly. I glanced down at him then smiled.

"You're welcome," I told him. "I don't mind playing for someone who likes music," I purred and looked back at the keys. "As long as you enjoy it... you can stay in here with me while I play." He started to play with my shirt, unbuttoning and then buttoning it then started to mess with my tie. I laughed as I watched him. "Are you having fun with my tie?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow. I'm so keeping him. He nodded and then pulled it off of me and started to place it around his neck and tie it. "You can keep it," I whispered, giving a soft smile. He smiled up at me and then took the tie off of his neck and wrapped it around his wrist.

"Thank you for the tie." He looked up into my eyes. I nodded.

"You're welcome," I purred then stopped playing, deciding I'd go check out my new throne for now. I smirked at the thought. It's completely mine now.... I picked the wizard up and started for the door, leaving the room and started for the throne room. "Is your brother here too?" I asked him curiously, looking at him.

"Yeah, he's sleeping still with Paris and Louis." He told me and leaned his head against my chest. I nodded. Louis must be the Prince of Wales then... but I wonder why he's sleeping with Paris. I frowned slightly. Well... I guess I can't judge. I walked into my throne room and over to the throne and ran a hand over it before I sat down in it and smirked, crossing my legs. He looked up at my eyes. "But that was when I ditched them some time ago to look for something to eat... but I didn't find anything. Instead I found you." He rubbed his tummy then. "I missed breakfast time." He complained. I frowned.

"You missed breakfast huh? I'll have someone bring you something to eat. What would you like?" I asked him, not wanting to let him go hungry.

"Ummm... Can I have sushi?" He asked me sweetly. I nodded and looked towards one of the servants who attended this room.

"Get him a platter of sushi made and brought in here," I ordered, waving him off. The servant quickly bowed and left the room. "There, you'll have something to eat soon," I told him and smirked. He looked me over and gave a cute look before crawling out of my lap and started to explore the room. He looked towards the windows and walked up to them, looking out them. He pressed his hand against the glass. Maybe he wants to go outside.... I watched him curiously and propped my head up on my hand on the arm of the throne. "If you want... I can have someone take you outside later to explore the gardens," I suggested. "After you eat of course." He looked towards me then walked over and got back in my lap, curling up.

"No, I want to stay here." He told me. I nodded.

"Alright," I purred and ran a hand through his hair, examining the split ends from it not being trimmed in a long time. I need to do something about this.... I curled his hair around my fingers and closed my eyes. He leaned against me and started to fall asleep against me. I heard the doors to the room bust open and some rushed footsteps coming in. I opened my eyes quickly and looked up towards the sound, frowning. A young male around nineteen stood in front of me, glancing around the room. His hair was black with silver tips and when his eyes landed on me he relaxed.

"There he is." He whispered, looking like he was calming down. "Hachi, why'd you leave us? Your brother is flipping out." He groaned, coming towards me but stopped and gave a small bow. "Prince Richard, good morning." He looked up and gave me a smile. "I see you found Hachi, or maybe he found you." He stood up. I looked him over. This must be Louis... the Prince of Wales.

"Morning," I purred out and then looked at Hachi then at the guy in front of me. "You must be Louis."

"Hachi told you?" He guessed and then looked towards him. Hachi's head stirred on me as he turned to look at Louis. "Well, yes. I'm Prince Louis of Wales." I gave a nod.

"Yes... Laurence brought you here to enjoy the party tonight.... A friend of Laurence's is welcome here," I purred in amusement, watching this Prince of Wales. So he has an attachment to this wizard... interesting. "I hope you're enjoying yourself. Did you get to eat this morning?"

"Not yet, I've been worried about that little guy in your arms." He admitted. "He's got quite a few worried people looking for him right now." Hachi gripped my shirt, not planning on leaving me any time soon. I smirked softly.

"Well... he's perfectly safe as you can see," I told him and then crossed my legs the other way. "In fact, he has food on the way here... so you're free to do as you wish." I ran my fingers through Hachi's hair and watched the prince in front of me with interest.

"I know he's safe. I have no doubt he'll be perfectly safe in your arms." He told me then looked me over, I could almost see a hint of lust in his eyes. I smirked and then looked down at the boy in my arms.

"Yes... well, he found me in my music room while I was playing." I looked back up at the prince and leaned my head back, wondering if I had really seen lust already in someone I just met. I tilted my head just enough to show off my neck and gave a playful smirk. He avoided eye contact then, looking off.

"You play an instrument? My favorite is the piano." He told me, rubbing the back of his neck. I smiled at that.

"Don't you just love the way a piano sounds? I think it's beautiful," I purred as I stretched out. "It is by far superior than the other instruments and can express so many emotions. It's the first one I ever learned," I told him. "Why don't you sit? I don't mind." I gestured to a seat a few feet away. Hachi adjusted himself on me as I moved around in the seat. Louis teleported to the seat I gestured to then took a seat, looking towards me.

"Yes, I learned to play it for someone special to me." He explained. I raised an eyebrow then, interested.

"Someone special huh? A love perhaps? You're not married, are you?" I looked towards his hand for a ring. That'd suck.... Tonight is pretty special... and if he is tied down he won't get to enjoy himself.

"No, I never married." He told me and then blushed. Hachi groaned as his stomach growled. I looked Louis over.

"Hmm... I killed my fiancés," I told him and smirked before I looked down at Hachi and kissed the top of his head.

"I'm hungry..." Hachi whined towards me and wrapped his arms around his stomach.

"Hachi, you'll get food soon." Louis promised him, looking worriedly towards him. I frowned a bit. I'd give him my blood... but wizards don't get full from that.... I sighed softly and hugged him.

"You'll get something good," I mumbled. I heard the door open then and the servant walked in with a plate of sushi as another servant followed behind him with a small tray table and sat it up by a chair near mine and put the sushi down on the surface. I gently nudged Hachi out of my lap and towards the food. "There you go. Go on," I purred, watching him. He slipped away from me and sat down in the floor, pulling the tray to him and started to eat the sushi, ignoring the chair completely. He moaned at his first bite and laid back, looking dazed at the ceiling as he ate the sushi. Louis started to laugh softly. "You certainly love sushi," I whispered, watching him then looked over at Louis. "Will you be attending the ball tonight?" I asked him, deciding to make conversation with him. "Laurence will be attending...."

"I will be. So will Hachi." Louis gestured to him. "He's so cute when he eats sushi." He held in chuckles. I laughed.

"Very good.... I'll look forward to seeing you both. You'll hear me play tonight for everyone," I said softly.

"We should play a duet." Louis suggested. Hachi recovered from his first bite and went for his second one. I tilted my head.

"That's right... you mentioned you played.... I'll have to hear you play first though.... I won't play with someone who can't play like me," I told him then smirked. "I rarely let anyone touch my pianos in the first place."

"After Hachi finishes eating I will show you how well I am at the piano." Louis promised. I gave a nod and relaxed in my new throne, purring softly at the comfort of it.

"Okay," I whispered and then rubbed my head against the back of it. Hachi ate another bite and moaned, trapped in his own world of flavor. He rubbed his stomach and laid down. I watched him and then stood up, stretching then unbuttoned a few of the top ones. "Too constricting," I muttered and then rubbed where my neck met my chest. "I swear...." I leaned my head back a bit, taking in a deep breath. I don't know how the other princes do this constantly... wearing such clothing that covers them up from head to toe... restricting them... and then acting the way they do. Hachi ate another bite, looking pleased. Louis stood up then and walked up to Hachi then bent down.

"When you're done eating, you're going to go see Paris and get your hair trimmed." He told him.

"But I don't want my hair trimmed..." Hachi complained.

"Yeah, but you need it trimmed. You're starting to look like a girl. Do you want us to start putting you in dresses?" I laughed at the thought of what Louis was suggesting then started for the door, putting my hands in my pockets. I think Louis has it under control.... I felt my fangs sharpen slightly as I started to feel a little hungry. I'll have to find a maid or something to feed from.... I brought my hand up to one then touched it gently, looking at my finger in interest when I felt it get pricked. Well... maybe my fangs sharpened more than I thought.... I started to open the door then as I looked at the blood welling up on me. I suddenly was pinned up against the wall and he was licking my finger, healing it.

"You shouldn't cut yourself." Louis whispered, licking his lips as he pulled back. "You might find someone draining you and pinning you up against your bed." He gave me a playful smile as he pulled back. "I'll see you in your music room." I widened my eyes as I watched him. Oh... my... hell... he just licked my finger without any problem.... He drank my blood.... He broke the rules.... That's so sexy.... He looked me in the eyes then winked and turned away from me. "Hachi~ Are you done eating?" He asked, walking away from me. I watched him and then bit my bottom lip. Wait... what am I thinking?! I'm not gay... no... not at all.... I quickly looked away and walked out, shutting the door behind me and then started to walk away from the room fast, embarrassed. What the hell is wrong with me? I shouldn't be thinking like that... especially about another guy.... I shook my head. No... that wasn't it at all.... It couldn't have been.... The way he looked at me though. I felt a thrilling shiver go through me, but I quickly stopped myself. No way! No way in hell. Nuh-uh. I'm straight... and I'm not the kind to go begging... even if I was gay... but I'm NOT gay. Nope. Never in my life. I'm Richardo Dracula, the vampire king. I don't commit myself to anyone. I shook my head and walked down the hall aimlessly, trying to get my mind off what happened.

"Hey Richard~ I picked out your costume for tonight." Laurence appeared by me. "You're going to a sexy wolf, the costume is in the box on your bed." He told me. "Oh and there is a thirteen year old child with black curly hair and green eyes running around... Have you seen him? He's a wizard." I stopped and looked at him, my heart pounding in my ears as the thought occurred to me that he might know what happened a few minutes ago.

"Throne room," I said quickly and started for my bedroom without another word.

"Okay! Thanks for telling me." I heard his voice fade. I glanced behind me and then walked to my room, going in and shutting the door behind me and locked it before I went over to my bed in curiosity, wanting to see what Laurence picked out. I opened the box and then pulled it out, glancing it over. There was a nice black suit, white shirt, white gloves, a tail that clipped to my pants, and a hat that had wolf ears. There was a back mask with a wolf snout on it and covered half my face, only leaving my mouth uncovered so I could drink wine or blood from a human. Laurence sure did know how to choose a costume. I smirked and then laid it down on my bed, tilting my head. I like it.... I laughed and then tossed the box away before I walked over to my window and looked out at the gardens before I checked the time on the clock in my room. I could start getting ready.... I guess.... I don't have anything else to do.... I looked towards the costume. After all... I want to start the party early and end it late.... I walked over to it then picked it up, taking it to my bathroom to change.


I walked into the ballroom after a few hours, hearing chatter from all the vampires who had been invited and smirked a bit, having my fangs exposed. After all... if I was going to be a wolf predator... I was going to show off my fangs. I looked towards the butler standing by the door and gave a nod, watching as he opened the door for me. I walked in and watched as a ton of girls squealed as they saw me. "KING RICHARDO!" They shouted and rushed towards me but stopped about a foot away as they giggled and a few fainted in happiness when I looked at them. I winked at one and watched as she held her chest and found it hard to breath. Yeah, that's right.... They love me. I smirked devilishly and then started towards the piano, hearing them following right behind me in excitement as they called out my name. I found someone already at my piano though, resting on the bench with a cup of wine in hand. It was a male from the looks of his costume. He had a lovely coordination of red. Wearing a red cloak with back designs on it. He had on a matching mask. He also had on a bow without the arrows. Indicating a combination of red riding hood and a hunter at the same go. He held out his glass towards me and took a sip from it before he smoothed his hands across the piano and started to play my familiar song.

"Congratulations, Richard." I heard a sweet voice behind me purr. "Can I have this dance?" I heard Val ask. The Italian princess that married Victor, the king of Russia. I glanced the guy over. Well... he certainly can play.... I'll allow it for now. I smirked and then turned around to face Val.

"Hello, my sweet princess," I purred to her then took her hand. "Of course I'll give you a dance." There was tons of jealous looks being shot at Val when I said that and started to lead her towards the middle of the dance floor.

"I've been hearing rumors." Val begun. She was dressed in a white dress and had on a silk mask. She wasn't really theming, like I was and that mystery piano player. "That you killed your last fiancé." She tsked towards me, giving a huge smirk. "Good, I didn't like her anyways." Val's hair was a vibrate blonde, her natural hair color that made most girls jealous over her. I smirked.

"Why... of course I killed her," I purred for only her ears. "After all... I am not going to get married to someone like that.... I don't plan on marrying at all. It keeps me single... and they like it single." I glanced at my fanclub over there and then at her. "Plus I don't need the nagging of a wife." I spun her into my arms then placed my hand on the small of her back, taking her hand in mine as I started to lead her in a waltz. "I have no need of a queen."

"You need someone strong to rule by your side." Val told me. "You'll find the right person one day. Until then, don't go marrying stupid twits." She gave my cheek a kiss. "Victor is here." I smirked at her.

"Victor... huh?" I glanced for him then spotted him before I looked back at Val. "That's brave... dancing with me while your husband is here." I pulled her into a dip then and smirked at her, looking towards her neck then her eyes as I let her see my fangs and teasingly licked one.

"Victor doesn't mind you dancing with me." Val told me playfully. "I also wanted to steal your first dance as king." I purred to her.

"Naughty," I teased playfully and then kissed her cheek before I pulled her back up out of the dip. I caught the eyes of many upset looking girls. Heh... jealous little flowers.

"You should see me in bed." Val flirted with me quietly. "I make Victor's head spin around." I laughed and then leaned in towards her neck, teasingly running my fangs down her neck.

"How'd you like to be the first one bit by the new vampire king?" I purred in her ear, moving her closer to me. Her breath caught.

"If that's what you want," She whispered. I gave a playful growl then spun her to where the other girls and Victor wouldn't see it and then bit down into her neck. I heard the piano music turn dark then as the player started to only play the heavy notes. I licked her neck, healing it after I got a good swallow and then pulled back, licking my lips and fangs clean as I looked into her eyes. What's up with that piano player.... Val giggled and leaned in, kissing my cheek. "Did you get enough or what?" She asked, running her fingers through my hair. I purred to her and smirked.

"I never get enough," I said playfully then winked before I spun her out then brought her back to me then started to lead her in a tango instead of a waltz. She giggled as she danced with me.

"Neither do I," She agreed. I smirked and then finished up the dance before I let her go and gave a small bow then glanced around.

"Don't forget to dance with your husband before you go," I teased her then gave a wink before I started for the girls to pick my next victim- I mean dance partner- no to hell with that, my next victim. I was tackled suddenly into a hug and found cute little Hachi grabbing onto my coat. He was wearing a back mask and clothes to match it but still was missing his shoes and coat. He rubbed his head against me, making his mask fall down a little.

"I found you!" He smiled up at me. His hair was cut shorter now. He held a blue ribbon in his hand and my tie was wrapped around his neck. I paused and then smiled as I looked him over then knelt down and picked him up.

"Hey," I purred and then held him close. "You were looking for me?" I asked him, tilting my head. I heard squeals from the girls as they saw me holding Hachi. Hachi nodded and wrapped his arms around my neck, laying his head against my shoulder.

"Uh-huh! This nice girl gave me a ribbon." Hachi told me, holding it out, looking amazed by it. "Isn't it cool?" I nodded and looked it over.

"Yes, it's very pretty," I told him then rubbed his head.

"Hachi!" I heard a voice at my waist. "Hey! Gimme back my brother!" I frowned and looked down, seeing a little boy who looked exactly like Hachi... that must be his twin then. He pouted and then reached up for Hachi. Hachi yelped and then tried to crawl up me more to get away from his touch.

"Nu-uh, I want to be with this guy." Hachi told him and then clung to me. "Don't give me to him." He begged me. His twin started to cry then. Hachi looked him over. "Don't cry!" Hachi sniffled. "I want to stay with Richard~ He gave me sushi." Hachi rubbed against me then.

"I give you sushi though!" His brother rubbed at his eyes then sniffled. "You're so mean!" He ran off then, ducking under people's arms. Hachi gasped as he watched his brother run away then hid his face against me. I frowned. What just happened.... I glanced Hachi over and then looked to where his brother had run off.

"Do you want to go after him?" I asked him softly. I watched as I saw Paris chasing after the little boy after seeing him.

"No way." Hachi told me. "I'd lose you to those girls if I go after him right now. He'll be back. He's my guardian. Plus we're supposed to play sailors together." He looked towards the girl then up into my eyes. "I'm not leaving your side." I laughed.

"You know that I'd pick you back up if you came back in a few minutes, right? Alright... if you think your little jealous brother will still be here, then I guess you can stay with me," I whispered to him. He laid his head against my shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Yay! I'm staying." He grabbed a hold of shirt and then put the ribbon around my neck. I laughed and then moved past the girls, taking Hachi to a chair against the wall and sat with him, watching as a bunch of disappointed girls watched me, holding each other. I smirked at them and gave them a playful look, picking their spirits back up. Can't leave my fans crying. Hachi sat up in my lap and then showed me his fingers. "Paris taught me how to count, want to see?" He asked. I gave a small nod, humoring him.

"Yes," I purred to him.

"Hey, what are you doing sitting on the sideline," I heard a thick German accent, Dante. "You're king. Go dance with your people. You're making the girls depressed." He picked Hachi up out of my lap and looked him over then looked at me. I smirked.

"Dante," I purred.

"Don't hold a kid like that!" I heard Raven yell at Dante as she walked up, a little boy with black hair and gold eyes attached to her leg that followed her quickly. She pointed a finger at him. "Set him down." Dante glanced over at her and then smiled.

"Raven," he purred and then walked up to her, setting Hachi down and then looked down at the boy, his son. "Hey Dustin," he said and ruffled his hair and then put a hand on Raven's pregnant belly. "How are you feeling?" He asked her softly, giving a slightly worried look. She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Better," she whispered to him then grabbed his hand and pulled it to her lips, biting into his wrist. Hachi ran back to me and crawled into my lap, resting his head on my shoulder. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, watching as the two lovebirds starting walking off with their kid. Raven snatched Dante up before he could take Hachi away. I smirked and then looked back at Hachi before I leaned my head back and started to take a nap.

"Richard.... Watch me count," Hachi shook me a little. I opened my eyes and looked to him then nodded quickly.

"Yes, count for me," I purred to him. He held up his hands again then looked around to make sure no one would interrupt him again. He put one finger down.

"One." He told me, putting down the next one. "Two." He put the next down. "Three." He gave a huge smile as he done this, counting all the way to ten. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Very good," I purred and then hugged him to me. "I'm proud of you." He giggled and wrapped his arms around me. I rubbed his head as I glanced up towards the couples dancing and smirked softly, humming to the music that guy was playing on my piano. I glanced towards him then, curious. Who was he? Why was he playing on my piano? I glanced back at Hachi before I stood up with him and started sneaking my way over to the piano. Hachi wrapped his arms around my neck and looked over my shoulder.

"Those girls are watching us." He whispered. I glanced back, seeing the girls following me.

"Yeah... they want to dance with me," I whispered back. "Watch out... they can be vicious," I joked with him then snuck up behind the guy who was on my piano bench and let out a small growl. "So... are you going to sit at my piano all day or are you going to give it back?" I asked lowly, watching him.

"Hmmm, I thought we were going to play a duet together." I heard Louis purr from behind the mask. Hachi looked towards him then kissed my cheek. I raised an eyebrow at Louis.

"You still want to play a duet?" I looked him over. "I never said yes."

"You never said no," He purred, making room for me on the bench. "Hello Hachi." I looked him over and then hesitantly sat down beside him, putting Hachi in my lap. Hachi glanced over at Louis then up at me.

"You two are matching themes." Hachi told us. I laughed a little.

"No," I told him then smirked, kissing his head. "He's just a hunter is all." I placed my fingers over the keys then looked at Louis. I wonder how great he is at playing.... If he is as good as me... then he'll know this song the minute it starts. I smirked and then started to play the beginning to my favorite of all duets that I had learned both parts to. He was quick to pick up on it, not even hesitating. Hachi grabbed the ribbon from around my neck and started to play with it. I glanced at Hachi then at Louis before I looked back at the keys and smiled softly, feeling happy at being back where I belonged, playing. Hachi rubbed his eyes and then slipped out of my lap, starting to walk off and leave me. I frowned as I watched him leave me. He probably wants food... or maybe he's finding his twin.... He'll be back eventually. I sighed and then looked back at the keys, closing my eyes as I listened to the music and the way the two parts to the song intertwined and fit beautifully.

"Richard, it seems like you've developed a soft spot for Hachi." Louis told me, looking my way. "He's very sweet, isn't he? I've been thinking about getting him some toys since he acts so young." I glanced over at him out of the corner of my eyes.

"Yes... he could use a few toys," I murmured then looked him over before I looked back at the piano. Damn... picked up on my soft spot for Hachi.

"I thought about getting him building blocks." Louis laughed out. "That would make a nice portrait with him and stacks of blocks surrounding him." I nodded and then sighed.

"I was thinking a teddy bear," I said and shrugged before I glanced over at him then smirked before I looked back at the piano. "I'm surprised a bachelor like you isn't enjoying himself and dancing with who he wants."

"You're his teddy bear though." Louis told me. "If you give him one he'll stop hugging you and everyone he likes and start to become independent." I frowned, not liking the sound of that.

"Never mind," I muttered. He still didn't answer about the bachelor thing.

"So blocks would be so cute for him to have." Louis told me, laughing at the thought. I gave a small nod and then finished up the song and looked over at him.

"Alright, I played your duet," I said and smirked. "Now, this is my piano." I waved him off. He stood up and bowed.

"Have a goodnight, King Richardo Dracula." He started to walk off then, heading in the direction of the doors. I frowned slightly, watching him go. He's not going to enjoy the party? That's no fun.... I leaned up against the piano a little, pouting slightly. One of my guests aren't enjoying themselves.... I thought I was a better host than that. Plus I wanted to play for him. I sighed and then looked at the keys before I started to play my favorite song, closing my eyes as I listened to it then smiled softly. I felt someone sit down by me in his place.

"Where'd Louis go?" Hachi asked me, coming from the spot. I opened my eyes and looked over at him.

"To his room I believe," I whispered, giving a soft smile. "I think he may be tired.... Why? Want me to take you to him?" He was sipping on something he got from a butler, a drink of sorts. He started to kick his feet.

"I want you to enjoy your party." He told me. I smiled.

"I can enjoy my party after I take you to him.... I want you to be happy... and I don't want you to get lost if you try to get to him. I'll come back here afterwards, so it's not like I'll miss much," I purred to him.

"I don't want to leave your side though." He told me. "I only left for this~" He held up the glass. "Even then I didn't let you go to far from me." I frowned.

"What about your bed time?" I asked him. I glanced towards a window, seeing it was pitch black outside. Little wizards should be going to bed right about now... and he's not sleeping with me.

"I don't want to go to bed." He shook his head. I frowned. How am I supposed to enjoy my party if he won't let me dance when I catch a break? I looked back at the piano.

"Alright," I whispered, sighing.

"What's the matter?" He asked. Laurence walked up to us then.

"Aww, good evening you two," Laurence purred, leaning up on the piano. "How are you enjoying the ball? You've only danced once Richard." I glanced up at him.

"I'm being babysat," I explained then smirked a bit.

"I see," Laurence looked Hachi over. "Hachi, would you like a dance?" He asked, holding out his hand. "I won't bite." Hachi blushed and shook his head.

"I don't know how to dance." Hachi mumbled. I stopped playing and looked at him with wide eyes.

"You don't know how?" Oh my hell... I have to teach him. "Hachi," I purred and pulled him into a hug. "I'll teach you how," I promised him.

"Uhmmmm~ Okay." Hachi nodded. Laurence laughed.

"I guess I will leave you two alone then." Laurence bounced off. I watched him then stretched out before I stood up, deciding I'd head out early. The stares the girls are giving me are starting to get predatory looking.... I don't want to be jumped. I picked Hachi up and kissed the top of his head before I started for the doors, making sure to keep near the wall. Hachi curled up in my arms and rested his head on my shoulder. He watched the dance floor at the people dancing. I glanced towards it then snuck out of the room with him and started heading for mine, deciding to let Hachi stay with me if he wanted to so bad. I hummed under my breath and ran my free hand through my hair.

"Are we going to bed?" He asked softly. I nodded.

"I am. I've had enough of the party for now. I have them so frequently anyways," I whispered to him. "I don't need to be there to enjoy it... and I'm feeling a little tired." I glanced down at him then smiled.

"You're going to let me sleep with you?" He asked, blushing lightly.

"If you want," I told him and shrugged. "I don't care if you do or don't."

"I want to." He bit his bottom lip and then reached up, grabbing some of my hair. "As long as you promise you'll be nice to me." I frowned.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Because... others haven't been." He answered softly. I widened my eyes and held him close.

"No, I won't hurt you," I promised him. "You're safe with me...." I opened the door to my room then carried him inside and set him down on my huge, comfortable bed. "You don't have to worry about a thing." I smirked and tapped his nose before I laid him back and covered him up. "I won't be mean to you." He curled up in my covers and nodded. He started to fall asleep, smelling my blankets. I watched him and then walked over to my door, locking it up before I walked over to my bed then got in it, curling up beside Hachi and closed my eyes after taking off the hat and mask I was wearing and fell asleep.

Paris's POV:

I looked up at the ceiling where Laurence was sitting. One of Laurence's powers enabled him to walk up walls and stand on ceilings just like he would floors. "What do you mean you can't find Hachi?" I asked him. "Didn't he go to bed with Haru last night?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, I asked around and the guests said they seen Richard carrying him off out of the ball room and no one has seen them since." Laurence told me. He looked at his pocket watch then. "Richard should be waking up soon though. If Hachi is with him then we'll know depending on where he goes. I hate not being able to see wizards." Laurence sighed out. "This gets boring. We need to get Hachi off somewhere and get Richard and you by yourselves."

"I can do that!" I heard Haru's little voice by me as he appeared in the room. "Lemme do it!" He bounced up and down in excitement.

"I wanted to get him building blocks." I told them. "He'll be so cute with them!" Haru closed his eyes then frowned.

"He's sleeping with Richard...." He opened his eyes then pouted. "He picked him over me...." He started to cry.

"Don't cry Haru." I opened my arms for him. "Hachi will pick anyone that opens their arms and asks him to sleep with them because he is just that innocent minded." I explained, seeing this in that perspective. Haru quickly hugged me and sniffled, burying his face into me.

"He should've slept with me!"

"Let's get him some blocks to play with and you two can have fun together all morning." I suggested. Haru looked up at me and then nodded, pulling back as he wiped at his cheeks and then made a letter block appear in his hands.

"Like these blocks?" He asked me and held it up towards me.

"THAT'S SO CUTE!" I bit my bottom lip. Laurence held back a laugh. Haru blushed a bit and brought the block closer to him. "Let's go get Hachi to play with you." I rubbed his head. "Come on." I teleported us into Richard's bed chambers. "Here we are." Haru looked around then spotted his twin and ran over to the bed, jumping up into it then hugged Hachi.

"Hachi! Play with me!" He begged and kissed his brother's face. "Pwetty please? We can play sailors and play with these blocks!" Richard groaned and rolled over, pulling his pillow over his head. Hachi wined and looked up at his brother.

"Haru? You wanna play sailors?" Hachi asked, starting to get excited. "Okay!" He nodded quickly. Haru giggled and disappeared with his twin then to go play somewhere just as Richard curled up tighter.

"Good morning, Richard." I purred.

"Alice?" He mumbled sleepily and picked up his head, glancing my way then yelped and fell out of the bed.

"No, it's me." I told him and then crossed my arms. "What's the matter?"

"N-nothing," I heard him say from the other side of the bed on the floor. "Just... I'm used to being woken up by Alice... not random people in my room." He stood up and dusted himself off. He was only wearing boxers and a white button up long sleeve shirt and his hair was messed up. I could see his clothes from last night, probably having kicked them off.

"You didn't do anything to Hachi, right?" I asked him, having to make sure. He wrinkled up his nose at the thought.

"Hell no," he said quickly. "I don't have sex with little boys."

"I had to make sure, he's been hurt before by a bigger male." I told him and crossed my arms. "Plus I don't want you screwing him. I'd have to rip that pretty stone out and sink it in holly water." His eyes widened and he backed up slightly, looking me over.

"Uhhh...." He started for his closet then quickly. I bit my inner cheek, making it bleed as I walked towards the door. He better keep his hands off of others. "Dammit," he cursed under his breath. "How the hell are you supposed to put this on," he muttered from inside his closet. I looked towards the closet.

"What?" I asked him, going towards the closet. He was struggling to do the tie on his outfit and his shirt was buttoned up wrong. He had managed to get his pants right though. I smirked and walked over to him then started to fix his shirt and tie. This was normal for me since I had to do it basically after the day we first met up to the day I got cursed. He blushed as he watched me then bit his bottom lip, looking embarrassed. I helped him into his coat then and got down on my knees, beginning to do his shoes for him.

"Thanks," he mumbled, looking away. I could hear his thoughts in his head trying to suppress each other, mostly screaming 'not gay' out in his head. I looked up at him and then laughed softly.

"So you're not gay?" I teased him. He yelped and quickly moved away from me, his face going red as he looked at me in shock.

"You.... you... read... you read minds," he whispered and then put a hand over his mouth.

"Yeah, I read minds." I nodded towards him and gave a soft smile. "Now come back so I can finish tying your shoes." He looked me over and then hesitantly stepped back towards me.

"Please tell me you haven't been reading my mind this whole time," he whispered, looking away in embarrassment.

"Uh... why should I?" I asked him, trying to be innocent. "I usually don't read minds. Yours was just calling towards me to be read. It was cute." He blushed a bit but relaxed.

"Okay," he whispered and rubbed his arm. I finished and stood up then dusted myself off. I started for the door then, thinking about going to feed on a maid. I felt Richard grab my arm then and pin me up against the wall of his closet before he sunk his fangs down into my neck from behind me. He let out a soft moan at the taste and buried his face into me, greedily drinking my blood. I let out a moan and pulled his body closer to mine. He's drinking from me! He purred and sunk his fangs in deeper as he moved up against me. I let out a small moan and ran my fingers across his body then felt a little guilty. This isn't really my Richard... My Richard is in another dimension... Couldn't this be considered cheating? I pushed him back quickly and dropped to my knees. He licked his lips and gave me a funny look. "What's the matter?" He asked me, tilting his head. "I thought you were okay with being bitten.... Don't tell me you're one of the rule followers." He tsked then and crossed his arms. "That's disappointing.... You know... I'm getting rid of those rules this week."

"No, I'm not a follower of the rules." I whispered and looked away from him, starting to feel tears coming up in my eyes. "I just want to go home." I told him. He frowned.

"Then go home," he said and shrugged. "It's not that hard to do, is it?"

"But it is." I sniffled and got up slowly, walking towards the door. "I'm never going to leave because my mate is in another dimension." I rubbed my head. "I'm stuck here."

"What are you talking about?" Richard asked me and slowly followed after me.

"I'm from another dimension." I told him, showing off the lovely cursed tattoo on my arm to him. "When it reaches my heart, I'll be stuck here. I'm already stuck here though." I busted into tears. I even marked this Richard! My Richard isn't marked by me anymore. He winced and held up his hands.

"H-hey... stop crying," he whispered then walked up. "Ah hell... I don't know how to handle this," he said and laughed nervously. "Please don't cry...." He wiped a tear away from my face then and sighed. "Come on... I believe you about being stuck here and being from another dimension.... That mark is probably real...." He glanced at it then at me and tilted his head. "Look, if you have time to when you will be stuck... then there has to be a way out, right? Surely we can find out how to get you back to your world or whatever.... Please don't cry. It makes me feel funny," he mumbled and then pulled me into an awkward hug. I leaned against him and sniffled.

"I feel so dirty though..." I whispered. "I've been trying so hard to seduce you into loving me so I can get a kiss and escape but you're not my Richard from my dimension so even if I get a kiss from you... I'll just be stuck here." I started to tremble as my mind started to hurt and my stone cracked a little. I fell into the floor and held my chest. "I'm going to die here without him." I sniffled. He looked at me worriedly.

"Uhhmm... you've... been trying to seduce me? You know that sex can be meaningless... right? And what's this about 'my Richard'? Are you with me in your world?" He knelt down beside me and poked my cheek. "Hey, don't give up hope. If you do that, you'll definitely never get home." I curled up to myself and trembled. I looked up at him out of the corner of my eye.

"Yeah... Richard and I have ten kids together." I whispered softly. He blushed a little.

"Ten? Isn't that a bit much? Please tell me that I wasn't the one giving birth," he mumbled.

"I gave birth to quadruplets so don't even cry about giving birth." I laughed out softly, smiling as I thought about my children. Donnie is going to have a child with Midori soon. He laughed.

"Wow... that's pretty amazing," he told me then shook his head. "I must be a really lucky guy over in your world...." I nodded and looked up at him.

"I wish I could show you." I whispered sweetly. "But only Louis can share stuff like that." I rubbed my eyes and sat up a little. He tilted his head then leaned in and smelled me a little.

"I could actually see myself maybe being with you in another life like that.... You smell amazing... like you could be my mate if I believed in it.... I used to... but that was so long ago," he whispered.

"You know, I could make him your Richard," I heard Haru say from behind me on Richard's bed. "I could take your memories of him and implant them in the Richard we have here. He'd essentially be your Richard then if I did it right and he'd be exactly like him.... or you know... someone could banish me... and then I could banish your Richard," he suggested, waving his hand in the air. "But I'd be really upset because my Hachi is here... and your Hachi wouldn't love me."

"Wait... could you banish me back to my dimension?" I asked him softly. He frowned.

"Why would I do that? If I did that, you'd probably come straight..." He paused and then hung his head over the side of the bed, frowning. "Huh... if I was banished to your world... then... could Hachi banish me back here? I wouldn't be able to go back to your world because I don't have a mate to hug and kiss... but you do... so you'd probably be sent back here after kissing your Richard if I was to banish you.... So if I was banished to your world... then rebanished... is that a way for a wizard to escape the curse? To be recursed? It's never been done before....." He stared at the wall across from him in thought.

"Did I just figure out how he can escape being banished?" I muttered, feeling a little better I solved his problems of worrying about being banished. It still doesn't fix my situation here. Haru sat up then, scratching the inside of his wrist.

"Hey! If there isn't another dimension, I could be essentially placed back here right after banishing your Richard here! It'd be like a trip to your world except I return with your mate and you kiss him and you both go home! Then this Richard can be with the Paris he was meant to be with!" Haru started to laugh then but stopped. "Wait... time was frozen in your world... so how would I get banished back here? If I could find a way to wake up your world's Hachi... or maybe get the wizard threatening to kill you to banish me after waking him... then it'd probably be really safe.... Just... I don't know if there is another dimension or not...." He frowned and started thinking hard. "I don't remember hearing about there being more than two... but if there is a third I'd be screwed... What if I ended up in limbo?!" He held his head then. "Oh god, I couldn't take that....."

"Well there is only two I can think of." I told him. "But if you was to get banished there, you might get stuck frozen in time with the rest until my month is up here." I told him, rubbing my eyes. He frowned and then pulled out the spell book that was supposed to be Hachi's in my world. He started to flip through it and then giggled.

"Oh, there we go! I could just travel there with this spell and stay for a full day if I wanted.... Huh... I could do that and be able to safely come home... and then if I used this one... the time freeze in your world wouldn't affect me... until I banish Richard that is... and then I'd be stuck until you both come back... then I could go home," he mumbled to himself and got up. "Hey, want me to banish your Richard here? He'd just replace our Richard until you kiss him and then you'd both go home and our Paris and Richard would come back to being themselves." He looked us over. "What do you say Paris?" Richard frowned in confusion, watching Haru as he didn't understand him at all from not being able to follow his thought process. I felt just like Richard honestly.

"I'm... not sure I follow." I told Haru. He smiled big at me.

"Alright, simple terms! I use magic to take myself to your world with a protective charm... and then I banish your Richard the same way you were banished. I'll probably get frozen then... so if I don't make it back with Richard, then you'll have to give him a kiss which will take you both back to your worlds and our version of you and Richard will come back into existence and things will return to normal here. Our Paris won't remember a thing... and Richard might retain his memories up to this point, but everyone else will remember. Then I'll come back and live happily with my twin!" He giggled and bounced up to me then crawled into my lap and sat down in it. "Want me to? I could do it easily. I'm really powerful!" He gave me a grin and had a bracelet materialize in his hand then slipped it onto his wrist. "See, I'll be safe from what's going on in your dimension."

"What'll happen though when two Richards are in the same dimension?" I asked Haru.

"Same thing that happened to you," he told me and shrugged. "He'll replace our Richard and take his form and then when he leaves, our Richard will come back and take over from there. You don't see two of you running around, right? No, you don't. It won't hurt our Richard. He just won't remember what happens. There is a chance though... that when your Richard comes here, he won't remember his past life and will wake up with amnesia. You didn't have a chance because you were cursed to have no memory... but Richard will have a chance to remember.... If not, you'll have to help him remember to get a real true love kiss from him." He tapped my nose then. "It'll be your Richard... but in our Richard's place."

"Ohhhh... wait! When you go to my dimension you'll be Haru- my dimension's haru and he died." I told him. "So you'd die going there." He laughed and shook his head.

"Nuh-uh. This spell allows me to keep myself as me. I'm just traveling... not being banished," he told me. "If Hachi was to use this, he could see himself here." He smiled big. "It is cast on the user though... so your Richard can't use it. He has to be banished to come here."

"Ummmm.... Okay..." I nodded towards him. "So this should work if I make Richard remember me when he comes here and then kiss him. I have to do it in less than a month." He nodded and smiled.

"Hopefully I won't get frozen, but if I do, make sure Hachi is fed well," he told me and then looked at Richard and flicked his hand at him. Richard yelped and hit the floor, going unconscious. "Sorry... but at least he'll be there when your Richard comes...." He gave me an innocent smile. I frowned.

"Why'd you do that to him?" I asked. "He probably wasn't going to run from me."

"Just in case he didn't like the idea of not being here for a month," he told me and shrugged. "You never know if he was going to jump out the window and run." I nodded towards him and then rubbed my eyes.

"Thank you for trying.... Ummmm he'll wake up in case you get frozen in the other dimension.... right?" I asked. He nodded.

"He'll be asleep for about an hour." Haru stood up and then walked over to the bed and got up in it before he looked the spell over. "Tell Hachi I said I'll be back?" He looked over at me and nervously fidgeted before he looked back at the spell book and started to mumble the spell under his breath.

"Thank you Haru." I whispered. "For doing this, taking the risk." I looked him over. "I'll take good care of Hachi." He looked at me gratefully before he looked back at the spell and finished it up. He shut the book and closed his eyes, his body faintly glowing before he faded and was gone. After a few minutes, Richard's breathing paused and then picked back up. I looked over at Richard then sat down by him, grabbing his hand and waited for him to wake up.