Two Cannibal Galaxy Wizards In One Universe!?

Richard's POV:

"Damn it Richard! You messed up your hair!" Louis groaned as he was fixing my outfit. He had found us in each other's arms a few minutes ago and had proceeded to yank me into the bathroom and dress me again. He grabbed the hairbrush and then started to fix it, narrowing his eyes. "What'd I tell you? Don't go out there!" He left the door open this time since how Paris had already seen me. Paris was getting dressed in the bedroom.

"Sorry Louis but he was just so tempting." Paris admitted. "I couldn't just not take advantage of him in that outfit." He walked in, still putting on his shirt. Louis pointed the hairbrush at him.

"You ruined my work of art!" He complained then looked me over and forced me to sit down on the edge of the bathtub as he worked at my hair.

"Then don't leave his side when you don't want me to take advantage of my lover." Paris shrugged. I sighed and then looked at Paris then back at Louis.

"Why am I the only one being done like this?" I asked, frowning.

"Because my twin is beautiful the way he is," Louis said and smirked. "Besides, I've been wanting to dress you up for a long time now!" I reached past Louis for Paris's hand then, grabbing it then pulled him close and kissed his hand. "Hey, no kisses." Paris looked at my lips longingly then over at Louis.

"Okay.... We'll try not to kiss each other." Paris promised. Louis smiled then and kissed his brother's cheek.

"Good. I don't know how you two managed to not kiss each other after what you did to Richard," he muttered and then looked back at me. He tilted my head up to him then pulled out a white rose and stuck it in my lapel.

"We're planning to get married so I figure we can do all the kissing we want on our honey moon." He told Louis. I blushed a bit and looked over at Paris, squeezing his hand.

"Paris... are we going to create the baby at the end of the honeymoon?" I asked him softly, kind of figuring he'd want to marry me first because if he was wanting a honeymoon, having a kid before it wouldn't be a good idea.

"Yeah, we'll have the child during the honeymoon." Paris promised. "I'll be the female." I bit my bottom lip then.

"You want to be the mother?" I asked and then smiled. "You're volunteering? That's so sweet. I'm proud of you." He's finally able to say it willingly.....

"I figure we're going to live forever, I've got to get over my fears." Paris purred. I tackled him into a hug then, earning a smack on the butt with the hairbrush from Louis as he growled in irritation. Paris leaned against me, purring. "I love you Richard," Paris whispered to me.

"I love you too," I said quickly and then rubbed my head against him. I kissed his cheek and then yelped when I felt Louis yank me away from Paris.

"Nuh-uh Richard. Calm down," he told me then smirked. "Do I have to tell Paris to leave?" I widened my eyes and shook my head, not wanting to be away from Paris for a second. Paris sat down by me and held my hand. After he finished, he pulled back and smiled. "Perfect," he whispered and then grabbed us both, teleporting us into the ballroom of the castle that was lit up in candles. The curtains were drawn back on the windows, revealing the night sky and the wilderness that surrounded my family castle. Louis had a trail of rose petals leading up to one of the ceiling to floor windows in the middle where an alter was sat up and had red candles on it. I heard the piano start up then as Louis appeared by it and sat down on the bench, playing my song that I shared with Paris. He had learned it.... I blushed slightly as I noticed Hachi over by the piano with Louis. He was dressed up in a cute little tux and had a flower in his hands with his hair pulled back into a little pony tail. I heard Paris aweing towards Hachi as Hachi gave us a wave. Paris grabbed my hands and pulled me into a dance. I smiled as I let him lead, leaning my head against his chest as I smelled his comforting scent that I knew so well. Damn I loved him so much.... I wouldn't trade anything for this love with him. He is mine and I am his, and that's how it's going to be forever.... We're the best love story, and the best part about it is it's all true.

"I wouldn't trade our life for anything," Paris whispered to me. "I'm perfectly happy being with you." I looked up at him and smiled.

"I don't ever want to be separated," I mumbled and kissed his cheek. "As long as we have each other...." Paris looked towards Louis and Hachi then leaned in for a kiss from me. I smiled and looked towards them out of the corner of my eyes before I met his then looked towards his lips and leaned in, kissing him passionately. He pulled me into the kiss, deepening it as fast as he could and let out a small moan. He suddenly sunk in my arms, becoming numb to my touch. I looked at him and felt Louis quickly lower us to the ground as I felt my body start to give out and everything went dark, sending me into a feeling like a deep sleep...

Haru's POV:

I smirked as time restarted and looked to see Richard collapse on the porch as he came back, his eyes wide. The wizard's eyes widened as he saw Paris by Hachi. "No! You only had a month! There's no way!" I laughed wickedly and cut the wizard's powers off before he could try anything, making him like a butterfly with no wings then grinned.

"Don't play with the Hachirobei family," I purred, stalking towards him as he realized he had no magic. He shrieked as he saw me and went to run, but I had my magic pull him towards me then grabbed his wrist. "Hiya!" I smirked as I looked him over. His power was making me want to drool. I could practically taste it! He's so mine! Paris laid Hachi's unconscious body down and then started to feed him a bit of his blood to help him wake up and heal. He came back within seconds and sit up, shoving Paris's wrist away and rubbed the blood off his lips. I widened my eyes as I saw Hachi and then smiled softly. Wow... he definitely grew up.... I guess he didn't stay my adorable brother here... but to be fair... I died here. I looked back at the wizard and grinned, shoving him to the ground as I got on top of him.

"GET OFF!" He screamed, panicking. I laughed and then scooped out one of his eyes, popping it into my mouth and moaned almost immediately. It's so good! I could hear Midori screaming on the porch, still attached to the Northern Lights wizard. I glanced his way and then severed their bond, watching as Midori fell to the ground in exhaustion and passed out then looked back to the wizard with a smirk as he laid there, screaming in pain. I laughed and went for the next eye. I felt a foot jab into my back and someone reach over my shoulder, yanking out the eye I was going for and eat it, moaning at the taste.

"Oh yessssss, the flavor is just right," I heard Hachi moaning and then kicked me off the wizard and got on him, leaning into his neck and biting out a chunk, beginning to eat it as blood poured out all over him. I narrowed my eyes. HE ATE MY FOOD! I cut his magic off then, growling in irritation. My Hachi in my world is better. He looked towards me and then smirked, starting for me then. "Don't think I'd forget you," He grabbed my ankle and pulled me towards him, getting over me in seconds then leaned in towards my neck and kissed it. "You remind me of someone special," He whispered and then kissed my cheek. I gasped and looked at him, afraid he'd try to eat me. He's so much bigger than me.... I smiled though and kissed his cheek.

"Hi Hachi," I whispered and then relaxed, remembering I was immortal. He couldn't eat me if he tried. He looked me over then looked deep into my eyes, his own swirling with a galaxy. I giggled and touched the side of his face. It's so beautiful... just like my eyes. I let my galaxy out to show him and smiled big at him, glancing at the stars around us. He started to smell me then and let out a small laugh and leaned down into my neck, biting down hard. I yelped and let out a whimper. "Hachi! Stop," I told him, crying out in pain. "You can't kill me anyways! I'm immortal!" He pulled out a chunk and started to eat it as he sat up on me. He let out a small groan as he flavored my flesh in his mouth and then fell down by me, looking like he had just ate sushi. I whimpered as my neck started to heal up and then crawled away from him over to the wizard and bit down into his arm, tearing out a chunk. Meanie. He sat up after a few minutes and got to his feet then stumbled towards Paris.

"He hit you with magic..." Hachi grumbled, grabbing a hold of Paris and examined him. "You're fine though. You brought someone back," He glanced towards me. "It looks like Haru." I smiled as I sat up and rubbed the blood off my chin.

"Because I am Haru! You see, Paris got banished to my world and in my world, I ate our family and almost ate you, buuuut... I didn't so you lived and now I'm king of the wizards!" I giggled. "I helped Paris get home."

"Oh yeah?" Hachi asked me and let out a playful laugh.

"Uh huh! I banished Richard to my world so that way Paris could get home with Richard. I made us both immortal in my world," I said sweetly. He walked back towards me and ran his fingers through his hair then stopped in front of me and rubbed my head.

"I remember you being taller," He said playfully then leaned in and kissed my cheek. "You better be treating me good in your world." He growled and tilted my head up by my chin. "You better not eat me." He gave a cute smile. I giggled and then took his hand in both of mine and rubbed my head against it.

"I'm trying my best," I promised him. "I'm getting help to learn to hold back my urges." I closed my eyes and then kissed his hand before I looked up at him again. "I'm sorry.... I accidentally bit your shoulder before I made you immortal... so you have a scar." I frowned and then sniffled. "I didn't mean to though."

"Haru, are you sure you can go back?" Hachi asked me, smirking. "After all the only reason why your dimension was created was because Paris was banished from this one. Your world might not exist anymore." He laughed and pulled his hand back. "Bet you didn't think that over before traveling here." I widened my eyes. No! My world still has to exist! I remember it so clearly.... I looked up at him in a panic.

"No, my world still exists," I said quickly. "It has too!"

"Are you sure about that?" He asked, tilting his head. "Banishment curses weren't meant to solve so easily. What if this isn't the actual world that Paris came from?" He asked and jabbed his finger towards Paris. "What if that Richard is from somewhere else too?" He pointed towards Richard. I narrowed my eyes at Hachi.

"I'm not stupid," I told him plainly and crossed my arms. "I'm a wizard king. I know this is Paris's world. I bonded with him long enough to know his whole life story! His first kid was named Donnie! He met you in the parking lot of a gas station!" I pointed at him. "You ate me!" Hachi nodded as he thought it over.

"Okay, you're pretty smart. I like it." Hachi laughed. "Too bad I'm not hungry... You'd make a delicious meal, again." He purred. I tsked.

"I already told you that you couldn't eat me if you tried. I'm immortal," I reminded him then licked my lips clean of the wizard's remaining blood on my lips. "Besides, you should be thanking me. Paris was starting to give up...." Hachi glanced over at Paris then back at me.

"Are you going to go?" Hachi asked me curiously. I smiled at him then stood up.

"Of course. You need me in my world. We're too close to be separated for long. You're probably crying and looking for me. I didn't intend to stay away this long from you," I whispered and then paused. "I wanna see Lien!" I giggled and ran for the porch quickly. "I can meet my nephew!"

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!" Hachi ran after me. "STAY AWAY FROM MY KID!" I giggled and jumped over Midori and darted underneath Richard, going inside. Hah! I can meet my nephew! I smiled big and smelled the air, trying to pinpoint where my nephew was and started for the scent of another wizard. I was tackled to the ground quickly and pinned. "I'm not letting you meet Lien." He hissed. "You'll start questions up! Isaac'll flip when he sees you. We sent you to heaven. Damn it! Why can't you stay dead, no offense." I pouted and looked at him then used my magic to push him off me and sat up quickly.

"But I might not get to meet my nephew in my world! You might not love Isaac when he's finally born!" I complained. "Pwetty pwease?" I giggled and then stood up, dusting myself off. "I won't even say hi! I'll just peek in and then go," I promised.

"Absolutely not." Hachi growled. "I'll eat you." I sighed. How many times do I have to tell him he can't eat me? No wonder why he didn't become a king in this world....

"I've already told you that you can't really eat me because I can't be killed," I told him and put my hands on my hips. "I'm exactly like you except I actually took over the wizard world. I even have dad's spell book. Oh, and I let you live."

"So? I don't want anything to do with the wizard world. They kicked me out of school." Hachi pouted. "Plus I have Isaac and my kid. Oh and I ate you and I have dad's spell book." He pulled it out of his pocket and then waved it around before putting it back in. Hachi crossed his arms. "Plus I'm older." I giggled.

"Yeah? But I cut off your powers, Mr. Older," I teased. He grumbled and then stomped off from me.

"Get out of my universe." I laughed as I watched him. Awww, he's frustrated because I got him! I giggled and then started for where my nephew was. I wasn't looking for his approval anyways. I already have my Hachi back home! He's waiting for me... but I just want one peek! Lien looked so cute in Paris's memories! "STAY AWAY FROM MY CHILD!" I heard him yell at me. "Ugh!" I glanced back at him and frowned.

"You're no fair," I told him then tilted my head. "It's not like I'm staying. You could at least let me see my nephew since how you ate me in this life. I let you live in mine and I protect you. I even ate the doctor- and he didn't taste as good as I wanted him to," I muttered, pulling out that guy's scalpel I kept and looked it over. "Got a cool new knife though!"

"Wh-wait.... D-Doctor?" Hachi asked, looking towards me and froze up. I yelped and looked away from him. Oh crap! I didn't tell him that I stuck him in that asylum!

"Uhhhh... don't worry about it," I said quickly. "You're safe in my world and that's what matters. You're currently in a castle playing with toy blocks."

"Why am I playing with toy blocks?" He asked me, looking creeped out. "Am I that innocent in your world?" He asked. I smiled and bounced up to him then put the scalpel up and touched his hand, using my magic to show him how cute he was in my world, picking up at the castle because I didn't want him to know that I thought I was too weak to control myself around him and stuck him in that asylum for a bit. He pulled back and then held back a small laugh. "Haru, please get out of my universe." He said quickly.

"Pleeeeaaaaaase let me see my nephew," I begged. "Just a peek! I really, really, really, really, really want to see him for myself!"

"Hachi, who's that?" I heard Isaac say from behind me, making me tense up. I yelped and ducked behind Hachi quickly, hiding.

"Uhmmmm... No one." Hachi said innocently. "No one at all. I don't know what you're talking about."

"I could've sworn I saw a little you...." Isaac said, sounding confused. I stayed completely still, hoping Hachi wouldn't move. Oh man... I don't want to meet Isaac in this world.... He might not be happy to see me.

"No you didn't." Hachi laughed. "You didn't see anything. You never heard anything." He stepped on my foot then. "Because there is nothing here besides you and me." I held in a groan and gripped the back of Hachi's shirt, digging my nails into his back a little in irritation. Why'd he step on my foot?! I let go and then focused on casting a spell to make me invisible and snuck out from behind Hachi, taking it slow so I wouldn't make a sound and started for where Lien must be. "There's a dead wizard in the yard if you want a bite." He suggested. I watched as Isaac's face lit up and he started for the door.

"Thanks Hachi!" He said sweetly, twitching his tail. Oh my stars! He has a cute little kitty tail for real! I held in a giggle and then bounced down the hall.

"Where'd you go?" Hachi hissed. "That's my child and he's technically not your nephew because you're from another universe." He sounded so snappy. I stopped as I thought it through. I guess he's not really my nephew. I pouted and then walked back to Hachi and let the spell down.

"Okay," I whispered, giving him a cute look. "I won't go see him if it bothers you that badly."

"Good because Lien is my little catnip and you can't have him." He grabbed my wrist.

"I wasn't planning on taking him," I mumbled and then leaned my head against him. "I was just curious.... You can't blame me.... I only know what Paris knows about this place."

"You're making me want to eat you, step back." He told me firmly. I obeyed and looked up at him then smiled.

"I think I better get back to my world's version of you. He doesn't like being alone," I whispered then took his hand and gave it a kiss.

"Uh- huh. If it exists still," He teased.

"If it didn't exist, why do I still exist?" I asked him and pointed to myself. "I shouldn't if my world doesn't, right?"

"Uhmmm no. See that's part of the whole loop hole of the spell." Hachi told me. "Whatever from the other world that gets brought here will end up existing here. If you see your other self Haru- who is dead- then you'll turn to stone." I tilted my head.

"Really? I didn't read that far," I admitted.

"I did." He pulled out the spell book and flipped to the page then showed me. "There are so many loop holes to the banishing spell. You'll exist here in half an hour." He told me and pointed to a time clicking down on my wrist. "See that?" He asked. "As long as you don't die or something... You're going to end up staying here. So if you try to go back, you'll just fade away with the rest of them." I widened my eyes.

"Wait... my world actually... is disappearing?" I asked him then panicked. Hachi! No!

"You never existed in the first place." Hachi laughed out. "You were made up into existence to suit his banishment spell. You're not real. In half an hour you will be." I shook my head, not wanting to believe him.

"There's no way.... I lived a whole life! You can't be right! I can't be something made up because of a banishment! Why would there be a spell to travel to another dimension if dimensions only exist when the banishments happen?! That makes no sense!"

"Dimensions only exist when you start thinking up the possibilities." Hachi explained. "They can last seconds or a life time. Yours lasts only for his banishment spell." He shrugged. "You're a figment." I looked away from him.

"Can't me be thinking about it be enough?" I asked, feeling my heart break.

"If you was to go back before the closing time and bring your Hachi here~" He pointed to the time on my wrist. "Then you both can be real together here. Though if Hachi and I look at each other then he'll become stone and crumble at someone's touch. Have you ever heard of medusa with the snake hair?" I nodded and then frowned.

"Well how come your world gets to exist?" I asked him, looking up at him. "That's not really fair...."

"This is my dimension and I'm the true Hachi. Though there are rumors of the weeping angels... I suspect that when one becomes stoned it moves and tries to get it's self and then well... We both will disappear." I studied him then looked at the spell, reading it over quickly then looked at the time on my wrist. I have time. I can get him and take him somewhere safe, somewhere on the other side of the world. We can exist in this world.... I looked up at Hachi and then darted for the door, planning on getting my brother out of this mess and taking him to a safe place. I wasn't going to ditch him. "Wait, Haru. You can live with him here. If you take his eyes from him." I shook my head quickly.

"I'm not harming my brother!" I shouted over my shoulder. "But I'm not ditching him to die either!" Hachi followed after me.

"Harming? What if he one day crosses paths with me? This is a small world." He warned me. I glanced at him over my shoulder.

"I'll find a spell so he can't ever see you then," I said quickly. "I'm going to make this work."

"Or you can steal his eyes. Snip snip. It won't hurt. Accidentally blind him." He hummed into my ear. I shook my head quickly.

"No! I don't want to hurt my twin! I'm not taking his sight from him!"

"He'll be perfectly okay. He's me." Hachi shrugged. I turned to look at him then pointed a finger at him.

"He's not like us. He isn't a cannibal and could never be one," I told him firmly. "He doesn't even like the sight of a corpse."

"Oh yeah?" Hachi asked me and then grabbed my arms, stopping me. "Take his eyes Haru or I won't allow you to retrieve him."

"You can't stop me," I told him and frowned.

"Haru, spells don't last forever and he might accidentally see me... like through a mirror. Mirrors tell everything." I looked away from him and sniffled.

"But I promised to never hurt him again...."

"Your window is closing." He tapped my wrist. I glanced down at it and yelped, seeing I only had ten minutes. I went to pull away from him then, panicking for my twin who was in that other world that would supposedly disappear. "We can negotiate something within five that'll give you five to go get him and anyone else you'd like to save." I looked at him and then showed him my teeth.

"Don't hold me back from my twin," I growled, not liking the idea of having only five minutes to find him.

"Okay okay. You can go get your twin. Bring him back here blind folded." He told me firmly. I looked him over and then slipped out of his arms and ran back to where I had opened the slit in the dimensions and went through it, slipping back into my world. I glanced around and then looked towards my wrist, curious about the time being there or not. I mean... he could be lying. He ate me in that world.... There it was still, counting down. I widened my eyes and then darted for the door quickly.

"HACHI!" I yelled, hoping he was nearby. I ran down the halls, tuning in on that spell I put on him before I stuck him in that institution then managed to find him. I used my magic to take me to him and tackled him into a hug. Hachi giggled and hugged me back.

"Haru! You're back! Where'd you go?" He asked me curiously as he sat with the Paris from this dimension. I glanced him over and then kissed his cheek.

"To the other dimension to help them," I whispered to him. I used my magic to take us to the bedroom where the rift was open that only I could see and then sat him down. "Hachi... if there was any possibility that this world might not exist in a few minutes... would you come with me to the other dimension?" I asked him softly, hugging him. If he wanted to stay... I'd stay with him. I'd risk it for his happiness.

"Not exist?" He asked, feeling confused. "I don't understand..." He looked me over and then looked towards my wrist, looking at the clock that was counting down. It seemed to be counting faster then it was a minute ago.

"Well... someone over in the other dimension said there was a possibility that this place might fade from existence... us with it unless we go live in their dimension, so I'm leaving it up to you," I said quickly, looking him in the eyes. "If you want to stay, we'll stay! If you don't want to risk it, we'll go." He looked into my eyes with fear then.

"I don't want to die Haru," He started to cry. I hugged him quickly.

"You want to go then?" I asked him softly. It's not like he had much of a life here anyways. He was only just now starting to make friends besides me. He nodded and sniffled.

"I don't want to die," He shook his head and looked into my eyes. "I'm scared." I nodded.

"We'll go," I whispered and then stood up, using my magic to produce a blindfold. "Hold still. It's just a precaution. I don't know how much of what that guy said was true.... I don't even know if this world will actually fade or not.... I'll attempt to connect to this place after we leave," I told him and then tied the blindfold onto his face, covering his eyes good. I pulled out a ring from in my pocket and then enchanted it to where I would be able to feel it and then sat it down on the nightstand. If this world fades, I won't be able to feel that ring anymore in a few minutes. I picked my brother up and then took him through the rift, holding him close until we were in the other dimension and sat him down on the grass, kneeling down beside him. The older Hachi had been waiting for us and smiled when we came out.

"Hachi and I also can't touch each other." He said firmly. "Or it might create a black hole or something. So I've been looking through my spells and I think I know the perfect ones for us to be enchanted with so we both can live together in the same dimension."

"Haru, who's that?" The younger Hachi asked me. I kissed his cheek and smiled.

"Just a guy," I whispered. "Don't take the blindfold off." I held him in my arms as I waited for the clock to finish. "However, he's not casting any spells until I've read them myself."

"We'll use this one to prevent him from seeing me," Hachi said, pointing out a spell and showing it to me. "This one is probably the most known to work. I'll let him keep his eyes. Now I'm pretty sure he can see me through mirrors though and be perfectly fine besides being creeped out by our similarities." I glanced the spell over, speed reading it then looked up at the older Hachi.

"Well, he has me and we look exactly the same.... I think he'll be fine," I told him then kissed my twin's cheek. "Hachi," I purred sweetly and rubbed his cheek. "We can play sailors after we get these spells cast," I whispered to him. "This time for real." Hachi giggled, sounding excited.

"Really!? You're not going to trick me and make me play with blocks, right?" He asked, tilting his head up.

"Then we'll cast this spell to where we'll have a force that'll bounce us back if we come within two feet of each other." Hachi told me, handing over the book to show off the spell he had found. "We'll have to wear matching bracelets though."

"Oh, I got that covered," I said and held out my hand, making two matching bracelets appear in my hand. "Just enchant them." I smiled as I looked at the star jewel that was locked into the middle of both of the bracelets. I love my magic.

"Oh and we can't call him Hachi." The older one told me. "I'm Hachi."

"Nuh uh, he's Hachi," I said and pulled my twin closer to me. "We'll call you Kasai."

"I'll send you both through that hole." He growled. I tilted my head then looked at my twin, kissing his cheek.

"Hachi," I purred and then hugged him tighter to me. "I guess you can pick a name for yourself. Is there anything you ever wanted to be called besides Hachi?"

"Huh?" Small Hachi asked me then bit his bottom lip. "I don't mind Kasai." He told me sweetly. "You're the one that nicknamed me Hachi." The elder Hachi enchanted the bracelets then tossed me one of them and put the other on.

"Do his eye sight." Hachi told me. I nodded and slipped the bracelet on my twin's wrist and then placed a hand over his eyes and started to mumble the spell to take his ability to see the other Hachi directly away from him. When I finished, I untied the blindfold and smiled at him, kissing his cheek. He giggled and kissed me back and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I love you Haru~" He told me sweetly. I giggled and nuzzled my face against his cheek.

"I love you too!" I heard Hachi leaving us then. The rip in the dimension closed up suddenly and I couldn't feel the ring anymore. Oh man... I'm so glad I went back and got Hachi. I looked towards the rift then at my twin and kissed his cheek quickly. "Anywhere in the world, pick it." I whispered. "We'll go there."

"I want to stay here with Richard," He told me. "I feel him nearby." I bit my bottom lip, glancing towards where the older Hachi walked off to then back at my Hachi.

"Alright," I told him softly then picked him up and carried him up to the manor, walking in as I smelled out Richard and found him in a living room looking thing. I sat Kasai down and then smiled big at Richard who looked at us in confusion.

"You're staying?" He asked me. I nodded and smiled big.

"I wanna stay with my twin!" Richard glanced over at Kasai then smiled.

"We'll get you two a room then," he purred. "Just stay away from the older Hachi. He might hurt you both." I pulled Kasai over to him and then got up into Richard's lap with my twin and smiled, curling up to them both. Paris walked into the living room holding some old box shaped thing in his hands and sat down on the couch, opening it and started to move his fingers across buttons. I recognized it as a laptop.

"I'm going to send out invitations through emails to everyone to make this easier for our wedding." Paris told Richard. "We'll go get Laurence out of hell and have the wedding. Uhmmmm~" He tried to think. "Richard sweetie you can go pick out our rings if you'd like while I go to hell." Richard gave a nod.

"Yes... but you better come home in one piece Paris," Richard warned. I shrunk down, looking away. I had accidentally gotten informed on Paris's situation with the devil.... That'd suck to get caught.

"Just don't let Louis find out about where I'm going in the meantime." Paris said and then closed his laptop. "I sent the email. We're getting married in a week. If I'm not back by this time next week then you can tell Louis. In the mean time plan our wedding if you'd like and get the rings made." Richard smiled.

"Okay," he purred. "I'll have everything ready for you when you get back- even the girl that your stone will be placed in when we go to have our baby." I tilted my head slightly then looked at Kasai and leaned over, kissing his cheek before I leaned up against him and started to take a nap.

Richard's POV:

I adjusted myself in the seat as I noticed Haru passing out on top of me and then looked at Paris, reaching out for him. "Promise to come home," I whispered, wanting a definite promise.

"I promise," Paris said and then walked over to me and kissed me passionately. "I told you I wouldn't leave you. We're going to get married in a week." He purred. I gripped his shirt and then kissed his neck.

"I love you," I whispered in his ear. "Don't leave me waiting at the alter."

"I love you too," He purred and then disappeared. I whimpered as I felt slightly alone, knowing he was going to go to Hell with that tricky demon that wanted him gone anyways. If he doesn't come back.... I looked down at the two wizards in my lap and then kissed the tops of their heads before I gently lifted them up and placed them down after I got up then snuck away, heading for the garage. I guess I'll get started on planning the wedding. Donnie appeared by me and then grabbed my arm.

"Dad, can you take me out for ice cream, I'm getting a craving for it," She mumbled. I glanced at her and smiled, purring.

"Sure," I told her then brought her close to me. "Want to help me plan a wedding?" I asked her softly. Ice cream huh? So that's what her pregnancy craving is....

"A wedding?" She asked and then her eyes widened like she read my mind.

"Shh," I said and smirked, placing a finger against my lips. "Yes, I'm marrying your father."

"It's about time." She hissed. "I've been waiting for over centuries." I laughed.

"So yes? You'll help me plan it? I have a week to get it all set up and rent a place for the honeymoon."

"Okay, but where do you want the wedding?" She asked. "I can help you plan everything." She nodded. "I know all of the latest fashions and such. I think you'll like it." She giggled. I smiled and pulled her down to my favorite car then helped her into the passenger's seat before I got in the driver's and started her up.

"You're the best Donnie," I purred to her and then started to drive us out, choosing to do it manually. "So... picked a name for him yet?" I asked, glancing at her pregnant belly then up at her.

"Well I've narrowed it down to a handful," She told me. "Want to hear them?" She asked. "Or would you rather be surprised?" I laughed.

"Hmm... surprise me," I whispered. "We'll do it like Lion King," I teased her then smirked. "Besides, I think Midori will probably just change the baby's name himself unless you get him to agree."

"Well I've been discussing names with Midori~" Donnie shrugged. "It's really up to me though. Are you and dad going to have another kid soon? Like honey moon traditional style?" She asked curiously. I nodded.

"Your dad has decided that he wants another baby and is willing to play the girl," I said honestly. "You're going to have another sibling."

"How do you think Keegan is going to take it?" Donnie asked softly. "He didn't take Liam too well." I sighed and shook my head. I really don't know.... Keegan got jealous.

"It's not like I'm the one getting pregnant.... It should be a little better this time," I whispered. "I'll just make sure to keep Keegan close to me so he doesn't get too upset." I love Keegan so much.... He's my little boy.

"Maybe you'll have a girl this time." Donnie purred. "We don't get too many girls in this family."

"Maybe," I said and laughed, leaning back in my seat. "I kind of want a boy this time... but if I get a girl, I'll still be happy."

"You'll end up with a boy," Donnie sighed out. "It's just too obvious." I nodded.

"Well... sometimes we make a girl. It just doesn't happen often...." I sighed out and then stretched out. "I've got to prepare myself for a honeymoon with a demon," I mumbled. Paris will come back from hell as a demon... and he gets really rough when that happens. I blushed slightly.

"You'll have to turn him into a girl too~" Donnie teased, hearing my thoughts. I bit my bottom lip.

"Oh hell... with my luck he'll come back and change his mind...." Demon Paris doesn't like his stone touched....

"You'll have to trick him." Donnie suggested. I sunk down in the seat then turned it onto autopilot, putting in an ice cream shop as the destination.

"I didn't think this through enough," I whispered, panicking slightly. I'll have to trick him... and he knows that he's supposed to be a girl and that means his stone will have to be taken. I doubt he'll offer himself to me and just let me take it.... He'll probably force me into being a girl if he still wants a kid by the time he gets back. Maybe if I get him drunk? I'll have to watch my thoughts....

"Get him while he sleeps," Donnie suggested. I glanced over at him then nodded.

"That sounds like a better idea than getting him drunk," I whispered. Then I'll cleanse him while I have the chance... just as long as he doesn't make me a demon too this plan will work.

"It's the perfect plan." Donnie laughed. "So what should we have engraved into your rings?" She asked. I laughed.

"Hmm... I'll have something good by the time we get around to ordering rings," I told Donnie. We pulled up at an ice cream shop then, so I turned off the car then got out and went around, opening the door for Donnie then helped her out. She got out and started towards the doors, holding my hand. I took her inside and then got her a big bowl of ice cream and took her to a seat and helped her sit then gave her the bowl, sitting down beside her. She started to eat it and smiled happily.

"What was the other dimension like?" She asked, looking towards me.

"Weird... Louis was Paris and Paris was Louis," I told her and waved my hand. "And then on top of that, I was king of all vampires- which was cool." She looked towards me and tilted her head.

"That is odd sounding," She giggled.

"I liked it... I had a throne and apparently had princes lining up to make me pleased," I said and smirked. "The part where Paris was Louis though was weird.... In that world I was mated to the prince of Wales and Paris apparently had wings or something that Haru got rid of."

"Wings?" Donnie asked and then leaned closer. "Why wings?" She looked confused now. I sighed and looked her over.

"Listen in. I'll just show you," I purred and then closed my eyes, thinking hard on remembering everything from the moment I woke up till when I shared that kiss with Paris in the ballroom. When I finished, I looked over at Donnie and kissed her cheek. She looked to be heavily thinking then.

"I wonder if some of this is true, when Paris gets back we need to look at his back." She told me. "I might have the child with the wings, it's possible. Midori is a dragon." She looked worried then. I tilted my head and then thought hard.

"Oh... Paris has these huge scars on his back," I said and shrugged. "Had them for as long as I can remember. I don't need to check him for anything. I know every inch of him."

"We've always thought they were from his scratching though.... Everyone thought that." Donnie mumbled. "I wonder what else his parents kept secret from him."

"A lot," I hissed under my breath. "I wouldn't doubt that he used to have wings after that alternate world.... He gets wings every time he comes home from Hell... and horns."

"What about his dark hair and silver tips... that was never explained," Donnie told me. "It's amazing how we're still learning from the past." She laughed. I frowned a bit.

"Not sure...." I leaned back in my seat and then looked over at him. "So... what if you do end up with a baby with wings?"

"I don't know.... I guess I've been expecting it all along though. Midori is a dragon... I don't know what to expect from my baby but I will love it." She promised. I nodded.

"Good... I would be disappointed if you couldn't love your baby if it has wings.... We could get an ultrasound done if you want- to check it out that is. You're far enough along to be able to tell." I put my hand over her stomach and purred.

"Well... Okay I guess we should have something done. That away we can prepare if it does have wings." She mumbled. I nodded and kissed her cheek.

"If you don't want the baby to keep the wings if it does have them, we'll have Hachi take care of it," I whispered and then smiled as I felt her baby kick slightly. She groaned and rubbed her stomach.

"You're making him move," She swatted my hand away. I laughed and then hugged her.

"Awwww, my grandbaby loves me," I purred, teasing Donnie.

"You're going to spoil him, of course he loves you." Donnie teased back.

"Heh, you'll be lucky if Midori shares that treasure pile downstairs with your baby dragon," I told her then tapped her on the nose. "He'll be two and stealing rings off people."

"I hope not! He better be more vampire." She grumbled.

"Aww, don't like the dragon lineage?" I teased, kissing her cheek.

"I do like it... but I want my child to be interested in different things besides gold and jewelry," She explained. I nodded and sighed.

"Yeah, it'd be rough raising your kid around Midori if they both shared a passion for shiny things," I whispered. "Midori might get upset."

"I really hope Midori doesn't kick our child out of the nest... OH!" She widened her eyes. "Dragons age differently from us too." She whispered. I frowned.

"How differently?" I asked quickly.

"Well they age faster," She explained. "Maybe I should go see a doctor soon...." She rubbed her stomach. I nodded and then looked around before I pulled my phone out.

"Want Rose or another doctor?" I asked Donnie curiously.

"Rose, I trust her." Donnie blushed. I gave a nod and pulled up Rose's number, texting her.

Me: Hey Rose, want to take care of Donnie for me? She wants an ultrasound done, and she'd like it if you were the doctor when she gives birth later.

Rose: I thought I was doing that already, I've been there for everyone's birth in this family. I seen Donnie get born and now I'll see his child being born! AWWWWWWW

Me: That's adorable! T~T


Me: That's my grandbaby.... I'm going to be in the room.

"No you're not." Donnie told me, eating her ice cream. "I don't want you in the room."

"I'm going to be in the room!" I said, starting to cry. "Don't take that from me!"

"Fine, I guess I can break your hand." She mumbled, smirking my way. I smiled big then.

"Great! I got to watch you get born and now I can watch my grandbaby get born!" I went back to my phone quickly.

Me: Get an ultrasound set up! We need to check something. There might be something strange about the baby.

Rose: What do you mean strange? I'll get it set up. Meet me in an hour in our infirmary downstairs.

"Ghah..." Donnie dropped her spoon and looked down. "Oh.... I think... My water just broke." I widened my eyes and looked over at her.

"IT'S ONLY BEEN FIVE MONTHS!" I quickly looked her over again and then frowned. She does look a bit big for five months.... "Are you sure it's not a false alarm?" I asked as I stood up and then picked her up.

"I'm pretty sure," She told me, I could feel her clothes soaked. "Dad, I can't have this baby right now, dad is in hell. He'll miss the birth." She panicked. I bit my bottom lip.

"You can't hold the baby that long," I told her as I started walking quickly to the door and kicked it open, taking her to the car then managed to get the backseat open and laid her down in the back. "I will have Louis attend and Louis can share the memory with Paris when he gets back," I promised then shut the door and raced for the driver's seat and got in, turning on the car and set it to drive me home. I dialed Rose's number quickly. "Rose, Donnie is having the baby NOW," I told her as soon as it picked up. "Her water just broke."

"Okay, just stay calm and get her home." Rose told me and then hung up, yelling something towards Victor. I turned my seat to face Donnie and kissed her cheek quickly.

"You'll be back at the manor soon," I promised, rubbing her head. She nodded and started to break out into a light sweat. I looked her over, wondering if I should let her have some of my blood or not. Would it hurt the overall process? I glanced at her and then knelt down in the car beside her, grabbing her hand.

"I really wanted Paris to be here," She told me, gripping my hand hard. "This isn't fair," She closed her eyes tightly.

"I'm sorry Donnie," I whispered and leaned my head against hers. "I will make Louis watch for Paris though. At least I'm here for you," I purred comfortingly.

"Okay," She nodded and looked towards me. "Can you tell Midori for me?"

"I'll get him right after I get you in a safe place," I told her. "I'll drag him into the room."

"I want Nikolai there too," She told me firmly. I frowned slightly.

"Uhhm... you sure? He wouldn't like to be there.... Can't we just get him afterwards? He might not treat you the same after this," I whispered.

"He's my friend!" Donnie cried out. "He better be there for me."

"Okay, okay... I'll get Nikolai." I pulled out my phone with my free hand and texted Nikolai, telling him to go hang out with his mom.

Paris's POV:

I looked the shinny pureblood stones over that were sitting on hot coals, trying to figure out which one was Laurence. "I don't know.... Which one.... He is...." I muttered towards my demon ancestor. He groaned and slouched by me, holding my hand.

"Hurry up before we get caught, I don't want to get my butt pitch forked today." He hissed. "Or shish kabob." I hissed out in pain as the coals had burned through my shoes and to my feet.

"Owe!" I grumbled.

"You're going to get us caught horsing around, Paris." He hissed. "Come on, how hard is it to find him? You've done this before."

"I know but I don't see him anywhere." I muttered.

"You're going to get caught up in hell's madness again, one minute. It's coming for you." I looked over the stones.

"I really can't find him," I told him. "Oh look, there's Dante. I'll just crush that." I stepped on the stone and heard his screams rush out. "Ops." I laughed and then stood up straight. "Okay, I don't think it's here. We're going to have to check his castle. That bastard probably is keeping it close by, knowing I'll come for Laurence like I always do." I told the demon.

"I'm not going in his castle." He hissed.

"Well I am." I told him, hissing. "Either follow or leave me." I looked towards the castle in the distance where it was built into a mountain of bones. I teleported into it, feeling my hand slip from the demon. I appeared in his library and looked around it. I could smell Louis's faint scent in here. Probably from when he tangoed with the devil. I walked towards the door and leaned up against it, listening to the other side.

"Ahah, he's back for me," I heard the devil say from behind me. "We had a deal, Paris." I tensed up and turned slowly to face him. He was tossing Laurence's stone around. "Looking for this?" He asked me, smirking.

"Cheater," I hissed.

"I am not," He crossed his arms. "I just bend the rules." He smirked and then shoved the stone into his pocket. "Come here sexy," He started for me. I backed up quickly. Shit, he's such a cling on! "Why're you backing away from me Paris, we made a deal! You owe me." He hissed.

"Yes, but technically... You haven't caught me, you've only seen me." I smirked and then teleported behind him and reached into his pocket, grabbing Laurence's stone. "So, until next time~" I purred.

"PARIS!" He yelled in outrage as I teleported back into the stone field with Laurence's stone. I watched the castle crumbling apart and the whole place start to catch on fire. I looked around for my ancestor demon Grimm.

"Demon!" I yelled. "Take me home!" I panicked as I felt arms snatching around me and holding me close to them.
