Golden Hoops

Paris's POV:

"Paris, it's time." I heard a butler say, standing by the door to open them for me. I took in a deep breath, getting excited. I'm going to marry Richard tonight and this is the best wedding in the whole world! Even Laurence can argue with me but I still think Richard and I can out best him. I nodded and motioned for him to open the doors.

Richard's POV:

Music cut on to our song, Rose was playing it for us on the piano~ and suddenly the doors opened. Paris stepped out onto the back porch in a black and white tux that suited his figure. His hair was messy with a product in it. He gave me a huge smile. Hachi stood by Liam and Lien at the foot of the stairs and whispered for them to start walking and throwing rose pedals. Lien looked at the petals then threw some at Hachi, giggling before he started pulling the Liam with him, tossing petals at everyone with Liam. I smiled and watched Liam and Lien before I looked back at Paris, wanting to go to him but stayed where I was. No way was I messing it up. He had gotten this all set up. Keegan stood by me waiting and looked a little nervous standing up in front of people. I let out a soft purr and looked at Keegan and smiled. "You're fine," I whispered to him. "Don't be nervous. Be proud.... You're my best man out of everyone here." I gave him a wink and smirked. "Plus you're one of my favorites." He looked towards me with a sweet smile.

"Don't take your eyes off Paris, he might get jealous. He worked so hard for this." He looked back towards Paris as he walked up to us, following his flower boys. Louis was standing on the other side of us alone, waiting for Paris to reach his side. The whole backyard was enchanted by the Hachirobei boys. The sky had more stars in it and close up planets as well as stars that were bringing us a wonderful lighting. Little tiny stars were around us to give lighting as well. The ground had a small mist to it around the chairs. Laurence appeared by me and pulled out one of Paris's diaries. Paris walked up to us slowly after the flower boys took their seats and then grabbed my hands, pulling me a little closer and reached into his coat, pulling out a rose for me and slipped it into my pocket before pulling away and smirked. Oh my hellish fantasies... I swear I love him. I looked at him longingly, wanting to skip Laurence saying the wedding speech and skip to the kiss. I purred as I listened to our song and watched him. He's so mine after this. That tux won't survive... sadly. He looks so good in it.... Rose finished the song then got up, slowly walking up to her seat and sat down.

"As a wonderful long held friend of Paris Grimm and Richardo Dracula, I am official going to marry you~" Laurence spoke up. "I mean them." He laughed and looked towards our family watching. "Before we begin the secret bonds of marrying the two of you, is there any rejections?" Laurence asked, glancing towards Louis with a playful smirk.

"Heh..." Louis smirked back at Laurence and then glanced towards us and back at Laurence. "I don't think that had to even be a question Laurence," he purred.

"You never know, there might be jealous twins at bay." Laurence played.

"My throat would be ripped out by Paris if I said anything hinting that way," Louis teased, giving Paris a look. "Besides, I can give my twin away to Richard. HEY ROSE! ANY OBJECTIONS?" He called out, looking towards Rose.

"They raised me," Rose blushed. "Why would I reject to their marriage? You'd do it way before I would." Laurence held in a laugh.

"I have an objection," Ashton purred, suddenly appearing by Paris. "I didn't get to fix your tie."

"You were assigned to my mate," Paris complained.

"I don't care. I'm older," Ashton said smoothly and then undid Paris's tie before he started to do it again. "I get to tie both of your ties."

"You're lucky you're still at my wedding." Paris teased. "You're interrupting it over a tie." Ashton smirked.

"You get married.... I get to tie the ties," he said and finished it, smoothing it out. "It's an honor to have your tie done by the Shadow King.... Look at it as good luck on your marriage."

"Just go sit down," Paris purred. "You're already married. I'm not." Ashton laughed and then looked at Laurence, giving a wink before he went and sat by Rose. I laughed a bit and looked Paris over then gave him a loving look. I don't know if I want this moment to last forever... or to hurry through it so I can kiss him....

"Now, if there aren't anymore objections or jealous twins to handle.... We may continue." Laurence looked towards Louis with a smirk. He looked towards us. "Richardo Dracula, you may begin saying your vows to your lovely mate Paris Grimm." I smiled big then.

"Alright," I said sweetly and then grabbed Paris's hand, rubbing it gently as I looked into his eyes. "Paris... I know a lot of people don't believe in love at first sight... but as soon as our eyes met, I knew that I was going to love you for the rest of my life- even at my young age. I couldn't live without you Paris, my sweet prince." I gave his hand a light squeeze then and smiled sweetly. "You're the only one I need. I love you so much that there are no words to express it. The only way to do it justice is to play for you every day of my life and put my heart and soul into it. If you couldn't read my thoughts, you wouldn't have a clue just how much you mean to me~ I will always be yours, no matter what. I'm so happy I got to fall in love with you all over again when we were trapped in that other world! I know that marrying you is the right decision even though we've gone through so much together already. It just adds to our love story that is already the most beautiful tale in existence, and I know that even though it seems impossible, my love for you is only going to grow for the rest of eternity. I will be proud to call myself Richardo Grimm for you," I purred and then brought his hand to my lips, giving it a kiss as I was unable to resist it. "You're the beloved stars in my night," I mumbled and then looked back up into his eyes as I sent his stone a wave of all my love, making it pulse for him. He gave me a huge smile, holding in all the love he had for me in his eyes. He looked like he wanted to attack me bad with kisses. Laurence whipped away tears then held the diary close to his chest.

"Paris Grimm, feel free to begin your vows when you're ready." Laurence said and gave a smile. Paris grabbed my hands and brought them to his lips, giving them a kiss before he pulled back.

"Richard~ I remember the first time we met. I glanced you over and then your brother but I knew I'd like you more. You were calling out to me at my small age. I didn't know anything about mates or true love though due to my parents. I thought my feeling for you were just me wanting a friend... Little did I know we'd end up having ten beautiful kids and a lifetime of adventures, heartbreak, and stories to share with a growing family." He glanced out towards them. "Little did I know we'd get in a fight where you ran off to Africa and that I'd chase you down and get ditched on an island to meet my long lost twin. I'm glad it happened." He looked towards Louis. "Without our fights..." He looked towards me. "Louis wouldn't be here or be the twin he is to me today. We wouldn't have had Donnie, our first child. We wouldn't have a manor in Maine to get married at. We also wouldn't have known just how far we are willing to go to keep us together." He pulled me closer then. "I thought this once before... We're two stars in a binary system, destined to be locked together swirling around a galaxy. We're never going to leave each other because we're on the same path. We'll pull each other closer and sometimes farther away.... but we'll always be on the same path. I love you Richard." He blushed and looked me dead in the eyes. "I'm sure most of everyone here has read my diaries including you..." He smirked. "I can't wait to open it up and write this in, that we got married and shared a romantic honeymoon together and that's all I'll write." He looked out at everyone. "Because that's all you'll all need to know. The rest will be a secret." He looked towards me and then kissed my hands, he looked over at Laurence. I purred and held back from tackling him into an embrace and giving him a kiss right then. If Laurence doesn't hurry~ I laughed at the thought and then squeezed his hand slightly.

"I love you so much," I whispered under my breath and glanced at Laurence out of the corner of my eyes, hoping he wouldn't take too long.

"Now that the vows have been said, Richard, will you take Paris Grimm to be your vampire husband for all of eternity, through hells fire, sickness, health, hardship, and new forms?" Laurence asked me.

"I'd do more than that," I purred. "I will take him as my husband." Laurence shook his head and then looked towards Paris.

"Paris will you take Richard Dracula to be your husband and bare your last name? You'll have to suffer his double meaning jokes, his sexy suit looks, and his neediness for you." Laurence teased, looking at me.

"I'll take Richard to be my husband, he needs a new last name." Paris teased back. I smirked and then exposed my fangs towards Paris. He exposed his fangs.

"Without any further ado, bring forth the rings." Laurence looked out towards the crowd. Hachi stood up and started to carry a box on a pillow towards us. When he reached us he opened the box, exposing our gold matching rings. "Richard, take a ring to give to Paris and read allowed what's engraved on it before putting it on Paris's finger." Laurence ordered. Hachi got down on one knee then in front of us. I smiled towards him and then picked Paris's ring up, pulling his hand towards me.

"Je t'aime forever, my prince," I purred, not even having to look at it again. I pulled him closer, leaning towards his lips instinctively as I slipped the ring on his finger, staring straight into his beautiful eyes.

"No kisses yet," Laurence warned. Paris looked at me longingly. "Paris, please do the same with your ring for Richard." Paris looked towards the ring waiting and then picked it up, pulling my hand up towards him as he slipped the ring on my finger then looked into my eyes.

"Two stars, one path." Paris whispered to me.

"Now you may kiss, as I announce you as husbands, Paris Grimm and Richardo Grimm." Laurence pulled the book out a little and opened it, signing someone off inside. I quickly closed any space between us and kissed him passionately, wrapping my arms around his neck as I tilted my head to deepen it. Paris leaned in and kissed me back, gripping my coat and pulling me closer. "You may also end this ceremony with marking each other as husbands." Laurence said, and slipped the book into his coat as everyone stood up and started to clap for us. I let a moan slip before I started a trail of kisses to his neck and then gave him a love bite, teasing him. I'd mark him in a minute as his new husband. He moaned and started to unbutton my shirt, hiding the movement from the others and got to my tie, pulling it loose. I laughed and then scraped my fangs against his neck as I gripped his tux. If we didn't have a reception inside to go to.... He growled playfully towards me and leaned in towards my neck after getting it exposed to the fullest and bit down into my neck. I moaned and felt my knees almost give out from the pleasure of being bitten by him. It feels like forever since he's bitten me! I quickly sunk my fangs down into his neck, holding onto him tightly. He moaned against me and then started to mark me, sending his venom into my system that made me weak in the knees for him. I fell against him and closed my eyes as my knees gave out and kept in a moan the best I could, my thoughts getting fuzzy as it was hard to think. I managed to mark him back, giving him more venom than I usually did to please him. He let out a moan, muffled by my neck. He pulled away from me after a minute.

"We're still here." Hachi giggled out and sat the pillow and box down, getting to his feet. I looked at Paris lovingly and licked my lips clean of his blood, savoring it.

"Mine," I mumbled and then kissed his lips again. If they don't want to see me kissing my new husband, then they can go inside. Paris laughed and pulled back from the kiss.

"I love you, Richard." He whispered, looking deep into my eyes. "Let's go inside." He suggested. "We have a dance alone planned, so I hope you're excited." I nodded quickly and then started to pull him back down the aisle. Louis laughed and followed behind us.

"Well you two are eager, that's for sure," he said and smirked, putting his hands in his pocket. He stopped when he reached Ann's row and looked towards her expectantly. Ann blushed and walked up to him then wrapped her arms around his, laying her head on his arm.

"You looked very handsome up there~" Ann told him. "I was almost jealous when Laurence was teasing you." She teased me.

"Let's all go get something to eat!" Laurence yelled out and then disappeared. Ashton was gone in seconds too. I laughed and then watched as Louis whispered something to Ann that made her blush and then kissed the top of her head, leading her. I frowned as I noticed Shiloh was watching Hiko again, smelling a rose she had picked up. I hope she doesn't cause problems.... Keegan will get upset. I sighed then looked towards the woods as I finally noticed something off over there. I could smell werewolves. Paris had the place on lockdown for today.... I looked back towards him then kissed his cheek as we walked inside. Paris hummed and looked towards me.

"I put the pack and army brats on watch so everything would go well. If something is off I ordered them to delay until after we wedded. Everything is just fine though." Paris explained. "Laurence never gave me any signs about intruders either." He rubbed my cheek then gave me a kiss. I smiled and then gave a nod.

"Alright... I would've guessed it was fine though," I told him and then gave him a sweet look. "So my prince... ready for our dance?"

"I'm ready for our honeymoon." He purred and gave me a smirk. "This has all been so perfect... We've had a little stressful few days but this is going to relax us. We still have those hunters to take care of but until they come after us... I'll just ignore them for now." I sighed.

"Damn hunters.... They better not show up anytime soon...." I watched as Liam ran up and tackled Paris's leg and I was soon attacked by Lien.

"GOT THEM!" Lien shouted and started to giggle, clinging to me. Paris bent down and picked up Liam.

"Hey sweetie, I'm going away with daddy tonight... but when we get back from our honey moon I'm going to be a lady... like how Donnie is. You'll still love me right?" Paris asked Liam. Liam looked at him and then tilted his head.

"Lady?" He asked and then looked over Paris's shoulder towards Donnie then back at him and smiled. "Okay. I love you," he said cutely and then started to tug on Paris's hair, giggling. "Donnie loves me more. She'll stay with me."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Paris asked. Donnie walked up, laughing and bouncing Takara in her hands.

"Guess I'll raise you Liam while Paris is being a lady." Donnie leaned in and kissed Liam on the cheek. "Don't forget I'm going to be a male soon. He's got nine months of lady classes." Paris frowned.

"Be my mommy?" Liam asked Donnie and squealed in delight, touching his cheek. I frowned. Did Donnie steal our kid? That's not cool....

"No!" Paris mumbled. "I'm your mommy! That's not fair." Paris started to speed walk away from Donnie. "You're not going to leave me like Dannie did. He betrayed me and started to look at his twin more as a mother. I'm your mother! I planted you after all." Paris glanced back at Donnie. "You're his brother and you have your own baby, lay off!" I laughed a bit as I watched him. He's such a good parent! Liam whined and reached over Paris's shoulder for Donnie.

"Aweeeee, it's okay Liam, I'll be the one babysitting you when they're gone tonight." Donnie promised.


"Eh?" Louis looked over, frowning. "Babysit? But my parenting days are done with.... Fine. I'll babysit Liam... though Keegan was cuter," he mumbled.

"Huh?" Ann asked. "We're not babysitting... I was going to make you take me on a date."

"It's decided then! Liam is old enough to take care of himself," Louis said quickly, wrapping an arm around Ann.

"I want to babysit my nephew." Rose spoke up. "PLEASE?!" She ran up and stole Liam from Paris then took off running with him. "I'm putting you in onesies like Jasper!" She giggled. Louis frowned then.

"Where is Jasper.... I haven't seen him in a bit.... Where's Isabelle?!" He started to panic then.

"Don't worry, they're at the wedding. We just had them seated further away." Paris told him. "Not everyone can sit up front." He teased.

"They're over there," Ann pointed them out. "HI ISABELLE!" Louis looked over and spotted them just as Isabelle turned to look at Ann.

"Oh, there they are," he whispered and started to lead Ann to them as Isabelle waved. Jasper was wearing a penguin onesie today... not even a tux. I sighed. How'd we miss that? Paris should've gotten to him... but he didn't.... Maybe he let him slide because that onesie is cute on him.... I glanced towards Paris and then caught up to him, pulling him into the ballroom with a smirk as Lien ran off towards Hachi and jumped up into his arms. Hachi held his cute ball of love closer to him and rubbed his head. Paris and I entered our ball room where the servants were waiting. There was tables outside of the dance floor set up and a piano on the stage. Paris pulled me towards the middle of the dance floor, holding me close as we reached it. I purred and then wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning in towards his neck and gave it a kiss before I took his hand in mine. I looked up into his eyes and smirked.

"So... may I have this dance?" I asked, tilting my head as I gave him a playful look.

"Yes," Paris purred and I heard the piano start up. He glanced towards it then back at me. He grabbed my hand and then kissed my ring. I gasped slightly and watched him before I leaned in quickly and stole a kiss, purring. My little Paris~! I laughed and then started to lead him in a dance, not taking my eyes off him. "I'm not little." Paris glanced me over. "We both know that," He winked. I blushed and then bit my bottom lip.

"No... no you're not," I whispered. "Hey Paris, I was wondering if you wanted to be placed in the girl immediately or if you want to become a girl later," I mumbled, leaning in towards his ear.

"Would you like our first married time for me to be a male?" He asked softly. I kissed his cheek and purred.

"That's up to you, Mr. Perfect," I said and laughed a little as I smelled him.

"Then we'll wait to put my stone in a girl until after the plane ride." He purred. I nodded and then kissed his neck again, giving him a teasing growl.

"Sounds good to me." He laughed and growled back.

"Try not to get too excited and impatient." He purred. "We'll be taking a limo to the airport." I laughed and then gave a nod.

"Mhmm," I hummed and then pulled back from his neck slightly to look up at him. "I'll do my best to keep my hands off you until after the limo ride. I'll make you a drink for the ride."

"A drink?" Paris purred. "What kind of drink?" He asked. "You know I can make you a drink too."

"I'll give you a glass full of my spiked blood," I said, smirking. "That way you'll definitely be thinking about me while you're drinking."

"Seriously?" Paris purred. "You're so teasing me." He leaned in and stole a kiss. "I've been waiting for this night almost a week now." I laughed.

"Then I'll make tonight extra special for you," I teased and then smirked. "Wanna see something that'll tease you even more?"

"No." Paris shook his head. "Button your damn shirt."

"No way!" I told him and laughed. "Button it for me."

"So I'll have to unbutton it on the plane? No." Paris smirked. "Although.... It's still getting ripped off." He teased and then leaned in for another kiss. I laughed again and moved my face into the crook of his neck before he could kiss me.

"Ripped off?" I asked and then moved my free hand that was on his back up to the button and started to do it. We came to a stop then as the music ended.

"Oh yeah, you're going to be missing clothing by the time I'm done and it won't be reparable unless your name is Hachirobei." I smirked and looked up at him as I loosened my tie a little more.

"But it's my wedding outfit," I teased him. "You don't want to keep it for later?" I smirked as I looked him over. I'm so destroying that tux on him.... He looks too damn sexy in it. The maids will start looking at him, and I'm the only one allowed to. Paris blushed a bright red.

"Ummmm...." He walked away from me then, heading towards a table then sat down at it, hiding his face behind a glass vase with flowers in it. I raised an eyebrow and then straightened my tie. After how many times we've done it, I'm surprised he's getting shy on me now. I laughed a little before I started to walk off to wander around, glancing towards the piano as I wondered who was playing... thinking about kicking them off the bench and taking it from them. Laurence was playing it, looking directly towards me with a smirk. That's not fair.... He cheated. I picked up a glass of wine as I passed a servant that was carrying them then started for the piano anyways.

"Hey Richard, you're a married man now." Perry said as he stepped out in front of me. "How about I steal a dance anyways? I've never danced with a man before. You're too damn hot to pass up though." He held out a hand. "Paris won't mind." I looked towards his hand. Oh... flashbacks to when I had paparazzi following me everywhere... and girls asking for dances. Those were some brave girls. I smirked and then downed the wine, handing it over to a servant before I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me.

"You want a dance?" I asked, smirking as I looked at him. "Well... I'll make you never want to dance with another girl again." Perry laughed and then rubbed my cheek before resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Alright, you can try." Perry smirked and handed his glass over to Alexis. I led him to the dance floor and then started to lead him in a dance, deciding not to go for something too sexy in case Paris got mad. He would... especially today.... I smirked and then looked Perry over before I sharpened my fangs a bit to tease him. He exposed his fangs then. "I said a dance," He told me. "You have fun though on your honey moon." He smirked. "I'm glad you're getting to have a perfect wedding. You two deserve it. I remember when Paris caught me- how we first met. You we're so happy with me either." He laughed and shook his head. I smiled and then spun him before I took him into a dip, leaning over him.

"Oh yeah? You remember that? Good," I told him then brought him back up. "Today is turning out to be perfect," I purred happily. "Paris did a good job~!"

"I picked out the choices in wine. You better have a few glasses for me." Perry teased. "I'm thinking about spending the next couple of centuries here. I'm going to turn a room into a bar, Paris says I can do it." He smirked like he had plans. I raised an eyebrow.

"Well... welcome to the manor then," I said and then laughed. "You'll have to show me the room you're renovating when you're done." I'll have to hide my drinks stash....

"I'm sure you'll want to see it~ So of course." Perry nodded. I laughed and then came to a stop as the music ended.

"So... did you enjoy it?" I asked him, giving him a small smirk as I let his hand go.

"I think you turned me gay, don't let Alexis know." Perry whispered and then started to laugh. "I'm going to go get into the wine." He walked away from me then. I watched him go before I turned to look at Laurence, looking him dead in the eyes. Laurence blew me a kiss and then looked down at the notes.

"Richard~!" Rory tackled me into a hug. "I mean, dad." Rory rubbed his head against my cheek. "You're so cute all up in that tux. Are you sure you're ready to be married?" He joked and then looked towards Paris. "Because I see a pissed off male over there," He pointed at Paris. "Who's just dying to get his hands on you. Don't let him know I said so." He shoved me away then. "Don't throw yourself at me." He walked off then with a glass of wine in his hands. I frowned. What the heck was that?! I rubbed my arm and shook my head. Rory must be getting drunk.... I glanced at Paris curiously, wondering if he really did look upset. Paris was now sitting with Rose and Victor, showing them the ring he had from me and was showing Rose what was on the inside. I smiled and put my hands in my pockets. Yeah... he's mad alright Rory. I smirked. Showing off a ring is a true sign of anger.... Cute though. I laughed and then started for the piano quickly before I could get snatched.

"Laurieeee~!" I called out, leaning up against the piano as I reached it.

"Paris gave me strict orders not to leave." Laurence told me. "So no." My jaw dropped.

"What? But... I always play.... No fair," I mumbled, watching him.

"Not on your wedding night." He teased me. "Now, go see what your children are doing. You need to give them all attention fairly." I pouted and then leaned over, looking at the keys before I reached down and pressed one anyways. He smacked my hand away. "Stop it. When was the last time you talked to Peyton?" He fired at me. Oh... umm... Peyton? I looked at him thoughtfully.

"A few days ago I think.... Dunno.... not sure... maybe a year?" I shrugged.

"You're a bad parent playing favorites. When was the last time you talked to Myra?" He asked.

"She doesn't talk to me," I said, pointing a finger at him. "Matter of fact, I talked to Peyton last night! She asked me to get her a bottle of blood out of the refrigerator while I was getting myself one!"

"Oh yeah?" Laurence asked. "What's her interests?" He asked me and then looked around the ball room. "Maybe you should go ask your children questions about how they're doing. Don't go running to your favorites first." I sighed.

"You play favorites too Laurence," I whispered.

"No... I play my own game." He smirked.

"True enough," I said and laughed then gave him a hug. "Alright, you can have the piano this once."

"Good. Paris would be upset with us if you took over." He told me. I kissed the top of his head and looked towards the piano longingly before I walked off, wandering towards Myra and then grabbed another glass of wine when I reached her.

"Hey Myra," I said and smiled. "How've you been?" She looked towards me and then gave me a board look.

"I've been okay. Congratz on the marriage." She leaned up against Hana, Hiko's sister. "I can't believe it took you so long though to get married." I smiled and then took a sip of my wine.

"Well... I didn't think we needed to," I said and then shrugged. "But we wanted to, so we did. So... I see you made a friend," I told her and gestured to Hana, making her blush.

"Uhmmm, I did... She's pretty cool." Myra nodded and then moved a little away from Hana and blushed. "She painted my nails black earlier." I nodded and then smiled.

"That's nice.... Does that mean you'll come see us more?" I asked sweetly, giving her a huge smile.

"Richard, I've been living with you." Myra frowned. "After my parents died I came here." She rolled her eyes. "Idiot."

"I meant come see me and your mother more," I said quickly, covering it up.

"Oh... uh.... No." She crossed her arms. "I don't have a reason to."

"Becaaaause... I'm your dad and I want to see you more often?" I tilted my head.

"I'll send you an email once a year." She promised. "On Christmas." I pointed a finger at her.

"At Christmas, your butt better be in the living room with the rest of us around the tree," I said and then crossed my arms. "Five emails, two visits, and you start attending Thanksgiving," I said.

"If you can remember that by tomorrow I might consider it." She challenged. I smirked. I'll put a reminder on my phone to call her and tell her to start planning on going to Thanksgiving. I took another sip.

"Deal," I told her and then gave her a hug. "You look prettier today. The nails suit you." She tensed up at my touch.

"Yeah yeah... Let me go." She placed her hands on my chest. "People are starting to look." She shoved me back. I laughed and held up my hands.

"Awww, don't be embarrassed by me! If you were going to be embarrassed about anyone, you should be embarrassed by the fact you're not dancing and enjoying yourself," I said and smirked. "Go dance with someone. That'll make me happy for now."

"I would but my only other friend besides Hana is Donnie and she's clung to a baby plus I don't know how to dance with a girl." Myra whispered. I tilted my head.

"Dance like you would with a guy? Hana, you should give Myra a dance. You're her friend after all," I said sweetly, making Hana blush.

"U-ummm.... Nuh-uh," she said and shook her head. "I don't even know how to dance with a guy!"

"Good." Myra teased her. "I don't dance anyways." She shook her head. "I like to be a wall flower." I sighed and then looked the two of them over. At least Myra has another friend.... I'm so proud of her!

"Alright you two. Enjoy yourselves," I said and then glanced around for another one of my kids, seeing Sage. I started for him and then got beside him. "Hello Sage," I purred, looking at him.

"What were you doing talking to that girl?" Alistair asked as he stood by Sage. Star and Astrid were right by them. I glanced at him.

"That one?" I pointed towards Myra. They probably don't know her I guess.... She doesn't talk to others much.

"Yeah, who is she? Related to us?" Alistair asked. Star looked towards her with interest and grabbed Astrid, whispering something to her.

"She's actually my daughter," I said and smirked. "Her name is Myra."

"She doesn't talk much does she?" Astrid asked me. "I've seen her before at parties. She's a wall flower." She looked towards Star. I frowned a bit and then looked them over before I looked at Sage.

"Yeah... just a bit," I whispered before I put an arm around my son. "So how are you?" I purred softly. He looked at me and then frowned.

"Fine," he said simply and then looked away. I frowned. Do my own kids not like me that much..... I swear.... The reason why I talk to my favorites is because my favorites talk back to me!

"Fine? How're things with your mate?" I asked, glancing over at Astrid.

"Fine," he said and shrugged my arm off. "Do you want something?"

"N-no...." I mumbled.

"Then go to mom," he suggested, looking at me out of the corner of his eyes. I crossed my arms.

"I have as long as I want with your mommy.... I want to spend time with my kids," I said sweetly. He sighed.

"Dad, you're putting a damper on my mood. I was going to ask Astrid to dance before you walked over," he said and then finished the drink in his hand and put it on a tray as a servant went by.

"Star, would you like to dance?" Alistair asked her.

"Yes!" Star nodded.

"Too bad, I don't." He teased her then left us, going towards Nikolai. I frowned and then looked the two girls over before I looked Star over and then gave my drink to Sage. He looked at it and dropped it on the floor.

"Sage, you got my shoes wet, ass hole. Come on Star," Astrid dragged Star off then towards Lori, the youngest child of Rose. Sage narrowed his eyes.

"That's your fault," he hissed under his breath, looking over at me. "If you didn't come butt in on my conversation, I would've had a dance!" He pointed a finger at me. "Stay. Out. Of. My. Conversations." I widened my eyes and then felt my stone pulse. My own kid doesn't like me?! I rubbed my arm and then started to walk off but was tackled. "Where ya going?" He asked and then hugged me. "I don't have anyone to talk to now that you made me chase them off. Now you have to stay with me."

"Sage? I want a dance." Rory said, coming up to us. "Get off that drunk." He tugged Sage to him and then towards the dance floor. "Where are the poles?"

"Install a pole in our playroom and I'll dance in there for you if you ask nicely," Sage teased him.

"Shiloh was giving me dirty looks earlier." Rory whispered. "Girls are scary. We need to form a guys club."

"We could just make her a dude. It's all those girl hormones screwing with her head," Sage said and pointed at his head, tapping it. "She'd mellow out if she was a guy like us. She was supposed to be born a guy anyways. We have three guys and only one girl. Majority wins. Let's make her a dude."

"Maybe Keegan will finally love us if we made her a guy!" Rory laughed out and nodded. "OHHHHH SHILOH!" He started for her then.

Rory's POV:

Shiloh looked up at me as I called out her name and then frowned as she took a sip from her drink. "Yeah?" She asked, walking over. "Want me for something?" Sage smirked beside me.

"Maybe it's her time of the month," he whispered under his breath so she couldn't hear. "Normally she's all over us."

"Or maybe she's just influenced by that drink," I muttered back to Sage, hitting the back of his head. "Stop being an idiot, Shiloh doesn't get monthlies. She's our sister. She's better then that. Shhhhhhy! Come over here?" I asked her. She looked me over and then purred, finishing her drink and then gave it to a servant as she walked right up to me.

"Rory~ You missed me, didn't you?" She asked sweetly, warming up. She leaned in and kissed my neck, wrapping her arms around me.

"Shy~! We decided that we're going to make you a dude like us." I told her. "You won't mind, right? You're supposed to be a guy anyways. If we make you a guy then Keegan will have to come back and love us. He'll give up that affair with the human." She frowned and pulled back from my neck, looking me in the eyes.

"You don't love me the way I am now?" She asked me softly, pouting. "That's no fair Rory.... I love you and Sage and Keegan," she mumbled and then leaned back in, kissing my neck again.

"If you want to make us happy, then you'll become a male." I whispered in her ear, reaching towards her wrist and grabbed it, digging my nails in slightly. "For Keegan, For Sage, and for me." I wrapped her into my arms then and leaned in towards her neck, scraping my fangs against her skin. "You'll do it for me mostly though, I'm your favorite brother." She gasped and kissed my cheek.

"Rory~" She purred and then hugged me.

"So yes?" Sage asked and smirked from beside me. "Rory, take her somewhere safe- our room. I'll get her a male body." He put a hand on my shoulder and then moved me back slightly, leaning in and biting into Shiloh's neck, making her moan softly.

"Hey! I can't take her to our room with your fangs in her skin." I hissed towards Sage then scooped Shiloh up into my arms. "Let's go Shy, I want to be the one that takes your stone." I told her then started to walk us out of the ball room.

"Where are you two running off to?" I heard Donnie ask. I froze up then looked her way.

"Shiloh is a little tipsy so I'm going to take her upstairs," I explained.

"Bull shit. I read minds, idiot." Donnie hissed. "Don't ever lie to me again. Have fun though~" She took a sip of her wine. "I'm telling on you two when they get back from their honeymoons. I don't like liars."

"Shh," Sage said towards Donnie, putting a finger over his lips then looked at me before he walked out of the ballroom quickly to go find us a male. Shiloh curled up in my arms and looked up at me then glanced towards my neck before she looked around, her eyes locking onto Keegan when she saw him. She smiled slightly and then wrapped her arms around my neck, leaning her head against my shoulder. I carried her up to our room, ignoring Donnie. Once Shiloh is a male we'll be able to take Keegan easily and make him our play toy until he learns to love and respect us and never leave our side. We'll have to make Sage ignore his mate too. He's ours~ they both our. We were born together and we'll be together. I walked into our bedroom and sat Shiloh down on the bed then lingered my fingers over her chest. She looked towards my hand and then up at me before she grabbed it and then bit down into my wrist.

"Shiloh..." I muttered. She purred and then licked my wrist clean before she looked up at me and then pulled me down on the bed and giggled, kissing my cheek.

"What's the matter brother?" She asked me and then let go of my wrist as she wrapped her arms around me and nuzzled her head against my chest.

"We're about to take your stone so you won't be needing my blood right now," I told her firmly.

"I still like it," she whispered and then looked up into my eyes then smirked. "Besides, I don't remember agreeing. I never said anything about this."

"Whoa! You totally agreed to do this Shy! For me." I rubbed her head. She giggled at me and then exposed her fangs.

"For you?" She asked playfully then kissed my neck.

"For Keegan, he needs you to be a male." I told her. She groaned and then moved back from my neck.

"I'd compel him... but mother said not to do things like that to Keegan or else he'd throw us out," she muttered and then laid her head on my chest. "Do you really think that if I became a male that it'd fix everything? Am I really that wrong?" She frowned and closed her eyes. "Because I wasn't born a male like you?"

"Yes." I told her, fucking with her mind now to get what I want. "You're wrong. You're supposed to be a male Shiloh. Paris and Richard don't approve of daughters but if you were a male..." I leaned in and kissed her cheek. "We'd get more attention." She curled up and then looked up at me, her eyes tearing up a little.

"You really think I'm wrong...." She gripped my shirt and then buried her face into my chest. "It's not my fault I was born a girl!"

"It's your fault for wanting to stay a girl though," I whispered into her ear. "That's a sin." She whimpered and then put her hands over her ears. I smirked as I watched her. "You're sinning Shy, you better let me bring you back to the light." She squeezed her eyes shut tightly and I watched as a tear slipped from her eyes down her cheek. I touched her chest lightly and started to press into her for her stone. She yelped and opened her eyes up in panic, her hands going for mine.

"R-Rory! That hurts!" She said quickly.

"Don't fight me Shiloh." I growled sharply and grabbed her hands, shoving them away. "I'm your brother and you'll do as I want." She went to pull away then, attempting to get away from me.

"Sage!" She screamed out in fear for him. I pinned her down then reached into her chest, gripping her stone and went to take it out. The door opened as Sage walked in, dragging a body behind him.

"Oh Rory~ I got the boy we wanted! He's perfect! Got her stone ye-"

"Sage, help!" Shiloh shrieked, digging her nails into my arm. Sage frowned.

"You don't want to be like us Shiloh? I thought you wanted to be one of us. It'll be so perfect when it's just all four of us as males... like it was supposed to be. Come on, let us fix it," he purred and then walked over to the bed, dropping the unconscious male beside us. He had dressed him in one of his shirts and a pair of my pants, but I could still recognize him as one of the newer servants in the manor. Shiloh whimpered as she looked at Sage then at me before her grip loosened and she dropped her hand back to the bed, closing her eyes as she held back from attacking me as her fangs instinctively exposed.

"Good sister," I purred and then snatched her stone out of her body and tossed it to Sage. He caught it then smirked.

"So this is what it looks like," he whispered in awe and then licked some of her blood off it. The stone pulsed in his hands, making him gasp. "Wow.... Stones are pretty," he murmured as he moved his shirt aside on the servant and then looked the stone over again. It lit up and started to swirl with light colors as he turned it over in his hand.

"Stop looking at her stone you perv and put it in her new form." I got off the bed and licked my hand.

"Heh, jealous?" He asked me with a smirk before he placed it in the male, watching as Shiloh quickly took root in him. I watched as the features changed to suit her looks, taking a slightly more masculine look as the hair changed to her color. He groaned and then moved his hand to his chest, touching it.

"Ow... I'm sore," he hissed and then opened his eyes, sitting up with an irritated look. "What the hell?"

"Oh, Sage you're on teaching duty." I told him. "Someone has to teach Shy how to pee." Sage frowned.

"You do it. You're Shy's favorite," he told me and crossed his arms. "I'll teach him to dress properly."

"Ugh," I frowned and looked towards Shiloh. "Fine." He looked towards me and then looked at Sage and stood up.

"I'll figure it out myself," he muttered. "I can dress myself too." He rubbed his chest and then got to his feet, stumbling forward.

"Go check yourself out in the mirror," I suggested with a playful smirk. He looked me over and then rubbed his head and frowned.

"My hair...." He mumbled and then tugged on it before he started for the bathroom slowly. I heard him scream as he got in there. "RORY! SAGE!"

"You look sexy," I yelled and smirked. I grabbed Sage by his shirt. "Go get Keegan," I whispered. He nodded and then started for the door quickly, leaving. Shiloh came back out of the bathroom quickly with wide eyes then ran up to me.

"Rory!" He grabbed me and tugged me to him then paused, a slight gasp escaping his lips as he looked towards my neck hungrily. "Please?" He asked and then looked into my eyes. "It feels like I haven't eaten in forever."

"Yeah, don't take too much," I ordered and sat down on the bed, exposing my neck. He got in my lap quickly, leaning in towards my neck then bit down hard, moaning as he gripped the front of my shirt and pushed his body up against mine for more. I leaned back down on the bed, letting out a small moan.

"Rory," he whispered as he laid down on top of me, straddling my stomach as he sucked on the wound with a purr.

"Yeah, Shiloh~" I purred and rubbed his head. "You're finally in your true form." He laughed a bit and then grabbed my hands, pinning them by my side as he licked my neck before he bit down in hard again. I growled and threw him off of me quickly and sat up. "I won't allow you to bite me like that though." He growled as he looked at me.

"Rory," he hissed and then crawled into my lap before he smirked and then kissed my cheek. "I'll be nicer," he purred in my ear and then licked my neck.

"You better play nice, I'm older then you." I tapped him on the nose. He looked up at me and then smiled.

"I'm your brother," he said, putting an emphasis on brother before he kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt his breath hitting my neck as he slowly started to lean in towards it.

"Yes, but I rule over you," I snapped. "You won't feed unless I agree to it." I snapped my neck away from his mouth. He frowned and then looked at me before he crawled off my lap and rubbed the remainders of my blood off his lips.

"Sorry Rory," he whispered and looked away before he grabbed a pillow and hugged it. I smirked and crawled over to him, pulling him closer to me.

"Shiloh~ You know I love you." I purred in his ear. He smiled and looked at me.

"I love you too," he said sweetly and then squeezed the pillow as he leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Sage, I'm only doing this for one night so you guys better leave me alone." I heard Keegan say by the door. "I'm tired of your games and stubborn clinginess. I've got to live my own life now. I have a soul mate." Shiloh tensed up and looked towards the door as it opened and Sage pulled Keegan in.

"Don't worry. This will be worth leaving Hiko for now," Sage purred and then shut the door behind them, locking it. Shiloh's eyes widened as he saw Keegan and then he stood up, dropping the pillow. Keegan looked towards the door then over towards the bed and tensed up.

"Is that Shiloh?" Keegan asked and then backed up for the door, reaching for it. Shiloh smiled and then walked up to him, wrapping him up in his arms.

"Can't even recognize me? Shame on you," he purred and then kissed his cheek.

"Come to bed Keegan," I purred. Keegan looked like a chicken that was woken up due to the fox in the hen house. Shiloh laughed and shoved him down onto the bed as he got on top of him and then kissed his neck, purring as Sage walked over and got in with us. Keegan squirmed around under Shiloh.

"Why're you a male?" Keegan asked and looked towards me. "Rory! Get him off me." I laughed and shook my head no. Sage smirked and then laid down on his side of the bed and kicked his shoes off, watching as they tumbled to the floor.

"Because Rory didn't want me to be different from you three any longer," he purred and then bit down into Keegan's neck, letting out a moan. "I missed you Keegan," he mumbled as he held Keegan down. Keegan yelped and reached out towards the nightstand, grabbing it's leg.

"Shiloh that hurts!" Keegan groaned.

"It'll feel good in a few seconds," he promised and then I could smell him marking Keegan. Keegan let out a small moan and his hand slipped away from the table leg.

"Shiloh!" He moaned and exposed his neck more. "I've got a mate..." Shiloh smirked.

"Forget him.... He's just a human and we were all born to be together. He can't understand you like we can. We love you Keegan," he purred to him and then licked his neck. "We can make you happier."

"Hiko makes me happy though..." Keegan sighed out. "You'll never understand that because you don't have a heart." Shiloh hissed and then pulled back sharply from Keegan's neck.

"That was mean to say," he growled and then looked Keegan over like he was tempted before he got off him then laid down beside him and wrapped him up in his arms, holding him down. "After all I've done for you and Rory and Sage... so ungrateful."

"What do I have to be grateful for?" Keegan asked and glared Shiloh down. "I've got three annoying litter mates. I wish I was born without you three then you wouldn't be so clingy to me." Sage wrapped his arms around me and watched Keegan before he closed his eyes and started to fall asleep on me. Shiloh frowned at Keegan and then snuggled up to him.

"Shush...." He mumbled and then put a hand over his mouth as he kissed Keegan's neck again before he started to close his eyes. Keegan struggled to get free, pushing on Shiloh's chest. Shiloh groaned and then opened his eyes. "Keegan!" He narrowed his eyes and then leaned in, biting into Keegan again then remarked him. "You're mine." Keegan leaned against Shiloh and nodded.

"O-okay..." Keegan closed his eyes and started to fall asleep on him. Shiloh smirked and then nuzzled his head against his brother before he started to fall asleep with him, purring softly. I closed my eyes, deciding to doze off. Keegan was going to stay with us for the night.

Richard's POV:

I walked up to Paris as the reception ended and I was notified that the limo was pulled up front, ready to drive us to the airport for us to get on our private jet. I grabbed his hand and smirked, leaning in and kissing his neck as I pulled him up out of his seat. "It's time to go," I purred, ready. I already had the servants take our bags out to the limo, so we could say goodbye and get going. I was excited for the honeymoon.... Paris nodded and kissed my hand.

"Alright, if you say so." Paris purred and pulled me outside to our limo as the others followed to wave goodbye to us. I smirked and looked back at them, giving them all a wink before I got the door for Paris and helped him inside the limo and got in, shutting it behind me. I looked at him and smirked, leaning towards him.

"So are you ready for a honeymoon?" I teased, being close enough so he could feel my breath on his lips.

"Of course I'm ready." Paris leaned in for his kiss, trying to get into my lap. I laughed and then put a finger against his lips.

"Did you miss me all that time you weren't in our bed?" I asked as I got in a sexy position to mess with him, giving him a playful look as the car started to drive.

"You know I did...." Paris groaned. "Don't deny me my kiss... We're mates after all." I laughed and then grabbed him by his tux, pulling him close as I stole a kiss. He smirked and deepened the kiss, leaning my head back against the seat. I moaned and quickly wrapped my arms around him, holding him as I tilted my head and slipped my tongue into his mouth. He grabbed my shirt and started to unbutton it. I laughed slightly and then got ahold of his tongue, sucking on it as I pulled it deeper into my mouth. He moaned and ripped my shirt off as well as my jacket then started to pull of my tie. I playfully growled towards him as I reached behind him and gripped his butt, pulling him closer to me. I didn't need that shirt and jacket anyways.... He gasped and leaned in towards my neck, biting down into me and started to feast upon my blood. I moaned and leaned my head back for him, letting him have access to my neck better as I tightened my grip on him.

"Paris~!" I missed him so much during that time apart! I don't ever want to not sleep with him again!

"Yes?" Paris asked and pulled back. "Were you thinking about names?" Paris asked sweetly. I laughed and then kissed his neck, running my fingers through his hair and then gripped it.

"Uriah maybe?" I asked and then scraped my fangs against his neck. "Niomi if it's a girl?"

"Uriah? Where'd that come from? Niomi?" Paris laughed and shook his head.

"You don't like those names?" I asked and then bit down into his neck. He shook his head.

"Raven met someone by the name of Uriah, and Niomi is so... spiteful sounding. I like mild sounding names." I purred and then pulled back from his neck.

"I forgot about that.... I'll keep thinking," I told him and then bit down into my bottom lip before I leaned in and kissed him, getting both of our blood on him. He melted against me, leaning into my chest.

"I've been thinking of names too." Paris whispered.

"Good, after all, you're playing mommy this time for me," I purred and then I unbuttoned his shirt a little ways before I started to give him a love bite on his chest right over his stone. He gasped and ripped his shirt off, tossing it into the floor.

"Richard, make love to me before we arrive at the airport," He purred. I smirked and looked at him.

"You're eager this time...." I grabbed him and then leaned him back against the seats. "Before we get to the airport huh?"

"Yeah! You better hurry up. We're on a short schedule. Sex on the way to the airport, my stone in the girl on the plane, sex on the plane, we arrive in Hawaii, sex in every location on Hawaii, and I'll be pregnant. Oh, and we love each other the whole way." I laughed and then kissed his neck.

"You know I don't like being rushed though... but for you," I purred and then licked his neck. "I guess I could hurry...." However, I'm not making you a girl until the plane touches down in Hawaii. We have all the time we could want in Hawaii to get you pregnant.

"Oh so you want me on the plane as well like this? Alright, we'll add it to our sexy honey moon schedule then." Paris purred. I smiled and then leaned in and kissed his lips.

"Well, it gives me time to say goodbye to your sexy body for nine months," I teased as I reached for his pants. He pulled a knife out of his pocket then cut away my pants, pulling them down to the floor when he finished then smirked. I gasped. "Paris~ Did you have that knife in your pocket during the whole wedding? You bad boy."

"Just in case something bad happened or I needed to cut off someone's clothes." Paris smirked.

"Tsk, tsk, you know Raven keeps about twenty of them on her at all times," I purred and then looked him over as I shoved his pants down to his ankles. "Now gimme that," I said and snatched it from him, looking the knife over before I trailed it lightly on his chest to tease him. "My knife now~"

"That's okay, it's not my only knife." Paris exposed his fangs then. I laughed and then dropped the knife in the floor before I leaned in and kissed his lips, biting my bottom one to let him get a taste. He leaned up and started to suck on my bottom lip, grabbing my boxers tightly then tugged them down. I purred and then got between his legs, grinding against him teasingly as I moved my face into his neck and bit down, marking him. He gasped and leaned his head back against the seat. He began to move his hips with mine. I feasted on his blood as I slipped my hand down to his boxers and tore them off, giving him the first of many times on our honeymoon that he'd enjoy for the rest of our existence.