Hassel's Tooth

Angel's POV:

"Angel, you've seen the footage so many times already. We've had them tested but they've come back human- all three of them," my assistant said, tapping his foot. I waved him off as I watched it again. That boy... he can't be human. I narrowed my eyes as I watched the whole room go dark and when the lights came back on, Aaron was sitting by the door and there was a dead scientist on the floor. He's not human.... He can't be.... Maybe Aaron... but that boy- Hassel... he's not.... No... lights don't flicker like that and then end up with dead people on the floor- and why was Aaron spared? Now he lives with them in my facilities.... He's hiding their secret? I tsked. I had him checked out months ago, but it still bothers me....

"Call Veronica," I said, shutting my laptop in frustration. "I want her over here. Today." My assistant frowned but did as he was told, putting it on speaker.

"Yes, hello... This is Angel's assistant Lucas calling for Ms. Veronica Cross," he said, tapping his finger gently on his desk.

"Oh hello Lucas, this is Amelia, Veronica Cross's assistant," I heard Amelia on the phone.

"Angel would like to extend an invitation to your boss then, Ms. Amelia," Lucas said, the words rolling off his tongue easily without hesitation. "Tonight that is."

"Please let Angel know that Miss Cross will be accepting the invitation and well be over shortly, we look forward to meeting you." Amelia giggled.

"As do we," he said and smirked then hung up. He looked over at me. "I will order the guards to stand down for her and who comes with her. Would you like to have them brought in here... or to your private library or perhaps your dining room?" I shook my head.

"Here," I said firmly and spun my chair around to look out the window, crossing my arms. "Just Veronica in here. Take the rest of them to the dining room and entertain them Lucas," I ordered him, tapping my foot.

"Very well Angel," he said and then walked out of the study leaving me.

~Time Skip~

I clenched my jaw as I studied the video again. I just couldn't help watching it. It was so confusing... the results! What went wrong with the results! I have no grounds to test the boys again! I have no reason to suspect them besides this footage and the way they came back and now live with Aaron! I tsked and tapped my fingers on my desk, trying to put it together, trying to see every little detail to figure out what exactly happened. Was the machines faulty perhaps? Was Hassel something supernatural... or perhaps Aaron? But how would Aaron have been able to fool the machines so many times if he is supernatural? We would've caught him by now! I frowned and leaned back in my seat, feeling a massive headache coming on. The doors pushed up and Veronica walked in and looked around.

"Wow, I knew you had a classy office," She purred as she walked up and took a seat in front of my desk. "Hello Angel~" She extended her hand for mine. "It's lovely to meet you again." I smiled and took her hand, happy for the distraction and shook it.

"Hello Veronica," I said and then leaned over my desk a little. "How've you been?" I asked as I took my hand back.

"Fantastic, I picked up a hobby~ Golf." She giggled and crossed her legs and sat back in her seat, looking me over. I laughed a bit. Golf? I wouldn't have taken her for it... but okay.

"That's great... Everyone needs a hobby," I told her and then leaned back in my seat. I glanced towards my laptop then at her. "So... I was wondering if you'd like to take a look at something that has held my interest for a long time. I can't seem to put the pieces together, and maybe you could help," I suggested and gestured for her to come behind the desk, standing up so she could sit and watch it. I had seen it so many times.... I knew it by heart. She nodded and got up, coming over and sat down in my seat.

"What's troubling you?" She asked, looking towards my laptop. I hit play on it, starting it from the beginning.

"This is that boy named Hassel that Aaron brought in- I told you about Aaron I believe.... He was under suspicion a couple months ago for being supernatural but came back with clean results. Watch what happens and keep in mind that Hassel and his brother Haven's results came back normal when we finally retested them," I whispered to her, watching as the scientists had the boys strapped down and were getting ready to take blood samples when the machines caught on fire and then eventually things escalated so far that the lights went out and then came back on without the two boys in the room, a dead scientist on the floor, and Aaron sitting by the door. "Aaron was sent out to kill them after this... but he didn't and brought them back to be retested but nothing went wrong the second time and they were admitted into my organization under Aaron being their tutor and now they live with him and then the whole supernatural suspicion thing and whatnot," I told her, catching her up. "I can't get it. Why'd the results come back? A human boy couldn't have done all that.... Someone in that room had to be abnormal." I frowned and looked at Veronica. Veronica replayed the video two more times then looked towards me.

"That's because one of them is a supernatural... Actually I believe this is the works of something you're not used to." She told me and then started to click around the video to the end and then pointed out something I didn't catch before, an upside down cross was shadowed on the wall after the back out. "Perhaps this is the work of demons..." She told me. I frowned, looking at it. I never noticed that before.

"I didn't see that before," I whispered and then looked at her. "So... you think maybe one of them has some sort of affiliation with demons? Why was Aaron left alive if there were demons involved?" I sighed. "Wouldn't they just kill him too? They only killed the scientist and left him untouched... I mean.. unless Aaron has something to do with them... but he's passed the test so many times, so I have a hard time believing it had something to do with him."

"Hmmm.... No... Aaron is human. I can tell by his movements," Veronica told me. "Have anymore footages of them? Can I meet them?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I have more footage of them... but not much happens around them anymore after that.... We'd have to get Aaron to bring them here. He's been watching over them and training them," I told her and then pulled up some footage of when Aaron brought the two boys back after having reported them taken care of. "This was the second time they were brought in, and after this, they stayed. Aaron had reported them deceased and then surprised us by bringing them back."

"Yeah?" Veronica asked. "That means something has changed. Aaron knows something about the two of them." She told me, nodding. "It's easy to fake being human," She looked over at me. "I want to meet them." I nodded and then pulled out my phone, texting Lucas to get Aaron and the two boys up here immediately with an escort.

"They'll be here shorty," I promised and then sat on my desk, sighing. "Demons huh.... I can't believe I missed the cross... I've been watching that for months...." Veronica giggled and then looked towards me, pausing the video of when they came back.

"That neko is innocent," She told me. "It's easy to tell he doesn't know anything at all." She pointed out his expressions then. "They're bad liars," She explained. "Now... That other boy~" She pointed towards the one I heard that had shark like teeth. "Now he's something different, I'm not sure what. Heck he probably doesn't know. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a fourth party playing in all of this," She stood up then. "I'll know more when I meet them though." I nodded and then glanced around my office before I got off my desk.

"Thanks for coming out here though. It was bothering me bad," I said and then rubbed my neck nervously. I really... didn't notice that cross with how many times I've seen this before. Jeez.... I look like an amateur. I heard the door open then and one of my executioners walked in with Aaron following behind him and the two boys, Hassel and Haven. I glanced over and then waved the executioner off. "Wait outside," I told him. "Don't listen in though." He nodded and then walked back out, shutting the door and locking it. Aaron frowned and looked towards the door then at us.

"Ms. Angel," he said and then tensed up as my eyes landed on him. "Why did you want to see us?" I smiled and then walked out from behind my desk.

"Ms. Veronica wanted to meet you three boys," I said and then gestured for them to sit. Aaron looked at Veronica and then at Hassel and Haven before he took a seat on a couch in the room. Haven hid himself behind Hassel and looked a little scared but then glanced at Aaron and walked over to him and sat down by him. Hassel followed shortly after and looked away from us, board. Veronica stood up and walked out from behind my desk then dragged on of the chairs over to sit directly in front of them and crossed her legs after taking her seat.

"Hello boys, I'm Veronica Cross." She gave them a smile. Aaron looked her over and then ran a hand through his hair before he relaxed a bit and rubbed Haven's head.

"Hello Ms. Veronica," he said politely, keeping it short.

"I understand you boys-" She looked towards Hassel. "Had trouble getting identified by the machines." She smoothed out, making the room feel comfortable like no one was in trouble. Aaron looked at her.

"Yes, the machines malfunctioned due to a coding error. If you're implying something, we have nothing to hide from you," he told her and smiled a bit. "The test results were found the second time, and there is enough evidence to prove that the claims are real about the test results coming out normal."

"If there's nothing to hide..." Veronica began, getting on the edge of her seat then and leaned over a bit. "Then why'd you try covering up their death in between machine testing?" She looked them over. "Seems like something happened to me. It's alright boys, you're not in trouble. I just want the truth." Aaron laughed a bit.

"The truth is very simple. I thought I had taken them out, but I was wrong and found them a little later and then decided to bring them in and decided to train them after the results came back normal," he said simply. "I was ordered to clean up the mess-"

"Yes, I'd say that is cleaning up the mess. Forgive me but I forgot to shake your hands, boys." Veronica held out her hand towards Aaron. "You're Aaron?" Aaron looked at her hand suspiciously but then took it.

"Yes, I am executioner Aaron," he told her and shook it. "The neko is Haven and that is Hassel," he introduced the other two to her. Veronica looked them over and then shook Aaron's hand and then reached out for Haven's hand and shook his. She moved to Hassel last and took his hand shaking it firmly. She went back to relaxing in her chair then hummed softly.

"How'd you meet them?" She asked Aaron. Aaron smirked as he thought about it then looked at Hassel then at her.

"The first time I caught them robbing a woman's car," he told her and laughed. "That was great." She looked over at Hassel.

"Why were you robbing a woman's car?" She asked.

"None of your fucking business," Hassel hissed, looking off from us and rolled his eyes.

"Hassie~ Aaron said we weren't supposed to use sailor language in front of ladies," Haven mumbled towards him and then blushed, hiding his eyes behind his pink hair. Hassel looked over at him.

"Aaron doesn't tell me what to do," Hassel snapped.

"Hassel," Aaron muttered and looked over at him. "I'll take the gun away," he threatened. "I don't mind if you choose not to tell them anything, but at least please be polite. One of them is my boss and lets you stay here and the other one appears to be her friend. On top of that, I am your teacher. I do get to tell you what to do," he pointed out to Hassel.

"Ugh, ok. Don't ask me questions lady," Hassel snapped Veronica's way then got up and started to walk around my room. Veronica smirked, watching him then looked towards Haven.

"How old are you cutie?" Veronica asked.

"Ummmm...." Haven looked to be thinking hard then. Aaron frowned slightly as he watched Hassel and then started to play with his hair, looking bored then pulled out his phone and started to play a game. "What was the question again?" Haven asked, giving a cute smile. Veronica laughed and then looked towards Hassel.

"Have you known Hassel all your life?" She asked.

"Uh-huh! We were together in an orphanage." Haven told her sweetly.

"Haven, you don't need to be giving out that kind of information to people you don't know," Hassel snapped. "It's really none of her business anyways. Aaron can we go now?" Aaron glanced up from his game and frowned.

"What? Oh, go? I don't know." He looked towards Veronica then at me curiously. "It's up to them."

"After you guys give me a blood vile each." Veronica told them. Aaron's jaw dropped then.

"What? But we've already done the tests," he complained, looking peeved.

"Yeah but this is a new test we've developed." Veronica explained.

"This is getting ridiculous," Aaron muttered, setting his phone down. "Look, we aren't supernaturals Ms. Veronica."

"Hmmmm~ Yes because it would take one to know one." Veronica chimmed. "You're definitely not one." Aaron crossed his arm.

"Then you don't need our blood," he said simply and got to his feet, grabbing Haven's hand as he put his phone into his pocket. "It was nice meeting you," he told her then gave her a friendly smile. "Hassel, let's go finish making those cookies, kay?" He looked back at Hassel as he started for the door, pulling Haven with him.

"I never said I needed your blood," Veronica said. "I want another sample from Hassel."

"Hassel is human. I can vouch for it," Aaron told her, glancing over his shoulder. "I live with him and nothing out of the ordinary happens."

"You're just protecting him," Veronica got up and then looked towards me. "Close your eyes Angel."

Veronica's POV:

Angel frowned at me slightly but did as I told her, squeezing them shut. Aaron grabbed the gun at his side and narrowed his eyes at me. I had Aaron pinned against the wall in an instant and his gun knocked down at his feet. "I'm much older Aaron. Play good." I leaned in and smelled his neck catching a whiff he was human then scrapped a fang against his neck a little and tasted his sweet blood before letting him go. "You're free to go." I told him and gave him a band aid then looked towards Haven and gabbed his hand since he was so close by and pulled him in, sniffling his neck. I giggled as I smelled his cat like scent along with a tad bit of catnip his brother snuck him and his human scent. I let him go and rubbed his head. I don't need to investigate him any further. He's too cute. I looked towards Hassel and pinned him right as he was trying to pull a knife out and leaned in towards his neck, smelling him. I gasped at the new scent I caught on him. I exposed my fangs and leaned in to investigate further. I knew he was off too much.

"Get your filthy hands off Hassel, vampire," Aaron hissed from where he stood, pointing the gun at me. "This is going too far," he told me, narrowing his eyes. Hassel struggled under me, kicking at my legs. I leaned in further to catch his scent better. Smells something like.... a demon perhaps... No... that's not exactly right though. It's more... Unholly. I tilted his head up further then examined his teeth and gasped.

"Wow, look at those chompers...." I mumbled and snatched one out quickly. I felt my leg get shot then.

"Next it'll be your heart," Aaron warned and snatched Hassel from me, shoving him towards the door as he kept the gun aimed at me, slowly back him and the boys to the door. I looked the tooth over in my hand then waved towards the boys.

"Bye bye, I'll be seeing you three real soon... Mostly you Hassel." I winked and then started for Angel. "You can look now Angel." I told her, placing the tooth inside my pocket. Aaron quickly pushed them out of the room just as Angel opened her eyes. She frowned and then saw my leg.

"You're bleeding...." She mumbled and then tsked. "He shot you."

"Yeah, it'll be okay." I told her and sat down in the chair then started to work on getting the bullet out, holding back a scream. "I think somethings up, Hassel is a supernatural." I told Angel. "I could smell it all over him." She frowned and crossed her arms.

"I wonder why the tests didn't pick it up then.... Maybe Aaron somehow altered it," she muttered, looking towards the door. "He did shoot you when you were doing whatever it was you were doing...."

"I was just giving them a good scare." I said playfully. "Nothing harmful honest." I pulled out the bullet and tossed it onto the coffee table then watched my leg start to heal up. "Amelia is going to be upset if she finds out about this..." I muttered. "I told her I wouldn't get shot tonight."

"I'm sorry.... I'll have Aaron disciplined," she told me and sat down on the couch. "He shouldn't have shot you no matter what it was you were doing."

"He's protecting them." I said in understandment. "I'd be creeped out too in his shoes." I pulled the tooth out and then tossed it to her. "Have your scientists run some tests on that." I told her. "We'll find out what Hassel is." She looked at the tooth and raised an eyebrow.

"You ripped out a tooth from him?" She held it up and examined it before she put it in her pocket. "If he's protecting them... he'll still be in trouble if Hassel is definitely proven supernatural."

"Ah yes, but Hassel smelled like a demon and something else." I told her. "Aaron might be a victim instead of a suspect." I told her. "He might have a gun to his head that we just don't know about." She frowned.

"He's one of my top executioners.... I doubt he wouldn't be able to kill them if he wanted to," she told me. "He graduated at the top of his class. The only complaint is he doesn't like socializing."

"Well... Maybe he was just protecting his friends from little me. He might be clueless as much as you are. His mind could easily get erased by a supernatural with the right power." I told her. "I'm really interested in Hassel. Maybe you should let me take him into custody." She looked at me and then leaned her head back.

"Let you take him? Well.... I guess that if the tooth comes back with supernatural DNA in it... then you may take him," she said softly. "I don't want any problems within my organization.... I'd let you take him now, but it might cause trouble without a basis of proof."

"Let me know then what the DNA comes up with." I told her and stood up. "I'm going to go clean myself up." I told her, starting for the door. "Where is a bathroom?"

"I have one personal over there," she told me, pointing to a door off the side.

Aaron's POV:

I paced back and forth in the living room, looking at the floor. That vampire got his tooth... and she smelled him.... How am I supposed to protect Hassel if Angel brings in vampires? I thought this had passed! I've got to get that tooth back somehow! I don't think the devil is going to somehow make the tooth disappear.... He didn't stop the blood tests the first time besides having the machines catch on fire.... I sat down on the couch and sighed. Angel might have something done to me for shooting her stupid friend.... BUT HOW DO I GET THE TOOTH BACK?! I clenched my jaw and crossed my legs, wiggling my foot in the air. If I can replace it with a shark tooth... or just somehow make it go missing... then the problems are solved for now... but I have to make it to where I don't look suspicious. After today, I'm sure I'm being watched..... I glanced at the window, seeing the curtain was open then groaned. Damn it! Who left the curtain open?! Hassel walked into the room with an icepack on his cheek. He glared me down.

"Next time your boss lady sends for you, I'm staying home." He told me and then walked up to the couch and sat down on it. I glanced over at him and then looked away from him.

"That's a good idea," I muttered and then tugged on my hair as I tried to rack my brain for ways to break in and steal the tooth.

"Who the hell yanks a tooth out of someone's mouth?" He asked me and groaned in pain.

"A bitch," I hissed under my breath then widened my eyes. Oh I hope he didn't hear me.... He looked focused on his mouth.

"It takes me forever to grow teeth back.... "He mumbled. "I've got a gap now... How am I supposed to eat like this?"

"Well... you could always drink some more vampire blood," I suggested. "It makes you sick though."

"I'd rather die." He told me and looked my way. "Don't you dare give me that stuff again."

"I don't plan on it," I whispered and then moved over to him. "Let me see it," I mumbled, gently taking his face in my hands. "I'll kill her later when Angel isn't looking," I promised. He showed his teeth then where he had a swollen gap from where the bitch yanked his tooth out. He twitched at my touch. I gently reached in and touched the gum where it was missing his tooth and frowned. "I'm stealing your tooth back tonight before they can do much with it," I whispered to him.

"That's a dangerous decision." He told me quickly. "What if you get caught?" He put his ice pack on his jaw then.

"Which would you prefer, getting looks and people accusing you of not being human... or people wondering where the tooth went?" I asked as I sat beside him and looked him in the eyes.

"Ummm... but then they'd want another tooth from me." He adjusted himself and then got up. "Can you make me something cold... or warm or something to make me feel better?" I nodded and gave a soft smile, getting to my feet then grabbed his hand, leading him towards the kitchen. "No ice cream, okay?" He asked.

"No ice cream," I said and laughed. "I'll actually make you something."

"Thanks. Haven is taking a cat nap upstairs." He told me and then got up on the counter when we got in the kitchen.

"Mmm..." I looked him over and then walked towards the cupboards, getting down some hot cocoa mix and got some milk out of the refrigerator before I started to make him some in the microwave. When I finished, I put some baby marshmallows in it and brought it over to Hassel with a smile. "Try this," I suggested, holding it out to him. I hope it helps.... I like hot cocoa.... He looked it over then grabbed the cup and tried the cocoa. After a few minutes he sat it down by him and gave a smile.

"It's alright.... still sweet." He admitted. "What're you making for supper?" I gave him a thoughtful look and then smiled.

"I was thinking some rice and meat," I said sweetly. "Unless you'd rather have something else that is. I think we should make what you want tonight. You got your tooth ripped out."

"Yeah, but I like what Haven wants to eat. So you should make something healthy for him." He smirked. I frowned and then started to go through the cabinets for something healthy before I got down some taco shells.

"Tacos?" I looked back at him and showed him the soft shells and hard shells. "I could brown up some taco meat."

"Sure." He nodded. "He'll eat those." He sipped on his cocoa then. I nodded and set to work, rolling up my sleeves and washed my hands before I started to cook up some meat and got the shells warm then cut up some lettuce and got the cheese out. When everything was done, I got three plates down and looked at Hassel.

"Tell me what you want on it, okay?" I asked and then walked over to the shells. "Soft or hard?"

"Soft." He told me and got down, moving over to the table. "Tomatoes, cheese, meat, lettuce, and that should be it." He told me. I did as he told me then took his plate to him, setting it down in front of him and smiled.

"You did good today," I whispered to him. "I'll show you some moves later so that way you don't get pinned like that again, okay? I don't want you or Haven getting hurt."

"Yeah but... I mean... I would've been fine if it was a guy. I don't hurt ladies. I only rob them. 'He told me and then started to eat his burrito I made him. I smiled. That's really nice of him... not wanting to hurt girls... but it might get him hurt.... I kissed the top of his head and then ruffled his hair slightly.

"You're a good kid," I told him and smiled big. He's going to go far in life hopefully if we make it past this.... I want to make his future big for him. He and Haven deserve that much. Plus they'll probably both be popular with girls once this blows over and I don't want them to miss out on dating if that's what they want later in life.

"Don't kiss my head!" He glared me down and went to get up. "I swear! You're treating me like Haven! I'm not that young! In fact I'm pretty sure we're close in age!" He grabbed my arm. I yelped and looked away quickly, flinching. He let me go quickly. "Sorry Aaron, I don't like you treating me like a small child though." He sat down. "I've been taking care of Haven every since we ran off together. I'm responsible." I rubbed my arm where he had held it and then looked at him.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to him. "I won't touch you again or treat you like you're younger...."

"Aaron?" He asked. "Don't look like that..." He groaned and then pulled me into a hug. "You can touch me." He sighed out. I widened my eyes and blushed a bit.

"Eh? I-I'm fine," I told him quickly then started to laugh nervously. He frowned.

"Go get Haven." He suggested. I nodded and moved away from him then gave him a smile.

"Okay," I said and then walked out of the room and up the stairs to get his brother for him. I walked into Haven's room quietly and over to his bed, gently pulling back the covers and lightly shook him. "Haven, it's dinner time," I told him, smiling. "We're having tacos." Haven looked up at me then wrapped his arms around my neck and climbed into my arms. I laughed and then kissed his forehead before I started to carry him downstairs. "You're too cute for your own good," I told him then took him into the dining room and put him in the chair next to Hassel. I walked into the kitchen and started to fix Haven a good burrito and then brought it to him, sitting it in front of him. "There we go!" He started to eat it, forgetting we was here as he got caught up in the food. I smiled and then walked back to the kitchen to fix myself one and came back with my food, sitting on the other side of the table and begun to pray silently over the meal like I was taught to do.

"OWE!" Hassel snapped, rubbing his jaw. I froze up and opened my eyes, looking towards Hassel with worry.

"Hassel?!" I stood up and then walked over to his seat. He sunk in his chair and hid his face into his shirt.

"It's nothing..." He told me quickly. I shook my head.

"Nuh-uh, Hassel," I reached down and tilted his face to look up at me and gave him a worried look then glanced at the food. Maybe I should give him oatmeal instead.... I looked back into his eyes then. "I'll fix you something softer," I whispered. "I don't want you getting hurt."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" He asked and then shook his head. "I want to eat this." He told me and grabbed his burrito. "Go sit back down." I crossed my arms then and narrowed my eyes.

"Take a bite and don't cry out and I will," I said, tilting my chin up slightly. He took a bite and started to chew it slowly, holding back his pain and swallowed. "I saw that," I muttered and started for the kitchen.

"I said I'm eating this." He hissed out.

"Hassel's in trouble." Haven giggled out. I started to fix him some oatmeal in the kitchen and brought it to him when I finished, putting the spoon in the bowl then confiscated his burrito from him. His jaw dropped and he reached for his plate.

"Hey! I was eating that." Hassel told me. I shook my head.

"Not anymore you're not," I said and then started to take his plate to the kitchen. He groaned and face plated the table.

"Can I have some liquor?" He asked.

"No," I said simply. "You're not old enough for it." I sat his plate down on a counter then walked back to the table and took my seat, taking a bite of my food finally. He sulked on the table, casting a dark gloom on his side of the table. "Hassel...." I sighed and then sunk down in my seat. "It's so you don't get hurt.... I would rather you eat without pain. I'll kick vampy's ass later for you." He got up and walked out of the kitchen then. Damn it.... I leaned back in my seat and then finished up my food before I got up, leaving Haven and went up to my room, going into it. I shouldn't be worried about that right now anyways.... I've got to somehow get that tooth so that way Hassel is safe. I walked up to my closet and pulled out some dark clothes, changing into it and then snuck some knives into my boots and then put my gun at my hip and then put extra mags in my pocket before I walked out of my room and started down the stairs for the front door.

"Where ya going?" Haven asked me sweetly.

"Hunting," I said simply, walking past. "If I'm not back, tell Hassel that I said to lie low."

"Ummmm... Okay." Haven walked over to the TV and cut it on to cartoons. I snuck out and then went towards the HQ where the science labs were to steal back the tooth.

~Time Skip~

I cut the cameras to the halls as I passed through then so I wouldn't get seen and then found the lab where the tooth should be according to the scientist's papers I had stolen and then cut the cameras and door wires after unscrewing the console to the lab and snuck in, making sure not to get my prints on anything. I poked my head in and then spotted the tooth sitting in a plastic bag on a lab table with some fancy equipment assembled around it. I looked around, seeing no one was in here then quickly walked over, keeping low and grabbed the tooth off the table before I started back towards the door. It started to open suddenly as someone started to come into the lab. I widened my eyes and darted under a desk, getting quiet to avoid being seen. SHIT! A woman cut the lights on and looked around then started towards where the tooth had been and paused.

"It's gone...." She mumbled then pulled out her phone. Shit.... I glanced over at her and then frowned when I realized I forgot my tranqs at home. What the hell is wrong with me?! You never leave home without them! I made sure she was turned away from me before I darted to the next desk, getting closer to the door and then checked to make sure the coast was clear as I hid. She started for the door then. "Hey, Lucas... You remember that tooth you gave me to examine? I sort of lost it." She told him and started to leave the lab. "Please don't be mad." I let her leave and let out a sigh of relief before I decided to go out a window instead incase guards started to go around the halls. I snuck over to a window and opened it then went out, shutting it before I started to keep to the walls and sneak my way across place, slipping the tooth into my pocket with the bag. I heard an alarm go off inside then, making me freeze. Shiiiiit....

Veronica's POV:

I heard my phone ringing the next morning, Angel's ringtone. I answered it then rolled over in my bed and stuck her on speakerphone then curled up to my pillows. "Angel~" I hummed. "Good morning."

"Morning," she said, chimming brightly. "So! I lost the tooth. Someone broke into the labs last night and cut the cameras and didn't leave any prints... but the lead scientist had managed to get some results before it was taken. It turns out you had something. Hassel really isn't human, so you can come take him if you want to find out what exactly he is."

"Okay, I'm going to have Amelia stop by and pick him up." I told her. "I've got to do some things today." I told her and held back a yawn. "I bet I know who broke in and got that tooth last night~ Anyways... Amelia will message Lucas when she's ready to pick up Hassel." I told her.

"Okay," she said and hummed. "Don't leave me out on what you find though, okay Veronica? I'm still interested...." She sighed. "Talk to you later then." She hung up before I could say anything. I texted Amelia then.

Me: Hey, pick up Hassel from Angel today will you? Text Lucas when you're ready to do so and take Hassel directly to our labs downstairs.

Amelia: Will do Miss Cross!

Me: Amelia, let me know when you've got him downstairs.

Amelia: I will.

I rolled over in bed and closed my eyes, going back to sleep for my plans for today.