Keegan Takes A Stand

Unknown's POV:

"Sir, here's that disease you asked me to bring you," I said and sat down a crate on the lab table. My coworker looked back at me and smiled.

"You don't have to call me sir. We share the lab," he said and gestured the lab over. "Go take a break," he suggested and pointed towards the door. I sighed and adjusted my lab coat as I walked towards the door and went out, navigating the building as I went outside like I normally did on a break. It was nice to get out and get some fresh air in the evenings. I stepped outside and stretched then started to walk as I slipped my name badge off my coat into my pocket and stuck my hands into my pocket.

After a bit of walking, I felt someone snatch me from an alley and shove me up against a wall. A girl looked up at me and smirked, exposing what looked like fangs. I widened my eyes and screamed as my heart sped up and I felt adrenaline rushing through my veins as she gave me a predatory look then bit into my neck before I could shove her away. I whimpered and gripped the front of her shirt as I slowly slid down the wall as my knees got weak. "Shh, be a good human and shut up," she hissed in my ear as she tore into my neck, making me cry out. I could feel my life force draining as the female kept me pinned. I heard gunfire go off then and the woman's eyes rolled into the back of her neck as she was shot. She suddenly busted, all her blood and organs fell, some of it getting on me.

"Watch where you step." I was warned by a girl, a small laugh breaking out from a nearby boy.

"Oh man... Did you see the way she exploded!?" The guy asked. "Man I love todays weapons. That was a vampire.... We bagged a vampire."

"Shut up," The lady hissed. "Bag the girl. We could sell her on the market but that bite mark is going to make her cheaper." She rolled her eyes in annoyance. V-vampire?! I looked their way and stood up shakily, putting a hand over my neck and then took off running quickly. No way in hell am I letting them touch me! They're insane! "She's getting away. Kyle, I don't want to loose this one. She's the perfect size." I heard the guy tsk and then take off running after me.

"It's a dead alley anyways." I widened my eyes. Dead alley! No! I looked around then saw an empty dumpster and quickly got in it, bringing the lid down and held it shut, shaking as I was finding it hard to think straight. "Wow... Very smart move kid."

"Step aside." I heard the girl shoot something then and the lid crashed down on me. I was yanked out of the dumpster then. "You're coming with us." I screamed and started to struggle.

"No! I'm not going anywhere with you! TIM!" I screamed out.

"TIM?" The guy asked. "What's TIM?" I started to think fast about my coworker, Tim. Maybe if they believe that I'm not alone... they'll let me go.

"Tim, he's my boyfriend," I said in a rush, lying about my relationship with him. "He's supposed to meet me here in a few minutes. He'll hunt you down," I warned and gave them a very serious look. "You better let me go!"

"Oh yeah? TIM is party of us?" They asked curiously. "What sector?" I frowned. What in the hell are they talking about.

"My boyfriend is going to kick your asses," I hissed and then shoved the girl back. "He's six foot three! Touch me again, and I swear you'll wish you've never been born." Oh man... I hope they buy this and leave.... "TIM! BABY!" I screamed out and started for the beginning of the alley.

"Can we just kill her?" The guy asked. "She's giving me a headache. We'll make more on the blood from the vampire back there."

"Yeah, she's got no idea what's going on. I'll let you kill her."

"I don't kill girls..."

"You kill vampire girls."

"I know... but this is a girl."

"Oh my god men are such babies..." I stiffened and then ran out of the alley quickly and down the street back to my lab and threw myself against the door, trying the handle but my hand slipped the first few times. I heard a gun go off from behind me then and I was shot suddenly on the thigh. "Let's go... Maybe a dog will get her." I heard them walking off then. I cried out in pain and managed to get in, slamming the door shut behind me and locked it as I fell over and lost consciousness.

"Hey... Hey Angel," I heard Tim calling my name as he lightly smacked my face to try to wake me. I groaned and looked up at him weakly. "What happened to you? Your throat looked like it was attacked by an animal... and you got shot," he whispered. I widened my eyes as the memory came back, and I ran a hand up to my throat but found it bandaged up already. "I took care of it," he said quickly. "I got the bullet out.... Do I need to call the cops?"

"N-no...." I told him and winced as I felt pain all over my body. I looked up at him and saw his confusion, so I told him what happened to me. By the time I was done, he looked like he believed me, especially after I showed him some of the left overs of the vampire who had attacked me in the alley. He had taken me back to his apartment to watch over me that night and sat me down on his couch.

"Angel... you should do something about this.... If vampires are real... we need to take care of them so that way other's don't get hurt," he whispered. I nodded.

"Yes... We should start looking into the legends," I mumbled, getting curious about it.

"I'm sure you're not the only victim," he told me. "Maybe if we got a group together and hunted them out for answers about what they are and killed those that harm humans...." I looked up at him and nodded, feeling rage bubble up in me about it. They had no right to attack humans like that.... I definitely was not the only one... and then who the hell were those people that tried to kill me? I decided right then and there that I'd hunt those two down and get answers from them... and that I'd form a group to hunt vampires.

Laurence's POV:

I smirked softly as I felt the beginning has happened. I looked over at Richard and Paris. I only hope they'll be ready for when that girl is ready. I bit my bottom lip and laughed softly. He's going to have so much fun with this new treat coming for him. I tilted my head as I stiffened then... Ah man.... I glanced towards Donnie and seen him glaring me down. I gave him a wave and laughed. I felt something brush up against my leg then and a small meow as a purr rose up at my feet. Yoi, Hiko's cat that I had held earlier, had found it's way back to me. I picked it up then gave it a kiss on the top of the head before I brought it over to Hiko. "Hey, I found your kitty." I held it out to him. His eyes widened and he reached out for it then held it close to his chest. He looked up at me gratefully.

"Thank you," he whispered. "You're that kid that held Yoi earlier... in the kitchen," he mumbled as he recognized me. "You're like... one of the youngest ones here. Everyone else looks the same age... but you look younger." He looked me over and then rubbed behind his cat's ears. "Are you younger than them?" He asked me softly, a curious look in his eyes as he looked up at mine.

"My name is Laurence... I'm actually the oldest in this room... besides my mate." I glanced towards Ashton. Smirking since I had ditched him to come over to Hiko. Hiko smiled up at me sweetly.

"Oh... I'm sorry Laurence... You just look younger.... My name is Akihiko Fujimori," he told me and brightened up. "You can call me Hiko though."

"Ah, you can call me Laurence." I smirked. "I used to be a king. Vampire king of England. I'm also a pureblood. See I have a curse on me that's making stay this young. Otherwise I would have aged a few more years like the others." I pointed towards Paris and Richard for an example. He glanced towards them then shrunk back, shivering.

"Those two... are weird," he mumbled. "That girl looked like she attacked him.... Keegan's parents must really love to bite each other."

"Yeah," I sat down by him then and gave a smile. "Paris and Richard are my oldest friends." I told him. "They're very comfortable with each other. Paris would honestly run around naked though- he's that confident but Richard makes sure he has clothes on. Uhmmm let's see... they're like that old couple in the photos that smile and look in love because they've been together for their whole life and have stayed together, watching their family grow up. Understand?" I asked. Hiko watched them then smiled softly.

"I think I do... at least a little...." He kissed the top of his cat's head then looked over at me, giving me a cute smile. "So how come you're not dancing?"

"Would you like to dance?" I asked him. He blushed.

"Wait... what?" He held his cat a little tighter to him.

"It's okay. I'm safe to dance with." I assured. "It's natural here too to dance with a male." I stood up then and offered my hand. Hiko glanced at Rose then let his cat go and reached up, taking my hand.

"Okay," he whispered.

"You'll be fine." Rose giggled. "Have fun." She waved us off. I pulled Hiko towards the dance floor then started to lead him in a dance. He was clumsy at first but caught on quickly with my help. He smiled a little and glanced around the room then looked back at me.

"So you used to be a king?" He asked, giving me a shy smile.

"Yes. After Paris won the revolution with us the remaining children of the kings and queens took places as rules but we all called ourselves princes and princesses of certain areas like France, England, Italy, Wales." I told him. "It's a long story and Louis is going to show you it all." He frowned at that and was about to speak when Raven spoke up from nearby.

"Or you were a goddess or god in America if you took territory," she told Hiko and smirked as she danced with Nikolai. Hiko look her way and bit his bottom lip, shrinking back from her with an afraid look, but it only made her giggle at him.

"Don't be afraid of Raven." I told him. "She's just got a few loose bolts in the brain of hers." I explained.

"Hey... there are no bolts in my brain. They all fell out a long time ago," Raven purred towards me and then giggled. "Don't worry Hiko. You don't have to be scared of me. I'm not going to bite you.... I only bite people that I'm hunting... and you'll never end up on the list." Hiko frowned but gave a slight nod, but he kept his distance from her still. I smirked as I got a cleaver idea. After a dance I took Hiko back to the table then sat him down by Rose.

"It was nice meeting you." I whispered to him then started for Rory and his little group of devils. Shiloh saw me coming and smirked, appearing in front of me.

"Uncle Laurence," she purred then took my hand and we were suddenly standing in the middle of the group. "Lookie who I got," she said towards Rory. Rory smirked.

"Uncle Laurence~" He purred. I looked them over.

"Hey kiddos." I purred then looked towards Peyton and Aiyana. "Go see what Hachi is up to girls." I told them. They frowned but walked off together to do it, not questioning me. I looked the remainder contestants over. "How about a nice hunt?" I asked them. "I'll take you." Shiloh looked me over then looked at Rory to see what he'd say about it, looking skeptical. Rory tilted his head.

"Why? You never want to do stuff like this with us."

"Exactly why we will tonight." I told them. "Bonding time." I told them... plus it gets them away from Hiko and Keegan. Poor boys.

"You're up to something," Sage muttered.

"No I'm not." I told them. "We should go out hunting. Come on." Shiloh finally nodded.

"Alright... let's see what ya got old man," she joked, giving me a smirk.

"Old man?" I asked. "Wow... I never heard that one before." I laughed and then had my shadows take Shiloh, Rory, Sage, Alistair, Starla, and Astrid with me as I moved through the shadows and put us in town. "Now, do any of you know how to not hunt?" I asked them.

"You sit there and do nothing," Shiloh said and looked me over.

"Or you throw your victim over a bridge into oncoming traffic instead of not eat them," Sage muttered.

"Well we are hunting tonight. So that means, don't do any of that." I smirked and laughed. "How do you hunt?" I asked them. I felt like Sage was about to get me as he slowly smirked my way. I laughed and then took off running from them. They chased after me with Sage at the front.

"Whoever gets the old man gets a free taste of Hiko when we get him later!" Sage shouted back at everyone. I looked over my shoulder and laughed, having my shadows take each and every one of them and hang them upside down by their feet. I stopped running then.

"Don't tell your plans for later incase your victims escapes." I told them.

"We didn't say our plans," Sage countered and smirked at me. "I only said we were going to catch you.... I never said what I was going to do to you once I got you."

"Yes but now I know you'll be doing something later to poor Hiko." I told them and tsked. Shiloh hissed Sage's way.

"You idiot, you let him know.... Now we won't get our fun," she told him. Sage looked over at her.

"Yeah we will... Your our compulsion's person, remember?"

"That's if I let you guys out of my gasp." I smirked towards them. "I can put you few in the dungeon."

"Dad will get upset," Shiloh mumbled, looking at me. "Dad and mom will both be upset."

"No they won't. They'll laugh because they know I'm just teaching you." I smirked. Sage sighed and then closed his eyes. After a few seconds, he dropped to the ground and sat up, rubbing his head.

"Ugh... it's so hard to do that," he muttered and then stood up. He smirked at Shiloh and walked past her, going to his mate then bit his mate. She yelped and tried to get away from him. I laughed and then started for Sage.

"Sage~ Forgetting someone?" I asked him. He pulled back from his mate's neck and looked down at me then smirked as he licked his lips clean.

"No," he told me and then looked towards a nearby streetlamp. It started to flicker before it hummed loudly and grew brighter, getting rid of my shadows and all his friends dropped. I looked towards the light with interest then started to walk up a side of a building. Sage watched me and smirked before he appeared on the side of the building and snatched me as he fell to the ground. He bit into my neck and purred. "Gotcha." I yelped and pushed up on his chest then.

"Sage, I'm teaching you to hunt not becoming the victim."

"I am hunting," he purred at me and then licked my neck. "You just became the hunted is all." I looked him over then smirked as I faded from under him, slipping into his shadow. He sat up and then went to wipe his face off, but Shiloh ran over and licked my blood off his cheek. The light went back to normal as Sage got distracted. I had my shadows take them again and I moved out of the shadow.

"First rule, don't be distracted." I told them and then sniffed the air, smelling a few humans nearby. "Looks like I smell dinner. Can you smell the humans nearby?" I asked them. Shiloh tensed up and smelled the air for them, a curious look on her face that quickly became a hungry one. Sage shrugged at me. Rory sniffed the air and then pouted.

"Let us down Laurence." Rory ordered. I laughed at him and then had my shadows grip him tighter. "L-Laurence..." He grumbled, looking a little annoyed by me. Shiloh glanced over at Rory and exposed her fangs then looked at me.

"You brought us to hunt," she reminded me.

"Who're you going to hunt though? Them... or me? I must know before I let you down." I smirked.

"Rory," she answered without hesitation.

"Let me down and leave her up." Rory hissed towards his sister. "Teach you to keep your fangs off me unless you ask." He exposed his fangs then. I rolled my eyes.

"Children.... We're hunting humans, not each other." I told them and had the shadows drop them. Alistair was by me within seconds and pinned me up against a light pole.

"Got him." Alistair purred in my ear. "My catch of the day." He bit into me then before I could react and started to drain me. Sage walked up and grabbed him, pulling him off me.

"Come on Ali," he said with a teasing tone and began to pull him down the street. "Use your bloodhound nose and point me in the direction of those worthless humans. I'm too lazy to figure out where they are." He shoved Alistair in front of him to make him lead him as Shiloh looked towards Rory then took off after Sage. I rubbed my neck and watched as Starla and Astrid followed after them. I shook my head then started after them, watching as Alistair lead us towards a group of humans playing basketball together in an alley. I leaned up against a building then as I watched six of them playing. They haven't even noticed us yet. Sage didn't take his time, appearing in front of one of them and snatched his pick by his neck and sunk his fangs in.

"Sage! You're supposed to play with them first!" Shiloh hissed at him and appeared in front of another to keep them from running as she exposed her fangs then caught all of their eyes. "Sit down... and enjoy what's coming for you," she purred, compelling the players. "My friends only want to play a little with you, and you'll let us." Rory walked up to Shiloh's little friend and bit down into his neck, pulling him up against his chest. I watched as the others took their choice of the night. They have a bunch to learn still... Shiloh looked over who was left then looked towards Rory and Sage before she pulled out her phone and sat down on a bench, putting an arm over it as she started to play on her phone. She crossed her legs and bounced her foot up and down absentmindedly as she ignored the humans' yelps and sometimes moans. They practically were offering themselves now that she had compelled them to do so. I laughed as I watched Shiloh.

"You have your father's gift Shiloh. He never uses it much though because he likes the fun challenge of a chase." I told her. She glanced up at me and smirked.

"Hmm.... It's fun when they all become my puppets. The occasional few," she gestured to Rory, "are the best to play with because it doesn't work all the time. Come sit with me," she purred, patting the spot beside her on the bench. "I won't bite you." I walked over to her and then sat down by her.

"Don't try compelling me." I whispered to her. She laughed at me and then sat her phone down in her lap.

"Uncle Laurence, I doubt I'd be able to compel you, and I know that if I did... I'd be grounded for a very long time. You're safe from it." She looked over at me and smirked, ruffling my hair before she picked up her phone. "You're part of the few." I fixed my hair quickly and frowned.

"Don't ruffle my hair." I told her. "I'm much older then you."

"Mhmm~ Whateeeeever you say," she said and then giggled, looking over at me. "Your hair looks okay though." I exposed my fangs towards her.

"Just because I look younger doesn't give you any right to pick on me." I hissed. Her gaze softened a little and she nodded, setting her phone down.

"I'm sorry Uncle Laurence.... It's not your fault that you look younger than us. You could probably have left my mother a long time ago, but you didn't." She looked me over and then smiled. "I'm proud to call you my Uncle."

"Paris and Richard are my oldest friends in this world... Us purebloods must stick together." I thought it over then laughed. I glanced up at the top of a building, seeing Baleen watching over me.

"Very true.... I've read every single one of my mother's journals.... I know why we keep to ourselves instead of ruling the world like the superior race we are," she mumbled. "Though, history has a tendency to repeat itself. I believe we will end up taking over again in time- whether that is tomorrow or thousands of years from now. The vampire hunters will be back... and we'll be forced back into hiding to avoid losing the ones around us," she whispered that last part. "At least we'll have fun along the way."

"You're very smart." I whispered to her. "It's all fun and games to the immortals." I laughed and then laid back a bit, looking up at the sky. "Mortals on the other hand take their precious lives seriously."

"Yes... They do, don't they?" She glanced over at the humans and smirked as one fell over dead- the one that Sage was eating. "Well... they have death following them around for their whole lives." She laughed a little then looked towards me. "Why'd you take us hunting? You don't normally do something unless it benefits you... and you sent Peyton and Aiyana away instead of taking them with us."

"To give Keegan and Hiko some times without you three breathing down their neck." I told her. She giggled at that.

"Smart," she whispered. "Sage and I were planning on messing with them. Though this turned out better than I expected." She looked towards one of the humans that Sage was heading for. She smirked. "Come here," she purred to the human, making Sage freeze up as the human began walking towards her obediently. She made the human sit beside her. "You... are going to be my playtoy for a few weeks, and then I'm going to drink your blood, but until then, you'll be begging for me to sink my fangs into your neck every day, okay precious?" The human looked at her with a dazed look and nodded slowly. "Good," she purred. "You'll be my servant until then." Rory pulled away from his victim and it dropped dead at his feet. He glanced over towards Sage and walked over to him then wrapped him up in his arms and bit down into his neck. I smirked as I looked Rory over. He just had a tooth take out because of a cavity.... Sage moaned and leaned his head back, exposing it to Rory as he sharpened his fangs slightly, clinging onto Rory's shirt. Rory pulled back after a minute and moaned then leaned in towards Rory's lips but kissed his cheek. Sage purred and kissed Rory's neck and rubbed his face against him before he shoved Rory away and smirked.

"That's all you're getting." Rory smirked and started back for Sage.

"Oh yeah?" Rory asked.

"Yeah bubba," he said playfully and then ran a hand from his neck down his side before he laughed at him and started to walk towards one of the only humans left. Rory walked over towards us then, giving Shiloh a predatory look. Shiloh didn't pay him any attention as she watched her human with an amused look as he tried to get her to bite him. Rory shoved the human out of his way and then crawled into Shiloh's lap. He leaned in towards her neck then bit down into her. She yelped and then looked at Rory lovingly before she kissed the side of his face and moaned softly.

"Rory~" She mumbled. "Are you upset because Sage is being a tease?" Rory groaned and bit down deeper into her neck. I laughed softly as I watched them. Of in the distance a howl erupted from the woods. Shiloh tensed up and tapped Rory on the shoulder. "Rory, stop. We should go back to the manor. There are wolves out," she whispered. "You can bite me when we are getting ready for bed."

"The only wolves in this area are rogues and the family pack." I told Shiloh. "Rogues hardly trespass over here though. You don't need to worry." I smirked as Rory tensed, not giving up his dinner. Shiloh whimpered slightly but buried her face into Rory's neck. After a few seconds, I caught the smell of his blood as she bit him. Rory pulled back from her then and laughed, licking his lips.

"Ready to go home?" I asked everyone. Sage looked up from where he had bitten Astrid and had her up against the basketball pole.

"No," he said and smirked, looking Astrid over as he leaned back into her neck and licked her. Astrid shoved him back quickly.

"I'm ready." Astrid told me. "Let's go." Sage growled at her.

"We'll be ready to go when I say so," he hissed at her then pulled her to him. "What? You don't like my attention?"

"Your attention isn't worth much." Astrid hissed towards him. "You rather be with your precious sister anyways." He frowned.

"Well... I guess I'll be taking Shiloh to this concert rather than you if you're going to be like that," he whispered as he took two tickets out of his pocket and showed them to her.

"Concert?" Astrid asked and then snatched the tickets from him quickly, looking them over. "Thanks. STARLA!" She started for her sister. Sage narrowed his eyes but let her go.

"And you wonder why I still bite my siblings," he hissed under his breath. He started to walk off then, shoving his hands into his pockets. Astrid attacked her sister into a hug and showed her the tickets, giggling. I shook my head then hand my shadows take us home to the manor.

Raven's POV:

I giggled as I drank my spiked blood. I had managed to get Victor to share his rum with me, and I had slipped some into the blood while Nikolai wasn't paying attention. Nikolai looked towards me curiously. "What're you giggling about?" He asked me.

"Nothing much," I purred to him and then took another sip of the blood. "Why? Want inside my head?" I teased him, giving him a playful look.

"No." He shrugged. "I don't want inside your head." He whispered and then looked over at Louis and Keegan as they finally stopped playing. I smiled softly as I watched Louis set his violin down on top of Paris's piano and walk back to Ann, joining her again. Hiko was waiting off to the side for Keegan with a slightly nervous look. That poor boy is going to get eaten alive if he keeps looking like that. I smirked and then leaned my head up against Nikolai, taking another sip of my blood.

"That was nice," I whispered, referring to the change in routine with those two playing. Nikolai nodded as he watched Keegan go to Hiko and pull him close. Paris and Richard got up on the stage then.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Paris asked as Laurence appeared with the kids he took earlier. The room got silent and turned to Paris, looking over at him. Louis held Ann close to him and smiled, kissing her cheek. "Good... Now I have a few announcements to make for they are the reason why we are all here in this room." I heard someone walk quietly into the room and step off to the side onto the back wall. "I'd like to announce and introduce Lien Hachirobei. He's Hachi and Isaac's baby boy." Paris gestured towards Isaac and Hachi then started to clap. "Welcome to the family Lien." Isaac smiled down at the baby in his arms and then kissed the baby's head before he held it out to Hachi for the first time tonight. Hachi took Lien then and blushed as all eyes focused on them. "That's not the only news I have to announce tonight. Now, you are probably wondering why Richard is yet a girl again. We are having another baby." He leaned in and kissed Richard. "May we be blessed for good fortunes and happiness with this one.... and hopefully we can raise this one." Paris pulled back with a smirk. Richard blushed and put a hand over her stomach.

"You may not end up raising it if something happens... but no way in hell am I being taken away from him," Richard whispered. Paris pulled Richard closer then and looked towards Louis.

"My dear twin, Louis... You have something to announce." He gestured for him to do it. Louis smirked and looked at Ann.

"Everyone, meet my new newborn and mate, Ann. She'll be living with us from now on, and I want you all to give her a very warm welcome," he purred. "Say hi Ann. This is your new family." Ann blushed as she looked at everyone then gave a small smile. Paris looked over towards the servant near him then took a glass.

"Welcome to the family," Paris said and then held the glass up towards Ann and took a sip from the glass. "We also have two more announcements left." He looked towards Keegan. "Keegan, my dearest child, has found his mate. Everyone welcome Hiko into the family." He gestured towards the two and then raised his glass. He took a sip from it. "To wrap all of this up...." He held the glass up towards the person who had just walked into the room. "Welcome home Myra." He smirked and swallowed the rest of the drink and then leaned in, kissing Richard. Richard gasped and then wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him passionately before she pulled back and kissed his neck. She smirked softly before she sat down at the piano and started to play Paris's song. Paris purred and watched Richard before he walked off stage and started towards Myra. I frowned as I noticed Louis whispering something to Ann and looking Hiko's direction before he disappeared.

"What is he doing?" I whispered softly then took another sip of my drink. I looked Nikolai's way and smiled, giggling a little at him. Oh man... he has no clue I got his father's rum in my drink.

"If you keep giggling I'm going to sleep on the couch." Nikolai whispered to me then pulled me onto the dance floor with him and started to dance with me. I blushed and looked up at him.

"Why would you sleep on the couch?" I whispered back. He's dancing with me again....

"You're scaring me with your giggles." He muttered.

"Why does my giggling scare you? Nikolai... I'm not hearing the voices right now if that's what you're worried about. I haven't heard them for a bit," I told him and then smiled. "I'm just happy that you're dancing with me."

"Oh yeah? Do you like dancing with me Raven?" He pulled me closer to him. I blushed and gave a slight nod as I watched him.

"Yes," I whispered, admitting that I did. He nodded then and twirled me around. I smiled happily and let him then got closer to him, kissing his cheek. "You're my king and mate," I mumbled to him. "Of course I'm happy to dance with you." He nodded and looked into my eyes.

"I know that." He smirked. "I've been knowing that." I purred to him and looked him over.

"I love you," I said sweetly. I looked towards his lips longingly but held back, not wanting to ruin this. He pulled back right as Richard finished and then started to bring me off the dance floor. I pouted slightly but let him as I walked to the side. Louis appeared then by Rose and dropped a white haired girl with pale skin and red eyes into the floor with a smirk.

"Look Rose, I found a new pet," he purred and looked down at the girl, exposing his fangs. The girl shrieked and went to run, but he grabbed her and laughed. I frowned as I looked their way and smelled the air, wondering if she was human- but no she wasn't. She was a fresh newborn.... I could still see her blood dried up on her neck and a little bit of Louis's on her chin. Hiko glanced over at them in curiosity then froze up before he ran to her, pulling her away from Louis.

"Neechan!" He looked towards her neck in a panic. "What happened to you?!" Keegan rushed over and looked the girl over then glared down Louis.

"Louis!" Keegan hissed. Louis tensed up and looked at Keegan.

"What?" He asked and then looked at Hiko then at the girl. "Oh...." Hiko hugged the girl and buried his face into her chest, making the girl tense up but she quickly hugged him and kissed the top of his head.

"Hiko," she whispered lovingly and rubbed his head. "I'm fine.... I'm so glad I found you.... You weren't home when I got back from work."

"You turned his sister!" Keegan smacked Louis's cheek then. "That's not in your face to do." I heard Paris bust out laughing then as well as Rose. Louis rubbed his cheek and I slowly saw him getting angry. He glared Keegan down as he looked his way.

"You don't tell me what to do," he hissed. "She's not yours anyways. I am keeping her as my new pet, and she was going to come here anyways because of Hiko. Her hair and eyes are too interesting not to preserve as a vampire." Keegan glared Louis down.

"Hiko is my mate and anything in his blood line belongs to me way before you, Uncle Louis." He clenched his jaw. "Keep your fangs off her." Louis raised an eyebrow at him.

"What makes you think I'm going to bite her again? I'd bite Isabelle," he said and then looked the girl's way. "She'll make a good vampire," he purred and then looked back at Keegan. "It's not like I killed her, and I don't have to explain myself to you, but I'm only tolerating that slap because you're my nephew."

"You deserve the slap." Keegan hissed and then glared him down before looking towards Victor. "You're my new favorite Uncle." He told him then turned quickly and grabbed Hiko and his sister and started to drag them towards the doors. Louis watched him and narrowed his eyes.

"Great," he muttered under his breath. "That's the thanks and admiration you get after years of private lessons on the violin. If he's going to be a big baby about something that was going to happen anyways, then fine. I'm done with him." Paris walked up to his twin and then smacked him across the cheek again.

"That's for my baby boy, YOU hurt his feelings turning his mate's sister. He's right. You didn't have a right to do that without talking to him first." Paris hissed in his ear then leaned down to his neck and bit him. Louis snarled and exposed his fangs, shoving Paris back.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU SMACK ME?!" He glared Paris down and then rubbed his cheek. "Bastard... that really hurt." He started to walk off then, going for the door with a pissed off look.

"Get back here Louis." Paris hissed, going after him. "I'm not done with you."

"Don't come near me," Louis hissed back at him and then opened the door. Paris took off towards Louis anyways.

"Oh I will!" Paris hissed. "I'm going to punish you." He laughed. Louis glared back at him.

"No way in hell," he told Paris. They disappeared then through the doors. I frowned and leaned against Nikolai.

"I hope that they don't fight for too long.... There was a war the last time they fought," I whispered.

"No... this wouldn't trigger a war." Nikolai whispered.

"Oh they've fought over Louis loosing pets last time." Rose told us. I looked towards Rose then up at Nikolai.

"Nikolai... you might end up having to make them stop if they don't stop after this," I told him. "You're king."

"Everything will be fine." Laurence said as he walked over and grabbed Rose's hand then gave it a kiss. "Rose~ Want to dance?" He pulled her to his feet and off to the dance floor. I giggled. There's no music to dance to.... How sweet. I took a sip of my drink and purred then looked over at Victor, bouncing up to him as I reached into his jacket, making him freeze up.

"I already gave you some," he whispered to me. I gave him a big smile, making him sigh as he pulled some out for me again and then poured some into my drink. "You're going to be drunk by the end of tonight if you don't stop adding more to those," he muttered. I took a sip after swirling it and smirked.

"Oh, I'll be fine. This is some good stuff," I told him, making him smirk back at me.

"Yes, of course it is. It's mine," he said and took a swig of it. Nikolai walked up to us then and snatched it from me.

"Raven..." Nikolai whispered in my ear. "Don't get too drunk." I widened my eyes and looked from my drink to him. I got caught this time.... I blushed at him. He gave the drink back towards his father then pulled me over to Ann and sat me down by her. "Do me a favor Ann and watch the Queen." He rubbed my shoulder then sat down by me. "She's getting a little risky." I frowned and looked at him.

"I am not.... There wasn't much in that drink," I mumbled. Ann looked over at me.

"You was getting drunk?" Ann asked me and then blushed. I widened my eyes.

"No," I said quickly. "I was not.... I was just slipping rum into the blood drink I had...." Victor laughed a few feet away as he heard me.

"Most of your drink was rum," he muttered as he finished my drink off and sat the glass down on a table. I pouted and looked at Nikolai. No fair... he gets to go drinking with Victor... and I can't even have a mixture?

"I don't want you getting drunk." Nikolai whispered to me. "Unless you're planning on going to somewhere like Los Vegas for a week." He looked around as everyone was starting to ditch the ball room. I glanced at them and looked back at Nikolai.

"Why? You can't handle me being a little tipsy?"

"Not in my bed." He smirked towards me and then looked me over. "Come on, ready to go?" I nodded and gave him a sweet smile.

"Mhmm." I got up then kissed Ann's head. "Goodnight Ann," I purred to her. "Make sure that Louis doesn't get into too much trouble, kay?" I giggled and then started for the door. Nikolai walked up to my side and smirked towards me.

"You can go drinking tomorrow if you want."

"I'm not in the mood to go drinking," I told him simply and shrugged. "Last time I went to do something like that, I got stuck in a loop for two centuries."

"Okay then how about tomorrow you take the girls off to a nice side room and get them drunk. Like the bar room?" Nikolai suggested. "Something nice. Whatever you want. I've got to go do some things tomorrow and I probably won't be back until morning." I pouted and looked him over.

"What do you have to do tomorrow? You didn't say a word about this until just now...." Jerk, he waited until after the party to tell me....

"Donnie and I are going to go out to the camp and check it out." He told me. "The one I had set up in Carolina... It's for finding mates and whatever. I'm going to go do some king stuff." I sighed but gave him a nod. What's the point anyways in trying to make him stay? It's not like if he does stay that anything new will happen. He's king. I walked up to our room and went in, going over to my closet and shut the door as I changed into a white t-shirt and some shorts then walked out and over to the bed, crawling in it. He came out of his closet in some shorts and a t-shirt then crawled into bed with me and looked me over. "Goodnight Raven." I watched him then curled up to my pillow.

"Night," I mumbled as I pulled the blanket around me.

Louis's POV:

I looked at Paris and narrowed my eyes at him. "You smacked me," I hissed, trying to pull away.

"You made my boy upset." Paris hissed. "You know I wasn't going to just stand by and let you get away with it. He's never had many friends before Louis and he get's this one good thing in his life and you went and turned his friend's sister. Which this isn't just his friend... no it's his sister. You shouldn't have done that. His mate might be mad now and might reject him and us." I glared him down.

"It was going to happen anyway... at my hand or someone else's. You don't really think that Keegan will let that boy grow old and die on him, do you?" I felt myself getting chocked up as the thought of August entered my head, but I shoved it away quickly. "If he turned Hiko, his sister was going to need to be turned as well. I'm sure Hiko would be very depressed down the road when his sister died and he didn't age and die with her."

"That's not my point." Paris huffed out. "You don't just slap things only your mate let alone someone else's mate..." He started to walk away then. "Whatever. You done it now sit in it." I appeared in front of him then and narrowed my eyes.

"Paris...." I looked him over and then sighed, looking down at the floor. "I'll make up with Keegan... and help Hiko be okay. Hiko won't leave your son, and he won't leave the family." And I won't turn him to force him either.

"You better. I'm pretty upset about my little boy Keegan." He told me and narrowed his eyes. "He's my youngest right now besides the unborn one." He pointed a finger at me. "So don't disappoint me and make it up to Keegan and his pretty boy." I looked up at Paris and then rubbed my cheek where he had slapped me, still feeling the sting.

"Alright," I mumbled. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"I love you Louis." He purred and then teleported out of my sight. I pouted and then walked up to my room, going in it and then over to my bed where I laid down in it and curled up, pulling August's glasses out from under my pillow and opened the case, looking inside. It's not easy when an immortal like us ends up with a mortal.... At least Keegan has the chance to have Hiko by his side forever if he wants it. He won't have to know the heartbreak of losing a mate if he turns him... and I turned Hiko's sister to help and plus her hair was pretty and looked like ours. I picked the glasses out of the case gently and set them down where August used to lay, watching the spot. Keegan got lucky with his mate.... I closed my eyes and then curled up, missing my old mate who used to love me no matter what and hold me in his arms without hesitation. I reached out, feeling for the glasses then pulled them closer and opened my eyes, looking them over. I sighed and then put them on my face, looking up at the ceiling. I frowned as I thought about Ann and pulled the glasses off and put them back in the case quickly. I left her in the ballroom.... I teleported into the ballroom where I had left her and smiled her way.

"Ann," I purred. "I'm sorry about leaving you in here."

"It's fine." She told me as she sipped on something red in a glass and blushed. She looked over at Rose who was dancing with Laurence. I watched Rose for a second then looked at Ann.

"Ann... can I have a dance?" I asked her, taking her hand in mine. "To make up for everything tonight that went wrong?" She nodded and sat the glass down the stood up.

"If that's what you want to do." She whispered and pulled me to the dance floor. I sighed and started to lead her in a dance to the beat of my stone.

"Well... there is so much I want to do... but I can't do it all... and I can't do it now. I want to make up with my nephew. He's the only one that I ever bonded with that way out of Paris's children... and I want to make up with Hiko and help him like I told Keegan I'd do... and I want to make you happy as well, but I'm only one person, and I can only do so much at one time." She rubbed my cheek then, where I had been slapped.

"You just need to sleep on what happened today and decide on what to do tomorrow." She told me. "I'll tuck you into bed if you want me to." I purred and leaned into her hand.

"I'm not two... but I guess I wouldn't mind if you did. Do I get a goodnight kiss?"

"On the head." She promised. I smirked and then kissed her forehead.

"Okay," I purred. "But I have to do something before I go to bed, okay? I promised I would do this... and I'm not going to be a liar."

"Okay... Should I meet you in your room then?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Yes.... Meet me in my room to 'tuck' me in," I mumbled and looked into her eyes.

"Okay." She giggled and then pulled away from me and then started for the door. I watched her go and then teleported into Keegan's computer room, glancing around for Hiko. I saw him and walked up, sitting down beside him then glanced Keegan's way.

"Keegan, I'm going to do that thing for you," I whispered then looked at Hiko. "Akihiko, I know that right now, you're probably really upset, but I have something to show you." I gave him a kind look as he glanced at me and widened his eyes as he recognized me. Keegan frowned as he watched me.

"I'm upset with you." Keegan grumbled. I looked at him and smiled sweetly.

"I know that you are... but let me try to make this up to you," I said softly. "I have something to show you too."

"Okay..." Keegan watched me as he tensed up a bit. I looked back at Hiko and reached out, going to touch his cheek, but he flinched, so I touched his hand instead. I gave him a smile to calm him down as I started to show him the vampire history all the way until today and then the specific family history and a little bit of my memories of each of the important, closer family members and then showed him every single memory I had of Keegan. I watched as he looked at me wide eyed as his brain registered it all and then he looked at my hand.

"O-oh.... I'm so sorry. You guys had it really rough because of humans," he mumbled. I laughed and took my hand back.

"That's fine Hiko. We made our bed, and we laid in it," I purred. "What matters is that we're still together as a family even with a few hiccups every now and then. Don't push Keegan away," I told him and ruffled his hair. He didn't flinch this time and even giggled slightly.

"I won't," he mumbled. I smirked and then looked over at Keegan, reaching out for his hand. Keegan looked towards my hand then grabbed it, giving me a hurt expression. I squeezed it before I got closer and started to show him how proud I was of his violin skills and how happy I was that he picked it. I let him feel how happy I had been to give him the lessons and then gave him a small smile.

"Keegan, you're one of my favorite nephews, and you're the only nephew that has ever really taken an interest in me like you did. I'm happy you found your mate, but I'm not done showing you things." I bit my bottom lip then kissed his hand before I closed my eyes and started to let him in on my pain about August dying. "Mortal mates are... very tough to have," I whispered to him as I trembled slightly from reliving it. "They only last so long, and then they leave.... I don't want that for you. I don't wish it on any vampire or immortal being, but I really don't want it for you. I know that you're going to take your time with him, and that is a very big thing of you to do- to not change his life drastically but to ease him into it. I don't know if you will choose to make him one of us or not, but if you do... he won't ever have to watch his sister grow old and leave him behind. That's what I was doing... besides the fact that her hair looks like a Grimm's hair.... Don't miss out on your chance to have an immortal mate because it is very painful to lose your mate to death and it hurts more when you know you can never have them back," I mumbled and then stopped showing him as I pulled back and wiped at my face to get rid of the involuntary tears that accompanied that memory of losing August. I looked into Keegan's eyes and gave him a soft smile as I forced myself to stop trembling. "It's your decision to do what you want to do, and I know that whatever decision you make, you'll have a good reason behind it because you're my nephew and you are your parents' child." He looked away from me with a small frown.

"I can't help but still be angry at you. You know I wasn't going to force this life upon Hiko.. Especially not his sister without his permission. Maybe he wanted to see his sister grow old and have a family and die and love and stay human. That wasn't fair of you to just choose her life for her." He told me and then crossed his arms. I looked him over and sighed.

"No... it wasn't. I'm sorry. You're right because I should've waited and then asked Hiko what he wanted," I mumbled and glanced Hiko's way as he was curled up with his knees against his chest and watching us curiously.

"It's not like she's dead," he whispered. "You didn't kill her.... I am a little upset, but not as angry as I would have been if you had killed my sister...." I smiled softly at him.

"Hiko, I wouldn't kill your sister," I told him and then looked back at Keegan. "You're my favorite nephew, and if it takes a few centuries for you to finally be okay with me, then I will gladly wait for that day. I forgive you for smacking me earlier."

"Just get out." He hissed. I got up and then walked over to him, kissing the top of his head.

"Alright Keegan," I whispered to him. "I love you. Goodnight." He looked away from me and clenched his jaw. I frowned slightly and moved away from him before I gave him a loving look and teleported into my room, going directly for my bed and curled up in it. Ann walked over from the couch and then grabbed the blanket and pulled it up to my chest.

"Goodnight Louis." She sung out and then kissed the top of my head. I smiled up at her.

"Thank you Ann.... Goodnight," I whispered. I reached out and touched her hand, showing her what I did so that way she'd know that I was making up for what I did earlier and wasn't being a complete ass. She rubbed my cheek then.

"That was really nice what you done for your nephew after being a jerk." She told me and then smiled softly. She walked off towards the door then and looked back at me. "Get some sleep." I smiled at her and nodded.

"Okay Ann.... I'll try. You get some good sleep too. Don't freeze your room," I teased lightly and then watched her. "Goodnight my ice princess." She blushed and left the room quickly. I smirked and then closed my eyes, curling up to my pillow as I started to attempt to sleep.

Nikolai's POV:

I woke up and smelled Raven's blood everywhere then saw the writing on the wall. Her blood was just starting to dry on it, words like 'you can run but you can't hide', 'Angel is coming', 'death', 'destruction', 'murder', and a few members of the family's names like Paris, Richard, Liam, Louis, Hachi, Laurence, Rose, Victor, and mine were written one right after the other and then had a streak of blood going through each of them. Raven was collapsed in the middle of the floor with a bloody knife in her hands as she slept like nothing had happened. I looked over at my alarm clock, seeing a hand another hour to be up. I walked over to Raven and took her knife from her then picked her up and put her on the bed. I licked the blood off her knife then placed it under her pillow. I walked into the bathroom, getting out a rag and wet it then started to clean up the blood on the walls. Once I finished I brought the rag over to her and cleaned her hand then went to the bathroom. I placed the rag in the hamper then got undressed. I took a shower for the remainder of the hour then got dressed. Once I was ready to start my day I walked out to Raven and covered her up with the blanket. "I'll see you tomorrow." I whispered in her ear then gave her a kiss on the cheek. She groaned and opened her eyes, looking up at me.

"Nikolai," she mumbled then gave a sleepy smile. "Okay.... I love you," she whispered to me and kissed my cheek. "Go be a good king.... I'll miss you till you get back."

"I love you too." I whispered then started for the door. "Stay away from drinking." I told her.

"Mhmm- Why?" She asked quickly as it clicked what I told her. She sat up and watched me carefully. I stopped walking and looked towards her.

"You wrote on the wall in your sleep." I told her. She frowned.

"No I didn't.... I don't write on walls... not since the...." She widened her eyes then and looked towards the walls in panic as she put a hand to her head. "My dream...."

"Yeah.... I'm going to hope you don't drink while I am gone." I told her, leaning up against the door. She shook her head.

"I'm not going to be drinking for a long time.... Nikolai, I had a nightmare that you all died," she whispered, looking my way. "Paris... Richard... their unborn child they decided to name Liam... Louis... Hachi... Laurence... Rose... Victor... and," she stopped as she looked me over and bit her bottom lip, looking away.

"It's just a dream." I told her and shook my head. "You can't actually believe that." I shrugged. "Laurence will let us know is something bad is coming up." She nodded and brought her knees up to her chest, looking worried.

"Okay Nikolai," she whispered. I saw a haunted look in her eyes as she ran her fingers through her hair and tugged on it gently. "I won't drink. You can go," she told me.

"How about you come with me." I suggested. "Donnie can stay home." She looked up at me and frowned.

"You always take Donnie... and you might not want me to go.... I'm hearing voices again," she whispered to me and touched her head.

"Yeah, come on." I told her. "Go take a bath. We're going to spend a week at camp together." She blushed and watched me for a moment before she got up and walked into her closet to get some clothes out. I waited, giving a small smirk as I called Donnie.

"Hey... Ready to go?" Donnie asked me.

"I've decided to take Raven instead and we'll be spending a week there. So stay home and relax this year." I told him.

"O-okay." Donnie mumbled. "I guess I can. Have fun you two."

"We will." I told him then hung up. Raven walked out and into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her as she cut the water on. After about twenty minutes, she walked out of the bathroom in a black tank top and a pair of blue skinny jeans and a belt with her hair pulled up into a ponytail. I smirked and then opened the door behind me and stepped aside for her. "Let's go." I purred. She smiled at me and walked out, giving me a sweet look.

"I'm still surprised you're taking me," she whispered as she walked past me.

"I think I should... Unless you have better plans." I smirked. "Like ice skating with Ann." She looked my way from out in the hall and blushed.

"I could let Louis have time with her," she told me. "After last night, I think he needs to be with Ann and fix what he did with Paris and Keegan."

"So let's go have fun by a nice lake at a sunny camp." I suggested and started towards the garage. She followed after me then grabbed my hand and teleported us next to her car and smirked at me as she held open the passenger door for me.

"Get in," she purred to me.

"Whoa whoa whoa... I'm the one that needs to be driving. You get in." I told her and walked over to the drivers side.

"You can navigate," she purred to me and dangled the keys in her hand as she smirked at me.

"I drive." I told her. "GPS navigates." She giggled and leaned up against the car, watching me.

"It's my car...."

"Then we will take my car." I told her and started for it. She sighed and shut the car door then followed me.

"Why do you have to be the one to drive?" She asked me.

"Because I said so miss crazy. The last time you drove you were stuck in a time loop for two centuries. Let's go." I got into my car then and laughed. She pouted and got into the passenger seat.

"That wasn't exactly all my fault.... My newborn thought it'd be funny to try to bite me while I was driving, and I ended up turning around to scold her, and the car flipped," she told me and buckled up. I laughed and then plugged our destination into the car's GPS then hit auto pilot. I adjusted the speed and whatnot then smirked as I put it on air travel and kicked back then pulled out my phone as it started up. She watched me and then looked around the car in interest before she curled up in her seat and looked out the window as the car started to leave the manor. I smirked and had her seat turn to face me then turned my seat. I looked around then hit a candy button and M&M'S started to pour out into a bowl for us.

"My car is better then your old modeled car." I told her. She blushed and watched me.

"I missed a lot...." She mumbled.

"You really did." I purred. She smiled at me then picked up an M&M and ate it.

"Okay, I'll admit your car is better."

"Thank you." I smirked towards her.

"You have three hours until you reach your destination." The GPS lady told us. "Would you like me to play music?" Raven glanced at it in interest then ate another M&M.

"No, mute." I told the GPS. I looked back towards Raven and smirked. She smiled at me sweetly and then ate another one.

"So what exactly are we going to do at this camp for a week straight? Help others find mates? That's kind of sweet."

"Yeah and then tell them all about how mates are really wonderful and how they should want to find their mate and all that jazz." I told her. She giggled and then ate another one.

"Mhmm? You should convince Richard and Paris to go next year," she teased me.

"Noooooo." I shook my head. "It's supposed to be my job as well as Donnie's. So Donnie is going next year." She nodded and then ate another M&M, watching me. I leaned back in my seat then and slouched.

"Sooo... why'd you take me this year? Was it because of the wall thing?" She asked me softly, looking down at the bowl of M&M's as she tensed up slightly.

"You wasn't around for the past two centuries and I decided to take you now. It'll be good for us." I shrugged. "This camp is supposed to help mates find and bond with each other." I explained. She nodded and then picked up a small handful of the M&M's and started to eat them.

"Okay.... thanks," she mumbled to me.

"It's for both of us." I told her, shrugging.

"Mhmm," she hummed and looked up at me as she popped another one into her mouth. I closed my eyes and smiled softly.

"Take a small nap. We have three hours."

"Okay," she whispered to me.