
Paris's POV:

Richard stirred after about an hour and his eyes opened slowly. He winced and then held his head and cried out in pain. "Ow!" I shushed him quickly and grabbed at his head.

"It's okay, shhhhh," I whispered sweetly, pulling him into my arms. He whimpered and curled up in my arms. His thoughts were muddled, but I could make out that he had no idea who he even was and had a splitting headache. I kissed his forehead lovingly and then stopped myself. If I kiss him so quickly, I might kiss him back and be stuck here forever! I can't kiss him until he loves me back and we share a kiss romantically... I just have to make him remember me. Which is going to be hard with my hair looking the way it does. He gripped my shirt and then held his throat, his fangs exposing themselves instinctively. He found his way to my neck quickly, biting down as he started to cry silently. I moaned and leaned against him, letting him feed from me. After a few minutes, he relaxed and moved away from my neck and crawled out of my lap and looked around in confusion then back at me before he got to his feet and took a shaky step. "Do you remember anything?" I asked him, reaching out to help as I got to my feet. He shook his head and then moved close to me, smelling my neck and let out a soft sigh. I pulled him closer to me. "It's okay." I whispered. "Your memories will come back with time." I promised. "You weren't cursed like I was." I told him and then started to pull him over to the bed. He looked at it then crawled into it and brought a pillow close to him and snuggled up to it then watched me curiously. I could see a matching tattoo on his hand that looked like mine... but the thorns weren't there yet. It started to glow after a second, catching his attention then made him yelp and start to cry as the thorns appeared on him. I sat down on the edge of the bed, watching him. "Your name is Richardo Dracula." I told him. He looked up towards me and whimpered as he rubbed his hand and then buried his face into the pillow. "I know it hurts." I whispered then showed him mine. "I'm in the same situation you're in." He looked towards it then glanced at his before he reached out towards me, making a small noise. I laid down by him and pulled him closer to me, rubbing his head. He purred happily and leaned into my hand before he let the pillow go and traded it for me. I sighed out in relief and rubbed his head. I finally have him with me... Now we need to get back and protect our family. The door opened then and a girl walked in, brushing her hair over her ear. She froze as she saw us.

"Master... Richard? What are you doing with him in your bed?" She asked and then looked nervous. "Should I have knocked sir?" Richard glanced her way curiously and then hid his face in my chest.

"Yeah you should have knocked, get out." I hissed her way. "We're having a private conversation." She yelped and quickly got out, shutting the door behind her. He let out a soft whimper and then pulled his face back from my chest before he started for the edge of the bed. "No come back." I whispered to him, pulling him back to me and hugged him, burring my face into his chest. He tensed up a bit before he relaxed and then smelled me again and let out a soft purr. I looked him in the eyes and tilted my head. "Richard," I whispered softly. "You're the king of all vampires in this dimension." I told him. He gave me a confused look then giggled before he started to play with my hair. Maybe I should make Louis give him some memories... He paused and then leaned his head back into the pillow and looked up at the ceiling before he gasped a bit and rubbed his throat. He must be hungry... I reached over and rubbed his throat with him. "You hungry?" I asked. He reached up to his lips and touched his fangs but yelped when he cut himself again. I exposed my fangs then bit down into my wrist and handed it over to his mouth. He quickly latched onto it, sucking on my bite wound and grabbed my arm. He looked up into my eyes and gave me a cute, innocent look before he closed his eyes, letting out a soft moan. I pulled him into my arms and kissed the top of his head. How will I get his memories back? Perhaps our song... I teleported us into his music room and sat us down on the bench. He loosened up on my arm and then let me go, looking at the piano in interest and hit a key, giggling before he looked up at me. I ran my fingers across the keys then started to play his song for him, the one we met to. He watched my fingers in interest and smiled happily as he listened to it and leaned up against me then slipped his way into my lap and watched me play. After a few moments, he moved my hands away from the piano and started to play his song from the beginning, picking his piano skills back up easily. I watched him, smiling softly. I'll unlock his memories somehow. He finished it up, managing to do it without having to hear me do it then looked at me and purred, kissing my cheek.

"Mine," he mumbled happily, hugging me.

"Yeah." I nodded and kissed him back. "Did you remember something?" I asked sweetly. He giggled slightly and then looked me in the eyes before he gently touched my sweet spot on my neck and looked at it in interest before he leaned in and gave it a kiss. I gasped and hid my neck quickly. Oh he definitely remembered something. He gave a soft growl and then accidentally knocked us into the floor with him on top. I laughed and looked him over, growling back playfully. He blushed and then looked towards my lips before he cut his finger on one of his sharp fangs and then pressed it against my lips, offering his blood to me. I licked his finger then leaned up and bit down into his neck. He yelped and then melted against me, letting out a soft moan as he tilted his head to allow me to bite him better. I marked him as mine quickly and shifted us to where I was on top. He moaned and gripped my shirt as pleasure went through him. I could feel him getting slightly aroused as he held onto me. I started to grind against him leaned into his ear. "I love you so much." I mumbled. He moaned and leaned his head into my neck, hiding his face from me. I smiled and kissed his neck then stopped grinding against him and rubbed his cheek. He looked up at me and blushed before he kissed my cheek. He wrapped his arms around me and purred softly. I could feel his stone pulse happily in his chest, even if he didn't remember me exactly. He knew he belonged with me. I kissed his cheek and then pulled us to our feet. "Let's go find Louis and see if he can help us find a witch or wizard that can restore your memories." I suggested. "We might not be able to find one though, Haru sort of eats them all or something like that." I pulled him out into the hall. He stumbled after me and then held my hand, pouting a little as he looked over his shoulder towards the piano then back at me. "LOU-PARIS!" I yelled for him. He appeared in front of me then and ran a hand through his hair, looking at me.

"Yeah?" Richard's eyes widened as he looked at Louis, freezing up as his eyes locked onto the white hair. Oh no.... I looked Richard over... What if he falls for Louis instead of me, thinking Louis is me because I just called Louis Paris... My hair isn't even the right color.

"Ummm... Haru went to my dimension and banished Richard here and he doesn't remember anything." I told Louis, hoping he'd understand that. He looked at Richard then at me then back at Richard in confusion.

"Huh? Oh! You know about that huh?" He laughed and walked up. "Not many people know I can share memories." Richard tackled Louis into a hug and purred, rubbing his head against Louis. "H-hey Richard... love you too," he whispered, looking weirded out by Richard's behavior.

"What?" I asked Louis, not understanding how he even came into grasping that... I shook my head. "This is my Richard- from my dimension." I told him, pleading he'll catch up. He looked Richard over.

"Yeah... you want me to share with him, right? That's why you said he doesn't remember anything? I've been asked before to help people who get amnesia," he said and then hugged Richard, rubbing his back. "So... this is your Richard?" He frowned and looked him over as Richard inched his face into Louis's neck. "Hey, what're you-" He gasped as Richard bit him and I could smell him marking my twin instead of me. I tensed up and felt my knees giving out a little and my stone heating up in my chest. I fell back against a wall and slid down it. "Hey! I don't love you that way!" Louis shoved Richard back and then held up a finger to him. "No bitey!" Richard licked his lips and then pouted, looking upset. "I'm not yours." Louis put a hand on his hips then. "Wrong guy."

"Why'd he mark you?" I asked and sniffled. What'd I do wrong? Louis glanced over at me and frowned.

"I dunno... Don't ask me," he told me then held his hands up. Richard let out a whine and went for him, but Louis shook his head. "No way!" He grabbed Richard's shoulders and held him out at arm's length. He closed his eyes and Richard tensed up, his eyes glazing over then he yanked back from Louis and exposed his fangs.

"What'd you do to him!?" I asked, getting up a little.

"Just... gave him a memory and put in some mild suggestion to keep him from biting me," he told me and rubbed his neck. I walked over to them, starting to feel a little better and looked Richard over. Richard glanced my way then looked Louis over.

"R-Richard?" I asked softly. He looked back at me and then smiled.

"Yes?" He tilted his head and walked up. I pulled him to me and leaned against him.

"Please don't mark my twin again." I begged. He laughed and then smirked.

"Why? Want me all to yourself?" He teased and then ran his fingers through my hair before he gripped a handful and then pulled my head back, making me expose my neck to him. I gasped and tensed up a little. What'd Louis make him see?

"Louis... what memory did you give him?" I asked.

"Oh... um... I think it was something I learned from Dante," he said and tilted his head. "I wasn't sure what you wanted.... Sweet and innocent or a possessive lover or someone normal. I guess I could've restored some of our Richard's memories to yours... but I kind of figured you wouldn't want that because you traded him out or something... I'm not sure what you did to him." He frowned as he watched Richard lick my neck. I let out a small moan and then tensed up.

"Well this is my Richard from my dimension... I really want him to get his memories back so we can go home with a passionate kiss." I ran my fingers through Richard's hair. Louis looked him over.

"Uhhmmm... I could attempt to bring back his memories...." He walked up slowly. "If not, we'll have to get a witch or a wizard who specializes in memory."

"Yeah, that'd be very helpful."

"Paris... Louis... Richard... Haru left me...." I heard Hachi say as he walked towards us, rubbing his watery eyes. "He promised to play sailors then ditched me...." Louis frowned and looked at Hachi before he scooped him up.

"He did what? That's so mean of him.... Are you sure? He doesn't like being away from you," he told Hachi, holding him close. I felt Richard's fangs pierce my neck then and then felt his venom rushing through my veins. I moaned and collapsed in Richard's arms, burring my face against him.

"Uh-huh. He left me and didn't come back. I waited for over an hour." Hachi told Louis. "Where'd he go?"

"I'm not sure.... Tell you what. I will have someone look for him," Louis promised Hachi. "We'll get him back for you." Richard started to purr in my ear and gently nipped at it playfully.

"I'm hungry Paris...." Hachi sniffled. I leaned in and kissed Richard's neck. "What's the matter with Richard and Louis? Richard is growling like an animal at Louis..."

"Uhhhh... Don't mind them. Let's get you something to eat!" Louis disappeared quickly with Hachi, getting him out of here before he could see anymore of us. Richard pushed me up against the wall and then looked towards my lips, starting to lean in for a kiss. I leaned in towards the kiss and pressed my lips against his. He quickly kissed me and leaned my head back against the wall, pressing up against me as he ran his hands down my sides to my hips. I pulled him closer to me then pulled out of the kiss.

"Richard, we need to focus on restoring your memory." I told him. He sighed and moved back, running a hand through his hair. I looked him over longingly. "I have less than a month to get a true loves kiss from you and so do you." I pointed to our tattoos. "If they reach our hearts then we'll be trapped here forever and we'll never see our children again or family." I explained. "So if we restore your memory you'll realize just how much you love me and we'll be out of here in no time." He looked me over then looked towards the tattoos.

"Hey... it's glowing," he told me, pointing towards mine. I saw another rune start to form on it then and pain lanced through me as the thorns started to stretch up to it and wrapped around it, growing up me slowly. I groaned and fell to my knees. I bit my bottom lip hard to show I wasn't weak. Richard knelt down in front of me then frowned, looking at the tattoo on me as it stopped glowing and went back to normal. He looked back at my eyes and then paused, his eyes widening slightly. He reached out and tilted my face up to his, brushing my hair back to see my eyes better. "Wait... that song... on the piano..." He blushed slightly. "I think I remember something.... You were little... and in my music room... and I played it then bit you.... You had white hair though... but it was you."

"Yeah." I nodded quickly. "That's our song we play together now." I told him. "I don't know why my hair is this color though..." I blushed. "See we're from another dimension and we're stuck in this one where I'm not my brother and he is me. It's strange and we never met so we grew up apart and now you're the vampire king." I explained to him the best I could. "I found out I was born with wings and that's why I scratch my shoulders." I told him. He smirked.

"I'm the vampire king? Awesome!" He laughed then. "So... did it hurt?" He asked me, giving me a playful look.

"What?" I asked him, not understanding.

"When you fell from heaven," he teased me. "My little fallen angel. Poor thing fell twice, once from heaven and once for me." He leaned in and kissed my neck. I blushed and leaned against him.

"I didn't fall from heaven," I teased him. "I crawled up from hell."

"Hmmm..." He purred and then slowly leaned me back against the floor. "So... you're really mine?" He asked me curiously. "We fell hard for each other and had kids?"

"Ten kids." I told him. "We're still planning on having more." I leaned in for a kiss. "I'm all yours. We're the greatest love story that could ever be told." He purred and kissed me quickly, liking it.

"More? Who's going to be the mother?" He asked me curiously then kissed me again.

"You, I had four kids Richard- Four! Quadruplets. The time before that was twins." I hissed then laughed. "I have an idea.... I'll tell you our love story. It'll be romantic and maybe it'll help you remember. I'll tell you it every day until you remember." I promised him. He watched me then gave a nod before he laid down beside me and pulled me into his arms.

"Tell me," he whispered. "I want to know...." I teleported us into his bedchambers and laid with him on the bed, beginning our story that took most the day to tell. By the end of it, he was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Paris," he whispered and then kissed my cheek quickly. I blushed and nodded.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"I'm sorry I can't remember," he told me and then kissed my lips. "I'll try really hard, okay?" I nodded and frowned. How is it he can't remember? I closed my eyes tightly, holding back tears. I want us to go home to our family. "Don't be upset," he begged me. "If I could remember, I would gladly remember. It all sounds very beautiful and I feel so guilty for not being able to remember!" I sniffled and leaned against him.

"I want us to have another child... When we get home." I told him. He blushed.

"A... another kid?" He looked into my eyes and then hid his face into my chest.

"Yeah, another one." I purred. "I want to keep having children."

"But I don't even remember what it's like.... In my mind... I'm still a virgin," he whispered, embarrassed.

"Oh we're far beyond virgins sweetie." I purred, laughing. "We're the couple in the manor that'll last forever and not be afraid to jump into bed together." I told him, running my fingers across his body. He shivered and gasped slightly.

"B-but I don't remember... doing anything with you," he whispered to me. "I know we did because you told me we did... but I don't remember it."

"Our first time was on a beach." I purred towards him. I leaned in towards his lips. "We were such rebels back then." He blushed and gave me a small kiss.

"This is so strange.... You really did change a lot from the first day in my music room.... I like it," he purred and then kissed my neck.

"You opened me up." I whispered to him. "It's all because of your luring... That's why we're together with ten kids and we're going to have a grandchild soon. Our first one." He looked up into my eyes and then smiled.

"I want to see that.... I wanna meet our kids." He leaned up against me.

"We've got to get back first."

"R-Richard?" I heard a knock coming from the door and Hachi's small voice coming from behind it. Richard tensed up and glanced towards the door curiously.

"Come in!" He called out and sat up a bit. Hachi opened the door and rushed in then over to us and jumped up into the bed. He slipped in between us and curled up to Richard. Richard laughed and looked Hachi over. "Seems I have a friend," he mumbled and then laid back down.

"Yeah, Hachi is really taken to you." I explained. "This universe's Hachi likes this universe's Richard." I rubbed Hachi's head. "He likes everyone though. He's been locked up in an asylum room Haru put him in. It's a long story." I shook my head. Richard looked confused but gave a nod.

"Alright... well I don't mind," he said softly and laughed. "He's kind of cute." Hachi looked up at Richard then glanced into his eyes.

"You're not my Richard..." Hachi said and sat up a little. Richard frowned and watched him before he reached out for him. Hachi grabbed his wrist and looked towards the mark on his hand. "You've got one like Louis." He looked over at me.

"Yeah... I do," Richard whispered and then frowned. "You could still stay though.... I don't mind." He pulled Hachi into a hug and smiled. Hachi nodded and settled down by Richard.

"I'll stay because you're still Richard." Hachi mumbled sweetly.

"Hachi, do you know any magic tricks?" I asked him curiously.

"Magic?" Hachi asked. Richard kissed Hachi's cheek and smiled, closing his eyes.

"That'd be pretty cool...." He mumbled towards Hachi.

"Ummm.... No..." Hachi shook his head. "Haru told me I didn't need to learn them. So took my books from me. He told me that he'd protect me so I didn't need to learn magic." He yawned.

"You'll have to get him to teach you.... Magic is awesome," Richard whispered to him then started to try to fall asleep, reaching out a hand past Hachi to me and grabbed my hand, bringing it to his lips then gave it a soft kiss. I smiled towards him. Hachi nodded in agreement. I sat up a little and started to crawl out of bed. Richard picked his head up and looked towards me with a frown. "Where are you going?" He asked me and then exposed his fangs. I looked towards him and then gave a small smile.

"To go look for my twin," I explained. He crawled over Hachi and got in my lap then, biting into my neck with a small growl.

"You don't need your twin," he purred in my ear. I laid back and nodded.

"Okay~" I whispered softly. Hachi groaned by us and curled up to the spot Richard had been in. Richard purred and started to mark me as he ran his hand up under my shirt and leaned his face in to my neck more. I melted under Richard, letting out a small purr. "Are you hungry?" I asked playfully. He licked my neck teasingly and ran his hand up my spine lightly, sending a shiver through me. I reached down to his hands and grabbed them. "Richard..." I whispered. He pulled back and looked down into my eyes before he glanced at my lips curiously and leaned in, stealing a kiss. I leaned into the kiss and closed my eyes. I've got to find ways to make his memories come back... but how? Maybe if I lighten my hair to match Louis's hair... Why isn't it white in the first place? He pulled back from the kiss slightly and then licked my bottom lip with a purr, trying to get his hands away from mine. I let him have his hands back and leaned into his neck, biting it. He moaned and then flipped us so I was on top then slipped his hand down my back and slipped a finger under the top of my pants and leaned his head to the side so I could drink from him. I started to drink his blood, moaning at the taste as it poured into my mouth.

"Paris~" He moaned softly and rubbed his leg gently against mine. I shushed him and looked over at Hachi. He glanced over at Hachi and pouted slightly before he looked up at me then kissed my lips. I kissed him back then pulled away from him and laid down by him. He leaned his head against my chest and wrapped his arms around me then hooked one of his legs around one of mine so I couldn't go anywhere. I pouted and tried to snake my leg free from his. He let out a soft growl and then pushed me out of the bed and crawled back to Hachi and hugged him. I frowned and sat up. What the hell!?

"Richard, you shoved me out of bed!" I hissed and stood up, dusting myself off. "Ghah." I started for the door. He's so mean to me. "You don't have to be a jerk."

"And you don't have to try to ditch me for your twin," I heard Richard hiss under his breath.

"I wasn't going to... I just wanted to get free from your leg." I snapped. "Now I'm going out." I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me then walked off to find something to do to occupy myself for the rest of the night. After wandering around for a bit, I found Louis talking softly with Dante in a hallway. "Dante.. Louis." I walked up towards them. "-I mean Paris." Dante tensed up and looked at me then at Louis just as Louis looked towards me. He smiled big.

"Hey Louis," he said and gave a wave. "We're planning on going hunting. Want to come?" Dante crossed his arms.

"You shouldn't be so friendly with strangers Louis," he hissed under his breath and gave me a suspicious look.

"Lighten up Dante," Louis shot back, lightly punching Dante's shoulder. "How are you supposed to make friends if you act so tough all the time?"

"Okay, I could go hunting." I told them, nodding. "I've been drained a bit lately." I admitted and rubbed my neck. "Lou-Paris I need you to come with me afterwards though." He looked me over then gave a nod after putting a hand on his hips.

"Okay," he said sweetly. Dante growled and looked at Louis sharply.

"Paris... don't you dare go with him anywhere," he warned. Louis rolled his eyes.

"Dante, don't tell me what to do. You may be the king of Germany, but I could wipe the floor with you. I only act cute and cuddly," he said and sighed. "I'll do what I want, when I want, and I want to go see what Louis wants."

"Yeah~" I looked towards Dante. "Paris has a mind of his own." I walked up to my twin and gave him a kiss on the cheek then pulled him closer to me and looked over at Dante. "So back off." Dante exposed his fangs at me then, narrowing his eyes.

"Get off Paris," he hissed, walking up with a deadly look in his eyes. I leaned in towards Louis's neck and gave it a soft kiss then looked over at Dante.

"Or what?" I asked. "You gonna try to separate us again?" He snarled and yanked me off him just as Louis was about to react to Dante's new attitude.

"Hey! Dante, calm down! It's fine!" Louis said quickly, coming for us. Dante slammed my head up against the wall and narrowed his eyes.

"Keep off Paris or else. I will kill you if you touch him again," he threatened. "I don't trust you, and I don't let people I don't trust around those I'm close to." I teleported away from his touch and wrapped my arms around Louis's neck as I ended up behind him then leaned my head on his shoulder, watching Dante. Louis tensed up and glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes.

"Louis?" He asked softly then looked at Dante just as he turned around, pissed looking. He held up a hand and fire sparked in it.

"Get. Off. Him," he growled.

"DANTE!" Raven shouted from down the hall, making him tense up. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I laughed and looked towards her.

"We're just having a little fun Raven~ Right Dante?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow as I looked his way. He clenched his jaw, slowly lowering his hand.

"Yeah... just a little fun," he said, glaring me down.

"That didn't look like just a little," Raven huffed out, crossing her arms. "Dante, I told you not to pick fights with other purebloods. You're supposed to be here for King Richard, not for fighting." She walked up then and glanced my way, giving me a curious look then turned to Dante. He looked at her and visibly calmed down before he gave a small smile and brushed her hair back behind her ear.

"Sorry my love," he whispered and leaned in, kissing her cheek. She giggled and nipped at his nose playfully, giving a small growl.

"That's better," she purred and then wrapped her arms around his neck. He purred back and then leaned in towards her neck and gently bit down, making her laugh.

"They're making me sick, let's go somewhere else." I whispered to Louis. Louis looked at me then nodded.

"Yeaaah... he's not going hunting anymore. He got caught," he whispered and suddenly we were standing in a small town. He moved away from me then stretched. "So, what'd ya want?"

"Is there any witches around here you know of?" I asked him, glancing around. "I need to fix my hair." He laughed and then nodded.

"I actually have a witch that I keep back at my parent's castle. I found her on the street while I was hunting, and now she does me favors," he said and looked me over. "Your hair is fine though. I don't see what's wrong with it."

"It's supposed to be as white as your hair," I explained to him.

"Uhhhh... why?" He touched his hair and then begun to play with it. "It's not amazing.... I don't see why you'd change yours to be like mine...."

"Because we're twins and I don't like being different from you...." I mumbled. He glanced me over.

"We're not that different.... Just the hair," he said and pointed to mine. "Besides, some people believe that white hair is a curse. I get funny looks from lots of people."

"Why don't I have white hair here?" I asked softly. "It's not fair."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked me and blushed slightly. "Look, white hair is a curse. You don't want it."

"I want it to look like you though..." I whispered to him. He bit his bottom lip and then tugged on his hair lightly.

"No one... has ever said they wanted to look like me before.... Everyone thinks my hair is strange...." He shifted then and curled his hair around his finger, blushing. I blushed and then grabbed his hand.

"Louis- I mean Paris.... In my dimension we're identical and so beautiful and we get so pissed when our hair isn't the same color." I laughed and then pulled away. "It's sort of silly, huh?" He looked at me and laughed.

"It sounds nice though.... I mean... if we're really like that in your world...." He let go of his hair then and smiled big. "I never thought I'd have a twin!"

"Well... When I leave here make sure you treat Louis with respect and kindness and love him." I told him sweetly. "Because he is your twin." He nodded quickly and hugged me, burying his face into me.

"I wish I could've grown up with you.... It wouldn't have been so lonely."

"Yeah... I know the feeling." I whispered to him and leaned against his chest. He laughed and then nodded.

"We'll get your hair changed then," he promised me. "I want to look the same."

"Really?" I asked him and looked into his eyes. He nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, I want to be like we are in your world. It sounds nice," he whispered. "I want to be your brother."

"Yes!" I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. "I can't wait to get home and hug you again." I mumbled.

"You're hugging me now though," he whispered and then kissed my cheek. "I'm sure I'm not that different from the Paris in your world."

"Ummm actually... You're Louis in my world, remember?" I asked him. He frowned and tilted his head.

"Really?" He gave me a confused look. "Why'd our names get switched?"

"Because you went to Wales after we were born and I stayed in France and was given your name while you was given my name." I explained. He frowned.

"But... I didn't change much... right?" He rubbed his cheek and sighed. "That's so weird...."

"No, not really. You still adore me." I teased. "I'm your younger twin after all." He laughed.

"Good," he purred and then pulled me into another hug. "And who said I adore you already?" He teased me. "You don't know that."

"I'm hoping you do~" I hugged him and rubbed my head against his chest. He gasped and then kissed the top of my head.

"I do," he said quickly. "You're so sweet to me."

"I hope you never forget me when I go back to my dimension." I whispered to him.

"How could I forget you? You want to be like me.... For the first time in my life, someone likes my hair and wants to be close to me instead of just shelter me," he mumbled. I leaned into his neck and kissed it.

"I'm sure my other self will love you just as much when he comes back." I whispered. He nodded and gave me a hopeful look.

"I hope so... or else I don't ever want you to leave...." He leaned his forehead against mine and then closed his eyes. "I don't want to be alone."

"You'll never be alone." I promised. "Make sure Dante doesn't kill my other self when he comes back." I mumbled. "Can we go see that witch now?" He nodded and we were suddenly back in the castle in Paris. He sniffed the air and started walking.

"Cas!" He called out. A black cat meowed a few feet away and walked up to him, stretching out. He paused and looked down at it. "Jinx?" The cat purred in amusement and sat down, flicking it's tail as it looked up at him and it's eyes glowed faintly. "Is Cas around?" I got closer to Louis and looked down at the cat curiously. The cat looked down the hall just as an explosion sounded and I could hear a girl scream.

"NO! NO! NO! What'd I do wrong?!" The girl cried out. The cat got up and started for the sounds then as pots and pans clattered.

"Cas, you're not destroying the place, are you?" Louis called out, sounding concerned as he followed the cat. I followed Louis quickly, not wanting to be left alone. My parents are around here somewhere after all. He walked into a room that was done up into a sort of lab like feel. There were vials and burners on tables and lots of scattered papers everywhere with scribbled writing on it. Herbs hung from the walls next to posters of anatomy of some animals and humans and diagrams of plants. A girl was hurriedly trying to clean up a mess near a bubbling cauldron and had some sort of glowing pink liquid splashed all over her dress. Her blond hair was done up in a messy French braid going over her shoulder and her glasses were barely on her face as she was frantically putting out a fire. I watched her curiously and then smiled softly. Louis walked up and then picked her up, setting her aside and finished putting out the fire then turned to her. "Cas... what's that pink stu-"

"Don't ask please!" She said and blushed, quickly grabbing an apron and put it on her dress to hide it from him. He frowned at her slightly but chose to let it go as the cat jumped up into her arms and rubbed it's head under her chin. She giggled and looked at the cat. "Hey Jinxy Jinx," she said sweetly then kissed the cat's head before she glanced at me. "Hey... who's that?" Louis glanced back at me then looked at her.

"That's Louis. I want you to do him a favor!" He gave her a big smile and pulled me towards him. "He wants white hair like mine." She looked me over then pushed her glasses up before she begun to circle me.

"Uh huuuh... wants white hair.... Starting a fashion trend Louis? You know your hair is special.... I use it in my potions, remember? I don't want other witches getting their hands on that kind of power." She yanked out a piece of my hair and looked it over before she hummed and walked off. "I can do it though. It's easy and it'll be permanent." I groaned and rubbed my head. Owe, she yanked my hair out! I leaned against Louis and watched her. She glanced back at us then smiled before she pulled a book off the shelves and opened it up, looking through it then sat the hair down in a vial and started to pour stuff into it that lit up when they touched each other. After a few minutes, she started to swirl it, watching as my hair dissolved in it then walked up to me and held it out. "Dump it on your hair," she ordered. "Rub it in and get it all over your scalp."

"What'd you do, create bleach?" I asked her then started to do as she told me.

"No. It's a potion that will only work on your hair," she said and smirked. "I'm not a chemist. I'm a witch." The cat purred and looked at me before it jumped out of her arms then jumped up on a table and started to play around with a cat toy. I finished rubbing it in then looked towards Louis.

"Is my hair changing?" I asked sweetly. He looked at it then laughed.

"Uh huh...." Cas got a mirror out of her apron and held it up to me, showing me that my hair was completely snow white like Louis's.

"Is that better?" She asked me with a cute smile.

"Yeah!" I nodded, glad to have my handsome pure white snowy looking hair back. "I'm so happy I've got my hair back." I ran my fingers through it. She giggled and put the mirror up then looked at Louis then walked up, pulling a few strands of hair from his head then stuck it in a vial and put it on a shelf.

"Hey Cas... thanks for doing this," Louis whispered. She looked over at him then smiled.

"You're welcome Paris. I don't mind doing things if it's for you." She adjusted her glasses on her face and then walked over to the cat and petted it. "You did take me in off the streets." Louis smirked and then wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I leaned against him and sighed out in relief. I teleported us out into the streets of Paris.

"Let's hunt." I purred. He laughed and then glanced around.

"Alright," he said and gently started to lead me down the streets, taking me on one of the bests hunts of my existence with the purest blood in France for the taking.

~A Few Days Later~

"Paris," Richard purred from where he was sitting on his throne, his legs crossed and his head propped up on his hand. He had apologized the next morning after I went hunting for shoving me out of the bed and being jealous and had made it up to me by playing me songs on the piano. He looked towards me and smirked as he adjusted himself on the throne. "Come here." I looked up from my diaries I had collected from my room in Wales and was taking time in reading them.

"If I don't?" I teased and shut the book anyways.

"Then I won't let you have me easier later on," he teased back, giving me a playful look. I stood up and sat the diary down on the seat then walked up to him and sat down in his lap.

"I'm here, what's the problem?" I asked and leaned in for a kiss. He purred and gave me a kiss then tugged on my shirt collar, pulling it down slightly before he leaned in towards my neck and gave it a small kiss before he bit down. I groaned and relaxed on him, letting him drink my blood. He pulled his fangs out and started to suck on the wound as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I moaned softly and ran my fingers through his hair. He pulled back from it and then looked up into my eyes as he licked his lips clean slowly, giving me a look of lust as his eyes traveled to my lips. I leaned in and kissed him passionately, letting him get what he wanted. He gripped my shirt and pulled me close, slipping his tongue into my mouth then traveled his hands down to my hips and held onto them, moaning a little. I pulled back from the kiss and went to get off of him, smirking. He narrowed his eyes slightly but let me go, looking away. I blew him a kiss then walked back to my seat, swinging my hips. I'm so going to tease him. He didn't seem to notice as he absentmindedly started to examine his nails then glanced towards a butler who was pretending he didn't see us. I sat down in my seat and picked up my diary. The doors to the throne room busted open and Hachi ran into the room, going straight for Richard and climbed up into his lap, holding one of his blocks I got him. Richard laughed and looked at Hachi.

"Hey Hachi," he purred and then rubbed Hachi's head. "Missed me?" He smirked and kissed the top of his head then pulled him into a hug. Hachi hugged Richard back and nodded.

"Yeah~! I missed you. Has Haru came home yet?" He asked, looking around for his brother. Richard shook his head no.

"I haven't seen him," he whispered then sighed. "We still have people looking for him though.... I'm sure he'll turn up."

"King Richard, you have a visitor to see you," a maid announced as she came into the room, giving a curtsy. I noticed the prince of Egypt walk in, his dark hair braided back. He was followed by a teenage looking boy who had snow white hair and looked a lot like me, an albino. I recognized him almost immediately as the one who had been with Richard in my world in Africa during our fight. Richard looked over in interest.

"Oh... Thank you," he said and then adjusted himself, sitting up more as the prince gave a bow.

"King Richard, I came as soon as I could when I heard you had ascended to the throne! I brought an offering in hopes of favor and peace with you," he said and then smiled towards Richard before he nudged the boy forward. I clenched my jaw tightly. So this is how that bastard comes into play and gets between Paris and Richard in this dimension? I won't let that happen. I slowly stood up and looked towards Richard. If he listened to me carefully he better not try anything. Hachi looked towards the Egyptian king and waved sweetly towards him.

"Hi! I'm Hachi." Hachi said sweetly. Richard looked towards me and then at the guy and frowned, tilting his head before he looked down at Hachi and nudged him out of his lap.

"Go ask the nice butler for some sushi and go with him," he whispered into Hachi's ear and smiled. Hachi frowned but obeyed Richard, walking up to the butler.

"Can I have some sushi?" He asked the butler, grabbing his hand and looked towards Richard longingly. Richard gave him a smile.

"I'll be right here when you get back," he promised Hachi then waved to the butler to go with Hachi. The butler quickly nodded and took Hachi out of the room, shutting the door behind him. As the door closed I had my look alike pinned to the wall in a second, with my fangs scraping against his neck. I held his throat firmly, about to rip him apart. "Paris," Richard called out quickly, getting up. The Egyptian prince exposed his fangs and snarled towards me.

"Get your fangs away from him. His kind is rare!"

"Don't talk to my mate that way," Richard snarled, turning his attention to the prince. I looked over at Richard and knocked the guy unconscious in my hands.

"Yeah?" I asked sweetly. "You can't have a fucking bite if that's what you want." I told him firmly. Richard looked at me with wide eyes then shrunk back, holding his hands up nervously.

"H-hey..." he mumbled. The prince of Egypt was by me in an instant and stole back the albino. I glared down the prince of Egypt.

"Get. it. out. of. my. sights." I hissed. He tilted his chin up.

"Hell no. I intend to give this boy to the king. You're not stopping me," he told me firmly. Richard walked up then took the unconscious boy from the Egyptian prince then handed him back to me.

"Okay. I accepted your gift, and I'm giving it to my mate to do whatever the hell he wishes to it," Richard said simply. "Go explore the castle or something and I'll come sign a treaty with you in a few hours." The Egyptian prince didn't look to happy, but he disappeared anyways. I broke his neck instantly and shoved it away from me, completely disgusted by it then walked away quickly.

"I touched it," I grumbled. Richard watched me then looked back at the corpse and nudged it with his foot.

"You really didn't like that," he mumbled and then knelt down, picking the boy up.

"You're darn right I don't like him." I hissed and felt my stone fuming with anger. Richard glanced over at me then looked the boy over and frowned.

"He looks familiar...." He muttered.

"Because you cheated on me with him." I growled. He tensed up and looked at me with wide eyes then back at the boy.

"Africa," he whispered and then dropped him quickly as a tear streaked down his cheek. "Oh hell... I can't believe I did that...." He put a hand over his mouth as he trembled. "What the hell is wrong with me?" I rubbed my chest and walked over to the window, looking out it and away from them. That wizard was right... this is hell for me. I heard the door creak open then as Richard started to slip out of the room, not wanting to be in here anymore. I teleported out of the room as well and ended up by Louis. I leaned up against him and shoved him against a wall, finding us in a hall. He yelped and looked at me.

"H-hey, what's the matter?" He asked me then gave me a hug. "You look really upset...." He kissed my cheek. "Did Richard do something to you? I'll kick his ass for you. Just say yes." He gave me a worried look and brushed my hair behind my ear. "Trust me."

"No..." I shook my head and sniffled. "I want to go home," I mumbled. He frowned and then teleported me to his room and sat me down on his bed.

"You can talk to me," he mumbled, giving me a sweet look. "Whatever it is that is troubling you.... If you can think of any possible way I can help you, tell me," he begged. "I want you to be happy, and if that means you go home, then I'll get you home somehow."

"I miss my kids." I sniffled. "Donnie's going to have a child soon... I'm going to have my first grandchild soon and I'm stuck here because Richard can't remember me." I laid down on the bed and curled up to his covers. "I want my family back." Louis watched me and then tilted his head.

"If Richard remembers everything... will you be able to go home?" He asked me softly.

"Yeah... He'll love me again." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. "He doesn't love me right now though..." I shook my head. He just remembered that freaking African kid and possibly has those feelings and emotions he had back then when I had betrayed him... I'm never going to get out of here.... Louis stood up and stretched before he went for the door.

"Be right back," Louis said quickly. "I'll be about an hour, but stay here." I nodded and watched him.

"Where are you going?" I asked softly.

"I'm going to take Richard to Cas. I'll be back with him when he remembers everything," he told me and walked out, shutting the door behind him. I sniffled and closed my eyes for a few minutes then sat up and went towards the bathroom to take a bath. I stripped out of my clothes and started the water, getting into the tub and sunk down in it. I rubbed under my eyes and relaxed. I've got to pull myself together if I want to get out of here. I laid my head back against the tub and dozed off after a few minutes.

~Time Skip~

"Hey! Come get him!" Louis called from the bedroom, waking me up from my sleep. I crawled out of the tub and wrapped myself up in a robe then walked out to meet Louis. Louis was holding a passed out Richard who's face was wet with tears. He looked towards me and smiled. "It was a bit much for him to handle. He's just asleep for now," he told me then laid Richard down on the bed. "Cas was rough on him."

"What happened, did he remember?" I asked and walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down next to Richard.

"Well, he was crying by the end of it," Louis whispered then sat down beside me. "I don't know if he has everything back, but Cas said he should. She's exhausted." I watched Richard, biting my bottom lip. The last thing he'd remember is when I took Hachi's place in the curse. He's probably traumatized. Louis laid down on the bed and started to play with Richard's hair. "I wanna plan the scene for the kiss," he said and smiled big time. "It'll be really romantic! Come on, you have to let me!" He looked at me as he started to braid Richard's hair.

"If that's what you want..." I whispered. "I want to give you something Louis," I grabbed him and teleported us to the diaries I got from Wales. "These are the diaries Louis wrote in all throughout his life." I pointed them out. "I want you to read them." He looked at them then nodded.

"Okay," he said and then smiled. "I'll do it and be the best twin ever for you," he purred sweetly then picked up the first one. He looked it over then held it close to him as he watched me. "So... there is a full moon coming up if you want to do it then," he whispered.

"Louis I really need to get home..." I mumbled. "But if you'd like it to be on a full moon then okay." I nodded. He tilted his head.

"No... if you want to go home, then we'll do it tonight if he wakes up by then," he told me quickly. "I'll go start preparing something for you both." He disappeared before I could say anything. I frowned and took in a deep breath then teleported back to Richard and laid down by him, pulling him into my arms. He whimpered and curled up to me, his stone pulsing weakly. I rubbed his head and had my stone send him a loving pulse so he knew I was with him. He quickly grabbed me in his sleep and buried his face against my chest.

"Hey my love..." I whispered to him softly. "Wake up soon so we can go home?" I asked. I could feel his stone trying hard to stay out of falling into one of his deep sleeps as he quietly slept beside me. "Don't go to sleep yet." I begged his stone. "I really need you to wake up so we can go home..." I leaned in and gave his lips a soft kiss. He didn't respond though and nuzzled his head a little into me. I rubbed his head and gave it a kiss. "We've got to get home to our family..." I mumbled.

"Mhh..." His lips curled up into a soft smile and I could see him dreaming in his head of being with our kids and with a new one, a boy. He's wanting another boy? Or is he thinking about our grandchild? I smiled softly. He let out a soft purr and leaned his face into the crook of my neck as the boy in his dream ran up to him, giggling. I giggled and closed my eyes, tuning into his dreams.

"Mommy!" The boy crawled up into Richard's lap and hugged him around the neck. "Tell me a stowry!" Richard laughed and kissed his head as Keegan walked up and sat down in a chair with Hiko.

"A story?" He asked him softly. The boy nodded quickly, his curly white hair bouncing lightly as he did.

"Pwetty pwease?" Richard's dream version of me appeared in the room then and smirked.

"You should tell him about Prince Charming of Transylvania," he purred, teasing Richard.

"Dad!" Keegan shouted, embarrassed as he got what dream Paris was talking about. Hiko looked confused then laughed as he got it.

"But Keegan, that's your parents' love story." He touched Keegan on the nose then curled up to him. Donnie laughed as he sat in the floor with Midori laying beside him and a little boy with black hair was in his lap and growling playfully at Donnie, showing off his sharp teeth.

"Prince Charming huh?" Richard asked and smirked then looked at the boy in his lap. "Want to hear a story about a prince?" The boy nodded and then giggled.


I opened my eyes and looked down at Richard. "We can't have that until you wake up." I mumbled. Richard squeezed his eyes shut and gripped my shirt as his stone was slipping. I shook him quickly. "Richard!" I yelled. "Don't go," I begged. His eyes snapped open as I jolted him awake and his stone sleepily come back, trying to stay afloat.

"Paris," he mumbled and then blinked slowly as he looked at me. "I'm so tired...."

"You have to stay awake!" I told him. He whined and then buried his face into my chest.

"Just a nap...." He mumbled.

"No. Stay awake." I ordered. He pulled back slightly to look at me then closed his eyes, placing his head on my chest. "Richard... Do you remember everything?" I asked him. He tensed up then before he glanced up at me.

"Paris... so help me... if you ever leave me again, I will drag your ass back into that manor, and I'll never let you get more than a foot away from me... and you will be so sore after the first month," he hissed, looking upset. I widened my eyes. He remembers! I think.... He placed his hand over my chest. "And if you do leave me after all that... I'll take your stone and put it in a jar so you can't." I tensed up, feeling a little scared.

"Y-yes Richard.... I won't leave you." I shook my head quickly. He purred and then rubbed his head against my chest.

"I love you Paris," he mumbled. "You scared me so bad.... You're my whole world."

"I love you too Richard." I rubbed my head against him and then leaned in for a kiss. He put a finger against my lips then and smirked.

"You know... now that I remember everything... you killing that boy was really hot," he purred, running his finger down to my chin then slowly down my neck. "I'll never... ever... leave you. We're two stars in the sky locked together and meant to be," he said sweetly and then leaned in, kissing my neck. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." I purred and curled up to him.

"I love you so much, Richard." I purred. "I was miserable realizing you wasn't with me until now."

"I'm so sorry," he whispered then kissed my neck again. "Paris, baby," he purred out and then bit into my neck, remarking me. I moaned and then grabbed his shirt, ripping it off. He was on top of me in seconds, licking my neck teasingly as he ran a hand through my hair then pulled back enough to look me in the eyes and smirked. "Like what you see?" He sat up on me and ran a hand down his rock hard stomach. I nodded and smirked.

"Yeah, god I love you... Give me another child?" I begged and leaned up for a kiss. He purred and then kissed my neck.

"Another?" He asked, nipping at my ear. He slipped his hand down to my shirt and quickly pulled it off me.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Or do you want me to be the girl again?" I asked. He looked me over then kissed my cheek.

"I'll do this for you.... I know you don't like being the girl," he whispered to me and then kissed my neck before he started to give me a love bite. I moaned and let out a playful growl. I heard a knock on the door then. Richard glanced at the door then put a hand over my mouth quickly. I groaned and looked towards Richard.

"Louis!? Are you in there?" I heard Hachi asking, sounding lonely. Richard winced and then shook his head, keeping quiet. I heard him whine and walk down the hall, calling for us. He listened until Hachi was gone then relaxed and looked at me, taking his hand off my mouth.

"He sounded so lonely." I whispered to Richard. He sighed and then laid his head on my chest.

"Want me to go get him?" He asked me softly.

"We don't get a tiny Hachi wanting to be with us too often now-a-days." I mumbled. He sat up and then moved off me.

"I'll go get him," he mumbled.

"What's the matter?" I asked him sweetly. "Come back, Louis will find and show him attention." He glanced back at me then smirked.

"Why? Want me that badly?" He teased me.

"You want me." I teased back. He laughed.

"I just got all my memories in a huge rush. I can wait," he purred. "I got to re-experience all of it." I laughed and nodded. That's a lot of sex to re-experience...

"Okay... Go get Hachi." I purred. He leaned in and looked at my lips before he kissed my cheek and crawled out of the bed, walking towards the door with a small sway in his hips that caught my eyes. I laughed and curled up in the blankets. He poked his head out into the hall then.

"HACHI!" He shouted, tilting his head as he listened for the little guy. After a few seconds I heard Hachi running up and tackling Richard into a hug. Richard laughed and shut the door, carrying Hachi into the room and over to the bed. He sat him down on it then crawled in beside him. "Hey cutie," he purred. Hachi gave a huge smile.

"Richard!" He said in excitement then looked over at me and then hugged me. "Louis!" He curled up between us and started to play with his blue ribbon.

"Were you lonely?" I asked him. He nodded quickly.

"Awww..." Richard hugged him and kissed his cheek. "You're so cute." Hachi blushed and then got under the blanket and looked into Richard's eyes.

"Yeah~" I rubbed Hachi's head. "I'm going to miss him like this."

"But we've got to get back to our own kids," Richard murmured and then curled up with Hachi. "I'll leave a note in my bedroom to this dimension's Richard to take care of Hachi if he isn't already planning on it."

"I think he is," I purred. Hachi looked us over and then widened his eyes.

"Did you two remember?" Hachi asked. Richard quickly kissed Hachi's cheek and smiled.

"Don't worry about that," he whispered to him. Hachi nodded and rested against Richard.

"HELLO MY LOVELIES!" Louis appeared back in the room, wearing a black suit that made him look amazing. He tossed a rose our way and then held up two outfits, one that looked like his and a red prince outfit.

"We're going to be matching?" I asked curiously.

"I want a costume." Hachi said in excitement. Louis looked at Hachi then smiled.

"I'll get you something from when I was your age," Louis told him sweetly then tossed me the one that looked like his. "Get dressed~!" I looked over at Richard then smiled softly before I got up and started to change into what Louis got me. Richard watched me as Louis snuck up to Richard then snatched him out of the bed. "Come on! I'm going to make you look sexy Richard," Louis purred and started to pull him to the bathroom, making Richard yelp as the door slammed shut. I looked at the bathroom then looked at Hachi.

"Hey cutie~" I purred and then finished getting dressed. Hachi watched me the whole time. Louis came out of the bathroom after an hour and shut the door behind him quickly, running a hand through his hair.

"You can't see him till it's time," he told me firmly and then walked over to Hachi, grabbing him. "Let's go find you something cute!" He teleported away with him then, leaving us. I looked towards the bathroom and pouted. That's not fair.

"Paris... I swear... I'm going to die," Richard whispered through the door. "He's making this into some sort of wedding deal."

"Well... Will you marry me?" I asked romantically. I heard Richard's breath stop then.

"Marry you?" He asked and then pressed himself up against the door. "Do you mean that? Like... marry in the old vampire ways?"

"Yeah, it's about time we got married." I purred. "Just think about how long it's been for us together.... We're on our tenth child."

"Of course I'll marry you," he said quickly. I laughed and walked up to the door then leaned against it.

"Do you want to do it here or when we get back and in front of everyone? We could have a huge wedding." I purred.

"Let's do it where our family can be with us," he purred. "They'd murder us if we did it without them." Laurence appeared in front of me then.

"Whoa! You two can't have a wedding without me. I want to get out of hell in your dimension to see this." He crossed his arms. "So unfair."

"LAURENCE!" Richard darted out of the bathroom quickly and tackled Laurence. Laurence laughed.

"Hi Richard~" Laurence purred. "How are you?" Richard kissed Laurence's cheek and hugged him tightly. Guess Louis didn't get what he wanted. Richard looked really seductive and sexy in that shade of red and the way the suit was cut showed off the shape of his body, calling out to me. Louis must've had it made for him awhile ago, and Richard's hair was slicked back, making him look devilish. I held back my instincts to jump him.

"Richard~ My twin sure does know how to suit you." I whispered. Richard looked over at me and then smirked.

"Just so you know...." He walked up to me and then pulled down his pants slightly so only I could see in the front, showing off some black silk boxers and then fixed his outfit. "Louis went all out," he purred, giving me a playful look. I smirked and wrapped my arms around Richard and exposed my fangs. He leaned in and licked my neck teasingly, pressing up against me.

"Alright you two, you know Louis is going to be upset you're seeing each other before the time is right." Laurence teased.

"Paris~" Richard purred and then bit down into my neck, ignoring Laurence.

"Richard~" I muttered and then reached down towards his pants, pushing them down. "I need you." I caved. Laurence disappeared quickly. Richard gasped and then looked up at me and then jumped up, wrapping his legs around my waist. I moaned and then walked us over to the bed and pressed him down onto it and crawled over him. He purred and then kissed my neck before he got to my sweet spot and started to give me a love bite, sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine. I moaned and started to take off his shirt, trying not to rip it. Louis would be so upset. He reached up for mine quickly, pressing his face against my neck and then went to flip us. I gasped and let him flip us, giving a playful growl. He smirked and gave me a seductive look before he leaned in and kissed right by my lips to tease me then finished taking my shirt off and went for my pants. I growled playfully and shoved my pants down my legs. "Richard, I can't wait." I purred. "I love you so much~" He looked me over and then purred, getting between my legs as he gave me a seductive look and teasingly growled at me. I growled back and exposed my fangs. "Don't want to wait until we get married?" I joked. "Oh I want us to get matching rings." He purred.

"Alright," he said and then kissed my neck, nipping at it before he started to give me another love bite, starting a trail of them. I moaned and held back my urges to kiss him. He slowly ran his fingers down my sides and then slipped a hand into my boxers, gripping my manhood as he gave me another love bite. I groaned and leaned in, kissing his cheek.

"Richard~" I husked out, feeling all sweaty and warm inside.

"Yes?" He teased, giving me another love bite as he reached my chest.

"I want you~" I rushed out and looked him over longingly.

"What was that?" He purred and gave me a squeeze.

"I want you!" I leaned in and stopped myself before I kissed him. It's so unfair. He laughed and then took his hand out of my boxers and made me wrap my legs around him as he begun to grind against me. I let out a moan and stretched out against the bed, running my fingers through my hair. I felt him kiss my neck then, taking advantage of the situation before he bit down into me. I gasped and started to grind my hips against his. He moaned and then licked my neck clean of my blood before he flipped us and continued to drink my blood happily.

"I'm yours," he whispered in my ear as he fed, rubbing his foot against my inner thigh. I smirked and started to pull off the rest of our clothes to take this further. Never letting our lips touch so Louis wouldn't get upset.