Superstition, It's all got to go as planned!

Richard's POV:

Today is the day, we've got everything planned out, and now it's our wedding day. Paris had decided to start sleeping separate from me so our honeymoon would be more romantic. So he started to sleep with Louis. I sighed as I rolled over in the bed and then curled up. I think I should hunt before... that way I don't eat Paris later. I buried my face into the pillow and then slowly rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom, cutting on the bathwater then dropped some of Paris's body soap into the water after I plugged it up. After the tub filled up with warm water and bubbles, I stripped out of the boxers I was wearing then got into the water, moaning as my muscles relaxed. This is a good idea.... I sunk down to my chin and then massaged my arm before I dunked my head under and started to take a bath, cleaning myself up really good and getting myself as good smelling as I could before I got out and dried off then got dressed in some sweats and started to brush my teeth before I looked my nails over and then walked out to our bedroom and then collapsed on the bed, purring. We'll be in Hawaii tonight by ourselves... no kids... no distractions.... I curled up to Paris's scent and wondered what Paris was up to, if he was even awake yet.... Laurence appeared and sat down on the bed and gave me a huge smile, dressed in a cute black tuck with a white bow tie. He's already dressed for today. He even had a tail coat on. He gave me a cute smile.

"Richard~! Time to get ready." He told me, smirking. "You've been assigned help by Victor, Nikolai, Donnie, Raven, Rose, and me." He smirked. "Oh and I hope you've got your vows wrote out. I had the rings give to the ring barer already. Hmmm.... Oh and that should be about it. Ashton is joining us as well to help get you ready. We're also supposed to keep you busy and away from Paris. So we're going out to town today." He smirked. I frowned and then brought Paris's pillow closer to me.

"Uh huh.... Why town?" I asked and smelled Paris's scent.

"Because he wants everything he's been doing to be a surprise." Laurence explained. "Plus it's bad luck if you see him before you exchange rings~" He teased me. I blushed a bit and then sighed. But the bed is so comfortable.....

"Okay," I whispered and then squeezed the pillow.

"Oh and Paris wants you to pick out his girl form too." Laurence explained. I gave a nod.

"Is he wanting to be a girl on the last night of the honeymoon... or does he want to become a girl at the beginning?" I asked him softly, wondering what I was in for.

"The beginning. We're going to put the girl in the private jet and have her unconscious." Laurence explained. Donnie walked into the room then with Takara in her hands.

"Hey daddy~!" She gave a smile towards me and walked over. "I'm here to help babysit you." She sat down Takara by me. "So is Takara." I frowned.

"I don't need babysitting though.... I'm older than you... and older than Paris," I pointed out.

"I'm the oldest one here," Laurence rubbed in. "You know what I said about who's going to be with us today. Victor and Rose are bringing over your outfit as we speak and Raven and Nikolai will be in here soon. So try to act happy Mr. It's your wedding day." He purred towards me. "We're supposed to shower you with attention." I smiled and then grabbed Laurence, pulling him down beside me and curled up with him.

"Uh huh," I hummed out and then laid my head on his chest.

"We're here!" Rose announced, coming into the room and making Victor carry in all the boxes and bags for me. She walked up and sat down, picking up Takara and kissed him. I watched and then kissed Laurence's cheek as Victor set the boxes and bags down and sighed. Nikolai pulled Raven into the room and closed the door.

"Looks like we're all here." Laurence announced and sat up. "Let's get him ready." Everyone in the room was already dressed formally except for Takara and me. Laurence looked towards me. "I'm so happy you're getting married and I'm marrying you off to Paris!" He smiled happily. "Oh wait.... I forgot my mate... Where's Ashton.." He looked around. Ashton came out of a shadow and smirked.

"Here," he purred towards Laurence. I sat up in the bed and smiled at everyone. My family is amazing.... I wouldn't trade them for anyone else.... Laurence started to go through the bags and sat a few to the side.

"Those are for the after party..." He mumbled. He then sat a bag down on the bed and then three others. "These are for your wedding." He smirked and handed over the bags to me. "Go get dressed." He told me firmly. "Unless you request help." I looked at the bags and then got up, laughing.

"I can dress myself," I purred then started for the bathroom, shutting it behind me and looked in the bags, pulling out my wedding outfit before I started to get dressed in it and then brushed my hair out, glancing in the mirror at the tux I was wearing and smirked. It definitely suited me and outlined my slim body, the black dark as night. I fixed my hair by slicking it back like Louis had in the other world, knowing Paris had liked it. I smirked as I pulled one strand down into my face, making it look good as I didn't want to be too prim and proper. I put on the shoes and then walked out to them. Laurence gasped as he looked towards me and then ran up to me, tackling me into a hug.

"YOU'RE SO GOING TO KNOCK HIS SOCKS OFF!" Laurence rubbed himself against me, pulling me into a tight hug. "Now, we're supposed to go eat out at a Japanese steak house, then pick up the flowers for the weeding, get the girl you want for Paris, and we'll finish with working on your wedding vows- saying them out loud before we start to go to your wedding." He told me, smirking. "Let's get going." He winked and then used his shadows to put us all in town. Donnie had Takara in a stroller. I laughed and looked around before I walked up to Donnie and kissed her cheek.

"So! We're eating first?" I asked, glancing back at Laurence.

"Yeah," Laurence nodded, leading us to where we was going. "Right this way children."

"Children?" I held in a laugh as I followed after him.

"You're all younger then me, remember? Except for my mate." He held Ashton's hand. Ashton purred and gave Laurence's hand a squeeze. I shook my head a bit. I'm not that young. I'm the third oldest here. I hummed softly and then looked back at Victor just as he took a swig of a drink he was hiding.

"Victor, are you already getting drunk!?" Rose asked.

"Yep." Laurence said. Victor laughed and looked at Rose.

"Want some?" He asked her sweetly.

"Put that away and be sober today for my darling brother's wedding." Rose hissed in his ear.

"Awwwww, but everything is better with a little Russian thrown in the mix," he said and then went to take another sip.

"You're so sexy." Rose mumbled.

"Alright you two, mature up." Nikolai hissed. "I'm right here."

"Want sooooome~?" Victor waved the bottle towards Nikolai, making me laugh.

"Not today." Nikolai whispered, pointed at Raven. Raven smiled and then shook her head.

"You can if you want Nikolai," she purred to him. "I know you like drinking with your dad."


"Hey, Richard, who's your best man?" Donnie asked me curiously. "Paris picked Louis." Oh... whoops... I forgot to pick someone.... I laughed then. Lemme see....

"Keegan," I said and smirked. I would've picked Donnie... but Donnie needs to watch Takara... and she's a girl right now so it'd be strange... and I love Keegan! Plus Laurence is marrying me so I can't really pick Laurence. Donnie nodded.

"Good choice, he's going to enjoy being your best man." Donnie told me.

"You better make sure he knows," Laurence warned. I pulled out my phone then, smiling. Yeah, I better tell him.

Me: Keegan~ Be my best man?

Keegan: REALLY!!!!!!!!???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D YES!

Me: Great! I am so happy!

Keegan: ME TO!


Keegan: For what?

Keegan: OH YOUR WEDDING! We're ready.

Me: Good.

I put my phone into my pocket and smiled big. "He said yes!"

"I heard Lien and Liam are being the flower boys," Rose told me.

"Awww, that's adorable," I whispered. That'll be great!

Akihiko's POV:

I adjusted the tie around my neck and frowned a bit. I miss my t-shirt.... I glanced towards where Keegan had gone to get his phone when he started getting texts from someone, wondering who it was. He walked up to me with a huge smile.

"So my dad wants me to be his best man, Hiko. You'll have to sit with your sister during the wedding." He told me and grabbed my hands. I blushed and gave him a smile.

"That's great.... I'll sit with her then," I promised and looked up into his eyes. He must be so happy!

"Okay, well we have a few hours until the wedding..." He told me, adjusting the tie around his neck. "Would you like to go hang out with your sister? I'll come with." I gave a small nod and then held his hand, pulling him towards the door.

"This is romantic- your parents getting married. I thought vampires didn't care to marry," I said sweetly, looking over at him.

"Usually they don't. The only other couple I know that are married vampires are my uncle Laurence and Ashton. That was recent. We do have my Father Paris's cousins's parents which are married but they're all mostly dead and what not. Perry was married once." He smiled sweetly. "His wife couldn't handle his life choices though and left him." I nodded and then blushed, leaning in and kissing his cheek.

"So this is really rare and romantic then for you guys...." I mumbled.

"Yeah, especially since they rebelled against the vampire old ways to be with each other. Now they're going to marry in the old ways. It's going to be so romantic." He laughed. "I'm really happy for them." I smiled.

"That's good," I said and then swung our hands lightly between us. "I think this is a really nice thing for them to do for each other." I laughed and gave his hand a small squeeze.

"I'm so happy you're able to see this too." He whispered to me, giving me a cute smile. I blushed and looked over at him then leaned my head against his shoulder.

"I love you," I whispered under my breath.

"I- I love you too." He rubbed my hair, messing it up to be playful. "Let's go find your sister." I giggled and then walked to my sister's room, knocking on it. I heard a girl giggling as light music was playing inside the room, sounding like Fall Out Boy.

"U-umm, Hana!" I called out, shying away a bit. That wasn't my sister's laugh...

"It's okay, come in!" I heard a girl call. I opened the door and walked in, seeing my albino sister in a cute pink dress that went down to her knees and Myra in there with her. Hana looked at me and smiled.

"Hey Hiko!" She walked up and then gave me a hug. I laughed and hugged her back.

"Want to hang out with me and Keegan until the wedding?" I asked her softly.

"I'm actually hanging out with Myra... so it's up to her," she whispered and then glanced over at Myra as she held me close. I looked over at Myra and bit my bottom lip gently. Myra was sitting on the floor doing her hair with a curling iron. She looked over at us and gave a huge smile.

"I don't mind if your brother wants to hang out in here with us." Myra said, shrugging. She was still in yoga pants and a band t-shirt. She looked like she was still getting ready. She looked towards Keegan. "Hey, aren't you one of my brothers?" She asked, pointing his way.

"Uhhhhhmmmm he-yeah- Hi Myra..." Keegan blushed by me. I walked over to my sister's bed and crawled into it and curled up, watching Myra curiously. I don't know how girls do it with their hair.... I wouldn't be able to do the fancy things they do with it.... I blushed and watched as my sister sat by Myra and giggled. Keegan walked in and shut the door behind him and sat down by me.

"Here, help me out with the back," Myra handed over the iron.

"I've only seen Myra once outside of important family events... and even then she sometimes will show..." Keegan whispered to me. I sat up and then crawled into his lap, sitting in it as I gave him a cute look. Keegan held me close, watching our sisters. Hana started to curl Myra's hair for her and gave her a small kiss on the cheek, giggling. I widened my eyes as I saw it but wasn't sure I did. Wait... what?! Please tell me that was just a friendly thing girls do. Myra blushed and started to do her make up, lightly applying it on as Hana got her hair. I glanced up at Keegan, wondering if he thought anything about it. Keegan's eyes were widen and his face paled.

"Keegan," I whispered and then glanced back at my sister and Myra then back up at him, frowning slightly. He looked towards me.

"Y-yeah?" He asked.

"Was that for real?" I mouthed, glancing back at my sister then back at him, biting my lower lip. He shrugged, as clueless as I was. I looked back at them, watching as Hana started talking about things I didn't understand with Myra, making me frown. She's really changing here.... I hugged Keegan around his neck and then started to play with his tie, wrapping it around my hand. After a few minutes Myra ducked into the closet with a bag and closed the door behind her. Keegan ran his fingers through my hair. I leaned into his hand and then smiled before I stole a small kiss from him before he could think and blushed. He blushed and looked me over in confusion then kissed me back. I felt my heart speeding up in my chest, pounding in my ears as he kissed me, but it only took me a second before I kissed him back a little. My face felt warm... Oh man! I'm blushing bad! What if he can hear my heart?! He pulled back and then took out his monocle and put it on then started to do something on it as icons popped up. I blushed and watched him. "What are those icons?" I asked him softly, curious as I tried to calm my pounding heart.

"Huh?" He asked and looked towards me. "Oh, It's my twitter notifications. I'm checking them." He told me. "Why?"

"Uhhhmmmm... nothing, nope, no reason," I said quickly and looked away, blushing. Myra walked out of the closet in a dress shirt and vest along with back pants and heels to add height. She walked over to the mirror and started to put her hair halfway up so it looked thinner. Hana smiled as she watched and then walked over, kissing the top of my head.

"We should sneak away before Keegan sinks his fangs in you and I don't see you for another week," she whispered in my ear, giving Keegan a playful smirk. I looked at her and frowned.

"Keegan doesn't sink his fangs in me," I said innocently, making her giggle.

"I don't bite my lovely Hiko," Keegan told her. Myra walked over and sat down on the bed.

"Still, we should totally ditch Keegan," Hana whispered in my ear and hugged me. I laughed and looked up at her, smiling big. He took off his monocle then and put it up.

"Hiko, you don't want to leave me, right? Hana, you're getting time with him while I'm busy being my dad's best man. You're going to have to watch over him for me." Keegan told her. She nodded and kissed the top of my head.

"I'll give him back to you at the end of the month," she teased Keegan and smirked. Wait, what?

"Uh, no." Keegan shook his head. "I get him all the time." Keegan pulled me to him. Hana frowned and kept her arms around me.

"Nope, I get him for the rest of the month," she said and rubbed my head. What's going on? I looked between the two of them. Are they fighting over me?

"What? Don't you want to spend time with me, Hana?" Myra asked, looking disappointed. Hana froze up and then looked at Myra.

"Of course I want to spend time with you!" She giggled and let me go, going over to Myra and kissed her forehead, making me freeze up. Why's my sister so kissy kissy with Myra?

"Good, that means you can't be spending time with him for the rest of the month when you've got to fit me in." Myra told her. Hana smiled and then hugged her.

"Awww, I'll have to figure out how to spend time with the two of you," she said sweetly. Are they a thing? I curled up to Keegan and rested my head against his chest.

"I want you by myself sometimes, you know?" Myra asked her, hugging her back. Hana giggled and kissed Myra's cheek.

"Mhmm~!" My sister hummed out. I looked up at Keegan and then pulled my phone out from my pocket and pulled up a game, starting to play on it as I leaned my head up against his chest.

"Myra, I'm surprised you're going to see their wedding. You hate events with the family," Keegan teased her.

"Huh? Oh.... I don't hate family events.... I just don't have anyone to talk to besides Donnie... I mean... Now I have Hana, so I figured I might as well attend their wedding." She told Keegan. Hana smiled and then walked over to the window and looked outside then at us.

"Hey, let's go see if we can help out," she suggested and then walked up, grabbing my hand. I yelped as she pulled me out of Keegan's lap.

"What?" Myra asked, frowning. "Are you serious?"

"Okay!" Keegan got to his feet.

"Well... unless you want me to paint your nails Myra," Hana said and smirked, looking over at Myra.

"Only if you paint them black." Myra told her, pointing a finger her way. Myra let go of my hand then bounced over to a ton of nail polish on her dresser and picked up a black one. I frowned a bit and then snuck over to a corner and went back to playing my game, bringing my knees to my chest. Myra waited for my sister, holding out her nails. I glanced up as Hana sat down on the bed and begun to paint Myra's nails, humming softly to herself. I glanced at Keegan and then looked back at my game. Keegan pulled out his phone and snapped pictures of our sisters. Bet he posts them in a few minutes. I smiled softly and then changed my game to a horror game, deciding to test it out. I didn't want to be a big baby in front of Keegan forever.... I wanted to show him I could be brave, so I was going to train myself up on horror games to help. I shrieked after a few minutes, dropping my phone as the screen went out and went to static. I had gotten caught by the monster of the game and he had ran down the hall I was navigating and jump scared me. Keegan looked towards me with a small smirk.

"You okay over there?" He asked me. I blushed and sunk against the wall.

"Uhhhhmmm..." I started to reach for my phone then, trying to cut off the static noises.

"Playing a scary game?" He teased me. I bit my bottom lip as I managed to get the noises to be quiet and felt my heart pounding in my ears as I trembled. He laughed and then got up, coming up to me. He knelt down and grabbed my hands. I blushed and looked from our hands up to his eyes.

"K-Keegan?" I whispered. He smirked and then leaned in, giving me a kiss. I tensed up in shock and then felt my heart speeding up as I relaxed a little and kissed him back. He pulled back and then stood up, pulling me to my feet. I blushed a bit as I looked up at him and then looked away shyly.

"Let's go see what's going on with my dad Paris," Keegan suggested. I gave a small nod and then pulled my hands away from him, rubbing my cheek slightly as I started for the door.

"Okay," I said softly and then opened the door, holding it for him. He followed after me, and shut the door behind us as we left.

"I think our sisters are getting pretty close," He said when the coast was clear. I nodded and looked up at him.

"Yeah... they are," I whispered and curled my hair around my fingers. I loosened my tie, not liking the fact that I wasn't in a t-shirt. Tuxes are weird... He lead us down to the back yard where Paris was ordering everyone around in his just jeans and a shirt. He hasn't even changed yet for his big day.

"Hey, mom, don't you think you should get ready?" Keegan asked, pulling me over with him up to Paris. Paris gave us a huge smile.

"Yeah, in a few minutes. I really want this to get done baby." Paris rubbed Keegan's head. I smiled and glanced around the yard in curiosity before I looked back up at Paris. He really wants this to be perfect.... Hachi was standing nearby flipping through his spell book. I started towards him in interest and stopped a few feet away, smiling.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked him, tilting my head. He looked towards me and then smiled.

"Flipping through my book for a spell I need." He told me. "I'm going to be enchanting this to make it a little more romantic." He explained. "Haru is helping." He pointed to an identical male a few feet away with a small version of Hachi standing by him and tugging on his sleeves. I frowned. I've never noticed them before.... They must be new? Did Paris and Louis kidnap someone again? "They're a long story." Hachi said, seeing the look on my face.

"Uh huh," I hummed and then yelped when I felt someone tug on my shirt. I looked down to see Lien, his ears laid back.

"Hey... feed me," he whined and then gripped my shirt, pawing at me. Hachi looked at him then smirked.

"ISAAC FEED YOUR CHILD!" He yelled, pointing his voice in the direction Isaac was in, helping people carry in chairs. Isaac looked over and then dropped the chairs in the middle of the ground and walked over.

"Why am I moving chairs anyways? I swear... I'm the only fire wizard here. You guys should be letting me do lanterns or something!" He picked Lien up and started to walk off with him. I watched them go, seeing Liam chasing after Lien and Isaac quickly and then looked towards Hachi.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked, wanting to be useful. I mean... I'm pretty much useless compared to who all lives here... but I'd like to be helpful somehow.

"Yeah, can you start setting up the rose pedals. I want them coming from the door to the end of row one." He pointed towards the row. "That would be extremely helpful on your part." He gave me a huge smile. I nodded and then grabbed a basket of rose petals and then walked to the door and began to set it up.

"Hey pretty boy," I heard a voice purr from behind me then. I tensed up and glanced behind me, yelping as I saw Shiloh smirking as she looked me over. "You clean up nicely Mr. Human." Rory appeared right by her and looked me over skeptically.

"I don't see why he's so into you..." Rory rolled his eyes and then brushed past us as his father called for his help, making him move the piano outside with Keegan and Sage's help. I frowned and watched Rory go. Well that... wasn't very nice.... I rubbed my arm.

"Don't mind him," Shiloh purred and walked up to me, brushing my hair back behind my ear. "He's just irritated right now. You know... you could always come play with us if you wanted," she whispered, leaning in towards my ear. I widened my eyes. Play with them? What's that supposed to mean? Keegan doesn't like going near them. It can't be a good thing....

"N-no, I'm good," I whispered. She smirked as she moved back from my ear and looked into my eyes.

"Are you sure?" She purred, rubbing underneath my chin with her forefinger, forcing me to keep eye contact. I felt like I should say no as I looked up into her pretty eyes.

"No," I mumbled, a lost feeling coming over me. She smiled then and kissed my forehead.

"Then come play with us right after the wedding is over," she said and I felt the need to obey her so I nodded. Shiloh was shoved away from me quickly and a girl stood between us, blocking my view of Shiloh. Her hair was long and a pretty shade of red. She turned to face me then and grabbed my arm then pulled me away from Shiloh and towards the manor. She gave me a cute look before shooting Shiloh a nasty one. I widened my eyes as I snapped out of it and looked from her to Shiloh who was fuming, pissed looking. I looked back at the red haired girl and stumbled after her.

"T-thanks," I whispered. She totally saved me! She gave me a cute smile as she pulled me to the kitchen where Ann, Louis, and another guy was hanging out and examining the foods. I looked around and then gave her another grateful smile before I walked over to Louis and got beside him, deciding to stick by him till the wedding since how I almost got taken by Shiloh and her siblings. He glanced down at me and then smiled.

"Hey there Hiko," he said and ruffled my hair. "Why're you not with Keegan?"

"Keegan was helping and I was trying... but Shiloh tried to do something to me, so that nice lady over there rescued me," I said and pointed towards the girl with red hair.

"Alexis~ Making friends?" The guy I didn't know asked her and then pulled her into a hug then showed her a bottle of wine. "I think this will go well with cake." He told her.

"That's Perry and Alexis," Ann told me, coming up to my side, giving me an apple slice. "Here, have an apple slice." She purred sweetly. "Perry is an old friend of the family and Alexis is.... I don't know what to him but she's mute." She explained then ran her fingers across her throat. Alexis looked towards us and I noticed a horrible scar across her throat. I widened my eyes slightly. That's terrible.... Poor Alexis. I wonder if a vampire did that... or a werewolf....

"Oh...." I mumbled and then ate the apple slice before I looked towards Alexis with a sweet look. "Thank you for saving me again, Ms. Alexis," I said politely and gave a small bow. Alexis bowed right back to me and then was out of the room in an instant.

"Yeah, I thought it was a bad choice," Perry yelled towards her then sat the wine aside, reaching for another.

"Want to help me in the ball room?" Ann asked me. "I could use some help setting tables. The maids are helping but the more hands that help the quicker it'll get done." She kissed Louis on the cheek and then reached out for my hand. I smiled and took her hand, deciding to go with her.

"Okay!" I gave her a cute look. At least I can trust most of the people here. She grabbed a stack of plates and then started for the ball room. I copied her and followed after her, a light bounce in my step. When we reached the ball room a lot of servants were setting tables up around the dance floor as well as tables against the walls. There was a piano on the stage. Ann started to help set the tables. I helped her and smiled happily, glad that I was doing something to help out. s