The Devil Doesn't Play Around

Richard's POV:

I purred softly as I held my grandbaby in my arms, having stole it from Rose the second he was born. "You're so beautiful," I whispered and started to carry him over to the basin that was set up, placing him in it. My grandchild was born with the family curse of Paris, he had the cute little horns and wings that Paris had told me about. He was also born screaming, and still hadn't stopped. He was very upset sounding. He had pretty green eyes. I kissed the top of his head and started to bathe him. "Shhhh," I whispered and then got him clean and put him in a cute little blanket after drying him off then cradled him in my arms. "Are you hungry?" I smiled softly towards the baby, tapping his nose. He looked up at me and then closed his eyes, starting to calm down. I laughed and then walked over to Donnie slowly and kissed her head. "You did good," I whispered and showed her the baby. She reached out and stole her baby from me and looked him over then kissed his cheek.

"Hey sweetie, I've got you now." She rubbed his cheek then held his hand, rubbing it. I smiled and watched. I'm so proud of Donnie! She'll make a great mommy... and then daddy when she gets her gender changed back. Midori whined on the floor, looking miserable as he played with the gold coin I had given him to make him stay. "Midori, come look at your son," Donnie purred.

"Name it Takara," Midori mumbled. "Then I'll come look."

"I told you no," Donnie looked towards him and then at her child and kissed him on the head. "Now come look."

"But... name him Takara," Midori insisted. "It's treasure in Japanese."

"I wanted to name him something like Spencer though," Donnie complained. "Maybe Amaury.... Mari for a nickname...." She sighed. "You're not naming him a girlie name." Midori whined and then looked at the coin, spinning it on the floor.

"Midori," I said, pulling out another coin. I smirked as I saw his eyes lock onto it then handed it to Donnie. Donnie held it above his son's head and laughed as my grandchild's eyes shot open and he reached out for it. Midori was over by the bed in seconds, looking at the coin. Donnie gave the coin to his child and kissed his cheek. He looked over at Midori.

"We'll name him Takara, but the second you loose interest in our son- He'll be named something I want to name him." Donnie snapped. Midori purred and then leaned in, kissing Donnie happily before he looked at the baby and tilted his head.

"Why's he got horns?" Midori asked, touching one. Rose looked over with interest and confusion.

"Yeah, why does he have horns and wings, Donnie?" She asked. "He is Midori's child.... right?"

"Yeah, of course he is." Donnie snapped.

"It's a long story." I heard Paris purr from the door frame. I perked up as I heard his voice and ran over to him quickly, tackling him into a hug.

"Paris~!" I kissed him then looked up at him lovingly before I yanked him all the way into the room and over to the bed. Midori looked at Donnie cautiously before he slowly started trying to take the baby. Donnie let Midori take the baby, giving a sweet look.

"So why?" Rose asked, looking towards Paris. Paris looked like he had just came back from hell with his horns and wings as well as a drained expression on his face and his shoes were melted. He looked towards his grandchild then smiled.

"Earlier then expected," He purred sweetly.

"Paris," Rose begged.

"Oh, it's a family gene." He told Rose. "Don't worry about it." He brushed it off and looked towards me. "Laurence is resting right now in his bed." I smiled and gave a nod before I kissed his lips softly and bit down hard into my bottom lip to draw blood, wanting to feed him. He looked so exhausted.... He looked towards my lips and then pulled back quickly as the baby started to cry.

"Midori~" Donnie reached for his child. Midori looked at Donnie then at the baby and frowned.

"Why's he crying?" He asked and then handed the baby another coin. He started to calm down at the sight of the coin. Paris pulled me towards the door.

"Alright everyone, let's give Donnie, Midori, and Takara some space together." Paris kissed my cheek and rubbed my shoulder as he lead me out. When we was out the room he fell against me, practically collapsing.

"Paris," I caught him quickly and then picked him up. "You don't have to push yourself," I mumbled and started to carry him off quickly to our room. "Donnie wanted you to be there today...."

"I know.... I heard him telling me." Paris groaned out. "I had to give Laurence a little bit too much blood to revive him." He muttered to me. "Someone has to find and tell Ashton Laurence is okay."

"I'll get a human baby and summon Ashton," I suggested and then opened the door to our bedroom when we reached it and took him inside, laying him on the bed. "Want a maid or do you want to drink from me?" I asked him softly, brushing his hair aside as I gave him a worried look. He needs to eat....

"No, take my stone out and dump it into that," He pointed to a waiting bowl of water. "Holly water." He muttered. I bit my bottom lip. He's offering to give up being a demon.... I smiled and then kissed his lips.

"Okay Paris," I whispered and then placed my hand over his chest. "I'll be gentle."

"I know, I love you." He whispered then closed his eyes. I looked towards his chest then and slowly reached into his chest, trying not to hurt him too bad. He looked up at me and grabbed my arm suddenly. I yelped and then looked at him.

"Paris?" I asked quickly, pausing.

"I cheated the devil," He laughed out. I frowned.

"At least you're home with me," I whispered. "We'll do our best to keep out of hell though.... I don't want you going back in there. I can't stand the thought of losing you...." I put my free hand over his and went to pull it away from my arm.

"He was hoarding Laurence's stone. Waiting for me to come get it." He laughed out. "I told him he'd have to catch me." He let my arm go and dropped his hand down by his side. "He's a dick."

"You're not going back to Hell... ever," I decided, saying it firmly. "I mean it. Keep out of Hell." He nodded and closed his eyes.

"I won't." He whispered.

"Good. I won't let you go near him again," I whispered and then moved my hand around his stone, gently gripping it. "If it comes down to it... we'll send Louis."

"We'll send Nikolai before Louis," Paris hissed. "I'm not risking my twin."

"Deal," I said and then kissed his cheek, pulling his stone out and then took his stone over to the bowl and placed it inside gently. His stone started to fizz in the water, making the water boil over within seconds. I bit my bottom lip, watching. At least this probably won't take that long. I pouted as I thought about the devil trying to sink his dirty claws into my Paris. He can't have him because Paris is mine. I'd fight the devil before Paris could ever stay in Hell. Paris's stone was already starting to loose it's muggy black color. The water was starting to turn a reddish black. I tilted my head and frowned, sitting down on the bed as I watched it. The water boiled over and the colored water drained down the table, reaching my carpet and started to stain it. "Paris," I hissed in irritation. "That's a lot of demon." I started trying to save my carpet then, picking up the bowl and wincing as I got burned but carried him into the bathroom and put the bowl in the bathtub. "You're cleaning my carpet." The bowl broke suddenly and it all spilled out into the tub. I yelped and grabbed Paris's stone quickly. Paris's stone was oozing red and black liquid. "Paris," I whispered worriedly and then took his stone over to the sink and started trying to wash the liquid off him. "You're scaring me," I mumbled, sending his stone a pulse to see if he was aware. I found a crack on his stone trying to heal up. "Paris!" I started to cry then. "When'd that happen?!" I quickly started rubbing his stone, trying to get it all cleared up so I could examine him. His stone kept oozing like a wound. It sent me a loving pulse though, being very light. I whimpered and then kept his stone under the running water before I turned the water off and placed Paris's stone in my pocket. I need more holy water.... I ran out of the room, heading for where we kept our stuff for cleansing each other and then shut the door behind me when I reached it. I grabbed bottles of the stuff and picked up a jar, quickly filling it then put Paris in it. His stone sunk to the bottom and started fizzing in the water and had the water boiling within seconds. "Don't hurt yourself," I whispered and then held the jar close to me as I carried about five more bottles of holy water and two other jars out of the room then went to the music room and sat him down on the piano and set the other stuff down. I looked him over then sat down at the bench and began to play our song, having my stone pulse to the beat for him. After a few minutes the jar busted like the bowl did. I stopped playing and looked his stone over, checking up on his progress as I poured holy water into the next jar. His stone was healing up and looked like a clouded night sky. I pouted. "If you don't get better... I won't marry you this week," I muttered. His stone started to form roots like it had been given blood. "Paris?" I frowned and then scooped his stone up and placed it on the ground quickly, not wanting him to ruin my piano. After a few minutes his body was formed on the floor and he curled up to himself, coughing. I glanced at the jar of holy water then dropped it on him, dumping it's contents on his head. He screamed as it started to burn him.

"What the hell!?" He asked, curling up even more and started to shake. "Fucking hurts!" I frowned. How'd he do that? I didn't give him blood.... I got off my piano bench then knelt down beside him, kissing his cheek.

"Paris? Baby?" I purred, taking my shirt off and then putting it over him. He rubbed his chest and started to sit up and looked around then at me. His eyes were swirling with the color of his stone.

"What?" He asked, he didn't have his horns or wings but his hair was like from before, back roots and silver tips. He leaned in and smelled me then. I blushed and backed up a bit but fell over onto my back.

"P-Paris, your hair... and I didn't give you blood...." I whispered, looking at him.

"What?" He asked. He reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone then used the camera on it to look at his hair. "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HAIR!?" He screamed. I yelped and took my phone back quickly, putting it in my pocket.

"I-I don't know... you broke a jar and a bowl and ruined our carpet," I told him and sat up a bit. "Paris... what's happening? Your eyes look like your stone did... and you took a form without my blood."

"I- I.... Wait.... I what?" He asked me, looking at the broken glass. I grabbed his hand then.

"You broke the bowl... and then the jar... and you ruined our carpet because you kept boiling the water over and making it reddish looking.... Then you took form without blood," I whispered, giving him a worried look. "Paris... you had a crack on your stone." He reached into his chest quickly and then gave me a funny look and pulled his hand back out, revealing it covered in black and reddish blood. He flicked it towards me and then got to his feet.

"Somethings wrong." He told me. I whimpered.

"Don't say that.... Please don't let there be something wrong. Can't we get it fixed? What if I put you in a whole pool of holy water?"

"With what stone?" He asked me. I frowned.

"What's that mean?" I got up then walked over to him, reaching my hand into his chest quickly. He watched me as I felt nothing, no organs or stones inside him. I widened my eyes then looked up into his eyes. "P-Paris... what'd he do to you?" I asked, panicking. I took my hand back and sniffed the blood on my hand. I smelled death and fire in it. He shrugged and smelled his wrist.

"I don't know.... He never touched me." He explained.

"Summon the demon," I whispered and looked up at him. "Ask him what's wrong with you. Maybe it's his fault," I said quickly. He nodded and closed his eyes, muttering softly then opened his eyes, looking around expectantly. He frowned and then looked upset.

"He never disobeys me..." He mumbled. I pulled out my phone and got Nikolai's number up.

Me: Come to the music room please and summon the demon.

"I'm going to go get some clothes on..." Paris mumbled, starting for the door.

"Teleport!" I said quickly, not wanting someone to see my love naked. That's for me only! I chased after him, wanting to make sure he did. He looked towards me and then frowned before he disappeared, leaving a dark cloud to linger behind. I looked at it and then winced. Oh man... that isn't good.... It dawned on me then that there wasn't a stone to put in a girl to have Paris play mother. Oh man... but maybe that's a good thing... We probably shouldn't have kids till this is fixed.... I winced. He'll be so disappointed.... Nikolai ran down the hall in a jog with the demon following behind him. He stopped a few feet from me.

"Yeah?" Nikolai asked. I smiled and then looked at the blood on my hand before I walked up to the demon of Grimm.

"What. Did. You. Do?" I hissed and shoved my hand his way so he could see the blood on it. He gave me a confused look.

"What do you mean?" He asked, tilting his head. Nikolai tensed up.

"Who's blood is that?" Nikolai asked.

"It's my mates," I hissed in anger. Nikolai's eyes widened.

"I didn't do anything." The demon hissed. "He asked to go to hell and he got caught now he's paying the consequences."

"What does that mean?" I asked him quickly, feeling my stone slipping into panic without being able to feel Paris's.

"He's not a pureblood anymore." He laughed out and smirked.

"Don't play riddles with me," I hissed. "What's that mean- not a pureblood?"

"Do I really have to spell it out for you?" He asked me.

"I'd like it." Nikolai hissed.

"I want to hear it from your mouth- the reason why Paris doesn't have a stone and why I can't even feel it." I pointed my finger at him, narrowing my eyes. "You weren't supposed to let him get caught, so what did that dirty devil do to my beloved Paris?!" I screeched at him.

"The devil doesn't have to wrap you in his arms to catch you." He snorted out. "Paris should've known that. He's been the devil's toy every since he came face to face with him." I snarled and tackled him to the floor.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" I exposed my fangs at him then, pissed.

"Take what back? The truth? The devil gave him freedom once and when Paris came back and didn't make a new deal the devil took what's rightfully his, the stone. Paris is now his demon to play with and the devil has his stone. He's a demon now serving this family and the devil. Go ahead and summon him Nikolai." I froze up and looked at Nikolai. Don't you dare.... Don't you dare prove him right.... Nikolai looked towards me and then at the demon.

"Paris..." Nikolai whispered weakly. Paris appeared suddenly, slipping his boxers on just in time. He tensed up when he noticed where he was. No.... I looked back at the demon and hissed.

"Fix. Him," I told him, narrowing my eyes. He pulled out a book from in his jacket and handed it towards Nikolai. Nikolai took it then flipped through it quickly.

"Please don't tell me Nikolai summoned me here..." Paris whispered. I started to cry and got to my feet, rushing over to Nikolai to see what the book was. There was no way in Hell Paris was a full blooded demon... serving that bastard in Hell.... Nikolai flipped to a page with Paris's name in it and his information that was written in another language I couldn't read. I seen a symbol at the bottom of the page. Paris let out a small irritated growl.

"What's that symbol mean?" I asked quickly, pointing to it.

"It says that's his demon contract symbol." Nikolai told me.

"A what?" Paris asked. The demon started to laugh, getting up from the floor. I snarled and looked at the demon.

"YOU BETTER FIX MY PARIS!" I yelled at him. "You coward! You let him get caught, didn't you?!" He glared me down and then looked towards Nikolai before disappearing from my sight. I clenched my jaw and then stalked into my music room, slamming the door shut behind me. I walked over to the window and opened it, looking outside. That bastard thinks he can take my Paris from me.... He can't have Paris. Paris is mine. I claimed him on that piano bench! The devil can have the stupid demon of Grimm. Paris can't be his. I crossed my arms, finding it hard to breath but tried to hide it. My stone was panicking and was slipping bad.... It didn't like not having Paris's stone to steady it.... Paris walked into the room and over to me then wrapped me up in his arms, pulling me close to him.

"Calm down." He whispered, rubbing his hand over my stone. "It's okay. We have something you've forgotten about." He kissed my cheek. I whimpered and leaned my head against him, squeezing my eyes shut.

"It hurts," I whispered to him then turned around to face him, burying my face into his chest.

"It's okay. Hachi can help us." He whispered to me, rubbing my chest. "You're forgetting we have four powerful wizards." He looked me in the eyes. "Don't panic. There is always a loop hole and a way to cheat the system. Wizards invented this game, remember?" He asked softly. "Let's go ask Hachi and Haru for help." I nodded and then looked up at him longingly.

"Okay," I whispered, trying to calm down as I focused on steadying myself. I don't want to lose myself now... not when Paris needs me. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my arms as he walked with me towards the door.

"It's okay." He whispered in my ear. "I love you." I nodded again and trembled.

"I love you too," I whispered back. I shouldn't have touched his stone. It was fine when it was in him... and when I took it out is when he got hurt and lost it.... He might still be okay if I didn't take it from him.... He let out a small groan and fell to his knees then fell over, clinching his chest.

"Ghhhhh! Richard...." He groaned. I felt a pulse get sent to my stone then, coming from him. I widened my eyes and looked towards him, getting on my knees and kissed his cheek quickly.

"Paris?" I looked towards his chest and then reached in, hoping it was back. I felt a small stone forming in his chest. It was starting to grow.

"It hurts..." He mumbled. His hair lightened up a little. I pulled my hand out of his chest and kissed his lips quickly, purring comfortingly to him. Does this mean the devil is letting him go? Or maybe the demon of Grimm did something.... Paris looked up at me, his eyes were still the same cloudy color. "What's happening?" He asked me.

"I feel your stone," I purred and then kissed him deeper before I sent him a loving pulse. He moaned softly and clutched his chest then looked me over, smiling. I don't know what's going on... but he's got another stone.... I started to send him steady pulses then as I kissed him again. He wrapped his arms around my neck and buried his face against me.

"I'm really tired." He mumbled. I nodded and then kissed the top of his head and then his neck, happy that I could feel something from him at least. I hugged him tightly and breathed in his scent.

"I'm giving him another change," I heard a voice say from behind. "To live here. You better not allow him to step into my terf again though. I won't let him get away so easily. This was just a warning." I glanced behind me quickly with wide eyes. There was nothing there though. "Take care of yourselves." I bit my bottom lip then looked back at Paris, kissing his lips quickly. There is no way I'm ever letting him go back. Not for anyone. Not even me. Paris let out a small huff before he passed out against me. I held him close and then picked him up, standing then started to carry him back to our room. When I reached it, I laid him down on the bed and tucked him in then got in beside him and curled up.

Paris stirred by me in the morning and crawled out of bed, heading for the closet. I groaned and lifted up my head, looking towards him. "Paris," I mumbled, sending his stone a wave of love. Why's he getting up without me? He looked behind him and towards me.

"Hey," He gave me a cute smile. "Get some rest." He ducked into the closet. I sat up and rubbed at my eyes then started to get out of the bed, heading for the closet. He was inside putting some comfortable clothes on, sweatpants and a tank top. He looked at me when he finished and walked up, kissing my cheek.

"What're you doing?" I asked him softly, wrapping my arms around his neck then leaned my face into the crook of his shoulder.

"Getting dressed," He explained. "I'm going to go downstairs and get a bottle of blood." I nodded and then kissed his neck.

"Okay," I mumbled and then scraped my fangs against his neck before I bit down gently. His blood still tasted like death but there was a hint of the old Paris inside. His blood was mixing together to form something new. I could get used to it... but I miss it being sweet.... I let out a small whimper but kept drinking from him. I don't know if we should have another kid anytime soon.... He started to shake a little and fell against me, gripping my sides.

"Richard..." He mumbled. I stopped and licked his neck clean.

"Sorry," I whispered to him and then kissed his cheek as his neck begun to heal. "Let me get the blood for you.... I'll get you three bottles and then you can feed from me." I touched the side of his face before I led him to the bed and helped him into it. He curled up in the bed and looked up at me.

"I feel fine." He told me, giving me a smile. "Don't look so upset." I bit my bottom lip gently.

"Don't ever... ever go into hell again," I whispered. "He said he'd get you next time if you didn't hear him." He nodded and looked away from me then.

"Okay Richard... No more play time in hell. I'll wait for my death." He promised. I nodded.

"Not even for me," I warned. "If I die, you leave me there." I pointed a finger at him. "I mean it." He looked towards me and shook his head.

"I can't promise that!" He grabbed my wrists. "I'll never allow that." I crawled into the bed then and kissed his cheek.

"Please, for your own good... if I die, leave me in hell," I begged. "I don't plan on dying, but on the off chance I do get killed, leave me in hell.... He will probably take my stone up because I'm your mate, and I don't want you getting caught again. I can't stand the idea of him having you for himself," I told him then looked him in the eyes. "You cannot go into hell for me if I die."

"I'll die if you die." Paris whispered. I shook my head.

"You will need to watch over our kids," I told him firmly. "Our kids need us."

"No they don't." Paris shook his head. "They're old enough to take care of their selves except for Liam. I don't want to be stuck here without you. I love you Richard, you're the only one for me." He looked into my eyes lovingly. I purred and gave him a quick kiss.

"Paris... you can't die because then the devil gets you anyways. It'd defeat the whole purpose of you not going into hell... and then I'd be upset and insanely jealous," I told him and gave him a sweet look. "If you have to, send someone else... but don't fall into his hands again." Paris whimpered and nodded.

"Okay...." He ran his fingers through his hair and sunk down in the bed. "I was so close to being totally fucked." He groaned out. He looked towards me and sighed. "I'm so sorry I put you through that." I smiled and gave him a purr, kissing his lips passionately.

"I love you Paris," I purred and then decided to let him have my blood anyways. I scratched my neck, making myself bleed then looked at Paris as I tilted my head to the side, offering as I yanked my collar down on my shirt to show off my neck and shoulder. He leaned in and bit down into the crook of my neck. He started to mark me then, pulling me closer to him. I moaned sharply and then kissed his head quickly before I pushed him onto his back and purred in his ear, nipping at it. He started to drink my blood, running his fingers across my back. I laughed a bit and then teasingly grinded my hips against his, wanting to please him. He pulled back from my neck and laughed, licking his lips.

"Have you picked anything out for our wedding day yet?" He asked softly. I stopped and then kissed his lips.

"Hawaii for our honeymoon," I told him and then stole another kiss. "Other than that.... no. I was helping bring our grandbaby into the world!" I laughed happily.

"Oh yeah? I forgot we're grandparents." He purred and ran his fingers through my hair. "It's about time." I kissed his neck then.

"We should go see him! You didn't get to spend much time with him yesterday," I whispered and then looked up into his eyes with excitement.

"Yeah, he's with Donnie in the living room." Paris purred. I sat up on Paris and laughed.

"Come on," I said and got up, pulling him out of the bed and out of the room as I raced towards the stairs to get to the living room. He followed after me and managed to keep up with me. We found Donnie and our grandchild in the living room floor. Donnie had him sat up in a little rocker and was showing him gold coins to get his attention. Midori was watching from a few feet away with a small pile of gold coins, watching as Donnie would hold up the coins then looked at his baby curiously. He must still be getting used to the idea of having a kid. I smiled and walked up, sitting down beside Donnie and kissed her head. She looked towards me and gave a small smile. Paris walked over and sat down on the couch, giving us a tired look.

"Hey, how are you sweetie?" Paris asked her.

"I'm fine," Donnie nodded towards us. "Where's Liam?" She asked curiously. I paled as I realized I hadn't seen my kid anywhere lately.

"I'm.... LIAM!" I got to my feet and raced for his room, running off quickly to find him. I've been so busy! I threw his door open when I reached it and found him curled up to Lien in his bed. Wait... why's Lien in here? He should be with Hachi.... I frowned and walked up to them then kissed both their heads. "Hey cuties," I whispered, watching as Liam whined and then grabbed my hand and looked at me.

"Mommy... it's too early," he told me and then gave a cute yawn. I smiled and picked them both up, carrying them back to the living room anyways and sat them down on the floor by Donnie. Donnie kissed Liam's head and wrapped her arms around him.

"Hey sweetie~! Want to see someone special?" Donnie asked and then picked him up, pointing towards Takara in the rocker. "That's your nephew, Takara." She whispered. Liam looked at him sleepily then giggled.

"Taka," he said cutely and then reached out, gently grabbing his horns. Lien sat up and laid his ears back, pouting. Takara rubbed his eyes and then batted Liam's hands away from his horns then grabbed one. Liam giggled and then looked at Donnie and kissed her cheek. Lien poked Takara in the cheek then.

"You're squishy," he said, looking the baby over then flicked his ears. Takara closed his eyes and started to suck on his thumb. Liam looked over at Takara and then crawled closer to him, reaching behind him and touched his wings in awe. Takara's eyes opened and he started sniffle, about to bust into a cry. Donnie widened his eyes then looked around in panic and picked up a gold coin and put it in front of his eyes, distracting him quickly. Midori crawled over slowly and sniffed Takara curiously, his eyes flashing gold as he looked his son over and then let out a small purr and nuzzled his head against Takara, rubbing up against him. I laughed softly as I watched Liam going towards Paris and getting in his lap. Lien crawled over towards Paris too and sat at his feet, playing with sparkles he made with his magic. Paris picked Lien up and put him in his lap as well.

"Hey you two, did you get enough sleep?" Paris asked sweetly. "I'll cook breakfast for you, what do you want?"

"Tuna," Lien said quickly, his mouth watering.

"Pancakes!" Liam giggled and hugged Paris around the neck.

"You two better decide on one thing together~" Paris teased. Lien looked at Liam and laid his ears back.


"Pancakes!" Liam pouted and then poked Lien's face.

"I wanna eat tuna!"

"Nuh-uh! Pancakes!" Lien frowned and looked thoughtful.

"Eggs," he said, changing it. Liam bit his bottom lip then nodded.

"Eggs," he mumbled as they both looked at Paris expectantly.

"Eggs?" Paris asked and frowned. "How about I cook you both something better. How about I cook you both some waffles, sausage, and eggs?" He asked them. They nodded quickly. Lien let out a purr like a cat and curled up under Paris's chin as Liam hugged Paris's neck. He looked towards me then. "Okay, can you two do me a favor and let Richard carry you to the kitchen?" Paris asked them. "I'm feeling a little weak this morning." Lien nodded and then crawled out of Paris's lap with Liam following behind him and they came over to me. I smiled and stood up, picking them both up and started for the kitchen.

"What's the matter dad?" I heard Donnie ask Paris.

"Nothing sweetie." Paris purred and started after me, taking it slow. I looked at him worriedly, going into the kitchen then set them both down on the counter beside each other then went over to the refrigerator and started to get Paris a bottle of blood and poured it into a glass, taking it over to the microwave to heat it for him. He walked up to the refrigerator and pulled out eggs for the boys as well as sausage and got out a pan and some butter then started to cook for them. "What'd you boys do last night?" Paris asked them. Lien smiled and watched with interest.

"Had a swumber party," Liam said cutely, making Lien giggle. I took the glass of blood over to Paris and sat it by the stove so he could drink it then kissed his cheek. He looked towards me and kissed my cheek then grabbed the blood and took a sip from it.

"Oh yeah?" He asked them. "Thanks sweetie," He purred to me. He looked them over. "Do you two want to meet someone later? He's a little older then you but he needs some friends." He smiled sweetly as he finished the eggs and sausage then went to making them waffles.

"Nuh-uh," Lien said and looked towards the eggs, drooling.

"That's too bad," Paris purred and then started to fix their plates, taking another sip from his glass of blood.

"Lien..." Liam mumbled, looking at him. Lien glanced at Liam and laid his ears back then pouted.

"Fine," he huffed out and looked at Paris. "I'll do it."

"You don't have to," Paris smiled and then looked at me. "Sweetie, can you fix them something to drink?" I nodded and started to get them both a glass of milk. Lien started to lick his hand then, flicking his tail.

"I wanna meet someone," Liam told Paris sweetly, making Lien's ears lay back and pause before he licked his hand again.

"Oh good, well his name is Kasai and he is a wizard like Lien," Paris told them. "He's twelve." Lien started to flick his tail then as Liam got excited looking.

"That's so cool!" He giggled out.

"Very cool, he's related to Lien." Paris told them and then gave them their plates. Lien let out a soft growl, shrinking down. I laughed and sat a glass of milk in front of him. He's getting jealous... That's cute. Paris rubbed Lien's head. "It's okay Lien, he's your... uncle." He smiled sweetly. Lien pouted and looked up at Paris.

"But Liam thinks he's cool...." Liam glanced over at Lien and frowned.

"But you're the best," he said sweetly and kissed Lien's cheek.

"See, he still loves you." Paris purred. He looked over at Liam and then smiled, hugging him. I laughed and gave Liam his milk, watching as Liam started to drink it. Lien looked towards his milk and started to sip on it, moaning as he got a good taste. Paris started to drink his blood then, relaxing against the counter as he finished the glass off.

"Feel better?" I asked Paris softly, moving over to him as the kids started on their breakfast. He nodded and leaned up against me.

"Yeah, but I'm still hungry." He whispered. I purred and then rubbed my neck a little.

"Want another bottle then... or..." I bit my bottom lip gently, looking into his eyes.

"Yeah," he nodded his head. I kissed his cheek then walked over to the refrigerator and started to fix him another glass, handing it to him when it was done.

"Drink up my love," I purred to him and brushed his hair back behind his head. Lien sat his empty plate aside and then flicked his tail as he stood up.

"I'm a tiger! Rawr!" He jumped down off the counter, landing on all fours easily. Liam giggled.

"You're not a tiger silly," he told him, swinging his legs back and forth. Lien gave a playful look and then crawled over, flicking his ears before he started to undo Liam's shoe laces and batted at them, falling onto his back. Paris started to drink his blood, watching the two of them. Liam looked down at Lien and frowned. "Those are mine." Lien giggled and then stole the whole shoe before he grabbed Liam's foot and yanked him off the counter, making him shriek but Liam started to float in the air, slowly being lowered to the ground as Lien concentrated hard on him as Liam giggled in delight. Paris grabbed my wrist and started to pull me out of the kitchen. I frowned and followed him curiously, wondering why he was leaving the kids.

"Something the matter?" I asked him softly as I shut the door behind me. He turned to face me then leaned into my neck and bit down into me, shoving me up against the wall. I moaned and winced as my back hit the wall hard and then looked at Paris. "Someone is eager," I teased and then wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. He started to drink my blood and let out a small moan. He must be starving.... I purred and tilted my head for him, kissing his cheek and then wrapped one of my legs around him to tease him slightly as I pressed up against him. He picked me up quickly and made me wrap my legs around his waist. He continued to drink my blood, draining me. I groaned and then leaned my head against him as I started to feel a bit weak, my knees giving out as I fell against him. "P-Paris," I whispered, gripping his shirt in my hand. He pulled back and licked his lips.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really hungry..." He whispered. "Can we go hunting?" I looked at him then nodded.

"Yeah..." I trailed off and then sunk to the floor. "Go get me a bottle first... or a maid... preferably a maid," I whispered as I laid down, putting a hand over my bleeding neck. He walked away from me and came back with a maid a few minutes later and shoved her down onto her knees in front of me. I looked towards her and sat up before I leaned in towards her neck and bit down hard, making her shriek. I moaned and started to drink greedily, grabbing her by the arms and held her down.

"We need to start planning our wedding." Paris purred towards me. "We're getting off schedule." I drained the maid quickly and looked up at him as I licked my lips clean.

"I was going to order the rings... but Donnie broke her water," I said and smirked at him. "Then I was going to get a cake made... and I was going to ask Laurence to marry us when you brought him back."

"Really?" I heard Laurence asking and laughing nearby. He was in his nighties and had dark circles under his eyes. Paris looked over at him and laughed. I looked over and smiled.

"Yeah... I want you to marry us- OH! Ashton.... I'll get him for you Laurence, if you want. I'm thinking about stealing a human child from an orphanage or something and summoning him," I said sweetly. Forgot about him.

"It's okay. I'm going to go find him in a few minutes." Laurence told us, putting our worries at rest.

"Okay... I haven't seen or heard from him at all since you died though.... He's probably holed up somewhere," I mumbled and got to my feet.

"Yeah.... I'm not going to ask about you two have been up to lately..." Laurence shook his head. "DONNIE! I WANT TO SEE MY BABY BOY~" He started to walk off then and looked back at us. "I'll marry you two." He purred. I smiled. Perfect....

"Let's go hunt and get our rings and cake orders in," I said, grabbing Paris's hand and started to lead him to the garage.

Laurence's POV:

I walked up to Donnie and looked over his shoulder at the adorable new generation of Grimms. I looked Takara over and then picked him up from his rocker and started to bounce him in my arms. "Hi sweetie~" I leaned in and kissed his cheek then started to walk over to the couch and sat down with him in my arms. I looked his little horns and wings over then gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You're going to be a big boy when you growl up," I told him smiled. He is so adorable! I want kids now... Midori let out a soft growl, crawling over and then sat at my feet, looking from his baby to me with a funny look. Donnie looked towards me and smiled.

"I've been alive way less then you have uncle Laurence, it's time you give me a cousin," Donnie said with a smirk.

"No.... No it's not time." I told him and then gave Midori his child. Midori purred and then nuzzled his head against Takara, nipping at his nose. Takara grabbed a gold of Midori's hair, yanking on it a little.

"When will it be time?" Donnie asked.

"Never." I said simply. "I don't need children. I have you. That's enough." I smirked. Taking care of the Grimm family is a life's work for me. Midori stood up and begun to walk off with Takara then, purring softly to his baby.

"Where are you going?" Donnie asked and rushed after them. I smiled and then used the shadows to take me to Ashton.

"Ashton?" I called. I appeared in Ashton's bed chambers and saw him curled up in the bed to my pillow, sleeping as the little ones were bouncing up and down on the bed, trying to wake him. I walked over to the bed and shoved them off then got in the bed with him and curled up to his body. I leaned into his neck then bit down, beginning to drink his blood and remarked him. He moaned and gripped the pillow tightly.

"Laurence," he mumbled sleepily and then brought me close to him, smelling me and then opened his eyes. "How... how are you here?" He asked softly, furrowing his eyebrows. "Am I dreaming?"

"No you're not dreaming. Paris brought me back from hell," I told him sweetly. He purred and then leaned in, kissing me deeply as he adjusted himself to be closer to me.

"Laurence~!" He laughed happily and then wrapped his arms around me, burying his face into my neck and then bit down and remarked me. I could feel his stone pulsing in joy and pure love for me as he moaned softly. I moaned and wrapped my arms around him, bringing him closer to me.

"Hey sweetie~" I purred. He pulled back from my neck and then stole a kiss from me.

"I missed you so much," he whispered, looking me in the eyes longingly and then kissed me again. "I didn't know what to do when you left me...."

"Wait for my return." I purred sweetly to him. "I'll always return." He nodded and then kissed my neck.

"I would've killed any other mate if fate had tried to give me one," he mumbled and then gave me a love bite. "You're my one and only shadow mate.... I will always wait for you." I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Yeah? It's okay. I have friends that can get me out of hard places. You just have to wait when I leave. I'll always return." I told him sweetly. He gave a nod and then pulled me close, pressing my body up against his. He looked into my eyes and then sharpened his fangs, smirking. I felt a shadow come up and brush past me, slipping around us and then going up my spine before it went and joined our shadows. I looked into his eyes and then looked around at our shadows. "They seem to be happy we're together," I teased. He laughed.

"They missed you too.... You're a Shadow King after all," he purred, leaning in towards my ear. I could feel his breath hitting my neck as he breathed my scent in. "Plus I wouldn't play with them while you were gone."

"What about the children?" I asked curiously. "You're being unfair to them."

"They were fed daily," he whispered to me. "I didn't skip out on feeding them. They're just becoming mischief makers now because I haven't been up much." He licked my neck and then pulled me on top of him, holding me tightly. "I love you so much," he murmured to me, closing his eyes.

"You better start paying them more attention then," I teased.

"They'll just run off with your things probably," he joked. "Or jump up and down on the bed...." He laughed and then sat up with me in his lap. "How're you feeling?" He asked me worriedly, touching my forehead gently.

"It's okay... I'm a little tired and hungry but that's normal for spending your time in hell being Satan's bitch." I growled, thinking over my time in hell this time.

"He didn't... do anything to you, right?" Ashton asked, looking upset.

"I'm not going to tell you that lie." I told him and ran my fingers through my hair. "He gets what he wants that's for sure." Ashton frowned and looked me over before he leaned in and smelled me again like he was searching for someone else's scent on me. "Relax... He didn't touch this body." I looked him over.

"This body? But that means he touched a different body of you," he muttered and then growled softly. "You're mine.... I'll kick his ass."

"He'll kick yours, you won't touch him." I warned Ashton. He growled.

"I'm the bad ass Shadow King of Shadow Kings- the very first," he reminded me and then scraped his fangs against my neck. "I am the most powerful vampire out there."

"And he is Satan," I warned. "You die and he makes your afterlife a living hell." He growled and then bit down into me and relaxed after a few seconds then moaned, drinking my blood. I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to calm him down. He purred and slowly started to lay me back before he marked me and ran his fingers down my sides slowly. I moaned softly and leaned into the pillows, exposing my neck more for him. He drank a little bit before he healed my neck up and started to give me love bites, running a hand up under my shirt. I laughed and grabbed his hands. "Easy lover boy~" I purred. "Aren't you excited to see me." He pulled away from my neck and then looked into my eyes before he gave me a playful smirk and kissed my lips sweetly. I kissed him back, deepening the kiss. He licked my bottom lip before he pulled back and then sat up on me.

"Let's do whatever you want today," he said suddenly, giving me a loving look. "Anything."

"Well Paris and Richard are getting married in six days~" I purred. "I'm going to marry them." He laughed.

"That's interesting.... Sounds like they're having fun," he whispered and then kissed my cheek. "You ready to do that for them?"

"It'll be my pleasure, come tux shopping with me?" I purred. He nodded and then crawled off me, getting out of the bed and started for his closet. I noticed he was wearing nothing put a pair of sweatpants. "Where is your shirt?" I asked him curiously.

"Dunno," he said and shrugged, stopping at his closet door. He watched as some shadows came out of the closet and slipped a black t-shirt over his head and then helped change him into some jeans and then put his shoes on, tying them for him as they brushed his hair out. I had the shadows change my outfit for something more fitting to wear out then had shoes put on my feet. I crossed my arms and I looked him over. He turned to me as the shadows finished up and walked over with a smirk, taking my hand in his as the shadows moved us outside a British fashion shop that sold tuxes. He purred in my ear and then lead me inside, holding my hand. I held his hand and looked around the shop for something I'd like to wear to marry my two best friends in.