Rescuing Shark Tooth

Veronica's POV:

I've had that bratty Hassel in my custody for almost six months and there is still no signs of him being a demonic being. Besides the fact I could smell it in his scent and taste it in his blood. He wouldn't budge no mater how many torture methods we used. It was starting to get old fast. By now there is no way Laurence was still in hell. It's pointless for me to keep Hassel alive any longer. I might as well put him out of his misery myself. He serves no purpose to me now, no way Laurence is in hell still... It's been too long. I don't understand why he hasn't come to kill me yet though if he's out of hell. There is that slight possibility he is still there. Which means I've got to push that brat Hassel into hell. He has demonic blood, he should be able to slip into hell and come right back out.

"Miss Veronica," Amelia called from the doors of my office. "It's been three days since we last checked in on Hassel. Maybe he's decided to talk now?" Amelia sounded hopeful. I laughed at the thought of him breaking finally after all this time. He can't possibly be hoping someone will save him? He's so pathetic. "Veronica?"

"You're right. I'm going to go see him." I stood up from my desk and started towards the doors, leaving my study. Amelia walked with me, sipping on a cup of coffee.

"I feel like today is going to be our lucky day Miss Veronica, he's going to crack. I just know it!" Amelia giggled out. She seemed cheerful today, more then usual.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked her softly.

"I've been dating this guy lately and he brings me coffee to my office. He's so sweet Miss Veronica." Amelia explained. "At lunch yesterday he took me out to eat and bought me flowers for my desk. They're lilies."

"You need to just make sure you're focused on your work while in the office," I told her strictly.

"You're the one to talk! So how's it coming? With you and that human guy- what's his name?"

"Dustin Groves," I purred.

"He has a last name too? Wow, it sounds nice." She giggled. I giggled and nodded. It was extremely nice. We're dating now officially and he's just been the cutest human ever, not as cute as Jacob was- my poor brother. We started to fall quite then as we walked towards the elevator that took us to the basement floor level 2. When we stepped off the elevator, I followed Amelia down the hospital apparent halls and up to a door- the one we kept Hassel in. When he's not being tortured, he's being experimented on. The only hours he's allowed to sleep is three every fourty-eight hours. He hasn't been able to hold up lately though. Amelia opened the door for me and we stepped into his room. Dr. Holiday had him strapped down to a table and his stomach area opened up with equipment. He leaned over the gap into the stomach, picking around with tools. Hassel's forehead was sweating as he looked up at the ceiling in a daze.

"What's the results, Doc?" Amelia asked.

"This patient is quite peculiar~!" Dr. Holiday said, glancing up at us. He sat a scalpel down, standing up and whipping his bloody hands onto his white doctor's coat. "So sorry Miss Veronica- My hands are a little bloody."

"No need," I shook my head. "Is he conscious so I can talk to him?" I asked the doc.

"He's been like that for the past eight hours." The doctor told me while glancing at a clock. "Hasn't moved or said a word."

"Well, get him conscious and cleaned up." I ordered. "I want him in the torture rooms, I want to have my personal fun." I purred, looking over Hassel's boney body. He lacked nutrition. His bones were showing through his skin, especially his rib cage.

"Miss Veronica, Angel is stopping by this afternoon to check up on our progress with Hassel." Amelia told me quickly. "So make sure you don't take all afternoon with him."

"That's why I have you, Amelia." I purred. Looks like I'll have to cancel my date with Dustin. "Cancel the date I had planned with Dustin," I told her.

"What date!? Veronica, we've been discussing today for the past week! You made plans anyways?"

"Yes, cancel them for me." I purred. She groaned and walked out the room. I watched as the doctor started to work on Hassel, stitching up his stomach. He's so far gone he doesn't even know what's happening around him. It sort of makes me want to put him out of his misery now. I walked out of the room, walking down to the elevator where I got on and took it up to the main level and got off, walking towards my office. I'll just sit and wait in my office for them to move Hassel into the torture room.

~Time Skip~

"Miss Veronica, Hassel has been moved into his torture room. I also canceled that date you had with Dustin. He's very upset." Amelia told me as she walked into my office. I got to my feet then started for the door, following her to the elevator.

"Thanks Amelia for doing this," I smiled her way. "You're a good assistant."

"Aw, you don't have to thank me! I do this out of my own pleasures." Amelia giggled and we took the elevator down to the bottom floor. I stepped off the elevator and walked down to the torture room, where I found Hassel hanging upside down in the middle of the room by his toes. I walked up to him, looking over the chains, seeing they were hanging on hooks. I knelt down and looked his face over then smacked him across the face to wake him up, my nails scratching him. His eyes opened and he looked directly into mine, showing little fear.

"Oh.... It's you." He muttered, closing his eyes.

"Wake the fuck up." I hissed. "You know exacyly what I want out of you Hassel," I hissed.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I've told you this," He yawned out.

"Don't you start that shirt with me." I hissed, getting to my feet. "What should I do with you today?" I asked him. I walked up to the hot Furnas and stuck a hot rod into it. "How about I burn you? Give you the Cross marking." I teased.

"Huh?" He asked. "Sorry, I dozed off... was you saying something?" He asked me, stretching his arms out, trying to reach for the ground as he done a stretch. He yelped and looked up towards his toes. "Oh, that's why." He looked towards me over his shoulder. "What's in that box?" He asked.

"Fire." I told him. "I'm going to burn you in it and send you to hell that way." I hissed. I walked up to him and then knelt down. "Unless you give me what I want, go get his stone from hell, I know you can travel there."

"I told you, I don't know how." He grumbled, sticking his fingers into his mouth and pulled a tooth out, dropping it. "Someone left that inbetween my teeth. Your doctors are idiots." He rubbed his scared face from my claws. "Can I get a glass of water?"

"After you get something for me," I promised him.

"Here you go," Amelia said, holding out the hot rod towards me. I stood up then motioned for her to pull his shirt down. I took the rod and watched her peel back his shirt then I stuck the rod right up against his spine. He screamed and arched his back, trying to get away from me. I heard his toes break then. He started to pant and let out another cry of pain. 

"I TOLD YOU!" He yelled through his pain.

"We can do this all of eternity. I've got no other plans." I purred towards him. "I don't plan on dying so soon." I exposed my fangs and dropped the rod onto his hand then leaned into his neck, riping a chunk out. He whimpered and reached towards his neck. I spat his meat out in front of him. "Better go do as you're told. You're my little toy now." I told him. I felt rage surging through me as I thought about how my family has been trampled on by the Grimm family. Murdered for their name!

"Oh, let's play with this toy." Amilia suggested, pulling up a bat with nails on it and handed it towards me. "Let's have some fun!" She giggled. I took the bat.

"No- no.... Please!" Hassel begged, his eyes widening. "Not that." He shook his head.

"What? What was that? Did I hear you say you'd go to hell and bring me back Laurence?" I asked him. He started to tear up.

"I told you I don't know how, Miss Cross." He reached up towards his feet. I tsked.

"Not what I was wanting to hear." I told him, kicking the rod off towards Amelia so she'd warm it up for me then started to circle Hassel, swinging the bat around to tempt him into agreeing to do it. He started to panic as he watched me.

"Miss Cross, please!" He begged. I swung the bat into his chest then, pulling it back and ripping out some skin, making blood gush everywhere and down into his face. I knelt down.

"Don't look for any sympathy in me. Your kind- demons- have been ruining the Cross family for generations. They're called Grimms." I hissed. "I need their precious all seeing eye. You're going to get it for me." I smacked his cheek. "Got it? So I can take them down." I heard a boom go off upstairs and loud crashes everywhere as screams from my men sounded.

"WHO THE HELL LET THIS PAST THE GATES?!" One of them shouted. I heard gunshots going off then and could smell blood all the way down here as alarms went off. 

"Amelia, get out of here." I told her.

"Miss Veronica?" Amilia asked me.

"No, go ahead and get out of here. Stay away from the idiots upstairs, take the emergency elevator." I told her then started towards the door. "I'm going to go see what idiot is destroying my house." I told her, going towards the elevator to get to the main floor.

"Veronica! You don't have a weapon- besides the bat. Are you sure?" She asked me.

"Amelia, I'm a vampire. I'll be fine." I told her.

"Come with me?" She asked. "I'm scared."

"You're a grown woman." I rolled my eyes and got on the elevator. "Get out of here and go take the rest of the day off." I told her as the doors closed. I climbed up into the ceiling of the elevator, knowing that once those doors come open there is a slight chance bullets will be shot into the elevator. I'm not stupid. When the doors open, I heard a few more gunshots go off before something flew past my vision and hit the back wall, bouncing off it and hitting the door close button then landed back in the floor, ticking- a grenade. I closed the hatch to the ceiling and then started to climb up the rope that lead to the next five floors. I dropped the bat onto the ceiling and managed to reach the next floor, stepping onto the ledge and pressed up against the wall as the bomb went off. 

The elevator went crashing down and I saw a boy poke his head through the destroyed doorway. He tsked and then looked around before he left and then came running and jumped, grabbing the rope and started to slide down it as he ejected an empty mag and then slid another in from on his belt. He was decked out with extra loaded mags, bullets, grenades, holy water, and silver powder. I recognized his form and scent almost immediately as Aaron, the boy who had been protecting Hassel before I took him. What's that fuck doing here? I thought Angel made sure he wouldn't be able to track Hassel to me. I sighed and then jumped, deciding to take him now. I landed on top of him after a few minutes. He never suspected this. Our weight clashing together made him loose a hold of the rope and we were free falling towards the bottom level.

"Whatcha doing here?" I asked him, purring. "I know you're not coming to pay little old me a visit." I purred and grabbed his belt, unhooking it from his waist. He narrowed his eyes as he saw me.

"Just taking out the trash," he hissed and then snatched his belt back. "Don't touch my things." He pointed the gun at me quickly and shot me in the head, sending me back against the wall as he looked at the ground and then at the rope before he quickly looped his belt around it and tightened it, slowing his descent so the fall wouldn't kill him. I grabbed at my head and then hissed out in pain.

"What a funny way to deliver a welcome gift...." I muttered, falling down the wall and taking on the harsh impact of the floor. I looked up at him and dug out the bullet, tossing it aside. Good thing I can heal from that. I felt one of my guards grab my shoulder and rush me back behind the others.

"Miss Veronica, you've been hit!" I heard one of them yell. 

"Idiots, it's coming." I told them. Aaron landed safely and then put his belt back on, taking his sweet time about it as he hummed.

"So, you gonna stand there or you want to get out before I take you all out- and not for dinner," he said and looked up at the guards with a smirk. "I'd leave. I'm not really a good dance partner." They started to shoot him then, starting to freak out a bit. I could hear their hearts pounding in their chests. I felt one of them dragging me down the hall away from the battle. I heard a few gunshots go off and the noises stopped after a few seconds. I heard Aaron's footsteps coming after us as he walked. "Hey! Rude! You actually left! Dude, can't you take a joke?" He laughed. I felt a little bit of feeling growing up my spine as it healed from breaking on the impact.

"Son of a bitch, give me a gun," I hissed towards the idiot dragging me. I snatched one from his side belt and then shot towards Aaron. "Sorry kiddo but I killed your gay lover." I told him. He fell down quickly and went limp before I felt my leg get shot.

"Gay lover?" He asked calmly and then rolled to his feet and shot the guard behind me in the head with ease. "He's not my gay lover. I'm his guardian."

"You're a day short. I killed that fag yesterday. He was too annoying." I told Aaron, smirking as I shot towards his chest. He watched me calmly as he got shot then looked at his chest.

"You don't think I'd really come here without a bulletproof vest, right?" He asked and raised an eyebrow. "Anyways, even if he is dead, I'm here to kill you," he said and smirked. "You're a dirty vampire, and I'm going to take you out before you blemish society- if not for my own personal desire."

"Ah?" I asked him. "Sureee kiddo." I laughed and then shot towards his head. He ducked quickly as he saw me pull the trigger and was in front of me in seconds. He knocked the gun out of my hands and then hit me in the head with the gun, making my head spin before he reached into my mouth and yanked both my fangs out.

"Ghah!" I reached for my teeth. "That's a nasty move you done there, Aaron. You're killing Angel's friend. Are you sure you want to do that?" I asked him. "After all...." I smirked. "You're going to lose a whole bunch of knowledge with my death." He watched me calmly.

"I don't need Angel to live. She's lost her way," he said simply. "Besides, I won't be losing much knowledge." He smirked like he knew something I didn't and then stomped down on my foot and shoved me up against the wall and shot me in the stomach.

"What do you know then?" I asked him curiously.

"What is Hassel?" He countered and then held the gun up to my chest, watching me.

"Demonic." I told him. "That's what he was."

"You do know then," he said and laughed. "It goes without saying that I am their personal babysitter. I don't need you or Angel," he told me and then shot me again. "You're not worth anything to me alive. You're more useful dead."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked him. "Grimm is going to kill you without my help." He laughed.

"Oh, no doubt about it. They'll kill Angel. She's had their eye on them for a few months now. It's just that the funny thing is... I'm not going to be there when they do. You see, after I kill you, I can't very well return to the base unless I cover my tracks here extremely well. I mean, I did cut all your cameras before I drove my car through the front door... but you know, I don't plan on getting arrested by Angel." He sighed. "Why am I even talking to you? I was supposed to kill you and get out of here." He rolled his eyes and then pulled the trigger, shooting me in the chest then backed up and examined his gun before he started to reload it. I groaned, feeling my heart start to fail and my vision blur a bit. I caught a door swinging open though, Hassel's door.

Aaron's POV:

My head snapped towards the door that opened near Veronica and aimed my gun at it quickly out of reflex. I had been training this whole time, waiting for an opportunity to get away. I had even bought an apartment to put Haven in while I did this, using an untraceable card that wasn't registered with Angel's computers that way she couldn't find me after this. Yeah, I definitely prepared. The door swung open, shadows appearing around it then disappearing, leaving a dim lit room through the door. I frowned and then shot Veronica one last time for good measure before I slowly stepped towards the door, glancing around as I kept my gun level then peered into the room to see what was in it. I found Hassel laying on the ground in a puddle of blood, unconscious... At least I believed it was Hassel, a skinnier..... unkept.... unhealthy.... very poor version of him. It was worse then when I first seen him. He had wounds all over his body along with patched stitches like he had been through surgery. There was burns on him and his hair was matted with blood.... It'll take forever to get the red out of his golden blonde hair. He looked pathetic.... close to death. I heard footsteps down the hall walking up to Veronica and soft whispers. I glanced over at her to see what was going on, still in shock at seeing Hassel the way he was. There was a shadowy like figured male standing over here and whispering to her, reaching towards her chest and ripped out her heart, crushing it. I widened my eyes slightly. What the hell is that?! Oh my god! Time to get Hassel and go. I walked into the room quickly and picked Hassel up, throwing him over my shoulder and then started for the door, keeping my gun in my hand as I held onto Hassel with the other. "It's going to be okay Hassel," I whispered, biting my lower lip. "I've got you."

"Aaron?" He asked softly, sounding weak and confused. "Did I die?" He asked.

"No, you're going to be fine." I heard a voice speak up from out in the hall and suddenly we were engulfed in shadows. "Sorry, but you were about to be discovered by more men. You're safe now." This voice was unfamiliar to me, definitely not the devil. We suddenly appeared in the apartment I had set up for Haven. "Stay low, you'll be safe." The shadows started to run off from me then, leaving through the natural shadows in the room. I looked around in panic and then calmed down, knowing I needed to get Hassel help. I laid him down on a nearby couch and dug around in my pocket, pulling out some vampire blood and looked it over then looked at him before I walked into the small kitchen and got a glass of water then some bread that would be easy on his stomach before I brought it back to him and sat down on the edge of the couch in front of him and put the blood down before I held the water to his lips. Haven ran up to us then.

"Hassel!" Haven shouted, sounding worried. "What's wrong with you?" He asked, starting to cry. Hassel looked away from the glass then, groaning. I frowned.

"He's just hurt Haven. Calm down," I whispered then sat the water and bread down before I grabbed the blood and opened the vial and opened his mouth, dumping a few drops into his mouth. He groaned and yanked away from me, leaning over the edge of the couch to spit it out, coughing. Haven sat down by me, grabbing my shirt. I glanced at him and offered him a smile before I rubbed Hassel's back lightly to comfort him. "Hassel, at least try drinking water if not the blood," I whispered softly to him. He spit the blood out and curled up to himself, shaking and let out a small hiss. His wounds were starting to close up a little from what he took of the blood. I watched and then felt a tear slip down my cheek. I can't believe I let this happen. I didn't want this to happen to him... but I was weak and got knocked out when they took Hassel from me.... I did so much sneaking around to get to him, but I wasn't fast enough.... I hugged him and buried my face into Hassel, starting to cry. "I'm so sorry Hassel! I didn't mean for you to get kidnapped!" He let out a small yelp and tensed up in my arms.

"It hurts, let me go." He begged, tugging away and then leaned over, puking. I yelped and quickly let him go, getting up as I sniffled and wiped at my eyes. He fell over weakly and Haven grabbed him quickly, pulling him into his amrs and rubbed his back, soothing him.

"It's okay Hassel, I'm here. Haven is here." Haven told him, rubbing his head against him. Hassel let out a scream, trembling in pain.

"Haven!" I quickly picked Haven up into my arms, making him let Hassel go. "Don't do that. He really hurts!" I hugged Haven instead of Hassel and watched Hassel with worry. What am I supposed to do?! How am I supposed to fix him?! Haven buried his face into my chest, whimpering. His ears fell back as he clung to me. Hassel's body relaxed after a few minutes and he looked like he was falling back to sleep. He'd need some rest, a bunch of it to get better. He'll also need food and water from the looks of him. He probably didn't get eat properly in Veronica Cross's manor. I kissed the top of Haven's head and sighed, trying to be calm to make Haven calm. "Haven, I'll stay up with him. You don't have to worry. He'll be alright. I'll take good care of him and get him back to being our cursing, lovable Hassel," I promised, rubbing one of his ears. "You just be cute and be supportive for him, okay? Try to be happy to make him happy." I gave a small smile. Haven nodded, sniffling. He leaned his head into my hand.

"Hassel will be ok?" Haven asked me. I nodded and then smiled big.

"Hassel will get through this. He's tough, remember? Heh, you guys were the ones to team up and point a gun at me months ago. He will be fine, I promise. It'll just take a bit and a lot of nursing and a lot of love," I told him and gave him a tighter hug before I let him go then gently picked Hassel up bridal style. "Let's get him into a bed."

"Maybe we should give him a warm loving bath?" Haven asked, grabbing Hassel's hand and rubbed it against his cheek.

"I'll clean him up... but I don't think we should put him in a bathtub just yet. I'll get a rag and wet it," I told him softly as I carried Hassel into my bedroom and laid him down on the bed before I tucked him in. I'd sleep on the floor if I sleep at all tonight.... Hassel will be fine. He has to be....

Eremiel's POV:

"Do unto others as you would have done unto you," I said, smiling as I held my personal bible in my hand and looked over my small class. I loved teaching the little kids at the church nearby. It was amazing to see such little wonders getting to know their heavenly father and creator. I sat the bible down and then bowed my head. "Before I let you go on to play outside, let us pray," I told them and then closed my eyes as I heard them quieting down. "Dear heavenly father who art thou in heaven... please watch over these wonderful children and help them to make good decisions. Bless them with your holy spirit and help them to grow up strong and good Christians. Please watch over their families as well and help those who do not know you find the light and come to church-" and help soften the hearts of those I speak to so that they may receive the holy word and spirit. I want to help! "-Help them be generous and always remember my teachings... and all this I pray in the name of thy son, Jesus the Christ, amen," I said softly, ending it. I looked up towards the kids and watched as they opened their eyes, having bowed their heads obediently throughout the prayer. "Alright, I won't hold you any longer. Go play outside until your parents come to get you!" I called out and waved them off, watching as they picked up their stuff and quickly rushed for the door, starting to chatter happily and giggle as they chased each other out onto the playground just outside. I smiled softly and laughed as I picked up my bible and then went over to the whiteboard I had been using during class and started to wipe it clean with an eraser, humming a song under my breath.

"Eremiel, come and see me." I heard the room whisper to me. It sounded like my father. I frowned and glanced around. He's not supposed to be able to have his presence here.... I'll have to rebless the church. I sighed and sat the eraser down.

"Do I have to?" I asked softly and held onto the bible in my hand tightly. "You know I don't like to."

"Eremiel," He said sternly. "I'll burn your church down if you don't obey me." I widened my eyes slightly at that.

"Don't burn it," I whispered quickly. "I love this one...." I turned around and looked at the rest of the room. "Fine, but I'm not staying."

"I don't expect you to stay during the day." He laughed out. "Come now, the day is shorter this time of the year. I need your heavenly side to pay attention to what I want you to do." I frowned.

"This better not be anything bad. I won't do anything that doesn't please me," I told him firmly and then closed my eyes, using my blood to get to my father's domain and then opened them as I felt my skin crawl. My wings rustled under my shirt, my heart speeding up as I instinctively knew I was in Hell. I glanced around the living room of my father's castle and then held my bible close to me before I slipped it into my pocket the best I could and tugged my shirt down over it to hide it incase he tried to take it from me.

"Come into my office," I heard him call for me. I bit the inside of my lip gently before I started for his office hesitantly and then walked in, looking for him.

"I'm here," I whispered softly, trying to calm my nerves.

"Good, sit down and have a sip of wine." He gestured to the chairs. He was standing up in front of a window with his robe tightly around him. "I'm sure you won't mind having a sip." He looked towards me. I laughed a little and took a seat.

"I'd rather not.... I don't know what has been done to it... and I don't know if you have a trick up your sleeve," I said and gave him a smile. "No offence father."

"Like I'd trick my own son." He laughed and then sat down behind the desk. "I've called you here because I want you to do something special for me." I tilted my head.

"You'd rather me do something for you rather than my devil self?" I asked him and frowned. That's unusual.... What makes him think I'd do something for him anyways? I only came because he threatened to burn my church down.

"I need both of you." He explained. I sunk down in my seat a little.

"Alright... I'm listening, but I won't promise to do anything until I've heard it all," I told him and then relaxed, letting my wings out from the slits I had hidden in my shirt. I looked back at my white wings and then gently pulled on a feather, watching as it came loose and into my hand then twirled it around as I looked back to him. Mom won't be too happy if I do something that father asks me to do if it's bad....

"I need you to watch over your half brothers Hassel and Haven. I have a human looking after them but he could use some help. I need you to also explain to them who I am and who they are." He sat back in his chair. "You can do that, I need you to live with them as well. Make sure they don't get into any trouble. Hassel, the oldest recently got himself in trouble with hunters. He's badly beaten up. Here are a few things I've noted down about the both of them. For instance, Hassel is allergic to vampire blood." He picked up some papers and handed them to me. "Please do this for your brothers." I looked at the papers and then took it from him.

"So... you want me to babysit," I mumbled and then put the papers in my lap. "Why are you trusting a human to watch over your children?" I asked curiously. Not that I have a problem with it.... It's just that he doesn't seem like the type to let a human watch one of his kids... and I hope the human isn't a devil worshipper.

"Well their mothers abandoned them in a orphanage... and the human stumbled across them so I picked him. He's a hunter. I figured he wouldn't let me down. Unfortunately he has. I would kill him but... then I feel like that would upset Hassel and Haven, plus he managed to get Hassel back. So I'm sending you to help out." He smirked. "Questioning my actions? I know what I'm doing." Sounds like the human had an accident and lost Hassel.... I leaned back in my seat and sighed, looking towards the window.

"Why should I?" I asked him and then started to play with the feather some more. "What do you have in mind for the two when they finally know who they are and start using their abilities? Are you going to make them pawns? Or are you simply going to stay out of their lives?"

"Hmmm?" He smirked towards me. "Well, if you must ask. I had them being trained by the hunter. I have a few.... lines to cut on earth and I thought it would be fun to send them to do it for me later. I guess you can say they'll be my pawns. I'll reward them afterwards with a castle to live at down here." I looked back at him and frowned, dropping the feather.

"No," I told him simply and got up. "I don't want to help them if you are going to use them later. You know how I feel about helping you."

"Why are you so hard headed?" He asked, standing up. "I want you to do this, so you will or the little children die." I widened my eyes.

"They're just kids!" I shook my head. "You can't kill them!"

"Oh but I can and I will." He told me, looking towards a mirror. "Watch." I clutched the cross I had around my neck and felt my heart speed up. God, please don't let them die. I beg you. Save them. It's not their place to die because I refuse to help him. He's evil! Lead me not into temptation please, oh heavenly father. I started to whisper prayers under my breath, hoping that the devil wouldn't do it... and that if he did... God would save them. He walked up to me and then smacked me across the face. "Praying?" He asked me. "You see this is why I like you at night.." He grabbed my hand and made me yank the cross off. "Your god will not help you here. He doesn't reach hell." He laughed and then suddenly I heard screaming. "You hear that? That's one of your children dying. They'll all die if you don't obey me. Once they're all gone.... I'll put you with the worst sums down here and let them have their way with you." I shook my head quickly and grabbed his hand.

"Please don't kill them," I begged, feeling tears well up in my eyes as I heard the kid screaming. "Stop this. Please! Don't kill them!"

"Then you'll go see your brothers...." He leaned in towards my ear. "You'll help them or I will... make your nightmares come true. I only need one side of you." He grabbed me by my throat and suddenly he had me backed up against a wall. "You're going to start sinning, ask your god for forgiveness." I yelped and gripped his hand, struggling.

"D-dad," I whimpered and then looked at him pleadingly. Why'd I come?! I could've built a new church!

"Come on now... say it, say you'll help daddy." He whispered, running his hands down my neck and started to slip his hand under my shirt.

"What's going on in here?" I heard my sister asking. She's the only kid he's ever let live with him, because of her mother. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to keep from trembling. If I say anything to her... he'll probably be furious....

"We're having a party." My father told her, pulling his hand out of my shirt and turned to face her. "It's a small party. Two people only."

"Then kick him out," She purred playfully. "Three is a crowd anyways." She joked, walking up to his desk. She didn't take his hint to leave at all. "What've you been up to baby brother?" Jacqueline asked me, sitting down on his desk and crossed her legs. "Still have a split personality?" I quickly went to get my cross back from our dad, frowning.

"Yes," I told her. "It's a pain.... I keep waking up in weird clothes and in weird places.... He even made me wake up beside this girl I'd never seen before," I muttered.

"Honey, maybe you misunderstood me...." My father said, walking up to her. "I need you to leave."

"So I can hear him screaming at you?" She asked, tilting her head. "No, I better stay and make sure you both behave." Even though she's a devil... she's definitely one of my favorite siblings. I snatched my cross back quickly and shoved it into my pocket before I picked up the papers and then looked towards the mirror, using my demonic powers I hardly ever use (but sadly my angelic ones don't really work here) to see my church kids to see if they were all alright. I could see them still playing, everything perfectly fine.

"I lied. Those were other kids screaming." My father told me, sitting down behind the desk. "How about you get going to do what I want you to do. Remember, I see everything." I glanced at him as I stopped with the mirror.

"Even if I do say yes... you know it will take me awhile to find them and then get to them.... I only have the day shift to do it in... and my other side always makes everything I do harder to mess with me.... Plus I tend to forget tasks," I pointed out as I walked over to the desk and then grabbed his stapler, stapling the papers together.

"That's okay," Jacqueline said and then looked over at the mirror. "Lucky we're the children of Satan. Daddy, help him."

"Just walk through the mirror." My father told me. "It'll take you straight to your brothers. You'll be able to smell their relations to you, you know this." I frowned. Crud... I was hoping to have an excuse to not go.... I sighed and then hesitantly edged over to the mirror.

"You owe me," I muttered under my breath, glancing over my shoulder at him.

"Yes, one favor." He promised me.

"Should I get a piece of paper that says you owe me one... or should I just believe that you can actually be a good father and hold up your word to your kids?" I asked and then turned back to him. I walked back to him and then smiled sweetly. "I forgive you for smacking me by the way," I whispered to him. After all, I was taught better than to hold a grudge over something like that... though... it might take some time for me to forgive him for threatening my kids... and my church. He stood up and walked around the desk, pulling me into a hug.

"I'll remember to owe you a favor," He kissed the top of my head. "I forgive you as well for misbehaving." I bit my bottom lip. I didn't misbehave though....

"Mhmm," I hummed, deciding that I'd want to leave this on a good note, not a bad one. I debated for a second before I gave him a hug. "Thank you for giving me the chance to know two of my brothers," I mumbled to him and smiled. I could convert them into Christians!

"There you go, looking at the brighter side of things," He whispered. "Now don't tell them what I have in store for them... I want to do that personally." He pulled away. I watched him and then gave a nod. Though... by the time you do go to meet them.... I smirked a bit before I walked over to the mirror.

"Okay daddy," I said, teasing him a bit. I knew he liked my darker side of me better than he liked me, the angel half.

"My little angel," He purred. "Take care of yourself."

"If you watch me... you know I treat my other half better than he treats me," I mumbled and then looked the mirror over before I stepped through it. I was suddenly in front of an apartment door. I sighed and then looked the door over before I pulled my cross out of my pocket and looked the chain over before I used my angelic powers to fix it and then blessed it, getting my father's tainted presence off it then placed it around my neck again before I had the door open and walked in. "Hey! Anybody home!" I called out, giving a huge smile. "Somebody order an extra help?" I laughed as I put my wings up and shut the door behind me.

"Aaron! There's a strange guy here!" I heard a boy call from the couch, he got off it quickly and I noticed his neko ears first. He had pink hair that curled around his face. He looked me over with a worried look. "Who're you?" He asked me, grabbing the teddy bear off the couch and hugged it. "Aaron said we weren't supposed to be expecting guests." He's so cute! I rushed over to him in excitement.

"You must be Haven! I'm Eremiel! I'm your half brother through our father," I explained and then pulled him into a hug. "I love your ears! They're so cute!" He started to purr and rubbed his head against me. I could smell he was in fact my father's child and a neko's. He reached up and grabbed my shirt collar.

"Yeah! My name is Haven, how'd you guess? You're really my brother?" He asked with interest. He seemed to relax instantly.

"I really am. Just one of many... but I'll be your second favorite, right under Hassel, kay?" I asked and then smiled. "Father sent me."

"What do you mean, strange guy in here?" A boy called, walking out from a bedroom then frowned. I looked towards him and smiled.

"The hunter...." He narrowed his eyes slightly.

"My name is Aaron. What's yours? Why are you here?" He pulled a gun on me then, pointing it at me. I stayed calm and gave him a small smile.

"My name is Eremiel. I'm one of Hassel and Haven's siblings.... Our father asked for me to come help you since how you failed him or something... but he's at least happy you got Hassel back," I informed him. He frowned and then put the gun up.

"Oh... you're... okay." He spun on his heel quickly. "If you're staying, sleep on the couch," he told me and walked back into the other room, shutting the door behind him quickly.

"He's been worrying about Hassel." Haven whispered to me. "Hassel isn't too good. He's worrying me too..." Haven sniffled. I frowned slightly and then hugged him tighter.

"He's not too good?" I kissed the top of his head then let him go. "No wonder why I was picked," I mumbled before I started for the bedroom Aaron disappeared into and went in, leaving the door open. Aaron looked up at me sharply from the bed as he sat on the edge, tending to a boy in it that looked dreadful. I frowned and then walked up. "You must be Hassel," I whispered before I pulled my bible out and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Don't worry. He'll be fine. I'll heal him," I told Aaron, watching as he gave me a funny look. I ignored him at the moment and focused on Hassel, closing my eyes as I prayed under my breath and put my hand on Hassel's forehead gently, blessing him to be healed as I kept my other hand on the bible.

~Time Skip~

I moved my hand back and took in a deep breath, trying not to look exhausted from all the stuff I just did for Hassel. It was harder because he was half demon..... I looked him over, seeing he was completely healed and cleansed from head to toe, not a single scar on him anymore. He tilted his head from one side to the other then opened his eyes a little, letting out a small groan. "Aaron..." He mumbled. "Where's Haven..."

"He's in the living room," Aaron said quickly and broke into a relieved smile, grabbing Hassel's hand. "Want me to get him for you?"

"Yeah..." Hassel sighed out. He got up and then ran out into the living room quickly, leaving us. I looked towards him and then stood up, glancing at the time. It was close to sunset.... Great.... I shook my head and then pulled out a small notepad from in my pocket and started to scribble notes to my other self incase he wasn't paying attention at all today.

Dear self,

We're stuck taking care of our two half brothers, Hassel and Haven. Treat them well. I don't want to wake up in another bed with someone else, so please don't sleep with anyone tonight.... I'll leave some money out for you to buy yourself some dinner, whatever you want, my treat. Oh, and please don't ruin this for me. I really like Haven so far. He's cute... but that doesn't mean be a flirt with any of the three boys living here. I don't want to explain... so play nice for me.... Our father gave us this babysitting job, so don't mess it up. I'm sure you won't anyways. Father is the magical word for you. We're going to be teaching our two half brothers about themselves and make sure they know who their father is. I suspect Aaron, the human watching over them, knows who our father is too... so you don't have to keep it a secret if you want to tell.... Oh, and another thing... we're in a new place... so don't freak out.

I smiled softly as I put the notepad back in my pocket and then checked my wallet to make sure I had only forty bucks in it for him to spend tonight before I relaxed and sighed. Hopefully he'll listen to me....

Hassel's POV:

I watched the stranger writing down something in a note pad. Who is he? I sat up slowly in bed, feeling sore all over. My memories were fuzzy about whatever happened to me.... I only remember the first few weeks of being stuck with Veronica... I don't know how long I was there... I heard Haven rush into the room and up to me, crawling onto me and hugging my neck. "HASSEL!" He yelled in my ear. "You're okay?" He asked me, rubbing my cheek. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I told him, trying to act strong for him. "How long was I gone?" I asked him softly.

"Six months almost." Haven cried out. "Aaron saved you," He pointed towards Aaron. "We also have another brother," He pointed towards the guy I didn't know. "Father sent him to us." Aaron leaned against the doorway, dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans with a chain on his belt and a black t-shirt. I could see a few blood spatters on his arms and a little on his face. His gun was at his side. The other guy was wearing a nice shirt and a pair of pants with a cross around his neck. He looked us over and smiled before he walked out of the room, humming softly. "He healed you." Haven whispered. "Make sure to thank them, Hassel. You probably want a bath though, right?"

"No... I want something to eat." I told him, feeling my empty stomach begging for something to eat.

"AARON HASSEL IS HUNGRY!" Haven yelled in my ears, making me wince.

"I hear-"

"I'll cook!" I heard the stranger call from in the living room, making Aaron's jaw drop.

"That's my job!" He yelled back.

"Not anymore! Sit back and relax Aaron! I can cook for him!" Aaron narrowed his eyes, looking upset.

"Aaron, don't be upset. Now you can focus on Hassel." Haven told him, making me blush. Why would he want that?

"Go help him cook," I suggested. "He might poison me." I teased, to urge him off. Aaron glanced back at me and then frowned, getting off the door.

"Damn it... already useless," he muttered before he walked out the door. "It's my damn apartment...."

"Don't cuss~ It's bad!" The stranger called to Aaron.

"Haven, I'm going to go take a bath while they cook, go make sure they don't stab each other." I suggested. He nodded and ran for the door, leaving me. I slowly got out of bed and stumbled towards the other door in the room, assuming it was the bathroom then went inside, finding I was right. I cut the water on to take a bath then stripped out of the torn clothes I had on. I threw them into the bathroom's trash can then slipped into the tub and relaxed in it, sinking a bit. The water felt so good against my aching bones. I looked around the tub and started to use the shampoo, conditioner, and body wash that was on the side of the tub. These products smelled like Aaron.... this must be his bathroom. Ops. I finished my bath, unplugging the tub then got out, wrapping a towel around my body then started for the closet, putting his clothes on me. I walked out towards the bedroom then followed Haven's path to find the kitchen. The apartment was small so it was easy. Aaron was pretty much standing by useless as my supposed half brother was stirring something up in the skillet. It smelled amazing, making my mouth water.

"You could at least let me do something," Aaron grumbled, glaring at him.

"Shhh, let me do this for you Aaron. You've taken such great care of my brothers.... It must've been hard without help and my dad constantly breathing down your back," the guy mumbled and then smiled softly. Aaron crossed his arms and then glanced my way before he froze up, a slight blush forming on his face as he saw me in his clothes. Haven was standing by our half brother, watching him stir the food. He glanced my way and then giggled.

"You look like a girl." Haven told me. "We should seriously get you a hair cut now. It's almost reaching your stomach." He pointed to me. "Hey, are those Aaron's clothes? You know we have your clothes here..." He giggled. "Aaron, he's in your clothes." I blushed and then looked away as I walked up to them.

"Yeah, well.... I couldn't just walk around naked, looking for my clothes." I told them. Aaron blushed and then looked away a bit.

"I-it's fine.... I don't mind...." He whispered. "I should've put your clothes in the bathroom anyways...." I walked up to Aaron and then leaned in towards his ear, looking towards the other two.

"Thanks for rescuing me." I mumbled softly. "It was a living hell there." He looked at me and then started to cry.

"I didn't mean to let them get you in the first place! Do you know how worried I was?!" He hugged me then and buried his face into my chest. I tensed up and grabbed his shirt.

"Aaron?" I asked him. "It's okay, it's okay I forgive you." I told him. Haven watched us with a cute smile on his face. He gripped my shirt and then hiccupped.

"You looked so close to death," he whispered, trying to calm down as he trembled. My half brother glanced over and then quietly looked back at the food he was making, a small smile on his face.

"Aaron..." I mumbled. "It's okay..." I rubbed his head. "That's in the past now and I barely remember what happened now." I looked him over, feeling a little awkward in his arms. He's kind of like a Haven... I should be used to this. Aaron calmed down after a few minutes and then looked up at me, sniffling.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"Yeah?" I asked him, rubbed his cheek. "You're making up for it by saving me though," I told him then pulled away. "I don't really think it's your fault." I told him, walking up to the fridge and looked inside, pulling out a carton of milk. "Fix me a glass of this and forget all about what happened." He looked towards the milk in my hand before he took it from me and then got a glass down, pouring me some. He handed me the glass of milk then put the carton back up.

"O-okay... but still... if I had been better about hiding you from them...." He glanced away and rubbed the back of his neck. I took a sip of the milk then walked up to my half brother and looked towards what he was cooking.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Eremiel~" He said and then looked at me. "Father sent me.... I wish you could get used to me for awhile first... but all three of you will be thrown in the deep end soon," he told me and sighed, turning the stove off. He was making a stir fry.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him, looking his body over. I grabbed his cross and looked at it closely. I could feel it burning my fingers slowly so I let it go and remembered that I was supposed to get a cross from Aaron. I looked over at him then at Eremiel. "Do you work for Angel too?" I asked. His eyes widened.

"Oh no, no, no, no.... I don't. What she does is- no offence Aaron- evil. She's killing the good supernatural too," he told me quickly. Aaron sighed.

"I don't see why I'd be offended. I left her organization when I rescued Hassel," he told him and then shrugged. "I can't go back. She'd have me killed." I looked towards Aaron.

"Does that mean I'm not getting that cross you owe me?" I asked him curiously.

"You can have it if you want," he said and shrugged. "We could use it to sneak in or trick others into thinking we're on their side. I'm keeping mine for that reason." He pulled out two crosses and looked one over before he held it out towards me. "Sell it for all I care." I looked the cross over then grabbed it by the chain and slipped it into my pocket.

"Alright, it could be useful." I mumbled, then looked towards Eremiel and looked his skin over.

"If your my brother...." I told him, moving the cross to see his skin better. "Why's it not burning you?" I asked him. He looked towards me and then blushed.

"W-well... I am only your half brother.... You see, our dad is... well..." He glanced at Aaron who tensed up. "The devil."

"Satan?" I asked him.

"Yes, whatever you wish to call him. He's our father. Your mother was a demon... so you're pretty much a full blooded demon," he told me and then looked at Haven. "His mother was a neko.... and mine was Gabriel- one of the high angels." I nodded.

"That would explain why Veronica was fastinated with me." I muttered, looking over at Haven. Haven snatched a shrimp out of the stir fry and ran off with it. Aaron watched us and then rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'll... be in my room." He pointed towards it then started for it.

"Aw! But Aaron!" Eremiel called out and frowned. "You already knew!"

"Yeah... you knew?" I asked Aaron and then started for him. "You just had to leave out that small detail." Aaron looked back over his shoulder and yelped when he saw me coming.

"H-Hassel! I swear I didn't know until your dad came to me the day before you came home with me!"

"OH YEAH!?" I asked him. "You better be telling me the truth!" I started for him quickly. "YOU KNEW!" He shrieked and ran for his room.

"I DON'T REMEMBER YOU ASKING TO KNOW!" He yelled back at me, crashing into his door as he tried to get the doorknob.

"You should've told me anyways!" I grabbed him before he got the knob and pinned him against the door. "How could you keep that big of a secret from me?" I asked him. "We're supposed to be open with each other, that's what friends do." His eyes widened as he watched me and then he looked down at the ground.

"I didn't know if your father would be mad if I told you... and I wanted you both to live a normal life with me.... I didn't take you in because your father told me to.... I wanted to, though he did tell me to...." He looked back up at me and then bit his bottom lip. "He used to threaten me when you guys couldn't see.... When I broke your nose, he told me to fix you.... He's been watching... though I'm not sure about recently...." I backed away from him and then looked down the hall, towards my brothers.

"I thought Veronica was crazy when she told me I could.... somehow open a portal to hell.... but now I'm starting to think she was right." I whispered. Eremiel smiled.

"You can.... You just don't know how yet... but I don't think you want to know. Our father is sometimes cruel," he told me sweetly. "I wouldn't trust him."

"He's satan, why would you trust him?" I asked. "He's the devil.... pure evil... Sinful." I looked towards Aaron. "You knew all along that you were the devil's bitch watching his kids and you kept quite as he asked." Aaron frowned and then crossed his arms.

"I'm not the devil's bitch," he muttered. "Besides, I took you in because I wanted to. I wouldn't have rescued you if I didn't care about you Hassel." Eremiel laughed a little.

"Aaron, your dad was a priest, wasn't he?" He asked curiously, making Aaron tense up.

"Shush!" He told him quickly. "I don't like people to know that!"

"Oh yeah! He forced you into the Angel Organization! Did you tell him you quit?"

"No! I'm not calling him! He doesn't call me!" Aaron said and then blushed.

"Aaron, you never told me about your father..." I pouted and looked him over. "You know mine!" He looked at me and then frowned, looking a little sad.

"Well... it's not like I am close to him," he whispered then looked at the ground. "I wasn't close to my mother either...." Eremiel walked up to him and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry Aaron! It'll be alright though because you've got me, Haven, and Hassel to be your family," he said sweetly and kissed Aaron's forehead, making him tense up.

"Aaron! We're your family. We'll adopt you!" Haven suggested.

"Uhmmm... Wait, what's happening?" I asked and then walked up to the stir fry, grabbing a shrimp from it. "Aaron, you're not upset over past subjects, are you? We've established earlier that we're family now and you shouldn't think about your parents. Who needs them?" Aaron watched me and then relaxed against Eremiel as he started to rub Aaron's back.

"O-okay Hassel," he whispered and then leaned his head against my half brother. Eremiel smiled and then kissed Aaron's head again before he pulled away and then sighed, glancing at the window and saw it was close to sunset.

"Oh... I should tell you," he said and then frowned, looking our way. "After all... you'll be weirded out soon if I don't."

"Tell us what?" I asked him, looking through the cabinets for a bowel and fork.

"I mentioned that my mother is Gabriel... and well... my personalities and abilities didn't blend well when I was born... so I have split personality that changes with the moon rise and the sun rise. I am the angelic half of myself that is dominant while the sun is up... but my demon half- Salem- takes over when the moon rises," he told me and then crossed his arms. "He's weird... and likes to torture me and make my life harder- Aaron! Could you watch my cross and bible for me?" He looked at Aaron innocently and then took his cross off and put it in Aaron's hands and then gave him a bible he had been hiding.

"Should we chain you up?" I asked him, fixing myself a bowl. Haven ran up to me and grabbed my shirt.

"Fix me some!" Haven begged. I laughed and gave him a bite. Eremiel started to unbutton his shirt and then tossed it at Aaron after he pulled it off and gave a wave to him.

"Watch that too. He might burn it. I like that shirt," he said and then gave a big smile as a pair of white wings fluttered slightly behind him. I watched his wings then looked him over.

"Are you serious?" I asked him. Why'd that asshole send him here? He's going to get in the way with his personalities... Maybe I can ditch him. Eremiel frowned and looked me over.

"Don't judge Hassel," he said softly. "It's not healthy for the soul." He started for the door to the only balcony we had in this apartment and then went out onto it, leaving the door open then sat down on it, putting his feet through the railings and then dangling his feet over the edge as he leaned up against it, watching the sunset with a small sigh.

"Did he seriously just give me advice? I know what's good for the soul... food." I took a bite of my stir fry then fixed Haven a bowl. He ran over to the couch with it and sat down, eating. I walked up to Aaron and leaned in towards his ear.

"We're out of here as soon as he falls asleep." I told him softly. He looked towards me and blushed a bit.

"Is that what you want? Okay," he mumbled and then looked towards Eremiel who was calmly watching the sunset. I scooped up some of the stir fry then ate it, walking over to Haven and sat down by him. When the sun set, Eremiel leaned his head back, letting out a small laugh. His feathers started to fall off his wings and black ones grew in their place.

"It's about bloody time..." I heard him speaking softly to himself. "I was beginning to think you was running from the sunset, Eremiel." He dug around in his pockets and pulled out the notepad, glancing it over. "Seriously!? Dad! I don't babysit. Looks like that was just for you, Eremiel." He slipped the notes back into his pocket. "Don't ruin this?" He asked himself, turning around to face us. "Let me guess... the pink neko is my little brother Haven... and the one by him is Hassel... Because of that punk look he's giving me.... He needs a hair cut." He glanced towards Aaron. "You're the worthless hunter protecting them? Surprised you lasted this long." He started towards the door then. "Where is the ladies in this town?" Aaron's jaw dropped as he watched him.

"What an ass," he muttered and dropped all of Eremiel's stuff in the floor. "Jeez." He narrowed his eyes and then started for his room. Eremiel looked towards the shirt and suddenly it was in flames. He smirked.

"Got his favorite shirt, finally. It's hideous.... Oh no..." He pulled out a phone then and looked at himself on it. "I'M HIDIOUS AGAIN! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME EREMIEL!? I hate you damn it. I'm going to use your credit card tonight to get back at you." He left the apartment then.

"Why was Eremiel looking so funny and acting so strange?" Haven asked me.

"Because he's fucking crazy and we're leaving." I told him, starting for Aaron's door. "Aaron, let's go!" Aaron opened his door and looked out at me, slipping a t-shirt over his head. He was wearing a pair of sweat pants and had a brush in his hand. He started to brush his hair out and gave me a blank look.

"What? I thought I was getting to take a nap before you relocated us," he said innocently.

"Let's go while he's gone." I hissed in a low tone. "I don't want him lingering around us with two personalities. We might wake up in hell one night." His eyes widened slightly.

"I don't want to wake up in hell!" He complained and then frowned. "I don't want anything to do with your father besides taking care of you and Haven."

"So let's get out of here before he comes back. We'll go stay in a hotel or something." I told him, grabbing his wrist. He bit his bottom lip and looked up at me in consideration then gave a small nod.

"Okay... we can stay in a hotel for the night until I get us better living arrangements... but we'll have to share a room with two beds, okay? It'll be easier," he told me.

"I don't mind. I'll sleep with Haven." I told him, already used to him being in my bed. He's never slept without me.... up until my kidnapping. He smiled and gave a nod then pulled away before he went towards the closet, leaving the door open.

"Go get ready," he told me and sighed, pulling out his phone. "Damn it... I might have to ask to stay with mother for a bit until I can get a manageable job," he muttered under his breath.

"What?" I asked him, walking after him. "We're not staying with your mother." I told him firmly. "I'll go rob a few cars and get us some money." He glanced back at me and frowned.

"You don't have to do that.... I'll figure something out... even if I have to kill for money as an assassin for power," he told me and then sighed. "It'll pay well...."

"Aaron..." I muttered. "You can't just go running off and killing people for money... I won't allow it." I told him. "Now you wonder why my father picked you." I started for the door. "We're robbing cars."

"Hassel, what do you think Angel was really doing? Training her own assassins and paying them to kill. I've done it before," he said softly. "But if you'd prefer me not to do it... then I won't. I'll see about maybe getting a job at a gun shop or something... maybe manufacture supernatural weapons and put them out on the black market of hunters. I know how the guns are made and the bullets are rather simple."

"Wait..." I told him, thinking over what I've overheard Veronica talking about. "I think I have an idea..." I mumbled. "Veronica was wanting me to go to hell to get this guy named Laurence before someone else got him." I leaned against the door frame as I reached it. "Something about a family called Grimm, ever heard of them?"

"Oh, yeah, what about them? They're the top vampire family in the supernatural world. The family head's nephew is king of all vampires," he told me and shrugged. "Angel has had her eyes on them for some time. She was planning an attack soon."

"Well shouldn't we sell out Angel?" I asked him, smirking. He watched me and frowned.

"We... could... but what if they kill us after we tell?" He pointed out and then walked over. "I mean, if you were in the best vampire family in the world... would you really let someone hold information about your enemies from you and let them get what they want from you and leave after spilling the beans?"

"What if we do it anonymously?" I asked, looking him over. "We tell the vampire king that we have information and then they'll have to slip us money if they want the rest of it." He frowned and then leaned against the other side of the frame.

"It's worth a shot. They aren't that far away from this apartment actually... just a few states over. I have the address... and we could get a hotel in their city," he suggested and ran a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, come on." I suggested, looking towards Haven. "Haven, we're leaving." I told him. Aaron nodded and then went back into his room before he came out after a few minutes with a bookbag of his things in it. He sat it down on the couch then went to Haven's room to pack his things. I finished eating my stir fry then put the bowel in the sink. Haven rushed to me and jumped into my arms, making me fall down from his weight. "Gah! Too heavy..." I mumbled, falling over on top of him.

"Okay," Aaron said, walking back out at that moment. "Let's go. I'll drive us." He pulled out some keys as he slipped another book bag onto his shoulders, full of Haven's things and then held another in his hands that I recognized as my things. He picked up his things with his other hand and started for the door. Haven shoved me off of him, being stronger then me now and got to his feet, running after Aaron. I sighed then got to my feet, following both of them. Aaron led us down some stairs and then out to a car, getting the doors for us and then put the bags in the trunk before he started to drive, taking us out of state lines.

~Time Skip brought to you by jumping mice~

Aaron pulled out his phone as we got into our hotel room and then fell down on one of the two beds, dropping all the bags in the floor as he started to surf through his phone, kicking his shoes off. I walked up to the other bed and collapsed on it, curling up. I felt completely exhausted. We'll have to sleep before we do anything. I felt Haven crawl into bed with me. "So... I think we should lay low tonight and then contact them tomorrow. I'll make necessary preparations in the morning in case something goes wrong," Aaron informed us and then pulled his pillow close to him and hugged it. "These smell great," he whispered and smiled happily.

"I think that's a wonderful idea," I whispered, already dozing off.

"Nighty night." Haven mumbled.

"Night boys," Aaron whispered back as he watched us then closed his own eyes.